" . 1 1 -.j i : - - I; L. i- v I U - I ' ' . ; . H VHT. VTTT,U-THIKIJ -SKK.1RS I SI! SAT.TSTTRV "NT f! SEPTEMRRR '22. 1 71 : .- ' i. : --I - if I- .i - 1 - : lSlLj1 ' . I? CI.EJIJI01YS'' S I Mi E LINES. SUMMER. s ! 1 AMIAMEMENI ON !AttD AFTER JULY 3, 1871. SALEM TO HIGH POINT daily M : M FOUR HORSE COACHES. j Excursion ltckm Hound lrip (food 1 ; , 'Ii'... l s.r ttkr. i WilmSngtofi .tor Salem, only'. $18 05 Wilson 44 - 41 13 85 Tarboro! "i .' " " 1G 15 Stage QFFicfcs-UAt Pfohl ic Stockton's MarcliantV Hotel, Winston, N.C. At Butuer's Hotel, Salem, i. u. HEAD OF WESTERN RAILROAD V JO A811EV1LLE : " Daily four bdr Coaxes, except Sunday. I'lixeursio" Tickets U Ashcville lor sale at the 'principal Rail ISoad offices on the North Caro ruin Uiiilruad. ! ! ! 1 i!..tuvMr (Chatham and Favetteville and Wes- teW UaiirOUU, VUllV.CAVcyv ouuuJ C1I AULOTTE iJKAl) Off AND TO VTADESTJOltO "Vf.. C.l lt. K. K: Lcftvo Charlotte, .Monday, Wednesday and Friday-. Leave Wadeshoru', .Tuesday, TiinrR Caroliutt NO. 1. WHOLE NO. 793. l tUatcfjtnan, .ISUE1WEEKLY BY P. BEUNER. tor aim Proprietor. II ATI OXE 1 EAR, Six Months! 5 Copies to liaU OF ikjJBCniPTION lyablMn advance. ....$2.50 1.50 le address, If). 00 of- One Square, For each add Special notices wi yLtfverlisinq. rst insertion... S1,Q0 ional insertion, u . 50 I be charged 50 ner cent higher than tie aboite rates. ! Court Rnd Jjstice'l Orders willbe publish ed at the sat&e rate with other advertise ments. ' I I J - Obitaaryjntice8, dvei ui lines, charged CpTUApT RATES. " JEfvJsU OBSERVANCES. On sunset pf the 5th, says the Wilmiog ton Journal, the Jewish Civil year began. On iht lGth nd 17th they blow the Rank's Hornia comneinoration of the first revela tion t the Patriarch Abraham. This cere- moDj is basejl upon Leviticus. 33d chapter anJ'SW verse: "Speak unto the children gajing. m J.he seventh month, in the first jajuf the minth 6hall ye have a sabbath, a meu:oml pr; blowing of trumpets, a holy )inocatioii. The second festival takes placeou the 54th inst., at 6 u'clock. I The Jeff3 always I bei;iu their festival on the evening pnvoqs.J During these festivals all places of business will be closed, and the dajwill be rigidly devoted to purely religi SPACE. 1 Square. 2 Squares. . iHiy, o0d Saturda;', making connection with squares. Uuiln4d at Charlotte and daily Ktage to head squares, .it Wilhiinirtor. Char. & Kutherfosd 11. K. roni i Column. , iVudcHboro. liy thi route pasougers leave 1 1 Column'. 4 Wilmitetotf and cnarlotte Alouuay, vveunes- iay any rnuay u t u. ui., uu um3 a - at nlhMn Wadeboro, each way. j i Throh TicUeti from Charlotte to Wilmiug vtNftfiTREE TO GEORGETOWN. S. C.: t : Leave Gorgetown Monday, Wedneiiday and IPrftlavi ; Return next day. s Throhph Ticket via N. E. Railroad to Char leston, gJ 00. ' ji ill. i - . ' E. T. CLEMM0NS, ' June 21, l71-26:tf Contractor, i ' SPARKLING 1 CATAWBA SPRINGS, 1 ill -'Mi ' : - : J Wmrry called the Ourqlina White Sulphur, N c' K Ess . s --f ; a 3 SB l i ? '.1 lir it I . . .i . t i. . , , c i 1 i . 7 i I ly io ue insisted upon ; ana iur., nening tain tue oijt'ct ne uau in view me accu itoi Dep!emoer. ims is a most solemn ha8 now removed it by completing a priu- mnlaiiun of sufficient capital to start in dajtorine n$Drvs, and isdeyote'l by them : ting instrument of a very suptnor char iruiu 9U"!":.f cuas.fi me uei oay oy prayer anid fasting.! The observance of this day is $5 0Oi$7 50$1200 8 5012 00 20,00 50; $3 75 50 (125 (100; fl00 00 1100! T5 00 25 00 1800 2400 30 00 40 00 2.1 00 45f00i 45 00 85 00 r 1260 18 00; 25,00 33,50 G0.00 100,00 TRIUMPHS DF SCIENCE. Tlie Pre-Aid 1 cent Cyclok Bureau. ' punc&ment of the Two lie- es bk the Weather Sianal (From tlie New York Herald.) t . AVithin the fast fortni';ht weTiavelfad two 8trikinsr ali'd brilliant triumnhs ot rc enc, The felrful y clone which devel oped; itself ; fiilly near Savannah on the evening of j tie 20Ui inst., was detecled rfnd pre-annouliced it thirty five minutes past 7 o'clock Ion this morning of the 17th as then existipg "between the Bahamas and Geoigiai"! Tli announcement from the office of lh Chipf Signal officer took j lace nearly! tlireo eiitire daysbefore the fell upon the Georgia On the morning o ced path of f,the cy w-uk "to the northwest iwith easterly winds hi the day this tele by the .Signal Offi IMPROVEMENTS IN PHY. TELEGRA- WANT OF SUCCESS IN JOURN ALISM. ofls duties. The Biblical vear dates from Ipiiday of ipen'itence. called Tote Kipur. It falls in the jJewish calendar on the 10th lisLri, or in in VUnstian calendar on th , The London Times, of the 30th of Jan-1 Some people havo a mania for pnblisb uary last, described a telegraphic instra- ing papers, and think that to be able to ment invented by 3Ir. Herring, construe- write and have a certain amount o! capi- ted to produce the dot and the dash of the tal, is all that Id necessary to make a sic- Morse code in such a manner that one ceseful newspaper. The"' history of oar could; never be nmtaken for the other.- most eminent journalists contradicts this This jwas effected by the use of two dis- theory. They will tell you that they owe tinct levers an arrangement which also their success rather to their knowledge ol permitted the dash to De made vertical the practical than the theoretical or ces- instead of horizontal, and to be produced thetical branches of their business. Bon- instantaneously instead of by continued ner, for instance, is not a writer, still he pressure, thus saving the time of the ope- has accumulated great wealth, and has rator and diminishing the lengih of the succeeded in establishing a paper which messige-slip. The authorities of the Brit- is remarkable both for circulation and lit- ish Post Office took exception to Mr. erary ability. Printers now in this citv, Herring's first instrument bectue it was who worked at the "case" with him, state intended to print. He then arranged It that he wastiot. only a quick and clean to embofs, and it was next objected to compositor, but was noted for bis regular because it would not print. I tie latter habits, for never varying in his hours, and objection seemed to be the one most like- fo working hard, eaily and late, to at this point is reac gradually raised baltri upou Levlicus. 23d chapter aud 20th vets?: 'Al3okni the 10th day of this'seveuth business for himself. Henry J. Ray- acter. mond toiled for vears as a reporter, work- in this iistniment the slip of paper on ing a portion of the time at a salary of which the message is received is made to seven dollars per week, aud it was only indnih there shall be a day of atonement ; ! travel lv cock-work in the ordinary wav. after years of trial that he advanced, step it be & holy convocation unto you! ' l Pa'9es directly over a thin metalic disc, by step, to the position he occupied at the and ; shall afflict your souls and offer an placed transversely to the course of the time of his death. offering made? by fire uuto the Lord. j slip, revolving on an axis, and dipping' Our best newspaper men, if success is The month ashn is crowded with festi- ! into an ink-well : over the Daoer ia a le- .o be taken a rritprinn. nr ihoB wlm vals and grayer days. In all there are 23 ver. terminaiinf in lirnnd stvlo nlapp Lnminpn.prl tlSr r.r hQ "aaa l f L t ' m 7 O - J f " " V V. a MM W V XrC7V- days iur prayr-uieeungs or solemn testi- verticallv above the disc, so that the de- and who rno il.pir inrm.iinn wl,iU vala. ThB Mimninrr l,,ln Jam, ru X,ih. ' . .. . " z"r n;f.IIf ;K..r : " ent of the lever compresses the slip of setting up the articles of others. Tl IJLUOl A1SUII, ' instant, aud the sion.ou the 22d i of Booth, occurring on the BW,fc V ,uo ,cv" CUUJFlttsV8 P seuing up me articles or others, l here 1 which, answers to the 30th PaPer between the -disc and the style. are no better judges of an article, wbeth- !fe( Azoret.or feast of conclu- j The lever is double, in the sense that its er it be a political leader or a classical es- ?d of Thishri, or 7th of Oc- i central portion, carrying the central por- say, than practical printers. Some of our tion of the style, can be acted upon either best authors place more dependence on independently of the lateral portion?, oi them than thay are willing to concede. together 'with them. In the former case Printers have a way of smoothing and only the narrow central portion of the making intelligible an ambiguous sen style descends, and the elip of paper is tence, which is peculiarly their own ; the The Memphis Avalunche mildly remarks : "Within the lastweek the tones of the revolver. Derringer, and shot-gun have broken the still- nefour city' air three times, and the cor- pre(5Sed upon the inking disc at only a result of the closest attention to detail in thcTalnW. Verilv. it begins to look like the VnSle P0,,,t of contact, which produces a Itoiccll s Reporter. old titles of 1804 and 1805." AN INCIDENT IN THE LIFE OF FniGHTENED to Death. A Ken Tp APTHOR OF 4 HOME, StVEET HOME." dot. I n the latter case the style descends as a whole, and, having a concave edge, disc, by more or less of this edge, thus ., J , . , .01 t -u " .1 7 f O I rail rau rl Itvifl rra o t V lwirv.nf.fi j I I rk in llfit lUMnnr vort iri 1 rticli 1 . . . ....v,... Sf!p nn tl 91. I. H I .turn . iH aiJ f,. ... J i , j between the lies, but, fortunately, man ajred to craso a tie with his hands and . I . - ? 1 J ' 1 1 J i t 5 me in Kin it aisc. niav oe raised or lowerea ..;. . o i - IJawn at Aiatooua rass.in tlie Mate ot at pleasure, and bv raisine it the lencth Georgia, I waaj told a good story the oth i 0f the contact surface, and hence the er day winch I confirms the truth ot the length of the dash, may be increased at old line, "music hath cliarms to sootne the pleasure of the operator. The press there hung dangling, with one hundred feet of sheer fall beneath him. He was utterly unable to regain the top of the budge, and he hung on with a death j i -i :.j i . - I tropic-born molhster This highly pomilar watering place will be coast insal! its JfufV ;,opcn for viMtors orij WEDNESDAY, JUNE the the!anoui Mineral witeVs of these Springs are, the cloilf T Vl.it ., I'l.ifl Sn ri htir C I, a vebeate. the me- I " i,lu '"i" vr' K'" Hiitinal nnertieH of which are "not excelled.snd and rain," aiidg later! 'a heahhier and more delightful watering place gram was reaffirmed imt Mt.e jou.Ki. m i cer. Qn tU0;i)thidhvas added at an ear- Culu e u minutes, apparently overcome by the i;he Springs will blunder the management of I. i, .i Tji. n"V. A . c hold tlieannual testn al ot the gieen corn therefote, placed upon the axle of the i . i i-i i i, i i i xi xu vfn Liti kr. hour bI litciegrahh. "Ihe centre of i Y .i j n Almnf0f)lB voar .J... . danger through which he had passed. , uu.wi., ..-v. --..xv. ........ , , . , , .,, , . . I woiiiri uk tun. I"vv " J LUC Ult?C i UIIA CUU tell II III II ii P U 1 1 Ul P Ui I II tl , 1 rti I I . I ! . I together with Mis Wkexx. and visitors may uie .cycoiiefi nipoauiy Keep a snort 1fi,fitu nfl.lnhn TTwrr! Pvn. nu. 1 , a .i ul..U i. ueii ne goi up, as ue sam, to go nome, ? " 1 J: ' .irWI .!. I a L. I:.... I ' V f " 7 , cv ui i auiu luut " u' n iv uui, 10 1 1 1 . rely upon good fare lenty of lee. :V,!'WH'B.W. ' . . , '. .nine." TheselBJorm warnings Issued to Leave liaitimore-or nsmngicn in ine mor- n 7, ; i: rvLLi in,.ir,,,i Unnriiio atl M,e naruors i:; U.,t Salisbury ,Nere von take the Western eight, hours ,afld senty ciocK tne next niornin Lnivie AusnntaGai vnarioue aim niatesvi t . i ., 1 1 I . .r . . - .1 frrnan Until ma Piwa hrnntrlit nsaistouro L.otig time ago, tue country auout At- evolution of the inking disc, upon tliq ?' 1 r 1 " ... , totoLua. ti.fe hnnnv rllvi.. crrnnnrlnf : .1.. L,fU1 fr0m hlS perilous position llC WBS ""rr 'j '"cf t iiuiucuiaic icbuiuuirnv:.iu':iit in which iiiv I I 1 flp.l I . 1 ,1 r i th niiPTfikeetrnd ans. who were wont to ;u ..,,JW .l.wla li;.. "-u u" lu,; uu" UJ 11 w !anger through which he had passed. qutrcs from 15 t p6 hours, according to iue size ana quality oi me lODtcco. ana . fiii i ... .uis degree ot neM stioald be continued, until the lea! opns a lemon color and is nearly free from fany green hue. "When ied, tbi beat should be i 105 deg., in order to commence drying ihe leaf; aud here lies the whole difficulty in curing (I mean drying the leaf.) I The last degree of heat indicated, should lie continued five or six hours, when it shphld again be gradually raUed to UOdegiiand should be main- laineu iuis pwni, until tue lain oc points of the leaves ; beein to curl and dry. Indeed it 11 probably be safest for beginners to continue the decree of heat nntil-one third of the leaf is dried. The temperature ro?y then be gradually increased to 115dfg., and kept for several uours ai mat poiuii until me ier.1 uegins to rattle when shiken, then agaiu raise the heat 12 desh, at which point, it ' should be continued until the leaf is dried After which the Utnperature may be in creased to 150 deg., or ICO deg. to dry the stem and stalk; the latter should blackened by the ucat, before the curing is complete. Ordinarily, it requires from two and a nan io uve uays to cure a Darn oi toDae co, dependent entirely upon the size and quality. Put 7 or fi plants ou each slick, and place them eight inches apart on the tier poles. In the yellowing process, the door of the barn sljould be kept closed to exclude the air. WJien the point is reach ed for drying the leaf, the door may be opened occasionally and kept open from 20 to 30 minutes ai a time, especially if the tobacco gets into a "sweat, as it is called, or becomes camp and clammy The temperature'is raised in the barn, by cautiously, from; time to time, adding coal to the fires, wpich should be placed in small piles on the floor, m rows, allow ing about five feci between each pile, which should contain at first about a double-handful of cbat In addiug coal, you will soou lcarnl tjie quantity neces sary to be applied, ;by khe cflVet produced. Avoid raising the Jbeat lmstily after the drying is cbmmencod, lest the leaf should be scalded and reddened ; on the other hand it should not Le raised too elowlv for fear of "raising yw grain," or the leaf becoming spongy ind dingy. Both ex tiemes are to be avoided, and the skill here required to iniirc uniform succef s is to be acquired oujt by experience and fart and good attention. . , distance TeaSt of the immediate cdast line, '4 th;ii.known .ons ot ..Ilome. ' ,t.,,K,.l,l,o nnwnr nft ,nt.C.wnX iU walked a few steps, and fell to the ground , goodiuand of Music and good and! be off Cap! Hattteras to-morrow mor- cWAtIjnmL uns, .".i on .,: ' ' Vi ' dead. Physicians who carefully cxamin-ueiftlaf.ee-&c. ri.l.V-lt tla.,,i aweetliiorae. Means: engaged on a piece . the spring. 1 he moment the disc is re-1 . i-... .i. . .i J .. . i t'u ins uouj , cay inai mere was no uruiec r - - --- . ,,. f T . - . I C 1 1 V . 1 11 IILVJ Va IllVy X-. lll.lUny IIUllWlll I I II : 7 rGV,rVr" r" ZA::riJ'i:U:::- tor, th purpose, ot writing it up trom per- keys, one of which commands the central ...... V.,P ,.r....6r. irV ectiua uy U1: lU-lCCt r r 1 t ot ha. Mri Wit i thi nt...l lio M i 1 At wKf and tnlrA tlml . " - i . I - . L e Iload at Charlotte von llv giv e,, , II wauling IKBUeU lO l f IW.irlr ill.,rMlK.A f onliar i j.i " j - ... i all the harbors Interfered between forty- lZX?'jaU aLZ 'Z I "eco"T.'?Pr V cepa- H . , ... a iauif vucMuio, uvo...u sj impulse io nrouuee linmenitte revolution, enty-two hours m I ,.nhLn rtw l nc tu 0 ru rnu n,:n ... ' . ...... The operator is furnished with two or wound sufficient to disable him, much less cauie death, and are of opinion that his death was caused by fright. observation. We -frequently cut tobacco the latter part of tlie week. hou?e it and suflcr it to remain lihtil the first of next week, that we ina .Commandment. If I had time aq cr points which mij: the Christian era. He was a native cf Alexandria. Ptolemy gave an account of the fixed start, and computed the latilodo . ana longitude ot one thousand and twea- ; ty-one of them. Pythagoras bora, at bamos, and his death is supposed to bars . taken place aboot fire bundled rears before the Christian era. He eapnoseC (he sun to be the centre of the universe. and that the planets revolved around him in elliptical orbits a doctrine establish ed by Copernicus in the sixteenth centa ry. 1 ycho Brahe, a Danish aitronomcc, flourished aboot the middle of the six teenth century. His astronomical sys tem wss singular and absurd ; but the science is indebted to him for a more cor rect catalogue of the fixed stars and for discoveries respecting the motions' of tbe moon, and the comets the refraction of the rays of light, and for many other im poitaut improvements. To liim Kepler was also indebted for the principal facts which were the basis of bis astronomical labors. Copernicus wan bora in Pruwia, in the latter part of the fifteenth eenttuy. He revived the system of Pythagoras, which placed the sun in the centre of tLe system. He taught the true doctrine, that the apparent motion of the heavenly bodies is caused by the real motion of the earth. Galileo, a native of Pisa, flourished in the latter part of the sixteenth century. By his observation of the planets Venua and Jupitor, he gained a decisive victory for the Corpernican system. He was per secuted and imprisoned by the inquisi tion for holding what was thought, in that age of ignorance and superstition, to be heretical opinions, snd compelled on his knees to abjure the tmths which bo had discovered, and lie had too much sense to disbelieve. Kepler, who, from his great discoveries, is called the legisla tor of the heavens, was a nitive of Wur- tembmg. In 1572, arailing himself of the observations of lyebo Brahe, be dis covered three great laws, known as Kep-. er's laws of the planetary motions, and on them were founded the discoveries of Newton, as well as the whole modern the ory of the planets. Sir Iaac Newton, who has Uocn called the Lreater o! Na tural Philosophy, was born in Lincoln shire, England, in 1642. His discovery of the universal law of gravitation, and many other valuable and important con tributions which he made to science, place him among the foremost of those to whom nations are indebted for an insight into the rasguificent displays of th material world. irtg,aml be at the Springs the weather report of. the Signal Bureau had beteti singuiirly korrect, and that in this instances "flic correct . J .: r.i. i .1 .i .i . Tho Herald has ,. U , I iZ- , .7 Vr , : uut P' - u.e uu.lt u.e e..fiha .ia,pm6t nf ,u. aPP,lc 10 f iricna xtev. v.. . xiowaru, ieVer as a whole. Une, therefore, produ- ces ine not, ana :ne oilier tue dasn, ana no mistake can occur between the two account of 1-the great disturbances a- excent bv the use of the wmn? kev.- on r a ii f i 1 1 u r r - . . . . . - . i i ' ' nrplii-tinns nf tmonSRbe Clierokees, from horse thieves The priming is remarkably clear, distinct gaged in farming near this city was walk r ' onH nltiornnl iws hv vl'lilfh 1 lla nrprpnii -..A . 'I1!.-. :.. . 1. . .1 I : .1 l. l.:. l. the bureau has laved a irreat manv lives ., L "" .i? T;r r ; :a ' l"7'1 ' ",8UUUinu 18 - imuu."5 u - - - i - n j rv nriiRA m.n i r rknn 1 1 1 r r 1 1 m 1 1 ii 1 1 II I l n ... I UIK IUVU uau iuiuiuui.ui :ill OI lllcl f t;ii j -ii'; ,1, tUr, f I A t -r: tt. I t , l ui iuiucucviiic, nuu not ucu uit uuci in reach the, Springs j ea ly the next morning.- Savanna i liepwucm, nat on ine ym ( j.g d uudertaking. i i ,ma r,.m iii ih.snnnm tiia worn ir rnurtrt nr riio nnrna itur'.nn i . . - - .. IIUJ I11.IUII UI IIIOUIVUI the next morning, i A good four horne Ojmnibus will run in con lu'clionwith the train; s to the Springs over a I'cautiful road only sis mile. "' I j,!-.. . . BOARll Per month, (or four1 Weeks,) $40.00 lVr weuk. M ! , 15.00 lw.l.. I 2n0 SI 00.000 .Children and colored servants hjalf price. No 1 York, we a 1 read cliarge for infants under 2 vears oi age. t! ! ! J'GOLDEN WYATT. ftpnrklihg Cutarba t print, . June 1st, 1871. s , , FIGHT BETWEEN A CAT AND A SNAKE. A few days ago a gentleman who is en- i i m I iv I H I and an immensl am(ijiiit of property. exciui,n ine uaraage, dt ineisiorm in oavnunau i - . i ii I r . i .1 I was estimatert- at not mucn less man ,s ri'f.-A' a. tii.: t e xT... JL UC lie lUiiffiiiu uiuuua. .u a c r i s .1 ... I HIIU y Know, was cue victim 24 tf I 1 1 ir ii I jsiMivioris'ii Thesymntoms of Liver pomplaint are nneasinewi and, pain in the sine. .onietirne8 ine pain is in of its violence; pnd our telegraphic col umns report many vessels disabled. i On the morikjng qf thie 4th a second cyclone, which ihadpust died'away, was discovered ana sreportea, wnicn in ioriy- tiaht hours vefihed! Id rear where his hands 1 his I with a double current. were ulonehine. when he discovered a i. ii ""l y . . . .1 . . . wasnentorcea uy a vigilance ir. llernne has also made some subsi- cat at some distance comincr toward him the Gedrgia State Guard, which ; dary improvements of imuortance. esue- Presently the cat turned aside, and snnat salted ta the famous persecution cjally with regard to the relay, which" ting very low, appeared to creep stealth nprisonment of the missionaries, promise to add to the uscfulucss of his ilv along as though in search of game. . orster ana liutier; ot wincu instrument. not violate the 4th space, there arc oth- it be mentioned. It, however, I have succeeded in this crndc and hasty maunef, in giving you any suggestions, whichv will aid you in your pew enterprise, I shall be gratified an I it will give me pleasure to give you any inrthtr in my pow. Very Respectfully, R . THE FARMER-A BEAUTIFUL PlohlURE. If 'XXVER. ithe ihead is troubled telegrams from Georgii and Tennessee with win, and dull, hca- show that -t Iiaspeen a serious and severe ry sensation, consiuera-1 storm. Thus: nl ttieJanace ot a tew flays. le low of mtmory, ac- ? i,.,:-!..,! ihJeir ft! .... - r :rj our national storm wires bring us in- bst India and Pa- "n oll.avlng'blt J.nd!.nc Bomething which i'om and abiflty.o i i i I jL.... Aft . I .. : f aiirn il avapm 1I1PI f ki i tr ii v na v if fi iinnp t si.i i'li fl'iiiiiiiissiiiiiiiz ui i oaHit v n - - Messrs very mnch was published at the time. ThiS danger id id not defer ihe poettrom carrying out his; desperate project of wit nessing the Green Corn Dance. Accord ingly pe proceeded to Allatoona, and frll A HORSE FOR A WIFE. The wife Bales are getting numerous ihe probabilities of V r ' " nowa days. Week before last we gave the Sienal Offidb in a fierce visitation of ' r .Xl. .".I, .V .31 i..":.r' . . an account of a case at Jewett, where a 1. 1 - -i ...i-i ,i :. I . .. . .1 VL. 1 . . i- . i wuuuwvue was pniceu Uliuci eumu ao a. . . .., i, . ... .. , L.,e snoiuuer. u u- Uie &outh Atlantic cqasr. as preqiciea, . sf . taken lor riieuinatiHiu,,;thc stomach is attectetl track j, uuX)re tie west t,an that wun (MWj or appetite; ana s cKnes . oowe o , . ,'e if J 18th inst. The !'('nrr:ii I'OHHTf. Miiiit-iinit'H niici iiuuiii: n iiii ( . . i wife was sold for 25 cents. Now we have to record a similar transaction which took wiaknews debility, uiul low spirits. Sometimes I formation that tile W ' m.iiiv nf (tic nhovc uvtniitoms attend the disease. I m,u ..lorn -juIi ibihlit lina inst been sue- . Hiul at othr ti.nesiverV few of them ; but the Ufegsfull y laidttolthe slands of St. Lucia liv.'r w iViiiriillv lli:lirrrn iihikI involved. I rT . J . . 1 n ... . Si ... . . Cure the Liver with jf U Barbados. 1 lse latter are in w.e ' ' Hnnr and hnriicana is'er.erated. ana uv Iiiy.IK KIjlulJliilLl UI, w'eathcrtelegfitnfs from three islands dai- o .n...:n nul.iin.l liarha womnlml In hp I I.. ...!.:!. .!. I,. flloT l i I, a Siirr. I r " uiwi-.w- --- 1 ,..v ...... r. ... T, : - ---- v IW...C. w,r:ic..-.&c vu,v - l)0 yoWi, ll.ittH.orse I Just VOU-mount I Ml ' .... I I ..ft-vl.v. nnnn A lltiltlnM I I t , V uai orp win .uuup fu.ni uuwi' iu j tunt . - , S . VrttlraPH guard As the weary night wore the poet lay dozing by the camp hre, and the rough, sentinel, to keep him self from falling asleep, would alternate bftweeii cursing, dunking, cnewuig anu singing. At length he struck up the song oL"Homc sweet home."' Tlie poet llfoiAfl t 1. .'- ..A , (r I. T J r- r i-i oonn1 onH i 1 .....uwf.uu.. ......... lhe reived to throw ofT.e yoke and taim himself free. But it is not an matter to shake off such a responsi- Fistcnei! to the words ot his own song, ana j j whenltlie soldier had finished, said ta ; otj.ljn him, f friend, Is am the author of that ; r m. song I; Therefwas so much of apparent ' .'..''. "BV,s" " r ; nil tV n.4 si AVir anil nnr fiw.i,! Wutirmiii sincerity m thel poet s manner that the; -. . ... . rou; ftrictly vegetable, and 'tan do no injury to ary one. It, has been Used by hnwtfreus, mui Known fnr the lat'40 years as one of the most reliable, t meni iousand haranileM preparations ever of fered to the suflVnrig. i jlf taken regularly ami peritpntlv,'it i Kiive! to cure lllynper111. neanacne, ijau n dice.eost i ven ens, sick we shall De au tempest before - destructive cour lit ! . ! I . WHO Ml l i unuuiii rough keeper be ,eved h.,u rue and i his j wwl J uncoHg humanity, replied : "Well, by , fce mnre you bpe no business to keep me here. Regulator. iscdUf the approaching has! fairly-started on us s1 The MackeIell IFisheuy. 1 here (headache, chronic diarr-1 are at present roln three to four hundred hfxa.axiecuonHouneDiaa- vessels engaged in tlipi mackerel niiiery, pik.B va s-' a BMMff lomn n ttirr i nn pn!icr fii ,iw r. i ixtlfva of lha L wlnni'u ' rt APtril 1 ullfHUl flllllfl (lift I' . . i i. i eae of the sliiii, irtipiirity of the blood, melari eholr. or deprewion of spirits, heartburn, colic, oi pains In t,h -bowels pn in. in the head, fever agd ague! diopy, Uiil pain in the back, &c. Prepared only bv J. H. ZKI LIN & CO., Jruggists, Aiacon, ua. : that beast and make vrourself scarce." t ayn aid not ftand on the oraer oi ins going, but wenf at once, feeling that if his cariosity hid got him into a tight place, the powerlof song had let hia out n . I . Ot it. BY HON . EDAhD EVEKETT. ; The man who j?tands upon his own Soil, who feels thft j by the laws of the land in which he jlives by the laws of L:..:i: A 1L f..l . . . . ii- ... . . I 1:11 incu iiauuiio-r 1 iv 10 .ue 1 1L.1111111 .a- He quickened Lis steps to see if he could QKMr of aj wlijch hc tU, is by the continitlon of nature, under a . . . , , ll II.JI. PUUJt: IHUULIJi A UU. V .UAW.Wv. ., , fc ., , , . , 1 from any other soorte. He feels other ine siiuku coueu auu pui inmseii 111 a r ji . 1 . fiM ; . .. 1. things being equal, siuaing posiuon. xuccai instantly waiK- Annt,lpr ihn ri,--r-VtaT of a man. as the ed direct up to the snake and held out one . , r .1 L-i 1 ru .1.;. , .'. -e , ord of the animate world, t t tins great foot near his snakeship s head, as if dar- . , ai,0Vp whirl, f.-hionr-d bv ing him to strike. Master snake being . . K , ,.f ... ' ..,., 1 . a . . ? nf a rli it ir urn a VI. w -v lT'i. r 1 I w place 111 Ashland. In this instance the " ri 1,1 power, 1 1 iijirir. consi'niitniii v 111; rL'pnoniieu wuii 111s uau i.ira nurse. . . ' . . J . . . . .. heavens, a M1I0 Waterman has endured the thral- ,u" " "3 uu.u dom of a married life for some years, but l,ave b.et'n 111 dln'.ct co,ntilct wUn u,e cat 8 lately the fetters have become galling, F'1W; uiu b ' "w, and consequenily very unpleasant, aud SVi" thar 5 .and b.cfoi;c 1 ,u licad. fou be wiLiiuiawii, u reeeiveu a in. ivy uiow iroiu the cat's foot, and the paw was again presented with similar results. About four rounds of that sort occurred, when ttie 1 1 liii 1 snake seemed to rememuer. "ue who fights and runs away may live to fight another day," and with this understand ing he uncoiled and started to leave the field. A ItcLioiors Pater's Peesidext. The Fireman's Journal (Catholic) gives utterance to rather a oovel idea io regard to the Democratic nomination for the Presidency in 1672. After declaring that the new departure was "intended not to heal the breaches, but to rc-open tbem," and after overthrowing and refusing the claims of Chief Justice Chase for the nomination, the Journal says : "The ie course for the Democratic party in 1S72 will be to drop every man involved in political life, and to nod it here the higher order of executive abili ty in our day and country is to be found in some of the vast works of civil in dutry some man who, during trying cri ses, such as that of 1S57, and agaiu dur ing the civil war, has known bow to bold, and govern, and attach to him, tens of thousands of men, and to manage eco nomically many millions of capital en trusted to his care. We think there must be some such man. He will be the most likely to restore order to our prostrated industries. the centre is Jro portion to 6k v line through the is his, his from It is the space ie Bay of Fundy. sotint f om about eighty to paragraph from! the Manufacturer and l,SW1, I rue, they had their "u 4y tons each. This Builder ; I downs but, after all hadn t she ,J,i .1 nf 5 . . ,! times been god to him 7 I hen he tl 1 ioc,$t ; by mail $123. lor nale bv M24Jy T.F. ;! K LtTTTZ & CO., Salisbury, N. C. PRESERVING FRUITS NOWris the propitious time Fruits nni Hbtindaat. and every b"dy should realize the aliie fj Fruits pnlperly preserved at a very trifling jMiindewLl i. - Spear Fruit Prese ccng Solution I I Xorry's pirsertinj Poicder inch, with the new li rections. accompany- V.fncfcjnow, nejer'fail. ! A further full supplv of both, just at hand 1 -II !' a. v i cir t o o. u i mj o 11 iif oiui r. 1 1 ! s.i:ti;,. v - n . HUE IWI J I I V from Block Ulnl to The vessels aVerge one. hundred ajidltwei fleet is now collected -on the coast of Maine between liorilajrtcl and Tow,,scn The mackerel sfcasoiii begins about the middle of June, ind tllis year the catch lika been unustialv lafte. Owing to this i t , , i ' I - It .1 - " craii i" urn., tte tradehas beeli pok, and the puce of He nee(j . fiiv0r0f none the fish has run ierv Edw. last year the Prniiv iia r....tr,..n in hi own hands market was highland good mackerel sold foolish hni.otlta Ambitious that their sons for! 630 per aiel. (These prices were Bi,ollju'hrjM ?n tb woridf" as they say sustained until thl; closd of;the season, and are mo . .;n;11WMh:it thev should study not anticipating etch alrapid decline, deal- or I,r0fiaa;nI1owi,i. the chances of even ers bought largelt. At the close ot the nioderate auccesal heavily against them season the market declijied, and the large or run of Spending their days in was in a quandary. He didn't know ex- , and the more he pon lifficult seemed to be his situation, rmaliy, one day last week, Milo ran across a neighbor named John Mill ford, who is ever ripe for a bargain and after some conversation, in m they discanted on the respective merits of wife and horse, a baigam was "struck up." Mulford was to take Waterman's wife, and Waterman Mulford's horse Waterman took his horse home, put him in the stable, and retired. But he could not sleep. He tossed nervously But he didn't get off that field a- ive. For ihe Southern Home. CURING TOBACCO. A Grievous - Wrong. There is the dtst commoli sense in the following j upon his pillow, and began to think of I rue, they had their 'Hips and some trrA tt him 1 'I'lion lio tlmtirrlit ITI ; . .!)-. . i: " ....i. . . ...... ... V. u . 3 13 it that there is sucii a repu0- , of he m j, moments they had fi1A mnA nrra,ribPd bv bin, nnticf nn l. ,.f rvirinis to nilttlllir ! ...... V'.i 1 1 . "vr I'! J ,u iuv; their sons ('. . .. . t r - ' I I. is an independent man. vxo .aie nc , d Miobeg;in to re?ra tjlC tra(le wm, ins craU wii,i unng ...u. o..r ... Al Un he p(mja endnrS ,t no i,)neer. He lie liaS 111- , otr.tr. In ll.n lilrn in f lir. Ann A r. " ' - . - t ..X . -l.t . 1- . 1J 1 1 01 1111:111, 11111K nut 111c tnu not re aim piu ceeded to Mulford's, woke him up and wanted to trade back. But Mulford on which the generation neiore mm moved in its rond of duties ; and he feels himself connected, by a visible link, With those who p reeded him, as he is also to those who follow him and to w hom hc is to transmit a home. Perhapn his farm has come down to bun from his fathers. They have cone to their last home ; but hc can trace their footsteps over the scenes of his daily labor. The roof that shel- tcrs him was rearep ny those to wuom 11c owes his being. JSdmc interesting do mestic tradition is! connected Mith every enclosure. Thu favorite fruit tree was planted by his fatberfs -hand. He spott- . 1 1 1 ..jl.il .'i - 1 I- ... l.:l. eu in ins uo iioou pcsiue me urnn, hhicii still winds through' tlje meadow. Through th" held In s th5. riaih to the village school of eailier 'days. He still hears from his window the voice of the Sabbath bell, which called pis . fat hers and his fore fathers to the house of God, and near at Lincolxtojc, N. C, Aug. 31, 1S71. Mr. Editor: I enclose again for the benefit of those engaged, and who expect to engage 111 the culture and curing of to bacco. a letter wri ten for ine bv Dr. N I a tl a M Roan, of Caswell. 1 have been so hind is the spot where his parents laid iirr.aful under hi linrli.ina. ihnt 1 nrl. down to rest, and whete. when hii time is ' I m - a . al a. am vise all novices in the culture to follow come, be shall be laid by bis children. These are Hie feelings of the wner of Brported Russian Preparations for Bar. The Knsian fortifications at the railway stations of Radziwillow and Woi locysk arc rapidly proceeded with. The former is the last elation toward the fron tier of the Brest Berdyszew-Iladaiwillow-er railway. Both stations are of the ut most strategetical irajmrtance, and have an uninterrupted communication with the Galician nest of railways. In the neigh borhood of Uadziwlllow Imperial engin eers have been engaged for weeks in sur veying and levelling, and after their plans a citadel wjih detached forts will bo erec ted in the neighborhood of the station for iu further protection. The fortifications are to be completed within ihree years. A similar course has been adopted at Wolocysk. Other fortifications are near ly already completed, noubly in the ex tent ion ot thevworks at Lithu..nianf Brest, and Kiew, and thi-ir itienglheuing by de tached forts. London Army and Xacy Gazette, Archbishop Manning ha determined to suppress the custom of making Sunday the great day for Catholic funerals in f.: a . . af SI- the par. : vi j "Pft together, of their love and court- For the benefit of your many readers, the soil. Words danoot paint thr-m. gold , Jv0-jdn wln reby hundreds of nndcrta- " ,-, i , 1 ; snip, ui ini-ii uj.iiii iju ..nu iinru iiiiu-y I request that you will give the article, cannot buy them ;l they flow out of the in a notice that they may preserve it for deepest fountains nf the heart ; they are future reference. Very respectfully, B. S. Oriox. the life-spring of a fresh, healthy and generous national :character. 0 i 1 1 : THE FIRST j ASTRONOMERS. Fomc of the rnost distinguished men Aug. 25 It. catch of tliis yi'arjbas Pjade it still lower, so that good fU hfl canliow be bought as low as 816 pel barrel. j Besides the hand fishing vessel! eiploy.ed in this trade there are a large liimbfjiof seiners. They lie around and jvatcHj for the schools which they sufrotlid wjiih their seines. These are ma4eo large twine, from 800 Latin AnfitlP.V. I rmn fat Winir Jid nhdmt 100 feet deep. L v W ISII l k J ; tp pnrchasc SOUTt ERX, and often fnwv 203 toP0 barre sf fish A l inn hi 1 ,4 wel to ! on -Mesw. Crawfoid J tnkPnt once. Soide idea of the es- lnfuriBu.i."L,-w,.r are preiM.iHd t0 ifive all necessiry . 17EAR oik . 1 presume vou had re- culdn't see it. Waterman begged, but fcrence to curin? tobacco vellow. for O a ir . r j : i i ar .11 . . - 1 : aiuuoru wns im-vaauir. Alter voiieui- w UC I this SCCtlOII 18 SO lum.JU?. It l S .U I.,.. tl ..o. . a 11 1 . I I f,tJt SI'S W tVUWIULl.U M SU flVak IUMO0 erauie uicKenrg, nowevir; uie laiii-r a- verv luce process, and repuues some ex- f rt nrl lwi lnrb m.,k. nn il,. J ... 1. W - l..l, Kla i v : . . .v i. greeu iu it. "ttitimaii i.i.vi u.vik iiio i perience, ooservanon, auu thorough C A.'ii . iw i I uuinern can be f . - tt " win ara iit... a..ri . . ' Jt . n , ,'r.,rW.cWn. .t. ln '""-"?ZrL' t? nf the' maclerel business AtllM...- " "..Kviuu.iirirwquHiiiy.avc. i - --- - . . - tt&ZlXMWW tlds place will gained frorn. the ft thii t man the fleet r?nL,T.., ...... Luiresfronl 3,5dd to koOO men, and to BVT lira fHl, I -. . ' ll A. .. lt; . 8lUbai7.Kowaa county, KTc, provision it COS. t Ibont science of astronomy strength, health and independeuce. Rossel has bf en convicted and sentenc ed to military degredation and death. The motion ;fof removing, the govern ment to Paris, after four 4ays debate, was defeated.- U I -I ' - were Ilipparchns, l"c V0b,e to ? reia' 1 l XZ I Poe in consideration ot a forfeit ot two knowledge of the character aud quality ptolerov Pythagoras' Copernicus Tv ot toiliiii ttiA nerountailt 8 aesa, man k i7;jim TV o -.,".-- . a i us!. i qi me looacco, wun which vou nave io . i - --t ! i. ..ai I lif.m innnlv i I ' ileal, in order to insure unitorm success. vewton. Ilionarchui is usuallv consid . - . -1 y i r i i j The Emperor Alexander is the hero of .Much depends upon the character ol tlie Ured the father o astronomv. He w. the following anecdote : He was present crop when taken Irom the hill. It it is born at Nicaea, and died about a bun at a collection in runs tor one of the hos- ot gooa size, wen matured, and ot a good anti twenty-fiva vears before the pitals. The" plate was held out to him yellowish color, there is necessarily but Christian era. l(e divided the heavens by an extremely pretty girl. As he gave lime uimcuny in tue operation. jnto constellations;; discovered the differ nis lonis a or uc wmspereu, - juaueuioio-1 """"- " ence of the intervals between the autumn A project is aoat for narrow gnage road trota Paducah, iSntucKy, Tennessee. Mademois ellc, this is for your pretty eyes." The girl curtsied and presented the plate a-p-ain. "What." said the Emperor. EL ? i P. iS9T - 1 .1. . to Paris. I "more "xes, sir,; sam sne, "A now want something, for the poor, ii As soon as the tobacco is taken from the bill and housed, we commencewith a low degree of heat; say, 95 to 100 i arherenheit "the yellowing or steam ing process." This is the first and sim plest part of the whole process, and re al and venal eqniboxe ; fixed the paral lsx of the heavenly bodies, and determin ed longitude and latitude, fixing the first degree of longitude at the Canaries. Pto lemy flourished irj the second century of Spain. : ' f - ken rzen have to woik all day. and a vast deal of disorder and drunkenness is occasioned. A Scotchman"; named Goden, whipped Joe Coburn, the pugilist, in a free fight. The Cholera is diminishing greatly in North Germany. IIou. Wm. U.Seward has reached Ber lin. A fire at Bloomington. III., on Saturday night destroyed 8200,000 worth of prop erty. The potato disease is spreading in Lac caehire, England. A slight frost occurred at Oswego, Y., on the morning of the 1 1th. The beautiful Dutchess of St. Albanr, aged only 22 years, died in childbed. Tbe Empress Eugenie iai ' cnbaAei is (i n i 1 i! it 4 ' r

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