,1 VOL. HI. T HIRD SERIES'! ft (orclina lUatcfittwn: PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT i. j. buuneii, Edilor and Proprietor. ' iiatks of M Btmrnos Osr ear payable m advance. 8ic Months, ...J. 3 copies to one audreM, :. .10.00 IT- - ! UatcH of Adocrluinq. One Square, first insert ion.. . . . . .. Vnr each Additional insertion $1,00 50 Special notices will be charged 50 per ceut higher than the above rate's. .i Court aud Justice's Orders will be publish ed it fhe iaK rate with other advertise ments. - t Obituary notices, oyer six lines; charged as advertisements. ' ; I ' - uj.nm;i KAILS. 1 Square. 2 Squares. 3 Squares- 4 Squares, i Column . 1 Column. I 4 auj o-sa. o a') oui 20,00 I fi 01! !) 0 12 00 18 00! 25,00 i 8 00 I 00 15 25 00! 3.J.50 1 18 00 24 00 -30 00 40 OOf 60.00 25 00 :s5 0() 45 00 8 00; 100,00 i! The sy m ptoms of Li ver omplmnt are uneasiness 8IIIOW3,l 31 :ind pnin in the side. Sometimes the pnin ia in lIlA ttliillllflit .1111 l -i li. I j taken lor rtieuiiiaiiMiu, the stomach in a fleeted with Ions of appetite "and sicklies", bowels in general costive, sometimes alternating with lax. l tic in nu in li uiiuicii A S , . , . . . iwnr pnm ami dull, nea jvv seiwalion, connidera lie loss of memorr. ac- 'cimiMinied with iminfnl .aaawaaai MtrntmrnMrn a sensation ol having lft undone somethinc which tight t have been done. Often complaining of weakneWJ debility, and low spirits. Sometimes many of the above symptoms attend the disease. d at other times very few- of them; hut the liver is generally the organ most involved. Cure the iirer with j , '.I;! DR.-SIMMONS' LIVER It E Ci H L ATOIt . a preparation roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any woe. It ban been usd by hundreds, and known, ftir. the . -:iit 40 year as one of the mwt reliable, efficacious and haraniless preparations ever of fered to the Hullerinj?. If taken n-ytilarlv and rumtentlv, it is mire to cure IZi 1 1 y -ipepsia, h e a d a c h e, I Sj.uinIiv(i i8tjve!iew,Hifk '. I hendachi4'hroiife diarr- Refftftatar. llitia,nj!eelion.xoftheblad- frctioiijM of the kiiiiievs.'iu rvoiiMjess, chilliT, dis f4eM of the tikin, ini jmrjly of the blood, melan eholr, or d.'prexxion of spirits, beartburu, colie, l paiiis in the bowel, pain in fhejiead, fever apd aiie, diorfv,i boiU, ain in the baek, Ac. Prepared only by J. II. ZKILI.N CO., . Drtifristi', Mactm, CSa. Trict, $1; bv mail $1J.7. For ale h'v T. F. KLITTZ & CO., fcb24-lr Salinlrtirv.N; C. J. Wi.aia,r-TprWtM'. ' a. H. MrDL A C.. Itnwriua M rm-o, Cl., .d M CMamnmt, K, I. MILLION! lU-ar Te.tlm.nr. U ' ; Varferrl C arat Itc EUrrta. Tteyara itaviu, Fancy lrlak, of Paar Kaa, f kUker, l'raaf Hpiriia mmd Refaae iaa.aaia "iau:, ". njH-tjjn.ru," "UcHorwi,"., , , aanaMiippliro,)toclruukineutridrpiit.btttara - awaa MMHina.uiM Irom the Kutive KcoU ami Hvrta ICalltarnix frca from all jfleaUalic kllna laala. Th ar ttia (JREAT ItLOOO PURI- r a Life jivi.no pkixciple, a aarfact ll,ivafer and lnviorntor of tb S.vxtatn. aiijlaf aff ail oionMii mattar oihI roatorinc theWoOd U kraUf cmnditiyu No prrwiq can Uka theaa Blt Wra aaaara1K ia direvlUinrt and rt-roniu long unwell, BravMed Uiatr btna are not l,-slrored by Diitiar&l .or atiicr BivuuK. and Uio vitul orgtan waited I ta iHnt of rppulr. Tfc lire a (Senile Pnrrnil ve a well m k TaJa, aoK.iHg, ftiHn, the pnullur iperit of actn a a fm fal In retlovlnp Cv.nsvtion or Infl.-int- aiaUan af tha Urpr. nnd aS tha Viara na Organ, i M31ALE COMPLAINTS, iayounijor M. atarrlad ar UkW, at thr Uwu of woman liood or at l twra af Ufa, Uicw Ton(Siuri hava no rquaL ! fc rrlHain,Rtrjr nnJ I'hroale Rkeimf tlaaa mmd Uaat, Drapepala or Indlgeaiian, MlUaa, Kamilleut aad Intermittent Fa. lHaaaara f the Kland, Liver, KttU aa mm Blaader. then Illtlrra havo heenrnort aaataifuL Hack lllaeuacaarocauardbr Vlflatrd t ach Uiti'ihthIIj produu d by dcraiiccinant f n Plceatlve: Orgaaa. IDTMPRiphlA OK IMU3ESTION, Bead aW. Faiala thM.auMf,Coasb; Tlshtnea of Via DiznM, Hnar Cnictation of th 8Uiuek. a4 Taata l tka Month. Billon Attack. Palpitation of aart, fntaniRMtlna of the Lone. Pain la tbara ka lid lit) a. and a hundred otber aaiaful irina laaaa. v4 tka Hhiartng of lrpepla. i JJThr l"T,trts tao Ptomiwh and ntlmulata the torid Uw aojd aval, which rtoaer them of awqualled aaaia la eUaatln Ui blood of all iuipuriiict. aad iiu aartaaf aw Ufa and vijror to tha a hot iriU ai. j KIS DlhKASEH, IraptloavTetler, ta!t aatta BWUhea, opot. flintfe,. Pa.tul. Boila, Cr t?f1 J'1-Worm. HeaM Uid. Sore Ere Rr. K ttoh.anHk rHuroloration. uftt,. Siaf H.JSL.'S !!- . ' th'' Mittera. Ot.e bottle InuaU nuTT' wo,t iucrlttlu ui?eiu5r , Ti,tat BWI whrncrrr yo And it lm- r. r"t,Q throuahth. kla iu Pimple.. Entp JVJJ i aUaaaa it wba rou find it obrtractad m -?Tr .. th T,iu,; elcauaa It when it to foal. ziJTi Sa rlu. wu r wh- . aad tha health of tk.... , i i lll'.T ' "li "" Waraim IttrkW ia ttia ITi' I" wrwi alt, Imt Buon thodiapul kn ki. .1 " nfiinr e -wiT-aea.!!. that brd thM llri mon.tM 'a.. .. """I mo ter of f. wii, fraa Arnkv3Tifix " aw u i a-an ni aitlAlaa . i awlia.T:W,ltoU R-n-McPAU) X0, ALW PKUOOISTS AMD DtALKJt. Chcap, Chaittle Mortgages, anoua olUcrUauka for aalt hr. ... . , j - ! 9 'J i M - bpac. l- gj. - E 1 .s ii 1 !' ! ? ! , : II aaJ ' mr fftairrdetrorad wa. "it u TT JLI'A PTaence of itnnnt n ,h. THE . I , J I j ; i js.well supplied with a large and elegant assortment of u r if PLAIN S FANCY i Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &CM suitable for all kinds of PRINTING. Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & (Professional Visiting, Party ami Wedding Cards ; 1 ! . ! - " - - CdHej?e and School 1 ! Circulars of all Jcinds Tobacco Notices and Lt BELS for all purposes ; For qierks, iMagistrates and Solicitors : i i i I I Or anylhingelsej required in the Printing Line. QIaroUna man AS A NEWSPAPER, Is a caiid id ate for! nublic favor. 1 fa circulation -is good, and its standing and patronage improving. It ia one of the best advertising mediums in the State, and offers its' facilities on as liberal terms as any. Save'ydur Wheiat & Oals. IMPORTANT KOTljCE TO FARMERfe.' An Imnrtrtant iliiuararr In nririftl PTTCTIm Wheat and OaU, If tha direction i ara carefol. money will be cheerflillr refunded. All I aX la a trtat 'Plnirwl ar4 fn.ata' ah1 joiri-tf. 'Also i ) i i i O CV ffi C ' gaV WW PAMPHLETS, li fain 9-1 f '- ; I . TIIE ' tuatci) Marrying a Wife for a HTe yoa beard the new about Mia the desk wlicb hdward Faniliaoi oceupi ied iu lfta. sra. Smith & Jonas', oflce on Wall street. ilie warm blood colored Ned's cheek fti f pile of all lii itrogglei to prcrentit ud he, replied: v. . No ; I hope no harm. , . Well, I should gue it wasn't. Come, fnt up your book, and as we go op town 'II tell ym.: : No ; I cannot leave yet. I hare not finished niy balance. . Oh, pshaw ! finirti that to-uiorrn-vr be fore ten o'clock. I wouldn't work as you fox any nju livii.g, much less these bankers, who think all a felIow is made for is to work and make mouey fo. them. Come aloup. : . Ko; I can't go. , .. Veil, then,' the tale in short is, she has had a big fortune left her. some fit a hun drcd thousand dollars. An involuntary aich eacanerl Nrl mnA he rather muttcre'd than spoke : 1 m sorry to bear u. Why. what's cot into vou von niimv T Sorry .1 ; Why, I bareu't heard anythinj: to please me so much in many a day. 1 always likud the sirl, but I'm nH philo- BopfT-enougu to marry Her for lovo aloue. My doctrine is, when poverty cornea in t tlie windowi loTe goes out at the door, lam afraid I don't asrree with von in all things, but I hare no time to discus it now; Mus Jeuiple, in my opinion, would be a fortune for any man, did she uot possess a cent of money. lhaw, Ned, that's old fogy. Love in a cottage ! ha I ha ! Well, I 'liked her pretty well before, but I can't kelp think -ing .bec attractions very considerably en larged sin tel. heard that new. Xovrr should have thought of anything but a pieasanti acquaintance guess I'll go in for her; now. Good bye, Qb4 fell, And dori't haft VOUrStlf Worthier nrnr tbo books J Kid made no reply, but he felt as if he would (ike to grind beneath his heel one who copld speak so irreverently of her, who, to his idea combined every grace of heart aud ioind, and ' perfection of form -..J r.... ": 1 till i uu icaaure, wuicn siiouiu make tip a peifect woman. His thoughts turned to action, land he caught himself stumping the desk-slool with such force as almost to dei.t a hole in it, and looking up, naw Mi. Smith's steady gazo fixed ou him. B-ick to hu work he. tried to bring his thoughts, but they were not subject lo his will, and he found himself iu great danger of wi iting the thoughts passing through his, mind, v-he is lfst to me Oh, how I wish it had never happened ! He shut the book, put away his papers, andjwiili that dreary, lost tar away kind of look, passed unheedingly among the throng ou the money mart of the new world, j J Charley Ashtou lost no time in ia:prov ing his opportunities, for that night found hiuiiseated tete at iete with Miss Temple in a cosy little room in Twenty-first et. Miss Templo was an orphan, and had for years lived with an aunt, her father's sister. . Aii lucome of four hundred dol lars a year had beeu left her, which at least, supplied all necessary Wants. She was ot ashamed to assist her aunt about many things some wotthl call menial ; and form and feature, heart and mind, all her acquaintances said, fully sustained the high opinion we have seen'NedFaru- jam naa or iter. Ere the: evening was over, Charley .rhtoii had succeeded in nimp.irino- A...n. ly iri love, and not many days' passed ere he had proposed and was accented Of all her male acquaintances, Miss Temple oau aiways preierrea the two young men mentionea. l it was true, she bad rather leaned td the Quiet, stead v Mr. Fnrnham but of late he had ceased to viit b-r wbilo Mr. Asbton's presence had beeu almoet coiisxant. xicnce, site had persuaded herself that she loved aud had accepted him j j : n r ' Charley i urped a sneedv marri.io, . . i j o why Come fit a conversation too long for me tO detail, wherein ft nnncarxd tbaf some of the bovs 'down street wiire. fiiinc up a pool ttt buy a certain stock, aud our i I a : . ' . - . . inenu Asiiton wanted some, nl the hve hundred thousand dollars to nut in it Anna Temple preferred a longer time; urged that time would make them know eacn otner Detter, especially in the inti- mai relation iney now stood. Uharlev vowed that he would never change, rnd he knew that time could never ' devnlono any faults in her. , Unt, aaid Miss Templo. there is another reason, atjd?I think I can be free with you now I have spent so much of my little i income, and aunt haa na anaro mosey, that 1 have no tneaus of defravini? the necessary expenses. uut you pave the fortune left you by VOtir ADatratiao tinoln ) wmt if have: not received it. vour aaenii will certainly make an advance. I have no fortune dear Charley. Sotne thought it was mine, but the fort a no to which you probably allude, waalleftto my cousin, Miss Anna, Thompson Tem ple, to whoth : I introduced you at the Philharmonic. ;. - Ah, it, was, indeed 1 She is a favored young lady ; and how much dea she re ceive;'? t r. : . Beporti said : five hundred thousand dollars,: "but cousin Nan has been inform ed by the agents that there u but ten tbtousand dollars ia money, the: rest ia in houses an lots at Melbourne, valued at ninety thousand dollars. - j , Ah well, really, how these things do spread. BM to our matter: 1 guess. Alias Anna, you nau oesi nare your way. The hours'of that evenin- &rv9eA .i ' , ... . P9. i-iii i ' '4 i - Charles Ashton't wanner: became more and more formal. He Uttt -and AnnaTs . ; ill i 17 aiong ana as tuey lengtbened Mr. SALISBURY, K. Cr. FEBRUARY, 2, ; 1872., f warm heart was sad as she thought over the cool manner-and the cooler parting. No sleen came to her eves that t.tr, . , , I of " Can it be ! she said to herself a thons- saud times; and yet it must, for his man r. li-- - s .... ner cnangea almost rrotn my telling him of Nannie's fortune. ' ' j" - The ivext night came; but Charlie was not iu his usual place, and' the next and still more. About a week afterward, is short note informed MisiTemple that having lost all his savings in a bad specu lation, he could not think of holding her to an engagement which it would be out of hi power to consummate for years.- To say this did not grieve her. wonld be false, but it did not require many days to teachjier that she had ot loved Char lie Aehton as she shod! 'the man she was u uirry. ,n i t "r- a. Again our two young men ttfet. This time on Broadway. Charlie gayly saun tering alonr. hailed Ned in his hold fa- miliar way. V ell, old boy, off early to-day ? I've been promoted, and am not obliged to work a late, though I do often ; then 1 think of takiucr a ride m the nark mv o t f j head has ached much of late; and I am more nervous than formerly. Shouldn't work so hard; don't get any thank for it. By-the-by, that for tune of Miss Temple's tums out to be all in the eve. How what's that 7 was the eatrer re- Well) a Miss Somebocy Temple has about a hundred thousand dollars left her, but it wasn't our prcm little friend k a a uut J heard you were terv attentive some said engaged. 1 licit- s no telling wliat nil "lit have beeti doue but fr that fool of an uncle making a mistake in nasies. However, it's all over now. You kuow that I at least can't afford to marry a poor woman, no matter it she is a 1'tr:. 1 know you entertain som- aor'. of foolish notion that love, eic, w ill do, but it's til bosh. Give tue the dimes, my boy. When poverty comes in at the window, etc., you kuow. I ake my advice and drop all audi foolish ideas. Ashton might as well Lave talked to a lamp-post, for all the hearing Ned Farn ham did. W hat he was thinking of we o cannot say, but he did not go to the Park that afternoon, hut the evening found lijtn. in a little parlor which h.'id so often been graced by Charlie's pretence. Ere the erfning was over he h.-ri explained his long absence, told of hi? better pronpecis, a d offend his In ait and ban I. 8 lie aik ed three weeks to cotifid-r, he to visit her as often as he pleased. At the end of that time he wh aecep td. and Anna learned what true love was. Here :ny ftory might end, but there is a sequel. Some montlii after the engage ment, Mr. ."Mnith tapped Ned on the shoulder, and motioned lim to the private office. i Going to marry mv tiece? said that remit- man. I am engaged to Miss Anna Temple, ir, and we expect to bemarried in a quiet way one month from todav. But I wa - - not aware that idie was jour niece. xs either was I until a few davs since. As for your quiet way, mderstand me, sir, the child of my only ister can be mar ried nowhere else hut itr mv house. Come now, no flinching. Ljve heard all about It. t. nut she s poor - poor as Job a turkey; nd Pre too many chiltren to giver her more than a decent wedding. Ned did not understatd the expression on Mr. bomb's Imco. but tut a little an- pered, and replieil : I shonld never have addressed her, and I would release her t his moment if I knew he was an heiress. No you dont; no you don't. I know you, aud 1 know the whole story, lou can go. JNed oomlered loni? trpr ihit aina-ular i 0 ..... 0 v conversation, but got satisfaction from his own thoughts or from Aiua. She replied only by a smile and nkfcs. iotwithht.;nIiiig all the urging of her new found uncle. Anna rt-fneerl to lea re her auut until thu time for the wedd ng. That event came, and the ceremony was over.'- then Mr. bruih called the young couple into his library, and drawing from his safe a strong iron box, said : Now. young man. tou're lied hard and fasti and I'll tell you that you've got an heires, and a lich one. too. A foolish brother of her father', who would go to Australia, took it into his head to die, not long since, aud left such a blotched up will that it has takei over six mouths to-get liiu atraigut oi ll. w n rrr oia agents, and kept the matter to ourselves, because it was a large sum, aud might eieatc impostors. We soon disposed of the one hundred thousand dollars to Miss Anna Thompson Tenure, but the con tents of this box, ouo hundred thousand j ounds in consols we used more scrutiny iu assigning, and in the course of our in vest' gat ion, I not only found- the rightful owner of our trust, but " the child of my only sister, feir, you ars worthy of her, and, what is of h-ss value, her fortune. The morning papers will announce you as a partner in our house. A "SNAKE" PliOTOGBAPH. The Richmond correspondent of the Petersburg Index tells the following : "A gentleman, a physician, resident near the Warm Springs, but now on a vieit to this city, tells a remarkable snake story.' All snake stories are remarkable, I know,'but this one is conspicuously so because it' is told by a truthful person, who is in the habit of gathering his infor mation rather from observation than from the ctaggerated rehearsal of others. The doctor was recently sent for. to ee a lady of bit 'neighborhood who had been bitten on the ankli by a rattlesnake. When he reached the' natient be found that her I riena, adopting an oia inaian remeoy j which had tome down to tbia generation wirVtltflegehdary lore of the neighbor- . . - - . l t T J- . J jj r.ji bood had bound the wound, . already much.iwollen and inflamed with1 several folds of the inner lining (liber) of the barsr of the aycamore tree Willing l0 sw.it tho result of this experiment,! and seeing really, ho chance for the applica tion of . better and mora orthodns Tretne: dy, our doctor allowed the. lady to keen the bandage on, and in. few hows she waarelievcd from the pain and the efleeta of tho poison too, as she declared. Then it was removed. The wound pitied a most favorable appearance: kn1 ib- wa soon pronounced eomph-te. Xow the or V , U" Part rc" U Md. Uu unfolding the hjttu1o I I.,.-.. J li- . n-a to the exact aotlLes, th.- Wry photo graph, yea, the perfect ! picture of i the snake, coiled, ready for the spring, was f mud impressed upon Bo perfect Vt the likeness that if one had seen ? the bark bandage lying open on the road tide he would have thoorbt that - r.i.u. l. j coiled upon u for oue of hia drtadful inriniri TI. Jnlt. , .1 .1. . -r----o' "suuour iiw mis tuiug wr.n Ihs own eyet, and ihe remetly has been applied to similar cases in that section of the country with aa Imm . (ftm owever wanderful thjs story may seem, as I said before, there ia every reason In ilin m.n-1.1 f 1? .. iu iur tenroing 11 n true. Stmdarj UcnUingl From the Atlantic Jbr October. sooner ou later, BV HARRIET K. rEEscXrTT. Sooner or later the atorma shall beat Over my slumber from head to feet ; Sooner or later t&e wind afiall rare ' In the long gra above mr grave. I Rhall not heed them where I lie, ' Nothing their sound shall signify, Nothing the headtone'a tret of rain, C Nothing to me the dark day'a pain. Sooner or later the sun shall ahine, ' With tender warmth on ''hat-mound of mine; Sooner or later, th Summer air, Clorer aud violet bloora there. i I sltall not feel, in that deep-laid ret, 1 The aheeted light fall otrer my breast, j Nor erer note in those hidden hours ' The wind-blown breath of the knwing flower. Sooner or later the Ktainles snows Shall add their hush to my mute repose Sooner or later shall slant and ahift, And heap my bed with ther"f rzling drift. Chill though that frozen pall shall teem, Iu touch no colder can make the dream That recks not the sweet and sacred dread Shrouding the city of the dead. Sooner or later the bee shall come And fill the noon with hia golden hum ; Sooner or later on half-paused wing The blue-bird's warble about me ring : King and chirrup and whistle with glee, Nothing his music means to me; None of these beautiful thing shall know How soundly their loyer sleeps below. Sooner or later, far out in the night, The stars shall over me wing their flight ; Sooner or later my darkling dewa Catch the whita spark in their silent ooxe Never a ray shall part the gloom That wraps me round In the kindly tomb ; Peace shall be perfect for lip and brow, i Soouer or later oh ! why not now ? Good IJenied.es. For drunkenness. drink cold water; for health, rise early; to be happy, be honest: to please all. S a a m mind your own basinets. BORROWING TROUBLE. . . What a vast proportion of our lives spent in anxious and useless forebodings concerning I be tuture-either our own. or that of our dtar oues. Present ioys, present blessings, sup, uy, ana we lose i 1 ...... I .it a half their sweet Uavnrs, and all tor want offaithinHira who provides . iK : . :.. ,i. i r v ! Sill lta B IIIBtLk IU IIIV. CUII VdlllVa M a W MV LB T I. TT 1 1 n ....i i.h.1 In n.A !.. so IUUIB.UK , 1 A till T , w illitiu, mv J t; and He, who ia so watchful, so piti-' , so loving, so forgiring! Why can-f ... . . w i I j- ful not ice. slinuing our h.tnd y Oaf w a noiuled oath, thoruy or flowery, crooked or straight, knowing that evening will bring us sleep, and peace, aad home. Why toil distrustfully to gather up manna for days yet to come, when every dewy morning shall find it freshly! sprink led at out feet? Wheu we do 'get near "Our Father." how wonderful seems this, our distrust; how our eyes orerflow, that we could make so mean a return for that all-embracing, all-bountiful, generous kindness, which is measureless as the ocean, though our short-cotninge are as numerous us its tossing waves. A true religious instinct never deprived a man of one single joy ; mournful faces and a sombre aspect are the convention al affectations of tho weak-minded. RIGHT 13 MIGHT. UY ARCHDEACON BABE. shall we learn the sweet trust In Uod that v r"" , ,T. our little children teach'tia every day, by V 1 hompson, of 447 W est 1 hirty-so-their confiding faith iu us We, who are ' cnnd fkened by some oue s i.i r...i... ... iiAi. - ..... rummaging about his room. .Mr. lhouin- t- . i- .1 . t the Almiguty, ngnt is migm, ana cm As snre as Uod livexn, as sure as mo ----- a --y -Holy One of Israel is the Ird of Hosts, president was, and ever shall be. Holiness i,',"?,.r7 w t , might; meekness is might; patience f. forjn. all ti time. Lit u. asuiud-g-migbtV humility is might; self-denial and i nation meeting, as our only safety ,n ad ..5 ..c. ' :-T. . Uw. Ti mitrhi. vance. and we cau and will sweep radi- ' - e.-' a .1. - : .:.U- - ejTerT gut v iu un 'b was 10 pieces' or- ocau . wuu uh . .. 1 .1 cross was "two pieces' or- owu . wuj, suwa- . a lidplentreistJnr Man-was wriled tilj The tafloeufe of .costume ia ioxalcula it; yet it w 'trajghtier thsn the .worlds lie;, dress a,hoy aa.a man audthe will at and triumphed. And " wAT ef triampVoaee ahange bis own conception of Med- orrrit, "Heaven and earth 'shall pass self. ; 1 :' ' 1 1 f IS O. sway, bat no pure, i holy deed, or word or thought, On the other hand, might, that the fehildren' of earth call so.-the rtr?? Jd" ' ll" thquake, the fire. perishes through it s own violence, self, exhausted And self consumed; as our age of the world has beeu allowed to witness in the most signal example For many f ua remember, aad tbey who do not have heard from their fathers, how the mightiest man on earth he who bad girt hnaself iith all might except that of the nghtbartt like a tempest cloud, burnt biioaelf oat like a coGflagration,and only 1-ft the sears of hu ravages to mark "here he had been. Who among you can look into so iafaat'a face and not see a pof r in it mightier than all the armies of Aapoleont .'.". f 1 "'.. , . An exchange speaks of a fact which is not know-, by xnauy people, that a mio ister, after preachings the Sabbaih, u not likely to wish to engage m eonversa tron, or say mental exercise. He has used up ht 'vitality in the pnlpft. He needs rekt.' nance to Invite hlai to a din e.iPeci'naT ,,e hall be commnntcatire 1 and instructive, is requiring too much of miud and body. If you have a Sup ply preaching for yoa, or an 'eichange" or a neighbor assiatiag yar pastor, let him stay at bis lodging, where lie mavre over from- his ethsustiou, And prepare work. litUgiovs Herald. 1 Bf A Stardlpg J?uwor-5i7rcr Mine in Mqdtson CWi'y. For several days there has Laen a secret afloat among m, few of tha ''confidential and know in- ones," which was generally coramunicaud in an trapressive; undertone, of which the fol lowing is the substance r A woman who resides near the W'.rm springs, in Madi son county, hss made reveral trips to this town to interview Mr. Kphraim Clayton aud son, who own land in that ticiuitv. On each of these several occasions she has communicated the marvelous fact to lhee geqilemen .that tliere is a silver minp on their premises. Her story is that this mine was surrepti tiously worked by a former citizen of this town, a Frenchman named Cochce, who, in company with a atrangpr and the narrator, would visit the mine, gft out the ore, ana liking it to a . . . . cave, would there coin it. She further states that tley.werw ge.erally eugaged at this from one to twpj weeks, -and that l hey made two or thnw trips during tha year to this miue. Thjs woman says the men paid her S100 per annum to keep their sectef. and that not withstanding tho fact th.a Cochee died ten or twelve ycai. before the breaking out of the war, rbe coutinm d to receive Fur S100 husi money up to that time. 'The amount of credence her story is entitled to, we are not prepared to state; btU we are reliably informed that Mr. Thoe. Clay.ou has perfected bis title to the land and! proposes to go down in search of this hidden treasure.- The Asheville liottrcr. P. S. AH fake ss to the real existence of the mine, a dilligent ecarch proving unavailable A Xew Invent hn from the I'lleue Foster Utley, the celebra'sj inventor of the CottJii Press, has now inveuted a miniature Washing Machine. Any l.iJy can use ft, either in her Lp, or in a wash ing tub. He is new euroute for Golds boro, where Dr. Davis of that place waitts to buy ihe right. Mr. Utly has had the notion in his head for the past ten yrars. Two years ago while engaged in remod eling the bouse of Cameron, in IIU la boro, tha idea struck him, and he went right home and invented it in Ft-bru.iry, and it was patented the eighteenth of April fof lowing. Since that time he has sold six county rights tu this State, two in Ten nessee, . aud v one hundred iu as many counties in Virginia. The right Leiuz worth from, one hundred to one hundred aud fifty dollars. . : , A M. A m . m i .... a a tl.lur -mi , m I. , . . 7 - w.a u-i...u his city by a rag, showing that trifles mar lead to the detection of a criminal. v About 4 e t I t 1 on "Pf'S oa4lo1be,I wbereuj-iu the thif handle down the bilk Starrs intnr' t Ivo ward Ifta(lw nitranerl hv Mr eaco ; " j -j i -j 's ap- I Thompson. The thiel dropped the bun ooked" escaped over the fence, but Mr. a 7 I slt-f" Thompson had taken a good 1 ok at him. Iu scaling the fence a spike tore off a piece of his iisowsers, and this Thompson secured. In the bundle wero about SS5 worth of clothitfg, a silver watch valued at S25, and S24. A description of the thief was left at the Thirty-seventh street station. About 6 o'clock Officer McEl rov: arrested John Body, who was idea- af I ' 9 tilled by Mr.j Thompson. The piece of cloth left on the spike corresponded with a rent ia Body's trowsers. KEEP IT BEFOJIE 77E PEOPLE that the grand jury of Chester county, South Carolina, composed of half tchitcs of the Preiidait, and declare fiaP'THrl AUXaATlOX jC0k'XA)Xkl IX TiiC POC LaVtATlOX OF- TIIC PBKalDEXT OF THE USltiCO STATES AkE WITHOTT rotXDA TIO.M ? Here is a rebuke, says the Baltimore Evening Journal, to the outrageous act of m " . ! II I tni wuicn snouia ue anown liet the democratic papers v y-- - - . calism to the earth Iu 1S72. mm I ! Maaaaawa-aaiwaBHBka-waBawaBH-B 1 -t-.'-'a 20,WUOLIN(X1Q The subject cf sympathies and sitipa te is extrcBMly ruii-. JyWiaioted when he hraid the splaaLing of wsler 8caligcr turned pale at tha sight of waten. cresses. F-rasmus became: ' feverish Vbe he saw a fih. A enrioas "s Cory is told el clergyman, thai he alwsys faiuted wkea he beard a certain vers la JervjtWh tread. Zimmerman ie!lt e-f a lady wboeould not endure the feeling of silk er t atla, and shoddercd when touchlcg theskJavof peach. , .tt tl m, ( Boswell vnca asked Johnson if "tberw wa no possible drcumsunce under whUb Suicide would Le inat'fTaf.ta 4 a Johnson. WclL- aa'id IU..!t 'm . pose a man had beeu guilty f framd, 4 that h was certain to hm tammA nt ... hj, iocn, was we reply;- la Uitr esse, let 11a go loso'me"coaatrywler;" - sbowd, ina not to IbatlevJL where U is known." llote to iulll f.'ULl. t tJ" Not with a reproof for any thaU aiay's sina af oaaiaaioa-or casasaiaaiaa. iTake any other time but bed tim nr tk. r yem ever beard Irf l creature sirhlae- and snbuintf In its afeei. r,la do this. Seal thcTrclotfcg eyelids wlA lX ks and a blessing. Tie time wifl cum ' all loo a,ben the, will law Xiut. heads upou their piLows lixkuig Loiii : , Let them then at lea it bare - fkeir sweat, memory of a happy childhood, of wkiea uo futnre sorrow ar troalle can rob ikesa. Give them their rosy 'youth. Nor need this inrolre wild license.' The juflldotrs parent -.in not so mistake my mcanltig It ysu hare crer nut the man or woman whose eyea have suddenly Bed when hula child Lis crept trustingly toiul mother's breast, you may have ace ol iu whom childbtasd's hame. d.gahy and I severity Hood bre lore and pity sbraild have been. Too much indntgeece has mined thousands of chlldrt n -t tod tancJi love not one. The importance of apple a food haa , not hitherto been eofincntly estimated art understood. Besides contributing s lsrgf ' proportion of rugsr, mucilage sod other nutiitious comp.uuds iu the form of food ' ihey contain such a fine combiaatioo vegetable acids, extractive aulsUncca aud aromatic priuciplo aa lo act proa etf ally in the capacity of refrigerants, Uoica a ad antiseptics ; and when freely used at ika eeaaou of rijieuess,. by rutal laborers and others, probably maintain and strengthes thr power of productive hbor. Li&lj. A 1I(IUK'S BKVE.VG. H'-rscs think aud Lave memories. The Io Cily Tnlt.c tell how a horse got even with a cruel hosfl-.r : " A few days ao the hostler struck it an unprovoked blow '1 brve or four davs afterwards, at the hostier weut into tha (tall, the h placed liee.f i;i apprcrna' altitude, and r o tUVMVIl. keeping aiiejc out Jor ihe exact time, threw its foot into the hotliei's laxc with jut force euough to make it ticgle aud ache. For the time beiuir thev , rr j -m. ww.U, lUe ,,,'tr leiug loo much hurt to retali ate at (bat trn.e. An allercalicn occarred shortly after, boa ever, of a aev re char acter. The hottler, while laklng the afr with the hors, became ditsatlsficd with some of his ways, kUd give it a Mow, whereupon tin; horse look lus forcana iu his mouih. and hoidtngil miih afirxsgrip U-tweeu the incisors, Ural hira ever atul he lay upon the ground ; (kiwa, - wklaaat Jettiag go his ' bale',' picked him up agifa; th ea downed him; then pkei Mra tsp ; then s!io,k bim lo and fro; then shook him sgaio ; then laid him down ki.ej pick ed Lliu up; and fwllowrd that dlscinus with anothtr shake. When jjict repeat td shakes and the Ureliiogdicipiixf.lLa poor ftllov fiiialiy a4icc-ded. ia esuriea ting hia arm, it was severely- maegied witi tha teeth of ihe vicious chastiaer aad the aid of a surgtron was railed in rcdu ilion 10 drtss the wonuds." ' A S'tranpc Story The ifvrtlcr 'of lie ParlTh ,n Uy. X leTtcr c c jved ' t J u-inna-Jis frosa t Claik . conty, Jadlaiia. says Ual the mui Jerer of Ji Patk Ua&j U now known, aud that the evidcacs against him hia cooclusire. - He was ma of the pmraiant of the lyhcler, smd was particularly active !n having ihe negroes liung. Other jieTsons are tcliered to have been connected with the murder, scd a fill investigation will be held as loon ss arrests can be made in safety. RAILROAD SIGNALS. The following particulars of railroad signals will he iiteresling : Oi.e whislla of the hKomotive weans down brakes wo w histles, off brakes. tirce whlf- thrs. " back en" continued wb!it!j "dan. ger," a continued succession of twL"sUcs . t . . 1 f rw a u the catue ajarto. I ua cauinctor a sig nal, given by a wepig partir-c sf lha , hands ou s level with the cya iacaaa.2 go a a aheal, a oownwam mouoo oi ua itaao, V stop," a beckoning motion, ' to lack. A lantern raised and lowered verticsHy signals starting; swung at right air gTel or across the track, to slop ; fwacgln circle, to back. A ucd sg wareJVu,l$a t 1" at S S 1 yaca is a signal -oi oaoger j,UotstaaV4 sis lion is a signal for atOBoior : atnk,Lv - - mi - rr w the roadside is a si pal ai da&srr. cor aia mm. . m. track aaead i earned uafarted atyaaaa gint is signal that another engine it on ita v , ... -- - - A gool farmer wfll nerer sits!5el ' with his Aruiin until be. cts tit Jai . growing belter ercry jaar. r ui ;w i mm l " " .-"vw There sre none tbat flf Vo rfnf lfed'M those that barf raised ihfMOsrJvri fOm Vhe io3.fe 'pvinl'-K 1 v, 1- a j 5 i - 1 V J I 1

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