1 i , 'i.-r:; - vfty U ffSprlf i ilt:fflflf Ml ' I fills SH r IfP-1 iftlTiCSCf ATS. am v a : .:r .. -,! ' ' y' ' I 'J :y ' l;Hj ' U ; j . " j, 1 1 11 VOL. III. THIRD SEME (Eorclina Uiatclnnntt. r FUBLISHfD WEEKLY BT J. ,T. BUUNEU, t Editor and Proprietor. 1 BATES Of St'BCHIPTION ?2.50 .11.50 10.00 ; Sit Months, j " ----- S) Poiie4 to oijedlre, FEESR GARDEN SEEDS! JUST RECEIVED AT Store. I ljf fine sfortinetit. includinj: mt.l MfftlI Novelti.. lFigH iht not grow of thi-jtlw," nor enh pood vegetables be raised frotii inferior -.or old ecd. Appreciating thij fact, tff bnve pared ho pains to pnicure )nit Warranted Freih and Reliable hch cun conscientiously commend to our customer. - " i We would call upedal attention to th; German Wax Bean,; A 4 sirtngU-MH'aiid nioat desirable kind. Tbc? irojinv ToiiiaU now kurpasscs uu uiiicth in :M. and quality. ' i S f'Untaes.Kiri'r of KarHcH,", is now rAe Irish Potato, producing 400 btthhcl tolthe acre. ' i tfC'all of send for a Garden Manual, niake out Tour rki-l order, then buy1 ot KluttzA Caj and jou uill not be difap- tMuited hi tli n-siilt. ; TIIW). F. KLUTTZ & CO., j prujrjfists and 8ecd Dealers, i ! ' - Salisbury, X. il. ! I.S. fc will )re-Hiy postage on allseeds ordered by mail. 20:tt Family Groceries. JOHN A. HALL i i Iir the Stored louse of J. II. Verble, on I mil 44 iret"t' selling a will assorted stock of Fumily Greenes, consisting ot Coffee, agar Teas, Molasses , ; ' 1 1 m. BiiCON, JLARI), Con fecfionaries, Vegetables, Fruits, &c., iV:e., J-tJTat jrTy' Ar r cth and country jiroducft He jnyitcn ail to call and examine in jgnods, 'which, though not as large. in y(fi7las my be found elsewhere, are not inferior jin Quality, and will lc sold low. i Feb. 28, '72' 24:3m S : i - i : ' 1 f - ' - - RICH IV! O ND ! AJCl YORK RIVER RAILROAD. -o- X(4ic to Sluptias and tfie Travelling I ! Public. TIUtWKKKLV LINE between liiclii wond, Italtimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Doston, and all pints ""I Xorth and East, West ! 1 and orthwett. PASSENGER TRAIN Leaves Richmond rtnTn-sJys, Thursdays intStaidaTi. at 3 V. M cnuectlug with tle itplf oIi4 Sffamer - . ' i State; cf Virginia ; 1 , dAlvr. il w. fukpmav: vlWc-iNirtrted Points, jtrtiichlog at thJ river landiugsi anl arriviug ; iu Daltiinote on th follow iqe inorninir ii ; tiiria to eonnwt with tralus North and W?st Through tickets and Baggage checked to an points, j - D I" 33 A M n T" l-aTtS Uattlmore. Pier No. 90 L ght Street,! on Myodays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at j. M.'arrlflue iu Richmond attll o'clock tl following inoruing. Through liiUs of I Aiding liircn to all Points. 3T XI. 33 ( rom Kiehinond to Italtimore. 1 rui fnm Richmond to Pliiladt-lnlni, 7 jyj rom Richmond to New lork, () 5t) ffrymUichtuood to Boston, all rail, 17 23 roin Kicntoond to lioston, byouut 14 75 ! ! WM. N. BKAGG, Sunt. - KEUBE? FOSTER. Gen'l Agt., ! ! n i No. 00 Light Street, Baltimore J. L, TAYLOR. Ticket &, Flight Ac. V I J.' rt 1 j IlOTCUKissTTrarellibg Agt. 1 ! 1 . jiicfimona, a Iand iDeeds, Trustee Deeds Commissioner's Beedsi Sheriff ' iDceds,,Chattle Mortgages, &t, For Sale at this offic Tie. i mm & co s ! MiJQr-r.' r tttt? I I i Ui.so White Goods, jEmbroidries, &c. .. " JL r - . nV5 IifTOBTSlBBMARUFACTURERS JonUKBS. livr. .iuiiuia au Oil ' RIBBONS. y : ' : VELVET RIBBONS. NECK TIES'. Bmaet Sps, Satiis, Velvets and Crapes, rlowrrs,catlicn, Ornaments, Framss, kt. STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES AND ICHILDUEN'S.HATS, . ! , TRIMMED ApiD VRTRIMMKD. j , And in connecting WarerooiB t WHITE PODS, ihm, EMBROIDERIES,' 1 I XAClts, NETS, - ' ' ' COLLARS, SETTfi, ITANDKERCIIIEFS,' VEILING IIE AD NETS, 1 - " - I-" fc.J C.: ----r Ncs. 237 and 239 Baltimore street, Baltimore, JUL bought for?Cah directly from the European ana Amenean Marraractorers, embracing all the latest Jnoreltiea. unequalled in rariety ana cneapnesa m any market. Orders Uctlwith; care, promptness and despatch. S I " 25:2m:p Clover and Grass Seeds! VltESII, and nt lotrext. prices, i At THEO. - KLUTTZ & GO'S. 20:tf Ii ! Druir Store. 1 o K. Wt. l'RICE. . T. J. VaiCR. PRICE & BRO. enidve IIEUl FAMILY ROCERY STORE TO JENvIN'S CORNER, Wlior' tiiey will continue to Sell Flour. Meal, t rt'sli Meats. Iiacou. Ijifd. Butter. EggsJ C.fTee.Teai c.u i:..i.i.,. f.. ?-r?i"1 " - ' " . iihi, i'uh, 1 itnim .1111- lasse, &c I tugetlfer'witha lareeand varied stuck ut nousfholu and table necessities Bring your country produce to PRICE & BRO. (17:t0i A. M J. P. Gqwax. NEW OPENING. S ;; ' ! IMJK uudcr.siguc$ having associated them selves iulhusineis under the lirm name of I - i A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., 1 F T AVE opened irt R. J. Holmes' new build Jo -the Hardware Store, LaiUtr, next door whereJ they .will be pleased to meet old and new fmends.fi They Have a magnititent room the largest and best in townand Cirri 00K i OF GOODS, 1 ' MJllf Klt$JJNU a ycncral assortment. Ilard i and will cuarrantee a J ware e$ceyted good bargains as can be sold by any House in the Soiith. They will deal heavily in Groceries .Hid country Fiodiu. buyinff and selline. and invite hll who wish either to buy or sell to call on ihcin- - A. SULLIVAN & Co. J an 24th. j 872. MILLS & BO YDEN WljOLESA AND -RETAIL And Commission Merchants, - Salihuuut, March 1st, 1872. Keen constantly on hand a hirrre unrl rhnir stock of GENEltVL MERCHANDISE comprising Dry Gojds, Groceries, Wares, ete. ut which they would especially mention- Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSES bacon; - ' ' LARD, 'SOLE and - IIpir LEATHER. ' SHOES & BOOTS, HATS, BONNETS, PRINTS, MACKREL, SALMON jmpUTV. FLOWt ajidtEAU SOAPS, PEPPER and SPICES, L TOBACCO, , . LIQUORS, of all kinds always on hajid, of choice quality. k"S7 xjBoeqiai atieniion gn eu to consigp- mems ana prompt reiurns maae. . S4:tt This is to Glre IJotlce: That n 4he 1st day of Aptill' A. D., 1872, a war rani iu iianMruotcy; was issued against th . w a 1. I m - - estate of -Cii W. iBesseut. of Jt-ruotIm. in the Coiiuty df Davie' and State of North Caroliua wjio has been adjudged a Baukrut uMn liis own petition that th paymeut of auy defs. and the delivery of auy property boloning to such Bankrupt, to hitn or for his use aud the transfer of any property by him, arp forbidden by law. That a meetiugof-athe creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove thir delits, and elioise eue or more Assiguies-of $is estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy lo be hot den at the uouri ilu5e in Salisbury. N. C., before R. ii. nroaaneiu, f.sq at 10 o'clock; A. If 1I iHn t Kegitter iu Bankruptcy, M.t oa the 26th dav of April, A. D.il872. S T. CARHOW, U. S. Marshal. J. T. CUTHRELL, Deputy U. S. 30:3tPdl lr (Marshal and Messenger. Cheap iQiattle Mortgages, and tarious inther blanks for sale here. Have Pa ! S f R. A. MURPHY Having aain Organized for btflXS3, bare juat opened a STOCK of GOODS, entirely new ; and fresh , in the room formerly occupied m 4 he liardware Store, and nejci 'door to liiwsham ic Vq' to i the inspection of which they most cor j dially iuyite the public. Their Entire Stock 'M? was carefully selected by; the senior m ?m ber f tji firm iu pernon, and bought at rates i which will enable them to sell as QWtkr;CASH, as ' i in ihl (lUy, For Goods of same quaUlv. Their: Stock Is ffcneraf, embracing aU arious branches of Goods, Groceries, Croc1;ery Ware, Loots and Shoes Sole Leather, Calf and .Binding Skins, Gra'myand Grass, ScgtJics, Cap, Letter K : ( ir(;c Paper, ENVELOPES, PENS, INK, (c., an dii beautiful assortment of Thpy feel assured of their ability to I give intice satisfaction, arid especially in I vi'e old friends and cu.-toinerj to call and Dring;; with them their acquaintance. . , . . , 1 ncV xl"'cl' anu ena 10 iu"nisilii Hie irpwiiiuuii 01 me y;ia .uurpiiy House, whicljl is well known throughout Western Noriljj Qiuoliua. All ihey ask is an ex iniii4tioii. of their stock and the prices. No trpnble to phow goods, so come right along; Their motto, Small profits, ready pay and QUICK SALES. With a good stock, low prices, fair di&liii'g And prompt altentioii, they will endeavor to merit their share of the pub lic pajtrqnagc They are in the market for all kinds of produce and solicit calls from fyoth sellers and buyers. 1 B. & A. MURPHY. RQBT; MURPHY, ANDREW MURPHY. Salisbury, March 23, 1872. 27: ly Studwell Brothers 1 1 MURRAY Street, LlWEW YORK, Manufacturers :-! I and Jobbers of & SHOES, FOll SOUTHERN TRADE, ; 1! ' - Have a complete stock in all lines, includ ing their popular Granite State Puis, Kip Plow shoes, and onicns Pcb.bals. 0jf7rsolicited and carefully filled at lowest market rate. ! ij li J. E. MOOSE, Salesman, feb 2 tM 20:4im. HEAD & FOOT STONES, &C. ii JOHN H. BUIS IIyDKKiS bin compliments' to his friends L and the public, aud in this method would bring $0 their attention his extended facilities for meeting demands iu his line of business. lie is how prepared to furnish all kinds of Gravestone, froin the cheapest Read Stones, to tlnf costliest monuments. Those prefeiing tiyiesuu very cosuy worn k not on hand, can be accounnodated on short time, ftrictlv in ae cordant-e with speeihcations, draftsi and the lerm m me concraci. atIslaeuon puaran- teeU. ijiUe wui not be undersold, orth or honth.j Orders soheted. AddrcK, j 17;tf ' , j JOHN II. BUIS. Salisbury. I IMPORTANT NOTICE To hlanUfacturers of Tobacco 1 I JAMauthorized Agent for the Sale of James C MeA?fhkKw's brands of Liquorice Paste. I have Mst received 10 eases of the Brand "p T , au expect to keep a jrood stwk of differ ent nraiis on uauu aunng the present sea son. 1 win eu iuiquonce at r. T. prices, K. R. freightjfeddedi Tobacco manufacturers will do Well trgive me a call. ; I al$p keep constantly on hand a pood stock or geperal merchandise, including Staple. Ary uopus: vrrocenes, rroauee, dc. I ii ! K.J. HOLMES, i Salisbury. March 27. 1873. 9&5t. : ;j ) .i ALL WINDS 0 COURT ANDMA GISmATTlS' BLANKS at fhif office 1 v Dry 3' BOOTS T0MBl.fi SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 26 From the Southern Review. Art. VIII. ALAS: A SATIRE ON THE TIMES. PftEFACE 1. The following trenchant and powerful satire may, perhaM, b deemed too severe by sonic of our readers. If to, the im predion will ariw, we are persuaded, from detached parts or pa n&e of it only, and not from the poem consid ered as a whole. Indeed, no human language or imagination could give more than a faint and feeble idea of the awful corruption of th times. In private life there is, we rejoice to believe, much real virtue and piety. But bow i it in public like 7 Can patriot or phiUuthropiot con template the spectacle which this presents, with out, a feeling of . unutterable loathing and disgust ? Is not bribery ,and corruption, open and imd unblushing, the order of the day? Do they not stai abroad, and, with bra zen front, raise their hideous heads in proud contempt of an enfeebled public opinion, which fails to resent and rebuke the insult as it deserves to be reseuted and rebuked? In the words of our poet: ' If virtue lives, die shuns the public gaze, In fear and sorrow spends the weary days, With few to sympathize and none to praise.' The niort diflRtuting feature f all is, that our own once blessed country has bten snnk in this wide, sweltering mass of corruption, as in a con tinent of filth, by pretended patriots and philan thropists, N lash can be be too severe for such creaiurei; Creatures I Nat, call them not creatures r they are only: creeping thing which are horn f corruption only, ami which can only live, and move, and have their being 1 corruption. Ah they were not created, but only born ofcorrupiion, ho they can onlr breathe la an atmosphere of corruption, and breed 'creep ing tilings' like themselves. The times of Jn vcnal, indeed, did not more loudly call for the tremendous hish of satire than do these in whieh we live. Nor, in our humble opinion, did he apply that lah with a more vigorou hand, or witfi a juster discrimination, than it is applied by the author of the following satire. Alas! for ' the grand experiment on human nature as the Constitution of the United States was called by its authors, that it should have fallen a prey to the harpies Lv wbem the land has been devoured ! Proceeding on the supposi tion that man is not a child of wrath by na ture hut all pure within thus ignoring the eternal wisdom of God's word it has proved au Utopia as wild in the magnificence of its promise as sad in the meanness of iu perform ance. If, according lo the sublime en log t of Mr. Webster, it was the last hope of the world then has it left the world wrapped in darkness. Or if, according to the grand boast of Mr. Ban croft, our institutions are destined 'to win the world to freedom by the beauty of our example we can see no signs, as yet, of the on-coming po litical millennium, lo say nothing about the all transforming 'beauty of our example.' Alex ander Hamilton, the most profound political thinker and prophet of hia day, pronounced the Constitution 'a frail and worthless fabric' And so is every jolity or scheme of government which proceeds on the hyKthesis that man is not a fallen being, and "needs but a fair op portunity to display the wonders of his intelli gence and virtue. He has had that oppor tunity in this country, ?nd the result of liie grand experiment' is simply alas! alas! alas! We once had an honorable, hiih-ininded friend, who, as an 014 School Presbyterian, be lieved in the 4 total depravity of hum-in nature.' But, aa a politician, "we had often heard hiru discourse about ' the virtue and in telligence of the 1-eoplc without the least consciousness ol anv discrepencv in his views. On one occasion, some twenty-five years a"o. he ,1.1 I: : ri r , 0 ' iim.huuiciiw, 10 one 01 ins most eloquent harangues, how securely the happiness of this country rested on the glory of our free institu tions, and how securely the glory of our free in stitutions, rested on ' the virtue and intelligence of the people.' 'What, then,' we ventured to ask mm alter lusspeech was over, does the rirlue and intelligence of the people rest on ? On " the total depravity of human nature" ?' He looked puz zled, and frankly confessed that he had never thought of that question before.' He was a representative man. How nianv of our politi cians, of the better sort, have had one doctrine lor the closet, and another for the hustings 1 How many have been like the old cosmogonists, who placed the world on the back of a huge elephant, and the elephant on the back of an immense tortoise, but who, in their wisdom, never considered the question on what the tor toise rested. As, after the search of ages, it was discovered that the earth rests upon nothing, but is susjended, like a chandilier, from kbove from the great luminary that 'rules by day' so, after the quest of other ages, it will" be as certained that the moral and social world is not supported from below, but is suspended from above even from the Sun of Righteousness, which according to the magnificent metaphor of Malachi, has so gloriously 'risen 011 the world with healing in his wings.' 'The last hope of the world'! as Mr Webster profanely called the Constitution. Alas! it was no hope at nil; it was only an illusion. of the night, by which the minds of men were drawn away from ' the only hoe of the world to wan der amid happy dreams and bright hallucina tion for a season, and then plunge, with the awful roar of a thousand Niagaras, into the abyss and darkness of the times' we live in. There was, as 'the grand ex jveriment' haf shown morcsaviiigtruth in the 'Old School Presbyterian theology' of our friend than in this ' new-school political philosophy which so many of the divines of .the, present! day, as well as himself, have borrowed from the infidel writers of the eighteenth centurv. When statesmen, or polit- cal architects, shall return to the old-fashioned doctrine of the Bible, and shall, instead of walk ing 'in the light of their own eyes learn to bow with reverence to its inspired wisdom, we may hope for some good to come of their coun sels. But until then, each and every st-heme, bused on the hypothesis of man puritv by na Hire, which they may be pleased to invent for 'the regeneration of the human race, will per ish not otherwise than three hundred written constitutions perished during the first half of the present century. L pon each and everj one 01 mem nisiory win, sooner or iaiejr. wrne ine word, Alas! and point again, frfhV the fcVfnl corruption of the present, to ' the ouly hope' of the future. ALAS ! Gone are the men of noble heart and brain, The Great Republic's founders. All in vain We scan the spreading Empire to behold A single statesman of the days of old A single patriot whose only aim His country's welfare and an honest fame. Corruption reigns. Assurancejtalks abroad, Defiant of the laws of man and God. From high to low if high and low there be, Where scoundrels differ only in degree The deadly taint prevails; the putrid mass But struggles, each the other to urmss In crime and wantonness, till nature writhes With pain, and wonders if aught good survives. If virtue lives, she shuns the public gaze, In fear and sorrow spends the weary dayo, With few to sympathize, and none to praise. God help the land, so reprobate, so curst ; When will his thunders on this Sodom burst? There was a time how grand the scene appears To muse historic, smiling through her tears! When heroes struggled for a place and name Among the nations ; and when glory came, World-circling and undying ; when arose The yonng Republic, 'midst the pangs and throes Of revolution, and the dormant rihi 1872. Of government by numbers, not by might. vi largest, unerty, conjoined wuh law, . Asserted, struck earth's tyranny with awe. ? The right maintained by bloody aacrifice, Arid freedom won, the pearl above all price, ' With reasonings, ealoi and strong, and high . .. -debates .... Was forme I the love-bound union of the States. Of sovereign State, co-eqnal and intact. While Heaven's blessings crowned the act. I Tbe commerce spread her snowy wings afar, And kings and subjects h 000 red stripe and star The husbandman received a full return For-toil and care; what industry could earn, ; Bjr sturdy sinews and by sweat of brow. Went not to pamper lazy thieves, as now. No endless taxes ground the worthy poor Till ghastly famine haunted at the door ; Within was plenty, and around the board Daily the happy family adored Their Maker, thankful for the blessings given, ; And had foretaste of their future heaven. Religion flourished pare and undented. As taught by Virgin Mary's God-fnll Child. ; Devoted pastors guarded well their flocks. Nor smeared with dirty politics their frockn; ; The mystery of godliness their pride, And preaching Christ, the Saviour crucified. Then marriage was esteemed a sacred tie, ' And vows of love were not a Ironeyed lie; The seal of fond affection was for life, And death alone divorced the man and wife. : Obedient children, stout and fair to view, In goodly numbers around their parents grew Sure indication of a thriving State, As lessening offspring 'show the coming fate. ' Self-government was real office sought The man, not man the office, as it ought. The public servants labored to fulfill . " ' Their duties, mindful of the neonle'a will. The learned professions, were what tfiey professed, uiiacas ana 11 umut:g,u allow at Ine best. The bar was eloquent, the bench profound, Not brazen trumtiets. tlvTne emntv sound : The lawyer, zealous, faithful lo Lis cau4, The judge, the just interpreter of laws. Jn legislative hails decorum reigned ; No private ends were serve 1, 00 vantage gained, By cunning falsehood and by bribes of gold ; Notes in the market, were not bought and sold. Parties, there were, but rivals to sustain The Constitution without flaw or strain ; Not raving factions,) eager to deface Fait Freedom's temple aud her cause disgraW. From North to South, from East to lengthening West, The glow of patriotism filled each breast ; Brothers in arms, iu trials and iu soul. The silken bands of union bound the whole. Such were the halcyon day, the golden age, Emblazoned on the hUtoriau's deathless page. There came a serpent to this paradise, A spawn of hell, iu philanthropic guise, A saintly hopocrite, replete with lies, And treacherous counsels, and deceitful shows Of wrongs unfelt, imaginary woes, Fomenting discontent and sore distrust Of things that were, as rotten with the rust And wear of time, and clamorous for change : The substitution of things new and strange New constitutions, governments, and laws, To foster progress and advance its cause. So busily this evil spirit wrought, So eagerly his ready victims sought, So stealthily assailed and undermined Weak men and women, they were soon inclined To innovations, startling and absurd ; In morals, church and otate, their head were stirred, By fold suggestions and insidious guile, To disobedience, mutiny, and spoil, To envy, malice, defamation, hate, And deeds too vile and nauseous to relate. Laws, human and divine, were set aside ; No longer Kevela;ion was the guid? And guage of conduct; but the inner light. The higher law, was made the rule of right. hatever fallen nature craved to do Was done, and deemed the beautiful and true. To intermeddle, to provoke, excite i o desperation, was the foul delight Of saints professed. Nor did their efforts cease To fan disorder and impair the eace, Till patience, heated, ripened into strife ror honor, saletv, property, ami life. And civil war rolled on its mighty fleod. Whelming the fatal land in tire and blood ! Not ours the mournful dmv to unfold The tale of horrors, yet but faintly told : How sire and son in furious battle met, How brothers' hands with brothers' blood were wet, Plantations ravaged, fruitful regions made A drear and barren waste bv licensed raid License to rob, defile, and desecrate Altar and fireside, homes made desolate. Sad was the day, when phrenzy ruled each hour, And terrible the work of rage and xwer. Women aud children, flying to obtain The rudest shelter, often sought in vain. Arson and murder, deeds the gasping breath Can scarcely utter : outrage worse than. death, Torture and agony prolonged : and still o hope, no mercy but the victors will. Ah I who can estimate the fearful cost, When unity was saved and liberty was lost! 2o be eotUinttrd." Who Will be President. The Cincinnati . Movement Its Origin and Objects Explained The Prosjccls of Success Considcndllie k'lAibor llrforniers' " Ticket The Prominent Candidates for I'rcnident and Vice President The lkmocratie Partg Etc. Correspondence of the Richmor.d Whig. Washington-: April 14, 1872. As the period approaches when the question is to be decided al Ciucinuati who the next President will be, the interest a mongst politicians is becoming intense. As but few persons with whom I have met leetu to ntidtr-tand the Cincinnati movement, X have thought a succinct his tory and explanation of its beginuiug, objects and aims would be acceptable to the uumberous readers of the Whig. The tyraiiny established by the Radical party over the enire 8001 Ii was got rid of iu Maryland, Virgiuia, Tennessee and Missouri by a union or combination made with the more liberal and generous of that party and the Democratic party. In each of these States the selection of Re publican candidates for the prominent of fices carried over Republic a sufficient with the Democratic vote to relieve each of the States named above. A number of gentlemen in Missouri, having in that State witnessed the won derful success ft this policy, determined to make the patriotic effort to iuaugurata the same policy thioughout the whole United States, and elect, :f possible, a President aud Congress who would re lease the remainder of the Southern States, from the bondage and tyranny sfj carpet-bag rule. I his noble, this patriot ic purpose they have diligently sought to accomplish, and we are happy to say, with a bright prospect of success. To make it a success it is absolutely neces sary that the nominees at Ciucinuati NO. bould both If from tU Republican party It most be dut-and-out-ont a BennhlVsn movement. 'The candidates must be not those -who ere Republican and turned T . . VL. t .1 . ttiii,yni imo loose wtio are note RepvblicansAd will be able to draw at least 10 per 4ent. of the Republican Tote to the ticket.) It fa believed there are al least that somber of b nest, patriotic, Hjht-tbink-inj men In tl e Republican ranks who are willing-now tj reverse the Grant policy of hatred to tb feoatb, and at least make the trial of one c ' kindness andjtmice. Therw are 1 lso quite a number of Re publicans who, disgusted with (iraut's stealings, wil be willing to. rote for any other Rrpubl caa candidate, net ouc of whom would rote for a Democrat. These two clatset pT Republiant will be sufH eient to make up all losses from disaffect ed Democrats and seeure for the ticket a handsome ma ority. These pent emen bare carefully avoid ed evtrjwhc the camp-followers, the spoilsmen, tin plunder-hunters, guarding against the si spicion that the movement was to feed 1 angry Democrats. "They know full well that any judiciously select ed ticket will j-eceive aa against Grant the cordial and almost unanimous support of tbo Democrat masses. The Important and telling point is to hare a ticket that will divide iliejRepnblican Jriy, separate the patriotic, ikmest L'epuNkan jrom the spoilsmen owrfj the office holder. A eet of tuiniug, shrewd spoil seekers , seeing the bold this patriotic movement waa taking on the people, determined to block the gam and anticipate their nomi nations by ' s-eeling in advance of the CineiuiiSlti Convention candidates for President and Vice Pn sklent. Assem bling at Columbus, Ohio, and assumiag the popular na ne of "Libor Reformers," they nominate! Judge Davis, of Indiina, for President ind Governor Paiker, of New Jersey, f. r Vice-President -the first a Republican, he last a Democrat. Thus a party that cannot control an electoral v f in the whoie United States undertook to dieiate who should be the standard bearers in the mighty conflict that it toon to shake this Ooiillut lit front its centre to its circumference the coutlic t of bleit v wiiu despotism It must be coucedcied that these Col umbus men showed great sagacity in the selection of thejr candidates. Judge Da vis is ptobably the most popular aud available man in the Republican party -is not tinctured with Democracy now or at any previous period of his history.--The Republicans concede his ability to carry Illinois. Governor Paiker, their nominee fer Vice-President, has oltru been spoken of in connection with tl.e I'r. ai.tl.tll-V ltft ln.11 lis. r r. mtmw rt . . . larity amongst Democrat than Governor Parker. 1 hese CnlumLus iuvii did not, 1 .la. . . . However, lake 11I the piomiueut idea alM the bottom of this great movement, which was that tlio ticket that would unite most Republicans iu its favor should be nomi nated. The developments iu favor of Davis, since hiaj tioinitiation at Columbus, have beeu so sljrong, although be is not the choice ef Carl iSchurz and the other movers in this great resolution, yet the public voice strongly poiuts to him as tLe coining man. Judge Davis is a native of Maryland and au old-line Whi about sixty years old, weighs near three hundred pounds aad reminds mo of those old big-brllied that were wont in yeais tobacco plauteri gone by to assvinhle at the taverns in to Lynchburg aud discuss the price of bacco and iiiziTorr. lie has all the honest simplicity of Ibpsc men connected with a vast deal more brains, lie is a very rich man and will not, like Giant require to be bribed byipreseuts. For near thirty years be has been 011 the bench in Illinois aud the Supreme Court States, where A is to be 01 iue 1 nuru seen now daily 111 the court-room in luc lapilol. lie was the friend and executor of Lincoln. Many of bis decisions have besu much adtniied. liis opinion ia the Jlull gen case called forth the apprcbation of every loerof human liberty. His dissenting opinion in the case of Cut imings was as sincerely condemned. lie ia such a stickler for . a 1 t . 1 w ar States rights be1 waa lwd here iuto a gross error. The case came up from Missouri aud makis all the Missouri poliiicans hos tile to him. It Lj the only jjead weight he will have to canyr. A candidal; without a single ebjectiei cannot be found. Another gent eman much Ulked abont is Gratz Brown, soori. ' To him present Governor of Mis- probablr more than any other one man is the South indebted for this grand movement for her deliverance trom her nppres iwi. lie is a rwemuca iau, descendant f a family of that name who migrated at in early day from Rock bridge county, Ya., to Knturky. The Rer. Dr. Rrowji and the late John Thompson Brown, of your State, are of the same stock 4f people. He wts oue of the leaders of the great revolution in Missouri, was a (Republican, always dis trusted Grant, wjiich probably has much to do with his eaving the Republican party. The coi lroling objection lo his nomination is thhttre hails from a State tecure for the nominee whoever he may be. He is a Ripublicati turned Demo crat is of couret hstel by Republicans and could bring I o strength to the ticket. : Adams, of Mass: cbusetts, is Cari harx's candidate. He s a descendant of the Presidential faint y of Adams, a pure, up iht statesman o; superior abilities. New England ideas having brought the coun tjj to what it is, he would be sup ported with great reluctance both in tlio South aud West. He could not bring a Xew Enelaud State to vote the ticket. Last, bat uotltait, is Lymsn lrumoun, now one of the Sl uators from Illinois. He was born ia Connecticut, and has been a prominent politician in Illinois for as a Democrat then as many year, first a Republican; voted for all Grant's ob noiiom neasurs;l ia as popular with the 32. WHOLE NO. 822 Democrats as Davis, but be la much more of a politician tbau Davis. The leader in this movement prefer Trumbull to Da vis. The latter baa positively irfused to indicate who shall be the recipients of the patron sge of the government ; la other words, is too honest for politicians. As the proplo bave no aay in these mailers, managed as they are exclusively by the politicians, the chances are that the dele gates to Cincinnati will be so manipula ted as to give the nomination to Trum bull. If either Trumbull or Davis be nominated, apd it ia proclaimed broadcast throughout the country that tbo patron age the office of the country will to be given to the Uepublicaaa the triumph of the ticket ia sure. For Vice-President the candidate are legion. Governor Walker, of your State, has paid several visits to this city recent ly. It is believed be II not averse to serv ing the people in that office. He has, however, do show. The saot rtaaoni that rule out Grata Brown apply to Gov. Walker. He was a Republican, turned Democrat, is of course baled by tho Re publicans and eanuot bring a Republican vote to the ticket, and lives in a State con sidered certain for the ticket. Wo Vara not time or space to discus tb claim of the numerous candidates for tb oCce. -Suffice it to say tho choice, ia oar judg ment, is narrowed down to two men-" Horace Greely, f New York, iu4 Gov. Curtia, of Pennsylvania. Ai between these two gentlemen tho Cincinnati Con vention will probably select Gov. Cartin. He lives in Pennsy lvauia, which is a doubtful Stale. Coitm on tb ticket it csases to be doubtful. Xew York ia known to be safe. The recent nomination of llartranft for Governorof Pennsylvania by the Cameron men has given great dissat isfaction to the McCiure and Cur. in wing of the Republican party. With either Davis or Trumbull as President and Cortiu or Greeley for Vice President the success of the ticket is in evitable, unless it should be defeated by ?h stupidity, obstinsey and dogin-tbe-manger seihshntss of the Democracy. That many of the old f gy leaders of the Democratic party who have been keut out iu the cold" for SO lonr a time, meu who bavo been huagering and thirsting for the? spoils, will oppose this movement with great bitterness is to bo expected. When, however, they see that the patriotic masses are throwing op their hats and shouting for its secect they will very soon cave 111 and do likewise. When tb-- people are salificd that the object of this great movement is to relieve the South, tak from her the burtlwcs that now weigh her down, all pod meu of all ... aa.. j parties will co operate. 1 be disbanding the great and powerful Democratic party i not contemplated. That paity with its three millions of voters will march into the fight with its banners streaming, actuated solely by patriotism and love of country, deterraiuea to rescue the Capi tol from the gotbs aud vandals who hold it in possession. So soon as these nomi nations are made, Grant and bis salelites seeing that it is a Uepublican and not a Democratic ticket they have U fight, will at once chaisge their tactics and begin. to court llie votes of the Southern people. It would net snrprise us if Morton him self should be the first to lead off and move for universal amnesty. Iong be ( ire the battle has been fought, the ?OUlh will realize her approaching deliverance and acknowledge the wisdom and philan thropy of the grcit movement. We add a list of Stales that are now considered sure for this ticket, 171) being necessary to elect, with more than an equal chance for half dozen others : New York, 34 ; New Jersey, 9; Delaware, 8 ; Maryland, b; Virginia, 11 ; North Carolina, 10; Geor gea, 11; Alabama,!); Kentacky, 12; Teuac'trc, 11 ; Indiana, 14; Illinois, 21 ; Missouri, 12; Arkansas, C ; Tens 6; Ore gon, 3 ; West Virgiuia, 5 ; Pennsylvania, 26; Nevada, X making 217 electoral votes, 38 more than uecessary. Shis es timate is based on the new apportionment. If the election is held uudcr the appor tionment of lbGO the whole whole elec toral college is 30i, of which th opposi tion to misrule will rreeiv 187, or 61 majority. URSKRVKR. WKSTKRN N. G. RAIL ROAD. Wc- were pleased to meet on yesterdaT and form the acquaintaoev of Col. Hud natr, chief engineer of the great Southern Railroad Company, who is now examin ing the line from Old Fort to Wolf Creek w ith the view of determining its practica bility and the probable coat to complete ft. The company the Col. represents is said to be samv as the Pennsylvania Central He says his company is anzions toget this road, "and to do so are willing to pay a jn t aud reasonable cotapensation for it. It is ssid that this company has already purchased the Fas tern Division, and w have just been shown a letter from tho President of our Western Division to the effect that he can, and will in a few days, make disposal ef his part of the liae. This company, if the whole line is transferred to them, will commence ork in ten days thereafter. They propose to complete'the road from Old Fort to Wolf Creek within eighteen months st farthest, and as much sooner as possible. i nen will a 're to carrv the road on to ttiey Ducktown aud eommmce it at as esny a dy as possible. As this is lb onlj chance, ia our opinion, for Western C. to get a road, we enhesitatiagly say e theni bave it. If they get th road ihey will obligate themselves for the Con struction rf the whole line within a speci fied time. Let them have it. A nhrrillc CHixen. Can a mau be charged with think ing too much of this world when thy trampV uud.r f.wvi fwry .lav-? :3 ill IS Iu i! I t ,