..(Mi.: ' ! - j I V f ' f" I J' I !i ' jl . .1 . l' !':.'';. i ! f . ; ff i r I f.r ! - . . ; ; ! . . I ! : ' - - ' i C . .. t; i: :l to i , I : ! i ; ! ,H stW - P i . viv V- I'l r- ' 1 Si I 1 (Unrolinn lUtttcljutnit r PiritlSlIEO WEEKLY BT J . .Li BUHNER, Wiiir'md Proprietor. . 41ATF.S OF l lirilll'TION OkR BAR. 'tn " .six' Months, " 1 " $2.50 !. . 1 1000 fresh - " GA'RDEN SEEDS ! i; Sl'ST IltiVKIYKD AT f-n ii nii I ' ! 9 ruQ Store. trA fine nsportmtjnt, including some de- MrHIM)' i M UJ l ivtj. i m ..t " r w " ihistUV br can pKxl vcrctl!o lie raised i Iromiinftlrior or uUl stk Apprikiating - tltj- fwt', jv lutve fparcl no pains to procure ivlv.lTt'rnrf ' nnU JieliuUc fiends. j vlilefcv( cm con-joiitiou1y commend to I V'e vi)uld vail ppiori.il attention to the J GeirmanVax Bean, I Mrinlcs! ami rnwt deiraWe kind. Tlia j Trophy Tomato now Wurpasscx all others in Win n"d Quality. X ' Hnrsef Kinj .rlief," is now the by I'otkto, producing 400 bushels to tlie i. at re. j IJ-i7"t4 ol i'd ,tbr a ftaiden Manual, ! niaki! out yolir N-il order, tlien buy ol Klult. ifc C)., 'and you will not le disap . Mintsl iii the rcKultr TIIEO. F.i KLUTTZ & CO., i l! Drujris'ts and Seed Dealers, : I; ' - " I Salisbury, N. C. ! l'.S, te will jre-piy postajjje on all seeds ordered ty mail. 4 0:tf Family Groceries. i s JOHN A. HALL In! tliit Store-IlonseTof .1. H. Verble on fnniw!trM-t, is selling a w-ll assorted stock; of; Fahuly (Iroeeries, eoiwistinj; of Coffe?, Sugar, Teas, Jfolasscs, iliACDN, tbiifcctionfiries, Vegetables, Fruits, -7"a! rerti . loir rntr for cmJi and eountry produ.Ci1 le invites all to call and examine liii pooils, which, though not as larre in may be found elsewhere, are not tj'iimtify fin interior in nuality, and will le sold low. Feb. 28, 24::$m ; R S C H m Q RJ D AMl K RIVER -VoiVt; o SJii ,' and the Travelling PuLlis.. TIU VKKKLY LINK hct,reen Rich. niotnlj Haiti mure, I'hildilrfjjhia, Nciv . 1 1 6rJ:, and'-fioston, and aU points Xor(h tnul lumt. West . and Xrtlrest. PASSENGER TRAIN L':ivr Rich mood on TneiwIaTS, Thursdavs aiHl Stqrclajs, t 3 P. M.,c nneeting with' thv iiplfijdid (Steamer State of Virginia I CArrJ L. w. freeman. i 'Fori the Above-Xtmcd Points. ' l .'!...! I . ! i ' i toHflnnjj: at river landings, and arriving in Baltinhore' ju the following mornitiirrr tiint to (jonnert'with trains North and V?st 't. : t .. ... . " urougn lltKets aua lJajgas;e, checked t. all Hiintp.,. Iave Baltiiitore. Pier NdT DO L:cht Street. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4 l liw ill u t fllowint uiortiing. ! i i 'Jhrouqii Dills of Lading Given to al i 2'oints. -A. jEX 33 r rotn Richmond to Ualtindire. Fn.ttf Rlchntohd to Philadelphia, i Proiii Richmond to New Vork. 00 (11 lo r0 r'i-oin Richmond to Rosonj all rail, 1 7 25 ProtuK jchmood to Boston, by Sound 14 75 I WM. X. BRAGG. Stfnt. UEUI1EN, FOSTER. Ceu'l Agt.. 4 j ' VXd.W Lijht Street, Jtaltimorf. Ja.. TA.VLOR, Ticket A: Freieht Agf. L Richmond, Yd. HOTCMKISS, Travelling Agt. ! i(5:3in. Inhd' Deeds, Trustee Deeds pmilssl0ner's Deeds, Sheriff ACCtJ: Chattlc 1 or tenses, &t. For $.ilc at mi. uu TIIEO. P. KLI TTZ & CO S RIGE . . . , j si. , ex b si sup in 11 i iifi ii. I If TT V . ' ' 171 H ! IIRB 7k, I'IBlRltl I,' It XMII , i ci O I'Pim. i . -kSi . ffll I.I.I i t&S nl.Bl- BllD.K tt a B Ea cf K a.-uii.-ala9: a aanw, u P MriKnio oi.Uiu iuitl duwnc7 . i 4 r 4 i x ALsi) iWhito Goods, Embroidries, &c. i nit I iii i.i ir 1 1 ii i in; at dtPOnYR9, f AN1TP A CjT U KEL8 4r JOBBEES. ' liAYYTT frniilinvr irrm.-' iviv oinn1 wv.i.imij i Jliaut .ILlft ;1.1U lVW i 1 J RIBBONS. VELVET RIBBONS. NECK TIES Bonnst Silks. Satias. Velvets aa 1 d. 4r- I --.-x Flowf rs, fatlirrs, On amt nls, Framt. ie. STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES AND ITIILDKE S HATS, TntHED AXD UltTUIMMED. Ahdio connectibg Caferooma WHITE c0DS,-LI1EJS, EIBEMDEBIES, I . I LAOEH, NETS. collars; setts; biandkerchiefs, VEILING, . 1 . '., he. lTos.-23T and 233! Baltimore street. Baltimore, Ml. i ' Thes uooas arc mAnulactured Iv us or i i s Imiio-lit for fcimh illi- tu- Vr, and American Olanulaqturers, embracing all the latest, novelties, in equal led in variety and cheapness in any ijtarket Orders filled with fare, promptness and " A iic.iaici. , i Cloveiiand Grass Seeds! FlllCSIJ, and at ?lir. priees, At TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO'S. 20:tf . I Drug Store. 5" - 1 . R. W. FiiKtE. T.J. Price,. ' PHICE &BRO. Tiij:iu GHdCERY i; . FAMILY STORE ' TO; JENKINS CORNER, 1. . hre they will tlnntinne to Sell Flour. Meal, Fresli Meats, iiacmi, Iard. Butter. E'irgs. CoffeA Teas. Sikar. Salt. Pickles. Mo lasses, A'c , together pth a large and varied ftock of husehold ajnd stable necessities. IJiiug your Country produce to r PRICE & PRO. (I7:tf) A. M. Sci.LjtVAJf. J. P. Go WAX. NEW OPENING. i ; ! III I - uuldcrsirnod hjivinn. assoeiated them selves ijn lusmes, ufiuler the firm name of A. M. SULlllVAN, CO., HAVE opened iu R. --.111., litAe: miui nj imi imiutvurr! more, - where tboy wjll he plqased to meet old and new friends. Thcr hav a mfisrnrficent roohi- the largot anil bu.tiu lowu and V. Ltarge tt? SlploaxcXid. of goods, ( u PRISING a 'uW-ml axxorlment. Hard- v. ware eieruteu, aim will euarraiitoe as good bargainas can bd sold by any UmTse in the South. They will dfal heavily in Grocerie and country Pioducp. Uuvine and selliUL'. and invite all wlniwish either to buy or sell to call on thorn A.M. Jan, 24th. J?Ti. BULL I VAN & Co. inuf BOYDEN WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL And Csmnissli m. Msrchants, SAMKitrhv, March ist, 1872. Keep constantly on hind a lartre and choice tock of OENLKAI f Ptiitr a i'rT;ii comprisino; Dry Goodi Groceries. Wares, etc. of which they wulil especially lnention- Sugar and Coffee of all grades, molasses,! bacon; laRh. SOLE ahd ijp&er leather: SHOES BOOTS, HATS, i BONNETS. PRINTS. jIAtMthL, SAUION TROCjT. .. W , FJAJUlt an MEAL, - , .iSOAPSJ k iw PEPPER and SPICES. TOBACCO, ' - LIQUORS, of all kinds always on hand, of choice oualitv. Jdf'Esnecil' attention given to consign ments and prompt -recuirosi made. This is to Giv TToticc : That tu the 1st day of .April. D.Y ' 1872 j a - wr r.iut in BanWruutey was issue.1 ajratnt tjie estato-of (I. W. Bebfent, j of Jerusaleui, in the County of jDavie and State of North Carolina who has been adiuded a. Rank nipt uptii hi fiu petition that the ! in l'inn it -.in. J.l.t.j .,,..1 1. .1. .!:..,. . jp I ....... . v.. uruin I.IIl. -A lirion J Ol any property liielongiisr to such Bankrupt, to rniu or for his use, anl the transfer of any property by ldth, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the credi ors of said Bankrupt to prove their drbts aua choose cue of more Assi;nHe8 of Ins estate, will be held at a Court of Batkroptcr jiol be hohlen fit thi l-ourt House hi Salisbury. N. C. before R. II. Broadfirld Register in Bankruptcy, at 10 uVloek. 'A. M on the bth dav of S. T. CARROW, I IT. S. Marshall April, A. U., Ig72. T. CUTIIRELL. Deputy U. S. Marshal nnd Messenger. 30:3tpdl i j , Cheap Chattlc Mortgages, and Various other blanks for sal here. ,., J ww v Vf HiV,e Removed - i III liliilltli .411 II II I! . 11 !:"""Ji. 1 'ij'W ""! ' ' " i I RIaE3URPHY i I HI 3 S aTin'nsraiii Organized for - K of GOODS, ffl lNl! reiifu - ij. neijr. and fresh, in th room irmei;V; occlipied an the Hardware Store, i'l to.tBinShmi & Cp.,. toJ f Ufe; inj5tfetronf which they I iuot 'cor- idiallv iiivite the uhn. Ti.-ir wai earefuHjr selected by the eenior m?m- ber mi the firm in person, and bous;!it at ratel tlfhieh- will euablo them to Bellas low, (oCASJI, as I'm. - 5 i ui-ir a - bla m r zm m ikr j it .' ?SW -' --:-'o t ynrioau branclic ot Goods. Groceries, C rod cry "Ware, Boots and Shoes Sole Leather, Calf and ' D V Binding Slcins, Grain and I H : I- -'J-;i H Grass, Scythes, Cap, Letter I b Mr i : and Xote Taper, '.- i!; 5 EXfaLOPES, 1EXS, IXK, iCc, andpaiibenUtiful assortincnt of Thejt feel: assured of their ability to givejenfire satisfaction, and especially in vire )ldlfrieiids and cuTomerf to call and pbrinj with Ithem their acnuaintanets. The expect and intend to maintain the reputation of the Old Murphv 1 onse. which j well known throughout Western (fa roll i ta. All ihey ask is an ex- North niey asi aminati n ot their stock and t he prices. No tfoti !Jo t6 phow iroiuls. so coon- rin-hi along I he:ir motto, tojit$) ready pay and QUICK SALES. Sntat Witli It a ood stock, low prices, fur dealing-sand prompt attention, they will I eudeiUttt- tojrueru their share of the nub- i lie pAtrhna They are in the market f ii I J iti1 c i t,,r V$ i- Produc ' eoiicil ealls from both 6illers and buyers. P j! B- & A. MURPHY. ROltT. MURPHV, ANdKKW MURPHY. Salisbury, March 22, 1872. Ji7:ly (Brothers 17 MURRAY Street, ilifEW YORK, anltfacturer3 and Jobbers of BOfe & SHOES, FOU SOtJTHflRN TRADE, Havacomplete stock in all lines, inclnd ioj; th(ir popular Granite State Rah, Kip flip? shoes, and omens Peb. txtls. OBdcs solicited and carefully filled at lowest rnarkft rate. J. K. MOOSE, Salesman. fob 2 l,Vm. -A X. & Jril!1 smum HEiD k FOOT STONES, &c. JOHN H. BUSS '"IENPKKUhis compliments to his friomds 1- iin the; public, and in this method wnild bring: to itheir attention his extended facilities for meeting demands in bis line of business. He irf:iiow prepared to furnish all kiuds of (Jray Sihnes. from the cheapest Read Stone, to the cHstHe.st monaments. Those tirefeiirw ' styles; and very costly works not on hand, can , be accommodated on short time, strictly in ac- cordabcef with specifications, draft, and the , term4j oft the contract. Satisfaction guaran teed.'! Hi .1li not he underRohl, North or Sootri Orders solicfnd. Address, JOHN H. BiJIS. Salisbury IMPORTANT NOTICE To fjfynvfaetarcrs of Tobacco ! ! J AM atithorized Agent for the Sale of James 1 C-MyAxpUKW's brauds of Liquorice Paste. I havia jdt received 10 cases of the Brand "P T", and ekpect to keep a g,H1j stock of differ-' ent bfhuds on hand ttttring the present season.- I will sell Liquorice at N. Y. prices,!. R. freight added. Tbacro manufacturers will do well to give nie a call. J I also j keep constantly on hand a good ritockif gptjeral merchandise, including Staple, Dry G.ood.-i , Groceries, Produce, Ac. j T ! I R.J. nOLMES, Salisbury, March 27. 1S72. 2:5t. ALh KINDS of COURT AND 21 A GISTrIa TES' BLAXKS at this office mm S10G Iltirs SlOGK I .H t! ,5 i i if i . f ait 1 Ml? 1 I !Bi j- Studvvell 20 I I : : I l7 . . llni'ctimi'iai, i IX sv,; t'.li-U I W& TOMBS. From the Southern Review. ' Art. VIII. ALAS : A SATIRE ON THE ; ! : . TIMES. , - . ; ,. .; - , ALAS J " Alas, the change! Where Rhone a Washington, Begrimed with unioke, sits Jesse's puffing son, The cjotid-couipelling deity'vho rule His piebaid worshipers of knaves and fooln; A thing of accident, a bladder blown' ' By. favoring fortune, and her special own. BoorUh in mnnners, poor in iho't and speech, His pen and tongue below the critic' reach Stupid and stubborn, aforning all ndvicr, And selling office for the highest price, Sarin? provUion for his best of kin, Who, out of place and pocket, must go in. Gambler in gold and stocks by go-betweens, A pleasure-Keeker upon other' means ; v . A brazen bejrgar, with an outstretched hand, Ready for honsca, horJefT!os, and land ; Nothing amiss to hi unquenched desires, Little or big alike his creed inspires:' A cottage here, a broad plantation there, Down to a tavern bill or rail raid (are. Dull to hi country's honor or her shame, Indifferent to her interests or her fame, -So he can drive and drink and smoke the same ! No loafer need despair, nor satire want A fitting subject, while there lives a Grant. If such the thief, what then the rank nnd file The myriad mideriings, who snuff their spoil Like greedy "vultures hunting for their prev ? Their depth of degradation who can sav? Boldly they steal, harass, insult, oppress" The sons of toil, who vainly seek redrew. Backed by a ready soldiery they fear No check upon their infamous career. The courts are powerless. If disposed to make Some slight resistance, for appearance sake, The fiat of an honest jnde is met By gleaming sword and conquering bayonet. But few the honest judges. Even the Court Still calieujiij reme and of ihe last resort, Yhoe manihite once none dared to diwobev, When Marshall' massive logic held the swav, len Story'fc polished periods charmed the ear, And Taney made each doubtful Question clear. Now, crouching, trembling in its projer sphere, Waits for a higher jwer to interfere, And, careful nlv of its pay and ease, Siiapea its decrees the President to please. And whaTthe Congress but a brawling mob, A banded ring to speculate and job; Open to bribery, courting an advance Coqueltishly, its favors to enhance, Like practised courtezans; a lawless league For plunder by connivance and intrigue; Wide mouthed with fulsome cant of brotherhood And equal ri-hts for every race and blood, While given to drunkenness and beastly lust, And trampling constitutions in the dust, And wielding, in the sacred name of law, The vilest despotism the world e'er saw. O topmost shame ami wonder of the times! All language fails to indicate your crimes. The boast eii Capitol, whose lof'y dome .Vie- with the splendor of the ancient Rome, Whose marble floors at.il grided walls should he The home of statesman -hip and puri'v, Reels with the load of ignorance and -in. Slinks with the utter rottenness will. in. No more Virginia's gifted sons adorn Its storied halls, as in the nation's morn ; No more Ca:bo;in' rrphctiu voice explains The Consiiiuiion and i- rule sustains; Where Allies and Pinckney, (.'lay and Webster spike. Are heard the soneles quacking of a Drake; Morton, diseased in body and mind, Emits his poison to pollute his kind; Butler, the beast, alt decency defies, Hi- hruti.-h heart more crooked l-han his eyes; And JSumner, imbecile for aught but evil, Now plays the Puritan any now the devil. It more yon asklhe contrast to complete, Behold a negro in a Davis' scat. Sickened, we turn frcmrulers to the ruled Like mass and masters, save the crushed and fooled. As base and wicked, else why not asert Their manliood, and rise upward from the dirt And filth of their condition? Why not be Freemen in fact as weli as in theory ? Grovelling, debauched, depraved, thev onlv think Of monev-making and the dollar's clink : Wealth, by all means of fraudulent deceit In trade and fabrics, glorying in the cheat ; Poison in liquors, shoddy everywhere, Swindling in all we drink and eat and wear; l Hti'ie combinations to enhance the price Of stocus ami bonus, by every low device To cunning known, or to depress the same For purchase by the shufllers in the game. To break a sacred (r;ut. to bankrupt friends, To use a public fund for private ends, Defraud the revenue, or rob a bank, Gives to the perpetrator fame and rank. Fair specimen of bond and railroad trick, See Fik, the ei!dler, with hi coach and six ; For patent humbug, proudly by his side, See llclnitHilu roll in equal pomp and pride, While Chamberlain airl Morissey combine To furnish samples in their ecil line In conseqnenre and character, no more Nor less the difference than six to four. No matter if a city groan and liked, If marble stables can l e built for Tweed, And Connolly a fair division make Of public plunder for hi conscience's sake. None care for others' rights, or wrongs, or pains, So not disturbed in Jthcir ill-gotten gains. Willi thee they take their till of sinful joys, Indulge in pleasure whieh the health destroys, Through all the maze of vice and folly run. j Mix up religion, politics, and fun, i Asaociulp :ilik with Viripalj aiwl eirellj ! Subscribe to ehurehes .Tpd keti r!tmhlinr hell i.- i.. . . r.i ni ini'p otuiuv inn ii-niifi i. kiihwj (iro-s exhibitions from the head to toes Of dancing cyprians, at th chief resorts Of luxury and fashion, whrrc all sorts Of men and women gather, -port fast tenms, With liveried footnien,'midsi applausive reams Of silly maidens and mnteh-mnking wire. Who cry, delighted, 4iracioc.s!how he drives!' So hoseiy tieJ, the social hamlabf life Arc useless to prevent domestic rife, Or guard the fame of husband and of wife. Scorned are all rules the wi-dom of the par.t Devised and honored. Furious and fast Society drifts onward ; all are free - To roam abroad with fullest liberty. TIw ties of family are cobweb threads, A frail moquito-bar for marriage beds. Husbands get tired of wives, or wive get tired Of husbands, by some fresher olject fired. Affinities are eay to he found, Desertions and adulteries abound. Courts grant divorces for the least pretence, Without investigation or defence ; Hence quarrels eonie, as raging beasts contend For lustful empire and each other rend. Suspicion watches, jealousy .iwakes, Then fell revenge its satifietion takes; And, worst of all, to corer shame and pride, Result untimely births, infanticide, Or base abandonmef.t to s: ranger's care Of offspring in the phrenzy of despair. O love! the sweetest, dearest charm of earth, Without which human life if nothing worth, Which in its purity, received and given, Yields joy nnpeakable, a gleam of heaven Is this thy doing? j Never! never! never! Thy way are innocent and truthful ever. Thou springest up within the yearning soul. All thoughts, desires, and passions to control, But not for evil. 'Tis thy nobler part To warm, to soften, to expand the heart, To polish manners, to exalt the mind To brigher, beautify, and bh?ss mankind. And woman, peerlen woman in. bet olatfe.v Mjiier j -onion oi.tlus loul diMcrajceT . Haa she.beeii faithful lo her womanliood ? . nave all Her inQuences been Ibr rood ? Hm $he resisted does nhe rtriv'e to ty ' TheTorbid torrenrr.n'lTir(fotrnward way T Anwer, ye frivoimM and flittering things, Who flutter by the pea-side and the 'prinfs, At parties, balls, and social gathcrir:s Do ye tiot cottrt the flames that scorch your Win;? , What aire ye but for fasldorw lavs and dr(, j And be4 adorniaent of your lovelii.es For velvets, aatins, Iace, diamonds, pearls, Deceptive forms and face; kinks and crr;s. The rtiorning calls, the evecir? grand arad-, The kindling wait, convenient masnuernde. Ana ii ine ctutrc Kr youth and beaut? laid ? Dotn6t your manner, talk, and broad displ?v Mark you for watclif.il kikVan easv rrvv ? " j And inwer, ye bold, brar.cn, modern lights. Ye brawling champion of womna's rights, Miscallctl strong-minded, who disturb and rex The pubReear, dnmindmT of your sex ) Who travel loosely round and make stutnj epeeches, Rending theairwith your infernal screeches, Or write flash articles for trashy papers, Defensive of free-lov and cupid'a cajH-rs ; Who acale the pulpit and (he courts of law, And threaten both with an eternal jaw I not 'confusion worse conf.tuiided' made, A hotter hell created bv your aid ? Why all this clamor? hy thus rant and rave? What are the glorious right.-, denied, ye crave 7 The right to dabble in thu filthy pol Of politics, and hare the coo u try 'k. rule ; The right to vote, bob! oflice, rear, and jump, And fiighten adversaries on the stump; The tight to elbow your obstructed way Through rough and refros on election day ; The right to rival Sambo, Muggina, Toots," To wear the hat, the breeches, and the boot ; The rigljt to drink and gamble, smoke and swear Do everything the worst of men can dare; Go everywhere the wor-t of men are seen, And be a coarse, an rttdc, as low, as mean These are the rights ye elaiui and justify, Making the words of JIo!y Writ a lie, Which tell the wondrous tale of wyuiar' birth. From Adam formed, as he from dust of earth ; Which mark her post and mission, the design Of her creation by the Rower Divine. To be of man a part, wi.h him entwined In closest union, body, soul, ami mind; Not independent, nor of equal rate, Nor tit for t'oyernunnl of Church or S:ae; Hi weaker part, but purer, more refined, And nobler in the spher for her designed ; Mor pliant, graceful, leautiful to see, As clinging vine around the stately tree, Man's best adornment and his chief delight, His bosom's pride and solace, day and night; The crowning gift of God in Eden given, To make his garden home an c rt My heaven ! O Susan, Anna, Lizzy, Abby, all, Ye lecturers and writer, trrcat and small, Put on your petticoats and cease to bawl. Abjure the rostrum, lay aside the pen, Strive to be women, for vou can't le men. Avoid the htistiiiiis, pulpit, and the bar, Lay down your arms and cease a fruitless war. Jo to your homes, if any you can claim. Let household cares ;ii.d duties be your aim. Bedeeni-lhe balance of your i!l-;qept live, Be virtnoii.i maidens, uuohtruive wives, And nursing mothers, ii' it so may be ; if not, sii'.mii-MVe to oiir destiny, The paths of single blessedness pursue. Be quiet, modest, dignified, and true; Adorn with charity your lone condition, And thus evade the devil and perdition. In this dark hour of national riisties And social evil, tell us of tli- Pri-, That mighty medium of modern thought, Which, on occasions, ha-1 such wonder, wrought. Its tone and character what is it doing Amidst this gloomy scene of wreck and ruin? Willi type and steam and lightning at command, Does it not flash and thunder through the land lis dread an.uhtni; at vice and folly ? O power misused ! O prosect melancholy ! The blushing muse, with anguish, mimt confess The worst of all corruption is the press. Behold the monthlies, weeklies, dailies, sent And scattered broadcast o'er the continent. Maik Well their contents. Here a mammoth Rheet Is fuil of chaff with scarce a grain of w heat. There silly, sentimental tales are found, And riddles and st de anecdotes alnnind, Runs a ml conundrum, rhymings wit I. out rea.v.n, And plates of fashion in and out of season. This is the lasting chronicle of news And gives it from the palace to the slews ; News from the avenue- and upjer ten Down to the alleys and the burglar's den ; News from the gay and fashionable resort, Sensation trials and police rejort Oh-sene, disgusting news, the eye and ear Of modesty should never si-e ami hear; Minute details of every violation Ol virtue, Uw, and m.uals in the nation, With which, f.tnuli iri.ed, the cur ou mind To test is baneful knowledge is inclined. That, fir a en or fifty dollar bill, Its spacious column readily will fill With grand descriptions of some private ba'l The princely mansion and the gorgeous hall, The tiddlers and the serving men emplored, The quantity of cake and wine desirovcJ, The looks of every pomjtous miob and swell. The names and die- ot every flaunting belle, The peaiNand diamonds Mr. Shoddy wore, When Gretno Siubbit s ull upon the floor, The -.igncl triumphs of Miss 1-iddiedddle When waltzing with the famous Colonel Addl", Who in the war was neither singed nor hit, Thanks to a sheltering tne or rifle; pit, Or sudden illness when the fight came on, With prompt recovery when I he light was done. One towers on wcddir.gs, and w ith swelling pride Dwvlls on the glories of the groom and bride. 4 His eoat and vestaud trowscr, hape and hue, White satin this, ihe other's broadcloth blue ; Her robe and veil, her jew el, stockings, hoc, Her girdle and her anything you cIko ; The cut and color of her pettii oat. And under mysieries from feel to throat. And, not con tint, mounting, with steps profane, To the sleeping ehamber of the blWlul twain, With florid and voluptuous pencil traces The bridal bedstead, sheet, and pillow cae. Others with bloodhound eagerness pur.-r.o Each travelling nincomp'-op rod interview ; Take note of every sneere ami nod and wink, With other takings, take a smoke and drink; Then with particularity relate The conversation on affairs of State, As if the country's life and safety hung L"jon the wagging gKise's tongue; As if the public wi-dom could obtain From Fisk on finance and on war from Train, Or self-sufficiency could see it a.I Through the dim fpectaclfs of Oakey Hal! ; As if the brightest interest could arise From ' little Phil's vulgarity or -i.e. From Yai.derbili's investment of a dollar. Or Andy's hat, o Seward standing collar. Some groari with heavy articles to linw Thai white to black and black to white may grow ; That woolly hair, a sooty, odorous skin. Fiat foot, protruding heel, and crooked shin. Thick lips, receaing forehead, and flat nose, Are evidence of beauty, and disclose Superiority of form and face, And indicate the negro' proper place ; That the Caucasian race i running out, And needs recruiting force beyond a doubt ; That intermixture of the black "and white The blood will thicken and set all thicg right; That vice and ignorance in legislation Ar l.i-hly .dTantgejn to the nation. And nw-Turr fbrltfcre ri alien r That too moch brain, art worse than nor.e at all: That ship of Sute ar.iW in a aquall. And Koimerxn a greater man than I'aul That specie u cumUraofue for use, ' And aabject to deUement and abuse ; That' bank and papei currenrv improve A country fater, aad make all think mote: That heavy Uxe benefit all c!ae And tariff more especiallj tU laanse; That public debt's private blowing eure; That standing rnile liberty secure; ThatGreeIey'wieand soap-lock Marnard pure; That all are eqnal. or, if not, they should be, And under radical infection would be, Kave some must govern, pilfer, and grow rich, hire other labor under spur and switch For toual righu, explained and underatood. Mean bad for you and for ounkelve the good. So will the nation flaorish and extend The whole creatiou.ovar without end. But if a renal presa contribute thtw To cant and humbug feather, fudge, and fuas, To lawless rule, at radical discretion, And countless m henna of plunder and oppression Surely the ?lerf y, holy one of God, Have blown their trumpet and laid on the rod Have done what piety and teal could do To make man honest and keep woman true, To foster virtue, charity and krt, And fit mankind for happiness above. Theirs is a noble duty to perform. In peace and war, In'wii.diine and in storm. The chocn minister of Him who gave His mortal all n gujlty world to save. Himself iierfeeiinti. h.. f.mr ...! 1 1 el drove ont devil from if ui! po.sse.ved, And scourged the money-brokers from thtir haunts ..i Within the temple Corbins,Godd and Grants; Tis theirs ralvaiion' Kraeiou plan to leach, To warn, to plead, to threaten, to beetcii, The whole nnwrested Word of God to preach ; To practice it, as far as in them lies, To keep lhi-ioielvo resctrd in the eves Ofseolhr.g imji:, ik1 m ,wel eorU With example of their pel fvet Lord. We pause. With hesitation, almost dread, We enter and the Mli.nuary iread. (Aireelf a sinner who on earth i not? Whose life witb:il a blemish or a blot? Wc feel the wfjht of guilt upon 01 r breaat. Here shall we find instruction, comfort, rest Rift for the weary wil thi bhsd dav, When Cl.rii.t liiumph.-nt roe from death and . clay? Seated, we ca-t arouf.d a timid look )n freavoed waif-, Miiined phis, ami gilded i book ! the Book of books, embosxeil and c!aied wiih golU Soft carpef, cushioned eat (at auction Id i, The garniture of priffe and wealth untold. Have we mistaken?; Ilav we blunderetl in A hoiurn of plcai-i ie,, vanity ami sin ? Around us, w hat piof..ci.n of display, What jewels, what mi-nif,c ut array ! Sit rain operafic fall gion our ear " We tremble lest the dunet m ahould appear Ih gauzy loveliness. nd s-it and tier, Circle and l.xs ring with clap and chetr. I thai a comic a tor on the stage, Or fierce trag. dian ih min i.; rsgr ? o, 'tis the B(-verend Dionv-i.i Duc.dc r, The ladies' d-iriinj; and t!ie lity's wonder, lie easy, simple Mi.nqr, lis a t,raie To be perniitled in this holy plaee, Wheie worsfiji the select ai d favore-d few, Who ean afford a thuu-and f..r a pew ; Where p:o h votaries of fmhK.tt ni --t or pr;n er and sliow tlmnkful fur a t. Haik! to tl:e feimoivon the Ian seiifcation No matter what it doci for an oration A speech, a vi to. or a proclamation Just anything but d.tt.ger e f damnation : A private scandal, aelivorte, or ra, ill make thpolished audience tmile or g. The reigning novel, pjera or play, Serves for a suhject on this holy .lav. Some use religion solely for the profit, Others refine it till there' i.othing ef it ; r else a Iraiisctudcqtal, it transcend. All human aimpalhy and eailhlr enda, Not fit for practie. out for speculation, Willi iu intinitude of v-r'. t i: . The oijeit of hiost pa-tors in to keep In full ace-.laM-e v.J.h their fl(k -f sheep. With dnlrel tunes and rentlr wave of fiand'. W itii soft entireiueuU rather than commands. To lure them into pasture fre-h and gretn. To whet their apueiiics and mke them keen : To tickle, i-lr.-kc, and pat, to i-o:l.e, and plea-e, And keep them quite i-e.nte n:cd and at eae. If chance they win ter for inipr jr foisl A little may not hurt it would le rude For vesi'uf irarisresKtoi.4, just a sip Gf pleasure's sparkling "up, a pacing r.ip At e'arr.al we-eds, I ue the jj.-jHd Lip. For harmony and evtrycMy' sake, '1 is bel no not' f trilling in to tnke. What is a ripple on a tranquil lake? Willi fifteen thousand can a patir ee Aught in hi fold but Christian purity ? To worry the dear f!t k i r. t hi minion ; A paying sheep should be above npie-in. Enough cf these g'sxl icpherd. It tv pass From eay worldling lo anoiiier class. Diverge, beit worthi of the poet's mention, Who constantly tngagu in tierce cunteution With every other eet, and oft dieir own ; Canine belligerents for every bone In the dry skeleton of Iead"then.!-gv. Thus. Anglican and Roman Catholic Each other -lt with mud, and morn-, an1 stlck; The Prvshyteriati and MethenJist Contend with ruttiug'tongue M.d heavy fist ; The Balit quarre-U for ab:imlant wat.r With all the sprinklers, dooming them to .lau ghter; -The I'ni'.arion and Orthoelor, With pioaa furr, w revile, trip, ami but ; The Camplielliie, to all t!it e.ther ite., Throwsdown the gauntlet and fr vie tory CgliU; Ktheria! Spirits of the pine-Utard table Ivn'ck. thump, and kick as well as thev are able. ; And even Quaker forget tl.rir creed, And j-ound each mher till tliey ii.art and !Wd; Vhile Mormm saint are wrangling fvr their ' lives, a About the proper number of their wives ; And, 'mid! Uiis damning, clerhal fe!kme!l, tiapiu is pruaehing that die re is no hell ; Bcuchcr, degenerate, ofJ'spring of a sire Honest and regions, full of faith and fire, Is playing buffs at the Plymouth Chun h ( here good old Lyiuan would have used the birch', ' Or binding hsutily, with heat.l breath, Free-lover weitii g at' the bed of elea'.h, While pious Frplhingbani, with Kdecio prayer, Invoke (iod'i blessing xi the adulteroei pair. No weiider ure'ly, thf ineesse of crime, W hen pies and pulpif openly combine To swell the foul corruption of the time. If- bihop arc depoeel for too junch feeling. Or too ranch spirit, neid.rr w ell coot aling, Aiid elergymen for hive nd mtiey stealing; If Bro-her KaMoch take his daily "ride, With an obliginjr siner at hi i le ; If Fu t n's tota! alsti: r.rc appear In hall a di7.en mufcOl L'uery hc-i ; If Tiiton's sluggUh train re fill to .bine Without DelinonicoV n; iring wine; 9 If Sintt'n, npen t!ie holy Sabbath day, Devote-1 to sensation and display. After a sermon fine ami bright as iik, Treat hi reporters to tome sin and milk, And, draining to the dreg the flow ing enp, Kequet the serving-man to 'hang it up,' (an one expect tlie Ldty to be Pattern of virtue and rr.orality ? Tlie truth to tell, however murb it shexk. The shepherd need more watching than their ! ock; And all together oct atorg the roa, ' 1 lvcri!d iu Scripture a the smooth aod broad. And ending to the bott9mlea aalooiL Where ail 'hang up,' and water i a booou And this Uvsrogre-ef this, the grand retbnnt A rticles gyvemment, a social ciona; The new uplifted, the old put dowa Old honesty, old hvoor, old renowa, ; ' Old fundamental law,Jd tbooght and travf. The clierisbed priuciplcwof by-goo day, " Polite and modest manner la the young, Resisrcl ir age, integrity among. All bosinesw class, strong relijriooa fslfh, The line of duty Uio (b Bible sUth- The gedden graces sine th world began, Yirtue in woman, chivalry ia man. The ancity of oath and- nnptial tie. The love that only with oblivion die, Put down, derided, sj urned, amt ia their ilaca. All crime and rice which mankind disgrace New constitution which arc mad to bend Or break, to serve tom knavish priraU ad . Or party purpo to opt res and wrong; New law to bind the weak and aid th strong, To make the poor still peerer, and enlarg The substance of the weal iky at their charjt j To equaliie the ignorant and th wUe; To force all human beings to on ais ; To bring th higher to lb lower gnrlt. And thus have all tilings oa a levH mada; New manners, free and easy ; no reUraiat In love, o-ra!bd, for sinner or for saint ; t New rights for women, and for all new rnlsw Of social life ; new temrhers and tewsrsoois ( W here moral suioo lakes lb piac of md); New bibles, new religion, and bcwcod., Behold the wisdom of the light within f ' ' A bankrupt nation, sipd ta crime and A luitfhtr progre-. and reform, ibdeed I A bellward course with telegraphic speed, And loud hosannas, at the rapid rata AcromplUhcd by the new-rifrgwd shi of stata. riddling aii dancing, baa taring and aosg, (Jive proof Ls j.dbly it skint kmg With such a n.otley, I.Hcrogenioo crew A pirate rrtiier only ever knew ; (Jrantat the -tow, ar,d bVjtwell atlholielm. And bounding hmr aid to the lower res Urn, Where fiery fljods the whole must overwhelm. The mus grows weary of the theerle tkem; W ould it were nothing bsrt a hidcoo die a, A fevered vi-ien of lhcgbrny night. To tiiMi with th morning' rosy light. ' There is no pleasure in the ibwdtlnsi lay. No mali.-e nrompia the bitter word w'ay. ' If often harsh, if sometim.- light the stram. Each crtn-l truth has brought us fmt and yla. Thi is oor com. try, 1 it what it nay j Here we were U.rn, and here must rest ur clay, When joy and hot and life have passed away. Our country, grod or bad, there's ot a fiart. Distant or near, a f t ranger te our hear. Much have we love-d in thecloriou pat Onr lingering hreatli shs!! 1.1 f-w it to the aat. Though sunk iis sun, thongh all its stars be And storm and darknews rtign, we love it vet. W'iih humbled smiI, with suppliant eye and haod, Wc crave Gixl's mercy on the guilty land. Hox. J. M. l.xAcn.- aro in rt- ceipt of a lettcrfroin Hon. J. M. Ieach. in vtbirli he infuim os that he has had inserted two or three- timr in drflcreot t.lls the names of every applicant Iron, ibis di-trict wl,.. so.ight to bavo tlisetr disal ibiiri removed, arid also name of gentletoen from other portions rf the Stat; also, the names of rosin 7 whohsv I not applied 11 a word, be has wmLrd Z'-alsu-lv, and dop.e Li whole dutv. and he add : "There are not twenty men ia No-l!i Carolina whose disabilities Lava not been re moved by th House of Rep resentatives at jeAt three tiiu-, inclod- ii-T Ih' those who have tmt made appl-cation. ell as those who have. 1 Le wbolo Ab Wi 0 faculty 1 the Senate; there is lLa "hitch." I'p to this tirre tsotbinp baa been done by that bojy, and no on caa Icll w hat the euatu intstid doing." Umntbur Pair tut. A Singular 7tcm'oi.. 1'ist s avs : -The Chics f lUcii-iou of Jmlge Farewell, cf tbi cijy, with which dudgsj Wilharui enia c ides, i ol m.u-c interest. It is held that, where th law rrqiirrs the publication of l-pal notices f.-r a number of weks, aod ihe publication is made in a daily paper, it is aot sufBcirnt to publiab them onca a wick; but thry tuusl be publitbed ia every issue cf the ppcr for the girea lime. Tbi decision seem la be rijht. It dors not apply abtre tba law sayi MDC a week," but where it ssys 'or so sxaaj w re k. lluH a (Vtit. It is well known to mart of onr rradsr that the hardest, clear solid ice i the bet!, and wss ill melt ranch slower than froity or inntT lev, witli wind bob ble, Arc We were sotuewbat surprised yrstndsy, wbi in the Ice Hoose of White 'a . A: Kilbum, lose bow clear and distinct w could sec through a largt I lock of ice 22 inches thick, and easily read a newspaper which u onder tba ice, which they are selling at half a cent per pound. Xeirbern Courier. Tba cultivation cf the poppy In Franc js eteadily increasing, and it row neca piss alwmt L0,Q(pO acres of tb raloe of 4,500.000 francs per year. Dtferwat aaav ples of opium rsised in various parts 0 Kurspe yrlitd mm S to 13 per cttaL-af tuorpbiaw. Kdr.ction cf ihe mates is (be preatre qnirrment of the tge. The last Legisla ture lias taken steps ia advance of all oth er movements ia this behalf in North Carolina. Char. VwifcA. Let (hose who wowld bare forgotten fb as mtli'ary outrages of 1S70 remember tbat the Radical Convention of 1 b2 endorsee and approves the 11 olden-Kirk war. C'Aar. Jkppaick. ll (be people of Nartb Carolina re member tbat oppos-Jon to RadicaJism mean the safely, ac and happinM 0 their fireside. - Ckar. Democrat. As tba Whig in 1S40 taraai oat by the acre, so will the anti-Radicals and ami Grant mm spread themselves ia 1878 by fields and plantation fails. Charl&tU Despatch. Proets-ir MeJver, Refobiicaa Sepao intriident of Public Instruction, ssys tba last Pecocralif Legislature bas doo4 more for sducsiion than tx ever bcXre been done in North Carolina. 1 I

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