;xK-:f; tl-'' ' .:.:;r , : . ' ' I'- r. i :.( t -TfJ - .. , , , : ! V0I1J III.--TH IKD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C.; AUGUST 20, 1872. .NOV 50.WHOLE NO. 840 ii ii r" 1 .'. ! 1 - ... ... - - i - ' i ' j i . ' 1 '" ' - - 1 - . . - . . TH1' - : rr- " rtr r .. ! p r r - i It PUBLISHKD -WEEKLY . . J. BIUJNKK, Proprietor and Editor. J, J. STEW ART, Aiftociate Editor. ; HATES OF SL IICII II'TION . Ose "YEAR. iayalIo.in advance. .....f2..r0 8ix MonIths, 4 1.50 S i Copieslto otie addresp, . 10.(X) TOMB& I1EAU & FOOT STONES, &U. I JOHN H. BU1S I uiul thf Dulilic-.ttiici iu tLi method would hrina tolbir attention, his ex tjftuled iaiilities - w iiiMitins demund f iu . Li.- lint; of humeiis. IJe nW i)rejrel to furnish , all kiads cf Grave, Di(ilrt. iroin ine curniT(.'Ut-uu rines toi tpe c"tlinst monnniontr. Tho-'e prcfeiiu, tvl'R and v'ry cotIr worlis nlot on Land, can Li ftjr-wmlioodiitfd on slunt tim!efrictly iif'ac- i-ofr1iiiti-i Vth fi'( ifiM"tiins, draft", and tho ternis on the coiitrnct. Jaatits ac.tlon fruaran tp.ilL ir mi I not iiCi uiiUt rsoid, oitn or 0rd.-rs sohcti'd. JOHN II. (: ,Soith. I7;tf 1 r 'f-V --fJT : lilillS. Salishnrv. Mini R. in etA.mUR-PHY avhi naiu Ormiircd fur iNKi.S, bjive jusE opened a H STOCK of GOODS, rntircly rniw and fip.l, in the room formerly 'occupied t lie I laird ware Store, and, next door to Binpliaim 'o., to tli(f inspection of which Iify most cor dially invite the public. J lair E lit ire Stock wa-1 carefully selected by ihfi ponior tn?m bor of tne firm in person, and bought at ratfS which' will enable thein to fcell at low, for CASH, as HOUSE From the Mobile Agister. HOW A PPER IS MADE. A PARODY. 1 'Pray, how ia a xiewpaper made ? " The qnestion is easy to ask, r But to aiwivvt-r it fully,-tny ?!ar. Were rather a dilh'colt task ; And jet iu a bantering way. A8tht;u'liip-poor-wi.U sings ia the glade : I'll venture a bit of a lay. - ' To tell how a pper is made. An editor sits at his desk And p.ndMS the thiugs thatappear To b.- cWuiing the thongh's of the world Things solium, and comic, and queer And when he has hit on a theme Ilf judttes it well to parade. - He writes and he writes, and hir writes, And that's how a paper is made. Att editor sits at his desk, -.. And puzzles his brain to make out "Telegraphic!' so stpiabhledand mixed It is bard to tell what it's about. . Exchanges are lying around While waiting dTspalcbes delayed, "He clips, and he clips, and be clips. And that's how a paper is made. An oditor oufin tho town, Tn search of the things that are new The things that the people have done. Things they're intending to do , XJoes pftiing and prying about, For items of many a grade ; IletrauipS, and lie tramps, and he tramps, And that's how a paper is made, And all that; these wcrkers prepare, Of every coD'eeivable stripe, , Is sent to the printer, and fee - Pntceedeth to stick it id tyfip. , His line all respecting his will,. ' In slow-moving columns rtaradt lie sticks, and he sticks, and he sticks," And that's how a paper la made, In short, when the type is all set. And errors cleared up more or less, 'Tis "locked in-a- furin," as we say. And hurried away to the press. Tlw pressman arranges his sheets, His ink give the requisite shade. Then he priuts, & he priuts, & he prints, And that's how a paper is made. liREEBOQTEUY UXPAIlALLELr m ED FRAUDS. LET EVEIiH BOBt JfcADJR CIRCULATE. earlvfpr yearata present ad ruij)istraW9 cauaje .'into power under a pled j 4S,'ohotuy ju' the management of tha!by finances. A d- mind n now tnae.fJSM'KaFe nf power, with an as$r$ffjl2ft8 pfe8geha been re deenwftrT L The object of tb's paper is to demon strate, from tlie ofScial records and pnb limbed stitpinenfs of the Secretary of the Ti'eaur'xi th it tht- people have been de- c(ivd snid plundered, the public acounts confi-sedjand the; public money wasted. That the nation! debt is an unknown quantity and rcdiictiou of the debt a de-. liiiMon. Th;t false entries have been madwin-' the pnblic ledgers and balances forced by fabricating items of expenditure. Thatjhe record of the department would not be received as "evidence Tn a court of justice, for the reason that their statements of accounts are false and contradictory upon their face. That there has been a duplicate ftsjic of government bouds to the extent of ruany millions, or else a false statement of the interest account made to cCi'pifnrv" u':dcr l!;e Kn debt was beiug-'raprdly' nud -marveleuly i educed, ii teas rot rcdHCiatull Int that S15G,00O;C00 wero s'iuaiidcrtd, stolen, divided, made way.witb. ! : Now who got ibis jmmnhse tnm ! Who were the ficcboters wlio divided the pro digious spoHs t How rancVdid Grant get? Ilw much did Houtwell iit 1 How much d'd the naindt-r of tbj Cabinet get 1 most to elect Horace Grcelev. and .I.m - 4 J 1 I lVT t v. .....!. j ,,om uurr ram I U e livc KltlX Uir. It S 1 at nr.r bo . larjje number ( of wrr xhrtc mnmii flcnerp, d paty mirsha!., pic, and rev enue officer fcould tutim'J.tte. j wxittd, and watched, and prayed for day- J light in some o;ber wny in vain, and nn n.i c . of he whole cloth; that jthp : public ac-! counts nave been . cuan;ta.at''U mutilated to conceal the plundering of the' public trrasnrv tha: whilst lJoutWeH"wa lyinz by vnouraMYprtirnaii's "n" lite publrc a Uod forces the wra h of man to irie nun, i-vfu so wo IH-Iieve that ii i il, w ill of Heaven that Horace Grfelfy hll btfome iu instrtiment iu opening ay of dihverance and reconciliatiau of ibid great Amtiican people. 1 -BLANK WARRANTS." Thia is the last and most iiiTnioua t mi ... O How much out rtim.m iueron get, w lio - "v '"jioi inu eiaii men wni oQ'ers one million of dollajg to the radical .t,,e... Washington Gov emmenl. l,ank arrants wt r fnut n.,t 'I Part of the Swart won AN iAAYFI'L STOUM. The Sloutfsi Ilmrts AwilI'JBtilh if tire Dinting n (U Tilrgrajth Wirr Li'jMnwtlfin Around a lUilrikil 2Varj. i Of the .huh many fejiful thunder ttorm I'OOLTIin XORTII CAROLINA I'AMEKOX. . . ' . Tl e IMe;-h S-rt,nt l-rart :Ltt l-d hs raid that thert" r cr.oc-b C,erra lirt il.-rtcd to tLa IrpUta jdctJ-rd to vote far lita to trcurt l.t r-rlcction to lU Scuite. TLc &htiml UUcrcs ilk U be a ickrd, malici'.uj CJ fIe atper f kn ef the mctnWr lect ; tot U lniictr a nliance opn bnU ry atd a parpo to rrsort ! it. It would" U ttratje, iudced, if any lVncrvtire or Dcxocrmt could! li i ii or,iu t- i.ant to sav nariv for t lectioueeiii lT Dij nofi4 in Pemi- : I,'an- arra ....i : f i North Curolii and b P i V .111 1,1 1 1; I.. ' p ii . . Van Buren bad a sntant or two-I Ju.y syt, ,u fr to,, urc and opprc t ; '?';'T wartwout we believe. If naXp. ard it "',,, Jm1 ho U.rcnit Court ; : ' ' - -"'';''- " ay be one or two o.Ih,, who H ! r hf' ,L r Circuit, . iilion or so of the public noney, and the I J w'th invention. They nte a , .uutry rose tip' oue'ioan and hurled i v,a1 . 1!Ul'r'iVCllu'nl on tho suppension .f j Thf Ais iiupuiMf, toio to reUia ftttr-li m . ... 1 ..1 I . 1. . - - bavoccun,d da.i. - tb i.t I . 7, " . . rl (,,. I A,. v.; 't.i . rry couvicnon to all. mind. w w - . n.cTi wan u.i may mil country I'ottgbki-fpslc l:tt r to ic f. !b. bf th? storm nloi:g tLe Hud- him and bis partv from oILcr. . I . e J i n, fs,-.. 5 m or iw,eas is. and his accursed crew of thieves and in piiier airani : i mind fociatcd Pres report but tri 3v C'f-vu. Tb Ang'o-i tonthrci uruti the trris ?lid-r st-cxi U vuigary constituted hicb bunt'ove rthi cl:y last t venlog. ttutUt-l hearts. remenjbtT i&l . T 1 - . i rw . . T formers may steal hundreds of millions u. ' ery t'''vP about that anti- I be ii,ting i.rpaUeti tbestani and yet 'outhem men Ul, pfer Grant 1 9""? wn: and when it is moleed The oldest inbabitnut dn ,.t .;...::r. v.. o " ' :. . ... i ! Heaven Would 'send .qntckly down" ctLuniito ui fiiiii: i un tciiL. iiiLriupi inii ... . - LLn..,l C- ! . v.i j . : . i Som uccii i(iniu in ai uvc per ccui., ooiius is- to Greeley whose name 'is svnonv.nous : r,; u pn!ls,;'fMl CDmt.tn.nin the Ian 1 jit vqnsl. The dv bad b-en etcrssiv.ly with bout sty, integrity, capability. "(), fori a!'U a '' uv d uf ,l0,M' a,ul Ever hot, and 'he sto.m clouds brd lain .Ion- some "armed and resolved hand" to "mint 1 XUCi' tl,e li X 'n (,f ,i;l,lt' II, J-InpIis-li- the mountains all day. gl,. ng strength wounding lashes iu their ribs." ( ), ,i,a, I'i '''' J' ve co,,,r.,c ed the f.ol- hourly, till at nightfall they moved op SILENT GRIEFS. in tjhe r(y, for Good of fame quality. iiieir HIOCU lw CtlC'I'l, ( mbracing all ilhe vurinitd biancljes ct ! 1 Good Groceries, Wroclcry Ware., Tigris anil Siior.i ,Jul-c Lralhrr, Ctf a fid ; Hindihfj Shins, Grain and i 'I ! ' .. Crafts, 'Scythes, Cap, Lcller and Xvfc Paper, ' - ; ENVELOPES, I'EXS, IXK, !fc anilja beautiful assortment of m Vf ' i IT) t?i 1? m it. n wo feel nssuN-d ofpllieir abiliit' to give entire satisfaction, and especially in- There are sighs uuheaved, there arc tears unwept. , ; There are lutes unstrung, there are harps unswept, : There are griefs "unknown, there are thoughts unt.'ld, . There are hearts that warm when they ?eem , but cold ; There are loves unlost when they seem so dead, There are wounds .uuseeu that have often Wed, For the soul feels most when in silence deep, It lives uuheard as the winds in their sleep. y There are sorrows verv dark that o'er cloud o'.r way. And that shade the heart in our life's glad, day, There are joys unfrlt. th re are hopes unfed, Th.' re are pleilges lhuhed. there are vows unsaid, i There are flowers dead among the blooming leaves. There are treasures-- lost ainoug the golden sl.'aves, , There are memories sweet, we love them well, But the eye grows dim as their currents swell. There are nioru, There are scorn,? There re bv. When the sun was warm, and so bright our sued f)r the benefit of the syndicate. In 4emon?trating all this we shall con fine; onrselves to the official records of the Treasury Departiqent, andfnrniah volume and age for ever figure used. FALE STATEMENTS OF THE PUBLIC DEBT 3Y T1IE TKEASl'RT" DEIlAB.TMEXT. Secretary Boutwell, in , . Ids Finance Report for ItGO, prige 29, itafes tiat the public debt oil the 30th of June, S69, was SeSGjGOGjOSS.TS In ihslpublished month ly debt statement, da- Ud July 1, 1SG9, be fjays it was ou that 4ay. - 2,013,170,291.16 Inflii Finance Report - or,lST0, pagt- 25. he ftates that on the30;h June, 18G9, the total debt was 2,5S3,452,213.94 And on page 21 G,1 same . , yolume, the Register - ctriified that it was qri the, same day 2.4S9,002, 1S0.5? Here are four official statements thn e nnqer the ( flicial oa;h of the Secretary tf therTreasury and one 'from the Rcir-ter of tie Treasury (the ! bookeeper of the Treasury i stating cotu it lv ti a cent visible spirits" "to tame these vilo offenders." Sentinel. DEFAULT: RS U NDEIl G R ANT. :iOUl(N L aIU'ENTKC. and CoXKLINr., and other chaip Radical attorneys, know-" tins picvaaiog aul vulgar dittasf, in have framed laws, by which a subtle Mr. BouttccU Malts a Slhjld. Error in judge, like B.Kid, could costrue anv man i-r t .jj j it .. . . . J uto ui iiuMoui, u", vi wo. uauie 10 airesi a -: t tmpilsoiinit nt lor their infraction. 8th instant Mr. Boutwell, Secretary of the Treas ury, in a - speech delivered in Augusta, Maine, on Thursday-"' last, paid that the dtfaleation under the Adn i:stratiiu of President LincoFn was was 2,700,000 i under the Administration of President . fry portion of the Union Johnson, $1,700,000, and under Grant SG4,000." Now, to show that the state ment of the honorable Secretary was false, we beg leave :o present the names of on ly a few who, since the administration of President Grant began, have defrauded the Goveriimcat, and the amount of their (li f alcatinns : J. Leyard Hodge, paymaster United States army James Morton, New York post ofiice, i Joshua F. Bailey, collector in ternal revenue, New Yoik, Dr. W. T. Collins, pen.-ioa agent, Washington. D. C General Win. A. Lawrence, pen sion agent. New Vo:l;, F. A.' M eC'ai Ji.e', ji; sl (Jliice, Washing?' -1!- i.i. ..... !... .1.. . . i.i i : 1 . . , . ij-ii iki'.i in. ik iim- wen; t xi mi.T tiom nic nonz'n. ai iirnp; ireK o! riiim arrest, except by due process .f laW-, lightning filnged the lower elgefibc inky ma and lightenefl op the river f r ten or fiftef n miles. Then the broad aud less vivid flashes of bst lisrbtning follow- ed, accompanied by sounds of deep, heavy thunder lar otf. At 7:30 p. ru. the storm, reaching north and south and wrst as fur as the err could patsed his employers' expectations. The penetrate, moved up solid and burst over suspension of the great writ of liberty in j the city. No' w'nid of any consequence South Cornlina made a great clamor in accompanied it, but the rain f. 11 in tor the land, whi?h was confined not to the j rci Tlte lightning lUshcd from lit. ii proscribed districts, but extended to ev-1K."n to hon'ton inci-s.intly in f irkcd ton- Everv man. ' "rs " Ja?J?w clnins, atid it really North as well as South, was made to feel seemed as though everv llish struck that his personal fieednm was at the mer- ' soinctbing, lec.me it instatitarb .ul v Judge Bond has sur l h corrupt Bi-:iTc that prompted it. 1 be .N.uta Crt.!n.4 ConacrratiTe ahould take wan i.ig aud profit hr tL eismj la orrf k tberu by the DrmocraU f PcnnMlrMTila. When BackalevVat elected Senator tbnr vat a I mall Demo. cratjc Hij .nty u jou,t ballot. -Bef or tbe ileetiou l& tumor fprtaj abroad that Crorrrnbo tceits U be 2Ir, rooPi modcW:id Locpht tmo or three Demo crats to rote for Lim. The report vu : ii i . am tra any cicivca ; wbcrtmpoa Demo crats from a!l quirbra of the Stale went it i.armi.nrj the day of election, with revolvers in pocket, with a fixed and afowed' dctetmlnatfon to shoot in their stats the accuied partiei, if they ditd Ui carry out the infAioout contract The venal urctcbea eir cowed ly, lie demons: i&li'jn,, ad CUmiron lat 4L:; votes, bis money and election. What baa been done may be do. DesrM-rate diseases reqairc defrrate t.: edis-as the Tennsv!rania Derr'rr,. a 1. a . iru ui vamcrou ana iis parchated t -,r J Eickuwr.J 117,' fj. KllMARKAbLi: ELF-CTItIC 1 NO.MEXON. 331 Disrn ini.r.s in Srrrx Mrsi All acctunte agree that tb $450 000 1 1A000 133,009 n C n j 1 1 i ii rr mi , . Tl !. .. . I Till I t ' ft 1 1 X rittlll IT tlm,ll,f f lll... 1 "., -.V . f iiii-iin ' V '. c :, . last week, throughout the N'.nb breed trouble. Bond put his w t t0 thunder. Mokiiiz up M.tti street from , i-L woik, and he found, or imagined he found, the post ofiicf baits of fire w.-re reei. roll (,j .,-jic jj .(, , in tlie Enforcement act. iu the Kn Klnx U'S "" 'be- Atlantic and Pjriiic T. ! - : niVU. , ,j)e ' ""V law, or in the Revenue law, authority for ! pniph ofiice. and explosi in f.dlotd I ke , 1 OI 1 ucsiu; , nnnc.?ntii. mi indeflnilf mi m b..r r.f 1.,,...tm. ' tlie rattle tf IllUrk'-trV. S tllft bcilic flirdl". ' . .. ' IL " 1 f.,ii ll i... ., 1m . ...I . ' 11 . i v iiu one q cioca Tbi observe yon, is fully a siupension of the great GO 000 ' ai-v or a effective as th! writ, and maKcs no i,;pi.-o. It stiMieiid in t lT. : t all iaws, and invests the depu'y niar-ha'ss with pnwar to j-u t the names i f ii .i li tli" peop to i l.ill i' (". 1 .1... 1 . . n van i nit- riin-n-ii ini. n n,'iu iiiih .ii- . . . . . til ,i ii i . , Mi ill :.t nt stiT.tmaf ibe tlcctnc. 6m plodid on the deck ot an operator, ni.d , , , . , , wm.w u- t. il 11 .1. ,","u -ooirpv iruirmio:.. a on'".ii ui win' i i' tnt a Moriour, l.t .1 s t-a s n a s i i .' .i . .i ""'I the thuM!i r winch followed wai con- niiiiM iiij ii"-iai'iia .i . ii I'i'iii b:iint ss . of a county in t !.( Ir ant st and impii-on w i i ii . iiends and cutoiucrs to c;ll and ith i t Ii fill their acnuaiufauces. vite old bring w Tlu?y exlpect and, intend to maintain tin re)jitati(ii f the Old Murphy llonse,- well known throughout Western arolina. , All l bey ask is tin--ex- i ices. i come light No trou aloig. Small W h ill -1 iris I ;. .NoVth (i annnatiui if their stoe"k and fhe frieudshps gone like the tjews of jsmiles new tnrned to the coldest kl reams we loved in the days gone r ,r,i-; ,c i...r- n thefiniblic debt of the . United States p:i I n, ' x- , ' , i l.w. t .r. 1 - e i - . ' in -1-111 v, W ashingtoii I). (.-., the30th June, 1SG9, no two (.f which o ., , , ' , , .,' ' I . , . ; - .... . , ,, . belli tJohnsfni. cl'-rk in the .b.j ...xmo.mi.iii-,.!., Treasury, Was!ii.-t0", ). C. Fred. A Manleu, cleik ia the iu due instance two of, tlnni differ moie i war; ai. :s. am i . 47,000 I tlo ii". 1 his is the system which h.:s I been !ar'relv practiced id North (.'arolina, .i r.on i ii,,.'. . .iml .JW.1lV' ' . ' - 8,500 ! hies I tl.lt at i.i ir - .... ; stant f r a pencd f tl.ntef n minutes with- I, . ,i . .1 rr . 1 ...i.i- ...ii i imr.-iiFii ui .in iiiriini Q f UCTIC. l).wnuttli .1- pot the t f: ct w ;.s also i , . a , ... . . r ,, , , ,, , ,i i ,i- - U:.e fl isu ot lighliiing follow d ai.othr i f t.ii tliog. 1 ii t In- lei ai.ii i t:e ai.er- ' , . " i . I ii T i I ii i ' suc-li i:ip:J sncc-sioii at to excite c. - rittmlent .1. Ji. 1 . iic. v, o tic- llad- n . , , , I, ,, -, i , ,,, . ,; ' y i Kioiw uow luanv occurie; III. ( I Jt.lll4'.lll, ,.HJ U'MM II 11 IlKllir'lll. i im; ouiiiau" i i t s a ' ion t were seated at ! tha li is from-these otliv-i.il statements that the .:o.uoo j t i one hundred cutd fijiy six miU'iohs. people ascertain the amount of our Tnasury. Washington. 1). C George D. Onu-r, collector of internal rei line, Fifth Dis trict, Missouri, John A. l'h. lips, deputy col lector internal revenue, New York, Morgan Ij. Harris, collector ...-i.,.il li;.,,..;,., V .... v.-l- oio nnn . 1 1 i L'i.tiiiiii Mint', ill lum. strated, where fixed amounts appear to be t1 , .,, n . ' ,.1 . , , i . ,. . , ,.' Jjai-'ton Aiile, collector n.ter- auinsieu on a siiunig acaie and nuciuaie , indf btediicsX. There is no oilier record of tjie debt than these, and they confute ai.d; contradict each other. From them anything can be proved or disproved, and it Is not strange that the debt reduction claimed by Mr Boutwell can be demon- sky. e to show goods. MM. . ....... i ueir mono, projfts, read ycty and QUICK SALES., ft. Rj' nidi s, fair y will i' pub- the tinaiket I calls Mam goott stocK, low m-icr i i: i . i dealing liud! prompt iltteution, th endeavor to meiit their share of th lie patnlnage. 'Fhey are in !r nil kinds or produce and solic from both sellers and buyers. R.& A. MURPHY. ROB T. MURPHY, ANURKW MURPHY. SaUsbnrv. March 23. 1872. r27:lvl rL . ' - j Thatjjre jiast like sprays on the oceau's --crust, -Wheik.the:storm has eeafed andher waves " . rest. " Ami tjie heart grows sad that its loves Lave "fled. That its hopes are gone audits garlands ttead. There aresscenes we know that are faded now. there are gathered wreaths aud a shaded blo-wJ Tileie are hear, When the near." mi l nere are 1 ime There are V.J. MILLS T M.OKXS. J B. KEU.S. MILLS; KERNS & CO. WIIOI KLslt.i: AM) KI.TAil. Ad CcnmLdsn Merchants. S.u.isnrbY, March 1st, 1S72. Sugar MA CI Keep constantly 'on hand a large and choice stock of (JKNKRAL MKRCII ANDISE Cjompriisijiig Drv Goods. Cmccries, Wares, etc f vhkh they would especially mention t -. and Coffee, of all grades, IUt'ON. IRI), SOLR and Upper LEATHER, 1 SHOES IKMVfS, ! II ATS. JIDXNETM, Pi:LNTS, in value like gold in. Wall street on Cor binte Friday. lere ii Mr. Bout well's statement of the ' debt for July 1, 1SG0 : j 1-. Finance Report, 1$G9, page 29, 2. -Monthly debt statement, July 1, 1SG9, 3. Finance Report 1S70, page 25 4. Finance Report. 1S70, page 27(, $2,056,955.37 2,545,170,291. 1G 3,588,452,213.94 2,4S0,002,4S0.52 nal revene, Missouri, 250,000 W. B. Foibes, pension agent Philadelphia, 25,000 W. A. Biiio i, Uhi'cd States mirshal, Aikansas. 121,000 Maihal S. P. Low, cleik, mail ing depjutuient, Boston, 30,000 Reed, postmaster, :a Jack sonville, lla.-, 17.000 V- . ' S 1.7 10,500 Tl.is is but a very few t f the uelanln is under Jrawt, but quite enough to show that the Secielarv of ti e Treasury waj gu lty of slightly "modifying the truth." as Jean Paul genteely his it. when he made the above stattuunt. I Yashi,. ijU.n rairiut. I :i . and law, by Inst before tin St. ile Senator ! . i e.-ult as cct lain. ind Ciiiz. i.a - enough o "ive the Radi- 12,000 i cals tlu ici ry weie indicted, or niei- r ainsi. aid, bv tmce of terror, could Le mad'- io vo.e the ticket of tin party. '1 .c V ilmiioton Jvrj,'ll has l!ie f..l lo.i.g nui.nks on this la.-t device of ja iici.il and executive tyrany : I i is alh ged, ainl we t el.-ive wi;h truih. :hat i i nuc portions ! the Slate the Fidtial licverninioi eeici-ed an operati g of ihe modi rn J.-f-' late t lection i:i Ch.n.iiler boa-t.d ne.-T Latrktll, innki. a i i n fooi th,,... F-ry. in. y i ..-1 1 u Hi' nt, and t he .g d u: nig ll.e s ute. Wi:h watch i.i ha-. d I f.r rvcn miiiules. Flint . " , w i i e lit . v in;i vi nl 1! l i-.i. l- r l . - - iecaue oi jiic w.iMi:og awv i i a ci.iv u j loo.ono 50,000 degal co.i 1 1 ! 1 : ii i tears in ilu en ct- and bv upon ihu VOll is. The following is, in short, I apprehensions i i.ii. t v wni ii tins was accompli the nrorrss shell, as is ii i i ii- .-ii aiw g'O, at;u as we Lcivive is suecepi ilk- :m d to operate in any the Ri-ve.nie oilin !.J t ;.i ir p.-i t of the dii t v songs uusung that we loved to heart was fresh and it pleasures i . foidsteeps held in the sands of i voices .'tilled inthis earttity cliine. from the boundless But the eithoes comes fchoreL That lies jbeyond in thelvast evermore IvJlKL. S.VLMUX TROUT. rLOUir and MEAL, j SUA PS, ?- .- r f ' PEPPER ami SPICE-S, TORACCO, - rinnfii?4'"r oti alwayg. on hand, of choice fpualitv. ' j ,SrEsi)ecial attention civrn to runbmJ ments ind prompt returns made. The Iniquitous Tolhacpo 2tr. The New York JoUrmil of Commerce -slays : u fuuny interpretation of the law 'has just pccuied. j The bond given for each ci-ar mAker cih ployed in' large mannfactori -s, i.nl ia fact iu all cases, recites his name and resilience, and gives a thorough dis- criptive list. Cigar manufacturers emplnyi lit lie girls and boys to strip or assort haf tobacco, to sepamte the stems from the leaf. These juveniles are usually paid: from 3 to $5 per week for tlieirsui vices. But Where a force of iiftv is kent un for thirpurose it is generally the case that there will be three or four entire changes in the persons of the force during a month. The children grow careless and the foreman-discharges them, because he can always supply their places, no partic ular s'i, 11 being required in the business. The revenue officers' here have actually demanded that each manufacturer increase his bonds to cover 1 he number of strippers employed at the rate of $100 for each child so employed. A tobacco-stripper's identity is about as dfScult to keep as a Chinaman's; and besides, they know nothing about the manefacture, sale or delivery of cigars, and have less to do with them than the clerks and book-keeps crs or drayman have. Think, too, of a poor German who makes cigars in a ear ret giving a bond of $100 each fohis wife and litlle daiighter, because they lutlp.lo pick-the stems out of his leaf hobacco !" - THEMtiST GIGANTIC SWINDLE j . : OF ALL. In another artjele w-e have leferred to the dodgH of the radicals ; we must now n n . t i i aT reter to one ot their swindles. A nay or . two ago ye tuld you of the Choi -penning swindle,, but that was mere child's play compared to the tremendous swindle just brought t light. Litilefield, Swepaori & fhv were masters in their wav. "Boj-s Txyeed-". and Company were adepts m thi! swindling art, but then their pciforra auces were nothing compared with the stupendous plunderings that have just ' We are overwhelmed by this cry from been uncovered by the democratic resident the South Anyihimr to beat Grant ?" coijiniitrce at Ntashiugton. They have Like a ni-iil torlured f'bevond ei.d.irance punished an ehtborate statement of the by some fearful suffoiing'tries out in his whole waiter, giving the figures and state- ag,Mly fr relief, for charge, for anv nos- menjs in full. These are not manfactur. d trnm whatever that may biing temporary -for; the-occioni but are "takeu from offi- though it peril life itself, the'Somh 'cial sources, and are therefore atuhentic iu cnlU for Horace Greelev, tho man above i ii THE SOUTHERN 'CUV FOR i TiELlK- The following rxtract from thr New York J)ay Eouh expresses iotcihly the felling of th South in th present can vass. The Uy Book has long been the organ of th;; Bourbon D.-ruocracy iu N w York, and has a. very, large circulation in the Soutlteru States : ' of p- oof. I. en i; V;-. df; gi v.-n comity. ;.f -r and p es h t-i -i . ; 1 1- wuiK, an i it'eii r'l.iTi-s i .mun.s ion i s at.d Deputy M r.-h all were appoint! d. 1 he coniii!.-!'i;:( r issued wairants in blank 1 -tin for the the anct of pai i ' tee 'i J 1 J i 1 1 IT i:it wi i e engage,! there came a blinding llasii of ligh.uiug, and a lb'; same blatant h ball f !ire!i..p- -i f. ..to tli Poiighki e;..-i. and Ei'-teru R i Iro ul Mire, ai.d ipl-ti-il on the d ik betw. . :i Mr. T.nici )' ai d Mr. Wiikior-Mi. P .; u wine ahi Ci d, Mr. V .ik-i -on'c i.m- a.i.l tiigei . i ingl: ig w oh c'.. ct i .city . Fuith'T woik cea.-eil at once-until the stotju snli toded. 1 lie eegin. er of tb biw u tr..i'i w il uessi d f ai I'll mi s coioioL' along t he railnxd wli.le the liai.f .is in inota-n. Stn als of lighti. i:g cha-d t .icii oilo r aioiiiu hi- l'com,: : -, over il ani J upon the r.iilio.id tiaik, sh- ti"g fir ahead ol th' i.d v.n.c ng It ii. i'.oii.g the raiU with ivid light. Al nig the r.i.iro.iu thr.ijh li"! thivi ri d by tin i Lining. Thi Mary Pom ell I ..tied gers h' re while ll.e -rortn w i tnn.ii !h. id V il;r :!,! ti i r- inii. i.: b : f.rt V tv, ,, i 4 k.. Ih. Ill . ." tb 1 ,r h e Mile lli.ir, f v . Ill I .HI 1 1 . , I i -viol ii iii ui ir 1 1 .! ,h- ; i.i .ki: g 1 I . i ' 1 1 , -! y 1 i t" i-.l '. !: m .i,e p ii ; ur.d fact dicbir-o .i fj,l n I Ly loud and sotDrliroea rat tling leports, !,'( r vi iberationt rolled :liion-h tie- o ,i ii in an eudlcsa procea m -a . i u.. j :ic and Urr.bc aouuda. 1 v o . . i ,. i. m i i - li; .... Il : tii,ct vi :i r.i:r.u:i ., ditinrtlv .it. c o . r i i i v i iv dn cctioii w i ie er pa.-M-n-ir. progre-. 'i. ii, i . ii l ii r iii i : : i . t i 1 1 - ic tli-m. motiTiteu I, is hoi.-e and beg in vmk. A father would l e i::foi tned iL at his no:i was liable to indicttui ul ; th a: if, however, he was fiiennly to the Adininistrlion or dt s:red in become so, the matter could probably b r;e;,ee that our I'l sses, p;:ck d THE VALLEY OF DEATH. A tp'-t almost n lirrille as the proph et,' v.iiley of dry boi.es, lien just north of ihe old Moinsoii io.id to California, a re g, in 30 mil's long by 30 broad, and sur r.mndi d, i xct pt at t o p dnts, by inac r 1 !e i.i. nut nt,. Il ia totally devoi i of M.i''r ai d -g :.iti-.i;, and the thador. f l.inl or will b'-utt never daikcns i l.i'i- 'ui: rind. The Kansas Paci' ic r.i i; rl i i gii.iir dicovered it, at . also ouie ;..j.i, Mi.ieh sbiiW the fate -the !.--; ,i :g'tn rv train," wbith cat irraeged. Tin: father, v. Uii ll.e ep; pop i iiies, and J;u! lia.l of tab-e m it- e liono. Cap!. Alo'.ets. ,l tool, h.ihl i f the l. II M i.r to li 1? the ellii.e 's l. il Jll:d r c-iveil a shock iha' c line near ki.' ki"; him d.i'. n. j Tbnnas Fox, the Wti rn Ui.in op' : . tor heie, toticl.'d one ot the I ra ll.ixab screw s on his in-ti ument, when be too received a shock hich for a lime paraly zed his arm. Strat g- to sav not a biiil:ing in thi i r"ie cuo" to the conclusioa that I city w.i struck, nor was any one injured. ) Moiiaon Laew notliing about thee The storm l istisl nearly an hour, and the" try, s;i tliey app-dnted one of their l. li 'htnii'T' u,ii of vaiiou colors pule, I btr a h.tdir, and broke off from the 1, .ill m r m . all. soi.::i i..ru Mil i:ke in gakmi ; a Merman. N i n ncir licalh'" V'a.' i feared at once, if he took any part in the gn-en, violet, ai.d criin-on. every particular And what, do they reveal to the conn-! century it ha S i all others whom, for neatly a quarter of a s regaiii' as tl ie ;pi c: il try it staggers belief, so enormous are embodiment of hostility to Democratic in thii ftff :lra rPliot- i?t,,,u ll.t it:., Hilr.. .. l 1 l - iuv; cmi c o'j'H sutniions. i lie uemocrauc par; v n t2 Rin has made way with ONE UUXDUEO e,own itself incapable of saving the coun AXlji FlFTY SIX MILLIONS in three years try bv itself, and a portion ot imr former in the management of the bonded debt, opponents having bi come perfectl v s atis alonf, and is still continuing at that rater fled thaL Gen. (Want's administration, if The reader man be incredulous and ask continued four ve.us longer, must end in how Miis was done 1 The answer is ready, J military despot i-iii at fhe North as well ibe bloodyminiled Boutwell, the Secrc- j as at the South, it is proposed to join tary.;of the Treasury, the same fellow who 1 forces and defeat Grant. Mr. Greelev V "orated" at Greensboro' just before our! nomination, ib f.ne mcana thb. and iVis election., and prated about the great re ; only the overthrow of military rule, and '...vH'-.i i.u1B jjuoiic oco., aim uie gre i reconciliation t the .Vr'.U anil South. fiuacial ability of the Grant adminislra- General Grant must be diteated; Lis nous-tins self same Boutwell has been . army must be disbanded and set to woik prtti-ndmg from time to time that he was l,ke other men ; the horde of neg.o slaves doing marvelous thing in reducing the ' be drives to the polls must be outvoted great, war debt of the nation. It now nt the North; the carpet-bag thieves must 'urnf out lhat ,lie 'cords of this very j be driven from the South, from the con rBfuitwell 'h6w a discrepancy or ue of tinent, from the civilized earth, and ll.e S156.000.000 ; ui the pretence of paying : Union for which half a million men laid 7u,,: ue." m0re Ul;in Ue lia8 rcdced that down their lives must be restored. Grant the e.'Vlion in . ojipoMiioii to tue wi-IksT the A-'iuiiiistialion, that his nm wi-u'd be tent to the peUeutiary. Ju this vi w of; thu case il is imnutciial lie Iit the son was gnili v or not, t he undue ie.lluenc OBSERVATIONS OF THE SfN The intense heat which has chnraeter-izr-d the j resent Summer would naturally suggest the impresfion that th sun ii ,iAil ii.timi.iDlwm tb fik.. ia ..II 1 1. r. fl Vl!l? I Ut ail UI1MS ll OMltltltV ClC-HuHC same. The result was that bcth fat hr at thh lime. It does not follow that tins and son purchased safety by Having i..ipM s.-ior. wc.nld be comet, as sciei.ti.te away on Borne pretext or other from" ll.e niea would find no didieulty in destgn- nolls. or if thev refused to do so. the ting cause of a tern-stria! nature quite name of the son, and that of the fat!,, r, sntHent t explain th- mtenmy a..o pro too, perhaps, was inserted in tho Manic tiacMd duration of tl.ehtattd lei ma wii-ch I UMrrmitiiul llov uor.. nrresled .and h oa Ii a vei rendered Ui nil so UHCliif uU.I'. cither to-give bail or go tn j iii. Neit!?tr is it ahognb. r iroptb-bl "! 1- : ,. 1 tho sun u.av be rail. alii. ' luf'M i xii eouin tim.iiKS ui inu .i.uii i i ,n- ----- , i i r. ir.. i -1 ttm.i -imiK.il. . o. c all v .is fi.to' --I the a ing -in others, ll.e Tilieir di-tilla-ion r,f tronoili.cr he uiaih; the pie.u ru snirim. and in oilo is -lill. the rharL-u luminary loeir sp ml oljeci ; 1 Uese records show very clearly defeated, inambo inmboisia that now or- imost nnnaralleled fraads that fvir ,i. u..nt. i.o'.,. contyunaea a country ; tliey show that the shall all breathe the air of freedom again, i edcral T reaaurv lia hrfn avctmntlf mIiV I .1 r.- i r i-. j: ; . . ' - -f wa , m in i ir i ii m f 1 1 1 r him i ir. in rwr w. iiTtpr-. plmjdered for years j that there have been this terrible, overwhelming necessity now oiiic4iei puoiisnea, iaoricatett out pressing upon us, we most all do our ut- wi-ri' vioiat'ot.s ot t'ne revenue, law iu re 1 liion to tobacco. Thie are certain seethes of the State in vl.ivh the tobacco limine is the cmi tiollii.g interest. I a others the d'.st iii -lion of rpints, fr.'tn want of f.n i'.itied fr canning ;he giaia to uuiket, is tue gte.it i.iti n .-!. F"i eerv man v h, ni iv have igno lioretiiiv or knowioely coiniuilted a liol.n'.on i f the revenue 1 iw, it would be safj to - iy lint on an avi rae at h'at i luce voles could b contrfdied. cry few rn a uould r fuse to ab-ent thim rilvts from the poll if llo-iiby they Li-lit thi tiii-lccs nr ihiir sons or their r ... .i... . I I nt.-irva- lion, repot t slrikiog changes in t,.e appcar-auc-ofthealiaosph rc wi.ivb sut toi.n 1 that r.rb. There is a g is-ou envelop- about the sun some f.ur or liv thousand mil- s .1 -.I.:..!. ;- ill. .l tii - i hi ni')hete. ..- . ,., - Till thioin-n!i ie mn.cwb.it i - Ui ' . a the vapor which raised above . m . f j mnal tti a fur.i.ce watched and all f h mge iu i a cn litMiii .r.l..llv liotMl. 1 t.lf..l I Sp-Cil.CopiSIf , i ly. 1 in- 1 aai r laa:ed cue cat ; to the l-opl e.i.d woguu he travelled l, . diys, and iLcn dtceu !ed into the L. vaib-v, villi? trraclieioas mirage pf i d Thy r Atht. the centn-, ouly the white tai-d boanded by ki ing peaka, mcl thiir gare. Aton:ii valley they wandered, ue h t ' . - i i j ni-n Oico, Him the p iniuif Bufii s.ir ed ihemsclvia in death under i -Then the children. Crying for -i r at their mother' Lreaals, and len touguea avd burning tilaL era f dlowtd. Vi'apn alu r v abauiioiu-d, aisil rlrong mm I raved, ai.d dial. Af.er a e . ' inc. a dozen mirvivors found . . ; iu ih" boll-.w if a rotk iu ti.; r ,' i ' 1 1 Ut-led but ahort lioK, wl.. j isbi .1 but twa, liO eapl I vale V and f .linked 'h' liail tn. r e u.j ii.- n.. hi;!.:y n . . I frith hu'idied of anunal p-ntl. 1 aii a now, f;-r 22 v', the frago sl:l! cornjili tv, the iron work and i , .; ; Li i i the hrirlltd fk oi i S.u- iV ...'. tpri n 7 nr" tM jimyi-it. r.e I.en J has Lei ii i I: ran bx i.o lot.gt r J"bted that I Livnig-tone ih'' iotfpiJ African errl that heat tin hive d'.,iii..Mihed th.u.s.lvis by tLeir ! a (ou..d ,t I j j. by lb- W . -r re-eauhes in l I.I - din cli-.n. y thlsinc- d-i.U I-lt. . . fnm tlo grf,t .v tl , C of Mav th-N hiv.-n. an ec-p- be ' .i r c ived at j.. Ui i ti,.,,! IniUL.nrviu'the fl ' I eio- -M ty.'u-r, a .U by Mr. " La.,.,.-, v. - then oy sfns or fi i. nds fr n tin li int.ees th it a man h is neither kindred i-'t i ' :. . ; . it... .out.! ot i , il. .v " " I - ' " . . . I I he -un l-H.ks a? K-ni one t t:' o 1 ,n 11 A -. .vt.l w ii. i- . -ir- li I i ' :.i v. i g n.osidicre. and S'-em d In biiu as it he cuid f.ice i f our gical s -uir-j ol To plie ll.e I l,B .11 T,! r I or ji-ieno-. " . wi ,L. r,.A bow tfTiotil: it pie--:"n, isforevrn the most sc.upolous horat out v, .nueifiiay ja.-t w-u ionic one i'i T ' . ... , , . .i . . .!,,.: ,, the tumifold oppressive and technical c ;v 1 r w " ' ' . ,lir,jrLa - - m 1 l. iT lt.A Ull I II11I1U1. 1 111 F intomal revenue law, . 7. , ' ... ,i ,.b. U Ini aniin ii,iv.i!e "v... most innocent and trivial -rvaUvo..-Jr man to avoid a violation ot provisions of the and ho xr casj to torture th ii:.' in I n.-an- .1,1 : i i f ;; u 1 1 .zn g I infill a... I t r in ..a I th, -o. it baa b-U lUlOo, 11 1 1 LA huh l ,lo 1 ai"j v.... I IU IU th. li.c: r 1 b" f4( go t prove i'.i ! uiv. i IM i f th .. . ! 1 'W IU ' V. ' It u ,1! in, v 1 1: t o v -t nil pi i.t i -1 t!.i j. t ui' i t.y i! 1 1 1 1 l e crtie of Afiic; pre c edir f,. i c-.t cti sa! greai sprius or i a..a'n. l)t. a-. lVu.lt loch iil U fwud t Is lit tact. k'; ,:T-r"i" . U

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