BALISBCUt, TBUpSDAr .ft IT. & r i VOB PRESIDENT: nOIMC EUEELEY. JOR VIC&IESI DENT : II. CJIMTZ ZJROWiV. SUMMAW OF .THE JffiVS; f 4 4 , -Th Radicals-li.veplit inoatli Carolina. 1 lioth ing '' nominated.candjdate fur gov ernor and state officer. t- i i. ! Mr. Amali, -widow of the late Nathaniel WheaV of Ihiltiraore, w. murdered In her boost la (hat city a4 few, nights5 ago. Her ne phew, Mr.' Jes Appercae, ha been arretted hargedWith the'corambeion ofthecrimc. ' Gen, It Vance's majority over Candler, in the 8lh Concrrwlouat district, 2,o5j. , , . A negro woman died ju Culumbu County, on Menday night of week before lu.-t, at the extra? ordinary aja of 114 year. . . W. A. Jh'n Platting mil! and tobacco box factory was destroyed the 23rd ulf., at Saletnt Partially covered by infitiranee. Burton VnnVtolnao factory, ft Cermajilon, Htokes Co? has teed bursed, the wprk ofau Incendiary. '.--. ' . " ; Subscribe lor the Carolina Wuckman. ; y IaA every fraudulant vote, with the evidence. In the cbm, he repurifdio the Hon. D. M. rW- rlnger, before the Legislature meets. If those who know of fraud will collect the proof nnd report the whole matter iVwill turn' out that Merri loon hTelectcd bvtwo or three thousand ma jorlty. y A i" ' ' ' Quite a rain storm passed oyer thfc county last Tbumday night, 4, j .. Col, Jt W. klspaugh, formerly editor of the AVeatern Sentinel, ; has married Mim Celeste Tucker of Iredell Co. Three mjlHon." pf,Jt'ttcra went to the Dead Letter Q$ce in 1S?I, containins oyr three millions of dollar in; money, checks, etc Titus it U seen that on' an j&verage eytry letter that Ke into the -oItce, lows a dullard Fitty-eight thousand of these letters had no county or. State direction. Three thyusnnd liad no address at nil, Five hundred khon.and had no stamps. What an absent minded or ignorant people we tie. P"V ! Sweet potatoes are plentiful in lialcigh, and sell for one-dollar per bushel. There are 63 yoiing ladies now in attendance at the Baptist Female Seminary at lalcigh, nnd the prospect are more flattering than at the opening of any previous tsenMon. They are repairing and refitting the Female College building at Salt ml, l Al. Jprdon Stone, Esq!, of the Raleigh New, is prospecting near Norfolk. He is a handsbme young widower rirh.ips thio accounts for his fondness forN'irinia, Oen. IVF Cheatham; of Tennessee, hits re- teiyed thenomtraliou n candidate for Congress forthe8tatc at large. ix-l'i e'ulent Johnson was alsoa tniuidate for thcpositionbtf(;tliecoiJ ven lion ; and because he Was beaten by Cheatham he proposes to ruu as an dependant eandi date. "e lope and trust hewillbe badly bcttteu. These iu- depenilent canmaaTCS tnrouljoiit WoUoirulry are. doing us as (nuch Jump a tin; IUiJa They Keep our party disorganized and demoralized. We need never expect a complete triumph over Kadicalism until the, people turn thuir lacks I upon',in3ependtnt candidates. Ninetv-r.ilie 1 times in every hundred ihvy nre paid toVtinlby the BiW ;:The' Rada fiit find out the parties that are aspiring for nominaiiwis at the hands of the Conservative Party. They then begin to work, manipulate, arid rersnade and by the time the convention ihas acted, thev have, by virtue of money and promises of support, pre vailed npon the defeajted aspirant to run ; and Hi good honest, tmUnnking masses of the peo ple are frequently ptjrsQaded that he was nnjustly defeated an therefore give him their votes. They do this often, we say, without thinjting, for men can not 1 fhifiklto mucli efTect, tfho can not ee the'gfeat inportarice of uniting all the Conservative strcnglhitipon the regular nomi nees of the party, am spufuing the claims of independents as dangerous to -the organization and succcssofthe Conservative party. Away with Andy Johnson,and all other independents and straight onts. " "- ' U is said that Bob Lincoln, son of Abraham, isntrongly forGreeley, If Abraham was living, we think it very probable that he, too, would be f Greeley, as it was Greeley who more than any other 'man? made him President. j Tjie celebrated hicejhorse Lexington is ptill living, lie is 22 vears of age. Jane Hale, aged 1 U yearx, died in Abington, Va., pn thu 12th ult. She was born in Catawba county, North Carolina, in 1759. Her mother was a white woman and her father a full-blooded Indian. ? , , x Ihe Jidgefiela UtvrtU(.r, ; not thinking the prospect for reform encouraging from either of the J publics n faction in;Stuth Carolina, nomina tes Gen. M. C. Bmfer for Gorernor. - The anmial meeting of ihe Stockholders' of the Western N. C. Rail Road was advmWd to hHVi!?ke" rf V M 20th .Uhimofbutfor some reason' or other, very few of the Stock holders attended, not jcoough "to transact bnsi no. We fear there l.ias been something rotten about the management of this Road,, nnd we hope to see the matter thoroughly ventilated. Gen'l. W. L. Sco-t; of Greensboro, - N. C dicd at his re.iJcn.-e irt that place last Sunday' He had been in fnb! health for ome time back, 1I -was a rosn bf talent and promise. Edward Wanen! X. D.I formerly this .State, has been elected: Troisr of Surgery tn he . College of Psirians apd Surgeons of .Baltimore.. , j . The Kitchen and Smoke-house of MrvNsncy Johnston, abouv8 roijes from Charlotte, ,were entirely confined hrre last Tuedy igbi a j Tin Charlotte tot the rebidence'olf ltA'ghter. of the Uto !W","A,;ir from' this City' on the tfsbnr road; wd onThday 'I ',7 "VT' - 5m monev. The rogue or rognes carried off a u home-mae counterpane which tJokrTe Ymium at ot FairlaVFajir Witch oui for it ' VV M . Coleman; Ute Attorney General of thi 8t jtt under thajlolden governaaenhaa written a toofflettfr advocating tha daiftwof Greet fo the Prefidency i and in which 4e gives the negroes aome; wholesome advice. A few lines addressed to them will suffice to show the drift of hia letter. He ears? ft "I tell you candidly Jhat you can depend po njrer irocn yotif formei? republican' friends at longer npo the North. Their action in the last Congress in refusing to pass even a tnedified civil righto; till shows plainljr - enough that they are getting J ready to drop you " Too arevour mjUlionor people out of forty millions, and there M nojdis guiding the fact that a vast majority; of jthe white race arerejudioed against you. Deplore thij we may, we cannot deny it. You must make friends at home or your race is JaecU, a Qrpelef Democrat, has been elected Governor of West -Virginia, by a handsome majority ; and, the new Constitution hai been adopted with 1 he cxeepliou of the elatise pro hibiuug negroes from holding office. : ; j ' ' A terrible 'steambokf disaster occured joff Watch IIH1, K. If, Int Saturday In whieli about 50 persons pei ishcd. The Steamer Metis and a schooner collided; ' " ' S f t Thenjont important news we have from the straights wha were to meet in Louisville, Ky on the 3rd intint to nominate candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, is that Duncan, the leader, and Dr. Keller have had a quarrel and a fight, in , both of which Dunoau was wsrsted, ' -.-fo'-'r (!-.-... - .There is an old eolorwl ; woman 'at the Poor Ilotise in New Hanover County, who is said to be 114 years of age. V ' Hon. John Baxter is Independent Liberal candidate, so-called, for Governor of Tennessee ; and IIori."Etirha Baxter is Radical candidate for Governor ot Arkansas They are both' na tives of North Carolina we. believe, j A week ago last Tuestlay hn affray occurred at Greenville N. C, in which Mr.- Ed. Wilson was fatally shot by one Louis Roach, a Revenue Cutter. Roach was the aggressor. Tlie Steamer Bienville was burned at Sea on J5th ultimo, anf 30 persons are reported to have been lost,5 'y 5 v Madisok, . J August 20. "Melvjn San ford fatally shot his father .last niglit while endeavoring to prevent him from beating his wife." The above is n press dispatch, and js about as intelligible ag they generally are. We would tike to know, whose wjfe is pieapt. Whether the father's or the son's J A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. A writer in the Raleigh Era has discovered a mare's nest, and he seems to be both alarmed aid gratified. Hear him : Constitutionally, North Carolina is to-day without a Legislature." Now this is really startling news. What is to be done about it ? lie urges that Caldwell forth with issue a proclamation ordering a new decs tion. Wish he would do it, we would lik0 to Jiave another pnll for members to the Legisla ture. WTe would sweep the State, indeed. The facjt is, these Rads are wonderfully frightened at the prospect of seating "Judge Merrimon as the dluy and legally eleetetl Gcjvernor, abd ttiev are taxing their Mft brains for expedients to prevent it, if poftfibfe. But. ils no go. They iad just as well make up their minds to submit gracefully. This U the most prudent course, and it is always better to act prudently. There is no use getting in a cast-iron sweat, for what Is to be will be, and there h po wav that we can now tc J tt IicTpIC - j.. - 4 i' . ? , i ; THEY WILL RESIST, j The lialt igh Era in an article on the proba bilities of tlie Legislature contesting the fraudu lent election of i aldwell, sayn; "The Rcpul li cans will resist any attempt to scat Jude Mcr rimon." . - j The gist of all this is, If the gislature, act ing in strict conformity with the constitution, proceeds to investigate the alleged frauds! in obedience to the detnonds of ihe pcopie, jmd that body finds and so declares that Merrirpon has received a majority of the legal Votes, then. notwitlistahmii!? this fart tdn "1 Rads ivilf i resf-Miira ucingheaiea. x nat is what their organ. speaHng for Caldwell and his party, says. Win der if thiy wiTl ? . We know they are capable of almost anything j but we can't think that they hayso little sense as to attempt such a things as open resistance to the law and the constitu tion Unless thev have all insud their lives and made arrangements for a wonderful Mg grave yard, they had probably better not under take so hazardous a game. There are not en ougb carpet-baggers, scalawags, nor liegrU4 the state to prevent the execution of the law.! The Democratic and conservativa people of North Carolina will attend to this matter!. SaU they demand is an impartial investigauoiiofUhe frauds and an honest verdict If the matter is brought before the Legislature with the proper evidence, and the Democratic-Conaervftifes' members, fail to receive and act upon it, wo4 be untothem. The people demand a thorough' in vestigation, and the seating of the It-gally elected governor, and they will take care cf the Hidi cil resitmce. AASiilBcijoN, 'August 29 "Tk nn. e .1. . r . 1 i vaiuuii vi lire tour ernna imnncnn at Albany aSjVn Xlux haabeen postrwned upon i a- '".tjTvu hi uie .vuorney ijrener- al s office from official sources in North Carolina." Who is the cowardly vindictive Pupet in "Norlh Carolina" that rushes in to stop the par don of these poor unfortunate wretches! now languishing in a northern prison put ( there through the agency of packed juries, perjured witnesses, and venal officia 1 Whoever he be, he is worthy of the universal execration and scorn of humanity. The creature that would stay tlvrdispcnsatwn of merey-under such cir cumstances, must be a fiend, indeed. Would thaUhe Northern people knew how passing villainous and corrupt are the official sources, whence that and similar representations isine in North Carlina. If search waa made iri pan demonium for Rpririts whose deviiish'malignlty and blackhearted venalhy would comparewjth miny of Grant's, appointees in this State,it would have to be abandoned in despair: No more unscrupulous and Infamous creatures live than" a number of jhe 8o-cailed officials of Uiis State: Tnd these are the men who have the ear of Grant imd the government auth'oVitlpi at Washington. U h not time th A rr.h of the country wcreawpking'to 'sense of their surroundings? ' " f , The Wilmington Journal closes an article.on this subject thus; " ' , -i ; ' S hrt r?t,,es iahuman wretches thus inca pable of pay , Can it be that orth Carolina bus given birth to brute, with desires so wolfish aod so bloody ; tobeaBtaw Carved and ravenous for human agny And human woe? ' 'a v Who aje hese inexorable dogs that have in fused mwJxea into4he;todicof mjn, whbre boWelcs of compassion neither human hclplesi nlesa, nor lendef knees,' rtor'piteoiu sighs, nor dying grenns can move? ' ' f Fpil abortioBSjbf humanity accursed spawn o'f.Nrll we pray to Heaven that it was not upon -Carolina's si) that ye first aaw the iilill' , ti--i--z r r - - .-. -::, .VILLAINOUS SLANDERS,-; , 'J j Fpr vilUanous and unadulterated lying,-two articks which have recently appeared for the first'jtime, one in the X. Y. Times, the other in the Washington Ukrtmide, exceed any thing we hve ever before seen. None but a most shatne less jfalsilier, could write thenf"ahd nOne'but a defi inearirate'irotild'hatelhlfnjj'titih the purpose" they are intended to serve. These articles were written about the laughable and aimst bloodless street fight that occurred here about too weeks ago; and the wretches who wrote them and who have so shamelessly mis represented the facts, 'and villainously slandered the good people of this town and county, did so for tjie purpose of making political capital j but they! will fail for our citizens, 4re determined that the falsehoods shall be exposed, and if pos sible1, the guilty, parties discovered; and punish- ecvf - v There Is not a more law-abiding people any where In the United States than those of Rowan county. There are no such .ruffians and Ku Klux here, as the writers charge, and never hav0 been. In fact, there has not been an out ragej or violation of law io thetown or county for yeara that can possibly be distorted , into a Ku Klux act. Thank God there are men amopg u and we hope there will always be, who will not tamely broo an insult, bnt who will-iresent an outrage or an insult on the spot by whomsoever offered, in pn open, manly, and courageous manner, and not as an assasin and coward. These villainous lies have gone forth, and it is said that troops will probably be sent here in consbqticnce. Our people care nothing about the troops coming. It is a matter of no cencern with: them, if a dozen regiments are sent ; but they do feel chagrined at the vile slanders which havf gone forth from here and been published against them, Aj prominent Republican showed us the arti cle m the Chronicle and remarked that it was a big ie from, beginning to end. He further said that the Republicans of (hi, place so pronounced it, jBut hc evidence of the utter falsity 0f the statements published by the slanderers of our people, is abundant, and the authorities can hav it if they will take the trouble to get it. Brick Poineroy. to show his gratitude for the large, support giveu by Southeru people to hjis LaCioss Democrat, is now d-uug all he eitn to elect Grant Sume people iu this section Were simple enough tu think Pome roy tvas the greatt miln living because he pretended to be a better Southern man tlin tiatiire Southerners. He got tHeir money, and nowfhe is fr keepiug their oppresso-siu puwer. Such uureiiable hut-heads as Poine roy.Nortli aud South, have caused the South to sijffer greatly Charolot e Democrat. We agree with the Democrat in its opinion of Pomjeioy and his paper, and we desire to men-" tiqn juiothcr that may be set down in the same category, that is, the N. Y. Day Book. These papers are no mure concerned about the real welfare of the Southern people than t;he man in tine moon. We have entertained this opinion for a longtime, but because they had large cir culations in the Sfouth, we have been careful to keep, it to ourselves, lest we should be charged with; selfhUT motfves for denouncing - ctiitn. That they are rivals we do not hesitate to ad mit; but that this is the secret of our condem nation, we most emphatically deny. The Dan Book has recently come out for C.jlr... I.,-.. r J . - 1 . v.v-iv., uui ii waa iorceu io uo it or Jose its sufjsribers; who are nearly all southerners. We jrould have given up every one rather than hayej abandoned a ositi()n so strongly taken against Greeley and persisted in for week after hi. nomination by the Democratic parly. It has therefore given up the principles of a life time for the sake of a few dollars. Men who gracefully support Greeley as the nominee of the Democratic party, and as the less of two evils' sacrifice no principle; but those who ob stinately refused to do this for months after his nomination,! and who now insist npon swallow ing liim whole, puffing him to the skies as the greatest living statesman, as a man who never unjust thing or uttered an unwise word, merely because they find it to their interest to do; so are bioth knaves and fools, ready to sell thiir birthright for a mess of pottage. Ade fronji the seltish motives which too evi dently actuaie these papers in all that they do and say, onejof them, at least, (Pomeroy's hem octol is not fit to be admitted into a decent man's honse. A more sjiameless, filthy, obscene shetjis not t be found anywhere, not except ing Woodhull and Citfiin's Weekly, the Police Gazette, or thp Day's Doings. Bui suppose the advice these papers have giv en us: since th war had been acted upon, does not evferjj man know that the South would today bejina much worse condition than it is? Their adviqe has been impracticable jargon, revolu tionary and wild theories, crimination and re crimination, abd appeals to the worst passions ofja soured and helpless people. Not one thing have they said or done calculated to promote our pjecuniary ior local interests, secure to us political freedom, give us peace and qniet at homej; bnt ther doctrines have rather tended to inflame tfie passions of our people, paralyze industry, and produce demoralization and in suWtlination. The fact is, those who control these Sand other Northern papers know nothing about! our. real Rendition, our surroundings, our necessities, or our wants. Ytt there are hun dreds; and hunjdmls of men throughout the south; that subscribe and pay their money for thpseinorttvern r.inds, in preference to tak ing a Igood paper published -at home. We know of several persons taking northern papers, who depend for their local news on borrowing a f home paper'from their neighbor! This ia ail wjong, even if these northern papers were jiist what hey should be in. every particular. It is wrong to send nioney from home for any thing that jou can procure with it at home. It is wrong not to encourage and nstain home enter prise, and it U a shame that any one should be satisfied to remain ignorant of what is transpir ing around him,j when it can be prevented bv the judicious expenditure of a few dollars. CALDWELL'S MAJORITY. ATbe Raleigh papers telTlus that at last the returns from all; sip counties in the State have jcome in land that by the'showin" they make Ca Id well feas received a ma jority of 2,0G9 votes; -S 4 1 , -.;Aa these returns, -however, nre at best only smi-ofSciatfndas they have been so coniradicoy, we may pardoned. for piaciag little . confidence iu the rtsult littfe tey purport to "figure out. . Tlm fi. The foot- i ing'tip'of thc hctual official county Ve tarna cannot bo ascertained until the Legislature ets,i althe law rcijuirvs themrto ; bo ealed ' up, directed to tte Speaker o ill : House of Representative?, and to be by im opened in the presence if J,tHe two Uiouaca of abe General presump, , however, there will be no material variation from ihe reported ma jority, and 4at we may safely couiii npon baving to tarove tba" tuore ibat two thoufand of tln .voles conn ted for L'aIiI wejl were. UleliyrcouiiUd. Uan we do tlm ? We do not propose to go into details for variona :re?on, but this we will ay( that if the allegations iu regard to the election be Unstained a to three Eastern counties alone that we caii name it will leave M'rHrnon with a' majoiity 'of near one, th6uarid votes"! ! This leaves nutouched the tiumberlesg fraud In oilier' portions bT the State. The task thna becomes an easy one, not only to show that Caldwell was n. t elected, but that Merrimou received a handsome majoiity of the legal votes. We call, t Lei-fore, npon men of all parties who deeire tV preserve the freedom ' of elections and ihe purity of the ballot-box in North CMina, to Livestigate and report upon every case of fraudulent or illegal voting. We say we call upon men of all pities" to do their duty iu. thisjmatfer fr jthe reasoit, that we are working frfr thegooa of the' whole State and not for any were partisan odvaulage. In our r.ext Legislature we have a tribnnal that will decide the contest lion estly in accordance with the law and the testimony. We call upon the good men everywhere, then, to tee that all the testimony is presented Wilmington Journal. GRANT'S BEEJ. EATERS. This uniqnc and voracious tittle iu giv en by the New York World to that cUss of Revenue officers who nre bleeding the Treasury and robbing the people of the taxes that should go into the hands of the Government. The World takes up the Southern States in turn, and shows the unjust and iniquitous operating of the Revenue law in each. j The following on th subject of Grant's Beef Eaters in North Carolina will be found interesting and hurtful to the Radi cal party. It is a good campaign document. Cut it out and preserve it : "The receipts from the four articles still revenue in the Seventh District of North Carolina in 1S71 were as follows: From spirits $1G 671 23 From tobacco ', 2,0S0 31 From fermented liquors From banks Total c Election SlS,7ol 57 Amount appropriated in 1872 3 for collecting theabove was 810,000,00 which is a fraction over 85 n-r cent, on ihs cU I. ction. Or, in other word-, the Treasury receives S2.751 79. and Grant's be, f J. ters receive 10,000.00. It may be interesting, if not to the pub lie at Large being- simply the ttdyect of fffoiftiu nllfjurvhy-. nt least to nal ure's ieal work of perfection, Civil-service Glorgb William, io know that iu IS71 there were Ft ill llie following articles on the internal revenue statute, viz: Cross receipts on railroads, telegraph, stages, Sec. Tax receipts on sabs. Tax receipts on speeial taxes. Tax rccipts on income. Tax receipts on spirits. Tax receipts on tobacco. Tax receipts on fermented liqnors. Tax receipts on banks. Tax receipts on gas. Tax receipts on legacies and succes sions. Tax receipts on articles in Schedule A. On all these articles taxeswere collectr ed up to October, 1871. The appropria tion for collecting was in the Seventh District of North Carolina -SI4.000. Alter ubolishing all tlm taxes except en four articles, viz: spirits, tobacco, fer mented liquors, nnd banks, there was ap propriated for the very fiscal year we are now in, 1S72 '3, S1C,000, or 2,000 more than in 1871'2. Whatever the faults with which Mr. Greeley is charged by his enemies we m iy I e morally cer tain that he never would have countenanced or allowed the above swindle if be had been at the head of affairs." . . - Number of Shingles i.v a Roof. J. D. Tate gives to the New York Far mers' Club a rule foi estimating ihe nnmber of shingles required for a roof of any sizeone which - he' thinks every farmer and-mochanic should remember : First find the number of square inches in one side of , the roof; cut off the riht hand or nnit figure, and the sc6tilt will be the number of shingle required to cover both sides of.-the roof, laying five inches to the weather. The ridge board pro vides for the double courses nt the bot tom. Illustration : Length of roof, 100 feet; width of one side, 30 feet- lOOx 30x134 432.000. Cutting off the rilu hand figure we have 43.200 as the nuni ber of 8hingels required. Marraige Under Difficulties. There was a marraige in one of the chur- C"VB 'f-3Iobile a day or two snce, and in f- r . i l . . . cosecjueuce oi me greai aispanty ot tlie ages between the bride, and groom a number of frolicsome boys gave the hap py pair an old fashioned cltaricari as they came out of the church. The bor scb standing in front of the door not liking the din caused by th P'npan, bells, and Vieh like," took fright and ran awav. Off started the groom and his attendants after the horses and car riages, bnt they stayed away po long, and the eharivari in the mean time be coming louder and more discordant, the bridey unable 'any longer to stand the rumpus, tnadc forborne as fast as her legs could carry her. When John Adams was ninety years of age lie was asked how he kept the vigor- of Jbis faculties up to that age. He replied: By constantly employing them. Ihe mind of an old man ia like lan oU We if wft,.ld L.i r :. . t ?. J. out ofit you mast work it all the time.' THE CHOICE., : The people f th South mast make choice as between Greetrj and Grant, c ' , ; ; There is no other alternative, It mast be the intrtb other.. j ! m.l-m The one will do justic to the South. Th other will farther oppress aod traurplw us down.'' V- . . ."'',.' .j-,' The one hss been endorsed by the Deroo crt party. The ether has been deUouned for his tyannical and corrupt Administra tion. " . : ; - one ia iq favor v( effaeting he bifer roenaoHHH of Um laU fratricidal war. Other is pppielU)..recvaciliatioajindsatiyaixest4rr. ation. s The on ad voeates an hones and economi cal administration of th Government Thm Mher kas illnstrated his icaaparity -and uufitoeta (jt offieo by narrow lighted and and extravagant ixjhcy. ... The one is in favor of preserving the land marks i.f Constitutional UWrty. -The oth er has exhibteJ a recklesr disreearJ f Con stituti.jnal restraints, and has been guilty of many acts of despotism and tyrannical roV. The oim is opposed to corruption in all its forms. The other is the representative of all the Radical ring that have bled the trea sury and plundered, the people without stint. The one is the embodiment f geuuine peace, univeral ainptj and tath.nal prus peiity, Theothr Isafymb.d of hate, of passion, of sectional pMudice. of military rule, and of centralization. Which ought the Soatb to choose Gree ley or Grant? Can any one bestitatei ? Xetc$. Jon Pool Fairly Caught Jut before the election Foster, one of the radical candidates for the Lgilature in Caswell county, received a registered letter through the Yanceyville Pot office, which he opened in tho presence of T. J. llrown, the worthy Postmaster, to see that the conten's were all right. The letter was from John Pool, enclosing two fifty dollar bills for clectwncering pirww" Mr. Urow n, an honest, clever gentleman, and who is liberal in his political views, spoke of the matter, and f.r doing whieh he has been removed from office and notified that a woman will be sent there to relieve him. We are not advised as to her color, or what relationship she sustains to Presi dent Grant. And this is the Government the Rads and '-straight out" Democrats are Irving to perpetuate removing an old and able officer simply because he let it be known that the Government was using the people's raaney to corrupt the elections Mirough John Pool, the scaven ger. Hillsboro llecorder. NEVER SAID IT. The radical papers report that Judge Merrimou has said that he will notcuutestelee tiou with Cov. Caldwell. We venture Judge Merrim-n has said no such tl in. He has not committed hiinselfone way or another. If the political friends.of Judge Mernmon dis cover illegal votes sufficient to overbalance Gov. Caldwell's majority, he will not be slow to itake up the issue and submit it to the decision of the Lerilature. I We repeat, let all illeual and fraudulent I v,tes be reported to the chairmau of Kxei-n- j tive !nuiittee without delay That Judge ; f, ' , . -V U,e Vh r V? I f 2'M 2a ' have not a particle f doubt. .r ... . J .-. : ocnan:i A Wokd to Girls. The woman who is indifferent to her looks is no tine wo man. Ooil luiuui wotiiuu lo be ui 11 active, to lfiok well, to please; and ii ia one. of lier duties to cany out this intention; of her Maker. Rut that tlres is to do all, and to suffice, is more than we can be brought to believe. Just because we do love to see giils look well, as well as to live io some purpose, we. wo-ild urge upon tlu m such a course of reading and study as will confer such as no modiste can supply. A w.ell kuowii author once wrote a pretty essay on the power of education to beautify that it absolutely chiseled ihe features ; that he bad seen many a clumsy nose and pair of thick lips so modified b' thought awakened and active sentiment as to be unrecognizable. And he put it on that ground we often see people, homely and unattractive in youth, bloom in middle life into a softeiu-d Ins lian summer of good looks and mtllow tones. THE ART OF SITTING PROPERLY. All consumptive people, nnd all h Reeled with spinal deformities, sit habitually crooked, in one or more curves of the body. There was a time in all these when the body had its natural erectness, when there was not the first departure on the road to death. The make of our chairs, especially that great barbarism, the unwieldy and disease-engendering rocking chair, favors these diseases, and undoubtedly, in sonic instances, leads to bodily habits which originates the ailments just named, to say nothing of piles, fistula'and the like. A very common position in sitting, especially among men, is with the shoul ders against the chair-back, with a space of several inches between the chair-back and the lower portion of the spine, giving the body the shape of a half hoop. It is the instantaneous, instinctive, nnd almost uni versal position assumed by any consump tive on sitting down, nnleits conntemrted 4y an eff.irt of the will : hence parents snouKi regard such a position, and should rectify it at once. HAVE YOU EN EMI E. t TL . i.i i. . . . i uere ;ir mauy noa tnougnts in trie fol lowing, which we clip an exchange, aud which has beeu for several year, floating around among the newspapers. "Have You Exemies. Go straight and don't mind them. If they get in yor way walk around them regardless of their spite. A man has no eoemies is seldom good for anyt ling ; he is madd of that kind of material which is so easily worked that every one hju a hand iuit. A sterling character ii one who thinks f.r himself, and speaks what he tli inks; he is always sure to have euemies. The nre nee-ees-ary to him as fresh air, they kep him alivo aud active. A celebrated charac ter, who was surrounded by enemies. uo to rema rk : -They are sparks, which if y no do not blow, will go out themselves." "Lire dovrn prejudice.." waa the I ro a Duke's taotto Let thi-be feelioc whila endeavoring t(l tlV0 (.rn ..f tt. 1. fl'.. j aglnst yon. If yoa stop u despute. you do ;w mey uesire. ana open tue way fur more abase. Let the poor fellow talk there will be a reaction if yoa prf.nn but yont doty, and hundreds who were ooea alienated fr.m yoa will flock to yqa r4 acknowledge their error." .. . . . , Cheap Chattel Mortgages, nd various other blajikt for sale here. Fcxjst . I AV oh me i raiern. u. ictif-ni at.Morganton bn Saturday raorulng lair, A u .....j. 1. . . uu ma no or uie maio passengers got off ca the platform, a woman cici meuccd whipping hint withm large hick ory twitch, and poured tht, licks oroa htm with a vim. ' She accosed him of being a revenue spy or informer. The womau was named McNeely. We do not know the mauV name. Charlotte DtmocraL . -j 4 artsian.publiiher. Uaboui. usuio; a history of the Franco Gu man war, which will bo oade up of contrilutoi, from the leading"1 authors of France. Victor lingo,' George Sand, Darna-, Henri, and,othxri are uiuud U coutribute. , Gentility la neither in birth, wealth raaniier, nor las liioo but in the mind. A high stniu of honor, determination er. to uke a mean advantage of aiotlrt aufi politness toward those with whom we have dealings, are the fiscotul charaa cr- uiici of a gentlrmaa. , MARRIED. IL G. Barretu-Mr. Henry P. Sprinkle aud Wa . - Aiiss. Mary G. IVuttMoo. DIED: In this eoonty nexr China Grove, on th j 5th of Auent. I Jams MlletU s-.q of K. It and J. O. Black welder r,ed 4 years G months Mid t dsys D-ar HttU Jimmy ra b.relr child. But he 'has t j.iu the aneli iaal above. 'SufTer little cbildrem t mm onto me for of urh U the kingdom of God : ANNIE. In Salisbury, on the ,h nltiu, f Con- Cestive cliill. ( Eonnr V T vaj 4 v-i 1 1 years and 21) days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SETTLE ITP. AH thooe indd.ted to me for miWription to CKAIGE&CltAIGE. ATTOKXCVS AT LAW, A N I Solicitors in )anhrnp(fo. R?Spccial allcutioti paid to Proceedings Sept 5,-5l:3mos. notii: ! Valuable Land for Sale. As a-ent for It. R. iLuts, I ui!l 11 at public sale, on the public pare, .aIUbtir, on tiur diy the oili of M., ai H o!ok A. M , valuihle tract of land Ivitu; on the Sberrill' l'o;ir.l Road, eont.-iiiiiiiit .ic-res. S.-tid ir.-u ! i o miles wea of .Salwl-ury. Tern.a mde knon on d.iv of sale. JOHN LLNULE. A. Aii0'. :'l, s: 5t; RIBBONS, MILLENARY 5TSAV7 SOOES, Wliite Good?, Embroideries. Hi:'. ARMSTnOHG CATOR & CO. Imj t rtr. Mt tif-rtrtci imt Ronnel Trim in", Neck nnd S.-i-h Eii.boKH, . Velvet KiUm.i, etk Tie. SiJk, , Velvet and I'lu-fr. Ftthcn, j OrnanitjiU, Fraine, Ac. ! stiuw rnTT' t-A'-ir"' o rtni.nit'8 . ! IlAtS. TICMMIU M L NTH WW 1. i ' And in connecting W'arerocm j Wltite GKds, Linens, Embroideries, ' Lace. SeU. o!:r. Sett. Handkerchief, ( l Nrt. A.-.. Ac. Nos. 137 and 130 Hilt st , Rait imore, Md. TheegMvU are manufactured br ti or lonj;lit for C'.ikIi directly from the European nd Anier- ican Manufacture, ecibnu ing all ihe Jaiet I novehie. unetialcJ in variety and cheapnewi in any market. I Order tilled with care, protnptnc and dis patch, i ot-3ti: jxl. LAND SALE. Ifartna. l.l.n r... I I . 1 1 .f I J Having taken out letter of Adrainitra- - 1 1 1 1 . . ... ...v uminrr, ior u veriMinjr. or n5 work are' j- . ., . a;- if re.pectfull.T reoueHed lo c forward and it- Vr S t m,ltint:: I U W ibw. tie np further dtUr. 0,m Wh tl" tU? X', ' W Klonr.Pras or any eountrr" prod.'uke n i Vi T vT' T'l1-1 ..tI, r. ..j.i . . m SaliUrv . ( for .,r -.-,1. .... lU . . J. J. 8TEWAHT. I ept. 5,-.jl;tf lion, with Will anr.t xwl,"of Tbcma tibren ' nl"rla1 ' fr r ;f. nt inti dee'd , I will noil al p iidie aoie on ihe premie, j Lr Syl1 ' !1 6,USV--7 miles wet-t of Salbury, the tncl of land , known a the Joe Gl.ctn place, containing '21C 7I K'" T.tM.Utli l. acref. about ) of which w ilm'-r, the remainder conisi-l of ptkmI deal c.f freh land t-uitable for grain and tobaceo: nome ex-c-lleiit bottom land and a nnll orchard. There are two dwelling boon on it, and plenty of waltr. The pale will take idare on lIi ."iih of O.toher, 17 . at 12 o'clo. k, M. Term one-third cnh, one other thinl in ix tnnitb 'il!d- llejoa r.eJ Vtmtft l-nieia! X an.I the remainder in 18 month-. Ti.lrW,,!i!,"n !y:! -M ou' u .rllerjoar r..r,5aiu U el until full pa menl iuade ", Aug. LC 'S72. Admr. wiib Will annexed. 1 SUMMONS for OITORCK. .S'"yieriV Court, IIoicj County. Iinra Cliance, plair.tijr, ) againt j Thomas Franklin Chance, Summon. defendant, I STATE OF NORTH CAP.OLINA. To tht SS'rijf of frjv tn County, Greeting; You are herebv ron,manil .., L, heretofore been, ,o Tl,oM. yT'.1?! ueieiwaM .U-ve named, if lie be lourui wiin iu yottr county, to be ami appear be- , 6j Made. J.. n. ork. frethe Judgeof itirS.iperiorturt,tobehld r . ,,ni lr , . . .... . far iheronnir nf R.n ,i iK- fv - ir I A lint 1 1. r.. re-fnmd'"1 t Salisbury, , on ithe fourth Monday after the third Cenu dm Ux. Uhn Hear. Ll IWeu- Monday in beptember next, nd answer the ollfire lta-e. Sew Vetk. Complaint whtch ia now filed in the office of the i dm t-v- m. , . r. , . . Clerk of ilf Sui. ri,.t fv-, ! 7. r KlI.t -j BL . II C Dies! and I t , , J - i i - a y aid Ooenty. k,rir.1!4w.,!,tftS, ,rinr ar.4 ,a t! and ,et the wid defendant take notice that if be igmi. Tkv g ua. a 1mm,U u'.4 ' laiU to ar awer ihe aaid o mr lair.t during tl.ejiand. Mttnl t i:-tr at ti tir rnaHKM next Term, Ihe plalntlft" will apply to lhe 'o jrt ! rrI'r4 t,v IL r. hm tr.lU ot r.ttaur a..d Pr for the tk lief demnndcl in the eomrlaim ,rr ur, arj tl.c trI tAiu.iA bin njret Jieiein lau not, and or thw Summon make ie mum. Given under my hand and ibe due oi hhi conn, mwzMlt day of Aucruat 1S72. ( Maiotiher Clerk or the Sunrr. t-onrU f Cwirt of Ilowan enimt ! J ru.. - NOTICE. Ihe CoraraiwifMVf r of Iredell Conotv will . receive at tLeir (iu t In ni.i..;ii.. .L. itai w- a a a a l u i ir.. r r ? pth day of .Stu-mbrr next aeaied rrjrl buildlnj; a new Jail jn said eoonty, Th uu to be built of brick. SO by 10 fett, three atotiea kin, with a Careen the 3i J ftW. Han and fperifioaiiori of tl. brnktiwr. rg Ac-. 0 be aweo mi oCirr.f Itrc iatcr of Peed. JOHN UAViPSA.,tUir ITH Co-mty Commiwtiera 4t Iredell County, N. C. I r . . Of M,LU.A BuTOXX U O.U davTLSfi'T Tbu-eindeUed to lU late fnn ,In t, crr4e forward aod m .l . . .u July 1.1S72 M,LLSA'AlitX. W.J MILM T II. KZKirs . J HILLS, KERNS & COV 4Um, t, XIanh 1,12. Keep Mitck ry OnJirX" j "w lM -v ouiu tjiiciij- mention-!; e "Jlir ana Ullef f Oil $raJ(,t jwni ' BACaiN. LAI'JJ. HU: an.1 t PJ-r IXATlint. SHOES & IkurTA HATS. Bu.VNirrs. tllllho. . hALMDN TIM) IT. PU)l U a4, rOAPS. PEPPER and 5PICW. TOBAtXt), ktnd al a on ,.r -. .... . . I-tLsfMXUl atli-f.l mi. nicBi an.i rt.mj4 rt turn tu4-. 1 .1 r ' X Urw J K. T. Sj or Adiar.tif J . .htl dec 11 ri 9gniMt Mill. I . bactk.aad lo SZYl S T.'r and wife U i Naray Jane Drfcn.UnU , AM.. It arpearinx to U Mlk&cttan f tW (. 1.1 it ii 1. 1 1 . (Mil Jtl r.-iiiiring mI ICnltlrt.tn1r ml tbrt- r of llie c lerk of the r-urwrii.r 'I ..... .... v u i or iankiu at ihe Court lfot;v in Vandki .t i! r joo tht first dmr of IK I. orl au4 atrr th nMup1aii4 fl'laiatif' urtLaiue UleuJ ' exrte to him. j ThLt Sih iav of Anru-t lf72. I j A MLS A. M A RTIX, C. S. C okth Car.. UNA, ' J In the Superior Con rt. n.ivir torxir. I W. R. Sharp Adui'r f Hiram Pht lpr, oU-c'ed, . E. ( i. C loue and wif JuiU A. Uhm, I". II. J Phe! j", Ai. l.r-i.i ( rn.iit-r td wife lii Corn:rer. Kslia rhlj, Ilita. pUlj a -nl buluOtiNl PitclM. IVlilion to Kell land for amtt. It an'cnr;iijj to the kI ifatl of the court that P. H. Piit-Ii.. oneof ihe di fcmfantu aU.te naimd b. iioi . nH.!rfat 0f lii. Siai; Jit. ih. r. -.r . i i ... . . I luir nnii n-i u i tliealh.u ins tmW in V in-iit.a UaiHiiuan" a newMtanrr iit ti.l.l in llo- niwrn.f.s..!;t.iry, Airti.ux-riw-ra, tttiitinj ;ii.1 d, f. ud.ii.r lo .ij.jirai at tleiffu of Iherhfk .f ibeSnperior tiwirt. at the e.n;rt hi hi .Moek.viile on the Tib i!v of Vl(r no a i m, I , ,!. ..,.,a.;..i of'jlan.uf r the -.itiie ill U-b'-nrd v;w tu hint. Tlii-UUi dijruf Am;ii-t 1 7 1. j II. It II. .waid, C.S. C. ' . ! I a Female Academy. The J,n; ..f M,. J.i, uie C.udtl!,i ; fir -.ri- :!l i.j.c-n on !ie 7 Kjt. Tt-ruu berctwforc. l. A. PA VIS, t J J. LIM'NEII, ' C J.K Mct.TUni.NR. ) Aug 21, II. 4t: . onu j SALISBURY SCHQOL J The Fall Term of Mr. II. T. Hutka Krl.. for li ti t.nunirt- S-4. J7ih. Tet .?12.J i-r M-mion of ttreriir wrtk. Comu. Cent U-v I. A. PA VIS, 1 J. J HHl ' NKK, Com. J. 8. MeClUlUl.NS, ) Aug 21, tt: SPECIAL NOTICED. THK i; A LKS OF At:.Y n m tj.Tirr than U.f ftioiua hit 1. tl.t- lrtiht htx'(iwijt .iti.ti l.ffl. V... ...11.....! ... I ) It tlno the trfih tl at a?e drat,t! dj.ty if l LUt cu bio. flyitl. TOOW.VKltiK Hi, USE -Nook rr r. Teli a ll.n-r Wut I..i,n...i . ii'..r " .iuvii ii iirni:n l.r .! -.i Throat. Cut. Iituie. a) o.a -r.. wrrri.,j .... : . . , . . ... fc : . i .....i. . . . n ft m inn e. al 'far tvolitxr; FX- j I - a tr it a tlj . at up ,u t. fraILI H- a I 5 ot. and lior tj!tie- and are tr 't '.j IU tt rnrU in nnt .titril tt atd Teat, ia lL L'uited Male. Caaadaa and Ilrit. !. ire. ! we:iain mats clLer U r i mu It HKLI' i OH Till. HorLl.t.-Vvti art etk. aejr-td. Di-M-iabe. ar.d no! li.Lp ion aaj fo..d. too aar. Ia't dttiair. Tlwir tka'tB i , Ul ,. er oil tr trttf, ,m,, Kttrr. VV'ili rerirt. ard rt-tteeat jtai tt'.tJ ' vnu v a gtn;: ra.n rc'rU the ilWti4 1 SfiMta. r.- I wrU, III 'n. 4rprm t a 4til a 4 , f- 'itlr ttj in U tr ' VI .' 1 . ; ' tn ii. ar t t '.in r ,;. ' . t '(fir. -"t.- r-r -pi ..,:,.r.r- It W-r l C-I.. , . W . I i't I. H ii Vf. ' d 4 k. P ' tra r 't it ti 1 ..tjrf. .1.4 at t- tiK t..f pmlu wt rrcot n .air iraia f rr r -tH r aicta-a. M - ntL t 'Bt.aT" Ivctf ft tTI e.i r TW mr , iH. kr fi f.rt ti i 4 .rf vt 0 t'. t 4 ! ton,' N.)! Ij : i .r r,U ,4ti. r. i . wi:t a c . f-rk. i ! CHRHTArtOR-r.- II IP.DTK. afan rrit: t4 l'Sl LKlL iZT.Z t anj t Hair Ihe ; Um murld. M.nuf. t..t. " F '": i 4 4 rwr.fc4. tU r4 rH i L . .. 7 . . '7 r"ir ' - paratieaa.ffom -nn.. . . . . 'I rti'H - e'lltll.un.liitl Wirrr tl. 3Tett t.J brt i.iiiJti itat .4 tOTt tl I .(fmwt, : m u l.tra. .,( ItK.MtirHtlMilH ... " I . - ; . '. . . .. . ..I i ami.v.ow lift frrm.rrfa. t.t lot .j, i tr. I Uoaf ta. Pra;uatUi--a ITTU. New T- E ittrK fiixrrvn.r hfilh 7 I bey wwi4 al I wiUxMil Ut tilling KrT. ttmm lit bulb tbki4 hit RfeikUd witk tic WUU2f twt-ts' '" liratK.if wt atrtrr. THE fKCRKT OF r.EUaTT. Wit lonrer akkt-a W iLt ,A Ih.lUa and It ri kWw lauil ! y4mrwd t .'r 4Mirblfl r , , - f - t banaVt v.tH irnaraUoakww . i. U Ita jtrwlj aonJiftial. IV Kit. 6, C.cld V N . T . (Mil ,1 llt-p 1 . Mi l I.I. 1.1 II... I . I . 1

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