II I: 1: B i i i 4 f I- f f. i fOL. IV THIRD SERIES. rusLisuKD weekly; J j J . BIIUNER, Proprietor aa Editor, i J. J. STEWART, AstocUio Editor. DATJSS OF UBCBirXJON hb tgARt pyTlia advance. ....$2.50 ;x MoktAb, ' 1.50 Copies to one addres, 10.00 HEAD & FOOT STONES, &C. I JOHN H.BUIS fpENDEKH his complimenU to his friends X aad the pabJic.and in thin method trotld bring to their attention hi extended facilities Tor meeting demands in hi line of bueineng. 'le Is now - prepared to furnish all kindxof Urave 8tone. from the cheapest Bead Stones, to the cotliet monutnentH. Those prefeiing tries and very corny yroru not on band, can be accommodated on short time, strietlj in ac cordance with apecificatinnfi, drafts, and the terms of the contract. Satisfaction gnaran teed lie will not be undersold, North or Sonthi, Order nolieted. AddreHi, I7;tfj j JOHN P. BU 18. Salisbury. R. Cc A. TkIURPHY Having asrain Organized for BUblNESS, have just opened a STOCK of GOODS, en v new and freah. in the formerly occupied as the Hardware Store, room and next door to liingliam & Co., to tli0 inflection of which they; most cor- dialljr invite the public. Their mire Stock i It : was carefully selected by the senior num ber of tho firm in person, and bought at rates which will enable them to sell as to; for CASH, as - IfiHY HOUSE TOMBS ill (11111 ' STil L', in-the' City, for Good of same quality. i heir Stock IS general, embracing all the vurious branches of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery Boots and - Shoes Sole Leather, Calf and , j Binding Skins, Grain and Grass, Sctthes, Cap, Letter r and Note Paper, TsNVEtOPES, PENS, INK, cfrM nhd a beautiful assortment of ; ' i They feel Laanred of their abilitv tn give entire satisfaction, and especially in vite old friends and cuatomerr to call and bring with them their acquaintances. They expect and intend to maintain the jrenutation oij the Old Murphy House, .which is well known throughout Western jS'orth Carolina. All they ask is an ex amination of: their stock and the prices. JNo trouble to show goods, so come right along. Theirjnotto, Small profits, ready pay and 4 DK SALES. With a -gopd stock, low prices, fair dealing arid prompt attention, they will endeavor to merit their share of the pub - lieipatronage! They are in the market for all kinds of produce and solicit calls from both sellers and buyers. J B. & A. MURPHY. R0BT. MURPHY, ANDREW MUItPHY. Baliabury, March 23, 1872. f27;ly A. M. Sullivan. J. P. GOWAK. new opening; TUB underijgned having associated them selrea iu huniness under the firm name of A.M. SULLIVANi CO., Hi IT AVE opened In R. J. Holmes'' new build- in K. next door tn thm Ituniiurn fitnr. Where ther will ba nleattexl to meet uld anH tiew friends, Tbey have a magnificent room the largest and best in town and potte SfalexxcUcji STOCK OF -GOODS, COMPRISING a general assortment! Hard ware excepted, and .will gnarrantee a good bargain as can be wold by any House in the Sooth. Tncv will deal h and country Piodum, buying and selling, and InTjte all wad wUh either to buy or sell to call wuinem. A. JU. sULLI VAN Jt. f!n Jaa. 24th. 1872. lQ;tf aeairable Brick House with 7 rooms and inot desirable part of Town. Persona wishing topureha, Can apply at this. office, r The following poem, written and printed many years ago, has been handed us for pub lication, it Will bo read with intern r many, though there are but few nonliving who will remember ever having seen it be fore. Ed. WatchmtmJ I D0X0L0GY, or S03a OF PR1ISE, OK THE PEOGBE8S XSX3 CAPTUBB Of GEN. EARt LORD CORNWALLIS, who was irresistibly compelled to surrender himself, with the residue of His Britannic Majesty's Allies, to Gen. George Washing ton, at Xittle York, in the State of Virginia, uctober, 1781. 1. Come saints behold what God has done, And trust his mighty hand ; .' The Lord has raised Great JVasbington ' To save our bleeding land. 2. Cornwallis fam'd, that man of might, Appear'd within our land; The tories to him took their flight, And bow'd at his command. .' ' '" ' i V-" 3. Georgia was easily subdu'd, And Charleston could not stand ; Lincoln, the great, the just, the good, tell into Clinton's hand. 4., Cornwallis then march'd on with speed, O'er all the sylvan plains ; , The sons of liberty did bleed, And all their hopes were slain. 5. The friends of George no longer hide, But boldly strut and swell The rebels they with scorn deride, jAnd wish them all at hell. 6. At lengfn great Gates appear'd, Exalted igli to fame ; The British hero quickly heard, And met him on the plain. 7. No Bennington's success was there, Nor Saratoga's songs ; Cornwallis had no Burgoyne's fare, Nor Gates the Yankee's sons. 8. All thunder-struck, the battle lost. Some run, and some were slain ; Great Gates escap'd upon his horse, Afraid to own hisname. 9. Then Carolina, South and North, " Was fill'd with pain and woe ; The tories seized their neighbour's worth, And whigs away must go. 10t All our dependence was then in God; . y--JU Eeard our pensive groan ; We knew hia hand and felt his rod, And bow'd before his throne. 11. The war-like Greene, Rhode-Island's son, Commission'd from on high ; In this distressing hour did come, And all our fears did fly. 12. Greene then met Cornwallis in the field, When blood the earth did stain ; And Sampson-like, he would not yield. But slew a thousand men. 13. The smith blew up his fire so well, Their Iron hard did melt : Britons his anvil there did smell, And his hard hammer felt 14. The British Lord then turn'd his course, And Greene pursu'd as fast: Had food been plenty for his force, No doubt he'd slain the last 15. Hia LordBhip's route brought him about, Into Virginia Land ; . - . . i ne awora ana oayonei men was iountt, In every buckshin's hand. 10. Great "Washington, that Man of skill, Whom Europe's States revere,; His Lordship's heart with grief did fill, For he came marching near. 17. The troopa together all combine, 1 And lav close to York ; Without the loss of any time, They all engag'd the work. 1 j 18. Cannon, like claps of thurMer, roar At Washington's command ; The earth all stain'd with crimson gore, Tho Britons fainting stand; 19. Cornwallis struck amongst the rest, Retired into his camp ; But balls still whistling round hia nest, No peace he there could have. ' 20. He who once rang'd the country o'er, Was now confin'd in town ; Quivering, he stood upon the shore, For want of elbow room, I ' 21 Ye clouds of heaven distil no rain, The great Jehovia said ; While haughty Britons are all slain, Or bow the stubborn head. 22. Cornwallis look'd both night and day, To see a British fleet ; To drive the force of France away, That he might then retreat 23. But no deliverance could be found, ' - For God had fix'd his fate ; That he should be a prisoner bound, And yield unto the States. , .- i - 24, Where, are my titles and my fame, The second Burgoyne cries t I either must survive a shame, Or fall a sacrifice. 25. Must Buck-skins, Yankees, France and All join the triumphant sound, (Spain, Upon the Yankey-Doodle strain, f That Tm a prisoner bomid t 26. A council th4 of war was held, And agreed as one, To drpp their arms Upon the field, And bow to Washington. ill-; 27. Is this the Man, the Man so great, Who filled our land with woe, Who threaten'd vengence to the States t Is he become! so low ? 1 I ; 28. Is Lord Cornwallis overcome, Who made the earth to tremble t like Lucifer, hie's fallen down, And doth him much resemble. 29. No more let j haughty Britons proudly Of what their arms can do ! boast, Burgoyne has lost his Albion host, And Lord Cornwallis too. SO. No mare shall France be stigmatiz'cT, Ttnth feoward, rogue, and knave ; But their good conduct shall be prix'd Amongst the heroes brave. . i i 31. Arriold now trembles in despair, To hear of Briton's loss ; His heart doth palpitate to hear Of guineas, rope, and cross. 32. His wooded leg well ne'er forget, But if we catch the knave, We'll bury that amongst the great, The dogs the rest may have. 83. Sir Harry's bull no more shall roar, No more shall gold be given ; Now he may sail to Britain's shore, And carry Arnold with him. ; ; ' i f i 34. The distant jnations shaltrejoice. To hear of Washington ; And join to sing with heart and voice, The deeds jof eighty-one. I ! '35. October being big with fates, Shall Ibe remembered well, For then Burgoyne resign'd to Gates, And Lord Cornwallis fell. 36. Our independence is our own, The Lord hath so decreed ; King George bids fair to lose his crown, And North as fair to bleed. 37. No more let Zion heartless grow, That Godjrejects lier prayer ; For he hathjsav'd our land from woe, And fix'd his standard there. mT i 38; Tho' all the nations of the earth, Should with his church engage. And breathe out slaughter, war and death, He'll blasi them in his rage. ! M j 39. Not Washington, nor France, and Spain, Shall hav0, our Saviour says ; But Christ the Lamb, who once was. slain, Shall have the total praise. T 40, Glory to God, who reigns above, And sends his goodness down ; And turns about his wheels of love, To make his Gospel room. -:o:- Foom the History of the German Settlement and of the fiutheran Church in North and South Carolina, by Jin. Q. D. BernheimS THE EARLY HISTORY OP I'M', ORGAN CHURCH, ROWAN COUNTY, N. a Ol i. t it.' I one prvuer uauie ui mm coniire- tion is "Zion's Church," but there are few nersons. even amonff its member. who are acquainted with its true name, The tact) that it (was, until recently, the only i Lutheran church in North Carolina which was possessed of such an instrument of music, has given it -i i f i i. i'.. - I tnifl SODfiquet, Dyi wnicn 11 is general- ly known $nd so balled in all the re- cords of the Lutheran Church in the State. Tlie old organ a relict of the past ia isiui lucre out iw voice is no longer heard in the worship of the congregation ; like the .... . e voices of iU contemDorarics. who are now mould ering in the adjoining graveyard, its spiru oi music is ueu, ana uie exter- nal remains, encompassing a number er age, a former congregation, and of a master whom it once honored. How fnrrihlv. under auch nimnmKtaivees iln the following lines of Moore's Melo - ! dies strike the mind 1 j, M ' 1 . j " The harp! which once through Tara's halla Tho soul; of music shed. Now hangs as mute on Trra's walls, As if that soul were dead." book. wh r.h s kt 1 earfifu 1 nnrv. ed, and the) historic records are made therein byj ona of the first pastors, Rev, C. A.jG. Storch, from which a correct idea may be obtained of the past transactions of the people who worshiped there. The first German settlers of that portion of Rowan County, along Se cond Creek came from Pennsylvania, and were members of the Lutheran and uerman lielormed Churches, but in numbers far too few to erect a i church! for the sole use of either de- nomination hence they concluded to build a temnorarv house of worshin to be owned by themselves jointly, tbe country, was efficaeiou in extermina and which was called "The Hickory tlnf the implacable eoemiesjpf civilization Church' i According to the statement S" Si" JiSi l . .i i . r tt , , I cheering, it seems a pity to kill the 'no of the late Rev. J . A. Linn, this church Uo A . . v, iJ,ii,. j . j . . . i.i c- . t- , , j S000?1 5 6lt? on whlch -St- Jeter's Lititheran Church now stands, and was i to be ahead of hfifi in the killing basi buiR by permission on the land of Mr. ness. how then 1 There is a deal of sham t .11.. i i i I . .. Uiienwiuer, wno, nowever; never SALISBURY, N.C., SEPTEMBER gave the two congregations a title for this spot of ground, as the church was considered a temporary building only, to be occupied alternately by both these denominations, each of which expect ed to erect their own' house of worship at a later period. The term " Hick ory Church" also indicates ok. what perishable material this house of wor ship was built,, and was in .keeping with the original idea. It was soon left unoccupied, and in coarse of a few years it crumbled into ruins. More than half a century later a want for a church to be built on this same site was again felt, when St. Peter's Luther an Church was organized, and a more durable building was erected. As was the case with all the first German settlers in North Carolina, who did 'not bring their pastor with them, so likewise were the Lutheran members of the Hickory Church des titute of the means of grace for some length of time, and as no other hope of obtaining a regularly ordained min ister of the Gospel presented itself, the members were resolved to send to Germany for a pastor. In this man ner they secured the services of Rev. Adolph Xussmann as their pastor, and Gottfried Arndt as their schoolteacher. The new pastor preached but one year in the Hickory Church to both denominations, after which some dis sension arose, and a majority of the LiuthcranH then resolved to build church for themselves, and in this manner originated Zion's Church, bet ter known as Organ Church. The members of the German Reformed Church soon followed the example of lheir Lutheran brethren, and likewise built a new church on another location, which they named Grace Church, but is more frequently called w The Low er Stone Church," on account of its position lower down the stream above mentioned, and built of the same ma terial as Organ Church. Before the buildircrof Orcan Church was quite completed, Rev. A. Nuss man left this congregation, and went as pastor to Buffalo Creek Church, in Cabarrus County. The congregation, which now had a church, but no pastor, sent their school teacher, Gottfried Arndt, to be ordain ed to the office of the ministry, in the year 1775. He served them through the tryiug period of the Revolution, until 1780, when he moved to the Catawba River, residing in Lincoln County, and laboring in that field to the close of his life. We have selected the above history of Organ Church in this County, not only for the interesting and valuable information it gives of its tise and progress interesting especially to the descendants of those earnest people whose pious acts are recorded but to illustrate one feature of Rev. Mr. Bcrnheim's excellent History of the German. Settlements in North and South Carolina. lie has rescued from i riKi:: mU P,llink1A ;r: -.. . ... . U1 luc Ci"V UHMtr7 Ul "1C VJCTmau people and the Lutheran Church, of j which they were mostly members, and has well merited a most liberal re- wartl for hia tient urjremitting mnd e , , , . . , f, sucoesstul labor: and in addition there. I . lo nas c1111111 nimselt to De held in grateful remembrance by those who now represent the subjects which for more than twent engaged his Li t. j i i i i. in Miiriii. si x if i prnninvim niti rtpn " . J. ' . . 1 he one feature of this new book to which we refer, is the short historical ssetcnes given ot various congrep gations or churches of the Lutheran! ln ine ook, comprising all, perhaps, of the older organizations. There is InnA nf Stfc. .Tnhn'g ehnreh in iha nlv.J Lr tk. : nu . csrJ I wji. v o iu v;auai i ua , buu Ui IUQ churches in other parts of this State and South Carolina. These possess a local interest of peculiar value to the people of these churches, indepen- dpnf. rf fli a nthpr and mnrn rrono,l uououcss incrcabe uie uemanu ior me book. Eds. Watchman. The Jlcrald is- great on special com missions. It has sent an Indian commis sioner to watch the Government, and in vestigate the troubles on the border with the Red mar. of the -forest and prairie. This commissioner writes a detailed ac count of bis observations with reflections tuereon. ne concmaes mat mere are two cures for the Indian disorder the old one of the bullet and the new one of bread and blankets. The latter was tried aeveral times and proved a failure. The first, tried several times in the history of I 'vu UISU, WU. "Mill iivura icu UlSU u iboa, t0 kili you and yoar onlr ch.nce I sentimentality m the world. j 19, 1872. a tTgozxir og smgiiacsz. a TOTjcnnra Brcrourr orraa loss or tots Adxairable Behavior of ffwo CMdi '!iiu va ob l Zf47 r imT-AT- of tho Utile Oats. It ia now i.rt.U .1... Uston tU steamer Metis. OaoVftU mn.t t-M- j- A , 1 told by Mr. Adams, of Brooklyn, who j - ' V. "7 " - noiguiVWUCU . If B CODT U Z The engine tnnat have atonned for fullw mm . X I half an ber. Durinr the ini'erval of he'r laying to 1 think I heard whistle, as if from When we started again tug of the donkey lomewoii anxious ana sprang, a ram out v a of my berth. I polled on my tronaera and J pat on toy v aleenlnV Thneh llf T muvrn, iun vuiiurcu aiui nnm- I j g O' M j nrvuiDi, iuuuiu iiarmra mTarir. i houeht it better thlt th .hBM .ll 1 . ; . . 1 wnai waa tne matter, and for tbat purpose went into the saloon, where I found some I Of the officers and manv ut the na-.. t1 ?!lf" "7. !eat pprehen.ion ltlVin 1 lhn Kamm . . . - I 1 . . ' . tv'"ltnaibflaDintilrnliilt wnr I k. just then, and was about returning to the ooys wuen I met an omeer, I do not know bis name, who said, "The boat is sink fr.i;'b."!.?7.?'nd that I muat not endeavor to save the lives of the brothers entrusted to my eve sep my coat around me, and went aft. xaxT wxax as gektlx as lambs, and seemed aware that something dread ful was about to happen, and obeyed my orders implicitly, showing the greatest fleroiam. i men notice mat me ateamer was settling forward, and hurried as rapid ly as possible aft. While going there, a gentleman named Mc rillis ask me if I wanted another life-preserver. I replied that it would be of gn at value, as it might save the children's lives. He gave it to me willingly. 1 took it and carried it on my arm. 1 here wae no time to lose. I took the children to the after part of the boat to mo guaras, ana told tuem tncy must jump into the sea with me and they must . .11. t . laa . puraiuneur trust in me, an ok nail would not have them, lhe waves were then very high, commencing to break over the bows of the Metis, and the rain was pouring down in torrents. I hesitated for a moment, thinking whether it would not be better to rtmain yet awhile with the ship ; hut noti cing that she waa breaking c; forward. the timbers commencing to fly up, and her hull setting, 1 saw that ber doom was sealed. I remained with the children un til the water began to wash over her main deck and threated to submerge us. Plac ing a chair, by bulwarks, with one foot on it aod the other on the side of the ship, ft A witu my leu arm. I HUGGED THE TWO CHILD EI Jf CLOSE TO MX, W mw ana witn a desperate leap 1 sprang into the water with them. The poor little fel lows never uttered a sound of alarm. I had some slight bopo of reaching a boat manned by some of the crew of the Metia, aud shouted oat that if only they would take the boys on board I could take care of myself, lhe wind and rain had there been a boat near, would have i r ibably prevent - J . L I ' T .1 .1 . 1 .1 cu inc r aunor mo. iv in in iwn rniu Id dren I was rapidily earned by the current t:, thebow.of,he.h,p. Tbere,wa.aquan- !7AU. L,C W" f0r time afraid would kill us. At the second ft TgTVl7T PU'h,f 5r,Di' bow with my feet, I succeeded m disen- thralling myself and the children, receiv- iurthre-or fouralirhteontion. I Krt bow sueeeeded in putting around me the j,." . : , second life-preserver, and with one arm clasping the boys, with the other I was holding the children up as Car out the wa water as 1 could, exhorting them to keep their china well up out of the water Short ly after the second time of our being car ned torwaid to ber bows the iietia went down. Then keys, cases, barrels, cotton bales and spars seemed to spring to the surface of the wnter, and I tried in vain to catch hold of some of them ; but the ea was violent, and tbourh I bad mv I hands on some of them, they eluded my ha .?P.nd very aoon we were carriedclear i Qf them. About twenty-five minutes had elasped since we had taken to the sea. and poor little Carl presently seemed to be growing weaker and weaker. I con' tinned my exertion to keep his head clear of the high-running waves. The child made no complaint, no murmur. PRE3KXTALT THE TOUKCEB BBOTHia DIED. Even then the children were together, and I then exerted all my efforts toward, saving Arthur. 1 pUced bit bead hirber np on my shoulder, and side j "Do, Arthur h'dd your head up just as high as you can ; "I will save yoa." His reply was ''I can't." Very soon afterwards he died, My thoughts were then centered on saving tueir oodies, aud transfcring them, if possible, to theii parents ; but very toon 1 felt myself becoming weaker and the exertion I bad made to save the chiK dren was producing pbvsical exhaustion. araieiy, out mat we must all chne to one i j- i . -n. , i . aaotheV. 1 in.unUy ran to the f hildren lg-u MeC.lhs.the rentleman who woke them op, and7 tied securely able Tt TJ fTT" i" V' preweryeraroaud both of them, takiuC one S? TXl l! , 7 myself. I took my waistcoat, buttoned tl;1 l??klnJ of me 1 Aftera long struggle in my mind whether I restoration to all the privileges of Ameri 1 should part with their poor bodies I was I can citixenship I gave yon fair n at ice reluctantly forced to let them eo. know ing that the life preserves, "till tightly secured around them, wonld float them. As we were drifting toward the shore, took the second life-preserver and secured bolb around my person, knowing that the battle for my own lite must soon com- me nee. 'It ia Inat then hp-fnnti.r tn Ummn clear, and a dull, murky light announced the coming day, I Lad beta there an hoar NO. and a halt in the water. I felt rantlM i t . . z I . . imiDE graaoaiiy weaaer and weaker I the lets dsshinr over at and taklnr a war . ! ray breath, and thoorbt tnv bit hoar had come when I saw a bear v ncr tdmkefim. lngiowaraa xae. 1 suppo it was artae ipin worn aaving ejeata nailed on it I was then so exhausted that it took all the arawmg man to secure it It SjSiJ" """9tT weighted down by splinters cominr from C "TY 'TF, carried away twenty feet from It The I l " ! T? 1H? life pveterver enaDDed. and I " VPP nT a my nrk. This bad a 1 tendency to keep my bead from under I ray waist ilow the plank I tr- i ' waa araia eeanred by me I cannot telL I wer, timba and arms were so a tiff J -i . ti-T - - . craapea waj m I eoni4 00 was to u.i .. . ?,a U,e .w"n 7 reUm Strength At laat T crt In mw rrtr .V T . fr" ' ' "" !n T- reak,,Df iB ump' P",n5 ro KJ co,a v u. au im iiuic, tu m.. " too icy COIU, and the quantitj oi salt water I had swalU rf M m 4od Jn , J at then the storm seemed to recom mence witb new fury, and I arain dea 1 i i t? i I I""' "olU. Irr UL Th'i. cheered me. A short time after I heard some one call In a few cork mattress and tome distance ahead of me. I soon n eared him, and he asked betber I tboueh; my plank would carry I another man, and I reached out my hand 10 h,m mnd 1001 h,n on together with his mattress Shortly after that the life-boat came in tight and made for us rapidly. They hailed ns and bid ns get on board. think we were almost amonr the lajt in the water who were saved- The lile- boat had picked up a very stout man and woman who bad been kept above water by means of the bucket raek of the Metis. 'hildren were found clasped in eath I ulurr " aria- wuu iue lue-preeerrer ai- arms tached to them, and it has been mv mel ancholy doty to brine their bodies hereto their sorrowing, father. THE BEST OF HIS LETTERS. Horace Greeley has written manv rood things, but noue surpass, we think none equal in spirit and vigor, the letter in which he replied to the New York club that threatened bim with expulaion, when he and Gerrilt Smith and others signed us (ucikiu iiii vil UVUU. IUIIWU Doiioeieiieroiapoiuicianoranomineetor wiiitc. it wu wiuicu utc can ago. xne dale otitis May 2J 1667, 15ot it anticipates and warrants the altitude of Horace Gree ley, now on the platform of Cincinnati and Baltimore. After referring to other de clarations consistent with it. the letter thus concludes, with a prohecy of the way in which his act would come to be retrard a prophecy already fulfilled. Uintlimex :- 1 shall not attend your meeting this evening. 1 have an engage ment out of town and ahall keep it. 1 do not reeofmixe voo aa r mnV!a nf indmi. or fnllr annroathir. mm Y ..wJ...I- -rr .m... b7 maudin philosophy. I rega d your m DUTov minded blockheads, who would like to be uaeful to a ereat and rood cauae rerardmeaaa weak MutimpnLaliat mi.t knl Arr' Intv 1. V . . Creat enduring party on thV hate .j , k 3 , , . w,.. .E" V bloody civil war, is aa though you plant I a coioo yon i an ieeburg which had aomebo drifted into a tropical ocean. 1 tell you here, that cut of a life earnestly devoted to the good of human kind, your children will select my going to Richmond and signing that bail bond as the wisest act, and will feel that it did more for freedom and humanity than all of you were corn petent to do, though you Iiring to the aje ofMethusehtb. 1 ask nothing of yon, then, but that you proceed toyoureud by a direct, frank manly way. l)oa t sidle off into mild resolution of censure, but move the ex pulsion which I deserve. If I deserve any reproach whatever. All I care for is that you make this a square stand up fight, and record your judgement by yeas aud nays. I care not how few Tote with me. nor how many vote against me ; fur I know that the latter ill repent in the dust and ashes before three years have past Understand once for, that I dar you ana aeiy yoa. mat i protoe to fiLt it out on the line that I have held from the day of Iye'a surrender. So long aa any man was seekinr to overthrow our rov- a a ernment he was my enemy; from the hour in which he laid down hia arms, he waa my formerly erring countryman. So lone aa any is opposed to the national I anity, the federal authority, or to that assertion of the equal rights of all men, which has become practically identified with loyality and nationality, I shall do my best to deprive him of power ; but I when he ceases to do thu. I demand bit p l gave yon fair n at ice that I shall urge the re enfranchisement of tboae now prescribed for rebellion so Isoon an I shall feel confident that this 1 1 coarse is consistent with thefredom of the I blacks and the unity of the republic, and I that 1 shall demand a repeal! of all no in exile only for participating iu the rr bellion, whenever the country ahall hava twn ma ilioroavht v rmi that tta af I ty will not thereby be endangered. And, so, (tnllcmen, hoping that yoa will huacw un wucr. ua i wu Mf MDtta r wnk. utMior neuiKr.i.. .t . w . - I - - - x nearu tne work- I .nrt,v .... j - f , liciutkmoi w . - . . . iseauxas x axmoac nrm bo. jmi ihm ",uw,"7 . I sown a rain in. I c 1 mmfl dqi can me. in a tm mnmnia ftavicH uul jir. Mcvruiia was on a X WHOLE NO. 843- forth fLamnrK ...l.t than you have done, I remain, yoors. : :i . - -. uotaexUxxxtxr. May tt, 1867. TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. Fatal Affray Utrttn Ttco WhUt Men i , E&cson County Tkey art BdtX Killed. By the Wilmiogtoa, Chaxloito and Uatberford Railroad yeaierday Lava intelligence of a horn tie Irs red y thai took Pa Bobeaon county coTWday ere-, o - aoems mat iw wt;ta xaea Gnchriat and McClennaa had some ' nonderstandmg at a church a few Boa- 7 onnar wntcti tia parties much exasperated. At the t-l mataal friends, bowevrr. tt "b'tr aaiwar sor we ume . . m though, that each Lii torxoea a determiaauoa to prepare ic: futare occastoa and oo the evecir- " . question they eneoontered each oil.; -. or near tho reideoce of a Mr. McCorzu not far from Lumbet ton. 1 1 a ppcai i f. . . what we can pat hi r that lh-y mvt on . road, wbeu Gilchritt urew Ir.s pis it I M fired npou ilrClennan ud ih cn ntu r followed quickly by hia arstfgoritt, ' -in turn drew his pitol and sLot dou Gilchrist, foliowior op his ad an u re by drlibrmt! w walking 11 n Ia Um 1.11 U t...rd. U,. poi. b. Ui dismounted from his mole when he saw Gilchrist approaching, but before reaclinr the animal he fell dead in the road. GiU chriit linrered until yesterday moming, when be also died Wilmington Star. The Liberal movement is certainly en a strange drclii.e in itinneoU. The Min neapolis Evening Times mi Mr.Grea- tj will receive, in this 8tatf , substantially ibe whole of the Democratic vote nearer one-third than ooe-quarter of and the. Republican vote, as it has been heretofore called. The German are for him to a man ; the Scandinavians am coming to hia iupport every day ioalu getber unex pected numbers ; the Irish are three to one for him, and no one nationality, as such, can be said lo be opposed to him." The Grant preas iusist that the liberal movement is oo a decline, and are evi dently anxioua that it sbill hare proppcr attention and medical treatment It would certainly make a lirely patient foT any of the Adminiatratiot. practitioners. The Chicago Tribune eaya : 'To aescn.e that the Reform movement ia ou the decline is to assume that the people have lost their intelligence, their dcirc for honest government, and their hatred of corruption. Instead of the Reform rsore ment being on the decline, it was cever so promising as now. The battle arin?t 60,000 office-holders, with the National Treasury to draw opon, ia of conrre, a imnn Hit . fraud, nr. r.mfU K never fail of I final succesa THE LOUISVILLE TE At! J- UNION. LorisviLLK, September 12. T' ground .elected for the festival wa beautiful grove covering one handr acres. There were twelve tablet, u one hundred and fifty feet long, lost witb provisions, beside numeroua'privt ubles and refreshment stands. It is ea timatd that 25,000 people were in attend I "c jestcrday attCTOOOn . - I vw.c..,M, u.muiiciic. oi j, , ick if delivered the welcoming ad in wnicn lion, tli bhorter, of ALL introduced, and spoke over an i was followed by L. D.CampUl , At the cloe of the latter t; ner wae announced, and tl.t upply of (diLI- npou tLe t a! ... t ly dicut-d. An-r .IhH.'r ti, Jordan aini II' n. iietj-.tiiu It.;:, gia, apok f"tn vie m.-ij ur. i Vauce, of North ('Winn, f. During the evening a Jaifei v procession parsed through the sUtt. 1 the speaking was resumed at the court house. TAKING CARE OF THE SOL DIERS' WIDOWS. One of the resolutions of the Philadel phia platform says : "The widows and orphana of those who died for the conn If are entitled to the care of a generous an grateful people." A oldiera widow, wl ia postmiatresa of a small ofEte ia Hair v chusetts, Was accordingly somewhat -prised when she recived the follow . communication, the other day, from : Hon. and Iter. James Harlan, Chair of the resided Grant Committee at W ington : "IWieTing that you feel a deep in' in the suceess of the republican cand for Preeident aud Vce President take the hbeiiy lo inclose the Co.... tee's printed letter lrquesliag col?.; a tions lo aid in publuhiug documents aod defraying other neeetsary expense cfiha campaign. If you can conventenUy for ward as early as practicable ($40) dollars it will be gratefully received aod praat ly acknowledged. Very rcspeclfnlly, "Jauu IUr-Lay, Chairman." The whole business of political aff meuta ia a acandl and a Ocracc, t w hen it cornea to taking U,: ; dolbi from a soldicr'a widow to a!&r.g t! scheme for keeping Grant i i l!. Wu: House, the business is crae ti.r dalous ; it is beyond all expn t t'n. I. York Tribune. The Ex-Euperor Napoleon juJ Et I visited the yatch Sappho, a-d i"t ! her around the Isle f Wight. ' oie, or invtiauoa oi mt. i a-ia

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