j i I! - t':' . - I i V i' t 4 !, (Carolina IDntdjuian ZiOCAZi Airo statu iriiias TO F MARKET. i U SEPTEBER 18. CORN 70 a 72. COTTON 18 a 20. ELOIlR 3.00 n 3.50.. , 3!EALrr75 a 80. -I'i ,-A r 1 POTATOES Irish,37J a40 Sweet, 50 BACON (countrv) 1215-hog round. IIIClvENS-)f t.50 a f3 per daz. LA Hi) 12 ! ! FEATHERS new, 50. -TALIiOTV-lt)al2. j :itYE75a80. BEESVAY 28a3(L-WIIEA.T-L171.33. BUTTER a 20. , v P1UEU jF HUIT Apple, -" Peaches, impeded, J I 4o , .peeled, Wt$12i Blackberries, ($3. 3&6 pr. lb Register of deeds. bit. u. j. a s : WW .T Woodaon waa on last Monday elected by the county Couiraipaioners, Register of Deeds, vice Obadiah Woodeon, Lis father, deceased. DKA-ttf o Dit. G. 13. Poulson. This gentleman for several years a druggist in this place died at the residence of bis wife's father in this city last; Monday ereniog;. lie was onmauy irom ionoiK, V. lie leaves a wife and 2 children. 1 The American Stock Journal The 1'uUisbcrs of this valuable Agricul tural Journal, offer to send the remaining numbers of this year free to ail neic sub scribers for 1S73, thus giveing over 500 pages of valuable reading matter, illuslra tfd tvitUj numerous' engravings, for $1.00. fiiwpk copies free. Address N. P. BOY; ER & Co., Pakesbarg, Chester Go, Pa. Cape Fear Agricultural Associa tion. The fair of this Association will begin on the 12th of November and con tihue four days. We have received the preroiuioMist and it is fully equal ta any j we liayo yet received this year. j The fairs of thjs association have been unusually successful, and we have no doubt, judging from the handsome premium list and the arrangements which have been made for this UH- that the exhibition to take place as above Geii Ko stated, will prove a real success. trpr A Pry or will deliver the addrees. Col. Vi. lj. Saunders hasjjone toJriit. trills. . He is one of the rifost vigorous wri ters in ihjo fc'tate, and we are glad to learn that he Av II soon beassociated pMmanently . Englehard in the editing of the with Ha iliuuig Wc fu ion Journal. ly concur in the opinion above expressed We know of no pan in the State so Capable of adorning the editorial profession, and no one whom we can give more earneet welcome. Wei congratoi late Mhji Kivgelhardon his good fortune in procu ing the services and association ot a genlienian so eminently worthy Our ! which b member Fair. Don't forget lour Fair jegins on the 8th of Octobor. Re that it is no itvdividual icnterprize, . but an ajssociation in the success of which all our citizens are equally interested. It was organized for the purpose of encourag iog home enterprise and building up home industries. In order to accomplish these .worthy, prime objects, it is necessary that we all should take an active interest in it. We hope to see large numbers of persons : here during Fair-Week, and every possi ble arrangement should be made to please ,them. The moFC the better. Let us all then st ri veto see how many we can get to tome, j Let us take a pride in the Asso ciation and do what wemay to contribute to its success. The Town and county, lind tho individual citizens thereof, will be . bencfi:ed if we can make it sufficiently Successful to insure its annual repetition at 'this! place Come to the Fair, every body. ir The Fall Tcm of the Courts of the 8th Judicial Djstrict1 will be held, commcne jug Hi tollows ; gu(ry, Yakin, Rojvah, . Davison Fosythe, Sto,kes, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday, Sept 2nd Sept. 16th. Hept. 30th. Oct. 11th. " 28th Nov. 11th. u 15th. . Rustic Speekino. The Presidential . electors, F. B. McDtwelland J. G. Ram i wy, Yl address the people at the follow- timesiand d aces : - ' ! Vilkkboro, Wilkes co Boone yatauga Tuesday, Sep T Thursday, ' Saturday. 4 Monday, Tuesday, Wluesday, ' Thursday. Saturday, Monday, : 17. 19 21 JeffeiioU. Ashe Hpartii. Alleghany Trap IliiU. , Wilkes; Dolm n, Surry 23. 24 Wt. Aliry. ' WraonL Forsyth YadknvUe, Yadkin 2(r 28. 30 TuesdayOctlst. 1 Salisl ur, lmvan All Iiu'sdav. 15. papers in 7th ongresyioqal District are requested to copy. FcdrfuUulQuick s .. - . - ASM- aen koi, attempted a rape last Saturday uPuU uiue gin ger, year f age, the f; daughter of W. F. Pride, who resides I Srar ?P,!l"gfitldt Robeson county, Tetin. a ue eprcams oi .me child caused other cuiiaren to go to her assistance, when I Dardcn abandoned hisi purncse nA . " j. i ,,rar r. i'ride we alter him with a donble-barreled shot gu drove him io thepot where the rape w iiempted and gave him the choice of m ,an5,DS or shooting. He chose Wttiormer.and was swung tip, thus ex k1Uting his offence' where it was commit . ted. ' i . - i " ThV Gorernment haj a first morteaEre on the Unioa Pacific Railrotd to secure the bonds issued in its aid. The creed v speculators in control of the road wanted the Government to give np this ample security and take a second mortgage, and they went to woric to gei-Uongress to assent to this exchange and they jue ceedexJ. How was this robbery effected They gave to leading members f both houses 2,000 and 3,000 share. of slock each, and the little job was toon 4put through, lhe list includes TJoutwell. Colfax, Blaine, Wilson, Patterson, Dawes, Bingham, liartxeld and others- The evidence shows clearly that this stock was the' price of the treachery of these men to the public interest, and not oue of them has risen to explain or deuy the damning charge. . . . ; Here comes a new use for the forged franks from the Grant committeef They send out a package of 50 or 100 speeches, and the envelops franked in blank. One of these packages sent down to North Carolina falls into the hands of a man who thinks it more useful to nee the franks for his own interests than for those of Grant. Consequently he bestows the r peeches upon the waste paper dealer, and employs the envelops for his private correspondence, some of them having made the return trip to the New York Poat-Office nuder the pleasant frank of U. laye, M. (J. There is a custom house at Alexandria, Va., near V ashington, and it has five officers attached, vizj a Collector, Deputy collector, two inspectors, and a janitor. These officers are paid salaries amounting to 354,yyi. And how much revenue does the reader suppose is collected by this corps of well paid officials ? Why, lees than $1,000 a rear ! The whole amount of foreign imports at that port last year was but $12 000, the duties on which weie not over $1,000, probably. A little civil service reform there would be well, but it would diminish the patronage need ed to pen lion needy relatives and fawning iavorues. ? Tho Grant press are saving the Demo crats a great deal of trouble by their strictures on Greeley Tbev insist that he was opposed to the civil war; that be tried to have the dificulty honorably set tied ; that for forty years he has "been more than half Democrat ;" and now inck Dana, of Boston, in a letter intead ed to iiifluence colored voters against Mr Greeley, iusists that Greeley never m&s au abolitionist ! They will soon tell us that he was a Confederate General, and a slave driver, Of the Grant electors from Illinois in ICfO i.HJ ; 1 -ii is ouo, me lounwing nave aeciaredi tor Greeley, and Brown : Gustavus Kot-rner Jas. McCoy, Tbos. G. Frost, Samuel C r.. 1 rU TA o rui- aim uvuu . oirong. x nose ih voring Giant are Stephen A. Hulburt, U. b. Minister to Bogota; Thoe. B Henderson, Collector of Internal Revenue Jos. O. Glover. U S. District Attorney Southern District of Illinois ; Damond G. Prumectiff aud Dan'l W. Muun.'U. S. Whiskey Supervisor. Orleans county, N. Y., is stated by a correspondent to contain 5Q0 Liberal, Re- pubheana, three towns being yet i:n can vassed. The most prominent of these is the Hotk Edwin R. Reynolds, Grant elector, in '68 and formerly Judge of the county. iJie indications are since tho dispersion of the Louisville convention tliat Mr. Greeley will receive a larger Democratic vote than Seymour in '68. It said to be now certain that Gov. Curtin of Pennsylvania, late Minister to Russia, is for Greeley, and his influence in Pennsylvania will make that State doubly sure for Greeley and Brown. The Grantites did their best to seduee Litxi to their side, but all in vain. As soon as his health will permit be will make the Cameron ring shake in their boots, for the great war Governor will take: the stump and address the people in every section of his State. lhe Indianapolis Sentinel ava the anti-Greeley address, circulated broadcast in the Wes purporting to have emana ted from a Democratic committee io? In diana, was inthe handwriting of W. R. Hollo way, the Grant postmaster of In dianapolis, and the brother-in-law of Senator Oliver P. . Morton, and that it . - was sent to the Associated press by the telegraph operator at Indianapolis at the written request ot liolloway. A poll of the actual voters on board the steamship Adriatic, taken in mid-ocean while western bound, showed that the two parties would be re-enforced by the arrival of the ship, as follows : Greeley, 07 ; U rant, 38. The foIlowingi)romfnent colored men of the State of Maryland have announced their determination to support Greeley and Brown : Charles Howard, Cornelius A. Thomas, Henry Jones, Thomas Shor?- ter, Ym- U. Smith, Geo. H. Siddons, James Hamroood, Augnstua Blaekstone, -eremiab llarded, Phillip Williams Henry Raynor, Josiah B. Dean, Charles F. Loder, Joseph Cole, Thomas Sorrell, . . - - - John 1. Brown and John Robinson. The murderer of sixteen persons, by name Tom Clark, wirh two others, was taken from thejailatFlorance, Alabamma a few nights ago, and hanged until dead. The people were very greatly exasperated against them, and lhe ladies sked the authorities to have the bodies buried outside of the cemetery. The communi ty is not lawless, but was driven to Buch extreme measures by reason of the diabol ical character or the murderers. - Eight Children .at'a Birth. On the 2 1st of August, Mrs. Timothy Brad lee, of Trumbull county, Ohio, gave birth to eight children three boys and five girsv 1 hey are living, and are healthy but quite small; Mr. Bradlee was mar ried sx years ago to Eunice Mowery, who weighed twd hundred and- seventy-three pounds on the day 'of her marriage. She h as JgfVen Jbirth to two pair of twins and now eight mort-, making twelve children in six years Mrs-Bradlee was a triplet her mother and father both being twins nfl er grandmother of twe rir of twins NATIONAL COLORED LIBERAL v -y r CONVECTION There is to be 1 grand" ConrentfQn. of the ; colored men of the United States, friendly to the Liberal movement, at Loui yill Ky, ! the J5th lost. All colored men, friendly to the movement, are invit to be present. All commnnications should be addressed to Wm, U. Chambers, No. 7J West Washington street, Indianapolis, iWli .: if ' ' Jwand Tar Factory. Mr. Sam'l Tay lor just-put! in operation near the City a r actory for; making J ugs, Jar and vessels of clay of that sort. He haa purchased new1 machinery and will turn out some nice work. i Send your orders in jugs, delph ware,1 &c. -Charlotte Democrat. SPECIE SHIPMENT. I New York, September 7. Specie shipments today amount to one and an eighth millions. Shipments for the week, three-eighths of a million. The Bank statement shows that loans have decreased one and one-eighth rrillion ; specie decreased two and seven eighths millions ; legal tenders decreased three fourths of a million : deposits decreased five and oue-balf millions. Many Persons are continually com plaining of bad luck, when ill-fortune is nothing more than their own want of en ergy aud perseverance. Bad luck is sim ply fa man with lira hands in his pocket and a pipe in his mouth, looking on to see how it will come out. Good luck is man with his shirt sleeves rolled up and working with a will to make it come right lNetcs. The Emperors. William I., King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany, whs born March 22, 1797, and is consequent ly i)i his seventy sixth year. Alexander 11.,'Emperbr of the Russians, was born April 29 1818, and was fifty-four years of age at; bis last! birthday. Francis Joseph Charles, Emporor of Austria, was born August 18, 1830, and if he lives to ?ee next Ajugist, he will be forty-three years old. j These three sovereigns have just had a meeting in Berlin, the object ot which is a mystery to the public, -if ,,, Sickness jn Chester. We regret to say? that there is no abatement in the amount of sickness reported from all sec tions of the county. Nothing like it has ever been known here before. Chills and fever, bilious fever and diptheria are the prevailing diseases. In several families two and three, and in one case four, deaths occured. -Chester Reporter. JUDGE CHASE'S POSITION. Judge Chase has written a letter to a gentleman jn Cleavvland, Ohiot in weich he says : "I make no secret of my convic tion that the highest interest of our coun try require the election of Mr. Greeley or of my intention to vote for him. Every thing and more l than could be hoped from me may be expected from Mr Greeley." The Doctors are having their banc's till this summer, some of them ride night and day. f,oui.bnrg has suffered as liitle as any portion of the county. Louisville (Joiner. j VALUABLE ill NTS, A regularihabit of boly is absolutely es sential to physical health and clearness of nteillect. Nor is this all. Beauty of person cannot co-estist with an unnatural condition of the-boweljs. A free passaere of th refuse matter of the system throairh these natural waste pipes,! is as necessary to the purity of the body is free passage of the offal of a eity through; its jseweis is necessary to the lealth of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary cause of most of the diseases of the discharging' ortraus, and one its most; common results is coustiiMiMuo. i ais nompiaini, uesiues being dangerous lt itse)f has mauy disagreeable concomitants such as an uupletisaut breath, a&illow skin, containinatiiig blood anvl bile, hemorrhoids. headache, loss of memory, aud general de bility! Hostetter's Stomach Bitters remove all evils by removing their immediate cause in digestive organs, and regulating the action of the lutestiue; The combination of pro perues iu uns celebrated preparation is one t its chief merits. It is not nierHv a stiiiiu lant or a tonic. r an antihiiicus ageut, or a nerviue, ir a bbwd depurent, or a cathartic, but all; these curative elements judiciously blended in ou powerful restorative. It lend activity and vigor to the inert and en ervated stomach, relieves the ailmentary canal of its obstructions, and gives loneto the membrane whica hues it, geutlv stimulates the liver, braces the nerv, and cheer the animal spirits, j No other remedy possesses such a variety of hygienic vtaues. It is to thesej characterfetic virtp that it owes its prestige as a household md;cine. Exper ience has proved tbat it is as harmless as it is efficacious, and hence it is as popular with the weaker sex jus with the stronger. Hostetters Stomach Bitters are sold in bottles only,! and the tra?e-unrk blown in the glass engraved on the lab?1 i? the teste genuineness, lieware of counterfeits. Bottles Pull Of Beauty. Ladies, if you wouiu nav beauty by me botlle-fuH. all vou have to do is to purchase Hagan's Magnolia Balm. That' f eerless beautifier of lhe com plexion not only heightens natural charm", but renders even jthe plainest countenance exctet ingly attractive It recalls to the pallid (he in e rosy tinge; oi liealth, removes innintep blotches, ronglmeps, Mllowncsn and other blem ishes, aud imparts to the fkin a mont delicate fairness and softnesB. Itsmootha the furrows caused by time or care, and gives face, neck and arms lhe plump and engaging appearance of youthful beauty. All this is accomplished by the mot natural means, viz : by gently and naturally stimulating the circulation in the capillary blood vessels. Besides being the most effectual aid to beauty knowu to modern science. i PIMPLES,iERUPTIOXS, HOUGH SKIS The systtro being put under the influence of ur. llerce'a golden Jdedical Diseoverv for a few weeks, the sUin becomes smooth, clear, son and velvety, and being illuminated wuh the glor ot perfect health from within, true beauty stands! forth in all its glory. Nothing ever presented to the public as a beautiher t the complexion ever gave such satisfaction for this purpose as this Discovery. The effects of all medicines which operate upon the system through the medium of the blood are necessan ty somewhat slow, no matter how good the rem edy employed. While one to three bottles clear the skm of pimples, blotches, eruptions, yellow spoisL comedones or "grubs." a dozen may possibly be required to cure some cases wnere tne system is rotten with scrofulous or virulent blood poisons. The cure of all these diseases, however, from the common pimple to tne worst scrofula, is with the use of thi most potent agent, only a matter of time. Sold by aiij aroggutt,; ; L ; In a paragraph on vacations ahe CArii tian Unions says: ; It sti iks us that socio j 10 bu m i iiucu luat ic American TotMig lady has a pretty easy lime of It, com pared with her brother 'V ? - ti? J 79- WS-tJ.fl-'--' i-t"-'-" -"" - " " " " DIEDi - At Ills ridnrA npor fhta tAnrt.' A- - " f"-v- VM .MO evening of the 11th instant, Mr. OBADIAH WOODSON, in the 57th year of his life, The deceased was a man of marked char? acter. He was, perhaps, the most popular man in the county, lie had political, but it is believed, not a personal enemy anywhere. He was conscientiously and carefully up right in all the relations 6F life. The writer was intimately acquainted with him from 1826, his tenth yearto-the day of his death. When a boy, he vwas truetarnest, prompt, generous, candidfcand brave.' He was intel ligent, sympathetic, and good; and his after life, mellowed bran early profession of Chris tianity, was a living illustration of the boy. He had many and sore trials through those 46 or 47 years. His health, even when most bouyant, and he most cheerful, ever seemed doubtful quivering on a balance. He was often sick scarcely ever right .well; but who ever saw liim despondent I moping in a deep dark valley, and despairing! No one. He was habituAlly cheerful. Xo mat ter how heavy the burden laid upon him, he would staggerunder it, and tear it aloag, so confident in hope that he could even afford to be cheerful ; iinll though both hands were full vjet he could strangely help others who needed it. Itwas thus with him when disease and burdens conspired with poverty to crush Jiim ; and just when these enemies Fcemcd jmost likely to triumph when the day. was ciai Kest tnere came a little rent iu the black c'loud which overhung him. Tho pleasant, promising light -hown down upon him. 'But ' did he exult in it ! Xo."' Just then he had an engagement, how ever inadequate to the requirements of a large and growing family, and an engagement with him was regarded as a sacred thing. Ilia word was as good as any bond could be made. He was getting a dollar a day, and he would not look at the ofTer of five dollars a day until his employ er would cheerfully consent to release him. A Etnall incident, to-be-sure; but he who inows most about it, values it as a fadeless testimonial to a character as spotleos as men attain to it in this life. But the writer mav not obtrude upon the public his esteem of the character of a per sonal friend. The public character of the deceased i known to almost every citizen in the county. He filled various public offices, both In-fore and since the war, the gift of the people, with the same uniform and admirable success. He was a faithfuk accu rate, and obliging officer. He was as incor ruptible in office as in private life. The peo ple knew all this, and heartily gave himvv cry thing he aked for. He was Register of Deeds at the time of his death; and on lv the dav before that sad event, was busily at work in his office, though so unwell as to be scarcely able to, sit at the desk. He remained there until 11 o'clock, a. m., when exhausted nature admonished him to surrender. Then, calling in Mr. T. G. Haughton, he described to him the progress made on the work in hand, and what remained to be done, and painfully wended his way homeward, refus ing assistance kindly tendered hiro? even to the last Inuring his burden alone. The d;C:sed was a member of the Presby terian church. He left a numerous familv, the members of w'hich fitly represent a fath er ot sterling virtue. Now he leeis." Weeps! Xav, rather ivCs! a new life's begun, unburdened of the flesh. He lives a glorious life in a high er,, more glorious sphere; and thither may his friends turn the eyes of their mind when the question comes up " Where is he J" It ItEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice, All pciwns having claims against the ertate of A. Judon Mawu dee'd are herebv notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned before the 8lh day of August. A. D. 1873. And all persons ndebied to said estate are requested to settle promptly. JOHN S. HENDERSON, A dm r of A. Judson Mason, dt?d, Aug. 8, 1872. 47-6t: DU. J. P ftUIFFITII, DENTIST. Having located in Salisburv, solicits a prac- in me iuwh an,'i FurrtMiiMiiiig country. : .i... . j . OFFICII McXcely Building, Entrance to McjStcely s Had. f45-3m pdl OF ALL KIDS Furnished to order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Miii om Western N. C. E. K., twenty miles irom fsiiiitUTY. Price at mill Si. At Salisbury $1.20 Kiln Dried at Salisbury, SI, 50. tFTEPJIS CASH. 47: tf: K. II. COWAN. Threshing Machine Oil. The very best oiialitt at the lowe4 price. Guaranteed not to heat, gnm, or cut. Unly at Tlilittr-F. KLUTTZ & CoV. 4l:tt Drus feujre. PRESERVE your FRUIT! WTe desire to call the attention of house t- keepers to our wwotetjLgtock-of Pruit JiUTS. e nave the uex, rirr, Melvll, Mason iMpaovED, and PoicEitiN used. Call and examine the dtferent atyle, and make your selections. WVoffer them verv low. W have alo ertra Eubbef liuHdt for old Jar. and!wou!d caution our lady friends to examine their old one before putting up, as fruit is often lost by i i - using ueieciive Dnus. Call before pun-haing elsewhere. TUEO. F. KLUTTZ & Ca, 41:tf ) . Druggif4a. " JELLY TUMBLERS totth scxiaw soro The nicest thing out for housekeepers. Cheap, (41tf ) at KLUTTZ i Co'a. SPEARS' Preserving Solution. One bottle to 13o lbs. Fruit, $1. Also, Noray'e Preserving Powder. 50 eta. at THEO. F. KLUTTZ & Co's. 41:tf ) Drag Store. LAHD SALE. . Having taken out Letters of Adminfctra tion, with Will annexed, of Thomas Gheen dec d., I will sell at public sale on the premifet. 7 miles west of Salisbury, the tract of - land known as the Joe Gheen place, containing 21G i . - t u- t. i: l acre, auoui t i wnicu ia uneiv umoerea: the remainder consists of a good deal of freh land suitable for grain and tobacco : some ex cellent bottom land and a email orchard. There are two dwelling houses on it, and plenty of water. The pale will take place on the 5th of October, 1872, at 12 o'clock, M. Terms one-third cash, one other third insix months, ana uie remaiaaer in is uiomns. iiue reserv ed until full payment ia made. C F. WAGGONER. Aug. 28 1872. , Admr. with WU annexed. IoMANi(K:67MSMnT: and SCREENING Machine. THRESHING MACHINES & 44 HORSE POWERS I Several varietfca, on wheels orwitbont. CIDER A1ID.V1NE HILLS- -; "the handiest thing out. V ' ' ; Apple and peach paeers, fJorera and Sllcer Itbor tavtra. We warrant all lhee article to jive satisfac tion or no sale. CRAWFORD & nEILia 42 tf ,.. THE AMERICAN BUTTON-BOLE. OVERSEAMIHQ AXD Complete Sewing MACHINE. The firt and only BUTTOX-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined tbat has uiadt) it advent in this or any other country. Sfiy The following reasons are given why thu is the bet Family Machine to Purcltase. 1. Becau it will do, J. became too can everytlunj; lliAt any ina-!qui-kly rtiwor iorrtli come ou do, aewiutf;lel to adapt it to thick or from the nnet to the tinacluth. t-9rient mutexial, tieui-i H. ttecause ron bare a njinjf, iliii, curdiu .short dt-eii bobbin br untitling, Biuuinr, r miu- wbicd me inread is eon eriug knd sewiug ou, at.otautiy drawn from the the name time rufflmif.lceuu . the teruion is quilting, etc, better than oouseqont.y even and does no t break the thread . any otiiei mcuiue. i becauriethe Usntiwa 9. because tht uresser- ae more iit slj Bted, fuot turns back ; that the than toy other machine. chith csn be eastl fi. S. Because it csn work: moved sRr being sewed, beautiful button-hole 10. Because the Lt makiuf a nne a iearl as.niecLaaics pionounre it by the hind the bert tlnwhed and 4. ttecAUMe it will em made on the bet priaci pie of any machine man u i c tared. It haa ne pruigato break; noth ing to get tat of order. 11. lecaue it ia two machines in one. A Urr-row-BoLs Woiiixa end Srwio Machims com. broider ever the edge. making neat and beau tiful border on any irnr- meut. 6. Reranne it will work abeAut.ful eyelet hole. 6. Bcaue it can do over-kaad seaming, by lii'-u ftLeetn. wiiluw c-, Lined. ea and tUe like are sewed over and aver. I 1ST No other Machine can accomilih the kind of newing nUted in No. 3, 4. 5, and 6. Parties alrig a family ewinc machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve menu. It ia to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one i wanted that will do the tuewt work ami do it the bent: and thU machine ran do several kind of aewing' not done on any other machine, beside doing every kind that all other can do. 27i American or Plain Sewing Machine, (Without the button-hole parta), doe all that i done on the Combination except button-hole and over-earning. MERSEY k lUtO., Acts. Salisbury, N. C. Examine them before purchasing any other Sewing Machine. I do not hesitate toay the American Combina tion. suriHes all other machiinrs. hiden doing all the work that other tnacbineran.itoverama. and work, button-note in an? Ubrie, from Swioa rnu-!in. to Keavtr cloth I have ud Singrr'a, Sloata', Howe'x and ttie Weed machine, and Ond tbe American far auperier to them all. Ml M. RctlkiOT- I have used aix different fewing Machicet. The American surpasses them all. Was. A. L. Raisft. I have ned Tbeinijer and other machine-and would not excaange tLe Amtrican (or any. Ma. U.N. BaiNgLE. Salibcrt, N. C, May 22d. 187Q. MtaosET & Bao., agtn. American Coin. 8. if. Sia: I have naed tl.e Howe. Singer, Wheeler A Wilfloa, ilcox Gibwi Sewing macWne- and wonld not give the Anaeriean Combination lor a!' of thita, it 111 do all tkat is claimed far it in tl.f circular. I conaider it auperior to all othvra I have ever aeea. Very Reepectfully, Has. (ifc-o. W. Hakbixsok. Wetht undersigned take great pleanr in giving our testimony ia Uvor ot tLe Americas hewinc Mvliine ir pie lerenie to any otlier. believing that i it truthfully rscwuimentled m the beat machine m'ta. ltiaairopla, durabt. runs Very light and uoea not gt out of order or arop tjtcl. Mas. Lacka M. Ovirmak, A . L. Korar, " J. Allsk Bkowit, A. V. NoRTBkas. " A . K. JoKca, " M. E. TuoMAaoa, We bare seen flaming adrertiHemcnta and heard muck aaid by tgentaol otker tuacuinea. e will forfeit ore l.ur.dred dollars to the con tenting party, u after a fii tril before conuctetit ju.ige tne American wa. hiie will uct do aa well if not better, tle work done on any other machine. and do valuable work that uo other machine caB do. We Lave been Agent frr Sewing Maclirrea eince 1856, have sold Singer's, Lad Webber's. Atwatere'a and Florence e, and have abaiidoned all for the American. fceiil snd get sample of work. 27:ly MEROXEV k BRO., Ag'U INSURE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PUL S. E. Corner Fourth ORGANIZED 1850. Assetts, $3,638,864.88. GEORGE W. HILL. President, BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ALKXANDKR WIIILDEN. IIox. JA. POLLOCK, I. EDO Alt THOMPSON, GEO. NUGENT, ALUEUTC. ROBERTA, VHILIl B. ISAAO 1 1 A Z LE II U UST, L. M. WHILLDEN, HENRY K. BENNE GEO. W. HILL, JA8. L. CL AG HORN, JNO. WAUNA1IAKEP Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. . ALL POLICIES NONFORFEITABLE. ''piIE AMERICAN has been in active operation for nearly a quarter of a eemtmry. hat been X governed and controlled by gentlemen ditingnihed for their buMO experience and commercial probity, and has been eminently succefal. It has met its oblifcuoni with sigtiat TroniptneAs. and In a most liberal spirit. Among Its insuring member, the Company has the honor of numbering many of the most eminent and leading men, in all profetlons aid classes, throQbout Nurto Cartdiaa. ReliaUa Agents wautd. who should apply by letter oi in person to HLV. L. F. WAY, Gen'l A gent. RtateavilU. V. C . Or to Col. 6t. Cxars Dtsajira, Sapt. A gsnt, Wilmington, N. C. Inayrt3:lyl .INSURE IN Georgia Home Insurance. Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. I X CO KJO RATED, 1 $50. Ca rtal $530,000 J. RHODES BROWNE, FrtUnU, D. F. WILLCOX, Srrrctary. ' All Losses Equitably Adjusted And Promptly raid in Full! rroperty owners d wiring to obtain reliable In sorance will do well to prvtect theuuelrt by securing a Policy in Ocorjcia Home Inmrance Co." Agencies at rronunect points la all the Southern State. J. ALLEN mOWN, Ajtnt, Office No. 2, Granite Row, April 25, '72. ly SalUbory, N.C. V ALTER A. WOOD. Reaping aud Mowing Machine. The lightest, moei substantial and cheapest Implement made. Fullv warranted. Threhing Machines and Home Powers of various patient, such as the celebrated Alamance and Baltimore power. Pend in your orders. J.H. THOM PaON, 41:3moa. Tyro. Davidson Co., N C. J. F. HUECKERT, . MASONIC HALL, os. 37 and SO Market St.. WILMINGTON, N. C. PIANOS and ORGANS OF THE BEST Xieaiin? Factorial in the Tnited States. PIANOS of ALL STYLES and PRICES to suit purchasers ronMsntlv on hsnd and for salt. ft?2F All inducement uojallr held out Northern Manufacturer can only be had in the State at the above place. OZ20. WOOD'S 5t CO'S. PAU 1.011 and VESTRY 02LOAT7I ! TJtey are pre-eminent for their Charm ing Solo Stops, Ilcauttf ad Purify rf Tone, Klerfant Design and Fin ish. In fact they surpass ANY OUGAX Heretofore known or introduced in this city. Call, Hear and Sco Them I All Instruments Wsrranted for Five Year. LT-IMAStW TUNED ANDJIEPAIIIEP. J A choice selection of Sheet Mumc on !and and for sale. J . F. II V IXK KRT. may .31-7-tf Wilmington, N. C. DO YOU LOVE ME. NEW and lailins crfatue1 with a treat variety of other extracln for the handker chief, including all kind (if toilect artich-s, at C. K. IiAKKLlt A CO'S IniSStore. UO yn wish to enjoy a po.nl itmoke T Then try nume of the genutue Havana Cijrars ja.t received at C. U. ItARKKU A CO'S Druf Store. NO. 1 TAN NEILS Oil, Mapc and Iran parent .Machine Uil at loi prices at C. K. ItAHKLK AiCO'S Drugstore. WE RESPECTFULLY rail lhe attention f of Physicians, Merchants and the public generally to our well selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, . Varnishes, Brushes, Dye Stuffs, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, dx.t dc 4 LL (iOOlS warranted, pure, fresh and t. a genuine, and prices to suit the times. All orders promptly attended to. Especial care ami attention given to our prescription d jartment. C. R. BARKER & Co., DructrK (Successor to Jso. II. Ejixiva,) 2G:tf SalUbury. N. C YOUR LIFE and Walnut Streets. CHARTER Perpetual. JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary. MINGLE, HON. A. G. CATTKLL. - Joel J. , , i loa art atrebr ctuuiaaiM!d f t f J. Ttimm. the dell above imA r t-TlYtri ' in KmtvmtT, to appear at tW o&ot tb' Hrtk oi tbe hope nor Court f tW emtotf c," lwwaa vimui twenty dare after the erricw of Um Mrarmona ow hiaa, ezdolre f uVe 4V cf f wek eerrlce, mud acwev the coaplaist kick baa teea drpOMted U the oCice cf tk rWrk f w t W Superior Cowt for Xlovaa county ; aal Vet , kia tke nolle tUL if he fU to aMr tU . aid eoaplaint wlitia tbat Ume, lb plaTntlf win take jodgnent nplmi Lira far the rttiff fWMJed la Uk conplaiat. liereia UH ant, ami f tkta mmxmatm uuL do ittorm. wn, i im la ty M A urtiH, 1S7Z. 4. CW 5enr twr tun CVaaiy. ; ii: &j ' , NTEWAHD WAITE1, ' For DarUtoa Collet. App! u RSq: McDowell, Ea or Iter. Win. Itajr." Mu Monroe, N. C, or u Vtol W.' J Martio, Bartar, at tb College. , : " FAEMERS' WAREHOUSiL To the planter! of Vlt ginu and N. Capoliaaj As the present fiacal year ia draw jcg U a tlaaa.-, and the bulk of the TWco t rcp marieted, v , deem It oor doty to exprrt out thitAt for tie patronage extended toner Hoc daricf Uff- jrear. We do not complain, btt feel grealiy e ro&xagvU by the pnp..ruan uf trade 4uc by as t&u K-a-oa. ud while sKce oldr catablUt-. ntents may have told more Tclrco itaa nonobare made a better mottUy orycarlr arerige than we hare. -Oux aTe race fr the moatfe of Hay. was til Jure. 15" - Jnly. - UH Our mark during the rear haa breaa live- I 1 j one'and has breu tnajki-d by a stea4isft ar.d liruiueiur.arpajed by any mark I la lLa Stale; aud in vii-w of tie esrly matsritj trft .e growing crop, we sdvi ail, to market tbe Hln-e of their old crcp as early a? practicable. i Oar aer.H.r parluer having leaded Lie Lous for a term of year, our butiiic.(witbxut ajr material charp in tbe same of the fim.)1Jl' be conducted in tKe wime rfScient manner a -hrreU(Are t aud with thn bousa Qiarre4 a4. imDrvved we can Xeiy say to out friarJa and the public, gererallr.in again stdici'J&g tleir pstnotiAp, ttat we can .ffer them at ruai ar cvmmodationa and serve tbero as iPicietilf and atifactohly a any other hocse in DaavCle. Parties wiLiiig Ui m-i d u tla'otar 9 sa by rail, and it will Ih tUa uSfii llreo.' nfcliarges and rt-uiit.: .e j r..n.j.tly n.ne Ir Expre or taail- Wer.in rr' (".ick rt t crt'a as the sales are bow u.al &i;4 pn-e -ood. VTbenyoa co:ne U town, r, re ur a klL iitxcui.Nus. tuoma.- ucii.o;., r.-ffktrs Danville, To., Azrt?th 7i. 49,-1 m. Wi. Eowick. M. A. CaiaoLav NATIONAL HOTEL, A First Class House, silyatecf in 1 the center oflhe Cily. Tlia well known llulel has diartd hands and is now In Tkmvyk Repair. The traveling public may rest aaurrd that they will rsodva First Class Accomodations. The Prices regrilatrd to suit the times. The Table will be supplied with th best the marks afford. The Fur niiurc aud Ikxiinf art Vs anil lhe rorrn Urje and airy. iH M p STAltLlJS c onected with the Hoos. Omnibus and Itataip-. free of charge. UonZKKIBUIXCLI . :o: The onderMned would mpertfully ak his inerva io wre it.e rhanor. s he baa bren keep- wz the .ManiMon llue -r the rt latlrttMn W ith Uiai eirxrir.re he (n 1. warranted ha asv ing entire ssufjctiwi will be riven. Ilk old cuotutner are rcjTtfully invited to call at thsj iNauof.ai. nown U: 44 DATS. E. BKTCX IlLI. FIRM HAYS & SILL Druggist & Apothecarieo, SAZaZBSUZL?, U. O. Having purchased the content of tit Drug Store formerly occupied bj Dr. Edward Sill. We reyptctfully call tbe at- tentlon of the Citizens of Salisbury and the surroaodir.g couutrr, to the new ar rangement, and inform them that we will continue to carry on the baaiocas at tho- same place, and the same eicellcnt wsr. Wc will end rvr.r to keep oo hand all tb various goods the people may oeod per uiuing to our line, and therefore hop by strict attention to basinet, to rcceirs a liberal patronage. Physicians Orders Prompt ly Attended To, Prescriptions accurately end carefully compounded ly relialU and competent Druggists day qt night. 43 lr StJ.n.TlO.YS for DIVOKCD. Laora Chanc.-, plaiuut, ayaixtt s drf-rdant, j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. r lU Sherif kf ina Obay, Grtetiaft Ywu are hereby xm nxa nd-d, as voa Lava heretofore been, to uranus Thvaoas VracXIla Chance, the defendant above banted. If ?Ws W fnnnd within roar pounty, to he and apr! Utn the Judjre of ir SierorC'ssjrt, a be be 14 tor tbe count of iUiwan, at the Cart-Uosswe in 8sliaburyt on Us LxirU. Muavlsy a&er the third Monday in rVpferober neat, ad aaawer ia Complaint si hit h near 11 led In the ofikt fJ X Clerk of the fNi-rkr Court fc-r said CfaMty. and let the said iltt.dU lake mAkt that If ha fail to anawer the said Cottlsitt dcric tha next Term, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ia the cvafIsiat. Ilnein fail ii.y, sad f lhi Suiataons uska doe return. iven tiSMlee say had a tha seal of said Court. thU iCik dav" J August, 187i rx JOHN A, liOYHEN, I sealof the f Oerw .f the SaparW 1 v m - ' Court. i Court of Roan county. J. I. HLLIOT Bl Go. Manufacturers of Winiuboro C. W. A. NEW r1

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