i.'. BON.-JUDAU p. BpjWj HOTOKsra ENOLAwSDi ToirBBXJosTl wktS fex oECBETABor wAW5:jmurderer . having malkraantlY fTf , ! he Lord Cbancelor baa couf erred 'silk I 3 be Lord Cbancelor has conferred ilk upon. iMr. J.P.BenUmin. iimkter-at.Iaw. of the. Northern the Northern Circuit. I Mr. Benjamin I was jborn In ra jborn la, 1S11, in the British West ndij, and commenced the practices of he lav in New Orleans between thirty and thai L&1! between the Northern and Southern States I wuiuu uirLccucu lucurraa nvnnrni inn wivi vi America, uo was uuiiea a taxes A' ! ' 1- . T rs. . . 1 lorof Lou.Ln.. and ' AU , 'Jwwuwauuiuu ucBaja; period, or the greater part bf it, he led the bar before the Supreme Court at Wash- inrtOD. In those Java to ha a Senator .1". i. . --,'-r T o ' I was a high distinction. He became, mi is well known, Secretary of the Stat Depart meat to the Government of the Confederate btates, nndetJ efferaon Davis a he after Ward became War Secretary, and held that offieuat the tima of tha huU of Hall Itnn j eventually he became Secretary of Bute Department aeainL , In the latter position ho conducted all the correspon denes; and negotiations with other coun tries He was with Jefferson Davis at the end of the War. and i after nnmernna ! I) air breadth escapes arrived in Eng. land in 1865, and entered at Lincoln's Inn.' He was called to j the bar in 1866, fX s&cialijtratia, waiving the nsnal period of studentship on account of his high le gal knowledge and experience. Uis pro I gress toward the attainment of a practice at the English bar was at first slow, and though his abilities and experience fitted him for leading, his nosition at the bottom of the-junior bar prevented leading busi ness irom Deing given to him. He grad ually, however, obtained and increased a Sractice, principally in Liverpool and tanchester cases. Uis arguments la these cases were noticed at the time as combin ing strict legal accuracy with a persuasive adroit rhetoric, two attributes which com paratively seldom run together, the latter ' being, indeed, a somewhat scarce com modity at the Equity Bar. About this time he employed the time which bung on bis bands in composing his now well known book on the Contract of Sale. About three years ago Mr, J ustice Hamen, recognized his abilities and the difficulty of his position, gave him: (as a Justice in htm IlAl a rlffht in An Pdl.tin. for Lancashire. Mr. Benjamin's position as one or me nret advocates and lawyers at the the Common Bar is now (airly re cojruized. It is understood that ha an. plied for a 'silk gown at the last creation of Q. C.s ; his application, however, was not t that lima anooaaafYil n.vk.l.l.. ' - - w.mmmi HUbVVBOUI VUUIJ I'll account of the short period of his England pracuee. it is stated that be now receives his silk gown in consequence of the Lord Chancellor having been so impressed with the ability of his recent argument before the House of Lords in the case of "Pot ter vs. .Jlankin,' as to ! consider that it would be unjust to withhold from him the precedence ot a u. ' - The New York Herald, ordinarily ob sequlous enongh to the powers that be thus exhorts the Administration. Refer imc w wudi iur. i ijionor aeRerihfii General Orant.s ptraistence in inflicting -misery on tno ooutn, it says : "We warn the president of his danger. j. no peopio aiti tired ot the incesent ess C'tempnt Irpnt nn Kv ihn nn1itl!... ..Jt . they say, witb-Senator Sumner. 4the war is ended; there must be an end also of beligercnt passions, and the freedman as- area or uis rtgnts, must enter upon a new career of lmnnina and nman:. tl. violent tirades of Wendell Phillips, Ger riw omuu, lioutweii and others, who pour into the car of tho ignorant negroes the ' poison of suspicion and hate, and who urc-e upon them a resort to civil warntd. er than & submission to reconciliation, are revolting to the public mind. - Sensible men cannot fail to see that the doctrines advocated by Greeley must lead to peace i auu uapiuce, wuuo mo aocirine preaen ed by the Radical supporters of Grand must leau 10 oiooasued and auffrrinrr if l QeieTiaaiMiadarm.nMt.-Jan t 1 . ' : I ceai your property ; but organize for de fence, is tne advice or Wendell Phillips to 1 the negro. 'Black men. be not dJLn py tuts cry tor reconciliation. Your old I . i . . ... . oppretiors win never oe reconciled to you nor should you be reconciled to them cries Gerrit Smith, and Boutwell. Harlan and the rest echo the worda. To what can such teachings lead but to continued discord and haired, and eventually, per naps, to a oioouy and cruel war of races Are the financia interest of the couniry ... uuj am,. uu appeals 19 the passions 01 ignorant men. It General Grant is re-elected it will be hv the sun port of the moneyed and business classes ox iue country, and it is time for them to make it a condition of their support that '.!!.! 1.1 f i .. a .... win xecmeBs piaymff wun nre shall not I J " "l U IIMUI UU longer hazard the safety of their lives nA .prorerty. ! It is time for the people to let all parties understand that whatever can didates may be successful tho Adminis teal ion of the next four years must give tonskitutional freedom to tho Southern States, take the iron hand of military rule from) the throat of that section of the Union and let the whole nation have peace." The Approachina State Fair. Th officers of tho the State Apn-irn1nm1 So ciety are making every possible arrange- fM "pjirucuing xair, to corns therce on the loth proximo. They have vjtrV reason to bdieve that the exhibi tion will equal if not murnaas mv hmlA nee the war. News, tr I SPEEDY JUSTICE. The other day in Chicago a prisoner was tried and convicted of murder in twenty minutes. This was .quick work. The cause of this unwonted expedition is to be found in the terror produced by ihe murder mania that pre vails in that city, j The commu city has been greatly excited over the unusual number of Murders recently eommittjid, Thf iag jtiiijnmBHttpy disposed of was PWy aggravated one, the shot a policeman in the perform- - au "liy. The State bf the nnh1m rninri "nK' tVof Q Jf SUCl tha 1110 attorney has deemed it expedient to make recitine the law and detailing the efforts of the COUrts " w : -' - ' . ir - . -i in order that people may know the exact state of the cases now pending, I deem it my duty to givo vug mcia relative 10 repre sent condition of them. By the law, as it has existed in this State since 1867, the jury are obliged u vueir veruict to ux tue panisn- ment or tne prisoner, which may be that he suffer death bv hang ing, or that he be confined in the pcmicuwary ior a term oi not, less than fourteen yearsbr for any numoer of years greater than fourteen, or for his natural lifa I believe it is an unsafe law The punishment should be death in all cases of unprovoked murder, ... J J -1 i it auu iuo juugo suouia nx lae pun ishment; but the law is other wise, binco this law has been in OneraHftTt. ItiriAa Tiava nrAnAMliir done their duty in this city bold ly and fearlessly. The recent cases of murder which have so justly aroused the people ha vie an occurred since tno bin of last month. The first session of the Grand Jury since these cases oc curred was convened a week aero yesterday. It has found true bills ox indictment asramst Kaffertv. Schweigert, and Hurley. Raff- a m am aM W eny, ior ine murder of officer U" Meara. is now on trrial. SchW. lgert, for the murder of Kane Hiffgins at Winetka. is o be tried next Monrlav. TTht1av -' . w . me muraer of ratterson, is tote tried one weee from to-day. The wana-jury nave one or two oth er cases to investigate, and if they find indictments the nccnsprl will ill be tried this month. So tho public will see that all these cases are to De tried in about thirty i . . ..... a a a . aaysirom tne date of the killing, I believe that everybody will say ia prompt, emcient, and speedy action bv the criminal court and the oflicers thereof. I believe in prompt, speed v ius tice to all criminals, and will do all I can to secure that desirable end. There would be fewer murders and few crimes of all kinds if summary justice.was more een erally dealt out to offenders.5 almost every American commit nity criminal cases are! allowed to Jrag on until they literally wear themselves out. Mean while witnesses die off, remove to other localities, or allow them selves to be tampered with. Give the worst criminal time enough win nnd some mode of i . ' escape irom punishment. 10 an SnnooAnt mm a nmmnf fnl ; lnnocent man prompt trial IS a 11.1 Z 1 i Tm mewing.- liicnmona Wing, GENERAL ASSEMBLY, SENATE. f 1 1st district Ckirrrituck. Camden Pka quoUnk, Hertford, Gates. Chowan and Chamberlab Republicans. 1 KAPri ntmona t w i ..n nj s I s i -t 2nd district Tyrrell, Washington Martin. Dare. Beaufort and Hvde John C Respess. U Stiller. Republican-. 3rd djstrict Northamhpton and Ber tie, G D Hollomao. Renublican. 4tb district Halifax, Henry Eppes, coia xwepuoucan. 5th district Edgecombe, Alex McCa be, Republican. ' i - th district Pitt, J McCotter, Repub lican. i 7th district Wilson, Nash and Prank lin, Wm. K Davis, Jno W Dunham, Conservatives. f 8th district Craven, A S Seymonr Republican. x 5th district Jonee, Onslow and Car leret. James G Scott. Conservativn. ' I 10th district Duplin and Wayne, fW a Alien, l, v uumpbrey. Uoneervatives 1 1th District Greene and Lenoir. R W King, Republican. lth district New Hanover, Geo Mabson, col'd, Republican. 1 13th district Brunswick and Bladen, U JN UUl, Kepublicarf. V 14th district Sampson, C. T. Hut phey. Conservative. 15th district Columbus and Robeson. John w .Ui8, Conservative. 16th district Cumberland and Har nett, W. O Troy. Conservative. 17th district Wake. James H Harris, coi d, uepu hlican. 19th district Warren, J ohn A Hy man col'd, Republican. 20th district Orange, Person and Cas welV John W Norwood John W Cnn ningham. Conservatives. 21st district Granville Bourbon Smith Republican. 22nd district Chatham. R J Powell. Conservative. If j - 23rd district Rockinchara. J T Mnr. head, Conservative. , 1 UtU dutricAUmanw ftQd Goilrordj, sena-itnniw i,r;i 1: v. xr . Jaa Morehead, Jr.j W J llnrnty", Con servative. ' 25th district Randolnh and Moore. J M Worth ConservatiTes.'. . - : ' 26th- district Richmond and Mohtsro. mei7,lTLongj Republican. :w y r 1 27lli distract Anson and Union u U T McCanley, Conservative. - join aiawici viawums ana otaniey, C Earnhardt, Conservative, 29th diatrict Meckledbor?. RP War ing, Conservative. Oth district Rowan and Davie, Char les Pifice, Conservative, i 3 1st district Davison, John T. Cramer, Republican, r 32d district Stokes and Forsvthe. J M Stafford, Con servaitve. 33d district Surrv and Yadkin. AC Co wles, conservative. 34th district-Iredell, Wilkes, and Al exander,! Thos A Nicholson, Phineas Uorton, conservatives. 35th district Allechanv. Ashe. Wat- aaga W B Cooneeil, conservative. 36th district Caldwell, Burke, Mc Dowell, Michell aud Yancey, W W Flem minglGudger, conservatives. 37th district Catawba and Lincoln. James R Ellis conservative. 33th district Gaston and Cleaveland. W Jj Milller, conservative. 39ihe ! district Rutherford and Polk. Martin Walker, republican. 40th district Buncombe, and Madison, Jaa. U. Merrimon, conservative. ; 4lst. district Haywood, Henderson, aud Transylvania, W P Welch, conservative.!- f- 42d district Jackson. Swain. Macon. Cherokee, Clay and Graham, W L. Love, conservative. Republicans 18 ; Conservaties 32. : UI ' I " ids nousx or &xpnxsum.Tiyxs. Alamance Grant, con. Alexander J M Carson, ind Alleghany f Apsohj-R T Bennet, con. Ashe Squire Trivett, rep. Beaufort Samuel Carson, rep. Bertie-r 0 Miller, tep. Bladen A P Perry, rep. T D Johnston, 1 coi. Burke Pinkney Warlick, con. Cabarrus Shion, eon. Caldwell Ed Jones, con. Camden Simeon A Jonee, rep, Carteret Silas Webb, eon. Caswell T J Foster, Geo W Bowa, reps. Catawba R 9 B Houston, eon. Chatham J M Moring, Hanna,coas John L Winslow, rtp. Clay Anderson, eoa. Cleaveland -John W Gidney, son. Columbus V V Richardson, con. Craven-1 3 Abbott, E R Dadley, repSi. Cumberland G W Bollard, cm.. T S Lutterlob, rep. urn tuck- James M WoodhooM, eon Dare-r Oliver N Gray, rep. Davison J T Brown, John Mieheai, ren3. Davie Charles Anderson, eon Duplin Juo B Standford, , eons. Edgecombe W P Mabson. Willie Bunn, reps. Jf'orsythe W H Wheeler, rep. Franklin John H Williasaeoa, rep. Gaston William A Stowe, eon. Gates-Rob t II Ballard, eon. Granvillc-Rich G Snecd H, T Hughes Graham- Greene Guilford Joseph Glimer, Wiley, cons Halifax Jno Bryant, J J Woodwyn, repi Harnett J R Grady, eon. Haywood H P Haynes, ton. Henderson Jamas H Blythe, repu Hertford Jamas Skarpe, rep. Hyda Iredell Williams, StayensM, eoaa. Jacksoa.- Johnston Wm. H Joyaar, Jtaas Hla- nant, eons. Jones Jacob Scott, rep. Lenior Stephen La sailer, rep. Lincoln A J Moriraon, con, Macon J L Robbinson, con, Madison Martin j McDowell Mecklenburg Jno E Brown. S W Reid, eon. Mitchell J W Bowman, rep. Montgomery Allen Jordan, rep. Moore Dr John Shaw, con. Nash Lindsey, coa. New Hanover James Ifeaiaa. liam H McLaurin, eol'd, Alfred Llody, coi u, reps. Northampton Burton H Jones, rep. Onslow J W Shackieford, eon. Orange - Pride Jones; Jonas Watson, con. Pamlico, Pasquotank, P M Godfrey, rep. Perquimans, J R Darden, rep. Person, Montfort McGchee, con. Pht,: WniP Bryant, Guilford Cox, reps, ; Polki N. B Hampton, ren. Randolph J W Bean, Harrison Fra- zier, reps. Richmond, Robert Fletcher, eol'd, rep Robeson, W S Norment; T. A McNeil cons I Rochingham, David Settle, A B Jones cons.! Rowan. FN Locke j, Kerr Craige, con servative. Rutherford, Eli WhitsnanL ren. Sampson ; J R Maxwell, Bryant, cons. Stanly- - Stokes, J G H Miehell. eon. Snrlr, Harrison M Waugh, con. Swain- Transylvania Tyrtell, Bertlet Jones, conr Union ; Wikie, Richard 0 Badger, John C Gorman, Stewart Ellison, col , RoVt J Perry, ireps. Warren, Goe H King, J Wm H Pas cuau, j rrps. Wasliington!, D C Guyther, rep. Wajtanga 4- WVne, J 0 Rhodes, E. G Copeland, reps.' j ' . S ' Yadkin, J,G Ifarlir, ton. w a - TRIUMPHANT ! 0 CO UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE MIUMS and Gold and Silver Medals were awarded to Cbax.es M. Stieff for the best Pianos in competition with all the leading manufactur ers of the country. Oflce and Z7ew Wareroomt . N: 9 North Lrberty SL, BALTIMORE, Md. The StiefTa Pianoa contain all the Uteat !m. pruvements to bo found in a first-class Piano. : . ..r v. niwiwuuuiuu tuiprut ciucuis ui uis own 1U- Tention, not to bo found in other instruments. The tone, touch and finish of their inufrn. meats cannot be excelled by any manufactur ed. A large assortment of second.hand Pianos always on hand, from $75 to 300. faxior and Oharch Organs, gome twenty dif ferent styles on hand from $50 and upwards. Sand for Illustrated Cataloirue. containing names of over twelve hundred Southerners (five hundred of which are Virzinians. two hundred North Carolinians, one hundred and fifty East Tennesseans. and others throughout tne bouth, who have bought the Stieff .Piano since the close of the war. JALLEN BROWN, Agent, 22:40t Salisbury, N. C. Valuable House and Lot FOR SALE. I wish to sell mr House Sc. Lot aitnated on Ianiss street, frontiusr four hundred teet. The Lot contains four acres, or one square of the town. The House is a twlvt-foot story and contains six rooms, besides a base ment cook-room of brick. Kitchen. Smoke- cMise, Lumber room and Wood house, also irat-rattt Well of water with a brick Dairy 16; a laree Barn, sheded on two aidfs 30 m20. With a 20 foot SO-iare thru&hincr floor: three acres of the lot is well set in clover; also an excellent garden. Ann person wishbw a Valuable Lot. would do veil to giv me a caU at once as, 1 am aetermmed to sett a bargain. K. J. WEST, ana; 6th 72: 47: 4t R. W. Pnics. T. J. Pjuce. PRICE & BRO. Have Benioved THEIR FAMILY GROCERY STORE TO JENKIN'S CORNER, Where thev will eontinne to Sll Vn,.r Meal, Fresh Meats. Bacon. Lard. Butter. Eggs. Coffee. Teas. Snffr. Salt. PirV W f.. Ueees, die., toother with a large and varied sioea or nouaenoiu asd table necessities. Bring your country produee to rUlCE i BRO. (I7:t0 . FOR SALE. TWO SMATJrrnArTs nr t.jvnf J ' I t lOrrr tO ive milM nf Tmn maluini.. ALTWn and MEADOW, with a rt cleared and in orchard. If not sold before the 6th of July aext it will then be eold at public sale. Apply J. K. BUKKE, Agt. MAKE HAY While Tho SUN SHINES. 1 WOULD respectfully give notiee to the farmers that I am Ageut for tho Celebrated. BUCKEYE Mover and Reaper and Siceensia l T II It E S IT J? n Manufactured bv C. A nit . W -W. VWUIVU, UtUO. and I retinflftfullv rpmicut iKiwn in of anytor either of these Machine, to call and w me, mm gei a coos giving tun instructions and prices. Tte scarcity of laborers and the high price of Hay, Jce., raak these Machine a necessity. Please bhnir or kAnd as ptssibie. 1 j. k. BDKKR. J'f Salisbury, N C. ROWAN MILLS ! rPHB propriettira of thee justly celebrated L Mills axe in the market for W1IKAT, and solicit calls irom all who hir.it n coil tv.. JHijl ths highest market catk prices. Flour! Flour!! ThSV also Solicit oritur f.ir Vlnnr Th.r manufacture ftiur d(Ti- rent trrmAeta i.t PI,... ranging Sett ramlly, Family, JSx-' liiey also sol.cit orders for Bran. Thev exohanire. or vrind fur toll u mmw u desired. EMMERT, BROS &, CO. Oowaro of Counterfeits ! job nosEs m&wcitms previa. Tk rMMMJUm ctaaawJ Mmm Mae AU Mikara ara wtmLmmmS FJ1 Fi.Ilj.mr wrfUlaiB tba enTa7ku thoM paiaAU and daacmtu limMi to walch the tomala eorwtitution U rabei. Thar BM4rsta ail xrttt aad rrauTi aU astomcUoas. troaa whV ?ar rarjw -. TO MASSTZB TJtDTKS they ua aarticalarly auitii TUej mill K a tSrl 4 althoach vary jtrarful.wttUU BfHhJnirhmrt: nil 10 eonmtauoa. Ia all caM of Narvma rvA ptnal aeactkma, Fmina in tha Btck aa4 Llmia, fro.ebattoa. "" w btiTid. On- DofUr pclol to ta- RoU rmorl. W. iOB MOSial II CortUndt tU Haw Tork?wui IS?" tl af tha frmtin, eon tln1n rift. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES'. BTtTAWfl PTJI4HOICIC WAFXlt-J t7 S-r-CS"- CoLaa, Amu, Baoaoama. Soa Tbboat, HoiaaBBa..DirnocLr BaaATBiao, la. cipiiwt Coaavarnoa abb Lcae DtsaAsaa.h"r haja ae Mtarta of aWlcina, aad aay child win taka tt-m. Thavaaada hT bn raatarad to health that had baCora dmairc4. TntioimiT rl- tj In handmda Ak for BETAS S rutMOMO WArBBJL tor. HCort)jdtetryt. New TorlL THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. Ro. M4 Raa Lombard. Paria, E - I FTlTJS. Thaaa CU ara hlrhly raoaameaded kvtha mm . rana. Madieal la ail acBitroi Ba: Rl m ATI lirhtlT.D ly. Dally or PnmmtMn XatiaaiotM : 'naatATra t or Prn sal Wait kiMtaiorfoi SoeratBaUtoa4gzaal aUeaa;Blagaraiiottha aacaaas anarafraiai SS1 Sr" Wk "! : DopoaiU la tha Criaa, ndaU tha jrhaatly traia of IHaUaaa aH-in froai trSLMr lUDPhlf AdTica In aaHi box. or wiU PHeetl ar Bex. b7 ' crt fy U4 from m 1 1 6wrvi'm a vm mit aaatraawat ao. OSCS. IS CoaTLAvatf -Haw TowuSola OaMral Araat irr ang 14, 72. 48; ly. Land Deeds, Trustee Deeds Commissioner's Deeds. RhrrlfT I Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, &. i?or ttaie at this offttv . Brttaries aad Whit, thr will affact a em ha vivruoiL, rmi DiiHiDn or ins 11 HAEDVABE merchants, Main Street, Salisbury, JV. ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING New, improved and valuable Tools, Imple ments, Machines, Contriranciea, Ac, Arc, for the convenience and facility of Farmers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Shoe-Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Masons, Carriage Builders, Coopers, House-Keepers, Butchers, Cooks, &c. In fact, few persons unacquainted with our establishment, are aware of the wide HAS taken the room recently occupied by Overman, Holmes & Co., in 3rurphy's Granite Row, and opened a PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. drne solicits cash orders from abrod. Produce bought and slurped on very short notice. Rnectfullv refers to business en of the city. - ElfCaah paid for all leading articles of country'Producc. ll:tf BURKE I COFFIN. Commission Merchants, At the Sign of the Red Flag, MERONEY'S OLD STAiND, MAI STRKKT SALISBURY, N. C. J. X. BURKE. J. M. COTTIV. t"Ordera and connignmentii respectfully o- I iH'teu. pay-Auction mIb every baturday and public day. Oh! Yes Oh! Yes Oh ! Yes! ITafing fallen back to a better position and beea reinforced by forming a copartnernhip with Jjo. M. Corrm, who baa been long and favor ably know a in the Mercantile communitr, I would rpectfully retnrn coy thanks to the public generally, and aolicit a continuance of their patronage to the new Firm ; with the a u ranee that we will do all we can to sai'ufy all who may have anything to pell or boy. J. K. BURKE. January 1872. X. B. I will con tin n to attend to the aell inr of any kind of property in the country, for AdmintaUatoraaod others when notified in time. tM8 J. K. BURKE. Auctioneer. 1 hare analyzed the Whiskty knotrn under the brand of B SELECT," eon trolled by Messrs. WALTER D. DL AIR & Co., Richmond, Va., and And it Free from Fusil Oil, and and other impurities, and recommend its use for medicinal and family purposes. J. B. McCAW. M. D, Late Prof, of CkenUttry 3i. College. Va. This brand is beyond all doubt a sups rior article and can only be had genuine, at T. J. Foster's, No. 3 Main et.f nearly opposite Mansion Hotel, Salisbury, N. C. 38: 4t WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BARBER, RETTJRXS 018 THANKS to his OLD FKIKNDS and the Public for the liberal patrons tre heretofore extended to him Tr informs them that he has fitted np a new and commodious Shop, la Dr. Henderson's Sriek- Boildinr. ZLoom XI o. a. where he would be pleased to see them. lie SiaranteeR to give satisfaction in every case. e ban in his emnlor ut the lt rtatr nMw.. in Western North Carolina. He requests a t all from all. Salisbury, X. C, Dec. 17, 18tt. 50 tf State of North Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. Superior Court, Spring Term. 1872. Marshall T. Bell as Assignee of William Griffin, Mnanips agatiuA ueorge u. Alcllenry and Daniel B. Welch, defendants. ' 'I f ppetrin,? 10 the asfction of the Court on affidavit filed, that the defendant George C. Mc Ilenrv is not a resident of tha Rit r v ii. . vi Carolina. It ia therefore ordered - --- j hvy pub lication be made in the Cam'm . newsnaper published in the Town of Kaltbury, North Carolina, for six weeks, notifying thede- vj.re jiciienry mat a ISmnmons t V?? I"161 in.thc aboTe actio sgain him m wnicn ne is notineo that a complaint will be filed in this action at the nt irm nt 1..11 Bapeiior Coart, on the second Monday after the third Monti a v in linviut A T 1 0"o -. urw mree aaya oi tne lerm, and nnleas the de fendant, George C. McJlenry answer the same within the time preacribed by law, the plsintifl will ask for the relief demanded in the com plaint. W itnesa C. L. Summers, Clerk of oar said Conrt at office, in Statesiille. thia 29th day of April, 1872. C L. SUMHEB8. C 8 C. 6w33:pr fee $8 of IredIl coontv. ALL KINDS At nnnuT jam 0 ' aJJLL A GISTRATES BLANKS at this etfke range of wants we are prepared to meet, nor of the exact and beautiful adaptability of our gooos ior the purposes for which they are made. Nor can we describe them in an advertlieinent. They must be seen. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pin to a strawcutter any thing almost every thing. They have A FULL STOCK always on hand of every I variety of Naila, Iron, Steel, Hoe, Grain Cra-J dies, Scythe, 100 Dozen Axes at low prices. Guns, Pistols, Krivra and Forks, Fairbanks Scales, the beat Wrought Iron Flows to be found. We warrant them to give satisfaction. Thomp son's Plows and Subsoilvr. CORN 8UELLERS, STRAW CUTTERS, and a thousand other things you. need. Send in your orders or cone and buy. 13:tf Salisbury, N C. SALISBURY SALEM ALMANACS At the Book Streo. I)SALMS AND HYMNS. At the Book Storr IUTIIER AN Book of Worship. - At the Book Store. SHOOL BOOKS. large varietr. At the BookStore. IN fact any thing in tho way of Books and Stationery, can bo had at f'hort notice and on reasonable terms. At the Book Store. SPECIAL order will receive prompt atten tion Send in your order. CALVIN PLYLER. Jan. 1. l7-i. lihif FURNITURE ! -o- J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. iamacfwrrr and Dealea in Furniture, Invite attention to their stock of Cottage Bcadsteads, Cottar Chamber Suits, paint ed Chamber Suits. Irench Suit Walnut and painted Cane Seat Chairs Rocking Thair of nil descriptions. Extension Dining Tableables of all kinds Wardrobe. Bureaus, Wahtand, Wbat-Nots, Mattresses. Pofas, BeerptioD Chairs and Parlor Seta. Also, Bastic Window Shades, a novelty for complete ness, beauty, cheapne and durability. Alo. many other article which we are prepared to sell a cheap or cheaper than any lioosein the western part of the State. lX . -A Br ... tT,,m t A fall assortment of Boe wood. Metal ic nd. Walnut Prrial Caes, which can be fur nished at 3 hours notice. Be sure to call, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, next door below the Express oGce, see onr stork and hear oar prices. Special orders (made from photographs in our office) will be supplied. ap5.-23.0ai Assignee's Sale OF $4000 to $6000 WORTH OF I WILL betfn at :J o'clock on Saturday, XSaytho 4th, at tho Auction Ucraaeot BUKKE COFFIN, to sell at public sale, the STOCK OP GOODS lately belonging to Johu W. Bittiag. bankrupt. TLi Stock couKirts of a general assortment of If erebsLdise, such as is usually found in any First Class Stork. Suuto continue erery Saturday till the whole Stock is eled out. Merchants and Traders are respectfully inTi ted and renniiMl t at imnA ftmi uiius iu imj staUKi at me urae of sate. J. K. BUKKE. Assignee cf J. W. BtTTt0. Salisbury. April Id, IT2. 3I:U 'IS . . m SHOTCUI GXl BEST III THE trORLtr. Hew Yori OSes, 27 BEnOLUT EX . April 2G, 1872. 32:1 y Marriage Cf rtifioatc for aale here. BOOK m STORE. ' rl THE WATCHMAN OFFICE is well lupplied with A Urge and elegant assortment of PLAIN I FANCY SOB afSfSES Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, suitable for all kinds of PRINTING. Finer and more Ornamental Type for Business & Professional Visiting, Party and Wedding Cards ; College and School 3 xba 3 irculars of all kinds ; PAMPHLETS. Tobacco Xotices and LABELS for all purposes ; T t -'. 1 t For Clerks, Magistrates and Solicitors ; Or anything else required in tho Printing Line. THE (Hatolina iDatcljmau AS A NEWSPAPER, Is candidate for public favor, lit circulation is good, and its standing and patronage improving. It it one of the best advertising mediums in the State, and offers its facilities on as liberal terms as any. FAHCT HAIR WORK. MILS. 8. W. TEKKELL. wUI do asj kUJ of Fancy Hair XVork. Repair Bra'nU. tnake CorU. S Hebe. Or nainents and Jewelry Ketts ; al uuike tsiui ly hair into Wteaihs. aud Il.qoets. For terms call at her reeidenee oa Cherch Street, West of th- Methodist Chorrh. Sam on Innisa atreK. May 9, 1872. .Tit. REPAIRING. Sewing Maehioes, Umbrellas PaxaaoKWaik tng Canes, Apple and Peach Parerm, Shear. Cuisora, Baby Waggons, and orsxrw mI sfsri, ia eluding repairs to buckets. Tubs, Ael, Ac, Ac Shop in the rear of Uodf Iter's Furaiturs Store. Terms low, but cah on drlivery. J. T. BLL. Joly 2d 1875-42:1bo. i i '