! ' - Carolina Watchman - - - - ' aSEizr s ' LOCAL. JANUARY 21- t&- The proposed Dog Law is quite popular in (bio section: We mean the "jw proposed for the protection of sheep iron doge. Several farmer have asked as to urge the passage of such a law - by the present Legislature. North Carolina has tried optional Usury, what good has it worked 1 Where i that tidal wave of capital that was to How in t How many baye been benefit tad, and how many have been ruined t Count up the list of the poor borrowers who have been ruined, sold oat of house and home, because. they borrowed money at usurions rates, and you will find that nearly every other man baa been damaged, while only one in a hundred has Wen benefitted, by the accursed ay stem of optional usury ; and this is only half way to what is proposed by the money ring. What will the Legislature do ? Hon. F. E. Sbober is a candidate for Clark to the House of Representatives in the next Congress. Stale Journal We do hope Mr. Shober may succeed in obtaining the position. We know of no one whom it would suit better, or who their influence to secure the passage of a would be likely to fill it wkh more gen- Usury law, we now refer to the matter to and acceptability. Then North Carolina remind them of their promise. if entitled to consideration as the first to There is scarcely a more important mat lead off in the groat Democratic Victory ter before the Legislature. A law fixing af last year. The selection of Mr. Shober the rate of interest at a reasonable figure to tne tieiKsuip oi me next nouseoi ivep- W(mld be hailed wuu general grain cu reeentatives wculd be but a just recogna- tiou, and prove a great blessing to the The Charlotte Ob&rocf regrets that the Watchman should opposa an Ap propriation by the Legislature for tne. purpose of defraying the expenses of the Centennial celebration of the HeckleuDurg Declaration of Independence, Now. as the Landmark and some other paper have reminded us that this is a land of sorrows 5 that the evidencee of distress are in every household, and that there is a prospect of nearly every body's dying, who are now living, before auother hun dred years roll routid, we are decidedly impressed with the impressiou that t will matter very liule with those who are to hold the second Centennial whether there is an appropriation made by the present Legislature for the purpose desired or uot. It would perhaps be a good thing for the present generation to set an exam ple of economy P the children of the uext since times are eo distressingly bard. But we don't propose to control the Leg islature in this matter. We only speak onr own opinions through the Watchman. W do not ask any one to adopt them ; and besides we are liberal and generous, always open to conviction, and ready to confess our errors and retrace our steps when we are convinced that we arc in the wrong. But we cau'f see the matter through those lumps. There are several members in the pres- . 9 3 a . eut .Legislature, wno promisea 10 use tiou of North Carolina's service and influ ence iu the triumphs of 1874. State. It would stop plastering tne County records with mortgages, increase the value of real estate, and maugerate an era of improvement, enterprise, iudus try and prosperity. A few disgruntled and ambitious, not to say selfish, capitalist, would draw in their money, but there would still be plenty left, more ac cessable aud put to better use Ah 1 We are told that money should be free, that it is a commodity of trade and should not be trammeled. So is whiskey, but those who vend it are some what subject to certain laws, think you t There are many other things that might be mentioned, as luxuries and commodi ties of trade, and yet they are subjected to the restraints of law. We cannot see the propriety in putting money down as a commodity of trade, and if we were to admit that it is, we can see no justice in allowing the money lender less freedom from leual restraint than the whiskey vender. Laws are made for the purpose of punishing and preventing evils. Who will tay that excessive Usury is not an evil f There are many things that work .11 l .1, U,,f n.l.c. ttr? ara n .1 . . . very we i iu mcwiy , uut n ucu vmw lift nf thA h(sf PVi.lAnMi tlm I v' J' is UN time to have a Convention, ami reducpd NT? The indignation meeting, held in New York city, to give expression to the Louisiana outrage, was a big thing ; but what do such meetings amount to if they fail to embolden Congress to perform the duty whieh devolves upon it ? Con gress has done nothing yet. Why has not Grant been impeached J While these meeting show tbatthe masses of the people are opposed to a military despb tistn, the criminal indifference of Congress l the strongest evidence that the Radical leaderfl are in sympathy with Grant and Sheridan and really countenance their crimes against civil liberty, constitutional law, and the rights of the States and people. The failure of Congress to im peach Grant for these outrages can not be mistaken. It shows a settled purpose on the part of Grant and the Radical leaders "to disregard the people and to overturn tLd present form, of Government if posij - ble. Such is Radicalism stripped of all Let no one be mistaken. n'li C - - ...I,a lira t n cry, a amaii class, a iew uo wuW usury, on the interest which tbey are permitted to extort almost without limit from the laboring millions. The money men of England are prosperous aud in dependent, but the great masses of the people are mere hewers of wood and drawers of water mere slaves, to the mon ey class who are in fact the government. And so it will be here, should the tune ever come when the money lords shall be permitted to exaet whatever interest they may choose. The Federal government has already set the example and estab lished a precedent in favor of a moneyed aristocracy, and it becomes the duty of the States to rebuke the Federal govern ment and pnt an effectual check upon the proposed outrage by passing such laws as will keep interest at reasonable rates. The States ville Landmark publishes it says for the purpose of disapproval, tpe following extract from Hon. W. M. Rob bin late speech The extract reads : "Much as I regret and condemn those acts of the Presidentand the Lieutenant General, I have special reasons for avoid ing all approbions terms of speaaing 01 those distinguished men. Let Jus take Droad, maniy view?, aim u jusmo i 1 1 01. : J ,.7 every man. ircnerai anenuun is ii- lant soldier. The taudmark then proceeded to com ment after this style ; MThu Maior was prudent enough to avoid opprobium, and we truly regret that be was so very uniortuuate as to bestow unineeded adulation upon that course, vulgar tyrant and butcher. Sheridan. Certainly his bosom must have been over charged with the milk of human kindness, and equally certain, he was not looking at thu brute through the spectacles furnished by the people in the 6th Congressional District.'' We are surprised at the above comment, coming from the intelligent source it does. Maj. Robbiu'ssimply told the truth when he said Sheridan is a gallant soldier, and every veteran of tree's army will sustain him in the assertion he has made. aws n Greensboro ha excel'etjt graded fr schools fur children of both face. r ja . vj h aj 3 The FavettevilloJWs lUo retnovnd to Charlotte and to become a daily. The Field' Crop Premium List of the W. C. Agrieulral Society has been published. Hertford Academy was burned oa the night of t Je Oth . Ashes left iu the building carelessly. Col. Talentt, the well kuown superintend ent of K. (c D. It. R has gone to Mexico. The Presbytermu Church of Milton has called the Rev. Mr- Kitxgerald, of Hjlls boro, to its pastoral charge. P. A. Wilson. Ei has been appointed Assistant Internal Revenue Collector for the 5th district vim N. 8. Cook resigned. The Milton Ohronick says fears are enter tained that wheat will suffer from the hard weather through which we are now pass ing. Bishop Marvin will preach the sermon apd Dr, Munsey will deliver the address at Trinity College commencement on Juue the lOtl . ' It if stated that the Fa?1 River mills use annually about 136,000 I tales of cotton, or otte thirteenth f the entire crop, which they convert into 332.000.000 yards of cloth. They employ over 15,000 operatives, and pay the in $500,000 per month. Things seem to be going all right now in South Carolina. Chamberlaine is making an acceptable Governor, while the people have quieted down and appear tp be working contentedly and happy for their material recostmction. Exchange. On the question of Convention the Mon roe Enquirer has this lo say 1 "We have taken the trouble to find out o me thing of the feeling of the people of this county on the Convention question. We believe every single person we have conversed with-rand the number includes somo of onr most prominent citizens exprcts themselves as favoring the movement. Put Union county down as for Couven tin." If a man tells yon that be does not want to advertise ; that he is doing as much business as he wants to, cease soliciting him. Those men sometimes come to do ing less business than they want to do. rrtnadj the purpoae of any Reliable ?eetieaj, It cannot be reasonably upoeed that when s person tcfiea to ihe jMeyf a whose benefit he liaa experienced, without iciution, that he does so for misleading the public, or from live than thai of gratitude. It is still more Un reasonable to suppose thai eaaineot physician would corroborate the evMenoe thu jjiven nn leas they were persuaded of iu truth. The proprietors of Huatetter's Stosnach Bitter art J constantly In the receipt of voluntary teatiinop- ials acknowledging the curative and prevent! potency of hid benecent tonic and corrective. emanating not only from these who have felt ita influence, but aUo fsqai well known mem ber of the medical profession both here and abroad, who have witnessed it e fleets, and prescribed it in their private practice. In the face of such evidence a this, to which the wid est publicity ha repeatedly been given, it would be absurd to question the medicinal vir tue of the Bitter. Skepticism upon this point was long ago disarmed, and they are to-day a much respected and far more widely known than many of the official remedies which figure conspicuously in the pharmacopoeia. TJiey are universally recognized to be the supreme remedy for intermittent end remittent fevers, dyspepsia, liver complaint, general de bility, disorders of the bowl and nervousness, a well a a mean fortifying the system against malarious influences and those which operate injuriously upon the sensitive organs. Wheth er used as a remedy for actual disease, a a means of building np the broken down phyai- que, or of hastening convalesense, they are never resorted to in vain, aud they restore complete health when prescribed remedies cannot even initiate it recovery. aeflaal I I HBLmm aH T A BEAUTIFUL I ITALIC GRAYS CflTIRU Is now offered to every one interested in beautifying aud protecting the graves, their deceased relatives. They are made in four sices, with a verfety Jf Mjlee, ranf'g tu mc arasafej i sRn .Irnrdinr io sice and atvle. Can be panned any cador dt-sir aaadei. i ..... .1.. ..t. ..f nilrrKiMTi. A eilvauiaed plate, containins? Trkfi H l HII It'll IVJ ut mmimm. w f - O . . " iiiscriptiMi pertiee de.ire, is fumihed wilh each moond free otclarmx. Im nAuril Ml aiu.li nrireS as to ol.tce it within reach of all. We n.v.tr the eH and publk generally to call and examine for themselves, Specimen can be seen at V. s. aa-y - PLYLER, ( Saihswry. J. C Af. 6. I74 SCHOOL NOTICE. NEW MACHINE SHOP. Sheridau can be a gallant soldier and a 1 and your hill for advertising may turn tyiant, and he has fairly won both appela ting. When we consider thp peculiar audieuce the Major was addressing, we arc gratified at the manner in which he disposed of Sheridan. His words were well chosen, and they will be universally endorsed by thinking men everywhere. If be had indnlged in bitter abuse of Grant ad Sheridan at such a time and at such a place he would not only have disgraced himself, but his speech would have done great harm. His assertions were dignified, truthful, and yet sufficient ly severe. We endorse every word, aud honor him and the people of the 6th Dis trict will honor him, for having made bo able and fit a speech in their behalf. Ml l 3 . .IE mat 11 win resuu in great eooa to tue people of the State, is the fact that the THE USURY QUESTION. entire Radical press of the State is bitterly The States ville Landmark, in an article opposed to it. It was disposed to on Usury Qustiou, says : twit the Conservatives for not favoring "Any legislation whatever on this que- the measure so long as there was doubt t,on 18 claB legislation. A stringent about it being called, but as soon as pub U8ur J" operate, either to the detriment . r. or to the advantage of certain classes, and lie sentiment turns in favor of Convention, vice versa. Free, unshackled money 1 the whole pack of Radical editors raise a ali restrictions removed effects ail alike, ' howl against it. Even the State Supreme and is the nearest approach to wise and Court, it is given out, will now decide, or alutary legislation." has already decided that the worthless STATE Let us theu admit that any legislation amendments to the Constitution adopted 00 VTy d8 legislation, is it not al- in .173 are Constitutional. This decision ways wise to legislate so as to Jo the . , is evidently strained, mid, really, amounts greatest good to tho greatest numbers 1 lbe General Government are expressed in to notbiug, if made aa stated : It will be We were never a stickler for class legisla- the Constitution. Another importaut fact rerarded aa aimnlv aneffirt. of a nrtU lion, but suppose this class lecialation, it is tliat the sovereignty ot a State is complete r ' r T I V " . . ' . - 1 1 1 :. u ac .4.: . 1111? FEDERAL AND RIGHTS. In a message to the Legislature, ou the Louisiana question, the Governor of New Jersey, treats the whole subiect of Federal and State rights iu the following concise and able manner ; That such action was a clear violation of the Constitution needs no argument. A mere statement of a iew fundamental principles which lie at the foundation of onr system of government, and which are so plain as to have become axioms, is all that is necessary. The first great truth bearing upon the question is that the United States Government is the creation of the States ; that it has no power except that which was bestowed npou it by the States, and that all powers not delegated are reserved to the States and the people I he delegated powers given to out bad. It is only those who'pre?s uu" business while it is really good, who gain that impetus which "ends them over the hard places, It is the large advertisers who know how to "bridge over" panics, wars, hard-times, elc. Their experience in advertising has shown tin iu how tbey may get rid of a heavy stock in time aud get their money for . lteportcr. The R ids ville Enterprise says : Ap plications will be made to the present Legislature of North Carolina, for a char tor of a railway from some point 011 the k a s lialcigii oc iiH.-ton railroad, at cr near He n dei son or Hidgeway, or from some intermediate jniiit, to the Western or North-western houndry of the State, said railway to pass Oxford, Roxhoro, Yancey ville, and Reidsville, Wentworlb and thence by the most practicable route to its terminus as hereinbefore indicated. A Maryland Rebuke. i Baltimore Gazette, 12. J Yesterday's election for Mayor, at Cumberland, Md , resulted in the election of John Humburd, Esq., the Democratic candidate, Hopewell Iiehb, Esq., Repnb can, being defeated by one hundred and rilty majority. The late incumbent, W. R. McCulley, was a Republican, and Cumberland has given a majority for that party for several years, and at the late Congressional flection gave a majority against Mr. Walsh. People are bece'ming tired of liepublican misrule NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORTANT SALE OF Town Lot 9 and Farm Lands In obedience to a decree of the U. 8. DUtrict Court, the unJensiicned asuignees of Jeliu Foster in b:tukruHcv, will proceed to re- II on thr 20th day of K'braary, 1875, at the Court House in Salisbury, beffining at 13 o'clock, the follow ing valuable l'roiertv belonging to th Said Jehn Foster, bankrupt, to wit. 2 acres of Land in the North ward of the Town, known as the Ice Pond Lot. acres of Land io the Town adjoining the Land of Hon. Bi'rton Craige. 11 acre known a the Gravtl Pit Lot. 181 acre of Farm Land 2 j miles North West of I own, adjoining the Lands of Mrs. W. G. Nc- Neely, H. C. Dunham and other. Al-o a portion of his Homestead in th North wsrd. TERMS: One fourth Cash, balance Six, Twelve and Eighteen months, in equal pay ment. Persona wishing to inapect the above proper ty may do so by calling on us. T. K. lOWK.. S. H. WILEY. AJ8t,ee--Salisbury, X. C Jan. 10. 1875. (4t.) I am now prepared to do all kinds of ' ..I . 1 W..1 .. 1 repairing wun oiicu. " b and twenty-live years espenenew in toe busiuess.satifUctionisguarauieeo r-pera attention given tu Engine aud Boiler work. Cotton Wuolen, aiiutug sua ngi rc...-.w Machinesjand wikwI turning oraliamu. Shop on Cirner of Fulton and Council Street, Salisbury. C XL, . II. u vi. 11 July 10. 74 tf. . 1 : H0MTH CAR0LTJ1 A COLLEGE. (nrT t'l EARAXT. C ABARBV8 Co N. C. Th second five months tern of this Institu tion will brain Jan. 4th. 1875. Exnenses for lUard, Tuition, Room Rent, Washing, l- uel and Lighu. from $70 to $90. For Oatalogue apply to L. A. BIKLE, President. DISSOLUTION. Th. firm of C. K. Barker A Co.. was dis- sold on the 1st. iut.. hv muinsl cooent. All teronc indebted are rvp:esled to call and settle ilirir icroant with Jno. H. Enniss. aeent. at C. R. Barker A Cb s old Stand. a K. BARKER. S. A. ENNISS. Dee. SI loo. INSURANCE NOTICE. The pablie grhoul will rt, ib Salisbar on Moudaj tbvlltbJaa. 1875. A. W. OWEN. Ti Dee. 23rd 1674. UMMHtflt mraffuun. saa asa ifciasaaCf I BELL & BiO., J B ;t ! imr X C B n . n j tx..J i. vorv diffHrent from local or private nd f VF spbcre, and from " - -o"ou,u ,r . 7 it follows that is the duty of the several The State Debt Conference. Raleigh News of gatorday. 1 be cnnierenoe on tne Mate debt eon tinued throughout yesterday, the proceed ing of which are as yet uot made public Gov. Brogden sent to the conference on yesterday a number of letters received by himself in regard to the State debt ques tion, which were read by the Clerk Several of the lerters were from bond hoi ders in bngland, and others from parties in several ol onr Northern cities. The general sentiment of foreign bondholders .i. t , VfcA l.tM l.wl It. I ll A i s . 1 1 , . a , . 1 . . , Is- . I a .t 1 Mil l a DvvUIB IW UC TIU VA ISZM III tUl IUIIUWIUE party fire so wicked and dangerous in their e atsertton that "astringent usury of the Constitution will also observe thai t from , er f Qco R M ' rw I . ... . ... I ira tromnri ton i n rr i ho nnienosiri m nf 1 tendency thai it is the bonuden every good citizen to oppose them way and under all circumstances the Rads bare declared against Conven tion it is conclusive evidence that )t necessary and right. the Amendments are of no value whatever legislation, and is in this case fully justi- g n ag lhe UnUed Sute to l-rfi " amy bow. fiable. assert and maintain, in a constitutions The ideas and policy of the Radical We felly agree whh onr eonteniporary manner, their several rights. The stndeut Having; aeeepteJ the Affey f the old aud reliable NEW ORLEANS las. Co.. Ktlabhthid 1805. whieh. ha never es4 doing buiues and has paid Six million Oollars loae to lhe rilix'-ti f New OrleaL alone. Iam prcparrd to issae Fire lus. Sifi to fi9fl''er ',h-v x 1'ue- Terms free. Policies to my fri-ods who wih to build up " 4 ss v " a v v.. WANTED. Situations l y thie Teaefcers "f mneh el- perien -e. teach Ihe Lni(lish hranrhes oiilj. Will aecfpt small Sahrte. Lzeelhut lefer- euci-. AjM'J St tMe UfBcw, Oder the best selection of Jewelry is W ouod in Western North Caruiins. LADIES' AGENTS' (HJLI WATCUES Gold Oprra and Vrl haiii. ! HNS COLD FIsATBD Jevekrv. SILVER KAllE, GOLD rESS. it Portland, Maine, Jan. 19, 1873, ly. Kerosene and Soline Oil At Reduced Prices at ENNI$S' Next to Meroney & tiro. Thev sre sireitfor tt-.e c-rl4wd Spectacles .d Eve Glaaeee, ManwfacU ed from Minute Crystal I LbkLkw Watched. lot s n I Jewelry rensiiva soresf Soathfru Iu'.ilutions and kep th motiev in the oiltl;. t ran le en at ih- V;" . . warranted 12 months, thargrs a low s tfireof Walton A It', corner mam 6i Iu- ' taut suit go"d work neas streets. Dec. 10. mo. J. D. McNEELY Store on Jiaiu street. 2 door siiove i HoteJ. 1ST4 lv. WANTED 25 BUSHELS Union Sets at Next to Meroney ,V Bro. ENNISS FOR SALE. A Fine Milch Cow wish young Cnlf, apply to S. F. LOKD. Rowan Mill N. C Jan. 6th, 2w. SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAMr OF MEMPHIS, TENN. The Leading Life Company of the South. Investments made and Losses Adjusted at Home. NATIONAL HOTEL Mrs. -Dr- Reeve has again resumed her busia in t His well known boo, und he earnestly sdiets th pstrouas; of her old frieuds and the public at large, finest stopping at this Houie will find nothing neglected that will add t'J their cotufort. ueither ou-the part of the proprietress nor that of th cl-rk. Mr. I). R. F rale v. The Oisuious w ill befoiiud at the depot as usual to convey pas?nger to and from the House. Dec. 3f. 1874 ly, HARDWARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. Uy careful observation SM mxpt several rrsrs in the Mrrrantiie A busineeik, wr, hare been enabled to pretty well, what lbe peojJe need in and wo ttve pcrr-had our presrat well assorted sJock with snevUI r their wmu We flatter ourselves thst please our friends and to public both to qushtT and price. Our IlSTSWw B S3 1 r tM m Administrator'! Notice to Debtors All person having claims against the estate of James Murphy, deoeaaed, are hereby notified of everv thing usnallv k"pt in our Une, nork. t aiHt imbU I'TLERY. IMjrTL W (H NS, Blacksmith and Carpenters TsswJ Trace, A all kinds of Wagon A Well la aiV lultll fKs s i HIP t f f Ksa nnitsfMivniul am s Annu.1 Dividend. PecUred to Policy-Hol- iHh day of December. A. I. 1S73. J. F.(K)vAN. Admr. of Jamea Murphv, Dacj.' Dec 10 Je74-w. duty of 'w w operate either to the detrimeut T" - --t. m...... . f portgroouti, N. n "'V I r. the Central Government on th riartit of ' . .. ' inevsrw ior to theadvautageot cerUiuclasses, and Lu i :. T:i!w- ' cheerfully com i I uauc. ncic icaiuus o iid uiuiiary I r ' " a:n..vice sersa and this is mst the reason nw.e In.n ii,,-..w urnnnA vcru ' "JL J u" B MIUMr I T mj I W S OUU M V II VV SSBTT MSVtISU ItrO LAVI I S 1 . . 1 t l ply with any government may deem the ritise:irt. - The English letters express a desire that the past due iuterest ou State bonds may Inndsd into tiew bonds and any com aU who are not backers and brokers will u no iuTa8ioil ;bere mu8t be in8Urrection or promise the people see tojiropose ders. Policies iu Northern Companies transferred vithoHt or additional annual ea'ow. The Pioneer Life Cb.,oflh Sooth, establUh ed in I860. Net Assets in July 1874, $2,248,02UA5. Annual Income (nearlv) $1, 700 000.00. A. L. ORRELL. DRAYTON A WHITE Special Agent, Salisbury, N. C. Gen. Agent, uruc tJhirlotte . C. Jan. 1st 1875 lmo. Greensboro Prtriot, please copv tovr time. and send hill to this Uflke. we desire to see a judicious Usury law cise such guards and restrictions a made nassed and enforce. If there ia no Uanrv subordinate to the civil power. Before Llh monv nT-.s will h- lv,d wbiU tbe ftrm7 f lUe United State8 lawfully T. 9 I ha tiQi iri OliV nr frlio Stntaa ui linn .,.. w w uowv u i v w i mm iMtiva w ssctl luui v; The Titton-Bcecher scandal is drag ging its slow length aloug through the Nov York Courts. Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Beecher both attended the court regular ly, and some time other women accom pany them and remain thronghout the da listeniug to the filthy detail of evidence. Xl is marvelous how any woman can fail to see the impropriety of attending such court. The evidence is brought out with hitting effect against Beeeher. The half of what has already been published s sufficient to satisfy every one, except (bote who will not be convinced, that Beecher, the groat Yankee sentational preacher, the representative man of orheru ideas and Northernisms, is not only an adulterer, but a liar and a villian. Ve are sorry to think that it is possible Cor any one, occupying the place that Beeeher has occupied, can sink so low in the scale of infamy. ISot withstanding all the world will believe Beeeher quietly alter reading (he cvider.ee against him, Ply mouth Church will, if it be possible so to dof purchase his acqoital by the court. We tbipk we have seen this much fore shaddowed in the selection of the jury. It id impossible for any intelligent jury lb fail to coovict, iu this case, if it be not iuflueuced by improper motives. It it against justice and truth : Two hemiav pbere. will await with anxiety to see which hall win. 1 be oppressed. A usury law will protect domestic violence, and alsu application for ! PETITION 0E COLORED CITt- tne laboring class, tne real estate owner?, troops irom tne proper civn auuiomy ot aud others from oppressive usury. Is it not better to favor thau the former ,r J ' f I . T si if.u. T'L-i not better to favor the latter class rather I s" ",..M7 iwmwre is iid i in Be? si'Mi, i lie v rover nor cannot the State. The right of such application a gislature. If the Legislature '?sion, the Governor cannot apply, uuless he first call upon the Leg The remainder of the aboye extract is ieiature to convene. If upon being sum altogether irreconcilable with the portion moued the Legislature cannot eouvene, jnst noticed, The repeal of all Usury UUfand M n, has a Governcr ,. . uc iiEut hi vail i cucui Bumicrs iulO HI favor of si,.. law i tantamount to a law iu the moneyed class ; "tree, unshackled mouey all restrictions removed effects The Legislature could have been con vened. In fact, on that day it was iu all not alike, and is not the nearest ap- session ; and the extraordinary spectacle a . . . - 1 mn AA lm t.rl t , t 1 . . T ....! & p roach to wise salutary legislation. In times like the present to remove restrictions on money would be about as the right to be there. There was no iu 2EN8 FOR A STATE GOVERN MENT OF THEIR OWN. Barboer Lawis of Tennessee presented in the House to-day a petition with 300 signatures from the, colored people iu yanous sections of the South, representing that the signers are desimos of having some portions of the South or South -West territory set apart for their exclusive use. and pravine Congress to form it into States aud Territories, with similar pro lection as Is now given by law to the was presented ot the United State armv Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole ludians dispersing by force tho very body without Tue petitioners sute that tbey are desi au whose application not a single soldier had ro of hvlg f,r chance in the great la - . t 1 1 .1 race of life, and are satisfied that neither wise as the orders of a general permitting surrection or domestic violence ; there was themselves or children can ever have it so tiniat rained travel thmncrl, I.;. li no riot : it was not a mob that was His. lg a tbey are iu the midst of the IT i j y . . I A ; . r i. on the eve of a battle. People em- Hr w ?nV ?" 0? lUe J 7 7-1 . , ,::,p but it was the Legislative Assembly of a Pml education, and banng mny other barrassed as ours are more liable to go MVm;0 a,... mm...- ... advantages mm I . tiHi h ub uu uruiuary I o CALL AT J. H. EHHI8S' 1 d'"W a. 174-ow Wagon and Bugry Materiil; 1 1 oise bo i 1 d i njt Material, urh as LOCH, HINtiKS.Si'lSEWflL (ilass. NAILS, faff. Ac Bt-st of white PAIXTS, FADrLR uuirii imuvivc -if vi-tr -.J utusOit Line ; Iiisavo)' Cireabr 4 Upright MILL SAWS; 1 J;.;-J i - Xl-ii a- 'ntA two and on aan Croavost wd Hsnd SrSS, Aiuuiiusirdiur s xiougb io ueflieii Jz . Plow Moulds ; Iron assl llsel fiJ a4 war AH p-r4in Having claims against the eo- on Tire ; hlraw Cutters, Ideal Cutters, ate ..f J I . Wdmsu. deceased, are hereby ftfjy wr QVjpT T JTQ W notified to exhibit the same to the uudtr- IsU&Iv O fl LtlAli ISIvJ siKiie i iu or ot iore tn- 4tti day ot December. &n() m-nT Mtrt thiosn Iqo iijssmqm to 1 lion. e invite all io give a a call, aa JUM A IV. hi MM . dmr. of J. P. GOODMAN. Dec 1875. J Q Cedar Gove Nurseries. into extremes and are more easilv imnoaed i nvasiotl of const itntinn&l licrliia Kiit .! . . . " I . . 1" -, TI,- T J i.t; TJ f JL ill, JyUMUUJl J. HlfC-O U' X Iff Europe. tbey would be under more favorable or !JoMlion.in I" ImMt impont feature, London. January 18 The limes, in .uijiciumg mc nguu oi me estates aud an editorial, says: "lu the gloom sure the liberties of the citizen. roondine us. there is one thinr nercentr , - r - C7 t 1 ble, and that is all the men that are aim prosperous circumstances. But we are not satisfied that free money is the best for all classes, for th nnnlw We are pleased to learn from the Sairit I ir nrm.n0 : M ,uncM a generallly, even in prosperous times. It ffjfe ge lhat evpJ7 lJuor. dfalw the snrronndiog nations, including the' best boots nothing that u.urv laws have all ri:1. .,ww E?.n 01 wrtd. be iherwn.- . 'is - : 6 w uiinoro. it is noton- The momen la paid fled away. ecessity. What she won by arms she notori- The momentary appeareuceof peace have Germany recognizes the stern been repealed iu England. The preference ous fact that little or no attention ia paid fled away, thus given to money there is perfectly 10 tbe law forbidding the sale of intoxi- neepssirv ' consistent with the institution aud form o ono under year of age ; can only bold by arms, and wbUe arms I mnn all crnnd .iti.An. ..Ill It . 1 I . . 7 Island. Thev i 5 k i V TJ . 7 inese are in her hands. The Times a I s .,5.1 S J dbaocher. of youth shall bp ,um. that Germany cannot raise a thi t m0Q7 nto- marrily punished. nA h,r i L Zl u- e l . . oi goveromea oi iuat I have au arietociacy there, a money confesses third armv. auu ner nepea are in ber navy. E M P O R I TJ M. AS It presents Great Aitr irtion to all, esse daily to the sick and afflicted. From tho fact he has on hand a Large and well seleoled assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYES, PAINTS, OILS, PATENT MEDICENES, Which he is determined to sell a cheap or cheaper than any Drug House in th State. ALSO Calognei, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Tooth ft Hair Brushes, Tobacco, JSegari and Snuff. Soda, Copperas, Ac, cVc. N. B. Prescriptions carefully aad accurately compound at ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR KIGHT AT REDUCED PRICE8. JOHN H. EXNISS, Agent. At C. R. Barker A Co', stand next to Meroney A Bro'. H iRDWARE. When von want Hardware at low figures, call on the undersigned at No. 8 Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Salisbury, N. C.May IS-lf, m Craft and Sailor. Proprietor : R-d Plaina. Yadkiu County. N . C. Great indncetnenta oflered to psir chasers of Fruit. Irees Grape Vines. Strawberry and Raspberry Plants. 1 TTt . ... ... - , .. rrice uisi now res i y, wiin list oi ieadiog varieties. . Send for it. Addees. CRAFT A SAILOR, Red PtaUus. Yadkin Co. X. C. Aoa. o Strrtt, ! dsos Mms Klmtt Drwf examine our stuck and hear prices chasing elseshere. Special attention given to Order. SM1THDKAL A IIARTMAK. Salibary, Nov. 7A, 74. ass JAS. LEFFELS IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbin Water Wheel g f 4 - fc. -4 Administrators Notice tu Creditor!. AU persons having claim against the as at of A. M. Goodman, deci. i-. ! nrf ln-rbv iwuinl to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of Jannary, A. D. 187. THOMAS T. GOODMAN. Adm'r.of A. M.GOODMAN iw Jan. 6, 1876 6w. it) TURNERS I. C. ALMANAC FOR SALE AT SALISBURY BOOK STORE, by C. PLYLER.' POOLE HUNT BALTIM0& Maaafactarsrs for tas stk aa test FOR SALE. Patent county right of Fan Mill for Blaek smith's forges sr offered for sale in any or all counties west of Yadkin river, lo the Sute right of South Carolina. The Fan can be seen at L. V. Brown's Tin Shop. Apply or write to WILLIAM DICKSON, ThoinaavUle, N. C. Nearly 7000 now In use, workbg beads varying from 2 to 240 feeti 24 sisrs, Iron 5 to 96 inches. The eat powerful Wheel ia the a And most economical io two of Larwe ILLUSTRATED Pashpat post free. MANUFACTURERS, ALSO. Portable and Staiionarv Steam and Boilers, Habeoek dc Wileai w i i,i ara t tti MwtWsf iuduious li u-rs, Loaupii s x Miner sis, Saw and Grist M'lU, FW 31ill Machinery tor bite iss -and Oil Milb, Shaitiof; Prry II angers. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Sep. 3. 1874 wmoe. BBBl