The Carolina Watchman. .GtttttJ'. FOL. V.THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C.,: FEBRUARY, 11, 1875 NO. 68. WHOLE NO. 72 1 i .i . - - . i . i " - UBLIBHKD WEEKLY: J. J. BRUNER, Proprietorjaad Bditoi . J. J. STEWART Associate Editor. BATBI OV tTBCBIPTION WET5KLY WATCHMAN. WW . -r. ao i n .12.(0 aaa a. r- j Months, 1.25 Copies to any addrese 10.01 PVERTISIXO RATES : B.aa I Mk On a insert inn $100 1.50 two for a greater number of insertions , . a ne & u iaa n i nsY i mi v.t i it r ft ii i nuirw Uresular advertisement. iu.umig nonce " ii i i - - : n: lis per line ior ticu aim otu iukiuwi HE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY .mlnvntlv n Kimllv M cd icine : an'l 1 V be at keot ready for immediate resort will save aaaay an-hour of nuHWring and many a dollar ia lime end doctors' bill. After over Forty Years trial it is still re- eaiving the moat unqualified testimonials to its virtues from persona of the highest character, aad respoimibility . Eminent physicians con- end it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Hpleen. The 8YMTOMS of Liver Com plaint are a hitler or bad taste in the mouth ; 1'ai n in the nocic, Dltlen or .mi ins, uiien miiKcn iur Rheumatism ; Sous Stomach ; Loss of Appe tite ; Bowel alternately coKtive and lax ; lioadacfafe ; Loss of memory, with a painful a . i . i r. ...!- I osation of having failed to do something rhich ouaht to have been done ; Debility. Low m 1 1 1 ' .L!-l. II ............. nnn ..( iL Kiln I I' . . I . . . t 1. f(nn ml.t.lail f,r t. f iliANAvmtnm Attend the mS lioaao n ri iiorj vnrv itw mil inn i.ivkil. ine . - .a i- . i i i ....... i. teMl nnri t in ili luifiv 14 (THllPml V tilt? Milt I ----- w m I iavn ViSH" I -j i s..!.! ih'iT I aa sal ina ihrpiki' nnti ii iujl ivrcuiatvi in .iiibc JIL AaT 15s 13 I- : I v. o . . r i ICBb BlIUCI llli:. ti v.ivhx.. j - - I For DYSPEPSIA, CCXSTIPATION, Jaun- ic. ISilioiM aitacKs, nn. iv nMuin,viic, InriiMiim it Suirilx. .xn a oioaiavn. laart Burn, Ac., c. i no neapcsi aua i ureni r biuiij iwhh i Manufactured only by J. H ZBILUff A. CO., Macin Oa.f and Philadelphia. a,. . O l-l 1 lt wv : .. SONG FROM A DRAMA. know not if moonlight or starlight Do soft on the land and the aea catch but the near light, thi far light, Of eyes that are burning for me ; no scam oi lue nam, oi me rusot. May burden the air for thee, sweet is only me Dream oi my signing I know, aa 1 lie at thy feel. o ' a s.a Their touch may be fervent or cold, wj wssivsn aaaoor twaw vaaaaa va wiiaviiAi L , T I . I 11- a . I I 1 . I care not. with thee in my hold ! lie ieaai may kaj uii, auu mc uiuaiu Beicatlered in ecstasy round IT wiuwirci. i ii, c iiitv . i iwtc iiiv . B a III I a 1 . 1 . a. .1 Hath flooded my soul with iu sound. think not of time that is flying, How short is the hour I have won, nor near in thin ivinir to dvinir. How the shadow still follows the sun ; m a a .. .a Worth a thought, though twere had by a sign I love thee! I love thee ! JJnnir nigher Thy spirit, thy kisses, to mine ! E. C. Scribner. What Constitute 3 Warm Cloth ing. The London Sanitary Record has an article lIlfT ,1-al II ! - I , al. 11 ? i . " J rieirer tend to show that flannel and woolen l ir:, in r hii I iii'i i I i i 1 1 I i 1 1 I I 'i I v I ir ts .at m .m'-1 .a Lm. I' . . A A 1 at a I armer in iu iitnL-niLintr ntiH. i na rpnenn all. 1 i a a s ueralure by the heat that leaves our bodies. t I . . ' ... a a . e neat our i;armentM. and tiiev pontinna v the air p:tMutig tiiroutrli the meshes and i" .i I . .it . a I . a . . a l.. I I 0 ...... a. . in uu nan. nnr orcsx nnr lomtwrn. average about 75 to t4 degrees Fahrenheit. mien ic tK-st Rt iit in bv loose woolen w aav w txtures, while garments of silk and linen miild be avoided. Another correspondent a heat from ihelxxlv, and recajmioendsa more me open air. A fur is ao arranged that the ? -"anwanjjjvi SV nviis VVi a v-va vy w iumvi nap ....t . l : . . u i - f" "j-aaaaaj mill iiiu i i aaaa mv aa-awai 'leu nows in, in the aurface by radiation and .v.'l SIIU tlinil lUUVL'f HUB M C14 MIIV,I(,I aiT Wlili'li riri'ii 'iliia- uiUi'in I In' nnr PHI- . -r.- , Ulll IliC liail UI HIV IU. .iiw the skin as a vanued air. Furred animals winter, when douched auperficially, givej.a ry cold seiiMation. It ia onlv near the skin - iccin Fill iu. j.ii m iKiot iwi, tc v nw ui uur Biiiiuai iieitv luiucv an lai I Latlll a ,1,1,. a . T . ... .........1 I . ....a...... ... . . . r " vi i nc i, an. , 1 ULU vuiwi ,i wvuiu tile llllinlal ,.f I la. . I . . I- I. It ot.... 1,1 - mm mm wapaapaaM iuiu me air. f.uxs tur- . n,c ,ur a'uoiH tue ir iruuiu uuiiiib --.m rw, anu a severer coiu penetrates Maine lurtlier into tU fur, without ne- irilw a.. L ' .i t a .. rtni iciicuinK ine skim oi tne name, i tie Of the conclusions arrived ut in favor o( fur "! iu an ao io prove lUm puuiiu- 'nx. and (ieraonntrate beyond doubt that persons, 0hj or vounir. feeble or strong, who llaa IL. . i . a rjk n r... I r, ... r ., i i i ,, v " "wui ...l r possioie, in inuieweni tter, clothe tliamselvea in flamitd and the w.r .M i7"?aa faiaai pip ani wi m 'arable acaaou." ii iar ni b I.. a. i ,ri .a m lh.e a'r wtro u. "i"" our surface without abandoned as untenable was not nressed 18 expressed laving been previously prepared by our dress. in the ar-ument before thU Court.r , use;of diff, T""1.1"." aaaa-wawe ua.aiiw, uieiu- t. .....Ji mAAUi e MlClUde the i - ... . ' l J LmC - r . 1 r . mn MKT U'OQ - - v raaMv wa waa v ukuuvvua aa ajM a v. I t r ' - The Opinion Of Chief Justice Pearson In the Case of OlOUd VS. Wilson. The following opinion in the case of Judge Cloud vs. Judge Wilaou, covert " - - i a i nrn iflthA pjuAnfJnHM H ard. will I l e . ... .i - l I ue uronu or mucn invereai, w uie gen , , PeopU en re. Clot!. Wilson. 1.L D H fltarbuch. at the first elec- lion after the adontion of the Constitution. - - - 1 - i waa elected the Jndre of the 8th Judicial Ti.rfet . h- AiA unt 1 1., nffl and si declined to qualify, therefore the Gover- nor appointed the relator to fill the vacancy- The question is, was this a vacancy which the Governor had the power to fill 7 One of these conclusions mnst be adop- in 1st On the refusal of Mr. Starbuck to accept, the General Assembly had power to order a special election for a Judge of that District. In the absence of a grant of this power to the General Assembly by the Constitutional, this conclusion must be rejected. 2nd. This is casus omissus in the Con stitutiou, and that instrument is so defec tive as to have provided no way to fill the office, so that the administration of the law in a judicial district must stop, should it so happen that the person elected J udge declines to accept or dies before he quali fies and takes out his commission. This conclusion must be rejected. 3rd. We adopt the conclusion that al thoH-irh Rtarbnrk dodind tn ao.-nt. and U"M" wiiviuoiuw t,ua I did not nuahtv and take hia enmm ii on. commission, a vacancy did oeeur in the office ; by an T . y I unexpecttd event, there was no one to fill the office ; thus, for all practical pur poses, the office was vacant, and it can make no difference whether Mr. Starbuck declined before, or the moment after he qualified, or whether he was eligible to the office for taking it in either of the three ways, there was the same mischief. No one to administer the law in that judi cial district, and to avoid this detriment to the public welfaro, the power to fill vacancies is conferred upon the Governor. 2. The act of 1873-'74, chapter 118, directs an election for jndgc iu the 8th judicial district on the 1st Thursday in IIUI.II ' V V. V . - . . a 1 J I A . AHIWI lOfi, 1 which was a regular elec- . . e lion any inr members of Congress, members of the General Assembly, and some oiucr state omcers, ana was also a . I n. a ? a regular election day for the judges of the Superior Court belonging to the short term. t - i a I a r www i unuer mis statute .ur wuson was elected by a vote of the people judge of the 8i.h judicial district. He qnnlified, and in spite of the protestation of the re lator, took possession of the office. The question is, had the Geueral Assembly power to order election t This depends upon the construction ot act 4, sec. 31 "All vacancies occurring in the offices pro- yided for by this article shall be filled by the appointment of the Governor, unless mliartviu nrnvidoi) (nf on1 Um mmihim. otherwise provided for, and the appointees shall hold their places until the tiext regu lar election." It is settled that the words "otherwise provided for" mean otherwise nrovided for bv the constitution. Clark vs. Sunly, 66 N. C, 59 People vs. Bledsoe, 68 N. C, 457. The question now is, what is the mean ing of tho words, "until the next regular election V Taken by themselves, they are too indefinite to have any particular Minlna . mm tiaw .nnnxl el.,,wl .,U., X luvuuillb a kiiv, vmiiiuv o.auu aivuc. IL is the province of the eourU to find, by v w 9 tho rules of construction, other . . m words to support them that is, to fiud meaning. a definite x. it is suggesiea, mo addition ot the . T - . a 1 ., ii... n words, "for members of the Geueral As it its a so a. sembiy, wouta nx a aenmte meaning That is true, but What warrant is there for adding these words ? Wo know of no rule of construction to justify it ; there is no association of ideas by which the election of judicial officers is connected with the election of members of the Gen eral Assembly ; there is as much, if not more, reason for making the sentence read, "until the next regular election for Justices of the Peace," that being a judi cial officer. It is unnecessary to say more npon this view of the question. Indeed, after the consideration of the matter which the ap pointment of Judge Cloud gave rise to in connection with the election for mem hers of the General Assembly in 1S72, the position has. by general consent, been . av meaning. This i-eemi o have been the construction adopted bv the General Assembly in the act above referred to. It is obvious, that the addi tion of those words so as to make the sentence read, "until the next regular election for Judges pf the Superior Courts" does not meet the whole question ; for, the section under consideration embraces all vacancies in the iudieial den in ment. except those otherwise provided for by - - -j , r --r the Constitution, and includt ludes the Justices of the Supreme Court, Clerks of the Su perior Courts and Solicitors, as well as , tbe Judges of the Superior CourU ; so, to make the seutence full, it must be made to read, until the next regular election for , Justice of the Sunreme Court, in reaneet to vacancies occurring iu the office ot the Justice or of any one of the Associate Jus- tiees ; for Clerks of the Superior Courts, tn respect to vacancies occurring in the 1 . . ! F office of the Justice or of any one of the Associate Justict ; for Clerks of the Su perior Couru, in respect to vacancies ocarring in the office of a Superior Court ... . Clerk, and for Solicitors, in respect to I I i vacancies occurring iu icsicl iu tu vuuw of a Solicitor, and for Judges of tbe Superior Couru in respect to vacancies occurriug in the office of a Superior Court a - j ill fix a aehiute .TnW" It would seem this waa the construction adonted bv tha General AaaemWv in res P' to Justices of Supreme Court, from the omission to provide for the election of i r . l i - r ! T "t? wo Aaaociate Justices of the Supreme he place ot two who now flnnrt. tnTtakn th - T . . 77 . . in uuiu luc oruce unuer lue appointment oi I . I r n 1 1 tne uoveruor, to mi vacancies. We think this construction the true one. respect to Justices of the Supreme t i r i . - i oort ,er" P Oopenor UourtS and Solicitors, because elections are to bo held one time for all of the Justices of the Supreme Court, and so as to the Clerks and Solicitors respectively. But, in re gard to the election of J udges of the S u perior Courts, this 1s not the ease. There is another section ot Article IV which varies the Question and calls for a chanee . . - I - the words, which it is suggested should oe auaea section : "lue judges ot the Superior Courts elected at the first election, under this constitution, shall af. ter their election, under the superinten- dance of the Justices of the Supreme Conrt, be divided by lot into tteo equal classes, one of which sbsll hold office for four years and the other for eight years'" Here is an express provision by which the Judges of the Superior Courts are di vided into two equal classes, one class to be elected every four years. Whether this provision will effect any important purpose, it is not for us to say, it is so ordained : and it it the dutv of the Courts W 1 to give effect to it, and to see that it is not departed from or evaded. No con- struction of the constitution can be sound which defeats an express provision of that ... - . I """" oucu ia me euuci ui uie tmisuufimu conienaea ior. we nave - . J t f TXT I eigm oi me uuages insieaa oi six eiectea at one time and may have had nine or ten or the whole twelve according to the result of accidents. To preserve these two equal classes and to have an election for six of the Judges of the Superior Court, held every tour yearp, it is necessary to modify the additional words suggested, so as to make te sentence read, "until the next regular election for Judges of the class in which a vacancy has occurred. 1 his construction, which we adopt in reference to all judicial officers, may be expressed by the use of a very short el'psis, so as to make the section read : 'Tlie opposites shall hold their places nn a a a . til tho next regular election for the office in which a vacancy has occurred. a a This conclusion makes everythin fit and there is no "jai " or dislocation of any part of the instrument lu one case the office which had become vacant, belongs to the second class, to vit : that of the Judges to whom was ta a t it m a allotted a lull terra : it follows, that the regular election for the office is not to be held until 1878. at which time the terms .1" .1.. T . .1 II . oi me tillages or uie secona class expires that the act of the General Assembly, I under le Constitution, which attempts to bastcn the time for the election of a Judge f tue 8tn District, violates the Coustitu, lion. It was urged -on the argument, "by this construction the appointee of the Gover nor may hold office, as in this instance, Ior man7 yeare whereas the general poli- cy lh Constitution is to have frequent e,cc0"8- It "not ours" to conjecture the considerations which caused a provis iou by which the appointee to fill the office of Judge in case of a vacancy holds until the next regular election for the office, or for the want of a provision by which a vacancy in the office of a Judge I f . I , - I . . i i . o 1 OI ine oupe"01 ourt can be ntied by an i i : c l.. l o flr . election of the people. Suffice it. there is no sucb provision. The term of office for a Judge elected by the people is fixed at eight years, and there is no provision for filling a vacancy by an election. As another ohjectiou to this construction, it was urged, other parU of the Constitution, to wit : sec. 30, 34 of the same article IV, "judicial departments" in providing for filling vacancies nse the words "for the unexpired term," and if the words, "until the next regular election" are to have the . same meaning, why were not the same words used T The objection is plausible, but the res ply is : the Constitution cannot be held up as a model of precision in language, and the duty of the Court is to declare the meaning, whether it be expressed in one set of words or in other equivalent worus ior illustration, section 3U, "in case of a vancancy existing forany cause," Sec. ; section 34? "when the office shall become vacant ;" here the same meaning iu different words, so the rent equivalent words does not construction that the same intended. But allowing that the change of words ' au objecln to the constitution adopted, it is weighed down by the fact that anv other constitution would nullify and put ! at naught the provision by which the judges of the Superior Courts are divided j into two classes, and by the further fact j that should the judge of a district having at the outset the long term be elected at I the time that the judges of tbe other class . 1 .J wrf e.,r,:fcru HtDl,on ill arise, does his class hold ; UHS Juu5e eec'ea out or ior eigne years, or only tor the unexpired part of the term If the former, the classification is entirely destroyed ; if the ss a. a l a a latter, tbe classification is restored in that instance, but is open to other distur- bances, occurring by vacancies, and we . I J i . 1 I . "ve lue "y jaage eieciea oy tl,e People 1 AH vacancy for four years or other leM mei whic, in conflict I ,th the provision that the term of office .l.atl f., . ...... aaaa T ...... a V. a. U Duait in cigiih j cui a. x uere ia buis luriu- er objection ; tbe election of a judge out of hia class may come on unexpectedly, SI I i . 1 .1 an ii a junge oui oi me ciass aies or re- signs, say twenty days before the regular election for judges of tbe other clsss, there will be no reasonable time for tnak lug a selection of candidates, but the elec- tiou must be made, or the district will have no judge. The fact that this con- tingeney is not provided for, shows it was not the intention to hare ta election by the people , to fiU a "f jndgc. This conclusion iaput beyond all wmn ! i n iu piiiii'mihiiim i aa aaa a aw aa warsnara am i i aonot, Dy reference to owy para or im constitution by which provision is made . w for UW(in f " wuou oi omer i fill vacancies loiii imnArtinl nfheora tn occar ore ,han tlnrtydays before a j i .' 1 t' " V '1 federal election for inen efSOea. If the . aa a-. faanM w sA i a r the vacancy, the appointeaof the Gover nor is to hold until the next general elec tion, art 3, see. J 3. No provision of the kind is made in respect to an election to fill a vacancy for the office of a fttdge ont of bis class ; thus we are forced to the eondu- sien that no election of a judge out of the cm88 waB couicmpiaieo. we ueeiare our I . 1 . 1 aa 1 I opinion to be that the defendant, Thomas - " " ' " me omce oi Tge of the 8th Judicial District, and that the relator, J. M. Cloud, is entitled to the office. w ine omce. There is error. Judgment beloi versed. Let judgement be entered re-ac- cording to this opinion. Pearson, J. U1VU .Rights Bill. The following is the bill as passed, omitting the preamble : a . . - w I That all persons within the jurisdiction of the United Sutes shall be entitled to the full and eaual emnvmeiit nf thn ic. commodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of inns, public conveyances (on land or water), theatres and other nieces of public amusements, suhiecct onlv to it r ' - -" - I uie cuuuiuont" ana i i.uiiailonsest-ROIUea DV I I'll i.i .. - I law, applicable alike to citizens of every I race or color, regardless ot any previous condition of servitude. That anv neraon who shall violate the foregoing section, by denying to any citizen except for reasons by I law applicable to citizens of every race and color, and regardless of any Dre- 1 a - I vious condition of servitude, the full en- joymeut of any of the accommodations, ad-1 vantages, facilities and privileges in said section enumerated ; or by aiding or citing such denial, shall, for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of hve hundred dollars to the person thereby, to be recovered in au aggrieved action of debt with the full costs, and snail also. i a a s tor every tuch offence, be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and. noon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than 51,000, or shall be impris- oned not lese than thirty days nor more than one year, provided that all persons may elect to sue for the penalty afore- said or to proceed under their rights st a. i a . common law and by State statutes, and Having so elected io proceed iu tne one mode or the other their light to proceed in the other jurisdiction shall be barred, but this proviso shall not apply to crimi nal proceedings, either under this act or the criminal law of any State ; and pro vided further, that a judgment for peualty, in favor of the party aggrh or a judgment upon an indictment, be a bar to either nrosecution reaneeli the eved, shall be a bar to cither prosecution respectively. Sec. 3. That the District and Circuit Courts exc Sta off. provisions nent may be prosecuted in tho Territorial. Dis- trict or Circuit Courts of the United States wherever the defendant may be found without reerard to the other nartv. and the District Attorneys, Marshals and I w-. . . i. r . . . . . r. Uepu'y fllarsbals ot the United Slates i j r , . . i ana orumidsionera appointed Dy the Circuit and Territorial Courts of the Uni S ted States with powers of arresting aud imprisoning ot bailing offenders against the laws of the United States are hereby specially authorised and required to in stitnte proceedings against every person who shall viola'e the provisions of this act, and cause him to be arretted and im- prisoned or bailed, as the bo. for trial before sueh Court of the United States or Territorial Conrt as by law has . a. a cognizance of the offense, except in respect ot the right of action accruing to the per son aggrieved, aud snch District Attor neys shall c iuse such proceedings to be prosecuted to their termination, as iu other cases : provided that nothing eon taincd in this section shall be construed to deny or defeat an) right of civil action accruing to any person, whether by this act or otherwise ; and any District Attor ney who shall wilfully fail to institute and prosecute the proceedings herein required, shall for every sueh offense, forfeit and pay the sum of $500 to the person ag grieved thereby, to be recovered by any action of debt, with full costs, aud shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not less than 81.000. nor more than $5,000: and orovi ded further, that a judgment for the pen- alty, in favor of the party aggrieved, against any sueh District Attorney, or a judgment upon an indictment against any uCh District Attorney, shall be a bar to either prosecution respectively. Sec. 4. That no citizen possessing all other qualifications which are, or may be I nrescribed bv law. shall be disqualified . . . (or service as grand or petit juror in any Court of the United States, or of any State, ou account of race, color or previ- W - I ous coudition of servitude; aud any officer or other person charged with any duty in the selection or summoning of jurors, who shall exclude or tail to summou any cut sen for the cause aforesaid, shall, on con- . r a a a . a viction thereot, be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor and be fined not more than $5,000. Sec. 5. That all cases arising under the I provisions ot this act, in the Courts of the I C . a a . . lit H .L . i Uuited states, snail oe reviewable oy ine Supreme Court of the United Sutes I without regard to the sum n controversy, I under the same provisions and regulations I as are now provided by law for the re ! view of other eauses in said Court. lusively of the Conrt of die several of getting time or "credit." Let me , JTtl. tes, cofj-nizanee of tho all crimes and illustrate. The average farmer may raise . AT i, ' u:.T- n 1 n ;M , .... .I , I 1 II' ! a t . . a , I UI IUO U.UklUK ailU VUHLULT VWUIUII,m mccs asaiust and violations of the meat enough to do him till tho 1st April. I'.. m ni.7 n ot this act, and actions for the J uiai time ne nas 10 any nui uariug . . Troasnrr. after the adiourn: lit v eriveii bv the nroceedincr section no casli, though good credit. Ue "goes to I t r.'. UHE CAUSE OF SOUTHEBI POVERTT. First, then, I aaaign aa one of the rea ooa of our continued poverty and want progiw me iaet, uu we ao not pro dace enough of what we eat or -wear, and uj " uiucu uu creui s. x o present aa elaborate argument in defiance of this bo to mnr.h nn , -. - position would require a volume. One or two praet.eal tacts will some to prove my assertion true, and the answer that " orr7 aaari in r m a n sA . . . l . farmer will give when applying the idea to his own ease will eoroborate these facts. " 1859, the South produced over five million bales of cotton, of four hundred pounds each, which sold at average of eleven ceuts per pound, realising less than Ancn nnn rrr ov.uuv.uvu. In 1869, the cotton crop of the South " cots umu mrce ana a nair miiuous oi bales, four hundred pounds each, and old for an average of twenty-two cents per pound, realising over 1300,000,000. xne cotton crop ot 1873 reached con- siaerauiy beyond tour million of bales, snd sold for less than S275.000.0OO. And this has been the history of onr crops annually in the paat ; have we any reason . .. - i to anticipate that similar effects will not !oli,ow lue me course in the future T Then 1W St I I aml& I : . . " l"c " wiwn poucy, or a large cotton cr"P aciy icnaea to impovensn ns - l,u aooe.k ma me came policy will not have similar effect upon individuals ? Un paper it can be easily proven, that .... I cotton, as a crop, will pay better than any i . " V. . - ' I or au oiner prodoeU. but these figures . u,"v"au'0 kua" llJ"- "' wuuwj. mere is do ikiuul af lk. ..... L Hucf"u" MUt lu"fc luuiTiuuai larmers, having lands peculiarly adapted to the Krow of cotton, can net more money growng coiion ana buying tueir bread- luum au proTenuer man oy cuiiivaunga i diversity of crops. But it is an egregious ....Aa... J J a I . a l aW B error 10 think, that because A, B, or C, caa d0 80 therefore every Southern far- mer eaQ pursue the same course, anticipa mer can pursue tuc same course, aniicipa- ting the same result. imuuBu Sl " oi years, regaruiess oi the price of cotton, ( I reiterate here what l bave ofteu asserted before in these pages), on ninety nine out of every hun dred Southern farms, it is cheaper to grow oaU for ploogh animals than to haul a corn from the nearest depot, because oaU w,ll follow cotton with no cost but the 3ecd anu harvesting, both of which can be paid ior every winter in the mutton that can be fatted on the growing crops ; it is chcapei to raise all the pork the farmer's family can consume annually than to buy bacon at ten cents per pound; it is cheaper to grow a pound of wool, up to a certain number of pounds, than the same number of p muds of cotton ; and it is cheaper to grow anything that can possibly lie grown upon the 'arm than to buy it on a credit. 1; ew farmers understand properly rhat j, ey is meant by "buying on a credit." know they :ret the article and pay but they t n of per- mnm I for it than if tbey paid the cash, never once calculate the premium the store' and buys bacon at 15 cents Per pound, payable 1st November follow ing- He learns the cash price is 12 eenu per pound, but necessity compels 'him to buy on a credit. He thus pays 2k cenU per pound for the privilege of baying on credit, or one-si xtli the price to be paid which is simply 16$ per cent, per annum for the use of money. But be buys in April, and has to pay 1st November, onlv eight months' credit, snd thus pays twenty- five per cent, per annum ior the use of money. What farmer can afford to do this and lire ? What is applicable to bacon is equally so to corn, hsy, flour, implements, mules, and every article the farmer buys on a credit It is estimated that the average increase of the agricultural wealth of the United States is about four per cent, per annum. The average increase of agricultural wealth in any Southern State, .n....n. DIUUC tuc WI IMS IIUI UIXU wuv i vtui i Indeed, some of the States have travelled the other road, aud are now lost in tbe wilderness of debt ; and there is no more potent caase for this condition of things than that of buying on a credit the ne cessaries of life to enable them to grow cotton, and this, too, very frequently at a cost that exceeds iu market valuo. I here is au infatuation about this cultivation of cotton that amounts to nn hallucination. Can there be nothing invented to so far dispel it as to induce the Southern farmer to live more within himself and less at tbe mercy of the Shylocks of the land 1 Col. D. WYATT AIKEN, in Kural Carolinian for February. While on her way to leap into the river, a Minneapolis t girl met s mau, who pro- aa a a a a posed marriage, and she turned back, and was hannv. Almoat any day now one " .... can count lour or nve mnneapoiist girls wauderius along the river bunks. SocuaTKg. While Athens was gov erned by tbe 30 tyrants, Socrates, the philosopher, was summoned to the Senate House, and ordered to go with some other c . persons, whom tbey named, to seme one Leon, a man of rank and fortune, whom they determined to pot out of the way, that they might enjoy bis estate. This commission Socrates positively refused. 'I will not willingly," said he "assist in su unjust act.,, Chericles sharply ie plied, "Dost thou think, Socrates to talk in this hizh tone and not suffer T" "Far from it." replied he. "I expect to suffer thousand ills, bat none so great as to unjustly." . ..,,.1.1 , , aicaiuak me i.rcaaury x nuiine oureiu, ON A WORK OUT Ms. R. G. II ill. in an address delivered before a farmers' Meeting at Morriaville, Vs., upon Couwold sheep and their value said : the Couwold are just the kind to im prove springy, swsiey pastures. Tbey will thrive on rank, coarse lead bringing in the white clover, aad doubling iu value ia a short liae. It b generally admitted that sheen are the beat stock that can he kept for the pasture; but knowing that it wss generally considered tbst tbey were equal to cows to keep up the mowing, I determined to satisfy myself which was .1. . u . j r . inenced feedina? the haw nn a amall f. mjo vest, uu some ten years since com ... . c . -w. exclusively to sheen. Thi lot waa i fair condition, yielding about one ton per acre, net the sueep nave the sUble soread the manure on Ue craaa. m'tn amp nn-. half of it each time. The grass continned to increase until it yielded not less than ten tons to the acre. Tha mannm from this yield gave it a heavy dressing. For a vear or ton th mm ( nn U. heavy; the rrouud SDoears to be hart with - - r 1 manure. Last spring I plowed a part of it to re-seed, and sowed it with wheat. It grew very rank, but the seed grew ranker, 1 1 .a . sucn weeds aa grow on very neb ground Tuu land has been dressed with cl manure irom .ne siaoie, ana tne grass has been free from weeds. There haa been no manure nut on nrevioua to nlnwinc. - I i - r o That such weeds should grow on a sward well turned, shows the eround to be verv . . - neh. i uc ucui.iuu ior tonu mutton is cou nanny increasing, ana we tnina tne mut . .!! f I . . . ion svaaas whi pay tne nest wnen Uny are kept in small flocks, and riven that special attention required to produce the best animals. T . ii is wen Known to sheep grasers that Merinoes do not thrive on low. wet oast- ores, but prefer high and dry hills, so those contemplating sheep husbandry would ao well to take into consideration the character of their soil, and select sucb urecus as are dc si aaaptea to it. Hiding the Villainies of Grant- Front the Journal of Commerce. Washington, Feb. 4. Though the Piesident last year intimated threats of a veto, it is now understood that be is will ing to sign the Civil Rights bill, tho en forcement of which can be so shaped as to provoke resistance. The reasons the desire for a war may perhaps be found in tho faets hidden by the suppression of the Government cash accounts for years, and in the corruptions believed to exist in the Navy Department and other exe cutive offices. The publication of the ac counts and an unspairing investigation of the practices of those departments would Kit is believed) astound and horrify the - . - PUD'C ue ciri' rights straggle may be partly intended to defeat investigation of !7 J, . , 7T, me niy ieparimcui anu oi Congress, with power the agreement with the bank note com paniea and take complete control of the manufacture of the currency, including the power of overissue, the existence of which wss lately indicated. Burning the Evidences of Grant ism. From the Journal of Commerce Washington, Feb. 1. The Capial the anti-Administration paper here, con firms my previous sUtemcnU ss to the origin of tne Navy Department fires. It savs the I reasury and nearly all other records will be burnt or destroyed before the next Houae can investigate. It also says when the In tenor Department is investigated SecreUry Delano will have to fly the country. aa a aa ,1 r m id ,,i ui nil r n, ulluu n i ( , , the fires by charging a messenger with incendiary monomania, and sending him r w to the lunatic asylum. The fifth fire Saturday morning appears to have broken ont in the document room of the Engineering Bureau. Money u broadly stated to have beeu paid in large smounU from this bureau without author ity of law, hence the desire for conceal ment. Important records are said to have dis appeared from the Treasury and War Department also. At tbe close of tbe war $850,000,000 worth of war material re- mained on baud. Much of this (it cbareed) has since been sold, and the money spent without any appiopriatioo such expenditures constituting penal of fences. At the same time mat a call made for detailed information of a like kiud from the Navy Department, a cal was made by Congress fur a detailed se count oi the sales and expenditures in re ward to this war material. I ue depart ment asked au appropriation of about bslf LONG W00L ! SHEEP lue iauure a millon for clerk biro to make up ibTj accounts ; whereat the partisan majority I smothered thia investigation too, Asa f lis ao a aw score of economy. An investigation be ing now threatened by tbe next 1 a . a . . ma -l aL House, the records relating Io the subject are thought likely to burn or otherwise vanish. We never get excited in reading of tho mysterious disappearance of "a handsome young lady about eighteen years eld." They are generally heard from in shout a a week, asking the old man if ill tor- act give and forget, and if tbey bring I Charles Iienry home. on More Tun, The Treasury of the United getting ont of money, aad squeeze in made upon the pockets of ike people, the Govern stent wffl net We able us obligations. This that compound of m travaganee, and downright sail wincb is known as Urantiam. It will net bo easy for the y exhausted by taxation. tne additional millions tl ed ; but the taxes mnst be in art bales, r nriuasn i in tha exMaditmma of the Govern meet ts not now to be a. pected. Instead of euruiling, it is mach easier far Grant and h is ageo t s to pile oe new taxes. I bey mnst run the machine at bight pressure, no matter how hard h is tor ibe masse of the eountrv to the money. If people wish to be relieved from outrageous and intolerable burden, if tbey wish to see economy aed moderate expeneee once more prevailing in the Ad ministration, they must turn oat Grant and the corrupt and rascally set of office holders that be has imposed upon the coun try. xi z asm. A Good Diamond Story. Tho Boston Iranscript tails this gliu taring story : "A lady biased all over with diaasonds at a r tub avenue party last week. On each shoulder she bad four stars, the sine of a dollar, made of diamonds. Her hafar wss thickly set with diamonds ; there was a diamond bandeau on bcr brow ; sb bad diamond ear-rings, and a diamond neck lace. Upon the sides of her cheat were two circles of diamonds, from which de pended lines and curves of diamonds reaching to her waist, upon which she wore a dianr ood girdle. On bar skirt, ie front, were largo peacocks wrought ia lines of diamonds, rbcre were rosettes of diamonds on her slippers, and diamonds large and amall, all over her dree and person, wherever they could be placed. This lady's grandfather was a eartman, her father a pawn broker, aad bar hus band well, be lives upon tha father. Bat it doesn't matter. Tha old gentle man is worth his millions, and still fol lows his business, and adds to his store. He is never present at those parties, though. When to Out Timber. An Arkansas correspondent of tho i says : "I ansae hove Scientific American says : "I 30 jeara since, and began eUariag lic robkarw pampas, ali to Amine i now w tal and building bouses with hewn logs and , i boards split from tbe trees. Alter several a n w . a a. a. t years residence i noticed mat very often pieces of the same kind of timber decayed more quickly than other; aad after thought and observation I came to conclusion that Umber felled wbn oaf first commenced to grow rotted sap off very quickly, baa the lined sound ; that Umber the fall of tbe leaf rotted in even when apparently sound on tbe side. When firewood cut ia tl was pat on tbe fire tha asp some 4et sjf the heart, bat whan cat tn tho summer tbe sap came ont of the asp wood, aad next the bark. I notice also that all saw lasting wood baa bat little sap at amy time in tbe heart such as cedar, a ry, sassafras, ana ey press. A post cut in the summer of 1838 still sound, although exposed to all w bile one of the same kind of Umber, eat a W W w io tbe winter of 1856, aad painted, bee rotted in the heart. I saw yesterday a piece of gam plank, which I sawed hi the summer of 1856, that has lain ever since, and ia perfectly sound ; while oak timber that waa felled in the winter 'be fore is now entirely mtten. My siou then is : Cut limber after full a t i aa . . .1 say in July sua August, to g t we last from it. Tba sap roes into the of the tree after loaf-fall aad decay. Thk Stout or x Lira One of the repiesentalive men of St Louis was Thee. Pratt, who was president of a gas compa ny, a member and bus porter of a Church, and always foresaoet ii movemenU. He bad lived in that city thirty years, aud bsd s wife snd children who were leaders in society. A beast a month ago he was killed by ne sx plosion in the gas works which he managed, aad the general regret found expression ie the usual way. His fortune reaebei half a million dollar, and tbe squabble for il revealed astoaodinr ttuogr. The citisen was a bitramist. In 1821 he ried in England, and by his first wife had several children. After tee years st ap patently happy wedded life be deserted his family and came to New York, where ie 1835 he married again. His crime was exposed three years after ward, and again ho ran away, ibis Ume going to St. Louis, where be acquired character and He sent raouey to his fsmily in and took bis family to live with Several years ago be eoufeased his history a mm as a a a to some of the omcers oi nis c boxen, ana tbey, deeming the evil of a religious scandal should bo averted anyhow, advis ed him to keep hie secret chase. The as a I posuro now comes through the eeorU al the first wits aad children to get at the estate, which they probably will do, m tbe secoud marriage was void in law. 8 pain's aoelaoiast'ioal eeaaoal is a ing una. Bishop Causal of Urjad, Is with assassinating a priest, catling aud barrios tha atSMCla nnaora ia a of the Episcopal raeidenea. Tha also charged with many actt uf S of iha IWiirr oraler. bat aa ho away to the army f Duo Carlos, the ities cannot get at him very wail. loaf, khs ep oasis Biabup U i 1 i

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