From the Staunton Vindicator. A GRANGE FUNERAL . Ihe lint Grange Burrial of a Lady in A MOTHER S SA 3TCB. a frugal repast, and asked if Raoul would our veins, would you like to via it the interior of the monastery, n'?e" . . ' then marry Sua- He accepted, and. the two ladies remained "O, ask the a m as would toiiosr an damned whether they angel who opened the nu. ' - Tv,,.,.. z uieen years u"" . i a - j.w..a .U .nn V. ... " j a a. coDiedone of the prettiest villas in the I 4UUO- 1 1 fates 01 neaven r repueu u autcuvuud, Fiiymia Jtnjpreswre Ceremonies at the cJty 0r park. He was of Milanese origin, was sinking in the horizon when be re Grave Gathering of Members Order, &c. of the but Lad married and been naturalised in France. He possessed in a remarkable turned. He was pale bnt resolute. "My mother I" he exclaimed, in a firm degree the faculty of discovering and treat- To5cei aecept mv i intend re- mother knelt he On Sunday last, near Tinkling Spring, fo this county, the first burrial of a lady member of the order of Patrons of Hus- bnadry that has taken place in Virginia was attended by a large concourse of citiseoi. Mrs. 8arah J. Calbreth, wife f 11. 9-mlmwXmW CiUtrnth tt IMRlW of vuktn- NT. 71. died on Fri- Here is the letter that the Duke de Giv day. having had a very perilous surgical ery, my old patient, has written, operation preformed a few days since. I will read it to you : .X iner lun z diseases One morning the Docter told his daugh ter and his servant Jeannett to prepare for the reception of visitors the finest a nartment. Suzanne Assandri immediate ly inquired who the new guests were maining here.1 "What do vou tell me 1" MI am tired of struggling with this fa tal germ of life, tired of incessantly seek ing powerless palliations ! When one is condemned, as I am, to certain death, the of age, and by all Ska was about forty years was much beloved and esteemed who knew her. and her funeral together a large number of citizens outside of the order to which she belonged, who testified by their presence to in which she was held. "I knew very little of them my self. dohuer is the best asylum ; death at least finds you prepared, and one passes from the troubled waves of this life into the eternal repose." "But I ! I, your unhappy mother, what will become of me f "What will become of you' the day on which you will receive my last sigh t the hour on which yon will hear the dost fall rRAR Doctor: I have retained so vivid a rMnimhmnM of vour kindness, and such eon- uL k 1 AiUitMi in vour talent, that I have persuaded u. uu6.. v , A SI A .Mhn. t ak ! your hospitality for herself and only son. They propose leaving immeuiaveiy. ineir posiwun ildly Instead of replying, his before him. "Great God I what are you doing ? exclaimed. "Raoul, I must reveal a secret which will change your determination. I should have told you sooner and spared your suffering, bnt I had not the courage. Raoul, you are not the son of the Marquis d'Au re bonne." "What do you tell me t" murmured Raoul, who failed to comprehend this revelation. 44Of my son 1 for mercy's sake ask me no more ; have pity upon me ; let me hide my shame. Pardon, Raoul I par" don I" As the true sense of what his mother nsyr0Aicy. or an in. r TWO V How either mi mar fascinate and ain the love & affection of any person they boose bsatsatly. This simple, mantel acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 86c, k aether with a marriage gume. Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, WedeWNifhl Shirt, Ac., A queer book. Address T. WIL LIAM A Co. Pubs. Phil.. w DR. S. VAN METER & CO Proprietor of the famous Charleston III. In firmary are endoraed in the laat issoe of the "Nations Journal of Health" by men of prom inence Sooth and North. Abo by fifty minie ters of various denominations. An opportunity is now offered to obtain a thorough examination and treatment without having to visit the Infirmarr. Address at once NEW MACHINE SHOP. I am now prepared to repairing with dispatch. do ail kinds of With good tools and twenty-fire years experience in tne business, satisfaction is guaranteed. Especial attention given to Engine and Boiler work, Cotton Woolen, Mining and Agriculture Maehinea ; and wood turning of all kinds. Shop on Corner of Fulton and Council Street, Salisbury. M. C E. H. MARSH. July 16. 1874, tf. tw DR. 8. VAN METER A CO., Charleston. 111. CDCC3unPle"oAKent"' Ladies' Combi rHEEnatioo Needle-book, with Chromoa Send stamp. F. F Gldck A Co. . New Bedford Something for Tom. Send the high is peculiarly interesting and sad, and yet heav-1 0Q my coffin f" 8 be was en has beeu most prodigal in her gifts to them. . . t r ..-.1 I - in Tl th. mother of WmMjO, who JXEZZ SSSZTSmi i. tm H fills the position of "Flora" in the kaoul ig hor jj0i. with respect, etc. , Ds possble ! H Crvssr." "From thin letter I should presume that . - I the son requires my adviee. At all events, young man. "You mean those who tne grangers, , fcnft -Aaa Assandri. me 1" "Monsieur Grange. OATHBRINO OF THE GRANQKKH. Early In the morning wearing a small boquet in nis coat, commenced arriving at the Presbyterian church at Tinkling Spring, where the funeral was to take place, and of which the dseaased had been a consistent mem ber. Among those who arrived were the designated pall bearers of the Grange vMrlnf white baldrics, and the marshals we shall soon know." added Assandri. 'Poor young man I" murmured Su zanne. The day passed in preparations. Ere the evening closed m the guests arrived "Raoul I Raoul I since your birth your life. What vou propose is im- are you no pity upon those who love you ?" "Those who love me V repeated the pity York. llsval'ai? Raoul," asked Suzanne, "what have we done that you should en tail such suffering on us t" A marble statue would have been al The Marquise d'Aure bonne appeared to most touched by the pleading tone of her "Well, then," he murmered, "I obey ; ""'"S1 whis- be about tort v. still beautiful, and her an- voice nearance grave every indication of robust I 1.1. f HI ho- Mmm Aom. I knl lot A . T .1 11 . V3 . , j i uratiu. x uc cihoiuu i u i vu. uo uouvi ai uuce or a euait uui ? HZ""?!10"' a ed troubled, and increased in anxiety each have resolntiou to leave this spot." baldrics of their offiee. Among the mem. ghe looked bef Haoal JJ The m embrftced nl, bars of other Granges who were present . nnA mmM Mtonishinfflv like his moth- nerinir t a large number lrota rbrook 1 rhe dftrk halr the Th.nk you mv daughter." same aristocratic features ; but his ess I Some days after the occurrence related pression was one of laugour and discour I above, the doctor said somewhat abrupt agement. The doctor conducted the . lady to her apartment, where a warm fire and sub stantial supper bad been prepared : then, lictore replying- the Marauise first look bidding them good-night, be departed. ed inquisitively at- him. and tbeu directed At the foot of the stairs he met his daugh- her eyes to Suzanne. She understood had divulged reached bis mind, joy lit up get HURST, 75 and 77 N his countenance. "Oh I" he exclaimed, "for the first time I breathe, I exist. That life to which 1 so soon expected to say adieu I now in ecstacy take possession of. I am young, strong, happy. Mother, I thank you P Madame d Aurbonne bad arisen, and tetteriogly walked towards Raoul ; one arm she placed around his neck, with the other she pointed to the garden where, through the opeu window, Suzanne and her father could be secu. "Mother, you call them," he said, car Street. New 4w. 10TMKT and Wavnesboro G ranees. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. G. B Strickler, after which the concourse of persons, numbering over 600, proceeded to the eemetery. THE GHAKGEK CKREMOKIES. The pall-bearers of the order bore the coffin decorated with flowers to the gate, followed in order by the family of the de ceased, the lady members of the Order, ly; "Madam will you grant me interview to-morrow morning. an hour's ter. "Well, what do you think of the Mar thn main mpmhern. and last, the nrocessiou quise t" he asked. of citizens- At the gate the coffin was "She is charming. She spoke to me I topped and the members of the Grange witn sucn ezquisue pomeness aa mougu mm i i ft t I Z S u s Lamm 1 A a am mm ss lea as. mm ass . opened ranks and passed on eacn siae ci m iaci, we uu wu m m all. "Most willingly." At early hour the following morning the doctor knocked at Madame d'Aure bonne's door. She was expecting him. "Madame," he said, "allow me to con- She did so, and a few moments more they entered the chamber. "Doctor," said the Marquise, with in comparable dignity, "I have the honor of asking your daughter's for my sou, the Marquis Raoul d'Aurcbonne.' She could say no more. She fainted. esse In the cemetery of Hyeres, near Paris, a stone can be seen with inscription : "Here repose the Marquise d Anre- bjune, who died at Hyeres, October 31, 1847. Pray for her." Lower down another hand has engraved in irregular bnt still visible characters, "Saint and Martyrs." Raoul does not know, will never know, that these three words were written by doctor Assandri. He alone had divined SAMPLES and co nets Outfit Sent Free We want a suitable person in every neigh borhood to take orders and deliver goods for our established G. O D. Sales of Staple and famil r roods of alt kinds in constant use and wear. The oldest C 0. D. house in America. Sales over half a million in 1874 Larob Cach Par to the right person. A real chance for all, male or female, at your homes or traveling. No risk. If you go to work wo will send you free and pott JM line of satnnles and eooiole outfit. Add r .. r WW at once and secure vour territory- n. j HALL & CO.. 6. N. Howard Street Balti . j more Mil. w For Ids H P. H CAMERON. Vice President. K J. BATTLE. President. W. H. HICKS, 8ac'y. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY. RLEIGrH, V. O. AITD THE SOUTH WES recei-td tfc, tickets frost SliZiE U to ail powJStsjTexas, Araaasea, MWaaaaj Usaa TV ZP to be throagh Ms ta Texas. . Columbia and their rmiarsm Tickets, or Tim aad Beamy charted through. to Uke LAboren to the it gr sally to their own with the undendsjaed bt furniabed either A. POPE.Oea'1. wa rasaajthW SeBlO 7e Inl A TV J. A Aft. C. McOONNAUGHEY. C.A A. R. Salisbarr. N. C. LOUIS SIMMER, Piedmont Air Line au, CAPITAL. tichmond Danrille. BichnAnt A end of First Fiscal Year had 900 Policies without sostainine a Prudent, oconosaicai and eoatweuc ment has made it CORPORATION. erery dssirsMs fsrss of asanj other First dass Coughs, Colds Hoarseneess AND ALL THOAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A SUCCESSFUL This Company Policies at as low Company. Imposes no useless restriction upon or travel. Has a fixed paid op ralueon all policies after two annual pa y menu. Its AT HOME, to faster and encourage hosse eaterpriaea. Thirty days trace allowed in payment of pre mi una. With thess facts before them will the people of North Carolina continue to pay ssmusvUT thousand upon tbounanda of dollars to build w e .a up foreign companies, when they can secure insurance in a Company equally reliable and every dollar's premium they pay be loaned and invested in our own (Mate, and among oar people T Theo. r. KLUTTY,, $200,000. Dub nils E. W.I. C. ahrusgCsad 0Tr lorth Western fc. C. &. m CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. la Meet GOING VOBTU. 8TATIOK8. Leave CI Air Use rmmtm ....... Bute i file AjtIvs at h Man. Exrmsm . ra M m sas - t u, II3 a a 1IJS - SJB - ajsra - 4.4S ass - iu . na - s.r? - tri It m e ti t QOISi) UT1I. Ma Tl .. Leave Btehmad. Berkarl la vsedas . ... DasflKe Ar Um Jafa rttve at . . itto the irrave, around which they formed and Monsieur Raoul, what is your impres- gratulate you. Six months have elapsed tbe n''ng and false confession a circle, the coffin being placed at the sion of him 1" since you arrived in Paria. What I bad had saved the son bnt killed the mother, side of to excavation in their midst. The "Amiable and good," replied the doc the honor to tell you on the first day we ,m, IIRD AT 8old by Dm FULLE AND SURE generally, and A FULLER. Chicago. III. Master of the Grange, Mr. Samuel B. Brown , of Fisherville, then made a brief address, followed by the chaplain, W. H. H. Lynn, of Staunton Grange, who officiated in place of the chaplain of Fish ersville Grange, who was absent on ac count of sickness, who repeated the Lord's j Prayer, the repetition being followed by all the members of tbe Order, lain then read from the ilAWAVM M.. before seen a tor. brusquely. i cannot dci-stand. 1 have never sick man appear in such excellent health, as he." Tbe next day, however, be received the following revelation from the Mar quise : "My husband," she said, "died when The chap-1 only twenty-tour, of consumption. His rattier also aiea or tne same aisease at tne met, 1 now reneat with cprtaintv the malady you both feared your son will es I The Shoe Beginning to Finch. eape. 1 here is, another who is in dan ger. Do yon know, madam, of whom speak. We have always thought that the citi zens of the Northern States would be "Suzanne ?" murmered the Marquise I made to feel, soouer or later, the tyranny ''Yes, Susanne, who is my only daugh ter, as Raoul is your only son. A few months ago she was tranquil and happy; to aay ner happiness is destroyed. Do same age; in lact, the masculine line of you know why, madam " BURRIAL SERVICE of the Order, some words of comfort to the relatives of the dead and a brief ad dress to the members of the Order, in which they were told that "Heaven and God are best discerned through tears scarcely, perhaps at all discerned without them. The constant association of prays ar with the hour of bereavement and the scenes of death, suffices to show this. We must be made perfect through suffer- . 111 f 1 mm I VMS MViUI - fri wnu aa mmt uis s aatssi Ing; but the struggle by night will bring Jb hi(J milldall naa bcen in calmness of the morning. .1 heirayer of 0a " d(J ! ht for oeuyerance cai s lorm tne power oi enou How oU ia madam ? that a fanatical Gougress iuangurattd to punish and oppress Southern people. The "chickens are uow going home to roost" in some of the yaokeo States, and SHORT POSTPON UE NT DAT FIXED-FULL DI8TSIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT Montpeler Female Hnmane Associa- TICS AT ALKXANDKIA, VA. MARCH "29th, 1875. RUFFIN A TAYLOR. Ceo'l. DtVL Agt's. Dec SI ly. J.D. McNEELY, Asfs. S.C. Mam.. flarasm l sa r i mJm . a 4-41 - ass - v.a - ito4 r a .2 - l.on - I - Bsis - 1 - - I f.ll s I - . I Ssluburr, N. BTATlONb. Mail. Mail N. C. ancestors have all met a like deplorable "She loves Raoul," replied his compan-1 wc begin to hear the squalls of the rons enu. w en i marneu i was toiauy ig- i ion wunont Hesitation. norant of these details; my life, therefore, I "Ah ! you t receive it. madam." con was one of immolation and of self-sacri-1 tinned the Doctor. "For once the dnty I State of Rhode Inland which they claimed fice. Unfortunately, my sou has beeome of a father has been absorbed in that of a had not paid the stamp duty. The State ters. itecently the U. S. Revenue offi cers seized a large amount of trood iu the LIST OF 1 Grand Cash Gift .... 1 Grand Cash Gift 1 Grand Cash Gift... GIFTS. 8100.000 50.000 , 25.000 acquainted with these particulars, and physician. " every feeling of his mind is consequently absorbed by them We have visited to gether all the capitals of Europe. He has tried the most celebrated mineral springs. 10 Cash Gifts.. 15 Cash Gifts. but nothing can charm his imagination or Besides, what am It officers resisted such seizure aud appealed "And who tells you," replied the Mar- 10 lh Governor for defence and protection 50 (jauh Gifts." quise, "that 1 shall not be most happy to against tne encroachments of fc cderal au- 100 Cash Gifts.. exchange our ranks and riches for the thorny. 1 he Governor of the old Federal State of Rhode Island immediately got mad with the Government at Washington and happy priceless beauty and worth of Susanne ? vain, mother. Let Raool be Only happy; a loving let love 10.00 Cash Gifts.. 1.000 Cash Gifts.. 20.000 Cash Gifts. $10,000 each. 5,000 each. 1.000 each. 500 each 100 each 60 each. $20 each. 100.000 75.000 50.000 50.000 100.000 50.000 400.000 asked cross is too heavy to be borne, it grows light in the heart of those who will trust." A hymn was then sweetly sung, the singing being led by Mr. Frank Bell, of the Granger choir, and Mrs. Woody, a lady ehiorister of the order, during which the grangers passed around the yet empty grave and breaking their boquets apart dropped in the flowers. The chaplain then read the beautiful burial service which ends with the 23 psalm, during which the coffin was lowered into the grave and the lady members of the grange then passed around it each breaking her be quet and scattering the flowers on the coffin; a very sweet hymn being sung du ring the time. The master of the lodge and the palKbearers then rdvanced to tne grave and threw in their boquets, the master saying : A good name is better than precious ointment, aad the day of death better than the day of ones birth. He shall go as he came aad take nothing of his labor which he may carry in his hand." Be then took np a handful of earth and sprinkled it in the grave, say ing, "In the name of Fishersville Grange, more. It your daughter can do this. I tho Doctor. 1 shall bless and thank her" "A few months more than twenty- "I believe you, madam, but then " tWO.'f "Whv do I IlOt aak vnnr dnnirliter'H give him life aud hope. 1 asked nothius a Message to his Legislature denoun 22170 9 H.OOO.OOO W . . . 1.1 mm "Have you remarked any of the symp hand, you mean ? toms which preceded the death of his father V "None From his infancy he has given every indication of physical strength. "Did you nurse him yourself V "I did," she quickly answered, with maternal pride. "1 hen, if I dare rely upon the conjee me ; but believing that death res 01 science, i believe, and believe I in a year, he would accuse tures most sincerely, that your son be attacked with disease "O, Monsieur 1" interrupted quise, joyfully. "Yes, timidly answered Doctor As sandri. "Oh ! I should have sooner confided to you a new sorrow that " "Raoul does not love Susanna V "He loves her with all his soul he loves her with an intensity that alarms awaits him himself of dug the conduct aud action of the Feder al officers, concluding with the following significant language : "Your presence here, Senators, is a mockery and farce if such proceedings as these are sustained by tbe Federal gov ernment. Your honorable Judiciary and Execntive may as well resign their offices, E'shths or each Coupon and leave tho control and direction of State affairs to the subordinates of the United States government. No gravtr question has been forced upon the State since its first settlement It is a vital question, for in it are involved the sover- ith the United States. son will never egotism and cowardice did he try to link e'gnty of the State with tbe U of tbe lungs." his fate with hers." The little State of Rhode Island is en ti the Mar "Then the evil is greater than I thought Llcd on 8Uch points, to an equal respect it is irreparable. 'r "Do not rejoice too soon. The symp "And he will die I" exclaimed the Mar- mcn' telf. I toms are all reassuring ; all give me hope, quise, despairingly. question. Thi There exists, however, as great a danger "Yes, he he will die Not of the malady -lie General Ai from your son's incessant preoccupatioo " 1 fears, but of another, that I pronounce the words, Sister Oalbreatb, I l' -.Klu . - tt I ptwwwro anion. "O 1" again exclaimed the lady. "I have, indeed, my fears. You mean in sanity." II er voice was almost suffoca ted by' tears. MHie imagination must be cored t that is essential. Only let him pass his twenty-fourth birthday, and all may be j well, for his presentiments and fears will malady neither his I know of Aft-. - I " UD """" uu" mis re 11 .k ulZ .u -""I" Tj BttU th Marquise anxiously asked, all the members of the order responded AU. jL - i;i .1." 7Z "Amen," the grave was filled. MEMORIAL. 'Alas, madam, "were I a charlatan ten infallible means his mind nor life can resist. no remedy." "But I know oaa I" "Yon, madam V "Yes. V she repeated. "I mast see Raoul alone. Yon mast neither see nor bear us during the interview. O ! that 1 could die after I , have pronounced the words. Go quickly, doctor, or my cour age may fail me ere my task be over." Monsieur Assandri at first feared that anxiety had alienated her reason : he replied the doctor. 1 1 would offer at least looked inquiringly upon . I am but a doctor, left the apartment. Th The Grange had set apart a day to aud can only tell you to amuse your son, upon her kees. her, and then The Marquise fell plant a memorial tree, as is the ens torn of I or procure some study to occupy and in everything. Wo have' al day, on which they visit the graves of visited Italy, Switaei land, Greece, Spain, falsehood, now have pity on me I Save the order, at the grave of Mrs. Calbreth They also have in the summer a memori teres t his mind. "I have tried "My God!" she cried, with clssoed hands, and eyes raised to heaven ; "this is my only resource. You who punish with larger States or the general Govern- make no argument on this The matter is in the hands of Assembly, and I am coufi ueni 1 1 wiu oe aqiusiea iu soon a manner as to vindicate the honor of rite State and maintain the integrity of the laws." Six or eight years ago wo expressed tne opinion that too Southern would have to interfere in behalf of tbe North if free institutions were maintained in that section, and it now begins to look as if the Northern states needed the aid of Southern members of Congress to pre vent the encroachments of the Federal Governments on the rights of the State The old Democratic doctrine of States Rights will yet triumph, and all decent wane men must acanowieage toe princi ple to be just and fair and desirable. Charlotte Democrat NUMBERS OF TICKEST . 100,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $20 00 Halves 10 00 Quarters 50 00 250 5 Ticket for 100 OP The Montpelier Female Humane Associa tion. chartered bv the Leeinlature of Virviai and the Circuit Court of Onutse county. proposes, by a series of Grand Gift Concert, to establish nd endow a "Home for tbe Old. In m . . . . . . . . . L. nrm, and Destitute Ladie of ircima ' at Montpelier, the former residence of President James Madison. Governor's Officii, Richmond, Jutv3. 1874 11 auorus me pleasure to say to at I am weU acquainted with a large majority of the officer of the Moiitnelivr Female Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I attest tneij intelligence and their worth and hirh reputation as gentlemen, as well as the public couuuence, inuuence ana substantial means liberally represented among them. JAMBS L. KEMPER. Gov. Tlrginia. Alexandria, Ya., July 8, 1874. commend them ascents of honor and latawsette people I and fully entitled to the confidence ot the pub lie K. W. HTTGHE8, U. h. Jdge MmrnVm Mai. Ta. Further referene by nertuission : Bis Excel lency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va- Uon. Kobt E Withers, Lieut -Gov. ofTa. and U. 8. 8enaUr elect; Senators and Members of Congress form Ya. Remittances for tickets may be made bv ex press pre-paid, post office money order on Washington, D. C, or by registered letter. For full particulars, testimonials. . .. send for Circa far. Address. Hod. JAMES HARBOUR, Prks'tM.F. II. A. Alexandria. Ya. Reliable agent wanted everywhere. Oct. 1, 1874. ly. E.8.F00TE. M.D. 121 Leniftoi Aieiie, Cer. K2WSL, HEW YORa, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CEE0HIC DISEASE, Leave Ore - Co hcop. "blots .. ATT. ml Wow I 1 SSS " 6 10 ' a.N " 11. SS A tLArr II a L'vclSilS -W . aa - tjLTossira ( Lease ArviTs at alass... Leave aoioss... Arrlre at Gr 4 r is - S.SS a 11. w - letters from aU parts 6 the Civilized World. If M millal WAT ir ConiMliiii a Medical Practice Patients ia Europe, the Wait Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in e v e ry State of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Passenfti traia loavtaf Ra eta a ai i.sjH oobrocIb aiOresosbsro' with the AihUot mmi. tram, catkins ta oeiekeat tisac to all Xortaora cities. Price el TickoU oaase as via otir rbsui. Trains to aad from poinU East of Grseeaoaro 00 a Boot t Green, bo ro with Mail TrUaa U as from points North or Kouia. Two Trains dailjr. both wavs Ob Randars LveehVer AccotaiaodaDoB 1mm Rickssoad at 900 A a . arrive at Barfcesllla itu r n . leave Borkeville 4 a u . st kick. Mad TM AS Ho Change of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond. 282 Mdei. Papers skat hare arraaaeearitt to advert ta oekedals of this cumranr will pleaas ana4 as SOOTS For further ioJorvaaUoa aAdroas ft B. A I. LEX. Goal Ticket Area On is it in. IC T M R TALCOTT. Engineer Geo'l SapeHntendect TILE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE 1 mmWr m mmJm ' Xr E ox ftt, Mew T Marsh Hat, ItTt. PASSENGER TRAINS RUN AS POLLOVTS. ACENTS . Toon I the s WANTED. has of " the deceased members and scatter flowers on their graves What will Make the Hens Lay. Pat two or more quarts of water in a kettle, add one large seed pepper or two small ones, then pat the kettle over the fire. When the water boils stir in a coarse-ground Indian meal, until yon mske a thick mush. Let it cook sn hoar or more. Feed hot. Horseradish chou- Kd fine, and stirred into the mush has en found to poduce good results. Four weeks ago we commenced feeding our hens mush as prepared in the above direc tions , and for result we sre getting from five to ten eggs per day; wheress previous to feeding, we had not had eggs for a long time. We bear a great deal of complaint from other people about not getting eggs To all such we cooked food, fed hot seasoned with horser W 1 V . . . 1 . . reea ; mucu ueuer man uncooked corn Corn, when fed by itself, has a tendency to fatten bens, instead of producing the more profitable egg laying. A spoonful of snlphar stirred into their feed occa bioii.t.; w il ! rid them of vermin and tone up their systems. This is especially good for young chickens or turkeys. Oat of a flock of ten chickens, hatched the last of November, we have lost but one. They have been fed cooked feed mostly and are growing finely. and Scotland occasionally. 1 thought had succeeded, but was doomed to disap-poinmcnt." "Ah J science, arts, and worldly pleas- eft A Singular Tradition. are "The pleasure was as evanescent as a dream. Once, and once only , l saw him deeply impressed. It was whilst reading iers." "It seems to me be did not die," re marked the doctor, "a remedy was found," As he uttered these words, and before the Marquise could reply, Susanne ran to them as lightly as a gaaelleaud embraced her father. She looked so lovely amidst her flowers that the same idea simulta neous y entered the minds of Doctor Ass sandrt and Madame d'Aurebonne. Only Raoul, though I die I Then advancing to the door, she called "Raoul ! Raoul !" "Mv ann " moiA tA J A U with calmness, though with trembling lips nd superiority. Ihey ssy "nt m .i i : that when tho frNat Snirit madA tho Among the Seminole Indians there is a singular tradition regarding the white HAVE YOU TRIED 'let me rejoice with you upon the saluta ry eftect of our sojourn here. God has beard our prayers, and you are saved." "You believe this I" responded Raoul, sad'y. "Yes ; it is the doctor's opinion as well as mine. I also know that a new senti ment has taken possession of your soul. Why not frankly confess to your moth er ?' "I don't understand you," replied the yoang man. "Yes you do, I allude to Suzanne You love each other. Do you deny it t" "No." ' on a side there was a vague fesr, on the "Well," she continued, trying to smile. tot Boiled appleskins, a medcine and, as well, a cure. ess by marrying the woman of your rseradish, are good for One morning, seduced by a fine March choice !" 7 temperature, they started to walk to La 1 IS : n . vumucuBo un jriuunrox. liSOUt was sadder than usual. The Marauise end Suzanne were deeply impressed by it. I At last they arrived at the monastery: is was almost a rain. A chapel, a fragment oi a csoisier ana some cells alone remain ed, bull six monks inhabited this deso late spot. Keiigfon is a flower which frequently dies in palaces, but prospers A monk from the convent brought them "It is impossible ( lit . . "impossible, and whv I Do you not 1 O a.. iove ouzanuei "les, with all the powers of my soul. ao wea ner would be tbe greatest happi ness in life." "Well, then, you imagine that death is soon to be your fate 7 ' M Yes, mother." "But if you are deceived i if I could prove to you, that the blood which brings this terrible malady does not run in that when the Great Spirit made the earth, he also made three men, all of whom were fair cotnnlexioned ; and that after making them, he led them to tbe margin of a small lake, and bade them leap in and wash. One obeyed, and came out of tbe water purer and fairer than before ; the second hesitated a moment, during which time tbe water, agitated by the first, had become muddeid, and when he bathed, he came out cnppercolored ; the third did not leap till the water became black with mod, and he came out with bis own color I hen the Great Spirit laid before them three packages, and, out of pity for his misfortune in color, gsve the black man the first choice. He took hold of each of the packages, and, having felt the weight, chore the heaviest : the Conner- colored man then chose the next heaviest, leaving the white man the lightest. When the packages were opened, the first was found to contain spades, hoes, sod ail the im piemen ts of labor ; the second unwrapped hunting, fishing and warlike apparatus ; the third gave tbe white man pens, ink and paper, the engines of tbe mind the means of mutual, mental improvement, the social link of humanity, the foundation of the white man s superiority ARE YOU Weak, Nervous or Debllited Are you so Lanruid that any exertio ra quires more of an effort than yon feel capable ot inaKing i Then try JURUOEBA. the woadarful tonic and lungorator, which act so beneficially on the secretive organs aa to impart vigor to all the vital loree. It is no alcoholic appetiser, which xtiinnlatea for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a low depth of misery, but it is a regetabla ionic ucunp uireciij on me iiver ana spleen li refruiaiea we roweis. quieu me aerves and give such a healthy tone to the whol system ss to soon make the invalid fe like a new person. Its operation i.- not violent, but is character ised by (treat gentleness ; the patient exrer lences no sudden change, no marked results but gradually bis troubles "Fold their tents, like tbe Arabs, And silently teal away." This is no new untried diaooverr. bnt been long used with wonderful remedial results and is pronounced by the highest authorities "tbe most powerful tonic and alterauva known Ask your druggist for it. Fur sale by WM. F. KIDDLR 4 Co. New York. Cheap Chattel Mortgages. and c thcr various blanks for sals hers bees Sees SkaSa mMHaaTnt- SeoaWS aaaesav wavsaw Busa Boata Tass- to aaatfarSasS tt Um forwfxrfw wort, -ftonn n tiott" oaa aaiy mm mmu at auasSs ar ot Ska ftMsskssa. plami aeawTAix mt swaasaas aa seta a MAIL Leave Salisbury 11 JB a a " Oreo euro x ia ma Danville via R A D 4 aa -- Ya, midland 4J7 -' ' Ricbmoad M a ss " CharloUMTille. IM mm Arrive HanUngtoa, 7JM 7B EXPRESS. i p Ui est 6 SB 4J IJ - UttUvilla. " IndianapoIU "St. Louis, Connecting at Trmak Lines f California Mail Ex 11. 8J a ta Points with the SS) a s daily exes toads' Peter M Trexler. adnin'tstrmtor 1 of Lti Lawrence. Ptminht. U. C. Owen, ami wile Eliiabeth, Wm. O. Watson aad wife Amanda James Lawrence. Juhnon Law. reuce, aud Julia Lawrence. Jjr- S utomjM. BpaeJal proceeding to make real estate SATTE or NORTH CAROLINA TO THE SHERIFF OF ROWAN COUNTY ORREETIFOT: mw m I ou are hereby Commanded to Summon H. Lliaabeth, ;W. lia Lawrence Through Ticket for sale at R. B. Iwoat Preacbt RaUa sasaU by taia sr gate sadlafsraisl las as te apply to J C DAMS. S' c 8m Jmmmt EMIGRANTS GO ON EXPRE TRAINS. W. C. WICKHAM. Fa Prmulmt ; C. R. HOWARD. Gen. P. d T. Ammtt B. 8. FITCH. 1 ma; L 1 1 nrnmm at lAi ywens and wife, Liiaabeth, W. G. Wai- son a wue Amanda. JamM Uwiw i- the Defendants Knv nml if they be found within yoar Coanty, to appear at tbe orBce of the Clerk of the Seperior Coert of Rowan, within twenty (iW) days, after tbe service of this Summons on the exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, tout oi wnicn iseerred with this gammons : And let them take notice, that if they fail to answer the complaint within that tiase the Plaiotifl will apply to the Court tor the relief demanded in the Comolaint. Herein fail not, and of thi Summons due return. . iiiveu under my hand and the aaal of uoort, thi. th day of February, 1874. .K J.M.HORAH. Clerk of the So peri or Court of Rowan Co. CRAIGEA CRA1GE, Plainlifl'n Attea, March 4, 1875. RicHMovn. Toax Rxvks as CnaaafBAJtn Eanaosn Oostrast, RscHMovn. April lota 'n end alter TUESDAY, April list Pas te n g er and freight Trains on this road will run as Train for West Petal I at 3 P. M (Sundays eseawtod). rives at Kiohmond from west raist M.f daily (Sundays excepted). . The splendid steamer. HATAKA f LOUISE, will ran ia oonoectioB with this raaA. and will leave West Point daily (Suadsysss eeetedl on the antral at tmm Umio wkieklesvSS Richmond at 3 P. M. arriving at BaJtissasa i momina in amule rlm in laaaiatal with tr r. . . wki. v v..rfi mud Vest I end leave Baltimore daily (Sundsv except' at 4 P. M . connecting at Weat Point doe at Kichmond at 10 A. M., next r.r. In 1).) , , r. ... a rA . 1) . 1 1 , rr.r torn. 86. Waahinrton.t4. Fare to rikwSS- pbia. Par to turn, $19 25. BoatonI3: 86 Washington. 84. Fare to PW 97 ; to Philadelphia aad retars. o Hew York. $10 ; to Mew York aad re- Freight train, for through freigbt ooiT Richmond daily (Moodav excepted '-A! M., snsmsstieg witb sSsssassaat west Fssss tm4 deliver freicht la Baltimore early as morning. Through freight I ssaivsl aaily rreigni train, with for freigbt betwoa Isawee Rtcbniopd Kridaya at 7 A. M. Local freight adaya Tburadava aad ftaturdara. eDwaed f. poloie W. It Baaoo. Maator