1 fVTftf fOli. V. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C APRIL, 22, 1875 NO. 78. WHOLE NO. 82 The Carolina W atchman USLISUKO weekly: J. J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Ed itoi. STEWART Associate Editor. Prof j. J. BATES Of ICBCRIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. M 1a, payaMein advance, -2.(0 77.-;.-to any address 10.0 a -- - RATES : insertion 1UU M 1.60 of insertion larate. ppeciai uuim . -- - I Malar advertisements. 1 teperlineforeachneve a.. iF fl inch) One V " , x two 1 - . arrester nuiuucr r.oice ion GUANAHANI POl ILAR fRFED DUTIES A HI DOLLARS. Hail, rain, or sunshine, sore 'twas all same, He listened for the foot that neTer came. AN IMPORTED NATURAL GUANO. - AGENUINE ANIMAL DEPOSIT. The following t ru ? hful and practical Tell him the bouse is lonesome like and cold, nn, ... mmnn.od msnT wears airo. The fir itself seems robbed of half its light Though ancient it is very appropriate at the present time. Such gems of poetry are not often met with, written by authors whose names are neTer known in hit A MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEPOSIT HAS BEEN CREATED in faror of this Company by the Crown officers. The name "GUANAHANI 1" is a Registered TRADE MARK at the United States Patent Office, and all persons warned from making use of the same in connection with fertilizers of any kind. are i THE COMPANY GUARANTEE THAT EVERY CARGO will be ANALYZED BEFORE IT IS OFFERED FOR SALE. Examine the Analyses and Letters of Prof. P. B. WILSON, Bali ti more ; Prof. H. C. WHITE, Professor of Chemistry, University of Georgia ; Prof. F. A. GENTH, Philadelphia, Professor of Applied Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. Carolina Fertilizer. CASH PRICES $50 00 FEB TUN u Jb 2,000 POUNDS. TIME PRICE 108 PER 2,000 lb. paya ble Nov. 1. THE HIGH 8TANDARD OF QUAL ITY HAS BEEN FULLY MAIN TAINED, AND IT IS CONSIDERED BY THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN IT A FAIR TRIAL THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IRTILM MANUFACTURED, Liberal and advanta- p i lire en;iucu mi pui uui ivaaiiq Tnrmc TAP I lATffP, lumo. canal to any M O . We solicit a careful peraual of our Circular containing the certificates sent us, and which can Lsita fxlVPn OD AfiTnlCa.- be had on application at this OFFICE, or from any of our AGENT8. Having nothing to con- " Tl ' eea . w tioii. GUANAHANI GUANO COMPANY, PETERSBURG, VA.. In offering this FERTILIZER to the Agricultural Community a Second Season we do so with the utmost Confidence, feeling satisfied that the high opinion, we .formed, and expressed last season based on its Chemical Constituents have been most satisfactorily borne out by the test, by which all Fertillixers must be judged, that of the Plantation . Last season, Owing to the lateness at which we commenced importing we were forced to put our Guano on the market at once, but now having continued our importations during the sum mer and fall, and having large and well ventilated Warehouses in this City and City Point, we are enabled to put our Guano on the market, in a condition as to dryness, and freedom from i ' i . a , m . i . i . aii u lacm rea fertilizer. tory. Dimes and dollars, dollars and dimes! An empty pocket is the worst of crimes! II a man's down give him a throat Trample the beggar into the duet ! fresumptoua poverty is quite appalling Knock him over ! kick him for falling ! If a man's up, oh ! lift him higher! Your soul's for sale, and he's the buyer- Dimes and dollars, dollars and dimes ! An empty pocket is the worst of Crimea! I know a bold and honest ms". Who strives to live on the Christian's plan. But poor he is, and poor will be, A scorned and hated wretch is he ; At home he meeteth a starving wife. Abroad he leadeth a leper's life, They struggle against fearful odds Who will not bow to the people s gods I Dimes and dollars, dollam and dimes! An empty pocket is the worst of crimes I I know a poor but worthy youth, Whose hopes are built on a maiden's truth, But the maiden will break her vow with ease, For a wooer cometh whose charms are these: A hollow heart and an empty head. A noae well tinged with brandy red, A soul well trained in villainy's school But cash, sweet cash he knoweth the rule ! Dimes and dollars, dollars and dimes 1 An empty pocket is the worst of crimes ! So get ye wealth no matter how, "No questions asked" of the rich, I trow I Steal by night and steal by day, (Doing it all in a legal way.) Join the church, and never forsake her Learn to cant and insult your Maker; Be hypocrite, liar, knave and fool, But don't be poor, remember the rule. Dimes and dollars, dollars and dimes ! An empty pocket is the worst of crimes ! But may be 'tis mjr eyes are trowing old. And things look dim before my failing sight, For all that, tell him 'twas myself that spun The shirts you bring, and stitched them every one. Give him my blessing, morning, noon and night, Tell him my prayers are offered for hia good, That he msv keep his Maker still in sight, And firmly stand, as hia brave Cither stood, True to his name, his country, and his God, Faithful at home, and steadfast abroad. the I How much has it paid t Let us count up," said Grace. "Mrs. Baker gave aunt busau htteen dollars, which aunt Suaan gave me ; I gave Frank twelve dollars and sixty-two cents ; Frank gave Mr. Baker ten dollars altogether, fifty-two dollars aud sixty-two cents,1 "It's all nonsense, 1 tell yon," cried Mr. Baker again. ; ."yon owed each other what you owed before." "You are deerived, my dear by the rapid, unbroken race thia little sum has made ; to me it is clear as day light," re pned Mrs. Baker. ing. HOW A LITTLE MONEY KEPT IN CIRCULATION WILL PAY MANY DiiBTS. An eyewitness relates the following; story : One evening that I took ten with an intimate friend of mine, while we were seated at the table, Mr. Baker, my friend's husband, while absently feeling in hia vest pocket, found a five dollar note which he had no recollection of putting there. "Halloa I" he exclaimed "that is no place for yon. J should have pot it in my pocket-book. Here, wife, don't you want some ready money r and he threw the note across the table to her. "Many thanks," she replied ; " money is always acceptable, although I have no present use for it. She folded the note and pat it under the edge of the ten tray, and then proceeded to pour out the tea aud attend to the wants of her guests. "If it's all nonsense, how could the note which you gave Mrs. Baker, if noth- ing to me or yon. be divided bet two t" asked Grace. ' feat vi a air. uaner uiau t seem to see it very clearly, but the others did, and they of ten relate this hale history fur the amuse ment ol their friends. THE PAINTER'S MANTLZ. On the fifteenth day of January, 1526, a gentleman arrived in Florence, and went to lodge at the Sun Inn. Havior nkk him only one trunk, the inkeeper thought be conld not be very rich, and gave him for this reason a room in the top of the House, ao. U. At that time H was not necessary to give one's name at an inn, aud those who wished to preserve tbeir incognito gave to their friends the number of their room and the name of the inn where they lodged. This gentleman did so. The Two Angels. At the end of the first week the land ii a w , - I a At her right sat Airs. Gaston, or sunt lord presented his bill : but neat was his Susan, whom we all knew as an acquain-1 astonishment when the unknown told him tauce, who, sometimes, spent a week with that be had no money, that he exoected Mrs. Baker. Her visit was just at an end, J some every day from home, begging him auu -no nao amrui iu rcvum uuue nim io rest easy, ana assuring nim that as evening. As Mrs. Baker was pouring soon as the money arrived he should be out her tea it occurred to her that she was I paid. in ber aunt s debt for certain small mat- The innkeeper went awsy not very wel ters, and when she had the opportunity satisfied, because this stranger ordered the she pushed the note under her plate, say- most exquisite dinners, the most rtcherche BY JOHN G WHITTIEH. Local Aeents at all the Principal Depots. DeROSSET fe CO., Gaaeral Agents for North Carolina and Virginia, AT WILMINGTON, N. 0. Jan. A. McOONNAUGHEY, Agent, Salisbury, N. 0. ceal. we made an innovation on established usage, bv publishing those letters received unfavora ble to our Guano, but careful inquiry in many cases proves that the cause of its failure was not owing to any fault in the Guano, but to those far beyond our control- We have frequently heard the same complaints of its kindred Fertilizer. Peruvian Guano, but the concurrent testi mony of well known Farmers and Planters from Maryland to the extreme- Western counties of I God called the nearest angels who dwell with him above: Tbe tenderest one was Pity, the dearest one was Love. MORE STOVES. and better ones than ever. the BEST. Get the stove North Carolina, justify us in claiming a place for our Fertiliser Superior to many, and Second to None. We confidently expect the continued patronage of the Agricultural Community and no exer tion shall be spared on our part to make G-TJ A.N" ASH. AJSJ" I THE STANDARD FERTILIZER FOR TBE COTTON, TOBACCO & GRAIN CS0PS tog: "Here, aunty, take this five dollars in- part payment of my debt." "Very well," she replied, "but the money does not belong to me. I owe you fifteen dollars, my dear Grace, which The inkeeper, surprised at this praise be m.gks In of tbe picture from bis goest. ing that it was poaeibis Ifhsn that way gam ad vice. The na t day tbe report of ttii straws adventure had spread through all Flas enen end tbe curiosity was so great, not only io that city, but in all the country around, that oar landlord io a very little time had pocketed eirht huodred nflver fibrins. Bat when, a tew daws alter, it bitaaaa known that this wonderful MiaLrd Miatl. woa a pleasantry of Titian, whs had pain ted it ns a trick on his iakeener, not only toe r iornun came to see ft, rat pee pie came from all part to .dmira a wnsjSJ this distinguished painter, when) fib ait as V. bad that year smsamnoed tn Bologna to paint bis sTortrait and nsssV nahu etnas important works. Oar fortunate innkeeper found himself, la n short time, possessor of nntsjsjtNs4sW( sum, nasi wrote a letter of apology be tat great artist. Titian replied that he was much surprised that aay painting of bis bad prod need ' to fabulous a suss, but knowing that nip landlord had not deserved it by bis cupid ity and avarice, be left It to hint only on one condition, that if sosae poor artist should come to his ion, be wocld not sent bis L:,l at the end of every r r sasnssv m, - RISEN FROM THE DEAD viands, the most expensive wines of France and Germans' and the landlord, being very miserly aud suspicions, feared for his money. At the end of the second week he made his guest ai. other visit, and, presenting his you lent me last Saturday. I had to pay bill, met with the ssme respense ; then be tbe taxes on my little house and had not looked around the room and saw a mag- the ready money, and Grace lent it to nificent mautle hanging on the wall, all me," explained aunt Susan. lined with rich far a mantle which might Grace, an orphan, was a cousin to Mrs. be worth .100 silirer florins. Tbe innkeep Biker. She and her brother Frank mr. dr-lirlit,-ri ariih hia i4iiinr aalntst My harps takes up'the mournful strain that boarded with her, aud made a yery pleas, tbe gentleman, and descended tbe stairs. P,100 P00 from a lost world swells ; ant auuuiou to tno iamuy circle, one saying to nimsell, "it ne does not pay tne The smoke of torment clouds the lights and was studying music, and her brother was at the end of another week, I will make a clerk in a mercantile ettabliabineut. him leave this mantle in pledge for what As soon as aunt Susan received the I be owes me. Arise," he said, "my angels.! a wall of woe and sin Steals through the'gates of heaven, and sad dens alt within. A 8inrjxUar Story from Maine qf a porary rttmm to Lye. Thf A gusts (Maine) Journal, of Fri day, 19th iosu, tells this snarveioee taint "We have an event to chronicle (bat would scarcely be believed were it not sutboritively vouched for by . competent witnesses, parlies whose testimony cannot be well disputed or set aside. A jnrnng man in the loau of Yassalbmo, in tain omnty, was suffering in the last stages of eousatopiion, the disease which had io siduously nod stealthily brought bim tu tbe verge o.' the grave. For several weeks he had been entirely prostrite and aaable tu speak, even to articulate a syllable. lie became so oppressed far breath thai be compelled bis attendant to raise tbe windows io bis room, put oat the area, and resort to every means to obtain fresh air. One day last week, ( Thursday ), thf youtig man died, t neodty blights the asphodels. its OF THE SOUTH. now and get sailed the ACORN COOK f you Want one that will outlast any other, arid hat b made of all NEW IRON, and warranted a five satisfaction Ac. Various styles, of cook sg stoves at a small profit. TIN WAKE, Sheet Iron A Coppee Ware made of the I BSst Material, on hand or made to order. Merchants supplied at Low Prices. Cash r a n for all kinds of Copper, Brass Ac. Ask for j Bsowx's Tin shop Mam Street. Salisbury, . CL L. V. Brown. I am well prepared to cut good STENCIL PLATES . , for marking Tobacco. Flour Patent articles c. Every person doing any kind of work or busi ness should have a stencil to adverti.se his busi seas, as it is acknowledged to be the best and cheapest way to let people know what you are doing. One mark with stencil may get a customer, for you, that will put Hundreds of Dollars la your hands. Trv it and vou will net a cus tomer you never thought of. MY PRICES ARE LOW, AS FOLLOWS, One-fourth inch letters 5 cents per letter Oat half and five-eights 6 Three-fourth & One inch letters 7 They may be sent to any part of the U. B. by audi at a small cost. Band In your orders stating siae of letters ysn prefer, and the Stencil will be mtia neatly t sjt sad promptly forwarded. Fiseer street Salisbury, N. C. L. V. BROWN. April23. 1874 tf. -:o:- DIRECTORS. President, N. M. TANNOR, of Rowlett, Tannor & Co. Vice President, ROBT. A. MARTIN, of Robt A. Martin & Co. JOHN B. STEVENS, of Stevens Brothers. S. P. ARRINGTON, of John Arringtoo & Sons. JOHN R. PATTERSON, of Patterson, & Sons. C. R. BISHOP of Bishop & Branch. JOHN MANN, DAVID CALLENDER, W A K. FALKENER FRANK POTTS, General Agent. FOR SALE BY MERONEY& BRO., SALISBYRY, N. C. BURROUGHS SPRINGS. CHOBLOTTE, N. C. "Fly downward tu that under world, on souls of pain Let Love drop smiles of sunshine, sod Pity tears like rain." Two faces bowed before the throne, veiled in their goldeu hair : Foar white wiugs lessened swiftly down the dark abyss of air. Tbe way was strange, the night was long ; at last tbe angels oaine Where swung the lost and uether world. redwrapped in rayless flame. note, she handed it to Grace, saying : l will give you this now on account, and the r-st as soon as I get it." "All right answered Grace, laughing, "and since we all aerm in a humor to pay Some days pasted, when there arrived an express with a letter for the gentleman in No. 40. r . aaaoa n 1 be fandlord, sure tust it contained a remittance, ran to give it himself to the burial ; bnt just as tbe attending friends were arranging the re mains of tbe casket, there appeared unmistakable evidence of returning life in what had teemed to thtia an inanimate mass ol clay. Tbe ear of an attendant was bent down to ike side of tbe dead man, and it was disco vend that the heart had begun again its slow paste '.'m the throbbed, the voun? man arose II -II f II l . 1 , I .1 J .1. -I . . ... t t. mwiA our acuta, l will loiiow suit, r rang, 1 stranger, wbo look the letter, and seeing I awui-iuroww, om-ucu ."., u owe you something for musis you bought tbe seal, exclaimed, Oh, the imperial I poke in clear nod distinct words to thoan me ; here is part of it ;" and she threw tbe arms !" Then h opened tbe letter and, I bo stood appalled fa the deaths rhamber. banknote across the table to her brother, having red it, said : "It is aa order to I There was no hnskioeas io bis voice; ha a a a P ? 1 .la . who sat opposite. go si once to Bologna, where tbe m appeared lively ana active, saw na itu We wete all highly amused to see how I peror of Germany, who withes to see me, 1 the slightest pain, bat, to but Love, and There Pity, shuddering, wept ; with taith to strong for fear. Took heart from God's Almightio smiled a smile of oheer. And Io ! that tear of Pity quenched the flame wherciu it fell. And with the sunshine of that smile hope eutered into hell ! the note wandered around the table. "This is a wonderful note," ssid Mr. Baker ; "I enly wish somebody owed me something, so that I could come into the ring." "You can," said Frank. "I owe Mrs. Baker, or you it's all tbe same, for my board ; 1 herewith pay yon part of it." Amid general laughter, Mr. Baker is st iving at present. A carnage will w a w come for me iu a little while, because tbe journey will bo at the Emperor's ex pense. "Bui, sir, before yon go, pay me my bill, which smoouts to 150 florins " 'You know verv well, earo min, that since 1 came to your inn, I have receieel uo letter but this one; therefore, 1 have Two unveiled faces full ward to the Throne. Four whit wings folded at the feet who sat tbereou ! of joy looked up- of Him took the note and threw it playtully to 1 not yet received my money, aud, not his wile, saying : "It's yours again, Lucy, I having received it, 1 can not pay you. 1 am an honest man, 1 do not wish to Jo in offering this Feltilizer to the people of Rowan, and surrounding counties ws are eatis fied that ws offer them tbs best Guano for the least money now on ths market. It has been throughly tried during the past Reason snd the results have been even better than we hoped for. Below ws append two of theumereua certificates we have received. North. Carolina AN IMPORTANT TEST, PAID OVER 600 PER CENT. And deeper than the sound of sess. more soft then falling flake, Amidst the hush of wiug and song tbe Voice Jbteruai spate : "Welcome, my angels ! ye have brought a holier joy to heaven, Hence forth its sweetest song shall be the soug of sin forgiven !" Atlantic Monthly. From the Dublin Freeman. THE IRISH WIDOWS MESSAGE TO HER SON. ROME 24 . l ji pV-Vsj Insurance Co., OF RALEIGH, N. C. INSURES DWELLINGS. STORES, MER CHlNDISE, AND ill Classes of Insnraole Property, Against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the Most Favorable Terms. Its Stockholders are gentlemen interested in building up North Carolina Insti tutions, and among them are many of the prominent bus iness and financial men of the State. AD Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. It appeals with confidence to the In surers of Property in North Carolina. Enconrap Home Institntions. H. BATTLE, Jr., Prest. 0. B. ROOT, Vice President. 8EATON GALES, Secr'y. ' . COWPER, Supervisor. ANDREW MURPHY, Agent at Salisbury. Ureb,4th fimoi. Remember Dennis, all I bide you say ;, Tell him we're well and happy, thank the Lord ; But of our troubles since he went sway You'll mind, avick, and never aay a word. Cf cares and troubles; sure, we've all our share, The finest Summer isn't always fair. Tell him the spotted heifer calved in May. She died, poor thing, but you needn't mind Salisbury, N. C, October 10th, 1874. Messrs Meroney & Bro. Gentlemen : In reply to your inquiry as to the merits of the Gnanahani Guano, I will state that I hare given it a fair, and, as I think, a thorough test, and believe it to be one of the best fertilisers now in use in our country. In the month of February 1 bought two ton and applied jt over my farm at the rate of 200 pounds to the acre under Cotton, and 100 poundstothe acre on Corn. On the 8th of October I picked from one row of Cotton 14 rode long, which hsd been fertilised st the above rate. 8 pounds of seed cotton : from another immediately by the side of this one, of the aama length, to which I had applied no fertilizer, 1 picked 1 ounces the same dav howina!a difference of over 8500 per cent, between land fertilised and not. I counted the number ot unopened ooiis in eacn, anu mating calculation on wis oasis, i una mat me isnu i ssor now tne constant ram uestroyed ths bsy ; without the Guanahani would yield 30 ounces to the row, 80 rows or 150 pounds to tbe sere ; I But tell him God was very kind, with Guanahani it will yield 12 pounds to the row, 80 rows or 960 pounds to the sere showing I And when tbe fever spread the country a difference of over 600 per cent. ov'r, I have not had an opportunity to test the Corn yet, but from general observation, I feel war- Hia mercy kept the "sickness from our door. ranted in making the statement that Guanahani has benefited my Corn at least 100 per cent. On one acre of ground, as a test, I sowed 400 pounds of Gusnahani broadcast, subsoiling at Be sure to tell him how the neighbors came the same time 15 inches deep. This acre, under ordinary circumstances, has average 700 pounds .And cut the corn and stowed it in the barn ; of aced cotton : this year the yield will be at least 1800 pounds- E. A. PROP8T. t would be as well to mention them by name j. m ...hi p' jto wvvwjc, turn jauico CCarn, And big Tom Daly from behind the hill ; And say, agra oh, say I miss him still. Davis Co., N. C. Messrs Meroney tc Bro. Gentlemen : In reply to your inquiry ss to the merits of Guanahani Guano, I would say that I used it last Summer on an old held which would have produced very poorly under ordi nary circumstances but which under the application of Guaoahani yielded me a very good crop. I had one test row snd this showed a difterence of over three hundred per cent, in favor of the Guano. . I am satisfied that it is a (rood Fertilizer and take pleasure in recommending ,t to every far mer who wishes to increasebis crops as being fully equal if not superior to any Guano on the fiy T weary lefcgue ghore m IUlCl. MA i 1 til AS UiUUtsVL because what belongs to me belongs to you. It has completed the round, and we have all had the benefit of it." "Aud uow it must go around again," replied she gaily. ''I like to s-e money circulate ; it should never he idle. Aunt Susan, you take it ; uow I have paid you ten dollars." "Dear Grace, here is another five dol lars on my account," ssid sunt Susan, handing it to Grace. "And you, Frank, have received ten dollars for the music yon bought me," raid Grace, handing it to ber brother. "And I pay you teu dollars for my board," continued he, snd the note once more rested in Mr. Baker's banns. Tbe exchanges were as quick as thought, aud we were convulsed with laughter, "Was there ever so wonderful an eg- change I ' exclaimed Grace. It's all nonsense 1" cried Mr. Biker. "Not iu the least," auswered his wife, "It's all quite right." "Certainly," said Frank; "when tjie money belonged to you, you could dis pose of it as you would ; 1 have the same right. It is a fair kind of exchange, al though very uncommon." "It shows the use of money," said aunt Susan ; "It makes the circuit of the world, and brings its value to every one who touches it." "And this note has not finished It work yet, as I will show you, my dear husband, if you will give it to me again," said Mrs. Baker. "I present yon with this five-dollar fraud you, aud 1 will send you the mou ey from Bologna.' "Sir, if vou have no money, as you say to pay me. it does not matter; leave me in pledge this mantle, (poiutiug to the one luoging on the wall), aud as soon ss yon hsve paid your bill, 1 will take care to lave it sent to Bologna, or to whatever other city your lordship may happen to be : it in. "How ! have yoa the heart to let me go .a Si a - a away this cold weather without rov cloak !" "A ! sir, I do not know you, and I give credit to no out." "Inhuman wretch without pity " Here be was interrupted by (be por ter of the inif, who entered, telling the gentleman that the carriage bad come for bun. "Very well, lie replied, '-take mv trunk aud 1 will go." They came with ready hands our toil to share ; 'Twas then I mused him most my own right hand I felt, although kind hearts were round me there, The kindest heart beat in a foreign land Strong hand I brave heart I severed far from me WE SELL GUANAHANI AT $38 PER TON. Freight added. CALL AND SEE US. MEE0NEY & BE0, And tell him she was with ns-he'll know who ; Mavourneen, basn t she the winsom eye 7 The darkest, deepest, brightest, beau ti est blue I ever saw, except in Summer skies ; And such black hair I it is tbs blackest hair That ever rippled over neck so fair. Tell him old Pineher fretted many a day And moped, poor hog ! twas well he did nt die. Ctouched by the road aide, how be watched ths And sniffled ths travelers as they passed him by. note," said Mr. Baker. "And I give it to yoa, na.it Susan l owed you fifteen dollars, and I have paid my debt. "Vou have, my dear friend, without doubt ; aud uow, dear Grace, I pay you my indebtedness, with many thanks for your assistance. "I take it with thanks, Aunt Susan, replied Grace ; "aud now the time has come when this wonder working, iocs: bsustiblerich bank-note must be divided because I don't one Frank five dollars more. How much have I to pay yet ?" "Two dollars and sixty-two cents," res plied Frank. "Can yoa change it T" Let me see ; two thirty-eight ; yes there is the change ; the spell is broken Grace, and yoa and I divide the spoils.' "This lank-note beats all I ever saw his language, 'I fel a w.-ll as I erer did. At his request the neighbors were called la, who crowded tbe boase for boars, declar ing the recovery of the asaa equal ta any miracle recorded in the Scriptures. He told this staxtlrd assemblage of bis friends and neighbors thai, as be died, sfl things eemed daik, but only for asr vastest bat eyes sudd-uly opened Vm a near wesld, ih real Heaven which bad been en many times in b'.s thoughts, and bad given bim so much comfort in bis last weeks of pain and r-urrow. He stood upon an eminence which overlooked a vast and beau u fa I plain ; tan magnificent plain stretched fart bar tbao bis enlarged vision could peoeimte, and be described it in language which to bis mortsl suditors. teemed eitravagant in the extreme. But tbe revivified Ilia of the youog man was not eoattcne long. Before uight be again resigned bsatsnli la destb. 1 be body was kept a reasonable length of time, and ' buried on Sunday last, the funeral being largely sfended. We have written out lbs partieuJasa f this remarkable event sabetaotially at fra have beard them, allowing our iatilUfaat readers the privilege of drawing tbeir own itferences." From the Covington (Gs.) A Widow Believed to be a Wrrrjsx. In the rcuntv of Newton, eistht SnUes 1 be landlord accompanied him to the m,n eoviucton. three families reside Beer te, ssying: 'A pleasant iouniey, sir; together. The gate we understand each other, and I will re member my prOmmise." Eager tn examine more closely tbe rich cloak, be mounted at once to the chamber of the unknown, and went up to the wall to take dowo tbe cloak, when, oh! horror! be discovered that it wss painted I "Ah! the thief! the villain! a msn who deserves hanging I" be began to shoot, and made such an uproar that all tbe strangers in tbe iun came out of tboir e n a a a rooms to see what had caused such a uoise. Ah ! gentlemen, see a painted man- first household consists of li 1 ft I uj an oia raaia ana oer w iuu. lu-.ut. , the second of husband, wife, and twn children ; and tan third of aa old keaff end son. So strongly baa tbe delusive idea Implanted itself in tbe minds of tbe two latter families that tbe widow is a witch, and in league with tbe devil, that tbey refuse to allow ber to visit or anything from tbeir bocses. Tbey she has made witch balls from hair garn ered from the tail of a tricky cow, which, it rubbed against any article, wffl charm any one wbo touches it. These nee pis place horse shoes over their bode and aa der tbeir door steps to kill the btlaeace of the old wostaa's charsas. Tbey verily believe that she intends to witch the whole neighborhood, and bring sense plague opon its inhabitants. Silver baU lets have been moalded with wasnh to shoot ber in case she intrudes upon the families at night by creeping througp tbe key boles or coming dowo the '.ehtmuey, Silver slimes have been nailedln tan bottom of tbe ebaro and well backet tn- prevent tbe witeh from taking an anderUod ad vantage of ber neighbors. sm 1 Dsn Bryant, tbe wel I -known atrnstrei Charge a price of admission for each per- performer and actor, died to New York aa son wbo wishes to see it, aod io a short I Saiordey night. lie time yon wjll have in yonr strong box I the Snd inst., winch settled into many times the value of your reckon- tia ol which be died. tie! The man who had this room, and wbo has just gone, not having money enough to pay bis bill, was to leave me in pledge bis magnificent, clonk, worth more tbao 500 Borina. Instead, tbe vil lain has pat it itt his trunk, and left me this; and more than this, he bad the ef froutery to mock me, reproaching me with being without human feeling, without a heart." One of the strangers, who was aa ama teur painter, said to the landlord : "Yon are ao hi grate, aa ignorant faol. Yon possess a treasure in this most beau tiful picture. You were born lucky. This mautle will make your fortune. :.,ftci l ;m .

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