VOL V. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY N. C MAY, 13, 1875. V". siimlsl'fti'w il f boot rvefTk- i- 'vj -' ho jiIho NO. 81. WHOLE NO. 85 v4 - - t . :i ; s n li n j 3 n w n ra n t JiTiit'. .,-. UTif m ti av uv HTaiiMifl omuM asoma. a or-i nn ami m noasemanosa i ttaitd j : o di rMSEDCD WEIKKY : W j. J. BRUNEB, Proprietor and Ed itoi . 1 w r js5 fc J. STEWABT Associate Editor. BATES OF SCBCBIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. u. Devabletnadvana fB.10 5Tmo,t. inr address H'-O t w ' . s mm m GUANAHANI ! Mil f ' t XT r JWI. M NATURAL GUANO. OTfTf! The lirhta of home, how bright it . r . . . . . When e venioc ansae asouiat n And from the lattice for it gleams To lore, and rest . and oomseri calls ! When wearied with the toils of day, And strife for glory, gold or fame, Sow sweet to seek the quiet way. Where loving llos will iter our Around the light of home. IM AGENUINE A N I t.vFRTIKI RATES : am Hoc a be (1 inch) One insertion $100 mmJ H .. . two 1 .50 . . - ta wetter number 0 insertions A-nXt Special notice 25 per cent, more iTncaXu advertisements. . d r in notice $ ess P" fur n NEW MACHINE SHOP. f now nrnred to do all kinds of -pairing with dispatch. With good tools J7 twSstf-five years experience in the ass , .. ! i :i wafioM.aauiaci.ioii is mmmuwru- u'r1 '" taction given to Engine and Boiler work, rfcoa Woolen, Mining and Agriculture Machines; and wood turning of all kinds, jbop oa Corner of Fulton and Council Street, Salisbury. N. C . f E. H. MARSH. Jilj 16. 1874 tf. IATI0NAL HOTEL Mrs. Dr. Reeves has again resumed her batiaess in this well known house, and she faroestly solicit the patronage of her old friends and the public at large. Quests itoppiog at this House will find nothing teflseted that will add to their comfort tither on the part of the proprietresa no tast of the clerk, Mr. D. R. Fraley. The Omnibus will be found at the (epo aiuat to convey passengers to and : at Moose. D-e.31, 1874-ly i AL DEPOSIT. ' !f 4s !' i&f .jfl' 1 A. li ; "r. -if ! -a--Wftsrta-ifwif ik& Jauft.jAaakli ? MONOPOLY OF THIS VALUABLE DEPOSIT HAS BEEN CREATED in favor of this Company by the Crown ofteera. The name "GUANA H AN I !" ia a ttegutereu 1 KAlh, NAKa at the United States Fatekt Otfice, and all persona are warned from making use of the same in connection with fertilizers of any kind. - 4 JL THE COMP EVERY CARGO will be ANALYZED BEFORE IT I VI! - HOPE. :0 And bring me toil andpad- . t; J fwrt My heart may olt be weary My enp no sweet contain; . Rut when the darkest hours appear. My heart will torn to thee Andeaat away ail doubta and ear For yon will pray for nan. 1r UAttAXTEE TH AT IS OJFEEED FOE BALE. r onune s irown may in row . , . uara snanowB o er my r, , Ana maxe ine miure au agJw With scenes ol oonrtan! rlrife lot Hone's bright star shall steady glow, My heart wtu turn to tnee. And not a fear shall I know. For yon will pray far me. LOVES RIDDLE ... down At least 10 tiroes, and let it up agin, and more. The same individible doant have the privilege, of brethen his own air, and no one's eUe : kach one most take whatever cornea to him : O Sextant, doant yon know ear Innga is Iwllnaen To bio the fier of life, and keep it from goin out ; and how can beikajea bio without wina t And aint wind ore f i pat 1t to yoar conscbens, Are is the same to na as milk to habit. I Or water is to ih, or pendlosM to clocx Or roots and airba unto an injun Doctor, kjt imie pu unio on omepatn. Or hoys to gurU. Are ia for ns to breathe. Wat aigninea who ftrescbei if I can't breath ? Wats Pol? M-atoPoJIus? to eianere who are ded ? Ded far want of broth? why aeatsnC when na Its only caose we cant b ret he no saoee that's all And now, v sextant, let me hear of vou t let a little are into ourehorch (fewer are is certain proper for the pews) Ana ao u weak nays and ooaday tew It aint much troable oaly snake a hole And the are will come in of itself; it lavs to cam in whar it can git warm ; And o how it will rouse the people up, And sperrit op the preacher, and stop gerps. And yawns, and nggets, as electooal Aa wind on the dry Roan the Profit tells of. Atlanta Med. Jour. on a son of gold, I took the aoriy train from 0 with a oarae fall of naonstv. rf , but toned in an under packet of m j polo- 8H001V ag h1 rtl Rnm iMlK lnilnM.wl I.0ft f T.f T U WttaAV lUlirimAw. PmT TT V mwmmmmm j tvh miiu uutis VI 0 IVI x V v v a , vnniuiaiviv a bws a. a. WHITE, Professor of Chemistry, University of Georgia ; Prof. F. A. GENTH, Philadelphia, jrroieseor oi Appuoa ciiemistry, University of Pennsylvania. XMFO GUANAHANI GUANO COMP PETERSBURG, Vl. Tie Mwl Press, EICSORT, N. C. , li the only paper published in Catawba County, and hae an extensive circulation among Merchants, farmers, and all classes f business nei. in the State. The Pkers da live, wide-awakn Demoerata paper, aae is a desirnble medium for advertising in Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed oa yearly advertisement. Subsc ip tiae 92.00. in advance. Address MURUIL &TH0MLINS0N. Editors and Proprietors. MORE STOVES. atul lit iH i outs than ecr. Qssm now and get the BEST. Get the stove aslled the ACORN COOK fyee want one that will outlast any other, and sal is mads of all NEW IRON, and warranted s pv satisfaction &c. Various styles, of cook it (toves at a small profit. TIN WARE, Bbexi laoN A Copper Ware made of the bbvt MarXRlXL, on band or made to order. Merckacta supplied at Low Prices. Cash faid hr nil kinds of Copper, Brass Ac. Ask for Baowa'a Tin shop Main Street. Salisbury, N. C , Ik V. Drown. I am nail prepared to cut good STENCIL PLATES .or marking Tobacoo. Flour Patent article Ac. Every person doing any kind of work or busi nam should have a stencil to advertise his busi ness, as it is acknowledged to be the bent and easpest wsy to let people know what yon are doing Ons mark with stencil may get a customer, for you, that will put Hundreim of Dollars U yoar bands. Try it and yon will get n cus tomer you never thought of. MY PRICES ARK LOW, AS FOLLOW8, One-fourth inch letters 5 cents per letter One-half and five-eights 6 u u Three-fourth A One inch letters 7 M " " They may be sent to any part of the U. S. bj mail at a small cost. Send in your orders stating site of letters yen Prtfer, and the Stencil will be made neatly tat and promptly forwarded. Fuher street Salisbury, N. C. L. V. BROWN. April 23, 1874 tf. The Horth Carolina HOME In offering this FERTILIZER to the Agricultural Community a Second Season we do so with the utmost Confidence, feeling satisfied that the high opinion, we formed, and expressed last season based on its Chemical Constituents have been most satisfactorily borne oat by the test, by which all Kerti Ilizers must be judged, that of the Plantation. Last season, owing to the lateness at which we commenced importing we were forced to pot our Gaano on the market at once, but now having continued our importations during the sum mer and fall, and having large and weH ventMated Warehouses in this City and City Point, we are enabled to put our Guano on the market, in a condition as to dryness, and freedom from lumps, equal to any Manufactured Fertilizer. We solicit a careful perstial of our Circular containing the certificates sent ns. and which can be had on application at this OFFICE, or from any of our AGENTS. Haying nothing to con ceal, we made an innovation on established image, by publishing those letters received unfavora ble to our Guano, but careful inquiry in many cases proves that the cause of its fsilure ass not owing to any taint in the Uuano, but to those far beyond our control e have frequently heard the same complaints of its kindred Fertilizer, Peruvian Guano, but the concurrent testi mony of well known Farmers ami Planters from Maryland to the extreme Western counties of North Carolina, justify ua in claiming a place for our Fertiliser Superior to many, and Second to None. J. We confidently expect the continued patronage of the Agricultural Community and no exer tion shall be spared on our part to make THE STANDARD FERTILIZER FOR THE COTTON, TOBACCO & GRAIN CBOPS She plucked a rose, and idly polled The crimson leaves apart. I whispered, "Tell me why it is That rose ts like m v heart 7" "What know I of your heart f said aha, "Your riddle' ia too deep for me." "Because my heart was full of hopes Aa leaves npon your rose ; Yon scatter them from day to-day As now you scatter those. And soon my poor heart, stripped of all, Forgotten, as the rose, must fall." "Ah ! crimson cheeks and bashful eyes ! My riddle was so plain She stooped snd gathered from the ground The fragrant leaves again. "Ah, love t" I cried, ' and can it be, Sweet hopes may yet return to mef HATTIE HYDE. at I b ad read all sorts of borrid about pickpockets, and didn't mean to part with any bank noloa except tor value received. I felt a little flattered at first, and scarcely ventured to look around me, for it aeenacd that everybody mast know that I waa going to London to bow saw wed ding outfit. If I attempt to toR anything abont tha adventures of that daj I know I shall not succeed. Women could perbape understand boar I felt in that lairy land of tbdee great cir- elee of fashion that exiat only in London- glittering balls where the poor aowing big girls, or the laborer's wile are treated with aa much consideration and respect aa the millionaire's lady cr the yonog daaneot who can't ret on a glove for the diamond ring on ber finger. I bought the wedding dress, white rep ilk and a veil ol tulle, suspended from a garland of orange blossoms, and I selected a blue ailk, and a peach colored silk, and a maroon ailk, and dear me 1 what it ike W as Twnlj 7 Older Than He, but He Lovcxl "What I want to know," eahi a yooi.g man of twenty, at foe before the sergeant in charge ef the De here " triot Central Sutton, for wee to gat some ad vine 'Proceed,' said the You koow Nauey yeer Newer beard of ber. 'Weil she's a eld, end I forty Tear FATHER RYAN! LAST Gather the sacred dnot Of the warriors tried and true, Who bore the Flag of our Nation's And fell in the cause, though Lost, just And died for me and yon. still OF THE SOUTH. ! DIRECTORS. President, N. M. TANNOR, of Rowlrtt, Tannor & Co. Vice President. ROBT. A. MARTIN, of Robt A. Martin & Co. JOHN B. STEVENS, of Stevens Brothers. 8. P. ARR1NGTON, ot John Arrington & Sons. JOHN R. PATTERSON, of Pettersou, & Sous. C. R. BISHOP of Bishop & Branch. JOHN MANN, DAVID 0 ALLEN DER, W A K. FALKENER. FRiK POTTS, General Agent. ilV: FOR SALE BY ME&ONEY& BRO., SAL1SBYBY, N. C. BURROUGHS SPRINGS. CH0RL0TTE, N. C. Insurance Co In offering this Feltilixer to the people of Rowan, and surrounding counties wears fied that we offer them the best Guano for the least money now "on the market. It baa been throughly tried during the past season and th results have been even better than ws hoped for. Below we append two of the numerous certificates we have received. AN IMPORTANT TEST, PAID OVER 00 PER CENT. f r OF RALEIGH, N. C. WSUBE8 DWELLING?. STORES, MER CIUNDISE, AND All Classes of Insurable Property, ttjiojtLoti or Damage by Fire, oa the Most Favorable Terms. to Stockholders are gentlemen interested bsilding up North Carolina Inati totions, and among them are many of the prominent bua iaesa and financial men of the State. W, Promptly Adjusted and Paid. Il appeals with confidence to the In- of Property in North Caroline. iinnie Home Mmtiom J H. BATTLE, Jr., Prest. J-aU0T,Vie,Pre.ige.L F. COttPvn o ' . a, supervisor. ANDREW MURPHY, Gather them cae and all 1 From private to the Chief, Come they from hovel or prirotely hall, They fell for no, and for them should mil the tears of a Nation's grief. Gather the corpses strewn OVr many a battle plain, From many a graye that Ilea so lone, Without a name and without a stone, Uather the Southern slain. We core not whence they came. Dear is their lifeless clay ! Whether unknown, or known, to fame, their cause and country still the same They died and wore the Gray. Wherever the brave hare died, They should not rest apart ; Living they struggle side bv side Why should the hand ofdea'tk divide A single heart from heart ? Gather tlieir scattered day, Wherever it may rest ;" Just as they marched to the bloody fray, Just as they fell on the battle day ; Bury them breast to breast. ' i The foemnn need not dread This gathering of the brave: Without sword or flag, and with less tread, We must muster once more our dead Out of each lonely grave. The foe man need not frown, They are all powerless now We gather them here, and we lay down, And tears and prayers are the only crown We bring to wreath each brow. And the dead thus meet the dead While the living o'er them ween ; And the men whom Lee and Stonewall led; And the hearts that once together bled, Together still shall sleep. sn Published by request and fully dorsed. A APPEEL FOR ARE TO THE T AN T OF THE OLD BRICK MEET IN H0U8X, BY . O ASPBB. Salisbury, N. O., October 10th, 1874. Messrs Meroney & Bro. Gentlemen : In reply to your inquiry as to the merits of the Guanahani Guano, I will slate that I have given it a fair, and, as I think, a thorough test, and believe it to be ooe of the best fertilizers now in use in our country. In the month of February 1 bought two tons and applied it over my farm at the rate of 200 pounds to the acre under Cotton, and 100 poundsto the acre on Corn. On the 8th of October I picked from one row of Cotton 14 rods long, which had been ! fertilized at the above rate. 8 pounds of seed cotton : from another immediately by the side of I this one. of the same lenzth. to which I had applied no fertiliser. I picked H ounces the some I . i n 0, . r DEiui . i . i l a.:i: J 1 . T ... 1 ,u- ouy snowing n mucrence 01 over oow per ceni. oeiween miiu irriiiiseu imi nui. i nwmcu mc number of unopened bolls in each, and making calculation on this basis, I find that the land without the Guanahani would yield 30 ounces to the row, 80 rows or 150 pounds to the acre ; with Guanahani it will yield 12 pounds to the row, 80 rows or 960 pounds to the acre showing a difference of over 600 per cent. I have not had an opportunity to test the Corn yet, but from general observation, I feel war ranted in making the statement that Guanahani has benefited my Corn at least 100 per cent. On one acre of ground, as a test, I sowed 400 pounds of Guanahani broadcast, subsoiling at the same time 15 inches deep. This acre, under ordinary circumstances, has average 700 pounds of seed cotton ; this year the yield will be at least 1800 pounds E. A. PBOPST. f s li I re Agent et Salisbury Davie Co., N. C. Messrs Meroney & Bro. , Gbntlemex : In reply to your inquiry ss to the merits of Guanahani Guano, I would say that I used It last Summer on an old field which would have produced eery poorly under ordi nary circumstances but which under the application of Guanahani yielded me a very good crop. I had one test row and this showed a diflerence of over three hundred per cent, in favor of the Guano. I am satisfied that it is a good Fertiliser and take pleasure in recommending it to every far mer who wishes to incressehis crops as being fully equal if not superior to any Guano on tha market. WE SELL .a rrlTrrrrnff ffj MATTHIAS MILLER. 'uS..t.v if. .v not.- .') M .atuhnCl O sextant of the meetinhotme, which sweeps And dusts, or is supposed to ! and makes tiers, And lites the gas, and sometimes leaves a screw loose, In which case it smells orful worse than lamp-ile : And wrings the Bel and toles it when men dyes to the grief of survivin pardnsrs, nod sweeps pathes ; And for the ser vases gits $100 per anum, Which them that thinks deer, let em try it: Getin up before starliie in ail weathers and Kindlin fiers when the wether ia as cold As sera, and like as not green wood for kindlers; I wouldn't be hired to do it for no some But o sea leal 1 there are 1 kommodity Wich's more thangoald, wich doant cost nothin, Worth more than anything czsef the Hole of Mann! i mean pewer Are, sextant, i mean power Are I O it is plenty out odoores, so plenty it doant no What on airth to do with itself, but Ays above Scatterin lessee and blows off men's hats ; in short, its jest free as are' oat dooraa. But o sextant, out church its scarce as piety, scarce as bank bills when aginat beg for mias- huns, Wich some say is party often (taint nothin to me, What 1 give aint nothin to nobody) but o sex tant, u shet 5C0 men, wimmen and children, 8peahslly the latter, up in a tile place, Home has bad b ret us, soraejtint 2 sweet, Some is fevery, seme is scrbfilus, some has bad teeth, ti reRie GUANAHANI AT $38 PER TON. errrrrrs sxrr-Tm rrv a, frrrffffi i addaW )yUt'i 2 KiuJii Freight . y.f:. i i. s. . CAIlL AIM) SEE US. i.j Mil if i tin::) '. none, and a half And some haint clean; i But every 1 on em breathes in A oat an in fiv 50 limes s mink, or 1 million and brethean hour. Now how lens will a chnreh f ul of are last et that rote. 4 1 ask vou, say 15 minita, and then whefs to be did? rr ti ahySften they most breathe it aU oyer again. I am Hattie Hyde, en old maid. least not a yonug one, and I intend to re main ao. But I came very near getting married last spring, and I will tell yon how it bap- I use of cataloguing them ell f pened. I am thirty-five, and not absolutely ugly at least, when I look in the glass I ses reflected there a good fresh com plexion, sparkling hazel eyes, snd an a bnndanee of brown bair. I might have married two or three times only I wasn't really ie love. But when Clarence Raymond came down to spend the vacation with his snot Mrs. Richford I must confe. e toe little womanly flatter around the hear:, for lie waa tall and handsome, and. in short, just the hero ot romauce that 1 bad alwaya dreamed about. "Hattie." said Mrs. Richford - we were quite confidential friends, and sailed one another II n tic and Pamela, end borrow, ed each other's books, and all sorts of things "Hattie, 1 thiuk Claieuee rather fancies you.' "Do you V said I, feeling the telltale ans ae. m n niusnes coming into my uce, and my heart began to thump beneath the pret ty lace tuckers of Valenciennes end pink ribbon that I had taketi to wearing every day. "I am certain of it," aaid Mrs. Rich ford ; 'and how nice it will be to have yon tor a cousin. "Ya." It waa very nice to be ngnged. He gave me a lovely cameo ring, choic er and more antique than any diamond could have been. It bad been his ruo'her's ring, he aaid, and he repeated the most deliciom poetry, and vowed that it expressed the vary sentiment of his heart. And we had wanderings in the cool, fern-scented woods, and 1 began to won der whether I should be married in white aatin or e dove colored traveling dress, and pink rihbona in my hat. One evening, net after Clarence had returned to hie unavoidable engagement in the city, eld Uncle Elnuthan came to visit me. Uncle Elnathan was ooe of those pei sons of whom we are apt to ask, "why were they ever created ? He was a venerable old gentleman, with long silver hair, that fell over the collar of hia bottle-green coat, and cloth gaiters that irresistibly reminded one of a black pussy eat, and he took snuff and talked through hia nose. "Harrietsaid Uncle EInatban "is this truel" "Is what true, Uncle ?" All this fol de-rol about your being en gaged to e man ten years younger than yoorself. Harriet 1 Harriet ! I thought yon bad better sense." "It's only five years, Uncle, said I. pouting, and I suppose I have a right to get engaged without sending to von for a permit. "Harriet, this is not a subject to be flippant about," aaid Uncle Elnathan. 'Von may depend upon it, that th is young, man is a mere fortune hunter. Yon have property, Harriet, and be has found it out." "Uncle !" I cried, starting op, "I will not listen tamely to such aspersions npon the character of one who "Well, my dear, yon needn't get exci ted," said the intolerable old gentlemen, topping his hsnd npon the lid of his silver snuff box. "Yon sre not a child, Harriet, nor yet e sentimental school girl. Let's talk the matter calmly over. "I decline to discuss it, sir, was my dignified reply. "My mind Is made up and no amount ot medliug interference can induce me to alter it." "But aren't yon just a little pert to wards your old Uncle, Hattie 1' - , So my Unele went away, silver hair. snuff-box, pussy gaiters, and all, and I s it down to make a memorandum of the things I should require for my wedding outfit. For I hsd resolved to mske su especial journey to Loudon cn that boai nees. Ah, the delight of reveling over coon frs full of choice, filmy laces, billows of bridal silks, oceans of tulle 1 it brought the color to my cheeks only to think of it. And besides, wsa It not necessary that Clarence's wife should have all that 'I'm only nj Other girls have been brides elect be fore me, and they all know just hew it all was. And as for those w bo havn't jest W them wait until their tarn comes. And then as the a an began to decline on its western way, I feliexeeeeivsly and uuromonticly hungry. "Is there a nice ladies' dining near were?" Une ot the shopmen went with me to the door to point oat a glittering establish ment, wi lb Its windows full of hot. house fruits, and morsels of paces end delicately tinted cakes. Deer me t London is the place to feel one's luaignificance. I dp not think that I, Hattie Hyde, ever felt ao smull in the whole course of my life ss I did walking over the floor of M Recbamier's Parisian restaurant, with a waiter running on before to point out a marble table aparkling with cat-glass end silver, and another following on behind carrying my traveling-bag and parasol; while an elegant Frenchman, curled end perfumed, stood in the middle of the door bowiog as if be were under eternal obli gations to me for ao much as coming in his establishment. I set down, feeling much sa if I were an impostor, venturing meekly to look around a little after the waiter had sim mered away. Then, for the first lime, I noticed a auperbly-dressed young lady, one or two tables beyond, in a lovely hat, with a : :ll - 1 ft a . ... mug. iuoc wuiow piame, ana neir nxe a shower of gold. Oh, how pretty she s thought I, "How proud her lover most be of her. I mened the lest bit in the world for ward, to see the young man in question. Good heaven 1 It Was Clarence. A I'd as I sat staring, completely con cealed from bis vie by the golden hair and the lilac willow plume, I could hear bis Mghl, peculiar laugh. You would 'ut have me yourself Kate, said be; you have only yourself to blame for it. ' That's no reason yoa should throw yourself away," pouted the lady. Sun's a desperate old maid, said Clar ence, as old as the hills and t w ice as an tiquated. But she's got the money. A man In my position has got to look out for money, you k now, Kate. Would you like to see ber photograph T And than the two heads were eloea to gether for en instant, and the young lady's rippling laugh mingled with Clarence's mellower tones. The idea of carrying such a thing next to yoar heart ' said she. - It does seem rather outrageous, don't ill id be. Bat when ws are married, aft that sort of thing will be over. I'll see that she finds ber level. Yes, when ! thought I, now thoroughly disenchanted. And I got up and harried oat of the res tan rant, nearly stumbling over a tray, a dich of oysters and cop of coffee. "I I vs changed my mind," laid I, flinging a sovereign toward him. Never mnd those oysters. I took the next train to C , and wrote a stratching note to Clarence the aame evening. Do you want, to know what was in it I Of course like all women's letters, the best port of it was ia the postscript. "Our engagement is at an sod. H. H. "P. S. The next time you examine Indies' photographs in a crowded restaur ant, it might be well to examfne yoar neighbors." CWance had Some aence after all. He never came near ma with useless apologies. I govs the Wedding drees to little Dorothy Miller, who was to be married in m a 'Whew!' whisiled the om 'I doa't blame yon," young man in a broken voiee. twenty and she's forty, but a always tell when he's going to of himself.' Ajtd mi f-.ll i v ' ---" 'm wwww I -a am mat, end as soon as ws get through talking I'm going aa la gat sossa one to kick me over to Canada and bock I Yes. sir, fell dead hi fove-loeed a wo man near forty.' 'What Collared What oilers I'm human, same's anybody else. when I love I love like a locomotive oa n down grade. What do yoa think I did ia just sve weeks by tha watch Warns la tha theatre sixteen times, woo awt c eleigb riding twelve Uenaa, bad three 1 df .i toe Tear ta lies, went to three lectures and out to oat oysters ten or twelve Feet, sir cost see nearly ttOO. 'But it was all far love,' sergeant. I thought so, and wheat sees did I dl j Bought bar a Set watch, a f 10 bracelet, a $6 ring, a $7 set of jewelry, e new drees and gave ber e $5 gold piece with a base in it- Yes, sir, I drew 5K frees she bank asm j red I aei mid ajsod It adl-h up on her I' xfnah And then 'She portended to love back, and whan I sqwoae ber band sbs smiled and smiled and looked heaps of love at sea. riba'd lean on my arm, talk about cupid, and T git off poetry by the rod, end it was plash ly underetorwl that sre war to be married in Jnae. Ob, she knew her bis, and aba slid asoaad ma as the Bengal tiger does a round a lamb I' " Did she break the en gag east at V he 'Last night,' said the young man, lowing the lump in bis threat, 'aba me she'd been trifling with ma all She said she waa engaged to another and she codld never be more than a sietor to me I I tell yoa, seergeut, yoa as old have knocked me down with a straw. I braced up arter awhile and called bar hypocrite, when she called me e white beaded idiot, and the boarders threw ana oat of doors. r 'Five hundred dollars gone, and I'm wrecked man. He b'aw but oose, wiped bis eyes and continued : '1 don't want to drown myself; the wa ter's awfal old, and perhspt 1 eon gat over tins. I want them presents back, end III ga in Maskegon and try and far get ber. It's wrenched me all to pmeae, and I aaa neves love agaia. Ware yon ew er in lava, anrgaenl V 'No, never.' Then yoa don't know lbs awssiah the gripping around the heart. Il eats bks a kusfe, and all I eon think of ia be iag laid out in a anfEiny my right hood holdiog a bunch oi rosea, and my left testing ou my heart.' 'Yoa are young, you uny oat grow It. ' I may I may, bet It's oa awfal sad den, nnd bits so hard, that I feel oa if I'd fallen trom a bouse. Go to the sergeant, and see if you eta t get things back. If I'm alive I'll be again to-morrow, and iff don't cot may keep the things for year ktndoasu. I'm white beaded, bat I'm tea der-hearted, and waul to retire behind some bam and think.' Aad be retired. .am. Th Sea's DlBTAVCa. The first ds lerssinatiou of the sun's distance composed from observations oa last December's trsvfl ait of Venus eomes from e French nemos in the form of a letter add tested in the Astronomer Royal, Professor Airy, aad published by the latter ia the Da iy Nnrs. The computations are by M. Puieeax, ea astronomer of the Paris Observatory, from eye obserwatsna aw Peking, China, and the island of Su Pool, in the Indian ocean. The rtifftiraeme of the latitude of these stations Is mors than 78f dega. which give a pretty long bona or to pay her a hundred pounds mat no had borrowed of bar. wham be mot held oi my tom required 1 D f ) H I didn't care for myself ao much, bat I w$a determined not to disgrace Clarence. Bo one radiant September day, when the sk v was as blue as blue ribbon, and the very hares hang motionless in the October, and couldn't afford a li.iefor calculations by the U aileron method. The result onnoanood for solar trousseau. I uaralax ia 8.879 secoodt. This is aaeene- I euppooo I shall wear out the blue and what larger paralax than the favorite fla a a - rw - e a I w tne peacn coior ana tua maroon io umee. or-s now to use amnag Oh, I forgot to aay that Mrs. Richford though not oa bfgb on waa very anzry. 1 base) boost made If aossoot it It seemed that Clarence bad nromiaed I dare the dieunae of I - -7 a aw t tha And I am thankful (rem mr bean then. L still the bottom of Hauls son to 91,900,000 mdes. Preopsoor Set studies, in advance of the transit, lad him to the belief that the distance wo aid eltU matety be dwwrutiuw aad 91,700,000 miles. Feb. lMlr1f li ewurrl kkX 1 i sen took tt WW m a .M A wutrC " sweX Joji k I -II vTs mm . Ohl i aa w ttc a sesf then agio, end sa en, lp i

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