rill sOI 1 ITT i 1 ine taro ma w aio, nman. HUB A ---awa..-,-am. mv lAi w . - -. . - i As - - I ' ' i ' - - v 'IS -r; .if - ' o .' retsaw - fc r syrl - ; -,-.-- w am .if - , a- - . 1. e . j - VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. ... A ' SALISBURY N. C MAY, 20, 1875. NO. 82.-WHOLE KO. 86 'sBW 1 ' W" SO . . aaaasssaaawMawMUnnU tBmZBBWaWaB. i i : ' f if; PUBLI8EDED WEEKKY : J. J. BRUNEB, Proprietor and BditOl . J, J. STEWART Associate Editor. ATKNOF SIBCDIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. .$2.f0 .. 1.25 .. lft.O Heart Gross and Anchor. qvV Trar. payable tn advance. . fix lloMTM, " -.- Cpito any address '.. A Socabz (1 inch) One inaartion $100 two " 1.50 &r a err eater number of insert ion n , Moderate. Special notices 26 per cent, more la regular advertisements. Beading notice. k ssou per line for each and every insertion. 'One more song, Carol, darling. A parting song that shall fill my heart - with muoic that must endure for two years two long;, lung yearn to be spent in India. No other louee will touch an answering chord in my tool, and 1 feel almost self iah enough to wish your'e should not fall oji 01 In r car when I am gone. But this you must promise: this song you witl not sing again to any one, It shall be kept sacred to the memory of (Ins hour. I w ill promise, Edgar. Neiiher this nor the 'Welcome Greeting' will ..I sing gain until to ou,' answered Caroline. Then l uriiing to the piano she began her aoug. N cr had ib- eutig So well. Her pool was in her tones, and w hen fin- ceased and turning 10 her tover.elsn- el claimed, 'Beautiful I beautiful ! Do oa ; (Written for the Watchmam.) FOLKS AT THE FAIR. CANTO V. The spiciest sayiugs. wittiest saws Old proverbs sage and wise, sir. Rank with deceit, and full of flaws, Are two-thirds rotten lies, sir ; Yet of the few that hold most true, Aad have pure metal's ring, sir. Here's oue which I pronounce no lie : "A fact's a stubborn thing," sir. What once was folly now is fact Bob Fulton's steamboat journeys Old Morse's wires old Beecher hacked By "ragged-edged'attorneys The aigger free and ruined quite The bottom rail on top. sir Oar President a flat-boat knight New wines made outen slop, sir ! And who can say but what some day We'll reach perpetual motion Convict and burn each witch so grey Find that all-healing lotion The qoadrature of circles 1107 Change roeks to gold by rappin . Discover Folly Wiseman's stoue, And know what's gwine to happen ? Not real merit, but success It fame and honor's ticket A holy kpave, a slandered ass Is Brooklyn Zion'g picket; State's Prison or the Capitol The only stakes men play for Lile's modern game stone houses all They wish or strive or play for ! In heaven's door the key no more Is turned by saintly Peter For any stink iu man that's potry-v For rebel or dirteater ; Through heaven's door the black am oor. Who pays admission foes, sir. May enter in, with butly grin And nice perfumes to please, sir! There is no bell the de'il sold out (Wo wo wo wo wo- wope sir !) To some saltpetre men, about The time we had a hope, sir. One little Reb would whip just five Full-grown and big fat Yaukees : And bow Old Soot's moved hre to live. And play hiscrinktum-crankies! Hurrah for dirt ! Hurrah for licet ! Hurrah for the nigger commune ! Hurrah forthe ring-tail Paridie ! Hurrah for the monkey Typhoon ! Hurrah for the grand Centennial Of Civil Rights and Stink, sir ! Horah for the bloom perennial Of the Ethiopian Pink, sir! Hurrah for the King of the Cannibal Isles ! Hurrah for the Qieen of the Congos ! nip, hip and hurrah, through the uieasurelesa Miles Where my hallyeumlujeruin song goes. For the Hottentot Wooly-head, Blubber-lipped Spade, For the lovely Gorilla dear million ; For the beautiful record that never can fade- The indelible inky civilian ! Hurth for 1876 ! For the hundredth glorious Fourth, sir ! Our nations craft right op the styz Grant-Charon steers due north, sir! Lsst fall the died M its Bia Col urn Neat summer ehe'll be hurried Next gloriout Fourth, with fife and drum. To pluto't mante be ferried ! rtt cheers for freedom's natal day ! Three timet three cheers for a lie, sir ! TU boys in grey most eheer ia May The blue-boys in Shoo-fly, sir ! Osr trinkingcups be Freedom's bones Btr tkall our heavini? buinuer ! ItSB t'att Km hill t.v I nat armaria " j -j Pi Brink tears (HI we dry pump her J Osr orator be the Ch imnanzee ! Apes read th IWlaraf i.m f tbe baboons climb the Liberty tree. And shout for the ring-tail nation ! the de'il a balloon ascension make, Witt the start and stripes a-ilying "potted old rag to tha moon to take, At there just leave it lying. E. P, H. know, my canoling darling, that you j ft lave a fortune or xurer p eeeneton in your mice than all vojir fathers wealtl.1 But w 1 1 t ! come; hid me goou-ny ,wun siuih-s, no- t 1 ears. The litue of going is verv near. munt haeten.' She pot forth her hand; he caught it and drew her to his boroui. A- he re leased her, a bracelet caught in his but ton and broke. Tlie little charms cross heart and anohor that were attached to it separated, the cross still hanging to the button, the others falling at Caroline s feet With a frightened look she pointed to the broken trinket and eaid: 'O, Edgar, this is an omen ot coming evil, I know. Your gift thus broken, and at such timef 'Nonsense! At your feet behold my heart and hope; and upon my bosom lies our faith. Here, put a piece ot ribbon or something in ton little cross, and I will 0 ' wear it until we meet again.' When shall that bet' asked Caroline, in a mournful voice. 'Still supersticiousr Edgar said. 'I feel a presentiment, Edgar, that years will pass before we meet again, ever. But bete, take this cross; I wil have faith. See, I have wrapped around it a piece of my hair. Now, whatever the future may bring, and wherever you may be send this to me and I will come, Caroline said, her vo"ce fnll of mournful tenditrnees. (), Carol, pray do not talk so. You unprei'H me with your gloom. Dome, clit-er up, a d own, too, that, yon are afraid to truei ine in 1 he constant society of Miss iM viuir; but you need hVe no fears about ier. Even though 4 kIioiiM think of her, he would uoi be npt i encourage her father' secretary when ehe can aenire to a so icy cold .' Thus Caroline Ainsworth communed with herself in the splendid boudoir of her suite of apartments. Going to a jewel casket, she unlocked it, aud drew fotth the little golden heart and anchor. 'Btrange ! strange, that I should have felt the coming of this perfidy. I knew that uiglit it would be ao. I wonder where the com pin ion of these is V she murmured. 4What do I care for this life of contiunal excitement, thie admiration of the millions 1 Nothing nothing. All, all are gone now for whom I cared to be great. Edgar, worse than dead. Would that I eould think of him watching and waiting for my coming in the land where angel eing. Father gone, mother gone ! I earn for the praiee of no one now. I sing into one now. O.eHry, weary ife!k I have only one joy the remems hi a nee of the coiuii rt 1 gave them.' A knock at the door announced the coming of some one, and a footman pre sented liim-eit, and said, handing an en- )e1np- 'Mudeiuoteelle, the bearer is Wail- og.' Oh I am tired of rhese baubles,' she said, as she pressed in hei fingers the en velope, uhich contaiued au offering of some kiud, she knew. The pressure made the impression, not a ring, on the paper in which it whs en closed, but a cross. As Caroline a eye detected that, the opened with an appear auce ot nr re interest toe sealed paper, and the little golden cross, wrapped with her own hair, was in her band. Your promise I Do you remember! The messeuger will direct you, was Writ leu tremulously and irregularly ; but she kuew his hand had penned the lines. 'Bring the bearer to me immediately, Jean, and order my carriage. I shall be Reeigvtng any poeitiou as ted !' Mr. Erv tug's secretary, 1 engaged iu W4 Then he en sow-lied the two son ire ta ness as a merchant wr h one I had always j reveal what they had done, and the Coout believed my friend, and au honest roau. to come from the Black Forest and T - . I a to If .. I. I k l 1 1 r 1 irutifu evrrjini8 to niy uan irnn nKk ins son. wirn l-ace Imc was not in my work. .1 was disatihed the KHoperor, who Mi bia as heir. with myself, and everyi big I engaged iu and who succeeded him as Henry was doomed to xauunj, my pariner nio- u i. A 1 f - .-er a.a. 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 - . t . r . nea me, anu nuauy W" I'D nn au nm 1 n iue spni m ine forest where the money he could obtain. With the little I child was bora vat erected aftetmards left, a few pounds. I folio w,-d him here, the uoble monastery of llirechau. Many weekt ago 1 was eeuv-d hi h t.-vci , the Courier Journal. I Hlmax Life A Boston Women Scandalized. ht -ppropiuid aaan' fall eatreme from which I have never r-covered. aud now I have but little hope I ever shall But for this kind woman, I should have Buffered much. Last uighl 1 thought. I fB- a a a . " was dying, or 1 siiouta not have sent for you this morning." ready iu. fifteen minutes. Tell mef my good ill V woman the gentleman i s he How Mr. Collin Spelled It. From the Fr V He ceased, tired and fainting almost. mm the exertion of w much spooking Do B etou woaaett chew iMhaceo 1 That'a the , n si on. Br. Mr. Luhrop ha declared M a fact kwtWw ikw WomnaS TrmptT loot- LIuiou of that city. II mat ouly makes (hie cbaige, but, getn-r.1 nmg a ti.lle, claim I bat he can get tew toco to I leave ehey. iug wbesa be caa i ltd wee oue wnuitu tW say thai be will wevwr tfev j uee "Bi.e rut or eweei wavy. " Uo ueh things b- t The u-e ol I he weed by WoiAeo eeri4tii iertiNit ot I be cMioify a aa oUl etrj . Bui iu ihi .k that a clergr uiau, whoae fiti,,i.Mie are coin led to law uiUMMt rimsi-o-miion, ebould fee I it bia h-iir.d- 1. ittty to on I. lie I, ntaHoairale won ine leinaie worm ol o-teteai lot 11 tndahjf tltj it) the sprt The other evening old Mr. and M.-s. Coffin, who live on Brush street, aat in heir co V back parlor, be rewdioa ho aw Again the kind attendant came with the I er and she kiiitiiiur. and the familv cat rr i"1 deemed one of the bleeawl , : . a a a" . a - 1 - . ' w I , f fr m . wine; ana alter it uaa Deen administered, t rtretrhed oot under the stove aud eiuln-d virions pnvn.ges 01 m iir hum a. it v 11 Caroline mentioned ibe Woman into 'h- and felt sort v for cats not so well filed rlueively. Hi sialemeoU aeeoi 10 we adjourning room, and, questioning her It was a haDnv. contented household, and in-uV iu a mat rv r which inditaies that . . ".. w . . 1 . : r ' - - - - 1 closely, learned that fee was entirely there was love in his heart as Mr Coffin it bout money. The little he bad was put down his newspaper ai d remarked : soon consumed in obtaining the most ne I see that the whole country ia becom cessary medicines and wines. Returning ( iug excited about spelling schools. ' to the bedside, she stood, her heart over- 'Well, ii'a good to know how 10 spell." flowing with ioy. She knew then her I renlied the wife. 'I didn't have the chance place had never been given to another. some girls bad, but I pride myself that I m mm a lollow ; ew years ia child hood's wd play. S-ven )twra ia school from day Uy. Svw years at a life, 8evew years to ftnd Wife. Sevew years to pleasure's IwlHtw givrw. bvew years to I as Wot hardly dtivet-. Seven yeara some a wild ebase. ove J vara tor wealth years for hoarding tor voor heir, 8eveo years to weak 11 i-se spent d care. T 14 tl tn M 44 Could the admiring hondreus, who gaxed on her the night bet ore, have seen ber then, they would have found all that they thought wanting. The look, tbe tone, the feeling that an many sought in vaui was there, sbebenttover and wbis pered to tbe sufferer : ' 'Edgar, will you live r A pew light flashed ia bis eyes, and gffktug eagerly at her, he whispered : "Jjive ! for what T "Look into my eyes, Edgar, and see,' she murmured, a beautiful flush tinging ber fair face. who I ean spell almost any word that comes along. I'll see about that,' he laughed, 'come uow. spell boggy.' 'Humph! that s nothing b n g g-y, buggy,' she replied. 'Missed tbe first time ba! ha !' be said slapping his leg. ne das accurate knowledge ot certain rases. The Globe says : "In tiowa poet, j al ics N w York, fuming Chicago, and ever quiet demure Philadelphia have hinted that th average B ston young lady affeeird eye-gUases aa a gentle siisnuhanl tor her optica, and was a trifle cool and high-toned as to style, aud not, long ago, Boston ladies were accused by some anuoymooa correspondent ot trequeniiy indulging in too moch wioe ; but we hove never beard of auy such awful charge as this before." j It is pretty rough, surely. If tbe thing were told upon any other city than Boaioo it would not ao much matter. But the idea that, in tbe verv - Then die, and where. go you don't k w 63 70 A Spider's Bridge. It waa, eb t Well, I'd like to see nob of tbe universe, the dreadful exam W I 1 1 a . . a - m taav At so item of loss by tbe late cold tbe orforlt Landmark says that Hon. JSn Whiten-o tnat vioioity had .000 pear trees from which ho expected 3;000 bushels, aud Col. G. B. F rHjDlo 7,000 trees which would have WM. b crop worth 1 10.000 : one Jker lost 25,000 tomato plains. The ( jt to truckers is vsriousfy estimated at t JMW.OOO to $1,000,000. The re JJj ronurj Narfolk for a radius of 40 i iu " 006 ,ran orcbead, all in yjJU g0ry of the spring when tbe "tcaine. The loss may be imagin- a higher position." A look of reproach was Caioliue'ii re ply to Edgars aords. And when ' he again pressed her to his heart, in hi final farewell, and left her, she felt then ad if 11 were forever. Before two years had passed there came a great financial crisis, in which many of the wealihiest fell-Caroline Aina wort lis. fa ther among the first. When poverty waa threatening, not for herself did she trem ble, but for those dear onss, then aged, aud il S able to bear either the shock or its results. Then Edgar's words came back to her She had a fortune in her voice. Cheerfully, hopefully, she weut to work. And then how eagerly she watched for the coming of Edgar's letter of sympathy, o tcnurageinent aye, that, most of ait, whic 1 ebould sustain her, his words of love. Tbe letter came. O, dhe cold, cruel letter, which for a lime swept faith, hope aud almost reason from her mind aud heart. as, a t . a a ia A little while only, and then she rose above the sorrow nun had caused, and bravely weut to work. Calmly "he re read his letter, asking tn be leleased from his vows Business still detaining him with Mr Erving, hi India, he should uot return to fcoigJand at present, and as, ot course, u r plans for tbe future would en it 1 gross her completely, she would agree uh him, it would be better, and 110 doubt also agreeable to her to be free. "You are free." were tbe only words I yaroliue wrote in reply. st a a w 1 A year spent iu study in l'aiy, and inning encouragement from the hot masieis, and then to try her power. Suc cess followed, aud fame crowned her with aurels. She. waa acknowledged theuri- ma dttnna of the age. IVacb her to love, and then her's will be music divine, fower, passion, pathos she has all; but they had been acquired from great masters.' - I he wauling power must he of herself, from her own soul, said tbe old couniaseurs. Seven yeara had winged their flight since she had parted from Edgar Mans field. She had beard nothing of him since about aix mouths after her receipt of his letter. Then she was toid that be was earning home to marry Miss Erving, But to continue. We now aud ber in Paris crowned with triumph. After a night of even more than usual eclat, she sat the next day surrounded with tbe to kens of her listeners' appreciation. Plow era rare and beautiful, jewels costly end antique, all around ber. She pushed them impatiently aside, and her head sank into her hands. Uer thoughts flew back to tbe time when she sang simple ballads, and watched for tha words aad look of admiration from one with more eagerness. aud bailed iu coming- with mora real gratification than ever since she had from the crowned heads and nobles of the land. 'Uow I kept thinking last night of the Welcome Greeting I My heart aeemeu filled with that. I have not thought of since that night. I think if I bad sung there might have been found the wan ting tone. They say 1 am com mere ib no hive iu my voice. Cold ! Oh 1 can they not think there is a coldness more icy than that of unknown love ? 'Tis when love has been given birth, known life, and then been killed, that U becomes Tbe woman eould understand but little English ; and Caroline, tepeating ber in quiry in French, learned that the woman - - a a had been sent by a gentleman who was ill. DcrhaDS dying. Bidding tbe woman 1 a a w come with her, and direct the driver, Car (dine entered the carriage. After a bal an hour's drive, the carriage stopped be fore a lodging house in the Rue de Rivoli. The woman preceded Caroline iu, and up a long flight of stairs, until they reached a door, opening which cautiously, she stepped iu an instant. Returning, she whispered Tome in!' He was sleeping the miserable wretch of the once handsome Edgar Mansfield. As Caroline bent over the wasted form a greai terror tilled her heart she bad come too late. 'Dead V she groaned forth, looking from the pale features to the attendant, who answered, 'No, no; sleeping !' Bending over, gazing on tbe form of him once so proud and noble looking, then so worn, so wretched, Caroline's teart filled with pity. ' All the cruel past war forgiven. How could she feel resent ment to aids him lying so stricken before her t Tbe eagerness of her watching, tbe in tense gaze must have aroused the sleeper. He slewly opened bjs eyes and met hers. 'Ever true,' he murmured 'to your promise,' he added, in a voice so low that Caroline had to stoop very near to catch the words The effect of the speaking seemed to exhaust bim. Looking into his eyes, still so beaulifnlly bright, raised to ber's with a look so eager, so appealing, Caroline's own grew dim. and tears fell uTi rest rained 011 the wasted hand she clasped in her's The woman drew near, and holding toward bim a glasai of wine, eaid that it would make bim stronger. Caroline geutly raised his head aa the wum iu held it to bis lips. Such a grate ful look met her eye ! She thought, 'Oh, why is be here alone! Where is be whose gentle hand should minister here ' anybody get two g's iu buggy, I pie should bo set tbe world at large, is would. narrowing to the huabands and lovers. But it is spelled with two g's and any Hereafter, young man mind your girl's school boy will tell you so,' she persist- eye teeth for nicotine discoloration. 1 bey He could not mistake, for plainly her I ed. - do say thai Waabiugton belief brighten eyes answered his cry I We!l, I know a durn sight better than y nd prevent their gayety from "Live for you and me,' they said. that !' he exclaimed, striking the uble nagging by champagne nppimg, but that "No; no ; you cannot mean it. You so I with his fist. high and I so crushed. Yon shall not '1 don't care what yon know!' she stoop so low, my qneen. Even in my squealed ; 'I know that there's two g's in dreams I am not so wild.' buggy I' "Edgar, I ouly stoop to lay my heart Do you mean to tell me that I've for- for you to raise it to light end life Look gotten how to spell V back. See me not as the multitude, their 'It looks that way.' favori'e for the time ; see only the simply 'It does, eb 1 W .-11, I want you and all loving girl ot the past. Know not the yoor relations ro understand that I kuow prima denna. Koow alone the trnstiog more about spelling than the whole ea- woman, B'ho willingly will resign the ad- I boodle of you strung upon a wire.' is as nothing to ihit Boston scandal. A writer ia Ueartk easf Heme v 1 Ooe r billy day 1 woa Irtt ot hs otoaw, and after I waa tired of reading UniiQ Crusoe, I caught a spider and krwagbi Mm into 1 be boose 10 play with. FoMwy kw4 ol play teaie, wasn't u ? Well, I took a wabbaia aud faateoed a siirk io it like a liberty polo or voaorTe most, and iben poured in wsier enough to mm ik mast too an island tor my spider, I named Croeoe aad pot 00 Use As aooo as bo was fairly coot away fee anxiously commenced running round to floe the rood to the saaialood. He'd From 0m Now York Mercury. Packages Forwarded Eight Miles in Two Seconds. miration of the world for the love and admiration of one true heart. Thus she came down from th height of 1 - s tier greatness to the true, joviiiir woman. When next she saeg all her hearers acknowledge the newly gained power, There was no longer a wanting toue. A few weeks a'ter, all Paris ws surprised, and many of ber noble sous indignant that there 'Q'teen of Song should have wedded a man entirely unknown to tin- world. But what cared she f He was more thau all the world to her. A REMARKABLE DREAM. o Conrad, the Emperor of Oermsny, was remarkable for his auspairing punishment of all who crossed his purpose. A quaint but true legend recites that a certain Count Lupoid, who was one of those tearing death, tied into the remote forest and lived iu e hut awith bis wife. It happened that the Emperor, while hunting, came to the spot und passed the night with them. That night the Count's wife t.ecame the mother ol a son, and ' lie Emperor dreamed tha' the ch.ld then a 1 I I I I a a Doru would De lux heir. As the same dream recurred thrice he was greatly troubled, and the next' morning he com manded two of his servants to kill the child. They took it away; tut, being moved to compassion by its smiles, ih -y placed it under a tree, anil brought back a hare's heart to the E nn-rnr. A certain duke passed by soon after. 'And I want you to understand Jon athan Coffin, that you are an igoorent old blockhead, when yon do .'t put two g'a in tbe word buggy. 'Don't talk that way to me be warn- ed. 'And dou't shake your fist at me ;' she v replied. ' bo's a shaking but fit ?' 'You were.' 'That's a lie an infernal lie 'Don't call me a liar, you old bazaar! I've put up with your uieauneae for tortv years past, bn. d-n't call me a liar, and don't lay a baud ou me !' 'Do you waut a divorce !' be ahoated, springing up ; 'you can go uow thia min ute !, 'Don't spit iu my face don't you dare On Saturday. February 28tb. the pneu matic mail system waa opened for pobhe aa In tbe city of Won a. and f.r the few days of its workings it appeared to baye been etnioeotly saiitfartory. By this metbud. lei tors aad packages imt eteeediug two iNioces iu weight eaa be seat fnau oue end f the eity to tbe other U distance f about eight miles iu roMietbiuai leas than two s nud. s that adding tortile the tioea Weeeaaary f-o luakii.g up pacaagea, aa oriiug 1 ....1 aud deTtVeriiitf 'tlieoi. the wlede la jo-t ata-wt oue hour. Ilui tin ouly ev-ra eajrvtoe ra -. aud tbe ntauaaers of this rteii iu Vi-ua pay that iu a short time, the tbue be tween the r- ei,.i aud delivery will b- great ly reduced, li, faoi. U-iae.-u siatius outj two or three mile diataut fr-on eaeb other, such parkagaiare even now delivered wiih- tU IWeUly minutes after being dU-wHled. Ae the general i""t otOee iu Vienna is also iu tha bui'ding ibe (i-neral telegraph tb. e. powerful steaMi eiigiw s are ousiautly coiiipreasitig atmoapiiei ic air iu a uiatnmoth reaervoir, froiu' a hlrh (h double aMrM of cast-iron pipe, laid three feet under thw sor scamper down the mast to tbe water. stick out a foot, get it wot, shake fa, rue round tbe stick, aad try the other aide, and tbe a roe bock to too top again. Pret ty soon it became a temai matter with Mr. Robinson, and be sat down to ibink it over As io a moment bo acted a If bo wanted to tboat for e boat, end was afraid he waa going to bo hungry, I pot a little m s lasses 00 a stick. A fly come, but Crusoe wasn't hungry tar mm toot then. He was boms sick for bis web in tbe corner of the wood abed. He wmt alowly down the pete to tee wets 1 swai touched it all round, abasing bia feet like poesy when eke vrtt ber stock lags io the grass, and eoddeoly a theefkt, appeared to atriko bim. Up be wool like a raho, o ibe top and rouiiueneed playing flit us. lie held owe tout io too aw, tkea ant 1 an r, ...I turned round two or I fare a tie. He got ezci'ed and nearly at an I mm bia bead U fol,- 1 found out what be kuwWp and lhai was line, thai ibe draft aW saw a by the fire wnold carry a lino oatoww mm a loch he eould earape trosa bia shorn is land. He pushed oot B Wefc iboS Want floating in ibe air until il caught no tbe nmU n. nea to do it or I'll make a dead man of you I' abe I face of the strtets. are fed. Oan system id found the e.hild and t.u.b U lirnnx tn In. as wa wmm-mw- v a i v w iiomj1 w He had gained some lit ue strengtu, anc 1 wjfe nd adopted it as his own. At r when shs drew near aud seated herself, j wairia thn K -nr l.;,. with tha d..k.. he said : 'I would not have sent fur you if 1 had been equal with you in any way. But uow, when you are so far above me, you can stoop, at least, to pity. I am dving. vou see. 1 eould not forget the rj ' f constant longing to see you once more once more to hear your voice. Cau you forget the' past long enough to sing me one song ?' She said 2 "You must feel I dc forgive, and will forget all that you would fain have uie. She sang the song that had trembled on her lips the night before, aud filled her heart ever since ; then burst forth the 'Welcome Greeting.' A smile, wan but very sweet, came over bis pale face, and rested there until she hud finished ber song. He seemed to glow much stronger and incliued to talk. Seeing this, 'How is it you are here alone in Paris? Where are your friends your' wife she would have sa;d, but the word died on her lips. She could a w , a . a . m at not utter tuit, and coutiuuea, 'iell me something of yourself.' "I will, I will all,' he answered, 'Wbea I wrote you that cruel letter 'Hush,' Caroline said. 'I would hear of yonr latter life.' "I must,' he answered, "I meat. Then for a period, 1 was possessed of a spirit of evil. I was flattered by the kindness of Miss Erving. I believed I could win her, and with' her wealth and high pos'u tion, I thought 1 did or could love her, and forget you But I soon knew I could oot, and would have given everything I possessed to have been able to recall that letter. I almost made up my mind to write" again, and ana for what I bad re signed. When your reply eame, then I determined to return home, and seek yon, and try to gain forgiveness and a return to confidence. On my arrival, you had left.- And after, when success and (tune came so quickly to Jdo, I dared and hearing bim relate, aa a forest adven ture, the history of this boy, who was then present, btgan to suspect that the victim bad escaped. Bring confirmed in ue j this opinion, he took him into bis service I ... ri I L ,, -. ft f ,...U ae papr, anu vdcii khi una won m icuer to the Empress, in which he charged tier, upon pain ot his displeasure, to have the prisoner put to death, I bo youth set out, and after traveling seven days came to a certain priest's house, who received 11m with great hospitality. 1 he priest was struck with his comely air, and by his traveling so far. While he slept he looked at bis letter and discovered the horrible fate that awaited him, so, erasing tbe wn i.ig he substituted for it the fol lowing words : This is the youth whom I have cho sen as the husband of oor daughter. I charge you to give ber to bim quick- ly." Next mom tug the lad awoke refreshed and said : "Adieu, dear host 1" Tbe priest replied : "Remember me when yon are Em -peror." The boy ouly laughed, esteeming it a jest and departed. Oo arriving at Aixla- Cbapell, he delivered bis letter, and ao well did the stratagem succeeded that tbe Emperor wrote soon after to ask if his orders had been obeyed ; the Empress assured bim that the nuptials had been celebrated with great celerity aa be bad desired. The Emperor hardly believed bis eves when he read the letter. Moun- ar warned. '1 haven't spit ia yoor freckled old face, but I may if you yrovuke mo far ther r 'Who's got a freckled face, you old tur key buzzard ?' 1'hie was a l.i tie too mm b. Ha mad a motion as il be would strike, and sbt 1 a s t ro 1 seized turn by the uecK tie. 1 lien lie reached out and giatdwd her right ear, and tr.ed in lift ber off her feet, but -h misted up on his ueck lie until bis ton gue ran out. Let go of me, yuu old fiend!' she scream ed Git down on yonr knees, and beg my pardon, yoo obi ltd cat ! li-- yi-lb-d They surged and stayed and sirug a aa aa. I 1 gled and the p.-ae- tut cat was strucK n ine overturning tauie am, ii ki ii r uacu broken, while tbe clock fell down and ih a a. a saaa pictures danced around. 1 be woman fi. tally shut ber husband's supply of air off aud flopped bim. aud as he bumped lus bead up and down on the floor tud scattered bis gray hairs, she shouted : 'You want to get up another spelling school wiih me, don't you T' He was seen limping around the yard yesterday, a etockiug pinned around bis throat, and she had court plaster on her nose aud one finger tied np He wore tbe Io -k ot a martyr, while she had tbe bearing of a victor, and from this time out 'buggy' will be spelled with two g's iu that house. pines serves for carrying packages. Bud tl out- r lor pushing them ahead iu another di reetiou. At trse seven inueinal Malma. iu various parts f the aity. similar eiigiuea ara kept at work day aad night drawing t e air from tha pipw, aud ereaiioe; a cuutn in troll! o '.He .mu Will! H llllia more ra 1 1 I y preseeti 1 r .'atU ly tlie eXmitsie tore- of I he roiaineseed air behind them heity aiii,-aaiioia re eouu.-eietl le-t lily wilii the in o central oflb e. but ala, .viln eaeb other by ihea- double ayetein o lie. The diMmteh of each pMekaa is an uooueed by leleuraph to the olhre to whirh it is eeut. aud to all iule-v uing olfaVes. t Mdvise the latter not to a ,,p it ,,u Ita Way. I'he pipe.- are si v inraea m , ano-t.-r . a ilh a pei t ri v 11 h.J II ltoiiahe.1 iuuer nr( ,r-. aud the pacKMvee ar uot e up in i mu tubit-r eylimters of Vafioua leugtn. T'.ie aalaae oa mail mailers uiusi iaid at l,e rale . .t t kreoizers (oue neiil ) l.r e.,, I) half oil lire o fi ae,i ,o. rliBjh is evil-iitly mueh eS. ap er luau I he two oei,t p. ml age f..r the eily let ters iu this eouatry. This ia the ttrst iu- i NUf ill a lartr ci'y. vwa-a Baa atearl i tM ) luuaiuiauU dtviiig it pe .pie aucn fac. lines of oorrvtpoudiug ai ouat. ble. Then be hauled wo tbo H was i- t, struck it several ee if il a as strong emmgh to and walked I thought earned bis liberty, so 1 pot him bis wood-shell again. Of Tub outrage business ought to hare col- inioaled with tlie coufeai,,ils .,f i'errio. Wheu be makes a e'eau orensl aad avows that be got up the terrible report of Ku Kluz outrages, aud a general hostility to The Pall Mall Gntefle soys : "Ai the many agems lor ibe infeciaeat dis- disaoseo are, lis eewta. our dnoteatsc pete, Fr lb- piowogatsno of a Sever ttog m . -ui notes as bad, if seat Wiwwe, than a drain, ami a -aae ia inferred to in the Sanitary IltrorH, in a hich scat let frvsjr w in carind ti- ui rhild to another by a favoipe ri iitei r. I be dog b d reaied iii a btnaae where aoilalMa f aile, and was subsequently given 1 Ineud of 1 he Inn liMitly afiev of the rhildieii in ibe dog's ise w bome attacked nil 11 nplij-unt scarlatina and died. 1) stnfec aots ete nSeO pl-in ifully , aud every ir-cauiiou I ik n lu pr-,-ut a of the n, ,i .. x . Imt j . iao m a a a a a m IUoiiIIi a lime a ssCiilMl cUll.l ImoB IUe satBa diseuae, in n w ret f-.i n. aisd died. As ttie dog bad been rbe constant companion nd BUItcl.tW if ill ess children, ita a w ooliv coat, ii is alleged, fesraoao 00 weudrrata I chirgd i h eiolagi-eaa saartrr 00 Io ren der it a sotirre ol dUK-aae and death. Al though it ia fair to tbe dog in admit tha ibe child reai may have caught hae f 1 from 01 her entire a ihui hia wolly r af. yet there is reason to fear thai basib do and cats, eopecully the toilet, d nrca- sionally assistjn tbe circulation d i d A Truthful Sketch. Let a man fail io businese. what aa effect it has ou bis former creditors ! Men who have taken hiss by tbe arm, aad laughed and chatted with bim by th hour, ah rug their shoulders and pass on with a cold 'How do yon do?" Every trifle of a bill is boated up and presented that would not have Bono tbo light for months to eome, bat for the mis fortunes of tbe debtor. IX it is paid, wen and good ; if oot the scowl of the Sheriff, perhapt, meets him st the corner. A man that has never failed knows but little of human nature. Iu prosperity be sails along geutly, wafted by favoring smiles and kind words from everybody. Ha prides himself oa his name and spotless character, aud makes his boast that be baa not aa enemy ia the world. A. las ! tha change. He looks at tbo world lu a different light when reverses eome opon He reads suspicion on every brow. tha Goverutneut for political effect, then tbo I tioos illneoa, and where lever prevails ifau sooner they are lodged oat ol fbe tsooeo the better. fbey are, however, orohaMy not more dangeruos ia this repi ct tbost books. No one who lake ou a bonk 10 a library ever trouble bimaelf or herself as to the antecedents of the vol a are; it may have jest left the hoods 0 e fever palieul. him. He hardly knows how to move, or to do ting bis horse, ho rode imovdiately and 1 tbia thing or the other ; a writ is ready for with great speed to Aixla-Chapell. Ou 1 keek. To koow what kiud of stuff the M. .rri..l lb. EDpr ,l aeir -n -J - -s -" lltiic ellU AJluperiit tWCawawzria svswe ste atevvu 1011 ' tm U . mm and uncertain what to do. At whole bottom ought hi drop out. Aud o it seuina it has. Hon W. D. Kelley baa been euuvineed, fleeter ha been discharged from his iuf.itnoo poat of spy. 1 tonnor aad tool. aud t at elas has oolbiug more to do. Their vocation is gone. What other string tb Kepublicau party has to play oo ia y4 to be fouud. It may stir up a war fever by raising a cloud some where. Since tbe Mezicau furor baa died out, there is nothing to bo expected from that quarter. Piawibly something may be made uot of Cuban affairs, aad the peopb of tbia country called upon to uphold tbo Uni ted State in ita reeugailtoa of lb Patriot a This recognition cornea so late, aad with no bettor ruueon than mignl bar been gives years ago, that IB slang parlance, it ia tot thin. aaaa If B SW O as 0 in wasnington eorresponueDce 01 me New York Her aid suggest another probable D roc ram me. This is the sffectatiou of awakened hooosty aad the purpose of reform This as also too thin aad too bate. AI avonhiag boa boao stotoa loot euoM ho ato- lao. and it would be absord to offar op parcel of office bolder of la soaps for others no better than tbemKe It Is all t-x) bate- The people tbroug boH toe ceo airy are wasning me a a si rrosn ibeir eyns. aud thoy will be eon tent with nothing lea toaa wiping oot ooaruly to prnsjwM party aud it failbiaa aud iaiooitooa rolor. Artrs ffwtking I "tg is slow meat length nature prevailed, aud be exclaim ed : - u -aSgeod will are wxn 1 "The will of heaven cannot be retis frisodsbip. manifest. A failure ia a moral svtve ; K 1 "I line soften all tasog'." soys aa ea LrmM nal tKa vhaat anil ahutra tha eh. IT. ' flllSv. eli law Wtmutm tit mn wli.t narta T m. . . a , 1 r r 1 1 . . , A aaan too inaras tnai worosanu pretauaeu , nis nair in ine ..iijjih aa a wuisiisa o .suiiug saa sass v u.ui maj j not ooBstHoto reel ; sareeu corners. softor than bo kW FrIGHTZKINO (MILUkZX . can he woise lor a child ibau lobe ened. Tb-. ff -ci of the ooaro it to recover from : it until maturity, ea is shown by many in stance of worked asosiitvaoeaa and eg- sve earvsesneo Met eohiaasntly. fear is employed as a mean of discipline. Coildren are controlled by being believe that something terrible will pen to tbeoa aod poo ia bed by bri up in dark mntea, or fey being places tbey stand 10 dtead without vivid mamory of bit owe kwd- hood, eas comprebeod how aalirely socb tbinsrs are. Wo feave grown persoos tell af the satWing tbey have endured, oa cbildreo, under like tarV cum lances, aod raetuot tbo frrepoi able i jury which tbey are sure teoy mwm received. No parent, 00 a arse, as pubis of alarming the yoang, is filled for her tarn. Children, a o be trained uot to know ibe sen of w his b. above everything else, ia to bo feared ia their education, eily A esc rorjk

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