v. 1 T ' i ' - TOL. Y. -THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY N. C, JUNE, 17, 1875. j NO. 86. "WHOLE NO. 90 ' . - : somehow, the conception of this rmolved i which, from inceotion to culmination wa I 1 - tITBLI8EDED WEEKKT I $v J. BRUNEB, proprietor and Editoi . t; J. 8TEWABT 5t Associate Editot. B ATEK OV SIBCBIFTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. tUt 7 1AR. payableia S CopiUto aa? adircat.. .......... 10.0 JjjfvEBTISI RATES i oJ.. n inch One insertion $100 VHO--- - ' tw( lt50 iuu foe a gr-1" numb insertions iterate. SpecUl notict. 26 per pent, mow tdtertiwrnenU. Reading notice. I nanUJMrUne ior cui . .mb...... Weittkn for xhb Watchman. FOLKS AT THE FAIR. CANTO vn. fhc world's a Fair, and we are there, Dear reader, genu Homo 1 Tin peddlin out my doggerel ware, And throwin in a Chromo I If to my lines you'll give your eye, go for Canto seven Just tend me forty cents, and I Will send you forty-'leven ! For a copper cent and two green stamps, Fire dollars woith of brass, sir I, Beware of other plagued scamps, Who for my sgents pass, sir I Again 1 For only two and a half, A big three dollar Whee-ackly, With two match Photes of the brindle calf, Worth an X apiece pree-sackly 1 For half their cost, by mail I'll send A good religions paper, With Chromo paired, (to you, my friend) Of that renowned "Sky-8craper In which on scales of wifely right Ma'am Beecher weighs old Cry-er In Brooklyn Court' and "Than a Kite, The Life of Christ Knocked Higher ! If you don't want it all the year, ; It's fask'nable to ''try her" Just send for three months, if you fear Twont come quite half so higher 1 If you'll be good and not say much About some drotted preachers, Til send you free, in Five Points Dutch, A MHist'ry of the Beechers P Ma'am Harriet Stowc insures, if you Will send a club of twenty, As premium, Bryon's coffin screw And of his bones a plenty I And, look-a-here ! 'Twixt you and me, Hen says, if you'll but ask it, lie' 1 1 add, from old Jeff's gallows tree, A finely carved wook casket ! And if you wont accept my prop ositions grand and free, sir, Juat send, when you have sold your crop, The money all to me, sir ; And I'll invest for you in Lot Try Tickets, watches, trinkets These fish the breed St. Peter caught With coin stuck in their crinkits t On this bright day. Flushed like a dryad's tender faee With early springtime's happiest grace, This day of soft harmonious hours, Made sweet with flowers. My lowland muse is blithe to send Fair greeting to her mountain friend, .And yearning more for love than praise. These wild-wood lays. BLESSEDNESS. Single, Double and Triple. "I will never marry, never," said William Blake to his father, a patient, weary-lookiug old man, with thin gray hair streaking across his bowed head. He answered, reflectively "Well, I think you're right;, there are men that can manage women, but your mother baa been too much for me." "It eeems half selfish in me to go off si leave you alone with her ; bat what i can I do, with work that wants planning, and that continued scolding in one s ears 1" "it's tne erying nts mat master me, though," said Mr. Blake, "when she sits sniff-sniffing into her apron ; looking at me that reproached ful, till I m half brought to believe that I have committed murder, or something in my sleep. "I sometimes think, do yon know, father, that in those times it is that she is aorry for her temper ; is, in fact, repent iog." "Its an awfully unpleasant, unfair kind of penitence, then ; but I don't know ; she's been buzzing in my ears so long, that I get fairly bothered sometimes, and don't feel clear about anything. "I'll tell you what you must do when she gets past bearing ; just come off to me ; it wou't be far, you know." So I will, my boy ; so I will." Accordingly the next morning, when scolding, for he could not be sure that he really wanted to forget this. "I am glad I have never teen her, be said, with a long breath that did not sound like content. Then be tried to say "Willie, in her tones, and, imoatient distrust marked his conscious ness of failure, he put on his cap and went PnnS out. The haunting voice became a presence, all too soon. As Will came home she met him in the passage ; a little, swift gliding figure, with soft dark eyes set in a fair face. "Not a bit like mother," he thought, with a curious feeling of satis faction : but as he passed, he saw that her eyes Were humid with fear and grief. "What is the matter " he asked invol untarily. "Willie ! cholera ! the doctor !" the an swered, rushing by, into the street that was wet with a stormy ratn. "Stay! lean go faster," cried Will It a , , a following her. "lou go back to your brother." She obeyed at once with the quick docility of a gentle intelligence ; and he thought again, "Mother would have talked for an hour." The doctor came soon, tnt not soon Bat of my great Gift Enterprise I should have told yon sooner, Which here and now I'll advertise, By your leave, Mr. Bruner I Tis to be drawn at Farry Bank, The first of April, D. P. ; And every prise insures a blank Thepi&forMr. E P. I Then than my bully Spelling Match Comes off just after that, sir! Spell tater, gravy, patch and scratch Spell dog, spell hog, spell cat, sir I Spell tweedledydum and tweedledyd Spell p-h-t-h-iz-ick I Spall fiddledyfoodlenmfiddledyfee 1 Spell skizximmyakazaimmyskizaik t I'll take my stand in "Dixie land" To ootspell all creation 1 "Look away," while I spell "Chateaubrind" Spell the prayers of the Injinnation 1 "Look away," while I spell "Owhyhawhee," "Tecumse h w an tafiah w ater ," Mississippibonkoghohawandgogee, And "Mistermedamhiawatha !" For whiskey bards plus rye and corn My Rhymin Match wont lack O ! The rocks and hills and vales, that morn, Will ring one ceaseless echo : Bab, eab, dab, nab, flab, crab, drab, lea, pace, dace, mace, case, pacin ; Scab, stab, whab, flab, Aminadab, Grace, place, dace, space, trace, rackin I Back, hack, cack, jack, lack, pack, quack, tack, Cade, fade, made, jade, blade, holly ; Back, rack, black, crack, clack, slack, knack. Snack, Wade, staid, glade, trade, spade, jolly ; And so forth and so on through the Whole Rhymin Dictionary . May we be there the fun to see, With Tom and Dick and Harry. E. P. H. Mrs. Blake began the day with prophetic w w a. indications of being what she called "up set," her husband prepared to escape, greatly to her displeasure She had re sented Will's removal and "setting np for himself ;" but then, as Mr. Blake remark ed, "she couldn't be any crosser than she was before," so he departed in compara tive comfort. Will's room was a poor little place. He was not earning much as yet, and he said, "anything does for oneaelf,', with a desolate air that somewhat contradicted his philosophy of loneliness ; still, his work improved wonderfully, and in that way he was always happy. Will was a designer f moldings. Mr. Blake found him busily stitching on an old coat. "Turned tailor, Will ?" he asked. " 'Tisu't work enough for a tailor, and I am fraid my bungling would not pass for one, either. I tried glue, but some-, how it wouldn't answer, and one must keep one's self decent looking. I am go ing afteF orders by and by." "Women is of some use a'rter all, if they wasn't such unreasonable creatures," said the father, with an involuntary glance at the table, which looked rather like the enough. Willie was very ill. Bravely the little fellow struggled, but the foe was too strong for him. "Strange," the doctor muttered impa tiently ; "the last cases are to often the worst. I thought it was over for this year." A week before another lodger in the same house, a gluttonous man, had made himself ill feasting on mu sales and plums -i a a a . . and Deer ; ne recovered ; but tne poison thus brought into the bouse fastened on the weakest there. The child died. There was nothing more to be done for him All at once, for the first time in his little life, Willie wanted nothing; not even his sister. She went about her necessary work with an oppressive, bewildered sense of leisure upon her. And Will if the joyous voice alone had distracted him so, bow conld he work now? now that it recalled the meek, desolate face of the mourner ; now that the cry had changed into such a pitiful, beseeching "Willie ! Willie !" 1 he day after Willie was burned it happened that Will paid his rent, and took that opportunity to inquire after hit fellow lodger. "Poor young thing," said the mother landlady, "it makes my heart ache to see her, up there in the little room, where they were so happy, those two. She savs the very walls seem written with his name, aud the things he used to touch cry "Alice, Alice," just as he called for her, at the last ; it is enough to craze her ; there isn't au empty room in the house, or she should have it for a bit." is alL' said Will : "mower, tormented my father so, that I to live and die alone let ut both our bard purposes will you, Alice t' - - m -IB.. .B m Will's tones pleaded Detter than bit a look of ey ined him a victory x rom inexwrecK oi iuo put bcwjbu mj ring a brfebt future, like the lowers from out of last year's dead leaves. By aud by. there was a wedditg : the motherly landlady gave Alice away, and Will topk her at the great gift of bis life. H At they came home from church, he said brightly, "We have both resigued blessedness, what shall we have instead 7" She nestled close to htm and answered, oub)e blessedness.' Peaceful and brightly the yean went on, till even old Mr. blake learnt to be lieve in youth and love and happiness more especial I v. when a little fairv errand daughter came to clasp his hand and tod die in his footsteps. One day, when for a wonder, .W ill's sleeve bad no button On, he came to his wife for her to sew one oo ; something in hrr attitude, as she sat before him with the morning sunshine on her hair, remind ed him of that first work of hert when his love grew up almost in a night. 'Don you remember the first button you put ou for me, like a fetter round my wrist, cunning Alice 7" he said, smuling 17- 'Would you be loosed now, if you could,' she asked, with a tender look of defiance. Ah no ! this, our life is " a tender mer ry voice broke i a calling, 'Father!' he ended, with a thankful sigh, 'Tripple blessedness !" London Day of Best. conception ot this rreat achievement which, from inception to culmination, was one long, black damning record of infamy of the character of this visited noon the family ot Gilmoro Simm tf Pnlnmhl. I fl-.t au ' TT .V T OI we growing wbeat crop at era Auila, with his Hunt tacking aud pilaging ; he destroyed every vestige of Southern civilisation that be could reach, and did his beet to blot out, like the Goth of the sixth century, the arts, sciences, manners and customs of the people be ravaged, hoping to exterminate the wo- The IftDV Caowx op Lombabjt. It was made in the eleventh rentarw. mmA in! fProm New Tosh Tribune, 7th iostl The favorable ekaage in the prospects the growing wheat eroD at the West and Northwest, coupled with the ore favorable reports from California and Eu rope generally, have ebanred the tone and . w m m . . . . a spirit of oar market verv decidedlv: the nd traditionally related to timely rains at the West and Northwest 1 forged from on- of the nails a pointed circlet or collar three inches wide. It is phires, emeralds, rubies and other pre cious atones, many of them being uncut. The iron from which it takes its MsBS it a narrow rim, incrosted in the have in Iks aO aj S)W 41 s i OS i .. l , , . . "'"-v. v mi. . i mil uiu wucil, a V a I r i v - nave cnapged tne prosptct for the future, construction oi tne cross, vvneo Xepo and we find many farmers that were not I 'wn crowned king af Italy be tool disposed to sell their old wheat, are now M0' crow", and placed it on bis head- . - w it .i a - by taking from tbem the very means of subsistence; and that extermination effect ed, this modern barbarian, as did his pro totype, sought to plan bis heathen hordes upon the ruins of the cities he had de stroyed. History in this "March to the Sea" repeated itself. The whole North ern wilderness of ignorance and ianaticism : .i i -i . i -r j i ri I rr Mr mm fin i r i r ii a mi .111 v m nn n m 1 a 1 . .m d . k 7. . " greatly magmned; indeed it was an tiuvu-, oust. rusneu use a mense humbug," and the wonder is kurrviik iiiw mo ,-iuuiu, BLinsavuing carnage, desolation and destruction through the finest portion of that then beautiful do main. And the great originator of this damning disgrace of the Americtn civil in most la the beginning of the war oi 1859' tUP emperor of Austria carried it away. Bat wben the Aostro-Italian treaty at was concluded in October; 1866, all ebtevet and works of an takrn from Italy. restored under its provjtiows, iad iron -crown was very partite! localities have declined. In certain local itiet the injury to the winter wheal by frost snS drought has been serious, but this may be neutralised in seme measure by the increase in the acreage. The reports of the serious ininrv in Kansas. Nebraska and Missouri from the Pihd, more inter being grasshopper and chinch -bug prove to ha regarding it lhaa say thing else. "im- lat BaxcKKXKinr.a'fl F.ktapk Tk- 0u uiur ...iicu.gcot pcreoos nave oeen of Breckcnridre alter lb- surrender t s r tbe ve di la J u7 ,w 'uoccuuni. irum in- of L,ee was aoite romantic. Aeeomnanied j - w or iee was qoive romantte. Accompa States are certainly far more encouraging, by Col. Wilson, of his staff, be made wuere tne injury rrom rroai was no oouot wmJ Florida, where the two refu rflnni. hilt rffpnl ruin have dnn miuli 1 ff t m rw , mmm mm war is actnaltv in fear of heiusr robbed of .JrV-T " ii tnrT were J01"" Dy 01. lay.or Wood, L u Mt-L - i TT "ill jww, ana iue msm la true ot Illinois, brother in-law of Jefleraon Dav the honors () that infamy won him ! Iodianna, Ohio aad Micbiran: but from S HI . . II Vwiar T-JJ-f hi. i tin- SHERMAN'S "MARCH TO THE SEA !" A TERRIBLE EXCORIATION OF KING OF BUMMERS. THE PURE EXPRESSIONS. rim Every word that falls from tbe lips of mothers and sisters especially should be pure and concise and simple, not pearls such as fall from the lips of a princess, but sweet, good words, that little children can gather without fears of toil, or after shame or blame, or any regrets to pain through all their life. Children should be taught the frequent use of good, strong, expressive words words that mean exactly what they should express m their proper places. t w i t m a a . iveniucay, lennessee ano Arkansas tne barked, near Key West, for Cuba, . m a 1 rwt a f reports are uoravoraoie. i eiegrapoic succeeded in reaching tbe port of Ci auvicea irum vxamuruia are quite tavora- near Havana, in safety. From thenos ble; the harvest hat been proerressior ftn RrMknrid- i v.mM .1 - .i wvm.m WW AMMWBMMM siuw.ue ano unaiiy tooa up nis reaideoce in laa - . ada. The last years of his life wars quietly spent in Kentucky. General " Brecken ridge leaves one son who brars bis name, and another, who, emriaaaly - -- . j ." k i y . m about ten dsys in tbe wheat m - a . counties ot tne state, and tbe result w quite as tsvorable ss we could expect. 1 he advices from Oregon are even more favbrable than from California, and a lib eral supply is promised esiimated from .U r . . Sk. An. a doui Mates at 4uu.uuu tons tnoogb we think it permaturs to give such estimates, and therefore do not attach much impor tance to them. From the Atlantic States tbe reports are Unfavorable, but from Canada we have favorable accounts. Out advices from Europe are more favor able for their crops, and should they have in houor of the county which secured the election of bis father to Congress in lJ3, in tbe contest with Gov. Letcher. Brigliam Young on Free School. 1 Brigbam Young, a martyr to his faltb, 4 addreased the Salt Lake Conference oo with me. " said be so light wreck ot a kitchen, heaped up, it was, with a little of everything. Will was accustomed to have his tools around him in his work, and so he grad ually gathered tbe household implements to gather in the same fashion. "We will have breakfast pleasantly." he said, "it would have been ready before, only while I was gone for a loaf the ket tle boiled over." "It won't do that time," said Mr. Blake, lifting tbe titled vessel from the fire. "Why 1" "See !" Then they both laughed ; Will bad for gotten to put in tbe water. father and son were chatting pleasan tly over the end ot their meal, when a bright voice was heard on the landing outside, calling, Willie, Willie." "Made friends, already 1" asked Mr. Blake, looking up surprised. "No, it is somebody who lodges over bead ; her little brother has run off down stairt. He teems to give her a great deal of trouble, but she never speaks any sharper than that. "Doesn't she, now t It is a wonder fully pleesant souhding voice." By and by it seemed that the culprit was hunted up the stairs home again ; a merry hunt, with much laughing on both sides, and, as they passed Will's door, a quieter "Willie, Willie 1" Mr. Blake looked strangely reflective. "I haven't heard anybody say 'Willie' in "Ask her to change Will eagerly ; "tell her I should glad, if she would not mind, the there would suit me better. Alice consented doubtfully. "It seems like deserting Willie," she said ; "and yet no one has a right to let one get ill ; tell Mr. Blake I accept his offer gratefully." She had grown a little stately in her s . a a www a a solitary grtet, and VY ill stammered over his premeditated speech. "My name is Willie, too ; could nt you take me for your brother ?" 'Ob, no,' she auswered with direct sim plicity, "he was so naught v, the darling ; I never could have him out of my thoughts for a moment.' Alice herself, had this kind of naughti ness for Will, and now, living in her room, he seemed to be encompassed by her presence ; his tools and work felt rongh and coarse amidst the little dainty ar rangements that marked a womanly hand. 'If it hadu't been for knowing mother,' he mused, one evening, "I might fall in love, I do believe ; as it is, I know bei ber.' So "knowing better,' he shrank ftom an intercourse that might, in some sharp answer, bring Alice down from her pedes tal, on which he still chose to place her, justifying his bright dreams to himself by saying, 'it is pleasant to 'make believe,' as the children say.' Alice, meanwhile, had found a cheering employment in putting: Will's room straight, at she called it. 'Such a pity poor man, for bim to live in such a mud die, and him so clever too.' She found some torn drawings in the littered fireplace, and carefully smoothed tbem ont as treasures overlooked. Will, coming for a book, found her thus busy, aud said smiling 'They are of no use, I don't want them.' 'They seem wonderful to me, she said looking up frankly. 'Ah ! just as women's work does to us. I put a button on my cuff, this Grant Need Not Envy Him William Gilmore Simms and the Federal Brigands. New York Day Book. As infamous a record as Sherman worst enemy could wish to impale hit reputation upon wat that "March to the Sea, the originator of which Sherman claims to be, but which claim General Grant, it eeems by tbe clamor of the Gen eral's friends, just now, seek to rob bim of ! In God's name let both these men share tbe honors (!) that cowardly, un manly, piratical raid upon defenceless wo men and children seems to have woa. Another age will do them both full just tice. Of all the brutal, infamously bru tal, affairs that the history of the A men- m a a a a it acniid, or young person, has a loose, favorable weather and timely rains a good the 1 lib of April last in ths following Aung-together wsy of stringing words e(mnt(sd OI, ' .k. manner. The text was free schools : When endeavoring tO tty something, he nnX .KM .nl . w i:u kU- Education renders a bov wonhleaa. AU . . . flit - . .I," " BUM I W HI 1U 1 1 .MV U. IU MJ I -J " 1 . . . should be made to try again, and see if he averiiee. our Concreasmeo and Governors of States In Great Britain thus far the weather are tbe spawn ot free schools. cannot do better. It is painful to listen to many girls' hM exceediogly favorable, and the men never performed a day's useful labor talk. 1 bey begin with My goodness . look We4, bat lbe gtocks of wheml 0 lnfir lives, snd they would be Car aaore i and interlard it with oh's! and sakes alivel and to tweell and so quoenlyl and so phrases, that one is tempted to believe they have no training at all, or else their mothers were very foolish women. There it nothincr more disgusting then the twad- oats and harlev are now rreatlv reduced : valuable te tbe community if tbey the consumption of foreign grain quite '7 owo hetr robes of office and go to large. Tbe quantity of wheat now aflost work in the cornfield. W oeid yoo have from California is 4,033,000 bushels, snd Jour children grow maudlin and wonh- from this coast about 1,109,000 bushels leM 1 no tchooling, yet God d together, 5,132,000 bushels ; to this add me lor mot exalted position on die of ill-bred girls; one is provoked often ' for he Kj your coll-,., professors, and Inln ImlrlraAT rtonar Ai.I raaH i n rr nnH Ltfmrr I 1 . I f I . I I r into taking a paper and reading, and letting them ripple and gurgle or like brooks that flow tbey know not whether: My heart warms with love for sensible girls and pure boys; snd, after all if our girls and boys are not this, I fear it it our own fault for this great trust rests in the l i i , i i l i i t a it m can war cnrooicieu, onerman s "iuarcn to Hearts and bands ot tbe women of our the Sea." of which the world has beard j laud. If we have a noble, useful purpose so much, was the crowning disgrace, if ! in life, we shall infuse the right spirit into disgrace could crown an inhuman, barba those around us. I m .1 a a . dom rrom otner countries, and bnd it am ple for their probable want for this and next month. Tbe exports from this port tbe past week have been 479,783 bushels. ning in all the wisdom of ths Egyptians, otteu want a meal, wbile 1 have Laid ap milliona aud ean buy up every Congress man, every editor and every preacher to against 1,350,144 bushels the cores pond ne country. Go away to your cornfields, ing week last year. 1 1 am ppd t free schools ; and under stand me, although yon come begging to me on your knees, I will not give one dol lar to educate another man child. B.J 1 ric epoch. Men, to defend the homes and firesides of mothers, wives, sisters and little ones hardly able to toddle, there were none. Ruthless, long continued war, a campaign of years, had sacrificed the limited fighting material of a population Hair Whitened in a Night. The Augusta, Ga., Chronicle of a recent date says : er, the Augusta Chronicle and Seutinel. Anna Dickinson. It seems that the newspapers of the South gushed too mnch over Miss Anna Dickinson when she came to this section a a .a on a lecturing tour a snort time ago Father Lock ner visited Ike Hoop She is making the return as usually made condemned murderer, early yester-1 by people of that stamp. Tbe Southern v of nine millions. Twenty millions in the day morning, and informed him of tbe res I people generally have no use for strong North had enough human food for power and ball left to continue the sacrifice that ! had been kept up in this section, and Sherman s "March to the Sea" was haz arded. It cost the stalwart warrior noth ing. The burning of barns dwellings and all plantation property that fire would consume, was simply the pastime of army bummers. Men, patriots, true soldiers, who were fighting for a holy principle, would have died ere they engaged in such a devil's carnival. Weak women besought mercy, and prayed to Sherman's fiends with clasped hands that their ward robes, and their food might be spared; but lusat ot governor smitb to giant execu tive clemency. Hooper was at first much agitated, and trembled like a leaf shaken by tbe wind, but soon became more com posed, and during the day seemed to have become more reconciled to his fate. A remarkable fact in connection with this case is an exemplification of the old story that a man's hair sometimes turns gray in a single night. When Hooper was presented by Judge Pottle last month his hair was perfectly black. Tbe morning after the sentence wss imposed Mr. Brid gers, keeper of the jail, noticed on enter- .1 a a ea.a. ing tue conacmnect man a cell that a those braves (?) heeded them not, and the t portion of his head was perfectly white devouring flames were fed with all tbe He immediately asked him where he had necessities and luxuries that were combos tible, unless gold and silver were found, minded women, and give little counte nance to female lecturers. But wben Miss Dickinson visited Richmond, Wil mington, Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta, and other Southern cities, she was receiv ed with the utmost kindness. Her praises were song lu the newt-papers, and every exertion made to secure her profitable houses. While here she was all smiles and fair words. Now, after returning North with pockets full of Southern dol lars, she proposes to turn sn honest penny by abusing her entertainers. 8be is announced to lecture in Chicago on '"The Ostracisation of Northern Whites from the Southern Family Circle." It is a thousand pities that Miss Dickinson was obtained flour to put on bis bead. Hooper I no t severely "oetracised" when in this was surprised, and said be knew nothing action. The Courier-Journal makes a in which case this was claimed as "loot," about it. Mr. Brideers then Went no to good point when it says that the gentle and to-day many a New England sides bim and diacovetad that a large part of Anna seems to think that "Southern board displays trophies gallantly won by ' his hair immediately on tbe crown of bis housekeepers should keep wayside inns the noble Sons of Mars (?) in struggles head had actually chanted from a deen for all the tramps who come along' ... . . . r ' ' ... . I ' - witb weak, and detenseless, overpowered black to a snowy white during tbe night. women, during Dhermau a wonderful ; The agony of a few hours bad done what years generally accomplish. just that cooing, careful way, not since my sister that died : she was just like a mother to me ; its a terrible long while ago. "These two are much the same. They live alone she minds him and keeps him, morning, and it is off already. and sends him to school." I 'Let me see it, I have a needle here.' seem to know all about her. "You Will." "All I am likely to know. I have not a mi J aa seen her. nere are no strangers use fellow lodgers, and she is not the kind of ine Mountain of the Loven. U girl to meet one on the stairs, acciden- out of town.' Tba following is the dedication of Paul k T7n',,Uj volume of poems just issued W Hales and noticed by us a few days 1IT!II . J L; 1 . . 1 w in muttered soraeiuiug aDoui trouo ling her,' but she answered, 'I ought to do anything I can, you don't know what good tbe change of rooms has done y m aa i me. 1 suppose it is nice ncn ladies going tally for the purpose 'You have made a grand improvement room, the same furuiture been but what was now had fair "-UQAltRT 3. PRE8TON, OF VIRGINIA. Jfine eyes have never gazed in thine war hands are strangers ; yet divine r h dathlss sympathy whieh binds Our hearts and minds. -ingest along the mountain side ; I by golden songs are justified y the rich music of their Uow ; ing oelow. Where the lone pine-lands airs are stirred I changing sky J notes of thrush snd mocking bird 1 eights befit thy loftier ttn "That was bow your mother and I ot I here,' said Will, looking round ; the same acquainted. - "1 did not know that, father." Will spoke with an air of regretful apology that wat understood and accepted, sileutly. Dreamily, in the hush of old memories, the father walked away to hit work. Will tat down before the window, to dreary confusion peace.' 'I wish yon would stay here always,' he added. Alice was about to answer, 'I do not mind,' not understanding: him ; but some thing in Will's eyes made her own droop, Mine And Strain ; the plain. And now with joyous sylvan things And round me 'mid the flash of wiugs, rivulets lapse, ths breezes play, finish some drawings, but the thick square the little figure trembled over their work ; iinnr.il made idle marks, while his eyea suddenly, VTilPt hand caught them. that should have guided it sought the only "Alice, will you stay here ? will you let bit of nature within sight the atrip of me love you be my wife ?" .i,.nrinr uVv between the housetops. She shrank away rrom htm. 'I must Many a bold design had corns from those not I must not. kaleidscones. None I 'Why not 1 tell me darling.' came now. Will was musing. nuw , i, mmmtA m m.n wArh. with aweet. imnetioui I never marry.' lather made bet to " Willin Wi Ilia." rinffin in his ears f It 1 wretched. was a worya distraction than hit mother' 'We am kindred So trouble, (hen. that "March to the Sea." We never shall forget the tone, looks and bearing of the deeply lamented Simms, the poet and .novelist of So'uth Carolina, as he sat in the r uff i a i ii j omce oi mis journal, anu mourniuny ae tailed the passage of Sherman and hit bummers through the beautiful eity of Columbia, his place of residence. Poor Simms was at tbe time away from his charming home, a home filled with and surrounded by every luxury that wealth, and refined, cultivated taste could gath er together. His lovely family of daugh ters were there aloue, with only the ne gro servants of the plantation to protect them. The vandals came and pillaged, robbed, destroyed aud burned, and that which they could not easily carry away, destroy, or consume by fire, in the line ot food, tbey, with a barbarity and brutality that would have disgraced Hottentots or Australia Bushmen, or the Digger Indians of America, so befouled, that it was food ne longer. This picture, with its terrible and Infamous filling up which we will not attempt here, Gilmore Simms gave us a year after the soul-sickening event. That man had lived sixty years witb bis heart full of love for humauity. He had look ed kindly on his fellow men everywhere A Curiosity. The Charlotte Oberter in speaking of the many aulificatiou uf Hun. T. A. Hand rix for the rreeideoey says : "Another qualification for that responsible position he possesses too, though it it nut usually claaed atcotg the ludispensiWs requisites of a President of tbe United States. Is is that h is blessed with a nobla helpmeet. lu fact it has not been our pur pose so much to sound tbe p raises of this distinguished geutl-inau tnmse if. as to pay a deserved cemplsuieot to his arils HenJriz. wbile a vry elegant and plisbed woman is withal exceedingly mestie in her tastoa. Ex-Gov. Z. B. V happened to "go West" a few years ago to deliver an address at some college snd wss detained at Indianapolis. The Governor says be was invited to then Mr. Heodria's suburban villa and found Mrs. Handris a most beautiful and charming lady. He was surprised to find that with all her aceoan- phshmenU she had not been converted Into a fashooable woman of tbo penod but dM nearly all her own house work, employing no servant except a cook. With her own ha ads she brought bim a glass of dolieioaa buttermilk, and he telt aa much at betas as on the banks of bis native Swannanoa. This is tbe kind of a woman we hops la I s mUtreas uf tha White House after 76. It would gratify the Grangers of America to hear that tbe National Executive mads Ms 1 own butter and raised his own vocals bias Those were good old nines when tbo adi- -tor of the Patent Offirs Reports fed aad Us wife milked the President's cow. LatSSlw turn to tbem '." .1 Paris Correspondence Boston Gazette. An Actress Luxurious Surround ing. Have you heard that Mile. Lesseng (I am sure you remember this piquant actress ot falais Koyal) came as near being burnt as it is possible for an ice berg to be burned ? I instanced the con flagration m Mile Lesseng s rooms just A cannon ball it preserved in the Treasury Department, in Washington, which deserves to become historic if cold iron can be said to deserve anything. It weighs twenty pounds, and is a plain rough shot, with an iron ring attached to it. In a storm which occurred on tbe coast of New Jersey, many years ago, it waa thrown from a mortar, with a line fastened to the ring, and, pasaing over fell beyond a snip which was stranded and in danger of gome to pieces. J be line was to let you see the insolent luxury in whieh tied to a cable oo the shore, and the ship Hit writing showed his warm, genial sympathy with all mankind. He had basked in the sunshine of life, honored and respected, and he was unprepared for the startling proof (hat there were speci mens of human beings on earth whose organism were lower in the scale of hu manity than brute beasts. Gilmore Simms died a changed man. He gave up hit faith in that order of creation which tha Bible told him came into the world a little "low er than God's angels." And Sherman craves tha honors (!) of those creatures live. lou Know ss an actress she is tenth rate. And yet her furniture cost over $100,000 ! She had a dressing gown of .Mechlin lace and em broidery whieh cost $4,000; $3,000 worth of furs : thirty dresses, the cbespest of which cost $400, gold ; all bor skirts were of laee ; ber sheets were to fine you could have run them through the bride 's ring, and tbe embrodery on tbem more than doubled the cost of tbe linen. Her bedchamber was in tbe Revival style, snd wss lined, walls and oeiling, with red damask tiik, wadded and hand em broidered. Her bed waa seven feet long by six wide, wat plseed on a platform of palissaiidre, covered with Smyrna carpets. The bed curtains were lace. Costly pic tures, bronses, statuettes, carved ivory, Chinese sod Japanese curiosities, Rouen and Nevers earthenware. Limoges en amels, Sevres and Saxony porcelain, Gob elins and Beau vaia tapestry were to be fonnd everywhere. The oeiling of the boudoir waa a piece of embroidery repre senting Acte's Triumph ; it tost $4,000. Tha dining room wat of old oak sad Gen oese velvet. - wrecked people drew this in, and fastened it to the vessel. On this cable a life ear was passed backward aud forward from the ship to tbe shore, by whieh meant 200 Uvea weie saved. The ball waa hauled in snd retained. It was subse quently sent to the hesd quarters of tbe Revenue Marina Department, where it has since been carefully preserved, aud where it is always regarded with mush interest by people who are informed of its histor. It might have took a ' seven -ty-fbur" and never been beard from. Mr. Beecher says there is nothing in the Cbristain religion but love. As Mr Beecher interpreted it recently in his church, in a passage which to the common eye of the layman, looks so blasphemous thai we hesitate to quote it; he would, if brought up for judgement at tbe last day, turn to God aad say, I have loved i bee; now damn me if Tbou canst!" The doc trine which he preaches could not be presented in a more startling we might venture to say a more shocking says ths New Turk Times. 1 - m Peas as a Fertilizer. Feeling a deep Interest la agriculture aad the improvement of our lands, which are so rapidly running down u:der tne present system of culture. I have concluded to givs yoo a short article on tbe field pea as was as tbe beat fertilizers. Tbe land, if stubble, ehrald be plowed some week or so before seeding the pea If ia corn or cot ten tbe previous year no pea paratton is neeeaaary. Ia seeding peas eat an ordinary one-horse turning plow. Tss , (ieorria plan oi putting lu tbo peavs I sider the best ; that is to run thru and have a hand to follow tha third and drop 5 or G peaa at distances of 12 to 15 incbea, tha plow following wnl oovsr them. Ths seeding should be ths last of May or ths first of June ; two hosb4s of peas will bo required to teed aa acre of land. The black pea hi beet for saody aad tbe red or cow oea for elav or stiff 1 If cooi eatable, a bushel of the acre should bo thrown juat before they begin to ran ; ths piaster will greatly increase tbe growth of the visa, the fertilizing material. Tbe viae should be plowed in when the peas b-gin to ripen, with a two-horae plow 5 to 7 Inch drru. No manure will mora wlirxt than a haavv eroo of oea VI well turned in and i :at deep enough to vent the teetn of the harrow from dragging these up when seeding tbe waaal. A goad pea fallow will show itself oa ths laad foe 5 or 4 years, sod I aay use peas, stop baying commercial man urea, many of which aruS juriooa to tbo lands, aad your properly will he improving, money saved, and your will not be hardened with I ems gages, thrift snd comfort win hs soar psoioas- A FaJtl Warren county. K. 0 aad aaort- ran. I I - I A 4 aa v sj - aa i

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