vai A XX HdmaClX XXXXCl ? d Lvj J 1 1 1 I Cm I I a H Ok V.r-THIRD SERIES. ffl 1 ri 3 .1MJSBURY N. C JUNE, 24, 1875. V NO. 90,-WHOLF. NO WWX .j ' . - '- :ui - i i, m fCBUSEDED WMKT : j. J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Editoi . j -j. STEWART Associate Editor. -gAVIgOF SIBCHIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. m pay in advance. . . . . la.. UnMTHai T MIA i j . . ...... i.iiiri'VH f Copil UT w r . . . 2.(0 . 1.25 . 10.0 cpTISIG RATES : . irrpatcr ooiil notices 26 .t ... .Mia for -.floral. In ream' Overur"- ItcSurtaio breach and $100 m two " 1 .ou number ppf insertions per cent, more Reading notice, every insertion Fob the Watchman. TO ANKA. BY OSCAB OglOM. y( Wben first I saw her, as she stood At breakfast, leaning on her chaw ; I thought a chronic haughty moodr Betrayed itself in envy air. Oh ! now mistaken hfide, too, was there, my fancy said, Ufhng independence, too ; 8arcwtic impulse ever f d, And likewise ever brought to view 'Twas all attected. Fad by the cold and callous heart, Tfcat frosen lay within her breast, With which affection bore no part, Although 'tis nature's first behest. I found out better. Malevolence and suspicion guard, A captives her more generous trails ; And envious scorn her nature marred, A6d all restraint her temper hates. 1 ask her pardon. My judgement, ever quick to give A verdiei at a moments glance, Saw all these failings past retrieve, Fen though the glance was passed askance. 'Twas once too hasty, the garden; bat neither could the golden glow of the orange tree nor the perfume of the roses, nor the delicate fragrance ot the clustering henna and jesamine, delight her, so she wearied for the hour of noon, hafffng privately sent to Demetrius, in viting him to meet her by the fountain of the pillars at that time. t& Poor Demetrius had for some time observed a settled sorrow in the conduct and countenance of his beautiful Isabelle; he felt that some melancholy revelation was to be made to him; and all eagerness, he came at the appointed hour. He passed along the winding walks, unheed ing the tulips streaked like the ruddy clouds- the flower betrothed to the night ingale the geranium blazing in scarlet beauty till, ou approaching the place of promise, he caught a glimpse of the maid be loved and, lo! she sat there in the sunlight, absorbed in thought; a book was on her knee add at her feet lay the harp, whose chords had been tor his ear so often modulated to harmony. He laid his hand gently on her shoul der, as he seated himself beside her on the steps, and seeing her sorrowful face, he comforted her, and bade her be of good cheer, saying that Heaven would soon smile on their fortunes, and that their pseseut trials Would but endear them the more to each other in the days of after years. At length, with tears and sobs she told him of what she had learned; and while they wept ou each other's bos snms, they vowed over the Bible which Isabelle beld in her hands, to be faithful to each other to their dying days. Meantime the miser was making pre parations for the marriage ceremony, and the father of Isabelle had portioned ont his daughter's dowry ; when the lovers, finding themselves driven to extemity; took the resolution ot escaping from the city. Now it so happened, in accordance with the proverb, which saith that evils never come singly, that, at this very time, the city of Daiuascus was closely invest ed by a mighty army commanded by a Caliph Ahubeker Alwokidi, and in leav ing the wall, the lovers were in imminent The rolling weeks began to mend Tht poor opinion I had formed ; My prejudice began to bend, I My partial nature to be warmed. 1 cold not help it. At time wears on, a crimson flag Unfurls To me, how well 'tis known ! Will she a willing captive drag, And let the. Boy claim me his own ? That fl ig was cupid's. Yet "Love is blind," capricious too; It reason's dictates dares defy. In my distress, what must I do ? Os what depend ? on whom rtly ? On none Surrender. What I must dislike be turned to love ? Can I not break this secret charm ? Alas 1 my effort did but prove The weakness of the lover's arm. 1 was mis(s)taken. Bat, ah I the sequel none may know ; ThU much slone, I've leave to tell 1 know 'tis true she told me so. Loving, "love vtsey, but not too rceU" All lovers, obey The Maid of Damascus. hazard of falling into their cruel hands; yet having no other resource left, they resolved to put their perilous adventure to the risk. 'Twas the Mussulman hour of prayer Maggrib; the sun bad just disappeared, and the purple haze of twilight bills, darkening all the cedar forests, when the porter of the gate Keisan, having been bribed with a bribe, its folding leaves slowly opeued, and forth issued a horse man closely wrapped up in a mant?;and behind hi in, at a little space, followed another similarly clad. Alas ! for the nniucky fugitives, it so chanced that Derar, the captain of the night guard, was at that moment making his rounds. and observing what was going on, he detached a party to throw themselves between the strangers and the town. The first rider, however, discovered their intentions, and called back to his follower to return. Isabelle for it was she in stantly regained the gate which had Hot closed, but Demetrius fell into the bauds of the enemy. As wont in those bloody wars, the poor prisoner was immediately carried by an escort to the presence of the caliph, who put the alternative in his power, of a m either, on the instant, renouncing his religion, or submitting to the aze of the beadsman. Demetrus told bis tale with a noble simplicity; and his In the reign of the Greek Emperor Heraclius. when the beautiful city of Dsmascus was at the heirht of its SDlen- youth, his open countenance and stalely dor and Htaani6en there rlwdt therein bearing bo far gained on the heart of young soble, named Demetrius, whose Abubeker, that on bis refusal to embrace decay edfbrtunes did not corresoond with Mahometanism he begged of him serious- I I lit the generol prosperity of the times. He y t0 consider tits situation, ana oraerea a wts a youth of ardant disposition, and delay of the sentence, which he must ery handsome in person; pride kept him otherwise pronounce, nntil the morrow. trom bettering bis estate by the profession uean-oroaen ana miseraoie iemeirms (merchandise, yet more keenly did he ae loaded with chains, and carried to a feel the obscurity to which adverse fate gloomy place of confinement, In the kad reduced him, in that, in his lot solitude of the night he cursed the hour n involved the fate of one dearer than f ui birth bewailed his miserable sit himself. uatioD and feeling that all bis schemes It o happened that in that quarter of of happiness were thwarted, almost re to city which faces the row of palm trees, Heed that he had only a few hours to Uhin the gate Kesian, dwelt a very Hve. ealthy old merchant, who had a very The heavy hours lagged on towards beautiful daughter. Demetrius had by daybreak, and quite exhausted by the tbance seen her am limn hpfnro nrnl lie intense agony of his feelings, he sank second was expired. Demetrius rawed thjurd; and qn the fourth morning, misera wr man, he adjured the faith of bis fathers ana uecame a tnusuiman. Abubeker loved the Youth, assirned htm a post of dignity, and all the mighty post honored him wbom the caliph de lighted to honor. He was clad in rich attire and magnificently attended, and to all eyes Demetrius seemed a person wor thy of envy; yet In the calm of thought, his conscience upbraided him and be was far -less happy than he seemed to be. Ere yet the glow of novelty had entire ly ceased to bewilder the understanding of the renegade, preparations were made fdr he assault; and after a fierce but ineffectual resistance, under their gallant leaders, Thomas and Herbris, the Damas cenes were obliged to submit to their imperious conqueror, en condition of being allowed, within, three days, to leave ib city unmolested. When the gates were opened, Demetri us, with a heart overflowing with love and delight, waa among the first to enter. He enquired of every one he met of Isabelle ; but all turned from him with disgust. At length he found her out, but what was his grief and surprise in a nunnery I Firm to the troth she had so solemnly plighted, site had rejected the proposition of her mercenary parent, and, having no idea but that her lover had shared the fate of all christian captives, she had shut herself from the world, and vowed to live the life of a vestal. The surprise, the anguish, the horror of Isabelle, when she beheld Demetrius in his Moslem hablimeuts cannot be. de scribed. Her first impulse, ou finding him yet alive, was to have fallen iuto his arms; but, instantly collecting herself, she shrank back trom him with loathing, as mean and paltry dastard. "No. no," she cried, "you are no longer the man I Kved; our vows of fidelity were pieageu over uie xtioie; mat dook you have renounced as a table, and he who has proved himself false to Heaveu can never be true to me !" Demetrius was conscience struck; too late he felt his crime and foresaw its con s queiices. The very object for whom Mi bad dared to make the tremendous sacrifice-had deserted him, and his owu sonl told him with so much justice; s" without uttering a syllable, he turned away, heart broken, trom the holy and beautiful being whose affections he had forfeited forever. When the patriots left Damascus, Isabelle accompanied them. Retiring to Autioch she liyed with the sisterhood for many years; and, as her time was passed between acts of charity and devotion, her bier was watered with many a tar, and the hands of tbo grateful duly strewed her grave with flowers. To Demetriu was destined a briefer career. All con scions of his miserable degradation, loath lug himself and life and mankind, be rush ed back from the city into the Mahometau 1 " - a m camp; ami entering witu a hurried step the tent of the caliph, he tore the turban from his brow, and cried aloud "Oh, Abubekert behold a God forsaken wretch! Think not it was the fear of death that led me to abjure my religion the religion of my fathers the only true faith, ho, it was the idol of love that stood between my heart and Heaven, darkening the latter with its shadow; and had I remained as true to God a I did to the maiden of my love I had not needed this. So saying, and ere the hand of Abube ker could arrest bim, he drew a poinard Irom bis embroidered vest, and the heart blood of the renegade spouted on the royal robes of the successor of Mahomet. happiest of man's life. William reminded him there is greater happiness than that, even on earth, if men but give their hearts to Christ. I know John did not alter his opinion, but he went away thinking ot his courting time as a joy too great to be exceeded.' 'Dear fellow!' cried Madge, smiling through her tears; 'I do believe that he was happy then. I remember 1 used to listen for his steps as I sat with my dear mother by the fire, longing tor the hap piness ot seeing him. 'J nst so said Janet; 'do you newer feel like that now V Madge hesitated. iWoll, no, not exactly.' 'And w by net V 'Oh, I don't know said Madge; 'mar ried people give up that sort pf thing.' '.Love you mean T asked 'anet. 'No, but what people call sentimental, ' said Mrs. Harley. 'Is longing to see your husband senti ment aU' replied Jsnet. ' But some people are ridiculously foolish before others reasoned Madge. 'That proves they want sense. I am not likely to approve of that, as William Would soon tell you; all I want is that wives Bhould let their husbands know that they are still loved.' 'But meu are so wain,' said Madge, 'that it is dangerous to show them much attention.' 'Oh, Madge, what are you saying t Have yon, then, married with the notion that it is not good for John to believe that you love him V Nc, but it is not wise to show that yon care too much for litem.' 'Say I and him; do not talk of hus bands in general, but ot yours in particu lar.' 'He thinks quite enough of himself al ready, I assure you.' 'Aly dear Madge, said Janet, smiling, "would it do you any harm to receive a little more attention from your hus- baud I 'Of course not. I wish he'd try, and Mrs. Hailey lauehed at the idea. 'Then, you don't think enough of your blood of Jesus Christ for strength ss fulfill every duty in the future for the all-powerful influence of the Spir it, for blessings ou her husband ewer more. She prayed and not In wain. Foira Watchmax. Mr. Editor .- My attention was recently called to the fact, that some years since, the Legislature of North Carolina granted a char ter for a Rail-road from Salisbury to Mock v ville, end thence North-west of the Sorry line to some point not now remembered. In regard to this, I speak on the authority of an other, as the act of the Legislature, granting the Charter, had about escaped my memory. I suppose that charter has never been revoked, sad there for yet In force, unless it has been annulled by limitation. It is difficult for one at all acquainted with the wants and resources of Western North Carolina, to account, at this time, far the pro posed North-western direction from Mocks ville. This portion of the State now neeis a Rail road, more, if possible, than when that charter was granted, bnt the public interest would, I think, be much better subserved, by a some what different rente. That charter should, I think, be so changed as to authorize the construction of a Rail -road from Salisbury, via Mocksville, Huntrville, and other points along the valley of the Yadkin and its tributaries, to Mt. Airy, the distance would be, perhaps, sixty-five or seventy miles. It is estimated by those best acquainted with the resources of the part of country along which the route would lie, that Yadkin aid Surry alone could furnish in iron, lime, grain,. pork, bacon, fruit, and other products, freight to the amount of one hundred tons per day. Be this as it may, it is evident to every one acquainted with the agricultural and mineral resources of these counties, that the freight which they would furnish to the only road passing through them, and consequently offering the only sufficient means of transportation, would be very considerable, while at the sane time, the convenience of the traveling public would be self already ! And nothing would make ' Ter7 nanc" promoted, since such s road would you vain, I suppose V I furnish facilities for traveling, the want of Maage eolored, and all the more when , which the people of all classes in this part of he perceived that William Matson had the State have long felt and deplored. come in qnietly and was now standing behind Jaiet s chair. This, of course put ; the route would lie, is, unouetionnblv. one of SHERMAN CONFE68E8 HIMSELF A LI AU. "Many of the people thought that tbk fire was deliberately planned and execu ted. This is not true. It was accidental, and In my lodgement began with the cot ton which General Hampton's men had set fire to ou leaving the city (whether by his order or not is not material ), which ire wea partially subdued early iu the day by our men ; but when uight came, the high wiod fanned it again into full blase, ear ried it against the frame bouses, which caught like tinder, and soon spread be yond control. In my o social re port of this cenflagrattan 1 distinctly charged it to General Wade Ham plon, and confess I did so pointedly to shake the faith of bis people in bim, for be was ill ay opinion a href fart and prefeeeed to be the special champion of South Carolina. Sherman s Mtmotrs. The above Is the most damnable and da taming confession every made by any man wearing the uniform of a soOder, and if Sherman be not craxy, with which our charity would willingly mantle his sins, 1 be is certainly infamous. After admitting that be pointedly told a lie for the purpose of ruining the reputa tion of an officer and gentleman we think viliiany can go no further. Sherman never had an enemy who could have writ ten a book giving bim a worse character than he has voluntarily and boasiingly given himself, and he revels iu the glory of his own shame. Rich mood Enquirer. J' a so struck by her loveliness that, af tsr piuihg fur some months in secret, he ventured upon a disclosure, and to his delighted nm-prise foupd that Isabelle had long eileutly nursed a deep and al nmt hopeless passion for bim also; so, hfing now sjtware that their love waa 'tual, they were as hsppy as the bird toil all day long, sings in the sunshine from the summit of the eypress trees. True is the adage of the poet, that the worse of true love never runs smooth; jod iD the father of the maiden they 'ootid that a stumbling block lay in the wy of their happiness; for he was of an Hrieious 'disposition, and they knew t he valued gold more than nobility of "ooa. 1 heir fears grew more and more, Isabelle, in her private conversation, Meavorcd fo sound her lather on this P"'t; and although the suspicions of ,"r "'ways more apparent than in this they wtre not mistaken; for woot consulting bis child-and as if hfd been in his hand he 77 ber iq. marriage to a rich old ce. ae rtch and nearly as old "., w- w:f , v 7"f Ibelrnew not what to do; for, informed by htrftther of the i a see ins Ah! yours, Jan- down upon the ground iu a profound sleep, from which a baud, with cresceuted turbans and crooked sword blades, awoke him. Still persisting to reject the pro phet's faith, he Was led fourth to die; but in passing through the camp, the eouba chis of the" caliph stopped the baud, as he had been commanded, and Demetrius was nshered iuto the tent, where Abubeker, not yet arisen, lay stretched upon a sofa. For awhile the captive remained reso lute, preferring death to the disgrace of turning a renegade; but the wily caliph, who had lak n a deep and sudden inter est in the fortunes of the youth, knew well the spring by the touch of which bis heart was most likely to be affected. He pointed out to Demetrius prospects of preferment and grand uer, while he assured him that, in a few days Damascus must to a certainty surrender, in which case his mistress must fall into the power of the fierce soldiers, and be left to a fate full of dishonor, and worse than death itself, if he assumed the turban, he pledg ed his royal word that especial care should be taken that no harm should alight ou her be loved. Demetrius paused, and Abubeker saw tluu the heart of his captive was touched. He drew pictures of power and and domestic love that dazzled me imagi nation of his hearers; and while the pna- Itnnai.ll. . J r 1 J : : I . ilw..,l, f KTj TaaKol lu inctPftd nf BHvncw uuk vJ iijiu iu wiiis iu I uuer luuugiit ift mo j - Muioer n. Hmirl ta altar. fn.m ki. ni I pciori iniT t hr imninn nrnnosal. as at urst w - . --j o -. r r . , . THE EARTHQUAKE IN NEW GRENADA Further Details of Ike Calamity Towns and Cities Destroyed. Details of the terrible e arthquake which recently visited the Valley of Cacuta, New Grenada, seem to confirm the report published ou Saturday morning. The Royal mail steamship Belize, which arriw ed Aspinwall on the 4th instant, from Sariuille, brings the feilowinr from an extra of the Baranquiila Shipping List of Alay 29 : rTM - Tm. I I a - w j.ue steam isanai, wuien arrived yes tcruay, irom tue interior, neared our city with ber flag at half-mast, indicating that she was tbe bearer ot unwelcome news. ' a . I . msi an euti to tne conversation. Aiadire re tired to her own home to thiuk of Janet's words, and to confess secretly that they were wise. Hours passed before John Harley re turned home. He was a man of good abilities, and well to do in the world; aod having married Madge because he truly oved her, ho had expected to have a hap py homc But, partly because be was leservrd and sensitive, and partly because Madge 1 1 i t - r 1 tn m i It i Y ! vi as a sea ( riutr It a1 4 u ' in i iv tii ui din f iii j as cava i - . (rrnun Vnrv nrtlii tnwurH oanh Athnr a cold that John begau to think the ale- house a more comfortable place than his own fireside. That night the rain' fell in torrents, the winds howled, and it was not until the midnight hour had arrived that Harley left the public house and hastened toward bis cottage; he was wet throngh when he at length crossed the threshold; he was atw ft' ml- Mi pro Wtrr Vmri.-iiisi ti i n -nt n r-o The valley of the Yadkin river, along which iu nooe bad for m moa)enl pictured the colossal tuaru'tude of the awful calamity which had taken place The information which has reached us on the subject is contained in a letter dated in Salszar, seven leagues from Cucuu, the 10th of tbe present month ; from which we extract and translate the folio iog: "At 11:10 A. M. Of yesterday, the L8:h, a severe earthquake visited this city ai.d reekn. In this city alarre part of the churches fell. Several bouses were destroyed and some persons killed. The city of Cueuta is entirely destroyed. finest grain-growing regions in the Bute The lands are of great and almost inexhansta ble fertility, yielding abundant crops of all kinds of grain usually cultivated in this coun try, while tbe Kills and table lands of these counties not only yield grain in such abundance as to amply reward the labor of the farmer, but are well adapted to the finest grades of tobacco. The large prices received during the last few years for tobacco grown in these counties show that this one article of commerce is destined to (Wilmington oomal.1 H u :n lit at in 5 and Outrageous. It has already been stated io t columns that on Saturday last, two o acting under the precept, (or wbatevpc name tbe authority may be called, fry wm know of cosucb writ or prT - i ihp laiO ot our colored Solon. I) ' M - v went to the common )nil ) ras and Jacksoo were oni inad fir (U- unwk c cide of Char lee Jackson, colored, ess possession el their pevsoM, carried tfcsjSA-' to where the dead body had been laid out snd compelled ibeta to loach it with their bands, under the superstitious belief pre toe valent asaoag the ignorant blacks, the IT imJ they were the sauidoreis, blond mouM ffjav t fmm tbe dead body wboa it was touches! -t rairt This is m revivor of a relict of Afrieasj wi barbarism which we thought had bee extinguished ages ago and could only bo J found amour: its nstive iuncle ou the bead waters of the NJle. Tub man Moore and those otSeers who acted undr Ir.s commit. d have committed grave offense against the persons of these prisoners, be they guilty or inoooewt of the crimes a herewith i bey are charred ; and we confidently expect tbe action of a court which is competent to punish aU such sets nf lawlessness. That any community of American citi- sens can still be cursed with the existence of such, so called, courts of iostica, fct indeed humiliating and outrageous ; to the good people of the Cape Fesr tion we esn truthfully saw that heathen have come into tbiue iuberitaece.'' tifX Fruits of nil kinds, adapted to a temporate climate, grow in abundance. Among other fine fruita, it has been proved by many experi ments that this region of country is admirably adapted to the culture of the grape. But it ia, impossible to tell in one letter all about this beautiful and productive region. A gentleman who had traveled over thirteen States in search of an "Eldorado," and who at length returned gruffly muttered, 'used to that;' but he to the home of his youth, told me, that, in all was not 'used to the tone and look with his wanderings in eoodlv lauds, be had seen which his wife drew near to wel'omebim, none equal to those parts of Yadkin and Surry, or to find dry clothes by a crackling fire, which border on the Yadkin river. and slippere on the hearth; nor to hear no j Iron and lime are in great abundance, and reproach for the late hours and dirty foot ' of superior quality. marks, ae ne tat in tns arm-chair. Borne t q0a Bjlve, iea(i Am co.i lie hidden awav prom miser, as him- P nd destined for h V'?ud P"' "a bowed L C0U,I fe8t Iike 1 , mat on fate er, her heart forsook to the dual. the Thraciau tii. ... . ce ot na to k.- . r coucn s t". under the "Wtl and instead of retiring 1 he bad done, with disdain and horror, his andercd about weep-, 1 goul bent like iron to tbe breath ot tne furnace flame, and he wavered and be came irresolute. The keen eye of the caliph saw the Workings of bis spirit . - - mm a sW Ti a ith in bim, and allowed inm yet another ' ' 7W midnierlit stars, on tne on the hsusetops, wailing . ower in!? , ' fate a"d calling on death to come tkecr from her sorrows. 4t moruing ebo wept forth alone iuto .Courtship After Marriage. "Now, this is what I call comfort,' said Madge Harley, as she sat down by her neighbor's fire one evening ; "here yoa are at your sewing, with the kettle steaming on the bob, and the tea thiugs on the. table, expecting every minute to bear your husband s step, and kind face look in at the door. my husband was but like et." "He is like mine in many of his ways, said Janet, with a smile, "and it you wil allow me to speak plainly, he would be still more like him, if you would take more paius to make him comfortable." "V hat do you meau f cried Nudge. "Our house is as clean as yours ; I mend my husband's clothes and cook his din ners as carefully as any woman in the parish, and yet be never stays at home of an evening, while you sit here by jour fire night after night, as happy as can be. "As happy as can be on earth," said her friend, gravely ; "yes, and shall I tell you the seecet of it, Madge T" "I wish you would, said Madge, with p deep sigh. "It's misery to live as I do pow. "Well, then," said Janet, -speaking distinctly and slowly, "I let my husband see that I love him still, and that I learn every, day to love bim more. Love is the chain that binds him to his home. The world may call it folly, but the world is not my law-giver." 'And do you really think,' exclaimed Madge in surprise, "that husband's care for that sort of thing ?" "For lewe, do you mean V asked Janet. 'Ye?; they don't feel at all as we do, Janet, and it don t take many years of married life to make them think of a wife as a sort of maid of-all- work." . 'A, libel, Madge.' said Mrs. Matson, laughing ; 'I won t allow you to . sit in William's chair and talked.' 'No, because your huebaud is different, and values his wife's love, while Johnr caxes for me only as bis house-keeper.' (I don't think that said Janet, although I know that he said to my husband the change had come to Madge, he was sure. She wore a dress he had bought her years ago, with a neat linen collar around her neck, and had a cap trimmed with white ribbon, on her head. 'You're smart, Madge,' he exclaimed, at last, when he stared her for some time day tp form hie retolatjbpi. Wbja thpJttWday that coortipg time was the in the ruggid recesses of the hills, and await, only the magic wand of enterprise and capilnl to bring them forth to the light of day. But enterprise is fearful, and capital is withheld, and these vast resources are not developed, be cause there are no such facilities for trans porl- been here worth 1 would justify an sdequsts invest ment oi capital. Mt. Airy is, perhaps, forty-five or sixty miles from tns Virginia and East Tennessee Bail road. A connection between these might he made with comparative ease, and Salisbury thus be united by a line of salt-works and Plaster-banks of Virgin. I think that the people along tbe route can build this road, without help ; but I also think that the counties, which would receive moat benefit from tbe road, would assist them in building it. What think you Mr. Editor, what think the iu silence 'Who has dressing for to-night V 'No one, until you came,' eaid Madge, half laughing. "I ? Nonsense; you didn't dress for me !" cried John. "You won't believe it perhaps, but I did. I have been talking with Mrs. Matson this evening, aud she gave me some very good advice. So now, John, what would you like to have for your sup per V Jehn, who was wont to steal to the shelf at night and content himself with anything be could find, thought Mad ire's - ( . W"fc v v is a offer too excellent to be refused, and very onsen oi tvowan, uavie, laaain, aoo oorry soon a large bowl of chocolate was steam- ' this enterprise? No intelligent man can ing on the table. Then his wife sat down, j deny that we are in great need of a Rail-road, for a wonder, by bis side, and talked a i nd that we need it most throngh the country little, and listened, and looked pleased. when at last, as if be could not help it, he said : f , ... . , . . . oniy a iew famines oemg saved. I ne Botica Alemana (German drug store) was set on fire by a ball of fire which was thrown out of tbe valeano. which con stantly belches out lava. This volcano has opened itself in front of Santiago iu a ridge called 1 Alto de la Giracba. San Cayetano was destroyed. Santiago, in a larger part. In Gramalote there was great distrue- tion. Arbtdeds, Curutilla and San Cristobal arc nearly destroyed, principally the four last. The population of theee towns, estimated by persons well acquain tea in mat region, are, more or less, aa follows : San Cayetano, 4.000 ; Santiago, 2,000 ; Gramalote, 3,000 ; Arbolrda. 5.000 Cure ui ilia, 5,000 San Cristobal, 16,000. The section of country above referred to embraces the regions around about where Calumbia and Venezuela join the Colum- bian portion, embracing the State oi San tender. It is ia some ae'spects the most productive part of this republic, and tbe coffee of this section: is famous all the world over Jan Jose de Cucuu, the city of the most importance of any iu that section, was situated on the boundary et Republic, latitude 7 degrees 30 north, I ngitude 72 degrees 10 west, and was founded by Jaun de Jaun de Marten iu 1343. It was a port of entry. , it" an in land town can be called a port,) and here Pas tbe established custom bouse. The 1 t -? . I . -. . I r a population or me city at tne time ot tne. disaster is estimated at about 18,000. It bad a large commercial losiuess, snd was the great depot for coffee and cocoa for shipment either through the Veneruelsn ports or down the Msgdplens to this city. The shock was felt sharply lo Bogota and adjoining sections. A gentleman who M i '1 h Wit FiS Dear old Madge '.' That was enough; her elbow somehow found its way. then, to the arm of his great chair, and she sat looking quietly at the fire. After awhile, John spoke again : 'Madge, dear, do you remember tbe old days when we used to sit side by side iu your mother's kitchen V 'Yes.' 'I was a voung man, then, Madge, and as they told me, haudsome ; now I am growing older, plainer, duller. Then you you loved me ; do you love me still V She looked up in bis face, and ber eyes answered him. It was like going back to the old days to feel bis arm around her as ber head lay on His shoulder, and to her once again tbe kind words meant for her ears alone L She never once asked if this would make bim 'vaiu.' She knew , as if Ly in stinct, that it was making bim a wiser, more thoughtful, more earnest hearted man. And when, after a happy silence, be took down the big Bible and read a chapter, as be had been wont to read to ber mother in former times, she bowed ber head and oraved. z s i Yes, prayed for pardon throngh the was at the time in Facati ve says that the suggested. We must baveit, or remain poor in l movement lasted for three quarters of a the midst or untold wealth, and sll this, be-1 minute. It wss also slightly felt iu Bar cause, we have not the appliances for transfer- j rauquilla and other places. ring our abundant and valuable promotions to points where they would command remunera tive prices. More anon. SURRY COUNTY. MAKING MOISTURE. New York Sun. The no small honor of being the discover er of a mothod of doing without rain, if nec essary, is now being attributed. to M. Paraf. He knew that the air was full of moist urs, and he knew that chloride of calcium could attract and condense It for cultural purposes. He baa applied this chloride ou saad bills snd rosd beds, op grass, and all sorts of soils successfully, aud be has ascertained that it may be applied iu such proportions ss wiU produce the irrigation of land more cheaply aod efficiently than by means of canals or other methods of securing artificial Irrigation. Oue f M. Paraf s applications will produce aad retain abundaat moisture for three days, when ths same amount of water introduced by the present method will svaporate ia aa bom : aad he believes thst his preparation fertility and productiveness to About I.vpias Cops, Corn, it - is said grows wild in South America, iu na tive country, each grain having a separate busk. We still see manifestations of this tendency in the ocessional formation of grains en the tassels, the grains being more or less enveloped in husks. In this plant. the fertilizing or fructify htg dost falls from tbe tassel upon tbe fresh, blooming Silk, a single thread of which extends to the root of each grain, aad if, from aay s . a .a la a e cause, soy or mere threads ia;i to reeerwa any of the fructifying matter, the grain arm . m si aa noes not rorm. iut it tue pniieu ts re ceived, tbe com becomes pi od active aud matures. uorn wun a sman eon wui mature in a p shorter time than corn with a Urge cob, hence such should be selected tor the late plantings. Tbe base of the ear ripens first, and by planting thai part aa earlier maturing crop may be secured. lbs earliest matured is also the heaviest. It is important to get the crop suited SS early io tbe spring as possible, for four years out of fivedreutb ia July or August Xr rw of I, planted aod desert wasee. Many persons will be fl Take il one Te mother, disposed to regard M. ParaTs plan as ton early crops are always the beat. Phth good to be true, &ay$, in Rural Messenger i.e. a . m flr i ' -' 1 Important Decision of the N. C. supreme Court in regard to Contracts of Married Women. (Prom Charlotte Democrat. 1 We are iodfbted to oar friend, W. H. Rxil-T. Eso.. for a eopy of a deeision of our Soprrme Court at January Term. 1873 touching thr liability of married women iu siguiog bonds. &c. T! case was Harris against Jt-nkins. sirs. Harris, wim of J. 0. L. ilsrris, Emi-. of Raleia'h. seatne one et? the sorKies of Slit-riff I-e of Wake snd judgment was oLuind arainst bef. OU arrount of the defalcation of Lee. bv decision of a Jury iu the Ssprrior Court, .is which judgment was set aside by the Sups- f rior Court Judge. Prom this dechnoa Jenkins appalrd to the Supreme Court wbt-re the actios of the Superior Court 1 Judgs was susUinrd. Tb opinion of the 9 Uourt wss delivered by Judgs Rodmaa aa follows : This is an actios iu which the pU' stiff asks to vacate atid -t mmI an xeeuttoe levied on ber real esute. which issued opou judgment obtained against ber in the name of tbe Sute oj tbe relation of the da feudant ss Public Treasurer. The iodf meot was obtained apu a U od made hf one Lee aa Sheriff f,.r the collestioa. SfiSw. uf tbe public tasaa. which she aud others al so, executed as tne a -ft-lie uf said having been at the exe.tion of aod still being a man lea wasea. It is clrar. of coarse, that at the bond of a married woman Iv void. If a married Woman arete property ahe was allowed ia eqaity to contract aod hind that property. The Courts of different State differ Snaaswhat in their view of ber power in seen eases. In this State it baa bee held that she could make a valid contract to bind her separata estate in laud only with tbe eoeseet of her trustee. Kroner $. Brosvaisa 1 Ira. . 237. Ham$ . Ham 7 Ire. Be. 3. Draper tm. Jordan 5 Jones Eq- 175. fTtSV ers vs. Sparrow 06 A C. tt The Constitution of trt 10. See. 6, iv.a to a married woman a - o4 rate estate io all her propertr. r. l nod soual. and il enacts that snch r .rrtv Tne wrtfsm assent oj her oust. ma. may coove-d by h-r mm if she w-re on rba Act of IP71 T2. cbap. .93. section 17. euacU that Bo mii during her shall be capable ol saaaiag any effect her real or personal estaU. (saeept ia certain eaes of which this is not oae.) with- ont tl e written consent of ber husband, un less she be a free trader. By ths express langrag of this Act the bond ia qnestion is void as to the plaiatiff. and we think it woold have bean so itheet the Act under tr. Constitution aod tbe au thorities above cited. It is contended. ever, thst the original defect quently CO red and that J. C. L- Harris, the hasbaod of tbe plaintiff. ratiud aad there by made vli l the execution of tbe hoed by bar. Tbe faeu hearing ou that point are the : After jodgriipol had heea obtained est the bond, and aur execution bad been levied on the land of tbe plaintiff, all thedefeedanU io the judgment, with the eaeeptiou af the plaintiff, and also tbs said J. C- L. Harris, lbs husband of the piaatiff. who was sot a party to the jndrment. ebrned a writing to tbe efft-et that if tbe Sheriff weele the sale ot ths property of tbe then levied on until the first Monday of ensuing October, they would waive ad tisement. notice, b taaatead and property exeinptiot aad if the was not paid before the said day la Octo ber, the Sheriff might thee sell tbs property. To this paper the aasse of the sdahVtaf war also signed by ber said baobaad without her knowledge or consent. I. This ins-roment does eH purpart pf ratify on the part of the h us bead the pass- 'I vious exeenti n of the hood by has wife. It was given merely with tbciotawt to procure a postponement of lh threatened sale. S. Tbe doctrine of ratification aa batwesa priaeipal aod agent, doac eat apply aa shea ease. Mrs- Ilsrris did not profess, ia eae eutinr the hand, to have acted as ageas e the husband. She was acting is Per owe independent right- tjjjivonjim sated wfcea she had uo powevwnsst. m9 3. It seeass to he satabKshed that p OSSV veyeeee by buabaud aad wie of her leads mass he Jointly executed, or at least hatp saostcooeer in it at tbe lime of iU delivery. Kernes, feeler A Jemes . Bessy as. Umtihisl Jmeejf&. Aad the dootriae is rt eq.ially applicable to the writteo ass sat which the Ae of 1671 -TO leppuisa to ih eonwact of a taaxted wosaaa. Tbe saseat of the wife snd that of tbe --H e her contrast at nit at tbs sasse ssosaeat ap swst P .r three reaa ss we think the tufrssosst raferred to 4d u--t validate tee head so a .a - i S fij W a a msm a toe piatnru. j - - -' q Sjuspw asarmsa. - U . jei I al V. It mm ds enWWWX 1H i i "tea fsBBBBBxi - . . spH - i BBBxl fl . lat MjmM WminwXnwM Mfj asd alH i .'- aj: ai -"IS x i 0 - Tt?W'fefesHl I'