SB BWi 1 ' " 4 ) - -tr Mm Carolina Watchman, JUNE 24. We have read caref ully the Gran ger's article of last week in reply to oor squib headed ruinous, of two week ago, and finding no point made in all its great length requiting notice, we give it the go 1 mmm . tjr Judge Bynum has filed an opin Jon deesenting from that expressed by a Majority of the court with respect to the right of Lessees to change the gauge on the N. C. Railroad. J udge Bynum takes the ground that the Lessees had no right to change the gauge. One firm here in the last eight months has paid out abont $20,000 for produce. The same firm for the same time has bought about 118,000 worth of goods. No money was sent North for goods. Cash was paid the farmers for their produce ; the produce was sent South, gold and paid for in exchange on New York, and this exchange wis used to pay for the goods the merchants bought. Honey paid to the merchant here for goods enables him to give a better price tor produce. Let the order system be kept np, and soon the merchant will be biokcn down, and who then will buy the farmers prod acts ? ' It U now charged and believed by iy that the moneyed rings have news papers and attorneys in their employ in soaie parts of the State. The purpose of these agents is to create dissatisfaction with the Usury law, to talk and write against it, to labor to make the people BEAUFORT It TO GTMgon asa me quesuon, L. ., w s. " 1 I r"l I- rft aT"tT hiilor her is becoming the Newport of North Oaro- hU direcMy to orM Mer- Una, afiording tlje pleasure-seekers of the fjw iostaad of paying it into one of our S t .i to a charming sea-side resort daring to be sent thence as directly to the JTorth- the sweltering months of the summer, lr ern Merchant." It is an .admitted fact and i. i L ;,., A tUo ta.fna an A Um onv well understood bv intelligent men, either the IB UCHC1 BU'ltu iu wmmwm uv - I - " dition of oar people, too. than the ixees- &rWCT mechanic, or merchant, that the inter- stvely fashionable and flinhly expensive l.ndu intereBt watering places oi u,e norm, woer mu , Droroerit. of on -Adimt to the other. and not profit ia frequently the reward of jyi merchants regard ibe success of the Farmer those who visits them. Those of our first in general benefits snd results to prosper citizens who have heretofore Tisitod ity. They are deeply interested in apiculture, TWufort have uniform! v found it nleasant d it w always folly exhibited in the general : .J k.-&l interest they1ake!n the ieing of their means, V7 , ' V finely to build it up. The favors shown to oiibelr enjoyments white there. In on- .gricitaral interests by merchants are of great ticipatlon or visitors in is season, V. Ujosiotht farmer. Shot off the advances Allen, general Agent of the railroad lines, made to the farmers by the trading business has published a Fair Hate List for excur- men and j on will decrease the products of the sionists, putting the price of tickets for eoontry from25to30perct. In facta large nam . , . . - a bar of fiirmeis could not cultivate their lands the round trip from Salisbury, at 8.25 . . , i , , , , without this aid. I admit that it results in good for ten days -not transferable, and fc, to Ae mere Md , it to beexpec- the bolder not allowed to stop at mterme- ifa wooid be made without at diatc points, going or returning ; without leant anticipated gain ? No deception is used, ferfeitpre of the ticket. U is well understood by the purchaser that be No objection , we think, can be urged Pjing some profit on the articles he gets as to the price, but whrhould such crip- consumes, ana ue geu tnem irequeniiy. j,.6 . ' when he sends beyond the limits of his acqnain- liberality tendered by lowering the rates I tanceh receives the goods C. O. D. by express, with one band and snatching tt away or tne cash must accompany his order. I ad with the other, amounts to a mockery and mil that it does not differ who sends money to an iusult. Or it may be compared to lit -Northern merchants, so far as it decreases its tie hovs Dlavin "mumble-bee." wheroio circulation here, but I do think that busin - ,, i I men, who are honest, upright and doing all a fall.iur mult null a noirnn rF thf Crrntind ' .... ... , I they can to encounge the farmer, should re- with his teeth without getting sand on his leeiYetJiehr support and confidence. The far- nose or com. uuui we can see a gooa mer8 to the merch&nU to buy their pro reasou for such embarrassing conditions ducts at fair market prices, and they should be I pxcentiner of course the non-transfer fea- encouraged to do so . No doubt many have . .h.ll Mll Af r Ailn'. tt.toa th tried shipping their own products, and ..... 1 1 venture the assertion that no one who h A INVALUABLE TRAVELING COM- FANION. Change of climate, water or diet ia apt to i n- duce harraming and often dsngerons diseaMs. The three changes combined ace fatal to thous ands of imigrants every year. Is it not, then, of the last importance to know that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are an absolute preventive of the hurtful consequences arising from these causes? Travelers, voyagers, sad emigrants to new countries cannot be too often reminded of the fact that this aexaashis v NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL iHfllSo' ITCiCURa. PRICE 5 60 GTS. For sale at ENNIfcS Drug fcitort. June 3, tf. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE, I. C. 1876. Will open its Fall term. An gnat 4th. Boards from $H io tHHssr moath. is the most reliable safeguard against disorders Tuition, from $1 to ft, per month, to which they are far more liable than the Address R. L. A0EBNBTHT, Pres. habitual denisens of healthy regions. The Happy Home, N. C. primal effect of the unwholesome atmosphere June 17th. ?75. 4ts. pd. which produces what are called malarious fe- 1 vers, i. to depress and debiliuita the system. GREFASRORO WW k V. (O L- The body then becomes an easy prey to the LEGE, Greensboro, N. C. begin on the 18th malignant principle in the air. It is manifest, therefore, that the surest way to avoid all epi- damir' nrl irtr)fl-t ir rv I a A i ao nf an intermittent type, is to counteract the weakening tendencies Ane r" e"D of miasma by artificial invito ration. That Hos-1 Augnst. tetters s stomach iiiuers ia the surest resasci- rll f O I? Ft T T sT1 17 "Ti unt of flagging vigor, is a fact which is best iKilkiTIO txrjMJ U KJEjIJ. appreciated wherever influences inimical to Charges per Session of 20 weeks. health exist. Bat it n not alone against ma- I Board (exclusive of washing k light) $75 00 jaria mai loey proveci me system. iney so Tuition in regular English oourse; 00 SET " rl ''Tr " to, rZT .W,ULl.,n: Oharge for Extra studies, moderate. I,ulm "uruwul n ! co,a w wnico For Oatal.irn-nntjtii,m rmnnUr. nl. InVf M 11 nftiiD anUulAH mnA Iliac n Antra. I " r :: : r ' v u t. m. j oaas. rresuaent lixe tnose elements in unacrnstomed or diet I N. H. D. WIL5) which would otherwise beget disorders of the I Pr.rfmt Rvl nfTm.iJ- siomacn ana ooweis. a he oracwn water wim jnne 17th. 2mos. Dd I 1.1 - which vuvKrn uv sea are ouen rorapeneu to quench their thirst, ia apt to provoke d vsenterv . ' PL.." I and oilier serious complaints, bat when the Bitter nre mixed whhlt, it becomes harmless. Trnly ibis great protective invigorant is an in valuable traveling companion. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GLOUGH & WARREN8RGANCrj (Late 8ITIT10H G IMPROVED - itifn CABINET AND ORCtAlV CO.,) ORGANS 2 z! FROM DRTXK3ISTS. Public Meeting at Mt. Vernon. In pursuance of previous notice a pub- NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that an Election wil be held at the several precincts in Rowan conn ty on the first Thursday in August, 1875, to iiacertain the sense of the qualified voters of RflVUI Hnnnlff as In vkalliM lk will K There is no case Of Dvspepsia that Green's ) M-.r'be th, snm of una hmidrnH thnnuinl linliara August Flower will not cure. Come to the to the stock of the "Yadkin Rail Road Drug Store of Theo. F. Kluttx and inquire Company," and direct the issuing Of the Bonds about it Ifyoutufier from Costiveness, Sick of ltowan County for the snm of ONE EUN Headache, Soar Stomach, Indigestion, Liver DEED THOUSAND DOLLARS to pay for Complaint, or derangement of the System, try such Subscript ion. All those who. rota in fa it. Two or three doses will relieve you. vor nf such 8ubcriptionaBd issuing of the Boachee's German Syrupis now sold in every County Bonds for $100,000. shall vute on a town and citv in the United States. We have written or printed ticket "Subscription;" and done so, has realized more than he would have not leas than five hundred letters from Druggists those voting against Subscription and issuing received from his own merchant at home. Our "jing t is the best medicine tbev ever sold ofounty Bonds for $100,000, shall vote on a CO business men should be encouraged, the inter est they take in general prosperity is manifest 75 Ci. for Consumption, Throat or lung diseases. Sample bottle of either 10 cents. Regular size 11 .1 . . kL: law w . tir lie meeting was held at Mt. Vernon Scotch 10 " 101 ine mo1 acuve' W men ln the -v.. """b"fa I - . -Aontrv ar the rrarrhsnts. flood, nf oil - for money at 15 and 20 per cent, lrisn 1 owns tup uowan kjo. a. u. A. New Advertisements. FOB SALE. VO. one pair of work Mules 5 6c 6 years old, 11 also a guud wagon 6c harness. M. L. BEAN, r ffooi Land Academy. The ntit term of Wood I jnJ AnuLaif will have this patronage. The merchants pay a commence 011 the 1st Monday of August, '75, large amount of the public Taxes, and suppose to continue for ten months, 'instruction given that a majority of the farmers should order all 4". V1 branches usually taught in a first class or most the eoods thev consumed, would it not Sgh. ,?ch.00, X00"? mn Vred for enter- listen at the money rings and go for hav- H. Carsou, J. G. Fleming, C. 0. Krider, decrease our business-men, and would we not grade. $1 25 2n1 $2 00 3rd $3.00, per month. log the law repealed. Otherwise they David Fleming, J. D. Johnston, A. D. after awhile have the deficiency of taxes thus Board can be obtained in respectable families sfcoold never vote for a legislator who is Moore, W. W. Hall, G. E. Hughey, T. lort to make up by heavier taxation on our J00"1: l?uF Avl?Zi . . ttt r 0. . r m w.. lands and agricultural nrodiutT d"" UtO. K. McLILL. A. B., Principal. ia tavor ci repealing me law. j. Aensnaw, . u. oteeie, v . x . star 1 1 Wood L-eaf, Rowan Co. . C it. c w s,..i. iv n xxrA n I till, U. V . UlCC'C . MJ. T WU) i-J MJt B. rriotions are aold at smsll dvnncps this nan. in 3 or 4 yearB sell their land to pay On motion J. A. Hawkins j!.sq., was Qot denied b intelUgent men. As to the the interest, than to save their lands and elected to the chair and Tbos. M. Phtfer 0 of per cent being from 150 to 300 per cent do without the money, or if they need it Secretary. charged in many instances by our merchants, borrow at 8 per cent. If tbeae hired J. A. Hawkins Esq., having explained that U incredible, and I dont think that was a agents ean socceed in making the people the object of the meeting, the following good day anyhow for counting per cent. I do 7WZ , ..... j . . j j not doubt but that on some agricultural im- believe such absurd things, then they legatee were appointed to attend a pjemen(S frorn 5 to 10 per cent, is saved by or- nape to nave ine law repeaiea wnen tne " ' "- dering, but would it not be better to encourage legislature meets again. If the people oory 31 . C on Saturday ou 01 J my lo70. 1 0Ur merchants and let them order for us and are in favor of seeing all the real estate of For the purpose of electing delegates to a make 5 to 10 per cent., they will do it, and sk mnntr trnnstai red tn a A-w so.p.illfd State Convention to be held in Ualeieb. 1 11 not reasonable, and is it not due to them to .K,.K. . fn- Url...mAnwA.H VYhirh resnltpd aa fallows: to wit nv this patronage sjsjww ivn aaa aw0 ujuuvj vusttieiDy 1 - - - - ------- - - - and the laboring millions reduced to W. A. Luckey, B. A. Kuox, R. J. Bar tenants and vassals, then they should ber, J. L. Thomson, D. A. Goodman, J. written or printed ticket "No Subscription This notice is triven in obc dionce to an act of the Legislature. paaed at its last Session. D. A. DAVIS, L. W. COLEMAN. H. BABR1NGER. Co. ConVrs. JNO. a. FLEM IMG, J08. licLEAK. ) April 23, 1875. 3moe. NEW MILLINERY STORlT At the old stand of Foster & Ho rah. Just received a nil line of Hats, and Bon nets, trimmed and nut rimmed. Ribbons, Scarfs and all the latest r reach and American novel lies, at Orders executed with care and dispatch. Pinking and Stamping done to order. The Store will be conducted on the Cash sys tem and no rood or work will be charged to any one. This rule is unvsnble. MRS. 8. J. HALYBURTOX. April, 15th 6wa. Wood, D. The Charlotte papers arc still filled RoBcboroogh, C. W. Greswell, J. m EHs JssfaHJiwjgWMMBv jw HNS laflhE. BJBBMHHBSSJS S 3 9 FITTE1 WLTIlT HE SELY INVENTED An invention having a moat important bearinzon the future of R-vd I srstromenla, by m which the quantilv ur volume ol tone 1 very ijrj;eiT ir.ircasra, anu the,quality of lone rei.dirtd Bpal to that of tiie Best PipeOrsans of lie Saie Capacity. Oor celebrated "Vox Celeste." "Vox Hainan." Wilcox renC 'fVur Coopler.'' the ing "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops liem Horn, ' Lremona, ox AngeUt, " tola E nd ALL, THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Fifty Different Styles. 7or xa TM Can be obtained only in these Organs. - n. -r-i -kv and tlio CHuroh frFs,T 1 MATERIAL AhO Wi HKMANSHIP. Quality and Volume of Tone Unequalled. Death of William N. Mills. The with matter discussing Centennial and the Foard, John Irwin, Joe. Barber, Col. J. entire community was shocked on Sun- First Families of Mecklenburg. It is right M. Earnhardt. Col. S. M. Hobson. dy evening last to bear of the death of amusing to the LUiputians who may be On motion the chairman and secretary tjf young gentleman, whose name beads 1 j . ,1 ., . . . this article, ror more than twelve regarded as composing all that large class was added to the Committee, on motion haasi Mr. Mills has been afflicted of people out side of Mecklenburg, to note the Honorable B Craige & John S. Hen- with cousnmption, that sure and fatal the manner in which it is done. But they derson, Were declared the first choice of disease, but his friends fondly hoped that have bad the Centennial, and although those present to represent Rowan Co. in I feTfr"? Jf61" wo1M 7' spared him, as J ifyj fiji tk aima'od'nd there is scarcely any foundation in fact the Convention to be held at Raleigh. ne . J, re,un,e . , a recreawng B a ntfe application, all the lovely chsrm that thw Uhratpd .nr hi.tnrin.l .M.i U Trr..L . wr ,n. toe west seemingly mnch nnprov. 0f twenty can be brought back to ladies of forty " ' J v-vuvuumcvaunus n aicuroan was ed ,n health. Ue ate a hearty supper or fortv-five ; the nwtic country beauty trans. U-ii-k.,,, Anril 0 if J j w..y. . ituuionu uuuimu mc yjwtccuillB Ul I oUllQaV Ill!TOtanU WiJIKCU 11001 118 rtM- iiisviMtinnwvit; wn uv uf . I I ... I f ls t .: tl. t i -1 i on whose postUumons reputation it was this meeting. The meeting then adjoarn fatten up, will be forgotten. Though we ed. SECRET OF PERPETUAJL BEAUTY. Ladiea whoae complexiona are darkened or marred by diacolorations or blemiahea, can pro duce a beantiful, eltar skin of a rich natural color, by the ue of BARRY'S PEARL CREAM, A healthful, safe, and delightful preparation Dr. MMoct'; Russian Remedia DANDELION BITTERS and DANDELION AHTI-BILLI0U8 PILLS, To cure Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Sick Headache, Kidney Disease, v &c. For Sale by J. II. KNKISS, Agt. PEICE, 850 TO 8500. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress Sts. DETROIT MICHIGAH. ESTABLI jy jjr It 50.) A CENTS Wanted ia Brery Conaty Address GLOUGH & WARgJIGTANgg)fj May 30, I87S. Iy. don't think it will be forgotten, if it is re garded ae a farce. But ia it not laughable, there should be so much foes about an event that nobody believes in, and that those who pretend to believe in it can not establish . If, as has been charged, the so-called McXitt Alexander-Mecklenburg-Declaration of-I ndepondence, was not got- J. A. HAWKINS, Chair. T. N. PHIFER, Sec. Kingsville, Mo. June 12, 1875 J. J. Bruner, Salisbury, N. C. De a u Si it : Io consequence of chinch bugs and drouth last year, crops of every kind were almost a tntal failirr in Watrn ten up to glorify the Alexander family, why large naaAen of glock died throuah the win- is U that ita existence cannot be estab ter and early spring for lack of feed. The past Hah beyond controversy ? There is bnt spring the farmers made unsual efforts to recu- litUe reliance to be placed in history, when P511 7 ilng and extensiTely. The important event s of not ornr a hnndrad first, and most of the last planting was swept years cannot be established. No careful away by devouring pests, leaving the whole rmintrv withmit crnnj Tinn!lc J . .M ! . , . , J " -- r " - uiBiory or close on server ot the hopeless. Improvised arguments adduced in favor of and almost The grassboper eggs were deposited n iUaiinn.l Hfx.t oi mis iragrant cosmetic, llie fadett complex- i, .. i ' j ion npeedily resumes the froh bloom of vouth jovially conversing with friends when the undeniT healthful and deliRhtfl influence. various cuurcn oeus commencea ringing For Sale by Jno. H. EN N 188 for evening service, lie made a remark June 24, 75. Salisbury, N. C. to a mend in regard to his love and at tachment for the church bells of Raleigb, and at once started home, only two squares distant. Before the bells ceased ringing he was a corpse and the old familiar sound that he had so recently expressed his luuwuvgo ava uu kuv a lu mi, ui v UiO Uv I ga - .- w wun. i.u( awv i . . . a niiv-k i TCaXLTiXM MQtlo parting soul. tseaieu rropeaaia win oe received at thia , , . , , T tt tt Mr Mills was wen and favorably Office on or before the 8th i Jnly prox., for the SJnSLVlTlS? sliiBcaT N C ' Vn.n i iKi ..nrnmn..!.. - 3 npplv of Three Million Hard Brick. To be unJer "ofUl Hotel, BALJSBoaT, N . ( . knownintl.lECOinmn.iUyMage,1tlemaii delivered at the site of the Western Insane arrangements with firrt class of the highest social standing, and a gen- Asylum of North Carolina, near the town of Houses in Richmond, Norfolk, Baltimore, tleman in the strictest sense of the term. Morganton, on or before the lat day of October Philadelphia and New York, 1 am prepared to By his close and assiduous attention to next. The Commissioners reserve the right to offer do Merchants only) the sasae, if not bet- business, as the manager of Jno. C. Pal- rect sn-r or a11 bid- ler hf Uey were to go North, merV jewelry establishment, he contnc- Bidd.ra will specify separately the cpatofthe ororder U.emselves. tan ofler vaatagesin .J j: i- .c .:. ,.r id Brick, with or without the use of conyict freight lcu me uiecaoc mai 101 uiuiblcu ins luu. .w :,. tl.i nr,u .,mn I 1 will a 180 ouv ana se uc hanjfc. liul ion. and NOTICE. Office of the Building Commissioners, Western Insane Asylum, Morganton N. C. June 21st, 1875. Sealed Proposals will be received at this ,f . 1). McN EEL Y. Merchandise and Exchange Broker, At. KXT YOU XHX SALS OF . taple aid Fancy Groceries. SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, COFFEE, Bacon, Lard, eVc A FILL LIMB OF CONSTAIf TLY OX IM mi. Etpeeud attention paid to Collection mud prompt Several times be was admonished by bis Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Gold and Silver Coin. Bank Notes, Stocks here physicians to qnit his sedentary life, but the supplv of Brick for the Western Inaaoe Bonds, on reasonable terms. FARMERS ttBSSjSB save: isnoiwsr. SAVE LABOR, SAVE TIME BY USING THE FARMERS' PLOW. to Sec of Coma. the 20tb ot May Mecklenburg Declaration, last Fall as numerous as the sand upon the sea with a necnliar fondness for bin avnmtion Asylum of North Carolina," and add has anv faith in tlm plain. nn a. tLu I shore. The hatching oroeess berun toward I mnA a nnl.lo nrAa tn nnA il T. Geo. WALTON. - J v , . . v. vvv Y IWI IUI I " m 1 w mwv.w v. vy wv . . i v, uu .UIU I fanciful illusion. Men competent to speak Uw lot of Mrch wmI up this date, still by lay up a aufficioncy for bis young JunB 24th.-2ws. on the subject have no faith in itand TUl to tnemselves wite and babe mi the event ot his ap- . . T T a . . - Wl"g", out are too feeble to get away. Every proaching end. he put it off too late, have been roundly abosed for their efforts Tetige of everything green upon the face of the He is gone, and a nobler spirit never to vindicate the trnth of history. earth has disappeared, and this western country winged its flight to the realms of eternity. We would not detract one iota from looks as bleak and bare as in mid-winter. I Billy Mills had an enemy we have . -r . a. .... . 1 ft a 1 1 Mecklenburg or her great men; bnt take ruitsor all kinds have gone the same way, veT 10 near ne was widely Known, tt for rrai.iod that .11 i. j I and the trees are even bereft of twin Md and we co truthfully say, "none knew O --w " limb luc IIICUUI Ul the dream claim is true, is it not a little . , . - . !"? I k: I m I 1.: mm 1 m a 1 ia i aa . 1 1 aa 11 invB 1 na lt-avtns. All OTHss-rn jnninnii l.ft.. PJinpPtn V in ' v. imu. m ' mr TOWNSHIP MEETING! The citizens of Salisbury Township are here by notibed that on Friday the 2nd of July, at 11 o clock, A. M., there will be a public me?t- Kingsville Township, very great suffering and Ue young wire and one child, ing at the Coart-Houae for the purpose of send - destitution prevail. The citizens i arlifk J 1 J! " mm iocauueu arc uoing every uung in tneir pow - iiiKQ 11 iv aununiiiir, vc etrange that the most prominent man in destitution prevail. The citiaens in more favor: mother borther and uo sisters to ing delegates to the Couqty Convention to be aesasa Carolina at tnai nme, ana who it ed localities are doine everything in their m. m bis uwa.iuueign jsews. iu omwoury on tneoro oay 01 juiy, imo, a ' 1 it -w-w 1 r nkm 1 r a 1 1 nMiini t in s nr i nnaiint. is said signed the alcNitt Declaration, er to mitigate suffering and brace up the falter- .! V -m I i I a t-i .11 !. J a was a citizen o; itowan tjoonty We inK- f)Ul wnen aii is uone mat can De accom Poor B;l!y! He was a native of Salisbury, and a better boy or man nev- er uvea, ms many irienas nere were refer to the Hon. William Kennnn. of Ped,there must be suffering to alaming I' "Ar:,." " .r pntpnt if nnt itiml ouuvaw a iuc diu iiiiciutrence Ol inuw tfuutHifii wiiu ll H aiiesrea Blfnpd I tr: rr .. t , wivu iuo ucrcitTvu. " xviugvuie luwiinuip, jonnson vo. Alo., .1 . f XT - . 1 .m. sue mciMiu aocument. Tbey were not June 8, 1885. citiiensof Mecklenburg, and, yet the so- I Acres of wheat sowed 3025 totally destroyed. called lieclaration reads "we tbe cilisens of Mecklenburg," tc. It then appears that all the signers were not citizens of Mecklenburg; and tbat Mecklenburg is no more entitled to tbe honor of the event than Rowan or other counties, and hence the declaration fs inconsistent to say the rv- " meadow " millet u " Rye u " Flax 44 Corn " Cart. Beans 765 1320 235 65 25 7365 79 Color. Color, physically considered, is synonymous with wave-length, light being composed of minute undulation or waves, varying iu length from the one inn ty-nve tnousanatn to tbe one-sixty to nominate candidates to the Slate Constitu tional Convention. June 17th, 1875. ANDREW MURPHY. CH AS. F. BAKER. JOHN W. .MAI N KV, Executive Committee. Administrators Notice to Creditors. 6935 violet wave. These waves strike the eve And the committee further report that a wilh velocity of 185,000 miles per sec- It is a matter of record tbat there 1rKe "a0"" of corn land was prepared ready on- Nearly 200,000 miles of them, was a Catherine in Meeklenhurir on th Ior P1n"n. " not planted on account of wwnawre, enter ine eye m every second ; Alexander, Adam Alexander and John nn nt Ri;r ... I The whole number in a aina4a MV ia on McN itt Alexander, citizens of Mecklen township Johnson Co. Mo., June 9th, 1875 enormons that it conveys no impression burg, and so-called signers of the so-called, There are now ia the township about 68 fam- 10 J , min; Coaming five every sec- werenotatiht Jiowao Coort to which " wb 4 ow Mt (or will soon be) of night, it wooid take abont .1 hmA W, .lmnw.J .o m.hiU nA provisionsand have not tbe means to nrocure thre6 mi ,,on? of yv to "tat the tLey had been snmmoned and which beld and 5jj?g ceive. in a single ond. Yet tbe the first week in Jone, 1774, it ia not -T ir 1 llTTTL i j. .bouriOO eyff Brte P' eo,ored J-. uoreaaouablo to suppose that they were farmers who cannoi raiae a crop thu Tear nn. 7 , eglcon,an.c1e ,n fme mysterious and here baues a tale. The matter d feed for teama. J. S. Hickman Chair' .J .u. ... r . . ... B,; TT I wwu im irk vi uhiuuu ui me colors at All persona having claims against the estate of Eh. O. P. Houston, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the iinderawned thousandih of an inch, the former beine on or before the nth day of June, 1876. And the length of the red, and the latter of the SSS e8toteMf-B-tod to settle promptlv. SAMUEL A. LOWBENCE. Administrator. Black mer A Henderson, Attorneys, Salisbury, N. C. June 10, 1875. Gws. pd. FOB SALE! 2 Two Horse Wagons cheap for cash, apply to D. K. JULU2S. June 1st 4 times. iaogs h is bn oiaioMtly discussed, however, and so far as argument and facts are val uable in .establishing tbe truth oi history, no such aa event as baa been celebrated trar took place io Met klenburg County. 'in 1 ... .I."- " T u .r D i'I a 7. " . 7 Wwa lha extremities of the spectrum, there by theReaiefA-ocuUmnforlGajjrfilloTowo, might be an infinite nnober of inurme-hip- I diate rates, and hence of intermediate u. a.. rJOBBf!, Pres. j colors and shades. Evidently, however. t ha eve ia ineanable nf diarrimin.rto.-i VL' :J more than s very limited number. J. . Hickman, 6c Jane 9tb. 1875. FLORAL HALL PREMIUMS. WESTERN N. C. FAIR, The premium list of the Salisbury Fair for 1875, is now ready for distribution and may be had of Secretary B. F. Rogers. The pre miums offered in Department No. 8 (Floral Hail,) will bo paid in bmsmv or Silver ware aVy. Any collections entroated to soe will have prompt attention and prompt return made. Having procured a "Herrings Champion Fire Proof Safe," I will receive money on de posit for safe keeping, or on loan, at a reasona ble rate of interest. Parties having mney to loan or winning to borrow, will do well to confer with me. Also Agt. for first class Fire snd Life Insur ance Co'e. J. D. McN EEL Y. April 29 3mo's. Spring Stoet 1875. 120 Bags Coffee, 50 Barrels Sngar, 40 " Molasses, 5000 lbs. Bacon, 2000 lbs. Lard, 2000 Ibe. Best Sugar Cured Hams, 20 Kegs Soda, 20 Boxes ' 50 M Adamantine Candles, 40 " Soap, 2000 lbs. Carolina Uice, 30 Cases Oysters, 20 do Braudy reaches, 20 do Lemou Syrup, i0 do Freeh P. aches, 10 do Pine Apples, 10 do Smoking Tobacco, 25 Gross Suuff, 25 Coils Cotton Rope, 40 dou. Painted Pails, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Beams Wrapping Paper, A full line of Wood & WiUc" ware, A full line of Boots & Shoes (very cheap), A fall Hae of Hat. A toll line of Saddles 4 Bridle, Salt, Pepper Ginger. Spice. Canned Good. Royal Baking Powders. Cigars. Tobacco, Crockery, Tanner A Machine Oils, Ac., Ac The ahove stock was bought since the late heavy decline in prices, and ia offered at Whole- Hale A Retail at very short profits, for cash. BIN GUAM A CO. Jane 3rd 1675. SPECIAL No. 1 . Heavy plow Shoes at 8180 worth 8100. " 'Women 8boes at 8188." 158 A 171, Ladies Embroidered Slippers at 100 worth 150, Ladies Slippers at 4125 worth 175, Ladies Crooaet Slippers at 1135 worth Ladiaa Cloth Garters tt 175 worth fSSO, ft wll run licbter. It will turn ynnr land better. It will make yoo better TOt, ie to keey it in order, than any other Plow you have ever used. We will furnish yon Point one year for one plow in ordinary land for ooe Efesiar. van oav voar blacksmith to do the aame on vonr nid-fafthiooed Plow ? u a nave trail mAU i l: t-n. i , i -. . , . . . All we aak of yoo ia. Try it, and then if you don't like it bring it back aad he refunded to yoo. WE WARRANT EVERY PLOW- MERONEY & BRO. It will east Whet do k Jute 8alisbary, N. C April I. 1S75 if. - 1liMfftf!rW &lr JaMakJaaMtgi3BEas 9 BPV iAt A BEAUTI?DL IETALIC GRAVE CO YIBIUC Is now offered tn every one interested in "beautifying and protecting the grave their deceased relatives. Tbrjr are made in fior sizes, with a variety of styles, raogiag in price to $60, according to siae and stvle. Can be painted any color desired, galvanised to sou the taste of purchasers. A galvanized plate, containing w inscriptfon parties d-S!te, is furmsbrd with each mound free 0 CMTfC THIS HANDSOME DECORATION is offered at such prices as to place it within reach of all. We invito IM and public generally to call and examine for themselves. Specimen ean be seen at J. A. Ramsay's office. C. PLYLBB, Afvmt. Svilitbvrf, It. CAif. 6, 1874 Ladies Cloth Garters at fi5 large lot of Children Shoes eery sem BI9QXAM A 0. Kerosene and Soline Oil ft Xe4need Prioea iSsAVZnSS' sxt to Meroney ot Bro. 30 Cts WILL BV A gallon of the Best -Xsiui e 1 0 Nest to Meroney A Bro s.

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