Eg ' . : w s n f - ' Carolina Watchman. Sg:SJULY. 8. Kluttz's Steam Mills, under the energetic hand of Mr. Ruffus Miller, are being throughly overhauled, and will he read? for work about Aug. 1st. Mr. Miller assures us that when com pleted these mill will be second to none in the country. Hone. Thos. L. Clingman, and David Coleman, have been nominated for Convention ...ili.. - a 1 .1 1 rv at ert ' 4 ,ing to oe " ' price ha. beeaoinsted for the J? B.un,00,f "d C io Burke lMi has been , looking very flne in this section at A good selection. started at Releigh It is Radical. Capital selections. Everywhere our people are putting forth their best men, and in WKm 8. Henderson and Francis E. Sbober, Rowan will have a delegation of which she may well be ; On Friday afternoon bat, again the Overseer of the Poor of the ed by the Salisbury Cornet Band, the County in respect to the manner in which of the Fulton Masonic Lodge, of this place, he removed from the jail to the Poor Houses, formed ia procession at the Lodge room, and Tuesday morning last, a ooor erszv necrose. eioonea Craven, D. D. of Trinity Col mm U. f ! . & - V . it true, as reported, the Count v Cominis- w lUB ru9i rtmojvnmn caucn, wnere NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sionera will doubtless take cognizance of if. t. ....r Jfi0tI'WlPOlatOftb,,ln Jos Roseehs has laid on our table Changed Hands. The Boy den House has passed into the hands of Mrs. Reeves, who has vacated the National, which is at present un occupied. Mr. Linton, late proprietor of the Boyden, proposes to enter some other business. Mrs. Reeves has hitherto been remarkablv A postponed meeting (BaUdlng and Loan) .occesaful in the Bote! business, and with the -ill btssW te-iorrow uigm. '"7 ", I advantages secured in the Boyden, is better Lsfcpurpoee of the redemption of stock only, prepared than ever before to display her skill I .!- WatwrnAmmmWl,' ! - nar Carson, of McDowell county, . - - L..ttkliul i 1 fcHkd lew eays sw, - w. - We do wish that bur intelligent formers ., i. - " w-fsv- t would; take mete interest in the Watchman. 11 (Via farm f AM- I 7 I Imp or a-Tb6y000id heip , to make it a much better .mar Marion, a lew days ago, and car-1 u (. woQld on,y uke tUe troabIe to offaOsab. furnish as items of news in their neighborhoods r reports of crops ; experiments with new seeds A press of other matter crowds out oar usual and fertilising materials, extraordinary yields ... 1 TV . . i I I , , li i.l .! 1 o m i j-- nances tins wees, vso to cnurcn ana 1 01 any proaucr, ana us means usea kcxc, witn any outer items or interest that come to their knowledge. into Slavery. W . F. Henderson, better known as Windy BUI, haranged the darkies in the Court House here, on Monday mgm last. Among others he told that "the Dimocrat just want to get into power again to put you colored people hack into slavery a i w . Si - . & iwa a wonuer mat saon monatro s hes do not buster sad burn the thioete that give them it i mi - yet we poor darwinian dnpes believe such stuff: TUats the way the Radi cals propose to fight the Convention question, ber for J oars If, reader -mm. - SM Mrs. Or. Reeves has bought out Mr. W. T. Li n ton.sndrtnioved to the Boyden House, closing VsWsea for the present. be delivered an able, interesting, and practical address noon the snbiect : "Mason rr. sai mk mm r ' " m W component of Society." The address listened to with marked attention from be ginning to end, and did ample justice to the distinguished orator. At night a social-reunion, with refreshments, was to hare, takes place in the Lodge room, but on account of nW fascism sot weather it was postponed until. Saturday night, when the worth, beauty and intelligence, not only of the fraternity, but of the whole city, were gathered together, and spent a few boors as pleasantly as is ever allowed to mortals "this side Jordan's wave.w Our handsome young friend Mr. J. F. Ross, opened the exercises in Great Sale In Danville Maj. W. a neat little speech of welcome, and introduced T. Sutherlin. of Danville, has advertised to Rev. J. Ramnle. who for s short while ente sell 103 Building Lute re the town of Dan-1 the audience in his happiest vien. Then vffle, Vn., on tfae'l&h Jqly Instant. Per- came ice-cream, cakes, lemonade, nuts, can sons attending the sale eaa go and return I diea M in abundance; and deftly served by for one fair. AtbDle aeeommodationa at th l"lura P" on piessanuy, ana Hotels I without a jar, thanks to the watchful eye and Danvills is rovrfn. tfMW .-A airectin hta a- Holister, who was master O sf " --m-m J 1 UWI GREEN SBOBO FEMALE C(ft- LEGE, Greensboro, tf. C. The Fall Session will begin on the 18th. of august. TERMS REDUCED. , Charges per Session of 20 trteks. Board (exclusive of washing A lights) $75 00 Tuition in regular English course, 45 00 Charges for Extra studies, moderate. For Catalogues containing particulars, apply to T. M. J oses, President N.H. D.WILSOF. President Board of Tract em June t7th, Sfaios. ptL LIMS COLUMN. CRAIGE & CRAIOE. naturally attracts much attention The town has excellent Railroad facilities in competing lines. It has a splendid water power in the Dan river on which it is sit- natod;aodis located in the center of the great Tobacco interest of N. C. and Va. of ceremomest it pleasant incident of the evening was the presentation by the Lodge, through Mr. J. F. Koss, to Mrs. J. D. Holister of a magnificent pyramidil cake, which was April, 15th 6wa. decorated with all the emblems of the Order. This wss a handsome recognition of kindly offices rendered the Lodge by Mrs. H. Who NEW MILLINERY STORE. At the old stand of Foster A Horah. Just received a full Hoe of Hats, and Boa- nets, trimmed snd uhtrimmed. Ribbons, Scarfs and all the latest French and American novet- tM'at ALL PRICE Orders executed with care and dispatch. Pinking and Stamping done to order. The Store will be conducted on the Cash sys tem and no eood or work will be charged to any one. This rule ia nnvarible. MRS. S. J. HA.LYBURTON. THEO. F. KLUTTZ. Wholesale sfc Retail Drug; ut, l L i BALloDUax, B. U. To Mechants,How keeDers, Yotuur FoDou Old Folks, Smokes, Pain ters, Farmers, Grangers, and Eve iTbenever ym DftUGd. MEDICINES, PAINTS, OLLS. tW Special attention paid to as44 2 Q JLJeAastraJp4B s 4 asi ( 4 I I PERFUME A So. FOR SALE. 1 Hosae Sbwttle Sewing hi orStar. wtta t ixtarcs 1st sale this March 4. 1674. tC ApfJ a 14 V, Mr. Jno. Emmert, formerly of Maryland but for several years past jpxitizen of this county, passed through Salisbury on Wednesday last on A negro riot at Vicksbnrg last Tuesday re- his way back to Maryland. This step is caused wltd Io the killing of two negroes and the by the recent burning of the Rowan Mills, and grioos wounding of others. Rowan Handle Works, which Mr. Emmert had been running very successfully. Mr. E. is The Kuril Carolinian. This most snpe- not onj a thorough going business man, but a nor of all the Agricultural papers ormagasines, perfect gentleman as well, and carries with a 00 our table deeply interesting as usual. him the universal respect and hearty good wishes tCaka.whiwa. presented to Mrs. I or people. ssffj a , Tot which it U becoming the leading market, I afterward generously donated the handsome The sale is absolute. Terms one-half present to the Oxford Orphan Asylum. J. D. McNEELY. Merchandise tan Exchange Broker, cash. : Marriage Licenses issued in the month WHITES. iowan daring Fulton Lodge may well feel proud of the oc- and mark it down as one of the brightest in its history. ( AQKST TO Tilt SALE lljon leant mo GAR rvooav eise. need anythmg in the way of ads ?a v l .H i m 1 " . SESJSJ i I J 1 I imiliT VALUABLE House & Lot for Sale ! ism DTE 8TOFTS 8ERD8 kc., the best articles lee the i . .1 iir v . srr uj KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. DEN SEEDS. The Hoose snd Lot oa the and Beak Sra. reaes Brown, ia offered for sale. valuable properly in lently Nluaied uatne sewn. Persona deajriag tkm caa otttatn M ay ting with either of the a of Mefcn" bar Mas. Ana Price lljlB 311 FflBCy BfltSnB. l ".000 papers warranted fresh and genuine Hn umititt ssrrrr !J feeed Lnndreth, Buiat, Ferry, uunn, e.nur, snutn..s.., -sa, ftnd Johniont & RobWfm, At 6 cents a Paper. Lib era 1 ft Wi ReatoBabte sgeea-- ' two mi las tt.K on, lard, Sec. Mri n Holister, by Fulton Lodge, was disposed for the li :cpt. Jno. Ramsey, bad a tain. lawK of the Oxford Orphsn Asylum on Wed- abU horse attacked with this daneerous affection sy night. gome tjme nce M ne succeeded in treating it successfully, our readers would do well to Maj. J. C. Turner who hss been seriously ill make a note of the case. The treatment is simnlv frosUrtto of paralysis, has so far recovered as this :-A strong blow with a hammer was struck to be removed to the home of his son, Cspt. i the centre of the animal's forehead, first, Colden Turner, in Georgia. placing a plank over the forehead, which I knocked him down, and at once relaxed the Mr. u.t. fenion, me popular ana accom odating baggage master on the W. N. C. R. R At a meeting of the citizens of Salisbury A FI LL link op sa jaj wul. j - t . i Toerttahio on the 3rd. da of Julv the follow. T L Y ON Hinn win ncBij Aieiauucr, w Vnarioive vtuiieu . J . i m r i . . 1 PUrke Perry Gtahem Kate Partee Foard. lnf nominations for township officers were JSspeesai aELtniwn pata to cnuecnoiu ana jnw; Cicero ArmisteadBtwley-MarthaAM ' , , r a W mi. ... - I W7 nr. . I asijii-s- IUIUKI I y UVV is Uii va jj v. " - -v Micnael ewton Swisher-Wincey Ann 3ully- " -Aoisjxnaxsw. ; I under National Hotel. SAUsnsjjnr K. O. L M "DUn' P Adam .s - tmM ... t r. r. ... w. . XiaVlUK U14UC Ulinintlimiu w .... urown, rf.r.xwwan.iL, w , rr tee, U. J- Houses In Richmond. Norfolk, Bsltimore, h Kseo deservedly promoted to a Conductor's place, nee Cspt. Horace Connolly, resigned. Tat schedule on the Mncksville Mail Route Vas been reversed, snd the mails come in now on Monday, Wednesday snd Friday, returning a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. rigidity of the muscles. A purgative dose of pul verized Aloes was then administered, (six dramcbs) and the horse perfectly reeoved. Ia the language of sn impassioned and elo quent ipeeker, ws desire to ssk ; "Gentlemen, vbersJs your Fourth of July ?" Gone where tas wood-bine twineth. Pesos to its departed glory. Piae Oats. -Mr. J. W. Fisher of this county Tsissd from 3 bnshels of seed. 121 large shocks of Day, and He thinks it will Ihesh out between Wtni 125 bushel. This is certainly a good yield. Among the speakers at the County Conven tion on Saturday last, was Prof. Abner W. Owen whose happy effort is worthy of special notice. Prof. Owen has a style of his own, which is at once unique, original, entertaining and inimita ble. He proved himself equally at home amid the floven of poesy, the figures of rhetoric, and the sterner facts of history, and although called up unexpectedly an8 speaking under disadvan tages he showed himself every inch sn orator, and held the audience spell-bound to the close. "Free from the dorrrtgf sera pies that boy. rnUl 1 nmwf na Mills TW. Samoel Luther Canup Frances Roxana Victoria Deaton. Richard F Roueche Lundy M. Caaort Calvin Henderson Bost Laura R Lingle. Joseph Washington Cox Martha Locke Bui- 1-1 L. . - . ...... BLACKS. Jerry Townsel, to Mary Parker. 3 V . ' m Aieaaoaer jenains cnarioue Lowerj. William Johnson Eliza Dickey. Thirteen in all rife knew the market would improve. Hot weather don't stop it. Baker. 'OE CLEHK, rjsv. T fetter orur free born reason." The above is the motto of the man that writAS rVntpnnlA.1 flrtilp.a for fliA flhor. Sorael ody has shown Joe Caldwell, ni otiB and throatens to bnrn down the (timer, a freg whieh live, and office becauae the WatcJiman ia a bet. tjnres ,n alcohol. We know Joe envies ter paper than the Odsfirwr. Poor fellow T1 frog- if he would just "free;' his office of him- Tbe Radical, hav'nt put out their candidates 8plf the Observer would improve. fcrConrention, in this county yet. but we lesrn tast Thos. R Long, snd Isaac W. Jones, are likely to be their men. It don't mske any iftrence who it is. Pink Hall, would run about as well as any of em. Sabbath School Celebration We have been kindly furnished a carefully written account (too long for th is issue ) of a eele bsation at Luther's Chapel, on the 6th lost. Itj was largely attended, comprising dele gates from three Sabbath Schools, and cit izens, in all to the number of about l.UUti persons. Rev. W. R. Ketehey opened with prayer. Mr. K- P. Julian made ao address, and was followed by Rev. D, M. Hinkle. Declamations were made by Abner Julian and Chas. Rose. These exercises were in terspersed wjth voeal and instrumental mo rn At the end of them, all partook of a feast spread in the grove, where pleasant re unions were had. kind and loviog words were spoken, warm congratulations and fare wells given, and all dispersed to their respec tive homes, happier and better for the day thus spent. Philadelphia snd New York, Ism ia one sou to oner (to Merchants only) the same, u not bet ter advantages here, as if they ware to go North, or order themselves. Can offer advantages in freiarht. I will also buy and sell Exchange, Bel 1km, Gold and Silver Coin. Bank Notes, Stocks and Bonds, on reasonable terms. Anv collections entrusted to me will have prompt attention and prompt returns made Having procured a "Herring Cham i Fir Proof Safe." I will receive money on de posit for safe keeping, or oa loan,- at a r manna ble rate of interest. Parties having raaney to lose or washing to Tl,a .in.,.ns ranti .t. I borrow, will do well to confer with me. " w"7 I . t c. i xn a nr. T met annni nir In nrpvin,, nmint m.n In AimJ lul u,Dk K,mT. 1 " " w r rr . .... . anct ijo'a bury on Saturday 3rd of July, 1875, for the I Aoril 29 Srao's. Andrew Murphy. . Fob Constable, M. A. Smith. f . , yt Fou Sc h col Con . . w 1 , - - a . I . John M. Horah, Luke Blaekmer, J. J. Bfuner. - ' v bnai-w. TrO. HAUflrHTON, ChVil.- JOHN W. MAUNEY Secretary.; J. D. McNEELY. A club of young gentlemen of this city will make a tour of the mountains of this State in a short time. The Officers of the expedition are, Capt. E B Neave, Treasurer ; J S McCubbins, Tr (Vimmiuarv f! H Ksrtror IMm mt nr. thos. a. Min of Newark, New Jesey, T.-iv-.; . w w rwAnn.n v xr . huiarented a system of telegraphing by which, j ,A Bto( Register ; H M Jones, Wagon "wunnun mai ovw worun can oe rccornca dt . r . r ! 1 m "-,jmiJ telegraph in one minute, and that four message; cn be sent over one wire at the same time. npMiaxt ? There will be s meeting of the citizens of rVotideuce Township at the Hatter shop on the day the sheriff collects his tax there, for ths purpose of nominating Township officers Providence Township : All are invited to Mastsjr; E P Brown, Surgeon ; Dr J F Griffith, Orderly. Sergeant; Frank Young & J H Heilig, Canyatsmen. We hope they. may have a good time, and return to their homes safe and sound. - - . '. . in . Our Living and Our Dead. This ex. "tmmt periodical comes to us this month lastly enlarged. It is gratifying to see that it vstinues to improve, grow in interest and ml merit. Price only $3 a year. Address, D. Pool. Ralshrh N. C. i Personal : Chss. Price Esqr. late Senator Rowan, A Davie was in the city yester T" Mf' "r hM haen unanimously nominated thsxleoservative Candidate for Convention in wm . .... The editor and proprietor of the Charlotte Observer is evidently ina bad way. We baye so completely befogged and worried, him on the Centennial question, thst he ia now talking shout burning up his office. . We don't want him to do that. The lorn of his services to the State and the Centennial cause would be irre- pairabie. No, don t do that, Jones. We are not angry with you. We were only poking fun at your eccentricities. We are going down -to Charlotte soon, and We will ' take yon not to ride. We nave . already engaged the team from your enterprising liveryman, Mr J. W. Wardsworth. He says we shall have the best turn out in the State. Won't yon ride with us, Jones, and give over that idea of burning Op your office ? We can't do without yon. Redeeming Land. Messrs. Wm. Murdoch and n. 11. Wiley are vigorously engaged in the improvement of a large tract (nearly 500 acres) of the Macay lands, 2 J miles West of this place, and South of SherriU's Ford road. They have 100 or more acres of branch bottom, about 50 acres of which was formerly used as a mead oWifbnt daring the war and since, went to bush and weeds. The present proprietors are there fore doing a work, of redemption as to this part; and as to the other, subjugation of original growth. They nave already cut miles of ditches and drains, and the work still goes on. The aim, we understand, is to establish thorough drainage, and then by cultivation, bring the whole in condition for Timothy and Herds grass. The soil is rich and deep, and if the scheme proposed is carried out, tney will soon nave a property yielding, at a. low average, $50 net to the acre per annum. Thug it will be seen that a big thing is aimed at no less than a net an 1! ..fSKAAA ' - ' It is an enterprise of the right sort bringing to the support of the country something it had not before. If he who makes two blades of grass grow where only one grew before is entitled to honor, they who make wilderness lands pre dactive should be entitled to double honor. purpose of nominating delegates to send to the State Convention, Luke El ickmcr Esq, being called to the Chair, and Messrs. J. B. Gibson and A. W.Owen appointed Secretaries. The roll of Townships was called, and ail t be Town ships were represented but one. The Conven tion then proceeded to ballot for delegates: on the first ballot J. S. Henderson Esq. re ceived ten lownsnips; balance scattering, vo ting for Messrs. Crawford, Sbober, Biackmer, Bruner, McCubbins, and Flemmine. On mo tion of W. H. Crawford, Hon F.B 8 lober, was nominated by acclamation. A committee wrs appointed to wait on Mr. Henderson and an a e mi m - nounce ins nomination. 1 lie convention was addressed hv Messrs. Shobtr, Henderson and Owen. On motion the Salisbury papers were requested to publish the proceedings of the Convention. On motion the Convention ad journed. J. B. GIBSON,) q. a. w. Owen, r bec Intelligencer copy. LOOK OUT discount 'KLUTTZ' 8 DRUG a 1 I II m POTATOES. the undersigned aUrs for sale Tit offend lying on the N. C. R. East from Saltatory. Thm land will baanbibl 4 lots if oWi red. Also 108 acres eight miles Wee from Se. bar j on the Beetle nRard road. Is nearty Balistjuij, N. C. rsmm -iT JOHN W. NAUNET, AgL w ror kM. wona a. May 11,1876 L , 95 BBLgy Basis, OoooBica h Paa- LS8S, JtTBT HRL1IVBD AT KLUTTZ'S DRUG STOKE. 1 F0B.TTTF X TB IT Ru. bold bv R Erie. Pa. Eary O.8. nn Daily to Afwcta snotfteassa 1 Family rawer la free, AM. M'FU UX, 4m I Just punishment. A Quincey 111., dis patch says : "Last night a negro on the Keokuk and North Western Steamboat Line entered a white lady's state-room and attempted an outrage upon her. Ao engineer hearing her scream rushed in and bmke the negro's skull with a band spike, killing him almost instantly. 1 H Ml A M m At the residence of John B'Verble.Eso.. on Wednesday the 3rd day of June, by David I. Bnngle Esq , Kictrsrd F. Koueone to Lunda M. Casort, all of Salisbury, BELL & BRO. rtfTav tko hAat plMtion of Jewel rv to he ound in Western North Carolina. Consisting of LADIES' A GENTS? GOLD WATCHES Csold Opera and Test Chains, PINX3 QOLD PLATED Jewelry, CLOVER AND GRABS HID. A Urge stock, warranted Extra cleaned, Freak & Genuine, at low prises at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE. : M - v . To Country Merchants I have the largest stock of Dyee, Grocers Drugs Sot., In Western Carolina, and am now prepared to tell at Baltimore Price, thus saving you the freight. Special ettentwa In wat tling Essences, Laudanum, Paregoric, Opodeldoc. Caster k 3 weft Oil Sec. Write for nrirea. fa !TUEO. F. KLUTTZ DBUGGI8TJ 8axbut, N. 0. Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring Extracts, Essence, Spices, Gelatine, Mustards, Soda, Dye-8iuffs, Toilet and Laundry Sonne, Lye, Matches, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys dec, al ways on band of beat quality at BlJjKJ X k SJ O 1flUU a Vf au For Yonni Laiie and Gentian. Fine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps x Cosme tics, Soaps, achous, Toilet Seta, Vases, Hair, and Teeth Brushes, Pocket Books dec, in endless variety at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. with two 96.00 tferosnom. tBreedwaN. Y. 9 & 9r4 a '' 0 a ill mn ..L fc e 1 1 1 1 ! ! 'J S 1 0 TO S5D0 Ti p Vfl gagsj AT? and eoner page book the Wall SENT FREE i.S'S Brokers, 72 Bniadway New York t te't a. sSflWsmVaa3satsiHBmVmflhBmanaMK Ofmyf4tswfHof Stf MosAswrH ana fwuw. avammssa mVwaaabSl VaTawawsm amssnsa agm MMt weUSs, ifsvwoSvmSttZ aaZ ' tr Jtam W v. In Rowan Co., N. C June 24. 1875, by Rev. Sam'l Rothroek, Mr. Calvin H. Bost and Miss. Laura R, daughter of John Liugel, Can.. SALISBURY MARKET, Corrected by McCubbins, Beall, and Julian Buying Mai: CORN new 80 to 85. OOTTON-ll to U FLOUR $2.73 to 3. MEAL 85 to 90. BACON county) 121 to 14 - hog round POTATOE8 Irish 90a Sweet75 to 81 EGGS 12 to 15. F I!.. r 1 Cigars M you Say ? I Oh yes, we have ibem at all prices from 2 cents to 25 cents, and can sell them by the box st jdbbeis prices, our celebrated 3 cent PECULIAR CIGAR is acknowledged the beat in the world at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, JURUBEBA has established itelf a a perfect erf! remedy for diaorda wt tne IJilias ayjgfM rom improper action of the Liver snd Bowels. ITI8 NOT A PHTSIC. bnt. by tifcstatiag ' toe aerretire orraos, gwutlv aae STMWBUV removes U imparilie. and regulates ths eur ajatoaa. IT Ui SOT A WCTOaZO BITTsaS, DUt M SJ VKllITONIC mw - as I i which asfists digestion, snd thus stimulates the appetite fr food necessary to irrigorate tne weakened or inacuTe orfranf.nuu p urerrrn to all the vital forces. It CAsaiss its own UKoiuiaraaTioM, at the large snd rapijl j ircnasirg sales testUjr Price One Dollar a bott'e. Ak joar dmnis. f.,r it. Johjibtp HOxlowat 4: Co. FnJta rat TTholeaale Agents. . - : . 1 mgmf liSsHi urT.vv.n W4 7?j? nnm PENS. dh-J 1 ' Tt-nr irn-rc I 1ATTODO r. I rUlvrj TT ItMLtO . biyuVAO tor Thev are agents for the celebrated Diamond I 1 v u -J arT from Minute Crystal PEBBLES. band at Watches, Clocka and Jewelry repaired and KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. warrant eu a oionin. cnarges as tow a wnu- . a u lam wuii rwm wi. . - f tA Store on Main street,? doors abore ational A CTrai IMI OK) CeiltS DCt Hotel. 1 2p . 1874ly. KLUTTZ'S DRUG'STOBE. SALISBURYS mmr . -MJ tal Regale; iAV majority, and will make a capi- musical entertainment given by the pupils of ppeech to reoorton the oooasion, we cannot do FEAT HE that lady's music school, at Merooey's Opera tbaa to prillt the grandiloo,uent ezordi RYE a 9 Hsll on Monday evening last was a grand sue- am 0f OQe which was made by a Radical orator REESEW I 3-t Re Canvas, in this county will open 11 lJJPnn next Thursday. The Can. lfet nominated last Saturday, Messrs. Henderson, are two well known " wquire any formal introduction by lh Ptopw of this county. us M. M W1 MTh "aiorinun Ponrth" want patAKCIWi: i ik tm Ol.. wf p. wv. . w i by unhtmomi tais year, anu as we nave no LAUD 15 HER? new, 50. BEESEWtS-28 to M. tmL x Atll. JjMut1 m.w.A 1 . 1 11 r I Fmi w wt-m a rw a Wa a m ine siage wa ocuiu.7 - several ears ago. oaia we speoaer -jus- 1 w ilriiA 1 ol.Std a ol oO. ii .j. u hawahs ia nninn ai iwisrm. i awn.11 a : . - ?i m.. ; j wa TTmnn n- a a . r r 1 1- I I r I n n Mi rutin I . !. ' 1 ; ' . .. - a nriltJI. ITirtTTI'll . o mppuH i.w" eiT"!. ' laoasion, auou a ichwu w iwhimv.uw wi uauw inuii wo. . . 1 a picture fair indeed to look upon. The entire the horizon ot the people since Christopher Blackberries, 6 eeota.. programme waa superbly renaerea, waicaimg Columbus disciverea tno great ocean, jay the very finest amateur talent. frStf, bad 00iored fellow-citisens we have acasiou to be tee 1 r rend of t be foartanay or J aiy. For it The the fourtb day of July seventeen hundred and of there is not such another space we should like to mention some cienes' particularly, but most forbear. . . a. XLJmm. - I :'!- 1 -.I'. U. 1 .;-r kat Pkn-tnnkv rVilnmKni lanttn.l romrtina it wnicft wm DC lurneo over me urpnan ajsiuhi. "y,- v FRESH TURNIP SEEDS Just Received a Fresh Supply of Early White Flat Dutch . , , .. ( j..-. "HTPM. and nobodv thinks rnorti nr 'be Papers. We want oar MH-t-sa mtr trt. .j .... . ... to the nlf.isures of the evenine. . , nw, 10 ur op in in in matter. 1 r: . " w ; oat and out anything unaided, and don't Early Red Top -V.I ; 1 K.1.r, an1 tk. VJ !..- U r. f o I At ENNI88'3 TfaiHMkbury Coxneflglili III flirt jti Much I what was tha dom' dowa here m Virginny at that time r xna nau war root on tne di&ck mm to be cussed for not finding it out. Ail Telegmpb VVe are glad to learn Bwn UN will Buurvi uc ruu "allebary to Asheville. and thence to the tnal staUon or Mount Mitchell The fiojsrnmentUtobuilditftnn? the station to Asaertnc. citisens thence to.Old Fort, and the iaZjfm TT,0,I Telegraph Co., thence to Balis- ' "apply a lung felt want. Murder ! murder ! murder 4 shrieked a young Jy on niM St.. one night last week. She . gone to sleen leavinir a .! kamtn. Ji -waking late at night, found all in dark' aess, and hmi -t.-i.t . U . - - uoee in tne room .. crus nromnSlir hWM.f hi .. i 4t Uut k. iJMUnpurf tb light, man's neck a bollerin six temper tyranibus (tremendous applause ) My colored fellow cit- isens if these Dun moe rata ever gits into pow in this country agiu, they'll do like they done in Rome. Look at Rome ! once the pi master of the land and mistress of the seas, and whar is she to-day ? Overrun by Greeks, Cans- dians and other savages." Andsoon to thai 1 Eicnrsioa to Old Fort anil Betin. GREAT BARGAIN STORE. The undersigned take pleasure ia informing their customers and the community at large that they are now in reeepts of a large stock of Bprinq and Summer Goods selected with great care and direct from the Eastern markets eon sUtfng in part of all kinds of Dry (Goods Va .. - gallon at in -. .. HATS, BOOTS, A "tL SHOES, CLOTHING, lr U'. itv.; i P I Ii a Jk-w. f-ii . tfMi A ' ft II ruin Cnunhs. Colds Hoarseness w AND ALL T 110 AT DISnAHWS, WT U8 WEL8' CARBOLIC TABLET, PUT UP OlLT IN BLUE BOXM. A THIRDAND SUEE EEMiDY. Sold br ln.Kjit genenllv. and FULLLKA FL'LLEB, Clmsfo, IIl ' ap8ICUOMAKCY.or 8OUL CH aRMIHG " Mow either sex may factnata snd smb. ths ean possess, tree, uj mau, lonoc. lofscnevwna a marrisge guide, Kgiptiaa Oraele, Draeeis, Hints tolndiee. Wabrlgbt Sahrt. Aa. . jnow taeok. AAdsaesTT ILUAM ACn. fwj, 1 The K of the L tbenrand rouiu of too yean ef Progress. New Complete, Or er HIM 1000 ' mummw Illustrated Btoit body buys It ft sfswa? ssehe rowglOO (oM)0 a asst. ftjdns J. C. He to estJ onni AGCUTQ vwia s w pMvwl by R. w. Fas Those Whistles.-It is pleasant, these dull times, while the farmers are so busy in their crops, to been the whistles of the machine shoos aad mills ia our town. Tney eeeas ito say there is life under thias though it is not very pleasant , for show much of it himself. Tun Messrs. Mf r ney and Mr. E H Marsh are driving right along, theif sbops in fall work do ing all aorts of lobs, in iron, brass and wood. Calls on them for articles can scarcely fail, from a tooth pick tp a steam engine. The Farmer's Plow -has given snch satisfaction, that the Messrs. Mero ney have the pleasure to know it hi becoming Domilar. Kluttz's reconstructed Mill will eboss -s ' . k A I - . 3 .' . i .U be in full ran on the new wheat crop. Orders murders, suicides aau otner itanunf solicited. Callers welcomed. eeenta. With the earthquakes, Btorms, . floods, peats, deauu py Tiwanca ana Ex-emperor Ferdinand, of AusVia. is otherwba. thift prophecy bs been iugu- dead. larly tumnatl, 16th and 17 th Jul acomr car rates $IJM. Leave it the rerulsr hour of mail train. R.8 . VF00D, A remarkable prediction. M. M Pomeroy, editor of Pomeroy's Democrat predicted before the close of last year, that 1875 would be remarkable for the number of He disasters oa land and " "W. T. O&ftSM. . J. A. HARRISON ji t it r'-' Administrator's S ale of By virtue of an order of the t Court of Rowan county, 1 will otter Tor sale at poblic auction at the Court House Ooor m t&e Town of Salisbury, on Saturday the 24th day of July, 1875, the Pillowing personal estate, to-wit : One hood of the State of North Carolina. Sc. 538 . dated April 1. 1869. nominal value 1 1 ,000 Interest due from April I, 1863. Also three bonds of the Confederate States, B of $1,000 each, and one of f5,w C T. 13BRN U1H msTt Brwa fl . .-. . . . . . ' Tltilw 9K Mint 'm. hm f WarrrtrnMLted or I- J Medical AdvlBar," by R. V. Pisses. M. D- meoting, I have at last found the Ureal , Us, 4 . ALBEMARLE PFSAIE JXSTTTUTE. SetnedylZr Chills, Fcrer A Ague, Ac. A ChnrioessnMlte Vn. MHa AsaalJi.esj . and can confidently rtemmmmmmi H to asy fctetndhoiwaah tneiraeiMm !ltat r pi .re &C. &c. Which the art determined to stU low down for cash. Highest Cash prises paM for all kinds Or )ur plan is small 4' 4toi . 'tm ; s Ure ten a' BRNHABDT, Admr. of T. Heilig. Biackmer A Jlsnoerson Auornerg, oausuury, n. July 1, lo75.-4 w. sbur. of Country prod Quick Sales profits and we believe that the publis will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. HO TROOB I to SHOW MOBS. . . . TT kl f .4J ifc' L-lilin We beg to return our thanks for past patronage and hope by fair dealing and strict attention to ouaioeas 10 merit continuance of the same. rrteiuiff and the prnMie. Try It. TP V A Q X JLd jHte Oe Finest Teas in the mark et, Put up in air tight, lib cans, 25 per cent leas than usual Prices at KLUTT'S IRUQ AT.uayU I abort whenever yon want tioes wajfally preayed. 05 need usually kept in a Jf trtt elm wai want to hs sWaia ml what row nail for. snd ef and, promptly served. Be ente or eeod to THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Drooaor 8 ALI8rT, N ;jam. JS, 1B76 U NOTICE. Ho lies is bo held st the ty on hereby given that an Election will SetU'ewaKeSe-i to to the stock ef the Company. of Rtfwan Ceent ef tbe' OKU ML S DEED TUOISASD DOLLAB8 W MT fx ball teste en C. is given tester the Legktotarr, Mini at Relate D. A. DATA L W. COLAH Alf JNO. G. KLEKI Mcl-r tH. ( 4 a r r f .fl