3j:33pilI if" . " , : !TL,J . Y'l 41111 ' ' - - 1 . ji . . - .,.-.,.M - - . . . , . . . , - i-ii ... V.-THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, AUGUST, 5, 1875. Di-WsLrMT frvi wt-w ufrHuida art ' Vr bjusi wo i ',o J NO. 98.WHOLE SO 8ft - oi ut . sds sd tli d" ' - m mm r . -. . ... , . . . mm . , . , . . m. . 1 - '" 1 ... . 4 PUBL18EPED WEEKKT t j. J. BRUNEE, ( froavletorsadEditoi. STEWART J. J. Associate E4itor. ATE OF aiBfUlPTIfllf WEEKLY WATCHMAN. aw. v ear. payableinadvauee $2.(0 0V : . i on 10.0 a. vfosTiis, 5 CopiMt" ddre8- AHVERTIHI C; RATES : 0c SacxBf (1 inch) Oneinssrtion $100 1.50 Rite for s greater number or insertions Iwdertte. Special notice 2& per cent, more a rwilar advertisement. Reading notice. 5ni. line for each and every insertion Y It ITT EH FOB. THt WATClMA. IP. A BALLAD. Mb. Editor: Every excursion party gen erally baa ita correspondent, who is expected, for the benefit of themselves and their friends, to report pnblicly what they have seen, and sometimes what they haven't seen. And now since all of the Salisbury Excur sion Party have returned safe and sound, over joyed with their grand trip, to touch so that some already are talking ol a next year's trip of the same kind; to complete it I prepare to give you a short sketch, imperfect as it may be, of our route, the scenes, incidents, dec, therewith connected. Leaving Salisbury on Wednesday morning of the 14lh, ult., as we did with music sweet and colors gay, we reached at twelve o'clock MilL Bridge, where our county representative and former enterprising townsman, Mr. J. S. Mc Cubbins resides, there we fed and dined. Two nV.o.-k found ns again on the road. To- w.irtM t' e i-.iweof e evening as we ueaqjj the iiule vili (e uf MvrMviIle we met large crowds of people on their way home, and upon inquiry of what was up, we found that they had been attending the .speaking, and as we entered the village with the band playing "The camels are coming." who should we meet but our honest and noble representative, of whom we are so proud, the Hon. Wm. M. Bobbin's, who had just closed one of bis telling two hour speeches tor Convention. lie came out and gave us all a hearty shake of the hand. Our excellent Luit. Gov Armfield had also made oneof his convincing speeches there that day. Stopping only a few minutes in Moorsville, we started again upon our journey: ere long dark and angry clouds were seen gathering in the West, and soon a drenching rain was upon us with all Us fury, but still we drove on until the shades of night began to fall, when find- Oh, if I were a bird. I would weave me a neat la the jessamine vines by her door ; lad my love-breathing lays from my wild heaving crest With my heart's current there I would pour I 0k if I re a flow'r, in her own garden - kow'r, For a day might I bloom 'neatlv her eve Tkao when gathered at eve, 'twere my holi est dow'r On her bosom to wither and die 1 Ok, if I were a star, and my rayleta could kiss, For a night, through her low lattice pane, That sweet brow while she slept, 'twere my I ing the ground too damp to pitch our tents we en, every thing was still as death, what a grand view, how sublime: "Language fails before the spell. On the left was chimney rock, a lone rock 205 feet high deriving its name from its near likeness to a chimney, in the centre was a huge rock 250 feet from top to base, and to the right, the grandest of all was Hickory Nut Falls, a stream about 9 feet wide falling over a precipice 960 feet. 'Long before it reached the bottom it becomes spray, npon which the rays of the sun falls, forming a thousand little rainbows, danc ing in the sun light. As far as the eye could reach, was stretched out a vast panorama of mountains, vast chain, around how far, above how high, below how deep! while below oar feet flowed the beautiful Broad (whose banks were lined with beautiful trees, herbs and flowers of all kinds and every description) flowing on and on with gentle murmur, nnii! it with the Catawba forms the iSauiej?, out; ol' in1 fit river of South Carolina. How beautiful, how rattd, how sublime : the Broad river to our idea of the beautiful, Falls to our idea of the grand, and huge masses of rock to our idea of the sublime all placed there by the Almighty's hand, as a material manifes tation to lead our souls to heavenward aspira tion. After going up the Hickory Nut Gap three miles we turned to the left passing .through Reedy Patch Gap the nearest way to Hender son vilie, along which we think there is some of the wildest and most romantic scenery in the World. We crossed the Reedy Patch creek, a beauti ful little stream flowing down the mountain side, singing as it flows in sweet acord with zepher's breeze nature's song of happiness, thir teen times ; and reached Hendersonville that evening, and encamped near the Episcopal The l4Color Line." roe value oi xteu AUBt-jrrooyi Oats. j it In the Rural for August, 1874, I pub lished an experiment with red oats, that several friends asserted was an exception, because "it was growing oats too cheap." A .1 l ...i)m T i " . T " J . : the whites to do the same. Wc repeated t ho experiment, socceeaen equal bol few nearoea to vote with ns. thev never ly as well, and am pleased to saj, X Lave I have. We would not truckle to them one The Fayetteville Garette is in faVor of drawing the "color Hoe," and commenting upon this declaration, the DapMo Record says ; "The 'color line bat always been drawn by the negroes. We simply want expect quantum of bliss, And the moment aha woke I would wane ! 0k, if I were the moon, 'twere -a passionless boon Of my Isdy so fair I would crave Just to baths her soft couch in my night- beams jejune, Till at twilight I ssnk in my grave 1 Ob, if I were the sun, from the watery clou I would scatter the bow's brilliant dyes, Is a deluge of. tints, when she wandered ,- abroad, While 1 set in the ambient skies ! Oh, if I were the breeze, ever fondly Td toy With her dark waving tresses, I ween ! And my life, ever soothing her blushes so coy, Would be lost in the breath of my quesn 1 Ok, if I were a guardian spirit, no harm To my treasure could ever betfde ; For her soul with my essence a union would form, And a seraph become when she died ! E. P. H. witnessed a better success with more than one of my neighbors. Red oats can be grown at an expense of twenty five cents per bushel npon any ordinary farm iu the South, every such . buabda will weigh thirty pounds, and a pound of satf will produce just as much muscle and fat as a pound of corn. I have kept a horse iut two years without ever f -iug him. au ear of com or a blade ol fodder, his daily diet being shelled oats and straw, or cut oats from the sheof ; he has been ploughed, wagoned, hacked about in a buggy, and ridden under saddle, and there never was a time when he was not ready and willing to do a full share of work Any land that ever I have seen in the South will produce two bushels of oils where it will grow one burhrl of corn; I f I: t I A . eacn tanner lor niroeeit can calculate tnc coat of growing the two crops. Red oats will yield more grain to the straw, and more delicate straw than any oats I have ever grown. Sown in the t ill, tbey wilt produce a remunerative crop on good land, even if frnzoa out dur ing the winter to a single stool to every square foot. They are heavier than any Ioto to Induce them ao to vote. While we are willing for them to go with us, Jet It always be with the understanding that oer's is a while man's party, and that white men must rule. Wa say draw the 'color line' to strong ly, so decidedly, so distinctly, that every white man who goes with the negio par ty, now in this moment of supreme ne- How beautifully has the Quaker poet. Whittier, expressed the mighty inarch of vents. the lightning-like progress of the ags. Behind the squaw's light birch canos, ( The steamer rocks and raves ; . And eity lota are staked for sale Above old Indian gravea. I bear the tread of pioueers Of nations yet to be Tbs first low wash of waves where soon Shall roam a human sea, Tbs rudiments of Empire here Are pi stir yet and warm ; The chaos of a mighty woild Is rounding into form. THE GOLDEN SIDE. There is many a rst on the road of life. If we only would stop to take it,; And many a toue from the better land, If the querulous heart would wake it. To the sunny soul that is full of hope. And whose beautiful trust ne'er faileth The grass Is green, and the flowers are bright. Though the wintry storm prevaileth. Anun. Looks Were Deceptive. borrowed an old gentleman's front porch upon which to sleep. We found that we were camping in the cor ner where three counties joined together, not far from the spot where the brave and patriotic Gen. Davidson of revolutionary fame gave up his life in defense of his beloved country. The next morning bright and early we were upon the road, crossing the noted old Beaties i Ford, which broilght up many reminiscences of the past; wc struck for Lincolnton which we reached at two o'clock. There we were met by our excellent and hand, o me Dr. Griffithwho by his wit and humor enlivened the crowd con siderably. "Bjd not aaeaJh'ng so much as to dai" as his adding so much to the music. As we passed the outskirts of the old and historic town of Lincolnton, on the roadside was a beautiful residence, upon the veranda of which stood a most beautiful young lady, who as wc passed made us a bow which would have been admired in the court of Charles I, and of course our gallant. Captain ordtred a halt, and? ing one of his best pieces gave her some of the best music that was made on the trip, therefore to return the compliment she sent out some splendid wine and good old rye, which was a very agreeable surprise; yes, Miss Guion created an indelible impression upon some ot our hearts, and some uo doubt have been oft repeat ing to themselves, "Sweet girl though only once we met,' That meeting I shall ne'er forget." The second night we pitched our tents in regular camp "tyle, and we found sleeping upon the ground much better than sleeping upon the floor. By the next day aUwelve we reached Cleve land Springs, a place for which nature has done every thing, art nothing. The water was the finest we have ever seen-r-so strong that the white sulpher could be seen in the bottom of the Spring. There were only about fifty visitors there,. but a great many more were expected. Leaving there we passed through the beauti ful little village of Shelby, where we met sever al old friends who treated us very kindly. We camped that night at McBrayers, well known place in that country, where we got a most excellent supper and breakfast for forty cents a piece, and as it was the first time we had taken our meals out of camp. I don't think he made a fortune off of our party. church: about ten o'clock the rain bet an to Dour "er nve wr Dt known la take down in torrents and the tents began to leak, ', lb rM- A tew J"r MSn 1 selected and all with one accord made for the church in which all rested quietly, except one of the par ty who had the misfortune to dream that the blue-devils with the fiddle and the hand and the old banjo and with dancing and singing were ; making gay sport around him, when looking up he saw a beautiful white cross descending at which he immediately made a grasp, and was sudden! v awakened with a severe pain in the back of his head, and found himself flat on the floor instead of the bench upon which he had at first laid himself. Leaving our baggage at Hendersonville we went out to Flat Rock, a great place of resort for South Carolinians ; wei.ted the residence of Rev. J. G. Draylair which stands on the summit of a small mountain, the most beauti ful place we have ever seen ; from the back of his house there is terrace after terrace until it reached at its foot a beautiful little lake; in front of his house are flower beds laid off in the most magnificcnistvle, and containing flowers ol" every kind, the most beautiful. Mr. Dray tair is an Episcopal minister, who with his whole parish removed during the sum mer months from Charleston S. O. to Flat Rock. Throughout the whole country for miles and miles on every hill side are residences of the same kind. Coming back to H. we left in the even ing on our road to Asheville. About five miles from Hendersonville we passed a beautiful place belonging to Col. Courtland, who with his family removed from Baltimore and built him a house with all modern improvements. Just be low his house wa a large and beautiful meadow upon which five mowers were playing. Col. Court landwho came out with his fine whiskey and all those that indulged fared sumptuously. The next morning (Wednesday) we reached Asheville and was met by the gay, intelligent, handsome, and hospitable, Rob. Freeman, who j temporaries a k here ' 'ything iu eastern Carolina but i u j I a struggle between lb white man and I he negro party wins, then the uegro race will rule. If the white mau's party wius, theu ahite men will rule. eight adjoiuiiig aer-, and on them sowed a bushel to each acre of eight varieties of oats. Some were e the winter, some were ruined by rust, and I all but the red oats were more or less d hi agt-d hv this paraite. Not even a j blade of the rd oats was touched, though i the acre was in tee midst ot those most thoroughly ruined The litne is upon as when they should again be sowed, though i hey are remunerative if sown at any tune between this and the 1st ot uext March. I prefer to sow in cotton land broad cast, and plough in with three or tour sweet! furrows. This lays by a cotton crop as widl as sows a small grain crop. hence a saving of half the labor. It ia cheaper to sow in the co'tou field even if cessity, will be made to understand that his action puts him, politically at least, With the enemieg of Ins tsolor a. id i eeple, and that he must abide the consequen ces. . The 'color line' has been and still is drawn. The present contest is between native white people, on the one baud, and the negroes, led by n few white men of the old carpthag host and native scala wag t ffi e-hoMrrs and rffice-seekers, on ihe other. The one coiislitoies the Con servaiive Democratic oartv. other the Radical. There can be no doubt surely, on which side ihe earnest, honest, peroi'tneiit white citizens will stand. Draw the Line more and yet more closely uo il every decent white man shall take position on the white side. Most of them are there now, aad many more will be there by the 6th of Angust. The Wilmington Journal is in full ac- a j a a , . . cord wi n its ryellevm and Duoim co- m i It is idle to pretend that sixty to the of Caeerlia, the Crete, and wbw of Craasoa. It is circular tower ad saes sive construction and enormous strength, and has seen oaacjy changes It was a fortress or feudal a irons;!, old la the af id dle Ages, and sustained great injury tne sixteenth century whoa Rosa mm beeeiged. To-day n stands in soHd awd eolitarj grandeur, as it e rimly defying tbs ravages of another 1,900 yean. s Wiry Small Farmers are Pros perous. V We haws often had occasioo to call at- Is- I . tention to the fact that tboee we are accua homed to call "small farmers" are gewer- ally the most prosperous people In the kmtb. They are net so because small farms and very limited operations are, ia themselves, best, bat beeanse thee t far mers are working in harmony with their circumstances. Tbey have accepted the situation, and put their own banda to the plough. Having small capital, and often rery limited kuowkdge, aud skill, tbey go s if fly, they see the way clearly be fore them. The large planter, o i the contrary, often withoa any capital at all of his own, attempts on borrowed money (at reariullv nigh rates ot interest,) to conduct large operation, wiihoat eloeely counting ihe cost of the risks, and lails. as any sound minded man, not infutated lib cotton, would see that be mnst. This does not prove that small farms and email farming are necessarily moet pro ha ar operaitons, H4BUWAK: stream A as When oa want Hsrdar Aaar, call on the undersigned urautie Kow. D. A Stlisbury 0.,ey IS-it. I A wm W . iaysf Feed Hogs in Warm Weather. The Journal of Agriculture says that the pmci ice of taming hogs into the woods to make their own living till cold weather, and theu shotting them up aud feeding them on eorn alone ia a very expensive way of making pork. To be sure, tke summer feed costs nothing ; bat then, as a general fact, the hogs make very little growth, not half as maeh as they would postponed till September or October, bo- it t'iey were supplied with proper food. cause cotton n quiring clean culture tbe laud is in better tilth, and fewpr furrows are necessary. The bauds while picking cotton during the winter will trample opon the sprigs, and make iL-mq stool out better therefor. Sheep will winter on oa's iu a cotton field and never molest the cotton till they have eaten up the oats. Where cotton is the exclusive crop, there is uo little vexation and harrassiug doubts at harvest time to him who ven turer to sow small grain. In June the cotton and eorn need the attention of the lob.uer constantly. Hence, tbe policy, almost necessity, of interesting the labor er in the ownership at least of the oat crop. A fair contract, in this regard, is for the employer to furnish the seed, f r tilixer, and land, and require the employee to supply the labor of seeding aud bar versting, and at harvest time divide tbe crop, oue-fourth to the laborer and three forths to the employer. An acre of land, producing twei.ty bushels of oats, would thus give the laborer five bushels of. oats bh, but that both aa to IS 1 J CEO AH COVE X URgERl. bbsbbSW PLA5T8 A FBCIT TREES, FIXES A large sleek at reaannskle rat Sew CaiaUgue for IffS and Tt aim jafJsm scriptbma of fruits, ant frse. Add raws CRAFT A SAITJOfa, . Rx PxAnra, Yadkin Coeaty. V. C ' Joly I. 1875 Iras. . ... a NEW MLUNERt STMfc showed every attention possible. That sight 1 for. about two days work, (ploughing, he took supper with us. After supper was over fcatlering manure, knocking down stalks, j and harvesting,) and hfteen bushels to ; the owner, one and a half bushels of sed, I three aud a Inlf bushels to pay for fertiii ... ; zer, and ten bushels rent. 1 have never known red cats to sen lor less than seven- The next morninz was our first full view of He did not look like a pko. One to the mountains, and knowing that we would it and study his fsce would have said soon be a muni: them, our hearts were gladened that his anal whs so lost in melancholy au,l our pulses quickened. That evening we last he didn't care whether the sun set ; rvai;hed Rutherford ion, and by a special mes aeon, or stayed up until 7 o'clock. He gei-sent by the citisens who requested it, we ntered the ladies' sitting-room of the I counted to spend the night there. "We were vjentral Depot, walked up to a woman ! treated very kindly by Messrs. Carrier, Bryan and Harris whose services shall be warmly remembered. By invitation we took supper at we were met by the Thespian corps who came out to welcome u, and whose desire it was to make us comfortable. lhursdar we were invited to the Central Hotel to dine. Pn.lcn. .orl.lnl.. kn. K. ... x .... m ..... . ....... 1 tT five cents pr bushel, and even at fifty ner. and all those going to Asheville who be-1 J . J . . .... ' The growth should be made aa rapid as possible daring the warm weather. It should lp remembered by ewery pork raiser that a g.ven amount of feed will produce larger results in summer than to w mter. In winter a large amount of vi tality ia eipended ia resisting the eold, and therefore sn increaso of teed is requir ed jnet to sustain tho system iu a healthy condition. To promote the growth of hogs during ing w inn weather slops made of shorts and b . an should be used, lsi of oats and rye. Neither eorn nor any other carbonaceous food should be fed to hogs in Urge quan tities in bot weather, yet it tbey are per mitted to feed on clover, corn iu moderate quantities will be as good as auy other teed. But the principal point we would make is that the hogs should be fed all through the summer, so that when the cool weather of August comes tbey will be tound iu a thriving condition. If other feed is scarce, lit the farmer commence cutting up green corn for his hogs by the first of August or even earlier- It will be economy to do so. rather than to let them go without till it ia ripe aud then teed tt to them. By the middle of September the fatten ing process should be commenced iu good earnest, and the work completed before tbe severe weather sets iu. As a role, we nv ih ri and to extent must correspond with our capital and other circumstances Ihe Cteatet Manure known. Dr. Daniel Loe, in the Nashville I nion and American, says that lnd plaster (Upum) ia tbe cheapest manure known to bim, aud he has been a careful observer of iu eff.-cts for sixty years. He adds that it has beeu in use iu the country one hundred years since rranklin wrote his name n sowed plaster, brought from Pa ris to Philadelphia, which had such a fer tilising effect that all could read his name, in clover and 1 new roe. He refers to a locality ia the State of New York, where it bss been used for fifty years, aud though containing no ammonia or ah gen, in any form; no potash, no magnesia, both of which exist in all crops; no phos phoric acid, yet many nplsnd fields more productive iu 1874 thstr ia 1824, after the removal of fifty harvests, receiv i'-jr in return less than seventy-eight pounds per sere af a true sulphate of lime year, and never any other fertiliser Can tbe learned Doctor give tbe rationale of its actions f Rural Carolinian for August At tbs old stand as Foster 4 Horsb. Jast received a full line of Hate, aad .Bsev aeta, trimmed aod nntrimmed. Rfbboaa, Basrfs and all the late Free eh aad Americaa awasjstl 'a Jbd ALLPaiCEI Orders executed with cars aad diaysSak. Pinking and Stamping dons to order. The Store will be conducted on tbe OaaasasV tssa saw ao gooaw or work will be y one. Tbia rale is aavaribU. MRS. 8. J. HAL April, ISth 6wa. YBUBTQJI,, SALISBURY'S 6REAT BARGAIN STORE. SffBBa",A . ca Carnivorous Plant. whose husband had left the room about ten miuutes previously, and calmly hi oaired : 'Madam, vonr husband went out to see the river, didVt he t" 'Ye - hyl' she asked, tnrning pale in an inatant. 'He was a tall man wasn't heV 'He was,' she replied, rising up and turning still paler. Had red hair?' He had oh, what has happened?' 'Weighed about one hundred eighty pounds!' Tea - yes where is he where is my husband?' she exclaimed. TUU.. : 1J l.? -WUIUU i BWIUI, cuuiu nr. I the Hotel and that night, were entertained by two of North Carolina's fairest daughters, the Misses. McEntirefc who did everything in their power for our enjoyment. While there we had some most excellent music from Prof. Neuve, on his Cornet with Piano accompaniment by the accomplished Miss Jenkins of Granville. While at Rutherford ton we had some of .the most beautiful echoes we ever listened to, three andTdistinct echoes could be heard, so distinctly that even the false tones made eith any of the in struments could be clearly distinguished. Leaving Rutherfordton the next morning we round ourselves, before we had any idea lieve in good fare stop at the Central and we assure you will be treated right. Our trip to Asheville was one of unbounded pleasure. Thervieesof our commissary, C. R Barker's were invaluable, and for bin always having something ready, and alway having it well prepared he received the thanks of the whole party. In our next issue will give you something of our homeward journey. CHI PHI How to Cook Vegetables. In this country fat meat, oftentimes strong and rancid, is considered the base of almost every prescription of eookery. Eggs, chickens cents per Iras bet. tfn buhels is a verv fair rent for land that will not produce more th n twenty bushels of oats per acre. Fair nplands in middle South Carolina will average twenty bushels without ma nnre; aud I have seen it stated that tbe Mississippi bottoms have yielded one hundred bushels per aere daring favora ble reasons. Col. D. WFATT AIKEN, in Sural Carolinian forAugust. The British Med.cul t Journal states that, at the las, meeting of the Kdiubang Botanical Society, Dr. T. A. G Hal foot reported some interesting experiments ou the Dionaea muscipala (Venus fly-trap, native ot Wilmington, N C.) The irra tibility under which the leaf contracts seems to ba limited to six delicate hairs that are ao situated on the surface of the leaf that ao insect moat brnah them in crowding over it. Dr. Balfour touched every other part of the leaf with a ueedlc, aud no response followed ; but the instant the base of one of the. leaves was hit the leaf closed quick aa a flub. Chloroform dropped on a hail caused the leaf to close immediately, but water bad no such eflVct. Wheu the leaf shut upou ao object inca pable of boldoig nutrition, like a bit of ! wood or a dried fly, it opened again very ! soon. Bat, wheu it cloeed upou a live fl t t ortki I I j r " as i k i 1 n ilia Mt I . r believe that where bogare kept in open . fj wkc, durillg which , . , - . .', r r time tbe inuer sui face of the leaf rave out kii.lml. Afir.i te 1 1 1 lav mrm I.I ... I In I tober thau three bushels in January. Feed through the summer and fatten early. "A Road or Tombs." Ol. writes from Rome about the Appa line of comma South Italy. Before yoa reach the old i m i a viscous, acid secrruon. it was noted, also, that this viscid secretion was only produced when an insect waa captured. In tbe case of a fat spider it waa very abundant, but, wheu a shriveled fly waa incloead, very little was poored out. As Tba oaderrirfcod take a I assess tad their customers sod the community thst they are now in recepu of a ls-cr " i . a. t. Spring sod 6a isr Gd select! wt -eeel care ana aireci iro-n tne r.rem w sisfag in pari ai all kinds of lry ticaw. HATS, X I all SHOE 3, CLOTHING GR0CEB3, Untie raey are Aettrmimmi to set? lew steam for cask Hihi Cash prats p4 at.kjsa of Cbxn try prod see. Our pisa is Quick Sales and . mall profits and we believe that the public will it to their interest to call our stock before purchasing eUeabere, NO TROUBLE to SHOW GOODS. Wo beg to return nor thsoks for paei patronage sad hope by fair deeding aad strict attention to business to merit eontifTnanee of the same. MrClTBHlN'S. BEAL k JULIA. Af 1 1 I8?5 r Tombs." Ol. Forney I Ineloeed, very little was poured out. As 2 ome: "Everybody has read 'duce that the plant obuius nourish- -r- gfW7- TTm lain Wav. It was the great menl from the heeds thus captured and jlllf If 1) i uieation between Rome and ! digeated Dr. Bailout pointed to tba facte i The Man Who Won't Pay. 'He's drowned mv husband is drown- of it. right amone the mountains. Sunday A .1 ttl I.. , . .1 1 J IT ; . I : J t sue waned. 'Had a silver watch chain T. continued tke stranger. 'Where is my husband where is the odyf she gasped. 'Do not get excited, madam. Did your onsband have on a gray suit V Xosoh 1 my Thomas 1 my Thomas.' 'And b toga boots T ' 'Let me see him lt me see himf she . tome this way, madam, but do not get cited. There, is that yoMr husband the street at that peanut stand V , "Why, yea, that't him ; that's my hus bnd!' she exclaimed, joyfully. '1 thought you said he was drowned.' fsrw madam, I did not. I saw him night we camped at the old Harris place owned by a Mr. Justice. There we found ourselves walled in by mountains, with old Bald with his naked head standing out in full view, but his fires it seemed were.smothered, his rumblings had ceased, his groaning were hushed, but the impression he had made upon the minds of the people had not died out, and ttrange to say tor ' the first ana taw time on our inji, mere mui OM Raid looking down upon us, we held a oraver meeting. Ohl the efficacy of prayer. On tbe next morning (Mo may) we entered Hickory Nut Gap with Broad River on our left and tbe ult mountains on the right, and nav-n. tho naiwaee sometimes that it seemed almost impossible to pass, and it had not been for the skillfulness of our driver many kaymg peanuU. aud I believed it my duty a time, we would have been dashed topleces w m YOU mat naanuU ar noL IiraltUV oeiow. une uiiic uum uwiifi i Season ef the year.' Idence of a Mr. Freeman who has an Apiary A aaww . sv jnSLmn a Jka.' t4 m , . r . a y aaat, and she stood then and is doing a profitable business, rrom ma viewoftaetnsvanoau to at A little old man, smok'mg a huge pipe, and "beefsteak are made -horribly indies'i-' and wearing au excited look, rusJred into by the sue ot the bath of Diocletiau, ble by it, plug of the gross stuff dropped into the City Hall yesterday, and found his h.isli, greens, cabbage, bean, pea, turnips and even asparagus, are steeped in baeon greese, tasting more of toe hog than the delicieu vege tables they represent ; and, lastly, the simon pure article itself is converted into salt sole leather by the frying process, and then con sumed. It may not be too much to say that this whole sale use of fat bacon is one of tbe prolific causes of that almost universal American complaint dyspepsia. It require the stomach of an ostrich to digest nil tin greese. And the saddest part way into the rooms of the Chief of Police Standing before that official the little old man awelled out and exclaimed : 'No, by dunder no!' N", what 1 a iid the chief. 'Yon tinga I bay d it license," sheeted the inoker 'You tings I pay one boou ered fifty dollars tux licensee" 'That's -the new law.' 'You tings I was a fool so high, aud so that young plant ol tbe Dionaea placed read yoa see the colossal ruins of tbe baths u,ld"r bel1 K1'. trm bicb, of coarse, ' i . ... i j i i j . f insects were exciuuea, uia not lurive as well as those that were left free ; aod that while a bit ot beef wrappt-d in a leaf of any other. plaut became putrid, a bit inclosed by the Dionaea remained entire ly inodorous, bat soon lost its red colo , and was gradutlly disintegrated and ie duced to pulp. ol Caracal la, which occupy the space of nearly a mile, and aecomm idated 1,600 bathers at a time: but this ia surpassed beets, and, indeed, almost every othei vegetable are far more wholesome and delicate when cooked by themselves, and after wr i seasoned with pepper, butter, and other condiments, to the taste. The preparation of Irsh potatoes for the ta ble likewise, though exceedingly simple, is properly understood by but few cooks. They usually appeared hard and sodden, and unfit to be eaten. To have them flaky and' mealy, was cleam without breaking the skin, and about thirty mi ante before the dinner hour drop tbe tubers into water boiling as rapidly aa possible, and keep up the heat until tried with a fork thev seem perfectly done. Then draw off of the matter is, that the people don't know oQf aod ig arottd V continued the i n r - hoiiar Turninc Mnh'jaM nfl'iiihM rvA J .... .. 7 man mAMiirlnff Inn Air 'I guess you'll have to pay." 'We shall see about dat pooty quick! I shall do somctings.' 'What!' ' I shall show yon ba! you know what I does eh T I shall shut up my saloon nrid sell nodinga no more. Veu der fel lows coom rouudt und kick on der door nobody shall be dere. Veu a pig grnwd ccotne up from Doledo ou Zuuday, dey shall baf uo sigars, no peer, no Limparger. I shall rent mv saloon mit ao insurance which accommodated 2,200 haiheis at a time. The baths were the favorite resorts of the poets and philospners, and were adorned with porticos and vestibules for tbe idle and libraries for the learned ; tbey were also decorated wi b the finest nbjecls of arlin pain ting and sculpture, and placed in the m dst of fountain and shaded walks. Along tbe Appian Way were built ihe tombs containing the urns with tke ash ol hundreds aud tbo Romans who lived and died thousands of years ago. These tombs are. temples above the ground, built of solid stoue walls, ii.ui.lo nf which WtH nl.tci d lh nrna while outside were carved the beautiful decorations and inscriptions, oftentimes In eluding exquisite statuary to sVsignate tbe dead. Many of their busts were every drop of water and cove rover closely for agent, and he shall sbeat der beeples, aud a tew minuie oeiure wrr.og, mu irey win dw , j bj get droenk io my bouse, and der so mealy as almost to, require handling with a spoon. Eaten piping hot in this condition, ho artiele of food is more wholesome or deli- cious. Iti of their no eflbrftb prbmi te that the proper preparation lected by tbe. mass- faculty should saara form in a matter, so beeples shall baf to drink wasser, und Dedroit shall go down bill, ond strmbody shall goom from New York, und puy der whole blace vor. swelf dollars, und move him up py Shicago ba!, m a i i i u u;. A.. l. r-u;.r . a sma a vawf rteea A sjseA I mm lawsksesAfc -Jtaikf. lassk found centuries after inside, and as yoa . B .S S B . oow ride along tin stilt soira road yoa see the remains of costly eepulehers, with tbe fragments ot their marble memorial wrought statues. Yoa would think thai this road ot tombs would be rather a mouroaul aaTair, but tbo Romans bad strsnge notions of death. Their fanerals were sally feasts, and tbey liked to have their villas and their marry meetings near ska houses af their departed rel itions and ancestors. For miles tba relies ol tba along tba Appiaa Way sepotehers A New Kid or Poisonous Dbis Goods Pmteseor Oiatl says that to some English aod Alsatian print works the expensive albumen is partially re asauds of placed by glycerin-arsenic aud acetate of alutatua. bone of the goods ia market contaiu 3 or 4 grias af arsswie ia a yard of the stuff. Iloslins and cambrics, with little white spots, circles, stars, or flow ers, on a violet ground, and those printed with brownish-yellow or reddish-brown patterns, have been f mud to con tad a srsewic; sad these are colors which have never before been considered with any fwSSaaaassaaJssap ssWliBaaH bHb I a fi i aVlJBBaasMBBBm BELL& BRO. OCer the be4 srlactioa of Jewel oaad ia Western North Carolina, rj1aV LADIES' 4 GENTS' GOLD WATCBtAf suspicion, sod would be pert based by tba Cfalal OpCTB TeH ffy b scraJaaa nc sd 1'fw sejosb oniniiiated without any foreboding of the danger that would attend the wearing of such dresses. Tba daager is not alight law aside from tba large quantity of anas nie io it, tho com pound is not ioeelable. II the goods ore sosknd in water, there is dissolved out a sadaeiewt amount of arsenical salt to give a distract This peculiarity ia explained by tba positsoa that tba goads, lively cheap, are aaf wsaasasV ioe t riWB GOLD P SILVER WARE, G&LD Tbey are agents for the celebrated Spectacles nn sy u lasses, aJ from Minute Crystal Pfe Watchas, Clocks aod J savin wajTSted V gbonth, charges aa Io .1 .. seS asjs PENS, af. asawl ftBLBsU. M n"yBBfvia aMta mtw i ssaee sa Maia street .tw ith lonAz - tad tanrpf mt he eiata.' v -' k.

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