?t"L J 1 FACETIAE. rv CT i Bi Starj3 l v - j bbbbbbbbbbbi. Ao open letter 0. 'Ours at home The baby. r County, Items.! Big Lick, tl ult JJSHh, 1 875. Roll-call The laakaw'e visit. A air of tigbu Two drunkards. A-veil-able apace-A woman's face, ij The minister to the interior The mouth. For inasic lovers A patti on a Grisi plate. An autograph letter With aome folks it There is never a acarcity of the small potass ogop. A Shanghai eating corn Ukee a peck every time. .4 t i Taken oa probation Brides and grooms In Chisago. $TT f ATlM i W The name of Caswell without the C. would be as n Boar to make a clean good washing. ive him a The fear ov the rod ia more powerful than the nee o v it. i ,nndf ;." i .irr -. ; r : . Question for actors can an actor be said to work when be plays 7 Abraham was the first sisk man. He had Hagar in the wilderness. It is mighty onsarten what a lasy boy, or a young snaifc, will amouut to. Troth ir. simple so simple that the phoolish often mistake it for weakness. The Indian Department bide are marked U. B. I. D "U Steal, 1 Divide" eh ? A New York Journal makes the start ling announcement that there are 100 000 continued opium-eaters in toe Unite Slat.-. In tracing the bistniy of the terrible bahit the article states that it is the result ol two things. First, caelessJ mm mi- mm Wm m- m L - mt II ureecrtDtions be Dhvsiciane. who sue i a mr m . mt f patii'iiia to aequ're'the habit ; and seco Ithe deliberate preference f rainy for op rani ft A fsffwrn? -rf'Whtmf to drato drtntr, That an ira- nvnse amount of optam is consumed in this country there can be no doubts- There is probably no remedy for the d is eased appetite when once acquired, but miter care in prescriptions and eale could nrevent the acuuisilion of the dead- T:J T); TJj.1. n ,t.o OliU af li.'i it. . - . i7. cu. iidi ........ i iy nauit tu mauy case. of typhoid fever, MARTI R. HaRTSE? g aged aooot years , manureo w I KW A D V iK 1 TS Opium bating. r. King D. Brooks, who lived near this place, met with a horrible death to day. He was standing just in front of ao ox, which be bad bitched up; In a cart, lotting down a fence, when tbo ox made at hloi and gored him so severely agaiot the leuce.-tbut he died in an -hour and a a r. ' .1 msiJL k a b 1 w Crops look very well tbrocgh this sec tion, though it is a little dry mow If we get rain in a day or two, we will have the best corn crop, we nave Bad for soverai years. P"Wi' c There are several cases ..f t vplioid IWei hi this y.oinitv. Concord Register. j. h. Walters. I There ia verv irreat mortality amongst the infanta in 'Danville, many having du n within the past two or three weeks. Chinese Proverbs. ; The way for a desolate aeenre better quarters ia to balf.M I old bachelor to take a "better hookeying She Hepped into the car radiant with youth, and looking cool and hrignt in her duWjey trimmed hat and peerlene suit o linnen. Four young men. immediatei offered her their seats ; alio accepted one with an entrancing smile and instantly gave is4o-a poor, wan, little eld woman wbo had been standing for ten blocks. Whereupon the young man did not know whether to get op again or not, and tried a -a i t tneir beat not to looa tooiisn. f , . ..... - The following are a few curious Chi nese proverbs : The ripest fruit grow on the roughest wall. It is the small wheels of a wagon that come in first. 1 be man who holds the ladder at the bottom is frequently of more service than the one who is stationed at the top of It. lhe turtle, though brought in at the back gate, tnkes the bead at the table. Better be a cat IU a philanthropist's family than a - a rwa. unit ton nte at a KinGT s bar.anet. 1 ne . . learned pig did not harii it ierter in mh day. True merit, like the pearl inside of an oyster, is content to remain quiet until i finds an opening. The top straw, berries are eaten 6rt. He who leaves early geta the best bat. Pride sleep in i gilded crown, content men I iu a cotton nightcap. In the journal of the Royal Agrscnl- total Society, England, Dr. VoelJter, the II known agricultural chemist, rtconis the following . conclusions bom careful experiments in special fertilization of the ifc for DOtatne t it. 1oW I. The greai.tst came irom the applica- '.' ' j tion to an acre of 4'K) pounds .f mineral supei phosphates, 00 pounds ot polusti salts, and 200 of sulpha .e of ammouia. 2 Dnnis did about aa well. 1 4 TJ 1 t M of - u we wrua: III iiuhk"' " tended with a marked talliug oft, aud nitrate ot soda cannot replace if 4 ret uvtan guano. 5. Common salt does no good bnt harm to potaloea. 6. 1 he aboye mix' tire gave a crop of 12 tons, or 448 bushels to the acre on light land, and the same unuunured, yielded but half. Boys have diver's reasons for from school just now. If you doubt it. ex amine their hair. 'Tacked a worm to Adam.' A young minister was unexpected! delayed when about to start tor a new The children in Florida say they live on 1 parish by the incapacity of the Presby- sweet potatoes in the summer and on Strang ra iS hu wintur - To Archbishop Whately is ascribed this paradox : "The larger the income the har der it is to live within it" The Wisconsin farmer who left a eandle in the barn so as to scare thieves away, has no barn to watch now. Why does a duck go under the water? For diver's reasons. Why she goes on land ? For sun -dry purposes. English spelling match. Teacher "Spell 8rKm.ii." Scholar Haas-bay hl two hos and' a hen saloon." ,sr S f I ia B ns ,to TO THE MASONIC FRATERNITY IN NORTH CAROLINA AND THE csvvtu. 1ST. This i emphatically an age of proarosa. The world moves apace, but with us, especially of the ttentM, Mvotmtj karfsdahsa, because lacking s proper dissemination of iboaa pure principles peculisr to our old Order. Our bret hern of other more favored section have their periodical literature, and are bright and prospeious : we, too, should flourish and bloe- ti... j i namH M.U I aum aa uie rose. L ur unuUHUUU HUUfC uutuu l . , wm mere are in Lhe tjoatn near it ztaj.uuu vnnwu .1111 I IIIUU lilt IIUpCtWIT. need for a regular and permanent Organ pecu liarly suited to the demands of thw rast num ber "who are linked toother by aa indiiwolu lile cliain of sincere affection," we have deter mineil to vsuhlisb in the city of Greerboro. N. a first-clasa sm rv .:t.ffi '..w r .-vue WEEKLY MASONIC NEWSPAPER, GLOUGH & WARREN ORtAirCry i ia '! - a ' ' s nnovs re zoeaX mWtM 1MPEOVBD oitwA.t cm, 1 1U w Wmm m-ZW Si m CABINET ORGAHS Sj mmA 91tm C3 t n (u.i . j cis. EStt ' Jk i. aj AND tery to ordain him ; he explained 0y tele- graphiug to the deacona i that church a.- followe: Presbytery lacked a quotum to ordain," which reached the astonished deacons metamorphosedjn this shape : Presbytery lacked a worm to Adam ' Alter grave consultations the mystified church officers concluded it was a. face tious way to announce his marriage, and proceeded ta provide lodgings lor two in stead of one. Bone Spavin M riatic acid, eiorht ounces ; pulverized cantharhles. one onnce : All a draohin phial about ou-vthiru fall with the medicine, and after icreasing below the lump with Inrd or oil, apply it upon tlve lump, covering a space the size of a Gve a i mm cent piece. Apply u oree every day f r our d-ivs. then keett the sore well greased with lard or oil until it heals up. If one course of treatment fails to cure, apply - the medioiue as before ; the second never fails. of The Mormon Massacre. Additional details of the horrors of the sfarMfl-tnn thU . nnK..i.i.. .-j Mountain Meadow massacre are given iu lag to the Herald of Health, but it does not ,be rePort ot lhe lrial MonaaJ ud, lh state their disease. I new testimony strengthens the evidence It T 1 -V V 1 . .1 1 tnat j on n l juce was not oniy ine leaaer A little wort-backed hop toad will break up a enmuet party quicker than the darkest in under cloud that ever gathered. The; strongest The? otieeu ever who friendship I hav nottosxr, bav been between those tbought ditfereutly. but akted alike, "fcwonder what makes my eyes so weak," aaid fop to a gentleman. They are in a wea ptace," resjouded the latter. r !l 1 I T St m vrMnoo-logic ii an nirda tnat sing songsters, then all birds that roost roosters i he woe, all hens are roosters. are are ot the band, but that some or the most heartless murders were committed by bis own hand The truth as revealed by this trial should have the effect of making odious the Mormon missions in Lump 1 . I a B. .1 yet we presume it win oe renresentea ar a i s ta a cruel persecutiou ot the cuurcu by tu Uuited States goycrnmeut. . BEAD THIS WITHOUT FAIL. it is a tact tnat in every county in the m Ik, - I IUC VUUOI.I lUI'MV lifSI Ir I HUT X imrm.mm s m l.-nnS k.. . Zm V t I v .rTl" J u , ra w",rre BriwI bit in nower. the counties are out ol ri.?r!ir:D"J. npoD ltM debt, and their paper is readily taken at mmmm i iwuaw, uuu u noes unon yours. 1 r , . - - , i- - - race vaiue, anu a numoer oi inem nav "How long will my chop be. waiter ? I from ten to twenty thousand dollars ii angrily askd a huugry inau in a restaurant. I Bank. And in everV county where the sir, was the accurate J radical parly has been in power, the conn ty scrip nas oeen at the ciscount, anu A landlord, having lt sjl his hoaaos nearly every county has askebV for ut afVH ,4 ntt uajUk chouse special tax to teed and fatten lhe corrupt was ail last. "leg. angrily askM a hung 'About five inches, fea. but. bnt twit tmA' AtfTowa woman save her husband morpMtfe to enre him of chewing tabacco. J L! 1 , .... . ii oureu uuu, oui sue ia uomg rier own spring plowing. ,?3 frK V ? An old maid who was over nice in re gard to cleanliness about her house, once scrubbed her sitting-room floor until she fell th.ough into the cellar. "I think 1 have seen you before, sir Are you not Owen Smith 7" Oh, yea. 1 in owiu bmith, aud owia Jones, and owin Brown, aud owiu' eveiybody." officials who hold the offices. facts. - Theae A are r, n Hp laid down the basket of chips be had pilfered, and rooking hard at the ur chin wbo had been making a target of bim with a 'uieger killer, said: VY bar was you raised V 'Sh ticargo,' said the youngs te r . In the Norf 1' m Yeih tbur.' Tought so. Suddern whi;e folk' !i I " . a sa. A. . w enuueru wuuunni ao use. aal. Liemmt tell you, tioney, mauiiers ewme to carry me People who accept bills for their friends yn tudder dau money. You bear are sailed sureties" for this reason, thafcj Dallas Texas) herald. in nine cases .out or ten tney are sure to be called upon for their money. Staying out too Latb. A man Fort street going home at a late hour in the night saw that the occupants of a louse standing flush with the street had left a window up, and he decided to warn them and prevent a burglary. Putting his head into the window he called out tv ii a ssa .mt a neiio ; erooa peop I J uat was an tie said. A whole pailful of water struck him in the lace; and as he staggered back woman shrieked oot: 'Didn't I tell yon hat you'd get if yon wasn t home by 9 o'clock V Detroit Free Peess. A dispatch from Montgomery, Ala. dated the 21st, relates the folio win,' fear ..! . . . .... . . tin circumstance: it is reported mat a terrible fight ocenred in Perdudn, Ecam lia county, between two families, U illeit and rJyers, m which six men, consist ing of a father and 4 wo sons on each side. was engaged. le were killed outrigh when the sixth and last has a load of buckshot iu his side which mnst cause death. BoiU families are aid lo be ol Indian decent. An old family fcutl was the cause. Flogging Judas. On good Friday the time-honored custom so dear to all P'rtU(ee sailors f flowing ia effigy th false apostle was carried out with all due ceremony by the crews of several veasela of Portugese aud south Aainertcan nationalities in London. At daybreak a life-sized figure of a inau dressed iu sailor's ooetume. with jaok bouts, was hoisted to the mast-head. ami a placard Iasteue4,tn,tb" ureajtt. neariuK the iuseriptitru, iu Portugese. "This is Judas Isoariot. who betrayed Christ." The effigr retnaiued at "masthead until about ten a m .. when the entire crew assisted iu lower ing it to (he deck, the ship.s hell meanwhile keeping an nceasant elaugiug. Th tisiure was theu rarried three times round the deek and nually Ja.hel to the capstan. llie crew theu ariud themselves with knt ted roiii'S. ami iwoeei-Ueil to lHalr tile figure amid fodd yells and shoutiug. th slop's bell all the tune ringing au accom paniment. Paumkius of grog were served (tot, and tnis luntifnce. eoimuned witn re ligions leal, rendered the doggers almost frautic with exnnement The clothes were cut away iu shreds, aud. wheu the figure was completely denuded, the block of wood which does doty for the body was kicked all over the deck. U was theu suspended to a line and thrown overboard into the d cks. and repeatedly dipped. Owiug t the doek regulations the stump could not h public ly burnt ; but H wss chopped up into small fragments, aud hauded oxer to the cook to be burued under the galley firs. with the above name, such as the dignity advancement of the Fraternity will approve. its Lnerature will oe pure, and of the highest order ; making the JoxntKAi. a fit companion iur the mutt cultivated and refined, and a wel come visitor to anv household. In this con nection we have engaged the services of able and popular writers whose hearts glow with a fond le ire for the perpetuity of the Ancient Landmark of our "My Mic Kites, and we will lare neither !ahor nor expefew to make the paper a highly instructive and popular Family and Masonic visitor. With a journalistic experience of several years, and a determ.nation to give all our time, talent and energy to the promotion of this impor tant enterprise, we hope lo receive from our Masonic brethren that liberal confidence and support which, by an entire derotioo to ita mct-eas, we boe to merit. It will he an eicht page, thirty-two column heel, printed on good white pawr, and furn ished wseklv nl the low once of S2 ier vesr. The first number will be issued on Wednesday, the 5th of September, I87S and regularly on Wed- ne-day ol each week thereafter. graT Alt monev should be sent by Check, Pot- office Order or Registered letter. KEV. L. A ii.- m. ilnoit Baker, Geo. 8 Baker, Greeutboro, N. C HajT Until Sept. 1st address oa at KinsioX, N. U PASSES GE118 GoltiK north or East, LU M ,m. r mmmm 'mmm ,V mm F"tfH&j f4 faw 1 aiM M Kl laaiBaaaaaaaaaaaW' feflar IKUllffl m suMBorfnirWsBS sa d a J PJI I - JfR L, I l) f t ... wawaaw Jl awasf aaaaj - A mmm k4sS fl mm Imss' f '-mm mmm mmm r Bk m UJ BMHI Em c W Saaav CO HF mm. s L riTTED WiTHTHKXSY: IN KSTED as. rail fl I n oa a . mm v tie Miltan ot Lh on bis visit to the gun foundry at Woolwich, where tin ion j-ton ii ip, uammer was at work, saw a a the workmen lilt an immense iron graitug revealing a furnace about the size of an ordinary room, which sent forth sncb n - B - a mm. m glare tnat ine party were compelled to shield their faces for a time from the boi blast. When aball we get to the pray. erst" be exclaimed on tbe return journey, "tor 1 have seen the Gate ot Hell. Eccentricities of a Minnesota Tornado A piue stick two iuches square was driv en into an elm tree with suoli force that it was fairly bedded iu the living wo. d. A woman, Mrs t'at rick Lul'y. was carried a distance of five rods, clear across oue ravine aud deposited iu auother. t'he lady is still sutferiut; severely from the injuries, head hadly cut aud bruised. A tanner named reward f areai, living two mils south of Mendota, owned a little tiock of fifteen sheep wheu the storm struck his place, ami of this uuinber eleven Were unseiug. subsequently, eight of them were found iu the tree lops, fully on - mile from his hou.te. Two of them were fouud togeth er by a board that had been driven through the boilics of the p.r auunales aud then in tu the ground, a fact which will be ennsid ertdas suggestive of a uew mode for striug- lug muttou. The fenciug "n Mr. Pareau's farm blowu from the ground, (Mists aud all. Mr. George Gai:. hvius fit nr!es southwest of Mendu ta. had ten acivs of uavy oak timber on hi place, anu mey were swept clean uy ine win I, as if au army of choppers h d pasted through the tiact 6u a tour of malicouis destrnctiou. Some large trees, roits aud mP, we e carried a distance of oue aud a half miles. 1 m o oo John tterae. a tanner living four iniie from Mendota, had hishuuse lifted bodily fn m its fouudaliou aud toru to nieces while - w v - whirliug in th-- air. aud . crushing against ether debus of the storm- Will avoid night changes and aeenre the roost comfortable and ahortent route by buying tickets VIATH V A. MIDLAND The onlv change of cars to Baltimore ia made north of the river at DANVILLE m , m across a twelve toot jxnttorm - m W An inveaUioa ha via a moat important bearing on the future of Reed I which the onantilT tr volome of lane i" very urgeiy a m . a no ine qaauty oi aunc rworrru Eqnal to flat of tie Bat Pipe Onaia of ike Sam Capetiij. Oor rlehrated Vox C crte." "Vf Hmina." Wil Patent," "Octave Conpler." the imr -Cello- or -Clarionet" Hiops 'Gem. Uoto," -Cremona. " ui '1 -aSs eat a a iant A Lit Til K LATE IMPKOVKMENTS mi DAYLIGHT. 1 he entire train runs from DANVILE to BALTXmOBE over one uniform cauae with- oui chance. This route is one Hundred Miles shorter ban any other to the SPUIXGS OF VIRGINIA. G J FOREACBE, Geueral Manager, Alexandria. Va. W D OfUPLEV, G trral Soulhein Aj A'' V 11 W Al i.l.NU i UN. Travelling Agent, Greensboro, N. C Miy 13-4iu Can be obtained only in these Organ. Piftv Different Sfr7l-t. rorthoPnrl l Ht BEbt I nrlor and tho Chu Oi:n'iiv and Volume of Touc IncnuallW I. SHIP, -4 w aaamn FBICES.gSOTlSSOO. - Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress 8ta DETEOIT MICHIGAN. (ISTABLIflHrD IK X8S0.) WsnUd ia Wm rj Chsuty. Address GL0UGH & WARREN ORGAN CO.. Mav20,1875. ly. Blackmer and Headera, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. A Missouri Love Letter. SALISBURY, N. C ; Jannary 22 1874 it. A boy ia a blessing until he puts on fiants. From the period of the first rent n bis tmwsers dates a feeling in the maternal breast that ia not wholly affec- A book agent took refuge under a bay umcfc uuriuu a munaer storm, ana ine lightning struck him on the cheek, glanced off and killed a mole two hundred yards a way. , ,.-' ' - nil; .,. - - Sir1 asid an old judge to a young law yer, "you would do well to pluck Some of trn feathers from the wings of year imagi nation and stick them in the tail of your judgment." A young man in California began to read a paragraph about a iniue to bis sweetheart, oomnB6cMf,irpba miaa? when she Fa teerupted him with,, "I don't care if I do, JohnaA r.1'4 i A Mistaking Tdem for the Delirium Tremens. The Sea Cliff Herald gives the following striking incident : Au inebriated man dropped into the Tabernacle during the performance nf i he children fiom the Five P-jiuts. He' sal near the stage, and I eel ing rather droazy troin bia potations fell asleep daring the interesting singing. When he awoke the children were going through Galisthenic exercises. He bad evidently never seen tbe eccentric and extraordinary move ments, and jumping up, rushed off, wtidly exclaimiug, "Great Caesar. 1 ve got thttu again.' A bad little Voy, noon beinar promised fivafOit lm bia uiut1i-r if he would take a andASur oil. obtained thi money, and vneu una nis parent inat sbe miKbt caniur ollloWaatraeUJJ YA ThaYobly people in these parts whote habitations have marble fronts, are those who are the least given toboastiuK and vain aispiax. may occupy toe cemetery i a ferry boat round.IBrunswick.r. ' A countryman feH off a Vicksburg. and hia wife, waiting coolly un til bis beau showed above tbe water, shout ad "There, duru yer. I know'd you'd do it ! Bat yer never get oot, either ! A CIVIL RIGHTS LIST- Elsewhere we pobUsh the last of Radical Candida es for Convention. White peple of North Carolina, read that last carefully ! It is a civil rights lit. Nmetenths of those mm are opeuiy u favor of the civil rights bill with the mixed school, cemetary aud etiurnb clauses in it. Talk of South t arolina aud Mississippi aud LouiMaua ! Each of these Suites has been a paradise for ten years past compared to what North Caro lina will be if these men are elected to the Convention. They will make a constitution so black that a crow beside it iniarbt be mistaken for a white pigeon. Care for the white people I Why every man on that list at heart despises all those of his own co.. r in mis state, ii tnese men compose tne Convention, m the lauhTUage of another. "the wbite people of North Caroht-a would give boot to be in b 1 ' within twelve months after ita adjournment. Observer. Dockery s Argument to the Colored Man. I, W. A. Webster, do herebv certify .i t . r r. , i - - uuu oam aicivae icoi.j saio lo me ol his own free will and accord, that Col. O. H. Dockerv " . L ' . I 1.1 r . - nuu io aim ine mgni uuore ne lett to canvass in Western orih Carolina, that if the Demo crats got a majority in the convention, they would make each colored man pay $600 (six hundred dollars) to his former master for hia freedom, and take away the right of the colored man and poor white man to vote. Signed, W. A. Webster. W e the undersigned do hereby certify that Sam McRae is a colored man and hia general veracity cannot oe impeached Signed Little, Brad lev. baa rermv Wwaagd lit has demoralized Hartford. The careful Clemens has bought a seat in tbe grVrad stand : the clergy have season tickets : and, worse than all. oue enthusiastic family red tbe cushions from its church applied them to alleviating the ten-inntug gams. K&deaIor JferaM lays that Jlootgomery county man was down fn has HMfcawfeVafup it out, when be felt a OHrUtmaadtiiia km Halied to be drawn up in th bucket, and while making tbe ascent, kicked thw serpent off. lie Ii. F. J.T. Jas. S. Matheson. Isaac Gatel v, T. B. Britt. Pee Dee Courier. fl i ftti l.iTHI - - 'S m fjt Sk 6 mt!iJH Marble-top Tablaa. Acoidmg to tbe Herald of Health. marble-top tables are to be avoided, h say a : laatM "1 hey are cold, and rapidly absorb the beat and vitality of the body, robbing h of its life. We have heard ef one invalid whom the doctor could not eare, until one day he noticed she used a marble stand, and suspected it had something to do with her ill-health. 8o be" forbade Iter to use It. Boon she was well Wp !S JII: of pain in the shoulders bv sitting .rge king suaka wrapped Itself arouod h I r9 a nay are oauoaoofa, Otit aa- ad was brought out alfvs. J healthy for all thai. I TWINS IN EGYPT. Lady Duff Gordon, in her Last Letters from Egypt, mentions a curious superstition w Inch she actually observed lo the effect that twins, if allowed tu be hungry, tu into cats at night and go out prowling for food ; they only eat a little of your provis ions, out ii you oeat them they will tel their p;t re. its next day, "So-and-so beat ine in his house last night." aud thrir bruises Only twins do it; aud if von give them sort of onion broth aud camera milk the first thiag when tbey are born, they don't do it at all. "0 the American mis sionaries, says lhe authoress, '-told me something like it aa belonging to the Copts, but it is entirely EgyptiauT aud common to both religious. I asked several Copts, who assured me it was true, and told it just the same. Is it a remnaut of the doctrine of transmigration f However, tbe notion iully accounts for the horror people feel at me inaa ot silling a cat. How to Grr Ahead, We should all recollect that a few cents saved every day and pat cot at interest amounts to a large sum in a few yeara. The oriea of a seni or a drink of whisky is a foundation for a fortune, and from just such insignificant sums laQttioas wealth bat sprung. A dime looks small, but then ita purchasing power is iu many times greater than men imagine, lake care of the pennies aud the pounds will take care of them selves. Learn to value little things. Lit tie rains are absorbed by the earth, aud serve to feed for months the spring from which tbe mighty rivers flow, while the eavy storms run off. rn haste, Carrying destruction and sorrow in their coma Little blessings make up life's happiness, to little savings mighty fortunes. Save ha dimes and yowr fbrtuae by made. The Hamilton (Mo.) News gives the fid lowinr as a true eony of a veritable letter written by maiden in that State : Mav the . Mo. Dear love it tis , . x. ...... . mi U Much pieaer thai i laKe uiy pen in my hand to Drop you atiew liods in order to let you No that i am well aud hope that when those new bad heuds Coins to band they will fined you the same. well, ion heurl. l waut to No what is the resen jmi hant ben out, if you font waut tu imu nil you nav to Do is to vrute and let me No sud l w.ml write eny More, but i would like to See ya and telle you my Miude. i hav looked for you every suudey, but l Dout tluuk I will look euy more till i see you a ooiuiug and thene i wont. well, ion henn, II you I).-nt want to Com. all you hav tn Do is to Say So, aud Jiet will Bee anouft for me i Dout want to ran after eny wone. well. jo i benri, this is my last if you Dont write or Com. now you an Do list as you plese. aud i will Do as i can. but i will never for get you as long as i hav breth, and i will Dauoe arowoed your grave when yu lye cold iu the erth. Now ion beuri. yu can just Do as you think Best, not as i Cer. i would like to See you that is if you want to See ine and if you Uout want to Se me ine i will Nat take nu abowut it. the worl i ia wride, the See, is Deep, my love for you i will alwavs keep. well, ion henn. i will quilt writ en Now, and reimmber that this is my last if you Dout write or (Join rite away, if you Dout waut to Com you Can Stay at home If you want to. and if von Dont want to you Can go where yon plese. but I waut you to aueer this as soon as you get tbie if yon pi- se. and tell me your mined, derect to Jackaonn Mo. now you may remember what i hav told you in this tetter, for i mean what i Say, aued if you Dout Beleav it you will fined my words true, i must quit for this 'ime by askt-u you to write soon. SARAH to Mr. jou henri , good by for this time. Carolina Central Railway Co. ftrrrcs GtntRAi. SopRBirrtwDiirr. Wilmington, N. CvAprU 14. 175 I Change of Schedule, On and after Fridar. Annl HHh, 175, the trains will run over this Railway aa follows . PASSENGER TRAINS Leave Wilming'on at. A rrive at Charlotte at . Leave Charlotte at Arrive iu Wiluiinetou at -.7 15 A If ...7.15 P. M ...J.WA. U ...7.0UP. M FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Wilminaton at.. Arrive at Charlotte at.. Leave Charlotte at Airivein Wilmington at. .. MIXED TRAINS 6J30 P U & ov P si 60.AM .... r. "si a if Leave Charlotte at. Arrive at Buffalo at Leave Buffalo at Arrive in Charlotte at 8 00 A II lit II ....1230PM 4.30 P M C. R. Barker. of C a "arkei a Co (1. M. Buis. Ll o O M Salt k Co t BTJISA B ARK E WHOLESALE & RETAIL Mipts Corner Main & I ishei bireeis, SALISBURY, N. C, Where mav be found a full assortment of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Fine Hand kerchief Extracts. Foreign A Domestic Col- oanes, Soaps, Hair, Tooth & Nail Brushes, Havana A American Clears. All grades ot SMOKING A CHEWING TOBACCO. A 6ne lot of Brass A Glass LAMPS; also the celebrated Perkins & House Non-explosive Kerosene Lamps which we icarraat or hreary years. Whiskey, French Brandy, 8cuppernong Wine by tbe bottle or gallon. Blackberry. Malaga, California Sherry A Port Wines. Imported Gin, and in fact eve-ythlng usually kept in a first class Drug Store. Our preemp tion department it solely in handt ef ike pro prietor', one or the other being in the 9Ufr day and nioht and no one need a nnrehend aay dan ger in having their prescriptions compound- Fab. 18th, 1876,-tf. i ii m mm BMavaBaaaSaM-B aaaav ,vx km mm 'wwa. fBp M 'TTTs ESI. r m -m& 'mLm mr Jmmm mtmmmm mm mm 9mmBr mm ka3B8 aBBaaaam aaaaH BBbi aaaf t ' wS BB aaaaal faa9 i-' 4 W SAVS MOWFEY, SAVE LABOR, SAVE T!fE BY USING THE FARMERS' PLOW. It will run lighter. It will tarn voor land Hutrr, Tt will make yoo you leas to keey it io order, than aay okr I'Urw yoa have ever uaaaL Wa will furntah too Potawa one year Cor oos plow In ordinary Uad for oaa . . i i i : J , m yon par your bn Ktnitn u ine aaaae am i i ir "M-nnuaw iww . We have jit isvad a great reu.u-iion m nice r All we aak of vou ia. Try it, aoJ lUeo if you don't like it bring it back and year ssaa be refunded lo you. WE W ASK A NT EVERY PLOW. MERONEY & BRO. Saliahnrr. N. P. Afn 1. lSTA I M&h LECTURES TO YOUNG Ml N. OUTHE ILLU8TEA Auk: It No Trains on Snnday eccept one freight train tint leaves Wiln.iugtuu ai 6 r. at., instead of uu Saturday night. t Connections. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington A Woll. n. and Wilmi: ;rt'ii. ColumbiaA Ancusta Railrondn. Senn-weekly New Yorr and Tn weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the Hirer Boats to FayeUerille. Connct at Charlotte with its Wei tern Di vision, North Carolina Railnad, Charlotte & Statesvile Railroad. Charlotte A Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia A Augusta Rail road. Thus supplying the whole Wast, Nortbwa4 and South vest with a short and cheap Una to the Seaboard and Europe S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer arid Superintendent. May 6, 1875. tf. Kalrigh, X. C. !VTHKJL SV The Pieilmont Press, HICKORY, N. C, la the onlv paper published io Catawba Couuty. and has an extensive eircolati anv uk Merchants, farmers, and all Hast . f business men in tha State. The Pacaa la a live, wide-awake Dreoerati paper and ia a deairable mrdinrn for adveniaing in Western North Carolina. Liberal terma altoaaSd oa yearly advertisement. Sab- .a. - . mmtn, rkA t scnption Vi.uti. in aavaaoe. Addraaa 0 , . MTJRRILt dc TH0MLIM80N, Edlsora ail ProprisaoTS- Thee.lv ILLl .STKATBO the .xtih. Kighl paajea. Forty cai lainin nir rrdinu matter publi-brd in the Suuibrm Th Qfa i.ueWr J im LCoi'KA 1 l.u AGsk will be BatartUy, 26th iay of Jwsa, The PuMUber inieud. ataxias it aa flsss- lLm . atraled record of the Una ea II will aar ir ' v v w mr - m m BaiaMhla wind, is of earreal u inal or forMga. .ra The SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AG will be printed on new type, aad beery aawa pair. 6rw lawaf. name of many of tbe Jt Tvlhthtd. i a err'oi". I'ricr fix etfffM. A Tctwre on too Watnre, Treat mt mt, at 4 adcal co ta HuaaJ w - - ue-a,o rniaUirrLu:j. i duct J I m h-Abuse, ilivola tar Emission Ii:i f'riA y, S-iVt.n Del lit .a d lmpeti utnt ! Marnace g-ner. alh . C 'Uumotiou. LthMv.w J Kit -. M. i mI anil Parsical lucapavi'r. Iv. l'r KobLKT J. CDLVEhWtLL. U. i'-. .u u.r ol "Green Uo k. Ae. Tbe world-renowned ant tor, in thi .td'.iira- blrt Lecture, clearly pruVua tiiu bion rn;" rience that lhe lnulut i-' U.i'ii-iiee tf tl Abuse may Ihj eftVcin illy removed wfth.-M medicine, and riUo t da'jsrrms ergd fper- at ions, bougies, iutrnnient, ring", er .- 1.-I-; pointing out a mode of cure at onca certain ai.d ifffotuai, by which every UuVrer, do matter rhtt hid p.iiiil.tinn m.ir !. c.iri' 1, ' 11. 0 .f i !.. t- j i il i- i iur im ocmnii. n mn, w-im i w- amaji nnu immmimi . . 8e under seal, in a plain envelope, to any reiicKMia ana of six cents or iwo wiUbs addreMA, an receipt age stamps. AddreM the Publndtcr. CxiAS. J. C. KLUIB & CO. J7Bowery, Hew Yok; Pot Office Bos, A;. r.l t0 Jl0 tv. CRAIGE & CRAIGE. ATTOBVEVS VI LAW A r miu-r uniirpaaaed oy otaar paaasa, a- --r ' I i.oe and variety. It i- intesaded to J! : btrtTHKRlf iLLrfJTRATEO kilt F I - .1 Mm. : - - mImmm Vlll nai Mtr ine arwni ; vpeialle aVsawted to d ui - atd aooial Ufa. So hunllv Ao- Id be mrilboal It. Snlwcriptiofi price only 1 ago free. C K T. FILOUVU. mmm nlirifftrf; in Dtinkrtiiifrfi ty Bpecral attention paid to proceed (inar'io Bokroptoow. ? . : FEESH TUIIHIP BEG Just EooaiTod a Frooa taffly alafcr ."mB oi