Carolina Watchman. AUGU8T, 12. The Charolotte utmoacrat pro pot the election of Jefferson Davis, for Presi debt of the University. It would be C9 There we no public speaker in le State that did better service for th .nventino canee then the Hon. W. ' .obbins. He viaited every County ii lis own district, made a speech every dey but two for aix weeks, and we really Hour arrival at Asbeville, and a partial accoun xrn w at-PTJ q-W01TEWAB.D TRIP. Ihirgeat melon and the ftist we had - , IWpdneadav. after traveling a distance of Mr.Editob: Tn r,nr onmmunlcation throoirri Tour last issue we promised a continued account of on . i ip "Homeward Bound." Leaving ojf wth lie ve he is entitled to the honor of car Irvine- Davidson county, which if outside! his " district, have esxtvy speakf rs-good end true men--who ble service for the cense, bet there at tew who ere eepable of doing more efficient lervice in e campaign then Mej. Bobbin. The funeral of Tboe. W. Dewey, ell Chrlottet on Thursday lest, was -ve largely attended. The stores were closed nntil the procession passed through tbeHe e;crtJ jj wona-rfui inattence over the streets. The Convention was defeated in Ken tucky by about 10,000 votes, fn Ala heme it was carried by 16 or 20,000, and 00 Democrats, 10 Red and 9 Indepen dents elected as delegates. Irainda of his hearers end can get up more :ntbosiasm in a crowd then anybody . we mve ever beard speak four very pleasant visit there, we will men on it again. As previously stated we we on Catholic Hill, being near, or al mmt nt the foot of. Bean Catcher mountain the morning of the second day early ronkfaat it wan sua treated that we STO UP. Ont onld suppose that it was not of any particula ote looking from our elevated camping ground it after the party had reached the top all fel mply remunerated for our walk by the visi nd grand scenery lying before us, as peak afte ak and mountains extend beyond the sifcht oil the natural eye; then by the aid of thetelwco we were able to see even beyond tpe bpupdry our own Stats. From this point you have ner view of Asheville than almost any other being surrounded by and built on mountai rtainly entitles the place to the healthy a easant Summer reputation it has. On our return to camp we found a messen mites we arrived at home although anx ious to see our friends and some their earts still regretting that our trip waa ended. Some may see pleasure, and grand scenery without enjoying It or eaprewng any aeiigni. Not ap with US for it was resolved before reach-! as home that next rear we would make al - mr - iniiliartrin on unlimited tune. Therefor he Great American Pie Eaten still exist ill if possible meet for the same purpose next passer, OJJE OF THE PABTY. wi A HORRIBLE HOMICIDE. How they Murder in Massachusetts. Btanly! i t. near the Hard wick line, r rost was in ith a liandsome bqquet pf select flowers, beau-ldebt for ,,e jd an(i ai0 owed monf m h at e t l 1 1 saXI .. . i W i a lully arrangea oy tair nanas, an peiiuiiiKw.0 ni brother in-law. who owned in as the card of Miss Stella Buckhanan. TheJ,,,oc. Qo Sunday, the 4th J uiy, Town boquet was highly appreciated and delicately jwent t0 the barn early, followed by Frost L a a a xl iH . iZ - - . a handled by our party especially oy me Bingiepj, he voune men having gone away tu en end young widowers. The Band ack now its reception by visiting the house an 1- jedged BROOKLYN AGAIN, The New York Sun of the 7th, reports if nt excitement in a neighborhood in q,jw vt anKflirintiftn rtiBRrooklvn known as Babylon, over th Fifty thousand dollars to the Yadkinlelopement of a beautiful white girl with Railroad Company; but as Rowan iefueedi young negro coachman, nearly wnue to tobscribe. the tubscriptiou of StanlyfiThe girl was the daughter of a poor black will neve be demanded. All honor tolmith, named Woqd, who 14 years ago,: ather than drag Lis 3 year old child brough poverty's vale, allowed her to b " Now that we have secured a smallladopted by a rich widow lady in th maiority in the Convention, we do hopeiueigbborhood, who lavished on her everyplying one of its best selections of mnsic :'"- ... fWW'itVi m.inU APat I lint ear A A.ll A -v r OA m J I r m v.ntaM in nohon s and Academies. She " p-. - "!! , ., , . ,. i i i .1 Hiugiil longer iu til uy me imiiv iu uyc Lrcrii was oeantitot ana acpempuaneq, ena "eiTen for our benefit by the very hwritabi upue oi vne piacej auu u ia u,cfc "citizen. nt 3 0dock on Thursday 22d. we were1 reat surprise and wonderment with heron ol1r w towanj8 home. At once aft cquaintances how 6be thus flung all awaygleaving Asheville yon find yourself travelin qr the coachman. They were pur9ued,Balong the banks of the -beautiful 8wannanoa, nested and broueht back, after a day organd cross it seven limes in a short distance A com 1 our nines irom Asnevuie oar aueniion was attracted by the enviable residence of Mr Cheeseboro situated on the opposite rive ank entrance being gained by a substantial nd neat private bridge leading into a yard Where everything indicated that the occupants possessed much taste by the beautiful walk yergreens, shrubbery, c, seen there, in ap- f From the Boston Advertiser. Samuel J. Frost, the opposed murderer lived with bis wife, four children, his wife's brother Fredrick P. Towne, and two yonng men named Katbbone, on farm tnree miles from Petersham, village arte!, faRorn, aw oh, widi amis cox. These gentlemen did fine service in behalf ie Conservative casBM in the las cam pais: insom, Waddel! and Leach canvassed th East as thoroughly as was oosnibls in twc eeks. V ance and Coz aroused the ie conn ties. The Charlotte Obtcnxr savs of ex-Gov. Vance: This gentleman returned home yeaterdaj ifternoon, from his campaign in the West, well . 1 a s . , f m . 1 ft mucn exnauaiea. inuring uis aoaence oj isdenine speechea in the tranamontane coun-l try, ctostng on n enneaday at Maraball, M adi- n county. Jluch of ths dutaace over mountains he travelled on horae back, can ing a valise with him. The people will not likely soon to forget a at so who haw aaa much of hia time and comfort in their can has this gifted son of the Old North State. The Tarboro Soulkemer thus refers to Senator Ransom's canvaaa: Our distinguished Senator fought nobly it the interest that was decided vesterday in tl mse of the white men of the State. lrna waa well canvassed by bias and hi rnest eloquence a routed the spirit of deter-, ruination wherever he went. In Nash he waa en thusiastically received and in Pitt two solid if white men listened with rapt attention loth rifted senator. Both counties have gone tic and his visits were attended with bene-1 :ficial reaults on all aides. The interests of Nortl Carolrniana are always safe ia the bands IMatlhew W. Kansoxn, the soldier, patriot iteatnan NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OfTON 8 AW UN, Eqnal to any in the country, with an impvov- 1 cotton roll superior to any other ji lanufacturcd by J. M. tLL.lt7TI, Winnboro,S.C. : V . K. uregni, K. tL. Agi lai. F. W. Woodward. IITY COLLEGE N. C EJhFoirft s n raalr thy. A receipt 4a foil for all leooka and rtoMMng. aar Ive 1 ven for ftO. Aid rives to limited aaeaaw. ' bAlMN. Trinkv w r . wwfv . 74. tatavVx m m 1 ' . m W Charlotte Mute for Tom Lata. KsT'D. 8. TATLOB saAITTW Principal, Charlotte, K. C Hsvint removed my School from StateavUle leased the Charlotte lnttat lav a lersa ' f 1 a a w m m k , ra, l will open tne imuuw or iwm pupils Oct. 1st 1875. A full corps of experies-W sad eacheea will Weanptoyee. For other mi Ition send for circular. - M a WS W y . r m t Tfl - & 1AIU1K MARII.X, Charlotte, 9. C. IAVIE COUNTY IN THE RIOB COL'BT. IMNBORO FEMALE CAL U1AIU, will aY.C. eitat nay,, 1 day4ct'ore to remain Awn or three days Frost returned td the bonse alone, and when his wftelsslteB" where her brotbe ROUSING THE LION. Vioksburg Herald. The other morning, an boor or two packet waa to make the Vicksburg latK that their will be no division in onr ranks, and that the members will stand together as one man in all that is proposed to be If ttiere i unanimity and back in the Convention. Radicalism hasf buried in North Carolina. TOO CONFIDENT, One cause of the close vote was the fact that all democrats were two confident of victory. "U, we will beat 'em any how, and there is no use getting excited over the .matter." This was the language of hundreds end hundreds of Conserva tives. Feeling perfectly confident oi Success, thousands of white men nevei wont to the polls. Tbe result should be lasting warning tQ the white men of th Bute. DEATH V or ex-gov- W A GRAHAM, The sad intelligence of the death of this distinguished North Carolinian will cast a gloom over the entire State. He died elar4togs, Springs, Va. N Y Wednesday morning, whither he bad gone to re emit his health which had been failing fo aeme time. A man eminent for virtue,! honor, wisdom, and patriotism is gone aW-ne'fT.jrft- , and Brewster, the negro, waa brought before ths Court to answer for his crime While the examination was going on, a riend of the prisoner's was waylaid at the lourtr house door, beaten and nearly illed. The excitement against the ne roe on the streets and in tbe Court ouse was high, and the incident just re lated, warned the Sheriff of the prisoner'i anzer. suould lie come within reach ol the crowd and so he smuggled him ou through a scuttle, over roofs, to a place ol afety, I he examination resulted in quiring of tbe prisoner a bond pf $800 to annear at regular term, in default of which he was conveyed, secretly, to pris on. Babylon seems to be pretty densely wo. ho nid l. hd fio-l.a wi.h him nd'g. n-ntueeiao. wearing a ao. 10 pa y .r- .-? Mar. ttiriiml mt .f hia krth inn nio so tuai ne uu gnuo iu mc ubd- ture to stay until he felt better. At nin 'o'clock Frost sent his wife and children (off to church. When they returned Mrs Frost inquired again of her brother, she' was told that he felt so ashamed of himse that he would not come to the hoose again J but bad started for Worcester on toot, where Frost was to meet him on Wednes- fday and arrange their bueirieee, when Towne would go to California.' It seem that Mrs. Frost, believed her husband hlthoneh surprised at her brother s eon luct. Sbe appears to be a women no tmuch in tbe habit of Questioning be husband's conduct, perhaps not darin half dreaW. Mt up and down his state-rtKtin door,, aud theu yelled f r the captain. When the cap taiu arrived, the Kentucktao inquired i deeptones : Ar' yuu the oaptiog of this boat , I am " "Well I don't want to maho any trouble' ere, but I am a lion when ye rouse mo! I left a big eud of gum sticking right thai ast nmht. and I m goto to fipd the 1 who stole it, or I'm guin' to tear the bottoi utii this boat !" The gum waa found. Purify the Springs of Life. It is a sine qua nor. of heal ill, that the soar f vitality, the "springs of life," should be I contamination. The fluids which. irom inhabited by negroes. Of late they havelronnssinji7'a breakfast gong, (a Knite were useu tor tuts purpose), and soon preciation of the kind invitation to stop whichlto be jr,q uisiri ve. Wednesday he wen a 1 .a 1 t m mm " we were unable to do, the liand played onegto Worcester, and when he returne piece. On leaving, handkerchiefs were seengreparted Uiat he had bought the stoca.Ktheir action upon the food, transforms it in L . a a a im S t 1 1 a . 1 tn waving irom tne young tames living nere anuwgiving 1.1s note, ana mat ner DroinerKblood mA .... .... .;. ;ia-if m fr,r. mir naH. itdtu fl v i n cr Klrgir ITatu .Cf l I . . I iminMli.lnl v t a r f txA tn thm TvlfifioH 1 1 "iu v.' v.. ' i 1 it . v 1 ur inf. w.. ww a. 11 iiu a u. luu . . 7 vim ivu ... v . . V- A M V . ... ... . O Cfl K ) V niirS It th. milV M llin knnu an.) id. k.. asking on for a few miles, quite unexpected! vgtate. H e found ourselves in the midst of a bard storm! On Wednesday, also, tbe RathboneM" to be properly nouiiahed and kept vigor ?T m mm m mmM W .1 1 .1 a . . and for the first time since we left home allSboys returned. 1 hey roistrusteed tbeJous. i o tins ena me stomach, ine liver, th the shawls, Blankets tc, were brought in re-story that Towne had gone to CaMiornia.SbowcIsand the kidneys should perform unio nnU iinn rrl v ntr t f r A oynn, hnntSanQ ineirulK excuen ine suspicion oifiierriioitMiir ineir Yarious itincuons, since 1 mm 1 my a a a W a ... ..... dark, the ground being too damp to camp oiH,5" or l-e townspeople; but yet not lungrithese are disturbed tbe vital fluids speed 1 1 we nasspd a comfortahle ni.rht in his nsrlor-B"'" a,ine aDnul ,C' ooon ttiev uinteo twmbeoome vitisted. 1 he best, nay, the ONL av morninc earlv we were aroused bv ourlr r81 inai ,n('" am 001 D"1,eve n story .joiood depurent whu-h p inGes them, by over coming those bodily trregulariti displayed a boisterous and defiant sort o attitude towards the white people. This lied the Jndge, and the above occasion, to Igive them a yery solemn warning to be- lhave themselves, or tbe consequences plate andiwbic0 anSe,e(1 im to the point of saying! j Ithat he would ''fix them." Meantimel e.ns r i k mat miirlit be tearful. 15rewster would tiavt- mi i i . i mWm 1 be bitterness, the wicked aud devihshbeen jJunof if lhe crowj Uad gQt ,0 oi ft ft n V S .ft mi m WM pirn mamiested by tbe lied leaders atuim, though according to his account he tbe prospect ot getting control of .tbewa3 not t0 biamc or the elopement. IJenveotioo, should henceforth be a warn Ing, to the peace loving, honest and law- abiding people of the State. There is no telling what amount of mischief would be. done if the Bads were to get control of the Slate once more, a thing God grant' they may never do. The Kirk war and tbe thieveries of 18G8-'69 would sink ant of sight in comparison with the lawless ness, robberiee, and wrongs that would follow tbe renewal of Radical rule in this State. Let it never happen. i ne vnariotte Democrat says this i the first time in 25 or 30 years that Meek lenburg county has failed to elect Demo ctatic Conservative candidates. Demo cratic vote in the recent election fell off Tbe election is over and we can' sy that we are disappointed at the re suit. There were many things that operated against tbe democratic success in tbe recent election. The so-called re- strict ions were not only a confession o ar weakness, bat actually, in onr opin ion damaged the Convention cause, fifteen lor twenty thousand votes in the State. The lying documents with which the State was flooded by an unscrupulous and unprincipled faction produced great apathy land indifference among so-called Conser vatives. Men who have alwars looked ipon the negro party as a great threaten- were on our way passing over the mountai ns- Lover this Gap scenery similar, but not so grand, fas mentioned in our former communication tmeets the eye. On the way we passed th large tunnel on the Western X. C. Railroad, all were anxious to take a view of and enter, hut were unable to do so on account of the rock land water at the entrance May the dav soon! - ccorae when these huge masses of rocks will be removed, the mountains penetrated and the rhistle of the engine heard th rough the Wes- tern part of our old State. The great induce. raenta offered by the beauty and heallhfuln f the country, the fertility of tbe soil, mineral resources, the fine water powers, manufacturingsin tbe barn cellar, from which a stench sites, &c, should attract the attention of capi-Erose. dug up the place bat discovered Itnlistaand pleasure seekers more than thev everS nothing. Uue day last week 1 rost waa - - w- -' mm v w t - a i i I rost was observed to be very nervous land to be acting strangely, lie forsooki his wire's bed for a lounge, and was ool of doors a great deal nigltis. One morn iing a butcher knife aud pail were missing. He dented all knowledge of tbtm. but ,they were subsequently fuutid about, the .bain. He went to the select men eom 'plaining of the rumors that were circula- . 3 ill i i .ting, ana was auviseu oy mem, ii net Wanted to stop them, to produce evidence ithat 1 owne was alive. 1 lien lie wrote Ltciii r to v a 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 . i and to l owue lormei, rhich pro-" due them, is Hontetter's Stomach Bitters. I he principle upon which this salutary alter- live acta ia as simple as it ia philosophic Tbf origin of most diseases, and invariably tb which affect the organs above mentioned, weakness, caused by insufficient assimilation the food. The Bittera speedily rectify the i . i a jw i.t oi tne oimcuiiy ov restoring risroroua digestion, that all parta of the physical structure art upplied with an abundance of pure, rich blood. This increasea the activity of the diacharjrini organs, and enable them to throw off the efleti mat r, whiJi, rankling in the sestrin. deVirv ret r orcum , Joaimst Claaspiu Mary Clam lit. Patience Urav and Piuk icy Gray and others, DtfrmdamU STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN. To fftw Skrrif of IwU Cmrnmt Too are borohy oommandr-d to Emma Clampit, Mary Clampit. Patieoco Gray. Pinkoey Orat and others, children of Ai i ray names unknown, whoso namos iwn will be inserted, the Defendants named, if tbey bo found within yoor ouaaty. ii bo and appear before tbe Jodera of ow r Uourt. to be beld fur tbe Guaty of Dt lhe Court iiouse in Mucksvillo on the n onday after tbe 3rd Monday of September an iswer the complaint which will bo dopooil tbf iffioe of the c lor If aw In Issslsja? QBajsjpJ said Uounty, witbm brat day a of said ten ind let the aaid defendants take notice tha if icy fail to answer said complaint within line, the Plainttflb will apply to the Coait relief demanded in the complaint. Herein fail not, ana af this sammont dne return. Giveu under mr band and the seal irt, this JOth day of August. I87S. -eal H.B.HOWARD. Ulenc superior Oourt iarie Uonty. It appearing to tbe Court upon satisfactory! M'h'i that tbe said nnsney Gray and others. hiidreo or Amos onr. names unknown, lot residents of the 8tato of North Carolina, ii is ordered, that publication of tbe above sai bo made in the "t -aroliaa WaAchman lewspaper published in tbe town of etalurboryj for six succeaatro weeks from this date. Aor, 10. I87S. H. a HOWARD. ('erk Superior Court of Dane County. A or 2. 15 6ws- PrioUrs fee $100 DAVIE COUNTY -IN THE SUPE RIOR COURT. H Fall i asm st. TERMS REDUCED. nsnosi m (exclusive of tar Kxus lewM iT.MJwo, h. n withal Fli llislBewrdofT:.- SV I GREAT CElvTRAL ROfH Lesapeake and Ohio 1 1 ji xe, ij. l PASSES',.!, TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. MAIL EXPIEU. RichmoLd " (itrdooiirill. M CharWrteiille. )f Starii.atno,. Huntinrton. Arrive CincftrrjatU. ' Liuisrille. 1 Indian apolia. 1 St- Louie, Msil Trains run Ixnresa Kirat claas I l brooch ticket ew am j lW irsap m mm l J P" 1 - 3 -9J - ex fucam its -aJl mm -1IX ia 7 AS l at daily except Saaasy, - WllSISSS t ticket tar stisat at loeeat Rata. Emirrants ro on Express trains. Round Trip Ticket ; to the Sprit Lowest Freight Rate n.ade 1t tin Last r or In formation of Kate Ac at-t ? to ForRateaandinforsBsaion as to Hwnte.uasis ply to J C. I . a M I S Jmmt Greeaakev X C IGRANTS GO OK EXl'BESft TRAINS. J. C DAME, Sc. Ait. ro-e-horo,TCL C. R. IIOWARD, G. T. A. ;W. M.S.DUNN, Sopc lont Air Line Railway Summons for Relief. CAROLINA home in New Hampshire. Tbe Ratliboiiel"111'- This bodily refnae havlne- been aot ri mW S m m i . 1 it a S .1 oys, Laving found a patch of loose earthl have. We passed Old Fort about noon. This pi aceC has improved much in only a few years and the citizens exhibit that energy alone essential to the building up of any place. Capt. ThomJ ason formerly conductor on the W. N. C. RJ Road is Mayor. Passing on we took camp in Marion, on our way traveling for several mile in sight of the famous Mt. Mitchell and illingman's 1'eak which we were anxious to visit, but could not for the limited time we had on oaiuruay at o o clock we arrived a Morganton where we met many of the wel f, and perfect assimilation re established, th' Is nothing to prevents healthy and active per formance of the various functions. Such ing the case, it ia plain that the Sitters are rot only the moat reliable stomachic, bat si erad leant of those diseases of the liver, bowels and kidneys which contaminate th eprinee of life. observed at work a long time in a partico lar spot in his cornfield sorne distance from the house. The snot was visited and marked. In the night a party wen there to search. They found nothing, but following a trail into the oat-field tbeyl BOYDEH MOUSE, discovered a sack containing the trunk! MRS Dli BEEVES, pROPKirraiaa, Saliaburv, N. C. The Proprietress of lhe Boy den House wih puichae a pair of gentle stout horses to in her Omnibus. Aug. 12th 1875. .a og mystery, as something rather to be fnavaari f a n rloortiaarl o 1 1 t iii tkS A I a i . . S only four votes : whilst the Rennbliean! ., , Enown citizens. At the request of the very . " ' . t - r T , B'eresieo taction to ingtueu tnem on thegcourteoua and gentlemanly Dr. Ravbold a annws an ineronwo nn Ilia wnta t.w I i, A t S . . ... SB J - "",Jo'tlouiestead and other questions that all last year of 735 ! This look, very eus.lparlie, agreed ,honld diBttltbeti pic.ous ot 10m piay. iHundred. and thousands were dieanpoin "e on tuestoo taw stands iUMted in notbeing able to t rid of wt muu ,o against u. present official encumbent, such as th abansted and nnholly judicial and other at - my .a a aooui mrce months ago we warn pa'aai-eo uiai aie aucauig pap irom tnegWalton House and plaved several pieces fo ed our people against mikine deoosits oflllard-eanungs ot an unwilling and muchBthe benefit of many ladies there asaembled money out of the souuty, and advi8edBPPres,ied ad much wronged people. them, if tbey had money- tbey did nota he Convention question being but wish to use, to let their neighbors in thefc8'1116 8ue, the people did not turn out f vy have it at six or eight per cent in Ra8 tuev would have done, if sheriffs, clerk sad oi sending it to Mecklenburs orSttlld t.tbcr officers were to have been elect elsewhere. By the failure of tbe MpckSted- The negroee were made to believ lenburg bank it is said our people loseltliat lne7 were to l8e n"c only their rigli!Hin inconvenient to find a suitable place we did dbout S100.000. This shows the foilv ofS suffrage, but their freedom, and theVnot 8tart until near (lark. this P'ce will be re- andSn. mon.v .W ultherefore turned out In foil tvprjniembered by msny. The occupant of head a -v ww Ha w w vis nenaaa iiwi waiCUB mwmm Ct. Band voted, no doubt, early and often SJ lions. A- " S. Merrimon, Veuable, Davis, and others, written last winter in opposition to the call of a Convention, When the Rads imagined tha the had serried tbe State, they grew! awogant, and swore tbey would mak Pemocrata smell h-1. NotwithatandingJwere republished by the Uadfc and spread easy proclaimed it all over the State thatlbioad cast over the State, without date oi fAey would promptly adjourn if they B-..plaiiation, and thousands of people wer Mred a majority in the Convention, theylled to believe that these gentlemen wer snaaooiy changed their minds when theyfletiU opposed to Convention, and th vuc UU rneu tne otate, thusH, ftect waa very damaging. But notwith snowing tne duplicity and baseness off .tending all these difficulties and many c.r .eeuera anu me uuer talsity ol theirftuhers we had to combat, our victory, etateujenta. J hey have betrayed them-properly used, is all that we could desir vu"""""" now outers i ue closeness of the coutest will mak ed eaean and v.todictive they are capable oflas more vigilant and active iu the future oeing, and bow untruthful and shameles,anc; it will have the effect of nniuo t kfti. 1 a . J L. 111 - . rlu,c..wll-uu uave aecurea notu-Hmore closely the membera of of a human hndy. Searching further th Shead and shoulders were found. 1 h lees have not yet been discovered, hot the remaiioi found have been indenlified those of Towne. Frost was arreeted, nd baa alieady been committed for trial y Justice Edwin Woods ot Barre 1 he indications are that I owne was ilb-d bv a blow ou the head, as the sknlll a a i . . . . www m mw ? I pieo. nis inyiiauon to lea at tne Walton,, broken. IV waa nrobab v done that llnitdd A CtCr tM W II AHM Tn. !m llinln ft .1 ft . .ft ft ft . pnvcu UU1 ici.i iu uftMoanaay niorninjj wueu f rost tma ins wiih beautiful grove adjoining tbe residence of FraokBhe had had a fight with Towno, Verv rwin, it not being convenient to accept of theSlikely the b dy was buried in tha cellarj ind and appreciated invitations of numerousjwhile tire family were at church, and itizens to share their hospitalities at privatJremoved after his return Irom Worcester ences. After tea the Band returned totbeSbv uirht. Frost is described as a small? Iman, much smaller than Towne, Tin orpee was probably eat up in ordsr thai e might carry it more conveniently. Whether Frost followed Towno to the barn Sunday intending to kill him, oi illed him in a moment of passion during dispute, will never be known unless hel hooeee to tell,-but there are some cireum tances that favor the opinion that the eed waa deliberately olanned. At all vents it is melt horrible in its details hat have lately been known, and will' all to mind the murders of Dr. Parkman! nd Abijab Ellis. That it has caused an ntense excitement throughout the rural eigbborbood and adjacent towns is a matter of edftrael Both Front aud Towne Lame from Stqw Hampshire. unday morning nearly all attended the PresJ yteriau church and heard an excellent dis urse delivered by the Rev. Anderson. MorJ - mT n ton is a beautiful place and being a raoun-j ain location renders it a pleasant summer esortfor many. Sunday evening we were again found on' our wav about cam pins time it be-1 quarters, tent, not being able to get tent poles,! concluded to lar rails seminar (Via laiuw tl.l iM. i ... r i r ft , m J , iue icucr. oi eucu men as o uage r OWieheir tent over them and sleeo in the fen rneron straw. The gentleman near wh Ing but defeat and contempt for thet Thanks to the good people ofWe shall have gained very much. tuat it ia so. luuic cioeeyr tuo uituioere or our or gan ization. If these objects are affected Th work before the Convention will be mo ikely to noma ont free of partisan preju ice and bias, and the Constitution to b ade will boar, as we hope, the impress mm .- s a . . . . . : le?e of the nassa iUI no Pcai taction, but will be imphati- . mm tr rw . . -. mmr w r aw - mr n law . . n-jfen whleh the cells open and she byca,ly a orth Carolina Constitution, un aaasai im oiaouwn procurcu a case muk-muci wuicu uer people without reterence t eiswieVbeefl convened into a nice UttleBparty, eolir or other distinction, may li P.miHI Uluh "King and Durham were,nf every true North Carolinian, and w v hn heincr freed themaclvna did similflrlKaliami tliU . .. , T : . T , . '-vv'.vu1 viciory, nnaer the encum s rviceeror ine odiance or tne prisoners. Balances, will be more likelv to seen ne escaped, two reluming of their owoit. Our majority, we think, is from tw a cord. (to four. There wss a full jail delivery at Greens I VWo en Tireaday night. The Patriot! says ibat Lydia Crqthis, being unwell, -is allowed the priviU louse we camped, feeling some uneasiness a per haps under the impression that a circus wa tround, cunningly informed us that he had ferocious dog which would not permit any me inside his yard. Monday 26th, we arriv it tbe thriving, energetic town of Hickory a' pleasant place for health and pleasu ikers and tourists. Here you have a view o Blue Ridge with various spurs and impor tan t historical peaks. It ia said to be one of th highest points on the W.N. (J. K. K. Her we were invited to dinner by the excellent H Li Elliot, whoso table is always supplied with the best that can be procured. Any one vinil Hickory will be well treated and comforta dy accommodated in this commodious house Late in the evening we arrived at Cataw White Sulpher Springe, situated 6 miles fro Hickory and 60 miles from Salisbury. Th lealth-restoring properties of the waters re ler it a most desirable resort for invalids an pleasure seekers. The mineral waters consis Chaiyiecate white and bine sulpher. It i :rowded by visitors this season from our o State and elsewhere. Ws there met m'anv mew among them Major Wilson who acce ur invitation to tea at camp reminding us the many days he saw nobly spent in camp an in uie held4n Va. Other familiar faces were sn and soma we did not visiting for healt id pleasure. Dt. Elliot baa not been able furnish accommodation to al) applicants th JNext day we passed through Sta lie, again meeting our worthy represent ativ Bobbins, who presented es two of t A Honey Fountain. Thy have ever thing on a grand seal California. The trees and mountains gigantic patterns, lbeir vegetable knd fruit grow in conformity with thei M " WW mm - . . e tirrounaings, in iaiiiornia they can make two bites of a cherry, which wonld be mincing matters anywhere elao in th world. Even the California bees bnil ii: an tV make bonev on a larere seal e.- There is a hive rn the eastern slope p the San Fernando range, in Lea Angele ronnty , which men nave tried severa a m m . m m imes to capture, and have as often failed It is in a nfy which penetrates the roc a depth of one hundred and sixty feet 1 be opening is thirty feet long and aeven ;n feet wide, with two passages. Th es come and go in solid columns a boo ce toot in diameter. Efforts have bee I made to descend to the store of hooey i the rock, bnt the men were invariabi Iriveu back, and one man loot his hife. The hive has been known four years, and it is estimated that there cannot bele than eight or ten tons of hooey to it. man who lives in a cabin not far from th i pot gets more honey than his family cai use from the leakage. It flows ont of imall apertare in tbe rock like a spring tlebas a bo n sy fenntaio at bis door. SIMONTON FEMALE COLLEGE ! VI A I E VILLI, IU. C. The next session will open Sept. 1. 1575J 'erms for hoard, etc .have been made as low ible tn suit the times. Keferenoe'i: Kcv Uhae. Phillips. D. D.. Prof. W. J. Martin. Iter A- Wood. Rev. L. IS. Jordan. Ex-Gov. Z. P.. Vance, II n. W. n. Battle, and all friends of ie late Prof. Mitchell, of Chapel Hill, M. C. Aug. 14, 1874. 6 in oa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I will sell st public Sale on Tueadav. the 7t av of September next, at the late residence Ur. u. f . Houston, dee d., 17 miles west oi Salisbury, on theSherrells Foard road, the fbl lowing tersonal property, vis 7 fine Mules, 1 brood Mare, 1 Horse, about head Cattle, 40 or 50 head I Iocs, about bu. Wheat, 125 bo. Oats, f ne Carriage, 1 Sol key, 2 W aeons, larminj; Implements, Oeann &c. I lie growing crops of Com and cotton it is in the field supposed to be about 60 a 0 shares in Buildine; and Loan of Charlotte.l II the surgical implements and Librarv and, -1 . I -T- ma nv oiner aniciva noi ennmerateo. irrms CASH, except for the growing crops one half, t which will be cash, the balance before the rop is gathered or removed. Notice ia also given to all persons indent' O the estate either by note or account, that thev, ust come forward and settle promptly. S. A. LOWKANCE. Aug. 12, 4 tins Pd. Administrator MRS. JOSEPHINE 8. NEAVEJ will be in Saliaburv about the middle of Sei ember, and will be pleased to receive pupil for thorough instruction in Piano Forte Music mil the German Language. Aug. O. 1875. 1 nv F. M. Phillips Pintail. Against Uriah H. Phelps, wewrfaa(, STATE OF NOUTH To the SkrriJ of Dart? You are berebv commanded to Uriah H- Phelps, the L (entrant, above Le Ik- found withiu vor Coootv. to ippear before tbe JudVeet oar Superior Cob: t a Court Iu he held f r tbe Conn: r of Dane the C urt Hooa? in leocBville on tbe eeo id iI..M(lv aAer trw thrd CfcM 34o, ,Ut Sepn-inher, aud answer the cuoiplaiut which: il. ... Ok... U u iu In moe of tha t terk of ir it. -rur Coart faff id Count r. within tbf firt three days of the term, and let the said defendant take notice that if ha fad to anrw the.tiu complaint within that time, the Piaii iff will apply to the l nurt fur t!e relief ue lauded in tbe complaint. Ilenin fail not. ard of this sumun return. Given aoder my hand and the seal ml ait, this 6th day of Angw. 1875. Seal H. B. HOWARD, Clerk Snpenor Court Davie Coonty It apbearing to the Court upon aa'Ufa f that the said V 11 ("elpe ia not a at of the State of S. C . it ia enlaved publicwtHtD of the above Bamtsoae he the "Carolina watchman,' a newspaper lsbed in the town of Salisbury, lor sax ve week from this date. H. D HOWARD Clerk Superior Court of Davie Cuuatr. kUg. Jtth. 187a. fiw. Eichaeaa 'lichmond A Danville. Dnariile R W..B. C. Diriaem, aft Korth Wcitern V. C. E W CONDENSED TIE-TULE m aa4 alter Wsataoaiay Jarf t im. guixu north . " f?TTlOS. Mail. I Ex re lare karlette " ar law J'ort'a " SaliftAsary - GreeeetMsre " lieavine " iHiaees .. " BareilVa lrri a t X4 r i v u - I IIJSl - aae a is ! eee - ii a -M rs HI fm I -in COINO IHiUTil BTATKUf. Leave Uckaaad... M it. Ifsaaa. ... I .n r a i tela. a. bail ta.. 4. ax U - Dwssfee 1 1 - j l u f a - neeilBe te.ta - , - " ilisiasiiia aa AAX - sMWnry.. .... . t st Aw Liae rmcfm 7 k aJl rrtve wt CkftartDtu. . . . a BJB ootau stxer. Vbat. Printer's fee $100. STATIONK. DISSOLUTION. The Firm of McCobbina, Beall A Jofi was dissolved bv mutual consent on the 160 Inly, 1875. All persona indebted to said fi ire requested to come forward and settle amy as possible, aa we are very anxious to ge ill tbe business of the old firm closed np. The business will be continued bv J.Sam MrCubbins, Trios. B. Beall and John W. inder the firm style of McCabbiea, Beall Dean, who will be glad to see their lends and the public generally at th old a No. 1 Oranate Bow, where a rood stock a a m. ju . k - A . r. inet sucn goooa as tne people want can alwa found and will he sold low for cash or harte J. SAMUEL McCUBBINS, T. R BEALL. D. R. JULlAJf. Aug. 5, 1875 To the Xonh Caroliaa Gold Amalmmatir IsT .a .a Mm a e . v m p onipany, me .nria Carolina jrm Lrreamni Company, foreign corporations and William A. Coil, s non reatdeot. too are beeebv nmified. tal the fidbiwine umnoni has lioat each of you. vis: BOW AN COUNTY IN THE BUPERIORi COURT. Amos Howes PI iff. ioaiasf North Csrvliaa Gold Amal gamating Company, the North .roll ii Ore Ireaing Company ind William A. Colt, Defendant STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ib (As Sktrig of Bowam Cosay Geeattae: You are herehy commanded lo Summon The orth Carolina Gold Amalgamating Com pauy, he North Carolina Ore Drvs4isT Cornnsrivi and William A. Coit the Defendant aboral amed, if to he found within yoar eosmty. tn be nd appear before the JUDO K OF OUK SU 'EBIOK COUKT. to be held fcr the Coikim of Rowan, at the Court H-ue In SalUburv. he Hth Monday after the 3d Mondav of S. t-t. 1 Hi ft, and answer the complaint wlneli will hel epositeii in tbe offce o the LKUK OK THE UPEKIOK COURT, of -aid Count v. withinl the first three da v of the m-it u-rm tUrj nd let the said Defendant take notice ihai if hey fail to answer lbe w l cm plaint within ! he time prescribed by law. tbe Plsintif! w.jij pply to the Court for the relb-f demanded ii. the complaint. Hereof fail not. and of this susaDaons mak. 1 due return. Gives under ray hand and the seal of. akl rt, wis 4th day of A ugu-t, 187V J. M. HOB AH. of the !uperior Court of Bo was Coonty. Aug. 5, Ow. Leavs Orees "fa H Mail. Urr at CeUbero'... tat a a . . a eaXft e r 4 tax u Matt 'Air Li w - isfva L'ea 10) - ( ) I oaee Arrirt at Sa le Leave ftelesa Arrirs at 4. SB r a 13 " 4S at Mite safer Waia Uaviag Bataags ieaa atGrta beee with the h iltiea. Prtoaol fica u aaat TralM Lo ana SaA ftftnti & La 11m St of aaect at rtobro wnu Man imp peiau North or fleet. Two rreias dallr. bote wave Ob ssadaya Lymchbwrg Xeeasaaasesslae Irkanml Mt Bill k inn. HulK'na . lesre Bat kerille Ihii, amrv si asa toad 7 16 a a arraagesaeaw te adiwtwaaw issfoajr will pleasa few No Chaaxre of Cars Bftxreen ft m . . ana itirnnvonn, xo mutt Pasers thai kre aedalt of this cat nhove. Kr farther inforatstioa address H. E- ALLCV. Oeal TVUt Agra 0 rs, f B r m R TALrrrrT. Kiriaeer tJes'l SspsrtaUasVet FOR THE SOUTH WBW SUM RONS J taadl of You libei The undersigned begs leave to return his sxany tTpaads for the pauxweaaa so illy bestowed on him in lbe pest, and id J r i . I J ... lring irom me mercaouie ousineas would sti at havine been aaaoctatetl with Me Sibbins 4 Beall lor over three rears, and havit ind thera to be gsullsxnoti of hieh ft . i . . a . t ft . ina oosinessqnaiineaaon, ne isaes piesssii eodiue Uieco u hia frieods for saw jnst dealing. D. 1LJVLIA.N. JUPEB.OE COUBT-BOWAJf COUXTVH Johm Watts, PlainUfTI auainst ie North Carolina Ore Dress ing Coeapaty, Dmfndamj TATi Or IfORTH CAROLINA, Ih mm Skwyjoj Rseaaa CWaO;, (IrawMf aa hereby cosamanded in the nasae oft etobumraon the North Carolina Ore; ing Company. Defendant, in the aborc i appear at the nsxt Terra of irt of the Coonty of Rowan, al the Coat rat ia trairabary, era tbe Cth Mood ay af 3rd Monday in Septesobex next thea e to answer the complaint of John Wi untin in this soit. And too are fur imanded to notifv the raid DeiraaesBBt thai he rati to answer the oorapiaint within MspasafUd br law. the PlaiadisT will aoah ' L If 0 1 ft f . . - " tr utc reiiei grmuoN in me oorapiaint ax all oasts and charwra in thit snil isi i Witneea, i M. Ho ran, CUrk of omr b. 117a. ' 1 . J. hf. HORAH. fuly 1. IV$H raemrawjj laexxxv The undersigned wishes to hraavraae is frieods that he haw meited the I to sell through lick t from raw 1 lo all points in Texas, Arhsasas, wi ff am. ft -. M, . . ft - PC their Southern Coswectwea. -TT raeSSS Kmierant Tickets, or First CtsWS Tw I rwccagvche UkeLatsorers to the it wrealle totawr m adeawtawe by rilh lhe urvfirr..vl ml S mburr I Iwwaii- there Mai furn aaa. . . . A. PCkPssOraxl.PsawawgraaTW J. A- McOONNALGHEY, . C. C A A. R R, 9mdiWmjtJU Sept. t, If. Il atslj fa. J. D. lS7i, Cheap ChmUm Morig and ether various Bio ft ? 11 hmmm' wa

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