Carolina Watchman. LOCAL. AUUUT, 12. Job Printing of all stylet neatly done in this low rate fine rains hare visited this section and th 5 School. Miss Jennie Cald for girls will be re-opened some time In Feb- lary of which timely announcement will be made. We are glad to learn that the male! school whioh bee heretofore been tan ght in tt irae buiimcg will be discontinued, and that isa Caldwell will, if necessary, have a compe tent assistant in the primary denartmntJ 'hese chauges,with the principal's well known! faithfnllneas and ability, ought to secure lounahing school. r? DVB mm 3 Bar j S 5 & m-cr a 9 6 d ii k w a ooDoioeFeMaSo l "b9 00 erel- nr0 flourishing. Xr. Thomas EL Brown, who has been quite! 10. jgi we are glad to learn, convalescent. o lilbterf learn that a band of organ j M robbers are doing mucn miscmei id stoat county. Let them oe snot on signi. Alabama has voted a majority of abou 16 006 for s State Convention to make a new Constitution. Capt. Wms. Brown has been elected to the captaincy ol tne rvowan nine uuaras, tk Capt Thoe. U. " nueneau, raignea. X sale of valuable property will take Dr. O P. Houston's on the 7 th of Sept. next. See ad. Hew Wheat Crop-Mr. Alex. W. Klutul . . . - rill start his Steam Flouring Mills (onday next, and will be fully prepared ike as good floor as can be made anywh iin the United States. Mr. K. will also start bis rn and saw mills at the same- time, and re spectfully solicits the custom of the public. lt I 1 -a r w-a m. a . ft mis win oe run by Mr flu in Miller, a pr ticed miller and mill-wright of many yean ex- ience. 1 t 'ICAiK CM e- B ssSaesgssi X -J BO . Sw - 9 fii - H1MM a- S CO CARRY THE NEWS TO HIE AM I LATEST DISPATCH ! BS S 4- 01 at to 1 eo 9 ' u ; -1 -1 - o ii e - x x to o i- to x s o y - .) - e-aS 3 -a toea Ok ieooee 1- tn to 1 t 1 9 3 Conven. Ml 3 No Con. Merrimn. Henderson. Shober. Jfcnen a. Subscrip. No Sub. We are glad to learn that Miss Fisher Cbri uan Raid) has so far recovered as to be able rtiume her journey. tk, v N C. It. R. has passed into th hands of the State's Commissioners, the sal k.inf been confirmed by Judge Dick. Can't threee sn Express line established over thi Road now' Tkis is the way a young man aaked a young lady to promioade secretly : "Will you hel j M tramD down some of the erase between the w a porch and the gate ?" She helped him. Immigration to the U; 8. from all countries, China, excepted, has steadily fallen off aim 1673. The increased number coming from China does not materially change the decline en the whole. OPPRESSION AT All END ! L3 Republican Majority in Convention That's the way Post-master Bringle chalkec lit down on a big blackboard hung out in front f the post-office on Tuesday last. But Di Lo-day sadly ponders qpon the old adage :- "Wait until you get out of the woods befo ou holler." He even dressed up and went U church last Sunday to return thanks for supposed victory. But David saw another sight, Heard a sound at dead of night, Busted bad his dreams of late, Democrats swept clean the State. THE LATEST COUNT ! The following is the result as far iuitely aseertained: Counties: Dem Rett Alleghany, 1 Alamance, 1 Alexander, 1 Anson, 1 Ashe, 1 Beaufort Pamlico, 1 Bertie, 1 Bladen, 1 Brunswick, 1 Buu com be, 2 Burke. 1 Air Ship. A German civil engineer and balloonist, ia building an air ship in Baltimore, and aayahe will cross the Atlantic in it. More likely he will never attempt it, or else be lost in the big pond. The farmers In the cane-break section of. Alabama, are raisins thier own corn, beef and, pork, and will not hereafter depend 00 th West for supplies which consumes their cotton Mecklenburg Honey. The failure of th Bank of Mecklenburg renders this money un current, and our people would do well to look out for it. It will be worth something, on the dollar, but how much, is not yet known. And just here, we learn that the citizens of Rowan 'have over one hundred thousand doardeposited in this Bank, the greater part of which will lost. We took occasion some tune ago to mention this matter, and to warn our peoph against sending their money away from hoi for deposit in Banks. It would be infinitely better, and safer as this instance shows, to lent it to neighbors at home, or to invest it in lands or improvements. "Experience teaches a dear thool," Ac. Accident. An engine turned upside down at Greeensboro, on Monday night last, canse,j atfective switch. The patent automatic switch of our townsman Mr. W. A. Weant would pre- vent all such accidents, and should be univer-j sally adopted. The 3rd Georgia Regiment (or remains of it) has recently visited their old camping grounds at Norfolk, Va., near which place they saw, hard service during the late war. They were most cordially welcome by the citizens of Nor' folk, who paid them great honors. Trial of Erney , tho Bigamist a1 9 m a a uire 01 me wires 01 tne Digamist Jfirney, o wnom we snoKe in yesterday s pape", came over from-Salisbury yesterday morning, accom named ty Justice Haucbton. of tnat place 1 estcrday afternoon the man was brought out ot jail and taken before Justices Martin au Davidson tor trial. His wile, quite a respecta-l ble looking and well-dressed woman of perhaps .., was at t he trial, and made amdavit that on the 4th of May, 1873, she, Novell Lenora Loiran. widow ot taut J. J. Logan, ot the Confederate service, was married to Erney, in Sumter, 8. C; tnat they subsequently moved to Salisbury, NJ V., where she was apprised of the tact in an! indirect uianner, and afterwards by Eruev' own confession that he had a wile and children living in Misisippi. A., Lrney, a few days ago escaped to this city whore he was arrested upon a telegram, Gov., v ance appeared lor the defcudant and W. H Ba'r--y, Esq., for the plain! iff. The man wa adj .aged guilty, and was allowed to give hail in $1 .000; failing to do this he was committed to jail. Char. Observer. He ought to be penitentiary ed for life. Cabarrus, 1 Caldwell, 1 Cherokee 8c Graham 1 amden, Caswell, 1 Carteret, 1 atawba, Chatham 2 Chowan, lay, 1 Cleaveland, 1 Columbus, 1 Craveu . Cumberland, Currituck 1 Dare, Davidson, 2 Davie, 1 Duplia, 2 Edgecombe, frorsytbe, Frauklin, 1 Gatou, GaK'8. 1 Granville, Greene. Guilford, Halifax Harnetr, Haywood, 1 Heu demon, ' Hertford, Hyde, 1 Iredell, 2 Jackson, Ind. Dem, 1 Johnston, Jones, jLf noir. Lincoln, I Macon, 1 Ma in, 1 I 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 I 1 2 I 1 Jr Caldwell of the Observer, lost five dollars by the fiai lure of the Bank of Mecklenburg We HvniDathize with vou. Joseph, but then; there is some satisfaction, some balm to your pocket, in the thought that you had that murh$The Depth of American Lakes money to that lose. There's solid enjoyment in The Rev. Mr. Mangum- lhi gentleman preached his farewell sermon in the Edenton street, M. E. church, of Raleigh, on last Sun day, to a large congregation. He carries with him the good wishes of the entire community in his pew vocation of professorship in the re vised University of N. C. so as we lesrn from the! Sentinel. personal. We regret to learn that our talented young authoress, Miss Frances Fisher, seriously ill at Hendersonville, in tivs State which point she had reached in a tour of the mountains. , We sincerely hope that tbereporti w her illness are exsggerated,as the world cai II afford to lose such as she. "I will just look around for a log and then Til ask her totake a walk with me, and we'll to to the log and ait down, then I'll take her veet little hand in mine and tell her : ' That the way we heard a young man talking to him-lnaturaliet to say bow these self the other da v, we are sorry we disturbed khn, for we would like to know the balance o M speech. The Publio Roada leading from this place r. as a general thing, in a moat deplorable audition The Old Muckaville Road is almost wpaaslble now, in mid summer. What will it nr xi winter it not repaired? Is there no ae to look after these things ? Can not bin ke done to put the roads leading into thia cit as repair? It is a very important matter. I w expect trade to come here from a distance, aaoat see that the roada are passible If the' Proper authorities will make some effort to pu tft roads in good fix, we have no doubt tha 7 will be assisted by our citizens. Then There is mystery about the American lakes Lake Erie is only 60 or 70 feet deep ; but lake Ontario, which is 590 tret deep, is 230 feet below the tide-level of ,tbe oceau, or aa low as most parts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; and the bottom Lake Huron, Michigan, and Superior,! 1 thou eh the surface is much higher, ar all from their vast depths on a level with the bottom of Ontario. Now as the dis charge through the river Detroit, after tllowing for the probable portion carried .vi a . a l ott by the evaporation, does not appear by any means equal to the quantity of water which the three upper lakes receive it has been conjectured that a subterran ean rivey may run from Lake Superior by the Huron, to Lake Ontario. This onjecture is not impossible, and aceountsHTjDiOQ. for the singular fact that salmon and tier ing are caught in all the lakes comtnu mcating with the ot. Lawrence, hut no there. As the Falls of Niagara must have always existed, it would puzzle tin- fish got into he upper lake without some subterranean river; moreover, any periodical oostiuc tion of the river would furnish a not im probable solution of the mysterious flu ud reflux ol the lakes. A Little Shooting. There was a little difficulty at Tarbor n t rid ay evening last between W. 4J Williamson, Esq., of the Tarboro South- mer, and Mr. A. McL abe, Republic a r ididate for Convention irons Edgeooml mnty. Mr. Williamson has been un- ... 1 p . towards tne reus or bis eoumv, ind hss been threatened time and araii y McCabe, but paid no attention to the! lie threats. On Friday there apt items in the Southerner offensive to tin rad Me., and be weut around to inl riew Mr. W.t whom he found at Dr.l Stanton's drug store, where be was talk- ww . ig wun several gennemen. Me was 1 1 a 1 a I tiled aside and daring the conversation! Williamson said something not relished McCabe. who struck him, wbereapoi rilliamsou drew a pistol and fired a .S . . I a II mm 11s antagonist me pan taxing ettect on the left side of the nose and coming out a . a meter the right eye. as Williamson at tempted to shoot again friends interfered ind stopped the difficulty. They wer und over each m the sum ot two bun- Ired dollars for their appearance at tb text Superior Court. Roanoke News i OT MEMORIAM. Hall or Rescue Fire Co., Raleirh, Jn.Vfttn.1873. The following resolutions' were unan- mously adopted by the 4Rescue Stear Fire Co. No. 1," at their regular meet in . U UAKSH'S MAG HIN E WOR KS lorner of Fl ltok ic Coumcil, Streets, Salisbury. N. C. r . . m ar a aw". Having all my new Machinery 10 opera tion, I am now prepared in connection with le Iron ox Brass works to do all kinds r-i a a. w m work, sucn as number ureaaiug, "ongue & Q roving, making Saab, Blinds. Doors, making moulding from inch to inches wide, also Turning Ac Pattern mak ig. 8wing Braeketta, dee. Having th sst Machinery and first class workmen.! ifaetino ia guaranteed. July 29, 1675. ly. IMPORTANT TO CONSUMPTIVES. A Gentleman having been so fortunate as ti ire bis son of Consumption in its worst 1 ifter being given up to die by tfca eaoat celebra ted physicians, desires to make known thei J 1 V M I . b . wnicn proves successful in every case) lot ifflicted with Asthma, Kronchit is Coughs, Cole consumption, and all Affections of the Thi ind Lungs, and will send the Recipe, free oil large to all who de-ore it, if they will forward! their aduresa to DA I EL A DEE, 32 Libert St., New York. I uly 29, 6-mos. .P. BATTLE. F. H CAMERON ' President. Vice President. W. H. HICKS, Sec'y. KLUTTZS COLUMN THEO. Fire fnly 5th, 1875. Whereas, Our beloved friend and brother fireman William H. Mills has been removed from us in the springtime of hi outb ; bis voice wilt no more greet us i . 1 , onr meetings, bis counsel encourage us t faithfulness : his example impel us onward to duty ; yet the pleasing recollections of hie past life shall ever strengthen us ami the trials of this lite. car'i ?l- t a a n uue we suumissivei v Dow to this d crec of an All-wise Providence, feelin His ways are right, we can but sadlv de plore the severing of those ties that bound us to one so full of promise, kind to every one, faithful to every duly, and univer sally beloved by all who knew him. Mourning his loss, we rejoice that - 1 a m are not without bone, we trust our loss is his gain, the pleasant smile in heath I T ITf f - tl 1 peemed to say. " w eep not tor me, all is well." 1. Resolved, That we tender our sym pathies to his bereaved wife and sotrow- ing parents, and assure them that hi - memory will ever be green in the bear's of every member of the "Rescue Fire Co. No. ir 2d. That wo wear the usonl badge o mourning and "Rescue HallV be draped in the same thirty days in token of regard to our doceaee brother. 3d, That a copy of these resolutions be ent to the family of our departed brother. also to the Raleigh ptftere for publica tion. Theo. T. Fentress, i Saul. Mkrrill, Com. C. A. Shbhwoou, ) R. H. Bradley, Foreman ; Theo. T Fentress, Recording Secretary. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE IflSuraDCB COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. F. KLUTTZ. Wholesale sV Retail rut. Salisbury, V. c 'oMe c h a n t s, Ho :eeDers, Younfr 1 ( fid Folks, Smokers. Fain- rs, Farmers, Grangers. lq r.veryDoav ejse. 'heuever you need any thing in the way oil RUUS. MEDICINES, . PAINTS. OILS. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS 8EED8 dec, If you want tho beat articles for tl least money, go to KLUTTZ'8 DRUG 8TORE. i BLATCHLXTi Improved C TJ C W- ie k!wwedf78K3ft ard of tssa esarfcas. kf dtaanrwsg tsje Jsh Daaieraoad the iraV rinnlar. for Sals $ - c. CAPITAL. $200,000.1 GARDEN SEEDS. 10.000 papers warranted fresh sod genutn ijust received from Laadreth, Boist, Ferry, Briggs, and Johnson, it Roblina, cents a Paper. Liberal discount country merchants at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE. McDowell, Mecklenburg. 2 Madison, 1 Montgomery, Mitchell, 1 Moore, 1 Nash, 1 New Hanover, 3 Northampton, 1 Onslow, 1 I Orange, 1 Pasquotank, 1 Perquimans, 1 Person, 1 Pitt, S Polk, 1 Richmond, 1 Robeson. 2 Rockingham, 2 Randolph, 2 Rowan, 2 Rutherford, 1 Sampson, 2 Stanley, 1 Stokes, 1 Surry, 1 Swain, 1 Transylvania, 1 Tyrrell, 1 Union. 1 Wake, 4 Warren. 2 Washington, 1 Watauga, 1 Wayne, 2 Wilkes. Wilson, I Yadkin. 1 Yaucy, 1 60 59 THE SANDAL WOOD. At end of First Fiscal Year had issued over 900 Policies without sustaining a single loss. Prudent, economical and energetic manage- ment has made it SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION. This Company issues every desirable form Policies at as low rates as any other First Cli mipany. Imposes no useless restriction upon reeidenc r travel. Has a fixed paidnp valueonall policies after two annual payments. Its entire assets are loaned and invested Al HOME, to foster and encourage home enterprises. Thirty days grace allowed in payment of p iruiums. With the facto before them will tha peopl if North Carolina continue to pay annuall thousand upon thousands of dollars to build up Foreign Companies, when they can seen insurance in at oinpanv eqnallv reliable ai ever dollar's premium they pay be loaned and (inveated in our own tate, and among our own Popl? . . Theo. t . KLU I IX, 1 J. D. McNEELY, Agt's Salisbury, N. C. RTJFFTN A TAYLOR CenM. Dis't. Agfa. TXr.3l It- IRISH POTATOES. 25 bbls, Ross, Goodrich Ac Peer- less, Just Received at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. oaaii vi to Rlatcbley's Imprasrcd Basckat, the uropUbeek Valve, Wwtsa ea towns nawa witawaft ind the 1 ciacka, : tiute. For sale by sraJlv. IneMarl tchlevVPusap.bei trade-mark as aawra If yea 4a bmst at ire to buy. ith the nasne n wiH b pusaptly tm stamp. M HAS G.BLATCHLEY.Mannfaetwm. 506 Comm-ree St PbiUdelphia. P.v Feb. 1, 1875 if. VALUABLE ioise & Lot eYa W9 n w i n Mm iiMit ras I .mm - - - rmm m. aaW 4AM J SS S9W VOllPt W . V Sfea - ind Bank St.. receelly ocetif ied lr Mr t swd lor sale. Thi. i. . valuable property 1st f ITMIMUt illlkftlMl in th t nui m i.. . Va or iow n. rvTftora mnnaf iwrtater imi mm lion oaa obtain it by calling a r eassussnasaa ing with either of the i rtiieagaid Price leasoMble. Also the undersigned offer for sale 710 seme- L land lying on the N. C. R. R, two eSSMs Sroaa Ssiisbury. Thia Imnd will be ewsdsn. if desired. Also 103 acre eight miles W from Hsrbv irv on the Beaiiee ford road. T ..ia ia awaiBB II well limbered land. Further infr rsaatiosr lv en on application. Tei ms reasonable. Salisbury, N . ( . JOHN W. MA I" NET, for Dr. John L. lay 13, 1876 tf. 'ELT CABPETINGS 28 cto. per vd. Fl LI I. ING for rooms in place of Plaster. FEU ROOKING and SJP1NG. For Clre-lar at mple. Address C. J. FAY, Camden, Pcrsey. - 4w. - ii CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. A lsrge stock, warranted Extra cleaned Pieeh & Genuine, at low prices at KLUTTZ S DRUG STOBE. :AITI0N.-N0TTCE. -The EDITION. rrvi GEJTUlIvW IFF and OF To Country Merchants I have the largest stock of Drugs 'yes, tirocers Drugs oxc, in West en Carolina, and am "ow prepared to sell ' mm mm. , - SSwd BS . a uaitimore t'rices, thus saving you the freight. Special attention to bot i ling; Etseneea, Laodanoro, Paregoric Opodeldoc, Caster dt Sweet Oil &C. Writ for prices, to ITURO. F. KLUTTZ DRUGGIST Salisbury, N. C. and l.AiJUlts o 1 V INUSTO NR., Including the "LAbT JOURNALS,") esw Ids vividly his 30 years strange adventiiiss- tbe caraosaies, onders and WealUl sntsf tWuiu country, end is absolutely the eJtf lew, romplete work. lieacs It sells; just tklak. first . week. A tei woujd ailastonish yoo, saore swatsd. fiend 'w mi ii s a i ne aanuai woou out ot wnu-n so manyl fans are made, and which is so much usd ;on account of its strong scent, comes from tree tnat attains maturity in about twenty- Lnve years. I he older the tree, the Tinar- L. I- l l . 1 r iii iifari-wiHKi rouifs 10 me surface, wnuei llhe bark btcomes deeply wrinkled, is red! uudVruesth, aud frequently bursts, discbisihi in old specimens the abseuee of all sapwood. uch trees, whatever their iise mav be.l Hi! J at once be felled, as they rapidly dt- Itenorate. Ihe heart-wood ia hard aud heavy. The lest parts are used for earv- tug boxes, album covers, desks, and other uselol and ornamental articles. The roots,! fhvh are th- richest in oil, stad the chips .1 . 'II a -1 WW a mi fl jo to tne still, while Hindoos wno can at-1 S a.a a a ... iford it show their wealth and their respect! lor their departed relatives by.addiug siicks I sandal wood to the funeral pile. 1 he m mm m . wood, eitber in powder or rubbed up mto a paste, is used by all Brahmins in the pig Iinent8 used in their distinguishing cast a eat I mt m mm 7 linaras. l ne oil torms the basis ot maovl scents, and is sometimes used especial lyl the carved work seen m Bombay Foi distinguishing with its scent articles which. I being really carved from common wood, arel passed off as if made from true sandal. msm t: a aar- a - -a m Pa r er Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring Extracts, Essence, Bpicei Gelatine, Mustards, Soda, Dye Stuffs. Greensboro N. ClToilet and Laundry Soaps, Lye, llatehesj Ismps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys dec, al ways on band of best quality at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG 8TORE. hire proof of r"nii ;BBARD BROrk, Paba., 7X3 Pa. WESTERN Maryland CoUep I FOKSTLDETOFBOH8KXlfll SEPARATE DEPARTIERtsV Fach having a full corps of Profeam. m TFTEEFTH BEMLAMTJAL ItsV 1I0H bs-gin. Sep tuuUr 1st, 187k bm r Catalogue with fall tnfbnBstioa af U rerm, Coorse of huOt, rie , furnaabsd aiales loamy. Address J.T. WABJJ, L. L., Prwd- a Weataaiaster, V4. FOETTTHE HI IT. Ksary fasalty bawa il. Suldby AfmtU. Address, (j. b, Yt AL :B, Erie P.. 4W Couldn't Stand the Contact. Independent Tyrell 1. P. 8. The death of Gov. Graham takes toff one from the Democratic side, leaving is 59. The Governor Elect of Ksetucky.- lonel James B. McGreerv, the successful (Democratic candidate for Governor of Ken tucky, is not yet forty years of age, and served (with considerable distinction in the confederate irmv, where he attained a colonelcy. He w. Speaker of the lower house of the Kentucky uature lor bix years, and report speaki favorably of his ability and integrity. He is a lepnew of Senator Thomas C. McCreery, of en tuck v. SJBjr as oar adTcnass- Warn mmtm bis adiarttai ment Vi-or.ther (tl.Unct, we wtU sate It an (uilovs : K. IS. POOTE, 3f Aothor of Piain Hmm Talk, HfUcal M.n in fllorr. tc . la) ljmxiamfltm e..t astfc Sknvtv Km To, aa iNsarnnevT l'nTBi''ir. tratn all forma of Umgerimg r Cnro-ic I) - an-1 rvocivaa totter, fraaa all part, of Ute Civruaro would. w . By n orly'mal trot of ooofflietliig a BwMsI rraav Uc.. hr to mcct-Wutiy tn-tiac oomeron- r0it In ICnrope. th West Indlea, mlnlon sf Canada, and la every part of iba UaiteU SMUa. NO MERCURIAL Or 4 toWtoa. dnoc Ml Ho toaa. durtnf tha rn l wan it thrt yearn, treated nccaaafaJly naariv or qalte 4ll.00) raw. All fax-U ouuneove with each taH.n urofnlly recorded, vbatbor tney oa oismun uy latter or tn j-wo, or ob-arred by tho Pootor or h oaodate phyaioUna. Tha totter ass all adantifio nttslioal man. HOW INVALIDS AT A DIITAHCI Are treated. All luralida a a AtoTTtoa are requires to an-wer a Hot of plain qnoationa. which oUclu erery ymiitmo nndor wldch tho tnrartd .mflara. All cn assasaswsas srssSSi aWSam oaagawateri iwpWi .,.r,, nt tf .trtn iireTrnta mtotaka. or eoarMion. XAmt of ,eaUooa mtS freo. oa applloattea, to any part t ,yr. ..Mrl Siitr oaca poniphlot of Boccsmo, ahw sent freo. frona thoaa who hare been AancB ia orr ica, OS as 1 Qaa saw nam am DR. E t B i TOOTS, mm ltAIarlaotaa Ava.I.T. , v. mm j iFor Yonu Laiie and Geitloa Pine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps, Cosine lies. Soaps, schous. Toilet Sets. Vases. W wo ' - ' llair, and Teeth Brushes, Poeket Booki l&c, in endless variety at KLUTTZ S DRUG 8TOBE. COR Daily to Agents. M sma lOLU and the beat t-assily Paper ia Al iih two S-MJO Oiromoa, tree. AM. M rti Ua, Broadway, 3. Y. 4w ICigars Hid yon Say ? daSlr. Oh yes, we have Uiesa at all prices from S cents to 25 cents, and oaa sell them bj the box at jobbers prices, oai celebrated 3 CCDt PECULIAR CIGAR is acknowledged the beat ia U world at KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8TORE. S 10 TO SBtM ENT FREE i5 rokera, 72 Broadway NsW in rested ia Wall St often leada in far tuns. A T paare door r-ipiaiaing e d roDov ol the Wall Street Ret irw JOHX HKKLIWf CO.. BaLkera as4 Brukera. 72 Bruadway New York. terewer tt PURE WINES 5c LIQUORS for aud church purposes si ways ot iaud at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG 8TORE. byaaaUaaSoa or csaaa. Astral Oil 50 cents pei allon at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE. A letter from Berlin, published in Land and Water, a short time sinee, conveys a piece of information which many farmers would do well to make a note of. The writer asks, "Who ever knew of tv, plants being so inimical to one another as; ne to kill the other by a mere toncb ? be the In t tiis. However, seems to be the cast U1 be quite a number of suits at next Courtgwlien rapt -grows uear the thistle. If Ifsseaathing U not done. Marriaata T ' : I UIVCIIKS UftUCU lowaa. during July in WHITES. ' &ae Ramsay to Elisabeth Gilbert. n Henry Irrin Jane Catharine Willtford yel Veto Maaney AritU Emeline Fry a held is infested by thistles, give it a turn f rape seed, and this plant will altogeth r starve, suffocate and chill the thisti nt ot existence. A trial was being made with different varieties ot rape seed in qnare plots, when it was found that the t - sa rt a . a whole ground wss tuli ot tnistles, an nobody believed in the rape having a fair run. But it bad ; and as it grew the Picket's Charge at Gettysburg- he eloquent eu logy or Ke v. ur. Uoge pro- nouneed upon the proud and brilliant carrier f Gen. Picket, last week, be thus speaks o is famous ehsrge at Gettysburg. Many o )ur readers will read with profound pleasure what the distinguished divine so eloquently ays in this connection, in remembrance he conspicuous part borne in that charge b Pender's and Pettegrew's North Carol in brigades : Gettysburg was the culmination of ou jggreat struggle, and it waa there that Gen Picket, at the head of less than o.uuu men (Gov. Kemper said 4.500) moved down tb iUiamTheoMarlin-JaneLumina Current1'' "hed. f"dd' turned gray aud&lope. with the precision of regiments ot ur milned up as soon as the rape leaves began parade, amid a fiery storm of shot and shell . ,r . -! .1 a.M , .t n- Alexander Cowan-Laura McCorkle. gws 8herrUl-Rosana Long. Ji7 Woods Laura Luckey. rraakOakl fk ..u... ri '-ven aud even I Four whites and four blacks PUSS like the convention election, ain't it? -m. ! " 1 we bade our friend Mr. Jgj n Monday last, for we knew " befall him. If an is so uncertain, "CKS Ito touch it. Other trials were then mad in flower-pots and garden-beds, and the Ithisile always had to give in. and was iltogether annihilated, whether old md fnllv developed or young and m w tender. a tearful not whi pin "O entlcma. mnaic and rlannino- an ho, , -wuasotonickiug.thatas we wrung hi ai partinir, we thouaht sadlv of his danirer he smiling and unconscious of danger too ! no w in the library of Trinity College, 'VWtaslruul k: i li ... . u: t . 1. J . rA xhe A statue of Lord Byron was execut many years ago by Thorn wald sen whic It he poet's friends desired to place " . . . . w-v Westminster Abbey, but tne uean an Chapter of that day refused to admit 1 rl lie statue lav tor some time in the vaui I ' mr -,-.jar af i . -mmm aAm. AW. SERBS. m. lof the custom house in London, but ped him pack his candle-box thoughJCamhrige. It mm nanM D aa . W iooar c faw AL. a r Ht. Inew statue. is said to be a good like . Harfad htm oat a good rig and many warn-in ess , and at one time it was designed to antiAAn.j... j . I j 1:.... c J f , is aooe, ana wecan only bqpemprocurc! a uupucstc ui u iunn otbeers and men falling m appalling num bers, bot the ranks steadily ekieing op am pressing oa with the ea I in news ot a eoeragi too sublime for doubt or fear until the h ei ghts were gained and all thst human valoi could achieve was won. i he charge ot th r . , - a -a m w ;o iigni xwigBssw as. awaawTa-wai inaguiuce' iBbut it was a mistakeu one as a military vetnent. The charges of Soult and Mo at at Austerlita were splendid when theii 'great Captain fired them by saying, "Coim let us end the war with a clap of thunder" he charge of the Old Guard at Waterloo was resistless ; bat history chronicles n eater charge. Mr. Chairman, thau thi hieh Picket led, aad fa which you receivi our honorable wouna. 1 Loug-coBtitiiu pplanse. J Well baa it been said; 'On thi ay the name of Virginia was baptised and will Ulusmaa forever tne temple o 7 in Be Tour own Physician. There is no case ol Dyrpepsia fiat Green' I A uocaT Floweb will not cure. 1 Chne to th HJrng store ot Theo r . Kinttz, and inquire about it. If vou suffer fromCostbrenesa, Sick ILleaaache, hour btoinacb. Imlicestion, Liver mplaint, or derangement of the system, tr lit. Two or three doses will relieve you AotJK Coxoraaoa is the only remedy in th CTnited States that contains n Qniniue. Ascnic lor other poisoas injurous to the system, that! iwill cure Fever and Ague,"! Intermittent o: Billions Fevers. Ac. and the Chills will not re- Iturn duriug the season. It permantly cures luever and Ague of long steading MARRIED- In this Cointy, August 3rd by A. L. Hall lEsur, Mr. Andrew, M. Hednek to Miss. I.Margaret, L. KoontS, both of Davidsonl a . ' Jounty. SALISBURY MARKET. (Corrected by McCubbins, Beall, "and Julians Buying Rates : ICORN new 75 to 80. JOTTON-ll to 13 FLOUR $2.75 to 3. MEAL 85 to 90. BACON county) 12 to 14 - hug round POTATOES Irish 90a Sweet 75 to $1 EGGS 10 to 12 5 HI C KENS 1.75 to 2 per doa. jARD 15 FEATHERf new, 50. RYE a 90 to 91 BEESEWAX 28 to 30. WHEAT $1. to 1,25 .BUTTER-20 to .25. DRIED FRUIT 5 to 8 Blackberries, 6 to 7; .-W Vbnied to Jeff jrarfsr rUxm7fome7iiUc and MetticuJ Commcn SmVtff. AltO Or. Barffor's teals Bowel aad Pile Fills, The pll'a aro on InfalMblo aaas ly fcraoaaJlyMrsi an 4 pllc caaonl by a-iiiifcaaoi or sasSBBSj is o tho iter rtvtlc ia-Uoo of tho bowrla. Thoy ory swatry tu.-PBa th octirtty of tho lnUlnaloaioJ, prodaco mofi a-al rolioTo pi to. at oa. Thoaaaoda bats Hon ca oa by them. Prioa SO cnwk oaa I br aaail oj tmrmvt .4 prloo. Prv-pawd only by F. ALFRED RiortvanT. PsaaxaciaT, Srt FocwTS Araaca, Kjcw Yoas Crrr. ILtJTTI'S PIL nun L S. Dr. Qeriror's Compound Fluid tUiribarb aad Dandelioa. Th-" 90t ornnbia.tloo of poroly lof oiahji aaoSMsoa 1 en-irot r " P"oe Caiomol or SSaw Pal tt otbaatoaos oa liw. tnomioa. tha flow of Mto. aodthoa rtnorw t aje t.rp. I'.ty of the IIt, bill MSaaaaa owS boMtrnl o 1 t'wi'i n. n1 tb. divoaa. arMng tnmmtM m . TUfbry. at. itlf ' at aoaAaftSaaa. an dxiMitiata. .ick hwnlaobo. tivene. .rf thto Extract wtt be fro" tm tmm mtteat. a. ooa or two bat tl -ar t'ao am;leloti beiutlfuny. oad vooaswo ptaaptoa and abawawaaasS j Urar uaubto.. Frtoa $1 porboOio. C b JttlQJ. SS; will bo aaat oa rocelpt of tho prios to uir ail'lrooa froe af t iba re. FVopaooS oaly by F. ALFRJtO REICH ARIJT. Vu Avasra. Haw Toata Cut. at to CBAIGE & CRAIGE. ATTORNEYS Al LAW VD Ssliciturs ! ISiskraplrs. ty Special attention paid to procti ng in Bukruptcsy. Sept. 6, 1673. WBt ait BK Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. - SALISBURY, N. C aaSa. mm J W m. a. a oarye 1674 W 'T sat s . . uly 25 cents a bo x t Warrr anted refunded. After years of ex peri tenting, I have at last found the Greai for Chills, Fewer Jc Afoe, dec , tod can confidently recommtend it to ssi friends and the public Try It. TEAS. Lest Teas in the mar k- t, Put up in air Lb cans , 25 per cent L usual Prices at KLUTT'S DRUG STORE. Iv short whenever yow want Preeerii lions carefully prepared, or isually kept in a First class Drug fH id want to be certain of getting jus 'hat yoa call for, and of being politel I, promptly served. Be saie to call o ai r seoa to a 1 SaTiSISBT, 9. C. sV . wwa JURUBEBA baa establiabad itself saa pertVoi rwgutaisrejkd mra remtrdr tor diaurdrs wi t. r -t u ai toiaor fruia in proprr aciitm of the Livrt a I . !. ITIS OTA PHTbIC.Tmt.riy -. a tue aecretire organs, geutiy ana p.a aaOy loses a)i impantkc. and ragtiisu-a taw at rjateea. .a It is sot a rxcTossr sittees. net s a VEGETABLE TONIC rLicb assists direation. aLd iboaatissalatee taa ippetfte wtr food asceasary to iungwrsti ISO B-eakeaed of iaactiTr orfans.atd gives OtMHSa Ito all the Tital fuices. ITCABEIKSITS OtV BaCOV XEVDATTOO, SS the Urge sod rstrtdly ircrrah g eales teottfy Prie One IMJar a b4lle Ask yssr dfWSa. f.r it. JonasTns Uollowat A Co. Paihv Tmt Wboleaale Agents mm paw n Por Coughs. Colds Haarsensss AND ALL THOAT DISEASES UkH3 ELLS' CARBOLIC TABLET! PUT L P ONLY IN BLUE BO: A THIRD AKD SURE ld by DrnrEiot fwrwrslrv. SSbi FLLLAEA FL LJLAaR. Gaieago, ML B O T D E 5 R7.n V KTrTT7 n..trr a, - ; 9- rn : t u o u HALIBI RY, fll. C. alas-Da. Raavas, PaoraJErmsm The Proprietress rrtaras bar tbe trsTrihtg pwblbt . . . ... it wtu.e arte was cutmecua wits yaa ii. Hot ax. Not barias rooen eoooah al lbs "5l UaaBOYUEN JIuL iliat bt cms 00 w imfortably, and in the very sost s4ym rlT romwaod asssjs, wrtn ail as 1 Irarwriwwww. ' ' ' m osarwtw fiilSf ap th vs .-n . L . HaAl sSSWO be tawt, laLa Hrraklast at lbs MYMP lOUbE. j . l4J "irot class Bar aid Billiard n eonnrrurl with the HOTJ1. ftdyW-ltm." . hi Saw

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