- . ; i ? i ' If - i - -i . 1-J, " ' VOL VI L. .THIRD SERIES C ATTCDTrDTr -at n rvvin"nTT a a !2 M Jl Viii. vxi. aaaa oifio. SALISBURY, N, C., OCTOBER, 14. wn, 1 w PUBLISHED WEEKLY I J. J. J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Editoi ' J. STEWART Associate Editor. in KATES OF mi;b:biition WEEKLY WATCHMAN. . Ose Tear, payable maavane. ....$2.(0 ' -' .. .. 1 OK Kit MONTHS. Copies to anf address .... 10.0 RATES: Mtx Square (1 inch) One insertion $100 V M two " 1.60 Sates for a greater number of insertions moderate. Special notices 25 per cent, more in regular advertisements. Reading notice. 5 cent perliae for each and every insertion HTHT"vmw I, DON'T 0h ! Father, dear Father dont stay away late, rw, home when rour day' work in o'er. for Mother'!! be watching for you at the gate, 1 Clerks of the Courts by the Judges THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. EVENING SESSION. Raleigh, Oct. 6. . Ordinance to strike out sec. 33, art. 4 of the Con s ti t u tion . Deprives the Magis trates of jurisdiction under the present laws, and leaves the matter of arranging their jurisdiction in the hands of the Leg islature, i Mr. Manning of Chatham, moved so amendment giving the right of appeal in all cases decided by the Justices of the Peace, extending the jurisdiction of the J ustices to civil actions other than those furnished on contracts, where the value of property in controversy does not ex ceed $80. Adopted. The ordinance thus amended then pass ed its third reading. fii. Ordinance to add 3 sections to art. 4 of the Constitution, eo as to provide for the removal of Judges by the Legislature and Tton't rrieve her poor heart any more She's weary with sewing to keep u in bread. And her face is ho haggard ana wmte. for yon Know, Father dear, that we all oef.d. Then brk.g home youi money to-night ! must Chords. Then bring home your money to-night ! Oh ! bring home your money to-uieht ! For you know Father dear, that we all must be fed, Oh ! bring home your money to- night ! The old tavern keeper is rich, 1 am snre; Uis acres spread out far and wide, While Father, dear Father, you know we are poor. And needy, and hungry beside. Don't give hiin your hardly earned dollars, I pray, For the drinks that will madden and blight, But in manliness turn irom the tempter away, And bring home your money to-night ! CHoars. On ! Father, dear Father, don't stay away late; Twill be Hatnsdav night a yon know. The beautiful Sabbath mightdawn, if yon wait, And find ns in sorrow and woe. No bread in th pantry, no crmfort in store, and nothing to make onr borne bright, Good-bye now, dear Father, don't drink any more, But bring home your money to-night ! Choscs. MOTHER'S CHOICE. ses of the government. Mr. Albertson took the floor in opposi tion to the ordinance. He spoke at length against the proposed measure. O'Hara, col , next spoke against the ordinance. Smyth, col., followed io the same train. Mr. Chamberlain spoke in opposition to the ordinance. - Mr. Dockery also opposed the ordi nance. ' Mr. Barrirtger moved to amend by ad ding that the general assembly shall not have power to abridge or a&auh -ne pro visions of this article except by a two thirds vote. Mr. Turner advocated the passage of the ordinance. At the conclusion of Mr. Turner's re marks the previous question was ordered on the demand of Mr. Durham. The question recurred ou Mr. Massey's amendment and it was rejected by a vote of yeas 55, nays 5G. The amendment of Mr. Manning:, of I New Hanover, was rejected by a vote of tr. Jar vis called the previous question, yeas 52, nays 57. which was sustained. The question recurred on Mr. Buxton's The ordinance then passed its second amendment, and it was accepted. The reading by a vote 58 to 33. amendment preserves the ad valorem sys Mr. Badger asked that substitute strik- tern of taxation. J ing out sections 26 and 27, art. 4 of the The chair ruled the amendment of King, Constitution, be read. The substitute of Lenoir, out of order as not being ger- provides that the Judges be elected by main to the subject. the people. Passed its second reading. Mr. King, of Leuoir, appealed from the The evening was spent to a great ex- decision of the chair and called for the tout. in the filibustering movements of the yeas and nays. Republican members, who take advau- The call was sustained. tage of all possible parliamentary strate- The question was then put and the to delav legislation. Re convention unauimously sustained the WOMfi INFLUENCE. Mi gies in order PORTER. BY OEOUOF. COOPER. 'Which do you love the best ! Baby upon your breast ! Willie, or Blanche, or Merry Dot ? Choose from the sweet and rosy lot." Hound her the children stand, Thinking the fun is grand. Never a home more dearly bleat "Which is the oue you love the boat ?' 'Baby that's cooiug there? Wi'lie with golden hair ? Blanche who is blith as a girl can be ? Dot who is climbing upon your knee ? Hushed ever tiny voice ; Mother has made her choice. 'Which shall we prize above the rest ?" "Darlings, I love yuu all the beat !" TWENTY.E1GHTH DAY. Raleigh, October 7. Convention met at 10 o'clock, Presi dent Ransam io the Chair. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Marshall of this city. RULES SUSPENDED. Mr. Reid moved to suspend the rules to consider a certain ordinance i elating to the publication of the amendments to the Constitution. Adopted A substitute was offered from the Com mittee to the ordinance considered a few days since, providing that the Constitu tion as amended be published in pamph let form 100,000 copies to be published, instead oi being advertised in the news papers of the different Congressional Dis tricts. Adopted. . Thursday, Oetober 7. AFTERNOON SESSION. The convention met at 4 p. m., and re mained in session until 6:15 p. m, The ordinance giving the legislature power to remove iudges under certain chair. Mr. King arose from his seat and said he would retire from a body in which he was not treated with respect by either party. lie went into 'the lobby. Mr. Barringer withdrew his amendment. The question recurred upon the pas sage of the ordinance on its second read ing. The yeas and nays were called and it passed hy a vote of yeas 55, nays 54. lbe following is the ballot : Ou motion of Mr. Durham the rules were suspended and the ordinance on its third reading. On the final passage of the ordinance the yeas and nays were called, and it pass ed by a vote of yeas 37, nays 46 On motion the ennveniiou adjourned till to-morrow at 10 a. m. came A Revival Indeed A MurcTerer Turned from his Purpose. From the Cttcago Post and Mail. Mrs Van Cott spent a portion of last month in earnest efforts for the Christi anizing of sundry towns and villages in Pennsylvania. Among these villages in the village of Freedom, in York county where she met with marked success, and held enthusiastic meetings. One evening while canvassing the house for repentant sinners, she noticed a middle aged man, the stolid expression of whose faee attracted ber attention and excited ber feminine curiosity ; so in ber usual magnet manner, she approached him and asked hi-& whether be would not like to follow In the- path of the right eous. No answer couli she gain, and with an audible prayer of "Hay God drive the dumb evil out of you, my broth er she passed on to interview more im pressible subject?. i wo nights passed, and the stranger again appeared at the church ; but this time his eyes were lighted up with au almost maniacal glitter, and his counten ance seemed the playground of the liveli est emotions Quickly approaching the altar, he knelt among the sobbing and shouting ones, and as the religious eheph erdess drew near, he asked her if she knew him. "Why, yes; you're the man who had the dumb devil the other night," she replied. He then begged of her the privilege of saying a few words; and, th request being granted, he arose and, de- iberately drawing a revolver from his breast, beld it aloft-in a thrilling dramatic manner, while he told his history of life to the eager listeners. e He was a resident of Chicago, where be bad for many yearn followed his pro fession of photographer. For the last four years he had strayed far from the path of right and virtuous living, and, as consequence of bis dissipation and de bauchery, his wife had deserted him and returned to ber friends in Pennsylvania iiig bis three children with ber. Radicalism and Wholesale Cor ruption. For some weeks our northern exchanges have been filled with serious charges of corruption against oue of President Grants Cabinet officers. Secretary Delano of the lace, or some other toy. Yet women are 1 such creature of rivalry and display that hey cam.ot help a sort of triumph over those who are less fortunate or less spirit ed, and so are continually the foremost to inflame a pernicious rivalry. What can their husbands do T They submit, per haps. They sulk, perhaps. They more commonly east about for ways and means, and, as they hear and learn more, they are more apt to take counsel from despair, and give themselves up to the stream in which they are-already floating helpless-. ly. Tbey cannot be worse than they are : they may be better. So they specu late that is they gamble. Tbey soon find tbey are victims, and set it down to their simplicity or their scruples. By and by they make the discovery that in audi an affair it is better to be at the head than at the tail ; better to be on the right side of the wall ; better to be in the ring than an outsider. So they press inward, give and take confidences, and in time are millionaires, or bankrupts and exiles. 1- A-n Insurance Bombshell. Interior Department, and now one Samue circumstances, and the iudges the power Walker, throws off the vail and exposes a to remove clerks of the superior courts, regular wholesale robbery, that is being on the A DAY OF SUMMER BEAUTY. BY C. BROOKE. Oct in the golden summer air. Amid the purple heather, A woman sat with drooping head, And hands close knit together : Never a bitter word she said. Though all her life looked cold and dead Cold in the glowing haxe that lay Over the fair green earth that day, That day of summer beauty. Far. far away where leafy woods Touched the sky, cloud riven. A thousand birds rang out life's bliss In jubilee to heaven ; How could the poor old withered throat Carol echoes to each soft note ? Every soul must pay life's cost Her deepest silence praised God most, That day of summer beauty. Too dulled her soul, too worn, to feel Summer delight acutely ; While earth was praising God aloud Her patience praised him mutely. Her narrow life of thought and care Not life to live, but life to bear. Contented that her soul was sad. While all God's soulless things were glad, That day of summer beauty. And where ehe stayed, a dusky speck In gorge and heather glory, A weary spirit watched and read The pathos of her story : A spirit doobt-opprest and worn. Had (bond another more forlorn. That trustful stayed, nor sought to gness Life's meanings which are fathomless, Through all the shammer beauty. Backward Pin Backward. passed its third reading. The substitute from the committee municipal corporations, relating to government of cities, towns aud incorpo rated villages, eame up on its second reading. It proves that it shall be the duty of the legislature to provide for the government and organization of cities, towns and incorporated villages, and to restrict their power of taxation, assess ments, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit so as to prevent abuses in assessments and in con tracting debts by such municipal corpor ations ; and further provides that the legislature ahull regulate all county government. Comes up as unfinished business morrow. to- TWENTY-NINTH DAY. , October 8. At 10 a. m., Mr. President Ransom called the convention to order. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Spake, of the con- I the drivers wife, who is employed carried on in Delano's department. In a card over his own signature he says : "The Secretary's office has, at the Government expense, four carriages and five horser. These are attended hy one foreman of stables at SS40 per annum, one watchman at $720 per annum, two stable hands at $600 per annum each and two drivers at $720 per annum each. The cost of harness and repairs of carriages dec, fcr six months was reported to have been over $2,100. At the same rats for the rest of the year the entire cost of cars riages and horses for the Secretary's office alone would be about S9 000 per annum The Secretary doubtless does not use all the carriages and horses himself exclu sively.but it makes no difference to the tax payer "who pays for them. I am cred. ibly informed that one of the carriages, driver and two horses have been at Mount Vernon, O., for the past four months, and in the ia Driven to frensy by this, he sank still lower and lower, until, as if the fiendish ness or hell itself possessed him, he had purchased this weapon of death and started for the east, determined to murder his wife aud children and then put an end to his own miserable existence two nights before he sat in. that gloating over the fiendish plot. The words then spoke to him bad aroused his aim et lot mauhood, aud falling again ou his knees he desired Mrs. Van Cott to pray for him. "Child, give me that," and with the meekness of a child be handed her the weapon, and then feeling in bis pocket produced a box of cart rid ges, which he also placed in her band. 1 ue strange sigut was then presented to the woman revivalist holding in one hand a seveu shooter and in the other a box of A convention of Insurance Commission er! and Superintendants was held in New York last week. We learn from the New York papers that the harmony of the bdy was unpleasantly disturbed by Commu siooer John A. Fineb, of Indiana, who t.t- a J k L;.,..t ktw! nfKnmK. UUICI.IT UIUUUCU Ut Ufck. W. WW 1 ... . , . , .'.i.....: in. th- miH-t Af the Kd-. "e J ,n Pu' language, to on.. Jl;i .k- A w.- .k. rt..ii-..rir of veotion, there are two hundred X U U VI UGI VI aero Uuj nno kuw wa v j w addresses. When Mr. Finch's torn came he made a compact, logical argument, intended to show his coleagues the errors under which the wi de system of life in surance lias been laboring for many years past. ' He contended that the contract tor life insorauce is the most one sided known in business; that it biuds the pol icy holders as with a chaiu of rivet tod steel, and the company as with a rope of sand; that the companies had every ad vantage of the policy holder in regard to payments of divideuds, the satisfaction of claims, the election of agents and solicit Pr J 1 ters; that the responsibility for contracts is shifted from solicitor to general agents, from general agents to the companies, and from the companies back again; that the companies "sit in a shadow of mystery and speak in technical phrases," and that hen a poliey is forfeited or lapses from of Gaston , of Badger, of Outlaw, the land of Pender, of Pettigrew, and of Shaw, to to Band of the ignorant, the vicious the mercenary sputler. Never while Reid and Clingmao, while Jarvis and Roberta have tongues to plead for their fellow countrymen. Oar condition heggara description. Those who defend it are but pests and parcels of the huge systems of fraud which this miserable Canby instro meot has begotten. Gentlemen of the Convention kok around you and see who of the delegates from Eastern North Carolina defeud the present system of Coooty governments. Are tbey not sheriffs, county or attorneys, who in fast govern counties through the nnfmrjaon tality of county bonds ? Count ies have none of the attributes of rovereignty. They are altogether inres oi tne state, which is as much to protect the eittaeoe who live hi spoliation as if there were ne such tbiogs as county Hires. A county is a particular portion of a State created to facilitate too administration of justice, and the execu tion of the law. The protection of prop erty, a doty belong to our Slate govern ment, has Ween delegated to the Boards of County Commit toners. These Boards, mere ageuU, having violated the trnat, it is the duty of the State to withdraw it. Not to do so is to sanction and adopt the set of an unfaithful end unworthy aeent. the Coo and fiftv thousand eitisens in this State who do sire a change In the system of County governments. Unless it Is made, there will be a wide spread demoralisation in Eastern Carolina, which will inevitably resuu in disaster to our section. This subject demands the exercise of a most exalted patriotism. If the Cooveu- uon rails ro meet tne lasue and master it, the faith of our people in the prufeeeions of party leader will be sadly impaired. The Board, of Couuty Commissioners must be abolished, cr else the Democratic in North Carolina has become a mere association of men, for the of scrambling for place or profit. H1RDWAEK ' C.-f WHS ' When yon figures, call on the Granite Row. si a H, t Hardware at low dersignod at Ho t D. A. Salisbury tS. C.,Mny 1 J-U. CCD AH COVE N t'BSK R PLASTS. I T?RCIT TREES, TUBS A A Urgr stnek at iwaansable ratea. Hew Catalogue for IT . - ..d 76 wit feline aenpuooj at (raita. ami (roe. Addrea CRA FT k SAILOR, Rvj ftjuws, Yadkin Ca4y.JI.GL July 1. lsTSttsa. HEW MILLINERY 8T0RE. Uora. H i .1... . . srvosa o . l i purpose any cause, "the holder receives what the company graciously will give.' This, remarks the Brooklyn Argus, ventioo. Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. lieid, from the committee on Re vision, submitted a report. Mr. Turner, presented a petition from tax payers of Wake county against the payment of special tax bonds without first consulting the people at the ballot box. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. death-dealing missiles, while ebe offered to heaven an earnest prayer for the sa viug of this brand from the burning. As Mrs. Vau Cott finished telling the inei dent, she said : ' Never in my liie did I feel such power in prayer, and never be fore did I offer up a petition to my Heav enly J? atuer under such strange circum stances." The next day the man, clothed in his right mind and happy iu heart, sought the injured wife, effected a reconciliation, and another will soon be added to the list of happy home iu ehieago. is Only I a ateru indictment, striking at the root of church I tLe nrcaeut svstem of conducting the life r insurance bu? mess, lly way ot remedy, Mr. Finch proposes the passage of a new general law, which shall make all life pol icies uon-forfeitable after the first payment; compel the companies to be responsible for the acts of accredited agents and so licitors; permit uo defense at law for fraud in applications after the laps? of five years, and in.ke a contract between eomyany and bolder as binding as any other con tract. This proposition i sufficiently sweeping to stir the whole life insurance A young gentleman whose name is Joseph sends to ns for publication the wont verses which we remember to have wrestled with. 'He wih ns to print them in 77te Tribune and to pay him for them "what we think them to be worth 1 here is nothing unusual about the consignment of broken -backed stanzas but in a letter which come with thei the writer tells ns that ha "doe not know whether to be a farmer or a poet." and onr advice is invoked respecting the dilemma. "My minister say," observes Joseph, "that 1 have a great deal of talent, and that it makes the tear come to hi eye to read my poems ; but my grand father says he had rather see mc hoe pota toes then write poetry." And theu the con fession follows : "It is a great deal easier for me to write poetry than to beo pota toes. CM coarse it is ; bat which is the more respectable buiues t Poets just now are as plenty as peaches ; but first class potato diggers, with a real geoin for that business, are not o common. There are prises to be won in this depart ment of human energy, and wreath wbieh more than 800,000 holders of life policies miT he economically woven of the top of s 1 i I. & 1 . . . k . . . 1 l T L. at 1 1 . f in the different grades, and the additional At the old stand of Foster A J oat reaneed a full Hue of Ham, Ota, trimmed and artriaasaed. 1 and all the latest French and At at Order executed vita ear and dlanaleh. Pinking and Stamping dnn to order. The Store will be conducted on the Ch ya tcru and no food or w rk ill be charged to any on. This role is navariU. MRS. 8. J. UALYBCRTOV. April, 15th own. if . i Spring Stock: 1875. BS-ftJ-L interest to its fouudations. It will please the great mass of people who are policy holders, and it will displease a good many of the companies who have figured eon- spicously iu the law courts io contest over claims. But, considering the fact that there are in the State of New York alone 120 Bags Coffee, 60 Barrels Soger, 40 " Molaaaes, 5000 lbs. Bacon, 2000 lbs. Lard, , 2000 Ins. Beet Sugar Cured llama, 20 keg Soda, 20 Boxes " 50 " Adamantine Candles, 40 " Soap, 2000 lbs. Carolina Rice, 30 Cases Oyster, 20 20 20 10 10 25 do do do do do G Jr. Jot The Road to Buin. From the London Times. It must always be with pain fact that this vast army of the prudent aie insured to the amount of 82,000,000,- 000, the new departure suggested by the Indiana Commissioner become at ooce a subject of popular interest. 1 he bold defense of the policyholders will natural ly make Mr. Finch the leader ia n new . m , , , m ' igitutton. The compauies will be beard from in due time. and Patent Office, draws his pay during his absence. None of these things could take place without the absolute knowledge and concurrence of the Secretary and his assistance, who thus coucur in the profit by the misappropriation of public money while cripple soldiers starve that tbey may have able-bodied stable hands. In addi tion to this landaulet accommodation for the Secretary's office and friends iu and out ot the department, the Land, Patent, Pension and Indian offices have horses and carriages, costing enormously for their support. Walker also charges that Delano keeps at the expense of the Government for the use of himself and friend a geraneum BT MKLINUA MELROSE. Backward, pin backward my skirts in their flight; Make me small agaiu. just for to-night, 1 am so weary, and my skirts are so long, 8weepiog the pavements as I walk along ; Gathering the dirt from out of the street. Looked at by every one that I meet. Mother, dear mother, I know I'm a fright; Pis back my skirts, mother, pin 'em back tight. Mother, dear mother, the days are so wann, And I'm tired of this drees I have on ; u is so clumsy aud don't fit me right, Pis it back, mother, pin it back tight. Now I'm ready, don't I look sweet? euuliug on all I happen to meet. Ijn ia the fashion, so that is all right ; Fin back my skirts, mother, pin 'em back tight. ' Mother, dear mother. I know it's a sin To wear dresses that show off one's limbs, jQt what is a poor girl gi ing to do : Jsn the world wears them, she most wear 'em too. s only those who are thin that r afraid s To show off a form that is not well made, i leu nay laugh, but you know that I p. "fht. ' jsk my skirts, mother, pin 'em back The ordinance to amend article 7 of the constitution by an additional section, was taken up as the unfinished business. Tlx- proposed section reads in substance as follows; Sec. 14. The general assembly shall have full power by statute to modify, change I and boquet nursery, and he says : or abridge any or alt the provisions of this I "JLo attend to this an assistant engi article, and substitute others in their place, neer is acting foreman gardener, and two except sections 1 1 and 13. gardeners, at $700 each and, the services (this is a substitute for the original of ten laboi ers, at 720 each, are needed, report of the commute on municipal cor- In addition to the flower garden, the grass porations, introduced by Mr. Shepherd, of plots around the department are attended Beaufort, aud adopted yesterday after-1 to by this costly force with the aid of still are in tight, noon.) The question recurred on the ordinance on its second reading. Mr. Massey offered an amendment which, in effect, provides that township officers shall be elected in the same man ner as At present. another supervisor, who is paid as engi neer, the whole force costing more than 10,000 per aunum. The report of expen ditures show that purchasers of flowers, pots, &c, are made at public expense. The example he sets is followed by those around him. Private houses are fitted up Mr. Blocker spoke at length against the I by mechanics paid by the Government, passage of the ordinance. The minority report of the Committee on Municipal Corporations opposes the passage of ordinance. Mr. Manning, of New Hanover, moved to add a proviso which prevents the abol ishment of the county commissioners and and re-establishmCnt of the courts of common pleas and quarter sessions. Mr. Buxton moved to amend by ex- emntiner section 9 from the operations of r o this ordinance. Mr. Kin, of Lenoir, moved to amend section 7 of the article under dis- f'urniture is procured and carpets supplied which are charged to the Contingent Fund. Xarge shipments of public prop erty have been made to a distant point, and, in short', wholesale robbery has been committed. Messengers have been taken away from the department on long trip, as body servants, and some are now per forming private service ia Washington. Other pesons of both sexes have traveled at public expense on these missions." Honest Radical office holders are evi dently as scarce as hen's teeth. From the highest nobob down to the whiskey spy, cussion by providing- that no couuty shall 1 it seems they will steal. Goldofo Mes levy a tax save to meat necessity .pen- sender. trV7 r- f : delicacy and hesitation that we make any allusion to those who are supposed to be less able to defend themselves, and the more noder just authority, as well, it must be added, as also the most sinned against. But one remark must be made. Even on the most superficial survey of society whether ia the great turn ance ot the me tropolis or in the lesser fires of provincial rural life, who can shut his eyes to the lamentable fact that the gentler and kind lier sex have a very great deal to do with that boundless and ruinous extravagance which introduces all vices, and disables all the virtues, even to decay and ex tinction 1 It may be the necessity or the duty of some to spend princely pomp and luxury ; if so they are only to be pitied for the difficulty of doing it gracefully, and redeeming material waste with per sonal refinement. But in tbe great town, and each season more than the last, there are thousand aud shoueands who manifest ly spending far more than their circum stances will allow. For very much of this deep, widespread, and atill spreading evil, the vomaa are answerable. It is tbey who dress at a rate far beyoud their income ; they who insist on the best houses in the best neighborhood ; they who must have equipages for all uses, times and place ; tbey who can not abate their manifold requirements, even when the family increases and nobler cares should take tbe place of childish things. Of course, the meu have their besetting sins and their pet extravagances, sometimes very costly ; and tbey have often the still greater fault of not explaining their pecu niary affairs to their wives with manly I candor of common business-like accuracy. Tbey do not make the wife a confidant and fellow-counsellor. Bat there cannot be a doubt that in tbe great majority of houses the lady knows quite enough to see, with a very little reflection that she is driving her husband and family iuto streit ness and embarrassment, with the risk of ruin. People must have very many and very good acres, of very good investments indeed, to bo able to spend often the reu tal of a good estate in a single entertain ment, a dressmaker's or an noholsterer's bill, a house at n fashionable watering c place, A prolonged coo tinea tal tour, a ueck- .'4Cru:rc& .AJ COUNTIES THEIR RELATIONS TO THE STATE. From the Albemarle Times. There appear to be no other reason why tbe State of North Carolina should suffer two hundred end fifty thousand of ber eitisens to be plundered and robbed than tbe mere accident of residence. Un der the system of county government provided by the Canby instrument, tbe protection due from our State to all of ber people haa been withdrawn. In theory wo are all iorth uarolimans ; in tact we are inhabitant of petty government call ed couuties. The fact that our counties were created by the State seems to have sunk out of eihr. I there any reason why a system of gorerumcnt which is extremely oppressive to all those people who live between tbe Roanoke and Chowan river should meet with lees die favor simply because tbe part of the State between those rivers is known as the couuties of the Northampton, Bertie and Hertford t Every State is divided into sections called Districts or Parishes or Counties. This is don that the law may be enforced, that ji sties may be adminis tered, that order may be secured, iu the surest aud speediest way. It is done that tbe machinery of State government may ran smooth and safe. It is not done Cor the purpose of conferring a benefit upon a portion of our citizens at tbe expense ot the rest. Whenever a system of govern ment become a burden upon two hundred nod fifty thousand people out of a popu lation of one million, it is the imperative doty of tbe whole people to change that system. It is none the less so because the oppressed are confined to this or that sec tion. The white men of Halifax, Edge combe, New Hanover, Granville and Bertie counties are citizen of North Car olina, aud entitled to her protection. It will be n disgrace to withold it. Is it possible that the Convention will be una ble to provide a system of country gov eromcnt which, while it gives relief to the oppressed tax-payers of Bertie, will satisly every honest man, wherever he may live in North Caroline I It is im : possible. Tbe members of thai body will not hand re- Abe land of ik' M A the plant itself. Joseph, tbe bead of your reverend grandsire is level. Yon say that be is "old fashioned," but so is common sense, which is none the worst for iu antiquity. Potatoes will always be io request, but poems are already a drug in tbe market, with no prospect of diminished supply and increased demand. The pen is mightier than the sword, we admit, bat tbe plow-share beat both. WMHsure, young Joseph, we hope that you nil! follow the advice of grandpapa, and write no poems jr hen you can find anything better to do. Brandy P Lemon Syrup, Fresh Peaches, Pio Apples, Si m.W it . a Suaff, 25 Coi! Cotton Rope, 40 do. Painted Pails, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Roam Wrapping Paper, A fall line of Wood A Willi; wet A full line of H --t A aaoaa (very A full line of Hat. A fall line ef Roddies A Bridies, Felt, Ginger. btce. Caeeod GouAs, Brt Povdera. i irara. Tubaooo. Crock, Tano A MaoaizMt Oil. Ac . Ac TUe above atuck wa bought beavv decline in price. adu ale A Ketail at verr lirt prt.au. BISGIIAM A CO. J as 3rd I CTL 8PECIAL Baking A Mr. Maassy, an English inventor, ha completed a framework for n railway carriage, by wbieh he hope to alleviate the horror of collisions. It is well known that the splinters of an ordinary carriage, wheu it ia smashed do almost as much harm to passengers as the shock. The idea has already been suggested of cm- a ploying papier roacue as a constructive material, ou the ground that it would do bat little damage in case of eceidcnis. Mr. Massey propose to construct the framework and partitions of hi carriage ef iron hoops put together In a manner which must he seen to be understood, hot which reminds us more of an iron bedstead of intricate pattern than of anything oUe. An elastic framework is thus provided which will withstand a considerable pres sure. Of course, it i to be encased with some material more plearaat to come ia contact with than "cold iron." The in ventor believes that his carriage is also stronger and more economical than thoee of the present pattern. No 1 . HvT plow Shoes at 1 180 worth - - 'Women Shoe at $t" 199 I7n Ladies Embroidered Kiipper at 1U0 worth IAS) Ladie Slipper, at $15 wurth 175. Lad ia. CrWue Slippers at $115 worth fMt. . Ladies C1tb Gaiters u t'75 worth . Ladies Cloth Gaiter at MS worth tluS, A large lot of Children Hh- my r. BUfGHAM AGO. LOOK OUT tea The Convention has carried out the expect at i on that'it would be a body' of retrenchment. It has reduced the cumber of Supreme Court Judges to three, saving thereby $5,000 It ha reduced the num ber of Superior Court Judges to nine. saving thereby $7,600. It has reduced the pay of the members of th Legisla tor to $4 per day and limited the ses sions to thirty days, thereby saving from $30,000 to $40,000 aseecioo. Tne ordinance which paaeed tbe Con vention on Wednesday, depriviog the Magistrates of jurisdiction under the pre sent law, and Waving the matter of ar ranging iheir jurisdiction in the hands of the Le gialeiar, k a wary considerable measure of relief to the East. It give the Legislature power to discriminate end apply remedies where needed -"-JTssst. - Zr a'' srdK 1 i na"f L4t. aTA t, VrwiluBsse f ' 'lauuea. I BELL& BR0. ouod in the w ef J North C arolio. to he LADIES' A GENTS' GOLD WATCIEf Gold Opera nnd V eel C bats., B OOZJD 7 SILVER WAKW, OOLD P&X8, dhs They are ageetsfsr the celebrated aWtmaSad SDeoSasssn asm By Qiao say afaTActnT eJ Minute zjSnU&4 and Watches, nsaws saw veoiry i iieu varraetod lX ssrh, uhsias tew a taut with good work . 1 . IrTiwif . i

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