7 lma man. VOL. VII.-.THIRD SERIES. .iu j-'-'.xfa SALISBURY, V. a, OCTOBER, 3L gt Tt-'y&Ti watcn X lit; Well IJ , . MtM BBBBV BBSBB Hfl BHK BBkB aBBar B0BB1 BBBBB BBV BBSB1 t 1 "'s-f "H'". tr.- ' NO. 2 PUBLI8HED WEEKLY t J. J. BRU NEB, Proprietor and Editoi . J. J. STEWART Associate Editor. HATES OF SIBCBIFTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. One Yk.ar. payablem advance. ....$2.(0 Bix Months, 44 1.25 Copies to any address , 10.0 ADVERTISING! RITES : fire oat before she went to bed, so I sap posed she was performing that august ceremony. .Bet before long three tre mendous bangs at the hall door fairly woke me up. I listened. Was the house on hi e A minute, and scroon went a window. 'Who's there t" bawled papa. Somebody growled something. A policeman, I thought, and shook all over. Then' Susannah opened her door and came running down stairs- Maria would sleep through a railway accident. What is it V said Aunt Jane, coming nss Square (1 inch) One insertion $100 out of her room, which is next to mine. " tWO " 1.50 Oh llAn'tTAII.Ir.inMo'.m' o r, o uro,! Bates for a greater number of" insertions Susan imbj'y on go to bed moderate. Special notice 25 per cent, more u....:j i i .., .. I..,i: . . i ouu UUIIICU Ull. in regular auYcriHwriuriii. ivcouiiik uwice. 5 cents per line for each and every insertion I'll see to it;' THE HEART'S CASKET. BY WHO ? , There is a place in every heart, And that in, or near its core ; Where memory beards with miser's art All her precious thing of yore. And in that caxtcet of the breast As jewels will ever shine The loved and loxt, though in the dust Safe, forever safe, through time. Behold in beauty there enshrined, Lie the forms of those we love Embalmed forever, to rent in mind 'Till we meet again above. Apd with them little locks of hair And bright gems of every hue, Gold watches, chains and bracelets rare, With choice rings and diamonds too. And there are all the happy hours, That left earth long ago, With baffled hopes and withered flowers, Steeped in tears of love and woe And ob, what sacred vows there lie With rich trinkets, all made fast In memories that can never die But will brighten to the last. There too, are tender looks of love That were given in confidence And onoe had power the heart to move And it thrill, with joy intense And oh what sighs and great round tears Have deep sorrows garnered there With blighted joys and torturing fears. . Till together all are dear. Oh memory, in thy casket bier Hoard these perinhed things of earth That did once v'ry bright appear And yet perished in their birth Yes, hoard them for they'l live again And in pristine glory shine Where love and truth will ever reign And sorrow's past, be made submime. I lay and quaked. For a while all was quite still so still that I felt impelled to get op ond listen ; but barely had I reached the door when quite frightful sounds besieged my ears sounds as of people scaffling, mingled with screams. Policeman! I yelled. 'Policeman murder nre ! Anvtuinff vou like to motion. Out dashed papa : out dashed Aunt Jane. J- or gooaness sane,' cried mamm.i, 'don't go down that ; you'll be killed to a certainty. NY by, you haven't even got a poker ! I flew to the fireplace. Here,' I said 'here, papa !' and thrust out the familiar implement. But he was cone. I caught a glimpse of the tail of Aunt Jane's red flannel dressinocown as it whisked round the taming. Oar stair case is a wonder. It seems to have wrig gled oat of the mind cf the architect who designed this tenement much as a worm will out of a pea. IV hat ever is the matter V demanded I of mamma, who seemed fit to drop you ve ttjjiiaHini' 'mm the only took a fresh lease of Kfe. Much relieved, I summoned courage to get a shawl and a pair of slippers, and ereep down stairs. The gas was lit in the passage and dining room. I eould bear voices in the kitchen. Afraid of the sound of my own feet even, I listened a little to assure myself that no new alarm need be apprehended, and this was what I overheard : Policeman 'There's nothing I admire more than spirit anywhere Susannah 'I don t know much about spirit. I wish I knew what was come of that there latchkey. If that a eone 'twill be a pretty job. -w- a m . ronceman l suppose, now got a fairish place ' Susannah 'That I 'are.' Policeman 'Bat you're not one. Susannah 'Bless yon, no ; there's Maria, she's the 'ouse maid ; and Jem, 'e cleans the knives and shoes.' 'Policeman 'I see. Well, you're a wonderful good-plucked un, any'ow. Bio wed if I should 'ave cared to do what you did.' Susannah 'I dare say not. You didn't seem in a great 'urry to come when I called you. I thought you'd 'ave jumped in at the window. You'd 'ave caught 'im then.' Policeman Not I. 'E's been at this sort of game for the last seven years. That's a nice.' Bnt here au eldritch screech rang through the house. It was I ! Monton, the eat, had taken Susannah has been confronted with the stitnuon. (Jonetjtutioo, after being duly rolled man who works at Mason's. She says 22nd Provides for the election of jugdes and properly authenticated, shall be de he is not at all like what she thought, and of the supreme court and superior court, posited by the Secretary of the Coaveo- not the least like our burglar. The by general ticket, er vote of all the poo- tion in the office of the Secretary ot State Roman-nosed detective calls every two pie; bnt allows the general assembly to for safe keeping, and shall be bv order of noura, ana seiaom iy b man one. cuange me moae or electing superior onrt tee governor and Secretary of State X'ecemoer . mo uiwnwij me noman j uuges nuu genera, ucae. to uinrict eiec nosed one came to take Susannah to see tions. a man who was painting a bouse in Camp- 23d Requires 12 months residence in bell terrace. It occupied three hours. the state, and 90 days in the county, This evening the fish wan a shapeless before a man can vote, and excludes fel wreck, owing to this ornament of bis na ons and ex-penitentiary eonvicte from ttve land having come in, just as dinner holding office or voting until restored to pcDiisneo tor six months in two papers. one of each political party in each Goo gressional District of the State, immedi ately preceding the day of slostion aforesaid. Sxc. 5. This ordinance shall be in force from and after the day of its ratification. m a t -a. . ... a 1 - . m m . should have been servea, to ascertain the cit.zensui p ny due process of law. There Head and ratified in Convention, this a r a... Mi - j i j . i i i - i r - w precise cotor or our umgiar coat. i ww two umjm ueoate on tnis ordinance, jutn nay ot September, 1875. "This section wm abrogated. See next ordinance. AJT OaDTWAKCX TO AUTO TUB OUDI Va.KCKSUBXTTTIJf O TBI AMBKDMKKT8 TO THI CONSTrXUTIOK TO TBI PXOi MUL The people o North Carolina im Con- December 4. The milkboy has been I Messrs. Barringer, Dockery, Albertson arrested. Wc arc all agog. We feel and Buxton, with all the negro delegates, ao certain something will be fonnd out speaking against it and declaring it was new. aimed at the negro. December 5.' Nothing has been found 24th Provides for the removal by the out; but this morning, after mamma legislature of any judge of the superior had ordered dinner, Susannah inform- court, for mental or physical disability, ed her that she snoold like to leave at it also provides for the removal of clerks Christmas, if she could make it conven of the supreme and superior courts by the eenfto assembled do ordain That the ien.Va m i v judges of the courts- for same reason, ordinance passed by this Convention and i osiu luaiuuiu, luu.iug ostvu- AfCOi IU MU)Q V I ICUIUTS1 IB M1UWOU OB iU isbed. 'Why?' other cases or suits. 'Well, 'm,' simpered Susannah, '.I'm 25th Provides that article 7 of the coo going to be married. stitution be amended by adding that the 'Indeed !' said mamma. 'I hope you general assembly shall have power to have made a good choice modify, change or abrogate any and all 'I think so, 'm' was the smiling answer; of the provisions of the article, and sub- 'lest ways, so far as I can judge.' stitute others in their place, except sec- 'And who is it V inquired my mother, tions 7, 9 and 13. This allows the legis- 'Not the baker V lature to appoint magistrates as under the 'Lor, no, 'm,' said Susannah, getting old constitution- quite red. 'The baker, indeed !' 26th Gives jurisdiction to justices of 'I'll tell yon, mother,' said I, sagely the peace over civil actions founded on JCBW APVEMTlMatJOTB. H1RDWABR I was teaching Mouton to beg for a advantage of my abstraction to mount the cocoanut drop by tho fire it s the Ro balusters and jump on to my shoulder. The shock was terrific. I shook like a jelly. Bless me !' cried Aunt Jane," 'What s the matter now V 'I tell you,' bawled papa, hurrying down, -on vengeance bent, 'I won't have man-nosed detective. Now isu't it, Sus annah t Susannah smiled. So if our burglar did nothing else a sixpenny bit and four postage stamp were all he got, he has contrived to rob us of our cook. contract, when the sum does not exceed 8200; and allows the justices to call in a jury ot six men in certain cases. ratified ou the thirtieth day of September, Anno Domini eight thousand eight bun dred and seventy-five, entitled "An ordi nance to submit to the people the amend ments to the Constitution, adopted by this Convention," be and the same is hereby so amended as to strike out and abrogate section four of said ordinance and insert and ordain in lien thereof, aa follows : Sec. 4. The said amendments to the Constitution, after being duly enrolled and properly authenticated, shall be de posited by the Secretary of the Convens tion in the office of the Secretary of the State for safe keepiug ; and it shall be lit When yon want Hardware at low figures, call ou the undersigned at No. t Granite Row. D. A. ATWBLL. Salisbury ,N. 0.,Mny l-tf. CEDAR COVE NURSERY. f5 T?RUIT TREE8. YIXE8 PLAJTT8. A X Urge stock at reasonable rates. Hew Catalogue for l-7' and 76 with foil de acriptions oTTruiU, sect free. Address CRAFT A SAILOR, Ram Pmnrt, Yadkia County, a. c. July 1. 187&.-4tm. i7th Authorizes the employment of lhe duty of the Secreterr of this Convert convicts on pubjie works and highways. tjon the Public Auditor to have orio. 28th Adds the following new section to teaf in pampblet form, on or before the article 4 : "In case the general assemblv A.w nt r.nn... -i . T . I y " u j uva mo caiu nuicuu" ments, with the certificate of the Secretary He's ruu through the garden !' scream- such folly. Go off into the dining. room eo Susannah. 'Oh, the rascal ! Police man ! Good gracious !' gasped mamma. Through the hall tore n large and helmeted person in blue, and out at the garden door. Out tore Susannah. and shut the door, or to bed, which you like ; but but behave yourself like a ra tional creature, or not another new gown do you have for the next ten years. And now, policeman, to the chase.' 'I do wish,' said Susannah. as thev W lam uot sure ; but she has The Prophet of Strasbourg. BY J. J. CLYifSR. From advance sheet of "The Poets and roetry of I'rmterdom, by Oscar 11. Jaarjjct, Cincin-nutti In Strasbourg town, washed by the river Rhine. Thore itood a man. fonr centuries ago, Whose uieiu attracted every passer-by. 'Twa Guttuuberg-tirst Printer known to fame, And Prof bet of the better time to come. His form was noble, and bin bright, blue eyes 8eeined rained above tho level ot'the street In thoughtful contemplation. Suddenly, A if by inspiration fired, hi face Shone like an angel's; for a mighty thought Had birth that moment in his fruitful soul The Typk, tho Printing Press ! The future passed Before his gaze in solemn majest7, With prophet's eyo he say his priuting press The million folded duplicate of thought, Of progress, fact and fancy- Sight took words; And thus he spake: "Its million tongues of sacrod Same Shall terrify the tyrant Wrong; Its million double-edged swods Shall save the weak and slay the strong; Its million torches bright with hope, Illume the moonless, starless night; Its million thoughts, new-born. full-grown, Procure the future reign of Right; ' Its million types on vellum trace The thoughts and deeds which glory gem; Its million voices, trumpet-toned, 8 way scent re. throne, and diadem; Its million suns shall turn to day, The night of ignorance obscure; Its million altars, sanctified. By Jesus' blood, shall inako men pure; Its million steel-barbed spears of wrath Shall pierce Corruption's coat of mail; Its million powers, by heaven ordained. Make truth and liberty prevail; Its million multitudes of good, Increasing through all coming time, Shall usher in Dart li's paradise And men be gods oh, thought sublime !" He ceased. The vision pased. And like the Rhine roliiong at his feet Be went forth to his toil and destiny. The printing office has indeed proved abetter college to many a boy, has graduated more useful aud conspicuous members ot society, has brought more intellect out and turned it into practical useful channels, awakened more minds, generated more active and elevated thouuhts, than many of the literary colleges of the country A boy who commences in such a school as the print i ng-ollice will have bis talents and ideas brought out; and if he is a careful observer r experienced in his profession, will contrive inoio towards an education than can be obtained in almost any other manner. Printing Trades Journal. hether Aunt Jane joined in the chase set off, 'that they'd 'ave let me go along with em. 1 m sure 1 could get over the fences a vast deal easier than master, aud as for seem' in the dark' Oh no, Susannah,' I said, 'don't you leave us on my account. What a mercy the man didn't hurt . 1 m m you ! Lia you try to catch hold ol him?' 'Lor, yes, miss ; seized 'is coat, and tried to tear a bit out with all in v might. I'd 'ave clawed his face well, if he'd at tempted to lay a finger on me; but when 'e looked that scared, the coward well somehow, I couldn't urdest 'im. 'No,io be sure not,' said mamma, who had just shivered hciss!f dowu. 'It is al! for the beet. We ouzht to be very thankful. Anut Jane vowed that she'd buy a re- yolver to morrow, aud practice shooting at a mark two hours everv morniug. aud Susannah discovered that she knew the man aa well as she knew me. 'Why, sir, said she washing her hands, when papa and the policeman had re turned to. shake their heads aud lament the ueelessness of their got brou chit is. opring yout rattlei roared papa, who seemed to have 'secreted himself, from fet lings of modesty possibly, in the pan The policeman sprung his rattle accor dingly, and having done so. seemed well satisfied. At all events, he speedily came back again. 'Have you got him?" inquired papa. 'Lor, no, sir,' says Susannah (who, I 1 may uere mention, is oar cook;; e s gone art a mile by this time. Etf this young mau'-- M7 dear woman,' broke in our guar dian of the peace, 'is there no male person in tins uouse, mat you must needs go and wuituiiy endanger your precious lift?' 'Lor, y 08, replied Susannah, 3 here's master am t there V 'Theu,' said the policeman, 'I consider it was your duty to let him come down aud see what could be done;' 'Of course, of course," said papa, com jucr out of his retirement, and seeming to knock down a wine glass. Mamma had trampled down goodness knows how groaned, and clutched my arm dreadfully many cabbages, smashed a cucumber as she heard the smash. 'You pre- trame, triid unset a bee Live all belong sume this man effected an entrance ig to our neighbors to no earthly pur through the kitchen window, police- pose) why, sir said Susannah, 'I'm most CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENTS. From the Raleigh Sentinel. The delegate from Orange. Mr. Turner, has furnished us the following synopsis of the 33 proposed amendments to the constitution : 1st Amendment ; That section 4, of article 9, be stricken out and two new sections be substituted. The section to be stricken out is in regard to lands given to the State by congress and the appro priation of fines, penalties, Sec. The sec tion to be substituted gives all lands and proceeds of lands, given by tho United States to the State, to educational purpo ses: and all swamp lands, fines, &c, are to be nsed for purposes of education. 2nd Aineudment strikes out sec. 17, article 3, and substitutes a section provi ding for the establishment of a bureau of agricultural, immigration aud statistics, aud the protection of sheep husbandry. 3d Amendment adds lo sec. 25, of art. 1, that "secret political societies are dan gerous to the liberties of a free people 11 11 1 .t .in and stionid not oe tolerated. 4tb Amends section 10, ar.icle 3, by by providing that the governor, with the advice of the senate, sh.dl appoint all of ficers whose appointments are not other wise provided for. 5th Abrogates and amends section 15. endeavors (they 16 ana 17, of article 4, and allows the general assembly to allot aud distribute all iudicial power among the several shall establish other inferior courts, the presiding officer and clerks thereof shall be elected in such manner as the general assembly may prescribe." 29. h Forbids marriage between white and black and all persons of negro de scent to the third generation. 30th Adds to article 1, section 24 : "Nothing herein contained shall justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons or prevent the legislature from enacting penal statutes against said practice." 3 1st Abolishes section 31, of article 4, and provides for filling all vacancies in office provided for by this article by the governor not otherwise provided for. 32d Provides for paying officers and members of the convention. 33d Gives power to the supreme court to try issues and questions of fact as un der the old coneihution. NEW MILLINERY STONE. CP ORDINANCES Passed by the North Carolia Constitution al Convention of 1 875. A BILL TO BX ENTITLED AX ORDINANCE TO 8CBKIT TO THB PEOPLE THB AMENDMENTS TO THB CONSTITUTION ADOPTED BY THIS CONVENTION. of State annexed thereto, together with copy of the Constitution, as it will read proposed to be amended, one hundred thousand copies, -of which one hundred copies shall be distributed to each dele gate of this Convention, and the remain 1 .a a) - der among tne counties or toe state in proposition to population. And the ne cessary sum be and is hereby appropriated to pay the expense of said application and distribution. Read three times and ratified in open Convention, this 9th day of October, 1875. Be it ordained by the people of North Carolina in Convention assembled, That section fourteen article fear, of the Con stitution, shall read as follows : That every Judge of the Superior Court shall reside in the district for which be is elected. The Judges shall preside in the Courts ot the different districts sueceseiv ly, but no Judge shall hold the Coarts in the same district oftcner than once in four years, hut in oase of the protracted illness of the Jodge assigned to preside in any district, or of, any other unavoidable accident to him, by reason of which be hall become unable to preside, the Gov At the old stand of Forfer A Horah. Jnat raceired a full line of H neU, trimmed and nntrimmed and all the latest French and we, at lata, and Ribbona, Order executed with ear Pinking and Bumping The Bier will be conducted on Um Oaemeyc tern and no goods or work will bt charged to any oaa. This rule u nnvanble. MRS. S. J. HALYBUBTON. April, Spring St oct 187S. LawflL Section I. Be it ordained by the peo- ernor may require any J udge to hold ooe pie of North Carolina in Convention as- sembled, That the amendments to the Constitution of this State, adopted by this Convention at any time during its session, shall be submitted lo the people for rati cation or rejection, as a whole, at the or more specified terms in said district, in lien of the Judge assigned to hold the Courts of said district. The Midnight Bobbers Last night yesterday being my sev enteenth birthday we had a little musi cal party. The people goue, we, having eaten op all the sandwiches and a box of preserved cherries, repaired to our respec tive bedchambers, very tired, very yawny, snd rather crops, as is the way of odd People after too prolonged a spell of their leiiow-creatures society. 'Susannah will lock up," said papa some here below his second stud. . Very well,' gaped mamma; and the door shut. Now I suppose I was too much excited t fall asleep easily, and for the last three jjsys 1 have been puzzling my brains to find out how I had better have mv new silk made. I don't care about basques. na bostle skirts are my abomination nyhow eleep I could not eet. I turned nd twisted, and sat on and lav down. o; it was no good. At length, however dosed off ; bnt through my slumbers ame noises, strange gratings noises, as w flower pots being moved, or ft fire hem rked out. I took no notice. 1 Wew that Susannah 3id always rake the man V 'Presume!' exclaimed Susannah, who is a west-couuty woman, and as bot as a live coal. 'I found the rascal 'uddled up be'ind the door. 'K'd opened the windoWand pinned up the blind, and I make no doubt was looking about tor a knife just to cut all our throats. 'Very likely,' said the policeman. 'There's some desperate bad characters about; Why, only last night as I was' 'Hadn't you better make a thorough search for the wretch V here came in Aunt Jane. 'lie may have got ucder the shed.' 'What shed, miss?" inquired the po licemaq. 'Why, the tool-shed at the end of the garden, to be sore.' Aunt Jane detests being called 'Miss, and can't 'abide a blockhead.' My dear Jane,' interposed papa, 'how eonld this good man know that ? If yon will wait a minote, policeman, 1 11 go and 1 get on some clotnes ana come witn you.' , Veiy good, sir,' said the policeman ; and up stairs papa came, looking more singular perhaps than ever lie did in bis lite before. His appearance, boweyer, being rather picturesque than elegant we will here draw a v il. No sooner was he in eight than mamma became hysterical. 'Oh, Hotspur,' cried sbe, 'the silver!' and fell back on my shoulder with such weight that I took op a sitting position on the floor. 'Jane.' called papa, 'come and Bee to these two foolish creatures. Get up yon donkeys. Why, lhe fellows' gone 1 There s nothing to be frightened at now I and the policeman are going to scour the neighborhood." 'lie In mamma, 1 panted: sne is dving I 'Indeed, Jane,' said mamma, 'I knew it would come to that, sooner or later.' 'Well,' said Annt Jane, who had just made her appearance, 'and what in the world is all this about T Just get up at once. Amelia 1' 'Mamma's hysterical,' I said. 'Has the man taken anything V certain 'tis that man who used to work at Mason's, the oil shop. 'You don t say so ! said papa. 'That The people North 0 Carolina in Conven tion assembled do ordain : That section general election to be held on Tuesday twelve, article foor, of the Constitution bo counties except that of the supreme court next after the first Monday in November, I amended to read as follows : which is fixed by the conbtitusion itself, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight J 1 ne state snail oe divided into nine 6th Strikes out section 1 and 2, of art- hundred and seventy-six. That every judicial districts for each of which a judge in nnd fnrhirla f .llii.w n rrmrpnlion with- nprson cntit ed to vote under the existing OC chosen ; and tnere Sball be MM out first consulting the people at the polls. Constitution and laws of this 8tate, sball Superior Coort In each county at 7lH Provide fnr anhmirtinir the amend- h entitled to vote for the ratification or twice in each year, to continue for leait man why, I thought he was uncle to the ments of the constitution to the people, at rejection of said amendments ; those who time in each county as may be prescribed Tannars A lUeuioe Oils. Ac . milkboy ! 'So he is, sir, said the policeman. And that boy, sir, 's nothing much to speak of. I hear that his master's very doubtful of him. We expect to give him a night's lodging before Ion 120 Bags Coffee, 50 Barrels Sugar, 40 " Molae, 6000 lbs. Bacon, 2000 lbs. Lard, 2000 lbs. Beat Sugar Cared Haas, 20 Regs Soda, 20 Boxes " 50 " Adamantine Candles, 40 " Soap. 2OO0 lbs. Carolina lie. 30 Cases Oysters, 20 do Brandy Peaches, 20 do Lemon Syrup, 20 do Fresh Peaches. 10 do Pine Apph , 10 do 8moking Tobacco, 25 Gross Snuff, 25 Coils Cotton 6t Juts Rope, 40 do. Painted Pails. 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Reams Wrapping Paper, A full line of Wood A Willow waea. A fall Una of Boot A Shoes (vary A rail line ot uiu. A full line of Saddles A Bridlaa, Bah, Ginger. Spice.. Can nod Goods, Royal Powder. Uirr, Toboeeo. oclcy, M.dw. jag; 'But the silver's safe?' -'Yes,' said papa; 'at least it minutes ago was five 1 1?. SPECIAL Dear me, said mamma: 'Why it seems district for which he is elected, and forbids . a . , . . tliat tne air teems witn tineves ! I shoulu't ranch care about the air, re marked Annt Jane ; it's the earth I'm concerned with. Whereupon we all felt bound to laugh; and the policeman, saying that we eh on id 'have some one dowu' 111 the rooming, backed out into the passage to have a little private conversation with Susannah about the man who used to work at Ma son's the oil enof , and thence into the street. A little while, and we were all in bed again, and the house done us as tight as a dram or a sardine tin. To. day, from the first peep of dawn, e. half.past nine A. M , when I woke, till now, four o'clock in the afternoon, the polls, Tuesday after the 1st Monday wish a ratification of the amendments by law. 15ut tbe General Assembly may Thi aftwve sUKftwas mmun v - 1 ,-v-. s rrii . 1 . ii 1 ni 1 . i n.n inn rvr 1 n r rm iia r n n n m ruir nw n w- m 1 j mr w ;n iovemoer- lb. me amcnumeuis voting wiiu a pnmeu or wnweu uwei, 1 " """-7 -"TT 1 Botail t ferr abort profit , will be ratified or rejected together. "llatihcation, those ot a contrary opto- " , rauneu in ooen BINGHAM 00. 8th Provid.-s for publishing theordinan- ion, "Hejection." That said election sball convention, mis juid oay 01 September, June 3rd 187. pk9 for 1K0 mfnrmntin,, nf dm ncnn i he linlcl. and said Qualified tlee'.ors shall 1 1010 9th Requires tbe judge to reside in tbe I vote, at tbe usual places of voting in tbe several counties or this state ; and that his holding court in the same county more said election shall be conducted under than once in four years. I the same rules and regulations, and nnder 10th Reduce the number of judges the same pains and penalties aa are now from 12 to 9, and authorizes the legisla- required aud proscribed by law, and re turn to increase or diminish the number, turns thereof made, according to the laws 11th Provides for the assembling of tbe now in force regulatiug tbe election of legislature in January instead of Novem- members of the General Assembly bor. Sec. 2 That the returns of tbe whole 12th Hits civil rights on the bead by vote cast for the ratification and for the forbidding white and black children going rejection of said amendments, shall be to the same school, and providing that no made by the sheriffs of tbe several coon- discrimination shall be made to the preju- ties of tbe State to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ot tbe State, at Kaleigh, days after tbe election ; dice of either race. 13th Fixes the pay of members of the general assembly at $4 a day and 10 cents mileage, and limits the session to 60 davs. If tbe session is prolonged Sn8.annah has been 'giving particulars.' beyond 60 days, the members receive no First came two detectives, wonderful fine Dav 1 men both she tells me, hut the one with a Roman noe is moat to her taste ; then the owners of the cabbages and the cu cumber frame and bee hive, tbe latter a stout little old gentleman in black and a shovel bat, aud a tremendous passion. Papa went and had it out with him; and 14th Provides that the term of office for senators and members of the legisla. ture shall begin at the time ot their elec tion. 15th, That section 29, or article 2, is amended to allow tbe general assembly to change the time of holding elections having spluttered and blustered away till for the general assembly. .! j .1 J j I . ?L - ., iney were iireu, mey uiaue 11 up, aim finally set off, arm in arm, to search for footsteps. One was found on an ash-heap, and immediately covered np with a basket, as if it was alive and would run away. Since thten the bell and knocker have had a stifSsh time of it. Jem, our boy, was given the nrst nnmber ot Jf unng 16th Strikes fiom the constitution sec tion 4, of article 2, which is the eld repub lican gerrymander of the senatorial dis tricts in 1S6S. 17th Reduces the number of supreme judges from five to three, as our fathers had it. 18th declares the judicial power shall be vested in a court for the trial of im- Holies, and told to sit in tne nan on pur- peachment, a supreme court, superior pose to play porter, Maria declaring that courts, courts of justice of tbe peace, and her4egs would snap under her if she had such others inferior to the supreme coort much more running. Let a man own but as may be established by law. 1 . . MR 1 . a potato, ne must neetis set on nere post loth Estab shea the supreme court in haste to know if the thief could have fled Raleieh until otherwise provided by the over it. When the last ring came it was tbe thirty-second ; I counted them I said to Aunt Jane : What in the tho world can this man have come about? My dear, said she, 'he is the proud pos- ft " - m. a I sessor of half a ttrusaeis sprout. general assembly. 20 h Strikes section 8, article 2, from the constitution. This seetion was the old republican gerrymander and of the honse of representatives, mad the people can do without it. 21st Forbids vacating any othce or Xhank God ! said my mother, and I IHtembcr 2: Nothing is known 1 term of office now existing: under the ooo- thin thirty Provided, That it the office of Chief Jus tice shall become vacant by death, resign ation or otherwise, the said returns shall in like manner be made to tbe Attorney General ot the State ; aud the returns of said votes shall, witbin ten days thereaf ter, be examined and canvassed by tbe said Chief Justice, or Attorney General in case the vacancy in the said office of Chief Justice in tbe presence of tbe Gov ernor, and proclamation sball be made by the Governor forthwith of the result of the canvass. Sec. 3. That if, upon such canvass, it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled were in favor of the ran h cation ot the amendments, then the said amend ments to tbe Constitution shall constitute a part of the Constitution of the State, and shall take effect as such on tbe first day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven ; and thereupon the Governor shall cause to be endorsed on said amendments, as enrolled by this Convention, a certificate under his signature declaring that the said amendments have been ratified by the peo ple of North Carolina. The Secretary of State sball countersign the said certificate and anftex thereto tbe great seal of the State, and the said amendments so enroll ed, with the certificates aforesaid, shall be forever kept among the archives of tbe State, in the office of the Secretary ot State aforesaid. Sbc. 4. That said amendments to the The people of North Carolina in Con vention assembled do ordain, That section two, of tbe Constitution, be amended to read as follows : Tbe Senate and House of Represent Uves shall meet biennially 00 tbe first Wednesday after the first Monday in January next after their election ; and wben assembled, shall be denominated the General Assembly. Neither House shall proceed upon the public bnsin unless a majority of all the members actually present. Kead turee umes and ratined 10 open Convention, this the 30th day of Septem bar, lS7.-. Xo. 1. Hevr plow Women Shoes ail IK " 160 A 171 Ladies Embroidered tippets at 100 lies suppers at !! worth 171. Ladiee Oreo net Slipper at tltt Ladle Cloth (Jailers at 17a worth Ladies Cloth G altera at M t A larre lot of Children Shoe. 1 fie worth two. 5 worth gM. BiKuaaJi ft co LOOK OUT CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. From an article in Applelorw' "American Clycopes'lia,'' revised edition, entitled "Chrit- maa,' we select as follows: The common custom of deck ins the hooeea and churches at Christina with erergreena ia derived from ancient Druid practices. It l an old belief that ay Iran spirit might flock to the eTergreen, end remain un nipped by froat till a milder season. The holly, ivy, roaemary, bey. laurel, and mistletoe, furnished the favor ite trimmings, which were not removed till Candlemaa. In old church calendar Chriat- ma ma ia markarl TV i f temples are adorned). Holly and ivy still re main in England tne naost esteemed Chrtetmas everereena, though at the two universities the window of the coll ear chapel are decked with laurel. It was an old English superstition, that on Co net ma ere tbe oxen were always found on their knees, a in an altitude of devotion, and that after the change from old to new style, they continued to do this only on the eve of old Christmas day. This was derived from a prevalent medieval notion thai aa ox and an ess, which were present at the nativity, fell 00 their Knee in a suppliant posture, as appear from numerous print, and from tbe Latin of Sannaxaro, in tnsaixteentn century, it was aa ancient tradition, alluded to by Shakespeare, tha- midnight spirit forsaken Um earth and go to their own confines at the crowing of the cock. The Christmas oelabrations in England have lost their primitive boast srons character gambols and carols are nearly gone family rennaooa and srsrgreen Dearir all that remain of the merriments which used to mark the the last memorable appointment of a lord of misrule was in 1827. when ba had come to be 1 1 "m a BELL&'BRO. Offer the fonnd la election of Jewelry to la North Carolina, Ceeeisrisai as LADIES' A GENT 8 GOLD . WAjCHKf id Test C hai Da, 8ILVEB WARM, GOLD FENS, Thev are agents for the celebrated Dilslfsaal . a m m w Vrstrnss. vioc ana vwweiry treated IS months, charges as law as festival teat with goad work. Hotel. Hin'

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