s 4- , Carolina Watcbmaa OCTOBER, L PRESERVE THE PAPER. We shall jive from week to week the ordinances paused by the recent State Con entioa, until tlicy have all been published. Aa they are of great importance to the neonle eenrrall v. it would be well for r i J r - subscribers to preserve the paper. A HOPEFUL OUTLOOK. Undoubtedly the Republicans in carry. ins Ohio by a small majority nave im parted new He to their prospects in the National election. A hope ia born to there, and they are therefore jubilant and boats t id. The grwund of this confidence when examined carefully stems very alight and treacherous. In the fijet place they bare ly succeeded with the powerful assistance of Che New York moneyed Democrats and of Carl Schaiz. - With all their ophidine, falsehoods, briberies and other disreputable agencies, by pandering to religious prejudice, by arraying class against class aud nationality agaiuat na tionality, they scraped together a bare miiit v. On Other issues and when the or w purse! rings are shoitcued, these ele meittrt can no more be combined than 01 nnd water. Mark the prediction. With out such alliance aa was effected on Tues day for a particular purpose aud by ape cial agencies, the Democrat will carry Ohio, because the people there abominate the frauds aud extravagance, tbe shiftless reas and otter goodfornolbiugncsa (rani's administration. As in Ohio so in Pennsylvania there is THE FAIR YESTERDAY. In every particular, the Pair yesterday Via a decided improvement on tne a ay previous. Early in the morning articles fo exhibition commenced pouring in, and a, day long the Secretary was kept busy with entries. Thk Cbowd, was decidedly larger, and the weather was bright, beautiful and balmy as spring. The different departments are noW well filled, and so far as the exhi bition is concerned, the Fair this year is a greater success than ever before. The time would fail us to tell of all the beautiful and useful articles in Floral Hall ; of the hun dred pound puukina, yard long beets, ele gant redishes, potatoes, onions &c, &c. of the agricultural department ; or of the beau tiful home-made carpets, wearable jeans, brooms, leather, shoes &c &c, of Mechanics Hall. In all these the exhibition is unusal ly fine better than ever before. To enum erate the different articles on exhibition would be simply impossible, and we shall not attempt it. The races were spinted and witnessed with lively interest, but conduct ed in a very quiet and orderly manner. There was no jockeying, no confusion, no loud cursing, no pullingand hauling. In the morning the live stock was led around the track, and made a very fine show both as to numbers and quality. The ThoBoyal Farms at Windsor, half a minute, and he hslped the b f nfTTTIDTHO OT11.T, I riPIW-O wtsl i .jai ..... wroo&rn tbe rate ana saia : i 'j There are "Our chill were all twins, and the Drecincta of Wmdaor forest tbe or- vl j . Slke Flemish and the Prince Conaort's IH send my wife down to give yon Shaw Farm. Moat of the atock which some advice. Yon see h Wnwinnin? nrisea at the recent But she picked up a flower pot and agricultural ahowa are kept at the .firat flung it at him. He jumped back, aud second. Upon both of them a large and as she entered the house be called amount of capital has been expended, and out : ibe money haa doubtless been laid out to "Hope insantty won t break out on a good purpose, for these farms moat, to tj.e wjna i .. A niAKul T kn Bilml nnA am ml V WPll. I But the Queen's tavonte farm ia wiai nearest the castle and called, aa already A youth called at the Wert Alabainian mentioned, the Prince Conaort'a Shaw office one day, and after watching them set Farm, consisting of about eleven hundred type awhile, said to one of the typo "iou acres, of which more than nine-teutha are nM a hcaP ' four-penny nails!" in pastor?, nearly all in a ring fence a Tennessee girl, riding on the cars. This ia one of tbe niceat holdings in the crossed the aisle, kicked a young man op kingdom, aud ia indeed, aa perfect a apec- against the window, and remarked: "I men of a grazing farm aa any oue could was brung up never to allow a ycller-eyed wish to aee. The entrance to the home man to wink at me." stead js from the road leading to Old A'ccrtam lady sent her maid to purchase Windsor, about 200 yards beyond where some flesh-colored stockings. The servant that road crosses the Long Walk. Large returned with them jet black. The anger shafts are now beine sunk all alone this of the mistress cravejway to laughter on re- . CT r I . J . , , . road in connection with the aewerage of menioenng mat tnc maw. waa a laoy ot Windsor out to a farm in the parish of color- Old Windaor about a mile and a half Anna Connett, a pretty girl over in New diftaut. The homestead itself ia a very Jersey, was acquitted of the charge of bur- good one; the balifTa house and a very glary, whereupon she threw her arms around WBW STOCK or WINTER GOODS HAVE COME. Having just returned from New York and Philadelphia, we would respectfully announ ce to the public that we are prepared to ofler them one of the largest and cheapest stocks of goods ever brought to this market, consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES Sx. We call especial attention to our large atock of the latest and most fashionables! vies of dotK- tny, Ladies, Shmets and Far in endlesaVarietiea, and a fall assort inent of other Uooda at aston ishingly low price, (lU.OOO) bales Cotton, wanted. Gall and aee ua at No. 1 Murphy's Granite Row. McCUBBINS, BE ALL & DEAN. iDICAL COLLEGE of YIRGM K I C El 71 OA D. SESSION 1875 76- Winter Course of Leetnrea begin October 1st. and cloae in fire month. Fall rstna of Med ical Instruction by tbe Faculty, and daily sys tem of examinations by tbe Adjunct r'acult t . Prileeors fee, 120. Pharmacy Course Beneficiary Ticket. $50. F.r full nartscalar or catah.gue applv to J. B. MoCAW, M. D..4W No GOO Grace bt. Hicbinund Va. Deaa at Facult. nretfv cott asre now occunied bv two if r o ar the Queen's gardenera are really model residences. The farm. building theniBolvea the Judge's neck and kissed him. And now all tbe married lawycrs around Plain field arc candidates for judge. NEW FIRM & NEW GOODSI Kliittx Sc Rendlenian. Hbdrick's New Bi-ildijtg No. S. : 0 : i We are now opening a well and selected WESTERN MARYLAND COL LEGE. FOIt PTUDBXT8 07 BOTH BKXES Ijf PKPAI TB 9.UTmnT, Each having a frill eornn of lrfrsssr. FIFTEEMTH SEMI-AKNUU SESSION bezim Uentember Int. JK75. 6w Vw Catalognea with full information a to Tcrti!K,Lur-e of Study, rle., finiished rn'i'.- itooKlr. AddrrM J. T. WARD, D. D., Pre, dent. WeKtiuinxtr. If d. BUGGIES. JIEWUirrEIEIT8.' AM SEE! COME 10 Baggies for sale, all ii -a i i nuv, on hsn.l, U-n UocrMS wktssV I :ti at the lowet eaab price, aad aa taw, ar jJ!" tba. nnj oUr asaahHsiBnal im Kth (w haa. according to grade. All kindaof rrJuW doaw, at abort aotic. ' Tboaa wubiag any thing ia my Baa. do well to call and -a aw, before pavdaaT! eWa hers aa I am determined not u U aauZl either in price or qaalitr of work ia tksfk! Pal amaaa 1 Kranlii, cad.-t 4 aSTS W of tsaii-bury, K. C. 0- L KErVFX WterB tie MoneyLies! A oar at mar in rood 8io magnincenttnorougn-Drea staiiion -ltaenm, have been erected with every regard to out of "Imported Australian,' entered by purpose far which they are needed, but it Maj. P. W. Hairston was the, observed of all is a pity that in order to save appearance observers. He is the most beautiful horse tbe cattle shedshave such low roots. If we ever saw. Mai. Hairston enters 10 horses they had been two feet higher than- they utock cf Fall and Winter (ioods. which have been bought at the very lowest (Jsuth Price, con sisting of every kind of Dry Good, Yankee no- An Englishman was boastin? to a Yankee tiona, Clothinz. Hataand Cans. Ladiea trimmed tnnt incy naa a ooou m tne untish Museum iiatHi shoeg and 1.. Crocitcrv and a full line .1 1 ik.l 1 j. . u ,. ,,i j.,i v . l of Faaally Groceries, whu-h we ofler aa low aa thataint notlun retorted the lankee: . n . , "in the museum in Bostina thcve irot the the ,owr"t for CaHh r Barter. Hoping by strict nearly all thorough breds. During the day those stanuch farmers and progressive men, Messrs. Jno Dickey John son, and John C. Milier, came in, and each made a large number of entries, several Bew are, they would have been much more lead pencil that Noah used to check off the attention and due politeness to mrit a liberal healthy, and eveu to this height the roofs animals that went into the ark." share of public patronage, aa our'mottoia quick or the buildings would not be seen from , . , alc aud hort profit. the castle grounds. The covered pens tWA wnro tVl A lAv ,nnl. n. .... Come one, come all and give ua a look belore for harboring sheep during the winter are ot ten cents, and handed it to th buing elsewhere, - a a II w ooen to tne same oMection: but in other smoker. "Whafc that for r" bsh1 Iia Tt -a sr a -a tit ji I a " mg jnacuines came in, ana now me veea, re,pect8 they are perfect. J here ia very to buy you a good citrar when you smoke lie threw the scrap in the and iumned and n Her rnhlU 11' LtllOUM h IS II I II i n U1C ILCUt I UclU BO UlCViUCII. Wll lie X 1 tC VjUI f III PI - - - - . an., w.u. .wwi i m . i . . . , .... ...i. .. . ... a , ... i c i r .1. -. i: iwiw ana honest Uoramon-wealths u asked to m motion throughout the day, by tne beau- ouaw iann tuia summer tuai noioiug uas 1. . I l s a "II. , . , , -. 1 l.rn aliA ms n C rw V a ma A ulin s4- sstv II euoorse tne party wnicji nas austainea mui nttie engine, -jsmjm," exmmtea by s- i a colored man, who was lately re?uscita- Utese men ui all their wicaea practices Joshua Thomas Kq., of Baltimore. Mr, """"S" luu lu,,:o VUD 7L l ,ur," ted from wlmt geemed death, but was only will aharply and with sweeping indigna- Thomas has contributed trreatly toward nmum WKca oao rrom rne rarm omi-i catalepsy, was entertaining his tVienda with tton decline to do ao. Jmot; t?..;- .M. .i a k to the Koyai dairy, winch is lt-elt the si-hts he beheld in the other world. lima tj -v-' v . ouv.i-1. , uuii wiv . .i,n.nn.D nf RonnklUrum n lemington. Amencan, liowe ana r lorenco Kttla stock in the baiitliner at the nreseut m the presence ot ladies." illustrated by Grant and hia satellites are all presented by gentlemanly agents, time, and the foot and mouth disease haa I gg' out f i011 and reUiuers. These and other robust The various kinds of machinery were kept been so prevalent on the Prince Consort's lad 8 lap' , cd the strftP' worth a visit when permission can be had. This dairy is a perfeet gem, and far sur vvumingion ouir. 'in . . l :.l . l J I mm .ocprcv my no. ue wuu.m.vc.ouub thanks aQ(j patronage of our citizens. suu nu gun uiv iiui Durcuil r buiuc i iu t i . a tm i i , i I J I c? ' i te i . " . ,r ... i uarsers uuggies ana rnmua s, pncai ana .... -tlis ivliili Mario t,,.,,;,,,.,,,, eomnlete i fttilyenre. hut if thn t ionserva I o e parses anytuing WHICH Marie .Antoinette tive hosts of tlie country will forget their limey as a new beaver hat' were admired achieved at the Patti Trianon. The ma late bickerings on the currency issne and bv everybody. jolica and mosaic of the walls, whi ch will heartily unite in the common cause of An admirable contrivance for a new gate are studded with raedallious of the Q leen, aound and houeat government November and fence, Buckman's patent, was put on the Paiuce Consort and their children, ihi nf Centennial year will not come without exhibition by Mr. J. H. Best of Statesville doublo roof and the three fold windows bringing with it bealingfor all wounds and Farmers would do well to examine this, as lle inner window being of stained gl aa ' - I i a -it t . ail a peace and nraaoeritv tor the whole laud U,nit tK nnmstnns tw in.nrnmonto the mirapans in wane ana goio, and th Mob Law. One of the alarming features of the general demoralisaiiou of the country, ia the universal prevalence of mobocracy. Hardly a day. paasea that, in aomc region, tha papera do not report a Iynchii.g, a mob hanging of a real or aupposed crimi nal. A half dozen casea have been re- curious iuia;a noor reprcdcui 8 large auin of money. All the butter made there is sent to the Isle of Wight daily, and to Scotland three times a week when the court h at Osborne or Balmoral, aud, fruit and labor-saving inventions to be seen i on the ground a. The, world is moving, and here, better than almost anywhere else, is it's progress exemplified. Ulodfelters elegant home made Furniture and vegetables am always dispatched at surprises everybody. It can't be beaten any- the same time. 1 he cows which supply where. The new "Blacksmith Fan," to take th's dairy stand in a long range of stalls the place of the old-fafhioned bellows,, took close by, and several of them also have 11 .Y1- a -. .I s a s It's a canitnl thinff. When we been amicted wttn tne toot and inoulb our eye. wandered around to look at the great disease. There are a few bulls beiri2 .1 J . .1 .,.,1 ;.. .1... 1 I. - ff . i. l. nrnrp. "SwOAnotmVmi Spmmtnr" Wliolrnv 1 ucoc oucu , buiuhk iuciu tng for homicide, for ravishment, for horse- Mower and Reaper, Hall's and Taylor's Gin ?T .KVi T0" . . . ' , . . . , biitfalo and 'King IvotTee. 1 hi tealing; and m one instance at least, a. Cider M.Ua, Corn SheUers, Cultivators, Cook . AahaJtee bull, rare ly s....wr,.c, w ,ur mnmui rf va, inompsons, meroneys ana Iurge a a goat, brought back from Cuom- -.jsii..s su H. iuC nows, rower, runners ravome wain a:R nd be onlv fc.,t , , standing two a last scarcely as Plenty colored bredren in Heaven. I spec, Tom." "Oh, ves r said Tom. "And how about hell any down there ?" asked anoth er interlocutor. "Oh, yes ! massa, plenty of dem der too. "Any white folks, Tom ?' "Lord save us, der ain't no end on 'em, but by gosh, massa. ebery white man done got a nigcr hoidin between hi:n and de fire !" um winsion was a negro preaeher in Virginia, and his ideas of theology and hu man, nature were often very original. A gentleman thus accosted the old gentleman one Sunday: "Winston, I understand yon believe every woman has seven devils. How can you prove 11 f "wen, san, did you never read in de Bible how seven debbjes were cast out er Mary Mntrahn ? ' "Oh, yes! I've rend that." "Did you ebber near 01 .cm oem cast out 01 any oier wo man, sah ?" "No I never did." "Well, den, all do odders got em yet. NO TROUBLE TO 8 HOW GOODS. We pay the highest market pricea lor all kind of Country produce in Cah or Barter. W, LAWSON KLLTl'Z. J. A. RENDLEMAX. Oct. 14. 18o5 3. mo. Mrs JusRrniNE L. Nkavk baa permanently located in Salifbury, and aolir.it pui ibi fr thorough instruction iu Piano-forte, aud the Germau language, and afir an experi ence of over iJ2 y-nrs a- a tNcher in first class Colleges, no 1 iu Urge china in compe tition with the beM tnuir teachra ahe feela Co n fide ut that ahecau give her patrons entire aatiafac;ioQ. For Fine Bugrories and other Work iu tbe Carriage line, call at W. M BARBER'S. Shops no Liberty street bc;eeu Initiaa & Fir her 8ta. it u. W tdk mm OBKAT saaav tarmsrs have in good Mock, foaltrv. t,r.; AMKKICAN STXK'K J(')l'R5Al' ai-out Uses-, awl aaay be bad A WHOLE YE AE FOE . jiii ttiink or it! Nearly 49 aaaai af tU. ia one year. rttnnry ndrt charge. aa . - as wen a manv other article, to up clubs. Agent and other oiheragood, by obtaining anbarribrrs ; lOaaaa. eenrea specimen and rxplaina how to do a. " Addreas PllTTS BKOTIIEE8, Parkeaburg, Cheater Go, Pa. orl.?l-tf. ept. .. tf BernkuTut THE SEA SE5aPE.T IsKALiTV. lwa are alow aud uncertain in their nation, ia but aliriit mitigation of op- the Drill's &c, &c, wondering like the old wo- (j0e to the uajry ja tjlft curiosity. pouhry-houfe, IgatlOn Of Ulf" m.in n-lioii uiofirat cuv a mnnl-or rhnt frll-c ! ...!"..!. .. J IJ 1 crime ofpnttiug a human being to deaih I rould t to maki ext We must not 8Uver phea.anta, eoiue Av,d tlu.ian fowl,, Without a ahfldow Of Ip.ntl nnweaa La. I . . . ' k -a- iJZZwL n. forget Watson's broom'a, of winch a fine lot and a tew ot tbe old 1 rZrS::" 7 on W host broms greys." in the center of this poultryhousc, O tvavt aio a w iivvuvm IB iiv laws and their administration. Let tbetn maue eeaee to follow the blind leadings of cheap- But when we get to particutarizing, we john politicians and of their own preju- get dost. Our mind wanders from the dice. Let them acourge all ignoramusea, bright pictures, sparkling fountain and traffickers and idlers from their legislature Lgay embroideries of Floral nail to the lus and judicial hal la ; and fill their places cious crranes. temntiner honev and anneti- with wise and true men, men enlighted ans vegetable of the agricultural depart ment, and then to the grand stand, to the races, and to the stalls and stables with as to tbe needs of the nation, appreciating its wrongs and determined to reform them. men who can neither be swayed Ny fear or favor, on whose only aim is the public good, the welfare of their coun trymen. Down with all whipper-snapper politicians, vote buyers and sellers, cor ruption dabblers aud ring-rascal cats paws ; and give ua law-makers and law administrators, whose wisdom and integri ty, seal, energy and promptness, shall lore ever do away with the last shadow of excuse for the lawless mob hangings which almost daily disgrace some portion of our laud, and are becomiug one of the hideous biota upon our American civiltza- tio LBmtinn, fashioned ''Scotch f this poultry-house, or aviary, is a little cottage in which the Queen used to come for her 5 o'clock lea, but since Frogmore has been emply, ehe has no further use for it. In reference to the laborers employed on the farms, it may safely be said that they are very well cared for. When there were some tiens of discontent among the men employed on the Ooborne estate, calculations were made as to tbe amount received by the an'd shingcliek Windsor men in raouey payments, and at horses. So we forebear. only fonrteen shillings a week for ordina- A noticeable thing was the entire absence ry lborera, it is estimated that, what with of clap-trap side shows, gambing machines, house rent, fuel, milk, and other advanU- &c, as not a single thing of the kind is to f " equivalent- to little u a m- i ii r a less than cl a week. Nor is this all, for be found. This speaks well for the man- ,i . , . . ! , All in all, the Fair yesterdny was fnd for tlie men who-leam to read and their fat hogs, fine cows, and tell us all agement. So crrnnn nnn nifiiT o npniirtimnrf cnirii:u . i . i i i & .- wrue, aiui some or iopoi nave none To-day we look for a largely increase crowd well that they hive at much as 20 stand- as new leetures ot attraction will be added 1 mg to their credit to the programme, as will be seen elsewhere. Let everybody turn out. The stores will be closed from ten till four o'clock so that all may have an opportunity of attending. jFbtr Week Daily. An Obtnse Man. aais; m The N. 0. Convention. We wish that we could give an unqual ified "well done" to all that the Conser Those Pretty Stockings. New York Star. A Kex Jersey Sea Captain who Saw One Over a xiundred FeetlLong. Captain Joseph Uai'on, who liasres ded here over a quarter of u century, has followed the water forty-five years evi r since he was a boy ten years of age - aud is now pilot of the steamship Nor man, of the Philadelphia aud Boston line of steam ers, which position he h.ts held over eight years, dropped iulo our olBcu on Fiiday, and said : 'You had si u your papera few days ao I ! I I ..II f a paragrapn woicn reaa, "uas any oue in Bridgeton seen the sea serpent t" aud I have called to inform pou thai 1 have seen it. "Sit down, Captaiu, ab ut it " "t ertainly : I'll tell you what I saw with my own eyes, and what four other s a a a gentlemen saw at tbe same time. The Captain then said that on the 7 1 t -. evening ot diuy J , or mo presenr yem, when oft" Plymouth, abont tit.y miles froui Uoston, his attention was atlracteu to a strange looking object in the sea, abont half-iuiie distant, wheieupon he pro cured a st y-glass, and sighting through it, saw what appeared to be a huge snake swimming rapidly towards the vessel. At the same time, he called the aitentiou of four other gentlemen, who gazed at the monster, which at this time was ap parently about two hundred yards from the vessel, swimming with considerable Are now receiving their largrstock of Fall Goods. rousifetiug of DRY OOODS, NOTION'S. CLOTHING, BOOTS A SHOES. HATS fc (JAl'S. FAMILY GUOCEKlESt mi d many othr article which they are en Mble to .-.! at l'RICCS as low as they cau be bought. Come and examine our ttoek lwfre pur chasing, midI be couv'mrt-d. Satisfaction guaranteed or money rei'uudVd. llKUNflARDT A: SON'S. Salisbury, Oct. 14. 2mos. 0HHTJTJ4 & BAGGAG WAGON ACCOMMODATIONS. mix. STAR SALOON. MAIN STREET. Next Door to National HoteL The proprietor wiabra to anaoauei to hia frifbds aoJ the puhlie gfosrally that he baa always on hand lull aoaortujfiil of thr fio-! wiu aod liquors. The fo. n.r rvpotatioti of thl ffUhlishmeot will b austsnuvd re gardlss of ct. Himw iiimb Whinkeys and Br-iudit-s spTialiir. Ilailry's Rye r Cora Wl.iakrj. Cliav'a Coru Whiskey alwaya on hand. J. A. 8XIDEK. VruyrurUtt. STAR SALOON RESTAURAIiT It now nentHl aud will bs fuminhed with every delicacy the market a&rd, Freeh Oyatrs. Fiah. all aiiida of fouls. Gataa of every description. HeaU at all buura either day or uight. J. A. SXIDER. Propri lor. COTTON SAW GIN, Kqnal lo any in the country, with an improv ed vM Ion roll socrioi to any otln-r liui .. i. . i. ; .. ri ii bv J. M. ELLIOTT. W i:h . .i ., .S. I". Refrrencea : W. R. Crt--hl. K. K. Aj;t, and Maj. V. W. Woodward. July 1-3, 18. o 3mo pd. assaaasaaaaaaaia I bare fiard hpu Onaaibus arw! 'foa wkirli are always ready to cMrrTm. aoaa la or f rota tbe depot, to aad f roes tanaw iniiina. etc Lssarr untrrsat alssssiua Hess or ax say Li eery A Sl btablr L near Railroad bridge. tn M M. A. BRINULE- Aog. 19. tf. R. Frank Graham. J. V. G. Watsox. U C. 0. Graham. Graham. A TREMENDOUS FALL In Dry Goods just as we were buying oar Stock, lies enabled us to pat ia store aa as sortmeut of Goods unpreeodeotly low. Our Stock is entirely new. was eeleeted with care as to quality aad price and is offer ed at as low pricea aa can be found iu this part of the South. We have io Stock a full line of Staph Ac Fancy Dry Goods. Hats. Hoots, Shoe. Ready made Clothing. Xotioua, Groceries. Ac. and we waut tne ruolic to call and sea us , before buying. All we ask is a chance to show our goods aud to let you learo by ex perieiice that we mean to aell Goods oa fair and honest terms. R. FRANK GRAHAM Sc Co.. Hedrick building. 1st door below Bingham Ac Co.. Main Street. SIMOKTOH FEMALE COLLEGE. MIATDYILLE, .V C. The neat se4ou will open Kepi. I. lTk Teriaa fur board . str . bare been made as le a pieWb'e t sail the tunes. Iteretsoa : Re, Chas rt.i lip.. It. 1).. pr. W. J. Martin Re? W. A- Wsod. Kev. 1 r. Jordan. Csut L Vance. U a. W. . iUuir. and ail frwasW af tbe la:.- Prof. UiUbell. .GUapd 001. X C. A0g. I. 1-7 4 -t ... - E. U. TIIKMI s rrlAGHINE WORKS Corner of Flxtor dc CocicaL. Streets. (taliabary. X C. Having all my new Mehioery ia upera. a'io. am ai prepared in ctnueliwa srgi the lr u Ac llrata Works 1st J all aiads 4 x..i w-rk. snch as Linker lr-a. Toiigoe CC jrt iiig. ui.ikiua Sasli. Jl Ac i V..r- takir.. stHildibg fnee iaeS i ct.es aide. ais TartiiMg Ac I'a'tern a mg. wrug lirark-tis. Ace. IJaviac tl lesl Machinery and first : sat isTael loti is guarMnt.-t-d. 0. M. Una, si u a. DalsAC C. R. I'.uut slCl harssi aa luioi in TO G3NSUSSPT1VES. A Oeotlrmaa having been so fortnnale an la cure his son of Consumption in its worst si ipes after biw- given my lo the by lite hhs relelirs- leu pnyn-iana, acairea to make Known lh rntc (wluch proves successful in e rr t :vc lolkiat anl'ielcd with Asthma, Rroncl.ilist. owgbs t'obis, C'oirsumtion, and all Affection of the Throat and Lungs and will send the Rerii. free of ..!..... i . . ill ...... .i.;... . if . i ii r - i their .duress to DANIEL ADKK, 32 Liberty he" m? U toand 1 fu" mMm Sc., New York. . Pure Drugs, Madiriaea, Dye 'Halfc, Fust lUaa- July 29, 6-moa. kerchief Ki tracts, Foniga A Itaaaeatic Cab ognes, No Hair, Tooth A ail Braaaa. A BUI3 & BAEKEB WHOLESALE &BETAL DniaifB Corner Main Ac Kisbci Sireeta, SALISBURY, N. DISSOLUTION! Tlie Firm of Kluttx, Uraham A Readleaian has thU day (Sept 2otb, 1K75.) diasoleed by lirnitation, and ihey hereby give notice to all indebted to said Firm lo call and settle their account without delar, as flsey are eere ana ions to close the business of I he aboee Fir an They return their sincere tbanka lor Ibe eery liberal patronage given tbaai trj the gcoeroaa public. KI.UTTZ. GUAR AH A RFXDLEXaX. Oct 14. T5 Smos She was a stylish young lady about eighteen years old, and to acconimo- a. as va a . date a tnond she took the baby out for an airinsr. She was wheeling it UD and down the walk when nn ohHsh I Pe, on a atruigbt course, and apparently vatives did in tbe Convention. But a I . .. .. .. Ar i ,i ! naraaine some Ur'e fi-h. probably a r i i m. i Saa here, arirls. this wont do. Thosp uunc uiuug auu in- r , i j few showed grat weakneea on the Tax oe ' 1 1 L..:.' i i-: 6 , eword hh. which wa vbaerved a nhon w . 7? i . . :ii i .i ..-ktj tt uuiicu lur ;l r nprann kii nnson . .... Honda. Tbe Legialature ought to hmrv' w- F'y tCir L rV oi rr , i disiance from the serpent, and evidently i I ?s.w i l . 1 nr a asalldlliv III! I l . l I Kl I'MMl I III I nor l' ... n it t , . " v 1 in a hnrrv. Tito head of tbe monster to answer ; ... ra,A t i.t It'll f-t't llHllVM tl.P it. and could be satisfied with nothing lesa K wearing colored bosc, citesveral instan- . , au" "e . '?Kea arounu, caught than tlua. But there waa an nnmanly eea where the firet avmntorhwere intense s,ghl W fiaby. and said : k ' ' jf... .i I with vonr leira. so take, them nff. A -ucvu cuisinciru J (jcaiuuiaic iAiO uion- I c - i 11 11 t, t , troua hand. The lax paver exnected medical aathority. in noticing the evil effects y?llcU T, he fl Jrylng JOHN. H. ENNISS Successor to C. R. BARKER &Co., next to MEROXEY & BRO, MAIN STREET, S.VLISBURY, X. C. Havana A Asaeriran (.'israr. All SJJDKI.Nli A CHEWING TolsAiCO. iac lol of Brasa A tilasa I. M1; alas tat cr-lrbrated IVrk ins A Hou-e Nua-atFtaarra Kerrssene Ijaasps wbicb we laiml Jmr awa femtm. Wbtskev. Frtacb lras4y, braii-rwg Wine by Ihe botUe or gslloa. BUtlksrm. M .lags, California Kherry m. Port Vsasa Imported tiin, aad la fact err-n kissj asaaU kept in a f rat rlaas Drag Store. ar fV tton demvtmnrmt is mUctj sa 'kt ataas nf lit ysw . a ger in bar tag tbeir ptaaciiptsaas ad. Feb. 18tb. 1S76. tt aojnirmtng on tne question, ibe vote araa taken by acclamation, ao aa (o dodge the Ayes and Noes. The friend of the fcondhohh'rs did not wart to lea the peo ple know how they voted. Tbe Radicals were, of enure, on the side of tbe bondholders, leaders profeea to be the 1 S? 1 ST .a aa zealous meuaa ot the "poor less," they do always uphold "tbe exae Uona and expressions nf the strong and wealthy." Southernionttf. TRUE.' I suppose you "Nice child, that. feel proud of him ?" "It isn't mine!" she yelled at him. "Boy, eh ? Well, he looks just like irritation in the akin of tbe feet, swelling and an inflamed appearance; then an outbreak of watery blisters of all sizes, from groups of the size of hemp seed to giugle blisters' on U. alAs-a 1 .1 a Lin- VOU. vi iik iwt ii( uiBu a uncsniiiue .,-r. ... , , i While Radieal rW This condition waa accompanied by , t , "f. .J ag".,n' DeculW ITj Ueueralverishuew, rigor, lose of appetite, it he nodded his head and comm and power? and a sensation of prevailing malaise. In a ued : severe attack the patient was rarely able to "Twins, eh? Where's the Other walk for three weeks, and after one attack one ? passed off it was often followed by another ol j r a.u xi. l i A i. of the milder type. Iu one ease a gentleman bhe started off Wlth" cab, but he was oblidged to wear cloth shoes for upward followed and asked : of eight months, aod with other patients the "Did it die of colic ?" system has been so Impregnated with the Tfoono;mn f mb;n b:, ,..1. lu ao editorial discussing the defeat of poison that blisters have reappeared at in- at.nA L, r .?u -i a Oov. Allen, and the lutureof the partiea, iervals, not only on the feet, but ou the fjg 1 .1. ? ' .u the AuauetQ Constitutionalist of the Htb haila8- 4rc- for ,uore th" three years. t!e aby, at herself and then shook There was no donbt as to tbe cause and her head. "Yes yes, I see 'tother twin in the house. Their father is fond of Augusta ana rr.nplni'M vswv ism Shi. wa loV ere was no nonoii in these worf.7' ' g f Jlood-poisoning for the blia- a i o t , ters first came in stripes eorresDondinc to oo lar aa tue onin ia concerned, we the 9tripn on th6 stoekinga, and the c may possess oaraeivea in patience and lanndaeaa enmnlainAd of tn tsrat:n a tnera ot course I await final results with complacency, inflamed condition of their bands after wash- She turned the cab and hurried the The evils of reeumption may not fall upon ing theas poisonous articles. A Scotch lady other way, but he followed and 1 .1 lit . 1 V .1 ohn .nSoil f.. . 1 1 . "J 11 ua an in aj ap inev win upon toe .oriD. I wuu oul",CT1 "m a uae cause, unjagnt a I aSKeCl : We have gold crops, ft behooves our planters to move everything iu their pow er to make tbeir own bread and meat, and thereby secure immunity from Eastern and Western merchants aa well aa politi cians. Our commercial freedom will be our .freedom politically. That once es tablished, it will matter precious little avheihar jpen beyond ua are called by pne pianie or another. Tbe Titan of the North la engaged at present in rending oak. We tbe Sooth may look with some interest and 'nrioiiy .of the rtjwundj, which If iure follow. . r. 1 a . A .a n ' a a a ZSmmsmtESSm, SLzT uJo they kick around much niehts? C"" " (Swum auu ll woo lOTUiai- I UT Al I , . . . ., , 1 ly announced by them that henceforth tbe 1 teI1 y011 t111 mine 8ne shout- use of arsenic in tbe composition of the dyes o: , looking very red in the lace. would be discontinued. Although having "I thtnk you're wrong there " he P-: " ! I M answered. watehfulearaonthapartofboth purchaser , "Children brought up on the bot- and manatacturer. As wo have suggested tie are aPt to Pinfi alJd die. 7 a Dove, these tacts are worthy of special con- one started on a run for the Grate. sideration at preaent. For, where tbe fasb- but before she had opened it he came inn nf wesrinsr mttinoA !I1 :.v . j, v " sssssss ... .. m .i.wmugg win, wuu- nn and-nakpii " wuuuw to Keniiemeu a tt , i . . , . alone, yet tbe uae by them of questionable Wave to spank em once and awhie colors may result iu the disastrous fffeet 1 suppose ? aKgd deaejibed. She made about twentv crest ur pa in v j . ocean, but remained stationary only a moment, us it v.:. a almost couslaiilly in motion, now di.ing for a moment aud as suddenly reappeariug to the same height. Tbe Captain calculated that it plunged down once every half minute, and he aaw it do ihi over a dozen limes, us did also the other spectators. The aubmatine leviathan waa striped black and white, the stripes running engthways, from the head to ibe tail. The belly was almost white, and rounding aud the head resembled that of a lizzard, or a bull frog. The throat waa pure white, and the head, which wa extreme ly large, wa full blaek, from wbicb, just above the lizzard-shaped mouth, protru ded, an inch or more, a pair of deep black eyes, as large aa ordinary saucers. The body waa round, and as as large as a fish barrel, ihe I. upturn says that the maa. sa a real serpent was over a 1UU tect long. I tie motion ot the hsu was like that ot a caterpillar, with this exception, tbat the ' bead of the snake plunged under the wa tor, whereas the head ot tbe worm merely crooks to the ground. During ita pass age toward the vessel, and as long aa the monster waa in view, the water in ua wake and around it waa violently agitated, and every time it made a plunge, tbe water, or spray waa thrown up qute high, probably six or eight feet. I be serpent passed on and was lost in the "suu wake." In this connection it ia well to state fKFTAIL UFA UK in FIRF new urai aaawaaws mm sai " W wsa -wsws pritton, awe ar lav other s? aad aiaat and ao one aaed ap Atoiitnitor'i Sale of Real al P EES 0 HAL ESTATE. .-ft- Notice ia hereby gfera. taat Ua will oder fcsr aals at nSl aact oa. raskra "r or V.taasaa, ia7. at ia ua we aeace a FeUa I lssaslar. awoaase4. aAassiaW kwadrad arrra ot laa4. Wtwagiaa la ta asaaaj aaiU fawaasd, adjaialag ta laads af fj roo4saaa. Mrs. M. t. W atts aad oiWrrs-sasf ia Ml. Ulla Towaatua. atssal W antra wrw t Ka'tabarr. oa Um v stars mi n.H's t i wk kspr k. Tkta la a rv mmA sstta sssl Mi iia i an. arrsera. v . aalaar la twelve aiaaUa. iat At Us aawsr Uas ofaau. lQU aasasli af cava aad a let af awa SU Is Itls alsrs si 1 1 a'ft vk. A. wisinag towcetke laaacaa ea.i a . L.C saawhea. or mm tls adrrsrasd. BiMX a. unriAJiia. djfr Rent. lKTS-tts. of Fell i I. Perfumeries, Snuffs, Combs, Brushes, Oils, Var nishes, Dye-wood & Dye-stuffs, Putty, Paints, Lamps, Lamp Goods, Kerosine Oil, Chim neys, Patent Medicines, Grass and Gar den Seed. PURE Wines and Liauors for Medicinal vurvoses. Physicians, Druggists and Country Merchants will be supplied with Goods in mv line at a small advance on Baltimore a prices. ENNISS' AGUE and FEVER PILLS The BEST known to cure the Ague & Fever; never known to fail a . r - s s " i 1 1 j m ri j . that Captain Garton'a word ia hia bond, cn accoramg w directions. iAU twu yet u oox, pnee oueu and that he ia a gentleman of unimpeacb t ENNISS'. able veracity. That tbe sea serpent is a UlliAKS & TUJbAVJUU. reality, and not a sailor's yarn, ie our firm The best 10 Cent CiffaX far 6 Otntl to had in thi CitT. tad tht TobifiOO ll A uviicj. jLrityciv i pp psjsj q ma marm aVv J as3j . B O Y D E ! U S Ei SALISBl RY, If. C. Dm. Raarn, M Tl.. 1 ssa 'r - i . ; . Mi, . t. ikr iibusi ana iss ajre while she Al. HOTXL. Nut ha vine to tad fled that she fortablr. ntwlr ft l in ror r frosa the lluf-K. at tW-XataaaaT ceoaBVAodate her w.-u prwpeHj, to. the BOY DEN HuL'SK, aa 4 1 jg1 the ttry heat sayta. ia . a, with all tha a and in 11" nrr I Kim us " v East, take Braaataat the W. 5.C M?S allheMUi First clau Bar aad BUIIaJ loon eoonected with the BOUSt July 15 lm. $B-t20 Per Dae at