it r A- Carolina w awuiuaii. LOCAL. ass OCTOBER. 28. Cdar(vellnriery.-Rrf Pliifl, Yd. TKisW been the tnrtr orrinr4 kiBMmiU " - r. i I I ted a fine lot of Grape and Apples at our Fair fVef in . TBcre art week. We have tested the oualitr of MnM MS nothing occurred to mar the pleaS- Di4 anybody ever se such weather I Bon SaperUr Coart next week. ga the ad vrtiaetnente. It will pay you . - from people who think enough of your to ask for H Dy auven.wug. or their fmils and found them very fine. They nave an excellent assortment of late Apple. which our people would do wall to cultivate. Orders sent to them to make the selection will generally prove very satisfactory ; for they will sort, no doubt, with a view to the time of rip. ening, arranging so as to give a supply of fruit the whole year round. Thev have the best varieties of grapes we have seen anywhere. We sre in debted to the Hon. W. M. Bobbins y Weather Map DOU.YMOCNT Cam are aH the UrCohlio Beall & Denu have then. . ! -!'-"! T Bt fail t" te4 Mr. Kerr Craige's ad. H has fine building loU for sale. gui Ming iWlfcrget. and Loan next Monday night. Our visitors, so far as we can learn, all went home, not only pleased but delighted, and with our good neighbor Caldwell of the Obtrver, we ure of any one. The absence of all trust that the amenities of the occasion may gambling and swindling machines is certainly a great improvement. The 1 resident and- Directors did all in their power to prevent gamesters from intruding daring the Fair and much credit is due them, for their perfect success. Mahshalls la our notice of the Fair, we inadvertently neglected to attention the eery very praise worthy eondoet of the ex cellent Chief Marshall. Capt. W. H. Craw ford, and his corps of gentlemanly assistants. The perfect system, good order and smooth roaoiug of the whole affair, was largely due t their quiet, hut most excellent man agement. Hogs. There was a pretty war a m l Vatiokal hotel,. Mine nosi oi tap Stuooal ilolel of this city keeps a good house. J The farmers this year are using more blue ofaiol than-usual, an 1 we may look for clean 0t wheat uest eeasou. Mr. John Bnis has returned to his old stand with a Urge supply of new marble. Improving- The three colored men who wre injured by the reeeat explosion at Dune Meeotain, are all convalescent. Prize Baby. Mr O. A. Bingham's fine boy k.k Look the premium at the "baby show" during the late Fair hPf7- Missionary: Rev M H Houston, a Pres byterian Missionary to Sucbow, China, lectured in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday night last. The lecture is highly spoken of by all who heard it, and at its conclusion a liberal collection was made for the benefit of the mis sion. It will be remembered that our talented young townsman Rev Jno W David is attached to the Suchow Mission. ml The ores of the Allen mine urDavie county, have been tested, as we learn, and show great richness. There are two veins lying near each other, one bearing silver and the other copper. The ores tested for silver (a pulverized table spoonful) yielded about $ cts. That for copper, at the ratnof about $400 per ton. These veins have been followed to the depth of 28 feet, and show a slight increase in width and improve ment in the character of the ores. - Urge list of exhibitors, in this line at the Fair. The Berkshire stock is coming in again, and we think, with the Es sex, will ere long root out the white Chester. A cross of the Berkshire T T1 - a- a m ana rsex is in the highest lavor we think, though there were some very fine specimens of mixed Chesters. Mr. O. Atwell exhibited two white pigs, Chester and Essex, less than six months old, which weighed 210 and 252 lbs. Mr. John C. Miller was on hand with very Hue. pigs of 5 weeks Essex and Berkshire. Jas. Crawforc exhibited 2 Chester, 8 months, the fattest on the grounds. Entries No 3, 5, 7, 8, 1, all very fine, hut their owners were unknown to us. Entry No. 2 was "Tom Holt," an Essex Boar of 521 lbs. No. 13, a thorough bred sow, heavier then Tom Holt. lead to a better feeling between Charlotte and Salisbury. The financial result is highly gratifying. The receipts were sufficient to pay in full, dol lar lor dollar in auk, every premium ottered. all expenses incurred, and leave a balance in the treasury besides. On Friday at one o'clock, while the Fair was still in prozivss, the Treasurer's office was opened for the payment of premiums as fast as they were called for. This is something which, so far as we know has never been done by any Fair ever held in the State. The number of the entries was so much greater than was anticipated that the Secretary used up all the entry tags, and had to write more. This is something unprecedented this department from Cedar Nursery, in Yadkin Couilty,' proprietors sent down, also, a lot of fruit trees and" vines for sale. ' The apples b ho wn were in great variety and perfect beauties ; grapes, well pre served and very fine. Woodson of the News elevated himself upon a chicken coop and crowed out about 70 su I scribers from the happy crowd around him. Falls T7TTTlTim7n wnosjc i i ill I if 1 1 JLA.JJU X a U U DUliltBlW. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHUpid!, Sim. Jill Aafw -, ACENT3 Novetbas and Lb Another mother made gaiatr? Skttled. Sheriff Chas. F. Wag goaer. settled with the State Treasurer, on Taenday of LbU week. IIo Is ill ways among the ftrtt to settlo up. Case of Stnte vs. John Berry, charged with marder of Caleb Setter, viu continued at Da ridjon court last week. Wsedrfon of the Neva had a fine lot of print tag specimens at our fitir. They wre very aineh admired for the skill and ueatness evinced ia their execution by all who saw them. We rjret nut having seen them. Pass Him Around : Lookout for one G H. Hancock, who professes to be an agent for ba "Saany South," published at Atlanta. JltV a fraud. Particulars next week. Mr. D. It. Julian has opened out in his new aland with a great variety of canned meats oslera, groceries, notion and so on. He means business: (Jo and sec him. To be Torn ap. A rumor Is floating aruuud that a strong effort is Id he made to have the W. N. C R. R. from Statesville to Salisbury, torn up. The thing is too outrageous to be true. It would be such a gross usurpation of power. as our people would not tamely submit to. Eveu if they had the right, we have no idea that tt e gentlemen who eompose the Com mission, would thiuk of doing anything of the kind; and we merely meution the rumor to say that we do not believe there ia any foundation for it. Another Midnight Robbery : They didn't seem to out for anything but money last night. Some rascal cut a slat out of Mr. J. P. Go wan a front window blind the sash being partly raised reach iu with a elick or hook, and fished out his pants and cost and went through the pockets. The only thing taken was about forty cents in money which Mr. G lappened to have in his pocket-book. The Oca Fair. We take the subjoined com raenis from sources we very much respect, in regard to our Fair. From the Hillsboro Rocorder. ' THE SALISBURY FAIR The Watchman thinks the success greater than ever before. The crowd was larger, the display of all things finer, and altogether Kowan shows her capability to make the finest countv exhibitions in the Stale. Her success will stimulate to farther effort until the Rowan Fair will become the Great Exposition of the Western Counties. Botts. This dangerous disease iu horses may he promptly cured by drenehtng with, a strong tea inude of common garden tensey. It is said to he Infallible. 1 Th JsTsNM Troupe failed to meet their en gagements here last week, and we sea that Ihty failed to turu up iu Charlotte this week. They must have busted ? A ud tl.ey owe us a kill too, doggon Vin. Rtv. Archibald Hakeb, who was for many years Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of this place fiilled its pnlpit on last JBabbath. Mr. Baker received many a warm greeting from his former parishioners. the empty poeket-book, with some papers left carefnlly on the window-sill This should make our people careful about fastening their doors and windows, as the steal ing for the winter, haB evidently set in So no cm. During the war this article filled an indispensable place in the products of the farm, and the strangest part of it is, that The officers from President down to the Police, were unremitting in their exertions, and each and every one of them are deserving of the very highest praise. The popular and accomplished young President, Mr. A. H. Boyden woo golden epinions from all by his genial deportment, active oversight, and intense personal interest in everything connected with the Fair. To him more than to any, or perhaps stl, others is due the splendid success achieved and it is the wish of every friend of the Fair that he may be induced to accept the position for the coming year. The Secretary, Mr. B. F. Rogers, this year, as always before, filled his responsible office, with the very highest credit to himself, anu satisfaction to the asso ciation and its patrons. The Directors, each and all, did their whole duty, and too much can not be said in their praise. This grand success, in the face of 'he hard times, and she discouraging predictions of croackerw, places the Salisbury Fair on a proud, and we believe, a permanent footing. If our people will only sustain it, it is destined to be the Fair of the State. The officeis are now hard at work on their reports, and a meeting of the stockholders will be called at an early day. The Great Anti-Periodic The certainty and promptitude with which 11 octette rtf Stomach Bitters conquer the most obstinate cases of malarial discs e, and Jthe complete protection which they afford the system against the miasmatic poison which impregnate the air of low-lying, marshy lo calities, stamp them as he foremost of A men- can auti-periodic Wherever on this conti nent fever, and ague s a regular visitant in the bottom lands of the South, the new clear ings and milling districts of the West, and. in all localities in the fiastexn and Middle State- where malaria prevails, the Bitters aro recog niied as the only true specific for the disease. FACTS ! FACTS!! FACTS!!! I1W ADTOBTJ8ZMXMT. on, Pailadslpals ra. w. KLUTTZ'S DRUB STORE, is AOIWTS WA mas Awarded far HOLM A KXW PICTORIA BIBLES A. J. liOL.HA Pail. From the Charlotte Democrat. TheSalisbitby Fair. The "Western Fair" was held at Salisbury last week, and was a success, there being more articles on exhibition andmore people in attendance tbait in previous rears. On Thursday the Hornet Steam Fire Com pany of this Citv was on the Fair Grounds, and, together with the Kowan Iiifie Guards, made a fine di-udav We are pleased that so many of our citisens went to our sifter Town on the occasion of the Fnr, and we are pleased that the Farmers o Rowan took so much interest in the exhibition not allowing little spiteful prejudices or jeal ouaies to prevent them from aiding the under taking The match game of Bao Ball for a Silver Pitcher, between the Mecklenburg Base Bal coat and pants were left lying in the yard, and qub of Conc resulted in a victory far the former The Concord Suv, and other papers have made kind and flattering notices of our success ful fair. aud its most reliable preventive. They arc moreover, a safe and agreeable as weal as a certain remedy, and on this account arc ina- mejgurobiy superior to the preparations of qninine, arenic, bumuth. and other mineral mtifton.s mistakenly administered as curatives for maladies caused by miasma, and which if persisTed in work irreparable injury to the con stitution Uniortunatelv, fever and ague, and the other febrlie complain 's generated by miasma, are not tbe ouly evils which result from it. A great variety of disorders are superinduced by the iritat ion which it causes. Among these are neuralgia, rheumatism, gout periodical headache, palpitation, painful affections of tbe spleen, and armus derangement of tbe atom .. h. When traceable to malaria, the above affections are apt to assume like the di "-' which originated them, an intermittent tpye; that is to say. they recur at regular- intcrvais. Hostetter s Hitters, however, obviates tbtm all. by Ua iiLinr the miasmatic virus Irom the Hystem the huwest, and oldest eaUblUhad La KLLTTZ-8 DRUG STORE, ia pre pared to duplicate auj Merchant' or Physician's BUI, bought anywhere in Christendom. KLUTTZ'8 DBUO 8TORE, he done, ia doing, and intends to do. tbe argeit Dm; trade ia ibis seetioa ca tbe State. sssww ari nu!. .Ylrwda ara KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE mrjt UkitiMi Gouic. sAwwisai hew C0NC02D REGISTER. This astute pa;er says of our Fair : We were in Salisbury yesterday looking around for p0 something to write to edify our farmers but many of that class of our citizens should ever dor compels us to say we did not find much, have discontinued, the use of it. It-is cheaper, The exhibition in no department was good, at- and a great deal better, than any molasses they can buy for the price it costs to produce it. And then those who make and use it know tendance was only respectable, at furthest not numbering over twelve hundred.' For cool misrepresentation, the above woukt The Fair last Thursday presented a lively 6cene. The attendance was very large of both sexes and of all acres and color. A vast, good humor ed throng, each one intent on seeing and enjoying all that was to be seen and heard. The ruain stand, occupi ed by the ladies, flashed with gay colors and was radiant with smiling faces. Greetings and wit and repar tee were the order of the day. There were numerous visitors from the ad joining counties and some from other States; and we saw none, absolutely not one, who seemed friendless aud alone. Good order and happiness reigned without disturbance to mar them, while the sweet music of the Silver Cornets inspired the most art lc?s gaiety. It would be a pleasing task, were it possible, to present to the reader the brilliant "scenes, intermingled with gay equipages, the articles on exhibition in the halls and on the grounds. But it cannot be done. The entries this year are more numerous thau ever before, and many of them HOW TO CURE FEVER AND AGUE. It any person stirr.-nnir with r r.VKR and Agub. Iutriiitteot or Hilliuus Fevr wil call at the Drug tore f Then. F. Klutts nd get a bottle of AGUE COXQUEItOU x'lr immediate cure is certHi". and the chills will not -nun hack during that eeasou. It m tains uo Qninine, Arsenic or ouW Pol Sous, ami alter taxing one-nnit bottle vou Will fetd better iu health, thaa von have felt wrha.s for years. It entirely cleans th whole system, purifies th Kvr and other sec'etory onraus. rnee 81. 00 per bottle try it. Ask your Druggish about others who hare used it. is tbe place U bay any thing that you want from a Corn plaster, to a 17 box of perfumery. From a paper of Lampblack to. a thousand pounds of While Lead. From a dose of Castor Oil to a hundred ounces of Quinine. From a tooth pick te a Pocket Book, fro bragging either, but solid facts. To prove it. eall on, or write to TUL'O F. KLUTTZ Wholesale & Retail Drnggista, Salitbnty, N. C. rnher en bmv Urinate snd fare the leva aad aueetion of any aaewaa) eWw aeweae tastaaslr. 40b paar. Ry saail 50 eta Has Ca, l. 7th 8u Paila, Pa. iw ;ro. u $5oo. 'ts i hook entitled : Mrm asm i"'""11 "" QkreLn explain in everrthine -JOHN Hi' KL1NG A t. Bankers V.r T H'HU-iY. KKW ORK. THE"$50,000 OMIU' $5 70 $50 SSHS liTrtirular sent l!rK Addreat PEN 0LETO5 St HEAD, 60 Wall ftreet. New York. 4w. WANTED 4w Pri,. P.rkv in the wurld. It 15 enelMe, T w w- w - Holder, Pencil, patem leaai dee of Jewelrv. flsaawe pa Friar. 24'- Circular A m 76'J ibosKlwav. N T. Uj Wee soil i aa cosrtatas la Paa. Pea re, seat a with iliaaat BK1DK SMELL GOOD. IT'S JUST A3 EA8Y. DBEXEL'S. HOYTS, and Hcwoubian Colognes. WRIGHT'S. LUBIN'S. and all other Handkerchief Ex'.raeta. Aa KLUTTZ'S Drag Store. uKfl TtJSwD bvaaZll fof 1 U 1 0 Stock Privlleg, hasT , Ijid and will py large I'roBts. KSSV r.. d Stacks. Bde nd tit, d ixmabt on Martina. 1 Per Ceni, allowid on dcjK iu i-.iert lo draft. Uuckw-UevAlV, Baukera aad ker, N. 10 Wall btnet, w lurk. Box 4317. fntit 00 I.rtr pa m ana 13 Clean Saludcuy, N. f'Oet. 2nd 1875. The following list of prices have been eiab- tislied bv the lioaxd of Town Com mi ssioners for weighing on the public Scales: Cotton per bale 10 cts. Hay & Fodder per bale 10 " Drove Horses 15 cb per head. " Cattle 10 " u 44 4 Hogs 5 ' " 44 44 Sheep 5 u 44 One horse wagon loaded 20 rU. Two 44 - SO " Ihrie 44 M 35 44 Four 41 44 44 40 44 No additional expense for re-weighing emp ty wagons. P.B.KENNEDY. Oct 7-lmo. C. B. C. Cashmere Boquet, Brown Wind or, Stf.cuxo. Poncixe, Carbolic, aad fifty other kinds of T ilet Soape, at from 5 to 75 cents a cake. At KLUTTZ'S Drag Store. $50 to $10,000 IU, bm iaTMtod in Slock Pri.ilw tmimit 900 r-jf? PROFIT "How to 1 o It," a book 00 Wall 8u. mi ftea. TCM HK! !. ' . Baakcta aad Broer, 2 Wall i.. New York. AN OUTFIT FREE We want naae ooe ia eveey eowi oidera aad deliver go-t fat the old aal C. O. D. Huo-e. Lnr ca wa A ROYAL .SMOKE. Salisbury Favori Cigar. Only 5 Cents. IT BRTYES AWAY CARE, ARI PUTS Yon in a Good Humor. Also. All popular brands at from S to Hid cbanre in rvrrv of cither rs. new flsl, cirrwlaea, leroMS rtf-, rosapleic rot free and wat laid. Kmd Car It al and iti.ike nvaare at T.Kir J. RALLskOO.i . Ml 25 ceuts. a -4 . " 11 . wtiatHiiey are eaung wnicti is not the ca"e I take the premium at any Fair, and for its corn- when they use 40 or 00 cents molasses, or in- DuterefaUtion we have only to refer lo the yerv deed syrup of any price. One aeighborhood fair and eomplimenUry notice of the exhibition, near (own, noweer, continues 10 use sorgum, Wished bv friend Everett of the Concord Sun. MARRIED In Salishnrv, October 19th, bv Rev. Barnl, Rotjirofk, Mr. John Eagle, and alias Addis II. daughter of C. F. Miller. 1;. On Thursday 7th October, at the honse of Mr Th.-. Morrison, by Kev. W. B. Preasly, Mr. H. II. Buse and Miss Jane K. Morrison both of Iredell, N. O. Br. Bessent aud they find their interest in it. Mrs. Mary E. Thoiuason and sons, turned out 2,100 gallons woodson the ubiquitous, was also on band at the Fair, and largely increased the subscription list of our esteemed contempo rarythe Raleigh News. Thauks for his fair and complimentary notice of the Fair. "ItV r vw a 1 . m ine r air w eeK uauy hs year was a j 1 , . aciaea improvement upon last. It was a The Charlotte Observer, spoke in high terms ( f the exhibition in all the departments, nnd es this year, and yet not through witlwt. They are tinuted lhe crowa on Thursday-the same day well fixed for the business, and produce an article very superior to ordinary molasses, which they sell readily at f0 cts per gallon by the barrel. It pays better than cotton Oct. 28, 1876. tf. LUMBER! LUMBER!! A Midnight Visitor. On Wednesday night last, t about 3 a. in., while Dr Sum-' vwj creditable little sheet, and we are glad nawn wa8 prrioallj absent, Mrs. Sum inereu was awaiienea oy ;r.e naruiug 01 a pet nog, and looking up discovered a uegro man standing in the room. Upon being asked what he wanted he He enqnired where tbe Doctor was, who was iu the house, &e., aud was respectjul enough in his manner, except that he said he would not leave until he got some money. Ten sents he eaid would satisfy him, hut .is Mrs. S. didn't have that t know that our enterprising young friend who conducted It, realized about two dollars and eighty 6ey?n and a half cents clear pro fit!. that the Register man speaks of at from 2500 to 3000. The Raleigh 'csrsssvs: " It was our pleasat privilege to attend this week the Salisbury Fair, which is as it has heretofore been, the best agricultural exrtositiori in the .State. The general disnlav of live etoi-k, machinery. manufactured goods, products of the soil, &c,, was far better and larger than that of any pre vious vear. We never witnessed as huee beets, Due potatoes, large cabbages, or better speci mens of corn. Floral Hall was ss usual a perfect gem of 1, . 1.1. a: 1 1 1 i j;- li . .1 jjj inooey. w,vi anu ll!e ul?,P,:y ingiuy creatinine totne ANY person wanting good Lumber, should address signed. Orders solicited Tel low Pine the under Beneca Wheat The prettiest wheat ever exhibited in this market has been shown m-by Mr. Thos. J. Mernney. It is beautiful. Tdr. -Mcroney has purchased a small quanity of it so sow. It bears the above name and was im- oet 28 75 Stncs. M. L. nr. A v. Hickory. N.C- Book Agents and Good Salesmen MONEY" with the Are "COINING anions profed by a farmer in N. Y. 8tate, starting amouut, and as In- couldn't make the change irom a single head. 1ushcl. The price is $5,00 per HUPKRINTKNDANT VV. N. C. R. R.-Ws Rla.l to Ifarn that Col. 8. MsD. Tate has been elected to fill this position. His Swimate.knowledgA of the affairs of the , awad, hhj long experience in managing rail- eoads, with his well known uprightness of haraetsr, eminently fit him for the position. which we doubt not be will fill with credit to himself and profit to the State. she gave him fitly cents, when he quietly 1 1 - ti ... iook ins departure, ce was certainly a mild-mannered thief, and Mrs Summerell showed herself a brave, self-possessed lady A Suggestion. The public roads leading into Salisbury are iu a deplorable condition. This is es pecially true of the old Mocksville road. which, just beyond the limits of the town, MbUllliatej and for several miles out, is almost impassa ble. Thit is one picture, now for another. From six to a dozen lazv, fatted rascals -Charlotte Observkr. This sprightly are constantly lyiug iu jail and being sup- euterpnsing journal was repreeeuted at ported at the expense of the honest people of as the officers of the Fair are grateful to them Take it all in all, the Salisbury Fair was a quiet and grand sneewss, and far exceeded that of any previous year. 1 tie general good order that prevailed on the grounds, the smooth, systema tic plan of operations, &c., &o, reflucted great credit on the able Board of Directors, with Mt. A.. H. Bovden as President, and B. r. Rogers, Esq., as Secretary." Here are three reliable papers, whose state ments all contradict the prejudiced account given by this Concord Reyister" and we are content Cor the pubi ic to say which it will be- li ve. As to the crowd, we happen to know, that on the day spoken of, more than 1000 day tickets were sold at the gate ; 350 persons were admitted on Railroad coupons : 200 as invited guests and not less than 1000 on season tickets previously purchased, making at leat 2550 persons on the grounds. These figures can be We are at a loss to account for the animus of the Rgititr toward our Fair. The people of Concord snd Cabarrus, turned out liberally, and so far a we know went away well pleased. The citizens of Salisbury, as well BSDA DESIGNS, r 1 The French Edition of which sella tor fltlS, ind the London Edition for 200. Our cheapest and moat elfiant publication in America and the BEST TO SELL, Crit'e vie with e-.ich other -in it, and the masses buy it. Agent iu Charleston. S. C, reports 87 Va , 117; another in Memphis, &M) orders. taken in thre work. Full Particulars Fre. Address J. B. FOllD & CO.. Publishers. 1 Park Place, New York. oct 28. 75-tf. .or Fair last week, in tbe person of its tal- the couuty. nted and popular vouuc local. Mr. Joseph - w rJ - s f. Laldwell. The Observer is oue of tbe t papers in the South, and Joe Caldwell nss few sfials, anywhere, as a paragraph- Now put this and that together. Judge, or the County Commissioners. for this kind patronage, tnd we are ready on ! Let the all occasions to reciprocate it. We appeal to or them to ssy whether the disparaging, dam-em- whoever is the right party, put these jail- wttb-faint-praise account published by the re- birds to work on these neglected roads. This doubtable RtgUter, is a fair one or not. will make them earn their salt, it will be a raul urvii0 ti town anil iMinnlv. and tvill We hear a greatdeal of complaint on the i0 more to deter the rascals from their ras- P"t of some of our cilisens because the eality than any other means that can he devised Its worth the trial anyway. The town -authorities, would, we doubt not, furuUlCa sutficient guard for them while 1. ,1 Sl 1 '- - " i. uy snow" at the fr last week was not note generally known. We heard one inau y if he had known it he eonld hava 4 'knock - f4 the hind sights" of of anv of them. They at work. wugnt to have another baby show next eek. tockholderi: Mtettag. By order w ine rresident there will he a meeting of the mi ..LI . a suoidars of the W. N. C. Agricultural and VIA p Sheep. There were some beauti ful Cots-wool sheep, 6 aud 12 mouths old, and several others of a different Msehanical Fair Association, at the Conrt breed -showing the great superiority Home, oa Wednesday moreiog next at 10 o- of these improved breeds. Some one V. Business vitally aflecting the Associa- fnnii two flaahmerA. nr wwwJlw ffonts Z 11? l"T.','J'i-"j..:t;,tobt hj I beautiful animaWwith afiueooalof in person or bj nliahle piogy. ' I JJD8 wnto w00l- THE FAIR. Now that the crowd is gone, the dust cleared away, and the excitement subsided, we can write calmy and advisedly of tbe "Fiih Ananal Fair of Western North Carolina," which was held in Salisbury last week. In everything, it was by far the most grati- fving success, which has ever crowned the ef- forts of the association. Heaven seemed pro pitious, and gave such superb weather during the entire roar days of the exposition, as one seldom sees. The crowd was large, respectable and orderly, and the exhibition was full and fine in every department, better than eve' before. There was not a single gambling concern, or side show on the grounds, though there had 1&&&WtnA A .4ta y a single In dividual for the privilege of running a fortune wheel during the Fair. For this action the more interesting. A panorama, OI Has returned from Irs monntain tour, and great dimensions would fail to W0V,d.b?, V? uIr"1111 - and vicinity who ne;-t hm serTicen. to call at give It all, or StlOUOW tne spirit Of his oftice at an early day. the scene. It should be w itnessed to be appreciated it. HORSES A'D MULES All the stalls were filled some ve 'ry fine looking, with renowned ances tors, aud otners uupretentious as to pedigree but nevertheless very sqowy with all. Of course the mules all" boast of celebrated Don's, nobles of Spain, as their progenators. We sup pose that Mr. P. W. Hairston, exhi bited the finest blooded stock on the ground, "Ildcrrim," a brown colt foalded in 1871, and bred by M; H. Sanford, Eq., Preakocss stud form Bouborn County, Ky., by. imported a a WW Australian, xlifl petlicrree runs very far back and contains many brilliant names. AG RICULTUT1AI IMPLEMENTS. In this department a large display was made embracing reapers, mowers, cotton gins, thrashers, grain cleaners, seed drills, corn shcllers and huskers, hay rakes, harrows, plows; in fact a great variety 01 articles too nu merous to particularize. The farmers took a lively interest iu these things and well they may. FLORAL HALL. was a mi nature world, more than we a con enumerate ranging tnrougn a great many departments of the useful ornamental, beautiful and curious. I we remember any things better than others in this hall, G. S. H. Apple- gate's Architectural designs (from Char lotte); Mrs. Jackson's patchwork from Davie countVt snd the fountain andyiowers which occupied the centre, are they. Applegate's designs exhibit taste and skill in a very important line of business. Mrs. Jackson '3 patch work illustrates what patience and faith can accomplish by the use of the needle and thread in making a garment hold ont until a fellow can get a new pair of pants. She wrestled heroically, and we hope she won a glorions victory. FRUITS. There were some beautiful fruit in At KLUTTZ'8 Draw Store. For Your Sweetat. AN ELEGANT LINE Of MAGNIFICENT TOILET SETTS, SHELL TOILET BOXES, POW DER and PUFF BOXES, FANCY BOTTLES, VINIAOARETTES, POi - KET-HOOKS, MIRRORS, fee Sec , Cheap at KLUTTZ8 Drug Stoat. ARE YOU GOING TO PAffiT ? IhONEYJINE, LABOR, Chemical Paints, to called, have pro t en fsilnrcs ; simply because the t-hrmi-iry of their mmofacture eeema to consist in the quantity uf water ibat is combined with the paint, by tbe addition of au Alkali, cither Potash, Lime or Soem. dec. Chemical Paints containing water peel from tbe wood, and are not Economical, Popular Edition (5 .iO). containing over I because they will not cover as much aar- Vne Hunftred ffll-pafie aunrto Ptea.-ls tliaU f Paints We offer our 1'uep a red PaiaTT with praising the cruarantee that it is not a Chemical 1 Paii)'; contains no Water, no Alkali, no orders; one in Nit.e.y Si. S. C, 10; 00a io adulttru lion, and is made of only aueb material as are nsed by the oldest paint ers. Our P.iint will crer more aariac than any Chrmiral Paint io tbe aruild. We authorize their sale, auhject to the aatistsetion of all buyers. W e agree to rp-paint auy house vith Eueli.b BB While Lead, or any other White Land, il our Paint do Hot prove perfectly aat'isfitc ry. Minnfaetored brf . XOT&TM,T,,,I 10,8 Sold only at KLUTTZ'S Drag Store. THti BAL'IIfflORE . HO MCE OP AT H IG PHARMACY REMOVED Hinaswhrr ls ta itar awcsesM .r at No. Witt hnu vawr tW BMawisiaaa will be vi4 ! uir fr. cut. and l.tlrutw A I t -lH Mock of Iurt ao.1 IUUiU Uttmm MenW ia a nail aa IW,k.. U r Pt.TMri.n- aiM family aaa, eon- Matillr Vrf.; in intk. tr.ti r yrt mail pre iTaUrtMlrd to. AiUtrro ik.aaicaB ATi WIFE NO. 19. BY ANN ELIZA YOUNG Sribant Yotiufi Rehellioua t y Tin- onlT nitnp!re K spoor of all KaxRananf Baiooan's H Aasaa erst m burt. io klormooi . A lviiaa ooar ex Ui lb oorld, AS omU VOMAJI cax. tk SE"BETS, atYTEa! aad csumes nf sne horrinle mfMrm of Pol ra. any, frosa inn vary brf ianisaj. Nearly Unt UhanrsUsna beaatify taeworft. It ia lias lat omUoc book pasaUanaai 1U.0UD mora men and womra eaa kar rano.oy mrnt and makr frm $ to $10 daily. All Lire Arrtit. are vrilinc f'r Iltortratetl lar villi Larre Tuna. Knt free. Dn not drlar. hot addrr Dt'STIN, OILMAN A Cs mm - m - - af a 1 m t - J Vi- 1 iiartioni, it, iaragak lit. or uenuuiu, vto. Ont 14 Am Pill ty-SUOj 2kwfW- y o4fWAafSr UUHm mX&tmm&L Trrr . - J m. rsra r . v aatTiM IbAWm: ic 11. roorv; m.i lnt-or f nam Mama T.t, C 1 ama 4 a 04a Cliills Cured for 25 Cents. TAKE PI L am L S. Warranted nr money R 'funded, at KLUTTZ'S UUUO STORK. a j . 1 n T . . . . BJ Intendine to remove to Darie Countr. I will ell mv Piano for $500, in inntalimerotou LAMPS from 25 eta., to 15 00, ot S50Af100'.r. lrf. ,un:hMer 7 Pt'RE OR PE WINE, for Chntches erery 00 a7 1 hi Piano m one of Cii ains n M. bnrrv'a 7i Octave, Grand Square Scale, rosewood casv, four round corners, carved "rut, Louis XIV Style, with extra carved feat and pedal. Original price $825. In depth and beanty of tone and equality of touch this Piano is unsurpassed. Iu ray alseoce call oa Moses L. HOJJDHU tt. li. ULPER. 60 els. per quart. WHITE LEAD, Warranted equal any in the world, 11 cents per pound. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO FHYSI- AMU MERCHANTS t THEO. P. KLUTTZ'8, Ditto Stoiv t-mm m nun. ou las uaro. " H 1U4 da "fcrwffc Kro T-J. i' apm Piinin.x. mu. all f.aa. td lmmmi C ro Vi-mm-K. 1 rmammm mVf t' Hi u mm Crr.j7t VTnwa ., n, i. . -v fl-Jar A Taw 0-. he W 11 7 tm t inoa oarmwi aa Kanim. tW Wrmt IbOIm, U-mmi-' mi Oennasan,aaa imj uBi tajB4k NO MKItCTJIUAL. Or frmtt--' Arrj mmK U trwr V- m fmr . tnwJ - A.. .. .... Ki. 1 ... -.- r- ar BBafaaeaaaaami-vwu If -r mr v r.C7 inVAL!?3 AT A DIITAC1 Ar bvatd. Ail Lrl 4-a ." arm u4 w-.kk f. tr 1 i a. . w maai aaiafa I... .J a m mm irr. a. a-.- v .' aal li A tm-n i.. waw b.- traafn. tr a.. a i errtca. t ri . lo Hftier an an mwna mm ya DR. E. B. TOOTS, Vs. 10 Lealaytnn Are. T. JlrKtrs Science in Story. J. , fatcurs oJJrrss Ar. Bcrr:'a Twi; Searaj and flat rvjaaJy Ta- S' Arm mm an l aM-.t a aaaaK. M im- i jt ta y.x tk a--T-tr mt a hfa i a-:e'i ".i Srw Y .a Citt frtsa BS V--4 mt 0 rem- ft Dr. lar-.-'s Cej:al Hail lUaara V.t i-r. korr ikr t o t3a. aStaa rmmmmrm a; m "' Mrp1 jJJ2la?iBaBanTaaii aaatiB atdr Vl isan aaaavwaa. ata. Taa.aaTaa aa mmt, t . 1 CMU wi-jaad T I trxim, V, b. mm ma a n a41. tm at aaaana Ar .d m iifprii trnit iT Ba.LT8attTT. n. M. I Avaara. a ' ana. MfaVftHto 9mW fVHV fatNaaaVsl ..tsrjri-! .V