What is the bent thing to hold wlien you get out of temper ? Your tongue. "Babies are the coupons of the bonds of matrimony." Says smarty. He should have added. "And every fool may be a bondholder. Australia continues to furnish a little gold, but its yield is declining from year to year. In 186a the number of ounces yielded was 1,317,102; in 1873 1,247,407 and iu 1874 1,102,614 ounces. Tho cook wants to. know why the sun is like a good loaf of bread ? Be cause it's lisrht when it rises. Boston Post. Yes, and what's more, it's al in the v-East. N. Y. Commercial. A Cruel Race. The Ion eest race ere r run and one of the worst acta ot cruelty to animals oc curred et the Houston (Texas) Fair. Two Texas ponies were to travel around the i a -... a track for twelve noun, we one mating the most distance to be the winner. The leader made forty eight miles in five hours and a half, and when he broke down the ntlipr had srone fortv-nve miles. Both ot o . . . - . , the poor animals bad been whipped ana spurred up to their work and occasionally UOSeO WllU BHlUUIttUlO. 1UC twu-icectu brutes that forced them to this cruel trial did so for fifty dollars aside. m ia Were He Money Lies! rot mm m . 1 I J tm lw POSTERS, The States vtlle American (Republican) says of that Hay tian lectures? : Tbe colored woman, who pretended to hail from St. Domingo and educated in T.rm.lnn. that lectured in this olace a f. ssalr iiniw a1!inr hpraolf MjitlaiTH! . . , I 1CW TT Wt a b.mw. a mv.w ring a glorious sunset a . ew evenings ago . incendiary language to her on cemetery full. "Who turn j she. the jl JgJ has come to eires when tne sun bcis i uuiuny . , u--u u.hn. .. . a I RIM III iU.VIKIWU lUi VIHWIJ lvv.wfe nen u lays, rr , .., LAr.nu imt at. UCI VUllUy liuwim see J'" was informed against and her arrest effec ted at the instance of colored people. Doubtless, she is a great rascal, and bat been the cause of much evil in the South ern States where she has been traveling for a length of lime." Group of ladies and gentlemen admi- ejrgs a male goidine. "The wind w was the prompt response of a young lady. If that's almanac we never saw or heard of it before. PROGRAMMES, great many farmers have found it to be rood Stock, Poultry, Grain, etc Tb AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL tells all about these, and may be bad A WHOLE YEAR FOR tL Just think of it ! Nearly 400 paces of this valuable information (exclusive of tinted cows) in one year. Veterinary advice without ! charge. ; as well as many other article, to those getting up duos. Agent? ana omen naving a uuie snare time, can make excellent wages and do others good, by obtaining subscribers ; iu cents secures specimen and explains how to do it. Address POTTS BKU rH fclUS, Parlsesborg, Chester Co., Pa. oct.21-tf. A Prosperous Southern Railroad, The earnings of the Georgia Central railroad and its branches for the year ending August 31 were $2,945,717, and the expenses for same period $1,708,257, leaving the net receipts $1,237,460 a Sex in Birth. A Philadelphia paper savs : The qnes gain of 3190.897 over the net receipts of tion of sex in relation to birth, as -nown the previous year. 1 he condition of the road is represented to be a good, if not better, than at any period since the war. A colored man, who was lately resuscita ted from what seemed death; but was only catalepsy, was entertaining his friends with the hiuht he lieheld in the other world. ' Plenty colored bredren in Heaven, I spec, Tom." "Oh, yes !" suid Tom. "And how about hell any down there?" asked anoth by the municipal statistics, is an interest ine one. The average proportion of the sexes among nearly twenty-two millions of births recorded iu England in thirty - four years is 104 8 males to 100 females Only iu two years of the thirty-four did the rate fall below 104 to 100, and yet onlv once did it reach 105 to 100, thus showing that the variation is comparative )y slight. The same uniformity is also shown in the records of our city for the PAMPHLETS, (Fee Simple, Sheriffs and Commis sioners), CONTRACTS, W Carolina Central Railway Co. - Ovttcb On seal Soraanrravearr. ) Wilmington, N. C. April 14, 1875. $ Change of Schedule, On and after Friday, April 16th, 1875, the trainwill run over this Hallway as follows i PASSENGER TRAINS. 715 A M 7.16 P. M .. 7.00 A. It 7.U0P. M TRAINS ....6.00 P M ....6-00 PM 6.CA M . .6.00 A M FARMEIRS1111 m sWbwbW BsV BBs. Js" fssUssnBISIBBBBI 1 "l-1 BBV SnV Bm BaCasnw ,mi Bsassseaassssa G. M. Buis, Late of G.M, Buia 4 Co C. R. Bark kr, Of O a Barter a Co cr interlocutor. "Oh. yes ! inassa, plenty of Dagt fourteen vears. but the mean nronor A ssvr ii-It if ii fiilL'J Ttil 1 a -a ne m 1 m. 1 on O won with us id iuj o mates to iuu le de'.n der too." "Anv white folks, Tom ? "Lord save us, der ain't no end on 'em, hut by gosh, massa. cbery white man done got a r'"rgcr holdin' between him and de firel" males. BUIS & BABEES WHOLESALE &RETAL Braists Coruer Main & Fisher Streets, We revolt against the custom of rep- resenting angels, and the redeemed who havo gone before, with wings. Its heath enitih. Christians have borrowed the idea from pagan mythology. We do uot, can not, believe that the great Creator, who has honored humanity with a form which is the imaue of Himself, will strip us oi our manhood aud womanhood, in the next world, and tarn us into bats or shanghai chickens. Sentinel Fun at Home. The Chinese and Christianity. Philadelphia Record. We have the heathens at our doors iu a double sense, and the experiment of the effect of Christianity upon them is an in teresting one. The Rev. Cbp.rles N. Fitch writes that there are 2.000 Chinese on the Pacific coast under christian influ ence, lie savs the the converts are in dustrious aud frugal, yet liberal. "They will roast a whole hog for dinner, and then 'sell ofT what remains, because it is cheaper, and then iro to the mission at night and give liberally to relieve a broth on t be afraid of a little fun at home, - . , K, nhra uinr thm wlinlp v . . v H - Y e o hog," without getting a clear idea of what is meant; we presume that the Chinese parctice just described is "going the whole hog" in religion. MORTGAGES, (Land and Chattle), BILL HEADS, JVaU and Lettaf- JftecLtU, LdbelSm Cautions. &c.m &c.m all done on short notioe and at VEEY LOW BATES. B,Court Blanks, Deeds and Mort gages, ready printed and for sale at SALISBURY, N. C, Where mav he found a full assortment of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Fine Hand kerchief Extract, Foreign & Domestic Col ognes, Soapfl, I I;ir, Tooth & Nail Brushes, Havana x American Cigars. All grades ot SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCO. A line lot of Brass & Glass LA SIPS: also the i . j n l P. IT Va .....,..,.,-, eeleoraieu rernnm . huuk .luj-LArwci v r. verosene Lamps which we warrant Jvr twenty rr, I y I T 1 o ienrs. nisnev, r renen uranuy, acupraoag SVine by the touie or gnuon. niacwtjerry. Malaga. California bherry 6c fort Wines. Imported Uin, and in fact eve-yllung usually kent iu a first class Drug Store. Our preterip- tion department U solely in the hand of the pro- ' ., .i I -I , o. J prielorg, one or ine omer oeing in ine owrc aay and niyht and no one need apprehend any dan- zer m having meir prescriptions compounu-ed. Feb. 18th. 1875. tf. Leave Wilmington at.... Arrive at Charlotte at.... Leave Charlotte at Arrive iu Wilmington at. FREIGHT Leave Wilmington at.... Arrive at Char iott e at. . . . Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wilmington at MIXED TRAINS Leave Charlotte at . 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 14 M Leave Buffalo at 12 30 P M Arrive in Charlotte at 4.30 P at No Trains on Sunday eccept one freight train that leaves Wilmington at 6 p. iu, instead of on Saturday night. Connections. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington Weldon, and Wilmington, Colombia A Augusta Kail roads, Semi-week ly New York aud Tn weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boats to Payetteville. Connects at Charlotte with its Wei torn Di vision, North Carolina Railroad, Charlotte A Statesvile Railroad, Charlotte A Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia Augusta Rail road. Thus supplying the whole West, Northwest and South ve.t with a short and eheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. NfsvO. 1875. tf. SAVE MONEY, SAVE LABOR, SAVE TIME, BY U8IXQ THEFA EES PLOW. It will run lighter. It will turn your land belter, It will make you Utter crops. It wil eo yoo hw to keev it ia order, than any other Plow you hava Tr aavd. W will furnish you Points one year for one plow in ordinary land for one Dollar. What da yoo pay your blacksmith to do the name on your old-fashioned Plow ? Wc Lave itist made a rre.U reduction in Price ? All we ask of vou is. Try it, and then if you don't like it bring it back and your be refunded to von. WE WARRANT EVERT PLOW GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN Co's (Late S .VJIOXS 9l GLOUGn OKU it to.,) -IMFKUVtU Piedmont Air Line Railway Chesapeake and Ohio B B good people; don't shut up your houses lest the Bun should fade your carpets and your hearths, lest a hearty laugh should shako down some of the musty cobwebs there. If you want to ruin your sons, let them think that all m'rth and social enjoyment must he left on the threshold wbeu they como in at night. When once a homo is regarded as only a place to eat, driuk and Bleep in, the work is begun that ends in gatnhlinghouses and degra dation. Young people must haye fuu and relaxation somewhere. all times. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE BE TWEEN NORTH CAROLINA AND THE WEST. PASSENGER TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. MAIL EXPRE3S. Leave Richmond 9.30 a m 9.10 n " Phnrlntt.wT-illA -Tti ITI 1 n Ul Arrive White Suloher. 9.25 " 8.37 U -inhnrrtntl X .30 A m .- 4 i Ciucinualti, 6.00 am Connecting closely with all of Trunk Line$ for the Wtt, &uth-et. Thin is tk shortest, quickest and Richmond & Danvile, Richmond 4 Danville R. W..N. C. Diviaiun, and North Western H. C. &. W. o CONDENSED ME-TABLE In Effect an aai af-r fanday. Sept. 16th, 187a GOING NORTH. 9 Mtf to order. Hydrophobia. Our Madison corres pondent informs us that the hydrophobia is raging in the lower crJer of animals in that county. About the 20th of August a dog owned by Mr. J J White became affected with this terrible disease, but it I was not discovered till the 22ud, when be ran out of the house and bit the horse Mr Tyre Glenn, an J and dog of Mr Jaa Ramsey, who was died sud- passing. On the 8th inst., Ramsey's 7th inst. 1 doe went mad. but was killed before he directions did any damage. Next dav the horse exhibited symptoms of the disease, and SALISBURY, C. Sudden Death old citizen of Yadkin couuty, denly at his residence on the while in his yard giving some to his farming hands, lie was 74 years old, and had always been an energetic it was deemed dangerous to approach and bard-workiug man. By bis own him. As the day wore on the animal individual exertions he made an immense became wild and furious, and seriously fortune, and although he lost largely by injured himself by his violence. To ter- the results of the war, he still had a large minate his sufferings his owner killed him property left for his children one of and then buried his body. The horse whom is the wife of Judge Settle of the was valued at S 100. Our correspondent Supreme Court of North Carolina. We reports many other cases among hoes and like to honor and speak a good word for dogs throughout the county. Winston such working men as Tyre Glenn, the Sentinel. I im .r m m mm m. only sort ot men who move the world and help poor people to live and get employ weut. Democrat. the Great North-West and cheapest Route, with less chanee of cars than any other, and passes through the finest scenery in tJie world. Pasacnpers taking the Express tiain on the N. C. R. R. have no delay, but connect closely, to any point in the West. . l v- : . TV i . I. j j j -f- 7- nDTrVIlD I r.: ii Imuran i x i"' At(tr68S. J . J . 15 li U JS JliK, 1 Lowest Rates and Baeeaze checked. mi- grnnt qo on Fxprcss Train. TlME, DISTANCE, and Money Raved by taking the Ckcstipcalx and Ohio Route. Freight Rate to and from the West, always a low as the lowest. Merchants and others will find it to their in terest to get our Rates before shipping or or during. for Information and nates apply to J. C. DAME, So. Ajrent. or O. M. McKENNIE, Ticket Agent Greensboro N. C. C. R. HOWARD, General Ticket Agent. W. M. S. DUNN, Superintendent. Richmond Va. STATIONS. Leave Charlotte .... " Air-Line J'nct'n " Salisbury ' (reenshoro " THnriite ....... M Dundee , " Iturkeriiu Arrive at Richmond. Mail. Express. MAIL. 9.16 r a ; 9.33 - fi 90 1168 " 8.S4 " 3 15 AM 10.56 " ei I. is r u 6 18 " i a 11S6 6.07 9.99 r u 8 48 f GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS, FITTED WITH TUK NEWLY INVENTED GOING SOUTH. STATION. Leave Eicknind " Burkeri le. 44 Donde 44 Danville........ 44 (JienlHiro. . ... . 44 Salburj .... 44 Air Line J'nct'n Arrire at Charlutte... Mail. 1 .38 r m 4.69 " 10.33 " 10.39 " 3.00 a 5.32 8.96 8.29 AM RXPBEM, 6.08 a. m. 836 -I U P l.U 3.58 6.16 " 8.96 8.43 " Wil x Patent," "Octave ConpIfT." the i rtiuona." "Voa Angvk" "Vimtm EttstMr B O Y D E N Charley Boss. This little boy who was stolen O U 8 E SALISBURY, 1. C. Mrs. Dr. Reeves, Proprietress. The Proprietress returns her sincere thanks to the traveling pu tic for their liberal patron age while she v. as connected with the Nation al Hotel. Not having room enough at the "National" to accommodate tier guests properly, sue ren ted the "BOY DEN HOUSE, and he feelasatis- fied that Bhe can now accommodate her guests comfortably, and in the very best style, in thin wly furnished house, with all the modern improvements. Passengers going np the W. N. C. Rail Road from the East, take Breakfast at the BOY DEN c.,x. , . nuuoii. UUU.IMULLISH EiAlKAUKUlDAKX. A m, m mv TS!Ta.r nZZST tirst class Bar and Billiard 8a-! vuo uuuuuu ejcuo, ib ropfirteu uy a cor- OOINO EAST. STATIONS. Mail. ;oixr, west. Mail IaTe Greensboro.. V. J OIIVW ...... I 44 Raleigh 10 Arr. atGoldboro'... I 100 A II .. A.ao 8,33 1130 a -LA it. 1.46 a M L' vol 2 30 jL'veBOOra An invanUon baring a mort impovUnt hesring on the faiarsn of BjNjd I"-JK V which the quantity r Yoli.n of I. ne le very largely locrcaaaw. and the quality of tone renUrrtd Equal to that of tie Bat Pipe Orpins of ike Same Capacity. Our celebrated "Vox Clct." "Vox II .tinana.-W "f'.IW or Clarionet" tops "u ". ALL. THE LAT EST IMPROV Can be obtained only in theve Organ. Fifty Different 8ty es. tlxo Olaaajr-ola. -0 TC ST fM ATFHTALUO WO HKW1AWSMIP, . liuai it y and Volume of Tone V nequalled. PEIC H,S60T0 e5oa FACTOBY AND W AREROOM8, CORNER 6 NORT O.A.& HcmKlllTilliM i B iiF' r.mi&&rs. waifiM iv ( Ha i.em Bkakch.) Lesre Greensboro 4.30 ArriTe at Salem.. 8 13 " Leave Kalea 8.40 am Arrire at Greensboro 10.33 E8TABLIIBX1I) XV !.) AwlMTI Wanttd Im Every County Address GLOUGH & WAR JUJRR while 1 loon connected JvAj 15 lm. rith the HOUSE. vcsrtjm&Mmu 4tr tmm r-9y J&ts arsx cw ii t Aimistrator's Sale ef Seal and PERSONAL ESTATE. respondent at Calcutta, of which a Hit- mutqar in the employ of one of bis friends. playing with his brother in front of their is the subject. A little after midnight fathers house in Philadelphia more than till nearly 2 o'clock in the morning this one year ago, has never been found man, he says, begins chanting verse alter Two of the men supposed to have been verse of bis Koran and of sacred hymns; engaged in this abduction were killed repeats the Divine precepts; criticises last summer while trying to commit a the shortness of time in this world, arrd burglary. The third one Westervelt, has the length of eternity in the next; and, lilAt liciii mil virMt'rl nf xnnna.lini. littln finallv. Winds tin with on nnurtkln Charley after his abduction. The case howl or shriek. During all this time he JRSg & Sfj tH has excited universal interest and the is in .the soundest of slumbers, and the tb 6th day or Novbmbbb, 1873, at the late resi conviction of Westervelt meets with the only way to put a stop to this hullabaloo j.?1. oy. . r 0 I . . . . .i rL. ,, , i , . nunarea acres oi lana, belonging to the estate of aonroval orlhe entire nt-psa of the land IS to turn the man on hia aide for. ahnnlri :a a...i ..i;..in;n i. t u ur I r -J I 1 ' , , . wu UCVCMCUt ttUJVtUUJK IW IBIIUf ' 1 BO.. TT . I . " . m m " . . - One hundred thousand dollars reward has any one awake him, he will just open his Goodman, Mrs. II. B. Watt and o:Ler3-sitnsted n7 TJorW iZr h, been omred for the recovery of the child, eyes lor minute and if allowad to con. SUSSsTSSt aVSTrsCSLe ZSJST " It i J .nil.. ...... I . .. KIaI.a.aIk . I. m, . J ttmiA f.n l in U.I l I... U..I. 1 Ml . . h t .... . mm iv ijuim (iiuuuuic uo is in mo cusiuuy nnuc uu wc uai ui uib uaca, uh win re- trees ldutcd. ian a very aeairaoie tract or HOW INVALIDS AT A DI3TAHCI m iiiudc uuacuaiutru wuu uib pitiiBi i tvuiwcuua uib uuwiiug uymus. tate ; unless indeed no has been mur dered. Poor little Charley Ross. Albe marle 1 imcs. fW Aa onr Aderuaor lia wa. made h AdrarUav merit aRMrUMr iiUnot, w anU lalarpnt aaS alab rata it an f vUowa : VI. I. POOTE, M.I Antanr of Ptain Hoia Talk, IteJical Oommoi Sunaa, Setenc ia Story, ate. IS lkafton Afana (car. aM ah Street I, Maw TTk, aa IxoarajroaaT ParmciAa. treat all forma ot lAngm-ig r CAroffla Dtaraaa. aad recetraa tettara tsom all para ot taa Cmuan Wom. By Um anjiruU wtv of condtjctlne a Mr'ral rrao Uob. ha ta auu aaf ntly treat' anmama patimta In Raropa, tba Wwc Indlea, Uaianlitlnu r Canada, aad ia mwmrj part of the Unitad Btataa. NO MKRCUBIAL Or drletertoas rtnign i ied. lie baa. (lurtnir taa psmt tvtmly three ycaro. treated urreafnUy nrly or qulla 40.000 emmm. All tarte ooaaectrd wiia each cae ara Exhumation of the Poet Poe's Hemains. A Sleepy Horse that Beat Field. the At the Dubuque Fair a pleepr, poor homely horse called Lothair. was entered The foundation for the Poe mocumentlin every race. He beean bv takinsr thp hi the churchyard of Westminister Church 3.15 race; then 3 minute, 2.15, 2.40, and corner of Green aud Fayette street, has won two heats of the 2.35 race, when a been prepared for its reception . The- protest was entered that he had a better inauguration of the monument will take record than the race he was trotting in. His place some time this month, the pro- driver denied this soft impeachment, and gramme for which has not yet been fully challenged proof- The judges called him arranged. It was found necessary, in up to the stand and swore hiss. About order to get space required for the foun- this time he bad got his wrath up, and dation ot the monument, to remove the swore he would show them a trick worth rem iius of Poo to the grave ef Mrs. looking at. In the third heat he let the vieinm, his relative, buried near by. The sleepy horse out and distanced the remains were lounn aoout nve teet below Creek Church. This is a very desirable tract of land, with good baildiogs, orchard, Ac., with lenty of timber and about twenty acres of good ttom. lermsof ale one-half cash, and the balance in twelve months, interest from date. At the same time and place, undersigned will sell for cash about 60 bushels of wheat, 76 bushels of oats, 100 bushels of corn and a lot of straw Ac. Sale to Uka place at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. Persons wishing to see the laad can call on J. L. Clodfelter. Bear the premises, or on the undersigned . SAM'LA. LOWRANCE, Adm'r. of Felix D. Clodfelter. Sept. 23, 1876tta. SIIOIiTOK FEMALE COLLEGE, ST ATE VILLE, If . C. The next session will open Sept. 1, 1875. Terms for board, te , have been made as low aa possible to suit the times. References : Rev. Chas. Phillips. D. D., Prof. W. J. Martin, Rev. W. A Wood. Rev. D. E.Jordan. Ex-Cm v. Z. B. Vance, Hon. W. H. Battle, and all friends of Ata trcatad. All tnralta at a Ataranea ara rraatrA to aaawcr a Bat of plain qnasMona. which aUrtta every armpOia aadar which tba iaraiW fu-fcra. AU w mmniaBUomm ternm trtcttf cmmJUwttaL A awateta aratra at rwvriW ft '?' mifmkot ,,f'l,on. List of aaaJaaa aaat fraa, aa mnrmicm. to any part of thawarlA. fcttypaaa tgSSS Brcorsa. atea anrt fraa. All Aaaa nawiW.aU ara from thaaa who hara haea traatad by mail an.l inraaa. xo-n-a ra ornca, oa ax sun, raaa or caaaaa. Call an at aSdisss v DR. E . B. POOT1, Ko. ltO Lexington Ava., 5. T. Passenger train leaving IU!elsh at 8.10r connects at .reensboro with the Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price ot Ticket same aa via other routes. i rains to and from point Kast of (Ireeasboro uuuucci bv virtennooro witn Hall 1 rains to or from points .North or Booth. Two Traias daily, both wars On flundays Lynchbnra Accommodstioa leava I Richmond st 900 A , arrive at Bark villa 19 43 P at, leave Unrkerille 4 35 a a . arrit a at ltir t. mond 7 58 a at No Change of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. Papers thst have arranffemenU to advartiaa th schedule of this company will alea nrint a above. For further in formation address 8 E. ALLEN, Oaal Ticket Agent Greensboro. If O TUB TALCOTT. Engineer A (Jen'l SaperiL ten dent Blach&er aii Henienoi, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C May 20 1875 ly. .P. BATTLE. President. W. H. HICKS, F. H CAMKRON Vice President. Sec'y. SUPERIOR COURT-BOWA1 COUSTT. J. G. Firm mi ng, as Kaacator ot the La( will and tcatamennt of Jacob K rtdT . NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY, BAXEIOH, V. . CAPITAL. $200,01 At and of First Fiscal Year had iaaoed over 900 Policies without snUinins: a iiafl lass. Pnideot. eoMtomical and energetic manage ment has made it A SUCCESSFUL CORPORA HON. A Sarah K rider. Ianiel WKndrr, Charles C Krider, JossaGrahsoi, l A wife, Julia K (trahaa, Tboto ' as A K rider, Margaret C Fleas- ing, Mary L K rider. Jaaaes 11. KrioVr, Maria Krider, Anna M. K rider, haJUe h. Krider, Baraa bu S Krider, Thosaas W Morri son, Katie M Morrison. William lit then and wife Sadie E Btsbaa, Kobert N Flesaiof, William K Fleraing. Sallia K Fkrsing. Mar garet J Fleaaing. Nataan 2 Fleas -mr. Roberta Firming, (."hsrlea J Flcminc and Julia ii iom. radaa. STATE OF NORTH CABOLINA- To Lke SkerJ of in aaaasy 1875 tf the lata Prof. Mitchell, of Chanel Hill. N. C. whole field easily, cutting all others out Aug. 12, 1674. 6moa . a i s-ara s Jmr a B w a . tno ground, l he cotan at faret appear- of the chance of second, third and fourth ances seemed to be' sound, but when money. The swearing of the army in raised the sides were found decayed and Flanders was nothing compared to those fell to pieees. Nothing remained inside horsemen who were looperL The air eot toe co mn out tue saeieion, an we nee& so hot that Lotbatrand bis driver lit out and grave clothes having long since re- in the night with several thousand dollars turned to dust. Some hair jet attached nulled from the greeuies who played with to the skull, and the teeth, which appear- him. During the sellinr of pools the J II I- t . I I . . . m . . - . cq an wuue ana penct. were suaaen out of the jaws and lay on of the coffin WmM Zl JTPxda PUtmNbsmTbUe mnd Mvlicol Cicrt Sen; Also PrFcofts Science m Story. Rr&rtfculan ft.. Br. Bargtr's lonls lowal aad rile rills. Taaas sOia ssa sn ta-1" aad pAaa, asassd mf wasans aaaasa mntiu of ta aw tncra th astirKy of tba iatMrJaaleaaal, arc stasis and raneve pum at The GREAT CAtSE or HUMAN MISEEY. envelope. Price 31 "d mW I Just Published, im a moled six cents. This Company iasnes every deairahle vrrm of Policies at aa low rales as an other First Class 1 Company. Imposes no oaelesa reatriction upon residence or travel. Has a fixed paid up value on all policies after wo annual pay men ta. I la entire easels eve loaned and i a vented Al HOME, to foster and encourage borne enterprises. John tonkas A k rider, L Krider of taa E. H. MARSH'S MACHINE WORKS. Corner of Fulton 6c Council, Streets. bam sated bf tassa. Prioa M seats, sant s mail oa nsit of .seam rrsaarsa wj wr. aSICaaanT. Paautaoms, eWVomna ATssca, a aw roaa Om. Xatraat of Salisbury, N. C. ihT kott rT 525 ilS 92 W.' Having all my new Machinery in opera the bottom in the end scooped the whole buaineaa. sw i . m i 9- -. TTtT nil .ii ae J 1. I im . . . 7 ' 21 IT "!mwmm mmTm " I !.sbjiii s x ue ,u couia a.nu n querry is, "Who is lothair, and the Iron dc Brass works to do all kinds of placed entire as exhumed in a where did he come tromf Nobody wood work, such as Lumber m .a . - .a . s rrs kuows turtner than the asaw ssBsass Cslosasl or Was PUL It at vtsXaarsasss Us Sow ef Ms, sad ttas os torpUisv of the ttrsr, Mtoasaass sn Ox. Zur sr s Oemieaal Fluid KaSearb aad Baadalioa, TVaaaataaasvSaafssa e purely smaSsma thsli at osoa toraiAiW aaaMiaataia. sad the drasstsaa. atofc bsdaoae. ta wsssi sj tkls Bawast win as to taa aatleat, ss eaa ar two a'atalntaaas by ttver troabteV Prioa SI pr ks say sddreaa. fraa af eaaraa. llisasil oajy T. ALFRBD BSICHARDT, raianacisT, sfflFsw awTonacm. tents were placed entire as exooaea in a i wpere did be come trom V Nobody wood work, such aa Lumber Dressing, wooden raie and lowered into the new kuows further than the osncr aaid k I Tonirue dc Grovine, makinir Sash, Blinds grave and closed up. The stones for the I come from Canada. At alt events he cut If6 Doorg' making moulding from i inch to 6 foondatiou of the monument were put in the eyeteeth of the sharpest horseman in nclie8 wide, also Turning Ac Pattern mak- place, and everything is now prepared the State, and did it so handsomely thst 1 fa UV'D? th aa - - r. C.r ihu superstrncture.-Bairisvdre they did not d . cover it until he Jd ,o fe.,"" "L6?1 clAM workm'D' IS 5 1 2 0D1 " . J W" 1 ,l""uu K uttramevtl. - - AUQIW U. I their money and was gone, Portland, Have. home. Terms DTurroir 4 Co.. sn,19,18T5,-ly A, XVeeture on the Watare, Tre at- ment, nnd Radical enre of Seminal weak. ' n a a . B S a a r, a aw. . a ness, or (iperuiauirrnaea.inaur'ea by teM-Atne, Involnntarv Kmismuns, impoteucy, Nervous Debility, aad impediments to Marriaae gener ally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Kit; Mental andPnysvoal incapacity, . By KUBEKT J. CULVER WELL. M. D., author of the "(Irmn U.i, ,W ' A o The world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from bis own exre rience that the lawful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and witkont danger u sergical oper ations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordial n; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, cure himself cheap ly privately and radically. tW This Lecture will prove a boon to fAeay. Bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any aaareas, on receipt oi six cents or (wo see stamps. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE 4b CO. 192AW9J' Jm pQ Box, toon. OeUI lwTf-l, Thirty days grace allowed in payment of pre raiuma. With these facts before them will the. people of North Carolina continue to pay annually thousands upon thousands of dollars to build up foreign tora names, when they can Petal a insurance in a Company eonally reliable ererj dollsr's premium tht-y psy be loaned and invested in our own State, and among our own PoplJ Theo. r . K 1. 1 lib, l. UcNKELY, fAgt's. Saliabury, 5. C KUFFIN ATAYLOE. Cen'l. Dist, Agfa. Greensboro . C. Dec. 31 ly. m You are Kereby omnmarrded in the naast Krider. Charles C wife Julia E. Gi gsret C Firming. tTrwIrr llsria Krider Al 8 KriaW, Bexneean 8 Krieev. Ttmaaas W M riw.. Katie M ycviaon, WillLstn Ilethea jf : r. o.m. v awu. n.m.t X n niar sr wtw tB 8 irw sW sWBAWaaBVsssa ' " I liam K Kleminc Ha lle K I J Klemin- Nathan N Fleminr. bag, Charles J nssswng, and Jalta G lk.M.l.fi. in ik knt artioa. BO I the neat Term of the So pen or f eawt m County of Rowan, at the Coart-Honse m aBSw bury, on the 6th Monday after the Sd Ifaasisy in September neat (1B7&1. then and tor ibn eanariaint of J. ( Flasatag. as U ecutor of the Last H ill aad Test W miA-. J PtaintifTin this voa are further no wderl so aotiff tb Uw, ha A os DesendanU thai if ikey sail so ' plaint, wiihia tba Uaae apecifed by U fJJ I said PlainUff will apply to the Court relief deaansssed in U.e complaint ar J J. D. CRAIGE k CRAIGE. ATTOR.HK V Am sLAW. 17 Special attention paid to proceed ing in Bakreptcay. Sent, n, 187?. mt rA rhirM ia ihia anil Witmaas TM H0RAH. Cbr 4" Court, sa asW ia SALISB VP. Y, day of -iayaat, A. D. 187. a to: Clirk Thomas A. Krider and Wm. K. Cotton Plant, Arkansas and Will and wife Sal lie E. Bethen, at or Sooth Carnli of that eUate wtu sBnSBPS BLACK M EE A HEHDEBSOj ra aw naia Septk fi Cheap Chattel Mortgftg and varios ;br blanks tor sals ban Br-

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