Work a though yon would for ever; live a though you would die to- day. He who is led to choose God aa bit portion has the best proof that God hat cLoo en him :i his child. - The Chicago Journal says that a wo 1 niiiu's jealousy is confessedly the most murderous psychological force kuoWo to immunity. An old Grecian men to "know philosopher advises all themselves." That's adviting a gooil mmy to form very low aud disK-putubly acquaintances. Success is a duty in God's service. Whatever a Christian worker is set to do he should do: nor be satisfied uutil be does it. S S times. , Sheiiff Waggoner, of Rowan county settled vitli the State Treasurer yester tluy, paying over to that functionary the suns little sum ol' 9,556,17. He came in third on tholist. He that gives to all without discretion will soon .-tii ml in need of the assistance of others. . Liberality does not cousist so much in giving largely as in giving reus ouubly. Marshal BrfBame, a rumor of whose death teas pievaJent in Paris a few days since, is not .lead, but on the contrary, has recovered from the indisposition he offered in couai-ciueuco of the re-opening of uu old wouud. A Postmaster Aruksted. Col Long agent of tiie Postoffise Department, re ctitlv urn-sud - lio lute postmaster at Warrington, Florida, whose nime is if 3 m t. .i jaenuiK. is a netauiter to tne iiioucy order department, and is now in jail. A lndy of great b a ity and attractive ness, who was ati ardent admirer of old Ireland, once crowned her praises of it at a party by saying: "I think I was meant for uu Irish woman." 'Cross the chan nel, madam,", remarked Samuel Lover the novelist, who happened to be present, ".Millions will suy you were meaut for an Irifthui.iu. An unknown man was run over by the cars and killed at D troit the other day, and hid body was buried without identi in1. unm. ins clothing, however, was afterward recognized by two women, both of whom he had married and deserted - f 1 a i si a wiiuin a lew weeas, aud who had since been going about together in search of him. A Lawyer Shut up. San Francisco Chronicle. "Sir, asked an attorney yesterday who was testifying in u case of ossaul aud battery, "have you been in thiseourt before 1" "In, sir,' said the witness, "I have been here often.' "Ah, been here often, have yon I" said the attorney m a triumphant tone. "Now tell the coarl what for." "Well," replied the witness slowly, "I have been here at least a doaen times to see you, to collect that tailor's bill owe.' yon A statement showing the estimated annual production of gold and silver in the United States during the 25 years from 1849 to 1873 bus been prepared by the bureau of stali-tica. The animal av erage production of gold, according to this statement, has been S50.800.00U, and that of silver, for the 15 years from 1859 to 1873, 313,300.000. The production of gold has, with the exception of one V. .. 1 ..... i . nx II...) ' " -j wv. nww HUGH JOU, aud the production of silver has, with the exception of oue year, been increasing siuco 1859. p BKtVAOR. Some somnambulists have been able to walk on places where, had they been awake, thev never would hnv been able to endure the dizzy height ; and" I see some Chrirttians, if indeed tbey be UHrtsttans, running awful risks, which I fhink they would never venture upon ii id ess they had fallen into a deep sleep of carnal security. Speak of a man slum bering at the mast-head; it is nothing to a professor of religion at ease, while cov etousness is his master, or worldly com pany his delight. If professors were awake, they Would we their danger, avoid sinful amusements and uugodly associa tions, as men fly from fierce tigers or duiUly cobras. Sturgeon. Indisostion in Cattle and Horses. M. lV;y, a French veterinary surgeon, draws attention to the liability of horses .and cattle suffering from iudigestioa from aim consumption of forage iu a humid or musty state. It is from overfeeding this complaint is ojdiuary produced, or to the uo rapid trunsiita from dry to unlimited grata food. Another very common cause is, the putting of animals to work imme dtatily jsfiw-their feed. The giving of and tiwe xefue of the thrcshinga ehine is al.-o anutbur .principal source, as well as excessively coJi water, aud above all, allowing the ar.iia! to drink the wa ter ot marshes. A liitle ndi. or handful ul meal is excellent iu the -drinks. OhH animals ought never to be given too much food at once and it should ever be mixed .with a little straw. When the horse show symptom c.f indigestion, restless ness, suddenly refusing food, resting on One leg, theu on another, the head droop ing a k". seeking the left flank, its excre ment either hard or liquid, etc., au ex citant, as ilree onces ot kitchen salt or a ghtss of gin in a bottle of water will afford relief ; or an iufusinu of chamomile and sage. In case pain exists two spoonsful of laudanum will prove excellent. Of .course, soap injection, fi ictioniiud fumiga tion, are not to be overlooked. Bleeding in cw-e nf grain iodigetiuu , becomes mor- Counterfeit Money in tfie Wt or a Circus. From tie Memphis Avalanche, October 2. J Nearly erery day brings to light some new counterfeit pot in circulation in this city immediately after the departure of Howe's circus. They are well executed and calculated to deceive. We furnish the following list of coun terfeits discovered op to this time, which was furnished as by Mr. A. Thummel, teller of the German National Bank First National, LockportN. Y., $10; Tradeis, Chicago, S5; Third National, Chicago, $5; First National, Boston, S100; First National, Philadelphia. $10; Ninth tinnal, ruiiadPlphia, 10; , New York, $2; First N National, New York, $2; First National Canton, 111., $5: First National. Psxton 111., $5; City Bank, Pooghkeepsie, N Y , S 10; First National, Red Hook, N Y S10; Central. New York city, $100; Central Rome, N Y $10. Some of oar merchants informs as that since the advent of -the circus in our town a considerable quant itv of counterfeit has been placed in circulation. Winston Sentinel. The Crafty Architect. It is re- I MrAi.i nf an ' rnt i t r r vf tka e ai m . L L. mas, mat naving omit a watch tower i .i.i i . for the king of Egvnt, to warn mariners from certain dangerous rocks, he caused his own name to be engraved on a certain stone m the wall, ar.d bavin? covered it with plaster, he inscribed on the outside n golden letters, the name of the king, as hough the thing were done for his trlorv. w w mr tie was cunning enough to know that the waves ere long would wash away the con. or piasiering, ana that then his own name would appear, and his memory be handed down to successive generations How many there are, who, while affec ling to seek only the glory of God aud his church, are really seeking whatever is caicutiaied to gratify sejfMove. Could the outer coat, as it were, of these pre tences be removed, we should see them, as they really are, desirous not of God's glory, but of their own.-Illustrations f J. Till It. Now ! A short word : a shorter thin ooon uiierea; sooner gone "Now!" A gram oi sand on a boundless Dlain. A my npple on a measureless ocean ! Ovr that ocean we are sailing; but the only part of it we possess is that on which oor vessel at this moment floats. Prom the stern we look backwards and watch the ship a wake in the waters; but how sho uiD.auvu h readies, nnti now soon every Ifflpu t i ....... .... I WT i M'tppaiet t iib see also some landmarks farther off, and then tho hori zon clones the view ; but beyond, that ocean still rolls lar. far away. Memory tuuvrujjiiairs me iew years of our iudi vmuai lite; history shows as a dim out line ot mountains; science tell n th still farther back oat of sight, stretches that vast sea ; reason assures us that, like space, it uath no boundary ; bat all that e possess of it is. represented by this small word now ! The past, for action is ours no longer. The future may never become present; it is not ours until it does. The only part of time we can nse i- this very moment now J -Christian instructor. Working for Eternity. Zeuxis, the famous painter, was ohser vet A t A ka u..n ol..... . I i " diuw ai ins wora, and to let no piece of his go abroad into th worm to oe seen of man, till be had turned it over and over, this side aud tnat side, again aud again. And being uuee aeu -.ue reason why be was s CUri0O8, whv SO lou? in drawrincr Ki lin and so slow in the use of his pencil, he iukuo mis answer : "i am Idug in doing wuttn utae m nana, because what I paiut, l paint tor eternity I" As for our parte, we write, we read, we sing, we pray, we labor; whatsoever we do, what soever we. think, all is transmitted to eter nity, all to he viewed by a most judicious aud all-seeing eye, so that no fault can escape ; and beiug viewed and considered they are to bo committed either to be eternally punished or eternally rewarded. We must labor therefore to be perfect, so to live to God that we may live with God ; so to live ou earth, that we may live in heaven; so to live for etoruity, that we may live to all eternity. Education in Saxony. Saxony is still further raising the edn cational standard of her citizens by legal enactments. It is no longer sufficient for children to attend school until they are 14 years old until they are 17 they must continue to receive instruction, in the eveuings or on Suudajs. The num ber of lesbons ranging weekly from two to six, according to the previous profi ciency of the pupil. Default is punished by fine or imprisonment. Pupils who at tend private schools recognized by the State are held to be complying with the law. Up to the age of 17 a child's edu cation is superintended by the State ; at 19 the child, if a boy, eaters the active army. After serving for three years be is relegated first to the reserve, next to the Londwehr, then to the Lands t arm, and not uutil he arrives at the mature age of 42 can he call himself a free mau. A Common and Cruel Mxstaxe. Solomon' 8 proverb, "Hope deferred mak eth the heart sick," applies especial!- to women and young " people. When they want anything, tbey want it immediately. The valnts and sweetness ore token out of many a gift for them, by the heedless and needless delay of its bestowal. A wife wants to go somewhere, or she Vants some article of dreat or household furni ture,. and her husband might just oa . well gratify Iter at once as to put her off day after day; but he does not, and. her defer red hope make her heart sick, so that when the desired favor comes, it does her no good. Parents often treat their chil dren the some way, to an extent that, is cruel. They do not mean to be cruel, bat the result is the same. All the sweetness aud satisfaction is thus often taken out of the lives of wives and children in respect to things which, if promptly and cheerful- ly bestowed, wonld c m JnM34aponhott99riolfTpXii3f mm 1 , ,- nm Wfrm program: .ES, PAMPHLETS, SUBS, (Fee Simple, Sheriffs aod Commis sioners), CONTRACTS, MMCMS, MORTGAGES, (Land and, BILL HEADS, JVaU and &tte JCulcU, s Labels, Cautions, all done on short notice and at TERT LOW RATES. Court Blanks, Deeds and Mort gages, ready printed and for sale at all times. to order. Address, 7. J. BR UNER, SALISBURY, It. C. 3 OYDEN U'OUSE SALISBURY, J. C. Mas. Dr. Beeves, Proprietress, The Proprietress returns her sincere thanks to the traveling public for their liberal patron age wniie sue was connected with the Nation al Hotel. Not having room enough at the "National" to accommodate ber sriiest nroDerlv. aha run. ted the BOYDEN HOUSE, and she feels miti. fied that she can now accommodate her guests comfortably, and in the very best style, in this newly furnished house, with all the modern improvements. Passengers going np the W. N. C. Rail Road irora the fcast, take Breakfast at the BOY DEN MOUSE. First class Bar and Billiard Sa loon eonnectod with the HOUSE. July 15 lm. Administrator's Sale of Real and PERSONAL ESTATE. -k0:-- Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction, ON Friday, tok 5f h pat of Novsmbbs, 1875. at the late resi dence of Felix D. Clodfelter, deceased, about one hundred acres of land, belonging to the estate of said deceased, adjoining the lands of M. W. Goodman, Mrs. M . E. Watts and others situated in Mt. 011a Township, about 16 miles west of a'tebury, on the waters of Sili's Creek, near Back tree tnnrcn. 'imsis a very de.xirah h tract n' a very oesirame tract or una, wita good buitaiaa. orchard. Ac. with plenty of timber and about tweni v acres of good :ash. and the bottom. Terms of Sale onc-ha f cah. and oaisnee m twelve months. Interest from date. At the same time and place, undersigned will sell for cash about 60 bushels of wheat, 75 busheU of oats, 100 bushels of corn and a lot of straw Ac Sale to take place at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. Persons wishing to see the land can call on J. L. Clodfelter, near the premises, or on the undersigned. SAM'L A. LOWRANCE, Adm'r. of Felix D. Clodfelter. Sept. 38, 1875 its. SIMONTON FEM ALE CLLESE, STATEVILLE, IV. . The next session will open Sept. 1, 1675. Terms Cur board, Ac , have been made as low as possible to suit the times. References : Rev. Chos. Phillips, D. D., Prof. W. J. Martin, Rev. W. A- Wood. Rev. D. B.Jordan. Ex-Go v. Z. B. Vonce, Bon. W. H. Battle, and all friends of the late Prof. Mitchell, of Chapel Hill. N. C. Aug. 18, 1874. 6uios. E A. MARSH'S MACHINE WORKS Corner of Fuxtoh 6c Council, Streets, Salisbury, N. 0. Having all my new Machinery in onera- atioa. I am now prepared in connection with toe iron & Brass works to do all kinds of wood work, sueh aa Lumber Dressing, Tougue& Grovine. makinsr Sash. Blinds Ac Doors, making moulding from i inch to 6 i nenes wteo. also Turning & Pattern mak ia Sawiaa? Bracketts. dec. Havinsr th inUMdeieerfnUlbeat Machinery and first ejaaj workmen, Ktyj Wf hsppi- kafUfaetios is guaranty. j. MTtU-iy. y . WhRrfi thfi Mnp.vl pn A great many farmers have found it to be in Mod Stock, Poultry, Groin, etc The AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL tells all about these, and may be had A WHOLE YEAS FOE $1. Just think of it! Nearly 400 pons of this valuable information (exclusive of tinted covers) in one year. Veterinary advice without charge. IMPROVED STOCK FREE as well as many other articles, to those getting up clubs. Agent and others having a little spare time, can make excellent wages and do others good, by obtaining subscribers ; 10 cents secures specimen aod explains bow to do it. Address POTTS BROTHERS, Porkesburg, Chester Co., Pa. oct21-tf. O. M. Bcra. Lftte ol G.M. C. k. Bakkkb, or C a tartar a to l k Co BTJIS & BARKER WHOLESLE &RETAL Droncjsis Corner Main ic Fisher Streets, SALISBURY, N. 0., Where may be found a full assortment of Pare Drugs, Medicines, Dye Staff, Fine Hand kerchief Extract, Foreign A Domestic Col ognes, SoapA, Hair, Tooth A Nail Brushes, Havana & American Cigars. All trades of 8MOKING A CHEWUQ TOBACCO. A fine lot of Braits & Glass LAMPS: also the celebrated Perkins & House Nox-explosivk Kerosene Lamps which we warraet or (reay yearn, w niskey, r rencn Brandy, N?nppernone Wine by the bottle or gallon. Blackberry. Mnlaga, California Sherry A Port Wines. mported Gin, and in met eve-ythine usually kept in a first claas Drug Store. Our prescrip tion department it noey in he hands of the pro- prietors, one or the other being in the Store day '.a 1 mm ' ana nuju ana no one neeu apprehend any dan ger in having their prescriptions compound ed. Feb. 18th, 1875. tf. Chesapeake and Ohio B THE GREAT CENTRAL ROfTTE RF- rWEEN XORTU CAROLINA AND THE WEST. PASSEXGEIi TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. MAIL EXPRESS. Leave Richmond 9.30 a m 9.10 n m Charlottesville, -2.05 am 130 o lu Arrive White Sulpher, 9.25 " 8.37 H nunungrton, ti..w a m o.4o " " Ciucinnatti, 6.U0 am Conncedng closely with all of the Great Trunk Lines for the West. North-Went and South-Yfct. This is the shortest, Quickest and cheapest Route, with les changes ol cars than any other, And passes through the finest scenery in tne worm. Paiwengers taking the Express tiain on the N. C. R. R. have no delay, but connect closely, to any point in the Wert. first class and Emmigrant Tickets at the Lowest Ratfa and Rajijraae checked: Emi grants go on Express Trains. Time, Ir6TAKCE, and Money saved by taking the Chesapeake and Ohio Route. Freight Rates to and from the West, always as low as tne lowest. Merchants and others will find it to their in terest to get our Rates before shipping or or- auring. For Information and Rates spply to J. C. DAME, So. AKent. or G. M. McKENNIE, Ticket Agent Greensboro N. C C. R. HOWARD, General Ticket Agent. W. M. 8. DUNN, Superintendent. Richmond Vs. t& As oar a6eroasr na aoc ES S adwtlaa. fewat !:wihr OisUnot, w wfll Interpret aod aasa rata It m folkv : 1C. It. POOTE, r. I., Aathor of Plain Home Talk, Xe4lcl Cowmen ftnm, Scteno in Story, etc . 143 Lemington Arenn (oar. XKh Pt.o t. New Tort, m Iir-tri(t ust PamiAX. traaU all forma of Ltnginmg or CSraaSa Diaaaaaa, al reoetrea letter trota all parte of the Cithjzid Woruj By hi orifituU way at oaaduettag a ModksaJ Prao Uoa, ha la coooaaefnlijr tree: nr nomaroo pauenta la ISsraM, Um Wast ladles. Pomlnlon mt Caiaaa, aa4 la erery part of the Unite ataua. NO MERCURIAL Or oVIsSwtaaa droca naad. Ha baa, Sartos the paat twenty thiaa yaarn, treated anmeaifnUy aaarly or uite 40,000 oaaaa. AU f u eonaacted with aact cac ar carefully reoorSed, whether they be onmmanieated by letter or In person, or observed by the Doctor or hia aaaaatejai phyddaoa. Tha tatter ara aU atilaatnte medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A SXBTASCX Ara treated. AU laraltda at a distance are raqotred to annrer a Met of plain qneatian, which elicit erery aymptom nader which Um invalid taffera, AU eaaa. mmmtcattoma trtiUd mnctlf amJUmumL A .r picte ayrtem of resaerins lweeenta miatakea or oorrfTeioa. Lier of adaaateaa aant free, on anr4ieattea, to any part of tha world. Sixty pac pamphlet of Brroaacas or Booccaa, alao arat free. All theaa trattmonlala ara from thorn who hare been treated by mail aad expreaa. Apnea m ornoc, oa bt kail, raaa oa caaawa. Qsl on or addraaa i Dst. E. Bi FOOTE, Ha. MO Lsxiaf tsa Avs M. T. rfcoW Jto9 JTAsssr is JOmmThUe mkiJAodi&ai Centrum. Sense .Also JV Evk Science in Story : " waw TOK. Br. Jkrysv's Tsaic Bowsl aad PUs Pills. Thtea) piUa an aa Ufallibte remedy for naatlaaHim d tatea, eamm I by waaJmeaa or tuppreeei'ra of the awrtata'tte mot: on ot the bowete . Tbay very rently tamwaaa the aottr.ty of the iaVemaal eaaal, prod oee aeft nf.j and reltera pilea at oae. TbooeanSa here been aareS by them. Pnoe fO eento, aeat by mail oa wamiat -it priaa. Prnaai ed only by F. ALFRKO RSICeT KX7)T. PSeBMACiaT, 4tW POOBTS iTUOl, Krw Toaa Cm. Or. ZngzT1 Osmasaad Flail Extract f Kamharfe aad The immeeabtaaateB at to entirety reptoee Cnleejel or Km Pill. It thi !iwer. haaweeam the Sow ef bile, aad thaa at eoe Turpir or tbm tirer. bil ooT-.ipatioa. 1 toe diaaaam arising from trreae the X street. wiUprored, nIW; m -. inuik aa awe or two botiiee are wear tae aamiesloa beaatrhttrr. aad .yd emlna .-noaed by Hear troobte Prioe SI S bjCUaa, SS ; win be aart oa raceiat of Um w any aooreaa. nme of eharse. rd oory W. urHU iUilt;uaRDT, Avawca, Sxw Toa Citt. K to S 0 fl Per Dy at home. Terms w w Address G. Stixtoss A Co.. Portland, Maine. Jan. 19, 1875, lv If UUa V VUU 1UUUUJ UlUU pom r. saaass raa atennlBB Cheap Chattel Mortgagee, aa4 varioj s :har Hanks ier tale bast " , i -a ' Carolina Central Railway Co. Ofticb General Suraanrrajrasnrr. 1 WUmirigton, N. C April U, W75. J Change of Schedule, tmm a. yn ana otter Friday, April Mth. 1875. the trains win run over this Railway as follows . PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave TVilmJocton at... Arrive at Charlotte at. . . . Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wilmington as 714 A .-.7.15 P. U 7.00 A. M - 7 .00 P. Jtf FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Wilmington at. Arrive at Charlotte at Leave Charlotte as Arrive in Wilmington at MIXED TUMI .GOO P If .4.00 P M . f O . A M Leave Charlotte at. 8 00 A If Arrive at Buffalo at. ........II M Leave Buffalo at liJO PM Arrive in Charlotte at 4.30 p If Ho Trains on 8uoday accept one freight train that leaves Wilmington at 6 r. m.. instead of on Saturday nigbt. Connections. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington A Weldon, and Wilmington. Columbia i Augusta Bailroods, 8e mi-weekly New York and Tri weekly Baltimore aud weakly Philadelphia Steamer, and the Hirer Boots to Fayetterilla. Connect at Charlotte with iu Weitrrn Di viftion, North Carolina Kail mad. Charlotte A 8tetavil Railroad, Charlotte A Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia A Auguato Rail road. Thus supplying the whole West, North wet and South wet with a short and cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. 8. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. Vavfl. 1875. tf. Piedmont Air Line Railwav w RichmonJ Banrile, Richmond ft Snyili W., H. c. Division, and wui v uwi a. m, m. W. GOHOENSEO MET ABLE la Fffoct on and aftsr I ox day lapt. 16 tk 1171 GOING NORTH. STATION'S. f.5ievTi Mail. Express. 9.15 r M 6 44 a m 9.33 ' 6.g0 1168 " 8.04 3 .16 a at IQM " 68 1.12 r M &I8 1 90 1136 " 6.07 3.93 r a 8 48 " Leave Char'otte " Air Line J'uct'n u Salisbury " Greensboro " Ianville " Dundee ' Barkcvilte ..... Arrire at Richmond. GOING SOUTH. STATION. Leare Eicbmnd " Burkeri to- " Dundee......... M Danville Greensboro 44 Salisbnry. .... 44 Air-Line J'oot'a Arrive it CnarloUe... Kail. .38 r a 4.64 10.33 " 10.39 3.00 a a 6.32 8.06 8.22 a a EXTKUMM. 6.08 a.m. 8 36 1 14 r 1.17 -3.68 6.16 8.28 " 8.43 GO I KG EAbT. IGOING WEST. STATIONS. Mail. Mail Leave Greensboro.. 44 Co shops 44 BaleiKb Ayr. at Goldboro'... 3 .00 a a 4.39 8.33 " b.Ait. 1.46 a a L'vMaDo " 8 10 44 U 30 a a rjL'vslOOra WORT wiimv sr. o. m. m ( Salsvm ii n a sen . ) Leare Greensboro ArWre at Ralem Lare Salem Arrive at Greenaboro.... 4.30 r a e is " 8.4a a a 10.93 - Passenger train learina Raleicb at B.lOra connecta atGreenaboro' with the Northern bound train; makln the auickast time to all Mortkera cuiea. rnceoi ricseu sane aa rta other roatas jrsins 10 and rrom poinU Kaat of Greeaaboro eonneel at Greeasaoro with Mall Trains to or irum poinu orto or noath. Two Traias daily, both ways yn nsnaays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 900 A a , arrive at Bnrkerille 19 43 r -. leave uaraevuie 4 36 a m , arrive st Kkh mond 7 68 a a Ho Chanfl-ff of Cars Bsrvsan r,ariH aaa mcninona, iso aultl. Papers that have orraneemenu to adrrtiM v. schedule of this company win please print as above. For fnrther i uformation address 8 B. A I. LF. Oen'l Tkket Agent. CreenaKnrn V P T R TALCOTT. ' Engineer A Gen'l Sapertntandent Blactmer aid Henderson, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, if. 0 annary22 1874 tf. 29, 1876 tf The GRE AT V AU E or HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, as a seated envelope. Price sic orate, h Lecture on the I nt, and Radical curw of Seminal weak- uesM, r Spermatorrhoea, induced by Self-Abuae, involnntorv Emissions, I rn potency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marnafe rener ally; Consumption, Spilepsy. and Pits; Mental and Physical Incapacity. Ac. Br ROBERT J.CULVERWBLL. M. D , author of the "Green Rook." etc. The world-rsnovmed author, in this admira bla Lecture, clearly prove from ais own exre rience that the lawful consequence of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without niedtejne, and witho t dangerons aaraiaal up at atioaa. bougies, instrumonta, ring, or oor dial a; pointing out a mods of care at onoe certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, aa matter what hia condition may be, care himself cheap ly privately and radically. tar Thu Assfarr uhw prove a boon is sands and fswasaads Sent undr seal, in a plain envelope, to sddress, oa receipt of six oaais or two age stomps. Address tha Publisher. CHAS. J. C. KLLNE & CO. 127 aftwTok; rost Office Baz 458 0m FARMERS 1 - t w f . ra s k ; SAVE MONET, SAVE LABOR, SAVE TIAIK, BY USING THE FAB EUS PLOW.. ft will raa lighter. It wiU tarn year lend batter, It will mn 7n Isaa to kear it in order, than aar Plow raa Kara rvw We will f ii raise yoe Points oee year for owe plow la ardiaarr Uwd far oae yon pay yoar blackaaiiib to do the aaate oa raor old-fsabiaaad Ptww ? Wis hare last saaia a great radactiaa la Pviaa f All weowkofyoa is. Try h, aad tbaa if yaa WE WARRAN GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN Co'; (Late 8 flTIOId Sl I BBaa5aawWWaW8JlaJB3 GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS. FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED lOaUlVS&B PATENT QTJALirT"irTO TTTSBS, a An invsation having a moat important bearing whicli tlic rjtiHnlUT or volume 01 unc i very wrgri) intrmaru, anA the iua!:tj of tune rri.ilcred pal to that of toe Best Pipe Orpin of He Sase Capacity. Our celebrated "Vox Celeac.,, 44 Vox llamana." inc "Cllo- or "C'larionet" .Stop-, "G. m Horn, and ALL THE LATEST lMrivlJi hiflTS Can be oblained Pifty Different 8 Vualitv aud volume ofTone Let PBIC FACTORY AND WAKEROOMK, CORNER Atk AND OONf.REH Sat, DETROIT, MICUIGAX. A1LISEEB IN 1830.) Address GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN COm May 80 1875 I J. K J. BATTLE. President. F. n CAMERON Viee Prrsidcul. W. H. HICKS, See'y. KOBTB CAUOLIXA T ATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY, N CAPITAL. S20Q.0C0 At end of Firat Fical Year bad tanned over 900 Policies witbont miataining a single loam. Prudent, economical and energetic manage ment has made it A SUCCESSFUL CORPORA! ION. Tbi Company iaauea every dcatrable form of $100, i-c Mrckaarr may aaaet, Policies at as low rates as aay other First Claas ! 90 day. Tbi- Piano is one of Cm I Bias Company. j M. TiKr-s 7J Octavo, Grand hVjaare Scale, Imposes no or travel. lass restriction upon reeal Has a fixed paid op value on all policies wo annual paymen.a. fa- a a a w wiura aaweu are loanro and inv Al HOME, to footer and encourage home enterpriae. lniny aays grace allowed in pavment of pre miusss. With these acta before thcra will the modI of North Carolina continue to par annually thousands upon rhouaanda of dollar to build op Foreign Companies, when they can secure insurance in a Company equally reliable and ever? dollar4 premium they pay be loaned and invested in our own State, and among our owu people? Taeo. p. KLITR J. D. McNKKLY, ( t4e. - . Saiiabury, N. C. RUFPIX ATAYLOE. Caa'l. DisL Agfa. Greenaboro N. C Dec 81 ly. CRAIGE & CRAIGE. so 30ltrittT9 is JJanhrtiptro. r Special atteution paid to proceed la BaAruptcay. Sept. 5, 187J. A st I wiles doa'l like U aria ll V KVKKT VlJDW GLOUOI 1MPEOVKD- on ibe-future Bced Inatrnaaeota, ay aiaa Wilcox Patent," "Octave Coapaer," the t rtmoai," -Vox Angilct," "Viola . only in tbt-ac Organa. tlio Olxxx: O WORK ANSHIP. ntjuaikiL 850 TO S5 AOIS7I Wasted is Brery Oonaty DETROIT, Intendinj: to remove lo Davis Ootintv, sell mr Pianrt t,,r S.SAtl in intatla four round carved Loui XIV Style, aiib extra pedal. Alririnal nrirw SS9S after , beauty of tooe aad equality of u uoettrpaaatd. In my abaettca coil K rvaHal- w-SsSaMyH Muses L. iioLii sa. Get. 7-tf. II. U. HELPER. Book Agents and Good Salesmen Ara -COINING MONEY" with tU famous BIDA DESIGNS, Tbe French F.diuaa ed which awlts fur filS and the Jeehm Edrtioa Pmmkv EdUtcm (aSJsil. (Me Hundred frll pmew qoaru or tew pmlrs at the caKArasT aad asuet klboawt pcatJcartaa in am aasc a aad th BEST TO SELL- Critloa vie wtta eaeSa wtSwr la iu and tha aaasawa bay H. Awrtit iu Chartaatiia. 9. C r ordwra: oaa in Niuwty Sis. 8. C 10A- aaa la Vs.. 147; an..ther in taka ia threw weal Fall Particulars Pre. J. B. POKD Az CO.. Ft auaaaas. r? Path Flora. Keer Tort Si. 7S-tf. I a.r. se'v r i 1 1i a - up ITw-lf,