ear Bjgsjm '""xA W v M an - mm ' saiBBmn'sai fill 1 aroima ) - insa24 ''' , - M iM il Mm. .J4;f v v$.ryUM 7 VOL VII ..THIRD SERIES. SALISBTOY, H. ft DECEMBER 16, 1875. EO10 : IsfY MM I m J m V IO. uai "Jfc. . ..r. t : 1 - - - .... 1 , . . t a PUBLISHED WEEKLY I J. J. BRUNER. Proprietor and Ediioi . THOS. K. BRUNER, Associate Fditr. BATES OF M B R1PTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. rw "Year, payabletn advance. $2.f0 8u Months, 5 Copies to auv address . 1.25 10.0 ADVERTISING RATES : Owe Square (1 inch) One insertion $100 Rates for a greater number of insertions moderate. Special notices 25 per cent, more jn rejrular advertisements, xveauing nouce. 5 cents per line for each and every insertion FRO WASHINGTON. a "Pull Synopsis of the Presi dent's Annual Message to Con gross. w me Wasiuxoton, JJec. v. ine message onens : "In submitting my seventh an naal message to Congress in the centen nial year of our national existence as free and independent people, it affords me great pleasure to recur to the advance ment that lias been made hom the time of the Colonies one hundred years ago We were then a people numbering only three millions ; now we number more than fort v . Then industries were confined al most exclusively to the tillage of the soil ; now manufactures absorb much of th labor ot t no country, war iiDerties re main unimpaired ; the bondsmen have been freed from slavery, and wd"have become possessed ot the respect, if not the friendship, of all civilised nations' Graphic and well worked details foil w The President earnestly recommends that a constitutional amendment be submitted to the legislatures nuking it the duty o each Stale to establish and forever main tain free public schools adequate to the education of children in rudimentary branches within their respective limits irrespective of sex, c dor, bu t h, place or religion, forbidding the teaching in said schools of religious, atlheistic or pagan tenets and prohibiting the granting of any school funds or school taxes or any part thereof, cither by legislative, mauicipal or other authorities for the benefit or in aid, directly or indiiectly of any re ligious sect or denomination, or in aid, or for the bent fit of any other object of any nature or kind whatever. He alludes io the importance of correcting the evil of at amounts of untaxed church property, and estimates that by 1S90, if unchecked, this property will reach n sum exceeding three thousand million dollar, lie would suggest the taxation of all property equally, excepting only the last resting lilace of the dead. Relations with most foreign powers continued on a patisfactory aud friendly footing. The I'i evident is happy to an nounced the passage of an act by the general consent of Portugal, abolishing ilarery in the colonics. The past year has furnished no evidence of an approaching termination of the ruin ous conflict which has been raging for even years in Cuba. The same disre gard of the laws of civilized warfare and tbe just demand of humanity which have heretofore called forth expressions of con demnation jruin the nations of Christen dom have continued to blacken the sad scene. Desolation, ruin and pillage are pervading the rich fields of the one of the most fertile and productive regions of the earth, and the incendiaries torch, firing plantations and valuable factories and buildings, is the agent marking the alter nate advance and retreat of the contend ing parlies. The President narrates dam age to the interests of all commercial na tions, especially to thoso of tho United Slates and the security of property own ed by the citizens of the United States in Cuba. lie had hoped Spain could be enabled to establish pcaco in her colony. Because ol this bope and from an extreme reluctance to interfere in the affairs of another and a friendly nation, lie bai patiently and anxiously awaited the progress of events. The armed bands of cither sido now occupy the ground as in the post. The President makes a long argument nd concludes : "A recognition of the independence of Cuba being in my opin on impracticable and indefensible, the question which next presents itself, is that of the recognition ol brilligerent rights n parties to the contest." After further wgument. the Preeideut concludes: "The "cognition of independence or of belliger- fuey Icing thus iu my judgement equally DAQangible, it remains to consider what course shall be adopted. Should tbe con b'ci not soon be brought to an end by sets of the tbs evils which result therefrom, affecting J nations, and particularly the United tates, coutiuuc, in such event. I am of 0P'ia that other I inn a will he- enm Polled to assume the responsibility which devolves upou them and to seriously con der the only remaining measures possi ble, mediation and intervention." After Inn k. - . . . '-i-cr Bimtraent, lie says, "at the same vim. ... I ri . . : T"! wnue thus impressed. I do not at nme lecommend the adoption urther communication to Conrress at some period not tar remote and daring the present session, recommending what m ty then seem to me to be necessary." a ti w - Aiiuaing to smuggling through the free Bono and cattle raids on the Rio Grande, the President says, "aa expert meat of an armed ve ssel on the Rio Grande for that purpose is on trial, mod it is nopea mat it not thwarted by the shallowness of the river and other natur al obstacles, it may materially contribute to the protection of the herdsmen ot Tex as " Oecan telegraphs are discussed at great length, bat no allusion is made to the postal telegraph. Discussing specie resumption, the Pres- dent says : "Too much stress cannot be laid upon this question, and J hope Con grese may be induced at the earliest day practicable to insure consummation of the act of the last Congress at its last session, to bring about specie resumption on and after the first day of Junuarv. 1879. at farthest. It would be a great blessing if this could be consnmmiated at even an earlier day. Nothing seems to me more certain than that a full, healthy and permanent reaction cannot take place in favor of the industries and financial welfare of the country until we return to a measure of values recognized through out the civilised world. While we use a currency not equivalent to this standard, the world's recognised standard of spe cie becomes a commodity like products of the soil, the surplus seeking a market wherever there is a demand for it. Un der onr present system, we should want noue nor would we have any were it not that eustoms dues are paid in coin, and be cause of pledges to pay the interest on the public debt in coin. The yield of the precious metals would flow out for tbe purchase of foreign productions and leave the United States hewers of wood and drawers of water, because of wiser legislation on the subject of finance by the nations with whom we have dealings. I am not prepared lo say that I can suggest the best legislation to secure the end I most heartly recommend. L will be a source of great satisfaction to me to be able to approve any measure of Congress looking effectually towara securing the resumption. Unlimited inflation would probably bring about specio payments more speedily ;han any legislation look ing to redemption of legal tenders in coin, but it would be at the expense of honor. Tbe hgal tenders would have no value beyond set ling the present liabili ties, or properly speaking, repudiating th in. They would bring nothing after all other debts were settled. These arc a few measures which seem to m impor tant in this connection, and which I com mend to your earnest consideration. A repeal of so much of tho legal lender act as makes these noies leceivablu f-r the debts contracted after a certain date to be fK-d in the act itself ; say not later than the first of January 1876. A hearty reaction would wet ia at once and with it, a desire to make the currency equal to what it purports to be. Tho President elaborates the good effects which would follow this sugges tion. Second, that the Secretary of Treasury be authorised to redeem, sa v . not to exceed two million dollars monthly of legal tender notes by issuing in their stead a long bond bearing three sixty nve inndredths per cent of denominations rat-ging from fifty to a thousand dollars each ; third, that additional power be land. "As this will be the last message I shall have the honor of submitting io Congress before my successor is chosen, I will repeat or recapitulate the questions which 1 deem of vital importance and which may be legislated upon and settled at this session : First, that tbe States shall be required to afford the opportuni ty of a good common school education to every child within their limits. Second, no sectarian tenets shall ever be taught in any school supported in whole or in part by the State or Nation or proceeds of any tax levied upon any community ; make education compulsory so far as to deprive all persons who cannot read and write from becoming voters after the year 1S90, disfranchising none, however, on grounds of illiteracy who may be voters at the time this amendment takes effect : Third, Declare church and Si ate forever separate and distinct, but each free within their proper spheres, and that ail church property shall bear its owu proprotion of taxation : Fowth, drive out licensed im morality such as polygamy and the im portation of women for illigitimate pur poses. I recur again to the Centennial year. It would seem as though now, as we are about to begin tbe second century of our national existence, would be a most fitting time for those reforms. Fifth, enact such laws as will secure a speedy return to a sound currency such as will command the respect of the world. Believing that these views will command themselves to the great majority of the right thinking and patriotic citizens of the United States. I submit the rest to Congress. (Signed.) U. S. Grant. fiis VI Any measure of intervention." He aa "persuaded however, that a proper JgArd for the in Wrests of the United Atei and its citizens entitle it to relie .rm the strain to which it has been sub Jtcted by the difficulties of the questions . lDe wngs and losses whichariaefrom y contest iu Cuba, and that the iuterest , ""inanity itself demand tbe cessation r strife before tho whole Island shal Z U wt,t0 l'ger sacrifices of life J "ade, I shall feci it my duty, should J uvpeg of a mtiafuotnr iHilutmeilt The Moqui Indians. A portion of the Hayden exploring ex pedition penetrated that part of Arizona occupied by tbe "Moqui Indians," a tribe differing so widely in their habits and customs from the ordinary tribes of North American Indians, as to lead to the sup position that they spring from a distinct race. They are gentle, peace-loving, and unlike the wilder tribes, do not follow the chase, but in a rnde way cultivate the soil, from which they gain a scanty sup ply of corn and some of tbe commoner vegetables. Cattle, eheep and goats, which they raised in considerable numbers, find peren nial pasturage in the valleys and on the slopes leading up to the mesas upon which their towns are bnilt. Their habitations, which are built of stone, bear evidence of having been erected at a period ante, dating the discovery of this continent, and are still substantial edifices, that give promise of remaining after the remnant of the tribe shall have passed a? ay. These houses ate frequently four sto ries high, each successive story receding like terraces ou a hillside, and am io connected as to make it uncertain where one house ends or the other begiue. The architecture -of these buildings bars a striking similarity to that of the ruins of ancient buildings fouud in many parts of Arizona, and which are not unfrequenlly met along the course of the Colorado and San Juan rivers. The men of the Moqui tribe, unlike the average Indian, preform field labor, and gather and garner their crops with a frugality which may be the outgrowth of necessity, but which seems to be the effect of a remote, but not to bo underrated civilization, which their tradi tions claim as having atone time prevailed throughout the present territories of Ari- given to the Secretary of tue TVeasUry to aona U( New Mexico, and the adjacent accommodate gold for final redemption States of Sonoro and Sinaloa in Mexico, either by increasing reveuue or dec.eas- -phe women, as in other tribes, do not ing expeiiees on both. It is prefe.aole to Demr the burdens while the men lounge in do both. idleness, and indulge in the vices incident to barbaric life, but are busied with do- coffee is suggested ; also the reduction on I mestic duties. They wear, in a primitive certain articles such as hardly pay for sort of way, such blanket as cannot be the cost and collection and such as enter- woven on the best looms that tho invent into manufactures. He suggests some ive talent of Europe or America can pro better means should be found for verify- duee, and which are equalled only by ing claims against Government than those made by the Navajoes, a neighbor through court claims, especially those I ing tribe, whose tastes and manners ot lite growing out of the late war. They are in closely corresspond with their own. iros- i . !.. t: I : . : 1....J L -t ....... k. nearly every roaiauce. eioruimui. uia cussine report of tbe Secretary of War, i . . ' i u : . t a 4k ...Kt. n lnYues sneciai auenwou iu ujm.iwk i mouuuiu nueci mum iuuii, ih wmw three hundred thousand of subsistence I Comanches, Apaches, and Arapahoes, Thb Orphan Asylum Rkport or the Superintendent Mills. The re port of this gentleman, submitted last evening to the masonic grand lodge, in regard to the present statue of the orphan asylums at Oxford and Man Hill, is very interesting, and reflects credit upon the seal and energy displsyed by that gen tleman in his labors in so good a cause. Regret is felt in not being able to give the report in full. Contributions to the Oxford asylum from Dee 1, 1874, to Nov. 30, 1875, amounted to S13.095.98. Dis bursements for same period, 812,540.37, leaving on hand a balance of S551.61. These figures inelude the receipts and disbursements for Mars Hill until Sept. 1, when the books of that institution were opened. Tbe number of orphans reported as present at Oxford last year was 132 ; admitted since that report 50, making 182 ; discharged 57, died 2, runaway 3 expelled 3, leaving 105 inmates at pre sent. The total contribution in cash from September 1, to November 30, for Mars Hill asylum were $353.21. One mule was sold for $100 and $1 10 received from the Oxford asylum, making the total re ceipt 8553,34. The disbursements during this time amount to $548,20, leaving on hand $5,13. The contributions in kiud have not been so liberal as might have been expected in a country blessed with abundant crops, but some few individuals have made frequent and liberal donations. Repairs on the main building aud the erection of other buildings, the purchase of furniture, &c, havo caused the expen ses to be rather heavy, but these improve ments are of a permanent character. The number of orphans admitted to this asy lum has been 35, expelled 1, runaway 2, discharged 3, leaving now present 29 of them. 10 were transferred from Oxford, some to assist iu entertainments and olh ers for their health. The continuance of this institution is recommended by the superiutendaut for various reasons, aud th people of the west are urgently ap- c tied to to give a more hearty support to it. lialeigh Sentinel. Poor Woman! AGRICULTURAL. of tbe reealar eron renortem represent the ravages of dogs as tbe prin cipal ooeraeie to sheep-raisfng, snd esti CHALK. Most neonla lankinr at thi substance would tk it tm k . f mate that fifteen per cent, of the sheen in hardened white mud. Such is not the 106 Sut ar ""lly killed by dogs, ease, as the microscope shows that it is d that ,tx P rt lost by disease nothing bnt the agglomerations of erea ndrU,',r tores almoat invisible. Bearing this ia ' , special correspondents on sheep mind, one is astonished at the power of "sbao7 tbose actually engaged in the organic life, which can produce masses : DO"'Df' anl henee more familiar with that farm a rampart on the coast of Eng- 1 2? DJet wepe naked to state ta aria land. Their minuteness is sueh that a ' c obetacles to sheep-husbandry. Nioe- iy per cent, ol tbe whole number report the ravages of dogs aa the primnpmi. and generally the only, obstacle. Taie beta- single visiting card covered with a white layer of chalk contains about 100,000 shells. These are formed of carbonate of lime, and are so small that 10.000.000 are required to weigh a pound, and 150, 000, 000 to make a cubic foot of the same ma terial. To ike ike Patron of Husbandry of South. In a previous number, we addressed ourselves to the Patrons of the North, setting forth some of the advantages of the South as a farming eon try and a field for immigration, and assuring those who might come here to settle and aid in building np our waste places, of a hearty welcome from their brothers of the Order among whom they might establish them selves. We now desire to say a few words to onr Southern Granges, bearing on the same subject. We have had Immigration Conventions and Immigration Societies enough, bet little has been done by them beyond the cie is found almost insurmountable, io the eaae of the small farmer who could otherwise keep a few sheep, and restrict the business mainly to those who keep from four hundred to one thousand, and can afford to employ a shepherd. What is tbe remedy T jmjaMaeg law, strictly enforced j for December. GLEANINGS. A crowd is not eomoanv. and far ar bat a gallery of pictures, where there Is ao loye. Lord Bacon. The darkness of death is like the even ing twilight ; it makes all objects appear more lovely to the dying. Ricktcr. I know not why we should delay oar passing of sundry excellent "resolutions." tokens of respect to these who deserve We bave no farther need of such conven tions and societies. Our State, County, and Subordinate Granges, can do all that any organization can do, much more easi ly and effectually. What those who are looking longingly them, until the heart that oar sympathy could have gladdened has ceased to beat. As men cannot read the epitaphs inscrib ed upon the marble that covers them, aa the tombs that we erect to virtue often 1 u o . r. i y c.u I i . tuwaru mo ouuiu, as a noma ana ucia oniy prove our repentance that we neg tor rue exercise or ineir laienis ana in dustry, most want, is trustworthy infor mation in regard to our soil, climate, crops, railways, rivers, means of trans portation, markets, schools, churches, and so forth ; and especiallv of the dis position and feeling of our people, toward settlers. Such information our Graneerv can give ; and, comiug from them, bound by sacred obligations and fraternal lies, it would be authoritative, with all mem bers of the Order at least, everywhere. ifourbtate Granges find it inexpedi ent to take active measures in this matter, let the initiative be taken by Pomona Granges, Comity Councils, and other associations of Gr inges, or by single Gran ges, where c - operation is impracticable SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. uooicmn EXTRAORDINARY. n WL JULIAN. Is bow resviviac and opening far the in spection of the people nf geBsbui mmi I aa County tbe Beat Select eu Stuck of staple 4 rmvmcEtics, that has eer beeo exhibited la ReJW Faaev Brands of Cigar and Char I at inn am f gareo. Caadiaa, Bota plain aad Casey . Pig, harass. Oraagna. Raisins. Jelliaa. sad ta msteaytaang the a tsat eiaaa uroswry tx also bars and snQa aTTMM of emretry prose my many fWoads bath ia W a D. B-jAjAX. HARDWARE. tO Bf, lected it when with us. Lord Tytton. OLD COIN8. The Salisbury Watchman shows np a copper coin bearing distinctly tbe date 17, wuicu makes it 1.858 rears old. This is good, bnt we can do better than that. The late John C. Wood, of this city, possessed a rare and valuable col lection of old coins and we reeoliee.t see ing among them one (a silver coin) which ante dated the birth of Christ by several years. IV ilmington lievieic. When oo waat Hardware at low figures, eal I on the undersigned at No t Granite Row. D. A. ATWELT. Salisbury ,N. C.,May 1 J-U. CEDAR COVE NURSERY. FRCIT TREES. VIJTE8 A PLANTS. 1 larjr stork at reasonable rates. New Catalogue for IH75 and 70 with foll-da scriptions of fruits, sent free. Address CRAFT A 8AILOR, Ren Plait, Yadkia Coontr. N. C. w a ua v h ot i, !;.- ling milk; lugging it cut of the cellar; Appoint a committee to set forth fairly ked her to study it. She com rushing milk -pans; washing dishes; aud truly, in tho form of a circular, the en be came home to sapper be weeping; making-beds; cooking for three advantages of your county, parish or -'"g wy, hair down, slippc- No servant ; six cows; large house; three children, one a babe ; up in morning at 5 o'cbu-k ; the milking the cows ; get ting breakup ; baking ; scrubbing; skim in wait s wer m m I t i i l a.aan or tour hungry harvest bands three times ncigtiuornood, ana the inducements you a day ; churning with a machine if his can offer to settlers ; print it and eiruhtte honor the do was willing, but if not, if it by thousau cuiTs aud cart-sses tailed to make him do the North. We have cases in miud, his duty, theu churning by hand ; picking iu which a small pamphlet descriptive ot and canning berries and cherries, and attractive localities has been published in preserving fruit in other ways (and if oue subordinate Ganges, and widely circa- ia a (hirfty housewife she wants to put up lated with large practical results. Such as many cans as her neighbor, who has a work must tell. It is the one thing that A T ... . a isctroit man, who was greatly an noyed because his wife was net better posted in history, procured a volume aad complied, and be found ber ppcrs on ; all the fires oat but one, and no sign of sap per. She said she was not sick, knew iiiLia , ui nit io aiiu vii wimbv I t" I ae d- among the Granges of "PP". bi "P. V l in mnA Bb Bett,e ck ' her chair, "l can tell you all about the first discoverv of Florida, as straight as a suing !" That history has not been opened since that evening. NEW MILLINERY STORE. CP At the old stand of Footer A Horak. Just receired a full line of llata, and Boo- neu, trimmed and untrimmed. Kibhooa, Krarfc and all tbe latest French and American oovel- tie, at is needed. One word more. Off r liberal induce ments to settlers. Deal generously with them when they come among you. Do not ask two prices for yonr land, just as soon as you find somebody willing to buy. It will even to give actual settlers small tracts, for tbe sake of the enhanced give to couple of hired girls to help) ; children to wash, dress and feed; baby to tend; butter to make ; garden to tend ; washing, ironing and a multitude of the lesser duties. Foor u omau ! but why do you pity ber ? True, she makes her owe bed, and if hard she made it ; but poor woman ! nevertheless. Is it any wonder that her 1 value their improvements would thongbts grow bitter and lhat her heart tbe adjoining property aches sometimes as bad as her bead and back ? And that husband and children come iu for eharp words and angry tones from the irritable, hard-worked wife and mother ? Is it any wouder that the wife's hair is uncomcd and her morning work ing dress unchange for a clean one 1 And the children neglected in both body aud soul. Now is the time to take hold of ibis work. With enterprise, energy and perseverance, it will succeed- D. II. JACQUS, Drputy of tie State Grange of Somtk Carolina. A Negro Huso for M trder. Law yer Bryan, col., was hung at Beaufort, ou Friday last for tho murder in Mar. 1874, of Mr Michael Langley of Onslow. He confessed on the gollows having com mitted the murder. Bryan was bnt a mere youth when the murder was committed, some seventeen years of age ; and the evidence against him was purely circumstancial. The case was removed from Onslow to Carteret, in which latter he was eovicted and senten ced to death, bat from one or another tbe negro baa been three times respited The Govenor, however, refusing to inter fere farther, Bryan on Friday expiated Orders executed with cart and dtapaicb. Pinking and Stamping. dine Io order. The Score will be conducted on Use Cas sys tem anl no gonda or work will Sc charged to any one. This role i anrarible. MRS. 8. J. HALY BURTON. April, 15th ow. Ml Stick 1875" Dog Raising vs. Sheep Raising;. hi m on lhe tfrtmws.-ikteieA tfears. A North Carolina Inventor, and Education in North Carolina. A letter from Raleigh to the N. Y. i Herald contains the following interesting aa s uJ i i voauiiv aw saaa uvi a. ww i i-1 sessing a country isolated by great stretch- statements : r, es of arid desert, and almost impenetrable "n departm tent of education, which stands third in the classification announced by the director-general of the Tho Department of Agriculture of the State of Georgia is an institution which the State may well be proud of, and Com missioner 1 homos P. Janes is evidently the right man in the right place. When such a bureau, with a competent head, shall form a part of the administration of every State, a new era will dawu upon our agriculture. Commissioner Janes has been investi gating bbeep Husbandry, as it exists in Georgia, and has brought to light and set 120 Bags Coffee, 50 Barrels Sugar, 40 " Molaaoes, 5000 lbs. Bacon, 2000 lbs. Lard, 2000 lbs. Beat Sugar Cared Hams, 20 Kegs Soda, 20 Boxes u 50 " Adamantine Candles, 40 ' Soap, 2000 lb- Carolina Rice, Well Dose, Sheriff. Since the close of the war, Wake county has not had a sheriff that came to lime with the taxes, and has been skinned right aad h ft Hat ho it rmfmhfrpd all the rlnwti- right stealing came from the republican I 30 Casea Oysters, party. Now oar regularly nominated d. Brandy Peaches, and elected Democratic sheriff has placed the county on the roll of honor again Yesterday, Sheriff Dunu called on the state treasurer snd plsnked down A & a i i a a S30,60,7b. liive us an honest and reli 20 M 10 10 do do do do I ero on Syrup, Fresh Peaches, Pine Apple, Smoking Tobacco, 25 Gross Snuff, 25 Coils Cotton be J ate Rope, ' . 1 I ;Li.l VT -L f 1; I Imau lit. a 1 m in 'm t.M t IMM.I an A I . 1 A T 1.1 . .iiii- t i i i i i rnvrntonna pi tiroiur.n. iorrn iaroi m utiuit uic ucu m mo ivm, ...vi, nv. n nrnr-pr iiao runn. an ci ima bmii appropriation avaiiaoie oe ore Beginning wnose nana is against every man. o. " ".7-.hwin lucid stvle some rather astonishing facts. I ZZu ZiTa t kilT .r"iL-1 40 doa. Painted Pails, . . I v-r i . .i. I . . r . w . . . of the next fiscal yeai. The repeal of the not molested them, and they have, since law abolishing mileage and return to the their history has been known among us, old system of appropriation for torpedo pursued their innocent avocations undis- trials qy corps of Engineers, permauent I turbed by tbe turmoil ot contending tnoes, . f 1 I - - ,f ln mat. organization ror signal corps. i or mo aggressive iuuutihuui ui u. The condition of onr navy at Ibis time less immigrants whose search tor - Area be says is a source of satisfaction. Re- dia" is too often marked by treachery aud viewing the details of defects as compared injustice. with other nations, he says, "but neither The tribe, whose traditions point to a our continental situation or our foreign remote time when their people covered a policy require lhat we should have a large vast region over which tbe rains of an number of these powerful cruising won eient villages ' and forfeited towus are clads while our situation and the nature of thickly scatterred, has now dwindled to a our ports combine to make those of other mere handful less than two thousand nations little dangerous to us under any and the empty, moss-grown houses that circumstances. We have fifty war ships liue the ancient courts and streets of their including fi.teen iron clads now in hand seven remaining towns, give melancholy on the Atlantic Coast." evidence that the gentle race is rapidly Tho postal service is entirely satisfac- passing away. Among the long list of tory. The President suggests the power American pastoral tribes, the Moquis, in for the exclusion of me.ehand;se from the their love of agricultural pursuits, their mails. affection for their offspring, the considera The method of ti eating Indians, adopt tiou with which they treat their women, cd at the beginning of my first term, has the iuterest they take in manufactures, as been steadily pursued with satisfactory illustrated in the production of blaukets, and encouraging results. It haa been wollen cloths, pottery, &c., the absence, productive of evident improvement in the in their midst, of fire-arms or other impte condition of that race, and will be con- men ts of war, the love nf home and the linued with such modifications as exper- traditions lhat cluster around it, their ience may indicate to be necessaiy. He horror of contention, aud their shrinking speaks cheerfully and liberally regarding modesty of demeanor mark them, if not a the Centennial. - separate type, as a tribe occupying an ad He says of the bureau of agriculture, it vaneed position in intelligence aud eivili has accomplished much in disserainaling zatiou. useful knowledge to the agriculturalist. They have been importuned to remove and also introducing new and useful pro- to more fertile regions, but bave tavaria ductions adapted to oar climate, and is bly refused to do so, preferring to remain worthy of the continued encourgement of on the prehistoric spot, aud preserve tbe l.o r witor ii men t. traditions and the results of the labors of I m miBIMIUI T BU1H.I1UV". I M. WW T w i " ""a of i hi. ,..! . .: " ,A I tr0 Ai.roAtori7.pii the condition of affairs 1 a Ions? ana of ancestors whose nraceful 'Be removal of future causes of complaint I in Utah as scandalous. As an institution triumphs crowned lives lhat vers simple, be Uulntnn.l. .1! '! . j . ?l l .Un.,M K. kaniahiMl from the oarnpat and frnitfnl. 1 . e i ... ... ... they teel assured they win oe applied in the manner the law directs. Well done, Dunn, you have redeemed the county.- Sentinel. WORTH KNOWING. Dr. Glass, living near Granby, who is clearing up a new farm, has been iroublcd with a Urge number of big oak stomps. Despite the large per centage of illiteracy, He finds, for instance, that the average the grade of her institutions of learning profit on capital invested in sheep in has been, and is nowt uniformly high. Georgia, is tixty-three per cent.; that tbe In tho matter of female education espe cost of keeping sbeep is ouly pjly-fowr cially, she occupies a very high rank, cents per head; that while unwashep wool At Greensboro, at Salem, at Charlotte, at nets, on an average 27 j eeuts per pound, Murfreesboro, and here in Raleigh, are the cost of raising it is only six cents-, that great schools for girls, whose curriculum an average ef seventy-four lambs are rais- of studies is fully equal to the average ed for every one hnndred ews ; that the II C t mmarm wo nrtett nf lumha anld to the bntcllPT . cuufK'3 ior novo. I ' i i . . . . . . .1 I have iuet seen a letter from Richard in Georgia, is $1.82; aud that tbe average He bad beard that salt petro was good lor J. Gatliug, a native of North Carolina, prieo of stock sheep ia $2.53 per head; slumps, Accordingly, about a couple of and full of loyal loyc for the State of his and of muttons $2.75. Other figures are months ago ho spnnkled on the birth, stating that he will put on exhibi- given showing the profitableness of sheep top of each stump about a ubleepoouful tion four specimens of his famous Gatliug raising. of pulverised ssltpetre. A few days ago gun, representing the different sixes now In the face of these facts, however, it is he set fire to the stump, snd says they manufactured under his direction. The ascertained that, while there were in commenced and continued to bora until primitive lo house where he was born Georgia in 18C0, 512,518 sbeep, and in every stump was totally consumed, roots still stands "near Murfreesboro, in Hert- 1870, 418,465, there are now but 319,323, and all, so that he was able to plow with ford county. His brother, who occupies "bowing a decrease from 1860 to 1870 of out the least difficulty over the very the old Galling homestead, will carry to 93,163, and from 1870 to 1875, of 100,143 ground formerly occupied by 'the same Philadelphia the original models of some sheep in the State, or a decrease, in fifte.n stumps. He cays some of the stumps of the juvenile inventions which betoken years, of 193,295, or 38 per cent, do- burned four or five days, ed the budding genius of the great crease during a period iu which there armorer of the nation. Among the should have been 100 per cent, increase. Tbe negro will be again a disturbing youthful devices of the modern Vulcan "Startling facta," truly. question between tbe sections, in that the in a mini.itnrp irrAV nrODcller for af fam- Now, why is it that an industry which Sooth will gain political influence by ships, identical with that subsequently pays sixty .three per cent, annually, on the reason of bis representation ta Congress patented by Erieson. It waa made capital invested, is being abandoned 1 and tbe North will looe. Than as like thirty-six rears ago. and is now rusty From the same source from which the causes produce like effects, fractional in- ). with age. There are also curiously wrought walking-sticks, whose ingenious carving, though somewhat fantastic and &urarrc,rivals in elaborate delicacy of fin ish, the deftest handiwork of Canova. The model will also be forwarded to Philadelphia of the first wheat drilling machine ever invented in the Uuited States. It opeas the ridge, sows the grain and covers it simultaneously. It was patented in 1834. number of sbeep in the Slate is obtained teres t will make the North and South it ia learned that there are ninety-nine I change positions once more. Ia that thousand four hundred and fifteen dogs in event it is clear from tbe past that tbe Georgia, (thirty-ona dogs for every one permanence of franchise acquired by the hundred sheep,) and that thev destroyed negro will depend on the good uoder- betweeu April 1st, 1874, and April 1st, standing thai exists at the time between 1876. tweuty-eigbt thousand six hundred the races inhabiting tbe booth. If tbe and twenty -five sheep. May we not find I colored man has foresight he will from lo an explanation of the decrease in tbe num-1 day co operate with Southern white men. ber of sheep in toe above figures I 1 Will tbe black ma i do so arrentun Ia tee June report of the Department, Ya) Index 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Reams Wrapping Paper, A full line of Wood Willo" ware. A full Una of Boots A Shoe (very A rail line or Hat. A full line ef Saddles A Rridlct, Pali, Ginger. Spies. Canned Goods. Royal iUkir.- Powders. Clears. Tobacco, Crockery, Kerosene Tanners A Machine O.I. c , Ac. Tbe atxire stock was bought since tbe late heavy decline in price, and taonVred at Whole sale A Retail at rery abort profits, for ease. BINGHAM A CO June 3rd lrCo. SPECIAL No. I . Heavy plow Shoes at flaw worth " 'Women Shoes at $!K " ISO A 175 Ladies Ernbridrrod Slippers at 100 worth 10 Ladies Slippers at $125 worth 176, Ladies Croquet Slippers at I14& worth fSOfi, Ladies Cloth Gaiters U 175 worth t&O, Ladies Cloth Goiters at $H& worth $300, A large lot of Children Sboca eery cBoep. lilStill AM AGO. THE LYNCHBURG Insurance and Banliic Coapy. Capital and Assets over $410.000 State Deposit 15.000 PROPERTY INSURED attnJIST LltS IT FIRE At the Lowest Current Rates. Take a Pulley la the Lynchburg aad sloop soundly. I am also Ageat tor the Nwrtk Caroliaa State Lits Insurance Ccmpasy. if yon havo the good of your Country at heart k v yar saooey ia tbo South help build up Home Institutions. J. D. McKEELY. 4SB.tl.lt nw - - ' f r 1 . ' f nil u in(M i n. rri lu&u u no TtrauiT ouvmu w - v. - 3 w T -

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