7T1 i O . t 1 . f- - y 11 Trh 6T1 ; ' l yOL IX.THIED SERIES SALISBURY, 17. G, APRILS 4, 1070. 11024 SHALL WE USE GUANO. The time is fast approaching when everyone (farmer) must determine for biniself or through the advice of some one hether he will hay commercial manures for .the preseufc cuwuu v . in clined to listen to tho agents of guano companies he will certainly use itlirgely.. if an the other hand he follows tho advico uf others who know nothing of. the farm , lf from the sofa, where he had been lj le will not use it at all. Say s the guano j inS n tears for half an hour, and with a man you need have no fears of my brand i touch of indiguation in his voice an- it has been-analyzed by your State chem iat and here is his statement; none can go wrong now, all is raado plain and easy for every one to know what he iV buying. I just want to say a few words on this sub ject. There is tq-day opinions on this very question as widely different as can eIist on any one subject .Some contend-: ing tlat analysis are utterly worthless to tiie fanner, that coraraerciaband agricul mrat values are not interchangeable terms -"-that a ton of fertilizer whose commer cial tabic is $50. may not be worth 5510. to the farmer, that all depends upon the available character of the ingredients as plant food, that the red hot crucible of test levels all distinctions on this subject. jOthers there are who thirtk that these analysis are of the highest value to the fanner. This subject has been well dis .cussed byDr. Pollard State chemist of Virginia, and Dr. Elzy of Blacksburg Academy. They are occassionally bringing to their help Prof. Laws arid Dr. Voelcker -and others. Without troubling your read ers with the learned opinion of those gen tlemen I can say that my own conclusions are that no analysis that does not tally well with field experiment is worth any thing to the farmer. What can our ex igence say in this field of enterprise, has guano been profitable to those using it in llowan ? I believe that those who have used it moderately and judiciously, cau say that they have realized a profit. I believe that now since everything must be of tho best quality to sell readily that its use is of more importance. I believe that any good fertilizer will pay some profit on its cost by increased production, apart from a great improvement in quality. 1 believe further that when paid for in cotton we can and ought to use some. 1 be lievethatevery farmeronghttoraiseall the cotton he can after a good supply of every thing good for family use. 1 believe every man who raises cotton to the neglect of these things is a fool. I believe, that the 1'iedmont guano is the best iu our market uud the Navassa next. ... FARMER"; BEAR HUNTING. The following singular means of captur ing or killing the bear is said to be fre- . quently practiced by Russian peasants whocannot easily procure lire-arms. As is well known, the War has a fondness for honey, and will track his way agrc.tt dis tance to whero the, wild bees have fillet R01110 hollow tree. lheir stmg cannot hurt him. and thev and their' stores arc entirely at his mercy. In a forest known .to contain bears, the hunters examine all tho hollow trees, till they discover a wild bee-hive. A branch of the tree is then chosen, directly above the hole j if thero is no such branch a stout pog Is driven in to the! trunk. To this peg a strong cord is fastened, and to the eud of the cord a heavy stone or cannon ball is suspended, at about half a foot from the ground. The bear in his researches comes upon the treasures of honey. The pendulous bar rier obstructs and incommodes him a goot deal. He is an irritable brute-; in such cases one of the most irritable- as well as stupid in the forest. Ho begins by shov ing the weight or stono to one side ; butrj it presses against his head, and he gives it a slight kuock to free himself from tho inconvenience. It recoil a. inomont and he recites a smart tap on the ar. His temper is roused, and ho again push es off the hard and heavy mass, but more violently ; he gets rather a heavy blow ou the side of his skull, on its return. He becomes furious, and with-a powerful jerk sends the rock swinging away. , The pendulum cannot tire of this, game j and it is a game in which the blows are felt on one side exclusively. The bear alone suffers; and the point is that he? suf fers as much by the blows he gives as by those he gets. He takes double punish ment; His very retaliations are all against himself ; and for every furious push which makes his skull ache, he receives au im mediate equivalent, which makes it ache again. At last his rage is unbounded ; he hugs tho rock ; ho strikes it ; ho bites it ; but whenever ho would thrust his heat: into the hive, back ou his ear falls the ob etruction, against which his terrible hug .or-the blows of his paw are of no avail The bruto is maddened. Ho faces his strange and pertinacious tormentor, and once more makes it rebound from his skull. But back again it swings like a cursfe, which returns Upon the head from which it started. The bear falls exhausted un der these reiterated blows, one more vio lent than, another ; and if he-bo not dead, the-hunters, who have watched the con -, test from their hiding place, soon dispatch him. Russia and the Humans. 1 The childreen of a clerevmnnV iamilv in Aberdeen were making, themselves happy propounding conundrums. Final ly one of them said, "Who was the meek- est woman 1"- The clergyman seemed truck with a fresh thought, and replied, quickly, "We don't read of any." But madam made herself even with him when she rejoined, with quito as much quick ness: " Well, we read of only one such man, and from the fuss that's madaaWut him it's plain they're scarce." Into the Sunshine. "I wish father would come home." The voice that Mid this had a troubled .tone, and the face that looked up was very saa. "Your fatherly ill be very angry," said an aunt who was sitting in the room with a book iu her hand. The boy raised him swercu : "He'll be sorry, not angry. Father never gets angry." - 1 or a moment the aunt looked at the boy half curiously, and let her' eyes fall upon the book that was ia her hand. The boy laid himself down upon the sofa again, and laid his face from Ritrht. . - "Thavs- father nqw V lie started up, after a lapse of nearly ten mfnutes, as tle sound of tho bell reached his ears, and went to the room door. He stood there for a while, and then came slowly back, saying with a disappointed air : - "It isn't father. I wonder what keeps him so late. O. I wish he would come !" "You seem anxious to get deeper into trouble," remarked the aunt, who had been only in the house for a week and who was neither very amiable, nor very sympathizing toward children. The boy's fault had provoked her, and she consider ed him a fit subject for punishment. "I believe, Aunt Phebe, that you'd like to see mo whipped," said the boy a little warmly. "But you won't." " "I must confess," replied Aunt Phebe, 'that I think a little wholesome discipline ef tho kind you speak of would not be out of place. If you were my child I am very sure you-wouldn't escape. 'I'm not your child; I don't want to be. Father's good and loves me." "If your father is so good, and loves you so well, you must io ungrateful, or very inconsiderate boy. His goodness doesn't seem to haveiielped you much." "Hush, will you !" ejaculated the "boy, excited to ansrer, by this uukmduess of speech iu his aunt. Phebe !" It was the boy's mother who spoke now for the first time. In an un dertone she added: "You are wron Richard is suffering quite enough, and vou are doinir him a barm rattier tliau a good." Again the bell rang, and again the boy left his seat 011 the sofa, and went to the sitting room door. "It's father!" and he went gliding down stairs. "Ah, Richard !" was the kindly greet ing, as Mr. Gordon took the hand of his boy. "But what's the matter, my sou? You don't look happy." "Won't you come in heret" and Rich aid drew his father into the library. Mr. Gordon sat down; still holding Richard's hand. "You are troubled, my son. What has 1 i The eyes of Richard filled with tears as Ire looked into his father's face. He tried to answer, but his lips quivered. Then he turned away, and opening the door of thejeabinet, brought out the fragments of a broken satuette, which had beou sent home 0UI3' the day beforo, and . set them on the table before his father, over whose countenance there came instantly a shad ow of regret. "Who did this, my boy t" was asked in an even voice, "I did it." "How!" "I threw my ball in there once only once, in forgetfulness." A littlo while Mr. Gordon sat controll ing himself, and collecting his disturbed thoughts. Then he said cheerfully "What is done, Richard, can't be help ed. Put the broken pieces away. You have had trouble enough about it, I can see, and reproof enough for your thought lessness, so I shall not add a word to in crease your pain." "O. father !'' and the boy threw his arms about his fatlter's neck. Five minutes later and Richard entered the sittinir room with his father. Aunt Pfiebe looked up for two shadowed faces, and did not see them. She was puzzled. "That was very uufortunate," she said, a littlo while alter Mr. Goudon, came. "It was such an exquisite work of art." Richard was leaning against his father when his aunt said this. Mr. Gordon only smiled and drew his arm closely a- round his boy. Mrs" Gordon threw upon her sister look of warning, but it was unheeded. "I think Richard was a very- naughty boy." '"We have settled all that, Phebe," was the mild but firm answer of Mr. Gordon; ".and it i one of our rules to cet into the sunshine as quickly as possible," In a thriving town in Michigan a year or two ago, and when tho country was full of agents, and almost everybody was affent for something or other, a certain infant of that town, being blessed by the o v advent of a -baby-brother, was very in- qiiisitivo as to where the little stranger p.inie from. Beins informed that Dr. S-i had brought it, ho stood in a brown - study for a moment, when, with the in- tell igent look of one who has solved a diffimilt matter, he asked : "Say. pa, is he amit for thpni f" CHRISTIANITY AND INFIDELITY. Letter from an eminent Minister of the Gospel. ;Ciiapel Hill, March 25, 1878. 1 - - To the Editor of the News : Sir: I have just read your editorial on "The Spread of Infidelity." It indi cates bo much anxiety, on your own part, and fs so likely to ereate discouragement in the minds of some at least, of your readers, that I feel constrained to write you a hasty letter on the same subject. In the General Epistle of Jude, written about A. D. 66, are these words : "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ : how that they told you there should be mockers in tho last timc( who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. TBcse be they who sepa rate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." With such a prophecy of men like In- gersoll, how can any one be surprised at tlreir appearance. Fvcry time the blatant infidel opens his lips to ridicule and de fame the doctrines and devotees of Christ, he is a plain fulfilment of prophecy, and, iu so far, a proof of the truth of that which he assails and denies. But infidelity is nothing now. It has fought Christianity in some way almost from the night that the shepherds listen ed the angels' song. Bishop Bascom truly said that the enemies of Christianity have retired from every conflict "with the names of their conquerors and the glory of God written ou their broken and dis mantled shields." While tho old arguments in proof of the Bible stand impregnable, the old argu ments of tho scoffers remain ouly as fallen and scattered rubbish to remind this age of the delusion and shame of those who originated or advanced them. As to the infieldity of the present thi-, permit me to say that your picture is too highly colored. Germany is not "almost wholly infidel." The faith of Luther is still dear to tho German heart. While recluse philosophers are wasting their lives iu transcendental dreamings, there are also mighty intellects producing grand evangelical works to vindicate the integ rity of our religien, to defend the altars of the true faith in Germauyand through out Christendom. As to France, it has not for centuries had enough religion to furnish room for a "decline." - It has long been weighed down by an effete sys tem that is too low to fall. In England, just as in every country that has tried the policy of a union between Church and State, from the days of Constautine, there is always a tendency towards seculariza tion in the ruling church. At the samo time dissenting churches aro seriously embarrassed and retarded. Many other evils aro incident. But iu England and Scotland the work of God is gloriously advancing. Religion rules the Throne, the Parliament and the Press to a great extent. Italy has been poor, fallen Italy, since the overthrow of the old Empire. She cannot be counted with the failures of this century. To-day there is more hope for her than there has been for many centuries. In America the churches are growing with great rapidity. In May, 1778, there were only 6095 Methodist in tho U. S. To day there are about 2,800,000. Giving four to one, wo have over eleven millions by predilectiou, under more or 'less in fluence from that one church, besides the nearly three million members. The Methodist. growth in the South, since the war, has beeu astonishingly great. There lias likewise been most encouraging prog ress in the Baptist Church throughout the country. Other denominations of promi nence are in vigorous activity with bo in dications of decline. Many thousands of converts are entering tho various church es every year. The rising generation arc gathered about tho sacred altars and more faithfully instructed in religion than ever before. The Sunday-schools alone, are sufficient to re-assure the alarmed friends of our faith. They give good promises that tho next generation will be better prepared to encounter the assaults of infidelity, than any previous generation has been. The secular press even certain semi-pagan papers in New York are rendering service to the church; while every denomination is scattering pure literature throughout the broad land. Public opinion is, in tho main, favorable to the Bible religion ; and has been great ly elevated, during this century, towards tho heaven-appointed standards. All over every States in tho Union there are thousands of comxlacent believers in "tho old, old story," enjoying the peace of the christian, and prayerfully pityingpooj-de-luded skeptics. Meu and women of all grades of intelligence the highest as well as others aro holding the faith in its rmritv. teaching it to their children, and J moving towardslhe ordeal of death with 1 a comj.osure as immoveable as character j i2ed a martyr in the days of the Apostles I Representatives of various classes in so- is j ciety are daily sealing their devotion with a faith that transforms death itself into a messenger of mercy. Tho vain students of science and the nresunintous lecturers 1 against the Bible, isolated, as they are I from the great, struggling, advancing and J determined host of Zion, are pitifully ig- F norant of the stupendous work that the I church of God is accomplishing around them. The church itself " Pt alarmed. 1 It pays little attention to men like Iuger- boh, uecause it xeeis conuucui, to iu own 1 soundness and security. It is quiet in I the face of new scientific theories, because I it knows that, up to date, in so far as I those theories really conflict with chns-1 tianity, they are theories only-4nere im-1 probable speculations to be refuted ia I last year tkey captured Kash gar, thscapf duetime. I tal, bv a coup de maul and i fix cold! blood The Church of God was never better prepared for a successful contest with In fidelity than it is to-day v I admit that there is in many parts of Christendom, a deplorable want of vital godliness. But has it not always been so 1 True. Chris tianity has, here and there, yielded some- I what to the world; but it is also true that, I in mighty nations, the world itself has I y ielded and is yielding much to Christian-1 ity. There are many false professors in j all the churches, bringing reproach upon I the religion they ought to honor; but even I the world regards them bad only as they iro false to their profession. They are I the representatives of the class that have kept up the lino of Judas Iscariots in all the centuries of our era. They may "cru- cify the son of God afresh," to themselves; but they cannot crucify him again to the church or to His own glory. Our religion was born among ruling en emies and heathen battalions. Theswords of Herod marched ia vain to take the life of the infant Savior. When he became a man, they murderod him; but than perfect ed his triumph and cemented with his blood tho everlasting foundations of his kingdom. True Christians do not expect that the church will bo free from daring foes before tho Mileiinium. The great founder said "I come not to bring but a sword." The fight has been un- eeasiug, and yet the church has always been strengthened and advanced by its conflicts. 1 believe that it needs a fiercer conflict now. Aye, I believe that conflict is coining. So far from fearing that our religiou is about to be overthrown, the leading Christian judgment of the day concludes that we are verging upon one of the grandest moral revolutions that have ever shaken this sin-cursed world. "The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth !" Truly yours, A. W. Mahgum. AN EMPIRE OBLITERATED. Kashgar Sirallowed up by China while Rus sia is busy with lurkey. While Russia has been so busily occu pied in reconstructing the map of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, the Chinese have beeu busily and uninterruptedly at work on some important geographical business in Central Asia. The Celestials have, in fact, completed the conquest of a vast empire twice as large as France in extent of territory, although but sparsely inhabited. The Khanate Kashgar, which has thus ceased to exist, is -siauated ou tho extreme western border of China,' im mediately east of and adjoining the recent Russiau conquests in Turkestan. Kash gar was formerly included in the great Tartar kingdom ef Central Asia ; and on its dismemberment came, with the rest of East Turkestan, under the government of a local Mohammedan dynasty. The nu merous factions springing from this, dis puted the supremacy until the middle of tho eighteenth century, when the Chinese conquered the country and held an unsta ble possession of it for 108 years. ' About 18vi, howover, tho Tungauis or Dunganes, a Mohammedan tribe of mixed Tartar and Chinese descent, revolted, and thon fob lowed a 1 ising of the Kirghis Tartars, and in a few years the Chinese were elpelled, and the provinces of Kashgar, Yarkand, Khoteu, and Arksu were subjected by Mahammod Yacoub Beg, a Khekaud chief tain who became' tho sovereign of East Turkestan, a vast ahd vaguely defined territory, inclosed betweeu the Pamir Steppe, the Titian Shau Mountains, and the Hindu lvusu, Chinese lartar proper lying between these dominions and China. From east to west Yacoub's empire cov ered an era 1,'iOO miles in length The Chinese never regarded this dimin ution of their territory as a permanent ar rangemeut, and for fourteen years they have been going about its conquest in their peculiar fashion. One of the oxpe ditions which they sent against the Troop er King of Turkestan, as he was called, was several years in reaching the frontier, the troops being obliged to pauseou their long march to plant and reap the crops that were necessary for their sustauance. For two vears past tho hostile armies of tho Cile8tial Empire and the new Kash- garian kiugdom have been within fighting distance of each other. Numerous encoun ters took place, the forces of Yacoub Beg At first beinir victorious. In June of last u year Yacoub died, just at the time when the tide of victory was turning in favor of his enemies. Before his death he had disinherited his sons, ana appointed as his successor Hakim Khan Turah, the sole direct roprcsentativo of the ancient reigning dynasty of Kasghar before the conquest of that country by the Chinese Hakim Khan Turah took a prominent part in assisting the late Ameer in Iris early wars, and was always greatly trust ed by Yacoub, Hakim Khan Turah, how ever, refused the sceptre, whereupon the throne was ascended iy Kuli lieg, the eldest son of the lato Ameer. He had al whvb been distrust! uy ins lather, in consequence of his sympathies with Rus- sia and hia opposition to aTBritish alliance. : Mtjauwnuo uie isuioeae prosecuteu . uie war with unusual vigor, and all the' re- I eesiaayises' luaye' fa4iUed" theif ' Vapia ' advance into fcMfa Town after ( town fell befere the victorious march of the Celestials, and towards .the close of ms rdered 15,000 of the Inhabitants. h Re cently, the aBBooncement came that tho new Ameer, Kali - Beg, -had arrived on Russian soil, . 'a f agitive, and that the whole Russian froatier was crowded with refugees, white all the towns that had se- knowledge the supremacy of Yacoub Beg have submitted to the . Chinese, and the Khanate of Kashgar has ceased to exist. The Chinese; itlsrsported, continssto perpetrate the most frightful atrocities, and they will doubtless soon depopulate the country and secure its permanent rc- union to the Celestial Empire by re-peo- pling it with their own surplus popula tion. Russia is, of course, too busy with tho Turks to interfere, and the British will probably regard the wholesale butch - eries of the Chinese as a good thing, be- cause they will tend to erect a barrier be- tween their own possessions in India and those of Russia to the North. PLANT MIND. 1. Tlie SouTof Plants and Modern Science. Vegetable physiology has mado but slow progress. Although its beginning may be traced to the period when Mal pighi aided it with the miscroscopo, its real origin does not date earlier than the last century, when by his beau tiful experiments on the nutrition and transpiration of plants, Hales explained some curious phenomena in the vegetable world. From that time naturalists began to study attentively the -phenomena of vege tation. The observations of Linnoms and Ilolff, the numerous experiments of Bonnet and Senebier, tho works of Duhamel, Ludwig, and Mustel, the investigations of H. de Saussure aud lied wig all theso offorts tended toward the same end, namely, re uniting scattered materials and forming a regular whole. Some of these in study ing the life of plants examine more par ticularly the form, structure, and devel opment of their organs; while others at tempted to explain their play and func tions. The result of these labors was the birth of two new sciences vegetable ph y siology and organography. Modern physiologists have observed some extraordinary phenomeua in plants, with which they have beeu differently im pressed. They all, it is true, recognize a seusible analogy between theso facts and eertaiu animal instincts; but some see in these only isolated phenomena of second ary importance, and propose to explain them by altogether mechanical or physi cal theories; while others, on the coutrary, attracted by the singularity of these facts, have studied them with close attention, and as the result of their observations hare come to the conclusion that a plant is ah animated being. This is substan tially admitted by Vrolik, Hedwig, Bon net, and Ludwig in their writings upon tho phenomena wuicn seem to reveal a vece table instinct. They all incline' to the belief that plants experience every or der of sensations. F. Edward Smith, the English botanist, thinks that plants can feel, and are capa ble through that faculty of a couscious ness of well being aud felicity. Percival believes that plants perform voluntary actions when they turn their branches to the light. Among the'philosophers of the eight teenth century who saw animated beings in nlauts must also be ranked Dr. Ems- mug Darwin, the grandfather of the celevj brated naturalist, whose recent works have thrown some light upon the vexed question of the origin of species. In that book, too little known, but the delight of Goethe ("The Botanic Gardeu"), Dr. Darwin plainly asserts that in his eyes the plant is an animated bcing--a crea ture capable of numerous sensations, as of existence, of pain, and gladness. Dr. Martins, one of tho most eminent men of modern science, accords to plants not only the faculty of feeling, but also an immortal soul. To the voice of that celebrated botanist there has been lately added that of another, namely, Theodore Techner, an independent thinker, and not the least inspired among his German co temporaries. He was one of the first to enter into the questions which bear upon the development ef the soul in plants. The new ideas and original views with which his books abounds entitle it to be considered as the first advance towards . a true 4 vegetable psychology; A soul in plants was recognized by the ancients. Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus, Pythagoras, and Plato believed plants to be animated, and consequently ranked them with animals. Entire peoples the Hindoos, for exam ple have also regarded plants as anima ted beings. Among the laws of Mauu, laws which in India are believed to have emanated from God, and to be more an cient than those of Moes, are to be fouud doctrines and commandments follows : is It is good and equitable that each fa- ( ther of a family, without prejudice to Ms cunaren, snouia reserve one part of his wealth for other animated beinni. to-wit . 1 plants ami tmimaia." ' " "Plants wdwimalsVave internally the 'sentiments of existence, and also of pain I ''and happiness."" ; - I . a ' vmc travelers. tn iii-ieata &f .sum an . V .TV7-. 7.. .I appiy tue law lorDioamg to mi ! not only toymen and animals ; but also to living pian. mjnTw&M fruits lest their development hould h arrested. These views are entirely ep, posed to those whkh belong to, the pie of the OccidenFrom earliest child " .1 uuifu, iu our Bcuuois sua elementary uooks, children aro taught that men and animals have the faculty of motion aud are living beings, aud that plants attached to the soil live, it is true, but are not animat ed. But, as M. Techner has observed, it would be quite otherwise if the preceptor said to his pupil, "Animated beings are stw vAMocrvo vuu so wiu iuoru J S 1 .a uuo is composed ot oemgs which possessnne power of trans .0,,a..v,... , class we lind beings fixed in the soil where they are boru; these are plants. The lat ter resemble us less than auimals, yet live and grow as we do." For these and many other reasons we believe them equally animated. If our children are thus taught they will be less iudispos d when older to deprive the plant of its soul than we are to recognize its existence at the present day. Such numerous and striking analogies in the vital functions of beings iu the two kingdoms, animal aud vegetable, are re vealed by physiology every day, that BO one can refuse to reflect upon the tacts or reject without a candid examination tho proposition we are about to consider in a succeeding paper, that the plant is an an imated and sentient being. R. C. K. TREE WASTE AND ITS SEQUENCE. The matter of forest tree culture and preservation is iu rather an anomalous state iu this country. At one eud of the national domain, people are planting trees and studying every means to turn denud ed laud back into forests, at the other woods are beiu" felled and a small war is in progress against the government on account of its preventive efforts. In Mas sachusetts societies are organized to stim ulate the preserving and renewing of for ests; iu Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, aud Montana, tho authorities are denounced as interfering with the best interests of the people, because an endeavor is made to stop the wholesale denuding of public lands and the sale of timber for private benefit. With the lecal aspects of this question of forest destruction in the South and Wost, it is not our province to deal, but the considerations in favor of pro tectimr woodlands are of importance not merely to every agriculturalist, but to every one, and they should bo fully re alized by all who believe that the only value of forests lies in the amount tho wood will fetch per cord. If any ouo is disposed to think that our forests are inexhaustible, at least lor a lonsr period to come, he has ouly to cast his eye over tho woodland map in Genera Walker's valuable statistical atlas to pre- ceive his delusion. Ho will seo that the number of heavily wooded tracts having 3G0 or more acres of tiuiler to the square milo is 8tartlingly small. The area of all such districts is equal only to about that of the Atlantic States, aud the remainder of the country, fully four-fifths, has no timber, tho map showing a uniform blank. I Now consider the enormous amount of 1 lumber use-d yearly in manufactures Nearly $14-1,1WO,0)0 is invested in the sawn lumber industry alone, that is, the productiou of laths, shingles, ami boards. Add to this the fact stated by Professor Brewer that wood forms tho fuel of two- thirds of the population, and the partial fuel of nine-tenthstheremainingthird, aud some general idea of the enormous drain constantly in progress upou our forests will be reached. This, however, is only the direct draught for tho purpose of util ity. Immense areas of woodland are yearly denuded by forest fires, largo tracts aro purposely burned as a speedy way of clearing, and thus the wooded regions are rendered more aud more sparse If for esU lires were prevented as far as is prao ticable, if trees' wore coustautly being planted, aud if tho reckless denudation of woodlauds could be stopped by the laws already iu existence, but apparently not enforced, there is little doubt but that we possess timber enough to supply indefi nitelv all our needs either as fuel or for manufacturing purposes; buTsave in iso lated instances trees are not being plant ed, we have no schools of forestry such as exist in Europe to encourage sylvicul ture. and as the recent proceedings m Congress have shown, a part of the popu Lit ion claims tho right lor private ends to denude the woodlands now owned by the whole county, and defenders in the Leg islatnre are not wanting to support them. We have already taken occasion to point out the dangers which result from tree d "-U nction. The ex trt relation -uf forest and iminfall la iut An ;i 1 tied W ti -L"; Ieaai4eV 1, wV :-ww w iwwr UmIbi V.? planted humiditvatr down, however by V miLJi f' V nr t rrnmn.utl -ftJ'i Dr. J. Croamhi RM. outi..!iti ULUCrS WliA UAVm mtAm. t-1 " . . i . .. ... - - vv.jwuM muMuee oz M"1 "jeciiat "withie their Atra ltarffk ? and near their own borfereabr . ,5 ataiospher thai ia obsctved b. 'ilmf .if I d ll .1 i " , T " V. ?1?"MMT CT ' IUUUAUI W M1U11I1M If iSI1SlHUJt.4 through the di&rseaseaa.fit la-ib dia says Mr. RG, Northrop address befortheo Board of Agriculture, "three Quarters of a uiiiituu peopie nave been starred to death ,:tt: . -' . since the forests have been eut off. jcaas- mg me springs to dry op" . 1 " It is needless to multiply warnings of uuskiud. In the thickly settled coun 1 v - w tries of Europe each generation is boon by la w to leave the forests in as good con- Uition aB it found them. Forests are pro- ttl r.. .1 .1 . . pnWic property. Uatil we adopt soma mm irEaml mm.. similar course, eacS 1 succeeding genera- tion will transmit to posterity woodlands more and more depleted. The result is only a question of time. The natives oT parts of South Africa tell of giant trees aud forests, fertile lands, and abundant floods and showers, all existing or occur ring in a region now little more than a dry and arid desert; each will be the tra- ' ditions of our own descendants. As tho soil becomes unfit for agriculture, migra gration will follow, fevered region will receive an overplus of population which cannot obtain all of its supplies from the soil, nud dependence upon other nations for the necessaries of life, the first stop do wb ward in a country's decadence, is taken. Exhaustion of resources must ul timately sueeeed, and with it the end of national existence. Scientific American. A Committee appointed by the Danville Tobocco Association has issued a circular to Tobacco raisers containing the follow ing suggestions which are of special in terest to those engaged ia the production of Tobacco. . "The Association recognizes the impor tant fact that our interests and those of the farmers of this section are closely connected, aad we therefore rejoice in your prosperity aad lament your misfor tunes. For this reason we hone von will pardon us for making some suggestions in reference to your tobacco crop. 1st. We suggest that you plant less to bacco to the hand thereby yon can give it better attention and make it more vsl liable. 2d. Endeavor to make it finer And better iu every respect 1,000 lbs.$25 perewt, is better than 3000 lbs.$5. 3d. Avoid all smoke in earring, and af terward, and we unhesitatingly advise tite use of flues in caring, as floe -cured stock is far preferable, and is rapidly increasing in public favor. 4th. Use more home-made manures, and-less of the . countless brands of the adulterated stuff called "fertilizers," which promotes an unnatural growth in the plant aud loaves the land poorer than ever. Now the reasons for these surges- tions are these : Our farmers, on thin lands of this sec tion cannot compete With Western fanu ers in making common tobacco, because the Western men can raise so many more pounds to the acre at so little cost, and the cheap Railroad freights now charged the Western men can place tobacco ia the Danville market for less figures than yeu cau afford to raise it, and sell it fer . a profit. Hence the only alternative for our people is to make less in quantity and better ayl finer tobacco." Raleigh Netcs' FAMILY TROUBLES. Was there ever a family without its troubles ? Adam and Eve had their trou bles iu Eden; and all families have had their troubles. Every family has a skel eton behind tho door; every person has a thorn in his side. It is said that misery loves company, so take courage, helpless man, wearied woman. You are in the. majority. "Man is born to trouble as the sparks are to fly' upward." A useless family would years be if it knew no trou ble. Trouble is our great, teacher. It nerves us with strength; it gives us cour age; tetujOTs our metal; it develops our self-coutrol; it quickens our invsstive, towers. Troubles are to ns what the winds are to the oak, what labor is to tho muscle, what study is to the mind. Life, is a school, and trouble is one of the great lessons. Troubles aro not to be courted, but when they come, we must get over them the lcst way we can er bear Them with the best fortitude we can arouse. Take courage, therefore troubled one. Not in vain are your trials. They make you brave, strong, and, it is to bo hoped, better; Bo not cast down, cheer ap; cast aside your weeds and woes. Look the world in tho face; do yonr doty; take every trouble by the herns, overcome it with the courage of a true soldier In life's great campaign, and stoutly contend for the victory of will aud wisdom. Pres. Jolll Hill.