-4 r . T ! - Ir ,wsst,, ..... ... : . L O O A. I Tli ice ws,ron has made an appearance ou our streets. of Lenoir' , v W. Faucette, one ciUzens,wasjn ,,n)f W. H. Neave has gone to Golds Jo to induct the Band of that place. 04,1 o Mi. A. J. Mock has returned from the York marseiwiiau X'onro'a vniinerer nnnils who had only been under instuction for a few weeks, played well, and in correct tinie, the parts .rivun f i.m. TliA evenm? was SDeut . ue- Ull V U A lightfully by all present, jind f we, others, long to have a'repetition." CARD.- " :wiUi To the People of Rowan. , , I hereby announeemyaelf . candidal, for Sr llbeofficeofSheriffofKowa,.t the electi. ch$ IZfeJnT'c I in August next, subject to the decision of Ue FoaJ3fli nominated hy acclamation for Treasurer. Hobble and limp do more, " but hang y oar , B F Fraley and Dr Thos Hill were crutches on the old oaken peg, and seize the fnl f,r fir f!ronpr. Dr. Hill huvimr I first opportunity to be Dermanentl tnrA received the majority; was declared the y"r Rheatnatiam, Contracted muscles, Stiff t t ; "... FOB'. 1878. Dissolution of Copartneriipr- The firm of Lucky, Lerly & Co. Bernhardt wasnnan- .gust next, subject to we oecsion . u. , - rr amAtinn fVtuntv Convention 1 lmoiwij uum iuaj j ... t -" .1 . i;, in thm noxmd old doctrine A resolution was adopted requiring onr a. aiu aFw 1 m . a -o w., annnisit.a and acted upon by del pirates to vote lor tno enwee; 01 tins BURNED TO DEATH. vvhirilrton and the founders of the Republic, Township, on first ballot and to stand by 1.. a a o,.o5.lAttt. n-.t thre shonld be frequent rotation in office, I them, as lone . as there is a chance for uumu . . . 1 ' . r- . .1 in breast, aide and back, will yield to that Book Store for alliind of Book, wanted: puwenui reiueay, long ana favorably known as Cou&aens' Lightning Liniment, which ia good for both man and beast. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by C. R. Barker. - lhia Don't neglect to call on CTTyler at the (day dimolved by mutual content. J. AiLyerlr The i and J. 1. Lyerly withdrawing. All peraons lnaebtea win please come forward at sacs and A. On Wednesday last a All those suffering with Hemorrhoids, or !1 t . . best quality and latest styles of writing paper kept here. Also the renowned Singer Sewing I settle, as the bnsiness must be closed. W. Machine can be bad here at from $35 to, $40. Lucky & J. A. Lyerly will settle the bona tie respectfully invites all to call and examine goods and machines. . ll:ly. . - . . 1 .i ' . f .1 .t l v....& ... t. - 11. a wat viinnnmfnLxi iiriiiLiuic.iii.i.i n imvin rr rnmn ill iiHiiLHHiFnnni i wt' I 1 if..t5,. Vlnnfrinsfto v ""A'. r L, ',k. ureiu.r "u? "T."."?." . " rilwf IU'I "ly on being permanently occuutu, uu mo - 00 1 rr ,11 fre KenuDiican eoTwnraeuw, riiu.rptinn atrer iue cuoice -or xma r.nrri !f tk. ;n ... t.v.i.i n ..u r:r T-i 1. o :!.. Vnrfk nf Salts. i at L.LI.. .kmilri la irpnnpntlv I m l . .. : lnos. Jr. doiinsiuii, o uiiico v 1 ruiers, me uiuwuuiuci, I lownsnip is uub hulvij w picmu. bury, r.ultiug iu Ih. talk- l-LTrS, i. icUd , , - -ww o- 1 I Ai general ruic w f"vifv ' i - years old, the son of Mrs. binda irexier. d PwidenfGoTerno,Coiigressmenf M A Agner, DELEGATES XrPOIJtTED. Ointment, which is sold by all Druggists for &u cents a bottle. For sale by C. K. Barker. FOTTTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, w x i rrw A. LYERLY, J. L. LYEKLX. 1- . . . " . .r .1 I . - 11..4 fl.u mnvtlllMV in nnHH. 1 t I 1 .1. A r t ji4 franllAnllT cn&ii? 1 v 1 . 1 ti.a Uer. J. llumple leing absent, - m m- ,A.u.im.1.wiii,nti1.rkwliL And hv should the one office of Sheriff n rtat " . ,. 1 ..it- l.idf I LlOTl.firO 1 ICAlVi UttUtVUVHIWIVUUWl mwm - . . f" , , , .is.. t Iiaam be madean excemion 10 . to a neiu 4 umu uieututc nwui """"" 1 . Mr. Col ton Sunday, hy request. filled his pul Burgess Cranford, o- I TVvo- !t ronnira mare ability or integrity tOI - , to plant corn, leaving her two children (a fiIl lhU offic than all those? . Or is it true (V Phnnn ,T , . h nnt un .1 e r: anA Imv of 3 vears of acre) at that there is but one man in the county, n a overman, lioimes - - r . 1 ij." - - - - ; - 1 ftf mpn who la competent to fill tbe a v,uuij"t-u, ew and pretty awnings. They are mucn home, ag bad been her usual custom. 00? To say this, Is to imuilt the intelh- J A Click rtij tti.53& me luuiiiv. 1 gence aou tuc iuic-ii v.v. - ,. . - uiccr than a bulky wood shed. o- Ike O'Neal hasTeturned from a trip to n0rthern Teas. He says he will move out and locate at Denton, as soon as he wind up his business uere. iSboi OlUr CUUU iCifc IUO UUUBC, Ml t 1 w--y. . , . Mpart,lJ, of gathering fuel, in the wods close at uylK.; liand, leaving her.brother playing in the i wui however, do him the justice to he hat filled the office DUUBc nuu v n.. I ".. . . , . ,, . Silas Earnhart, J B Foard, R W Foard, W 11 Fraley, II A Fisher, can Den- m a . . a t- mm A ah l.;llfr can.t ,. and he ran credUably, Din is wo any reaou w . John t imeT H"tl wa vv".0 e - - I it fnr lifoT Thos. E. Brown has gone to 'ivxas. where his eon, Lewis, is loca- i ri.aiimiriutend the erection teu. iiv & of a lare grist and saw mill. about 50 yards towards the field, and fell Tw0 Jetn ag0 Mid w the people, "elect D B 0nocn to the ground in a light blaze of flames. me this time, and I shall not want the i office Q R Gh ' i I,, a n.iioT tint ili i in ins viULii- i r . u unu ii " "-, go imrnpil otf. excent a shirt . .a f " t-.nn iiln'ntfD I ... a 11 A friend says timv" hand arounu ins ucck, ... nominating conventions ? , A hlla l wheu the weather is changing, oaj a au(1 8hoe8 TJl0 girl threw a duckci For j oniT that if elected; I J A Hud iving him lying Uhal I be content to discharge the duties 01 tne luciiaru crow it is a sure sign "gooso bone." That's next to -the -- of water on him and leaving on the ground in his sisters charge, ran to give the alarm, the little sufferer, mean- .. l.;ia fttviiirr in 111 A lifll'llt clothes, endur- nuuv O ' intr the airouies of deatli. - Parent and friends soon bore him on to a softer bed, but uo remedy could avail in his case. T l,irA to ak him this ouestion : Does he !v, 9arn,r intend to abide the decision of the township J Uttltani, A li Ililll, son, Josey, Lewis Jacobs, .tansom Jacobs. George Koon, Win M Kincaid, JNKeply, J A Klattz, W H Kester, Adam Leutz, Macafee Linster, WALentz, U G Miller, JuoC filler, James M Monroe, E A Tropst, C L Reeves, John Y Rice, R A Shoaf, Andrew ahupmg, J B Sheets, George Thoniason, Wilson Trott, Last Monday was pleasantly spent at the residence of Mr. Negus, who resides about two miles from the city, by a large party of young folks pic-nicking. Judge Sch'enck has withdrawn from the "Roaated alive" after suffering 3 hours judicial contest. It would have beeu bet il0 died, and was hurried at Bethel church .... r..-1.; ..i novr tn have entered it not next dav at noon. fhit wo Kvuvnathizo with him, by no We have styled this in accident, but office for not longer than two terms, and then give way for some one else. Very renpectfully, THEO. F. KLUTTZ. YES We can change a fifty dollar hill if yon want a bottle of Globe Flower Coceii Sybuf. the greatest Cough and Lung Remedy in the world; j or tryou want to try it ht and see if what the lion. Alex. II. Stephens, Ex-Xlov. Smith. Ex Gov. Brown and Hon. Robert Toombs of Geor- At Mraald for ni am and Mvatie of March, 7, 78. 22:1m. Ke? Fins at 31 Creel Statioi The undersigned have formed a few copart nership under the firm name of Lyerly & Bro, and have opened a new store at the abeve ('lace. Our stock is complete In all the varieiis -ines of merchandise suited to the community,' and we will tell as low as any other bouse here or elsewhere. . We jirvite our friends a&d t public to call and see us at our plasa. - . . r I . I w m w VVOI.Y l&KSS: LSL'SWrrffi.W'RS iSU. W. YOPP, Propr. siLiiaM. 7.ulhlV. Store, that relieves an ordinary cold. The SALISBURY BOOK STORE. GiX)BE Fixjwer Cough Strup never had an equal for Coughs, Colds and Lung Affections. It positively cures Consumption when all other boasted remedies fail. Sample Bottle., ten cents. Regular size, fifty doses, $1.00. NEXT TOWN Ahead where they loan yon a dollar and chalk it down till to-morrow, for a bottle of Meb & el's Hep ATiXE for the Liver. The enormous expense of importine the incrredienta of this Turner P Thoniason, I great liver medicine into this country, U why W T Thoniason, W A Tlioihason, C A Waggoner. RANSOM JACOBS, Ch'n. W. R. Fkalev, Sec. ! LITAKEKTOWNSIIIP. Means ! Mr. W; L. Kaukin, express agent at tfiis place handed us a card announcing tUo reduction on express freight from 1cw York south, The price as it now stands 13 $.75 ier hnndredj formerly $3.75. - o- . Sunday is generally remarked to have 'been the finest Easter day within tho memory of our .oldest citizens. The sun shone brightly, and the blithe lays of birds were wafted by rose-perfum-ud breezes. Nature seemed doing honor to tho day. - it is only one of Uie mysterious workings of Gods providence to remove a harmless ! fn hi heavenly home. If a child of VllltU. v mm - v To the Voters of Rowan County. I herebv announce myself as a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Rowan County, subject to the decision of the County Convention of the Democratic Conservative Party. , ' G. A. BINGHAM. March 26th, 1878. our Druggist, Theo. F. Klultz, sells but one sample bottle to the same person for ten cents; but as there are fifty doses iu the large aixe bot tles, it is cheap enough after all at two cents per dose, for a medicine that has nerer been known to fail in the cure of dyspepsia and all diseases of the liver. It- has never failed in the cure of liver complaint when taken as directed, no matter of how long standing the disease. It cures Chills and Fever, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, bam Ie Bottles ten cents; regular size, hfty doses, I 1.00. A Remarkable Result. Having been solicited by quite a num- vv . ' " - -tl"I At & juv--sjaaa a. aa j whv a a u w m. ... 3 years old is ciilled upon to suffer such a ber of the citizens of Salisbury to become Kluttz; Treasurer, J Sain'l McCubbins, is true there a fate what may we who are older ex- a candidate for Mayor, I will say, that if jr.; Clerk Superior Court, J M Horah. predispose ' a majority desire mo to fill that position, i)cfefw:-Michael Bostian, Bo- rect .... The deceased was a soldier s orpnan, and his father though poor and ignorant, was brave enough to prcseut his body as a shield between his country and her ene mies. -o- they can signify the same by voting for me on the 6th day of May next. ANDREW MURPHY. April 9, 1878. 25:4t. Mr. A. L. Clarke announces that ho is a candidate for tho office of Mayor of the town of Salisbury. 26:2t. A public meeting was held to-day, the 20th of April, at Bostain's X Roads for the purpose of expressing a choice tor candidates and to appoint delegates to a county Convention to bo held in Salis bury on the 18th of May. It was resolv ed that Maj. James E Kerr is our choice for Superior Court Judge; and for the It makes no difference how many Physicians House oi itepresentauves, J u r leming or how much medicine you have tried, it is and 11 U riost; tiegister ot ueeus, iioratio now an established fact that Uerman evrup is N Woodson; Surveyor, Bernhardt; Coro- I the only remedy which has given complete sat- . ' . . . ' . mi .. " vr T npr. lieniamui r raiev: snerin. ineo r l isiaciion in severe cases oi tune iiseasea. n there are yet thousands oi persons wno disposed to Throat and Lung Affections, Hemorrhages, Asthma. Severe i on the Breatd, Pneumonia, Whoop ing Cough. &c., who have no personal knowl edge of Boschee's German Syrup. To such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaiut. Consumptives try just one bottle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists in America. (At Mclntyre's Furniture Rooms.) BRIGHT HEW BOOKS AT LO"W PRICES. CALL AND SEE HUL 9;tf. A NEW DEP AETTJRE. mi GOODS, ONLY FOR CASH OR BARTER. NO CREDIT. My name has been brought forward Now that most of the Townships have held their meetings andrecomincuded nrt:i?n men for the Lower House of Rep- W ai-knowkHl-e an invitation to Chap- resentatives, and almost every Township among oinw, t'Z r " i i.n I, .... .i:r a tl,Ai nmat. .YOU in uie next, beosiou wi wio el Hill commencement exercises auu uan naving eiecieu ui , I feel highly complimented even on June 5 and G: also'to tho annual con- needs be some unanimity ,.u ww suggesi contest of the "Philalathean" and 4Pi thatsome radical, or unworthy Democrat pr0per Si.'inaPlii" Literary Societies of N. C. has scenred an important position, r - m tain, Solomon Ketche', John Basinger, John L Rendleinan, Michael Brown, Geo Barger, P A Sifford, J L Graeber, David Roseuiau, John I less, Isaac Linker, P A Sloop, J W Fisher, T W Webb, John Coon. It is further agreed that all Con servative voters in this Township is con sidered a delegate. M A J HOSEMAN, JOHN SLOOP, A H HE1LIG. College, at Mt. Pleasant vu. May. tho 14th of The. Mt. Ulla Township Convention at the met April 20th. Was orgauized by call- suggestion of my humble self. If voters see ing N F Hall, Esq., to the chair, and J T nrnner to o-ive the nomination I will ac- Ray, Sec. The Chairman explained tho ffl will AorvPi tliem to the I obiect of the lucetinsfe after which the tail va i vl'i. iu aa. aw - - - I r . I . a 1 ' . T -1. .11 AJMnn I "V v. KMAuilAi 1 fy-v ilia tlliminilflAn . . . .1.1. ..i ;0i, best oi mv aouiiy. i snaii us uu sucuc- umcuuwu u.D one mat win oo niwuw uK...u iuvb MO affrf: , .h numinfitinn. hv of cand dates to rill the various offices ot -o- A negro living on a plantation of Phillip Sowers, had a chill on Monday and went to Ix-d. On Tuesday he died. Tho other of the county, or fail to be used as intend- gci,eraing or wire-working, so common the county, &c. John S Henderson was ed by constituents at home. Now, we among the politicians of the day. This nominated unanimously for tho Senate on L l.iiif i a nri f-ll.'A ffATll tluiRni fiAliAininir nnl wirtt-workin!? for Dositiousl first ballot. J K. Griihaxa auil Frank 111 Uov iirvtx - . tr selected, the best. rrUic mottnr vi thin I OI UOHOr aim UUbl WUIHU-mu . MIC Viol. lino uiimivii J I , . ii- It 1 . .. . . L m..i.: people is, and always has beeu very . . I - I llll V lllkllL lf SLSa,. .A a V a W vxvm mm - negroes liaviirg left tho house to attend to dtleKate8 They must now decide trio is l think j know what wjn be to the iuter- of the Brown was nominated for the House ot re- Commons. For Sheriff, Waggouer, Kluttz rmer, and Jiiiicrham wero orougnt wiore tne Convention. On first ballot Waggoner their fa mi- duties, when death came, lor the coroner. no one was present it is probably a case i Johnny, a little sou of J. J. Stewart, was kicked on the head by a mule on last Thursday evening. Ho was" passing by .the uinle to open a gate when ho was struck, and knocked agaiust a fence-post, bruising him' severely on the head and hotly. Tho little fellow is improving, but it will be some tinie before he is fully re covered. o best. How will they do it T By testing the est of the farmers. For his unflinching received a majority of all the votes givon, aim was uuuuini uwmiu;o. u Horah was nominated for Clerk; II N Woodson for Register of Deeds; Crawford Baruhardt for Surveyor, J Sani'l McCub- men t No, it is too late for that. How then? By looking at their past record, both private and political f .We think this the best and only way to make a just decis ion iu this matter. While we do not wish to speak disparagingly of any gentleman who has been recommended, we desire to say a word for a man who has always been faithful to his party, and in other resposibilities which have restetPon him. He has been a public spirited, energetic uul rpftnnn&iblc Jinan since the war. His record during that time of strife and bit terness istoo well known for rehearsal here, j Suffice it to say that his gallantry and i daring bravery won for him tho highest i-imraorft no n. soldier, for his ''iron firm ness" as Governor during the war, for his unwavering faithfulness to his party since the war. I shall favor Gov.' Vauce for the U. S. Senate. If, therefore, the people of (bins, Jr., for Treasurer; and Benjamin F liowau think that the energy which an all-wise Providence has giveu me can be 1 of service to them I shall cheerfully re spond to their call. Your obedient servant, FRANK BROWN. SALISBURY TOWNSHIP MEETING. According to announcement Salisbury Township held its meeting on Saturday the 20th. Hon. F. E. Shobcr was called to the chair. Nominations for Sheriff were first con- Fraley-for Coroner, without opposition John M Cleniinent of Davie county was reconiiueuded for Judge and Kerr Craigo for Solicitor. On motion of W L Kestler, seconded by S A Lowrauce, all the nominations was made unanimous. On motion the meeting adjourned. N F HALL, Ch'n. J T Kay, Sec. PRICE CRUEIT. Corrected by J. M. Knox & Co April 17, 1878. Cottox dull . Middlings, low do stains Bacox, county, hog round Butteu Eggs Chickexs per dozen Corn new Meal moderate demand at WnEAT good demand at Flouu market stocked best fam. super. Potatoes, Imsn Onions no demand Lard Beeswax Tallow Blackberries Apples, dried Scoar The subscriber is now receiving a Stock o. General Merchandise, which he will sell for cash or barter, at such prices aa will suit the times. He invites the public to call and ex amine. He will also boy Cotton, Flour, Wheat, Corn, and country produce generally. Borden House, Nov. 20, 1877. 5:tf. S. W. UOLtrJ. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rowan County Superior Court.' Tobias Goodman, William Goodman .Charles Barringer, Jno. T. Goodman, George W. Good man, Nancy M. Goodman,' Daniel Goodman, James A. Goodman, Margaret M. Knox, and David F. Knox. Againtt, Mary B. Waggoner, Henry Goodman, James Goodman. William Goodman, Thomas Good man, John Goodman, Albert Goodman, Mary M. King, George B. King, Cynthia E. King. and Sophia King, if liaing, if not, ber heirs. J.T.Mooax. " A. JLTHOMreo. MOORE & THOMPSON, COMMISSIOPIERCHMTS, RALEIGH, X. C. Special attention paid to the salt of COTTON, CORN, FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, BUTTER, EGGS, FOWLS, icV Consignments Solicited. Highest Pried Obtained. Refers to Citizens National Bank, Raleigh. N.C 22:3ms. On and Off Slick as Grease ! BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, &r. W. M. EAGLE 89 78 6 8 1520 8 $l.r02.00 50 48(&50 1.10Q1.25 $2.80 2.60 75 75 mt5 4050 35 25 C7 5 3i4 1012i ' Respectfully announces his continuance at his old stand in his old line, on Main Street opposite Enniss' Drug Store. He ia always ready and anxious to accommodate customers in his line in the best manner possible. He is prepared te do first-class work and can com pete with any northern Shop or Hand made , ,i . wort. i luawuiiir, ibmib, c- areoi ine latest Special proceeding for the sale ot lands 4ofl , . -J. partition among the heirs at law oi iavia . rU, keefm Qn ,jand peJy made mmk Uoodman. . , I and stock equal to any special order. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court . . . -1 . i y- a la . . riAJM I XfcL'talJ ltlK UfHUI atssu mviuviil svW a that llanrw (AAilrnan nrl AffiiiPAW I TAfUl m R fi I . . , . tt? Stt nA that ths 1 I v Ji- v w wuu n.M.wi - I rill rga. (whose names are unknown,) are also non-residents of this State, they are hereby notified to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, at his office in Salisbury, on or before the 22d dav of April, 1878, and an swer or demur to the complaint, and show o.ii.o if nv ihpv have, whv the Report of the Commissioner, Tobias Goodman, of the sale of the land, shall not be confirmed. J. M. HORAH, Clerk Superior Court, Rowan County. March 6th, 1878. 22:6t:$lU. CARD. NEW BARBER S FIRM. The undensighed have this day formed a co partnership under the name and style of DeJusto A Anderson, for the purpose of con ducting the Barber business in all its branches at Mansion House corner, one aoor oeiow Halyburton's Grocery. This combination of tonsorial talent secures to the citizens of Salis bury and iU vicinity advantages never before i afforded, including the introduction of the Satisfaction guaranteed or no Price to Suit the Times. Cah orders by mail promptly filled. 15:3m. W.M.EAGLE. STOP AT THE BOYDEfl HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C. O. S. BROWN, Prop'r, "2 (Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh.) g-AT HOMEAGAIJt. Having leased this liouse for a term of years, I would be pleased to have mv friend call and nee me. it win oe Kept as s iMi-cxioji HOTEL IN EVERY RESPECT. Board: Two Dollars Per Day, fi-0MNIBUS AT EVERY TRAIN.-j( maise from all. both officers and comrades sidered. After tho third ballot Mr. Theo. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Blackraer have beeu called to Hartford, Conn., to tho "bedside of their son, Mr. W. C. Blackmer, who is quite ill with pneumonia. Mr. Willie l?linL-iiim- wlwi Una lwrn iitfAndinrr rol- .eg0iutl,atf& several v. i8 . of LU brigade. He ta fully capaUeofdo- iSSitZmi very promising young man, aud wo hope mg good service for Rowan if sent to tho leclaml tho ominee for the Senate, soon to hear of his recovery. Legislature, and wo hopo tho people will TJie f0iowing gentlemen were put in I roiiKider lna claims, home niav say lie is nomination for the Jjower House : J. The flea bug is catmg up the tobacco . mi i .1 r niiiiita i iipv Jim imiiirr i u h:iiiib inr . , ... : t- j - - i not oiu in vears. out in eiuiieu; uu , . rn, . , good sense, he is old and amply qualified. ofc n'roved in faVor of Mr, Fleming aud Besides these, he has a moro exien- Mr. Brown -as the cuoice ot aansuury si ve acquaintance with tho public men Township. Then wero chosen : H . N tnt nn r nti.tor Mvin men. Woodson, for Register of Deeds; J M Ho of tho Staie, than any oUifer man men- ?,Mn. i winm'i MCnh- I loned in this connection, no is a good w f Treasurer, and J C Barnhanlt for . .. a 1 7 - sjwaker, by his we mean that no can Surveyor. The ballot on tho above nam- cabbago plan ts. Why don't thoy oat grass and weeds t they don't seem to be par ticular as between cabbago and tobacco plants. But why pass the succulent chick weed and tho sweet blue grass. How strangely they go for the pride of tho old j women and planter. tho boast of the tobacco L,, a Bpeech is at home on the boards, ed gentlemen was token rit?a voce, and Killed. Van Rurkhead, a notorious character of this county, came to town last week and said that he had killed a negro.: He was drinking and no one be lieved his story, but it has since been dis covered that ho was telling tho truth. Tho difficulty seemed some trifling thing, but Biirkhead,- who was. drinking tit tho time beat him to death with a hand spike. He has fled tho country. We have heard jof no coroner's action iu this case. o ' " Musical, SoiUEK.-r-A . musical soiree was given by the pupils of Mrs. W. II. Neave, at the residenco of Mrs. Win. Mur phy last Monday evening. They were assisted by Prof. W H. Neave, E. B. Neave, P. P. Meroney and David Baker. At an early hour tho guests had gathered, and the magnificent program mo of nine teen pieces was opened by "Fanfare des Dragons," 4 hands at piano aud two cor nets, in the hands of tho Neaves, a thrill of pleasure went through the assemblage "how delightful those straiusT' passed from lip to lip. After this splendid open ing, tho programme was gone through without intermission, each picco compli mented and applauded as it was render- ed. "Saint a Prague" was enjoyed very much, 4 bauds piano, cornet, E. B. Neave, flute, W. II. Neave, violin, P. P. Merouey. Vocal Solo (Der Ilimiml hat eine Thrane geweint) "Heaven a tear to-day has slied," sung hy Miss Alice Leak, with 'cello obligato on Slide Tromlone, by W. - H. Neave, was exceptionally good. Her voice, "Roso like a stream of "rich distilled perfumes and stole upon the air." Tho deep mellow' tones of that grand instrument of "ye olden time," rolled in majestic, and then in tender, pleading tones. Many other pieces are worthy of com ment, but space forbids. "Sonic of Mrs. and this is the kind of anan to send to Raleigh. For these qualifications, wo recommend to the earnest thinking peo ple of Rowan, Mr. Frank Brown as one of our next Legislators. t. k. b. BUSINESS LOCAL COLUMN. 0 have made arrangements . O U . with the publisher of that excel lent Agricultural Magazine, "TiC Caro lina Farpier," at Wilmington, N. C.y by which wo are enabled to otter it and the " iriV.m""for $2.50 a year. A bet ter bargain is rarely to be had. Send in your orders. without uissentinr voice. B F Fraley, tr Thos Hill, and D A Atwell were put in nomination for Coro ner. Mr. Atwell was declared tho choice of the Convention. The Chairman with Mai Jas E Kerr, wero instructed to appoiut 25 delegates to represent this Township in tho County Convention. Tho meeting then adjourned. F. E. SHOBER, Ch'n. Kerk Ckaige, ) a1.M1..1-:a m T- t...t.. Secretaries. T. K. Bkuner, S LOCKE TOWNSHIP. Senator. John S Henderson: House, T J Sumner, H C CNist; Clerk S Court, John M Horah; Register, II N Woodson; Sur veyor, J C Bernhardt; Coroner, Dr Hill; Sheriff, T F Kluttz; Treasurer, J S Mc Cubbins. Ueletiates to Count u Convention : Messrs. Negus, McKenzie, Brown, Wilkerson, Smith, Robertson, Wiseman, Kimball, Cowan. Watson. Linglejind Rainey, and all of tho Townshin that may be at the Sk w county convention. J. B. GIBSON, Ch'n. W. 8. Negus, Seo. For lack of time and room we must con dense the Reports of Scotch Irish and Gold Hill Townships, as follows : Scotch Irish Nominated J. M. Horah for S. C. Clerk : J. Sam'l McCubbins, Jr., lor County Treasurer ; B F Fraley for Coroner, J C Bernhardt, County Surveyor ; iioratio Woodson, for Reg. of Deeds. J G Fleming and Frank Brown, for the Commons. G A Bingham, for Sheriff. J S Henderson, tsq., for the Senate : and recommended James E Kerr, for Judge ; and apjointed 22 delegates to the County Convention in May. P ractical Blacksmith H0RSESH0ER. HOP connected with Brown & Verble's livery nfi All shnelntr on strictly sclentlflc prin ciples and WARRANTED. AU kinds MacKsmiuun promptly done. lfcly shape 1 Tri. " . , t. . . r if.:. 1 . .uif . ..wu..... v b rencn ana liauan sysiems wi im" vumiig. ellers. TRY ME. Ladies' hair sliampooea ai meir reniuem. i TTnVK Jn a style equalec I only by that of the best G.r- W 6. SHELBURN. C. DeJUSTO, January, 1st, 18. 8.Jl:tf. G. A. ANDERSON. Salisbury, N. C, April 2d, 1878. 24: Clerks. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED 5,000 PAPERS FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, Put up specially for me by the celebrated seedsman, Robort XSuLXst. ST JC. CRAWFORD & HOLMES W',th my name and the date printed on every Every paper nas ioo piainiy prim BOOT and SHOE j- Bflaking, AT THOS. H. V ADDER FOB D'8 BEfASE OF OLD SEEDS, dentjemen anil Ladies' Fine Wfirl a NEW LIVERY STABLE ON LEE STREET. Complete in all its Details. SPECIALTY, Havincr pmracred the sen Ices of a first clam work man, wc are prepared to turn out tne finest and best Btylcs of city-made goods, and at prices to ftult the times, consuiniiy on nauu an Main , superior material. Call and examine our work. Satisiacuon guarameen. KausDury, treo. it is. .o. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP TION. CONVEN- a veiu- Can fur- Will send travellers Will board and cd on it. No other dealer in seeds here haa dared to do this. Forewarned is forearmed, and if you buy old seeds now, it is because toii won't have vour eyes opened. I One word more : Bcist's seeds are the only ones in the market which are tfarranf- Ajrreeablv to notice the voters of this Township met in Convention at the Acad- I announce myself as a candidato for Jemy at 1 o'clock on tho 20th inst. re-election to the office "of Register of Deeds for Rowan, subject to tho decision of the Countv Convention. HORATIO N. WOODSON. The Convention was called to order by II. C. Bost, Chairman of the Executive Committee, when, on motion, Mr. Ransom Jacobs was called to the chair, aud W. R. Fraley, Esq.. requested to act as Secre tary. A resolution was adopted admitting all Conservative Democratic voters to a par- Gold IIiLL-Nominatcd Wilson for Judge, j forward with ample facilities to accoai lVr Sheriff. Fleminy and David .i-, rnlnr and transient customers. n.. rrinrror ftr Hi f'mmnns AV'oodson lor I Tk.. h-tvp anlendid stock horses and Rer of Deeds, McCubbins for Treasurer, Lies for pleasure or business rides. Fraley for Coroner, Bernhardt for Surveyor, nish any outnt requireo. 1 irt .l,.l,...r.t ,u tn hn Pnnntv I tKeir WV to anV DOinU KllU iu utiC"aMa v -" j vu j . I Hill T wins m CovcAfon, 18th May. : , groom horses by the day week, month ryear. rf and nil horses. Invite Drover, to come to the g PaTJerS for 25 CdltS, Kat nH cheaoest stand. They propose better O J.AJCAO xvx v vwMWw9 services for less money than ever before given. Will buy grain and provender. And aa they are in for a lively businesa they say to all CWaaryu. js. R. CRAWFORD, 16: CHAS. HOLMES. MARRIELV at I on the 17th lnst.. by the K w. A. D. Bamsay, Back Creek l'resbyterlan Cburcb, Fkancis N . Lcc KT, M. II., tO JttlSS L.KONOKA .IMH. rrom the residence ot the bride's brother, Dr. Pleas. II. Pendleton, on Sunday, March 81st, tn the Presbyterian Church, Auburn, Ark., by Kev. 4. w . Crawford, Mr. Chakuk V. Dixon, to Man Cobnkua E. 1 KNDLETOJi. Wc are authorized to anuouivCe Mr. J. Sam. McCubbins, as a candidate for re- elHftinn to the ollico of ount v Treasurer . tici nation in the nroceedinjrs, and requir sulyect to tho decision of Uie Countv Con- "S I,e Chairman to appoiut fifty dele . . gates to attend the County Convention in DIED. vention. We have beeu authorized to announce for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk, of Kowan, Mr. J. M. Horah, subject to tho decision of the County Convention. We respectfully announce to the citi zens of Rowan, at their primary meetings, the name of J. G. "Fleming, Esq., as a candidate for the lower House of Uie General Assembly. Scotch Irish Township. April 10th, 1878. pd. To the Voters of Rowan County. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of High Sheriff of Rowan County, subject to thei decision of the county nominating con vention." . F. WAGGONER. March 19, 1878. Salisbury, on Satnrday the 18th of May. Also, requiring a majority vote to deter mine the choice of of candidates. The convention then proceeded to bal lot for a choice of this Township for Sher iff. On the first ballot 132 votes were cast, of which C F Waggoner received 48, G A Bingham 47 and Theo F Klnttx 37. No one receiving a majority auother ballot was ordered, at which 137 wero cast, of which Waggoner 51, Bingham 83 and Kluttz 3 uion G A Bingham, having rccei majority, was declared the choice of this Township for Sheriff. Convention next ballotted for Com moners : II C Bost received 85, J G Flem ing 61, D Barringer, 18, Frank Brown 23, R Jacobs 2, Jacob Fisher 5 and J K Gra ham 1. Bost and Fleming were declared the choice of this Township. For Clerk of S. Court, John M Horah was nominated by acclamation, unani mously. For Register Deeds, II N Woodson, was nominated by acclamation, unanimously. J S McCubbins, Jr., was unanimously In the Asylum for the Insane at Raleigh, April 11, 1818, Dr. Jack Hall tn the sixty-first year of his age. "A stormy Ufe," peacefully ended, In the shadowy twlUvht of a second childhood; a restless spirit sunk quietly to rest In rue drowsy, overpowering embrace of Dementia; his eccentricities, his wit, his gratitude, his revenges, beuuinbod by Its slowly tightening folds, all. burled In the same common He was in many respects a remarkable man a man ot unusual strength both of body and mind, in his youth he was a very active man and accumula ted considerable wealth. But the close of the war left him, as many others, poor. As his property dwindled, his friends fell away, and these things embittered the closing years of ids life. He became fvfcntnr his tnnme trrew revenKuiut. u Blackmer ani Heiierson, Attorneys, counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY. N. C Januay22 I87G tl. At THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. CLOVER SEED Only 1X cts per lb At Slum's Drug Store. Early Row and Peerless Potatoes only S1.50 per bushel At KlutU's Drug Store. GRASS SEEDS rmiiion Millet. t2 ner bush.; Orchard Grasa, H. Also, Blue urass for yards. Herds rass, Lucerne, o . w At KlutU's DruiK Store. SMOKERS, AHOY ! WAyer's new brand, the " DAISY " Clgsr, la the ,",. i .1,0 mortot Ft nta each, or aix lor so cents. Trv them : aanuiacvurvu exurewo only at wmun iru owre. liny - AIM CAN FRIER K.ilLifu I . 3 .hl.nnnlnmntnfltPt ....... I T nitninC! VWT I ..,,.1:,..1,l nil hvDocrisv marked and outspoken. He hateu a i i ui - Bnu rcquw r- -. , , - rt;ceiveU nayjti.iJ..h m ii ii was I - I t nnep. aa longer lnduizence . Where- "ffiT ,Zmcud 1 eHemy, He IN V XjJN XXiJ-l. 7": ved a never overlooked a kindns or nfot an jujuo- I G. M. BERNHARDT, DISSOLUTION NOTICE The co-partnerhip of Bernhardt & Sona ia this day dissolved by mutual consent, G. M. Bernhardt withdrawing. They return thanks for the very liberal patronage extenaea mem hi can cannot fll j v t avrwkv . . mmrrr-k flr-t Sfr of h" wtt Ttta pSpSw of ir.TiM p,in.h.srf the riKht to -ell this cele- iiw fint.im wpnt wonderful. ! n...n.. In n!n townshiM of Kowan "He was such an Individual would taj. le ft hB orau COUIUIUUIU IU ucuouu-- icuihh,; ... . I . . . . . , V.r lit a man ..v rishine to see I a part of it. He ;coukV hit .on PV" T"a".C.Ju m,v call at KlutU & Rendleman' with shafts oi tne Keeneiauic , Wi UUJ j . - ... simulation with terrible veneineuc. Kllf,pta But inside of the rou-h exterior that rude buffets with the world had made, there beat In Uie breast of the Ancient Doctor, a tender heart. A tale of real r.r .utra tnTipiied hiia as it would the soft est henedVoman, and his WV&My wtth Uie onpressetL Let us nc uiai m owy world to wlil.h he has soae im-h,. 7,i....iwi .rhrtst s walk to anu fro, hl3 faults may overlooked and his oo4 tiualiiies BONDS receive their Juot reoogultiou. . -i i r . 1 r.. ,.,,iLi i t; to ijinu. auu iwm - . . . ., situ Mechanics Licus, tor sale at tuts vwve. and C. T. BERN H ABUT. Feb. 13, L878. I. M. BERNII VRDT. NEW FIRM. The biiMness will be continued at the eame stand by Bernhardt Bro'a., who invite all to call and see them, aa they expect to keep on l.nl a Urae and fresh stock of Hood which .:n i, tho Invest nricca for caeh i cuslooier-". Will lC rivi m. " - J E and barter.- C. T. BKRNHARDT, P. M. BERNHARDT, m m- ,t rr a n T.rr 17:1m. lil-.vAv BROWN & VERBLE'S Livery l& Sale Stables. "? SALISBURY, N. C, Will convey passengers to and from any popH 7 with the best stock and vehicle?.. THE TRAVELING PUBLJO will 6nd it to their interest to call upon them before making arrangemeuts eisewuvrr. Drovers and Traders will find at thia .establish ment good lota an.. jUble, and plenty of good hay, fodde 0u I and corn. ' PLEASURE DRIVES. Those wishing turnouts for pleasure driving will find the but accommodations at thcae StaMes. - Mr. J. F. Webb will alwaya be found at I ha StaMes and promises entire satisfaction to all 4-':tr. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WATCHMAJf

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