SALISBURY, N. G, HAY, 23, 1878. - rr rnTTTDTI CT?PTT?.R NO 31 VOL XA. ixaj.xvA PAPER. From the Sew York Times. ; compelled to pass verynear to her. .Why I the one who carried the lemonade stum bled will prdbably never be known. That leading physician of 'Clinton, 111., he did stumble, and thereby emptied six r v in the possession of a wife of gallons of lemonade upon the-lap and ....Knurr 111 PI CX t n frivolities of the world, and gives true. Of course, theJady shrieked, and IV" . ..1. vf Kunnl'n- ! in l.aTut nranariMl rn wlthllrAVr While she is an earnest advocate from the room in order to repair damages. 1 Tarious reforms, she does not agree , Those who were present say that the pa ! - 8t professional "female reformers ! per melted like snow on an overheated 1 lievin that reform and ugliness are 1 griddle. Before she had taken a dozen .j Jhcpnanioie. outs iui; , m .ti. -& one antt inbeiFa , - tt,of f,.iwl Wa frightful. Strong men put their hand kerchiefs to their mouths to suppress their r nnl Trnfl. and tiful as well as me - - does not countenance any scheme of re foruTthat would make life coarse and ug T Just at present she is especially in vested in dress reform, and iu what is popularly known as uccorau ui u- " I ,elwi,l.os to furnish her sex with com fortable and cheap "clothing,, she Tally cries, and shook with terror. The bash ful theological student fainted, and had nnf nl.i-Gioian rnehiwl fmm . til IV roODl and returned with a waterpool cloak, th extent to wbicbTtue erosion' 'of strata byi the action of water would have reached Ht it is one ol tne cmei un auiim-o . - , . -. , , , t , ... . .i A ,rta4. voman to be beautitul, ana nence sue ui,- cannot oe mougui oi wiuwu terly abhors all schemes of dress reform painful emotions. Of course, it was not that would substitute trousers for the necessary for the physician to steam his flowing garments which she considers na- unhappy wife that evening, but this was predesigned women to wear. Altogether, but a slight consolation to him, and was he-may be regarded as the ideal type of insufficient to prevent him from denonnc- afcmale refonnei, and she is universally "Let me read you one more verse. I wrote: I swell the firing echoes as they roam among thehilla, And I feel my roal awaken to the ecstacy that thrills. "Now what do yon s'pose your misera ble out-cast turned that into t Why, into this : I smell the frying shoes as they coast along the bul If. And I peel my soul mistaken to the ercrrary that whirls. "Gibberish, sir! Awful gibberish, must slay that man. Where is he tn "lie is out, just now," said the Colonel. "Come in to-morrow." "I will," said the poet, "and I will come armed." Then he put on his hat, shouldered his umbrella, and drifted off down stairs. ... I . ; - Max Adeler. LADIES AKD SPRING FEVER. UOVV KOT TO HAVE IT. Tin knew her. One day her husband said to her, "My dear, why don't you invent a new mater ial for women's clothing which will snper cede such a clumsy and costly fabric as cloth ! Tig leaves, of course, won't do, ; at least in our climate ; but surely some thing can be found that is better man doth." This suggestion greatly pleased the good wman, and she promptly began to investigate the various materials which might by any possibility be converted--into' clothing. ' . The result of her investigation was to ton vice her that what her sex really want ed was paper. She found Unit a single' tliickiiess of ordinary newspapea is much f "warmer than cotton or even wool, .and friends told her that they had actually suffered, even iu ni:d erately warm weather, from wearing three or four closely folded copies of the Tn r.hmt: She also found that paper was ex tremely cheap, and that there were cer tain kinds of paper which were soft, plia ble, and reasonablystrong. She estima ted that shccoiild make herself an entire suit of clothes, exclusive of shoes, stock - ing, and gloves, out of paper, at a cost of $1.17, and she could decorate the outer garnieuts with water-colors, so that they would be far more beautitul than the fin est patterns of silk. There remained the solitary objection that paper skirts were readily 'combustible, but she knew that by treating them with certain chemical jiiei:initioiis. nbsolute safety against fire . , , , - -- could be secured. 1 With her usual energy she at once ob tained her materials, and made and deco rated alull assortment of paper garments. The lower or primary strata were com posed of soft white uuglazed paper, what might bo called, in view of their position, the mesozoic shirts were matte of thick hrov.n paper, while the tertiary skirts wero, white and.light. The outside dress was of a pure white material, but it was covered with designs in water-colors More reliable harbingers of spring-time than the prophetic swallow, or ardent ennluuima fliof tnnxro tllA TlflllBPtATlS dHft ing paper garments m wnSoa?e ;WU1 : from sheltered corners to drip along the which makes these, things luxury. No such cosmetic, dear ladies, in lily white or rough pad as the bloom imparted by this daily bath. And after all, are we not more resolute to correct the bilious com plexion than a deranged digestion. Jf. G. A. in Christian Union. nt; WADSWORTH'S MODEt FARM. was probably scientific, but which will hardly bear reproduction. - the Troubles of a poet. eaves at noontide are those inner mur murings and agitations not, alas ! of as piring soul. The hampered body which has been coddled, petted, stuffed with 'Wliilo Colonel Bangs, editor of the Ar- ruon rearing uumui.uu was sitting in his, office one day, a.i , , i i i ;.. man, whose brow was clothed in thunder, e ' ' - ' . - ... orwl tlia HmnonnH nnmiilpaj BollfifltimiK III pntftreu. r lereelv seizmsr a cnail. lie ; ... slammed hisJiat on" the table, hurled his discomfort which we charge to variable weather afllict and hamper poor humani ty. How many people say "I always have a billious attack in the spring; expect it a3 a regular thing, you know !" as though that were sufficient raison d'etre. A little resolution, a few dietary precautions, would neutralize this teudency to which men yield with the pasivity of optimists. , Primarily we sin by our indulgence at table. The habit of hearty meals, which were demanded by rigors just past, is nn- ! Well, the words look consciously indulged beyond the necessity r Dinner,' or 'Souls of otthem. A dearth of vegetables forces of meats, and the housewife is fain with spices and richness to beguile the palate till teuder greens come to supplement her meagre larder. This then is the hour of danger; when the "body, swathed utill of necessity umbrella on the floor, and sat down. "Are you the -editor ?" he asked. "Yes.': "Can you read writing!" "Of course." - "Read that then," he said, thrusting at the Colonel an envelope with an inscrip tion on it. "B " said the Colonel, trying to spell it. "That's not a B. It's au S," said the man. "S; oh, yes; I see a little like 'Salt for Sinners,' '' said the Colonel. "No, sir," replied the man, "nothing of the kind ! That's my name, Samuel H. Brunner. I knew you couldn't read. I called to see you about that poem of mine you printed the other day, on the 'Sur cease of Sorrow.' " "I lou't remember, it, ".said the colonel. I "Of course you don't, because it went into the paper under the title of 'Smear case To-morrow." ' "A stupid blunder of the compositor's I suppose." "Yes, sir; and that's what I want-to see you about. The way in winch that poem was mutilated was simply scandalous. I hav'nt slept a night since. It exposed me to derision. People think I am an ass. T,et me show you." "Go ahead," said the Colouel. "The first line, when I wrote it, read in this way Lying by a weeping willow, underneath a gen tle slope. "That is beautiful, poetic, affecting. Now, how did your vile sheet present it to the public T There it is. Look at that! What Was Seen TJiere in an Hour's Visit No jest is intended in designating this as a model farm. It is such; indeed and in truth.' An Obseeveb oscribe driv en out there the other afternoon enjoyed the occasion more than he ever did a pic nic when he was a young and giddy tiling. On this place Mr. Wadswortb. has demon strated that a man may be a 'good livery man and a good farmer at. tne and; the same time. He has two hundred and sixty acres "under cultivation, and how high the state of cultivation, a glance is sufficient to show. One hundred acres are in grass and clover high clover and grass so thick upon the ground that it is softer to the footstep than any Brussels carpet. Twenty acres of the laud is in cotton, which is now well up; Mr. Wads worth's stand of cotton was never better at this season of the year. There are five acres in grapes 3,000 vines, well trained and the young orchard, we guess, is the best in Mecklenburg, em bracing all the fruits grown in this sec tion. The garden is up to thebest house wife's standard, and tin: land "not ac counted for" is in clover, wheat, oats and rye. These are glorious wheat fields. A lot of Fultz wheat, sowed last October, stands six feet high, as thick as hops, and promises thirty bushels to the acre. It nods gracefully enough in the breezes, and the heaviness of tho heads is suggestive of fertile soil and a land of plenty. The PETER COOPER. He Passes through Charlotte En Route to Limestone' Springs. Yesterday, the 1.15 p. m. train from the North came in with a beautiful palace car attached, one of the most jcpmplete and elegant owned by the Pullman company, in which was Hon. Peter Cooper, of New York, who was en route to Limestone Springs to inspect the property he lias purchased there, and which he proposes to convert into a school to be operated somewhat on the plan of the famous Coop er Institute, in New York City. He was accompanied by Mrs. Abram S. Hewitt, Mrs. Edward Cooper and daughter, Miss Edith Cooper. Miss Adelia Cooper, and Professor and Mrs. Henry C. Raymond. They were met at the Air Line jnction oy vol. vi. J. r oreaere. peneral mannwrl n . ... ... e i T -r, T V5 I sra1" cueerea uy. tne lact mat tao nnra . . hu., . .. v puai ber of assciations in the State lias more engine, anu auer a stop ot about twenty than doubled during the past year. We minutes, were taken on to Gaffney's, at Ueem it therefor, our duty and privilege " r . lu,m' m,e" to call the second annual convention of stone springs bemg only about a mile and tlie Y. M. C. A. of the State of North Car- A.. r A. 1 1 I u uuuner irom mat piace. oliu anJ lulve appointcd Frid Juue ... F.vov. . ,..c J.U.1J, came iithf as tJie tiine all(1 Greensboro as the iromew lork, is supplied with every piacefor holding said convention. The .u. wu,v.i.s, Mwpiug, business session will continue during Fri- in tact, is an elegant dwelling on wheels, day and Saturday, iTml on Similar, fol .l il. A 11 I 1 il f 7 1 auu u,e ,,a,l- "Ul "onouess occupy tins lowing, devotional exercises will be held t wBuuej s, piouuuiy under the auspices of the convention. Our ..A A t : a o Jl 1 BmS out iu i.,uieSioue springs every uay brethren of the Greenslioro association have given us a cordial invitation to as- STATE CONVENTION of THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Office of the State Ex. Com. of Youxg Men's Ch'k. Asso. Charlotte, N. C, May 9, 1378. At the first annual convention of the Y'oung Men's Christian Association of the State of North Carolina, held in the city of Charlotte in April of last year, the uudersigned were appointed members of an executive committee to overlook asso ciation work throughout the-State, to fos ter and encourage existing associations, andjo effect organizations iu new locali ties whenever practicable. Oar efforts have met with some degree of rucccss, and while we do not claim all the growth and development of the work as the direel re sult of onr labors, we arc nevertheless and returning at night. Mr. Cooper is quite a stout and healthy man for his age he was 87 years old on tho 12th of last February. He didn't talk much of his plans in reference to the school at Limestone Spring,, but was dis posed to discuss farming. lie said he was going to have an experiment in farming tried on his new place. "About thirty years ago," continued he, "a seedy looking man came into my office and offered to sell me a great secret $30. oats is in full head and much of the corn persisteut and his condition was so piti well out of the ground. These crops tes- ful that 1 finally concluded to buy it. I tify to the though preparation of the paid the money and he told me the sc- , ?1 4-1 a w-1 irvjuin kf f ft II 1 frit Hlill. .IIIU 1IV.OI1. JilV-l.lI ..iv. -- " I seuible there and assure us that we will receive a heartv welcome. We are anx tiTo prevent the collection of old debts, under the recent Homestead dcci ion of the U. S. Supreme Court, some newspaper correspondents propose the following: "Let Zeb Vance, as soon after the elec tion in August as possible, call together tne Legislature m special session j let that Legislature be elected with especial ref erence to the measure which 1 now pro pose for the relief of the Homesteads j and, when elected, let it insUtnter impose a tax of ninety-nine per cent upon all execu tions issued, or subsequently to be issued upon judgments obtained previouly-to the ratification of the Constitution of 18G8, . and upon all compromises thereunder, provided cither is pressed to collection or is not cancelled in ten days. If this be feasible, there can be no doubt that the Legislature may rescind all amercements upon Sheriffs for declining to act npou such executions ; aud such abolition . of amercements would go far to supply: the needed remedy. ' t ' :--K Would all that be Constitutional, and miglit it not le productive of further trouble in the future. Postponements of that sort are dangerous. -WhHe relieving the poor debtor, let the poor creditor aUo be remembered. Charlotte Democrat. The appointment of Packard, the bogus Governor of Lonisianain tho bayoaet days, as Consul to Liverpool is a genuine surprise to the country. This is a trU nmph of unadulterated rascality. Pack ard is correctly described by the Phila delphia Tones as the "champion carpet bagger and head centre of tho Returning ions to have every associatioii-in the State Board system of elections." Every man, represented by one or mure members, we believe, who was concerned directly There are also many localities in which or remotely in the Louisiana and Florida no formal organizations have been effect- steal has been rewarded by the great civil cd, where tho young men, if properly service reformer of tlie White House. The stimulated and instructed, would unite in Times, as might be supposed, does not al- association work. We would gladlv meet low Hayes thus to insult decency with- ..... ". lit iu convention representative men from out administering a lew snipes, we give a paragraph : "In the New Orleans Custom House his li.rht would have been hidden under a HO WAS SO I r onniinniiitina f!inliiwr ncciirwl flint many of them would be enabled, on their return home, to organize au association. The committee request that the names of all delegates who expect to attend the convention be promptly forwarded to T. just peering from the earth, as the velvety I MT. Cooper then proceeded to relate j 1.1 . t , i 1 I grasses and the fields ot ueautuui, wav- tiiat it was a process oi treating seeu corn M. PHtman, secretary, Charlotte, N. C, ing grain, testify no less eloquently bow which would double its productive pow- in ordl.r tliat arrangements may be made well the earth has answered to the de- er. The corn should be covered with glue for their entertainuient. Application has mands made upon her. and rolled successively in lime, guauo, been made to the various railroad offieials But these are not the things which con- &c., and planted with the accumulation j tj,e State for a reduction of fare to dele stitute this a model farm. In a pasture thus gathered around it. "1 gave tlie I oites nttonains the convention, and we of orchard grass, just on the banks of the recipe,' continued he, "to a man in 2ew lrcsuiue ti,e usnai courtesies will be ex- mUin whose chief boast is its integrity 1 . ; 1 . i. A. 4 1. nvoAwa tfui I 1 X . I - nml ha niAirnl t nor rhA Tin l I - . . . i 41 al rt ' ' creeK, vou see eigui r icn ininoiiii-uitvi iumvowa, mm no mnpuvu uiut iih;;iwu fC,)(e( f ,y nroramme ot tne order oi in commerce ami wiiwium.j I calves and yearlings keeping company of the corn so treated was double that of exercjSC8 to lie observed during the con- in winter flannels and heavy garments, with a lialf dozen colts ot Urterent ages, corn planted in tne usual way. l nave eliminating impurities and over stimula- all leisurely grazing ami evidently enjoy- U barrel of glue w)th me and intend to ted vitality through the pores, is forced ! ing life. The colts are the shapely child- try the experiment." Charlotte Observer bushel; in the Central American States ho would have wasted his sweetness on ine desert air, but at Liverpool Mr. Packard is "a city set upon a hill" that " all may belioUl its oeauiieB. men' m b mean about this country. hat is ours we cive to the world. H would be well to publish tlie proposed uonsui s oiogia phy iu tJie London and Liverpool journals in "order that the liritish public may real tn the fullest extent the compliment naid in this appointment to the proud to absorb and re-absorb the perspiration; 1 ren of the shapely Abdul-Koree, and Tlie front breadth containetl a represen luuou ui iiiu . . - Made it read this way T)rigiBaiiy uesigneu, suriouuuc.i "- Lyine to a weepins widow to induce her to ersitnd leaves ot the most exquisite tints, i elope while the rear breadths were ornamented J "Weeping w'ulow mind you ! A widow ! - with landscapes in which. the wild scenery J 0 thunder and lightning! This is too of the western backwoods was accurately J much ! It's enough to drive a man crazy !"' represented. The dress being designed J ' "I'm sorry," said the Colonel; "but " . - 'a . I s , . . S . i . t lor evening wear, was cut low in the necK, I "jiut look a-here at the lourtli verse, and rinsed with Pompadour sleeves and fsaid the noet. That's worse yet. What ornameuted with gussetsi echelon. The I ffsaid" was: short sleeves were reinforced w ith under- J Cast thy pearls before the swine and lose them -sleeves of tinted tissue paper, beautifully I in ,he d,rt scalloped, and a belt made of a dozen "I wrote that out clearly and distinctly , rards of wall-paner bordering encircled in Phiin, round hand. Now what does the wearer's waist. Not a stitch of thread yur compositor-dot Does he catch the i t... i..i- nol sense of that beautiful sentiment? Does mild enervating days exert their prostra ting influence and' many seeds of disease germinate all too rapidly under these favoring conditions. Not for lack of warning must we die ! Rut in our own households we have all the curatives needful, simplest, and most efficacious. First let us assist nature in her own processes : On retiring, remove all the clothing worn during the day, imperatively that next the skin; which is promise to do honor to their illustrious ancestry. They never see a grain of com or a sheaf of oats : their sole food is what they pick upon their pasture, and curry comb has never been seen ou their of the fence ; yet colts and calves are as fat as moles and their glossy sides and backs fairly glisten in the sun. Oh, they are beauties, and to see them would repay a visit even though the visitor had to walk from town. Then there are sheep, South vent ion will be issued in the form of a There isa great stir in tne papers ju circular, and parties desiring information now over the "American Commuue. as to the railroad rates, or on any other Grave fears are felt that evil disposed subject, will please address the secretary persons will bring great trouble upon at Charlotte, N. C. our country, and that the dangerous, I. H. Foi-st, Chairman. wild, agragrian principles of the Pan T. M. Pittmax, Secretary. uommuue may ucou.c in our free America. e cannot 10-uay enter noon this topic at large, for want of .... ......iii .i - .. to Section 17 of Chapter J ot liattie s PLATFORM OF THE PENNSYLVANIA pPace. We will say, however, that we do FARMING OUT PRISONERS. Judge McKoy on this circuit has liber ally availed himself of the powers con- side fevied by the law of 1874-'5, amendatory surcharged with the impurities given off I down aud Merino, lambs, rams and ewes, in insensible nersniratiou. This rai ment fatteuinir upon this should be thoroughly ventilated before its resumption. If you are sensitive to temperature, sub- Revisal in regard to hiring out persons convicted of criminal offences by any of the Courts of the State. The law as ori ginally in force, applied only to "con victs" but by anamendment offered by Mr. Parish, Senator from Orange, at the NATIONALS. stitute a loose vestment of woolen tex ture. Most people, however, "will not suffer in wearing simply the usual night robe, especially as bed-coverings are still heavy for the higlier temperature. On rising, sponge the body lightly and quickly with cold water, briskly toweling after. It is not necessary that this be a pTiiladklwua, May 9. The National Convention has nominated a full State ticket. The platform generally enunci ates the principles adopted in the Nation- u. .. session of 1874-'5 and passed into a law, .uumviuuuii ii j asture, cultivating session oi l ' Thev-declaro that the government should . i the powers of the Court were so enlarged ine-uui.u u".n y day to be con- ltae,'.. ,wraina furnish aid to families desirous of settling verted into mutton. . . , , ., n i0. rf , rt x 1 I VlCtetl OI any llllllliuil huciuk, About the farm-house flutter an bun- eu , , , , . iendants wno may uu mimu i..n.u ni died pigeons, on terms of social equality with scores of turkeys and chickens. About the barn congregate thirty cows, some of them blooded, and numerous hogs of the most popular breeds. Upon the hiirh. cool eminence from which is had a beautiful view of Charlotte over a green stauds a costs of a prosecution ; and the Hoard ot County Commissioners are charged with the duty of making contracts tor the s keeping of such criminals and securing to the county the costs of such criminals or defendants. rhe operation of the present law is iivtheso unique garments, and they wero put together exclusively with mucilage ""The good physician assisted his wife to dress, and fonud fault with this system of fastening, since, as he pointed out, he would be compelled to steam her before nlfc could remove a single garment. She, however, explained that her use of muci - lagc was merely- temporary, and that she should ultimately devise a method of adapting buttons to paper. The new paper costume was to be in troduced to the public at a party to be given by the physician and his wife. That it sink into his soul! No, sir! He sets it up in this fashion. Listen:" Cart ray pills before the sunrise and love them lMliey luirt. "Now, isn't tliat a cold-blooded outrage on a man's feeliugs? I'll leave it to you if it isn't hard!" "It's hard, that's a. fact," said the Colo nel. ' "Aud theiAake the fiftliverse. In the original manuscript, it said, plain as day light : long or laborious operation, the more rap- pump which yieldwater perceptibly im idly the better, with sufficient friction to pregua ted with iron and sulphor. lhis bring aglow to the skin. If you ennuot ' is Uo new discovery, and while neither secure rime to go over the whole bodily ' 0f the minerals is very strong, their pres surface at least make it a point to daily ence in the water is unmistakablo and Rnonro the. trnnk and arms. Rousing and! w.ll-stahlislicd. aud this adds another i o I " ' stimulating the whole system, clearing , attractive place aud opening the pores, it imparts an in- This article has been extended beyond nuu pieiwauK-im-K.. ,..,, -; i.: ,.nvi,lM nnnropr ate pun- I till 4V71 VA ) v 4' v w " II j.Kmonf fm- n?irt m fruiltv ot tne nnuor IDIIMIV'IIV - upon public lands. They favor rigid economy in the administration of public ...,;,.. lm-ml the. eirrht llOtir SVSteUl of i ..!.. fl.f nlwilition of tho prison contract "i- " ' 'r j 4 yj I a A afe system of labor; a graduated system of in come tax; equal, civil and political rignis for women; and paper money or green backs based not alone on the two metals silver and gold but upon the entire wealth, aud the integrity of the nation not anticipate as much mischief as others do. We believe that it is impossible now for the spirit of plunder and destruction to go far before comiug to grief. Our people are not yet corrupt enough for universal chaos and its attending curses. There may bo serious trouble for a while in densely pop-. ulated centres, but the "good sense ami good principles of tho people will back up the law, and the carnival of thievery and crime will be quashed and that speed. A gentleman sits on a tall stool at desk in Collector TuttoiTs office. A com mittee approaches him with a subscrip tion paper. The President has contrib uted; so has the Secretary of the Treas- i i ....w. ivin ai lina till. urv; so nas j?tiitiui - fake away the jingling money, it is only glit , tenug ororts, "A man with only one eye, and acata- party was given last Tuesday night, and ra'ct over that, could have read the words will be memorable in the an nals of Oliu- j correctly." Hut your pirate, up stairs ton. The guests Were filled w ith admira- there do you kuow what he didf He tiofi ofthe paper dress, and when the made it read , wearpr made a brief speech, explaining its Take away thy jeering monkeys on a sorely merits and -proving its superiority in all ' , respects to cotton, silk, or wool, it was conceded that her arguments were unau swcrable. Whether the dress would have , stood-the test of waltzing in a crowded : ,room is not certaiu, for as -tlie physician j was a deacon in the local liaptist Sinriety, i waltzing was not allowed in his house. The wearer managed it with care, and it was not once torn throughout the whole "evening. About 10 o'clock a waiter bearing li large soup-tureen full of lemonade, and . followed by another waiter witfr glasses and other aids to refreshment, entered the room and approached a table placed iu acorner. The physician's wife hap .pened to be seated on an ottoman enga"- ' ed in conversation- witha bashful young - theological student, and the waiters were gland e red hoss "lly George, I felt like braining him with a tire-shovel ! I was never so cut up iu my life." "It was natural", too," said the Colonel. "There, for instance, was the sixth verse, I wrote, I am weary of the tossing of the ocean a it heaves, "It's a lovely line, too; but imagine my horror, and the anguish of my family, when I opened your paper and saw the line transformed into: x ? I am wearing out my trowsera till they're open at the knees. "That's a little too much ! That seems to me like carrying the thing an inch or two too far. I think I have a constitu tional right to murder tliat cptifpositor don't you ?" "I -think yon have." describable freshness and exhiliration amply repaying the effort. Rehabiliated ou are now ready for your morning bit ters: f. e., the clear juice of a fresh lemon in a wine glass of water without sugar. This is a bomb straight at the enemy, "or a more potent solvent of bile is not in the materia medica. Searching out rheu matic tendency, attacking those insidious bes which are storing up anguish against our later days cakuli it prevades the system like a fine moral sense, rectifying incipient error. It is needful perhaps to egin with two lemons daily, the second at night just before retiring. A primitive but most efficacious pre scription which corrected the physical re action after a pork-eating winter for our ancestors was a wine-glass full of very "hard cider," made effervescent by a crumb of sal soda. More potent and pal atable the "concentric force" of the pure lemon acid. , . ! We venture to claim for this self-treat-' meut alone, faithfully applied, more relief for the body and stimulants to the mind than from a battery of pills, or quarts of herb decoction. Eat lightly of relishing, nourishing food. Not . the least significant of Jefferson's sterling "Ten Rules" is tho sixth : "We seldom repent of having eaten too little," above all with the inertia of early spring upon us. Take short brisk walks in the bright sunshine whenever possible. Resolution in the initiation, pertinacity in the suc- what was originally intended, and for this j the writer pleads a pardonable degree of enthusiasm. Much has been left unsaid, and what has been omitted must be em braced under the generaUremark that the whole place exhibits intelligence in its management and pains-taking care in its conduct. There is no spot around Char lotte where an aftcrnoou can be spent more delightfully, and certainly there is nn id?nw oab iilated to rivo a stranger a UO -J w- better opinion of our community and sec tinn. This model farm is a sufficient evi deuce of the excellent capacities of our friend YVadsworth as a farmer, (for he gives it his immediate personal supervis grades of crime; it secures the county n-ainst the costs of such suits aud the maintenance of idle crime in jail ; and it is made a source of revenue to county, by which the aggregate of taxation is diminished. Iu carrying out the purposes of the law ti, r.omm ssioners shouia VIIV wv.----- i all these purposes are conserved ; and that is effected by rigid scrutiny into the hands with whom they enter into contracts. 1 he uarantees for the security of tho priso ners and the payment of the amounts for which they are hired must be ot the most ample kind. There must be no child's play about it. Crime will lose an iciiois if criminals are to be put out to a mere nominal "servitude ; and if the hirer be an irresponsible party, the county loses uot only its costs but its expected revenue 1 ..1.1 1 . a n wl 111 an m, i,Mit. minntities 1 ti. .itttcr chief ot bureau, inspector, To revive our p.os,,,, in,,,,,.,. .? ' S "'U'Sf, DOl mill" iiuini"" e- - He is a free agent, and t somewhat turbulent to-day. j)e cMSes to set himself up as a contrast A resolution tliat the Convention con- to tue distingnisheiLperons whose names ..-.o ..n.x.n,- on t in roll oi nonor. mat i B lawlessness or ioinn, iMM' " , nt fll. .i.tir i n r mi i'iiiii i iiniifii ' w .v. inmoui. ..iv 1 demn any adopted. Also the platform read this morning, with a few amendments, which briefly sumniarizel that the party advocates a high protective tariff and a moderate re- r...... in flir Iwtlirii nf labor, to be regula- lOt III III .l - -7 W( rids. This is the new patent oi civu r . . . If n..r ltuc1iloll I-. VPf Kervice reiorin. n - - - went farther in the advocacy of the sys tem of running political parties by levy ing on officeholders it is not a matter of record. The truth is that he has basely l'tfii licljir siirrenuereu un ''"") ,rr..v.. l:itive onnosition to dis- Lw1 otwi forfeited the last vestige of the criminating monopolies in the carrying of confidence that he enjoyed in thfirst ..w- 4V,r tl.nt of bank notes. It demands the unconstitutional repeal of the resump tion act, the recognition by Congress of efforts at internal improvements, and the raement of ship building aud ocean - encourj be- ic transportation. It disavows the couu- .nnxnm. nf lawlessness and violence, ami f1(ll,t tM)th pulled ilo advocates the maintenance of the princi- wilt. the string, U one end of which the FOR SWEET L0VES SAKE. A case of strong devotion was develops ed in Denver a short time ago. A young man of eicht summers had just had lid not wince also. ... cause the practice is a new one ; but as it ples 0f the party by the judicious use of i:ici.sor WaW ntt: is likelv hereafter to lie largely followed J tU(t baliot box; it changes thnamo of the ,eut jevk that . . r. f ,1 i-.ll.. .,iliwtill I'll Wll l.-LU'U IOI .1 1 1 ..I live, to go tlic-re ttg.iin.-fir. 6. , . , ,. ,, (l-c,f asc of li clihipf, ran.v. . tn see tne system ji-'--v 1 an . snu Hjlittlturo Ucvortler. New Heme Xttt Shell : Miss Mary A. Smith n domestic, in the family of the .. - keeper of Hatteras Iulet lght 1 louse, mnt lior ilAHth 011 the 1Z til lilt. bllO WUS ... ... . . f , I c,itn S.ivlor engaged in her daily routine 01 nou Adams, al- . . . i I .i run itjr a ' cleaning, and while putting out uens irft. tllo act ofsttai tliougn I'iciii"") - ic-hed, was given the vio- decided-tlie matter, but brightened up as if greatly relieved, and confronted his mother, who was perform ing the duties of the-dentist, with : "Now, mamm i, please pall the other.'1 As "the other" was not loose, the lady Put worms are destroying the growing , x ?. . 1 1 . . r....f..i ! f.r.ri ,i tui iiov went awa srennu Richard Adams was snot iu irg, fropSi(lie !?iUi(iy inim wcu h.irh.iui . . UlSCOIlsoiiiii;. ... ...... -- to air over the railing, she dropped a pil low, and in her attempt to regain it fell through the trap door iu the promenade deck, breaking her neck. w ho was ! One Mr. Jeffcoat in tho lower part of this county, was accidently fchot iu the ankle a few weeks ago aud Dr. lielde- braud amputated the foot. Mr. Jeffcoat s truii fell from his shoulder and striking the i : ..n;i.;i:..-.. i i ,i:..I.i,or,m.l tlm w hole load iu his will be shortly rewarded by enjoyment ankle. Summit Courier. ... . 1 . C 1 . . f n'Aa.l. llV I . a itfn 1 1 V T. or PtlllPMiaV 1 ',' " " ? 'V I ratn line L'iIHiem:ilI IIU3 i'i I J lilC!5ii.' ' . - r- ...... I . , wi tli.. .w.ti.-iiirr f. nfH'll, Dr. NV. T. Hrooker, anipu-i - .U1 it 5s asstMted that all that is tumeu, anu ....... left of a good stand of cotton could be liar vacancy about hu mouu. ik-iu .u held in a single hand. One pint of worms jnspection. A few well directr.1 quest o,m was fathered from tl.reo feet of a cotton brought to light the fact that he had per row," nd it is thought that an average f formed the job himsidf. Li, ..f worms could be cathered from "How did you do iH he askeil. seventy vards of every ' row.-Smiimf "I just put a string around it, gave it a pull, and out it came. "What on earth pos.-3sed you to do it?" 'Can", ma'am," he repliel rather mwklv. "Maml P has both her 11 out, " ' . . . 1 n ect- r 1 . ..f Civllll- i.n- corn ironi me cuu watching and liad a shot gun trained on the siot, and when he heard the tniei, pulled trigger aud dowu tumbled Adams. Both parties -are colored ami resiue ... Coiin-er Sandy Run Township. Summit Courier. So many claimed Homer as a One thousand seven hundred aud seven- resident tv-five dollars is what it recently cost Ap- nA n. ritireu that the Hmcleye iucliues to pauoose county to find out that a man al),j 1 wanted both ot mine out. 1 opinion tlt he a Methodist toW. One l,,u,lr.d ,,nd ..mK-en M.i.1 f " w I witnesses were examined. bcaits. ucn preacher