in r i 1 - . I A wnW? ROM- TILDBN; J WliHede v"xv Z'JT'-S-J THUUSIW, .rv. m M , J.'! L .'it . Uf thfe frovowi mailt, iiW antrimelM by 12., -t MWliAM1l&hAiaE i rJji&i lft Conzress XujT , lTftfr tews About M- 4-'--' : AiyT 75 f - ?. t Firxt IMrict, ALFRED yeXPiJW tfsth District, m WALTER WftVEE&R-IEainr mi if A Dint net, ROBE ETR r.vAKMFIELl),'of Iredell. ROBERT B. -tftCh, of BnnwVe. Election Tuesday, Noywi)efIi, Mr. Winston ha withdra?trTr6ai the Congressional l.tlfect aud advises hi fijend.. . votcfiuivMr. Scales. ' AftOHsH Accident in cissuJSft bndg near yillc. The Charlotte Obserrer tell a of another bnrtal assault in Iredelon jtSLnS.' J-m-An. The offender U iu htiL Parties white. '. - . . . . t -i The Rudisill gold inine near CIiHrloto, of wliUh we have lajrtfe t,be Mold has changed hands often, and is to ,chauge:aai(.f-..;- l. r " l-1". " ' We jegret ttf'hfW of the." -de.rtil -of "Mr. II ugh ley uolt1 know n Mr. Kt V?MV(.3i 'y bald in hig 4Bteeiu-by hisa.ctjuaiutau es, for ie was 'yot JrTfaat kiij li'lieitiii. all the relatiwis of life, bat incuiTUpfible, and fearless friMufi ; :gpl,nj'a'Ua" jfallen. Tim wind aM fain'&tmiii MiicTi stnu-k all tin way mare ami WashpigfoTr." ltM f-ed umcb damage Iwis been Une to slyujjiy...T.he telegraph liijea.; i?i W prostrated aud comuifiuicatioii broken. At Wasluogtou b)edfgre nnr0Wand trees torn up: and jasiderable.flimifgc to js harves and sliipitcfwaUiniore.- sxteXced TOMi''KED". " On the flight of tbefcbjfftest Ane, -AlphoiiM) Davis, a n:?l i ve of Chiipel Mill, and formerly a erk,tlo Boydenllousti iu this place a m-Wrfi-erfHjiV dOtne Af our citizens a a fast'i.iVpjiiig man, ip .conipanyitU-oiie Henry Andrews, wlrite and txv'd negiiK,'' bnTuttted a bujrg4ty by foriildy edt ieilii-Ju4iseof 'Mrs. 'M. L. Hmdoor arnPladr resident of Their intent it seemMivAS tft ob tli.e hause, but the lady WrhWafcegHver "tlie- alurmadien RhbJ''.ni 'ajs.-IWftfeliby T8onie pue f-the partj 11 A4a1't8Vltaiia:' ,ed several severe Avoiind'and braises about tiie headland shonlders, but fortu- imtely nonevei. fatal. - i : Davis, with the rest ot' the piirtv npMilica. ... .... .. ,wVAil?. no, nas just oeen tneuiortiigri imine, at a term of the Superior Coulo'f(cange fouutyy at. llillsboiTo, -r'as con'ved.and is noutenced to le hanged attke SJd of November next. ' . . . . IP; u1?.' i5 when an appeal was taken' ftHbe Stnureaad Court. h J02 cTTO.-uv-anT We think there isuvKSr yrtH.?lN for, auul too nuuiy: yoaug men" to study. and MMJvbWlfhL nie so sum v leaai i IresiudUl TIIiDEN ANlTIILfEpUAMS. Jlr PuWii, Imfics Tjjpcvted Card, lcnnj publishes a card iu Avhich, refeiTjngtft tlie Ttnent cipher telgaW;WiJrfTatioW(;..fct. .ed from r'sitice' their p'nbliAtion ferring to the allegHrattefctoHfegt4'il for tltei elect4iral rotes .of Florida lind -South Carolina, hstfli pt the existence or pnrport of any tele grams relating tovthe lA'fle1 as evidSSiiy tluif 'Wte-'glirr, lKking to a tin! gain of any tud, would have been inconsistent witbis UU,tf 't.itt fact that Jie had in v&MhteflP&W form, which he coald not Jave carjied out unless lie was uirtraelrAl bAi'f'vVolii- uiitment ui the clioica of nyp Ato.;ewvctf iu;i,m uui in me governinent and free from anobltni, ests. I was resol iyrgiPro thViil. idential cljair."" he 8.iys,;"in full couipijind f my rekortrces, or not at all."' The e!eutfi p., tliuing the time ltia said the telegram Avere sou Siiys Uiey'vivire iifl .uYitf tlia? ittice. i,. v-. A i- It wi)) 10; foxiniaMXikt!1 o state tliat Hha nrtttie5i3erai j( pf this iitSLtC COUV!U-3 oVlaiMlfTeisd af-i tvftlie first Momjay ,jiWjfj!Vt Jhat is tony iij thu tih day, and that the ballot for . United e,toi; Legj pn Tuesday foIlong,vtIhiTtWr- jotte OlseiTer. The rfctTflrrjrv3ig H northern wigg3 Lan- lis place Taesddy iiglJ betw-ee-ij JO .and I o'clock, was Vm-.severe along the .cxtuat from oeiow r iona to naiir- f . t ."iiir -i - .' , His I am ftkitt ttTich ... . . . i, -a. ."vi.v -iiiFtr.'. - ir.- was not jyioweuoy IVtaif femptatiojis which so often terminate in fl coinittaidHv,J shiK'khein eveiVtotfiink-oh ' ' says he ban no knowledge of the existence fn iuewieiegiunHofbAttiitiott nlnuit theni, except what has beeu deriv-1 becamfc--liiEsideiit:i '' -t i- V-i' "X - V .-r. " : - - l. XBv.VRlcft)ctoTrjf.r-i p. ni,The following anl fttuailf. TilOtJi h;ts..bcen given to the press : VLlwiye re.ulthe pub lications jn;thp Tribune of thcjjtjijitant .'. 1 L ' . . ; iio r-i 11 al :i t i n of cinher in Flofulnf artlltf lMertmHfIwtion- 'of IrfTG, itujl have Ic(ol4 lniKJ Lutt kporUiije oT. tlic. existence vt. these teU'graiilsv theni eyim4 .So much, for these telegrauistenerall.v f shall ,spealf yet'Wprc. speci tieallyaS to j so'ine 'of tlieni. f First,' those .which 'relate ; to ao offer 'inrpor.t1ngltof have been made in ueiuiir 01 n iurMV- l board ofeneMW,WrhtyrXA' gi,1 for a niaajc'ifilftiatio eerticateT actqall chosen.: i . .....,1 .!,. ,A Kkine pf thee trgtaj, uor,:aiiy -.tebj grau CiHHWinicaiiiig MicMviju;'w;' , s rtrfitvtd-fbdh Hh offer ;11atihgitiiiiitrTr air dfffrMiei e;eL4y ttstot' tf "tie, or tlio content f t&inii in'dn j ma wier made inc. f l . :! -i.j or purport oi anv telegram retafingu huh subject', or lfd IbfeHeve .'the fact that shch an ofieJ1 f the F1M fflft certi fiertiM -had beeinilide litttil iUter the 6tb : of ilecew ber,'tvwhiek tinej tl Certificates, ;jere tlivideiaiMl I W;etowl .Y.itest. ; r i : mi '.i:'.. .11 ...... 1 . a.i .r lUB.UU01limi.lUU. IWIMtilMV. .C,ltlCU.. UlVi ha of a nalst event. "It was accom pained the Wtfemvnt tUAt the niter hHA 'been 'Secoadryf nis tp .the; pai VJ-icat ju : iniitlte T.-KC,o1!' Mirpf rting;jU, be. traiislauuu.ot. cipher telegrams reuuiug to the canvass of voteS in South Carolina iB"137o;,' winch I have seen since ' X Wrote the iVa-egoblg, T ean "speak1 of them-ntf-less definitely-er positively. .ui.:ivi-; .u ""NoVh o f s ucli - tleg r nm n f - ei t h e r in cipher dB-tKuislattflH'iva', 6Ver shown to or its contents ntadti kfroMrti .' td lnei Xo oflfet ir ifcgotfa'tlpn in behalf of the ..State eanyassers -xilf SoutiV' OHflina,f,f trny1" tbemelr.y'tr'ennH' Mth' any bf thwii iu resjiect to the certificates to the electors wits ever nnthiittioi-'anctkMiedl'iu airy hmiriirer' bynvdireeiry'dr -triTough any other. person.- !' ? ! V . ' "fj&jtt.ndd Miat-nnoffeto give the eer- tificatef any retitrn'iitg t.oaWlyor "State kiuut!jev9 of a'n'y State5 to! 'the Democi;a- Me.eteHolEVin ;:cons1deiatii of promises of omce, or ' money, or' Tn-f"jerty;; no'ne gotiatiort of iiit VuVh'toiemWf, w lb in- "rluence the'netum of any' elector of Pfesi- dent and Vice-Presideut by such motives 'was ever eirtertaTiieTf, considered or tole ra ted by me or by anybody --within' iny- in -tlneuce, by my consent-or with my khow ieilgpiov aoqaiescence ' 1 ' .' '.?No such conteiwplated-tmnnetion could at any tfnrc'iiave ' cnno - within rsioge :ef my ' ptjweiCyi-i fcltout th at "power liei ig in stanUy-exerted to cruAlrit'ou4;-A'. ielief ,itas 'doubtless current-'that cet-tilicuteH from" Fldfida confortning to 'the actual otc of '-of tire wplevere in the market. riduive wot tlrC'i-ligHtest loubt- in; the mld, aid Mr.'Sultonstall, who was in Florida at the tniie in a recent interview with the pmfli 'ftHat 4lm Fbnida Vot cujilil have IneA bought if Mr. Tildeii had lieefl dishonorable onongli -to- defeireit due for1 great 'dead less than $50,(' or i20,0(KI. It was known that either one of thci'two -meorliers who composed a niajbifity of the "Florid; State cnnvassei epjoldl control its actions nd cive cer- k&esift t.oNire jH'jcrats: i eitlier bub- ot tTTeni; coMld nettle the-.Presidential ;con Uoyefsy Vn faT'oTflHnteT.w dfdate Vho Tacked hiit otw votew . . -.. .. I r - .. . ! I iwipaiedJi,Hi)r .axsslbler to- tenal dochmeiit IT - 1.1... : !1M.' I?' ..! . MstlS shWit'Trr' the ; tetihirrivi f or McLin the chaff aian tt. the board of State rafitas$,Hj his eximiHiation before the Potter ctnninitteeHir tJitiie Ia$t.! He5 ad mitted that the tVaerrote of th.e 'jieoijleof F.Ijofja: tra ' f;tK' of t'fie BentWratie eWcfqrstnd thitt mct ereir -sirarW ''oir tjie fave ef the ftfeWnfe tlie -trine Tetnni-from Baker county," not withstanding tlie' (hiul4rg.iinst the Deuiocrijts jit some of the county returns.; He confessed thaifjttV. UWfttts 2tV She I Rep irbHc if HectAfi," ' acted under . ijl e 0i(lW:f ..p.roin iaVe that. m ca:r 3nv Hayes Mldhtg'cettaipiy these promises nmst have had a 'strong win4rover my judgment and tction rAfter the certificates in the XoTrisiUna jung-Iwiml had been 'ivpeajedly otter ed to 1 r He-wet t uml-(t her tor -nio.wV 4lilv rwel siven iu favor of thn lUmilli- 'can 'e.lecti, jio had Wetr f eje5tePby! a' huge majority oftae VoterVSnib iinein . Jbf&jfi oythifOioartl- boa Msabtrie infest i AilKt-ftairtdeiiit oslb"trtate- '. ' 4 he preyoant tatrjJtty Hottti' ttiat HnSfe ofthee iupt rlirrjat ' ifrxtv their cttjtuMe to-the etiMovi3itJe electnrsf imt.tliey all did givehero'. Repttbltcan finmV Vbich lSe ernK'tated -Iu "word " or act, a purjHise which Vas known to or sinned by all with wbtmi t tvns in habit n- iUtitl.iinn"naii)a.- flw fuesideucyi of t he Uiiited State waa to bo disposed .if Fby certihkafe to m fjii frour corrupt rtv Timiiug-tMiiirdsby' anyforn of venal fu-: wArteiffjs,!"Viether)f offices or money, I waksolved;to take no part in tlie sliame facinietitioynd 1 took none. ' ' rie wainintrrestif the y ictoryw hif h suited in uiy ek'ctfroi wjihtf etpetfa Mn that through tlie tficf Magistracy a system f leform similar to that which IfaA-eji-iitiiftisbd in our metropolis ;lni"! exbe1fclifev ling coinpetlaJi f;r .return juknjr heater ;uul I iliac QtsHlt vie ;rer striisles that victory frpild havejbJ no.sed nnmi riie. I vJ i ies6(v4 t i3 iliiM tf all liiy iHisonrccs for t twef nl dsa or . nft t I v ,ri. , , . . ,; catCS'l S;tv these certittit .its 1 oWtd .1 iavo .Wen to auanauu MLmn... . : .; . ndIS lt-Bs av i8tiuetl mo in thJ !Y- t Wrlantf j fur ia 1 XvbUkkjsluL for Mm RviniHIFcair eTectiH-s who Ii:m1 been 1 .rU"' ehoseU by -the 'peM- Tlieae "false JidYfe!jM foiuduleut cernncafefir tioW A Vn deJ sind iirbven "liaVe :leen obtaltWST by ; corrupt : iiuluceiiieulV5 ajtll?" S1' iwtQa'prrt .... . t. nm m v ?ir . t i" "w.. . ' .1 i i mirr.uriia ! These certiticatesnVereT MeeTiirCby '.tbn SurFJirja ? w a aW-4 (tfVaV4 Ue yatautlie Ehyille.b.x, minx oUaia err tribunal -tarWiiiAUi;- S'S'4 ' MWtfW&pm,trar. of the the, tbfe couut , Ut dis- ' W laf5tWWt, .JfTfwVA i.-Foirr, rhe KegUraw f pntwlecioralte indiiputabic WV1.;' tJlrief.MasmWmirtr 2Jf JwiiJUWa M"4. -uU vu:JerfDJea dar whieh had'nYfn ftitf all ei 'execfaye( , aitfTO 'V, HfJ JjilH. S:7r iii!rrt1onircrSi theotint. ,(?i,o1,ffift,etrrtf nYWWlulifMVPyxf !uhigcirdrtfd;lrgeicir- i ji - - . . . - n t-n Jk ak' I nicatibglp'Cmgressr, 'a f.tct v hicli cannot I how . Wditoif:MOoS$fr though yes red bv the couMitutiou with UuYliorffv tol cuuut iiic ?ieciT)r.ii -m,us, viinuuii uuic- stiicted either as to the time statute, caused .a ; rortidX, We issud ot La Vrj va a jew cernhcatw. afidit Tormai soyereiirn , . '. .itr; tiiv W nuthentrcji-tion of thpHigbV of frao' eiec-"tr: 1p''i'falta ivi ilVrl- a. i ii.n.i.-f.:jJi.. .: 'Slk frirA"??!.!.... . .1.1 . tors ro ueposjt' vmrs cuucuui io uo coiim-i j y.aull9lyl4.ulovlmmop in ted,'wa-he1dTL'4mrairalHe of coiuiiiu-I recaived. at , tljavunitWu5o lwtUtfei- when ltfvalue in should receire 'evhWiace or "its to tlie na- tme tf th'fevidehcp,and thb'ngti subjected to urtupiieal from its decision was declared ! to have no power W guide 'ifsown coifuf I by anv intornfmion it could obtain I or by anv authnritV wlfith It niiglit dti- Citate. - f ' ' ' v"-yi j.-.-. - . i a . ' ivcioij .ii r i iiFa vw.u1aui. .an ' - l bvcretary hhcwMM--Sty U r Flr f r t &i: .Mioiim i nntiiAm WtxkhiV' 4o-iefh J Republican jProphtty; " , .; . :ti3a fsJivft. I th Phll.tilflnhta TIhiph 1 ... . I r -;t-i, u Apiu-NuiuA, .yewoer ty. ii.-... , i : .i... i uixii-tv in bis. niiiul iiMrdhitrrtJiH.ntfHaii.J.:i.-; i.js 1j t .. JV.J" . . , . ... of iuniption u theiid of, Jauiui? next. On that day the. jaUMt:itreaaa.m M X' X' I. ill I 1 L.. X V I 111 L ' Will III IIIYIII'II'UII III rk 1 T lilll 1 or greeunacKs 0. ums or,4UtJf;.WUarft ;. ii i ii i us nniuijiHe; io an wno come.. e saui it would lie inioossiblH foi KOHciilntin make any trouble or em barruss :-t he. gov- I eriimentlll Carrying out tlie WY. . lMt . . , ... ' . w F noSSIOII' I liJir, rilPV m.TV cam' rrnlil mi n I ' . , .oi it or two, brt tj,,8 w.lL ot . ieuiu4iuMo. iue . eeieiarv siiiAJ .. ' ' .'.' "I? ."4 tion of the government wp as easi- di.s-; ' losetl of as the resuiiiption of specie pay ment a. A CALAMITY TCuSCOTLANDcu-i ; Somcthinh About M -Effect of the FaHkre r' . . 1 ;(JlasoW', OctobQv 21.-r-Tlidim:tersof l r. r f a ''' ine cny or uiivfftwijuanlk-,. wimt. were -ar- i'1-xti-il S;itiirJ:i i.i. i. nli n rL. f fi:.,.,! .i..k.. r. . "V rr ..t"i'?r''a,s. aftemnMUut .iiiiunetiuu to. iouom rwtt-L.r?' ,.. ..r niere are now in tue vaults in Nw.ii.i-kl , .Ai. T. -. ' rt . ' f iii.-r w i'";J uwifu jijo UwuS8.i.he;.Uwfr of 8alishry. -on the 8t iiyci.iTiuu.wiv.uuu iu srom miu. i iv mi. v...i ..? n-M -.. i . . , ... i , , . lh,ngot stiver, . y.U' by Jfl la nsnIlUi . . com to begin resumption with. TJ See-, -sriIyylBt SdS 7. ' 1?? 7' tetary wishep that every .imyortan to lies- cm . --Ai -... -..- r--- - - . - Vir H.vltllfcjniVIIiaUII W ITI U T , 'T f . L . 1 J" i J. i T-w-ri . , , , , ' . . Ttaufes sieciiaen $amm,tfo. tO-llilT . atraliflKMl .W'fir .Jl. BIO.l14ilt--rd k.l-i;i.f.T, rw.-lil f-r..itir .nn. ..,;.!...fL .Jk .....t. .. j .iMd.nW?JUi)acU(;ulars or tins splendid offer..... LOXDOX. OctolKir 2L The Tim! ftonn aal art Ufle, : '4W ,24ri ; . S "' -r v T iroiNitiiH Liiat t.iia ran nr hva. hninLrMj r 1 . . I 1 il it at - .T I If II I llll U . ... -. ...-. .-... . . . . I .. . 1 uvi viicii c tu iut. Mi-UonuuiprM. n i for, th nHjorit1.joirifU tii cnusequeE- .... , ilraft on drafts will, pWjjjtauVW .weakmd . d. l ., . jt tt. r " credit and . jiroye, a source, of iBU.ry: to VoMnutVK yoi.ijl Ji,e ,bikiVg,niJi; has receiya iock which is itself one of the, greatest laniities which the ctMWtry cquld ntidergo. jPiitiden(jsshaktnArit - tlniA .,.!.-' 1 1 . i- a f iiuiv wiidii iuu iHui4utiiH2 u trade re on ires it to b- cmIIv1 striing." "TJe .... " v 1 'i'i li,', ii oe"inniu,T to le re veal.eti J,WftimVtelvT &btleM l --V ' ... r -. . .......- !-t - ii. - 1 goou w)U resofroiV'Un. collaatut' in the meanwhile it hanga over the. "countrv f J) igk tj uare. aud nobody ! ca n xhat it mav, not iirove a aiynal for mnv' .muter ujsasiers. ACtbe aame tune notb- v;i -'":vv. uc.uiure ueprecaieu iiiao nn ncs to help fehose rfeqifirih it, V'whjd mjist gq far fcw preVeui ah'r eitiiiie 'dmi'- 'S-f9.n'ie is "as sensi- tue.Loudon bank man. agers, the wont that could happen niay probably be avoided." f ? i " , - ' r ' - . ,V' -.- . ;: ' - ; ; v- Another Victim to thSnare. , .: A ypug filerk Uayiqg seeB the iiotioe' of the mouse being caught tnidt-rkin M r. Dattgherr j.' 4inshp ami pati ly 4- com posed,, goe .it4e better KHe found on oiuj tif theop.nhtlyef of Burwell & Shas'tore,;; completely enveloped in spider webs, 'a perfect, skeleton of an -erage sized ihonW with not a'narticleW tleslvou itV Erery-LuniiUt-Wbaitw. was. strippp d aud.dijt. a ' single one.Wteto.i- Charlotte Obserrer. ' ' "v '''"! .'. ; , ' -i ... r-M ,ifi?niroin-sioies wt-ne open on aunuavj.' 1 A- -ii in the Cltv. Of Glasrow.Rflnk will Ivconou-rl.-l :Ltt .... j; -j;. Jur7. - .wi' iisM . :! -3 'fJ the residing'J si ifKj. iva n wviJ! re;wortiug suspicion. 'WVare irlad to fiml that them Uin "all the banks' oLoudn-H ?ffgwIipgof couiidence ! and vtnidn M ili vroiwcaay - , nnusa,.alll Ugluj 9fi8?J iliifeUi ber. ' '' f&ifju t ttt er-W .iutiv i.r Delegate and Uip r11jHiJrulW6e jitil tending ' tlm ifciptist State Conveutioii, "W f0" v WW" i flIWFM F w . f Z T. ' a J X . : C. : I k. VBfUmdBillt-iiLli. -VT-"- T 'JSlwariWAe 14ib ln4. nfer&l another lulling place court house at Kins to u u, he taU!LHll?Wf4Viwel1 Twnwliin at Knoch- . . i . . tyf iiSiiiUlJV to bw-X-alted JSnoebvitle Elecuoii r . i. . tent order fdr-tUfnrilat(sepf gtuk(li41mnf aJ' I A a rli h I Tat Uliarlotte,' i(iiJritwuvyCifc4 flo. is a rnionUhuiD.AtlikK'iii.rW lU'l .-...: . . . . . ing ven jyau io sen ineir ouiiion lor us n legaUfc'ItJc4mvtB melt iug it. ' i(tink ih)iijJIlJl)i iinkinmL exfiibit of tlie4eitiiutid..AiiiiLcaltuce we omitted. to.ui&n&wu Yalaaldei nxyoiit turn or keeping hoops in tluii-j jiirotHT-J Iff hlH IC an INI'oiiImhi at ltliiiluiin.I. Ual Invention, we thiuk.-coUlvlw, niAde amVoJ - - ' : . . : asetul. ns ft l'toru simple and chcaMi iKftcwh Observer. : i 3. Ut . i.. J! v- i trftA1i . 0..f..1l Ti. H. IT..;1 ttfVit (Mint this. -juuniiuv.fa.Lii -..- r. -- :i 'ia - s - J -Tnaine "r?;in I'.ii'titkon-1 ;asi. " u-tMittiKKiu-ir nilmr UUI toboao imtt UU(.y JJlsZ .i'JL i li.ii imiuniiiiti iii.wiiui. u.vilc;i.a. umi tmter .. . " . m . - - -9 . . . iJ4 jwib AoAiiiTe V II '.i t .C lOjk .A .. . . . . . . . ' Ti .ff Ttalfv -i tip f . V oiiiirers rrom execnunirr'" Miiuv.b n n.ti ,ii'l...fTAr ; " i lHnl TT . ul?iH ,5-' iii.if f nv? i ir a ia i i wjiiiii i iriu j in imiri mil .- 'Mii Tinriao 1 W IV- - rA r " .TB4 V. , ia Ij-. : " ' . , i . . -an . . I.. l--'--" i. iwned, upon yooV ro. kj. ,.4w '.'..V,?.;f.;.i ... f..7...7. V.., VVllllllllVV"!;! fyi""!VP.,'t..a V. ,. . . 1 I II ..I f . . , . J.1.UI j w ht ji.-i-. " "mrtne .-wpPFii.r vouri, io t? nem ai uic iOiiri Q'4 - - m M ? T w- mTi p r-a -aa arW w-v v .tia for !lps?riljc Jtfc iimV3' i :. TjPJBrftrf A. it-5.. nVrr wirh !i -r,i ,'rfnf? . l:t. .r in r .. . WVnereliv.H f ffcethaf nrte ......r4i.nm h. . . . v . . . . . ' .. . . . . . .-!. i ur-ji ikr .. i - .iiprii.. .TpUiieeoVrffr , . -rTTKir. h' K I I I" I A !,tJ:l. 52:1 in ZtiA t cr y a 1. iVejrc f msV .i-jtu I ti . Co The f( .ti-i itoatt-iiH ''.M--r-SU'.la.trMm ivaxe ,ueruuK -auu. jna at. - - - - - - . tr r a, a - inn. LI. ECTOR sflf IJ- FlCE. HTIt-lJlS Tt A t;.. ) L XL T F -. . W illowin ' iirnnprfv li-irinir li--n sLy.Ml . s2 . . irk .1 hrMf!wklXWiWr!L-A)r me.'.vv Aii fV-nJ ' c.'CrH i . Iaiui fliertlo actjunlnu; p irovj.-ions ot Sec i4Tl . S . -i-8,'460, R! Wr; w?f.He filrlSled'16 il 1 rVl"?S 4 i Ve f.tlieHrUif ?itia: iAhout';GtT-pinfeol M Ltestiie' .52r .ir " I 0. MOTTCoUectot. " w v " - - m i an t3 : -Mfcai .; - . 11UUU.U. lnuitainiiuurauiirtttaiej i a .-.c . l . . roVresefr? tivMMm fetsWe'd ofl't orjfciitiUjiailmlay of September. A: I.;1 u YWSNiqwcivHy oi neiii:iiirr, -up, aH.f'f?!(?18 '"debted U. . jsaid .a-feue lire reques'ted. uJ ! come forward and sett!; promptly ; " - patisuurv, i..,;efi. win; jyo. - ci:.l -. in..-. l. . . v-o . . ... .&y .Siwnwii 5Cfjtai- :i .is. rUlliiitf"",J .TiT, fiAn '-w,. 4(iet; "-exfri.f f: 3f.-tuckey. decM. rirv.j;jtLiii .yvrft.T NOTICE. AH .nerflom intfrS 'utStie' ertate of Mm. roB, deeM 2 are hertby riuet ul lq)Ml4iv-iHit at once and- all oemon j la v jng cj a 'ffl.-itH i ml vid.eitatejwill 'ire?n, FlVn) iiufj auilMieaini on or "before lhn 3i mm-tooervi8'0, a.vreqiureo by lw, or 4H4s n.otioi(wiu,b blead iu bar of ihlr re- Uuvery. ' . . ... . . ' :; R. R. CRAWFORD, rr- ir ' Ti. V. CRAWFORD. iUSJilUiCEi'ra.' with lite Will anneted. liHoo, Vio. uo;oi.. .At-O Court nonne door in Salisbury, on Tufylayahif 19thdavof Novem!fcr next. 1 will j v tu. f.;T. UOODMAN, Adm'r of -OJiF lft78. Ci:l A. M. Uoodman. rMil4M& laCe a. . v m m t A.- wmm a a lij.ujuiiiuiu, ui ai nun Aunuouiy. jtolice m. hetv by given that the Board of . J , .. "... " . . . jiitiiiceti oi me reaee oi coutiiy, ni a uiccviiix iifiii i iiic,vuiii t iiuui;' in i imrii it. it rev nun. - 7'A,fl"elec?ffr.' in. Atawtl Township, Cifleman Foster. '. ' Hi r. i ' etition to Sfll -tiH and D ivi-l (-Un.i tm ICiili; Nancy CriI;'t. F. ofdehu payiueiit fCaH,'-T.rary J. Call. Mar- ivctW - ( 1rvl . a nd Mtrliired tjajyigrtxinKiO-the satisfaction of the C?urt lipon iiffi bivft or'tlie plaintiff 'that N. F. Call tift&'uf 'flife'deffl.ibfftt's above named, is a non- rwskluiik u( the State. It H ordered that puh- licvtiin be m nie in the "Carolina Watcliman" r nix successive weeks, notifying said defend tVi it ap'peftr af We : office1 of the (Merk of the Safariir Uoart of said county on the 8th day tjj Noyiubynext,audi jinswer the complaini which'is flep.ihiied uisufd office, or the plain-rffl'-wrlH'aifti.v to the Court for the relief de- iUMBileit-iu-Che coiaplaiDi. ..AViMi ..; G M. BI NO II AM, . Clcrk-;Siperior Ciurt Davie Co. SVpt.w2ilith, 185ft. tl9:Gt. pd. i-i. &i.'f 4 . VlTTr()FJ NORTH CAROLINA. . i IN THK Sl l'KKIOlt 'OfKT. Berry Fo.ter aivl 'AIhert Foster, a? Berry Foster & Soil'.""" Plaintijj'x hMiArll":. Defendant. 2h.Jtthu 8. Jttiylrf uon-reniileut : '."'Yftimro heriliy notified that the plaint id aLov,e- niufd have coiuiuenceil aji actiou ijjainst yon in the SuiH.rior Court of Kowan rofirttV, aif(t tate iiforesaid, for the purpose ot Tecoveipii-fcHinst Yu (Jie (sum of three Iihii dxetLt.ivtljtJl dollars, with interest on s;ibl siini iriun the lyili ilav ol August. ISio: said s Vrirfv Oil fiV64.ereti v reciniieil to aiiitear at the .aiisbnrv on the Sifch Moiiday aftvr the' 4t1i Mondnv of Septem- v. f l . c . - w-wtttii imv- il " ii v. It.- r. TSTS': Ti ternv of ;iid Court, iht-ii and r ... . . fitre Iff Te Item, ami annus: saui term io an . i it-.-1. . i i :Lk of the s.nrior fVM" -- -" - ---- " I ' ns..rfoT said county; within the first threedav m mm ttrui. iu .in- im im 1 inFiiiiirn i n.i i .i nerty m saul count v, -returnable to said term h U Hi I - j TL -W 3r w't : .fcTV tt.,. a: flfi4 itz I" co t - - , . --1 ffl'-g13 X ll K- ( fx 4 3" H mieo2,t 5 "S 13 ' I I - trrvc: r t . r X.B-a iflCTC - ' i -r a.. it .t jp 3' .. . lr-'g" s J5 - . r -I . mm. J, - ji. r ' ."'' T-K .k" if 1 at? W :s.- x lie art X AYERS, IJIXjAiCTCRER OF FINE CIGARS, The tollowtnsz- brands kept -constantly "ltujal iiera," t&t. per M. 'UStle Pet, ' frto.on p-r .K:i.. "pJ1e of.9ul-". ',0,, Pr M- plittle Oominodore," IJO.oo ix.r M. UTOttS who wiih 1 ssgli fc--J..,Ht Orders prompt- -. .. ....... "I? CAROLINA: paEALltESTATE AGENCY, r. We buy and sell all kiudinf Real Estate on com mission. Have agents North w iug up emigration for this aeetion. We advertise more extensively than any 0j agency. We make no charge if no sale is . i...... i.-.. i.... .. ........ ...n r .. - - DAWSON" & ((,: PIANOSANI ORGANB We are State Agents for Horace Waters & Sous celebrated Piauos and Organs The best instrument in the world for the inouey. Fullv warhlhted foV six vmiJ Prices lower than the lowest. Of SHEET MUSIC we have a full stock. New iJu received as soon as ptiblished.- 'CIinrehes, Snnday-ScbM)u, Female Seniiuaii 3!!j muiiciB oiiiicti mi & lai.vo, V4u'w niw tmaw& .'lUOlV, IHltS illSCOtintllff Semi for catalogue and price Jist. -.Any ; other make of piauos or orgaus sunuliJ when desiixnl. 1,,.). nul i.i .r. AIIIO .1 IIIIIU All . 1 J. 42:ly. SAVE THE FRUIT ! Mason's Improved Fruit,, Jars. A-larg lot just in. A. long, ..long wnyn cheaper than ever offered hffore. ' At KLUTTS DHt(G STORE. .'' KILL TH FLIESr x KliTJTXZ'S FLY PAPER Slays them hv Je million. Cheap. . At K'LCtTJPS DRUfi STORE. YET. KLUTTZ'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, is the safest, siirost and most pleasant remedy for Diarrhea, Dvsenterv, Ac. For sale only at K LUTTZ'S Drug Storey ALL FOR MUARTER. A good Lamp, chimney, burner and- wick, all for a quarter. At KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Hales tie Little Ones Sleep. Does Kluttr's Soothing Drops. Contains no opium. - Only at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Three Fine Cigars for 10 cent. Red "C" Oil. Best and prettiest illumina ting oil. . . , Bluing Soaps has the bluing already in it. Woods Pocket Soda Fountain. Cfcll and see it. . - - - -- ; Unparalleled bargains in Hair Brushes. Toi let Soaps, Sc. At THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, -l":ly. . - Salisbury, N.'C. P. N. heilig a son; would call attention to tbelr large and splendid stock ol - - HARDWARE Embracing IRONS and STEELS erery variety of Mies ana snapes oesi quality. Wagon and Bug-gy Materials. comprising all the various kinds required springs. a.xies, waeeis, sc., reaay to set up. Telegraph Straw Cutters, ill sizes, and unsurpassed in quaUty and durability. Great American Lightning SAWS, very kind and size, embracing MILL A CUOSSCIT. N A I L S aU sizes cut and wrought. PIjOWS rhe most popular and anumv-pd sf vies Plow Cast ings, all kinds, bolts, sc. ISfl No. 5 points for $1. Window CLASS from into H" 3 Putty, olLs, t liiuin, arnisnes, l.inining oner, sc. FAIRHAXK s;.l.KS-Steelyards and Balances. Work Toola i-'or Carpenters. Bliicksmltbs, Shoemakers, Farmers. Champion Mowers and Reapers. Horse Rakes, Threshing Machines, llorse-Powera. Pumps, fViirain Cradles, Grass Scvtlies. Planters Handled Hoes. SUNS, Pistols, Knives, and CUTLERY of all kinds. C4r oar stock embraces e-erythlng to be found In i large and complete Hardware Store, and alla't low rices for cash. With thanks for past favors we iope to merit continued confidence and increa-ing patronage. March 7, is78. jotly PIANO FOR SALE Au elegant "Schumackei" Piano, very low for cash or on reaw.nalde terms. - Apply to Mrs. G. J. Hiciardson, or- at liisottice. 46:1m. NOTICE! Br Virtue of a Mortgage executed to me by J. H. McElwee and wife Mary V. McKlwev. on the 2U day of Aiigiml, and reiter- ed in the Kejf inter Oniee in. Rowan county, S. C, on the 7th day of September, 1876, in Book No. 52, pay 547, I will sell for Cash, on tfeeprtmises, on the31std&T of October next, A Valuable Tract of .Land, lying in the county of Rowan, on-the waters of Third Creek, containing 267 acrea, tnoreorle, i ud known as psrt of the late W.- P. Graham's i-jind ; beginning la post oak corner, tltence torth 57 weit 21 chains to a hickory, thence north 89 west 18 80-100 chains to ,jaake, ihence north 2 east 2o chains to a red oak. hence north 2 west 7 chains to a wlihe oak, BEST THING ihence north 54 east i4 chains to a red oak (hence soulh 10l east 31 50-100 chains to a one, thence north 80 east 7 chains to a sione thence north 75 east 14 chains to a pine, thence north 5J west 4 chains to a stone, thence lorth 7l east 20 chain to a black gum, hem-e eait 7 50-100 chain to a white oak, tht-ne'e south 40d. eat 8 25-100 chains to a 'lake in an old field, thence north 84d. 'eaf 4 -iO-100 chains to a black oak thenCouth 5d. at2 ) 76-100 chains tc a stake, thence south 7-d. west 50 liok to a whit oak, t bene north' :Ud. west 7 chains to a large pine, thaRfia.uolh SOd. west 48 1 4-100 chains ju a stake man old road, thrnce Miulh 86d. west 10 chains to. a -lake, thence 7 Id. west 5 10 100 chains to the hecinniiitf ; containing as abore stated, 267 acres, more or less. S. A. SIURPE, Mortgagee. SLitesville, N. C, Sept. 14, 1878. 50:4t. made,' We solicit eorrespoudeii.i. w'!7 t i r.. o . j. .... lairn ami oo.n.t.r 1.11 1 " M I.IIUIHJ. XilTlI DAWSON & CO., CHARLOTTE, N C. SIMOHTOH FEMALE COLLEGE Statesvilie, N. C. The next aemdon otfenm AtiBiiirf 9n io- J: Board, and tuition in Enelinh. R.1iln L. !. ' -io., f twenty week... Calalogu d ith full particulars on application Adlre., Mas. E. S. "GR4XT. - "-tymi. AROUND the CORNER. To the Public, Greeting : JULIAN &.FRALEY Present Cf,rapHmehts to the public wml desire to call renewed attention to their efforts to be ufefur as AMD CARPENTERS. Their prices are as low as it is possible to make them, and their work not inferior to any. ,They fill orders in , two departments, and have so far friv.en satrsfacUjMi. Tlity ha'Ve extended their facilities recently, and are encouraged to Iiojm. for increased dc- ' m.ands. Their ready made stock in band :. Qprn prises . a general assjortment of house fur niture Bedsteads,' Bureaus, Clothes Pressfs, Lounges, Racks. ' Wa'rdrotjes," Book Cases, Cuplxmrdsand China Presses, Cattdle Stands, Tin Safes, Desks, Tables, Washstauda, Chain, &c They also keep an assortpient. of COFFINS ; ol -walnut,-nneand poplar, froiu3.upH ard. Also, Window Sash. They fill .orders with out vexr.tiotis delays. WfN contract for car penter's work and warrant satisfaction. Will take good luniln r and country proilucc in exchange for furnitum Slwip nearly ojtjo site Watchman office. J ulIax fc Fa aljsv. v Hack Line to Albemarle. The undersigned i runnini; a. com(Vriahlt ifb weekly Hack Hue from Salisbury to All inaW, N. C. Will convey pawn-ngen- to GI4 Hill, or elsewhere on the line, clM.ap.r than any. . Livery Slalile. L.-v ' SalUhury eerr Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday. 7 ii. ni. K hi'rn every Tuesday, Thursday and " Saturday, i 4 mi. Leave orders at National Hotel. ti. wrWHITLOCK, 2r:ly. Proprietor. I I The Oldest Specialist fn America. Dr.JA.ClopIOH.ofBnilsTille.ili, - Treats with almost Univerial succw all CailCerOUl affections, all 8cr0fttl0UI affro tions, Excresencf and Tnmort. shout K face, &c, Piles, Fistula, Dropsical fl- lion, iSc. As the loctor ii co often from hirtn', .addremlris son, John Robert Cloplon, gitioj his naaieui full. Send for Circulars and see Testimonisls from men known to every one in the Slat. Thousands who could not Ja re bome-ar jMfen cured hy the use of his remedies. Vjf-y ed directions accompany all package. that any or woman can use" them with sncesa. , WxUe .yMir .nanip in full, also Tonr Pftft Office, .County and- S'sie. Always write ? name, or 'my ii name in full. . 25.6m. SfAI'K'OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rowan County lS THK SfPKRldK COVET, D P Di vault, Adra'r., of John Ilenl. Aijiiinxt A-welia Readier, Addison Henly, Olrts Henly, M Mas Campbell and. wife BeUcca, Lend i a Cufley, S lienlv, James M Henly. C D Henly, Ella Henly, "and six others, miuor heirs of E Henly, deceased. You are hereby notified that the ahoe tilled; action has heen commenced for the piU"' pose of making real estate assets for pi"?' of debts, ami you are hereby required to appr at my office within 20 days from thin date to answer or demur to the complaint. 26th August, 1878. J. M.HORAII, Clerk Superior Court Rowan County. 45:01. Davie County -IX THK PROBATE COl ETr j, S. Mortw, Plaintiff. Petition to remora Administrator. W. F. .Kennbn, l)eft. Ufon affidavit of the Plaintiff, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made in th Mi'roina Watchman," for ajx succeWiire WH notifying the said Detendant, W. F. Kennoo, wliois a non-resident of the State, toafper" tl.e office of the.i;lerk of the Snperisr Court of ssid county, (tn the 7th day of Notemberi 1878. and anxwer'the complaint which will be filed in the above' entitled actbn' within ten days from the date hereof, and if-h fail Jo awer the complaint, the Plaintiff will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded in tKe com plaint. Wrtnesa, . O.M RING HA Mr Jodie Prohate and C. S. C Davie CouatJ- September 10th, 1878. 48:tt. il. Ill Mortgage Deeds for sale Beif 4u: i fi .ji. riii .m" .inriJ i 4i rv.'

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