111 v I LT) C A. L. The captribntion from this town, pub lic and ptivaJe for tie relief of the yel low fever suffers fias leeh about $500- - it foncord mourns the loss ef her good Wade Harris. We also mourn hi iiiau depart ore ... l ( L-!na.lM ta arnnrtuil til 1tf;llll Kisnop - . :t Luke Church ou Sunday nioriting in 1 - .;-,. , ... j ml undav -night. He . has not visited i anu . um"'.t. e, . i ulisuurv ior.iuw mir3 firwiition will 1 administered at night. Hro. Kii!t'5I, ex.' P. . Clerk, was seen ,.u.t iilutfurm at (ireensUiro with it- US lllf ""'- I". ;. u , u ,M,ut)d grjp-sack in his hand. H.'s a trump, and the boys enjoyed tUe signt hugely. o JlaUer Shop, ifrt. 'Z5th. - It will be remembered the candidates f.r Congress, in this district, speak at the above places and times, and the people are urged to atteud and hear them. - .. . Payne, the Tobacconist, caught a man stealing his vest a'lUleigh Fair last week. He saijl ne would have had him cooped, but thought he had betterlet him go free aud workforbU living thought the punjslimen5.;wttld beTgreater tliau lm priKOunient.fc Uv. Mr. J. E. Fogerty and lady, arriv ed here last Fiidav evening, ami are. the guests of Mr. JohC'Hrown. Mr. F. is erving a churckott Edisto Inland, near Chariest hWH preached' in the Presby terian church at this place Sunday morn ing aud again at night, and left Tuesday to attend the outh 'Carolina Synod at .Spartanburg. -- Town Commissioners: Several of the large trees CnOsik Grove Cemetery'1 were killed by the severe trimming to which they were subjected two years ago, and the lear trunks still standing are not on ly unsightly, Wntnay' Tall ami damage the monuments liear them. A careful and nkillful mail should be employed to re move them before such an accident hap- pens. -o- liumr Judf .Thcre are a few people jet with us who prefer to buy home-made articles, and for the. benefit of such we uieutiou that Messrs. Julian & Fraley, Cabinet Makers, are turning out Work at their 'Little nor around the Corner," made of North Carolina wihhI, which com pares very favorably with that of north ern factories. We saw a' Chamber Set of furniture iu their shop this week, which ought to satisfy any reasonable taste, made tojorder foKa'Tady'iu the country. The work is solid "hud euduriug, as well as pretty. u a. i O-j-T" -Attention Battle! Ve run ou- Bio. Ciohon, of the Morgaatoti JUadf, iu Mon roe lat week. He had iust finished a hearty dinner; rind .waa, feeling his bet. Says he, lbiBeTlet SuV tell you some thing? All-right my good in a u prtn-eed. Well, 3 011 remember the crowd of editors who got otfat Morgan ton tb examine -the IoKaue Asylum "now' beinj; built at that plaue? Yes, WwlreuSembtMed. Well, one of Morgan ton's lui".st judges was looking at the "Iliains nf tlie Iand" and remark ed "our man Criui'-i the finest look ing maa among theuu We are sorry we did not learn of this before-Ward, Man-' uix, Maimiug, Hattle and. Patrick were all in attendance at the meeting at the Ca . tawba Springs, but we don't thiuk any of tbeoi got nff at AloVgautfO. Tj-TiiK .Si ?ik-sfiiubt4 qr Kowas Cof-NTY-; The State Sunday so!hm1 con vmtion will mtf t iu . JtaJeigh Xovouiltcr lt. A large delegation is desired and fipeited. Each Sunday -school in the State is entitledlrd dAf delegate. Let such Sf!)tK)l in tlus county elect its dele Kto at once, -and 'forward the -name to Jylw.-E. Uay, IMvigh, N. .V.,' who. .will provide homos for, "all regularly appointed delegates. i. The following are herwbj apjointed by rder of the Rowaulroduty Sunday-schMl I AwMK-iatin, to represent said AssociMtien " the State CwnVeutionV Rev. G. II. Wetmore, Kev. Pf.Trexler,' J. D Mc XeelyC,T. Haruhart, J. J). Gaskill, W. M. ""Mason. - ' Vnw'yoHv, Pres't. IJowan S. S. Association. CHINA GUOViv ITEMS. As Mr. ieo. Plotj and mother were re turning home from Luther's Chapel last unday eveuing, by some means one side -f the shafts became detached from the WKy,; which. caqswT the horse to run a ay, completely wrecking the buggy, - "n t,,rwing the upanta violently to t'rouHd-dislocuting the shoulder of I'lott, and hruistiur his mother. Th hnation was iiued by Dr. W. S. AJiue, and wearenltMH tnii-ii that lr P. 18 doinir -to i - . - o en us can ic expeciea ai ter tut jiainful an accident. Corn huskiugs are in full blast, though have had but one frost. The funnel s ' get through seeding in good time, if u'fy are not detained by wet weather. '-UUS have nialt an amioanino. T i - i .V7 The amlasses factory is still in opera- " -V84 F.S.S. of room' wiu p- d2fRVIN1-1 w" H't worthy that of the Howard AUcim.iou fu the telegram to. Mis Mi erva "PPMt stating thalth W her fathef, e authorized herto draw on them for TIim ii J - ' . fie. - "iiru4 must oe a good peo- iucv ueara iimuA irCk : . u ""g-thau.fa ,mble Euglislffuan; who nguage of Uurkecircuinnavigjited tKs. ... . OAK GUOVE CEMETERY. Those who visit Oak Grove Cemetery only oil rare occasions or at long intervals, would be pleased aad gratified by a visit there now. It Is not the "tieglected place once was, crown op iu weeds aud briars, lllttnnnit,,lU mnd Rtoneii ,,a,f concealed I and in rickety order., :AIl that has chang ! ed. Order has Weil brought out of con fusion, and lov ftr departed ones is con- , making contributions to this "city J of the dead, until mow it seem a beau- . . titul place of rest, robbing the tomb ol much of it gloomy terror.' One of the most beautiful contributions recently made is that to the memory of the late Mrs. Nancy H. White. It is of tine marble,, not exceeding Of 1 feet in height, suriiiouuted by a cross. It may be. of in terest to the tuauy dear friends of this widely known aud highly esteemed lady to copy tlie inscriptions, which we pre sent below : On the froutis piece in mexoxiav . MRS. NANCY R. WHITE: Born In 8aU.-)bury, N. C, October 7, imm ; Karrled to Ihiu but::, May , 18SS: Wed at WlUtesboroJ if.X, November ssllsii. as i A Memento of Affection, The reared (lusband. Engraved on the feitjr sides of the Marble sub-base : "WIHTK." (la front, under tue frontls-ptece.) "HAMPTOS." (On ttoe pjnttite side of Uxe "Die," on main shaft.) "WHITEST-OWN." (On the right side from the frontls-piece.) - "tJALWiiCRY.'' (On thef side from the frontls ptece.) On the Die," on main shaft, on the right side from the frontis-ptece : "The sweet remembrance of the Just, Shall blossom while they sleep la dust." It was the rare destiny of Mrs. White, to have ac companied her Husband on most of his varied Mis sions and Pubuc Employments. Civil, Naval, Con sular and Diplomatic:' And it Is consolatory to him and to her many friends to know, that In all her as sociations, whether amidst the blandishments of Offlolat Position abroad, or In the quiet of social life at home, she ever maintained a high type of refined womanhood : Loving: and devoted to friends, cour teous and kindly to au she died as she ever lived, a gentle, a generous. Christian woman. On the left hand side of the "Die," from the frontis-piece : . " Blessed are the Dead who die In the Lord." Nurtured and educated In the principles of a strict morality the Deceased became a Communicant of a Church in Salisbury at an early age; and her entire lite, in that relation, was characterized by the 'vir tues and graces of the "true and earnest Christian. Her example and her counsels were a blessing to others; and her pure spirit pass'd from Its pilgrimage on earth, with the full assurance of at last enjoying that blissful rest promised to those " who die In the Lord." On the reverse side of the " Die" " Blessed are the pure In heart." An esteemed Clergyman of the Church, who en Joyed aa Intimate acquaintance with Mrs. White, wrote thus after her decease : " As her lite was gilded o er With the bright sun shine of that peace which the world cannot give, at its close she coull hare said. In the words of a favor ite PoVt of her sex : . V1" ' "And friends, dear frltfhds, when It shall be Tu-.it tuis low breath 3 goue from me. Aa 1 round my Mr ye come to weep. Let Okie, most lovlugof yqn alU ' -hay, "Not a tear mu.it o'er her tall, For Usglvetu nls beloved. si-en." BUSINESS LOCAL COLUMN. For Choice Cakesuu I Crackers go to M. M. Linton & Co's. A choice lot of delicacies, Cooked Corn ell liVef, Salmou, Sardines, Shrimps, Pot ted Meats, fee, at Lintox's. Breakfast Strips, Hams, Lard, Hani Sausage aud Dried Beef, .at Linton's. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, &c, at Linton's Fresh Oysters, at Linton's. For the Guest French Candies, Hon Hons, Chocolate, &c, go. to Linton's. We will have weekly shipment of Northern Apples, Bananas, California Pears, 6ic. . M. M. Linton &. Co. Elegant Cream Chee&f, at Linton's. 20 cents lb. . Okia and Tomatoes canned together. Something nice aud new, at Linton's. Look each week in the Watchman, for something new, and to be had at no place but Linton's. y. e: We cordially iu vite our-coiintfy- friends to call and examine our stoekr aQd -bring their produce. M. M. LiS'ton &. Co. f y j ; CThe publishers of "ARTHft u's Illus tratkd Home Magazine" are giving their lady Club-getters something new aud at tractive in the way of Premiums. Three button Kid Gloves, and Dress Patterns of elegaut Black Silk and fine English and French Cashmeres, are certainly strong inducements. See their advertisement in t lis number of our paper. ' PUBLIC PEAKING. Hon. Win. M. Bobbins will address his constituent!-, on the political issues of the day at the following" time and places : Winston, Tuesday, . Thursday, Saturday, Monday, October " . tt tt .. t -1 J Dobson, 24 26 28 29 31 Spartaj Jefferson, Boone, Tuesday, Taylersville, Thursday, . The Landmark announces that 'Ann tield and B rower, the candidates for Con gress will sjieak: at Hatter Shot; Friday, Oct. 25th, and at j Salisbury, Saturday, Oct. 2Uth. Wo annex the following : Fork Church, v Wednesday. Oct 23 Jerusalem, Thursday, Mooresville, , Mouday, Taylorsville, Tuesday, Brady's X Roads, Wednesday, Qlin, Thursday, Cod Spriqga,i 1 FnUav, 24 28 2y 30 31 Nov. 1 Matesvme, , IUinlay, i i - BURY IN I7dl. Dr.'Wm. Read, the surgeon of Geo. Green's army iu I7dJ, tuiy that after the battle of Co wiim, when Cornwallis made so mnch effort to Intercept Morgan in his retreat with the 500 prisoners of the 7Ist ri-gi men t in trhargefterwanlt put iu charge of Major Hf f-rre-Gen. Greene 4 i rected him (l)r. Jt.pW repair with all ex leditioiMo tbeSuIence., of ?Gen. Locke, (Col. Francia Locke", ihe; hero ofJtamsour battle f near Salisbury .-''and tell him vtr bally that imaiediate exitioii was neces saiV, and that htrniqst raise - by the next ' j dVty, 1 ,00(JL men to cover the retreat of Major llyrne. I.r. K. went tottiesmil House inpsirt'd for the tleueral. "He is at plough iu his Meld," was the reply. "In what direction,"1 said the Doctor. Thi path," said a bystander, "will carry you to him." He -went a little ways stud met au dd man on a sorry tacky, with a plough be fore him, to whom lie said, "tell me, friend whcie 1 can tind Goueral Ltcke." fCi)ia with me, sanl he, "and 1 will cargrjuaJ to him." They went back to the house, when the Doctor thinking that he was trifled w ith, said ifl?ig?r? nut where is the General ?" ifr replied. you shall see hiiu imiueIia1eiy. TTilTrtW Ta re tired iuto a chaiulier, but, returned imme ioeIiafely iu a full suit of regimentals aud larsre cttckud Irarytm Wrfiiimrf " ' Gen eral Locke, your inn in 'ttiUi me, friend f" The: Dr. uaretheewtgir-'l" h old nuin said, "it shall las-done." He sent off Ids servants with orders to his officers to auuiuion their lueti for duty; joined Hyrhe the next morning with a corps of 1,000 men. This is mostly in the words of Dr. Head. On what road. from Salisbury did Col. (or Gen'l.) Locke live, aud who occu pies the place now f E. F. H. We think it waa on what is known here as the Lincolutou road, aud that the house stood on the north side of the road about six miles from Salisbury. The old house was removed some 30 or 35 years age, to a new settlement on the same tract of hand, aud may yet be seeu. v The spot ofgronud on which it stood has been and is yet in cultivation. The property is held by Mr. Richard H. Cowan of this place. If we are not correct iu this statement we ask some old citizeu of Thyatira con gregation to correct ns. Ed. llafcainaa. Proc. Money. "For almost a centnry after the settlement of America, the En glish Colonies rated coins in ster ling money. But the scarcity of money called for a remedy, and some of the Col onies attempted to remove the difficulty bv passim: Laws to raise the value ot tor eirii coins. This occasioned a Royal PriKilamatiou bv Queen Ann, 1703, which fixed the current value of coin in the Colonies, ut-oue fourth above tlie nominal value iu sterling money; so that a dollar, which was tour shilling ami six pence sterling, passed for six shillings. In N. E. and Va. this became aud still remains, the current denomination. But in some of the colonies various causes raised the nomi nal value of silver ami gold still higher. Iu New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland the dollar w as fixed at seven shillings and six-pence; iu New York aud North Caro lina at ei:ht fhiilinirs: iu South Carolina and Georgia it was four and eight-jeuce But these were differences merely in uame, for the real value of the dollar was and is the same iu nil the States." Webster. MONETARY DISTRESS ABROAD. ' Spet:ial Telegram to the N. Y. Herald. ISth.J Glasgow, Oct. 15, 178. Failnres aud rumors of failures havo rilled the air here to-day, caused by a panic, not only iu the iron trade (which is most affected by tlie suspension), but to some extent iu the StKak Exchange. One failure is positive ly aunounced namely, R. Wotherspoon, irou broker, whose liabilities are fixed at 10,000 ($50,000.) It is also kuowu that a large firm of shipping agents aud tnsur auce brokers, doing business at Leithaad having extensive cuunectioiis iu Glasgow, tn-dav ldaced their runiLs iu the bauds of this hnn ; e.u-ctedity lc Tr-ry heavy. Stili another faiiiuc is vi-JC-Uied of a Glas- ner ialiiiltMs yeju U conm ctctt , iili thti govv inn cotiiit ctcll.tiflj thtt hippm? in terests, luttjio exact details are kuowu. j As a result-ef these suspeusinu pig iron j fell from 43s. tJd. to 4iJs., ten and a half per cent off for cash;' tfiiVtue jn ke rallied liefore the close of i lie "dsyV sales to 43a. 3l.- Stocks were generally depresMed to day. although some slight improvement took place after official hours. Loxiox,.Oct. 15, 188. There, is much anxiety heie in every branch of trade re garding impending failures. The market was much depressed to-day. Two firms in Manchester and one in London innst sUHpend-to-iuorrow. The failure mf West wick Si. Co., spice merchant'1! at No. 23 St. Mary-at-Hill, E. C, and Nos; 12 and 13 Cross lane, E. C, occasioned little cem nieiir. Their liabilities were only 70,000 (.35O,00O).' k,The East'Iudia trade is con sidered rotten. So cautious are the banks that even the best bills are taken vary cautiously. The Messrs. Gorton, stock brokers of Manchester, have failed. Their liabilities are believed 4o be considerable. Money is very scarce. Call loans have reached their higjiest rates. AJ1 American securities were very flat alLday. English bank shares were also low. Paris is buy '"U Egyptiau bonds enormously. Pauis, Oct. 15, 1873. There is nothing abnormal in the state of tinaucial feeling here. There is nothing exciting; the mar ket is a little dull, but that is all. The failures in Scotland have had little or no effect here. Florida Sugar Cane, ' mi- Rocldng-ham Spirit of tffe South. Dr. R. J. Steele, of this .tewn-r has besn cultivating this year on hi : S ' . - within the town limits, Florida sugar cane, and reports that it does well iu this climate. The doctor has also tried the experiment of making isxdasses, or syrup, from green corn stalks. The syrup-produced is pronounced by good judges a Tery superior article iiweh :be tier than sorghum: and the doetor 'thinks that land that will produce 2Q bushe) of corn to the acre will yield 150 gallons pf eoruUyrnp. Haven't we got a gtMwl' country t And especinlly, isn't old North Carolina a bully State! A. for the Watchman. - ZEAL OF THE MEN ABOUT SALI3 ?e. Kane JU Redeemer of tfe StnU. . , A abort interview with the Goveraor on LU way lm BoAcombe to attend the fu neral of hU aged aad loag widowed nioth cr, more than eter covvinced u that 1m was the great maa . bivvbcat frieaLr liad represented kim to If hdoes mot gst tb reward f tlis Senatorship tkU wiater, w feci called to say there will b a great deal of beartv, strong-armed sweariufdons all alouf ths Western North Carolina Railroad. Tliia we mentkB m aa iteat of aewa. There are me scattered all alun? that Hue who remember timee iu the past whea his eye created aratiee of voters and made our very weaen tight the battles of De mocracy. V -. 1 ' It is hazardiaf nethieg to say that without Vauce RttpebticaeUm would have had a long and assured triumph in Nerth Ctfroliea.KIe Xidft BladtS ' . ' i- ' ' i i ' Sad Actident to a Young Lady We are pained U record a lad accide&n to a young lady, by which her young aad blooming life has probably bsea destrey ed. About 5 o'clock on Friday - eveainf, Mis Sallie Durbaaa, a yoneg daSghUr os Mr. John Durban, living near )ihaiu, CM about sixteen years of age, being at home alone for the time being, alteinpted u kindle a fire ia one of the rooms of her father's house, usiag Wil whih she poured fromacau for the purpose. The oil in the can ignited causiag au explosion aud scattering the burning Jiuid all ott the young lady. Her clothing took fire aud iu her terrible alarm -she rushed ou of the doors a living blase; - On the return of members of. the family -.she ,was found iu the porch, crouched up and uucou scioua, her clothidg burnt off her, and her person scorched aud burut to a crisptia many places. Dr. N. S. HcnderaoB was summoned as quickly as possible but the injuries ofthe unfortuuate young wemau were--passed remedy. He rendered" all the assistance that medical science is capable of, but at last accounts the condition of the suffer was coBsidered hopeless.- The melancholy occurrence has cast a gloom all oyer the neighborhood, where the young lady was highly esteemed. ' ' The oil is said to have been not kero sene but known as ''Morning Star" oil. DaviUc ( Kb.; JVVirt. Results or rum Ha bo Tiurc.- Tbe mercantile ageaey f Messrs. Dun, Barlow Sc Co., has just completed a report of the number ef business failures in the Uuitod States for tbe third quarter ef tbe present year. The number of failures during tbe third quarter was 2,852, with liabilities aggregating $6,000,000, against 1,81: failures, with liabilities amounting to $42, 000,000, duriug the eorrepouding period last year. The failures are classified as follows: Easteru Stales, 535, liabilities 9,,tio; iirauw oiaies, ov, iiaoiiiua $27,732,811; Southern States, 25:1, liabili ties $4,310,783 Wostera Statss, U50, lia bilities $18,470,783; Pacific State aad TerriUiries, 236, liabilities $6,077,970. The aggregate uumberof failures iu the United States during the f rst ulna mouths of the present year was 8,678, rcpreseatiug lia bilitie amouutingto$197,211129, agaiust 6,505 failures ia tbo same period last year, with liabilities aggregating $141,- WS5(i. Gen. lliir$ Sucet. Tbe success with which onrjermer townsman, Gea. D. H. Hill, is meeting iu hit capacity as j)rei dent of the Industrial University of Ar kansas, is a source of great gratiflcatiou to his friends. The press of that State makes frequent aUuious te tbo tine cou- dition and proeuects of 'this Institution. The following from tbe Bentouville Ad ranee shows tbo status of tbe university this year. 'Hon. A. W ;Dinttaore 'came heme Wednesday from a meeting of the board of curators of tbe Industrial University at ayetteville. He reports 280 students eu rolled up to last Tueedey and enough expected this week to swell tbe aumber to near 300, while the famous Washington Lee Uuivsrsity ef Virginia kas but 80 or 90. The prospects of Arkansas' pet iusti tation never were so promising before." Charlotte Observer. ,t. ...-. The Georgia StaU Fair. .1. Macon, Oct. 21. The Georgia State Fair will open here on tbe 28th instant and continue one week. The ground! and race track are among tbe finest in tbe South aud ia the beet condition.. Race parses amounting to $4,000 will he offer ed and about eighty horses win be enter ed. Senator Thurmau will speak here during tbe fair. Dr. Carver will shoot every day. Large qaaatitics of goods have arrived from tbe North aud West aad the entries are large. The iadica tions are for aa unprecedented attend ance. . There is not a single case of yellow fever. Frost has extended all over tbe State and all danger is removed along the lines of western travel. ' Capt. Evans in company with the sur veying party, arrived In this place a few days since, and will commence tbe survey of tbe Yadkiu Biver to-day. Three boats s let. situatediare oeiug miea up ior uai purpeso. iapi. ! m a a As a Evans, seem to be of the opinion that the survey will be a iueeees. He U very favorably impressed with the valley of the Yadkin and aaye an wo need to make tnis one of the bestoaatris iu the world is an outlet Wo will keep our readers post ed In regard. U tbo move most. Wilkti horn Wit. - - MrsKate Southwickaiew years ago the honored wife of a' Louisville mil- Bonaire, is aow a miserable inmate ef (a Chicago jaflf Mr. Hendrisks laid, out the late cam. paiga IU ladtana, Whrchaa so successfnl. tbo caavasa, whrehi described as the most' thorough ever organized, roans men were Iargelyronlutd. a. corresuoadeat ofthe Kew Vork World says : "Governor aaftd this infusion of young blood iuto the conduct of the JpaMfutwo years ago, did not neglect to inspire It with' fresh life this ear. In his emiipositfoa there is an nncemmou eympathy far young men. It ia as if ia the lose of. hie only sou he had adopted the youth of Indiana, for hi devotion u not eenaaea to the, vounir men of his m. 4. . - ' .'i- own party. " 1 A , Penturtent Lorer. At the Jardiu des Plantes, a young sculptor, who wM tndying animals made the acquaintance of a pretty and piquant nurse-girl, who, however, threw him over board and took up with a soldier. The deeolatji youug: artist thereupon took to wriUug apoajall.tha walls the beart-cry, '1 loveJ Adele hoping that irwould meet nr jes aaa touch ker heart. The wil ful girtj determined to escape tnis perpet ual reproach of her perfidy," at last made her habitual resort the iron bench in front of the rhiaoceros;. The seat' could not be written on, aad; there was no wall.. Here she and ber soldier would sit by the hour. watched from afar by the jealous aud dis tracted lover. At last they came at the usual Hour, aud the faithless girl glanced at the huge and ferocious animal. On its born wae carved a heart, beneath which ore the words: ul still love Adele; am waiting at the duck-pond." How could a womau'e heart resist this t Tears came to her eyes ; ia a moment the soldier's arm was encircling the ambient atmosphere, and the nursemaid said to her youthful charges i "Come, my dears, let us go aud see the pretty ducks.n ' An lmmen$e Tumor. We lean that Dr. Charles Duffer, of Newborn, assisted by several other physi cians, recently performed a most delicate surgical operation on Mrs. Benj. Sutton at LaG range. The Baptitt Review says that tier side was opened and a tumor remov ed from the bowels which weighed over fifty pounds. She had suffered agonies for seven months. After the operation she seemed to be doing well but took a relapse and died on the J 4th instant. The next annual fair of the Pee-Dee Agricultural aad Mechanical Association will be held at Cberaw, S. C, on the 23d, 24th and 25th instant. It will be an event of groat inUrest to the people of the Pec Dee country, aad especially to those ot Chesterfield, Marlboro' aud Anson coun ty, N. C, who citizeus are stockholders and directly interested in the success of the society. ' Besides tbe great importance that at tacbes to it as au agriculturial aud me cbanical enterprise for the encouragement and development of material prosperity, oa tbis occasion, the interest will be en hanced by the presence of Governor Hamp ton, aud Governor Vance, of North Caro lina, and probably Gen. Gordon, of Geor gia. Gov. Vance ia exjiected to. deliver bis celebrated lecture bu "The Scattered Nation" during his stay. Preising' Close to the Wall. Probably no man ever stood closer to a wall than did the four miners, who, workisg Ib the shaft of a Nevada mine, heard tbe hoisting car break front its fas tenings far abors their '-heads. They know that there would be just a foot of pace between the falling car and the wall, bat they were not so sure about their own thickness, and there was no time for calculation. They made them selves as flat as possible, and escaped injury, although the shirt of one was torn off. , Senator Morgan, of Alabama, has print ed a scathing letter to Attorney General Devens iu reply to 'his circular to the federal Marshals na Alabama in reference to tbe outrages alleged 'to bate been com mitted by Democrats ra Radicals ia their preliminary political gatherings. The Senator, ia behalf of the people of Ala bama, denies the truth of the allegations in Mr. Devens circular, aud calls for the copies of all complaints lodged agaiust them. Doiwg a Po$t Office Clerk. "Is there a letter here for me f asked an ancient female of a iotoftice employee. Inquiring ber name, the obliging clerk aaswered : "Yes, ma am ; nine cents pest- age dae oa it, too.1 Yes, sir. Would you be so good as to read it for ine V The obliging clerk opened the billet, which proved to be eleven page of foolscap, and after patiently wading through it the old lady drew a long breath, and remarking, "All right, young wan7 1 don't believe I will take it," walked out, leaving tbe as tonished clerk with a voluminous docu ment aad a nine-cents postage bill on bis lily-white hands. Cincinnati lirealfast TabU. K. C. Teacherf Bereau.Tho N. C Teachers Association has established at Chapel Hill a Teachers' Bnreao, whose object is two-fold ; fTrstr to" supply schools with competent teachers. Second to secure positious for teachers out of em ployment. The Bureau collects and files reliable information relating to the char acter, attainments and experience of teachers, aud furnishes this information without charge. HARRIED. Oatae 1Kb mat: In Tnomasvllle N. C. at tbe raataeaeeor the brides father, by Rev. John. W. Lewi, Mr. Wm. Thomas and Miss. NKUe V. aUn 4U, afieC the county ot Davidson M. C. Hobble snd limp no more, but bsng your crotches oh the old oakeft peg; and seise the first opportunity to be permanently ! cured. Your Rheumatism, Cmlrcted raiMcles, SUA Joinu, Frtsited Feel, HedclierEsrche,Psin in breast, td nd back, will vield lo that powerful remedy, long snd - favorably known a CotiMen' Lightnins Liniownt, which U food for both man and beast. Price 50 cenu s oottie. ror sale by G K. Bsrker.--. i i . An Undeniable Trnthl - - mvi. f w iu a dib erable, nnsatisfactorv life in this beautiful world, it in entirely your own fault and. tkere is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning will coon show yon that Green's August Flower will cure you of Livet Com pliint, or Tyspepsia, with all its , miserble eflecu, such as sick headache, palpitation of (he heart, sour stomach, habitual eaativeneav, diuine-a of the head, nervous prostration, low spirils, Ac. Iu antes now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a DrttfgisL but will tell you of its wonderful cures. Yort can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cenu. Three doars will relieve you. All those suffering with Hemorrhoid, ' or Pile, can safely rely- on being permanently cured if they will use Tablss Buckeye pil Ointment, which is sold by all Drmrgintrf for 50 cents a bottle. For ealeyC( B.rker. ' IF The Woman who rejoices in saUd and ice cream, hot cakes and warm pie; -v ; IF - :..: . ! .u,.l The Student who eats hastily and sits down at once to actire and mental labor; ' IF '" " The Business Man who bolts hit food iu eager haste and hurries to his counting room ; . -IF The Hard Drinker could look at the deleicate" glands, swollen and festered with disease.' that cause the throbbing brain; .,, , . , ... I? . .... The Lawyer, the Minister, the Merchant, and all who lead sedentary lire and are subject to Dynpvpsia or Indigestion, , Const-pa tiun and Headache; Tlieseonly knew what Msaaax's Hbtatimk roa the Liver will do fur their relief, and how quickly it cores there would be mnch less suffering than at present. The great Liver Medecine for sale by Theo. F. Kluttt. GOOD DIGESTION, j "Give us this duv our d.iily bread," and rood medecine to digest itj.is both reverent and hu man. The human stomach and liver are fruit ful sources of life's com fori; or, disordeted and diseased, they tingle misery along every nerre and through every artery. 1 he roan or woman with good digestion see beauty as they walk, ana overcome obstacles they meet in the rout ine of life, where the dyopeptic sees only gloom enu Mumble and growl at even imaginary objects, the world still needs iwo or three new kinds of medecine before death can be per fectly abolished; but that m.iny lives have been prolonged, and many tmf&rer from Liver dis ease, Dyspepsia and Headache, have been cur ed by Mekells Hefatine, is no . longer a doubt. It cures Headache in twenty minutes, and there i no question but what it isthe most wonderful discovery vet made in medical science. Those afflicted with Billiounneoo snd Liver Complaint should nse M KB hell's Hrr- ATINE. It can be had at Theo. F. Kluttz'a. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J. M. Ksox & Co. Oct. 24, 1878. Cottox firm Middlings, low do stains Bacon, county, hog round Butte k Eoos Chickens per dozen Corn Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at Flocu best fam. super. Potatoes, Ikisu Onionb no demand Lard Beeswax Tallow Bl ackberri es AfPLKs, dried 9coar 8t8i 78 $ 8 1520 10 ll.$02.00 45 4850 801.00 12.50 . 2t5 75 75 810 30 25a30 W C 7 3,4 AunMstrator's Sale ! As Administrator on the eststs of Wm. H. Richardson, dee'd., I will sell at Public Auc tion on or near the public square in the town of Salisbury, on 8aturtlay, the 2nd November, prox., 12 o'clock, M the following: Four L t. one hundred dollar 4 per cent, bonds; one horse, saddle and bridle; bed room furniture and bedding; wearing apparel; mbtcellanrous books; opera glass; and many other valuable articles. Terms of sale cah. SAM'L. H. WILEY, Adm'r. All persons indebted to Wm. II. Richard son's estate will make payment at once' and all persons having claim agaimt said estate- will present them duly authenticated as required by law or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. SAM'L. II. WILEY, Adm'r. Sept. 25, 1878. 49:6t. BONDS f To make Title to Land, and Laborer and Mechanics Liens, for sale at this Office DR. BUTTS Ho. 12 M. Eighth St. St. Louie. Ms. Wkm kit test rrnkr oual trooblM of bulk Mlc saS Snnl tbu any phyrtrisa ta tmm WwteMBl f lb ia in wen. pm ih rrMW er muc a imwtnw wiiijUH fmiim, i The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER SwtatiMOfiianr smh sh.iiii i tn ininf to . aivd W. km Mil. Tu ii iliri'li lluli uu 1 flihl HPMfi, udmtoed. TU. tw kooka tna Mi frngmm, sad eonmia ,lal l.fcr Hi SvaotkBaarrtoSsaS jtctU, witkJlta iwatiipyrmiiuli Iaailiflli nliM Saaa waatow kamauen Mf i Tba kae v IrSf iatpsfW la acwSxaarv wvrk k. uaa mr iiiatiii iili abar. aetcr. is aoaMthiac tkat rwimm aVaaM Im.. TW Vaata. Um .Irtira af aarlT tadlac aarvretly healthy majrb.Vat till f bay aa4 taa Wa, ia m, ftaa tha aiaar Bla aar a la la." 8. Loom Joaraal. rsetLAS nucis S eta. aaea oth ia oas volaaBa, 1 1 la cloth a fill, IS eU. extra. Sent aBder araj. GET THE BEST. The Raleiah News. DAILY, one year, WEEKLY, one year, - $5.00 1.00 jf Send Pests I Card fer Sample Copy. Addrens THE EALEIGH HEWS, iitaii taa aaa,aeaaTMa waalncT'Vor ta thearhna tSTiSTTi aruii DACB1HE UflBO, SALISBURY, N. C. v nsvmg my Foundry ia readiness, I am aew -prepared to do all kinds ot. Catia U . ritUr Iron or Brass. All kinds of Engine snd Boiler Work dene wits dispatch; ab n aiads ,ut Agricnlrural and Mining Machinery built r repaired ts ttr4er, ,j I am sl-o prepared Pre-- .. Lamber; make all kinds of MouleUags, make Sash, Blinds and Door. Saab, Doors, sad all . sites of moulding-, kept constantly . oo band. A stockof "Lumber always on band or furnish. ' ed at abort notice. , ' , A 1$ Horse Portails Ingint aad SoUtr for rale at mTbopik ' 1 ' r '". i h :: Work guaranteed, -and at prices 1e Detl the S8tle.pd. Practical Dlnclxcitti IlORgESHOER. SHOP connected with Brown a Varblet Uferr stables. KV14 aeslgns et aaoes, to salt anr ttuape ot toot. AU aboetntf oa auletnr adaatlAe orm- clpleaaad WASSAHTSO. AU msOa Wacaaamht&c : lwufu aonr. . WIT On and Off Slick as Grease 1 BOOTS, .. .GAITCBS, " SHOES, SUPPERS, Ac. W. M, EAGLE, BesDectfulIv annonncee his eontiaaanes at ' his old stand in his old lias, on Mala Street opposite Eunuts Dreg Store. Be is alwsys reaay and Snxivas to accommodate eusteeiere in his Kne in the best tuaunsr possible. Bs is prepares to uo nrst cnus work and. can com. pet 'ith any northern chop er Hand made worK. uis luacnines, lasts, are ef tbs latest srd best p stern. Bs works ths ysry bett material snd keeps on band ready mads work, snd stock equal to say spedsl order. . Repairing neatly snd promptly dons at res sonable prices. Satisfectioa xnaraateed era charge. - Prices to Suit the Tlrae. Cash orders by mail promptly filled. 34.6mo. W. U. XA0LX. FOTJTZ'S NORSE AND CATTLK f O As aqalS for taa aS wiinaef 9m la HonM. CMtM, Tla.ttn 1 1 Wmwim oavzs iLJogTWii-Miiii. ats. J. D. IIcIIEELY, Grocery, Prota ail Connissici MEllCIIANT. Agent for the sale of FertUisera, Lima, Sawed Shingles, snd lonntain Produce. Boy and sell Cotton, Corn, Flour, Meal, snd sit kinds of country produce on commUiioa. Highest prices guaranteed. Agent for tks celebrated English patent Milking lachiBer Will keep's smsll' ssaortment of Family Groceries. Call and ass aim at his at ataae, three doors below Klutti ' Drug Store. BROWN & VERBLE'S livery & Salo Dtablco, SALISBURY, N. C, Will convey passengerato snd frim say poist witii tbs best stock and vehicle. THE TRAVELmO FTJ2XJ0 will find it to their interest to call npsn thea . before mating arrangements eUewsere. Drovers and Tradero will find at this establishment good lots and -tables, snd plenty of good hay, fodder, eats and corn. PLEASURE ORIVEO. Those wishing turnout tor pleas re drivfaf will find the bttt ac com mod alio sa st these Stable. Mr. W. H. Kimball will always U fsoad at the Stables snd proaisea entire sstistactieaJ all customer. 4S:tf. SALISBURY QOOK 8T0RL GEO. W. Y0PP, Propr. (At Mclntyre's Furniture Booms.) BniGUTnEUPGOKO AT LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEE HIM. 9:tfv inn n a4 vaia ImN IliPMcir-t; 1 Areas) aMtaavas CawlaS. FOR 1878. Don't neglect la call on C. Plyler st the Book Store forelt kinds of Itwoks osated. The be4 quality aad bitest styles mi writing paper kept here. Also the renowned 8infer-Sfwtnr: Machine can be had here at ftnmjr j"$4A. He respectfully invite all te vslr J-- ijoods md machines. J JfcV t "i i-1 s t I X f I. 1