--II ., , ( I II I v -:lv -':V hK:.:''.'; ; 3Pt TO O WAV Ol Tn iH) TfT7 Q Till : I 1 4- IrnrnnfiU. V T nAvPr ma a linllv loaded with rftrrinn stations: irontlrt ' Iind affection- ClOSSV. vaS CUfletl With elaborate pre- !-' 17,d.1frrie8, i?.:?a.r'voofut,1 Mef ate as they were always, "were thrown Vision; and the shining sal low neck i . Christmas festivities and the decorated aw5 f r"' Tr 'r . , i - . V K Is e v The Bible churches of Old England''- I never sit away upon her Headstrong uaugmcr. was eucircieu wiui a eiring. 01 gitr j .1' i c i.-.-i? : r v.ni ,.r r . ... . i'. i . t ; rr.t - . .i e true: ana wn uou uuuur u ug-uusu m wj KtM, , wa3 striking six uy tne ciock in .me peans. j.ne gasny visage lam transported in imasnnation ; to the f - - . . A J i . ; awjxf over the ' desert wildernew where'- tv- -s; kVmVmm.r tUn words of n nonn- fashion the vain show of artificial thd Arab on Hrn bleUteed;isyinff utSu J Umn ftd, with- bcautv was a horrible niockery of I tncm in His sacmiepoucn as ms on iy uw;-'"-rv'"& " r."" - f , " t I i i; i I ruwiinrii iimT iinvu nr imiHiiix uiivri. ( mi m nni iwtni rn rippu , inn. lew . lii .4 - For Uxe Watchm&n. i n i COUMON.MJLN. Vic bards'sing heroes' pi I nek , j Vtsihiu" arms and battle-cry , : 1 in their; Ooo are ? - liieat, unSrntten iue it f.if lives with hjs wi a dies iu bed-the coranjon man. cV noble to cpincim-.iM- t' scramble ththe dirt iand nine, . -ii.mp.ns tliankless ciaves, nld ricketv stand r-UCM ouiuv - , L V popular apphiuse, wnerg crops , 'rdOtins rogues ransack the land r crniiibs the houestiauorer firops. independence .nardtAtortc. lay0 ' 7; lie sunshine's light, the tree air Vbreath armbands strengtu'n.arowuuissigiw 1 abuoy him nptlmi' life and deaUi. :icars ui8 wreewi ,..i..r id draws his grain from willing sojls; Isp raUway s, bridges, costly domes . v s niouuiuonis, ma vtciu. i""v. . pTitaie?tt"armliejfflT m t he fdnn s uomftm : . m-uui'v v w . - - . rn.. i.r.u-o T i n nt sea: 1 " - - . .... . Ji I5ut this withered lean What coes it , teb h btrwl ,.,v f fri ti,A wfthat is moments she called barah the hired its langnage. We are "here to-day. and girl, and gave her asoOrid rating for not gone to-morrow Would that U joiee j,. taicfae antll jed some arti- couhi ling in our. ears cuiiiiuuuiij. 't" vr : j . . , - - . ?. might,be kinder to each otlier, and more icleof dress that she 1 had intended to . nemg at wile aud sober for it. -. E H v I Dnt on that evenincr. 1 . or three : T H Seated besid V TIE ATII AT THE TOILET. - J parlor, Mrs. reauing tne account ;'Tis.no ujetalking to me, mother American young y . -ii . ATo 7- rirt.v to-" 1 tor Pans and th( T"I I . lH LlfiMIO. A-r w ' f I 1 nifrht. if I die for it-Uhat's ali IMriweil thy officer oCthe French army. go! call and he is going to leave town to-morro W told quarter to eight BIBLE AND SCIENCE. . , . i ,- ft ; f . ( ; . ( , .. . . 4 is truer and science' is en'vbur Ihian of science, tinsel of' w,t vam f1" hOsty conceit, announ ces the. diico very, of a disagreement between them rely upon it, the -fault not with the Witness of his records, t.i.i M" f 'ir,:i;i:n, Uut with the 41 worm" who essays to and shocking sight.! Tcr creature l ini"Pre Struck klead in the very act ; ot sacn- v . s the shrine ofvanitv l Two w,,en A a pioneer ' Very 'IVaefiMr'-lmonsfratton'-' I Improvements hi Our Coins1 Needed. f iti a m m - I vm ' m a ; J 1 he liangor (Me.j Art Associat ion aw, xiiursuay wiiue -iuajor ivou has assaulted our . American coinage crtsoni :of our town, VasHecturinghis ih1 a series : of spirited vjresolutions. son; a lad of about Jfin) onthc Premising that "coins are supposed to - ' ' 4 carefulfhandHiig Wrcprntadonaof tliea dangerous ccident befl jjhi ra, J I and refinement of the peojde, anld ijr the course; of his i remarks !txccurred period fey .hom andl'in lyhicbHbejrl 't0;- ' t ' r ntleman:'-TT hisr ftuaihtance;'' 'witb tbai'cois!oft iri our depart- flifni. noilreiSeat so up X go toTdrcss. ' Annett's toilet was .Afat tVv diivVac uliuivp ----- . is hvncstr universal wight. others he the$rr battles wins, . . id binds the lattrels round their heads; cars the blame of all their sins ; .". r their mistaKesue eai PVT'v nakes the money m the JinK, . a it seiooiu uuut uvut. - ives tiie general his ranK, . T d to hiui then juows iojiij . 'ctting nothing but himself; Meeting nothing but his gains ; oruer he of naught but pelf;, " TTJ! - flvi .U.,, iA out the beauty, and to rejoice ia ite m hand, the butt . -j-r : i" - : j. ' iL.ir -ii I'll I if h ir.ArfiMiii tt v no ti rnnpn nrmv. i iuuu uiuniri . uucicu tiu uci-jiuijvv i - . - - . n - i i l ii k i i i ! : i j : . it, n x oie lor- u-imi. o v7r i i u ,i discovery? And were I to suppress the ne tproreeaea.io iiinsiraie, nq .as .i s .. . . , , .. . --i' f Yo..'k'now tHatMr. .T , ;Tl.e story was interesting, ami much those who Ixmnd her for the cold and w, , h such XoVerfes leg' went down,' bang , went tl.e gun, . Kchn,,nd -IfT, wh.le.opng ; , .; formeaioVcloclc thisveningV tine had passed unnoticed ; the clock silent grave. ... d5toL (Im1I-- ll'M.Vf JByl-M; . . . -i.r -.:;!; ' ? -ii V. ..j s Hpp limbs wpi pi tended, and her OUgUl lO Biir ineir boui, iue waca ui I . ... ..4, tftT .nnAafihn 1 1 4 (nf, no balf tpnvn V tel he is going to leave town to-morrow l0ia quarter to c.guu . . i , r," :7WL the sea would lift un their voice, and o. 10 shot) lodging niallv ' a labo-1 laws lieu up wiin a rmanu mau buo i . . . a- x intended to'wear that evening at a the very .tones of the earth cry out !',? p kio nAnr.-o r ifti ,,6"v rr. " .-""" of Annette-why wdf yoVie ;so ob- rious business, and therefore Jier long - .L MS - w . ' 1 . . - . . I - -i . i4 7: -.fi-, i ' ';', ' '- 'Lk'. J 1 t ' i I : ' S Wceil-n 1 have been all the week ; andPr.-r- mijd against me. rt,r "'r . ' . . . , Ttr-.tl xL. V aA .' X. 1-rieht:' )ecaiisei tdbaoco ras; an-icul- '"r .fbdnnrU: Ther.oiseshe On examining the body I. found F,..BW.-tv.i ua; - i tnral product,; ought, to :as freeof , &u u v.v.-w.:ri.TT-.4--.--( , , . , . V. I T rmrnrd . thA'phrtli. spa. air. and water, nionsirauuu viie major uiuseu uiai icv- r t. x'- j - .... - v . ; . . - , Duraen ass wneat; 1 corn or cotton. 1 - I I - .... ' 1 I t A 1 lU 1 J I . ... AM mm V. W I X cWVtb-,t Hie hours are the 1 worst had. made in walking! to ana trom ner t tnat ueuiu imu uu wuu, in m world for vou i-fdressine tame nau j ceaseu.iur "Pshaw, raotljcir 1 nonsense, ii lion- time ; but then her mother; tl sense." i ;T''.": f J:? she might be. engageil: athemi mother; thought I been, prolongei mirror in I years, had she "Be persuaded -fbr once my diught-Jadju$n Wt of her mother dear, j complexion. pr. I bee?-: of " vou ! - Ob, dear, what, a nifht itis. too it pours rain "But Mr. T likft nitchforks. and 'blows a perfect moraentj and the girl 4 - : ' ... . - t f 1 I i 1 ' ' M hurricane 1 You'll get wet, my cnuu, to receivtj uuu, bam T b,vn ppo hundreds of cornscs. prohtable to seek to una. out tnese may arrive at any as well j in the calm composure ot , ... i, - - I . ! . ; . f I l.iiue I A ttrt whan n f f or TVlf tontl TP. cbAnld h rpadv naturardeath. as mansled and dis-". t.w... tv . Mrs. D VTlien wc see the earth in her green-1 as a presumed obj i as mnch as ' it-V otlier" products. ' .'1 But as a manufactured l article, and as a presumed object! of luxury the Iff i aud catch cold, you may rely upou it. Come now. won't you - stop at home Uyes, s loaded down with ;woes and parbs . - . i 'r - 1 ; mo rt war ..- " broadsword's uatH,iuecaniu-u oii, . Wlln me iQ nigiu, uanguici MM? eood nd stay t , nations iaue.uwuxxMj.-v! ';.r. , , ' i Jumo ,-Vl'H nave -lots 01 niguis iu uc;"-"" with you, ai d 111 go tOvMrs. 15 tho' 'the proud man Iliitl beeds ' j , in antlior of his prondestjstore i ' histry 'plows him dowibke.weedst hi iwe litfu co oit lguwi, . L ,Lnnmtli: tuiffionary wight truth must ever lead the vap f y ' V klDglUUSl-OTfll, IU Wliu( y LVrowri aud throne's the common man. h L I :i -rr . . . E. r. H. a subdued tone of voice. - Taking hold of the little call on the table she rang was'soou bys her side. "Do you know Sarah," D- said Mrs. ery, as she dresses for the -embrace of world has jagreed.to.tax it heavily. .7 in torted by violence, but never have I search, I am led to the discovery of jms sprinkled upon her bosom and the with -debt "that we can iiever exjHJct seen so startling a satire upon human " u.iu,ix . rivers laughing in tl ! V itrhiuer in the sunbeams as I it to release tobacco or whisk ev from EKiim ou oioi m l I : , , . . . i, -; , q o I - -r - -.7 ; : . i .11 -.,Ic;.ft nns (Tit w nrif i 'ui: " if ipv rush on to mpet ttlfi kisses OI hravv Mnlnhii mna -tn th rpvpnnp. ue ,ra ueu uaiun, pv nm"''v v""'6""v . 1, xi t - i " : ...... i prMr " --r '-" - it and Sarah loathsome a spectacle as a corpse dress- "uusub T"bMW' cean and the streams as tney giiswn litisidleV to expect it. Principle : in v f,. like ribbons oriisrut among inegrass :, ttus case must cive wav to controiung i ... v When we see the mountains yer diire and the-lilacs blush ed for a ball! tremble. 1673. t 1 Wxiik mcii'i'oon U fileivhileto eatlhe dainty'food, ; K ast his sonl with fe very earthly good ; i UX Wu). ; 4 -. ; 1 i-T . 1 ted from costly robe and-costly store, ed aud fanmiieu, niiwraui.) p..... , T uake m bed in hell lorevcr rauro. THKjOOU RtCIljMAK. u. nlcrbt if it rains cats and does ready for the party." l.vii .MVforW" i h 1 don't know, Wdam," , replied ill Villi Tfii... I' - .1 i - . Such"were,very nearly, the words, the gin ;;i iook net-tuecuruug iruu3 an( such was the manner, in which about half ai hour ago and she seem- A. D- -expressed her determi- ed to be then a little out ot numor. Ltion to act in defiance of her o - "Go up. to her room and see if she "indulgent" parent's wishes and ehtrea- 'wants anything," said Mrs. D . ties 1 ' The girl went up staifs and knock- Slie was the only child of her wid- ed at the bedroom door, once, twice, ow0d mother, and "had .but a few thrice, but received. no answcr. There weeks before completed her twentieth was a dead silence, except when the year with 'vet notwithstanding lier storm shook the windows. "Could vaiu endeavorsno oiner prospwi, w - ' - - r - fiU hnr bnt 'tfiat of siiiffle blessed- possible !" Sarah knocked again, but ."whether Miss Annette is yet U REMARKABLE STORY OF A ; ;,i 4 YOlTNti LADY. THE DYING CHRISTIAN. he Moom shall depart from our cloud craped hills and mist veiled ought to ask. is reduction oiMhe mi ls, as the mistsof the morning from valleys aud the forest shining in the PtlOjrii..Burtllat ought toj 'de i valleys at the smiling of the rose- morniag air twinkling wih diamond manded .without f mincing words. 1 SOU the r-' ' ' v-i.i---.-i :- - - - ile'whilen,n and wanttO . v i . , x mimm lou&to die Certainl;, the twent.eth year may i'HA lfv4.J U-.l'v-,'4-f71'' i . "t . it., ncularwl tbft - time of angel feUo .. A.; ' mf. : hpaatv v beciW to head sou puipweu on ajr mu ni if all teuity ttoaka 1 lim blest. - e t -y unsuccessfully, as before. She became a lit tin flustered : a!nd. after a mo- Thc New York Herald publishes a rcarkaUe story based on state- ---- Iigbts; 6ce the wased .with haiU; orfe uieiii. ut. r w' :xu xC k-t r -7t the wh te moon eht while the stars . . . ' to the case of Miss .vr - . vi .t.: . . .fll . We agree wittrour ynar otte con- Observer ana 'JPcmo- ; Ixpfrislatiiro should re- i ' xi.ii-s-.-i- r iJ,T.-.r.- romnietclv I ... , . m xi peai me law uuuwrrziug a uom vi ; cump.eu,. i' it nf flip pvpnmor stars are trailin?? theirl . -v. - . ..I1- . shattered l.y an accident which W.li r " T 1" tlie valleTs. Am J, preset no inure grisly imu.s i twc , , . , i repeal that Uauthonztngtiie, voteot . i ii. l . 'ii - I wKorp. this spntiment plows aud crreat-1 n i .Y . .1 and by! which' s!.e was dragged ovcrj ' ' ens ll.at it is a e.orio"us privile to ?f ; w meuuuamiaiwi Hv.m.vu0 . w . . , i complex, ana tne negligence or ignu-; ly glorious in its supernatural beauty live. lion. V. A. Loeirane. rancejof anyof the many agencies necessary to (he perfection of the acts, of such boards mavhlefeat the will Woman is the greatest of all teach-0f the people, simply- through adher-' ( ers. ; one raomus iue cuarauiei l. ence io too iiuv reu iaw.,uiiu. ;ji" ! M 1. S. W. ossom into real lovliness, if the&rm- sitting befbrethe looking-glass: years. has been occupied in acquir- . "Why, la me 1" commenced the pavement a block. In Februar 1 O0( H r : l,,..i,I.A. Inet a11 har eanene i r.u '-i as a grandly arching gate of purest even ClISC lit iuuvii'ami i. i i i i t l vi r i x i i.f pearls, fresh from the courts above, take any food until May. but she lost 1 . . ; . f. . -Ii i - ii i Ki.. ana nasiung ionn, in me njriii, oi vjuu ment's pause, opened! the door and en- trnces. itrJune nourish- resplendent rays of majestic l.veliness tered. .There was Miss A. D ' a nA . v Jnnmn :,:fn iipr uponYhe so stoirkch, which made her deadly sick. vvithinU h The Greatest of Teachers. 9 soul of every one passing mits, because in it we be- MtIVekson i i ! 1 I I', i' 'atcJima: Dec. lr 1878. : in useful knowledge and the princi- in a petulant tone, ides of Christian duty. "But when tne ner young uibir Sarah walking toward "here ! have been rising generation. Far greater is hef Wn this codDtj tame near vitiating the j: 8tonmch whHi made her deadly sick. mission man tnat ot me sciupior, wnoie vote in uie jaie yongressiona ; r j As a result her throat closed and she hold the portal through which is the sne chisels a fairer form and breathes elections, j Give us back thestraight was unable to take any nourishment entrance from earths dark scenes of upon the intellect tlie elevating ten- fbrwad djrect old way Returning r I : pies m vib uv': - --t.u i seeds of vanity, felly and deceit are knocking for live minutes, and Z&i ,6wn in the:nursery,ind nourished at Hbrror.struck.sljestagpredag hold in mvi hand a withered leaf, - Be.cua.vt v ; . , . itomtiu "'.v "l x!ix;l t t!,A n,,KAitr rid nourished at wlin the wrest ini now as ui"6 gown iu iiiu-uui;, - - . . , . v i T u i i 1 ct to Isad oMt iny mind into an e- holie anat school liy flirtations, use- the bed uttering; a loud shriek, whic.i iDan , -Pi-iim of rutious. crave uu euni i - - - . .1 xirmori ir 11 -. wno lnstantiv 1 . . templatious. f It history,4 thrpught its 1 less visits .and the jmporai ,r twelve years suffenng and calam.ty into the ever sition, for nine lasting realm of the "elder brother1 of or utter a sound. For 1 . 1. - ::. sne iias laiu in uuc puiuu, mi . . ,r in rimd or naralvzed state. "u :" 1 J .a- " "O " af U FVa waa w - ; - - c- dencics and aspirations of her own Boards have an unsavory smell to ir illPSA t.plvfi years she temmatious. Its History, iiirpugiii. io. ies visiia ; (.rmr" , . , . . i i f. ; eeivc stages of growth and decline, literature- of the age, the essence of a tottered up stairs and tai m ifsionne vernal "W-to its -:. : Guarded by ' mod- aS slift beheld the lifeless hibernal rdcaUi and depy, is an girls youUi, neer guardea; oy f ;.;vi . wj ,, current alarmed Mrs. , who instantly t jvefl without food. Since mted as soon J . 1 IIIC rrlll OI duly lll-l CJ cuvxo nav; xvi- to daughter. Mis A D- was dead ! he has an ovej Jseph M. Brown, soul; far greater than that of the paint- hones er, for she brings out in brighter per spective the most xmmanding cxcel- t pe0ple.iiY6oro Recorder. G!ukNT,$ CANDIDACY., NO, YOU CAN'T GO IN. Special Despatch to the N. T. Herald, tbtli.1 maincd closed. Her rest is takeu in the trance state, which answers for ni unif aruii r 111 1 tic- . 1 1 u t ts " 1 a-t n 99- a 1 1 1 1 im v v. xn w 1 a l riU,uD ?VM"Ji?v . ' it. I trot Y Uiay , i I . . , . v L 1 l- l I lutv tiiir 1 x3X Uii Ml 11 1 1 1 a &a vm-w . 1. - ix.i... m i i I ii I 1 1 it'i I i.i I ri a au a. iuiVi miv i a " I . . a v ouion ed-tbeyp- vani w.m;ner .ee . , -. . . .j t fon Tfc was a IM TTiTZ L Princess Louise's receptions j m of 'heTra ty ;ana-xransiurrr loneiug;to;a :pecuic.: .a.y , .-. .Jm - traonnuary u.au . .pv vo,.no Kanuck. who tried r ex stence. MlJotany tens usoi iiseS- . .i..ii WK r h nnd s ormy mni in warcu, aim uic , .. nfttlfOP nf e(W.n4 cio-ht. All I rj J . . .. . bfoJuuraonyraud Fwonderrut adapta- uy ' nature euuu M .x.. - . - , , deserted " 1 - V , . i sert himself amid the favored throng. ate asjct of things abroad, . ciesertect lac arealike 0peti; to her , mental r , b, raniyandrclfeonsmgle it o frjvol0us aud conceitk creature than, streets, the drearyj howling wind, and , y DistanCe interposes no bar- . LITovaltv SSSfflStia; SDit wouid theinr agfof She will dictate me contents i - -1 - - : a-. i i j i i i a. a n of n i - i - nvur tii vi . i i - - & hs to be drawn. : Tlius we iearu iiiai--i -v . ,: c1in wgl t1A torment lot Der wuinuna-u. w r " nf seal; A - j. .!.J ii..l.nf fiirnriiMrft V W UUU. , " T .. . i . I - .x JJ !it- ik. !n I - 7 10 aamirama iwu( 0. , , . . - , , : m i nn ivnon mnnrj-ipu wiLii Lilts iu- i - . . - x Mil v n a mii ii ih:h ii r: i iuimmi i . aij tadn,itUe leaf, aioa, ngttwuveV; M"T r:r;-.J,i ka ',.Wn mind, when connected with the uh Khea G6d said : "It Lthej eartn onng ,f l-i; f - - 1 wgcn U1 ",c cTCi f1,a" """" th gi-assr thevherb yielding fanj1 "7: , Unmatances Were moned me out, - ? .1 x.5?i v f:u:. .5 ,fri- liia kind. I TJ mfttllpr7 irCUmStanCeS Were I t ' . lv' ' i!:XXSl ...vi. - r . . . t . . , T . J th earth " .-. -.m .rftilf-Kaifelv foPna-F - Un Teacninff me nouse x iouuu xuiw. eVabove the very s ra,1?u, -:L i; a Solent fit ..-, - .wt- in maintain a posuion in . ...t- .r ".,- ; ; . f tiai.. owu.v j iiic instil . - fraU-tree yielding fruit a inced I in-itself Upon Ifn tlie loidlyi oaks that tovy tA fhA fintt ennnr.nrnn JI .-.U.i""- . a - a I a...T iliAiMk . its modest Jieadrioove . ie wi a ntt a 'oiu 5 ii nt. wliirh did net at ce appear with leaves adapted in forni i aimii lo itas peciMiAi vv- ----- i nuueu, ny some ; . ?- - t -i , 1 V , , , -1 . uation; . Some ere like, huge troug is 4 . m -i 4 for dress? and scene of death, and beheld what goblets. Others were nue tarry uiiu g-v.v r-- , . . . L...-. . i ...,i tl.n I. .. . . - i i l ...I thorn there, and never sHHxfbrgeti There was a table vclvet leavcg for pincushions she holds ii iabbed about here, and Cthere, and neveretre a tauie ycl, .fs concave Ainu and its litUe canal- i the "most gaudy attired towards the further side of the room. tho upeurroJ tlpiclexloso tothe everj themos g y looking-glass, htini tontoQ Thoi works of nature and ot orf mv nlP!isP the eve and ratify the I PnitADKLPiHAi Dec 19. the friends bf whpn theWrth shall melt Uf General 3 ran t are delighted over their V-w wL!ii ; ""i. rinntla wrMifh 9" I ' . . . .. last. Riiecess in naTini? -the wav to the! M'ei away, fawx.vi Vvx... . , .. rnr..pnt hpntthev S lStf nassawav I V A .. -i . - . "a':!' said the gentian in waiting at one " , -f the an I bors of the true woman in developing na - Presidential candidate 4nd his co- tO in- I .. .1 f lf caiiI rotll I.aaxL. ii, xl,tt fli.nl- mnvompni1. fllAV - ' tlie lll"lier CapavH'C3 - o'm uruuiuu iu mv . uiu ... vi . x. ... v... . j . outlive time and find its full consum- had stfll Senator Blaine to deal with. "A - V' . . KKc"'- T' confidentialagent was sent down to Wash- r, mation in t he realms of bliss. -Lx- J la8 week . and . returnUl tract from an address, "llie signer ngftBiaitiethatho wUliiotstond-m-v ii i ii vn rT iiiiiM ii uriikL'i tzm - w -s". : m .m i i an a'- 'a wn tr in run rai veil inn " i ad ipttrrs w thoutasincr e crror. w . ? . . i 1 1 ---r c . w OTwiwi""i' j " . I nower extends lrotn tropic to tornu i . in;,n.inAi,namiAt Nisvnnn. I in lflnj ..t.u nn,i lAi-thA rTPnrai . She will visit the family circles of her . m , . o m.' , m . at .ege xpic.w, ' -7 a. a. I Z.IJIIC. a 1 1 U T UVOV aaa wa " P - I - I UHin 1111 ' lllUt ' " ' " friends in distant towns and tell what circleg the globe, foP the perpetuation they are doing and describe their per- ofwbose ;re minions ofswords sonal attire, l'ersons entering tne their gcab. hoiise of her aunt, whetner acquauueu n , Y but I x x 1 w J ' I a-a ' . x a. a m a AiA(ni vnri UlMHlIlljr IWUiutcu. embroidery and wax, develoneil the fat that your x, m.thod of the late election be- anv natterns. Her wax flow-r1 v.x v.i I . .. . . r x..i xui...u v a 'inranntoinpr KRiiLairruixiT ers are marvels of beauty.: In cutting . . .,nWt! If L I. 1 I vrti tm. ' Jj an m TAV Own Ey.' havehMttn. Thikia recrarded as settliBCthe business, j for with CoukVmg and Blaiua promised to " . . i . L - It-con nntef the war and make noopDOSi-- il Mr. Blaine appcars anxious to ex- Q rtlvnadcntly , pose the "crime; against the .right ot p of his-name'and then, ;! ot.fTfofrn " Tf AO investicration intO i.J,l .nil.n.a.m hiBAonraliim nnnani." irii I mons' nomination n the' first an cues & now ea it was ihhub i i vouui? iieiauu m ""r tj i v .-... . - 1 id retain; " "J llf y.0. far from having a pretty Ta wiUi .-liWe -wm arapery, auj . g lfc e elvet ith tiumb and finger . tPSnwK the leaves In J;" In-MlW-li ---. 4 ??.., , i J iif :txfi..: l;-rih4Vl. lni. Ac An arnil u k , dv last, a jnw colored (Iri lliyarw..irfaAlf ho"n self V handsome;, a F""" ,,07.m. , ind in .W 118 precipitately fr.a, dian.r.at mm?1 my:r ,"u"u""-- nediwcpiny, tortd auch m-irri; T'" story " looi rm,er"" r w -. ; n.?i' tcntfeaaperiuaded her.that.ott If logo has given rise! to son t Cluneal auu metaniivKicnji cratum of U nation, ithat; i: have .....i. 'ineV The 'settled grasping a pair ofcurling irons j each nat ever nan- i casiuuui iv...- , r n . . i; l:ij u ..i.. of her wristsTwas ballot; store. You ?nSj ;t should extend through every They.0 not conceal tbeirdelight at this can't go m New Enfflahd Staite, especially-at the T. "i 1 t"X , x, i 1 . 1 1 vi r t?:i r, . - . ,j t, ..1 .. n is Deiioveu lu iiiamo circic. vuai. jjo '1 l.i.l.n linnU tvtth lklllP7 rliXlt I . A. x. n.trna. if ohAIlM h-.lVP 1 . ir tde-of the room; hv. ih knuckles of thumb " , maiiuU.u....B ........... r- ---- aOMnotconiderUieclianM:ortD.:Ite-; looking-gla; hu eft W aoaS y in a raSe Boston Traveler. fuI1 8weeD in New York C.ty, where 18j0 m gooli to-w. Elections Davenport, in I P.,nt him in making a fi?ht for the notui- Kuir ftf fhp Fpileral Government. I nation airainst the odds he would have to ILtlvXIX vi . ..vi , , . -ui.. A :ntant1r r1onritP1 tlVon- encnuntor by a union oft tha Grant nnd retired sands of voters, of their bal ots and -f . ' . ttt diMrBtionx , - : . i . - .. . i .1?: ' . .vi vrnicn jtook away tneir naturalization papers, hen I which have been pronounced perfect- iningroom . ; TJiat j,,. "T: itionshouldexteudthroughoutFenn, was emireij ineien. a.vii . . . T i t WIW J . . .- oitrMrtU-rotfpn w th Radical election theless, sunimonea, wno jinHiuuiicau u OJ.....-, uroiina, twoo came oT;r uiw 4ioi ui vm death due to disease of the heart) but as fraud and bull-dozing, and through I piinato fight a duel recently, will be iu the body was being made ready for burial 1 tlie,Wst. 'By the time the Committee dieted by a Mecklenburg Court. . That 1 iiaaAaft " - I a . ' ft r . I .1 I. encircled by a showy turned i ... discovered' that lier throat tJiad been cut by a sharp rabbit -bone? which protruded clear through the ski a. L. : .1 1 ... .1. .: ...... ..Iv p lMiru, i ne neacn ana lueoait.'? vufcii i s .p Irswi have txu written nbout these trees I rrrie i Cll LxLl. .t : i ' . - -I . uu,iriy inousauu TOiumes. ... -; i pain 10S oak, wih reiuembering the oak I f hcr daVghte? nt leafv ton hid a kuWfriini t h Knrrh 1 01 ,cf wa. o . j Oiisnemiesl H heverbehold her Vast I this catfse,tatld? u fetclicofJurk green pines, but I am 1 which she expos TAe Arw Ha)sA.Mip IVamp law. The tramp law, enacted some time the light since in New Hampshire, is being frightful rigor iisly enforced, with results most features, salutarv; and satisfactory.1 As soonl ; niaineU M'mtatemenit. 3ft :rpaid Jier on an ilaubedTover with! rduge an4 carmitie vagrant enters the "Granite State In the incrgwofouU.n ient sensations he faiiea'jfolrer ja anddirefuil he is forcibly invited to go to work preftentation in Congress by Reason of the in in tlie chest, ,:Which , plainly m , , , f j V ipavphe commonwealth, and tail- .nfranchisement of the negro, Sir. Blain. . . -- .ii . ' . ja x- 1 v. 1 .'ah a itair ded the tact3 oy neany .,vuv rmored the three-fifths representation te-bcllum days. . In stead of thirty tia nptujil increase is about twenty: . . . . f ,i - ' I .I ,.T 1 :. . . . . ... . - . , .11. I .- 7 . . . ealrnmt.lononiti i nA V.nlalin vot. - it i A11SO UieiV PtB- . if. ItlninA chftnUI P.IerClSO UlOrO Smirtv 1)1 tUUvCIV iltlUiOVi.-vwiMjiiwvvuwi 1 iu uaiunuii j 1 OQC : xwtv Tl - . i ' .. . v. a w m.. i mm. nr. - rntinn i . i .v a iu iv a iY . T ftiiti v. 1-1 vi xxx uu M va i jvn nrinn ill i nn una xjx - xj liixiv-i .vwv. . . i . x - . . w iifi l noi cveu uic uan wuvu vpnis ucisuua iiwu ."-u r-7 1 : i of death could "lioliy o . 1.. .. .... a . . . jt . i..tuA Mil. rt iNi .r 1. r4 XX4 A D4IVUIU . CXXXVX iJro. I'afc Paf f a Strong Word .. . Against Duellings f r " , Wc learn that the persons from South Carolina, who came over into North Car? o but Mrs; D f hair of the corpse, V-ay-4 tours" itqboysPotU eets throuMi ijew England, Blaine right' anil Gov. Vancehould demand the, O, 0 . . . ... . I j:.: r 1.i. .is.-..v..o :...i:ixn..i1 - T.i.f and his Radical friends I enough of tlie investigation. ill have 1 rendition of tlie persons-riropncateuv t l-t . I oar courts put n seal of emphatic condem nation on, thefoohshdueUingcbue lenbarg uthoritieare ixpeited . to do their duty in regard co llie aBaSMnention- ir .if . V What the Searo Feeds. LTha niuininrrnf TIOW Colored ScllOOls IS I nnA irt-ltnf o il tin ifirmifV "fmf nr I.1WR reported in several of tlie Southern States. aud respect flue the State. Ifjtfo'or three .1 C,.1..i.tin will innTinPA ttlA tlPTOeB of I nxM-Axx ni. nT!if. mfiVfrut intn l liftintna. ,i I'.lllLL,.tL (WiX T X.X Vi. ... w O . . 1 UCi.lUvO V.X MUltli UiVU t,v WIV u that section that their interests" are iden- J 8x.njnff jrimmaa.e, or "fist iltidskuU tical ; with the interests of j their white fight- therwhole forcef the State (iulav) neighbors, ami that they have nothing to js bj-ought against them, . aud the" same gain by following the lead of Xortheru should be done.agaiust the young gentle- demagogues who care nothing for thcai mcn fron South Carolina who came into n ..iocs th mx nRA them far selfish ends. JfasAiWoH Post. I ' ,Jtimocrat ! f .""". '" ; l ; -i -i" vifl i.'K' H ;4l ' i 1 -!! :.41 I 4 ' i if id'-- 1 -u i . " - -, & . j-f. !;. ' -.-7' i ' ! f . -s ; '.; i J j ': ! , 'e, . !t"-:,;ii "qiU or tae "Siberian Exiles" y-n-1 . . ; . t , j riug fur from home under their tftfcny etng, late houM, i - ! I t4; -- f . - ' . . : - j . , ; i ' ! r - - r -. . -V- 1 I -n-

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