Of" A - a - -h II I III llea I IIU mg , ' ' I Tt:;; '1; 4 my J i - K I,. I ' -,- t - t !- I. i r ! 'It- i - M Carolina Watching ' rr 1871). -r-priii: general assembly. oimCim of Oov- Vnnce. winch tooic cfiVtrou the 5th, anil the ihstallation 'nf Mr JarvTs as Governor ;n Jhe same day, and he election of a Lr'. Governor to lill the: ilaee of Mr. JpuMs, (James L. ? Kobinson lave leeu sulijecia f interest aKaleigh, this week.' - There" has been much talk iuUe tagiMatnrojthe lait few days about the appointnu'ttt of Magis- .'tratcs, wlmh takes placo on the ,18th. Persons having .'Anything to say on this i n!irt am advised to couUJUilicate with I fieieprcsentatiyes bciro that day ar f '.' ''. " .i .. i . .1..... . . .1 1 .. n ...Tt II.,. .. riv,es, as insist inrn .liiuu up niiiuw !ted iwitiiout deluitei " 7 t V .We hope the Legislature vjll elect hon esVantli exemplary men as Magistrates. A'o man of bad or doubtful character Should be set before the5 rising generation 'to poison the moral atniosphereof a whole ownship jvr.coiinty for years to come. ! Select men! who are honest and fair in all business natters, and nioraUa their lives. The. iufluencp of rulers . is tremeudousy aud may Ihj traced everywhere for gokxl 'or jeyiTfor jgenerationa after they are dead AntT forgotten. . ' " There are several important bills yet the.hauds of Committees le brought 'forWanl. viMeantime lesser -matters e.n-; 'gage ihetimo of the two Houses. Therea H very little partizanisni, imiuifefteJ in4 'debate. The members,! democrats and ? rcpw bUcip S , 6eem io be;in ten t on busi ness anil work without wrangling. "Battle's 'rcviaal," and the-proposition of the Senate to revise and rectify it, consumes a good deaj of the has vexed time of the Legislature as it Courts amV the people ever since it was made. There Is no iTojtibt 'i a noW eotle-. coinptisjiig j all the changes ami $ ameiiumunts win uo retjniren. .n 'will be almost indispensable, and although AfherLcgislatnro is in groat dread cf ex- 1 i ' k f : pensesMt will probably order it. to be 'made. I - - '. Delegates fnin Yilmingtou andChay lottel have beeti in the ciiy advocate or 'oppVjse the 'granting of acharicV v t,li ilaleigh an(J Augusta, Air "Line li. II. ' It 3s one of tho vexed queatiwis, J list now, in respect to which some feelrng lias been 'manifesteU A few days at Most will set tle the question, but how, we are not prc- pareu io say. ; -!; N-u "": KEtKfcxGHMEXT. -. - ji Tova. all we can learn from the news- t papers, private letters aud froni persons passing roin iwieign, tno ineuds ot rc trenchmcut are determined not to- be righieued or 'diverted from their purpose to reduce public expenses. Iiis believed 'that a reduction, of at least one hundred f tnonsand uoliars can be inaue without , impairing' the eftcctual working of "the .7-1 State system. It is said by persons com- petent to judge from accn rate knowledge r6t fuels that the reduction may even ex ceed this sum. v Tho friends of th is measure are covert ly 8ubjecte4 to sneers and jeers by those who desire to keep up a splendid eshib i8hment, biit.they have the consolation .of kuowin that the people will opeuly mid persistently applaua Uiem. ? liut independent , of .rednctjons, Mr. Hendersoli's bill for eulargiiig the juris- j icthm of Magistrates will siivo to the j 'people tens of thousauds of dollars; aud I iis other bill to prevent; the removal of 1't .'causes will" also save tliniiuuU. " 'On i ,10!' VClIe arc cl,ecre1 witl the ( iwelief that they have at last elected a Leature !possessing the ability and the l will to serve tin- Stiit f iiflifuli n,,ri A,.,-: Jessly. Ma;: the sequel verify their best Jiopes. , ' ' ' . -It is f!Lrf1 thr.t. nrtfltiiifr r-m plished at this session' towards com p ro pmsing the ijtate" debt. , We'thjuk this-is I liiach to be j-egretted. TThe patient cred--f jtots of the.ftato liaye a right to demand i-,Jrelief, and w e cauaouiHlerstaud how it caube honestly iefused them. A veto pa the subject a few days ago, indicated a failure, at this time, , of the I constitution al, ainendmeu t , with reference to the re-establish nieut of ic!,i I post The republicans vote solid against same fate befell the 'amendment requiring tho paymcut of the poll tax asi V pre-requisuo to votiug. ; : . .' j We believe three-fourths of the people ; . .j at the Statd are m f.ivor of these amend i ; j ments and will continue to demand Ihem. I roi)t Pi'0)nto't io Hickory. The' ap- PV" " n7 wtpre the Legislature for a PSrtev?r?hliad fr.L)ipo'uou'tto Hickory can hardly be !rrauted hv th mm be granted by the guardians of hare: already 0 jeopardise tho-State's interest' They Permitted two enterprises tlip stupendon s i u vest men t in the Western North Carolina Koad the Charlotte and Statcsville, and the -New -tori and Chester end of the Narrow Guage. iau At be possiblthjit they witf now ier- 4 ! i e arotina Central to swallow the wublecoiceru. from llickery up! Can thiState afford to build: roads at the cx fjwase of the people and then sacrifice all vyj permitting non-res'idenfs' to deprive -J" the benefits! T-Iiq Charter of the j CarolinaCentnil desigimlesllntlierfordton au bbjectijk-e point; bn the york 1ms stopiea ixt stieiby, and if the Company I j j cai now be ailoWedWconnect with the M 1 1 v ,i ,HicKory, wo con- a ectnre it will there , terminate' and wW j'shall hear no more of extending the Road ffo Kutherfordton. In that casb liuthcr- ' - p,rd Vlnty. has taxed herself in vaiu, but Conip;uiy owning the Central ' will H J' J;'T f Yr?uai . woik for their SiHTl1 f cyiiit siucttthey became nrimpi. ! ,t,,rr: ft1! State afford to ' build' such cosuywoikuid then virtually donate ftliem to priv'siw, individuals! The advo- catvsof the meauro will find it difficult lo deliijd. r. . - Tie editor of the Lincoln Progress, af ter trying! to publish his' taper at $1 a vrnri has returned to the old l;ying rate of two dollars. : : . Itjs not; possible jnlipjnvsent state of the country, to publish a newspaper of re spectable fize for one dollar a ycarexcept hi "conheciion wif h a paying daily, and even -then jth profits are very small,' Few country uqwspa pers "have a pay ing list ex- rVt.il i n fr !i(lfl wiii tli iim t h nil u:l 11(1 1 Ij'.l 1" Printers' "iagcs, hoiis; i ent, )apeV,'rink and other iucitL&Jital expenses conmne ilsome tnues inore, leayjngthe ni! this, a ix editor (lfiiendeiit for a scaut ltvii.-g on the auvertisuiir.. r This pajH'f, tho Watehaiau, was started by the late Uamilton C. Jones, ,iu "July, 18J2.j There were then two other papers published in this place, to wit : The West ern Qarolininnf by the late lion, lhirtou Ciaige; aud the XerrZA? 'and Qataicb Journal, th Lemuel Bingham, Esq". r At that timeljere was no paper published west of Salisbury. There was, perhaps, one at Chiiriotte : but there was none at Concord, or anywhere else south, nearer than Cheraw and Fayetteville There was none ?ast nearer, than CFrecyjiboroJ and uoues in any of . theft counties iiorth of this place.ji And, yet with the wide scoped for piUfongo, enjoyed, at that time, jthe Western CprQtiity $11$. Journal "after passitig through, several changes of, prq- fprietorsliip jprired 1. tlie-latter alKut the year'ilKKi, .'JinU the foriiier iu 1842 orj'43. Siuceithat jtime numerous newspaper en- terprises have sprung up Jiere, and have had a; run pi irom ( turee monyis to six yarsi Fev have gone over theee years, and ueailyj all changed hands a time or I two le'fore final extinction. CountirigJ from I832 tve arc able to enumerate about fifty newspaper adventures made here up to this time, aiHl -.hey . have, alt passed, away not only Avjthout enriching a single individual concerned in them, but in most case damaging tne proprietors. , v Ve advekt to this subject at present for the' purpose of saying to some' 0 qui friends who tliiuk $2 Is too large a price for tho ' WtrtchuKin, that we. can better af ford to discontinue its publication than to publish it for less. 1re' .was a time .... i? a ' .' -it tt4- - . " .. - wuen irpaiu very wen, anu a better time ti-iaiijho pijesent may coma again, but we assure our jfrieuds that for a sum less than two dollars there is no hope for its con -ttnuaiice, : ; The nmcjhcr wlio compjain qt lie pj ice is comparatively small. , Most intelligent people know that the patronage of a coun try Wwspajief is ordinarilyjimited .to.the demand of he locality. If tlie demautia smaller than will justify the expense of publication! at a low rate, thepico must go npjor tlie paper go down. When it happens tliat a country paper transcends the limit of )ocal patronage it will be found due cither io extraordinary editorial abil ity, or to a strong money support inde pendent of jts regular income, and the aids which such backimr is able to our- chasei L But these are exceptional cases few and far bet ween ind tuinhot be con sidered within the rule. It is simply im possiljloto print a weekly paper in the country of respectable bize and make up, for less than two dollars a year wjthout starving thcHjditor, or wronging its pat rons. j the history of the buines8 here and elsewhere sufficiently prove this. inei imsstan L'lanue.X most 1 i . plague hroke out in Rnssia iu October histoid y!tj;c 25th of Novemler had beeomo alarming. The public authorities iu theaftiicted districts about that time took steps, to arrest it. But it spread rapidly, and! now tlieltussian government t -i j . uave loumii it . necessary to inaugurate- measures of reat magnitude aud of the most positivb kind to stop the work of death.j -Noijemedy has been fonud for theisease. jAH, or-nearly all, who are struck by ft jlie; and deaths are so rapid iu sonje phicts that the living caunot bury the corpses. It seems to he highly con tagions, and jthe only safety to the coun- try is to confine it within its present limits ,J aud this the government is trying to do. neighboring countries are also alarmed andiaro trying to cut off all con nection with the afflicted districts. I The Legislature pf.Tennessee, at the re quest of the $ity authori ties, have repeal ed fhej charter of .Memphis, so that the city is now decorporated and without ti tle even to its name. It is understood hat Uiis pneeding was doie to rgjieve thecir of Its debt, which owingto the recenj yellovj fever scourge, she is nnable la-paji It i.4 also reported that Mobile is talking of reljef in a similar Way. And iu view of Ij-p jeavy annual ficgt of the town government thre'..ar. '. tat!zeua.'in SausiHjkt wJio hav Jaiked of" the same method of relief. Thousand of dollars are annnally ppent hero wi'thou anything to show for it. It is' believed She f'ik' chine'.' conld Imj run at a cost of 15 cts.on the hundred dollars insfead of the 5Q now paid ' i DexiqTexas, as seen .through the Denton Moktior, is a lively place! r Goods of all kind' seem to lie very abundant, and nierchauts are offering them at very' low prices. Marriages are frequent and live ly. - The MoMtpr tells of one young man, hpwcvi, whoi after having, killed his f.ittling and spread the banquet, went for las iutemled jnit shefrankly told him she had ! jiijged r mind -and ; would marry no u?ai earth.' He Jlegged. pleaded and wept; but had to retnrn without . her. Sportsj 'business, aadT$ocial affairs are crowd4 promiscuovsly,' ijjjin an. eight column pager. Our former' townsman, LVV. Urowu; is ou hand ? in Ids vailed business capacity, and'talks as ' lively 'as any of them. , .'',. ' ';. : We regret that iU-Tieaith has compelled Col. W. L. Sauuders to "retire from the editorial chair of the Raleigh Observer. freefagges and High Frieght&;Uov tnauy of the present General" Assembly are running over-the railroads of .'th State vureejHisgegl And did Hie people, some of whose "in terestk" are' not exactly identical with those of the railrosidselect ing members to work for them, intend that they should accept donations from theseJ corporations who need so inucli watch ing,? TUhree jmss business sliouidf be aiid is, scorned by some of the members, bitt the number who risenbdveit is be-' lieved to Imj small. And just hero let as call the attention of the General Asseiiibly to a fact . of 110 small impoi-tatice. 1 We hav3 sfccn a letter from a cotton! factory, at IjoclTiiigfiam j X. C., in winch1 it is stat-1 ed that the freight on their manufactured 'VI.-. rr'.. it.. !"". I giHMis itt k vi vv j.iiuie, iuuiaua, ;;i ciieap er than to Salisbury or to! Charleston. For the s;inie reason the farmers of the west and portli west, can send flour and other farnV products to Rockingham, and niidee the farmers of Vcste!ru N. C. Can bu? Genei-al Assembly accomplish no remedyfor such a thiug as tins r The Conqord c;mm rather dissents to the ;ntiinaliqn that It is in advance of fhoj times in nominating IIon.":JVlMJ bl. KoB- mxs for GoTpruor in ,180, and urges that it is the privilege and the duty of the peo ple to make their : own uomiuaUous iud uot, wait ; to, have the Blateime up for them by , managers at ia7eib, Sec v. We have, no ogetion to nrgo except this, in respect tojjajor Kbis ; He is the -people's man", of the 7th Distric to Represent 'them, in ? Congress, andl aiany qf them cheerish tho purpose 'to restore? bini to thfJt position att the uext Congressional eieeuou. , . - i There is much jtlk about the cipher telegrams, published by the N. Yj Tribune, fir the purpose of convicting! Gov. Tilden and the 'Democratic party of! having at tempted to hay tlie, voto ofj Florida, in 186. Recent events aiid 'developments indicate that jt was a part of the I stupen dous, rascjility that resulted in j making Hayes president. ! Two vessels left Wilmington .in Octo ber bound to Liverpool, Engljaiidj.oue six days in advance of tho other, Hut they both arrived at tfieir destiuatqn! ou the sanfo day. Aain, they returned to Wil m;ngtou ecently, one saAtin four Any a in advance of the other; and yet,! stnuige to say, hey botharnved at Wilmiugvn ou the same da v. . '' Outside Insane. We know f nothing more liable to abuse or moro likely to be came burdensome to the people, thau the law which allows counties fo draw on the State Treasury 'for the supjwrt of lunatics and insane kept by .them. Only a few days ago a little county drevv 55l,tKKJ for this purpose, nearly half as . much as it paid into the Treasuiy . This is one of the laws which mht to be stopped. The public affairs should be conducted on business principles. That'j what re trenchment means. Hal. AVr. I Exactly so. The people's agents should recognize this simple fact as the rule of their actiou iu all matters where, money is to be appropriated and services paid for. . Mr. Vaughan, of Ajieghaqy, sticcceded in getting 150 couvicts "for the Mt. Airy Narrow. Gauge Iroad, so fa as the House could give'them. This was ves terdiiy. The road is an important one lealiiig from Winston to Ore Knob in Ashe -county. Under the amended bill the road will traverse Alleghany. Jtcl. Xews. . :' i '' Lieut. Governor, Jarvis, was duly in augurated - Governor, on the 5th inst. The oath of otfico was administered iu the presence of the two Houses of t hp General Assembly, Ijy Chief Justice,! W. N. H. Smith. On the same day jthe Senate elected J. L. llobiusou, as presideut of that body, f I James L. Kobixsox, the new president of the Senate, is from 'Macon conijtyVa representative man -of the moUutain cimn try. His high'tiualifications for the place, his good record, and being a western man, secnred-lifs etectmn ' : f The - citizens of Gold.sboro, iu public hieetingi' coudeihiT tho extension of the' llaleigh and A'ngtista Ajr Line H, li. as detfimeufal to the best juterest of East ern Carolina. : ' - : I' A inan was hung in New Jersey a few days ago whqse trial cost the county 33,- ooo.-; - - ' ' ,j ' --: The nunjber of deaths by railroads is steadily pn the i decrease, a resti attibu ited'to the introduction of steel rails. : The Hilsborq Recorder says tho custom of horsejswapping in that town on Satur da3's, has giown to uch prominence as to give more employment to peace officers than all other causes combined. '- The Jienlth-pf.Dr. qLst;:i!lulipstr of Chapel Hill, it is said, does not improve, 'Gov.' Hampton's condition has again become gloomy. It is thought that another amputation will have to be made.""' .Tho Iirectofs of the Glassow? cot laiid baijk, have been coiVicto4 of , fpind aud sentenced to seycrp poijaltes, r Tobacco. Tax.- The Iqwtgurepossir bio is said to be do ccufs a pound. , Tiie back grab pension act ! " The Raleigh, Augusta Air Lino K. R. Hie Bell Punch and the; Whipping post. ' 1 ,;' ; Massachusetts owes a big Stiito debt. A cumqi jttee p the : Seijate ha made p report cutting down salares 6 as to sav'o $Ci),000. 'The 'watchword of Yhe times j is "itctrcnenment aou uetorm. ' IJETKENCIIMENT. L hcjLegislatnre islHinld 'not .IkjI moved from its purpose to luano government cheaper in this tUtc, . thau ithas ' lieeii heretofore, by' a ny siicefrs or jokes,' be they gokl or bad, sighs.'or sermo'ns ail dressed lK;v'pltyjnidri jride W.their sensi jtiveness. Retrenchment is a 6crioussub jectitlf Uie yiucn i who ha ye' td Ifbot'the taxbilhr They are thin king Vh liter inore about ilds. just now, than about iuiy other ouej suinect. f -, ! Tie faif, round liellic.4, aponi-lineja ' which signify and cl!gh9y" the nicUopoli j kni: piwmeif hiiket$t wiling con trast with jyro-viuciai dijectiou aiid inertia: P ,' : r I '5- .5 f. IV0 & HA in the "soc ial compact jr imakiiig tlie ofilcial fat .lH thathe tax Jhisjorain Vo teach-in tnrn jue fattening H. n iv mo liiiier wine jthej-Vw frequent letters1 that they are at preserirvery poor and getting daily poorer. It isnot n reason able to snji jposo thattheyattachfi-titiousimiiortauce ifaltiy dollars, imw that the' dollars are imotly matters f fiction. GentUanen of itheiLegislature help the' people ;ud don't jfeat to be called deniagVgnei. That woiilt jhurjtyou in the 1 next election: 1 jCoUNTV. Our correspondent at Bear Po'n- lar writes 'that a large meeting was held at Bear-Creek r Actwleniy a f few days ago in the in teresj; -f inak ing ii new cou n ty of Wektllowau and South .Iredell. i W. L. iKistler, Esq. pi-esided, and. Dr, Ji It. Mc Clelhind was secretaiy. A niemosiaf was adoj'ited and a'largv delegation appointi-d o biingjtio the Legislature in favor of he proposed county and of a no fence aw They propose to take tlieir share of existing debts. Thi imnwsi-ji jjow -conn- y ' trill vote 1,29;-) to l(!33(i,"is healthy and tvyjdt'sv. Hal. Observer. Sentence of Miction Judges. IlAi.TiMoitE, Feb. 4. In the United Stales circuit court to-day, Judge i'ond fenced. Thomas Peny, Kobcrt Ii. Perrv and VYu..' Wilkinsoji, judges of election iu the8, eighth district of Ann Arundel oUhty, who were yesterday found guilty f irregularity at the coiifiiessionnl elec-' fio, fo pay a fine of $50 euc'h and the OKt f the suit. T i li. Uai.timo:;e Vn.. I'cV. in a r Ms. II. 3. SrKVKNa: I iwltf'H.- -..ljja b.-Tor.il years I Iiivcol a an! wryipaiiifnl Umt, I sai physlcLtii-s, bat t.i. tiul?lii i 'cure Now l un' ue iri oOuur Vcg tlue fruiu u ijd wbo vss .-nU or a lon uao. mid Je itutj $u well fruia y'r . fuus aui lu tut ami SJHiiht 016 000 bottle ot Venetian; un t after i uu-.l seU oUi but t u Lit' ;iauis ii-ti nu aa.l it Ih-iu t Mtf.il, ani taeu I aj'iUL.u:rJ Uuir -ovj.ti am j l tiittclit ytt. Ui iu . tioa iur uiii ivuieay un i our. t'lf ii an4 'is ;liu t'vvn .si.iliT. r jaai n.v aitoiuion ttltj It'll MaMuajj ok li'talta. iiiw. O. iiiJu,f ilis '.si UalUoi.re Street. WSfi 1 1LI SAFE SURE. Mb H R STivr.vs. Iu tsia your V'treti:ie was re:omme!ul(il to me. and ylclJia to tau Df i-ra i.-aou.s uf a irit uJ. I con- fUald to try tt. Attae tune i was salerlu? troai gifDeral debility aa.l n rviiis prostrau m, saiM-riu-UUeil by ovcrwprk and irrpjriuar liabits. Its won dertal strengtliealaa: ani curative properties tC?;uc I Uf atfecnay aeblliaiedsystcai fivm t.io iiivt dfsc: tthJ under i(,a peivsisteat ust) I r.i;Ully r-wivercd, gitlulag iaor tiiaa jisuol h.;alth au.1 go& t-c-iiu ?. iSnce tlia I have uoc besitati'd to ive Vwyctme iiiy most un iviaJllted iadoi-seiueut, as U'l ag a s.110, sure and powerful ageatln proaiotirigr healiii aud resior 10? the wasted system to uow lite apd energy. Viy etine is tiie only inedt-'laH I tisn; al as as I U,ve I aeter exj)ec.t o rin 1 a better. .4 . I. Tours truly,- W. II. CLARK, J 120 Monteivy Street, AUesaaaj-, l'ciui. ! ,..VEGETIHE THE BEST SPRING MEQJCIEE. II. R. Stkvens : 1 i Dear tr 'Hits is to certify that I have uvd vour iliood I'reparattou" la tay raiaily ror sever il vear. aiid tbink that for scrofala or Cankerous iuiaors or KhutnntlcalTectlous it cannot be exceliid; an i up a blood purifier and spring luedlrjne it ift-Ut; beat tiling I have ever used, and 1 have rtsNl "alnjst evi- rytMusf. 1 1 cau cueertultj' recowaiend it to any one in need of sueh a inedlciiu.;. ' j . ! ! . Youbi Kesp'etfully, j ) Mrs. A. A. DlNS,MOHK,.-i9 liusaell street. VEGETINE VHAT S NEEDED. Bos-ton, I"el. 13, 1S71. II. R. Stkvenp, Esq.: s Dear yifAbout one year since I found myself it feebly condition from general debility. Vegef trie was htrongly recommeD(id to me by a frieud wlio hjid een mueh bCDtned:by its us6. I procured the Jiftiye; r.d a-'ter uajjrrerol bottles was restored w ne.uin,- ana uwcontinuea ji,s use. l reel quite con fldent that theie is co wediclae supertor to it for t&osc complaiuts for viiiet it la especially Vppared, and would cheerfully recoinmem it to those wlio feel thattftey need somethti r to restore theui to per fect tkealtb . Kcrpect'ully jours, - i$i.,.f .. . V- U. LEKrriSGJLI, r i FIna of H. .M. PettJnrriil Co., 1 1- ' : : Xo, io uad street Boston. ii: ;; yEGETINE.:; 1 HAVE OBTAIHED RELIEF. , i- l r ! ! ; ' ' Socth Berwick, Mb., Jan. IT. 16T2. If, KJ Stevens, Esq.: jDear 8lr I have tiad dlspepsla la its worst form for the last teu years, and nave taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obaUnln any react in September last I commenced taking the Vrfgetlne, since which tjme wy -healUi-hHS fcteadtly improved. My food digests well, and I have gained fifteen pounds of flesh. 'jrber ore evprci ftthcre In this plae rating1 V'egetiue, and all have obtained re llel. Yoiis truly,. - .THOM-S-K. Ji-fuKK. i Overseer of Card Room, Portsmouth Co s Mills. i '" "Brepkre'd ly ' ; ' H. R. STEVBWS, Boston. Mass" j Yegetine is Said all Druggists. ' 1 JdUN II. VERBLt:, as administrator of Dniel bhaver, Fimutifj, Jame C Sharer, George II Sliarcr, Robert L ShnVer, H J Swicegool and. wife Sallie D., Jbhti Ide and wife .Mollie William II Ren- tlial, William W Bentfial, and John D Ben tHal, - D'fcndantK Toi William If. Bentlial -William W Ben- thai nd John D Beuitial; .i n ,-, . K0N-HESIDEXT3, You are hereby noti6ed4 that a rurnmong hits been issned against you, in the above en titled proceedings," for' the purpose or making real estate atweU; anld'yon are hereby required 14 appear at tlieoflice of the Clerk of rhe Su perior Court of Rowan county within (twenty day,! and answer or demur' to the complaint of the plaintiff, which Will be deposited' in the ofHceof the said Cletk bf the Superior Court ,f JOHN M.HORAII, I Clerk Superior Court Rowan Count v. ' i lG:Ct,iiC$7. ' !' SC3 mmmmm 5- -5 td i L 4 i i"i s JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney anl Oamsjllor at Law? :iL-shfT:uY, p. ..- (tac m th Court. House lot, fcvxtUoor,; to Squirr !!:; M-hto!,. ; Will practice iu all j (In. IwmK f',.. v:..1m I un u i,; in .. , - jU!;, i I Hi Notice ii hereby jvivefi t.'.at a;.j)!ii,ution will be nirtde to .ii;e 4vsenl (i'neral Asemby for the pa.-s.-ijje t f Act " it uu-ruij iwr the t '.harler if Hie I IV.VH- i-f -,it'it!rV. l)..lv.'A Jnuarv, 1870. 1'. l IIEILKJ Ma vor. mi im Notice ix lu-ffby giv-eh tiiit rippiicatinn will lie in uie ti the Ivgisitutc nl North Carolina, Uowiiti se.i.n. for the :issa.'e of an Act of ncorpor ajiou fur "TUc Christian As&oei.tfion of Salisinnyy WILLIAM JON KS, WKS.lv JOXKS, and orilKRS. Jan. 2-!l., 1S79 1 :5t. in tue scr::raou couht. Jno. II. Wc!! urc, W V li-r.-kly, L IJ f It A I Spaii'loiif, L A an. I J- others to i'laiuiift' nnkonn. j Summons for relief. ' l!diii4 under Ijnn name of J Dunn's Mountain Mining j Comj'iiiiv, . l).frufli(iili. i STATE- OF NOR hi CAROLINA. 7b thi SJicriJ of ' Ii'jj-an County Greeting. You are hereby commanded to Miinmona W F IJin ki. v, L !l Ca!y, Spaiidone, E L Abel, the Defendants above n; t:ied, if they he foumi within yo;tr county, to ii and appiar before the Jui'jA' of our Superior Coui t, at a Court to le h-ld for th? c-t;inty Mf Dtvid-on at'thc Conn llott-t iu Lexin-jtun ,ou ilie Gilt . Moiidav after the 4:h M-mday of Marcb, 1879, and an swer th' cociiplrMf.t whieh yviil Ik- deposited in tin- o'.'.i. e oi .tlie Mvt U of jhe Sitpcrior oiirt for Aiid coim' v, wiiitin .the first three !ayof term, ami let tin- s .id D. fen i nits taUe notice that if they fail io answer the dd complaint during said term, t' I'lainliiT "wjiil apply tu the Court Tor the rtii. l lem inded in the complaint. Herein fail tiot, and of lliis summons make due return. ! (iive'i un lvr tii v hand iind seal cj"iail Court this ISjIj day of Dec, lSTd. ' ' ; C. V. LOWE,- CIe(J; ijuuerior Court DavLdstMi County. i ; j . It appearintrro the Cotfrt thnt the defend- ants in the ab-.ve vtuiiledi action are non-resi- oeff.s ot tuts t;ite. ea limit alter 1ui itili- lieitcv ho found within the Shite, and lhat fitlicient cai'n-e of action exists nrainst said defcmUn's in fav.ir of the plainttfJ; and it also iippeiiripr r li.j.Cmijd'that a Warrant of At tachment isuv! atr iinst tle property ( of 'he defendants in t his Htae, at the issuing of the anove Stimmor.s i It is t isi-rf-f. ! ordered tli'ntll.n nKnra cnm. ... - ...... ... ...... I v I'll 111 mon t'ud this Notice of Att-iclwneju he pul lished ea week fur xil jstiifesiye weeks in the Carolina AVa'chm in, a newspaper publish ed in the town (irSMlislinry, in the.Tth Judicial District of North Carolina. J C F. LOWE, C. S. C. Jan. 1 Si H79. I5:6t ! ! DIVIDEND NO TIC E! : . ..VI, p. pomp any v . r S:;c!iJjT.iHV Tu4asi'hk:Cs OpriCE,-' Company Hii.VN, Nl C, Jan. 15. 1679. i in:. . ; sf f :':; ty . ., The r.oard of Direeiori nJ'tiii Nortli Caroli na Ifiiifro tft-r.n!anv h ire ibis d i v dtet;trf.d 'ndiyideixt 4 fj -?.- xnt m the Capital Stock oi isaiu company pt;r cent, payable March I, and -3 per wnt. payable j Sept. 1, 1879; and have rdered the Treasnrer'n Jiooks of Stock lo be closed t n the 29lli of 'January and 1st of August, 1879, ami remained closed thirty days resjtectively from 8a.;id date. j By order of tlii R iarcl brdrrectorLsJ W. L. XllOUNHUIttJ, : H:3t - Sect'y & 'f reairer. To mahe Title to Laiid and Laborer aud Sfecliatiics Liens, for stilo at this Office 1 Subscribe fgr the Vatci13IIN, on ly 2 a year. ? ' - - - -i'l w,.-- XOW.IS Tlji; Tf3EO SUBSCRIBE i? uit j;n; WATCHMAN m mm i s 2 h - ipgaa . ; .s ., i .st - If E ' - : ' .... i .s. .-. V - -i :.ROBiWSOtU , Richinond, Indiana. ES TAB LI SHE 5 III 'iC Dt'ILD Moitiitf.ron, Trucka or .Fra me t 3 IB V K ALSO BI LD 'TltE tin frawft f4an.l trllw liv-f. J Thfst) f f ,! I eii'iiivM i-ivi- i)tiixriif;ii 1 1 uaJ-i.r1 oml-, ci s. made ol ,vf. i va.-ut iM 5 ililv'r iihti' mi hhI ii.ii ft rich thjck 1 4' Tiicy air thf Iwsl .'n!!if i;i t!ii' ni aVIict-. i wi: DUILD I' 4 FOR G, 8, 10. aud 12 II0!l?E; PpWER. HOUSE POWERS of: all sizw. SINGLE 0U DOUBLE "i ; mm '! . ! Ti A TfV? V V TPiJi?Tu,M!C! . w - a- A a.U- 3.W JAMA-NiaQ " I DRAG SAWS, SAW TABIIES r n rs ?.s 'n's?1? j rr! 4- UUrsN SLLnii2?i. . - We (;!': vircial iutltKcuic ut.4 to cash tiycrs Setid fVi o-.tr, tiij ttiitc; what you wish to Aiiilrc'Ss, 14: UOIHSOX A Co., ; ItiehaxMKi, Itid. Th'?r?r, a cir-u'.vr of tills Itousp at ICrawfonJ's Hardware s;or. i;K: ur.-, where ihfnr::uitioa In re spect to Hteaai eria.-s-uijiy obiajuetl.j ! 1 I AROUND' the CORNER. To the I'ublic, OitEKTlxrs JULIAN & FRALEY i 1 , PresoMt complisacnt?, to the public and desire to cull renewed attt ntfof to their eflbrts to be useful as J AiiD GAaPEiTeBSl ; j i Their prices arc as low as it L possible to make theni, and their work nht iritcrior to any. They till orders in tvocWptrtmpnts, and have so far driven sat isfictiofl. ' Tltcy have extended their iucilitles reeeitiy, and arc encouraged to hope for-jnorehsed de mtuids. Their readymadie soekjin hand comprises a general assortment' of house fur-nittinv-Ikdsteads, Bureaus, Clothe! Presses, Lnhnea. J?acks, Wardrobes. Bodk-Casesl Cnp!o:irdsand China Presses, CandhS: Stands Tin Safes, Desks. Tables, Washstarull Chairs iney atso Keep an assortpient of coffins! -. "61 walnut, pine and poparfroli lipward. Also, Window Sash. They fillfonldw with our vexatious delays. Will contract forcar penter wrk and warrant satisfaction. Will take good lumber and fount jfv prfcduce in exchange for furniture. Shopfneaiy oppo site Watchman pfJce. Juuas a Fiai.et NflOTIT Ptnnrivi 1 i Davie Col.xti'.A lN cM?R--prnT E S Morri. Adm'r fie mm'. i of Abel Keimon, dee'd. i ? !i""w?' L R Gnt"pi Petition to wifeofltRGaincR, W tVank !ell jam! for kennon . J VY eley Kennon, payment of -Martha Ann kennon. Ifiii . ' ennon, Ibosi. keunort and I , i W illie Lmmakenponjheirif.it 1 law, .; ; f - - f)cf(t. j1 ' I Upon afildavh of the UJaintiirrit alpearinc to the , satisfaction of the Court that W 'Frank Ketihon of ihe dcTendant above namid jj, fl nort reident of Ih'e State; li i orHebd thai publication be made fur fix stfeeeie. week in the-Carolina Watchman a newspaper pnb ubed in the town of SiM,irj, N. C. JSVtifr. ine the Mid W F Kennon toahpear at ine othce of the Clerk of the Superfur A?Ou in epimty, on Monday the yd day of Febru ary, 18,9, and answei the peUtfuri fluch hi depotited inlheofKceibf -the Clerk offthe St penor Court.for id eounty. or ith felaintiff Will innlir tn.lt.. Lr : 1. ' . . ! .. ... ttK v.uhpi ,or lue reiiei demanded in thi instil wtn i . yH I Witness. G. M. TiVvnHi ir t ' 'J. 9.rk f3uP'for Court' Davie Count t. xjwn itui, ims, y:bl:pe sifSJi I Me Mnso)jX Improved - Ku; :jL thajK-r than fve.r oflWred l4-, l'lS;,,J ;.. . A.KI,unys.I)lti-(.iV' cyavK uiem uyuienutlltbi -Ifil-r !". i tin ;tHd, ffirfst ami most- le4K1i,i ( for DiarAe!!, !)v nlerv,Ve T ' r or w at raS'&a uU for a uu-U r: ' j I """ Mes h urn A mm I: UpJy at KLUU I.S ,I , liei Oil. : Jt and , W"t -illnL 4IU VII. - - . t ' I, Jilili.l Soi-v hr9 thei-iii-i iuvlvCl ."5uU l'MUftluin ee il. Un-iMjtilVld -IwtrprHiw m li J i - Tirrr.BLEVETtrfl? Iii v.J .. i ... i. T ;-"fU)lX(i' IV Ks STA-TklNS. SaliKbnrvo Third t reck .2 A Stilvil ('alawbj New ton Caintva . Hickory Icard .... ev... ii 15 ' 9 15 ;iU 11 'lb : 1 lr 48 ;12 S3 : - h Morsantfut Rridjje.jraU.''. ! 1 21 P I M. MariiMiJ !2 tifh Old Fort Ilenrv. ., GOING LA.ST. " J LA..ST ! .Ansut ij'ATJON Itxit ilenrv.. 7 00 a I Old Fori!. 7 00 8 .00 Marion BridgewJtter.. Morantou....' Iard.... . . Hickory, .. .. Canova ... Nevron ., CatawbnJ Sratef vire Third Creek.. .....i 9 v&S o !0 .'(I .-it f7 1 ill -10: .... i!l .-.- i l r:i P . . . . . -!. ...... 3 40 : M ii!iibury. ... snow mm COtLI Etatdsviiie. ST. a 1 1 . Theuext session ojwns A Hoard, aiid tuition iu iviiiisl sum of twenty Aveeks. (Allah with full particulars on jiudi tue nndtinculi: lit ion. Ahfiess. Mi:s. ll.iS t.iiVNT, ;51:ly . - I'r.inripit 1-J: :J would call attention to ttejr iarle and splenW WOCKOX;- , Hi! 1 -i ! , I Eabraclnjr IROXS .an.1 STEELS Kery xirieU '- stzes'and shapcs-l)t;.sti(jiilit. S . 'i "Wagon. and Bug-y Materials, cqniprlslnjsriall the varioin UaAi Rjiqulred-prta 1 vl rC li-hl.nln s...A'l. .a ..i. i.M - Telefx:pl Straw C itterii. . ' all ffees, and unsurpassed m qaa,1lt: anfl dVfabIU'J: Great Amsrican LightniigiSiWSi every kind kud fctzerembracnis MlUL 4 Cftt)SSCtT ... rjAlLS Sil sizes-r-cut ap.d wreughfc' Tlie rtf--.t popular aud apnrftvrstyle-P1ow Clf tngs, all tlods, bolts, &o. Si Ni . 5 potsts for WlNOGW QL ATS troni 13 U U sd-IWV.oB T'orlsJ Tools For Carpenters, BlacksmlOis, Sttoeii akcrs, '"arniK Champion blowers and Reapers. Horso Iakes, Thrsshing; Machine Horse-t'ower.- Piimns, rf?rln Crjf!l . CUNS Plbtolsi, Knives, andOUTLItVof.:aUW5 tsr-our stock einbrace.4e.eryt1ln!,' t oe kwj; prices lor c-sH.j2 , , W im thanks,! past Uwrl none to merit continued conttdeiiGeTaud lacreass patronage, ilareh. 7. 1373. t s:y KOTICE OF DISSO 'Tlie finn of Mock & Kluttz il dioIveJ k miitrial enrkuonf . J i i.a i...ri.crU i -All ccouB dtli! the fir hi will I A al Mock, m . ! t I ' . . . 1 - t i ItJ win ciuae Up all the iiticttleil ..bu-Mnew urru. GKU. a. klotz. January 1st, 1879. A. J. Mwc at rhe oame fiiehdj and the'tradeljenerallr. Ufuv andse;ll allkinJjf' cotin t ry p rod ticta fo r casli. J3:tit L J. MOCK & CO. FOR SALE OR REfiTJ : A VltltiAblo'House -tnttTiotl Cbcaj) Chattel Mortgages, yariousjoth er blankV fo'rWie.herf-r MortgltgeDeeds for saltier Also various other blanks VI IITTTi" tl a rirornJ.. - I t j : ivkuii ix. o .VLHUKOtKnT .CfH1ii. C.-HAjlliC " r. ' ..M.I f -" i- ti r . LUT1I k & CoV. wHlcoitiMiethe)Ui,fk place, and solicit the trail 'V Cli3tnm.-r f MnnL- Jt Kluttl. M.

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