t : i i ! a-' -.1 X if-- 'V - 3 I- 4 "i 1 t- yw 1 " .. --- .-t Carolina Watchmap, THURSDAY, MAIICU 12, Snitor ilendei W,n;s stock law haying ; . i. ii ! forms of leinsla- shall be presented ia out next for r.' . r ml midanco of mose t "who" it y.eopm. ' . U (The SiIxday Law? just made by the -UeUlature. provides adjust the loading uf fight's and the running r trains ou ? .i:.'':uMwrii ttftween sunup and siiu- dywjl, U dues not apply to iuoil trains, .r '.' J. ? . ; """"1 ,.. . . i Congteka ha$ made some important jcuangW iu ciassiin nidU atte,V aud Clao !' in ? Iprov jdiug for; a double lotal heard and doable letter eheet, by winch 4he j writer of a or jxuu paid card; Qr Letter sheet ou which jiu au uwer majf be returned. ' - . 'j. f ; fxJ:. r..'. '"""'y'U '.n;- - f J- -T4u stockholders ia the railroad exte?) " siou of the Charlotte luto Statcayille road ; tMt. Airy, Surry, county,- and. beyouu, l 'i'.ji i v-ii-il Directors. I if lc.n Dtl tfj; Uotfcwti nmde president i andJ.sA Carlton, secretary. . ) l:'i' -;ii oini tn i-ftsip.Ii Salem. Va - f fil M0 ' V 'i ''"".- tih. pvtra wRHion of Conmess will con- rvcvJe 'm the -18th inst., but ljouo, can -.tiWn'wui: when it will end. Z. Chandler thinks it will reach to regular session iu .. Decemlrfjr, nud Gov. Vance thinks far into tht .summer. If - Mr. Hayes vetos the measures of tho Democratic side, tlodkinirfto au unrestricted ballot, there uf: Will be a prolonged contest. It is be 'hivil tluit neither body will confine jiself to the appropriation bills. . The "New York Herald has been can vassing the Democratic members of the House of llepresentatives in regard to the f ; ' next Residency, and publishes at length ' the interviews had with theu 127 were !i- talked with : Tilden is tho first choice of ,13, aud acceptable to V others. Thur- ;. ; man is the decided choice of 50, and to i eleven: others ncceptablo, Hendricks commands tlie first choice of 12, aud 2S others, would accept him. Xiueteeu f would take Bayard and 10 would prefer l ! him. Forty-two indicated no choice, but ; would jro for the nominee. Nearly all belieye that Grant will bo tho radica candidate." Our North Carolina repre sentiitives, Yeates, Wadddl, pavis . Scales, Steele, Kobbius and Vance concur i in the oninibu that Thurraau is the strongest man in North Carolina. Thej -. also btljeve' that Graut will be the radjea nominee. j ! Sexsatiox in IUciiMXD. A Mr. Cur- i'tis, clerk in a shoo stofe, made hirasel 4 nitVni!v bv his lnvin? nnd roinnlinipnit i J iti.. ...s ii.. i.....rri ...i. . itrjf-. uiLciiiiuua pcifeisicunyi ouiruueu uu f n ypxing lady caller to purchase shoes , who told the circumstance with a detai of .particulars to a young gentleman friend named Poindexter. Mr. P. in a jocuiiir inaaner said he would horse-wljip vustis, and sure enougb, next day went to his place of business and made the at f tempt to do so. Curtis, some hours after called, pUxPoiudexter and demanded an ! apology, which-being refused, he ..struck f .l, witba caue, when the latter iustantly ; 1 drew a revolver, and as Curtis con tin net j to advance upon him, be fired rapidly - IsBveryrsJiof taking effect, '"and of course re , ulting jn death. The. yocfug lady did I i)Qt sqpposp when sho was telling Mr. Vojn dexter of the affront given her that anything serious would come of it. f j TRIP TO MOCKSVILLE. .'( A ridp into the country during tl e Jicautiful,; weather wp have -had for the list ten or twelyo days i&an incident in tiio life of one who rarely indulges in such luxuries particularly refreshing, even in absence of tho charms of priug i pr early Bummer; . The plowman's steady ' march and the turning glebe, the smokiuy f jrus1i heaps, and the sounds which usually : accompany the opening of. the 'summer's tpjl on -the farms greet us now, ; and break the monotony of the dead wiuter weather. 1 i'A trip to IocisvHe is iu deed a small matter to tlioso who frequently travel the road ; leading to that pljvpe, and o such persons we have nothing to tell that can jte-ret Jleij. There arp others, how eyer, who wei acuajuted with the ! landmarks years ago vl)tjvould peihaps I be pleased to follow somp pne i Jf U ac- t count of the changes which fleeting time I bps w rough ti-those now dwelling in dis Jiiut States and territories whose hiemo- ry of places, tilings and arsons in the ' ild mother State lingers with them like mother loyo, The road via the new and f flourishing village of I'VoiiMm, four iniles jfiortli! of Sidisbury, is a new thing to a jttcU 'pci-sons. It w5 almost uu k now n before the--war tlie village wholly so, for it has como into existence sjnee those tlays of turmoil and strife. What, was ? IStau if country or neighborltood riHd,r passing near! Franklin church," the Lite shliio7p Uev; JCrini, the Linsters, ami so on tp air ford across the South ; Yadkin river (at one time bridged), is now Phlic highway. Franklin Academy, 'JT?y v"ViHagevWaijW' t Jto ; name of t he church, is almost under the ' shadow of that saered edifice. If sprung Into exist ence under the auspices of : the; ilutherKn pebplo in the neighborhood, iibwaHy sustained by the eopIe of Frauklhi eou : j;tTfatim, which is of Presbyterian faith. The yillage is located on a sandy plaiu three or four hundred yards east of the iiureli, and comprises a Hpulutiou of Tfrtrmers and working1 people chieflj, widi 'i jvrhjijis a few who havojjoue in for ihe wiKe oi me educational u.ijyrtpinges to be t'lijoyed there. 'Ihe Academy buildiu though not large, is yet equal to the wanU pf the nt U bn hood ;; and tho villago has becomthe contnil iuiutof the town&liirf where iill the public g-.itherings m-e held to -discuss and mature- towiisWi-entei- irises: There is not i more forward or progressive townshipjiu the county, or a peopleinore: cliaracte.Hzed bythat spirit of; K-"headativeuxS5s which sigualizea pwsperity. i : -;: - ' ' :. .. Those formerly acquainted with the Rcenerv at l uau & ioru : or t -turn 'IlaUV bridge" -at v the; Soatlr Yadkin, would scarcely recognize thq place. - It j is now known as Foard's . Mills, Mr. John ; C. Foard being! the proprietor , Tlioinodesl domicil of t lie Fi aley s -on tho 6outh side, is quite obscured by the imposing build ings which have been erected alkive aud low it. The' new grist mill, on this sider is ' larg0, ant the new dwelling of Mr. Lindseyi tho store- and tobacco factor iy of the Messrs. Foaril, are all uew and at tractive Jbildiugs, , .which together with required outhouses, recast the scenery of the place aua uiaKe one exciaim, - uai isaii this 1 r ,;-f :: . :!," ' I It is to be regi et ted that there are so few permanent iliomesteads ( iu tho :. South.' Homesteails: as a-general thing, ' rarely. stand 'i longer than rom sixty, to eiguiy . years. Thd young nilau ' w h o ' is now buildiKg'a fome or hiniself audhis young ivifo. ro'iilil lie' vetuiu a hundred rears hence, Would scarcely jbo able to :tind a mark or itlieii.Rpot where ne reareu ui Mm f . ! h ' l.t children aud lived soi happily thi"yngh his earthly. terui., He would be more apt to find a iireat-graud sou or a stranger driving the plow through the earth where stood his once Jianpr home. There are evidences of this "our wayn aH aloug the road to Mocksville,. (The old places that remain, show too evident signs of decay, while others have , uisiipneureu, . Ieaviug iiothnig but: a pile of stones or broken uricK to inai K tne cuimuey spot oi ior- gbtten iiomifsteads. ! Newresidences have , been built, aiew i fields opened and new orchards Mt. '.The. jwoodlands" are not so dense, the old oaks are diminishing in number, broom sedge waves in vast stretches where ouco the rustling corn jriewiu rank luxnriauce, ! ' ! We supptise there ! never was- a town located in the State i with a fatter sur rouiidiiig country than Mocksville, , or yyliich bloonied into existence with more exuciancei It floHtished for a time like a garden of tierbs, under the gentlest dews,and showers, aud the richest an most genial sunlight. Then- canio the maturity of summer, and their the sombreuess of autumn, to be succeeded by tho bleakness of winter. The winter season of its exist ence has "been long, bu t thisalouer-cjould never have wi-ought the hurt sho h;iar boruc The recent stoini by which the whole South was desolated, swept here j with equal havoc, jkvreckiug .fortunes and laying waste the fairest tilings of earthly existence. The beam ing light jof hope j which succeeded it eallediutoj aptivify !l;itent energies, and fpr'a wliilej all Was I again cheirfu!uess. Then camb tho liuancial troubles of '7m 77, and then burst out the jwinsome gracesof belie IVinston to set tho heads of people in a whirlj and Mocksville grew tame, and like a commonplace maid, was sljghted by some pf her old lovers, who ran to court the smiles of that coquettish little jade. piquaut, ! Hut the j world moves on with its- uns and downsj aud the time is near at hand for Mocksville to come up agaiuj. She is to have a railroad.: jThe mute is laid oat, Tho gradiiig stakes j mark the liue, antl eight or ten miles of the road -Wd at the Monvesvillij end are completed. The grading wWk willfbe commenced at Mocksville in a fewldays. The: work is iu gwxl hands.and will go right on to com pletion. There may be some (delay ou the Winston end, btjt that too wll doubt less be made, The prospective effects of this advantage are already visible. The old maid's lovers may return when they see her in tuck, and at the least, whether ttiey do oi- not, there will bo plenty others to acknowledge her attractions and to seek her favor, j The stiangwr would be impressed with tho idea that Urn town of Mocksvilhrtook a; notion, just after the war, to niu away from hersejf, and started off on the Far uungtou joadv Had G W. Johnson's Wiue cellar and yiiieyard iuiything to do with tldsjj That solber reflective citizen, it IJ. Hownrd,::Esq broke off in that di rection; btit Iid Uot - go quite' as far as "Mart" BopeT He stopped and seemed ..JurUo' matter : drove down stakes, where hj; 6toppedfaud planted a vineyard of his own. ?Esquire liooe also stopped, but not under a mile from tlie Conrti-IIoiisto Tbevo are a score or morel handsome residences scattered aionjt that road, which, hil .t)ey, been compactly placed on vacant lots in tpwn, would now te in anivcuient proximity tq the railfoad deHt, which is to bo located sipniewftero near tlie sjte of what was obco known as Bingham's Hotel The visitor still finds the I) a vis Hotel ajliving institution, laud to somp extent in the same hands. Ileury Ausiin, for a long time its proprietor, was gathered to hU fathers; seven years ago. .His aged, though yet active, widow, bis! son and two daughters keep up the house, and dispense the duties lof the establishment with graceful pase and elei!ince. The traveler will find tjiw Honse more hon ne- like than. hotels generally, ap.4 his yet thev will be sweet. ' j j There are now four charches ii Jock8 ville s i 'The. Episcopal church j is more ctJiniueuiorative of the piist than usefa) fot th'o present." Itjis without istor or ljt'oijie. Jjhe Haptists have of late years crevtiHla 'fh nrth t&ere. The Method UU. "u,vss'c,Vr"V UW n.- S f ;; i i .i ken Hepuldicun new8paper.-rvOo. " " IJlf'ymns fere tbe.eaiHegt con- v; ??.'-. m, t 1 testautsof tho gnMind?lIere"itis that L shipwrecked sailor jwaiting-for i-wil the laloKey: Williim A. Ha'l lalr-dW 18 -ri.ke business, inauj sitting at. home 1 Mic a.ul ,L IWklin.;.: m! ?t Vpld'Get Dr. Bul - -. - - - -. i tor.of the Mcthjxlist chureh aud he nnd the Kev. ifr Qfawfordpastotf i lebytemiicinrch are said tc tf Hhe to bo on snch gtMHl J terms) that 'their rrspecti re coiigregationVearcely recognizj denom inational differences iu any of lie rela tions of life. ' ; The Cluster Meeting of ;tlie j Presby- j terian churches of Kowanand Da ie-hebl their spring sessiou ikilr.6wfonlvl church, Monday and Tuesday .last . The silt eudan ceTv as g w Kt.Jr15 tT3 GJ liamsay wascIialrroaniTwoJYfry.bvJ essiiy were reiul MondiQr . afterpoon. ;fCie u "The dntiVs ofciiurcii5 tiiemborW fo t:th officers, by Dr. 'Baiiisay s and the othe bj Pii)f. Steilinsr, on -f "Worldly! , AniUse- meu tsl At night the Itevi i'A ila injsayJ' preached an interesting seriiMin j Lay Evangelism ' After . whicli' tlio , C'liiiteri : ..' :-'i"-'.v vr'idiLi.J: iuei i u iuiiu ami iiroceeueu 10 inset i4 xjh: question, Vis it incumbent PUfiuL in tin - , , : , :', n v . bers of the jchureh, i:ot pfovidejitiall hindered, to attend; the SaObalh-schiHdjI either as teachers or ficholai-s? ,The KeV; J. nil mole. lJev. Jrf,VlL-uiisai',VMr jl Cv Fiiard, Dr.' J.';,G. lUunsayy'MaC Ni. Hall. Prof. Steiliiijr,' an J otliei-s look partf iu this discussion, which, not LeiuirJfiirrf ishedotuigntws it was uecHjeu xo recoru an, tiiurmnuve answer to (tlnsiqnestwiu;.furt?f! , n L t The Cluster, speu,t most pf,thet forei)ott of Tuesday .in discussing "By .what meanls can the reviyiU of lymy ily w'orslrip and family, religion bej st iii-piT !" Tho ehnrelies. we ml :ille.d irt regular order and neafiy all hail iieleiritei present with a word to speak. The speak meeting, on the whole, and it is hop its labors will be fruitful of good to mail more thau those, p;u ici lllll 111 IIS litltlDtO. (;. f ( . 1 !'.'! i '( -i i The following bills' :weie reiorTed from the varioni conniiittet afil nissed tiieir filial reading in' tho Svpate- since tho 5th, inst. : Hill providing a genera! law for the ere ation aud protection of industrial soiei ties, aud wn feent to the Hoilse fuf its concurrence. Hill to incorporate the IWkinghaTO Und Salisbury Railroad Company,' was" seut to the House nnd was there' tabled. '! ' Hill to secure to Avidowsf and minor children the- personal property exemption allowed by the Constitution.' Hill to restore to judgment debtors! the exemption to which they wereentitledjie uore the : adoption of the Constitution of " CArHNixn. Hill to 'nmenl thd!ffiice law, 'making lf feet a hrwful height; Sent to the House for 'concurrence.' ,: ' L Hill to enable the city of Wilnrlngtou to pay its present bontR-d indebtedtiesls. sent to the House. Hill to provide for summary Investiga tions of county and innnitipal' expejHli- tures.. - ' - Hill to amend tho Act prohibiting the sale of spirituous Ikjuoi-s in cei'tajn Keal- ties. 'I i , - Kesolution antlmrixingn contributuvrt of from the State Ti casuiy of $3,000 fori the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum pass ed with but three dissenting votes 'House.' The Revenue bill, -after some discussion on vaiiousamemlments,idlof whicli vj-cre defeated, passed-its tiital re'axliiig bV a voteof f)6 to33. ' ! ' i7 f ; Hill to allow an nmonut 'df 60 to isol diere who have- lost both eyes,? both arms or both, legs in Uittle,' passed its final reading. ' ' - : Hill making the stealing of dead bodies a fellonv. - ,' !i- Hill to amend tho chat ter of the to iv us of Salem aud Winston and1 make it pue town under the name-of 8nlem. ! Bill prohibiting the sellingi or: giving away of spirituous liquor at public' or'po litical speakings. j 'pi' Resolution thanking Sabbath School teachers at the penitentiary fortlieir labor of love, and appropiatiug $50 for the pui- chase of Bibles aud books. Passed. The Forty-Fifth Cdnresk, The Notional Republican gas ,-;-iM ! . Alexander H. Steyenu 13 ta aetnowledrel Dfemtv era tic Soloa of tlie past and present conss., 4 ' So "acknowledged" by Uie lieuublicans, becjiuse. he never says anything' that grates upon their feelings; has nothing but honeyed words for prominent Repub licans and pet lfopublicaii ineasuros? siiul nothing but ill-will, ridicule and abuse for leading l5emocri ts audlcatl(iig Demo cratic projects.- i ' He Is, says tne ifepunficnn, a man of eeti peroep t'oiw and sagacious Judgment, lias opuuuns olute1 own and never liesitates to express tllem. It stands the Republican- well in band to gi ve hi ni th is sort of ' char.ictef , v liei catise if it oan'bifng:'everybo)y 'to ' r.J Shfiidieiis' wAir of nibilcinW rbWriKvtl'i'tA; J be no Democratic paVtyj ' ; ' ' ''' All the above is safd; by die 'TImu; can in order to give wefglit to tho oini iou lately expressed by Mr. Stephens rne lorcy-nrtn uonrre?? aajoumeT m "deeper "dis grace ttiaa any Coasress la Ufa tilstory ot our iuw ernmrnr. ' n ' ' i In marked contrast with the above wo present thcr follpwjKrg from The Xatioi, a liepublican paier of elevated tone 4d one of the ablest .journals on hd continent. The Xation siiya of this deep ly disgraced body r V" ' . : . j One thing must bs satd pt the late Conjjras luithi way oi praise, and it will cover a gooa many slast It Uai been aasverable tor lew or no Joos or votes otpu'oUc money !a aid of pitvate tntores. (It woist act have aud at leasi, a flavor o public bplrtt. The lobby has never since toe war beca less Po tulorl?ss successful, urw'alitaErtou .society, and municipal governuaent fr. er from the odor, ofbor. n tli is case there is no question asi to which opinion is entitled- to thereaiter weigni : wnetner , tuat; . ol .the ..alleged I ViIiniurt4n'scottou transactions amount to 93,611 bklesj about C(),0(X) W whicli Were sent t EiirbW aiid' tho remainder chiefly U Ncw Vork. This foreign trade, siiys thq IJeighO&$ti r,ris--yalable io Wilmiugtoti, and right glad are we of it. About 40,0tK) b;des were- sent ; over the railroads fihni ' Georgia to Wlliuiugf on. TlUsJ4als omlund jw would , be : glad bliinjrtou shiVipiiig1 '-oriSdatu1 Vt Carolina aUo. r Eadieai II?xlrt-iii SMoatironiP'rT. t l r r lstp-!U It fZi !u I. i : T . i j . 5: v 4?r ;MjTj;6T, N. C4, Maiclrd. 137U. , i jidUqr ,Hicrfti ; Jjloutiionieiy conn iy .been 'Indfr ljiublicaii rule almost continuous) siiice 6d.;,'amf,thci 'result is aU'lilrfMantUitg debt ; ot u, abon t'r vifjli t eeiV thoastttid; diihirs. A travi-ri' passiiiir MToigli the various sections. of the coUnr t.!AwilJg thi puc .buildius.Ttlie Con'itliousef .tlio jail, the pHi house and lue iiiany., yn;eH's;s sireanis, wouul le lei'tti'iininiiej V'hai'hay een done Avith thi rut. m of liiioney I j-Tho answer voiuu.pe, lUcoiiipetent t men. . h;vvxj borne rule iu Mfiitgwneryl Ex-slieriff Watr sbid' 6iYe .t hoh'siLiid1 kitiiiiti J.!.nM.L.Jt .iL . t t "if ...... . - , . 3 tiidiniT cuni ciaitii i ne price rauging fifai0'ft iTeulsfitthforMtiTdotht in tdiUyM. j Tib 'County i CpiuiMiHsiom m sire eni bo waj jwl, by a, special act of , t he, L-egis-Vuule3M IcV ';iPa3m;(i' tax'of-fwo fiousancl tloliafs'in hddifioti to the' reir- ular tiix- tf bi applied ill liquidating the outstauu ug aeiKiT .. uiiiUnivujg, .waited eiiht long yeai-s with fu& iiiiterest, . can ..now,: havo .bis claim casiuvd at 40 cents in the dollar or-wait hfteiWeV:','-r - - ; j Montgomery comity has been without u logal. slieriif iucu the'expira'tion tif en- Sheriff , JUkius'. terui. ,.iMf. Jleuilerson been elected or ipbimeil by-the Coiii-' uusfioners,. Hied (;ih4 bunds, which ?i ov ingitjstactory, he was duly installed as sheriff. . " - ' ; MontgWefy count.y has now a board of rCouuiiiSKfo(fei'ot winmi slie ni.i- well be proud, toMiU Win. McAllister, chair- ni;i,u, iiHd Thaddeus Hay ivood a.id liurrel T.'GVggin, yssociates. They niv all men of sterling Woi tli, and will disc! a ge their lulifs sis ' Loin in issiont-rs nitn:it fear, iavorr;4r uruviniu. .. under . Uifnim-tauc rulq wc.Jiopv ,tro long tu se old Mont gomery arise from the dust arrayed in 'mihrlittjhftts 'of' hoilor and' jiisfirt-, and take a proud stand anions her sisters i We aio now having line weather and farmers are . ,piwbing i forward- ll.Vir .vtik with a vim : and noLvvitstaudi: their past oau goveiument ami ineir many rveives, ve see unii'iisUikabk' til.-nct tlmt -lheri- is' life fa flu; 'old .land jet." A IM'W ,;pcst is Just now. jia.viiig its re spe.c.ts W.th't.iuv.M'--of. a ft-atlified sug-. ster Very iiiiH-!i le.-tMiibliag the cmnuni Jrr'mrwr h t:iifA ujiTi's aiMide iu peach ...A.I1 I .1 1 onhrtits a;nl is iIainr; havoc wiiii the UjL'4iclh Uy,, destroviii tho bH-ioni jbiid. , jljja.ve vcu inany Meiv eidirely ui.soudi'u. , how; toet .nd.pl , tlieni is a dmstion we u e iat vet sibb' to answer. '''Pneumonia is prevalent iii pre thf eastern .portion! "of t be em u t y . l . .c-i-i in; - tu.'i in ut'ti .i(H-ii"iii in iiic wi. . ri"i... ....... t. ; ...;.v ... ... ..i. .!.. Uadical patty is iiKi $iiilifi.iit iu jiont gotifci to. luake a gHul ; slu-rill 's 'bond. This 'explains Iiinlci -soil's tUl't-at, and accounts 'for our indebtedness. For ti e Watchman. For-rot ten Dead. The ; . Sometime siucy business called mo to VhirV n)use,..iu Kaixb-lpli .county, and while ttiere'I 'yisitml the lalfmr burying ground, and eff-iedflte iuscnjitions fiom the neut iiiiii bUj !ats which had been but recJly erected by .Mis. J. .M. A. Drake, a grandvlaughter.of Col. Halfoiir. The Vdaee had p issed out iif the Helfour fa i lifl v and had been much neglected for mauyT yirs, when .Mrs. Drako ciiiiu.' jfitfiu tlip.great W.cst o,u a viit to her nu mcio is fricu'Ls and iel;.(iv-.- iu Haudulph i-imiiH-, iifiliif ii pilgrimage to the old Hiontestead" and' burying ground, and e-itig its. dilapidated condition, cause I It lie. pjuce to be clcaivd up, a mut ftuice of cedar stakes and boughs to l-e Mccted and a hedge of cedar plained inside the enclosure, and at tire head of each grave sho caused n marble slab to by placed, licariug tho following inscription: "Col, Andrew Halfbur, if Revolutionary inemory, a iiativii of Eilinbpro, Scotland, iu;tmlered b a band of Tories at his houie; March 10th, I7&i.n VMargnret Halfoiir, si sister of Col. H.'' ; MMargaret Hal foil i; Hughes- adiugh ter of Col. H., bom 1775, died 13"20.n i Elizabeth Da ybmj wife of Col. Halfoit r." ft Andrew Baifouiv jr., borii Oct. Aid, 1776, died Dec. 81 st,i .ltfc25,--t .. 1 1 hute nlsii visitedHhe gfJive yanl 'at the Sniith' i-laceinbotit one mile from tbo MXalrrows'Uitf the Yadkin,' and find the following inscriptions : ! . -Vesti Harris- was born August 13th, 1715, . died May 14th, 17U5. Aged 71H years, if montiis, nntl IU lays.77 Here ' rests the .bwly of tho amiable. Sally M; Chisholm, dee'd January the 4Ui, IdlU, aged 35 years. -. I'S.'icreu 'to the 'memory of Martha D. Chisolnv, the -daughter of David and lileanor F. Stiibaek, tv1h was bom 11th Junef lr?12, iuid departed this life 23rd Jnlyv J82d. 1 . ; Xet weeping lrtne mow rn around thy tomb An J. pious fill' jKl.sUii v. tiuue early' doom; i Yei worfu like thine snAalns no rude decay. . t lliCinhUnitffeiitjald'secp these scalptui'ed :Unes - awayji l'j .. ; ITere with tlie Ills of life thv- sorrow ends. ; Thotefcefet Mt wrVy4;g? tIduj,hvcri-And of friends." j I found other, graves but no insciii)- 'jtions. ' The' Keadstoiie of Harris is slate, ions, xiie ueatisioiic oi iiai ris is suite, hat of Sally M.jChisolni .a s;indstone, hikt of jjaitha D, Chjcplm a large marble .!... -' ' 1 ' -; ( ''' mat; I! slab. Tiiadition says poor !I;ir()a was pois oned bv a yell iw servant g 111 i tij.ljiti r ii to iiChisolm at or" ITefojp her marriaire. f von knoAr ailvthriig about it ? Hav iug1 heard of-t'ie niauner of belt death, it was hard for me, s fifty, years after, as I knelt to copy the inscription ou her tomb- co rcpipis i curs, iAtr us nope mat she was "careful" of the "one thing needful," and like .".Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away frota her." Xr.MO. i!.'i m-T1u3 "Wst Harris" was. the father 'rfpf sx sonsf named, in the order of their 2 rage, isli'am, Turner, Pred, Roland, West, apd; Artnnr. iiso two danglilers, viz: MartiKij'who mimiiMlI Hrrckiiev Kimball ; 1-H.tieucei: who married Hichard I'arislu ; Of. thefe .six sons, the writer knew nothing of Ishain, Turner and Dredi Tioiaiiuji ieiii ohms ni TlkOnias) William, Hie y, Adaui, Newton j tuese nine son V llicii.v HolandJi.lefti nine mi, ;'!vii - Daniel jr ,liicliuid, ijolin, est ir and franklin. Of sonVKiciiAUD is the' onlv on living, ia raan fill of years , and infirmi ties, Jughly esteemed for Ins upright and useful life, and for his devotion to his 1 ho man yUo(served. as a jury man in 70Urg'2'jrud "'mileage per dav, luWiug ittnd 'triifne host" $fM per daV for board; Was duly elected at tjie his election, but. failing to give th required boiul, he re signed, jhU to-day Haueit'lishi haviuff friends He is now spendiugthe eteuing sliades of a long life with Mrs. Harris, wife of the lae Robert Ilarriij, sit; miles west of Salisbury. ;taniul resided, in the extreme northern part iof Btauiy county, and ; wits-"vvtll knotrij In i sdnth-eiislf ern" Rowan, i He 1 was tho father of Elmira, the beiiiitifuli and accomplished wife of lievv .Mr. Lum&deu, of the Mctholist Church.!'- : . I-.- i'-i ' West i llarrisf (brother of Roland) mar ried Edith.ii daughter of Rev. Dr. Led- better, of blessed memory throughout an eiLtonsiveegiou of -u try along Rocky Kiver, some of whoso grand- childreu are how;; liyjiigl in alisbdry "J'' lie diedj in Mdutgoniery county,'' fttar! 'where lie was rah1, iiUib of Jnly, 1826, Heaving eight sous, yiz : (.,Villiainoua , Green, Allen, est, Henry, Absolom, f luckney and Roland. Alf o, f hree daVi ;litei s : ""Franjete .Mary aiid KdirliV 4 TJieV have all 'passed awayV the elder, i Williamson, surviving ail the iiihtfc;?LHo died jiu i)avie iCouBty eight or ten .years iigo, leayjng four of whoui lr. H. J. Hariis. well kuo' r sous, kuowu in this section, is the third,' The editor of the Watchman is the only sop off Ediths Arthur Harris lived a tirospei-ons aud useful Ht on the. old homestead jiroberty iu Auomgouiery, wneru no uieuaooui ine year 'lrtJ,2 rea'yliig tvp ons, Klsh' and JLli,iiMliK"3IikTf w'D. JerrbH,H of 'Hfijl! roiut C. daughter ;f Eli, U the only representatfi fSjp; this bitnncti known to. us except the descendants Of the late Thomas of Stanly: Scoriuty,5? whoMeaCh hiah'ied1 a ,Tho.,jUiiiiJcrous . descendants of Wst Haiiis, si-yior, the inscription on whose ttraili Xenuw copies, arp scattered all over iSortii Uarolina, .(JeOrgia, Tennessee and Virginia, .and where else the writer knows not. It w supposed ihi Dosterityii; if brought together, woliltl constitute rJau annyVf iniiiieuse size, and aiubiig them inauy vilio are worth v t of the high toned and. virtuous English JBtock fruta which they, spiu ug. ; ; -,. ;. .. j ;i - , -i f lfnovvn as Col.. West Harris, of revo Intibuafyiaine. 'A 'notice of 'Hi death, oubfihhed in ! tho I V cater Va rolinUt n of ih Aug.f lsJ2of saysj' i vi i; : i , JJitp.f-Al jiw : .residence to Mnnlgomery roiiniv' .a gold iuiu . iu iseavenlaui creek, ef wltigh he was tlie proprittr) .on, the, 2iii.li hU., Col,: West-Harkis, a Heidi officer iu ili. Revolutionary r, gtd G9 ;yrn. Col, Harrjs was. a, native of thv .Statu oi Vir 'ainia', but le'iimved lo Kcth (Carolina : Itefore the w.ir of llie Kevolinlori, and eitll lit that section of conmiy whiili s now Montfcinnery county. Om llie breaking out of- lioctililieR wtih ilie mother country, be entered the North Carolina line of the ContirentMl Army ay LieiUenaiit, and notwiiliKianOin Ids youth, by pHiriolisui, zeal and intrepid ily, he was ad-Viim-el, hcUire tlit end of ll:u war, to the rank ofCohnieh After the peace, he representtd his leiiow-cbixetiH for a nnml'cr of years in the (.Jeneral As-'ubly " of the State. And mich wait llic eHiO lenee of thef people of hi- probity and imelliueiioe, that any ofliee in their gift wa at hU : inni ind. In the private walk of life he vrt equally elt-efued : lie waa lienevo lent to the or. and honorable in all hi deal ing with the world, lie lias left numerous couiu dfonx to mourn the low of one ' who mav be xaid io JYe fulfilled aH th ends for which his Ileavei ly rather placed him on, .earl h " CHgrfissi and the President. Iia'.L'incre S;n Washlnston Letters the Un. A numberl'if leading Democrats, mem bers of the Houses, and others, have been in formal consultation with regard to the course to puisne if flip President should 'undertake tp' carry out the views and wixlies of the stalwart: portion of the Re publican party. Tlw Sentiment of those present was tliat the eit'oi t shoitlil he to make the session as short as possible; that it would not be piolirablo to pro tract the session if there sliould be the ap pearance of irreconcilable antagonism be tween llio I'lesideut jand Cong.ieas It was suggested that tlio first thipg to be done would be to incorporate in one hill the repeal "of tho jnrdrstest , oath; with perhaps a new. provision for the projier selection -f United .States jurors, tlta. ex clusion of trops fronij the,polU fand the repeal of the election laws ; that if the l'lesideiit should Veto'tliis bill,' to' attach it to one of th vtpprdpriHtiou I i Is; that tiicn, if the 1 Ye.. i.. cut vetoed the nppro priatiou i.iil. for Cougtx'ss t immediatcly au.joiiru, and not rtiinain in session to continue any struggle; over the! matter; that if th President then cal!e.l another extra session to go thunugh thesiime form of proceeilings, and if ho repitated. his vetoes to adjourn again. The boljef was, Siowever, cxpresel that the President would not le so obstinate in this mat ter as ho has indicated. This will ap pear hereafter. The matters spoken of may be diseased more fully aud more formally in the Senate Democratic caucus whicli wjll meet on Saturday, tho 15th, prov bled the time is not all occupied in the more important busines of parcelling out thespoils. It isgeneraly auticipatedamong leading Denioyi at thiit, liotwithstandiiig interel cd lejMirt to tlie contrary all the Democnitic iiM-nlerg-elect of the House will.ltc on hand on the 18th of .March, with possibly not more than one. or two exc-ep-tioiis. Iii every State 'an active man has lceii designated to look after tlio mem bers and s;e that nothing is left Undone to have theni all on baud.; A funny scene was wjtntsssed a few days Jiifo in the Federal Court at Dan ville, Va., the judge of which (Uives), it will be rt'collecteil, jecently Ptsfructed his grand Jury to indict a number of county judges for not putting negroes on the juries. Ajcojored hppi named :Gravely was indicted for selling ' liquor without license. When he saw the jury before which he was to bo tried,' alMut! fnuall divided ; lictweeii whito and black, he exchiimed, -."For . God Aliiiighty's sake don't Itrt'theni niggeis try me!''' Efforts were made to pacify him, but he never lK"camo ro.oiu'jlod, ! He insish-d that "niggers would hang n maw just to sec him kick." . j i i , , Mr. Shobeij withdraws from the Secre taryship of the Senate in the interest ol Hon. A. M. Waddell. Mr. Waddell is a repiesentatiye Caroliniau, and the pi ess and people of the State commend him to the favor of thp Senate. The! witb- dawal of Mr. Shober was a geperous act by a nian acenstonjed to do generous deeds. Hal. Acirw. 1 Frao tical Blacksmith. - IIORSESHOER. SHOP connected with! Brown ft Verbies LlTery otaoies. t3?U designs of Shoes, to suit anr duo.!; i"b. au ouueui on tsbneuj sciemmc pnn clplea ami WARRA NTED. AljLkiiKla btacktanlthtiitf .yrouiiitiy doce. . ls:ly Office -Vesterk,IM, . :au!road, ' Mortanton, N. iJaai?. h7,' '79.-j J VTliere will le a Hnettitik: of the PriMtie Stickliolderi or IbM 1 ompanys iu ewion, ou Friday, April 4th, 1879. J. W. tisjJf, yo2l:toi4 I'tWident. NORTH (ilRliMKl. 1 1 -- iavie touniy. it .?n i" - - j.- II. L. Foster, adm'r of 1 elilion itf s 1 Ua$ . .. .. f CntwinD.! T'lll'ItT. t" Augustus Di, U d, J for asstw. i 1 I i . t Aooinrt A Order . 4-)n of 5si(4ir. Amr.da Stokt-r, t mad, parti wdenn U lar .Stoker, rPfS ) M t fit appearing to ilifatiofaculon of tt Conn -tfi.lJt of Plain ! iff. that lh iHt ft nd't above iiamttV' Stoker, Mry jitfkyr and Amanda Stoker are nn rennlents oi una 5iaie, itisordero) that publication be made for fU ucce?iive week in thet'Carolipa HaUltinap,; , a newspaper pui'iiciit-u in oauoury, notirtiaK H-letlatta;lo appear ai iue fice bfihF Clerk of (he Suieri4r Courl of. said connly within li-nlya rn.nillie flafe.of .die uniranM, ami If they fail io answer th'e coin- Dlaint within tlial time' the laiulitt will a- nlr to the. Couri for Aim relief demahded in the complaint. t. , : .... . U itnew, this Slh day or .Marcn. -u? it ft toJiMl Biniia TT !:1 it.'- 'iM.-f Far me is, I ' DON-T- BE SWINDLED -;. : :j ;- put of -:, ;,,, ,;t A B3kiE OF coTtros Til E. l;KSJJCT2i ; will Isdll you bn4 ton of 1 u BoylQDrCarifir&Co's - " CELEBRATED 1 ; ;-;:! .mm - iw - mm . lome Fertiliz r For 200 lbs; C3ttcn, ' . I - I- . Jt is the best in uae. Eay toinai ipu'.ar. Kequirea no cot ion oesd-iior stable inannfj. No charge for resieor right to line, lupial to any $-30 guao. ( Has : been Uaetl for years. Call and net particulars and aeetesliinoiiials. Don't be humbugged by cheap imitations. You can get the genuine only from TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ. I)biggist. NfcQ.ly . Sol A tut fui Kowan ROBIN Richmond, Indiana. ESTABLISHED IN 1842, WE BUILD! PORTABLE ENGIHES Mouuted on Trucks or Frame of G S- -12 14 and iI5 llojle Fower. Wr AI,SQ HLMl4 Tlllv "PEERLESS": Portalilc Eipd on frame of 4 and 6 Horse Power. These engines have horizontal tnbiilar Imil- j ; erK, mado uf Xn. I ejntrcoid ham- ! mcred uon i iuch tjijckhtiMl of 50,JU() lbs. tensile atVeugth. They are the lest small engine in the market; AVE F.UILI) Tiresli FOR G, 8, 0 uud 13 HOUSE JfOWIJUS IIORSErPUWEIlS of all siieeJ I I" .4 STATIONARY -ENGINES) DRAG SAWS, - . . : .1 -1 .1- SAW TABLES; CORD 8HELLERS, -tT Varr -""1 i f--'' ' I - i ON FEED. MILLS c, &oj We offer special inducements to cash' v ; buyers. 9 . 1 Sentl Air Catalogue, anil state wttat yon wisn to imv, V 1 -AtWress, llOBINSpN'kfe Co., 4 1: : 1 Richmond, Ind. - There lS a Ctrml-ir Vf ra nnnu. :.t rmmmrtJ T. - . - ... . ..... .hsui-vd w visntuiu a Hardware Store, Sa'.tsbnry. where tnTormaUon In re spect to stcntH enslnes may be obtained. . f : 1 4- ioa uver ioo latest NwvMUrs i A u CMUaO. bihSat'ylj C.kakiUk.Taut PRINTING FOU SALE.' The typo, presaan.1 fixluTt of ij.rn BeeordJUti Iexington, N tZ)tfZ h For j'articulars, addrtva Ht!i K, Public Auf ice, is m veu t h it i 'J briry citymills aio no biugcr J,u f "Sid - thaV wei-iudsboTn'''eV fi.iT'V the 1st 4hiy arch.ti? l!? J N. 11. We will keep on hu, ; flour to exchange for grain or bi,r,N JAMES, m: GRa 7 Office in theIourt House lot I to Sqniiu Hanghtoi.. Will n, .8 the Courts of the State. -if Noiith Cakolina,, h T Hayidsoa Caunty.; " "lrj . ;r ;yard, Pl.ui.iill, J U, -fU Alfred F. Hargrave, Ifendrnt. -f'Thv dVfen.TMWt lTel riniHl iHl,(rji". tiOfd thaliteiihove actloii Jia ktt-fl to rewiver dauunfes aHinxt t. ,.".i W tij.tk iifd .uri'-Hi I uii.l tli... J.. -TvJl nivntt'ua fteen' iitsiied "tTic-rtbi1 I r property, and that both ihumiMrWlTf rant of attachiuent aref rettiru;u!(. loji - term of tl(e Superior CUiri' to he Iielj r? Omntr 'of DivnNon at the Lexington,, on tl:ixth(iili) MtmdaX the ;foiirth (thy Mojiay of jarcliife when' a lid where lie csVn ai.iiVar ai.'.l J 1,1 'm iiuti . ve:...' c i ri...i. aid f'juix 1 office in Lexu ii.'lmi: lln'Jfbli .1... -..r l. iT' 1879. NdHr-24 .c. k.Toivi; crs;?.; THAT WELL KNDYH FERTILl7Et n rnnTecM; vri? ctiumu.. p uhii 1 - fcn" "iuiiii! Kick la. Ammonia & Phosphoric m mt : r ... I' J'i- ....... ' " '.' "' ' BEING "T7 " f ; MORE 'EXTEXSl V KLY X'SED TM , ANY OTHEIl, H And Particularly Adapted t Also -Paf-ificA Gun no (Vg ACID PHOSPHATE OF UK . ,So Well and favorably Known iBU Can .-be had upon application to44ie yL rfVSi-eMli i . : . Jku. Aufis Bkuw L. C. Hanks, 1 . ti. Montgomery; -W. A,.Lcckkv, 4.V.A. Caultox, Stoo;ii dc SuiAS, Isaac IIarsis, ' J..C. UoRUOWlIW, hUsbiinMi lexiriiiia.! t om-oril Uowan iTilk Si:tfmvijf lividsdiql .Mooresfill CliaH.lk Xno STReese & Cb.j Nol7 Gex SIMOIITON MALE -ME Statofvi,H.aj; The next tion ofen Aiifiimt 28 1!! Hoard, and tu'nion iu Knli-ii. $8.).0Ut Hion ofLtweniy weeka. (jalaiogue and cards' with -full particular on :i)plii"alioii. j Addrest., Mrs, E. 2s i ullANT, -io GROUND the CORP To the Public, Gkeetixo: 1 : rULIAN & FRALEi PrnMir nnmnliments to the puM't "aud desire to call renewed attention tjut efforts to be useful as i f-Minif mat 1 AND GARPEHT ERS. Their prices are as low as it wiff make them, and their work not m.j unrr Tlicv till orders in two cic wj-i and have so far given satisfactioa,; . ; have extended their facilities-recent m ar. cnconr.nrctl to noi)e-Hr . mands. Their ready made comprises & gencnil assort men tor not nitureedMtmds; Hurraus, Clnthes m. T T . 1 X. .-I-,. I lH.-. Cuplwards and China Presses, CUle MnSsfta- n'a.-s Tjiblcs.Wai'listands.i', &c. Thc idsp kcci)'a"sairtpiwt " COFFINS f of walnut, pine and poplar, from W ' AIsot Window Sash. Tu:y fill onlert' out vexntions deiavs. Will contrHct? fienter's work and warrant witislndMj ? take irood lumlx.'r and country l,r5? exphanjrc for fiirnitiiH-.-rShop.ncnnjj slfo Watdhnian officW .Jul J as ; t ). r . ' ' p ! .... JOHN II. ArEUPLlv, asadauayUP' Dirdel ShaveK niintif, . A 4 -i.i- James B Shaver, ti'Il Shawr.l i f sw:..Wmh1. and wile L,tf Jolm Ile at;d wife MVdlie C, .i.-i; au:ii;.. w ttot.tl.al. and Juin i llliltt n iiimiiii . j.v - thai, Defendants. , . To William II. Benthal, Wilfam thai and John D Benthal t .Vn "-M notified, that ha been issiiel against you, t,,e L titled itroueetlmsrs, for'the V"rpoj; real etAle aHSl-; and u-U&i to appear aj the off,cq of the ClerK . m perior Uiirt r Kowhcoimh , dars, and hMrr .r .leniur to . A i . - . . ...... tfll III. . 1 v pm.iim., rlOl office of the aid Clerk of the bupw Of Rwan County. . j r. Sol Paic Hie f. AtiENTs, liaHiitmieiMI - if f3s nnnn n anl SoriMM hsMtnni, U-,;,..:', f,l OlwW Superior Cpurt n0 JCl:pf.$7. " 1 ,1... ...I.,.,. 1 w" , rr7 " . liugi sjrap ana be cured. r 'Ouly 23 tts. 4ltt-thci . j f b,p lasv, T. A, IJoono is jis-j a bottle. - t ' ' ' - . ' ' ' - i ";Tf - f - -' " "i -( 1 : ' '' ! ' : -'- '-V x::1:- ... - !-, v. ' 1 ;- - - i; '- - -.''-'-.: -:'- u! .-: v '" - 1. . - I .-. ; : ' " - ''1 ; . -' j - '

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