'i : r 1 '-Boii-Vv VIM- Vr 7fdT HHCll fa ii TfiTl T31 "RIi ,,nccop, the ladies having taken auating frpm.it. , !.',;;r" lO.J f: ili Jearned inch., . We;' "A Ii' how , beautiful !i Kl into n large room, iroiu pern; exclaanetl evcrybouy. -lie i furniture 'hail been rc- : Initaiitly, all the colors in t! i bow sL of bees or fliebut the mountain pen- changes 4 Judge of the Superior or large room, from pCri, 17 exclaimed every boi r 1 :i J. i . 'l I 1..-... t . . i n .1 1 . . i.wili all tlic ' lurnuurc na ucvn ; niitantiy, ail tne colors in uie wan- i Miv.ura t 7"T ., ' . , , t c ' i rt r,: tt.:nl W 1' 1 ' i: Ji it 1 - ' , i.Uww ;iwf..tfW imi.imt. if he shall be satisfied that a fai r4nal Ilt'PO. J V-" I" - " - . U V" 1 "W . .". , T - - T- I . .. , - I , " Vrd usiierw r - i " ; 1 1 i. . E... ,. it ... A. 1 . I. A - . .... ... a . T 7 1 ' .: !,Llv f,llod. The ki... o It was ahvavs loudest aud most liro- ann uc uoia ucu .u wuuV, 1M1W.U..U "v - - v- . r,-..b.r, b.;: , H' wn.il.T .'tcr hearing all the ' testilnuny i which tiicil nyitii carap-chairs. Between mistaken one for jt he other at night, thunder-storm in either v i u 2 i-THISD SERIES xkrAAML Candle wort giii WVwhkt "it ml n riot at all, desiribct, like . SEW UWI ASD CniSGED LAWS, .11 1 ft - . L.v.. lt.J-.i I l.LflM.'l.., lr f tl..iconl- "rf ' hfPi .! still murc iiKe, or ,wa reauy, a.un. in "umnniig rrr-, . . s , - ! - , ., on iq?o but like the mcessant, continuous, anu r"-"-:;: . 7. ' i.V "v r";' Tpn ?:,rs "to pnhibtt the removal of cases exr, rays cm- positively and oivdi charge!. . I Pt yl.ere the ends of jusce abso : " : : tried -to account for" it on the tluory : lutely. requ.re it," . makes important of bees or fliesrbutthe mountain peo- cnanges. uuuge ui .w-vi ..t. : r-..;.K, n.ltrrn.1 n(W CriminaKConrt authorized to make ie'lWn- tl,e bees and flies had gone to their "'eh moval to pome accent county I . . ' .'- - .t ' ' -x if ha k inl br KntUfipd that a fair'trtal '. - im,'-i ti -.Tir t .Tei-u) ?3$f wr f"i ry-Art: ? nTy-,5r -a.-"V; ,7'.-T"'r'7-,rr;-: i-: "- r --. .- enance ot tne saicu uepartraent oi; ui.vut.uujit.jr,' aai ubtuuu. j stration. All this leaves out of account . 7 igricuUu're.1 immigration and statist J Jttrri4, 1 the refcrsc, of Iicalth nad wealtli and it: PrortVWer.f that the sum , . . .: , . .. b Prfroniim pro veani oral i ty. -riieso i i . i- , ,j " us We have T; hercbr authorized tobe usel, include past extravatxnditu and pre., i at hawl tbo tWactneridLce of ; ing the salary or compensation of thq eat flnaucial distrws, tho .people arede- . thA VJll cf a probibatoo' law in Maine,1 person appointed to make said sur mu,mu,5 u oeramronuuier it lia foiiglit ita way throoch alt ' vevs, shall not exceed the sum of five? pn"tiaj il'rcm. We are well f pokuieoPpo&iUoa'ttutil noboth polit V houiand dollirs ner annum . V" , 7i . . r " V V - t Prnes tavor prohibition, , and :tt housand do Ian i per annum the aI.apinS of legialation in general baf J U ,-ttal to ndkUto , ucl. CJ xuia UL'L BlJilll lie ill lUiLi: wu fitinnf btr uiuii it aiimriMrt.in incf Itpro - r Mf v . ; r .,-,-I- ' f lit a itwldrop-iiglit, a com nion al-; Tjie fin I'J i't ! Nit I . ,. -.Ii-' 7..-..' I.;. ; ......... L.J s ; ' Tl.ui Tl.n f filtj T 1 II iii UA)fTI- .1 - . i . I A Ii All - It T ' A 1 I1TTIII' Cllltfl.1 111 Nlliir I U111U1U1I LttUSV. Ull ; -.4 Ij h I H I. i7.;,! moi- :. ... :L,i; wi.I ltbf"fUiih if the-txmntf iol)!e in its ' application K-rn-! ii,.::-: . . ' . ! I v . 1 .-:-. . - !, v i :. -vrT .;.-.-r t r i lor the other 'tii'-MOrt tc liroie; .oesiues. iuyc, uaiH(iiitr man ever iijpv nau ucwrc. "Vflwl"rr v,,e' titi p., ! . rk1.' -i i:a.:';7 rP. r'f l" i ....; .7 1 - i I : : .i - ..ti -l!fmtimij of Fact in saul anolication. esotV the nrofeafeor vinccU myscit mat it was we resuii, -"-b-. n rj . M.i !' . 1 c dark eVes afk'HiiS, Snd nis5 beaming from two currents of air meeting each and to otter counter-affidavits to that uvk bctweeu thtT two ; e,u'j and khel udge shall not order I vr b liwitii aiwioK ai -one enu, -a witn jKi'asure.-uecause .ne pavviuaEHe. "- yv" "-i. rr ;:r ; , "i . . i , . i 5 J i- i. - 1 '1 . . I l.'.i. .- . . 1 - . . 1 '1 J ... . . . 7 t . . . ....a,...;!. I (II I 1l IIMH lllllllllllll ' .1 i'llilll.1. 111. i --i --t; . i 'tA ,7.U,..7,7,i,,, f cu... it ...... ., Ar.;-:!.,..:! j.Jtitru evidence as afore- ' V ; 1 7: , :.. b 7n1H,7 (iv,t .l.rt,m..rrt.niiiiu Mother ' 1 cii ol justicedemaud It. j iv.'(r i lit m i rii' iiu ill ;i mi u hi, i lit i luui v v v.-. v - , i s - mljc Ot ul not know. OMcji aiai,iSt '.tho HvaSa:6ofi,c.l brMIUr..ott4r.Mig.UdJi tbeV'M' " the!,igl,e!eva-j f"'1 ft'"," reiuoveti 1 :1 ! - it ' -;. iY ' i ,i i , I 7 i ri ! t on bv the r friction, and uciu ot ; unie?s apnucaiiuu &nuu w muc w UJp sduafe, made pt three colors cf i rxciamation habsed 'like wave over "'! I'v.i V!. ; . t "! v 7 .1 i ? .. . rfqeis ,17 . v rl, , . I . .. 1 , vi. difiereiitltemperaturciiKcucrated elec-' fore the issuing of the ordc t hroadlstn pes of blue, red, and a he crowd: lor you know; that light V,utrviMtf lt:u,l vvi ibv . r , , . . n if i i i " i ii 1 v - t .11 tricitv Tlie "mountain mus e" was ing a special venire, when rpei surcotfuded by a wide yellow! like sound travels in .waves, though ir,c,ly- 1 lu ; "Vr,HMH . l .!:. . . , . - 'V? ! v ii. ' ! t i ! ; i i ' simnlv the 'snanniu jausetl 'by th s be required for the tnal of r3cr land 1 wondered to myself it light beats sound by an infinite num- imP) b,,d,l,,uo- wuov I ! .i, . ., f'it,!! i. i 7 7 , ' ..j. v , t ! -i . '"n friction and this irenerat on of e ec- and no caisc,citlier civil o tfe're a , UipUer. and to what 'nation ber of tunes in speed. I might as well incuou aim un bt"uullu" i ;. . i.!ui? TI ' I . 1 . .. " i . . . .-::.. xr...... fl.D n.11. shall under attVa circumstai bid times," the Professor belongedi ile went to bed wjth the 'bieU'us wii'eu the sun had set.-When to sit iip a little later, all 2ie)' war ted llelirrht tcy knew hw to make was ni the blaze of the burning - wood. fter.avljfile, some olwserving old fel- noticed that when grease fell into fire, t-hl blaze lecarneniuch bright f shti i qipped ! a reed or rush into .H and setl one end .-on fire, auU thus ual-light4 eauie into fashion. Old jodks audi songs tell about the farth- rush -lights.. I They were sold four otfapcniiy ami a very dismal illu ttihatiqh.hey must Jiave made. Then n'dnle bejali to put .oil in cups, prc iafiiig ajrj4lof ork:to set j rut he oil orf a wjel4 aiui--fburn'cd tliat. The rlat lei?j of th Unmans, i in the old Bassleal heatlieir times, before the iiril of or riaviour, must havcjecu iiiost dnigf ail'airs, for all they , hsd juf lighting up tfieir tables were these )amis.'N fAnd here the professor put out alj til gass-lights, and applied a .L.:l; i7 iL.. ..':i. Y... .1.- ...7.. .7.i 7r mutt'ii 10 me wick ub me oihe etiu n . .Y i - i ';- : - - the little bronze Koman-boat It was liijrlily jclassical andlvery el-J at a sjiape ; but tlie lightpt gave was so utterly dismal that all the com pany uttejred a funny little groah aud a Wndsorbe old Icrentleman. who-at next to rue, said : '. - - ------ w i f Well,!after that snecimetr ofold Itornau bfilliancy; I am quite recon ciled to paying my big gas-buls. "Afterhis," continued the troles- sor'eandles were invented. To show you what! the first ones were like. I tnded toget as bad a one as possible. if should evolve or, unfurl the tradi tioaall 'sjiroud ln the light, and he otherwise disagreeable: -but this one, I auf afraid, will be far inore're- ipectable and well behaved than the i tallow candles of our ancestors." ; Here lie Ut the candle, aud another : aismal teil you here that while a sound would tricityMany have noticed the pecu- be traveling leisurely abdut thirteen lar snapping num to no ouserveu in miles minute, a flash of light caii go geat auroral displays, particularly the distance of fbur hundred and cigh- those or September, 1859, and TFcb- tv times round the earth!! ruary, 1872. The porcelain shade over the clec- As the aont of electricity -in the trie light made it .seem as1 if a moon, air-currents became equalized or sur- brid.ter than a hundred Iniuou,' had charged, they, descending to either floated .Livvm1..!,, nn.l vPt. it wms side, caused the thunder-storms usual all the time that mere spek of light- every day in the valleys near the i I . .....li...n . tMt tn I lit rn ning chained up, bound down hand 1 mouiuaiu, au wm..u and Ut by the pressor.! ly on the edge ot the timoer sxirroun- Soonybya mysterious turn of jhis S ttic greauaiu top. x..ear-cu.- r ;i. lt .iCf .i..,iMi-.Jii,o ,. reuts of the Western North Carolina h:md .wL TI.w otlu.r wninn Fno-IFsh raountains 'andUhe Fast Tennessee Upplication of electricity, and haeen Valley fbnii an aerial tide, ebbing used a dockvV . ciwd clesil in jEngland,--in . . t - - .i - nls, iron works, van and flowing. t i oi is, and ma n n lactr i cs. ' i . tv. Then he made the light c;nd!e-stiek I mentionetl 1 way Ua- valley rises fronTunc in t was vc- until three or fur in tl Thecbeafed air of the! the morning the afternoon, briUf, Init it flickered a little, makingslight cstind fnnU lersummou- such shal the causey and ho caiiseyjcither civil or criminal, shall unde any circumstances be rp- mnved more thau once bv the same v ' z party. 1 Since February 20, 1879, in al criminal akioiis if the defendant be Oatside Lunatics. .Ml I JCljr t IliL WIS I11T-UII . A IUIIUC llltlV uu liiilinT!vlnl tw fwin rrTitr'tmBitlil i trittllll ttlA AN'ACT TaitEPTHE LAW; rm)Vlp J jimi of tie Sti"e of Kortli Carolina. 5 - rjINO FOR THE MAINTENANCE Of What, is it asked, destrtiy all the reve lUNATICS Y OUTSIDE TIIE INSANE nue derived to"5 tho ' goternnient by 'the .Y.-7-..l'f - j luilpiif mritiiotis lioaoi-af "s Just b. and -y j ft .1 r3 Iiu a tenfold decree destroy the ueeessitr Iie vcnerai Asstmoiy or Dorm coro- t .... - i ... . . V ir, i I I fVir tin Mi'intif. Tin nn-av with, nil bfinit .r r , ' : Itnaao enact: ! I nnnecessay-a large part f the prison Section 1. That chapter two linn- aui tHeir keepers.'--of policemen, and pepple liut it is well. Bevertheless to f y. bring tliiii matter prominently before tho j peojite Tlie time must coiue when al-' s ji solute prohibition of the aaJeofliipiorttSi by lawj will be an accomplished fact. H 1 "mast come, for' there is no other war to r j aitc&t the. tide of ignorance, poverty and' 2 1 crime wiiicu lAiaweiuug into sucb alarm r ' ' l 'i n :; ' .. . ij . -. j i i L ; - i- . - , i . . : 1 up proponionw. - . . .i ' dred and eighty-four 1876-77, and all o The J arisdlethm'of Magistrates, Iafe i nor MJnrts, &c .... ji , ,;, The Solicitor of tlie Inferior Court ot.'. ! I; ' .,,,... .... . --i I 4- . j ... of the laws of I crimiuat courts, and almshouses, and all hpri laws and the paid! employees of all. Do away . Y - , t uitli' 5ll(npsa hnt unrprtv and erime. clauses ot laws concerning tne mam- 777 , . , , . : .J7i-i 7i . .r 7 " i . I-t , T : laud snbstitnte thrift and happiness and Hahfajk county think that the increased' lenance oi lunatics ouisiue me xsau , LeftUh wm yott please jurisdiction given the magistrate bythe" Asylum be and the same are hereby took at this statement : laite Legislatarerenders !the- holding f 1 1 repealed. ) j "Cost of alcoholic drinks in the United Inferior Courti nniie;easa;iundnthef 7 Sec. 2. This a'ct shall be in force States 'annually: fore resigns hi office, and advise the i fi-otriahd after itsratification; ?- : f Direct puller drink 23.4 Mf i , . i -t r , - Y Seven percent. on the lt),(XK), Court4 We copy the Sobcitoraletter ibr; Ratified the 14th day of March, 4- D , 1879. MWWWY ,cliw.l lm rvnti.iii should ppoRsess, but has Iteeu destroyed by tne - i:! f , . t acquitted, ml pros, entered, or judg ment arrested, all the costs including defendant's witness fees arc to be paid bv tlie prosecutor whether marked on the bill orl warrant or not so marked, when the judge or justice is of opin that there Kvas not reasonable ground for prosecution,) or that it was not re quired by public interest. Aud every iudtre. court or justice is fully author- w i i - i it aaiivvA i ov. ized to de ermine who the prosecutor and is, at any stage oi a criminal pruvuw ing provided only that no person shall be made prosecutor after the finding n i -ii :i 'ii ..V .. ... .I.Y... r (tin llll It'll i n IT. II. U lit" lit illllV 7?.. 7 - . . t XVA.f. Jbrora a letter in iiarpcr s . jjazar, Direct loss of wages entitled "English Gossip," we clip Ten per fnt; on the capital fe .V . employed in the nianufae- the following bill sent m by an artist ture ..i in Beliriura for repairing an old church. Ten per cent, on cainital em- It seems that the authorities objected chaiity bestowed on the poor lu'm in tlio lnmn itnrl nslcfnl I Toss liv sea nwl land 1 .7 . , - i i-'ii Court, police, hospitarexpen- tor amiiiui.u avwuwi, ....w v se chaiity, litigation, m cordingly furnished: Correcting the ten commandents 5 12 Embellished Pontius; Pilate aud su ranee the consideration of other i counties siml ilarly fiffected, as follows ; . . 7 7(X),000,0tX) Lsfield, C, March 15, 1879. st-7 7,1)03,844 3b t!tdJu8tice$J of tJus reace of f r:xit1mn ... Tn7lin vnr 1R77- Anirl fnr 5 848 031 I 7 i . " ' ' several years prior to that time, the crim. :M,234,700 hlal dficket ofUie Soperior Court of this j 14,000,000 and some other counties was so large that . 50,000,000 j jt waal almost impossible to try a civil cause at any of the ramlar terms, and 207,2GG,55() I the tfjal of civil ! actions was thn - pre- . ventea to sucn au exient as to amount to Total .$J ,SGG,642,203 adenhil of justice. ' To remedy this evil 1UI liauuii inunwi "niu wi n.io was pjVSolXA tUO Avt OI itiaiXli Of , glYlOg If 3 02 traffic 50t) minders, 500 "soiciiUs, 100,000 to the? Justices of the Peace of each coua from drunkenness,600,000 besotted drunk- I court with jurisdiction, 'concurrent withi : ards, 600,000 mbdei ate drinkers who that of tho Superior Court, toiuqairq of, :n I..-. ..... .-...-o Iiuiuiu 1 (inn . i.i - j. : :ti- . : put new ribbon in his bonnet, Replunied and gilded left wing of the Guardian Angel, Washed the servant of the Higli , i h ?atrmln ll nmmn carmiue on his homcg destn,vC,i, 1,000,000 children worse in baltardy, and all crimes and 1 Wisde 1 it K tO . i I I -1 Y. . - ctieeKs. w than orpiianed. Anu ii me eouuirj moaners exccntinir those wliereOf excia-"- RjHiewcd heaven, ad i listed two .i I should lie searched from the ceuter to sive bririnal ; juriftdictidn is eiTeaY to , stars aud cleaned the moon 7 14 &w circainfercnce, it would be impossible Courts of Justices of tho Peacerand ex:; o 4 i ikAA..lA.r.u.M i IW) nua any gwiu reauiioig iiitiit vuio tw-i cept tne enmes or mnrocr, niansiaucuter Reattimateit - theflames-ofwirga 7"h: rY!..Y,.;.. i. u 0iw,i.i Ll t Y.-J..ii ..j - , . A. dc, ui a Kiugw icasuii ttuj i o.. i arsoui rape, isuuit viiu ,iuient iuaMn- . ared souls, .5 Ub tou w ; 'it r burclaryhorse-stelbg. libtl.;; , . l!i I .timr tbf Rfiii Moniitain. As ninbtfeanse cc-ntjra. I It-tseoutor docs not Mart io finer r " " J . ....... i.J ...J.. .1 . . ! - ...nwniMhimrrpnt turns back to P i l,uV fw ,lUk "l' wnifl i w:w vivw i... ..v... - .-z : 1 j. . - ; . . .. r...... -r Tv . I ":hh llrlh,t .nvariablv iWodnc- On February U, :l resection , luvcntfcu in rans oy a man wnose . 1. .,o..n n .n L's Rovkl was re i L. , . i. o Kr,tL- .r.,1o v ihro or four chapter b,; J5utt e s tvcvisu, was re tunny jname . . Ifl to - - w -- - , - . u elllwM that ,,elt. .r ! tt.tcu.i'u iwtM mnniinrt tr I v " - b I r . . .V (iwjiooiu if.AV. .v .. . ....... . ! I i . .1 A......... Iwinaiipa. imin rt ietthJ,,ame,lorIr.,eitfit-'BoU- 'urn, dies down to a ca.n, by seven, J T.jT,,;"' Rebordering the robe of Herod ; ; J ju Not iWcwthd M ?. . J ...y ' .' .! , m.nmi.n. twMsfl hv nine der ot Uic ciiairmdii m mcwumj , ,. . . 4 00 . t, ...... : 1 ou.,,Miin,ir . , Lw bJejock,tlen J5umpterliausen,7.ana --r-: , " . PominissU.ters. is to nav exienses of : , , 1,. ; rai ,J T term ocen tne saving ." uu. hon Ibitthnrimrltles" and none of P0 wmuma. wiagC - , , r uieanea uie curs ui iMau f a , neu uutinurpurmtb, ami . uuue. ui i ?? . . .. ! U.,b Hmn in and from the asvlum I ..... a a . i , -. m . ! 11 ... i 1 1 ho piirrpnfs ot air makes it an lmnos- (4n.i k!kvh1 him. cui tiiont sonmiiHi ritrnr. l nls nnnoiRSiiCK I , z i . . ; a.. I Der ot mem were useu ai xne . jraris i y r 4 , - tory and restored Revived the flames of hell, put a new tail on the devil, mended his left hoof, and did several jobs for the damned, - 7 17 Rebordering the robe of Herod Deoainuent of the. Uniti-.d States. It is atablUhed the "inferior Court there wa I oiitial ami-represents only liquors upon gjvkt necessity for it; and it has, I kuows the county. 'The returns for the fiscal year ending j 1 Lecislatnre which has just ad I ! - . . I -i . . . . - Putting ear-rincs in Sarah, 2 04 June 157 , are as follows : Mourned has given you exclusive -original',- Put new stones in David a sling , SHateriaKgallons 57,459,989 . Wnrttm-Jf hlell Inferior Court1 Ale, beMr, luger Iwer, aud Kir- - T, ... .. 7 . . t-vUAJl . !, 17 r . 1 1 ... ' : , . . .. i 4i.,...t.:i.: minor, or uy line aiorcsaiu. to have Wrr EdisonTpresent. and tell rocKS -. i Bv aet !of tebruarv 20, 1879, the abami; though not sohighasthe Black K ff , "i5' J' "te.n: Mountains, in the same county, it and ea so as, to im, u c , , - nrenaratorv department is authorized many others of the same range pre- JreiwriMi v J . . . i wtnncM ntiuith i ts colored iSor- enlarpexl the head of Goliah, and extended his legs, 3 00 Decorated Noah's Ark, 3 00 Mended the shirt of the Prodigal j . 4 00 ter, barrels 9 902 353 1 bad iurisdiction ; aad there is now littlY, for the Inferior Uourt to try besides case us ot ins amaziug inventions; out ne was so overwhel med with business connected with electric light, that he could not come. Let uslall hope, that Mr. Edison will Succeed in making electriqitythe light that jyill like the ku n j faliine, for all ;". ; fbr, besides its being) so beautiful, anil so truept will be far cheajser than any. light we now have.- St. Nicholas for March. . ... j . , Sou and cleaned his ears, Total rA..l.Li ....:..:?. f ..II lil. g.-illoiis ..7' 1,386,070 0f larceny and fornication and adultery, 1 Imptn ttfd wines in casks and . i(Q Iud-here i .tiierefore at' present-' noine; : bottle, gallons...... ...... 5f-f4 iR for itas the Superior CorirtiwiU. The .following is a statement of the prMmis ahle to dispose 4f att ai.wiiiiitR of Kitecial r license taxes paid j . ; , , . , . . .. .... r - I crimlmil onences oi which tou iia'e noi $53 78 to the government by dealers in liquors , original jurisdictio a( well lia dunnir the same year : : .1 l.,:.. ' J ' 4 ; . . ail movn" W.HMMO. I . . . -i v MnrrvvT Thft friends- Retail dealers in spirituous ii- j t ,ort Yf tl. Inferior Cnnrt, will .... I. ,. fhn cimo i.?ififTf iirP. I I I ; - ; I 1 lib vjiiva. v ......... - . '..n i. k: Hid 4n!r I - . i:..:.7a t..,rt; rt tltnca i wnncctioq with tlie colored r- bof u S. Grant iu- Philadelphia are npw J . v. dealers iu hi iiituous fbstlhe county nbont $500, as Jbllowr: D,vrvuM .v I, ckLi m. nnnronrint litis hiade ttiWinirthP inifttorv steiistocivelumamag- In "fountain Music." k '. "From toeHBctentlflp News. ; f I . " "' Kxoxville, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1878. the month of July,' 1878,1 spent The Geological Bnreaa. much loved t by , cattle. The highest range of the thermometer, ah accurate government instrument at the hotel, Yx'S act TO repeal sections four- during the past summer, was 74 de H en ry E. Colton. grecs. TEEN Und! SIXTEEN OF CHAPTER TWO battle's KEVISAL, AND TO PROVIpE 'FOR THE BE-OUOANIZA- l!;l.f i t. t : t t . t 1 i yw ug if. ; it, iookcu as 11 11 naa icst o ino monui oi oui; ,101 o,.x ?jjvum . 1 :t.BfJT?n(;i, I .-r----- iH hs fr&nds. It snuttered and mt- several weeks at the Cloudlaud Hotel ' - ; v i ; tion of the , -i: : -t--- . 1 . j .. 1 iwi.1 v ijrrtpn mm ior anoiner n r ric GeiitratMscmby of North Caro lina do enact : SECOlbN ii That'seclions fourteen eu. anu gut- several wccks at me iouuiauu tioiui - .j'i:Mf,1.lin)u 7 J m . v 7., man recentlv deserted him ior another . j . iti - , ... - . - 1 . . ' i. : ,. i . oaT x' -1 1 man. Uiu lie iouow uvi any, tdes,!ahj very soon it became if not Caro ina, which lis 6,387- feet above r-, ; , . - tl- ; to return? Did lie tJVtsjiot tcred tallow tears ran dow kilaj Innl .7... ...Y : I "pwuiij. 5UOII it uevairn? I vtwnia, nivti .v. " V " ''ik nets' '' I hroKenhete4ertainly a broken-' : the. sea. level;. On the eastern side of ,-S,1 ti! ti t,, T .. J ' . . ., t i . , . .1 children s sak I backed tallow candle. the Roan Mountain range is a: kind , . , afford free transportation for this grand movement across the continent m honor of the man who has m recently been the object of admiration by kiugs and nobles of the old world. "Hail to the cmei w 111 be Ming by ten thonsanddefeated Radical office-holders, while Kellogg, Chandler, Logan, Carpenter, Blaine & Co., will lead the grand orchestra, whichis to tire tle brain of a million of sluggish Amer ican yoters to the contest of 1880. Wnst. correspondent. If any one thinks Grant is going 10 oc e west the mount n de-1 .. m5a... . 7 7 -4 Y ; ,.: - A 7 - - "r- .1 1 : .1 . t. . rrlY. ivl I UIU lie fccv uiuStMF..y.. - iijv.auu WIM rne.evos' w m quality : lor the next invention 1 sceims imo-iuer-Aasi. 4chiiimw vi-. i , 1 " t j-JtM r 4 ...,.i . . l- ,V-. , ullu" r . -y- -r- -Lf- llpniM or woman-hateiT or institute!., , , .-..prnin to conduct, under i.t io...l 1.. .......1 lYl 1,: W . Mi nwv 89 H; li - K a OUt 1'- " " . - - ' 1 a y ' . UuiuCr, ur au J? fT-:""f 7-- -1 " 7- f 7 7 guit against somebodyrfor ever so ma- u 8Ur5eWiaibn " of the- department ot ouldo4l People.) The flame was fed bv the oil The land on the top, of the Rpan is 'V ...ki;J,i .k- 'T v t"""777:i i. :fi ':.' ; f .. . 1 u; . ,. . .t 1 mereiv causcvj iv.w ,u imu iohvu 1 a. treoiofficai.uiiAjeriiioirivoi, ffdeftpm the blubber bthe ncrm ing pi, ., rather: exponve ; Canada ba.san. m.ng.a rum bAck llcxt morning su(e . fiice7 shall &pM MtheUnll,n,Il,le a great improve eevat.on.an there :;cea5,n he ,i . 1 'tl ;. bVeaiWW that mant inf..i.c.:.i i:i.i r.ir i' umuihat acoi tnn is mvprwi wun i I i s . . ... ; . . 77" Y I iigut.- ijxauj' ua U3p,y.-..v.v. .j-y.fY; 1 ! , .f the Wrson so appointed shall be liable an remember the astral lamp, which luxuriant growth of grass. I give this rJi prominent Baltimore merchant writes 1 , ? - : t;mA ,.v thft Gov- m s , , 1 ' I i.-.vT r . i . ..' t" .1 .'';'.'...: Y.ii:-: itf I in rotnnval nt anv tune oy me vo ,U as preUmil ary to Wtut i po a southern larmer au,,uS . hJ 4t -f -.rth. THUS, it appears iuav wiyiu .-t - - i , ; tj ward of 106,000 liquor dealers in the pleasure to stipit as sopu a .posjiW. I i...Y ..K- ntuvlSdh tti . Tn fori op country that year. pipi.u(v. - From the above, and other data the Court, at a regular term of said Court, in Hon. Edward Young, Chief of the Bureau the presence of the Justice of said Couft, of Statistics, estimate the. auiouus oi aiwr miw uiu.. f f--, ,rr:7 money annually exiK-uded in the United This could not be done .before theucust o iin...r hv consumers to be term, and in the meauthne the liny term wilfcentail upon tne county a ukichui neari p,,. . ? . ... . r tl iH-ctfully, oi?o vituiuM, Gkkkn 11. Raum, Commissioner." seems to have been thought by; some that The jtaleigh Xetcs furnished Hot long the .Solicitor for Uii Court .km complete since this estimate : V ly in the bands of- the presiding Justices, . . . J . : .. 1 1 1 ..... n rf .loll-ira tf i...nA.l tm a nruTntuT4f tli! will It any one minus wmui ia ,""t i ot less mau mii3 10 ins icmuttu irw..vyM " - easily beaten, he had better divest hi ui-1 re Bneut in the bsir-roorns of North butftbe Legislature h proyidc4 that all - . . . .1 u.. t.l-v;thA I Tl.., i.cf ciiiiiil t-t. I '. iX . I.a ifTlpnnf li Inferior "r sell ot tuat loeajJt" ' t"1 : I uarouna in a year, xno ...... ..... . vuitiuvica i -.. ......v - stroiigest mau ,in. the Republican party, j'iwrt 0f tlie Commissioner of Internal I Cotrt shall be filled byyu. If therefore audit will lane .tne oesi. u ntvrav pi xievenue fixes me uumuvr m imim i jou dhuuiu aiwim, ni;iih"" dcat management to defeat him. CJiar. lo;n9 i the State at it884. It is to a: decjine toeiect ther ;icftor, ere " ' ' " T. tnt thi-v averaire 810 per day for 1 woold be no one to prosecute forT the. AVWtlVtt... . - I CUIUV. ., J d - - i ; ! - ' . " ' ... . a a o irk i". .1... i ... . I 1. . 1 a . . . . f . A r. m . w . . AiHMiHfjinm . i urnits sold, or 510,00 ior it 1 suie. iw- wuuij .vwhhtowiwi'. .If Senator Ransom could have been I dactltie fifty-two 'Sunday, and- we 'have I hae doabt, wottld atyottr;jreqnet eaoin . . . . 1 U ...... lrl Innif ntrn fell ft I 1 !i. .. 4ft HfM Sft kAA I ; l.AY,...Yn.Y..w..l tlitt f a tlrin nA ttt. kuleu oy praise uu o ;-- a jrrauu onaoiw "a - p,j. vc oumiuunvu Tictim to the easy pen of some newpaier wlw ,s old on Sunday in, violation .fi rors two of tho presiding Justices might writers ; aud uow they are trying their laj au(j th figure will csisily reach 0n jthe ifirst day ofthe term,-adjourn the haud on Vance, eveu accusing him of iqoO The suniof ten ceuts a glass Court; andthns tho useless expense to' having "beautiful black eyes." j But wijiyv.r sixty million drinks.. For this th'e co-nnty W '$500 could;;U aroide4; tkI1m must have a subject to work; or, . MlUt iatt would return $100,000 the meantime lb necessary "notice could .amim m nil ini oi ernouiu'i . ;. s. ' . .. . .uuiizni n n aces oi uu&iuraa a ui uiu uivuHiaiu. "?. iuusim 5B" - . . i. a rrn it... - A ,. I "1 : 1 . - . t . . j I ti-A nnrenn fin annuiium euau v Ion? tlmAU ;r.il "intnoiir tie tenders 011 the mountain and also era Stater: and witntnat ; amount .raiseu "--i.TriT rr . . " ...ia.. Ut i 7:7r m". than it was lase ed by t be department 01 agrieui u : T-.vvt. iiuumh : linn, iiihii luwiia 1.11.1 b vjiiiv. t. 1 1 -.-,. 1 tir ; 1. . 1. 1 -. - 1 .i:t:. hut cnafi Y netrnl0or i- i.-...X k TollhfwbtlbpvralllAmounmn mU-Jv" 1 I "'" T7.7Te , ; bfn,! :. i.i:.: a.7i fnSnv said it was The advocates of the extension of the never ex ?: . ... w - . : 1 - ' -, 1 ' - ' , -- ri T-v rr I tt still in universal nse " 1 . i)uttinr out ibv; (- . 7. ' tceeH a greater rate than; two 1 -41 And ;now the professor, I ,!ine ; hateful sodium light J touched a j? Yiuaenisprini In an . instant like iHwmking of an eye a ; tinj, - but enmg: t ney saiuiiw wu , .;fT'rr" i,:i f lt....U -nnm. ' I f 1 .4 TV. n T llrtvn-1 Atlantic, ienucsw vui ,iMuiH.ur. luousauu: uum" r' sounding Joud, and Dr. D. r.lioyn- much encouraed G k Tbt th exnendil It Tt , - f.t I . . 1 UCi. 1 1 Hie, tion. J. Anorn- the snirit which the people are mani-1 ..; JiU:.Mb1 curvpvs and re- tnn of Knoxville AYUder to Uie gien to near .u- jmal "." 'H providcil fo'r Uie aPlort and main- yet tried. j - "T" - - c sound was very plain to tlie car, 1 Charlotte &wrrm ; 7 ; .m I " ' ' - 'Y' -; p1 Y:7S - ' 7777 : 17-7 ';'7 ; ':.Y. Y :;' -...YYr: 7':-., : .-:-v4 ;YY -i t . . - ;. ; jj! . - ;. j . j'..' ' .r,Y . ! . ..7, .H ."7 .- i. .: . ..-I-1 .- :' ? t - W"''; Y.' . ' p . . - - - ... I i tu res in- aud some people consider it a great crime to differ with Tootlle and tne -jeuKiu-se" aud other puff-slingersCharlotte Democrat. j -jMr.Silaa Keaton a well-known j citi zen of the county, who lite near Liberty, Hill, ten miles from town, was found a!a ;n liU W last Monday morning. The coroner went oat to investigate the case. -- - -- !" v !:"7 ri. ..mpn of the Pethel case to Rowan county may be imagined from the fact that the witnesses' ticket alone at this term of Mecklenburg court amoun erai The . - tt -1 hrivfn liv too. aim uie court aooiisueu UAAL-S.l lit'. -nf p ' . . U Moffet law. we desire it I nt thp. Anrnst term ! and the few eases j ... ' " ... . - ' a loptiou if prohibition cannot be secured. I iUn on the docket transferred, a Is pre- But ou imnciple we arc opiwueu iw i i viueu oy law, to uie ouicriur wui i licensure of liquor selling, because it 1 With my. sinceie thanks for the' honor makes the State a party to the com mis- conferred, and, for Uie kind word an. sioni of the' very crime it puuUhe; ' j earnest support whicb I have at all timet,, I We g no further than to give some reielvcd from you in the discharge of my estimates- of tlie immense quantity of unpleasant and arduous datiea, and for liquior: drank,: and tlie vast amount of tlie purpose -jof assisting; yon : in x more moiiey a thousand time worse than wastt speedily relieving the county of a great, el in ithis traffic That crime . aud 'povr. ainl nselefts expense, I; now tender to yott erty are in due proiMtrtiba no observing my Vsignation of the office of Solicitor of. ttersoii will, deny, anu mat mo vn i tup inienor cuuri. mw wum. .... i erv truiy Tonus - i ' v .1. 17- w ;: Yr?7 1 Hii- 711171!'': 1 ' - V li'i. mY3 n LiY?..i . 7 - r (I : : I 7 :7- -1 j ; I ' v; : !Y:t IT? V:1 "7 fir 4 4 .; m. .14;!:' t-iYYt it' vi S;! Yi Y 1 Y II Yi ' . YY3.:.:t.- -.-Y, 1 1-. !! s it. ft I !; 3 YL- 7;Tjyp j

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