PV- X . .- -g : ' ' ;.-r. - ! t u - . , ; ' i I k! - jVT" pc-a :.: -V4-U,-a- j -u.-L.Vw-V- . ; j V:.Y," vLaD- lb-'dbJLddLJL-(LAj - O" -H i iiT -I . 'k- i --V In'.;'.' .t:ui, , ,:a; t .-.- - . - - i - 1 J ' f : -J !. f JF.H.'?!ol: WiiU 70t X-THIED SERIES ft AfiF ' Tfi r A Pfl J! uiliX I v vw.m s BESTf six. cord. ;; FOR s m Illcliine : of Hand Use. All Numbers and Colors, i At WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, lYilluttziiand SLendlcman, 35.JU1 ; 1 S4lWVUiy Ai. V. f'lttle bj lUttle )ucfstcp ami tlien another. ttVnu til longest; walk eudeU : fmt'Utitch utid then another. I fciutkthtlarg8t rent, is mended, puMbrick i on another, I i4nd tht highest wall is njade;- ' nppat:e uHu aiiojlier," ! Aud tht deeif 4t suow in hiid. ft? little loral-woi-kersi )JJy tlivi slow.ynt constant motion, fayfe built those pretty isdands, i:. fla the (tiithnt dark-btue oct-an. ViilftIijeii)je8t undertaking, I t piutiiatuwisloni natli conceived, j-JIave Lt'en p:i tuntly a i chived. fj' ' ' j L ! ' ' : ( tp !dohot look .disheartened fb'er the work you have to do. YfiSisay tb soeh u mighty task . - iflou never can tmgh ; list endeavor, day by day, nothci point toain dL?mou the ihountian which you feirtnl j f IfVVill prove tit be a plain. T 'Riimc was not built in a dav.'' -U'he ancient proverb teaches; AiicnXatuu, by her tiers find flowers, I'liiilk' not jf far off-dy4. ; j lJut of duties hich are near; Aii(i havingtonce U-guii tj work, - ;l'eaolve to H'iseverr. , j- ; . i - IVjr tha Watcaaun. flagf ov natter.-" :: ' Juxf 2."ith, 1670. Iu our eoiumuiiica iiii6f April we parted at the f4liig I'ot," wilkli u abf)ut midway the arrowsVl liielifly oppit6 the "Rock House," on the jBtslUKidet Aftet "rest uu refresh iiit'iir," we CuntiniUMl our trip down the Hvcr, taking in ou route! the 'Big Raft" is nnple up of thousiimJs f cords of iUH wood from the various counties ly iuqlalong tHe banks of this lioble stream Onllould Snppfst; that such an immense decaying! timber wouhl gen n inaliiiial diseases i but fortuuately pit:6untryifis veryparsely hfettled, and !'the;soatbwest wind which nsually pre vaa jluringithe summer months, bear the beasts! From the urontli of licavei- - ! i - . : Ama tlie fniouth of U w harrie won Id- be jhMfleld for tthe botanist, Sdrnggist and igeojogist. o vjery sinueh regret that in hi recent flying trip to l'rdf.'Keir jMojitgonier y, did not . take time to v ;t!e:"X arrows" and "Falls", -aud-. take, at lcitt, a lrd's-eye sketch of the nurronnd- iuCouu tn. J ust belw t h ej4 Big Raft" -briVerwdcns and makes a succession offibals onapids, locally known as tne "Little Fa 1." AtthU point on the Stau- i1 Ji?hn FreWman is building the leiau Mills and Wool-carding ma j Al put a mile below the river cou :;t?F adl passing throtrdrTri noun tain fjeTorni the"(ireat Falls." The rocks . ; ""I'goinerj- sme are very precip ; it$, soinof them presenting a perpen diar frot of siiy or seventy feet. JThe f)iy sid .trut; So "steep, arwagtm wsiy ing wSthiu a few rods of th fivek I m-Mi here U not so treat as we expect- Pot miih rnoi tl, if any, than that just iffve the Camnv. -The Falls and Nar Wyf have sioiiir Iteen ttu r,H t f I Igfttkerl and ! ithyopjiSur Here, fif -w!f? HmV 011 Easter Monday 5l-K)Pul4in M; miles around asscm- d s( ent the day j eacli one as, fancy Maiijr iiiatehes have here been got- P MP an! many a country swain dates lis weal or woe to that einuing f fer iI(Hlay, when iK-iu-ath the shad- l fom giaut rock; he "pieekly knelt M w feet! of his irentle N'annie and tdi.rli- I IffM trh; Otfiei-s spent the day in rVHS and meditating ou the scenes Vted j bat (he greatest lumber ?Sfd ii the exhilarating i ites ft Bac 9? Those days' have passed, hsh havei Jle-pepfc have changed, Ki that Easter V ijicatcely" recognized " as a lioli- lavuiglfhc Fn rtotnW'mout 1 . .J: - a, v .e iush tiow a uir- no tlie mouth of lTw !i.n ri'- n ltointi. I ffreJ whicb taketmrel near- High f ijfity Wliarieflbw-a through some t NttiU?HS i can be found in the State, ftj;icent hills are rich iu gold and i fflf!" Piecious nietals. JiiKt. lx!nnr th of rfjwharrie may be steu the ruii s , i:r,'x fosuHerson, many years ago the :'' (mini.. 'i! ' i rus:,llcjtt of !f iti walUWebeenpull w uowo .iw street stowed np (bat not wm ed witb salt). . )Iicrc Ancient lawyers J displayed eltquence, uml lioarv"' judges ! dispensed justko, the Missei Adeluide aud j Lhzabetli Krou are niw ieaplug it Vicfi Miarvest of coru, wheat and cotton. Here I iu ft qaiet siwty eociosed .bjf a neat stone wail, may be seen the . grave cf the late Henry Delamoth, a; native of France aud great uncle to tlie MUses Kroa. .. They as natives, iind f ,ihe uianor bornfn became the happy recfpientVft his; tintiU'iise ixal j rstattvhicli they s would gltty 4-xclaiigei i fur Government st-ciuitiei, 6itig to tho ifficulty iu ohtaiiijiig gMd i tfcnauts Atmut a Uiile helott iOld Uleitgersou, Is land Cun:k emptK ti Its turbid waters and gold beariug'tudri IjutotJietVdkltt-'flr raUreeDeittWthe' Vtylkinls calleA below; the mofith vt thVlStlrtielalr Cieeliand its mauy tributaries have bein immensely riehf iu gold, and nothing is wiuitedto'-make it an El Dorado but cap ital aud scientific juiuingV i At the jnnc tiou of thU stream t!ie llie Krou have fiue mills, Higher) up the creek Mr. Wm. Carter hasiouring aud . ri8tmls,WHl alo alsaW-mill. Cfoiujf down tho riVer w piws Ulakely, a vteamboat tvu, call ed iuto vxistenee b' the mUguided energy a man who fc-'xpected td make a "bijr thing" of tho luifagatiou. scheme. At Swift Islaud ; we; jxrtuida print iiig'prcss some valuable mil j; property audadefauct cotton Victory which, by j the judicious expenditure of uiouey, .might be made a paying institution.! A few miles below Swift Islaud the Gaines Mills are located, now owned anil run by James A. Livinx- i -.- - .... i i o ' ston. Another noted place on tho river is AlU'fttowtmyhose.mlialritaiits were iim nyyUuVagoUwetrt off byi that Uieailfal Kcuurge, the yellow fever. " hr Below the junction of Clark's Creek, Messrs.. ,Wat kins fc Andrews own veTy disimble mill .property, a cotioiigiu and stOreV- They are both entprSSg ' i ness men and are 4oiug afine business. ' . The'distaiice from Stokes Ferry by jheJ river to the Richmond line is about thirty miles. The lauds all along this distance are very valuable.. The water "".power is sufficient to run the- machinery1 of the tfnited States;;. The gold quite sufficient to liquidate the ijal ion's debt,"and timber enough to wear cfut all the saws old Diss ten ever saw, ;'wijh' stone hough to pave the highways, of !ie State. What the people want is a niilroad from Salisbury by way f tokeV Ferry ;T!agtovii, Swift Isknd, Mt. Gilead aud Little's Mills to lWkingham. We are toi- pKr to bnild it. We will give the right, of way and timber aud stone enough to Guild and hfquip the road, Canjt j'ort, through the I olumns of the Wafchmanf induce some feeott or Vandebilt to take hold of the en terprise If this were bnilt, Salisbury would soon show Uigas of i new -life,: and her merchants and businessmen would reap a golden harvest. iThe route is feasi ble and could be built with less money thajn any other route leading to the same points. FronT Stokes? Ferry the route would-be the 'BeaVerdam valley, theu'ee through the valley of Dutch John Creek, crossing L'w-harrie nt Old Henderson, thence thro' the valley of Islaud Creek and its southern trlbntariesby Zion ctiuich to ft. Gilead, thence by the plank road to Little's Mills, and ro oil to Itockius- i- , - ham. . .! - til KeMo.' . Colored Jurymen inv Virginia. A committee of the colored citizens of CoarlottesviUe, Va.,U have memorialized Hon, John L. Cochran, judge of the County Conrt of Albemarle 'county,- re questing him to so reconstruct the .jury as to permit someNqualined colored per sons to tako their places - in the grand alul petty jury. The ground of the me morial is that.the 'colored people caunot expect impartial trials by juries wholly alien to them "Jn race, color,"" interest and feeling." :- The ti iaT'of -.colored per sons by exclusively while jurwa iv do lronnced as fiitrand repiiroTve to oidi? nary instincts : of jnstice' ThejN claiin that under the law of the State, as well as trader tlifourtcentIituendm"e.tt, they have as much riglt to sitiu the jury-box as to vote and par taxes. "The judsre an? swered the memorial at ouce and respect fully. . He says qiiestious in connectiou with citizenship have not been finally adjudicated, but he is satisfied the stat utes do not give any particular class of men the right to demand being put upon tlie jnry list. The making of the jury lists is a matter left to the; souud discrcr tion of certain officials designated by law; all that they are! bound.; to do iu the premises is neither to include nor exclude any oti account of his colof. j ' -J . ' Daniel Geary, an old citizen of Mobile, Ala., lid both barrels of a double-barrel r ed gun at a burglar who got irto his room rliont 2 o'clock Thnrsday moaning. After, daylight the corps of Jiiu Jones, a notori ous negro,"-was found in art ripen lot near Mr Geary's house. -Iu one of his ; hand was found $12, which he hadj stolen from M r. Geary's house. Although many of the shots struck Jones, a single one only penetrated to Ins hearty and innict the.fa- lilt wuuiiui. r . Mr Vanc'e; of North Carolina, h.ts ob tained fntu the House indefinite leave of absence oil account of sickness in his fam ily, and Mr, SteeleJias obtaiuetl leave in definitely -from "".Monday (yesterday) "on account of important aud absolutely nec essary business.' Cfarlotte Observer. 'Burning a Man All re. ; I - jj ( , . ! . 'A Droze fanner in JSashan - borrowed COO piastres ($24) of retainer of Sheiklt Shibly. At the eud of the ttSZZSAZ - - r i unable to pay. The me your (laughter dninnsnltinKth., ir.U i.tl I 1 . ... r'-r T ' B- U?f ueami - asKea me aueiKii. i sTherall cried. "Burn liinl. 1mm him !"1 4Uliartwrnt They began to gather wood, wlien out of them said ; "Why gather; wood f .Let us use the the Americanfoil." They ini mediately clothed him with a sheepskin cloak, with the wool outside, and poured kerosene oil upou him and set it on tire. He leaped and screamed!, and begged for mercyi crying: "Woe ijs tnc! Do you not fear God f" When jie drew near - -to death the Sheikh ShiUy ' said:. "Stone him with stones." They then stoned him with stones until a great pile r, of stoues was heaped over himT This was done iu the presence of the whole multude of the people. Translated from a Syrian Jour nal. L The Emperor of Austria has just been presented with a remarkable suit of clothes. The wool froni which! the gar ments were made was upon the sheep' back eleven hours before the tile suit was completed. At 6.08 iu the morning the sheep were sheared; at 6.11 j the i wool was washed at 6J37 dyitl j at 6.50-pick 1 h'"2 I),oct,iwas at 8 W1P i WS edj:at8;tbewri wis in theooni ; ed i at 7.34 tlie last carding process I was 8.43 th shutfleVwefe readj-at 11.10 ; sev en and three-quarter ells of choth, were completed ; at 12.03 tlif cloth was fulled ; at 12J4 washed ;fat 12.17 sprinkled; at 12.31 dried ; at 12.45 sh-ared ; at 1.7 nap ped ; 1.10 brushed f am at 1.15 pressed and ready for the shears, and needle. .At 5 o'clock the suit, consisting of huntiug- jacket, waistcoat and pantaloon, was fin islied. - . . 1 TitE QrESTiosC-i-4 lwgyor pardon," and with a suiile and a touch ojF his: hat, Harry Ed mon handed to an j old man against whom he accidentally stu nibbled the cane w hich he had knocked from his naui. "i none i uni not mirt vou. We were playing too roughly.' ! "Not a bill" siiid the old man, cheerily. "Boys will be boys, and it's !best they should be. You didn't larm me. and liftiii' "I'm glad to hear it;"i his hat again, he turned to join the playmates with whom he had ber n frolicking at the time of the accident. "What do you raise yiour Ilat to I that old fellow fori" nskeu V)is companion, ouly 'Giles, the Charles .Gray. "He's huckster." "That makes no diffe ry. "The question is is a gentleman, but oue." rence," said Har- not whether he whet ler I am fm Beatty Mathews, of Lisbon, was woug in his plum-orchard, some davs ago, looking np at the plums, when ho' came very. near stepping ou a very j long though not very large shake, which was evidently asleep in tho sun. Wlien Mr. Mathews jnmped back it aionsed the ser pent, which inhitifright ran np ntreenenr by, from wldfeb. Mr M. killed him with his gun. He measured seven feet and two inches iu length but was (not large. He belongea to the coachwhip, spe cies. H artaw Brief Mention. Intelligence has reached Raleigh of the burning of the town of Whitaker, on the Wilmington & Weldon liailroad. Nearly the whole towrt is destroyed, leaving on lv one or two buildings standing. fire originated iu an old ten-pin alley that had not been used for years, i I' J The Tobacco Crop. j-Upoh. the whole the informatiotrwe fion all th 3 tobacco growing sections indicates that wej shall have an average crop of tonacco this year as to quantity, and more titan an average one as to qualityj if the . seasons' jprovc propitious. . , While Saying her prayers Sandsy morning. Elizii White, i colored woman of Raleigh, suddenly dropped dead. A hailstorm in Orangje lasf Thursday 1 -i. T did a great deal of flamngo tp crops ami left hail lying on the ground to the depth of three inches, r; We may always joke jwhen we please, easo w lieu if we are always careful re joke. , Be not proud of wealt! poverty. to p i, nor com pi aifl of If you, would lie prjngcnt be brief, for it is with wordsva$ with sunbeams, the more thev are cotulnsed the deep- er they burn. . A little girl in .Wilkinson county Ga.; recently poisoned jljprself by cdean injr her teeth with a-topth brush made from a . yellow -jessamine t vine. She died in about . t hours after using the brush. pay you her dowry, deducting the amount "r "T," R , v lortmglit Since that was of rather of thiMlebt.xhe faVmir consented, and 0,000 caojelsjand !r had the largest serio-comic i nature. One bright mor demanded $120 a. the 4wry. Th. cred-v itor offered as payment an order on the His nalaccsi were extensive and majr- ,m bnfoi tutt i . Sheikh. The farmer refused to accept it. n5fi(Jnf nnU ,,i un:u l'ui. ii ! P "i. htel.the loitcrers.(to who!" house and everi insalting the 'harem. KfSt ,,e !f"g uais. uunt uocks This so incensed the farmer that he 8hot j An3 railroads, school-houses, and or the ceditjnH ;The Bbeikhs J thenj asseui ' ganized an WrnVy of 5(7,000 " men. To bled nd Condemned the! farmer death! Ulo all this feauied more nioneV than EffYDtUn YTtTS. General Lowrtnf tntf mewei by the Hertld. !4Iii the 6r3t; place, said he, "the KW' - H - nut u loo IiAAMiJAn. Q AHA 1.1...... ...i naQneyhenfor the benefit of I ' il j,., "i.w ki:j i . . : -i a - , v - . . I la! debt wheii he Came; to the throne. bis he jnxeasefl, first and last to one undred million iounds, not .more . than one-half of wiiilh ever reached him, having topas3 through so many baiidsl- j.lBocH;a''debt .to.onleQd.' With iEiClald a jmrtl Struggle Tlie people weie lissatisfictl, fand there w ere sighs pf ajstorm. r Goschen and Joubert, the English and French fi nanciers wio came over to help him oit of his .j3iffieu!tie$;told, him the first; thing to be idbne "was - to get rid of Saidik ifasli tlie Minister of Fi nance, familiarly called Mofetish. The Mofetish arose ; from the . people j he was originally a fellah; but had been with the, Khedive eef since he was a Pritice. " He".' was a great favorite with the people, who loved him better than they jdidp the Khedive at that time. The lhedive thought over vhat his advisers had.sid, and, with him, to think is to act.,' He invited Mofetish t drive out wijh him. They rode to theoutskirts of the town, when tlie KhediVe stepped out of the carri age, which jwas immediately surround ed by a guard; and Mofetish has nev er been heard of from that day to this. Some say that!! he wasdropped into the Nile ; others that he was taken up the river to some -lonely place where he. drank himself to jSeatW t Poor fel low ! 1 think he had some idea of his impending doom, for he came to me the morning of his fatal ride and squeezed n y hand as though he never Would let go. ijHe was very rich. He built half a mile of palaces iu Cairo which were furnished with a gorgeous ness beyond live description of any pen save thatj which wrote "Arabian Rights." Iu these palaces he had 300 wives, whoj are left to ntpurn his loss. I do not blame the Khedive. Goschen aud Joub?t are the ones reponsible for tlie life! ofj Saidik Pasha. They said "Get id lf him," and the Khe dive pbeyed. ! Perhaps they did not know his majesty's summary method of riding himself of a dangerous man. The people who judge the Khedive harshly 1 of this act do not take the circumstances into consideratioll.,, Queer Accidents. Strange mischances with fatal re sults are daily happening here and there. A IBostou butcher ran against a knife that lay on a block, severed an artery, and bled to death. A Den ver woman caught her foot in a rail road frog, and could not get loose be fore a traip rah over her. A Vermont farmer sneezed with a straw in his mouth, 'drew, it into;! his lungs, and died choking. A horse kicked a Michigan boyliuto a deep well where he was drowned; The shoe flew off a kicking in trie in Nashville and frac tured the ikull of a, baby. An Ore gon girl swallowed her engagement ring and lived only a week afterward. While standing on his head ou the top of a high! jet ce posf, au Iowa boy lost his balance, fell jnto a tub of hot water andj was fatally sea Ided. A stone, thrown b;r a playfellow, broke a glass from wl iicli. a St. Louis boy was driiiHing c I riving. 'come of the throat, and he died a pieces doin his few days a fieri it great agouy. Look the fligt of an arrow, insr P to watch a .Nashville vpniau did Inot see it de scending directly over , her head, and the sharp metal point penetrated her brain thrqugli ooe of her eyes killing her instautlyj ! - il- Weston; is now engaged in a walk ing match in j .London against three contestants f'fot the long distance championship of the world belt." At last accounts he was one mile ahead of.BrowtiJ. and forty; miles or more ahead of the othfer two. 4 . m n.guway itoDDerry la Hexlco. - ; Meilcan correspondent of the XT'. Graphic. - )ftlii lately as . i L: . lyuucnej are not quite as l in former days, but Zacatoes aboutfa the market women and housewives oft the vicinity were surorised to see 11 .. J!-. " 7 . ' " the greeii silk shades dropped over the glass part of the doors; ; -As Boli i face emerged from the hotel he called pfi t t-t he driver, So' passengers to day ?"John ritered one word Rob bedfj "Were all mure7l?"rqu ied ope of - the bystanders. "Maria Purissima pray lor them," ejaculated one of the women, and several crossed t hemsel ves m u rm uri ng prayers for t lie unfortunates, johu looked at the landlord and pointed mysteriously to the door of the choach. Mine host approached, opened it, seemed to par ley with two or three cursing, growl ing individuals, then turning to the crowd'smilingly , advised the women to withdraw. His manner only in creased the feminine curiosity, so wi .res and maideus determined to stand their ground and learn the denoue ment of the affair. Again the land lord put his head iu the coach, and after a few seconds of apparent con sultation shut the door and shouted to his wife, who was anxiously lean ing out of an upper window, "Send down four blankets jor some kind of covering." Iu a few minutes a waiter apjeared bringing some sheets. Tab leau : Four gentlemen majestically draped in white emerge from the stage coach, the women fly in all directions bl ushirg, wondering and chattering. It appears the travelers had en countered two squads of bandits ; the first robbed them of their monev and baggage; the second, disappointed at finding no spoil, whatever,, forced the passengers to alight and took every article of their clothing, not leaving them their underclothes, hence their arrival in naturalibus. Friendly Counsel 1. Resist the temptation of circula ting ill reports; spread them not at all. 2. If you cannot speak well of an other, at least do not speak ill of him. 3. Never speak ill of another be hind his back. Why should you consider his character of less value than :ym.ir own. 4. Speak of others as you would were they present ; speak as a frieud of him who is absent, and cannot speak for himself. 5. Consider yourself the guardian of the character of those who mav I e m absent as you would wish others gutvd your character in your absence 6. Whenever it may be needed to mention anything to the disadvantage of another, let it be done with truth fullness, tenderness, humility, and with the recollection of how much has been given thee. ' John Randolph of Roanoke. John Randolph, who by nature was very aristocratic, resolved at one time to inix more freely with the common people. Exchanging clothes with a field hand he 6allied forth, carrying only a small valise. A big fellow came puffing into the bar room of the tavern where he stop-! ped the first night and ordered a mint julip, as he waSj"nearly dead with the heat." Directly; afterward another came in on the sanie errand declaring himself to be "nearly ij-ozen t6 death." Randolph stepped opto the bar withTn order for the same beverage and the explanation, "I like it." . j: -J j The room afer awhile' became so full of smoke froni the tipes ofyrVjsit ors that it waS'taU&nlt to breathe. Randolph lighted an immense nU)i' tobacco. To the remonstrances of th( of hers;..he repl ied ; 'in not smok ing for" ( pleasure, but in self-defence. None had a better sense of the rtdic4 ulous than had John! Randolph. What this country admires above; all thincs else, Mr. President, is "gritv Keep i the vetoes humming ! N. Y Tribune, 1 , '"WW www w.Ua Hon the United states Compare In Pro- t?B m 0ih? Conntrles. - n r f i. . i V'" r""wl' ",e OI " ' -u"u 4 " ', oy center, a memoer oi the Uiamber of Com merce, of Paris, is a v series ot charts representing. the comparative produc tive carjaci ties of the 'different civiliz ed nations, in all the several depart- T T PSr,cu,tre mechanics and iraue x nese maps are accurately drawn aud skillfully colored, and pre sent to the eye at. a glance, the best results of statistics. They are iutend etl especially to illustrate the condi tion of French industry, u but at the wrae tinie they cast - alstrpng ; light ppon tlie i condition of the other na tions. i j j " According to these maps the Uni ted btates ; stand first as. producers of corn anld wheat, second as to hay, and seventh as to barley. They are the first as to their exportations and third as to importation. In their military marine,,' they stand about sixth ; in their merchant marine second, and in total onage second. Iii railroads, navigable waters and telegraph lines they are first, iu mineral production third7but in raetalic second. They are also second in textile industries, Great , Britain taking the lead, but they are fourth in what the author calls iudrusties of consumption that is, sugars, beats and spirituous and fermented drinks. England beats all in beer, and Germany stands next. In the comparison of the inhabi tants ; having received primary in structions, Sweeden, Norway and Switzerland lead, with the figures 82 and 81 per centum ; Germany and the United States come next with the figures at 71 per centum ; Great Britain at 45 per centum; France at 45, Italy at 23, Spain at 16 and Turkey at 7 per centum. But of pupils in schools the United States have 18 per cen turn, Germany 15, France 12, Great Britain 11, Itally 6, Russia 2 and Turkey 1. Of illiterate inhabitants the United States have only 11 per centum, Germany has 14, Sweeden 3, Norway 5, Russia 89, Spain 75 and Turkey 92. - iS'egro Music. A correspondent of the New Or leans Item, who was privileged to hear a black priestess chant a You- dou incantation, says: "As arranged according to musical .writers, the song appeared to have been composed iu short lines like Runic verses; but a musical friend, who accompanied me, confessed himself una bled to produce the music to which they were sung, a great part of it being characterized by variation of quarters and sixths, of notes, requiring a most delicate training of the ear to memorize and note down. It seemed that most oflhose who have written upon the subject of negro mu-1 sic have iriveii little or no attention to o . l this peculiar feature of it. There are little tones in the commonest rousta-! bout song which are not to be found in civilized music, and which few white throats could produce; and yet' it is to these fractions of tones that the true negro melodies owe their peculiar' wild and melancholy sweetness.".. Hooking a Jugged Fish. Says the Warrehton (Va.) Solid South: Near Howellville, Warren connty, re-1 cently, a fisherman, had his cork to disappear, and soon found that he had hooked either an enormous fish jor. some other aquatic dweller of very heavy weight. weight. On hauling his prize . fa . , . f- . i veu to be a large jug having in- . , . fc it prov side a fish much too large to be re leased through the mouth of the jhg, and which had swallowed the hook of " the fisherman. It is supposed the fish entered its queer home when qiiitc small; Although Congress has been in ses- sion almost without interruption since last Noyember, yet the noble, states-' men.who drew six thousand a year could not find time to consider a lit- tie bill for the relief of the country against the cattle plague. We send altogether too many statesmen to Con- gressj JWeJ really want a few plain men who can bring their minds now aud, then : down to a bill of practical interest. .Atlanta. Constitution. An Old-Time CUodj DneL Among the many bloody duels oar- record as having been fought 6y Con gressmen was one in wMch Jtccs i Jadkson, of Geogiawho had beeai anJ Jwho mz afterward a United States Benltor-iwas ; the challenged' " party, f He wat "an Englishman, like the hero of "Pinafore," by birihjl but he came to Savannah when a lad. studied law, waa a leadtne Free Iison and fought gallantry 2a 4he hroIutionary War. He killed Lveu- " teriant-Qovernor! Wells in 1780 dupl, and .was. engaged in aeveral;i other ."affairs "of horior," until lies finally determined "to accept V-chat-? ledge on such terms as - would make 1 it Lis last duel. So he prescribed m .' th terms that each party, armed with r a double-barreled gunJ loaded wltk ! buck-shot, and with a hunting-knifgi should row himself in a skiff ti AZJ 4 ignated points on opposite sidea of the ' i Savannah River. When the city clock , ! struck 12 each party should start and, H row his skiff to a smalllslandl in thr i mddle of the river, which was wood edj and covered with undrbrosn. Oar arriving at the island, each party wai tojmoor his skiff, and stand by it foi', ten minutes, and then go about on tuf , island till the meeting took , pUcseu ! The seconds waited ou the main land ntitil after 1 o'clock, when they heard: three gun shots and iound, angry cries. -Tien all was still. At daylight, as hd been agreed upon, the seconds went to the island, and foond Jack: scn lying on the ground insensible' 1 frjoni the loss of blood, and his anfago' nist lying across him, 'dead. Jackson ! recovered, but would never relate his experience on that night, nor was he eVer challenged again. He died in this city, while servipg his second terra as United States Senator, March 1, 1806. ; . ! f The Khedive of Egypt Detost ed. London, June 25. A - Reuters ; dispatch from Cairo to-day says the French, British and German consuls I general went in a body to the palace after midnight last night aud announ ced to the Khedive that he had been deposed by the Sultan and that Haliny i Pasha would be sent to succeed iii in unless he immediately abdicated. Tho ! ithedive in reply merely referred tho consuls again to the sultan. i l I Reuters' Cairo dispatch says tho i Khedive has received the if ultina order to abdicate in favor of Prince j Tewfek, and expressed his compliance with the demand. ' . ,r. : A Cario dispatch to Reuters tele gram company says. Prince Tewfek v ill publish a proclamation to-nigbi 1 announcing his accession to the Vice I loyalty of Egypt. Tt is believed ! tliat Ismail, ex-Khedive, will .ui ! Egypt Monday. The rowing match between Hantabr atid Elliott was over a course 3 mites . , , . , 4ifl 570 yards long. Elliott' gotr the tjss. He is a much more powerful ; an than Hanlau. The iattsr beat him easily ten lengths. He stopped the way, his fask was so easy, Sporting reporters say thai Such a ' -j if irformance as Hanlan's has neTe ; been seen in British waters.. The time was 21 minutes 1 second, which U 55 , spebns less than the time of the Kill- oii-nggins maicu. xianian is now. e champion rower of England ' antl America. The steady increase of European. ! itnminrrfitinn vnlmiiAa in lm nn ai ! 1 A ' t - .. ti ... ' j ! i r.i f progress of the country ii j . , . . . recovery of industrial pi towards the ery oi industrial prosperity. ; J I - . - - , -- After an enthusiastic lover, spends wo hour' hard labor over a letter his girl, and then roars its beauty y spilling a of ink drop on i atfirsi e swears in a scientific manneTt for a lew moments, and then draws a f rc, around the blot and tells her it'e 4 kiss. . j V f Ex-Governor Hendricks begTns'io appreciate the! necessity of workipg op Some boom in his own behalf, and he tas therefore started on a tour throojh portions of the West and Southwest. eople of this country, quietly purau ing t he even i tenor 'of theirwsy, neye - know what , day a statesman or .two may call around on the way to tht , White House PAiVa. Timet L ! t rj r i:p !-' - -i - - . - . ' ( S ... . - ' . , i - - . - - - - ' i ' ' ' ; ".- - : - . " - j : . n .' - 4

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