in-f HI? ;.'f 'IS If r ,, H -3? ..V fi ll mi ' '. I ' 1 y y Hi 1) 111!'. ! Carolina Watchman; " THURSDAY, AUflUST 21. ItfK Four million of the old State debt have Keen retired and new Ixmda given in their viae, the Utter representing one million one hundred nd twenty thousand dollars. Eight .millions of the old bonds yet remain outstam IUots. Thefi wast4ig up at Qtie bee, Canada, last "week, -in which several thousand were cngngetL JThc military was called out. , All was, again quiet on Jbe 8th, but the miliiary was still under arms ready for insiant aetion.- The trouble grew but of labor questions. " It teems to be conceded ;that A.T. Stew- artVbodis stilt irfthe hands or the grave thefsare -robbers, and that Judge! Hilton has aban- ft iendly epirit. 1 It is doned il hope? securing tne sieves, m wiii'make the best bargain he cam for 'the recovery of the remains, iw Wdeputy sheriff 'fit vCleavelamt : county w-rfa takinsr to iaii W man 1 tinder arrest ' for . C7 P tealing wheat; whin the man maile" a dash " for the bushes.; 5 The'jdeputy pursued, .and as the prisoner would not heed the "halt,? khe put i. shot in each of. his legs, and then Tlte ft f earn yncht KxpoViment, of llnston, and two Newport "yiiclt Rank nt their wliarvcftj and tho yacht Juniata nnd,Un-. dinj? -nei'iojbadlyltnrtged. iTJie foljqwr mg schooners are nation near yioncesfcer, Mass.: Oco. F.; Trigg. .-Lizzie, pilot boat Xo. 7, Geo. Clark, Jr., Triton and Miiry Lizze. ; Tim schooner Tracy is "nahpre 4imi lull m water at uanoj mux. a uiree .The Xew' york OUerter has listed up.the dxowningf on the last two days in " July and the first three in August, gleaned, no doubt from thenewspapers in hand. , The stories are briefly told, but they inakd near ly a column in that paper. All parts of ' this country ire represented, from Maine to California; hut the larger : part of ihe cas JvalUes were in jhe Northern Estates, along ibe lakes and at the eastern watering placed ' .,:i -'Kit Coxitiiso SpitAarE. The fates seem to - be ttmrfng against the great New f. York' 8enator, Conkling, .A few weeks ago Sen ator Lamar, of tississippi, inflicted upon Mm in the Senate chamber, ft well merited, almost annihilating denunciation, j Other Senators had hit him Very hard before ; but At remained for the polished nnd keen blade of Lamar to settle him effectually, in the estimation of bis compeers either ino out .pf Congress. And , now the besmirched Senator turns up as a vile invader of E$ f Governor Spragues home, and the country Hi filled with stories of the scandal: He ia driveitt irom the xGoverner's residence, j and like guilty dog sneaks nway content : to live if allowed to.. And this man's name i has been mentioned in connection with the v Presidency 1, It is, Ume' we should hear jio j more !' of him: unless ilater developments I shall relieve his present attitude. I 7 - li'S '.'.?iV-i ' ' .mm. " ' ' V -4 U hip isevprp nnd nover ngrceauic. They would b Wrie now. ! , - 4 The Viceroy ft Jlnt .von p.rf a yonng yuan nnd vonMpJrirnco would ! of vahio. . Gen. Grant : No man who knows w hat tli Pimidncr I m poses .would jrare tti-CP a friend in 'tho ,tiice. 1 have had my share of ithave liad all tho honors that can le or should be given to any. citizen and there aie matiyable and diatingiiiah el men who haveearue! the office. To one of them it should lie fP vc'n. x , , The Viceroy, simUing, Mill tiiac ine General sliowed himselt tqlie J?:hat lie nUrn't-R lieard a mmlest man and that ,e still hoed, fcnlhe gotnl relations be- a ri.;.i A inoi w-i :i!tiif be would be agjtin i President. Th Viceroy Raid ho hnd read iu nno,ChinBe ifeti trnualation's from the American . papers about the great reception that was await- iug the Genera jn uaiiionua, sinu np noscdhe Vould tlnve- his arrival so as to Gen. Grant i I would much ratner time my( arrival; so n tto ayojd U. l"t most .of tirese parngrapiiH .ut5 wruieii in au uu M)ssble some er-J sonal fi iemls may conie to meet uie irom iLie East a half dozen perliai who will tjiko the occasion to run .over; to .(uaaror nia. I have a good many frii'iid-Von the Pacific coast," whom I Wilt be glad t eye. But my tine of 'retjurn is unknown and in definite, and the stories that have .crept into the Ciiiiiesc papers bout monster excursion are xagjrat ions; v; r 1 1 ThrVieeroy said he . hal read , them with pleasure and hoped they "were ,.- , i ... ,. i - trnct. . , t ! . . ' ... . . ' . ;S camel to an end an .intercsting'and extraordinary conversation.' "f It cau hardly 4ei doubted that if nomi nated, Gen. Grant would gladly consent to airain become the Republican candi date for Pi-esidenf; it may be. : true that he is uot a! candidate tor the nomination, lie knows perfectly well that for him to seek and fail to secure it would detract g-eatly frt)m his ianio and assign hiU to a vastly, lower level in history than he would otherwise occupy ; on the other' hand, if tlie nomitratiou were thrust upon him it would add inimeasuia-bly to his distinction, now and hereafter, whereas, if the honor passed hiai by, he .not having sought it, liis friends could. :iys that it was because he didHiot seek it, and he did not seek) it because it coald add nothing to his glory, and because he thought there were "others who deserved it more. Thos7iewonld eeita inly sutler nothing int the reputation which he now enjoys and doubtless ho has consid ered all of the pixtbabilities of the case andr has shaped his course to catch a popular g4h?i whatever may be the result of. the- next national liepuclican conven tion, ? ! ' : ; But leaving out of tho qnestlou tho pro babilities of sinister motives, there is iu the ex-President said to the Viceroy of Tientsin more of magnamnity and more of modest v ! than wo are in the habit of expecting from hint, and frankly we like him tho letter for what he has said,, r for what I he is reported to have sajdGbarlQtte Observer. . yn!its Wanderer nnd Muiiel of tho Sew J away ; nino fish houses arc washed oIT intoT York- vaclit Rnnailrrm.-jvtTe driven ashore. masted flch'ooner was run ito during the storm by an, ocean steamer loffiSeW rus tle, Del.jahd sunk witlr all on oard, soinffcfowrtii folirnnnn couhl iiQt. b rtScertaiueli(iThej schip'jier Hannah Wjlletts, is ashore near HyaniSj together wlth' the loojlKtie H.-Tlto Ppjrngfe schooner Adelaide. is asuoi,in Hraut liick, Mass. .Threes fisiniVgc-hopn XowiM)rt. ; At portlandi ;Me,r several yachts and schoouers were fliivep ashore arid shnk.' Other towrisralorig tho east report a long lit s pf- disasters. to ( locstl shipping and rojeit.d : tL- yegtertjay. are greater tliiiVi .at.4i'stsip the water ; v cry chinmey, in ! town ia cut ! on at tne roots ot the houses. ! ( '" i THIS TtAtLItOADDASlAdKD. ' iOno thousand yards toft ha Atlantic & North Carolina raUiarafikiJm Jjcen movecl and a channel "of seventy-five yards in width cut through . the Toadj '. bed. Tho platform at the d epot the iron piling an4 all were washed away j The "damage done on the road will amountto at least $15,000. will amount to over 510,000. j Wharves are Hi HgonefiiTtd -Tm lace- for4xat a to- make landings. ; Jn fact, the twof jplaces may be passed '.ar.rulDlr::2 f.-f ff. -f 1 '-; : ThisjMhejfieverestp MV ! ; t'h eso , places have .ever met with. In addition to the property destroyed; trade arid- custom for era rirenshore at Gooseberry Tslaud; nlearffhis yeariat least are gohe.aijd no possible ohanrp. tt lirinrr thorn nn LATER. ; ! A Bub'sequeet dispatch r furnishes no-' fur ther information than i given above. Ef forts were being made ? to' transport some a-io people irom Bcautort to Moreliead City, but the sea was running high, and the batter had not been accomplished when THE STORM KING'S W0UK. GEX. GBAXT 0X THB A3IERJ0AX SOL- iM DIEHS AXI) THE PIIESIDEX0Y, In tho New York JlernUj, of Saturday laat, ia a letter from its staff corresnbn- ; - j dent, John Itnssell Young, , who ia nccom- j panying ex-President Grant upon his : : trip around the world. ' The leiter. dated j Tientsin, China,' June 15, contains rsevej j al points of interest, and to some of these public attention ' luaj t lw drawn, The i cbrrespoudent reprU hn 1 interviews he i tween Gep. Grant and Li-Unng Chans: - Viceroy of the province of Tientsin, "whoro ho represeniRfts now.the foremost , statesman in-China.7 With this mneh byjway of explanation we quote from the - jetcer as loiiuws : in ivieemy naked - General I Grant 0 TVhetqcritjthe close of the war any diftl Lenity waaexwnenced in sending the sol dieMlwck to civil life- ; :4;:LGep. Grant MOXPAY diSTOnSI 0X THE ATLANTIC COAST. Reports oiTinmens Vantage-Vessels Drip- en Ashore, Laryws Jjoat, Ibtretfs I1 loodea i and Trees aid JJq'hsc Prostrated llear- test Storm trSortQtk -Ever ' Anew The : Damage-There $2lX),000 to $300,000. tosed. in evetv ' direction! the ihitis of! the Arsw 'correspondent sent his last dis iinihlin ' Veiwels And t res are to bo seen. J pUch. -4Tlte old warehouse lat! the landing and the jdeatr mjtiou ot shipping Jitong jt lie coast m4ist .'have beeu greafi This iii(ni ing working men - of MH? descriptions were engaged in everyi port ion of the city repairiujg the ..damages, .in tin cemeter- ; li.rt'.iffris f Him sl-nrirt' sirn 'nlatnlr iv'i ii.v - . - . i r ' t . , - . - - i visible. Jit Cedar Grove about 150 frees s "em comiortau;e. were uprooted, tmajiy of ixyEicli-hat been i 4 1. was washed awar. - i I 'The' Ijaleigh eVcursMnists j will arrive at home to-day; arrangementi J! having been made to forward tlie visitors; at Beaufort to t heir horhes as soon as -possible, ' there not being sufficient accommodations to render setiril'i2.JElniwood,more?eeentlyestabf n'i'rLi'L, i.-l.i ai PAii MSIlfO, Willi MWS H J vjh ii .v i uuti "M"' vigorous growth, djd not sutler pro pu- titmatelv. and onlv .t) trees were blown down. The schooner, AL M. Bailey, ith Down tUfrEmjbankment. and s Three . miles bevoiid Itidirewav. 1trwilf fiT-nnttr triiTiW tliljoila iF Onl n mlil'i lumber, ti Philadelphia, ;ju Jlamptouy,. d . ' t . t, c, RikmTs .lost hntli anchor, lttt ami a ior-j!Jott Columbia & Augua Railroad, tion of her deck - load, bhe- had heij jib; ;:w,lk.h vt !iere Sundiiv night,5 met with split and. sustained other, lamnge. ..hej! w.rioua accident., The train was moving sw rived in harbiir: yesterday evennn-, the mn.d a j wm. the fnmt trucks having heer. driven iipjy tliestOnn. fi hf le n,.st ciass Car lumped the track, sehoiner, Mary fcisherj fiom: lJiUa-j V.U1 ttollg on tie cmssties for fifty or aix delphiaj arrived tin inormng, having en-; ty fet yVhen it suddenly careeued, and countered a stornM off heawelH 1 Hnt,i! Tlllll5lr lllft "i iAal :iP u thA jilthonrrh her decks were- repeatedly swept by tremendous seasi She dragged; aiichors! for considerable j distance . and lost all her deck cargo. Cit- Camp re-; norfs a "Schooner and tugboat ashore at Tanner is creel;. The Pislier was the Srstj two rolled down an embankment of fif teen feet, when the.V j stopped lKth were turned directly upsple ilowii. The sleep ing car, w hich had not emerged from the cutr was thrown against: the i side of it. and f turned hallj way ove;r diagonally' sailing essel t an jvp alter tlmstorAi. .Jhem we. e about fifteen passeugers on The stea.nship, John 1 1 opsins, apt.. ))0;r(l iiu.iuaig five or six in the sleeper. Hallett i arrived this morning at 7 o v ock ,jefom;. the ens were turned over the from IUiston. She encountered the stm nl;iiWeiit .out and he wildest con- yesterday at 1 p.m. about 2 mde hC ftlsioil prevailed, among the passenger. Chmeateague The wind at tlie time Iwas, As-kMti the iw atiippiiV rolfing, blowing heavily h orn the . wtlieast lt.i ;: iptjXewi omer, tho j conductor, climed tiemeiHious sea. ine: wina muiu ih i ,mf. nmm.r!i .villli,,v ..! .....twil rim Jt.l ; ...... ' TIMETABLE v ' ". ' CV a Y3TEIuTK. j)l RAILROAD.' Leave Ti f " GOING WEST.' ' Who has once lised ; :. i 4 i . n if .1 ........... j 1 VI .. ( - I .V "iL- -''. ..... -j 1?0. , j ( (. ? A . '.1.17, ;. J-,,-:.y--jI' ' "'JSa '.i s ; : l-H lJU ! ' I ! 1 . , ... . , - .; ... :'! " r - r t-2 in ! ' :" - . -" " 1 ,:. . . 1 .... , ... :! .... .1. !93G, .1 . I Saljlmry ThirU UrrekV StatC-rtllo Catawba Station Vf . Conor-- Hickory IcirdU 3I(rg)iutin .... Glan Alpine.... BiidVewater.... Uarfon Old Fort . ...... Henry 'u' SWANXANOA Arrive, Salisuury-' Third Creek Statevilld Catawba ! Newton f Conova " Hickory I card Mrf anton j Glen Alpino Brideewater I Marion ; Old Fort Henry S V A N N A NO At TraTnH pa at Catawb4 Station. A freight ard Arcoaimlodatiou Truin trakex three trips a ceek orer the road going West Mondays. Weduemlayn. and Fridays, and go in East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. Going Verf pa'' Hickoryj at) 27 p. m , Esutat II 33a. m 1 ! i ', j. J. VT WIL-iOK. Prcs-acnf. , . . 4 : North Carolina! College, Mt Pleasant, Oabamis Co., N. 0. " i i brn.T t, 1ST9. Tea aamiil s."-4m of tali Institution beglas tue First Moa lay 1q Au rust adrl continues Wwecks. The course of Instruction la tunrou?&: tiie loe-itlon healthy ; the (Community moral ; ! and board low. For further particulars address 83 41 SSI KKTAMTOK THE FACri.TY. AGESTS selling it find iHt "irmPPLE trantrrit inake the stitch, runs easily,; does the 1 tIM hiiffl I i 'Tr'lok widest ':,.' - .... j . j i.r ami wimi.s iiiejMauiin win, lioilt : i: s i tho work of toe machine.:? Wiifu f.r u- .1 cr.brs and fall particular - ' 1 1301& 1S03 Buttoawool gfJ ' if, LUUU PHILADELPHIA, PA. 4J:ly 4 : 1 ISAAC A.SHEPPARD&CaltiyX UaitiifartitMM of TUB f,I u v. vrt44jjj i Unsurpassed for Durabilitvj EcoSomyi and jDonvenW' AimI PerTect la Opersttoa; ! ! 4J ALSO A VABIED ASS0RT3IEXT OP WrL OXiXI.AXXVU' OJ VU BALI BT C. F. BAKER & CO., Salisbury, N. a ORGAN POHSilLB. A Jlrst rate ."-stop M ison H-ur.'tn I'ar'.or Organ for siale. Apply tarrmi p-wi-oJlce lx St. No4-2 45 , Wesleyan Female Institute, . OF. j Verj VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IX THE CtTYOF i saijIsbuiit,!n.: c snirteu i ro noitnwesjr, uen too ,tutv ti. .14on i.u.:,,,. n. enconntcred a cyclme, causing thri sea, : (f )f tn, CAV "vliich wam" where the to wash over her and nil the main oecKH fltuw whonld have with Water. The niftc ! sea sin nneu: came over the port liovv ami smashes the 1 Wasiiixgtox. Ai"gt 10. r The signal corps statlon at LeSves, Del., reports that the two-miasteu schcMner before 'reported ashore atTehoboth, name Ellis M. Kidger way, Capt. Crcsss; of Jlrulgcton, N. J., carim bricks, lava well no on tlie beach : tlie crew ssived. I Cape Mav reports t!ie schooner Man- Ann, of Philadelphia, iviii" in adamrer-. on position in" front of the "station ; the crew deserteij her in a boat at 6 p. m. yesterday ' TIio boat capsized and "the sea washed them ajdiore I it-' an exhausted condition,) :The captain refnetl to leave the vesnelf Lite saving crew No. 40 ran a line put to her qijd. remained on duty all night, Tl't? pclijooncr is all right this morning, Seahigh. I The maximum veloci ty of the Jvrind was 64 ' miles,' .from the north : total i aintall e. 40, ,f "lass out .of the windows: in th pilot and swvnt ' evervtliiiiff : before it. The ! rain at tlie time was pouring in suchjtor rents that it wa impossible to stje 2U feet bevoiid thelMw of theSress:'!. Aubth-j er sea yhich washed over her hjrk swent, one of the l:irre liu - 1 ' ' ! from its: position, and left it on fop of tho officer's ieabin. ! Mj 1 Young corn is said to N vny inuch; injured,! while tha t jpl;uivtl early in j thej. season is iu . better , ctHKtittoii. Peaches nnd apples have all; beeii lKwn fron tho trees while many of the trees Suve een prostrated. At IlamptoiV lljojids the sorni was verjv severe in fJiat kivtioij.' A Jpois tion ofilmTOofiOfilhbi' JIwliwa. luiiitiiiig to ue hi Na!nse4 been. Three of these were .ladies. , It was, found that uot a single bone had been broken aud that no one was seriously hnnv Uapt. xSew comcr's injuries .were more paiufnl thau tlnsi of any one else, consisting of bruis j cs about : tho head and one in the back, I wllirll V ri vji liiii) niiinn tronbltt- lit' ''i'Vi"'! ! Al0'nardie, of C4lumbiat also received taljc l'' ' n few cuts, and a young named Stil It van, from Auirusta. was scarred alMut the ..fact. The- ladies escaped almost without a scratcli. Char. Ob. 1 Judge' Kcer'A health is Buffalo Llthia springs. j improving at blown otF cauiugt thy daumseu by rain poiuiiVg in moud bounty fro it ti ee, porches anl barusattd .buildings of ; kinds ivertj completely deinoIis,rjed. T ha destruction of propdriy in Piimjess Aifne county) was very gitfat almost j all thf ;trnit ,tre-s as far as heard from beiiig prosf ratel. The gale at 6ape Henry, was terrific blowing out some of the classes at the light luHise beinu tlie first case of the; kind on record. VI 15 LAST-BE AT EN BgAUFORT. ilTEUBYA TKRItlFlC STOKM. The ndilroad Track Washed Up The A young man in Newton i who parts his hair in the middle and sipg "Grandfatlt er' Clock" has been given four days in which to ieformr says the Enterprise, The ItiVlef gli Obterrer says a $1,000 AVesteru North Cartdiiia J tail road first mortgage baud Wariiig 7 per cent, inter est, was sold at public aftctiou in Ualeigh Friday for $1,011,00. , - ' The Ualeigli Observer states among its military news that arms are being put in order for issue to the- King's Mountain Military Academy, Captatu W. T. li. Bell of Cleavelaud county. : , The Hssiean Dollar. What is the uitl'crtfiiff iftwf i! llu Mexunn dollar and Talder's Iiuoktve Pile Oinlinenl ? One doe what it promise and tlie oti.yr !es By virtue of a Mortgage ort Deed iol Trust. executed hy Thos. K. Hrown nnd wife, K. V. Brown; to Sophia BeHherer. dated the 1 9: b day of January, 1878, and registered in the office of the Rei-ter of Deed 4 of ly. in Book No, ot, pajje 409, 410 and 411, tr.., aud upon which default lias been inade, 1 will xpose for sale at puhlie auctinn, at (lie court-lmnne door in the Town uf Salisburv, N. Gar. on Monday the 15th Day of Dac ember, 1079, at 12 o'clock M.. ihe following real estate, to wit: Tlie Lot or Piece ; of Land, kaown as BROWN'S Livery stable, embracing the greater part of the lot pur rhal frm Kdwin Shaver and Mary IS. Sha ver, mid joining the lands of John I..; Shaver's heir. Dr. NV. F. Ba:on, hud the parsonage ot the Lpiiicopal Church, in the Town of Sal is-1 hnrv. j i TEItMSIJASII Dated at Salisbury' this loth d.iy of August, 1879. ' ' Ciias. lttir,K, Sophia ksiikri:;:, Attorney. Trustee. Angi4tolecl5 I s VALUABLE PROPERTY . FOR SALE ! On Saturday, tlie 30th instant, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on the premises, I will oiler Tor sal,-, unless sooner disposed of, my j One-Fifih inter est in thai part of the National Hotel JJiiil.l ing that helonged lo the Heirs of the tafe Joel I. Jenkins, and in which Messrs. Horah4tave their Jeweler's Shop. Price aked, $600. J.NO. A. BiYDKN',: 42:2w BiowTn Hock: X. C. not. The Mexican dollar says, ."1 am one humlri-d cents," luit wlur ytu eoine t invist it you liml it is only t-ihty-tive. Tahit i's Iliorkeye Pile Ointment s.iys '-1 will cure you of Piles;" and upon trial it is found to do ?o in every ease. It makes Inst one promise to cure Piles; and does po wii-iioiil -failure. Price ")0 cents a h.itlle. For ale by .C. It. Barker, Salisbury, N. C'ous.ecTis' Compound Iloiiey of Tar has been so long and favorably known that it neid-t no encomium. For eoulis, eoitis, sure throat, hoarseness, etc., il affords s;, -! n-lie!, and is a most pleasant and eili "u-i .tis rem-tdy, hunt y and tar beir.g two oi ils ingredients. The ski fk of the chemist, and I he .knowledge, of a physi-. cian were united in its preparation, (be result being a compound which is fhe laveiiie reme dy in ibis severe climate, and has no eUal as a "en re for conulis, rdds, hoarseness, bronchitis, cronn. etc. Use t'oiisser.s' II.ney of Tar. Price oO cents. Salisbury, N. (' sTAuxjrox, vine i xi a: Opeiis its 30:h Session, Severn ller 18i!lg7j OaJ-of the first .hous fur vUti ,V. l:dieiVke United States. Uliinale unjurnsd.! !i;iiri roundiiibe.tnlifiil.' Attended iy juipiirw Seventee: Si:4es. , Strictest w-unuwiy reared. Anion;; ihe. lowest terms in Hit Uhio. Teums: Bxrd, Waaltiii I.i-Iik, Enjli.1, Course; "Lai in,- French, foreai-h;Uialff,j Scholasiiu year $ll.r A ttij j trait very jiW1 For Catnloiiue, address ft '.h ' Kiev. YVm; A: If a rbi. D.tLJi4it.Tl )S:3t NO Ti(J E! 4- For s.nle hv C. U. Barker, Greensboro Female College, GSSENSB3R0, N. C. The 47 Si Session of this well-known Insti lution will open m W'etl.'u -d ty the 2tlh of August Terms i t d'ua d to .-nil the times. Applv for Catalogue to June 24, t. m. 1870. othlni ON':s, Tresi.lent. CT 378 bales ; recein last year, .45,122 replied tlint. on tHo con- .itrarj, tlie rncn who had leen hi tho army T om. iiomea nnu ocenpa- Atlantic Citv tho velocity of atlonsDaod .beme the sliest portions of the wind 69 mflcs,t from the 'worth weir, u iv ; reriutuoii i -it 4 p. m. ' TIi6 schooner Flora Curtis, of u ififii Liiimn ! i iiiii. irii i rn T?in ni i i .t . t i i f. ' . : - ""- b" i i-eriiv Ainuoy, u. J., wa oiown asiiore ' rrr';'.1" nwJcraMe? .w?re marei lylriTbc m svin crew hauled til Ufo boat rhtSlhwK- Mto .poit;PI,.ite ; the wreck luit cmild - ' j i ! i not irer. ro; roe scnooner. i ih Riit t ninnin r. .m - . . - T'. ail I VIKIV lCIIHMltitl 111 lilt? HUTTltHI WjJ.e .rt,U.t.:L; a ! unfirh, in., wheri vrcscned lv thHife - vjrnic-iiii urilllb - I II r.II 7smri na htu I no I ?.. : rri. . ' . . .... Uti-.wUu l:.: .. ? V"" . " v - BaTiiiR erew. ije atuiouni oi nuubui was airoiwiM'iiw Roiuiera ii tiirt smith.t 1.. in ;....4..v n ... .i ' ' -L Ilt-2tl 1 V u ILHIlIt:?. x 1 I ilt'UIM I'll' If.'llU. n and one. carried to sea. hour Atlantic City reports that the schooiier before reported ashore was boqniVfi-oin lH-taiKttaud, Vn., with nine wood, for ew York.. The crew con- sisted of Copt, Fiersc, ot Key port, Me., and four ineii, 1 lie schooner will be stripped at oticej; Jt i feared she will be ft total loss. . i Norfolk. August 1!).tTIiis vicinity has been visited by the severest rain rnncli to sar in fkvoVof th wnflT Z w ,,;lora',iV,M ever riencea. it 4 it,T:i n . 'i"u MmMiwesiwara.-comiiieiicinjr k uiikuuKts, nai wm ' ni iiir Tolion-pra I o.or .. i. i i r- ... .... . . 4linr. . V ". i.-juh. hi., aim rracnmz irs utmost in- ZZZ: V" II ?V ??rst l,ie" teneity- at about 1 1 ii. m. Alauv buildin-s 9: ir.r""VVr,, inw miroofed a,ul tlooilca : titles weir I.'TJV Uipwited, shipninsi datpa-ed, many Ves- li i3 lil i t.Vtn . . iTmviiVn' . - a.: . -I k ? dragons ashore. The Boston steani. U.7 nJZZ S Mp company's warehouses hafinj, been - &mKu. awiiiiLt ii ji iiiTiiia -r ir . i j . . . ' T ,..,.r- . , .iBj into tm I &erionslV f l:imnrre igw-iOf iJipiior,-Hie soldiers.; iu th Atlantic. Hotel and Eigh t Eushwms Jtout- e$ li apnea xiwayt-uamagc me nsc 'Amount. to an Special to.tbc Oljsorver. j iroilEIIKAl) ClTV'J A. CI We werb Visited this moruin I ! 2?l(fIJ,prt thernselvcji by ;iill ngctCfour su S VPaT ierq; pop,,- latPr- ; rlatioQ. unr armies "were not - tumWo- j ; rie not on either side. Mercenary arm : tm A. 1.1 . - . Kio mmuir..u ieopie arc more peaceable, n vl bfe Jtlian .those, -who aiwjP seen war, Jiiey Know what war, is. " Thenbore oitirht tt 1! fofcel n nun' th ! attention of tlw ntal wars, and Democratic f atnmpertin .tlie- ottli;HliouUl . always i j arrj f t in their pockets, ready for refer- huvo uru., uiiuu iias una tiiia i ltr -, ffi fitwiu fV ... . , , ,iMiikvf j iwvv ui ii r SS c mnSSS been Utibmcrged and many of .hIwiSLSk CSt raV f the warb hoise 11 i)dcd The tide was k8!i1 Idgher - than It j wab ever knmv.UcThe - - m r .. v ; i v ' m im i .r i.i imiiii u ii.t..- ri ront lira ex-PiviideWi bVv. oiou.jiiieauq jir uoats. the sight rf iSrrrimS on ivucxampfel even to the oldest : Ktrr.'aa the Anmt fJhut J rt ' l A ioitui ateiy wirnoiit. Uamaire L fS r; w"T:rrT'OT. r l imToutHliiiglrty. The Rutins of Ttordff ' Cist Eiiiscoiml cliurcjiwas torn off and I & ; t9 thei cornice Hml,de;rnaii.etitaof St; : "TO I whJ!e te beatitiftil crounds of old St. at e bauiy- wn-cked aud the old lemew. - ; p"3Siuinry or - a: i r "i ' .". vu,i;wecopy , tnjj toi l p.,ur Lslirin?f MotjihlB t, .r...,;, r.:.! 1 ,lu V-nrr-r-" trees torii atld switched so a tl UnrrW ? C; Tlie Viceror Vtaid 'SrftK i atnile' tltai he rJJP'S ,e' ttie,ty : WIe,J f-kiml ronUauoken by tlie General about Mayor l ucker ordered' out the entire ponce force: arid lihj ilepartments;- The I - wi.i..-mui wii nira xuey. wouiUt pot be toss U Varion 1 estimated at froin &2Q0 -! WZm !?ler W,e (Jeneval became 1'resi- 000 to $m0 vA ? " i , troB ?e?Wfelm; would . usbukG usnst' lDTHp- dirni - L horr.lhw otiM-ilH, and-, that when tit& by fc.Sml -SV reiSil, ii i nrust Im- 8.4- te4 litic storm from tlie. southeast, damaging a . . -- a 'ii.. r.i here totno amount ot by personal pio:ertv jiere totno amotinc pi about $5,0tK).;0The; Atlantic autUJvortlt Caroling lJaihoadi tracl wtweenj tljo town and tne depots is nearly all wnnm nj. "The 'Atlantic tlotel 4d eight bnsl nttSS liciuses ,in l5eanf(BC were ..waidiett ca;iv, line ine ni ions nuier uuuiies tie inestimable. 1 he guests of the At antic escaped, but the. building and coin tents, lncltidiug ail thejf baggage, is u total loss." ! -.. s ' I . There! is no information from Other sections, ot the county, but the dafnage must bef-vcrV irreatV ; i ' ' -V THE StORM AT WIliuiXGTOX; i I To the Associated Press, : A' 1 Wii.mixgtox, X. C, lAujnist IS. A tenih'citorm of wind ahd'raiti viiited this section early this morning. At 4 a. in. the Velocity of the wijid had reached sixty-eigUt mile per hoiir; A large rjuni -lur of shade trees vere prostrated iti the city and seven houses and sheds jtvere jiisrooied. ao lives were lost, l lie ier- fnitH baiHino iuaric, isiiaiioroi mitln the niaiiimasts gone and seven feet , of ater in the. Hold. Ine lirttisii shin ivate and, has the tmm. - . - ' " - 1 V .ntOI I j UeueralnwoaU remember was the 'teTeisipeiiic.ln thi- liim nnd wriln to him.. . ! - : - i. - T 1 . . "." v:.--'i ;'' t I mm Mr years. is RXiM'eteil tit wvprrmwil. Lren. UrauturMcellency ia very .Id bnrry county alone tlie damage the iwu w Fstimaieu at ner cent. Tlie bsrns and outj-baildiu'gi were also consid erably damaged.. ':'-:ft y-.? E; ! ' IN RW; 3t orkL! f Ancrast 19. The i't storm yesterday along tlie Middle Atianticnd jewEnglandlcoat was the severest ex pmencwl in many vears.' No nrear, loss of life: occured, but reports of disasters to Shipping come ia from all the J Seaboard fctates. At Isew jYork twenty or thirtv sailboats were Batik or damaged and the . ; k-hv jf B Aery uJiiuQi but tbttrQ, could be. ijo, wish 'more ilistasfeftil to me tliau wluit , von i4 I fnt J bavw lield the. Iresideucy aspng a it y ( Ua erer beeu IjeltV, by nnyiuaiu , there ir oiijcrn wi9 nave jisen to great n is- 1 unction at home , and .who ha - Jionor who are worthytjind to them it be , Jougs, not to i;je, have no claims to , I he office. It U a place dUtasteful to mcV H place of hardship and. responsibilities. was a voiiqger mm ficae hard- Bonsfield ashore above Jlattery will come olf. without trouble. It is teared that serious damagei been doue to'cropsl; " r ' " ' : ''Special to taeRateiga News.' ? Morcheml CitvAugust I8--34IO P. At midnight a ternmc storm arosa, wildest that has becn known here for'iear3; the wind Wowing from the east. . At fire o!clock this'niorning the wind veered to aSjuthcasjt, sending the heavy surges rolling into t.he 'heart of Beaufort, a strong flod tide-, aidjing the . work, and at 12 M. Beau fort and Morthcad Cityvere' ' f. COMPLETELY WRECKED 'Thc.fifst to. go was thej Atlantic Jlotel-- there was not a -vestige, left. It wsj witli visitors, but they had to Hc fb the' hhrhcr around, deatmir scltervUiinffV-bbhintl them; .-Nothing was sayedr irouV the jftotiel,' tue pconieauareiy escaping wnij tntiriives Thc the Ocean view was the next vie tun, and - the spectators- 'ho had watched thatrlestruetion.oftJieuVtlantic , uiadjej prej- aration ty save sue n stttn as was conven lently portable, ami then sought a refuge from tlie fury of the elements. " "4 1 he waves surged up into Front street sweeping away, iour stores.;; it tis timost iiu possible to get lull particular, as there is scarcely, ajjoat ierr? ana nof communjea tion oetween tne two places. ;';f?i; i"'"i iIOKEEAl!5ScrrT 1 In this place the colored M. E. Chbrch is leveled ; a large school house is flattened tb the earth; the market bouse is .a tca six u wettings were uiowi? qRtirejv i Cottoii recepts in Raleigh from the 1st of September last to Saturday last, 4G,- ts for the same period bales": increase in re ceipts this year to date, 1350 bales. These: statistics from the Xeirs, : Ash.evlle JHrM ; , The X. V. WooI , fin. property was sold- the 13th inst., un der a decree, of the Uuited States Circuit ' Court tt&itisfy certain iiiortgages. John V,:"Cunuinghanir of Person county be came the purchaser at $7,245. The prop erty w a. well worth $1,001)0. So Col. Cunninghem made uot less than five thousand dollars by the investment. We i understand that Col. Cunningham nro- poes to make Asheville his houe iu the future. Asheville Journal: Ou Thursday morn ing, the 14t,h inst.i about uiue hiiles west of this place, and near the Wayiiesville road, Noii is found the dead body of Mm lkufus Co)U'.' '" w She was a woman of some forty-five years of age and had a large family. She was found , with a table cloth around her neck, by means of which sho bad tied herself to the top of a small hapling bush, which was so slender as to bend so low as to allow! the body to rest on 'the kiiees, iu which ! posture tho un fortunate woman was found. Quite ai' number ot bales of new cot ton have, been marketed in South Caro- ina this year to 'date; Mr. Wade Hampton,! Jr., a son of the SenatotybuVa, resident of Mississippi, was married -011 the 15th to Miss Kate O. helan, of JLours'vilte, ';Ky..; i! wreck ; Southern Tews Items. James fiver Is lower Iban it txas been In SO years. Tue drout'u In soutli and west Texas Is becomlne sometuin? teuriul. Tne easft preailums for the state Fair at Raleigh Wealthy cltlzen3 of Nashville hare taken $60,CO0 la a aew uot too factor. ; jkr Aurusta. Georda. Is anxloas to utUlze the water power ot ner 3,wo,wu canai. . The cotion croa In northern Texas was never known to be better than jt is this year. Ll?htnlne struct a cotton Sell ta Georgia the oth er Qay, ana scorcaea k u.urvcr 01 mi cre. Farmers ot WasMnaton county. Texas are Davtre co cents per snoarBO xur ymmas ciarttfl are rtrtni? in tlie Drairlcsof Bcllcountr. Texas, in great hampers mora toe want 01 water, The fcooisiariA Stutinei arses that - the State take some action in rezard la the leprosy In the La- tourthe. -: :i '. t : . . ' -. I i .' , ' -. nntrmpr tn Norfolk cotrntV. Vlnrtnla. -has rais ed and shipped l2,0oo barrels ol potatoes this season. A necrd boy in Waco, Texas caught a number of large rots, ani, after skinning, theia, sold them to a restauweurioriwturrei. t. 4 A farmer near Wilmington, Sort a Carolina set sprtng'-suns' In his watermelon patch, and tne imeyes came aionx ou ntuic uu uuu ukhiuh wm. a mrentlT enacted law inOalveston rnvldestait rani employer who shall force ;an employee to labjf on Sunday, Shan he uaoie 10 a ana 01 w. Babies arc the institution and should be guarded, from attacks of '.Coliry Flatulence, cct', by h f. Bull's Baby Syrup. Prico I In the Superior Qurl. T I'etMion to St-1 1 hind i ' pay debt?. J NonTH Carolina, Davie County, M U Chaffin, Acbn'r of Samuel Smith, dee'd, PI fi". against Jon.ith.m Smith, Jr., Snmuel Smith, Thomas Smith, and Bell Smith. ' It appearing to the satisfaction of the court upon affidavit of the Plaintiff, that Bdl Smith, one of the defendants above mimed, is a non resident of this Stale, it is ordered that publi cation he made for ais siieeeswive week in the Carolina VATctiMAN;noiifvingiid defend ant to appear at the office of the Clerk ol the Superior Court on the 23t'i day. of August, 1879, and answer the co npl.iint which is filed in said offije, or the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief dem -thded in the complaint. Witness, G. M. Bi'xj3nAf, Clerk superior Court Davie connty. 39to44 HOW TO SAVE IuONEY! n.ifdmflr. Snninr, Weavi-is;.. Fu--1 0i j. .- c and Dr--3abg. . The Klkin Y.idkiii Cnnnty, ha.e taken a iong step fot-wnid. They are now making ten or twelve different v:ii i.ti s of Tweeds and Cassiniet ., and me still ar ranging for a further advance. Tlie Town T:ix Litsili jbe Ut4t fniii July 2JDih, after which dale liny will ly ir- .ui- Hint itiiuUlf tax im ioml oniall lie-j u Jits. ry order of tl:e IJoard ;oTf! luM.-h.iiers. i. F. lIo(;u&, C. ! : July TtllSTli. 2t SONS! 7 Sliockoa , Machine Works, Manufacturers of Portable and StadftnaffTFlateH and i'.(titer.s, Saw Mills, c:orp-and hful .Mill-i y (ins?. Hangers and nttieys. 'i urni!tu-J aun ua, Toiiaeeo Kaerory laehlmir.v, ror.ght IrdniWiw, l!.rassail"lrou Casting Ma hirierj' nt tfwry'De- scrlptloii. Ginning and Threshirg Macaiiits" A SIVXIALITV. ::i:r.!!:ix(i i'jiomiti.y CAi.'KiTLLr-to Thn prices are the most surprising t '.;i'r: V.i can send your Clean Woul to the Kar aitf-UT 11 : rnrv'and tn a Tew days rceelve baek the rolls at 6 c Ms a inunu: have it spun Into yarn at I-. CU.J 'nave it made iR to Jeans cloth at et.i. ararrt ; or m raa kH it eolnrcd, fulled. -presspjl and sheenl. t.mstiecl up In Stvle, at :5 ct.i. per uid. i.'t.loitvl Llus -y i , cents; white. 14 ets.: HlankeiK white, 2t cts. per yard, l lb. clean wool will make 1 lbs hoavv eToth. s tmptes ot the various cloths uxanufactured cau be seeu at J. D. Wli !s tor thi.- ;I7ESLY'3 STCEE, Sails cniy, etaliiisUmeut . 'oil nd to deliver ioods J. D. MCN.KELV, Agt. Ik you want a gooJ bVriili.'.-r tor cotton 'or Tolvie en. ot) to -T. U. VeNRKI.V. If you want a lot of S'iperior s;wed Shinu'u', to -J.l). McNKELY 2:3ra rrnV- Pitent Spark -Anerfc: The Invention of the Age. reallvfhf ; T.ilitotVi new nutont S:ark-Arrestcil Is 3vM.oM( Ct ami re.lab! one, and Is supersed! dt in rs in use. The neat efficiency of tti ArnMf t.sattractlfjr untverbal atteutieiu iiiid febtS:? it4 (iors d by the iM-st 'mocUantr-al enfri rreers tm m ranee coir.panh. promiuciit leaturcair- " 1; iio.-s not destroy lliedrritt. " t V f it i!ies not4ntcrfere with clcaclrtte ; It wi!l notehoke up, and legutres tovleanipt. It requires no dtn et dainptrs to -fte opentif wtff raisins? .steam (dampers beinj? bjectjhjtWe.8sap mav be left open and allow spnrks t escape. . li requires no water to extlnjrn'Kh .mparts, f W bv r;onden.-.4lion, dostrovs 1 he iiruft.j We!-t(tew. water Is u:ed. if nesrlerted. the eHU inJsdNW ed by evsppratton of the water, and tpe boll-rf It is slraole and durable and can Vp rellrd tlpnic It can b? attached to anv boiler. I . r ; - j i No planter should le without one ft 'Q ran rotafwnlfwUl iuslire tins unajifB ffWre Talbot Engines n nd 5park-Arrow !!! $mw same rates asttliiirjfl for water oTtrse-po-j rVKend for 1 lust rated eirculars 4"d pflce,Bv ItMucn Houe,. charlotte, X. . I . , 5:cia W. C. MOKfiAX, 38ana BUY HARD- YOUR WARE BINGHAM SCHOOL, ME1UNKVILLK, X. t'. o . . 30, Tho I71st nossion begins 5"niy 1879. Arrauseiuents have een : n;nde ly whicli a limited nnmherof youn? nun with small mean can ''MEsii" at $5 per month.. Board,, with famished ' room, Reduced to 12 per month; Tuition to 830 par Session. For particulars athln s 3o:lm Ma. QSiIGS 'I : if 4t. - ARE ALWAYS Mm1 JQiE$r II. I.iNdilAM. FKOM And ron will not onlv save monef . but set the Best Goods made. You will Bind iu hi Well Selected Stock of I ard ware. Mowers, Thresher, and Sewing machines, Straw-Cutters & Corn-Shollors. ; Grain Cradles, Grain- and Gmp Seylhts, Plown, Hoeo, Mattock and Ticks. tShovets, Spades and Forks, Glawi, Paints, OH-, I'uity, and Varnish, Locks, Hinge nnd Screws, Dissten't Cros-Cut, Hand and iill Saws. ! Blacksmith & Carpenter HO BSE AND MULE SHOES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Patent Oil Cans. Patent Fly-Fans "ami Traps. BUGGIES, OPEN AKD ,7ITH TOPS. 'Bnggy-Hnrnss, Harness Leather. nnl Moiintings, Wagon and. Buggy Materials, ami many other articles too : tedious to mention. , - No. 3, Hedrick's rtor,-4Xeq,r National Hotel, Main'Street, f j ; 4 SALISBURY, IT. C. S0:ly " --!--''' McSmith Music CHARLOTTK7 N. p., T -Branch of Ludden &l Baks, SAVANNAH, OA. j PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE AGniHEflY! At the Court House in Salisiiry, on the 14th day of July next, 1 will fell Uiu- Sieum .u gine and I"i!er with all tlie M it-hint rv nt rarhetl. Also a Saw Mill and (irist Mill willi all the m ichinery a'ttiielifd ; it l.fing'lhe ro nprtv ronvevfd to nie John Heard and El- hn II. I'ard by m"rt ti .duly n-ji't-tt red in i the lligisU,r'! office l t 'tiuniy,",:n Duuk j So. 47, pn'e "51 r i : 1 1 jfegf iernia oi ae o.ioii. 4?a IA'Iv KliLAC'K.MKi!, Ti;ntee. June 10, 1S70 5w CO :t:- - ' MnsiGal:Institieli OF ALL KINDS. to 4' 3ft i6 Chv Jackon'rf Best Street Navy To!acc M HeMersoa, Blacimer Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. - SALISBURY, iV.'C Jnn.iv'22 1870 -tt. cents a bottle. .t. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, various other blanks for t ale L ere Snbscsribo fro the Watchman only 2 Practical Blacksmith . PI A NOS i from 1 25 : OIIGAXS $35 WjPrt Cash and Part fim j Very Low-for All Casl. ! . Send for llhutratcd, VUW f List FitKE. i - i . Tlie Best Maae , All Gnaraiiteei for Fifteen Yesi Sent oF15 days' trial.-Sf W im both w-ays jf no sale. , Call on, -or address r: H. McSiTH, ; ) CHARLOTTE-K 52:4m i tf 7 f . M fJJt? HORSESHOER. SHOP connocfetl with Crown 2 Verblfs Livery stiape ot toot. All iioein3 on strictly m ;lenUflc pnn- rlptesaal WARRANTED. I promptly aone KERR CKAIGB, gittomts at 2ST- f llfV: V.. : - .!- r '; - . - . I -.-! ! - j ; ' N: . i" lKtnff fi- ' ' " fH- ; 1 , .1 f . . - . A J.: . -' i