,s v ; I 1 J ' rrn rm, 61V ;1 i . r. i1 J) : -.ij.i j . t it , . -' N1 X-i-THIKD SERIES T0L i J. . CLARKi JR., . & CO.'S jjE6TSXiCrQR.p ;N Al'ULL ASSTXE J OPq livtatioii; of of tt cradl'p, Mf4SiuiUi 111 Kumters and Colors ' ,y.rtT T-C! T T."1 AXF PfT AIT Hi t - is t v - 'f "' K.I.-eVurtf TT r Scandal. i loiiiin to fh' father "went, . .;..n nl'MU was her intent; ILjKiMitiutnoi, Krat ami small, I h.iit.funy4 t heaea I hem all : M cl.U-k-ht in tier cataUrgiif ot sin, Meowed that she a tal-Uau r had loil botue a hit of scandal up and d(Vn joall tlie h)iig-tngned ;si8 iu the II j wu. p j , - . . tkyit father furnerntlier sin litsfiilelorHU thefiest le panUm gave,. liidtiattodo lit penance, she nuistga lut bv tie way-sidii where the thistle i x Jni iJltHii!glhe largest, ripest onej .aUrt-Jt he seeds; and wheu .this was ilout, luMtome back againuiother day IdUlj liim liis Icoimnaud she did obey. .l4: utau,' tliin.kSug this a penance Hi!llt,..., 't-Ied to do lu'i will that very night, Feeliug'riglit yhul sho had -escaped so Nnt (lay hut one she went to the priest lie priest still rind Iieard her story ju-n fculj i'here?s sqsnelliing still for If iUii toilo; '. , liiiweflKtle eetl which yon have sown, Elm itiiii go regaither. every one." file wpiatrfctiil, 'But, Father Hwould tievitia those'seed again he have sealtcred l hem botli f far lilnl wide ir tiie iiM'ahv, vale and mountain 1 licfiitner aiiswereu, "Now I hone lliat from "tins the 1i I Iiavu t 1 ught, you w ill ) not m caluiot f.nf hep back the' scattered 3 r- w ill grow to noxious if'iiitfifox and wide I . tp mis, Sr ci they niischeif once by scaiidal y any jwuauce be hhin undoue." I larif E. C. JohntQii. r. -. Tie Proposed Panama Ship-Call way. Louis Exnroter anii-hnvortcr jis tpu jahis to get fromseveral! en- timh f lijoj, Ktaiidinc: an oninion as to eaHlality nf the ship-railway project 'tthjiiKtltmus of Darien, set forth io the miuiiicatioa of Qantain Eails alij-ady ffattif liefore the ijuh'is ,f this paper. tliitf Ensiueer iGhannte, of the vKrie f4, writes that lie had already given !niiraUe attention ' to the schemeLar ?rino at conclnsUus alnvxt "itlentieal fith jliose 6f Captain tails as" to its K-as f'lifylugeiieial features., IK, wotthl, uven double the number of vlieels froknl for each cradle, so as to "ive ah -forage' lead of fivJ tons to each wheel, e, ship, and m.ichi'ii- I'lstaiiijiig the crail fy liy 10,000 to4 ia all) oil 5(X) tilicks ?lW ifcHjs n.-!r ir.. .......... t.,... ... ,...!., ; . -j iu inn j i hipu n ui;cin e i'veposes eight p irallel tracks, 1 feet PA;iicl'hUms7oi 98 feet overall the , pl to lie .r(X) fee t long, 50 feet High, WUle. With .t totiil Ii:i.4h of 110 fc-vtv- Instead of the SOOjfootl'. 8 finr!'.l.fl rliv r....!-.!!! T.T-nl V Vr fl ' -v , ?r.H,aunt 'ou1d make the turntable a j'wttlie "cradle by glvin" the truck a lUCaxlA nt tl. i ii . - I.. f illeJ 1 ?t -ff'Pf f???1.0?0! ll J teum!s oper jpositioii!on ! fe cftord snhtciitlinjthtt irHUAiVZh . ' rh'KtJi equal L that tif Uu. ,t Lu.. ofLnVnWl lu Tl' !,,,; , ,,ntef cent.-wonld have t lie ' .its iu hvi.ij vu isiiies eilflfil bu ti... 1 fuilii) lriii 4 ji, j . (" V'.iiiiii!Kiiii II Kill TOP QPttM in 12 hours bv tiie e,M uWo Silent ' j t i' wul VP" re power. IThjs 'tiug-'.sJlOUld llOt bfl OVer fane- i f f f a ton a mile, the weight ; fHessel and ri-wlla 1 Mil IHP 1 II i.iLi.1 t rus.o a cent a ton a mile on Ptofttenu P.....L ... , ...v-. U iril ill. I I I III I I .1IIH-. 17 "V - r " 4 if.,,i. . n -r ' ot nuance. grand undertaking it would bo means a difficult ona, and tiie es Of Tai.l!. "W. .I.h A.n nn niVl ti a. --qiuB uauaiiuir oi 8 Hit mn? ni!lL-Mftl.-.! I.-' II!.. ' I.".'.... . .comnarktiteltf oM.r. At- Aaninr EPM 1?' entire i1iftMM,to 'Bithr V r I tali .!Blmca power, A caisson ,ou v - .?'I;tu.!laii! wcul'd- probably be the iu ir J luecanaI co muissjoU theroad net Wolseleyj August lathj saying that I May liiindsoinely. the king wasiwilliug! to submit and pay li'i;' 'i:.??1" V'nS'hQoalj ,earca-- nntish soblier. ! The niessen- J,t..: ;.nf":" uvuui: waa nnn ?Lr!f!?y ovefthbot?aV. The enter- lf A peculiar and falacwdenti occurred cMonlii m08f onhonlAlr i Tl. htrafton, N.,,Y. b As -.William Jacobs, WriS N?' ?"t teT 'J was mowing ini meadow !lie' snddeuly fuj?fat'nama--20 to S3 leet i rbeil aVt of hornets: As he tarn- r-- r 1 -y : : : r r I . -; - );'' ' - . . twit aH!iuii a n,,'-. , m . . liet fn in of lifting dock. Heiwould hang I iiir: ruiir in iiiu vuiuic i in. uciviuic.; Biiiin ; " ; i i "cuniikml of woven bands ofj fcteet tvire rope, o feet wide and 1 iticli thicl. These sling would be connected with thd cross heads of n nainber of hy drostatic presses placed along the cradle and clinnecjed by a pipe common to fill, so that tho ship Wolfild fJe aiwuv earned on all evi n keel, the same as though flouting ii a' caisson. VMt larallft track, off 3 feet gauge, raila rtot less than 0 iuc'tea higli, and tracks 10 feet' apart, wonld ttu needed. Th is would give t total wheenase of feet by, say, 4Cd feet for the largest cmdleL Aitriiing a maximum load of 9,500 tons, 432 truck 'o, or,l,723wheela. would bo needed-a re suit substiiutially in accordance with that arrived nt by Mr. Chuimte.ji A As a melliod of iunpl ving power for the suggests me ueigium jwnu rope lowage system. If possJle, ijevel grades should be caiTTednp tfr-the base of the summit IiTTIh, and then by concentrating all the i - j s" grades tA one point the cradles could be moved over the summit by powerful sta tiouar engines. If the summit can be passed, howjever, witli a maximum grade of "20 feet per mile, then movable engines, drawing the : cradles and themselves by steel wiie towlines, laid in the middle: f each track, and passing overjand graspjed by ''Fowler clip pullies" attached to each eugiue, will le th inostj economical method of locomotion in all! probability. The power neeled to hansport the great est -load, -with curves (f 12,000 feet radius and grade of 20 teet per mile, would be 200,000 MHind.v requiring steel ropes of 1 inch diameter each. However, as these would form a. costly pa ft of the out lit, tho relative economy between this system and that of the locomotive engine, for this peculiar service, cau'only be de termined by exact calculations. Mr. Henry Flad, C.iE , writes that he has taken pains to in form himself in re gard to'the surveys Jnud- estimates for sliip-eauals across the Isthmus, and has carefully estimated tho cost of construc tion, maintenance, and operation of a ship railroad. Briefly stated, his opinion is as follows : ' ! ! - 1. Tliathe first cost of-tho construc tion of a ship railroad will not be one fourth of that of a ship canal. 2. That a ship railroad can be con structed in probably one-third of the time required to construct n ship eaual. 3. That ships ennj.be ti'ansl'erred on such aailroal with' absolute safety, and with th,e same dispatch as through a ship canal. ! i I 4. That the cost of rnaintetiance will be less for the railroad than tor the canal. 3. That although the cost for transfer ring ships by ship - railroad I will exceed that of passing them through a ship caH nat, the difference will bo i insignificant compared with the saying of interest on the first cost. j j (J. That the ship railroad will therefore offer a better and safer investment for cajutal. T The nnauimity of these j experienced and able engineers with -regard 1 tothe feasibility, and economy of ft, ship railway, for the Isthmus is, to ''say the least, note worthy and encouragi ug. Like all grand undertakings it preseittsan almost inex haustible field for eugineerllig skill and iuvefttive talent ; and it is gratifying to si'e that American f engineers are so pronjipt to gmpple with the novel diffi culties presented. .. The recent a nest and binding over to the Superior Court of: Wake conn tyof two United States deputy marshals who were charged, we believe, with assaulting Mrs. Leopold, is made to do duty in the col iiiiius of the. New York Timet as an nrro gaut assertion of Statjus Rights by North Carolina." Pmir little Mrs. Leopold she will hardlv know herself, we fear, when sJ!e discovers that, iii addition . j i '-t;. - 1" . T . ! i m- the other furore flint has a risen becauseWf 1 I 1 : 12.. m r ' ' Statna ltiirhrir sind titi-ason rears'it liide-i .... ".I1.-,I ..i. .. .i . - ' ' 'J. .in.i.;T jiai lein wserven :. .n"'' ii- f xi.. i. i jjei e is iiariuy, a-juivjer u iaitu n, .'who will not agree ini some sense w ith the - Pit f; the coinplaiut entered by. the RC' OIUCllllY u miririj " f " j willi ihe gcptlemen Ktho bar toaiaeiul i tlie'existing regnlatidus .if they are ever' inmroved. LaVman las we are, we con-' fessthat we are not Hltogetlier clear .Umui character of the change demand- IM, Wili ot some lietwn now and ine illlie ior uie iiictrimwi liTmi. 1 11 t'A mtt resir. Diovide soaie suirirestiou f i I j j wll5cJl wiU mt?wt tbe 1 rt,(lmrtmeut th :UI i 1 i 7 , - q , i ' ";. C--... W7a..nnUririi-rt Tnml.m Sept. 4. A jdispatclij to the 77ic from Dm h.in 8aVs a caviilrr reconnoiRsance Mown up JS Y""" inagazine, ten miles from Ids new.kraaU Ha A........ Wa fl ' . .Messengers iiom vcy .i." me on uai- ,. ;,r.v,.,nul tlmt. CVtvwavo was no reis were luiormea i lbh:ef kuigland that he mast snntinder Xinconditioually. iST ...... ! . I , P ' L - - t riiii tnun rncir iulick ins iikii ns i.nrhVin the crass and be fell across the mn edge of the Mhied Wfftf-,?i9 todeatit ietoie meuicai wwuvc i,c 8ainniied.' He leaves a! wife and two :nall cbiVdron. i I -..Z.i-'t't- t 1 i i ' j i ... " , . : E; m A Harrcst of Death. '. i Other-thiners Vein??. enual: tlia mon Inonffi.rW f . . i. r i , i . . . "l v"-rr.,j. , n A Terrib SEMBLlXa ITiPHom Georgia Counties Special; t$J!ie ? Yorkville i fearful disi past montlj there has been a I'eD'i&Ase -Somewhat -K' ie.roap ,ueu, u.q? Deiter U is lor muchh.eher afnntlie R.rmnn thwl v ... J "'V, J VeS UiirV:J'H .7 -u, uwu r; Fevfr j e Kavagixg travel, and ilso, the better for convey. thflSraSv' ' 1 i'ii. f ..7 "a 1 He,1. rg,a iateTvais.T t?Jr a,5.9j.t . - !t. il- 'n..;.. ...::.tl . s 'a7- .;i"..V.'u,l. l"iProks?or..eveftifvou had Sein r.im "If mv5!iusanaAV W1:!, ni- o... 1.... t -P.-.-; ' "i r-:" :y-. -v wio, icuuib iu ine last tunt?t.nra tiirrtr,h i . ti - . .i. . . . - :-t.j v. x a neiti lg iu Polk, Paulding and Harriif56"1 a variable surfarce; wherever ease ragiti son counti eg. "I'he physiciaHs are ba filed,' i and the people aye dying with unusual; pXe1 .cu,8tice U .hit it at- fully fatal land verytrange civcums tacks young : men alone. Bat one old tl rlim Full flu .1. gF mnnliiuwl ..! cfvan ..ti u kiiw au. .uo.-ii. . luuiiuiniu nwu oiicillll tuve tauen yictinnrto tbd tern bie disease. t" w r- "-"'vr It appears! symptomsr; l . regular lyj si Wldf'lJ1 c wmte, is phoid fever, :.As I write Clarke uviiij; iiiii kii, miiu i Bii ins corpse. lie. 1 ! 1 - 1 T ! -rw 1 eied terribly, and just before he died the blood iozed out of his month and ears. Ilhj tongue tnnud verv black and swelled terribly. The disease is fearful-1 ly fatal. I know one prominent physi- j rapidity .u this famously healthy section, rtion should ibeandyjby the addition t if",' ,IP " raonks hav I iSked sereral physicians what the dis- 1 ..1 V is 1 . t . boqght a large tracToTTlaffcnn West Ji.i 11 .t ota little dry pr compact earth, its ni . s?. sease is, artd they all say they do not . , J ; r "u "'em Penp$y Ivan a lor the tour nose of i .1 . . . . ... . mnfllflflll Will liA rlilWrfwl ennefn nmba! i ti rTT .".i 1,WSF VA Lnniv iiktt r 11 cian who had twenty-nine cases and not (ajujug a gu0d condition when frost one recovered, though all received the'. ' . i . ! i-.V f o ' i . t i t rr, , , ; iikkI mrefiil triitmenf. TIa npimln Iiia ! ..... I 1 i jas,.ymfledatt.,en,vaSesof ,.,U fearful mailady. 'Gm1 knows what it is, j but if1l:iusifigfi hold and Spreading fear throughout the nejghbo.hk,od from which J write. Phy- 1 sieiaiiK hoik: niaii .me niuruaeuiu; cool I weather wiill check it a - - J New York, Sept. 11. A Special from ! Atlanta says the reports of a fatal fever 1 raging in jthe counties of Polk, Paulding anil Harrison, Have uot been overdrawn, i Wi;hin a few djiye CO men have died in i an exclusively'rural 1opuhitirM,: mostly young men. Those attacked with it suf fer horribly, the tongue turning black and swclljng to double its size and bkxxl oozing frtijm the mouth and ears. After death the bodies become spotted and dis colored. lOne physician reports twenty-1 nine cases under treatment not one has recovered., The course of the disease is run in a few days. The greatest alarm and distress prevail and the disease is steadily spreadilig. Physicians pronounce it the spotted typus fever. The Hot IiARX-HunxEn-The bov ll ; but him had fled; the flames tha lit his tart'ier's barn shone iust above the . shed. : One buncjh of cracker in his hand, two j others ,. ,.s nat, with p.teou., accents , he ciied, V never, thought of that bunch of crackers 1o the tail of one small dog he'd tied ; the dog in anguish ' sought tied ; the dog in anguish ' sought the baru and, mid its ruins died. . The sparks flew wide and red and hot, lit upon tjiat bi at ; they fired t he crackers in his ha lid and eke those1 in his hat i?. '. .! i i. x i a ,.i i i ke i nose- in ms ""M 1 urn Vil iiic "ill at ui iui.in ovmuu mv t bov r Where was he gone? Ask of the winds that far around strewed bits of .f - ... . . . . ' i meat audi bone, scraps ot cloth anu oaiis . and tops hud- nail and hooks and yarn, ! the relics jpf the dreadful boy thut burned . his fa the l-s barn. Thp Ilorm Children. Offers to Adopt TitEM The Mayor has received ' tit... miiiitii ii iiiia t inns fiinn fftl'i fmili(l' nt two cominuuications from correspondents each desiring to adopt one of the Hood children. The applications will be lor- : wan ed to Capt;b.wnuel b lower, vj . M pressed ai wish to adopt one of the or-.1 phan. i - . . view of the probability of a largo fund being raised for their support, the child- In vinn F tliiiau inrpiimiriiiWHii mwl in rcn of the dead cheiftaiu will never come to want The coBimissiouev of Indian affair ha received from the agent at tort Jiert hold igeucv a sample of oats raised by the Jn-, I i .V " .;, i: : .1 -nians on inaireservaiiou weigtuug luayr tburtiomids the busheLuiue agent states that these Indians have..; raised fortvflvei acres of the oats this season, with an average yield of forty bnshels to the acre. Ti t. 'A.ikniiiKd f tuif flief min rT tltA raninniiru was unrasue s. Jcrnc. 4 -1 i puringthe past week, not including Saturdav; the Tit;aorv Departiuiuit paid out $63.g05 in staud;nu sU ver dollar. ! i Dints in Road Making. There! is no class of the commit) ity that is nioreflected by aUq cpudiiSpu ofliiglrways than farmers. Uyf them i ario transported whatever a plus products : the farm affords, d upon them the fanner depends for his opportunities to passfroui one neigh borhoodlto anotlier. A Nowt! so far as theHranipprtatioii of heavy loads is concerned; the amount that can be transporied bears a direct' roporticn( to he condition of the road -beil, and its declivity ; both of which may be combiued to greatly reduce the load, or eitheraloue may be T the - means, of measuring the load ' that' can easily pass along, without serious .hindrances. Aside from that' clitss t of ; obstacles which may be properly ' considered as unsurni(uutable, in all cases roads should be improved iii every possible direction,' and by all practical means. NrC.i SEPTEIIBER I8ri879: 1BW 11 ;l ria..-j-i -.',jv.. cuss, ' Li.- or rv-.f VCI1 motleF! d'stances, as to tore- such cases obciif they pan be amended 1 by' artificial it touch l,aAlcr:ifeab?tlrable.o tai . a load. AtWoioi.eric condition, J i r : i. ,, consists of 200 monks from : Francei may, also, very materially affect tem- T. . , .T Jrancf t.Jc..r .i.. - r Tarkeyihiey,are artW ' I - itl i . . ... I .1. , i . , I J - ;-v Ai i- "7T-1 - 71 r'?'.'- j v -( i: r i - .4 , I Wiui)C rciuterea exceed ingly .mud- i r. ! . ill dy altera severe shower, would be - , i - verv ,uuci, mprpved by the use of , 1.1 J. I tin .1 ! ' i . , i i . , ,uc,,,,e1 lo no.s u re, a partial system ot umSerUruage will; not only pre vent mud at the time of showers, but will also verv much assist in main is coming out im the ; Spring, which f I . . f iti ... I youhTmHler ,1 ,mp. 1 ule a general nile, in the repair, sav- jr nothing of J the . construction of too ,Lt,e U id t0i the . , ; , . . . , catena 1 employed ;-itr is entirely wrong to ftfake use of Vegetable mat- ter that is subject to decay and 'change, foriulthmigh when in a dry st?tu it ,na bq jble upon a road , . A . r j i wben wet by means of rain and show ers, it occasions slough holes of mud. It is better j fbri the farmer, and cer tainly better for the ' road, to have i sods growing inl the ditches conveyeil llofthe farm yard and' used" for com- posting rather than have them used in a n v repairs. I ! Where it cau be ob- tamed under ordinary circumstances, ,f ; ... , . a gravely loam! will make a good av- ? - , !, i , , erae rmad4edL and will become so cdrnpaated as to form' a comparatively r l i. ... i .... J li, i:- i.- i :.. u:lu uu Mv,Ut iV1111' rJlu auu ,s tfie material' which should Lo used H is no uncommon thing to see upon ii..mtu!i ti"iv'lil nuwl t rimn nnint as!lort aistance; that is extremelv bad j, circiuusta,lces and which remains; the same year after year for want of application of a few common ideas in the matter of repairs. Xew EnUarM Fiirmer. Killed! ixHa Hath. In New . , t j , , . ork Monday afternoon, Iheodore ocriiuper, a pruspeious uusiueaa man, 1 I i : . ' c . .. 1 . ... accompanieu vy iwo irieuus, went 10 a 'bathing jioue for a bath. He poised iumSpt i.ni ibj.'rear Uilatfbrm. nlaced . . i i r his hands beh iind his back aid dived down, head foremost. In place of giving his body a slanting position . . . . n when he struck tueurlace ot the winter he jet himself descend in a - j b j' tjic consequence being, that his head sthick with force against the solid iilauk! bottom, inflicting iu- ; ' w juries frotri which he died in a short tj e ej,j. waa dislocated! How Long Can ja Man Lire! ; HuwJong a man ckin live.isjiucs- J 4 ti?; ,- -i -t.,i 1 , Hon tlrSrifas-beerr HlCir tlicnsseii. ! ' . . .. , , . A mprirVins nro wnerallv recKoned to , , . - ,.1 ; j t .4, 1. , "C snori iiveu, compareu wnu uiy- 11P!in M!lf : ' . A id thev mav have been . ! . j . , j j ,LL .f ,i;i. " III lllC I'UOlii . lll lUtliUlSOlVUMHI ing in respect juif age, as their material S i - ' ...L .1 ! t . i ! iJ. ia ! f hn lira , . ,., . t, .-.;.i i l n neaun aremeiier uuueisiuyu im oy- Severa, instances have been t Vl . 1 s l . . recorded recently of persons in this vicinity who have died at 107, 108, and even 1 10.il It is claimed, howev er, by - moil who have paid special at tention to longevity, that there is no well accredited instances' of any mail or woman living beyond 106-- that that is the maximum posibility of hu man eudurahcei It is laote-reasona ble to supjiosejthat ihere is a mistake , ui calculation than that the niention ed limit 14s been exceeded. In Eu ropelfissujlliJcT bt dispntas to what nation Hyea lougest. The dis tinction has been, claimed in turn by tue;Kiglisjh, i;ihchi Germans, Span ish; Italians, ajtid Russian. Latestati istics1 provje that tbumberjpf people iii Europe wno are upwards of 90 yfeirsild 11,83 lj, of whom more than 00,000 la re women. Of these bey oua iujj, tq ere arc aiwowea an u. Ifil men ih Italv. 229 women n1 M M V , , 133 men 1 1 ! 6en in Hniigcry. The per- and &24 men . L ..!; a"f?U liLi.M-li.ii,. . . ! loui the civilized world. 4 4,! -M . . ' . 1 f More Trappists Coming. 'rtTF W !"''yV"rf,ng U, the lio d'a, g.ls bf lhe W PrWonUa 0 110 emt i T ' 1 . I f, ov.iviH.ISt9. UieJi UUIUa. airriCUl Lllr uriisiB, arciiiiects. tawvers ana ?. . .. . J 1: - r-?r"f "iivnuii iu Liieir iiauve counir , , . . 1 hey will themscl vesluild their t' rr. n, . . mon-t astery. ' The Trappist'is the most austere of all the monastic orders They rise from bed at 2o,v!ock iu the morning, dedicateJteeiJQiirs of the day to reflection and prayer, and the rest to severe labor, especially in ihe fields.1 No conversation is permitted . , , nna nnl. . Ti I - voc aiiuiuvri ui Sliuileis. x UcV . .J tioh, "Remember death'." They drink only water and eat only vegetables. r They sleep on a table, with a pillow of Mraw, and never undresseyetj when sick. There are monasteries of the pame order at New Haven iu Kentucky ; at New Meleray in-Iowa anil at Tracadie in Kova Scotia.' Most of the members of this ascetic organif zation are persons who, for one cause or another, have become disgusted w ith the world, and have determined to pass the rest of their days in sccluj ston and in contemplative repose.- They renounce the battle of life, sep arate themselves entirely from tempo ral affairs, and concentrate all their , , , , , . T ; thoughts on death and eternity. It is . . - . , an institution savoring more of the Middle Ages than of modern times. Predictions About 18S0 to 1887. j i I" a pamphlet .recently published the authorl -ProT.' Grimmer, asserts: 1880 toJlUlbe one unl Versal.caniivakofleMtld'1, Aill f i . I.Vr!? Amci ica will loose. fifteen million pep Hf,c - llcsules piauewe are to? Iiave I strms and tida1.waves,.mountains are to "toss their heads thronh thechoic- est vallevs." naviirators wUl be lost bV li t, . i thonsa.ids, owing to the capncous.de. Lieuie& ui me pugneuv nccuie, buu I I L .. 1 . 1 1 I ir L- isiaims win appear auu tusappear in mid-ocean. All the beasts, birds and fishes will be .diseased, famine and i ' " u;iyil sifife ilf destroy most of the liuman beings left ah vq by the plaguf; if and finally, "two ears of fire" from I . A U ii' .., ' ' 1S50 to 183S win rage witu lury in every part of the -g!o!e. In 18S8 the "Star of Bethlehem pear in the Casstopta 8 Chair, the immediate results beiug universal war I - s and portentous floods and shipwrecks, North America is again to be ihvoly- eil in ei vil war, unless a .."'Napolean arises to quell, it j but during these terrible days the Pacific States will be .Urff Piir-wllw nf Pm primhnrml - I', T x n" -r i Y -n 1' nrilh lin holliah ctrifo lllf. , Will 1)A -r- wairinff throughout the world" The ; o - . People that may manage to sur vivc till 1887 .will, have, reason to be - . f J. - . -v I.I I 1" I thankful. l i n, j.,, nil Wit f?7 7 T bWW T l,rfJr liams; of this place himself lircludeUy .x , Viji' hrpakl fast some sweet milk, milked on'the uight before, AV ilji the, excepiion of two jersonj who did not drink tile miik the5 whole ,inijly ' wass made deathlysick, as if. from a poisonous dce' of tartar; emetic, Dr. Wilffarri cannot explain the affair, there hay inff been no apparent- possibility of poison being placed in themilk oili er i than it must have y resulted from something eateu, COW, All ivirtiei had recovered yesterday; buif. .the jloctor, tq tests the ?.matter drank' of the" milk again yester- day.uorniug, zh not o 6a nie mil king. -lAtri7e Citizen. -A .:i i ' ... . .-...hit 1 rritl' Hv f' I ... XUE 3 1 u "Aj iuiww Bright and early. before one-tenth of the citizens; of Detroit had shaken oft the, eSccts ofthc v gVoriuf fourth, l.i: t j i,r. .MPffi vctkl Greets jcjade his apranceoascuraiseK 1. "- r u 3 Lu a '. " 214 f.-:i?-t sfT itH) b" 1 tail DlOff - hfltJMrrvih thi in'rL.LUe'd Aiir fho Fif. rn. a., yearlhatiincn fduster girted itth'e election sctt hinij down, joa a, .Bench, cms ia oiccoio ;voice luquirea pi a wpmanrfit&peaKing or the xeYiVAigor t Industry at the front door of a house on Cdn- gress street east f'? lf nm Hit troL radamej haVe you teV'secos 'No, siri was the prompt reply. . Very1 wellr thert : voaw' (vill iJiss seeing my Fly Annthilalor,lieVe-J r i I marked, as he walked off. 'Thousands' have missed, it, to their everlasting sorrow thousands have ? accepted sit and been made happy for life,,"i 'It's some kind o pizeri !' she call ed after him down, the street." V! i 'Warranted free from,, all "drugs or chemicals j dangerous: to tho.humaa system, aDd recommended to )eople troubled 'with sleeplessnest he call ed ; back, as he ' briskly retraced " his' sieps. .. ; . 'I've got screens in. every window and yet the flies get in shercimtiou ed, as ' he opened his satchel on ' the steps. - ' ' ' ' a - 'Qfj course t IieyJoofcou rsc. Aily , uns;a 1IUU1UU UCIUUt ., OJUl, IllLU VUb and he is seized with a desire to got iii at any price. Tell him he" can't and he Avill or1 break his neck." Fling away child; four years old. This is the ap- pllCatlOn 4 i- H hj tj . ,;!(. , He took from his satchel ah eight-4 ouncq bottle, filled with. at dark liquid and provided with a small brush, and holding it up continued: ? 'One rtwentyfiveieeur?l)oitle dotes for twenty doors, and I give yon di- .,r,.i s; fi Vwiv- recnons now 10 maue au you , watu. No poison heiTtlJypgJp trot little children up to the cemeleryj' Inu u) J 'Why, "you don't1 put in -on the flies", 'Xot altogether,, madam. Any child' can , use . it, as i sain peiore, us& watch me a moment.' t , He'swung the front door open, and Hvith'lhe' brnh applied the mixlure to the BacK edgei giving it a thin coat from ton to bottom.. ' fXqw then,- he aid, as he swung it the back, 'flies like sweet This rair- ture'is sweet: The "fly alights, on the: door and you swing it shut, and nets jammed; against the the casing and crushed in au iustaiit. . Every d9or,i capable of killing 1,000 flies per day If you ha ver5twelve doors; yburag- gregdle bf dead ' flies' "will be exactTy 12,000. i When you have "crusfTeof about . ?000 Qn. a door take, -an old knife and scape them off, and .Jbe-s giii over'6gaio.?n voawi "Do yoii -'snppose r 'began" tH inuinani woman: oui ne inerrupieu '. tisrt 4njs' tfo:-bt4 Willi . i ' ! 4 - !itr--n $ -t.;l i H 'Dou'lj .suppose anytliing, bout .it except that iuviliauasli flies and never miss. AU yon have to do is to often 'every door, ap ply : the htixt ard and shut them in .succession. 4 Ifyoti have, twelve, doors ana twelve, jmui dren,,ypu leave it all to the children And only twenty -five ceutsa.boltleie 'Do ybd supjwscul want "mydoora daubdd With flics and molasses? she iifL'a."!? L:.fl -1 Ai iM -JJ rn-! oiaue a uuu at. me uoiiic. I.!.': 'tfif-'i iis' f i-wiim:-. tiHitl ! tot k 'Just as. you prefer, madam e quietly replied. 'Some don't. Some -wi4-4isve price, "tmd others even setupexlra diwrs in the back yard tti MnteP use lots of iC'tlT warrant ifiia liquiil to drawcnii jf you'll, .Oijlyjopen ang shut the.UoorsY ik L-e i nt .jf4 'I won't buyHta-I,won't have it l she shouted as she jam Med the br6bm aaiiisi iuc vnn;i . Verrv wei 1 . m ada m veryt n e "weu. il ypu.prefer.a flyjpyour nost-o gap on the door J can raise no objections- 1 ? r . omltnli " lM.lHblUWVIi. w i this is my .(areyfeiyoiir, rfmuoappeafi 1 before th? crowned eadsoC trope; and yoii will not have another clumco thcramriiJttetor. Alh yon vonr Rprppns ' nnrl rlpiind' ttlrpTv'snfitl my fly anpilulator, warranted 'Ml reaclied 'iti Jtem? on signt. ana can ue. worKea oyta4 fcave to-do is to take yMir sewing palvkynr , . . v rtwt -...i-;. 1 lyf anj mm S2p,Q00 inL-t wo & pnths A , yfr'' f'-Ji--J,m Keceat Industrial rrogrtss 14- I tUat has taken place since reparaticn ftewsitfiptiin .4fiepeciepaymeut4 fWoor, Secr. .?PitieliittiiiBfOOTs4orittft tft.7pBlr' C?:i W bas 06611 nnampteasbjy-hjaa ' IT! oa ftf Qrtf tAi Mnf Th tnAwMAA. tv . - . . - T Jtle Siber -of bales Hakeaithla tlte j i last two years .Qvertiie tw pTecedicgt ! years is 417,517for more than .14 per centiJ I iuo presuu, coitou year, euoing.iUijtep. ; :. tem ter will show a "more rapldrtteof j increaseTne1 ifmiibrempitfdles hWl .: increased from 7,i ll,00a ih87(VtoKTjb 10,500,000 1h 1678 aa iDerease of i dtcH i 47 per cent. The woolen maaafactorfngt iildasfriiiff recently' 1 received firoafti U ; tJiejprlcWofool ZO per c?nt.1d'gteallf 1 ! eacodraged tiie business bf wool grp'wing,2 jtBdferfedrminy ki 'the-woolen -lftanui- factories that had beenHylDg 1dIe-Tft t prodactlori of breadstatls la&dineats 1:as4; been? eiioiinously iocrsaied 1 witliinlhfl iastyeaf oiHwo; and already market hS - been found for the' surplus prod action . ; -The net iucrcasC pbrKrpaeldbg U "3'i. per cent5 The increas6 iu' teef proanef tion tiaS been1 constant fand progressive fcl Stimulafed Try prices that have" fccarcely, 4ecti&ediring" IWtMist'iwo yearsi'.Thtf Jmteenraafked revival fa tiuerotf? ; 1a-aaetddriiigIflie last two yeafs.Tfrl7 Inttlsfomitff ' amofiiitihg ftPS' 2,86S,27Sf toni- UHder 1 tne-influetice W the! anic Kit"Woff to 12 SM&W icna in l87G-In 1877 ftlncreksed xtb 3!4p Mi ear; it Is lievedtheprcuaim of Croii will 'bo W greatf as that1 of too t1" most' ioiperous : year Iri "tiie history of; thilprlu'uci;" ' ruh,r i i. . The Eed Spider of Eogeg. t ( HJIMHUU; ClaoceyMoiiUsa, eenilsusir a speci men of his roses hes 1 leaves soif w wincu are searca anu yeuow ana fukftr the cause and cure. tvtil -&0 li rfcareiui examination snows nafue bhtits" Iinvo suffered from what 1r com in only known as the? red spidei Tctranp 'chit fetr). " It is a true mite aad'ot:ji a spider, though belonging t th.sam Lsnbclass. :KUdimi- Among thermites we find nianyspecitY some beiieflcial to tnAu;' otliers noxioas 1 UuFa irst ofthefformer we miy mention? r I tlie?lecnstnlte (TrouibiJiuiH locvttariami Jiuey), wiiica preys upoB Dotn wis loxmsr and Its eggif It is 'an 'luipottitrtr afaxTT iaty In?checTtiHg 'the ' fnalttplicatidirof the1 R6cky!- MonntaliJ locosW Another? 1 species Ui-optida .4 wwrfoanii, Riley) "prtpv apoh the Colorado potato beetle futile' f stin auothei (Trointidimh mvsearUT, Rt leH ihfestsnrf the larva State, the om" mott hottftefly. iilsva lAmdng the noxioni Specie are th itch tube; the jigger oP3Arfest 'niite? Hfth mbrd Southern1 States ttpt Amerkmt Riley ), and'theODe atjpreseiit nileTi? consideration, thinortpldeTr- -r'v- A Ifetfriaosfact fifthelifeTiwtdyof fhco nyreariire that iherarlwnHlth pat six iegs, inoagir .in iiieauuit eiaie thi ftofist,hoiuglilf Misllftel waferrtr hhotthriveh airbiid atmbsimcte nof oaut otedmtcedwhh tfieofner Bad ftWultlpnWrVpTuiy f ntlf 'dnlRiaTnledrTsta etfoslderftlf eirtanf evknWthVtheirUn rcelrtngsnnlcientafir swhen the Spldet I Htfreficlficfcavts'cnnfelte I dftlnttrhV oh 'soap. See that every leaf 'Is thofongfc I rmotsteiWaV4 !Tprthesprinfeh'trj; ; fjanently nccb9drngfisAheWeahets!it ' 4 Si V.-.V-. f -.'V. Kl'J!! ana arnnu wiepcsiwu soonn sapcaiv aad 8dfnb , sit tipi i&r g4' ' Kind words never die, aDdth4yar 'MTc kao a girt rhi will wrestle i with a net mallet m thehotusaa for torn f fpdaytouphiiiBqt. jasi Mherto hold on to the wooden end of a broom for a few minutes and shell hare afit.--fW- wbfer Lumberman. i j:Soutl d5trpUna!s; moduli poteastcr U IlTrcd iNh wjib has: jnst?d beea J ap- ijthatwajicia maiijf Jatew !kctB nice is "wiir-ucTirauc-'io-uiui iut 1. rier M7 T-jrj-t : 1 SThVfexl i3uer whidi k SticKwMf; rln n n 1 enn A . . . . . piffcKrPBlacfctiHe?1' He-hasst-t,it,4lhatlowf Notice nVtlio I H' m U .; U ! : In,'1 S-T: ,4; 5i- y if ' i 4 Mi SI it St i W i j 1 m- -1 I !; - : I 1 an TH - 1 f t j a 1 I .C 1 1 i 1 .. 11 i I ! - 1 f' rt a - lr. j s ! it- i i I i 1 iU ill ! . -. U . H -f i I 111!' 1 a:

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