v j -j- j rsjjjj'. in iml ; ,i. ! :4 ! I. "8- E si- I -I s. :i .1 I I! it 11 I 4 ""il ft i 1 .- r j H 1 t J Hi ii ' Si ll!..f lli-l- ri . , g! r m 1:1 1:1 I ! S .-klli i :;i: 'r""!ilf: i Jil:-! ! '3 1 i 1 'S a A : r Hi -T I- S.S' f.:.; ! - S . E j. if Carolina Watchman. - THUKSDAY, OCTOBER 23, IS?!.. " There !s to be another daily .'paper iu llaleigb, Mr. Hcaroc, editor .p.: A Metorie shower of unusual brilliancy -is predktedTor lhe 13th November.- ; t " .J,? i f Th fall term of the Federal Court ,tbliave4pened at Statesvilte on Monday, 4at faile4 by.thebnce of Judge Diek. It opened ou Tuesday - - W-iin: - fT-n u Wallace Uros. of , iitatesville, took :- -t.r.i f," wedal,at the World's FaiHor the largest, 1 f?001 best arranged, specimen of roots and hei-ba' presented., for! eibibt? tion, JJcKel la r, S m i t h s & J ordap , . propr ie . r 1 . i t l m ... Ti . i f -oi.ii..tiir jf.- i.k .. f. ocut, uu luc Huvovfroooery, out uo one nas.on unit, account, J fiifTvnonT.lf l.V -.A ..... ii . . L. t . iL . M tBln-m.m i -.Pr. Powell and others instituting the ; catawoa iHanufactunug Company, Hear 'k Catawba Stat.cmare extending thVfacto - )1 rv.bviniroducindiHon.1 lm. Th ! ;-LLr-Zl' ""T. " " ru tun ; j -. . . . t " ; d wu a tu & liic Liu La ufl i a s Bui in iiif- . a . nm. t . . . . Ir'i fine article fnlAM V 'Ji, ' ' - 'i. I i, -T.;,' v" ;1 . ?i vine wemocrauc pany can i , ' i i I wt .i i .! .. ....LJi.ii.' !, . . i ! -WJ.. ...... f " uu " r-1 wfeoiwj will never die so-lonif as we 1 f'' ?.T-.r-i-i vvuftwa wiser Uid you ever hear of any branch fpee ,Ternmit.' Yon mWht m r nooca recentlv. for murdering A;Annfril Ik-r.-i.-o.b.,iimifeA trw SoveIlt' Xou miht M merchant whoDi thv uivm-t-, VSlAV , -ii 'J: ? 1 ..neiieujuui -uie worm i wouk oe mucuani, WUOOl ttUjty ; Struck?, OB,,, the I R,daroni rnrj frhar faBrnwl'iin'ii miiMforl. , . .. . i. i . heyrbbbed Jlmtoie, and in? tryiug af- ,.Tiify confessed and were hung bjramob "the 1 Hickory Prcwsars thev were ft omYTntWw. l!laeo-uutv: -,I ,,y r; " ' 4 , , p. fc ' The $25,000 obtained by Maj. ilson. President 'of the Westefu i North Carolina bondholders: iu- NBail Road of the Dutch bondholders TOiviBa no compromise of the State in i-ok r the State in .a. ipect.to the construction bouda misapplied :or stoleu by thy those who had charge of ithem. j ;IIe,,,will,; nevertheless, asu we ijlearn; applyJtho smoqeyto use of theTy nad,Ieu &ldpf battle; a fiRoadheis pushinff; forwanf 'will. f. tbe energy he can coinmand. 'MMn-), it is thought Maj. RollinV oiiiht to rise to an explanation iu reirard to th ftoo7 rvwi whJcb lm lii mIiI l.tro . i. (interest of tlte Wesfern ' Divisiop : of said -. u.. . v tuci iu lytJ road.J; The Indian War in Colorado, IS The Omaha, (Nebraska) icraW is very severe upon the Federal authorities iu ?conpection with the outhrcak of the In dians of Colorado: It siiys ; . "This is the old, old story, an4 such is the lower deep lmo wiucn Knavery and imbecility have suchis Is who ttm i - jfiuuru ino iimian service, and si Jthe' power of the Ibauded . brigands control it, that this iu famous system is ". lPerpeUtated in spite of every intelligent jj'0 eau oe maue to arrest and ..overthrow it. Let ti$not withhold a word f jShatcan express the indignation all must -Jfeet' oyer the latest sacrifice of precious -iJf0uat uaR been made that thieves aud ipillians of high and low degree joiay Tiot ,and grow rich in robbing the best friends jwrhite I men ever liad ou these borders. iSiich Mends were the Utes. True to their delity tt all times, they became frieudly ted theirfaith. Driven from their hunt ing grounds when they were not swindr led out of them4 they submitted to the master man. All they asked was what great and powerful ' government and people by solemn engagement agreed to "give them. -This they never received They have suffered every outraire in na- Wence for many years'. Jfearly a year ago reports of their condition reached General rook and the civil authorities. They reuucea tostarvatiotr. Schurz j IIaJ knew if Assurances JWP? given that succor would come. Carl eunrz meant well. He Las fifed to but rcouui not. Tie docs not understand he anuian question. He is constantly . de Jived. ,v Language utterly fail us to bt. ; rpss the sorrow and indignation w fri over this bad affair iq which the blood of the brave, -and ! ' . , i , ; ' uv luuutcui sunns every Iifiiwl fi..A .t. i -fMi' controls the Indian service." TjTho Mbnroe Enquirer of tk jj)rts three cases of despeVate deeds 6f re- u.tuce. yue between Frank fAeuon n John Richardson; of Anson, in which thejAttcr was shot iu the shoul der, tho ball ranging down towards the inne.Npt thought to be dangerous. Ah0ther, at Sandy Creek Church, in An JJfi between the Vaughn brothers,aud two brothcrsofthenameofGregg.Theyfonght a defiance of all th i t. at the .. .. .... aMHC yiimp time, and one 'of th (Ir was Another, just across tlm linn IU South Car(lin I....... . ' . n' r r ' "ieen two negroes, ;touiaFundcrih,rk,iiin.iliel,rhe . latter, who-xva, ,ilp bnllyinir ajrrI.MRlVt. wps, mortally stabbed. r ccj " v . I -It is riot iKJSSiblc.1 lieihnna l-ll -r. t luoSQ WUO Jet Whiiker nrone nud stick :CWW . S&"'"8rI?-!.i.ave:riue Ill IIHII1 nl M . "fr yiuvi uien. ' - Tt 'is intei estinj that II,- Tii.i..:' T" ""T""S t lenra ,Y,mk dthat he liifv that Lucida "i",.' . " "e 1'lwtoJ." . ' -"-"' ""I MC )e- hv io woman is no trifling Jp'W wdo it ses affii, ty jWiOri s .tU. pait which love destiny at,d rIWracUr .,f woman! the fs . t ' ; i u i m or perrect -uin , nothin j? i A Solid South, I" " ' j JfEWlCXGLASD OREEn-fifcCTIOXALtSlI AN'D V eGAL.ISED nOBCEET. s; Mr. Vofhees' Speech at HazaKton, tWo. Ht there is jinothergriqvniicc'all - f . . . . , j !-n jjexpegeu retail oj,jne ,eiecuon oi a uesdav lBat there is nnother gnoratice alleged .fl - - . . ... ' a f against the South as au excuse for usut- giation and. the overthrow of free elections not "only there but everywhere. It is said else is solid. We hear it clamored In our waajears from all quarters that alio votes sol Hdly against tb, Republican party. Let f rvUbont as solidNragainst the i -Democratic tyT -rJ- Iu ' ;. the therefore we 'onght t nullify the lconsti . .f? - . . . 'Imrtvs and vet 1! have never heard that tutton and all tjte righis of thty States 'in the matter of elections to get rid pf: thi evilIt is trui) that the wlicyf'tn that us euu ,7 T '1!! BU u,liri,J T; , 1 - t.lk .!.. '....i..r ii... ces generally, ' na wn tue work or xew I . . . , i . t,. .... r ,.. . f-'.:- 'ri . ..- 'WP- .r .11.llL:.,l..Ju,:.';i, . rj wmu. . ed of it fi-eo ballot: Peoole have a, ri'ylit Wvot4 as thev bfcasea lonlras our form of eoverument ieinain ' and whoever i wUld 'Sve .ALi.m m,uure u uewrves ueain. muare i i . . "-77 j." ; ' J . , ,r j extensiveiyjwith representative men of the South sine the wu," They bear no resentment against those whocopquer. ed them in the lwaW If thU did th.v ' 1 "w- f ;f i mill iiir ii ii in mi iir rnnritr 111 tiiih pAiirncr 17-- n !T ,U UDl - 1 1,0 ufw?l UutUe however, ' I n .! . II 1 1 I I T . T 1 on,jr recalN il,y diers, us f have ften heard theuUn iqutual recoguition iw vuucyf -put uo not as.K inei IeoP,e OI llle Qujuern states to tiateriize 4"m u,e W1U' UT T 7 VW,T F"lqei-eu ; m W1 u,cir "PMiog ajuauia. alter W which alter the war was overrun leashed the jackals; who lurk iu the rear of Tmle the bmuan' hyenas who prey upon t,ie "eatl i u l)JU ty which turned loose aud rl guided towards 1 the desolated South all jr. il. . I t . a . . iuuso uuuiaiv yniiures, Kites, carrion crows and scavenger birds, who ita the ! J.1.'...wi nfV..,..l ' .. i i . " I inn u epumiiur.s auu an veiiiur- eis, have tilled the world with the disgrace of a reconstructed South. Do you ask the people of the South; to, divide: their votes, ve part of ihem to such 9, jmrty as that t If you do, ytm insqlt r cornmou nature and the instincts of universal man- kind. no uunoruuie mair would make f ' a uud;very jqstmau tvould fsP,sa I,ei,,e thb wou,J tti Out f their broken estates, their ruined plau- wiuous, tueir poverty, ana distress, hun- dreds of millions of dollars were extorted by shameless, brazen emissaries of the liepubhcau party, and carried awajr to secure regiou 3 for quiet enjoyment.! On tfiw ni!n litof .. in. Sit .. :'- i. ..,(..uMMOiMij ,,, iiivc uo iuiiHKe, I anti recorti no uodertaift. verdict.- i The blackest pages in j the history of the hp- man race Contain no! account of suchlrob- beries under the ; forms of government. VVarreu Hastings,! in his plnuderbf the East Indies, becomes a 'moderate'' and 're- spectable character in comparison with mauy of those rapacious wretches fwho fasteued their fangs on the property of the boutu after the War was over fW- enty years before th birtli nrpi. e;..: ly was ravaged aud despoiled by a consul T '. T ....c v.vi- i of Rome. Thoutli more than nlnti. I centuries have Come aud gone Bin, e then. lyet the name of Verres letains allits ft-esh- ness of immortal infamy. He was prose cuted by the authority of the Romau Sen ate, aud ijed for aa asylum tostrauge and foreign lands. He: died miserably in ex ile, and his dishonored dust wis not permitted-to mingle with the soil of the Ro man republic. Wei find, however, iu Mid dleton's Life f Cicero that all the pecalai tioiis, extortions, brib- and lacreniescliar ged ufou Verres dining his eutireadmin fstratfon of the affairs of Sicily did not exceed $2,000,000 equal to only mie-tliird of the amount for which, according to 'the admission of the New York Tribune made at the t(me, Gov. Scott fraudulently jasu jd bonds of South' Carolina ip a single transactionr And yt you arej expetetl to be Hhock'ed and orrtfied because, the pe. U of the Soutli do not vote, (lm Reiiib cau ticket l Meu go about in your midst lamenting with pious horror a solid Soutli, who have endork-d every criminal trans act iou which has made , her Wdid You hear the voice of Ranting hyrites Son every hand pretending to bewaiLa united uuuu miu invoKiugTi uuited North and I tue u-iuy aud navy against Led Canalnv one hem blind as , ofc to ' Wi hi Mi . L . . , . ... i s . T- vi u , TIie . Iciidefs of tlio'iJciiUoiuV f; 1 :.' ' ' , , Ullp. mo .oriu in guid ' '" ,,ii' fcuo:npiiAuitieurs hate against the South. Thev tuJt':t(. ytHaiH for the kiukv-Uead- a pretext fi.r the ito jf nlULn, whieh to subvert dur pjstem of States: . 7 - jfi .rr aud to erect unon their i-nin ,vi. 'i.t.L L i erect ujioii their , ruin what thev styl a nation, a eeiitralized coiisolidatei govtrumeut monarchml in spirit n)id det,,9" to bes4 ln form and uam&M We learn that ii trn i.;n i...., found by the Un ted Srs,r. f..., .si. . Court .against i Messrs Dargau& ;&&rffir I Bennett and tlie-ClM.mid-.si, tl,e If ST"' Miapiracy f against the U. S. Internal Ueveuue law. It is all .m..e goireinjpny the revenue men t make some political capital. Wadea iwm'ierad.t - fi-1 k 5 : '-J--.1 f-vl.-F " ' 1 1 ' - -.1- .h t. j . i f Stanley ; Matthews i for riknV Ije. Peters him. thiukltl,k :.;i.vlr .rj; mill l. . I j 1 1 sum', j -t-tt auu nt eftCapCU and that he ought. o be 'nominated. He ?rtunatley. The Montana was in a ier E3Srteraithfe wi K5 elected: It ?,ous Pition" for a short r time, and thcVe may ue atanier wni on ; nil f t0 r1'1 John Slier-, man.' TlicRe Intimates know a creat I - - t . Timnnan on the Kesult. i Disappointed hut not Altogether Displeased r V, i : lhe J'oUtieal f utures , v . J I called to see (Senator tThurnianS thi morning, and talked with him upon the un lucucutwi suit uia nnc Jiitvc l bUlLC U j pleasant rooms at the Beeble-Thurmanimam sion, but they pend most their time la T his; little one-stor v office or 1 i brar v.. w h ic h st and at the side of the , aforesaid j mansion, j The office or library is a relic of his law airac-l tice.5 kt 'is smsll ami 1?dings but corfort-j able, jand contains a very fiaelibrary, which, the Judge gathered 'before he became! SenJ itor. Henri fobnd -JiinilWitHhU wife,'hod - 1 . f rt , 1 t he callsMaryM with as much fondness a thougli bothvefo7younr and in their jhon eymoonj- I asked the Senator if he wasn't TTi-pntlr nrririiirl nt thA result hr in ' tihin I admitted thathe had confidentlTexVect j I r-- - -t ... r..-".H i.. . ... . w - .isl '.1 h urwiw.u' jus nun unnu luiiiimnu. because I-waated tti see the Democrarjl car- -rK: isn wl t ry. Ohio this fall, still, so fr as I am con- cernedfit wilbreheye me of the duties 6f an arduous positioned give me a chancfe for . .'.i .1 rT" TJ , . : ' , ". V . . . ' . s . oft.,,eira w,P t the Democratic par y of 5- Senator Do .you agree with thU?" . , wiDesbut the Democratic i,artv ? V1. v. It lave a form of well ty to 1 .T? i.L 1 "I I I 1 l ournect m nexc wee nsiiiai uie jjemocrauc be destroyed while this Gqvem- T, you Jscrile this triumn XeZ be Z l.l? 1 of did tney make so de ermined a fi(,ht in a g T 8 determe a a S ate Thy made P ir minds that they i . . . ... . . i musi carry unio or their partv wouiq Sail to pieces. The Republican party Is a foif. I - - , ferent political organization from the Dfer ocrutic one. It must now and then makt m- tremendous strosrirle to retain existence, and this was one of tlw i oci'asions. It is rjow grasping for power, and power with it means a great - centralized- government,- in' which all the States shall U absorbed, so that tev shall be nothing more to it than tbe coun ties are now." "A Nation as they call it; not a Union of the States." ; i f " les. a great nation controlling every thing within its borders from one lieid. This they seek to obtain by the abljofthc moijey power, the power of patronage, bv raisihir false issues to alarm the timid, and evJry other devh-e they can invent is brought to assist tbem to attain this end.- See the great corporations that are ! sprinmnir up evert- where, They -will look at a State charter, but mnn go to Congress to become inclr- norated. IUi road cnmnmiM t.trh companies and banks must all , be cl!irterd by the United States Congress to carry Jn b isiness. Formerly thev wer4oontent wljh . m r- - - 8:ste charters, but now they won't hale them. This snows the drift of Iffairs toward centralization. I will not say that it is! a monarchy they-want, but they certainly de sire it to abrogate the rights of the Status, .,) 4 .....I.. ! .ii - i ! ui iu m a iv c a an m one general go vers ment. And that is where the Democratic party must make its fight in the future. "4- Cincinnati Enquirer. Why the South is Solid: dialwdieal hatred of the Ch e;.-,, yr, given below, and you will not wonder that, ,l,e olni sonu. s it tnos urges tho lie urMve. ... . I tliilftil minMiimun ... I. ... i. your razors and tin and at Hum,. n.. stop to snilt hairs. in.ik( Hmm ti H.i mountains where the Wolfe can use their carcasses for tho sustenauce of her voiuitir wueips. iiiHKe mem hunt the dism.i iwamps where the jaws of the alligator iv yaivning for their first boru. G ou ; upon them like an army of locusts, ant le ivo not a vestige of tlioai, s;i tru mt j hair of their head, make them! uas!i their teeth anti drink the bitter cup of perst-cu tiou, ring the knife with which von gath-f er the sttgsir cane, polish it 'like glass make it a flaming -aword, and hew theni to the tire; make them howl, make themj weep, and make them sing for joy that you let them vote just as you want thenl to, then will peace reign throuch all youi! i i i.i . . ... p . t borders, and the nationxnf thv.rrli all the people will praise colored se'utle men. Un a.nd at hm b I ! I But this is not all. Ileit is another sample -of northern' fee-linir toward the! le-iceabl nool f h wi. -i I pwceamo people of the Sonth. The editor of the Lemars (b-.va) Sentij wfi icinnot. understand why th negroes of Misslssppi art viutjinsof Uiilldiuiu .is re-I ported when they largely preponderate! iiumerically. It wauts them to bulldoze? in turn, ami in its very peculiar and reck-i less wav say: ' i "Shoot?" f 'Stabf ; t . "Burnt ..... I "Can't they put on masks steal horses! tllXr. ?AWC. w,t'1 lut- " 7ielror Wit. Terroraad hell , i.i iirii I - .- . . : i .Mrehulldoziuff kukiifmi.i..t.ri. XrMi.sipp, T "Waitiiiir for anu protect them I ' 1 "Confound a nixrirer anv how?1 It is nee8sary that our readers shonld see liow the Nortln ru s Stalwart rejxarU ihebouthern ittiation. The Sentinel is! cAircini-r it is inie; uut jt irrpmely inter- nrnt th ..r.. ..... ' 7,.. T, 7 . 1 1 uVu 7 XV" f "I ralilJ f it1 ,dea - - niiiiiiu cAiiuiiciiL iiu uuRnicxsB .is we; Atimk tjc.- Newt orK, uctooer 17, The report of the severe hurricane encountered by the steamship 3Iottaoa, on the 10th instant on her passage to this port: caufiea tome n riot tnerfYpsseU etj . route aeJ-oss the Atlantin mav hkv innc vaa 9rpHt-. ni.imt : Posers. . Two' lives were losS-one of I '-' - - ' "-.- 1. " v wu7 ;va ;v !ataI results, . A Suit rou Slander. A case of inoro than ordinary inteft- froni Ti.nfr c.v.h towiiKhip, was up before JuRtice McNiin-h reieruay. A lialftiozetv pfr.ons were indicted under the ew biw for the der of a respteiable .Youui woman of the ueigiaihoKl, ,haiu be,Uith anof! feiice aKainttlienoralauirr civiFlaw, whiol) they were unable to j prove. Thev weroj I all held to bail for! their appear- anee before thr Inferior Court. 1 Th nnw visiiiiis of this law make it a verv serious offeiie. andwiMfly, fo jjeHonsto give airretiey ti Teport niceriiiu "women: u.iweyer nippautiy nch statements may wr uuTtiPj-wincii are -lit nje iwistcalcnla- ted to detract from .the ii! characters, un lens tne assertions can ImiJ proven to he truej Beyeml ; -cases of this tun t have beenrbefore. the cfMirrsutthe magis tratesavere disposed U tal lightly with thenl until the provisions of the law should be uudeiMtood. . Ilemifter ' tliose guiltySof theoretic are not likely to es cape the punishment attached to it. Charlotte Observer. , , , j : NOTICE TO DilUG GISTS & STORE KKEPE21S.I guarantee Sluiiici' Indian xr. i . 'ii '!.' froniftlie htimau body. Avheiv tley exist, if used according to diivctilns. ! You are authonsed to sHl it on the above coudi- - Hons, i UAYID E. i OLTZ, Piopi itor. v 1 j i B.ltiiuoie, Md. it: kl j- Ovir two hundred Imnels of water are5 carted thioiih forKirinn T.-t .! - .iU tatieii iiuoMu v oisuann.i, i x.is, iau. aud sojd to house wives. , i v- I ! ;' " - ,'. K . - ; ,,t - Lost ? I Gone Uf i the spout T The i reatelf than the wddier, Tho yard tic-uiwu . tuwi is utau 1ieb. X.IXES. Tilie antler stick rule' tul bits. isconius in -SIISl must natjohal J-auks get away uiih tlTe money !. 1 Those l'ein- s m-. i-.ii:lti..! :.iwl 1 1. Sherman boom is biHioiin Cincinnati Enqmrer. . , , , i ; The voice of reform is heard thmnirh the laud, aud speak s of the "good time piniMg." So ttM, the spu jt of. reform U working in the nurseries of the bud to banisli those d iugerous Opiiun aud Mor- !I Howard Jones and W. M. Earl, the Dc phia pifparatiotiK, .audi establish useful dants above named, if Hieysbe found vi h- HiulliiinIeisiemetlieM, of wlitcli pr. Bull's iM'ibylSj wip is acknowb dged a the verv best to: :alrthe disorders of lianvliood and early childhood. Price 25 cts a bottle.' i To Kuzv J. Han.sek : Yoii are lierehv not ii I .i . i .i ii . . ' Rtuil :i".il isi voil. viz : ...... ...v ... ...i.iuu..r iMiiivtU l L " .J m ' - ! J - jyaviOSSIl Wiat " la'aupanpr UOirt. P. I). Leonard, Atliu'i of John Leonard, dr:'i, Vl'ff. r Auain.l !illfn Tyciiif;xr and hus l)aiul lii.. 1 iner, Bur gtss Leonard, E. J. linn-nt-r, P. D, L otiard, L. A. Sm it Ii and her husband Alex'dr Smith, .(J Siuitli, Carrie Leonard, Ko'i't Lf on ird, Jiilia Lexiiard and Summons Pe tition to sell land to raise asset t to pay d-lits. C. F. Leonard, the last fivo I ijinler ie and wit h and tardimi, Jjiji'mi'tn. J ' Qp ?43nT CASOIHA I . ! i ' iTo l,e lvi.j-ii.eonty ivHinK: You are ltrehv t-ouimstidt-it to s motion U-n. Tysiiie iWru. rinjjcr, liursi L.nurd, E. ! Ilai'iitf, P. I). Leonard, L. A. Siui ii, .iiex .tn.n r uijih, S. f -riiniili, i arri Leonard. Ko bVrt Lcoi.iid, J ilia Lfouaid- ai.d C. F. Letm rd, thf deU-n.ianis alH.ve r.an.l, if to k- fnnd :Tr T'1"1- VKV U;f"rU- ouuniy.a the 4.. rl I foil n. L.xinKi,.i, with- in iwrinv d .v from ih. srvi. e ot th sum- loons, r.xciiMve of the d-tv o( service, and an sW-r the oomnlaint which will he drposittM in lit- o(Iie of ih- t'Strk of th- Snperiot Court of xaid ii.nniy, within ten "lays, and let the fjiid d ft'iidaiu take notice thai if they fail to pover the mid complaint within the time re sjri i-il Jiv law, the daintitr will apply to the La.urt fr the relief dt-rn i nded in tliecomplainl. i-IIert'in fail not and of thi summons make hie return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 4th day of October, 1871L I F. Lowe, C. S. C. M. U. Pis.nix, Plat' tr Att'y. ! l:b'w: lo Jj II. J ifK, Non-rjnident, defer.dentr V Ml . . . 5 . xou win laKe .nice (hat the to lowinir Snni- uioui has heen i-ued gainst you. Davidson Coitj la Supsricr Conr tr-euiMii II. M .i.e, ( P-tiuftf. J ' : J Agiiinst Summons for Ktlief. James U. Jonts, j j ; De'dt. j STATE OF H38TH CAH0LIH., J o me aiierili ui i.i ni.,ui. coin. i greet ir: Vou are iiereoy eouiiiianded tosiiuinion James IL Jones, the defend in above imtned, if he be ,,M,"d vruhiii our countv, to be and appear i.r..... 1... ....j.. ..-.. . r" y.v..w tiic y uugc ui our iiprrior tjotirt. at a I rl le In. Id for the County of Davidson, ! il,,e V"ri ' Lexington on the Ui ! mtlayo) March, 1660, and answer the coui- ; I!4"11 w,,i h wnl he Uejx.hited in the office of rk jf sprior 1 urt for mid eoun- l- wl,h4o Jh- 3 lirst iy of said tern., and let thW Hani defendant lake notice, ihai if he fail auswijr the Kiii e.oinj.;iii,t within (hat time, thi? plaintiff wiU aj j.lv to the t ouit lor the re lief ut in imlfii in tijf c inl;iiiit. Herein jjil 1.1.1, m, i t,is Mtninit) in;ike due rttiirii. Uivm m,h r my haiul and the neiil of iid Conn, tl.is J2(h i;y of rjeiitem ber, 1.870. F. Low'fc, j Clerk f?uj Court of Davidson Co. You will alno take imtiee tlat at the fame tune, in:aid case, a warrant of attachment wa iwuird ajrHiiivt vonr pifperv in th or ol thf hiihiirl for the Mini of '1 hiity-eiht Hun dred and F)Uy D dlars. with interest on Sj.158.- .f r. ... .i;.. r. 1. I . i . - ri i . . i . ui'iii me viii unite, io4V, iue ov notes and ?f,f" ;'!VR nd l'irt to order of de leinlant, ni;d teluri.ahle to hid t 'our I, ; in said county, on i lie ll Monday of March, A. D. 18$Q. ulicu ajiii where run appear if you think pFojr, this Octohcr Hth, lb79. i i j -. F. Lowk, C.S. C Jxo II. Vej.boen, IMA'b Att'y. ol:Cw ' E! TIie al liable House ""V-.eu in li ro. anjoinirp ine " .i .? M - sinti iririiinr k inui rt i ia ut rud i-f , mri" back 3jiU feet to Cruise street; The house U newly hulltj main buildinjr 18x38 ft42 Ktorie lv. f 8x4U, with 4 Koomu mim! nail-why. down stairs tin Jhed; a jrotMl pantry and 2 closetn ; 6 fife-place, one in each room, and all flniih ied,jexcepl 2 room and hail-way up-Ktairs; gooid kitchen and smokehoiuw all f in good! repair, jllic garden l very good, and on the lot grow woie of the finest fruit in the'tate. Thlf property i offered cheap, ami if t ot di- :offd of privately, wilj be sold lo the highest bidder at the Public Square in jthin ciiy, on jSattirday the Ut day ol November, 1879." ' Ternisone-fialf cat'h the otjier half on lib eral time with debt properly secured, For Price and other particulars, ipply to myself or J. J. Cruner at Carolina H'etehman Pfi5pet i I e J. V. McKKNZlE. JjilUlir N. O, Sept. 17, 1373, . ! ; ,43i7 FflB SAL CASH PAID For RAGS, IRON, PONES ,JJETALS, . Ill DS, ONIONS, &c; Wauted at . l i - f' ; I -v cr f STORE rr i n - ! !- Opposite the Post Office, .S--- S J. BINSW ANGER: I 4D:4t Mf I 1 ' ' ' ll : . ': - f ! , , !ORTHRfl ICE Will be on Sal J Through the Winter, aud next Season by the undersigised, I p s." A nl riltrrAl irrw' I "And Deli vered Free;1 49:4t S. J. BINSW ANGER. Caw'JcliiVt Best S 'X'if y Tebaec HARHESS,- " collars; . ? !' " "SADDL taieiCMaohy butwiiu. Mr. v. tk. Hii.tKii uiii 't to caar.ancrjou wlUnad thbt there ia Jliot a' Better. iWorkmmj ii the State. - Prt'.'i shail eom.ire tavoraLVjii wlta any estab- Usliaw m iuccobmit, eiti.er Nprth or Maun. - I Epatilagpioiiiaily atienJeil io. . s,tr jmnf monei .im cdl en PoUaabrf rc yo;i tmy anything a ilti Une. l ! :'t-J;.,.,., i? vCKlfF & 8R0. t " ;v.iar.;H. n . c'. i f -ji ranks reuairpd. and nil win inf ii nhMjr. i r",rriinks repaired, and aU ktndU ot tns Alsoi Bogy ; uisbiods;.ma(ie:' tt 1 ; lV jjlovaH J.e9 and W. Mtotlwrt ! ??S,?1J CoqntyI Superior Court. ff0,.m -A1-rl.- i - lJ'u''Jj i T lI'A-a'n;t,i Sumih'm for Relief. i r t M. Earl, Deft, j j STATE OF K0STH CASQLiA, , Tfffie Sheriff of Davidwm Co., Greeting. You are hereby oinmanled to summon 111 ur toU!"J- lo aiu pp'ar Ix-tore the i'a,,v uf our Superior Couitjat a Court to ; ir the bounty . utiJvidson at the Court House in Lexington on (he 1st Mon day el March lb80, and answer the com plaint which will be deposited in the ofhVe of the Clerk of the Suiwriur Court for lJl : . . ... . ' . i i Oimrvi Within tlit lhri' hrf .ra ft..:.l I - r,. .... .. ;; i leim, hiki lei me sam uelenuwts take no Itice that if they fail to answer i'lrc said eom- ' plamt within that time, the PiaintitT will j apply to the Court fur the relief demanded in i ne compiainr. j Herein tail not.and of this summons make due. return, , , ' ; . j. t . Given under my hand and the seal of said Court, this 12th day of Septeibbcr; 187J. i , ,C h Lowk, r i . : C. S. C. Dkyidsn Co. Tou will also take notice tlmt at the same time in haid ease a warrant cif tattarhment was issued against your property for t lie sum of two thousand and ni lit ten dollars and rilty rents, (2,019.50 duel bv open Re ' Count'in 'th, ! wh-n ''anl w think proper. count, ami returnable to said Ciurt in said e first Monday ia an h, 1S80, here you may appmr it v.u This 8th lay;ot .-t. 187U. C. F. Lows. C. S. C. Jno. It. Wei burn, Davidson Cr. No.il: 6w Pifis. Attv. : . j r To J. IT. Jo,,es ad Tr". Af. Kuril non-residents Yon trill take ti,e that the fULuiw sum- I .Tr.OA , J - J . i i A vlDbOi.il County In Suprior Court. M. L. Jones, Plaintiff " against 1 M i j- Summons -for Relief. J. II. Jones and I AV. M. Earl. Deft. STATE OF FiORTH CAROLINA To the Sheriff f Dacidmn Co. Greeting. You are hereby commanded ito summon J. U. Jones and V. M. Earl the! Defendants alxve named, if they be found within your County, to be and appear before the Judire of our Superior Court at a Court to be heFd lor the County ot Davidson at the Court House in Lcxinirton on the 1st Mondav of :rthecoraplaint which he office of the Clerk March 1880, and answer .... . will Ik- tli'misitft in tho fHr- f i or the buperior Court for said Countv, with- i in the three rirst ilavs ofsnid Ti.rm nn.l l..f - - m " " ' " ..u., " . IV I riTAi i . .. ... me said ucienuants laKe notice t.'jat it they fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintilf will apply to the Court for the relief demanded iu the com plaint. Herein fail not, and of this summons make due returu. Given under my hand and the Bcal of said Court, this 12th day of September, 1879. C. F. Lowk. , C. s. c. You will also take notice that at the same time in said case a warrant of attachment was issued' against your .property for the sum of nine hundred and five dollars and eighty-one cents, ($905,81) due -plaintiff by ' len account and returnable to said court, in said county on the first Monday iu March, 1880, when and where you can appear if ippear you think proper. This Oct, 8th, 1879. C. F; jLoYVE, les. a John II. Welburx, Davidson Co. Nool: 6v Plff., Atty. To J. JIuwako Jon-s and W. ;M. Eaki., Non reside nt : You will take notice thai the followiug summoiM hs been hwued against you: DaTldsOlX- CcHJltV nSlBCrior CctUt. . . . . a. oiiiriy, ft in.- Against I J. II. Jones and Summons, for Relief. j W. M Earl, Defts. J ! STAT: ur fcu T i CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of Davidson County greeting: You are hereby Commanded to ouiumon J. H. June and W. M. Earl, the dt fendint above named, if they be found within'your county, to lie and appear before the Judge of our Su perior Court, at a Court to Le held for the County of Davidson, at the Court i House iii Lexington on the 1ft Monday of MhtcIi, 18&0, and answer the complaint whih will be de posited in the office of the Clerk of the Superi or Court for aid county, within the 3 first dars of said term, and let the sad defendants lake notice that if they fail to answer tjid paid com plaint within that time, the plaintiff will ap ply to Court for tlje relief demanded in the complarnt. ' " ' ! j ' Herein fail poj, and of this summons make due return. Given under my baud and the neal of said Court, this 12th dav Of September, 1S7Q. C. F. Lowf Cletk $. Court Davidfcoa County. Yon will alo take notice that tX the s'atue time in said ca, a warrant of attachment wu issued agr.iii8t your property, fof thenimi ot Thirteen Hundred and three Dollars and six-tv-HX cent (S1S03.GG), due by open account and returnable to said Court, in said conaty, on the lot Monday of March, 1S80, when arid where ron' ran appear if you think proper. thisSth of October, 1870. I I C. F. Lowe. C. S. C, Jxo. II. WflbobS, FlaJnti8VAf?jV"r 1 '. , 51:6r . "' ' H . 1 - : r Wbo has !- used the PEOL'LES tne iv ?i ? ! : i :.iVn e ! 4' WWW 0 1 r Kh U I it B C i t. of 7er; YA ESiL ESIAS nii? i:; Tii e ciry j 1W virine .f ;i.M..rl ie or DctI . in Trust, exeeiitt-d Uy l iios, K Un.u-u ;mi1m ilV; K.- W. Brown, to vi'i.i:i ;,slifrvr. d.ittTl t h 1 9;h day of January. -IsTiS, nu! rc-'iteivd inUhe ofliee tsf tle Ki"it-r ot L."l- of Hov iiif Wuin y, in Ilo..k:Nii. .!, i.vviOli. 41U sind 4IJ, v., and 'ujJn v!iii;li lfi'uiii m niae. I ill excise for k:i l at (kuMie'anr'tion, t Tin- oiiii-liou-'c iio..r;iii the iown of Saliburyi ?i " ar. on Moiii!ay the ' 15th Day o? Dace'rabar, 1070, Ht 1! i. , J I . f.. t...r;,; ,....1 , - 7 T . .. Z r V ' ."'" " me i;"i ur i nee t iino, known an u sr" einliraciiis ilu- r aii-r na'it of ll lot?i mr chtisd froni Liiuin Ii ir." nud i.trv K. 1 a ver, ami joining tj. ,,,s t,Cjhn LIthtir' neirs, lr. V . r . 1! i-i.ir, ;(i:d (!(e ptrs -nase of the hi-cojal t !..uuit, in th- Town d S..Jis l.nrv. Ti-;. IMS CASH D.t. d t Sa! LtiM- ihh I )!li iiav ol .ii. i-i, 1?79. 7 ClIAS. IV.ICK, ' SoiMIA ' nSIIEREI Aiii.Ucy. - Tiiifrtet-. AugnuiDni.j ; i BUY HARD- WAI r::o.M rf,T z m 7i -a n V. mm 131 And you will not only nave money, hut gel the li.st Good made. You will tiind in his Well Selected Slock of Hardware Mowers, Threshers, and Sewing machintF, StravY-Cutt.jis A eorir-Shellers, --i Grain Cradles, Grain and Grass Scythes, Plows, Hoes',1 Mattocks and Picks. Shovels. "I'hand l orks, (.las Paints, Oils, Putty, 1 "l". , ,:lr'ilsl'' 1,L,",kIs Jh,,l : .."I1' rews, I Dtwten 8 Hand and Mill Saws, j Blaclismitli & Carpenter M HOUSE AND MULE iSUOES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Patent Oil Cans. Patent Fly-Fans and Traps. i BUGGIE OPEN AND WITH TCPS. Bu.v -Harness, Harness Leather mnl- Mountings, Wa.n and IJug&y Materials, and "many other articles too tedious to mention. , . , j , ' At Keilig's oli stand, nain ttrcfii ' - SAIilSEURT. II. C. 3t):ly To L. Jt. Marsh a non-resident defendant you will take notice that the following summons has bicn issued against you. Davidson Oouatj In Saparior Court. John II. ell'orn Piaintif. , Ag;iint -S:inuon for Kelif. L. li. Maih. ; Drfeudutt. J ' - STATE NCRfH C.RQLINA, To the Sheriff of Daridson Co., Greeting: You herehj commanded to summon L. ii. Mur.-li, liie Dtlt inl nit aUov.t! iiajncil, if he be fo.uid in your County, to be hii1 appear before the Judge of our .Superior Court, at a Court to be heid for the t ,i;My.cf DaivicVoii, at ike the Court iloie in Lexli!tbn, On the 6fh Monday after the 4th Mon I iv jof SeptemU-r, 1879 and answer the complaint which will be deponiled in the ofiice of the Clerk of tfie Sffi perior Court for said County, w ii bin three first days of s.iid Teim, anil Jet the xaid Defendant take. notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the! Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded n the complaint. !Sj - . -; Herein fail not, and of this summons raake due return. u . -.-. ; ... Given iinder.my hand and - the al of sid Court, llis 15th day of April, 189, f . ; . ; C F. Lo-e C. S.5 . You will fake notice, that dn the 3rd; uay of August 1879, a Warranter attachment as issued against your property for the Kiim6f $200 and intercut thereon due by contract on account of machinery, which is j returnable to mIJ Court. M -Monday in September,; 1879. When and where you can appear if you think proper. Signed - - C. F.'LOwe.; telool.--j v? ;; C S. C. iDavidson Co. Mortgage Deeds for sale here iv.y. ..-.-i i u , - ' "if. lao vnrinn nfhor Ll.inbfl. . L iSnbsoribc for tlio Watch ui an only it J0M ' 2 0 f' L' Eft' 13 Pi, U II m H Is :S. 3IACIIIXE will prefer it ovtr aUii AGZXTij--selling it find .it kit i'? jost Hat PEOPLE want. It makes tie lii r- iuUa uoes tne wi(lep Nvufc, and winds the bobbins vitli0l rar woiusotrtue machine; Wilt a J , tirculars and full rartkulars,- U V : 1301 & 1803 ButtbnwookW ! : PfllLftDHlPIHQpM . 44:1 v .. 1." ISAACA.SHEPPARD&C0.,iaS3vJ: Unsurpassed for Durabnirj, Economy, and (W, Ami Prfet la Operatloa. i ' 4 TOO A HIUTVn, . iriu-.nM. 'r- C. F. BAKER dt CO., Salisbury, n C, TALIJUT Snvc - fi Sliockoe Machine . Iffif Maautacturereof Tortableand StatidnirTr; 1 iiujt. Hang-ers-ana tlji: -. ri jir i joicco i-actory Jiafun.'Tv Pran,-and Iron cavir.,;.-.. 3.; SCllplt031.C - y tht iron t?H ai -i.ljii.-iy ot verf D? .'Oirn cj? fine ThrcthirJp- TZztti! ' x 'vTZi-iurx : i v i EEPAIK2XQ PKOiiLY CAKEITLK D(st - Ta3 Invention of tlis lge. j TaltnfaaewvntrDi S;.uk-Arr(kerlsreaayttW lypeiLxtaaa ore. 4iU.i': i.s tuneraedliwjS! utuers ta ue. i i i tares t eiEcwncy of UilsiArrSi ; . l ai- t r.-ei lii m hi m-j.lM'st iiivctiank-at eaafpra nudina joaijnie. lis rroEJincct staMirtB iatiXT I r.m'0 c It-Joes not aestro3 the r rait. tt dos not Inters ere with cleaning the tubft t U! not ciiol -e up. and requites no clesntni ! i requires no oircci natr.ncrs to be onrnpa ik- ?(ts b-in cbJmionafclftjBtW id allow tnn.s io escape t yi :nay be I' ft nnr n and allow tgnrt.s 10 escape ii reriuircs no watn- to cxting-u sli sparks. wiki.: rr tocxitns-u sTi sparks, wild, f-trovs tl'iM r.-iit. resMJL:toi vr.tcr usc.l. If nefrlrcTi tl. the t-r. H ncv tfidestmj. 1 bv evaporation of the water, 'Ithebollerlslm n i filthv ron.il'Ir n . , , i. it i si:nol' an-ifiurahp nn1 o?n be relletf opei. It can lx nttTl;e1 to nwUriler..-- .- o nianter Hioitki rp wthet onff tEpra. Imb. -inr-o cnnpnnlrsw nHnsiiro trlrs nmllnrn vtieittkr' iiiii ii ''.ri n-s ;iu:i .-ncir-.-ArFfsi. vra are u$ea iltu i:rs nl "s f li inril fe-r. wat.er or Imrse-powfis; -i. -' f"r l lastra.t"rt circulars and price list Bnn'li lioue, C'liark'tte. n. - . j- i 23:i'm W, C. MOUGA.X, MtiBagp. - : 77 r " i 'j J .. ARE ALWAYS1 ( McSinith Music House, CHARLOTTE, N. C., ' tf , Eranoh of LuJilen & Bates, SAVANNAH. GA. O" rim ! ' i: kinds.: riANOS from S 125 up to 1500, ORGANS ' " $35 " XPart Cash and Part TtmeX " Very Low for All Cash, -vj-jf-i T Send for Illustrated Catalogue tn List Fkee. If ThDf Best Made! Sent ou 15 days' trial. We paj freiM both ways if no sale. . j 1 Call on, or address - ' "HMcSMITHi 111 - CHARLOTTE, K. C. : 1 1 32:4m HALE'S iWBBKLS .'J;il un i uesaav. rue nn oav oi I JJI and in the City5 of.lialekh, tlie.'undwM; On Tuesdav, the 7th day of win coiimience ine puuiicaiiuii hale:s WEEKIX A NOKTII CA HOffl X ApEMOCBAjIC These four words convey Tall tliatacolom of Prtxpectu-. could tell: tbe g'ei the Piiccexa of the party which Uthe hfeo , Slate and the country ; the puWicaliofl oi . the new ; thcFe- the objects piopoJ he can dy the lat and contnbute lo 'z and second, the, subscriber docs pot "JV-. donbf. The people bavfe set their ?aJ,pj C i proyallipon ids pat and liedots Botfly the future. Hale's Weekt.Y ill be printed from and hoairrifiil tvi ami on fir white P L., The price wni'he'lwo dollar- per .annnm. O ; came will be npon its mail books ,h7 j ment. and fno pajwr will be sent ',et 1 ration of the time paid tori . - - - i - P.M. '.nalei2b.Sept. 15, 1879. 1 . 'X. PA'nsoys sxuff, stm iof'j in favor. Try it. It is miTd and port For sale by, NOW IS TIIE TlilE Ta SUBSC ?OR THE WATUniiwtfi 4$ ' im i '.' !i ' ; i - wmm OF ALL ffis-rt mm v(- I: l! ;!: a:.

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