.1 . . . - ' J - . . : . . i . - i . - i E . i ; VT- i ; ill " - 1 JUT - o til edTi vtV XLTHIRD SERIES SALISBURY, JI.;C., NOVEHBER 20, 1879. ! -i -no AW. 0 1hTV V V UL tlAAlLl. i - - ; ! i tF'-'"' attractions. i . hr - i - ' From the SdenUflc Amertcan,; 5 i;yn M a curions power, ' W&Lcn understand:. llBf;;, .omact and tiS1t, .f!S Strong bolt, were throng j f A' " ki-Tirf more inys w " -m :U3rtaoit. ' krow atone np in the nir, S I ciu't discover how Wiiect 'tract another; fiiove each other, Uka BSESild a brother. !t the compass always points 1 Froclamation by the Gorernor. Directly State ofNorth Carolina," ) . ExecOtive Department- f By authority of law, Ii Thomas J. Jarvis. Governor nfV nri K r w;i : I Z . ..vm. Vttl VI I 1144 !do set apart Thursday, .November 27, 1 It: . 1879, as a day of prayer and thanks- ... Icivlnz to Alraihtv God fir flip ltohi mercies atid 'blesiTftgs He has vouchsatel to us during the year now passing away. . i And in order for its proper obser- vanu l request the people on thai day to close np their places of business, and abandoning all secular pursuits to attend their respective places of xjvine worsnip-to return thanks to the Great Ruler of individuals and Hthe North Star causes im,. ISLs Rme otW rtiuse; tJrcrhapho cu solve ! f , limits on a'lasscs cup -trStin bids him woo it;. . L fJffhtn he's in, attraction keeps ; j " lt!ictM"e8 the sot to drink, UlH trouble, drown; . 'JAiiu tnit'11 Itliction U a. canons power, ;. : Th.it iione can understand: j-Mwa'ter, aii!, anil hffld. It oV"tes on everything- frliea, tke tides, the weather; jir infrtinu'ft draws the sexes up, ia hinds them last tosther. Keeping the Boys on the Farm. Paper from Grass. - r r - i In an extended argument aft to the de--! One of the (subjects of a recent patent is sirability of farmers' sons sticking to the the manufacture pf paper pulp and paper farm, the Cincinnati Commenial observes from common grass. The patentee claims A Sew York Jury Declares that Mar-j riage is Legal by Mutual Consent. New York, Nov. 11. Several NEWS BRIEFS that there is a feature in this nattr of that grass treated when greenjand reduced to years aS ni. li. Mines died in Eu- gnajj j It has been generally conceded thai the re-adjusters carried Virginia by a rope from the result of an accident, majority. eavi i . :: CLEA5ISGS. tri Sinco 18G0 the growth in rpnlafioi? im as follows : 1 Eastern -States, ' 3,80B,n)r; Western States, 7,902,632; Sou tLeru-Stih i 4,025)34. :.. .. . ka Gen. WinCeld Scott - Ilaneocljrnti sons following tRe calling of their fathers pu'p, has s Tery flexible, sUky, long, and te that is not sufficiently regarded. " nacious fiber, Which, when made into paper, "The calling of the father may rise to a assimilates linen paper, and, if anything pos- higher dignity when the sons adopt the : "esses greatc softness ana transparency. at Madisou avenue and Twenty-sev- ar We4 afft; next V W the Democracy in 188C-TrM l.,Mnn .l., .j-..iJ : Anv of thft rnmninn field, lawn, or meadow I w uku i uic uat kiiu vi vui i , v uuDiiito.?, tuuiviiiiii j icuiu ii, uuu icaiuu.v j t n T' r h ly and proudly pursue it Then 'the ac- grasses can be use4, and for this purpose it cumulated reputation, capital, and bnsi- ' b9t tht the grass should be cut or mow- ness of the parent can bo inherited 1 and ed before it begins to bloom; but young or preserved by the sons. i fei J j old may be uied so long as fhe sap is yet in "Again, it is a law of naturo that holds circulation and tile chlorophyl, silica, and good iu all the animal kingdom, that apt- other organicjandinorgariic matters are not uess for any businessiuay be inherited, dried in, wkith is found to make a serious or may be bred, as we say of stock. The change in the quality of the fiber for the ing a wife, MMy Elizabeth Hincs, , .r1 ca t.,e site rf waa "'X. ; and two children. He owned a house I indictments of Mormon polygamists, who orfc, Indiana, aud the Sohth if n6mln.4tc ! , uw uuuiwu i tuuc auu nrui-ocY i ire to oc iricu &i ujc next term oi me vm j -,v-"v"- j vw,- i i .... L . 1 .a el...- n x . I flU ? 'i I --'l' 3 StTT cum Mreei, which ins sisters look pos-1 fcCU osues ouru . , k sessiou of, claiming it as their proper- Detroit. Nov. 13. Gov. Cross- Charles Lamb said that j a langlu.wra ty on the ground that he had not been Weil this afternoon appointed Fernan- ?&gJE legany married ana mat ine cuuaren I do C Beaman United States Senator t111 possess a cneermi aispositiontaa -were illejritinate. Suit was beirun bv UU fill .k. t, J ? tfowmfail tobethe,.matki o T. -i ' i ' - , I ! "ucahcv. kwvt law jajj estate oi .iu,uwayear . t. --i Mrs Minm ann tno nrniniiin rt t ha ci. I - a -" oenaior vnanaier. creat desideratum in develomnsr a raceof nurnose oi paper, j which we have enjoyed : for khe ex- trotters is to insure an aptness to trot.. I -After grass lis cut ormown it is em rerfect Peace. -'IrlUtJjpep Ulm in perfect peace, whose ml ad Done at the ioHectand wondrous promise, 'ii iierfVct ieace to rest ! i jMA liks storms to e ;t 3Jv tlml's love blest. -AjjYS "We. , ..fei-heavenly peace, unknown, Exerpt (hose who trust : j iu God alone! passed be- ption from pestilence and disease tins comes uourom hock mat nas - w-r ' f'-p- which Ue lias given us ; fbr the kind habitually been used for the draught or squeeze out lBe main poruopu. tue sap aim and friendly relation that have exist- chase or race course. If the dam trots r or u p ue n u Kn P1 nmmur nU .l,.ccoc f a;:,, . and the sire trots wedonotexDecttlieorl- uas wccu 4lJl- " - . . . 'I . - i i ii nprt nlafcd in n. larrre tank or water, in lor the general and grow ins prosper - iI,nuStoue running norse. ,. , . . i 1 . T ' r , , , i ue ouvspartaus uuuerstooa tins law , - p .. " . J or oilier buiiuuiu uiraiis, bu ua iu uiuiv inc water 4f thfe tank may be either warm or clod and the stand is constructed with a perforated "false bottom," on which the crushed grass rests and through which the dirt fall ihto the compartment below, from which a pipe extends to allow the dirt and washed-water to escape. When the crushed grass is jjsufficiently washed it is boiled in an open kettle or in a steam kettle with lye, in proportions of about one tenth of a pound ol caustic soda, or two tenths of a nound of caustic potash, or six tenths of i lime to one hundred pounds of grass. The boiling continued when an open kettle is used for from: four to live hours, but when a steam kettle is usbd, two hours will suffice ty that' lias pervaded the whole Jbtate. and for all His varied blessings be- developing an aptness for a given calling "I " J, stowediipon us, and to invoke a con- in the childreu. The Germans of olden j dfrt- n,e ' i - . - I warm ri t ttuuance of His watchful care and pro- t,me developed a race of warriors on the tectton over us during the Scorning: same principle. year. And while it vill be becoming "The law of heredity is so broad and so on that day to T rejn ember the widow powerful in its influence that it extends and the orphan, aud the poor and not ouly to coler and form of our race, needy everywhere among us, and to but in extends to the teinperanent and minister to their wants. 1 especially even to the tastes. The, taste, though commend to the pray ere and; gifts of like the muscle and reasouing faculties, the people the orphans in the, -asylum may be improved by education. Still the at Oxford, who 'are now dependent for taste for aud aptness for auy calling may a support solely upon the charity of bcincreased troni generation to genera the people, the btate appropriation for tion Jthat purpose being entirely exhausted "'Then, if we are to reach the highest children for the recovery of the profits oT the house and also for possession thereof. The main question involved was whether Mrs. Hincs was the le gitimate wife of Mr. Hines, or not. There had Ieen no-marriage ceremo ny i performed, but they mutually agreed in the presence of witnesses to Welire helpless, Lord, (, j Thou art all power and might, Onr putti is often dreary, j IHM ilioa or light !- J.. Wfcav? ho hope bnt Thee ; i Oh leave us not alone, Till (iffc'V brief dayjs oVr, !-! tilj giiard Tliiucr own. t the city of Raleigh (this the development as race of farmers, we must! 11th day of November, -and in expect it through the line of descent. The riinrifiiisc is our hope, i'jiv Ipivseiice is our light ; WilliiMit Tine all is tlark, ! jtlHi noondaV night. TlitiiUhiy our minds on Thee, - Let Tli V hand lead us on ,'lo joyi above. 5f.- t i( rftinf rtur. Ttrfl rtnrt t It r m. i sand eight huudred and seven- JCC ty-binejand in the one hun dred and fourth year of Amer ican Indepence. - By, the Govern(r : j 4 '- Thomas J. Jarvis. Lee S. Overman. ! - i Private Secretary. Atfr tlm iMiilimr oncration is comnleted . !1 !l. 1... ! A f r.ll.i. I f iO L 1 son ii.8t; mneiit u.e meS8 u. uuue., materiaI j3 remoTed from the kettle and and. take np the calling and business i . Mt(n,r trmil,i, ; hich it is where he, left off, and his son, after him, T . and wm cne to two hourg and so on. When this shall become the thig u washeJ Until ckan in clear the custom in our families, theu shall wo water j . see greater stability in society and a high7 Thg coarsej pulp or felt thus' produced is er type of civilization. Every parent. has refinc(3 and bleached for the production of . 1 I' A. t ll ! . 1 1 J. I I ' i tne ciuei power xo onng mis work aooui. fiue ers &i fojOW8 : jt ,s first placed in Tlie very independence of a farmer s lite- ' . a,4iT;i,i The fountain of content - mast"ptin; The Greensboro Patriot says, a lit- np in the inuid, and he who has so4tttlo tie boy at Jamestown, Guilford coun- "oweoge oi numan namnr aa-w tvi had his hand blown all to pieces, f,. . . 1 F,v,M. dlgno81tion will waste 'his lifo m Sunday last, by the explosion of a trnMws efforts.and multiply thh dynamite cartridge which he was ban-1 which he proposes to removeT "a4 QlinS. I Act- nnt hf fmaf TTini Btlll- Asilr nnf whw. 1-nfc vnit: hia will Greensboro Patriot: Dr. R. K. Simply on His word rely; - ' - dl become man and wife. The itiry on Gregory and I. F. Davis have put od sJiaii ail yur iieeu sappiy. -?aw the trial decided that the' marriage their beads together and made an ini- 8 of old the manna fell t 1 u was binding and the children legiti- provement iu the steam engine which Day by day for Iaraey mate and entitled to the property. I practical engineers pronounce the best j Till yon rise from earth to heaveni an appeal was taken to the general improvement that has been made in pmn Lu term of the Court of Common Pleas, twenty-five years. Uh the conversatioa turnon and to-day that court rendered a de- I- . , . i r k xiie ivauesooro neraui says, a new iv '.tt- dwelling house, the property of Col. contended showed a sagacity Uhatbar- G, Smith, near his mills at Gras- ga tnermust nave Drams, yonng sy Island, on the Pee Dee river, was raan wno naa iaKeQ oonsuaiiy i .-....- . burnetl on the 3rd instant. Supposed prominent part in tne conversan, to have been set on fire bv an incen- to the annoyance ot an .eiclerJjjgen- that Dr. Alvord, County Clerk Mas- a'Jtv No insurance Itleman, his neighbor, tornecb td4he terson and Mr. Leahv have just re- . ' ' - I latter and said, "Do you belie veXtbat i c I...., c.i:.. ; JLne ivauesooro xieraiu annuuuwa milieu iiuuj u iiuiii uu uuiuic i uirj Ar 1ip i . . tr Yokum Blue Lick and were waiting nsonv. ue. a for deer, which came there at dawn, ms people ; nau , oeen nonore..u The lick js at the bottom of a steep eeveral official positions, and died in r,. .11 i i 1.1 a! 1 1 tne i otn year oi nis age. uu. J-r Aivora suuueniy noiicvu cision affirming the decision of the court below. A Fresh Snake Story. The Yellville, Ark., Sake tells us is to be the germ which develops a race fiftftfin minute.. ;.xt in a dilute solution of The Largest Flour Mill in the World. that can Pot other than au i,1(leI,en- sulphuric acid for about the same time, and uent people, unr muion i iu uciuc ti us ftgain in a go ution of carbonate of soda. It greatness in the devolpment ot gcui- is thcn placcd in a solution of chloride of ture. It power at home and abroad is ,na?nesia fbrjabout thirty minutes, and after to bo establishetl and held through the arts tUis it pia(je,i third time in a solution of husbandry, praticed by a skillful and : nr rrlinnrtinf soda; nnd. finallv. a second a cold solutioh of Carbonate of soda for about Among the giant mills which rse on every hand about the milling districts of Jlinneapolis, the great "iVaslujurn says Sunday lloitie. '- i k! . IrJsh Love Song. t iiLKKEU l'KUCIVAL, GRAVES ? t i- the Pioneer Pr$ loom3 pp conspicuously. Beside it the Humbolt and the Pettit and ! the Arctic and others iflTthatvicinity lok like pygmies. From the canal way back to Second street, a distance of 250 1 feet, and with a frontaga of 103 feet on the canal, the solid walls of .limestone are slowly jrLing under the skillful guidance of Mr. McMul- len. the builder-of the "B" mill. I These are virtuous ji-ace of farmers. All then that ti,e in a solution of Sulphuric acid. These can b douo by the state or fiimily to en- ' operatTolll nmv le repeated more or less till noble aud to dignify, the calling, and to the .)Ujp i S and white as required, entail its blessings anu inunenee ironi arter which it is finally washed in clear wa father tolson, will add to the stability and ter Anothcfr method is to felter the crude grandeur of the nation. Alii swan of slduderness, dove of tender- : . : f ! ness," I i Jewel of iovs arise ! '- The little red lark, like a rosy spark Of ftotig,' to hs sunburst nics ; i BuVdH;you araiiseu, earth is a prisou, Fiill of my captive sights. . tlM-n iike anoi discover to vour fond ; Tiuver l Jlieuiorn of your matchless eyes.! iTbl iaw'ii is dark to riic : hark, oh i hark ' if fi' -J ' - - l I , ' ' i Pulse ot my heart, I pray. . An4gejitly, gliding out of thy hiding, Uawte ine with ihy day ! I And oh ! I'll fly to thee, singing, aud sigh lathee, ! . r . ":;. Passitm so sweet and gay, 4 Th kifk shall listeli, and dewdrops! glis . --: J ten, - ; : , I j Mnghing oiueyery spray. j ;! j ? r'h ' Spectator. feet. To gain an idea of its size jone needs to v.-alk about it. both outside and ini. The railroad which runs through' the1 buildin ' on the second story seems to take tip but little room, andTyet think of a train of cars passing . through any other of our public pulp with wjiter glass and bleach it with a solution of chloride of lime or chloride of Carpeting the Mississippi at Xikw soda. Still ftnotjier is to uieacn tne cruae to be carried to the height of eight stories, Unr.EASSi in a reeeni issue me rtv, wr- pUip m cujrinogs, men . ttm makinr thfi linildinrr not onl'v tlielar.r- leans Tinies states that nearly all the first . chloride of shda,andnish with water glass, ! est mill on the ground, but the highest of appropriation for laying cane mats along after which fhe pulp is washed with clear anv in the citv. for the distance ! from the the river front, m the second ana iniru ais- waier. 1'apprs prouuecu mui iuw J J J - - T - - - " .1 , i A - i i t. " i n Liii uni tri-t nf Orleans Pariah, haa been expended rrfaas nuln are said to -possess the qualities ii .1 -1- I t I . ii -X1!!!. aV in the wefrk. - of great streogthi anu ungin oi uoer, i Another appropriation of $00,000 was tv, softness axid flexibility. For tissue made in Anril last, and the department had drawing, writing and copying papers the - i , r- .-- advertised for bids upon the work, return-' material is sKid fo be admirably adapted, as able on the 20th of October. The laying of it provides d fina writing surface ami supe the mats is done in a more satisfactory man-1 rior, transparency even without the use o ,,.r.i, mnm Tvnul.l 1 lfft ner than ever before, as the men have great- any size. j f besides? The height of the basement story lyjmproyeu m um uj iniu tuTu..v... ..T...,. seems considerable to look at, yet one gts regular rate of speed is now two mats per Qf ground gjvca,in the whole year, from 0., to 1.5 ot a poumi i areen grns, uian-uiy from' 30,4 9 tob ,3i0 pounds to the acre. ;One pounll of green grass makes one fourth to one sixth of a pound dried, or 11, Finally, one It- t a n I- n i JL lie li uuesuuiu xicruiu niiuuuuua from a hunt on Saline .rork, 7"c rkausas. The party had stationed the sudden death on Thursday the emselvcs in the tree platforms about 6th inst., of Col. W ra G Smith, of a fll- TT- a 1 l.'l. have brains V' "Certainly T difr," was the. prompt and -pointed reply, "since they know when to slmt-" ads A Petulant Settler for set tle. The best service which Jufige Settle can render to his reputation something like a hoop come rolling grousing meeting of was held in and to the country is either to attend down the hill and across the wet lick, the j court house at Greensboro, last his durties as judge, letting political It was followed by three others, which Saturday night, in the interest of the movements severely alone, or to ''re- rolled to where it had stopped. Mr. I Cape Fear and Yadking Valley Rail- 8jgn and enter politics on a plane'Stlth Leahv called out: "Hoop snakes! road. Several townships in Guilford other citizens. This mixing up of Watch them boys!" The snakes, county voted on the 5th on the ques- his iudicial character with thaio? a played around for a few minutes, and tiori of subscribing to the stock of the I politcal schemer is degrading to, his then resuming their former positions, r0ad. I office, is demoralizing to him .and is standi nor on edere with their- tails m i . . Mlco-natlno- tn trt pnnntrv. : vi O - o I TJ, . -tn M.. Tt 1 1 ia wiwrt. P"cfi"u"u6 ' J A 1 . . mm nnl iliAMlf nil, lAffA11 f C 1 ' I mnmm . . Uieil II1UUIII9, t.C..WV..aiC.jr j,-- , - . a.aUC-aa ,, , 111 iTM a1 ' I ea lO-aay iroui aususia mat, mc wiovc roll up the hill. The gentlemen rub- M; . , t , lftd their eves and looked again. A Roman Catholic writer says : ' !" ' 'Who will sar that the uncomnUa There they were rolling up' hill just as fast, as quickly, and easily as they had rolled down. At first they part ly agreed not to say anything about the matter, as they feared thier story would rot be believed. authorities have certificates prepared to send out giving scats to 17 Demo-1 beauty and marvellous English' off the cratic Senators and 85 Representatives, Lprotestant Bible is not one of the &reat giving them a majority and a quorum j strongholds of heresy in this .countiry T ; thn Rpnnh irnns ret re. " "s on u, ear u,LO U,U8" lUUk " (U vv. ...v. I I L . i i .i - r a. 1. .1 but an imperfect idea 6ft he vast amount of diem, eacii mat naving leugiu m iu nu.. spacc until he is told that the western half, red teet ajnd a breadth of twenty-six feet. which is to be used lor storing,; win noui i- . . , r ...a. i.Ai. j :.,. t rwiii. norh.r niiniit, rix teet on each sine, ana i nil ii hi im!if!, lie can ircL a.nuiiiL-i iuiii ! . , ' t i 1 I 1 il... 1. .u,.... ..f I v .1 - i.1 ! ra ......n lnnn ar.rn Fir of its size bv figuring the area, when he will are weigqieu aown xo m uuuuih... t- , y.y pounusp.icY i.- -..:. i,i f fi;.nvPr that thsre nre in- er by long canvas uagsinicu wim au. one pouna oi uric. - closed 8 850 000 cubic feet, I M I September the workmen were engaged be- j third to onejfourf h of a pound of hue bleach- low xiivsian J ieius sirccc. iuc num iuuk Qa ana nnisucu ;pupL-it ui A . - -I - 1 Opinions and Advice from Senator Hanip- 1. IVUI 1 Senator Hampton Raid to the peo- fidr at Abbeville, S. C, several .flaylhgo. He is thus reported by a wrre$j)ondent vfoftho A-lgust:i; Chroni- :hWllf ' 'T- ' i r . L j . - J itiie of Hs may be disturbed at fhe re j juj qf the recent elections ; I an Uot. ' I r!-!i expected any other result in j Ohio, liere jthey ndvoenled greenbacks and ojlier foolery the v deserved what! they t:.Teu. ' 11 the democratic parry, win tSnjiaate suitable candidates, fwe can! " i-!ff irl1 tlbo-lfction in 1860, even ffrjOraut ! tojttiimted ly the Kepublicah 'party, i iT&ere is one man (liayard) w ereTliu noin- mated kill insury success. f Hayard is as :ttiC to the Stmt h as I have becui- lie has - WHiitrtie to the teachings of thq cmisti : tulion I and to PgowfK .govern nk-ntv He lifliejitTilden in New York anjd -can parry that Statej Xomiuate ; withj Hay r; ii;Mjjonald, of Indiaua, and f we can tty that State also; these are tho only Bioci-atic States Nortli. To these add tliyote of tlie South and wo can elect ' thenext President. We inust,iojwever, M (irudeut and discreet; we must pot be irafii into the angry debates f congress itttri inr. lesislatitn act for thef good f tufe whole couutrv. then appeal to the vcoUntrt at larire for tlie- justice pf onr mi and aay, will you take a man like arard t Let rrs show that wo are i aw-abidinir people.- One indiscreet fool uie outh can overthrow tne fwoi K 01 any Wise statesmen.- I will not attempt P Advise in reference to the" two races, "Ccause bv conciliation and a diie reffiird tb,t)ieir rights this was one of the cuu $P that was successful iu the ejection G.? Stand np on the platform you iyou npon then , for you can ?W the State j otlierwise. Stam i NUecaugeita. ririnrinlt'H are true. !TigUt; show the colored, inajii that L Jur interests are the same, ami We will yJwa. their aid in 1S30. as we did in How much flour this monster; is to turn out when completed is a secret which Mr. Washburn keeps to himself. It certainly is larrc- enough to make from 2,500 to 3,000 barrels per day, for it will contain twice as much room ns the old "A" mill, on j whose site it stands, and that mill the last day it ran made over 1,500 barrels. In regard to the process to be used it is premature to speak. but this much can safely j be sard, it Elysi upper district will be begun when the low er work is finished. The latter is by far the most important, and, owing to the presence of projecting whnrves and of shipping, most costly and most difficult. finished paper tq the acre of ground. .A New! Aid !'or Cotton Growers. rV . U 11 V III KJ UXBB .A 1 1 -j 7 I 1 . ' . .' ! 1 J fmnlAtpd in another vear. . . 1 a. 1 -k ttnn Xlf 1 I Li II 11 1 9 will oe tne most appruvcu iiuw in uav. , , wuum ho.-uJn t'Mtin.r the illunirarian two towers have now reached there last process in the :B" mill for some4 months stage, antl have only to be fitted with their past, and the conclusion has been reached massive caps of solid stone work. For this that the exclusive Hungarian system has purpose jt wo great scaffolding have to be some disadvantages -connected with it. A erected at a dizzy neigm; one i mr.u uu- nortion of the wall are now up to the third ever, alrcttdyapproacnes compieuua. i, ..yu storv and the entire building will be' under the" caps have been finished then a still j.- .!.- -i i- r nmhip w 1M1 rmn. : hiiriicr siorv win nac iu v. v.wv. rniii ii v iiic 131 av.j. vv.. . . .--0 -- 1 There is v litlo cotton mill in West minster, Gil., w hich takes the cotton from n to CAT1T.DRA1A.- t&e pod on the plantation where it grows V, y vi x i aVa ii' v. v w . i . f- i -l The first stone of the Cologne Cathedral and converts it by a sii.pfo am inexpan was laid August 15, 1248, and it is thougHt ive process mtyariu By this trans- i.A-j i ft,,.. Tl,.1! formation the COlton is incrc-isu.i iu .uc iiiv , i . from three Icent's ' to seventeen cents a ltniind. Tfiis is not the only advance, as a not be forgotten; like the sound'' of Doubtless Horatio Seymour, Jr., Church bells which -the convert hardly But Colonel feels lonesome. He is the only one of knows how he can lorego its leucine. Star.() at whose plantation thoy r the: candidate o the Now York Dcm- 3 ed the next night, explained to them ocratic State ticket to whom the offi- . d auJ Uie anchor 0f nationarserioli- that the hoop snake is able to thick- cial returns give a majority, aud he nes8 The memory of theaiad en itself a little in front of its point can express himself as Gov. Brogden passes into it. Tho potent traditions of of contact with the ground, and to did when he was elected to Congress childhood are stereotyed in its .verses. kPP this nart heavier than the bal- from the second district of North Car- The power of all the gneis ana mais I 1 1 ance ; hence as the center of gravity blino in 1876 the only Republican falls in front of its base, the snake on the State or Congressional tickets can't help revolving in any direction who had a majority : "I am," said he, i a man are hidden Wneath its ' words. It is his sacred tiling, which, donbt has never dimmed and controversy never soiled." iu which he keeps the "wad." Poor Potts. "the only rose left on the bush to show where the garden has been. -ii never upon lecause pleted, there will be nothing to compare with it in the L; united States j as regards size and if their is anything across j the wa ter its equal, we should be very glad to hear from it. ! h The CoMrnicssKi Aiit Torvedo. The cigar-shaped fish torpedo gets its motion from compressed air stored inside, and this issuing at the tail, sets in motion a screw wuicu reic vw"s-v.t"v"v i velocity. A well-con strncted fish torpedo will run many hundred yards nt a veloci ty of twenty miles an hour, and ou strik ing its head, which contains the; charge, explodes with .considerable violence. The torpedo is, therefore, a weapon of terrible effect.- j' - 4 j IxTEKESTrxo Youxo JIkk. UT ie inter esting young man must be pale and thin, have long hair, bat: no side whiskers, eat little in public, neverWokc a pipe, be short sighted, have a big. pain," be sour, talk about himself, be imprlidentbe extreme, in opin ion especially on theology anu meauEvai ;amr noDiilaH with women, not able to Hhoot or ride, hate wet feet, be disliked by I J r 1 in a IrtiilkIo r-rl ' scaffolding, in order to fix on the tops of the caps he gigantic foliated crosses, almost thirty feet high, which are to crown the towers. This operation will, it is expected be performed next spring. j n i Southeun- Civilization. "Somehow civilization does no! 8?' og"n va the Southern country ."AT. 1". Com. Atlc 1 Vrhjihs it mitrht if vou Northern peo- ni liettcr example, but when judges . . 1 i in .1 .. Z .. WIiMUi.in are shoe mown nive uj;, m nnd raoe. arsou. murder, .robbery, era- ; . , ., bezzlemifnt, fraud anu other crimes me c frpniipiit in the Northern States, tho "Southern country" has np-hill work in it nnbld attempt to keep np the higher civilization of the Anglo-Saxon race. The "Southern country" is indeed keeping up her end pf the civilization line very admir- ... - ' .1... .,.l!lB f tllA An ably, consMiexing inw n.j tiguous Northern example. Courier Jour nal. men. anu in The liardast thing in the world for a young lady to do is to look uncon cerned ithc first time she comes out in a handsonie engagement ring. tlie cotton jf uot; made into yarn mnst be taxed for giuning, compressing, bagging, tying, weighing, storage, wharfage, and other transportation charges. The ad vantage ofjthe pew process is so apparent that tho' cjittori planters seriously pro pose to establish just such mills among their planthtioiis as a preparatory srep to theeslatlisiinicut of cotton cloth man ufactoriesjjto ctimpete with thoso of New; England. ! This method is certainly a gtat imprpvenjent over those that pre- vWiled tiltj' years ago, ueiore me rn un.au vn. Then tlieje was a mill of 400 spiu lles at MiH Springs, Ky. The planters of that davl woiild haul their cotton from as far South asilluutsville, Ala., to the mill. Afti it Uas spun into yarn it was again hanled to Louisville and exchang ed for goods, which were conveyed in vragous toj the! spot where- the cotton grew. f . UNABLE TO FIND KM PI) YM ENT, SHE TRIES TO COMMIT SUICIDE. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. Mrs. Mat tie Potts, who recently completed a walk from Philadelphia to New Or leans, and return, attempted to commit suiciile last night by placing her head on the railrod track. She-was observ ed in time and her suicidal : purpose frustrated. - Letters were found upon her addressed to the New York Hei' arldy Baltimore American. Charlotte (N. C.) Observer. Atlanta Constitution, and New Orleans Times. stating, among other things, that poverty and a fail ure to find employment led to the act. Rhoda Low bey. Rhoda Chavis, formerly the wife of the celebrated outlaw, Henry Berry Lowrey, and Queen of Scuffletown, arrived hereon the Carolina Central train yesterday morning. She is here in attendance upon the session of the United States District Court. She was a conspicuous figure in the court room during the day and attracted no little attention. Wilmington Review. 5th. The Ohio at Low Water. The Ohio river, which is a mile wMe at- Tl. rrood that boltiutr does is well ex- Louiaville. Ky., in oramary siageoi , emplified in the election at New York. I water, is now reduced to the width)Of Sohu Kelly's vote is placed at 75,000 aud j a stouc throw, and-is in fact; bat a Cornell beats Robinson about 40,00U. Had - of preat puddles. Where . . . , t : tj 1 . ! I o . the JJemocrats Deen uniteu uuctua iwuiu- ntea ivucius iwo.n- .torched. out broad son would have been elected by 35,000 , , , T , f L, rH majority the New York Times does not and rough, nothingh but bare white see in these figures much for tho Cornell rock is-to be seen, and the noveltyof ring men to rejoice at. It admits that the thing is so great that the people, of bolt was the salvation of its ticket. It rujsvillc throng theiempty riverbed says that the group of iolitical managers of atones, or Stm- who secured the nomination of Mr. Cornell . V i-a:L.U and their other favorites, are boasting in .ply to enjoy the undented spw- "Cambyses "vein" of the tremendous tacle, and on one day lately it is esti- triumph which they have gained for the mated that 10,000 persons were ram- Itepublicau party in New York. They 0ln2 over the dry bottom of the once .. . a. i..i : seem to be utieny ignorant luai, i- . . f stream. UUipii, SUCH lb IS, uvtt nvt. tjj ,n v wm j, "7 iw it Ixcrease n Value of Cotnrrr Paoraa them there is every evidence that ,t would have been more decisive and more chicf dcrk in the auditor, office, .11 T I. 4- .1 41. n nh AAI1 w " vaiuau.e. ..u.. preparing a tabic w hick wilUbmr the gist! In the election of r. Cornell, tlie P - peculiar pet of the manager, by a plural- I tke State, giving the value itywhich he owes entirely n,abol in the 1878 ana , bowing tho increase for IhU Democratic ranks, whithout which, bolt . .unA thftt. .'nfltt.r , , 1 A. t I It'll UUUCl Vll- AAn o,b.vi,., " " " I f he would have been buried out of ight J ? . . - . , in The cenjms qf 1870 reports in Granville i62 manafact inng establish meiits; 0 Steam engines j 53 water wheels op cratives; feapital I employed, $20D,OKj wages, $46,370;; mate! ials, $92,470, and products, 467f!04. The census of 1830 will show hu .Acreage of over 100 per cent, iu the manufactories of the county lni ing thej lastj ten years. And yet this is but a small khow ing, compared with the facilities orir county oTers for a long Hue of piaiinfaitoi iesi Torch Light, If you wish to see the true Republican platform for 1880 stated in a few words, you will find it given in the following from that uncompromising Republican paper, the Lemars (Iowa) Sentinel: . - If State lines interfere with national pro- under an adverse majorityiif at least 30, 000. Sal. Ob. i il. Menier, the Paris - chocolate maKer, takes intense interest in scien tific farming. Some interesting ex periments in electrical ploughing recently made on his estate. The motive power was supplied to the plough by a Gramme machine, itself set in motion by water power, which is abundant on M. Menier estate. The plough did the same work as if gress, r?nni1 therar If Sute Constitutions hamper the nationf four oxen. It was a Fow- al ffi .bom: v ller plough, with six shares. The mo- If State sovereignty conflicts with nation tive power- was supplied to it by A ai soYtrreiiiuii, i . . . . Squelch it, wire, at aldistance of 700 metres. estimates that the actual increase will be-in the neighborhood of $1,000,000. It gives the counties thus far reported, which shows the largest increase as follows: - ',f ' ' am a. .1 rt t m ems Aa Oa Bancomue, i7P,f i,jo,o; io.w,-s,ooi 439; increase, 694,549. ' Caswell, 1878, $1,690,474; 1879, f 3)43,- 840; increase, $347,360. - Iredell, 1878, $323,780; iOiv,fz.)i,Dio; increase, $428,090. Johnson. 1878, $2,414,772: fs,yuor 685; increase, $520,913. - Mecklenburg, 1878. ftjKis,; iotv. r 583,934; increase, $084,580. New Hanover, 1878, $4,302,479; 1879, 138,510: increase, $776,03T. Orange, 1878, $2.674098;1879, $3,705,716; increase, $1,028,618. WaTne, 1878, $2,90347; 1879, $3,222, 827; increase, $429,580. i f : i A few counties, not more than a half dcz en, perhaps, report a decrease in valae raj derthe new system. ;i I. Franllin Times, 1 .

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