Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, DEC. 30? c!80. The legislature will assetubJ elgh on next Wednesday. u at Kal Akotheb Sad Acudest thw time on the Air Line, six niils beyond Charlotte, in which four passengers were killed and cars smashed and burned, There is little new worth jirintinpr this week. The snow and Christinas bolidajs are both hindrances to businessafTalrs. The peepte are enjoying re-unions 01 lammcs, with here and there hop" or conTtral party. Congress adjourned before Christ- mas for a two weeV rest, .t anners are making big fires and sitting by theia. The vm . oati-iiinir raLlifts" and ,birds.--anu w; "----o j the girls are entertaining their beaux. All are busy in some way, except the old folks who sit close around the chimney corner ; but it is not news for the world that they are making. j THE CATASTltdHilS. Knonp Uiirinir ana aiicr During and 11 urn ing'. the rnR r.Ols SAKE COME AXD HELP ME" THE BEMA1SS Jiolf KECOGX1ZA1JLE WHAT THE DEVIL IS THE MATTEUf" THE LOST'. - . Ch irlotte Oberver. . The following is Eiigiur Hall's ac- unnnt nf the accident 011 the Carolina y" Central Kailrcud. He aud his fiieulan are the only living eyew jtuesses jto the catastrophe and burwurg, except those' on -board the- train who escaped. , Noue o them have jet returned to Charlotte The engineer's story is at second hand, as by the time the reporter could see him -he declined to talk any more iibout it JI had been worried to death,' he said Je is an Englishman, and to get him to "talk under the most auspicious circuni stances would, it is probable, be difficult Just as the engine had gotten over In dian Creek trestle, the gdng of the cab sounded violently and the .rope- broke As he wheeled-he heard a crash and saw rArannd trestle coing down. The engine was quickly reverhed and stopped almost omediately, as the speed was'tw at the .mfi : He seized an axe, and, toffeuber with the fireman, ran down the eiu45auk- ment towards the wreck. It jwas blaziu ity the time they reached it.j The com bined baggage, express and 4wl car was standing on its end, but smashed oat o shape. The passenger had fallen entirely pver the mail car i and was also standing on its nd on this; side of it, and smashed in the same manner. The- box cars, which were loaded with cotton, were piled close nraund and enveloped iu flames almost immediately, while the timbers of the fal Jeo trestle were scattered over aud around iu inextricable eonfusmn. The first thought was,, of course, for the men on board. They ; discovered Limebrick and nulled him out; He seem- ejl to be dazed, for without uttering a W'ordhe startetT to the enjriue. Grifliu was found and liberated, when he imme diately inquired for Smith, i J'Heie, for God's sake come and help me," came ' from the burningdebris. Iu rain thedis tract ed men attempted to reach the burn ing man. They could not even see him Piteous cries and screams of Agony came but no help could reach hi ni. In a few minutes .all was sileut. The man was "dead. " " ; Amid the ruins could be seen the bodies of the colored men, McKenzie and War lick. -They were both dead ; one tram? fixed with a shattering leam, the other crushed beneath huge timbers. Of Good son and Bloom nothing was seen or heard Capt. Johnson was-found one hundred and fifty yards away sitting on a log in fhe woods, wet, dazed and bewildered JfWhat the devil is the matter!'' he said as the engineer came. op. He says he re 'members nothing; . don't know how he got where he was,' uor wheu he fell. He hasn t a scratch, out is bruised and sere He hsid hardly revived from his utter con fusion yesterday when the traju left Lin colnton. u Pars, trestle and freight were burnt to aslies, among which were found the signs of human bodies in charred and sickening fragments. The remains, except those of Bill McKenzie, which were reecued after being budly disfigured, were undistin- - guishabfe, locality even giving au uncer tain clue to identity. - ' Captain Johnson says that there were only four passengers on the train ; conse quently all have Iwea accounted for. ' lr. Limebrick received a; severe eat 1 across the ihho, but is in no danger. Mr. prifiln is also not seriously injured. They are both in Liucoluton, as is alo Captain Johnson. Neither the engineer nor any of the rescued are able to say whether the cars jumped the track or the trestle gave-way. The fact on this will gfj far tow;ards settling the question of reooisibility for he accident. I - r Not a vestige of the tiestle, except the iron-band and belts, ncr of the cars, ex cept the wheels and other parts made of rou, remain. The engiueer aud fireman being the only persoua present, cpald do iHthing to stay the flames, which, being fed 'by the cotton, spread rapidly . and quickly destroyed every inflammable substance within" veach. About sevcuty live bales of cotton wre brirned.' Mr. J. F. Blwun, one of jthe victiins, who is , well kuown here, lias for more than twelve years Ceen the rjiail agent on thisend of thje road. Tie islsaid to have - leeu of the bct jitrd- steadiest" agents inj the State, lie was a . member .of the Jvnish.s Honor, which insures t his family, which i a lafe one, a provision for $2jOUO; to this jt may jbe added, he i - j . , . t iml k uMiil nn rl?i.v for 4.000 in the Cotton States Lifd Insurance Company of j I - - - . . I Macon, Ga.t and n a shareholder in the f .. l?ui1tt-av Hfuil frvip Mn-i tnal Benefit Association, which also eu- title hi fciuiil v to $2,000. In connection with this last it .mar be incidentally re- r - ".-- - I marked that a lemuter hts .been shown hi d,m:tnie. made on the 0th of De- j?cuiW, paying hi fee and renewing his roeiobership iu this association, after hav- ing pliowed it to expire for acoasiderable W Smith onntU f t1. -:. t...i' .J.i I..-. . l, manner, of a free jovial and good natured disposition, and generally liked here. S. -W. GikkIsou', another of the victimp. will; be remembered here as having baa an insurance office under the First Na tional Bank building in this city several He lived lasr in Statesville, years ago. - bit traveled most of the time for the ben- lit of his health, it being recommended to aim uy pnj sxcuuis, lor couBuu.puon,Wuu ... .1 t 1 A.! iit. I which he was afflicted. His son, who bears the same jname, is now living iu thislcity, a steady and industrious young mechanic. i IIansriKgiii Rutherford. Daniel Keith Executed oa. Friday A No torious Criminal Jbxpuitcs Ins llomd Crimes. Ealctgh Xews Observer. Sheluv, N. C, December I7J Dauiel Keith, alias Georcre Durham. I pophlar Southenl salesman of Benedict, anca nu n,i .T.w. - Hall & Co., a large ,ce fl.m of New ieau agrieulture, i ddres,,ng the lar- Yoiic city. lie was a pian of splendid ' Club in London, sa,d ha woiild not phyUque, about 20 years old, height fear .Amcncnn eompet.tjon u wKat twen- . J . . . j . . . tv-five vears hence, as exhaustion of the nluiirf tir fni.ti M? i a nrv a f froti v in Ilia J "' rf .... . alias George Anderson, white, horse thiefJstar aud a meteor t One is a sun, the oth swindler, bigamist and rapist, was hang-1 ed to-day at lUitheifordton, for tho rape and murder of Alice Ellis, a little neirm girl whrcii crimes lie committed in Jan- uaZ la6t' , , ljie case uas ucen quo oi great noic, uot;oiily in this section, but ip the State Not loug siuce Keith made a confession of his crimes, which has been published It is of great length and goes iuto thede- x - sa v . tans 01 ins terrioic ueeus. lveitii was borli iu Kentucky iu 1843. At the ertiiv age of 14 he was a whisky-driukiug wan derer from home, uuder the name ot George Durham.! He enlisted ' the ar my, but iu less than six months deserted. On his way home he stole a valuable horse, with which ho rode from Kent nek;. to Tcnuessee. lie was seized as a desejt- J er, but escaped, and then stolp watches and money. -Foj" theeo offenses he was sent to the Kentucky Penitentiary - for a year. Soon after serving out his sen tenet he married a young jrirl, from whom he soon separated. Keith went out to Indi ana, but iu 1870 returned to Kentucky and married auotlref remarkably pretty girl. Thus at 22 years of age ho had two wives. With this last wife he only lived seven mouths. Uuder the name of George Audeison lie camo back to North Caroli na in 1871, and id Haywood county, iu that year, ho married his third wife. In 1879 he came to Buncombe county aud deceived maup persons about gold miues, which he professed to have dis covered. He went back to Tcnuessee and thence to Keutucky, continuously eucac ed in petty swindling. Finally ho turned OI. ..IK I 1. I.J. I UV All CMICllM . ttildU-IIC CUIUIUUU'U JUS two most heinous crimes. Ou Wednes day, Jauuary 28, 1880. he committed the assault on the little negro girl, and then throwing a pillow slip over her head, beat out her brains with a large stone. Ay palled at this double crime, Keith at tempted to place the burden of it upon a supposititious convict whom he claimed to have seen in the neighborhood. But his tracks iu the soft soil betrayed him. He was arrested iu a few hours after the commission of the crimes. There were threats of lynching, but he was finally taken to Shelby jai . At the next term of court ho was tried and convicted of I murder. n appeaLAvas taken to tho Su-1 preiue Court, on a technicality, wljeu that court at the June term, 130, affirmed the decision of tiie lower court. . The execution tsok place in the pies cuce of four thousand persons. Keith evinced remarkable , self-possession ; ou the scafibldj being calm aud unmoved. He confessed tho crime and said that his i.miViment v.i irsr as ln" villi n.iVali wl pnuisrimtnt wasjusr, as 111s villl.inies Uad Ueeu sufficient to staiu the lives of fortv men. He asserted that whisk v was tli -, . , - . . , "tuoc vi no uuii uuu, iici. jj. i.. Kusuxti ii offered a prayer amid the awed silence of the vast crowd of lookers-on. The drop! then fell aud iu ten minutes Keith's, pulse ceased to beat, . . W. II. M. Converting the' Liquor Men. Remarkable Result of a Rcmarlcahle Call. -" . ' . - "; " ' z Kichmoxd, Dec. 20. Pursuant to a call made by liishon Keane. yesterday," to all in this city, a meeting of Catholic dealers in liquors was held last night in the Cathedral Hall for the purpose of taking action far the proper observance vf Sunday by a sup pression of the sale of intoxicating drinks on that day. Bishop Keano made a pow erful address in j advocacy of tho move ment, and submitted a series of resolu tion for adop tion, and plcad'n for sigua tures, settiug forth the sacred obligation of keeping holy the Lord's day. Kccog niziug the practice of selling aud drinking liquor on the Lord'' day as a violation of the commandments of God and the pre cepts of the T!hurch, and" promising not to sell drinks to intoxicate persons ou the Lord's day; nor permit them to be sold by those over Whom tbey had control.! and discountenance the practice iu otherr, I m ' 9 The resolutions were nnanimons.y Adopt ed and the pteading was sigiieil by thirty liquor dealers. ; Commissioners were ap- IMiinted f pj-oenrp th signatures of-all I the ('at holies m the city eugaged iu the business,1' . . - .- ' . ... : The Washington btar of cm says , Got. Littlefield, of Jibode Island, and . " m a! .... &.! m w rt 1 other Governors or rue inuieeu uuSnm. Rfatpa. were at the capxtol to-aay. nejf are here to meet ou Friday next for con Bideration. ami arrangement "of matters for the Ytu ktown ceuteuial ceieurauon - to - i To - morrow arsuo-commutce o uio ,u ate committee on the Yorktown eenten uial will determine upon a Rite for tne monument, and It win be reporrea io mo committee and by ttiem tome ceuaie A JOnUpU UWIhmu. w .... ...o., I ,.,1. f,f. t It I .. .t.niront sajB "Jir.u anmcni;!! iw.iu, v- land would ensue hi that tne aud the cost 6t )roductiou would increase j but in regard to beef there were jjci pus pros- nects of comietitioii for the vast herds of cattle iu th.e'farwest, Mr. Bead deemed it likely that the Amerii nation : would bccou, the greatestin tlie world. Wilmington Star: We learn that in Rnnie ill.tai' lli,llters ia this vicinity & , fc Leaviw. iu tho artici0 0f peanuts ia consc queuco of the damp and rainy weither whidi has prevailed almost in-ces-iautly for the past two- or three weeks. Those who had stacked their peanuts be fore the wet weather set iu suffered no in convenience, but not a few had them on the ground waiting to Ikj dried sufficiently to be stacked, in which iositiou a large pro portion of the best on the vines have rot ted. What is tho difference between a fixed er a darter. MEROMEY'S OPERA KGUSE I Eugagemeut Extraordinary Of tlieDis tiuguished Emotioual and Tragic Actress, Miss ADA GRAY, SUPPORTED BY W ATKINS' FITFH AYE. COPjTBIKATIOP. 310XDA T NIG 11 T, USA T L YXN. TUESDAY NIGHT, LjCHJJTIA BOE- GIA, an 1 the roaring farce, , A KISS IX THE DARK. qexeRA L ADMISSION IIESEYED SEATS $1.0C.' Seats ou sale at Klttttz's Drug Store. Secnre eat3 early and avoid th? rush. POST OFFICE KICK -o- Bot rent will remain nt two dollars per annum until further notice. I). Li. Huixgt.k, P. M. STRAYED HOGS. riizt I have iu my, pasture six wWte and black spotted hogs, marked, l- or 16 months old, which the owner is request ed to prove, pay charge and tak& awny. Otherwise they will be disposed of as the hw di rects. 11 lot J. V. FlSHEK. 331TY;;HIGH S0H80LI iiiej.SpriDg Session ot tlns bcuool will open ou Monday, January 3d, 1831. Adtlresa Gjeo. K. aicrIL, oodleaf, . U 10:3w J VICK'S ILLUSTRATED FLORAL GUIDE' For 1881 Is hu Elegant Book or U0 Vages, One Col- orea riowr r naie, ana twa iini-trratious. wit a ve scrtpttojis or the b;?st l?lower.i and Vftrota'olea, tun, uireuuons ior gro'.n.-ur. uniy in cental, in :r;i- ots roaanewiu order seeds ue- IH,CK SKKU?anH.e "f ln tne. worU- TUe vicks klower .vsu VKiiBrABLs uakuex, cents la paper covers; $1.00 m elegant cloth. In ITT r.,.-' H n,lnmi T 1 ...... .jut . . . - f . . ... oerman or tnzithiu VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAOAZIXE ! 82 Pases, a Colored Plate ln every number and many line Er.jrraTln?s. Price $l.i5 a year; rive copies for tf.ix). 8,ec:uncn Xumbers sent for 10 cents ; 3 til il copies for 55 cents. AQarcSS . JAMiSS viuiv, Itocuo3tcr, N. Y. . FARMERS, LOOK HERE ! Slako Your Own Guajno. Shun these guano dealers, and manufacture your own fertilizers. Most of the material is on your 'arms awl easy to be had and the balance cin be I One. receipt for quiekly ininuracturlns tnmco. far 4Det'rtliant'l88PuriousstuJsold by unscrupulous i ucdiers, vju lie ia;uisii to youon receipt ci Oao Dollar, The clirc3tlon3 are simple, no tools or arnaratiis neeuwi oesi res wau a nnaer aireauy nas. ami tr.e costooes not exceea thkke ixillaks per ton. i nree nunareu iwudom pui on an acre win mnKe a better crop than any ?uano you can buy. s?nd your oraer ana one uonar oy man to, at my nsK, with rosL-oaice piaimy wniien, 10 1C 4 . JjiDSNFIELD, 10:3m - Wadley. Georgia. SMITH'S WOEM OIL . Athens, Ga., February 22, 1878. Sir: Mr child, fiveyeara old.hadavmptoroa I of worms. I tried calomel and other Worm . V T ' I V tJ o u . b a cji v m m vi J vm , v Oil. aad the' first doae brought forty worm. and the second dose, so many were pawed I dd not count them. j . W. H.ADAXS. Prepared by Dl- E. S-LY-STDO-Sf, ' - ' AtnsTis, Ga-X i For Sale by Du. T. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, . C, " And Druggists general. i-U:ly AMD SPERMATORRHEA. A v&hrabla rHacovery a-ll KW Pepnrtni H Mod. J Bciaae, a entire!? !Nownl pomtlToiy elTecttr -liosmljr far th peedf aaJ perooaaent Car of Semi nal Emissions ksd Zmpdeency by tb oly tru - trar, vis : Pirect Application totlia prineial SetA cf th I9eMa, moting by Absorption. ad exert iajc its ooediic iotlur.ceoa tha iiecitnal Vesicles. jAo -ulatory Dccta, Prostata Gland, sad XJretiaa. X'bs -s cf th Eaaietly i R tendtd vah no paia or incm- ' venience, s4 docs tm Intel nitb th-s ordinary pursuits ot life; it is qalckly dssolvsd kai coon ! irbjrodacliisaa2imecistecoothias'&nd rector etive !Tdei apoa tho razci and nencui org&niza ticas wrecked from self -abuse and mxuauet , atoppiog ihd drain from tbo eyetem, reatarin tho mind to tioItb aad sound roomory, reniorf nf the I-imawt f iebt, lierrous Debility, Coafucioa ef Idets, Aversion to 6ooety, cuv, eUu, and theapnearaoco of prematura eld as naoaUy aecoiopaoyiag tots ' troabla,aad restoring perfaet Sexu&l Vijtor, wber ' it bos bees dormact for rears, 'i hi mooe ot treat rsont has stood tho test La very severe cases, sod U r bow a prODoanoed encczx. X ru(,s are too much pro. eeribed in these trembles, many can bear wit. tus to, with bat tittle if acy perassnaatcood. There . is no Hoasease abotit this preparation. Practical ob- srystii;A enables vt to posiUvely guarantee that it will giro eatisf action. Jjnrkiir tlte 6iliV years that it fcns bees ia general use, wo bare thocsaads of testi- . inoriiais as to it s alue. and it is eoaceded by tho Medical i-rofeaf ion to be the most ratiooai means yet tiiccorered of reachins; aad enriog tb is Tory prevalent trouble, .that Is well kawn tobothocauKeof untold misery tb so mtpy, aad upon whom quccks prey with, their ueloss costraius and big feoa. The I4mely U rut nj)tanat boxes, of throe eizes. Ko. l,enoush to last a iDonUi,) So; itO. S. InuiSclent to Cr5fc a per manent ears, sn'.ess ia eorora vaoca.) f&i Ho. 3. OcUb otst three taoathj, w:U stTp eciissiocs and lets alrittg AUnnr4l I th'strutiotta or m rnrttnsuif. rwr a ci II roirfrc mtnit t:rfiml that tZuiJ ran be rvtore 1t trerc$ turtiiMnnfjtnl fit ted fr f-'V fc'M nf Vfe cm if ! KS??EDT CO. 'f.!F'2. 3ML":STS. kct&naCUiSU. fjr. LOUiS, Mo. EliEff or FALL GOODS ABE DAILY A.R1MVIN.G. OTWe have every thing you want, aj THE LA HQ EST, 11 A ND SOME ST A XD -BEST SELECTED STOCK Til A T WE II A YE E YEll OFFERED. Call and see us. &-mzLm Sept. 23, 1330. 23:ly nORTH CAROLINA, Is tiik Slte- llOWAN COUNTY. UiOU C'OUKT. asry d J- Summon for Uciief. Noah Goodman and other, Dtfts. Petition to pell Land for Partition. Upon (he uflidavit filed it ordered hj the j Court thai puolicn'.iou be made ill the Caroli ua VaUli:naii for six aucetneive vte!;p, nolifv ins Aorxiiuui vjoouman, 'onn i tiler, Jaint-M Eller, Mary P. Eller and Grant Kller, Defen dants, wlio are non-retddant of tliiis State, to appear at the ofiice of the lerk of llie iMineri or Conn, tor the County of UoWaii on the lOih day of Dcet'mher, lS8t, sind ai.wer llieconi- plaint, a copy of which will be deposited in ihe office of ibe clerk of the Superior. Court of saiu county, wunin ten uaya iioin me elate 01 ll is 8iiuinni)-. mid lei th-m tnke police that it thev fail to answer I lie Paid complaint within that time, the Flnintills will apply to the court for the reiiet dc-umntU'd in the eoinplaint. Given under iov hand. t!ii- 16th dav of Oc- tober, 1830. J.M.Hokah, C, S. C. 2:(Jw Kowan County. - -i i -r it o r U-jjyiilSj (-11 06 OU., H::ve removed from Xo. 1 to No. 4 Mur- pliv'ft tiranhe Bow, where thev are opening a inrue anl well selected sttKrk of fall niid in ter Roodi coiihistini of Dry Goods, (Jrocerief., Notions, .Leather, Hats and (Japs, Boota and Shoea, Queensware, Clothinj;, Cottoo bagging A Ties, ivc. They are Agents for the wile ol the bent French linrs, Bolting Clothe anil Eu reka binut MachmcH. Don t fail to call on them. FEI1TILI2EI1 ! Call osi Mct"olhini, Bcall & Co. for the beat heat irerliiizcis in life. SEED WHEAT. oC0 hrshel.-of extra clean Seed Wheat foi sale. Call on McCuhbins, Beall & Cc Sent. 20, 1SS0. 24:ly ¬ TTENTI0N TTENTI0N M0KERS ! M0KERS ! "Aslievillc's Girl of The West," "Sitting Bull" received to-day. My as sortment of fine and common Cigars for the Wholesale and lietail trade is the most complete in town. CIGARETTES Chewing Tobacco iu great varieties. j j 1 32:tf. THE0 BTJEB.EAUM Outfit furnished free, with fall Instructions ror conaucur.j? tne mostprontaiite business oai anyone can ensr ije in . The tmstneMi is so easy to learn, and our Instructions are I !K wiJJP1:00 Pam iaat anyone can make great pro- - " mh ti uu 4 u uuiu in; Duut. 4u uucuuil UU1 WttOU will. tngtoworlc. Women are as succesral asmeaTBoys 1 A A . , . . raJs VwSTSS any Have made at aollan In fdnH I the business over one hundred I waff 9 n 1 1 1 fit i ii' U1U week. Nothing uve it eve known before Allwho I " w'- wuu 11 " any tmrronf enjrase are surprised at the ease and raDidity with I uion themJ Ueware of worthless, on vf liioli they are aWe to mate maner. Vou ,. I . . 7 Iea!relntblsbunlwsdurtatrToursraT!tirnT I profit. You do not have to in?et capital in it. We V, , VT60, nioner.t should w rite to wslat nf. All ti?rnLhod fiw. Ad-1 drcs-. ') 51:iy Safnife; I f t ". - - , -. Just received a Nice Lot of HALF GALLON AND QUART Jars for sale zX La1S 18:tf Machine Oil, Tanner's Oil, Terpentine and Tarnish : i At EXX1SS 91 lp..SFPnt! a Just Received A Larse Stock of Fresh aud Uenuiue Turnip Seed of Different Varieties at Yourselves by makln? moiney when a eolden clijuce is offered, thereby always keeping poveity trom your door. Those who always take ad- i vantage of the good chance for inaidag money that I are offered,' generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in pn erxy. . v want mans men. women, boys, and jrirl to worir F, J 52. B$f nia idY lut'irj tuifti tea uuit "mniiuj ut . x, .... . . .... : 1 turnisa an expensive cuuit ana an laai you ue, rree .o one wno engages iaiw 10 imetuuutj c- ry rapidly. ou can aevoie your wnoie urae w iuk work or only your spare moments. Fulliarormation and all that is needed sent free. Address, 51:1y Stinson & Co., rortiana, .laine THE NEW TOEK OBSERVES THIS YEAH. ! Tho Lfj-gost and Best Family Paper in th3 World. Send for Sahvplc Copy Free. 37 I'ark Row, IVcw York. II ii Iff 0 HYMN BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES, STYLES AMD QUAUiTiSS, INK. PENS. PENCILS. IN irreat- variety, ami Cheaper than Ever. At EfaKISSE Drugstore. SILVER, LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC J ORES PURCHASED FOR CASH. T'1IR cw York and Xorth Carolina Sraeltlnjr 1 company at Charlotte, win nay the Dcst t rflces ever plj In this count l y lor ORES. Xo charge will be made ror sumpllng and assay ing ores purchased by us. Bpwlaien asys tor Gold and Sliver, $1.50. 50:2w TIIEO. BUEKBAUM HAS JUST 1.KCEIYE1) CRACKERSrAWD CAKES, Fresh lLiisins, Ix'iuons, Tapioca, lVarl Sago, Canned goods of nil kiuks. A tine lot of good and ' faucy stationery. TJovcls, Cigars and Cig-areltts. The larsrest and best ussm-tcd stoek of Frencl1 Candie- t:k,- Baeriaoia. ma f enilizer THE0. F. KLUTTZ. HAS JUST liECEiVED A CAR-LOAD OF CeleMtelHGfe Fertilizer!! The Chemical for making 1 Ton will be sold for $14, or 200 lbs. of Cotton in No vember. No Cotton Seed or Stable Manure required. This Fertilizer is fully equal to the hieh- priced, so-called Guanos, and at less than half the price. I refer to the following well known gentlemen, who used it lataeaon ou cotton : John V. liarrinirer, Jas. Ii. Gibson. W. F. Watson, Tho.;. Waton, li. T. Cowan, W. 13. Meare, A. Tait, J. G Canble, J. F. E. Brown, E. C. Lent i, S. j M. Brown, and manr others. Call early for yonr pnppli und paveinouey. T. F. KLUTTZ, Dmggist. GARDEN SEEDS! A FULL SUfFLY OF Bui st's Celebrated Garden Seeds. HEMEMDEU THAT B (I I S T is tne only Seed-Grower i l. IF I 1) I) I V7HI I ! cn 1 I Y A R RAJtTS hia .Seeds; I h r r - Look at I every paperof Fery's, Landi et h'si, Sibley's. 1 . e .. " .. . . . J -""". orr, anu come to I KLUTTa'S for Uiiist's which are w airau ted fresh and genuine, rrttf t itt i TFE0. F KLUTT7. Ttni fr or! t- 20:ly. t . ' . . 7 HELP GOLD L O S 3 Shares cf Stock in Salisbury Gas Company .Notice U hereby given, that I shall at the proper time make applicstion to have iued to rue a certificate for Two Shares of Stock in the Salisbury Gas Company, in heuof a certiticale lor ine gauieamonni wnicit na uw vo. ANDREW MUUFII Y, Adm'r of T. G. Ilaughtonxlec'd. Dec. 13,1830. " Ml MEETING OP-..THE ' And Hoard of Directors of the Yadkin Railroad Company. Tuesday the 21st day of DeciUihcr, U80,for thepuiuose of re-organizing said company, ana lor oiner purposeB. At the Mine time and place icm oe neiu a meeting of the Board of Director of paid.Gom pany. A full attendance ofStockhohlers and Directors is earnestly rifPrred . 1 P. N. HEILIG, i'resiueni. Salisbury.. C Dec. 9, 1S80. Being opposite the U.S. Patent Office, and en - uaged in Ps.tsnt Business Esclnsively, we can secure patents in iei-s time tuao inu-. 'who are remote from Washington When Inventors send model or sketch, we makeaearchin the Patent Office, and advise as to its patenahility free of charge. Corres pondence confidential ; fees reasonable ; and No Chargo Unless Patent is Obtained. We refer by permission to the City Post master, and to the Superintendent of the Post Office Monpy Order Division in Washsngton. For Fpecial referei:ces, circular, advice, terms. &c , address- 0. A. SNOW & CO. OiMsite Patent Ouice, Wa.sh4r.gtcn, XJ. 8 Of EOGS PENNED! Considei in- that I am entitled to pro s . - .-. , . . i l.n -r m rwf I recnou ngatnsi mih-k hid jjcmnu St 1. t -nvs and onl nances of the town - - - , , of Salisbury, I have been u truer tne lie cessitv, tor the protection ' ot growing crops, to piii up a number of hogs, and will continue to do sons tiiey come upon my premises. Poisons missing hogs, may come and see if they are in my pen, 'pay charges and take them away. 7:3t S. It. liARKISOX. 5 Stop Organ, Sub 2as3 and.Canpler diiiv S35 2 s st in ths U. S. OPEnVous EY?S V-'lO.i bfor;' you semi North tor lnatruaionts. s,, nsla aaveriisements uo not always tell the exact truth, BTTE3 iustru- mint nt im?. or f,w c: :i h'i had nearer home ee these offers o- G -N s-ii st j , 4 fU 4 ft Heed. oiu T -S'7'. Z .Uiriiterf-rt. biOol and'Uook Include-.!. ?i A no - Oct. , iare -mr, junt itveevood Came, nulg jjtW; H Oct, kzh, on . $tAi; IX Oct., Sijwirf (Jif extra lu g, Magniji.'ei.i Oi.ic rm!:ZlA i toni at;u t over mciuueu. auihmu old and reliable la-iker.-,, fully fuaranleeu; '.5 days tst trl il. v ;.y nriit 1 uoc s.VJs?itory. Positively the best h n-.:in-. 1:1 t,;ie . mmi? nbttt't tli. "VC HV':1!1 I'M -i:S and i.'(HS-ipOttiJttn Wli .1 the world. Send n.r W. i -. It w in xy you. Afl.'IlTSR, I UTiTJT N . nATi SOUTHERN " J i I C HCUSE, SAVANMAX.O.-.. THE HATiOEAL H0T3L, SALISBUSY, K. C, IS POE RENT! Tne uuderf i;red ofH r.s the above va'lualde propel ty fur rent lor one or more jiirrf. It is .uiUiitiu in toe (.' liter i l business portion of the city, and ;diiiirady lifted in respeets for a puolic house. Jt lias lou fr ve-irs tin most popular Hotel in the city, readily' com manding the preference of visitors of ail clappes. l erms in erai, Address, H. L. EOLIIES, Agt. C:lm Ml SEEDS BEST 1881 not sola m yocr vown, you i gec mem ry maiL l imp a lwtel Card tar flnl. ... . . . lofro sod Prrana. Tht Ohlrtt and hoji extensive Seal Grmrer in the. V-ni'nl Siafr. DA VII lwVKUltliTll &OXS,Peh.a.a. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockholders of the Yadkin- Hail road Com i..nv will im held in the town of SU?l ury on obtained for new invention?, or for improve- or invention, cn nutrlain, jrie cf -chary menls in old ones. Caveat, Infringements, whether a patent can robaWy be olsinei Trade-Maik?, and all patent business piompt- ( hy wrftingTo Munii & Co. V ' ahttsfad-fh ly attended to. . , -onr IIa"J Krtr'k al''it the prttr.t havvpatent Inventions that have been Rejected : caveat, trde-n:.irU, their oMF,nii-w pi nwvutill. in mot cases, be patenttd by na. j cured, with liiut fsr irociiring -advance-Van 1 not buy unti! you--have teen it. FOR SALE BY ALL LEAD1KC EMIALCrrS. " eg LU rs Anu an oiseases oi me iviunevg, liauuer anu Lnnary Crgans by wearing the IMPROVED EXCELSGIR KID.iEY PAD 2 i It is a'MarveCof HcElill0; nd .EeliCl.and healing imMicines. Simple, Sensible. Direct, Paioless, Povorful. ItrCITRES where all else fs ils. A ELVE LATI0H ai.d DEVOLUTION in Meiieine AbHorJWn r direct upirudiion, aa opoe' to onuatisuelot v internal inedicinea. Send foi oar treatiie on Kidpev tn.nblts.ieiit free. Sob! by drngg'iHU, or tDt by mail on receipt ptice,$2. AUDKESS Thr la the Original ahdOen Tli31'ey"LiiiisPadCo ulne Kidney Tad. Ask tor it and lake no other. WCliams Block, -, IDJETCOIT, MICIT. THE 0EST.PA?Z3itariT BEATJTirjLLY. ILLUSTRATED. : 00th 'SlSAa. j Ciass Weekly. Newspaper -f SiiteePee printed in the moat,! sZll J? tUwlraicd with tdendld 'SI. Ii7,: the newest invention, SSSSSi IS.!!Lif and inclodingn.1 and interesting facta in Agriculi pnw will I. a f..,..-,1 ! .v.. l- . .MZ - inciuuei postage, listoiin, to Affentf - v, .,r, ir (.nuji. emu nyiail news deaJew l:tniit Jvy rostal order l;4a6is i In connection with ll. AMERICA, Mwi. MJIf .& Cd areooiicuoraol Anuiucn and Foreign JN ent, have had So year experience. anU noi have the larswl -Kt:il,Mw.-.. it..;'i-i . , , "-"icin-r ,iue- worn Patent are obtained en U,f best teiWA'iw cial notice is made in ilie i-mif!.. a.rtM of all inventTor.P paunltd tlrongh tri&'sehcl with name and "bfthe l aleVtVe '1 H Any pcTPon who has made a new discover 1 vent ions. Addrrps tortfp papi r. or i-OrccH ; mg paients. HU2?N & CO. 37 PaiUBoTi P.ranch Office, cor. Fr& Tth Sts. Va?hin lf W- nr ton, D. C. LATEST. rEWS 31 si Kjjjy B8MMI Ilav ,e tho Largest and mosFcoinplc GiOCrC OF .B.EW QOffDS they have ever offered. Just read aid get a bii(l s-eyo view of what they no nave in store : i Dress Good, from Sop ; Wool Delains 13e. JJomtslieH Irom oe up, t alicotvi'Hl sMtnere?, Jeanc, i-iaiineis, Lins;tyi Shawr v.iu;ik- :i rim ;tsoilliiei)t ( I 13 ry a-ooCs aad IS'etionsJ A eompkle Pttitk of Shoes A Hoot a, boils f If c... t. i ... : i i -. -ii ',i i .".iiiNKsnuiu , ai.u ut Mini .4.4 cheap the cheapest. We have the unexcelled Bit miiip ami yetmore Miots, A hi 11 line Men's 11 sits, Hiui L.-idies triinnied aiiVbuotriri tued iiats very cheap. full jissortniyl of CLOTHING VEE5T CHEAP. . Tiie largest 'stock of Shirts, in the plae;. Groceries yt ni prices. Lilu r tJ Kiutls ol Loiiee irom 1111 to the heat Si cha, Eifjla varieties ol Syn:p anlMpja very ec.,. .a itssnnillelit i Wlljjar law at. can be had in (he pl;tc ; I2tl4?kln of Tobac( o, i!ier.j e.-t -o tl e l tl to l.lmd any market. Uaeoii, Laid. .S.iit, FTy)if,'Mfi Ieailier, v vf We lmve a 1 tre lmof Late Crop'Piitatoj now on .hand, veiy Ci.e.. A laie-sttk-kjuf T u!e aie nd nn.ti.v w-i TmI jn-iicle)' atoc. We-bny and e!l all 1; irwU of Counlrj Pr oui-e ur e iMt t na; ! i: i; af.d ee brfiTre yon h'iv i.r m-IJ. -p Adrninislratcrs Sale I : ... . . .. On Sa: in-lay. i!,e !;ii ! i v of Lecemlter nei at the Court i loUi-e-Koor in Kalisbnrj t. w ofi'cr foe fule tiie rt . i-'n uni v inleret ;in Jul.ii M cl.'orie ISuiieM-ad, on FnltotiStrei in lha Ni t !i W" ;i r i t( Sa itthunr,. beiisc . ti ll6ue n::i Lot ! iile F. K. Sliolter,ii-re dencej and now fi-cnpiei! 1 v Cl.arleVPTM-f , The widov,- : Mi l!tirie haddoVrer a signed her inrh.uii. tii1- ptopity;:.! . , n:.- i., v it.,, ; m Oi e -:liird of llie PpicltM on i!av of iafend 1 ernw of sali money must l;c credit of six t'.vfKe inonili for thVj Oth two-tl irtU wii! he ;iven..wilh iidere, frd lav of sale. I!id wit ti a jfroved ;fyjiri 'tn i.rini'.u j'i in . i: i - win nc inllirrU HI title re.-eived in iii all the purohae iu6jif j Iy ortkr. of d ot t. :' I " I LUKE BLACKMER Oct, !'), ! -::( CoHrtvriSiironer VOW IS ?ORr. time to sunscn r "5 ' &,- Iron Founders, MsuinfRcture a desinsirUj lir.e of (i.tiii 13 FK 5 The most periYct i.-i ii j.nUioij, bKructlre In appearance, an-1 uncquaitd far durability. J4 I'D LUNG- DISEASES, & rnx 713 i NKANH rnri A rrTTTtffl Drives Into tHe ytcm curaiiv.e It Dravrs Frcra tl.e dis.a-e4 . py t; UpoiJiona tliat cause utain. 4 1 ei-Thouaiii!s Tttify to iu Virtue. m Ca Ee MM, rH despair nntil you Kave &l de, Eilv Al ptieil & & V v --5 ofrj Sold hr I.n gzisln, r sent niftiron -.nt .i Price. 52.C0, -'7 I f Srnd for test'.- TriA U-.omalandour inntatoifniitotS '! I JOOlC THKKK ' I M I TO' a YEAR BVTRfriT. JllCDi . T ' T , 1 Kjcnt rice:, lira If Atiiri turb ine j tome, i ieal h, Medical Progtei, &l cial Seience, Natural. HUtofy UeatoWrAl tronomy. The raoVt valuable practrcalA'W by eminent writers m all &K&AmA v Ml I r 3 Mi ZA m 1 n n n .1 .1