- in f. s ? . i -I, t a 1 3 : f 3 I -I - 1 H it ; s FIT" Us. VM. it 1?. 1 1 - IV- .Is;; Carp Culture for Fanners. Tl, PIiil iilplihia Lecher has been I ifitiiding Professor BaireTa i;eport of die I I Avork ofthe United States Fh Com mission: and makes some remarks up. on one tcaiure oi ma. wv--- jthe introduction of carp, says.:! " I "The business of water farming has Jidy it, Jcs am) Ju profits. It 4 'Wakes D oldTfarnJcr slate to fce told .... - : 1 I , f ihat a quarter of a acre, laiuvowuiu , Water wiil brini him in more profit, Thirty yan ago Mf..Sao people VfooVr-Wng, ftte a quarter of an were afra-k and truthU Stran .tltivaUd 'in any other Way, gers could coe here ami tnjde Ikkv And also that corn fed to carp lying 6es wUh .their eyes shut, and breach V Wor three tim- ths rctnrni in of promise case, wire unknown. V ...uli... ,,ml.r of bushel. Folks meant what they said, 4ml 'fed togs or other cattle doV. flbe wjjen tlwj;- gave iher hvord stuck to carp is a vegetable fcetler, so that it it. J , "can support itgelf in the vegetable Exectl thirty ygQ;th.s month growth and confera3 of ponds knd ,a widower from ew fork State ap streams. But it thrives and'increaes peared in Tlnsing on business. -piat enormously when regularly fed as same-business carried him over to other stock b led. It does i.ts own De Witt, eight miles j away, While grazing if let alone; but it can tfatr on the way h.e stopped at a log farm- 'i, r. .1 . .n Kranrl oriimllR l.nnea fn warm h.S Colli finerS. He , innn tor ine iuart-c- i ! ... -- r. - . . Its most ' prfita" Less than four years ago about one indred and thirty European, carp, jiun L.l. i. Bohemian and others, were orougui, alive to this con ntry and given a Uonie4- in the ponds of the Commissiop at iif.ii.i 'iMioBo74i;vfi increased .at;,,m;C(i;np.fint- BO WpiUiy W .", V"- i y found itself in possession of; 150,- 000 of tliese desirable fish, which are u!n ltaf filmfpfl over the country to those who apply for them. About. 50,000 young fish, in lots of twenty, have already been distributed through fpW York. Pennsylvania, Illinois, nhln" Missouri. Minnesota, Wiscbn- --. J - sin Michigan, Connecticut, lcnnes- Poria. Texas ald Mississippi.. 1 I.ppp are C.000 anolicanis suii to uts ..... f .1 supplied in turn. Theprogeny .pt twenty in a lew jears is sufficient Btrvkfl five acre iond. but the quarter- ... nrA nonds are sufficient to begin with . i , 1 j anu to -woriwiui. mai wm i rni. 1,.1 nifwnto oiinni i cu i 1 1 f t :.i i if u&uvv. uv - i vrr"" i , , thrPA vears of ace. and their grcAvth ia as ranid as their fecundity is great. The "fouf-vear olds" in the Go vernr ' -r . - - 1 pent ponds weigh from ten toBtteen imnnrl. As so many farmerV' have .1 . .1 . ,1 r,n I imnd.H imon tneir crounus, uuu 1 . inany more might have them, we think that the culture of th? carp should become a source of supply iu numerous farmers' households and be a valned source 01 income. - Unwholesome Wells,! '. . 1 . . .-.ti. . o i t f i neTrreat irouuitj w hu . ri Jn tliP eourse of vears the croiiiid mnnrl the house and barn becomes Ro .mnrernated with sewage and other - pontaminations as to effect the water, "f. " rl Q . v I In'the first report of the Massachu- settsBoaTd of Health, Dr. Derby says: "As a rule, a well receives drainage from a superficial circular area whose diameter is from one to three times the depth of the well, varying with the character of the soil." On this prfncinle. no well thirty feet deep should have a privy, - pig-pen, barn- yard, or cess-poorwithiu fifty feet of . '. .' . . . jt in any direction, nor should any flops of the house of jreiase; ot any - . a kind be thrown upon the surface oil the ground within the area of Jthis cir- cle How many farms are tJierj op which this princifile is not violated? Jt is not a sufficient reply to say that jtbe family have drank liomsijch wells jwith impunity for a score or! more of iveare. it must be rememoerea mai I . . I 7 1 1 . ! when the wells were first dug; the wa- r ter was pure, but tlie grotjnd has been gradually impregnated with foul mat- ter, which, if it has npt already per : xneated to. the water, will finally reach and contaminate it. After! a fatal jcase of typhoid fever it; will be too late o resort to a crystal spring.; , i - Curing Beef. A better reciic than the. 0iie given jn the Observer of Oct. 19th farcur jug meats, at least for curing. bsef, is ye following: , ? l For 100 lbs. of meat mis' ihoruqgh- Jy 7 lbs. of salt, two of brown sugar, and 4 os. of pulverized saltpetre. Havp (he beef in pliable condition, and fijt and pack closely, and pound down, with the composition sprinkled be? tween the layere in proper-proportion. There must be no interstices, no un'r occupied space. Set in a cool place, put on sufficient feight, and if the work is properly done, the! juices of the beef, with life dissolved J composi tion: will :i a few davs make brine to cover. ; The difference between meat putilown this way or in the ordinary ickle is, tt home extent, the differ-i ipee between a steak cooked in its own j Mtuctr leaves We ftod, however, is bailed dry corn and his wife; Mhtpf heni were reu L-tliat is, corn out of the corn-crib, advanced in years, nd after some foied on'the cob and then boiledf general talk the woman querried : iuices or boiled in a pot One .comes .... - - on the tabic W, the ot jcr.tnwt. in the one case, the beef tafctc is preserv ed t in the other, it is . 4 mdi0edas to become quite a different tuing Kew York Observer. W. B. P. , , Some QW-riiiun v 7 r 'Jtfcfe Gfr I Who a. WI ilarncl . ,q lour. ' It "u" - $ - was warmly welcomed: by the pioneer Am I right in thinking you are a widower ?' -r-r- f .ev I here to $nd a Did you come oy Tife ?' P.w1r ' n:j ..,.,uultf vm. of ourUpIendid mastiff. One sunny day XIU iijriv,y i, - V"' Susie V iG. tv wc'm t as bouncinsr a irirl 0f twenty-two as yotever set eyes on - ... J - - . . f ghe8 good-looking, liealthy and good tempered, and I tHiuk she'll like ipered, and ! think she'll like Lonrlooks' .Where is she f i i . 'Over in the woods here, chopping 4inwtl a COoii tree. Shall I blow the inPn flir ier?' . I" .1 1 I . No if vou'll keep an -ye on ray horse ra find her.' j - UVll thes nothing stuck up or j J , - ff - nted about Susie. She'll say yes ' .."i.i I or no, as suou us ?ti; iuuivd ;u wv. i t " T. i. t. n i j vriii w:iiii. i r: I . 1 11 1 1 1 l uiiiiivi 1 ; Rav so j The Stranser heird the sound of her axe and fallowed : it. He found her 1 just as the tree was ready to fall. She waa a 8tout o0d lookinir cirl. swing- . . . ... 1 ,nn, ihC ,e .Re a man. anu iu two o - minutes lie had decided to say : gUsie, I'm a widower from New York State; I'm thirty-nine years 0"M,. have one child,! own a good farm anfi want a wife, uill you go back with me?' Rilfti.1n1l J nn,l InnlrprJ . . n t !. ! . i i nt nm tor ia i a nimuie. anu men i . ; replied : Can't say for certain. Jnst wait till 1 get these coons oli my mind. bh? sent the tree crashing to the . ... . . .1 earth, ana with his. help , Kinea nve coons, which were .stowed away in a j hollow. ejl, what T yjou say? he said, as the last caii stopped kicking. -I m your n ! was the reply : 'and oy the time you get back Irom JJe V itt, 1 11 have these pelts off and tacKwi np auu he ready lor the preacher J I I TT a 1 i il I .11.1 reiumeu io uie nouse, toia me I.I.J JI ..II. . A I A. I . I 1 "" ma. up shouiq nnng ft preacher back with him, and at dusk that eveniug the: twain were mar- ned. Hardly aif hour had been wasiea in courting, ana yet he took home one of the Iwst girls in the State icuigan. ueirou free rress. I 5ti A "wr n 'P -t-. . a wne s uevotion. a ii r . . I rare example oi constancy, conr- . j i i i. . age ana aeyouon combined has just 1 . , - , . oeen iurnisneu ova brave vomit? - i , j e IVM-AAf .WAV MMM I. J I 11 -v-uw uuruauq oreti in a - L . I . -t n rPiaQie nam iet oi: ine JNosges trance. ir.:. i t .. i . t . r, T. r? ' I " e ,n um- k l l : r u j j . i u.o lutyuaaeaaiei, io her husband aoiue monuis 8 nep,and saw him start : "rr yr xransm ine We o ouiammg emp oymppt there, ' But almost upon his arrival in the capi tal he fell ill, and being without either fuu'da or, friends, was taken to the Hospital de la Pitie. The news of his illness reached, the hamlet where his wife lived in course of time, ana the latter, -listening to the prumpungs-or ner heart, determined to join her sick husband at once. m -w IIUIU U.. ; l i - ;.' , . .. jr was inereiore out ot the iqiie..- tion, so she started on foot with n baby in her arms, just two francs in larwtocraoy of tjis Najion the stock herKcket,anda joumeyofahundrpd't,a. produced Daniel IWebster Hen- ana inree leagues before her. Brav - ingjiarasuips ot every description, sleeping by the! roadside or in il.c .. ii J....! . ' V iieius, ana, living on ; what scraps of (bod she could obtain on tie wa v. sue passpn onward, nothing daunted, for the city yhere her husband lay sick She had lost her way: several times, Jier clothing' was in rags, her, shoe were gone,, but her courage re ni .ind undiminished; until recently, when, iMtsr' nnd ' weary, she found hersi-if at- Ohacrtin, when she sank down'iu t!ie str?ls overcome by her Kti fieri nir!. rxhau-inl from want of pie. food, exi-lainunir faintly, "Mon Dieul T run irti no lur ther.? Mother and child were conveyed to the police station) revived,. warmed and tended after which the poor woman related, in a few simpb words, her touching sto'ry, seemingly astonished that those who listened to her should have been moved to express admiration r for her conduct. Kindly persons ollereu the young woman the assistance and shelter her forlorn position required, but her absorbing thought was to ob t,m n(.Vv of the man for whom slie had traveled so far. The police Com mlssary undertook to satisfy her on this poiiiV and "a few hours later she learned that he whom she had walk ed so many leagues to see had ex pired in the hospital ward 'twenty- four hours before her arrival. Fight Between a Dog aiuyoulcey. A singular encounter between a doo and a donkey was that which oc curred in Blackpool, England. A re tired gentleman, named Weddington owned a fine young donkey and a the donkey was grazing in a field, when the dog rushed at it in a fero " . cious manner and fastened on to its rrl l I 11 a. 1 I ? nose, ine aonuey tuii not uccuue . . 1 I. ,1 k the the ciianenge, lor u at once.uoo, u dog ott, bit it auuui mc neaa . auu uu)ull,t rtwyMfc shoulders, tramplett on it, ana tossed Jlboi,t- The (loS aSai" seizetl the i 1 ...i aonKey,anu a eloYu feau.nuu, but all eftorts to separate the conical pcateuiy lasienea on me uonue Blood flowed profusely from both animals, and at the end of hull . . . - an hour the owner appeared upon tne L'innn ourl Prodi dtlnimitii whv(j nvwlp to part them, but without success & . A Aiier ine hour, the owner decided to have the dog shot, as U had by that tune last . 1 1. 111 .ill eneu witn a nrm nowi on ine uoiiKey s "O60- A gun was procured and the cori;!os f i rronfl clinf il n I n till ov" - fewvv' But so savage was the fight that it was difficult to shoot one uuiinal with out killing the oilier also. At last aim was taken, and a bullet put into the dog's head, and it dropped to the irround. When the smoke cleared away the dog was dead, but the in- Ifnrisitpd tlonkev had returned to (ho charge kicking, biting aiid tramping on the dog. i It was with great diffi culty the donkey! was at last driven off. A Sea of Fire. Among the pe- troleum springs of Baku, on the western shore of the Caspian, now be- ginning to be known as they deserve, is one communicating with the sea which produces at times a verv strik- ing phenomenon. The floating oil that covers the surface for many acres round is frequently ignited by acci dent, turning the smooth water into a I . .. .. .. - vtntable lake of tire. The most I . . - famous, ot these conflagrations, to whichJLhe superstition of the natives gives the name of "Shaitanii Noor (Devil's Light) occurred in the au- tumn of 1873. ; It broke out in the middle Qf the night, and was deelar- ed by a llussiaii naval officer, who witnessed it from the deck of a gtiu- bat, to be the most striking spec tacle he had ever seen. ; The sheet o flame waved to and fro in the witu i i like a fla. lurl,r,,inc , 1 1 I bi -b- t -i m:i.. i . uiiics, auu inuiviii uvur puuit ix m ro:k clear as middavi Far as the waa all one red blaze, and the deer i i i crimson glow whieh it threw into the sky was visib!e to th(J iniJal)itants 0 several island districts far out of sigh 0f the sea itself. Temperance VictorV iu Ktvnsas Gov, St, John, of Kansas, was re ceived at Cooper Union on December 6th the New York Ptate Temper ance bociety oirihe occasion of open lng -temperance Consress'. The Rev. Dr. Peter Striker presided " -w , . 1 1 1 ill I. i . ' an energetic speech. Gov. St. John, he said, belon .red to Mb h-c 5 Clay, Abraham I-irtcoln, and G en. Garfield. I 1.. --.-- l 1 . . . . . V "w .vuuan. chairs had bwn taken by newcomer?, j and when Gov St. John, a , .1 i v business-like man. arfU tt i Jood upon their feet, began his addriss by comparing the condition, growjth and prosperity of Kansas to-day; with yhat : it was half a century ago. hi he present ; consti tioual amend mbu t fi rst passed the Senate unanimously, and was expect ted it would be submitted to the peo L The anti-temperance ejemeut .... - ' -' i - - it fouaht it hard, but when It was a"- i R forced to a vote it lacked only one of the necessary two-thirds vote. i Several votes were taken with he cd same result ami everything indica that it would lie lost. In the iiiidst of the excitement ia -Avoman entered ! the house and appealed to her husband, a Democratic; meimber, in the name of Got I to change his vote, and j he changed it. Gov. St. John sijiid that in the 2,000 places in . Kansas where liquor was sold $7,000,000 were year- Iv expended. ! Soon after his first election he clllected the prison fcta- listics and dii scovered that 1 07 j (per cent, of the were brought or indirectly . . . fSL . criminals in ine oiaie to prison cither directly through the sale of w I . I. liquor. He who is false to the present duty breaks a thpead in the loom, and will see the effect when the weaving ' : of a life-time lis unraveled. , 1 la la Mortgage executed bv JZph raiiu Ileiliir to Alfred HolKhouser, dated Alay 25th, 1878, andiipsisttrred in Biwk ot. jpnge olC, Jtnd upon wjliich default lias been liiade, f will sell at miotic sale at the Court House in Salisbury. oiilMondav the lOlh diiyof Jan nary 1831, at lj o'clock, p. m, One tract of Laud containing 80. acres, adjoining the lands of Alex. Miller P. A.tauble, Clus. HolsI:o;i ser and Jese Milhr. Tern cash. ALFHKjj IlOLSHOL'SiK, Trusts. Dcc.4lh, ISSO. 8:hw-Ifl OF TB! liy virtue of three Moi-tgi-, r Dtfils in Trr.sJ. extniltii by ArdiiUil Ilt-hilt l.-onluid wile, Mar v S. ijlf ii'ii. rst.n, Ui J.:;ke iilaicr, latel thei.lli Hy of April, lbT 1, A'luKjt lTtli. 1872, -ami FtVi'-StH, 1874, wl r.-gilt-iea in iIih i.fiWul" tlid lU'iiisttr of -DueiU of Row.m county, in Hoks To. 4-3, t:igv Sol, No. 40, ige o4G, and o. 48, pa-e 4'J, .cc-., :l upon hich default liias bit n niado, 1 .viii t-xpos-f or fav at p;i'lic auction, at the .'ourl House oor in lb. loufn ol piili!lury, on Hie Join av of JanuaHi, liiSl, at H o U.vk, a. in. the following real tjistale, !o wit : Om-halt interest n a trad ol laud consisting tl J..a acres, more or leif, situatttj in lluwan County, a(,j..ining the lands of Jfjp. B. Lanier, Mip. Mary f.. llen- tr-on, and othtTs. "2d. Ariiher iu.it ' acrepjjjartly pilinated in Great I-at -if:aic ot the town of Salishurv, adjoinisijr ihe lar.!s of Mrs. Mary S. jjlendcrson, Jas. B. Lwp, and others. 3rd. Also another tract if oiiaerpp, more or lew, H-ir-g on tl-.e waters of (ranl reek, adjoinir.j; the land of Jas. . L.a- nier, John I.jrexlerand ihis. HS9uTeris fali. Dafel at .Saiisl.ury, tins 3lh day of IKfcemhor, 18'-0. LTTtS BLS-CK5ISrv, Trustee. 9:5t JOHN si 3a! Practibal Blcaksmtili IloJlSESHOER. SHOP conneeted wit n urown x v cri.ie.-R uvery st ibles. JN?14 (.leyt-n. oi Sitoes, to Kult any shape ot foot. l-M1 sUiM-lny on stnctiy seientilie nnn clples a nd vv A K fi A N T E D. All uuc.o ..l .rKS'.nitlilUfi promptly dot.ej. lty m SPERMATORP.KCEA. A Talaable pDt3eovery aad 7ew Departure In Med ical fcscienco. fcccutiroly hiewimd positively ftfective Humf"ly for tue xpewly and prmf.neat Cure of -Seminal Eaaiasianij and Iuipoter.cy by the only truo vay, Tls : Ulrsct Appl ication t-j the prlecipal Seat of tho DiseaiB, acting by Absorption, and exerting Its ppocitc iitlt3nc3 oo th. Bemlnal Vesir-lea, EjAC ulatory i'cjt Prost-ito Gland, und Urethra. I'ha uro of the Rihiefiy la attended itii no puva cr incon venience, tad iot-3 cu-t l!:Vfrf!?re itb the brdiasry pumuita of life; it Is c,ikl d:K!ved and soon a!. sorbed, prodic-pgE.. l.ieltaioo;Uinf cn restor ative e..ect ; ta. se .u.-l and or-ns ortriz& tiona''reckoA from G,.lf-il;aKe .id evitt-, ittoppins the drain ftjom th rrstcm, rtoriD!. tUo mind ta baalth andebund memory, romovinf. ths riimne63 ct Sijht, Nervous Bebiliti', Confuaioa of Ideas. Aversion tct Society, etc., etc., and t:io appacaace of prem-.tuj-e old cr usnt.!; acoompciijing this troublo, and! nwtorlcy-p9r-.ct wiexuci Vicor, whera It has ueea Ccrfant for ycar, bis moae cf treit aont has stiod tho test iu very savcro cases, and 13 cow e pronoiinojd success. Hi ags e.re too much pro eeribtja la tijese troublas, Red, n-.ary can bear wit LCiii to, withibut little If ar.y pt-rmaneatgood. Xhero la no Honseap e about t.is'i!reiJiratioi-. Cradles.! ob servation enables vs to rosi lively gajarantee that it Trill give satilsf act icn. lurin? the eU'bt years that It has been ia Keneral use, we have thousands of tosi rao!al! ts tft Its veduo. end It ia now cocccdod by tho Mnaical ,roCesilon to be the most rational moans yet discovered tit reauhic and curing tliis very prevalent tro-blo, that Ls well known to bo the cause of untold misery to o many.and upon whom quacks prey with their one I ess nostrums and big fee. Tho Remedy is nut uain he-t boxea.of throe elzen. Ntx. 1. (enouirh to Last a cionth,) S: No. S, (sufScient to effect aper- rian.r.t cne, cr.leiss la r-ovcro cases,) SSr Ko, 3, 'Sent for Sea If :i ic.M-.f re PifrMrtll- Ipfr f-fvitnn .if tntonti vri i lliinintttoilfi nnti Toi:iei!M, irfttrfi ft-cf r fi cvl foM tTie tltUU of life. a t j HAnsiOi n:r..-tDY co. kf-.!c:em:sts. Wajketi.. Ctii Sts. ST. lOUlS, Mo. w and complete CriPE TOWFHUM K, ntnir Lbapter ob a .onipel vnmo Seictmu of wife. H uie of V irri ti ll T. Tcmperancnt. Stenlity Advic to fencte- CvMdi aM-M, VMKi im, (.aMa -U, aucl . & -T B.4d-ir.tHa. it!l Uf r-tkrtK-J . - l'-iil.-iir I L-rJ -L. U - U-.M Vm-. r T rea. tLw .smh a-a-l (-- M. Lr a lioirtf -i iMvra, It U 'M a X'riva.tA Medical Adviser d-Mescs r- vliuijc -riA mpttr wxual ociatioi-. aoii ob t-elf..b4it-r tho 9il--t ncwtpM. A far yrrM b4 Ntri-a. k ----- r --- uJ i mil tmmAi nr that VWItM, a I fcadl t-Mtal iwtAmtttmhemm,mm htm WW (u. -u iixi lirw-ii wpiiM j trrrrm i . j ! n m bonds! To make Title to Lnntl, ant Laborer and ,At.K ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICES For Sale at this tlice. THUS? By virtue of a Uistiaj ever throo rcontr-.j, wi:i 3tap emissm ... restore vioir la the worst c.es,) S7. Hit by me ! I, tealed, in pluin wrapirer3. .sru-l ITISECXXO-.S lor iin -iHiticconipaiiv 1ACII BO-C W.c7jhAV FARMERS, LOOK HERE !; . Slake Your Own Guano. I ! j Rhnn these gnano dealers, and manufacture your wn lertliizcra. Most of the material on i your ranns an;l easy to be had and the balance can be had at your nearest town. I l l . i One receipt tor quickly manufacturing jntano, far better than the spurious stuff sold by unscrupulous ueaitia, win. ue uiaueu uj j ou pa receipi 01 ' '. Oho Dollar, The directions are Bitnple, no tools or apparatu needed besides wnat a farmer already has, and tlid cost does not exceed TilKEE DOLLARS per ton. Three hundred pounds nut on an acre will finite a better crop than any guno you can buy. send your oraer ana one aouar oy mail 10, at my riss, with rossioiace uiiiuy wnirai, to I - 10:3m. Wadley, Georgia, ji : : 1 : -I 1 i SMITH'S WORM jOIIi r I ! fi i l i Athens, Ga., February 22, 1STS. Sir: My child, fiveyears old, ha(inymjtrns of worm. 1 tried calomel and other W'ofm Medicines, but failed to expel anv. Seeing M Dain's certiGc;ite,rl got a vial of yenr Worm Oil. and the ti rst dose brought forty worms and the second dose, so many were passed I did not count them. S. II. Adams. Prepared by Dr. 32. S- LYKB01T, '- Athens, Ga- For Sale by Dit. T. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury C, And Druggists general. 20': 1 y- ? 01 If STOCK FALL GOODS A Ii E I) A I L Y A P. 11 I V I N fi. iWc have every tiling you want. .j Tin: l aim; est, HAXDSOMEST AXD VEST SELECTED STOCK THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. Call ami see us. R9S3 & GEEEtiFiELD. Sept. IS JO. 23: 1 y McCubbins, Beall & Co., Have removed from No. 1 to No. 4 Mnr pliv's (ir:uiile Uovv, wisere lliey are opunns;. a larjje and well selected stork of and Win ter goods con.islin: of Dry (Jot-d., (Jroderiei, Notions, Leather, Hals aiid Caps, IJootii and Shoes, Q'i-eenvare, L'lotl'inj;, Cotton bashing & Ties, ve. Tliey are Aeiit for the s:i!e of the liet Freneli IJius, Hoiling Clullis anil Eu reka Smut Machine.:. JJoirt fail to eall on l hem. WiEAT FEHT1LI2EH I Call on.Mef:.ild.ii, Eeall & Co. for the bct Wheat Fertilizers in nse. SEED WHEAT. 300 hrshels of extra clean freed Wheat foi sale. Call on McCubbins, Beall & Go. Sept. "20, 1SS0. . e4:ly DSM.A.SMMOHil CURES Indigestion, Biuousness, 6iok Headache CURES Lost Appetite, Sour Stomach. Fouu Breath, Lew SPinrrr3, Costiveness. Dyspepsia. ENLARGM T O V UOUOi ?i til .VEGETAI3LE ii nCI iliP 2 1 i-. It is30ypnr the oldest, and on'y Pennine Sim mens lledicine now In market. Prepared only by C. F.SlMMOUS A CO. 2S1C-12 Clark A v. St. Loi, successors to M. A. Slmmon3, M. D. In 25c and $1 bottles and packages. Sold by all DruRgLsM- A NEW KIND OF WATOH CASE. New because it Is only within the Iatt fef.v yc-ura that it U.i3 been linprorel an l brought wltlil a the reach of every one ; old in principle . becafise the tiret lnrentloa v. a made and the lu-st patent taken out ut irly twenty years atro, and eases tnade at tuattliuc auJ worn ever siuee, are neany as ffoou as new. Head the following which Is only one of many hundreds, your jewelers can toll of similar ones: . jiansfie: d, vs.., Jiay 2?, 1378. I hive a customer who h is eirrled one ! of Boss' Patent cases tlfteen years and 1 knew It two years before he sot It, and It now appears good for ten years loader. K. K. OLXEY. ltemwiiiHT that Jas Disss' is tte on'or patient case miirln ot tAvo .dates of iU J to'-'l (one outkiae ami one Inside) covering every part exposed to wear or sight, the tjreat dvantajfc of thw plitesover elcctm-glldln? is apparent to every one. i Jiosss is the only patent case with which fhere IsUMv.n a written warrant, or v. Lien ine luiiowms i a fac simile - See that you gel the guarantee with ech case Ask your jeweler for illustrated catalogue Mortgage Deeds for sale here Also various other blanS. t a. i : 3 -9 1 KIT Mfii i DEEDS & MOE.TG AGES Fee Sirnplo Decils. Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Commissioners' Deeds, Sheriffa iinl. nhAltlii HIortrfaea. Farm Contracts. Iklarri aye arid rnnfimnimri n.i:i. . v e. o v : ' Distillers' Entries, and. varioual oilier - r,;-,,::,':y . : - , v Oil I aVa Administrators, executors, commissioners,-ljcri2s, call on us ior prinieu saje nonces their property at public auction calt on us for printed sa)e notices. It is certainly7grcat injustice to owners to nut im . .! ! c .?..: : i' ... . .. Jl H wiiuuui urbt quirement8 or the law on tne -subject every often sacrificed from this cause when a dollar saved it and made it bring its value. We ITOTICSC'PO?. PC13TIITC- 110. BCERBAUI'S HEABQUARTER8 FOR Fruits, Candies, Cigars, uooks, Pictures, And !!?icturs-Fra2?vea 32: tf- HARDWAI r?--?. WSIEIV VO!J WAXT II A R D W A fit H At Low Figures Call on the undersigned at Ko- 2, Granit I.ov. DA. AT WELL. Salisbury .N. C. June S if il IE! to 5J a? Vmr Kust ia Wheat. For Sale at J. H Enniss'- glttanun antr Counsellor at !ato, OFFICE-- TIII. liUILDIXG ADJOINING TiiE COUKTIIOUSE. ownorsof Gold Mining Lands and Uuyei-s, put In coiiiuumioulUm. All Mlalur Interests meet prnftir-t atteatloa. Notes, Acoouals-.v'-. colletted." Ii.tat.cs, and all uiatters ot Administrators aad Exeeut-Oi-s, settled Land an 1 all otiier titles carefully Investigated. RAL ESTATE AGENCY. - limld ia ltoy.an ami aUjaiaia? eoau'.ie.i iwuut aad sulci. Coinmuaicixtioa solicited Vtilli thotie- desiring to buy or sell.. Arran 'eiac-nts made to purchase clieap lan.-Ts In FlortU, fex .i and .viinu.t-i r-alrt kuoua as Uii. i.ivnl .-nl Inn-n tut noui ..a ii. ). LaalH for saie la I.!aols, ana a.ong tue James ri. ei iu jio.ia. Parties dcwlrlnjr to letter, or emu to, rorth Carolina furnished with awe-wary IniotiuaUoti. X.B. 1viJU boa 'kt aii i sfld alon? thf prapo'-.e;l line of the W'udesboi o and Salt 4)ar' railroad, ( i'liis road must b;? built wheth r Aition, Stunly and Itow aa coantles receive outside aid or not. The pres o iae uay ami me auakeiunv irueiu-s oi ii- pfo p.e o tliese counties dctiiaud -and must have It J. Arrai;;eiuents lniii pern-eted to put town lots in Salisbury und at other puiai l:i market. P.S. A market ready for small desirable faruis. 13-T'CaU at oitice, jo. address Lock Box SCO Fert t3 a. rr mm THE0. F. KLUTTZ. HAS dUai ilLtmi Ll V -ilt-lUVl Celeteiesl Home F.rtiii.er ! ! The Chemical lor m:ikinr 1 Ton will he -old for 2-14, or 200 lbs. of Cotton ' " vetuoer. Jo Cotton Seed or Stable Manure require-!, i hie lcrliiiz. l is f til I v eiiual lo tiie hipli- priced, soca II til (inai.os, and al less llii.n half the price. I refer to the fo!lovvin wt-11 known eiillenif n, wi.o used it hl season on potion : John v. l.irringer, Jas. I,. Oihson, . r. Watson, Thos. C. VVaLson, K. T. Cowan, Y. IV. Meares, A. Tait, J. (J Ca-sbie, J. F. E. I'.rown, I.. '. Lentz, S. J M. Urownjand manv others. Call early for vunr and save money. T. F. IILUTTZ, Druggist. .iDSI SEEDS! A FI LL SUVL'LY OF n'st's Celebrated Garden Seeds HEMEMIJEIl THAT is the on'y Scctl-G rower wlio WAIWAXTS his Socils. Look .it every imioro.' I'ery's, Lanilietli's, Sihley'., (See., &.C-, autl see if you lintl any w'arraut am then). Ievare ot worthless, nn wnriitiited comniirisimi Seed, and couie to KLUTTZ'S for Duisl's wirrch arc warran ted fresh and renuiiie. TFE0- F. ELTJTT2, Druist. 20:lv. Ba TTENTION TTENTIOX MOKERS! MOKERSi "Ashcvillc's Girl of The West," "Sitting Hull" received to-day. My as sortment of line and common Cigars for the Wholesale and Retail trade" is the luo.st coiujdete in town. CWAIlErrES-Chwing Tobacco 5n "reat varieties. 32: if. TH20 BUEBBAUIil VICK'S 1 ILLUSTBATBD FL0EAL GUIDE For lssi is an Elegant IJ(Kk of 12 Pages, One Col ored Flower Plate, an1 wh Ilhust ratlous, with Ue s.-riiUons of tne .best Flowers and Vegetables, anti lUrections tor ifniwiiur. only io cents. In F.ng llsh or tennan. if you aliri.aid.. order seeds Ue daet the 10 cents. VICK-. HiOiS are the best In the worM. "The Flokal .iriDK will leil how to get and jrrow them. VICK'S VLOWKlt AND VKtiKTABLt. liAUEX, 175 Pagetj, 6 Colored Plates, 5w KnjrravlTisrs. For cenUiltt paper covers; l.t0 to elegant clotlir In German or English. . , VICK'S ILLrsrEATKD MOXTOLY MAOAZIKE S.-Paees. Colored Plate In everr mimticr xnri many line KngrtvingH. Prle $1.25 ycar; live comei for tt."0. Sje-lmen Xuu.txni sent torri 1 cent ; s t:1 il copies for a cents. Adlrcsa JAMES V1CK, Rochester, X. X. I OF I BOTKmm ifiipfi! ' o-- -. uci HUC81C8 forms for Kile at the ; wx watciimak office, constables, agents, &c.- are adrisetl ta givinjj ampie iiouce ot tne sale.- The re uouy knows are insuthcictit. Property ia i or two spent in advertising mi "lit haT furnish sale notices promptly and cheap. LAND P?.I2T!T2D. artsit 'Javsl ? - i s airs ! ! 'mi Just received a Nice Lot of 2IAS03TS IHPEOVED HALF GALLON AXD QUART ) i Jar. for twilo At EXMSS'. 18:tf - - Macliinc Oil, Tanner's Oil, Terpentine and Tarnish At EXXISS'. EED! n TURHIP-SEEI Just Received A Lare Stock of -Fresh and Genuine..' Turnip Seed of DiiTevent Varieties afc ' ENOTSS" Yourselves tvy toaklnjr money when a golden hanee is offereil, tlverelij- ? K.tT'Tiiii- n.ii'ii inim 1111r d:or. 'l'lioe wlio always take ad- vaat-i'ie of the wid ehauee for makinif money that are offered, iretrally tx-nwae wealthy, while thw wuo no not- improve suefi euanjies remain iu poverty, Vv w.tnt many uv:. w.xuea, boys, aalfrirls to work for us nI.l ii tUtlr own -localities.-- Tlie-business 1 y.-Ul pay luore flian ton times ordtn-ip' wages. Ve. 'f .iit:s nn expenrsive oHt.tt mid all that .ion need. i-tree No one who cnae.. fails to ual: e money ve- ! i v r.pl :lv.. Youcan devote enr wl.oie.iltne tothe ork r ouiy ymir s,Wff aioraents. Knii Infunnatloa and all that Is ne-le.l.senP free. Ad'ln-ss, -.1 :ly Stinson tz Co., Portland, Maine 1 r THE NEW TORS 0B3ERVP Till 3 year. - TIi3 Larg33t ani Best Family Paper ia the World." I Send for Sample Copy Free. rOTVn, yTT , . 37 I'arifttow, IVcw Yorfc. HYMN BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES, , STYLES AIID QUALITIES, INK, PENS, PENCILS, etc., IN great variety, and Cheaper than Ever. At EKHISSES Drugstore. mi 1 SILVER, LEAD,- " UUi-ij OUES 1CKCIIASED FOR CASH. TI1K NfvYork anl Xortli Carolina Smeltln? Company .ii chailolie, will pay the best Cash l il. es ever .dd In this eounliy lor ' , ORES. Xo r'irr:e will be naie fortampllny and-asay-Itvg ores purvbapefl by us. . i Specimen as:-:ays for (ioid ari silver, $1.50. 50:2w i TIIEO. BU Eli IJAU3I HAS JUST RECEIVED FRESH SRACKERS'ANa CAKES, j Fresh RaWtis, Lemons, Tapioca, lafl Sago, Canned goo; Is of all kink.v A line lot ot good ami fancy stationery. I'ovcIe, Cigars and CijarettSr The largest and best assoi ted stock of French Camlies. Theo. IJerba?ru " BINGHAM SCHOOL, Mknaxkvili.e, X. C, Established in 1793f, Is now 2?rc-pminent jmiongSourticrn RoauUng Schools U,r Jiyf, i" "'; hers and area of patronage. Ihe .4U Session begins January 12, IfcWl. , r catalogue, giving fall particulars, Address, ' Maj. R. BiXfsnAM, Stu t. ) 1 no.itttt furnished fn I I liorcTH-hRtin-jthe I 1 1 that anyone can ei I I I Ii... , n ...kv M li'.irn. Outtlt furnished fHftl ensrageln, ThetH. ana our uwiruvuM'" -r F HPT 0 MI. K LI I - I I ho simple anu pnuu - - -r. g0 lg lits from the very start. No ."Xsmea; Boya lag to work . Women are as sueeessf ul eiu j and Kir.scan earn larjr sums. Many hve the ba.sii.ess .ver one hu?H?wffioV All week, xotlittur Hfe It ever Know u w '"JJJ.jm , enirage are Mrtsed at the e md JU f. - 61:ly 3 Li ' - L I : i f ;: rt it i ' 2 j5- 't