; ! , 1 "I - ! - ! ! yDLlSIL-THIRD SERIES SALISBURYj.N. C. JUNE 9, 1881. HO 34 ''.-i ' .'! ,; i- v '- . ..." -v W r . ' , 7 , . . -' - ; ' t .--,.?'' , : . - ,- .... - ,. ".. . ' - 1 TT1 MA 'a-S i"7 rl Tin Q Tfl -lluk V V .(uL illlllClLllo " 'rrii " - JL JLJ I The Carolina Watchman ESTABLISHED IS THE YEAR 1633.. roNTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. fTp f FEatAUY20,1580.- .,v '7 I l montli ? m 3 3 m's eta's 12 m's 3&ISCELI, ANEOTJS BILE AKP ON EDUCATION. forty yards off hand, said they 'really oughten't to sell any of 'era this year, for fear of diminishing their limited stock, but as it was me he would let me have half a dozen at a dollar a i 4..J- S do.T do. i !? 1 do. One tot; j; TWO J" : Three vr Four i?e "fi.r(j ; $3.50. j ?5.0 I ..$S W 4.M) 5.25 j 6.00 . 7. GO . 11X0 7.50 i 5UK) T3.';0 i 11.25 16.E0 15.75 i 2O.E0 i 25.C0 1,.75 i 2S.23 ! S3.75 L4S..5 1 2.1-0 15.00 1i.l)0 40.W 75.tH i UO i i ...... j mm r i -it V . , - 1- f REMEMBER THE B3AD ! i JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, DEALEll IX Italian ai Araericanilartle Monuments, Tomls ' and Gravestone 4i OF EVEKV'-l'KsCnilTlOX. Beink a practical marble-worker, it ennblei hull). . Rut. T tnhl him T vmnrliipd Is there any politics going ohany- with his comnanr. and thousht it thing except 8ioi Is? Is there any mo- . would be imprudent for them to tl is-i goods using celluloid; in place of tor mentous issues before the country ! nnseof nnv tKI vpnr nnA nrfvlsd i oise-shell. iet. etc.. for frames of snee , , j --j j " : j --t j ' 1 on the floor ?ithout1 danger of frac ture. Beautiful jewelry is made ofit in imitation of the most elaborately carved coral, reproducing the shades of the genuine article. One large establishment is employ ed exclusively in iniaking optical o a I 2r 2- S" g S p 2. !? 7 a 9 O " 2.8 W i 2. 3 rt- Zl c S S - ? jh ? - ;5 S ? J 3 p 5 - s .a g i:sf5: a 5? 2 2 S o S K 5 c 3 a w - o i5 a o 2. S , s ; ."1 2, 5 2 2 ccj -S a r p 22 o - S o x S. .c sc srwJ8. that we must Jake sides upon any- j l,im to wait When he got: ready to j tacles, eve-glasses and opera glasses, f s . s. 1 3T :g 3 o o. k g g 3. j - 5 ennktum gptting an. office? ! It is a jections to his calling on Mrs. Arp 1 tips instead of metal; having the ap-1 5" I c E 2 I "er Z fc- s 2 sign of briiliant statesmanship for one and gettin? an order from her. "None! uearace of patent leather ; it is also!" 1 &,S I ; " "5 . 2- - b A ? ' ? 5 2 H partV. and WaS that VvllV the Enrlish J ivl.otr T c (.ActaJ I i.cl fr JncJoc Trn-f nimnU;c r'rg S iHrS0."3229 .S - T3- d ? !5 - ? x aniamcni was once caneu tne rump i quite jubilant and hilarious. "May thimbles are made from it, and it is " g g g.bSo;&2 2. 2. b - S X' S " 5 "1 Parliament because it set a ldns time: be she would take a few of those said to be the best inatertal known 3 ? SfSi!i2.r2 o o 5 s? mI . - - - . . m. ' w . w u w rs c-.rz: r-rr - w So , "3 cr - o a cr 2 3 2 O. it ;C . S3 r- ? ? 2 a. e. ? ? 2 2 - " t!8 , r E- c rj 2 S - n 5 s: 3 S - - 4 r r a . re w CD GO and done nothing? Is our party com- mittea to caucating the negro or, are we just digging intojhe rads; because they promised so much and done 'so little? I just want to be posted. I'm afraid my own education is a little defective on ihh- point I rebon I'm one of the twigs that was lient and the tree is inclined from a proper per- ir.B - - ;. f ,: f , .US'. 1- ..1 ,1 1- . V 1 . me Of executin? any inece u jicuuicuiar ujwu llie suojeci Ol eouca- plainestto tle mwt eiamraw! in style, a(nd a guaranty ifot perfeclfaiw.acUj willhegiven to the must exuainj .aln,ns. .iiL.,1 no m SKict and prices ue- fore piirchasing, as 1 will sell at tl.c very low- est priciH. , i t Designs andestimateH for any K-.-ireil work will bejfurniiecm '.application, at next door to ji'U -McNetivf .Store.. 7 Salary, X, U., -Maich 9, 18bl ! r I 21:lv. tion. Mr. lojje said a little learning is a dangerous thing. I don know so well about that, but I am very cer tain that a good deal of it is! no ad vantage to the majority of people. It spoils too many hever3 of wood and drawers of water, and don't make anything, else of em. If anybody Madagascar lilies if you arc sure your company could spare them." Ars.' Arp don't play second fiddle to me about such feminine things as flowers, but she knew the state of the esclieck er, anil was" a considerate" woman, arul I watched the door to see how long she entertained, the Nyoung man, and it didn't take her half so long as it did me to convince him that she wasn't running on blossoms at this time. She told him that those same Mada- 3 ' 1 O 3 for emery wheels and knife shar- j J peners. An Old S'Xoey. iW hen . Davy Crocket was Tiu ...Wfetriiigton Jie was one day sitting in a. hotel toasting his shins vhenra-Senaor fconi Massa chusetts entered. i Approaching the old frontiersman the latter said : 'Crockett, a large; procession of 2 3 . - a. o a S. " 3 S 5 O 2 - a n 3 a - r n rs P 3 32 E re Q OB 0"5 -352 o c- 2 9 e - f r3 2. 3' - , o o P OtCr rm30-ta D .-T w . -3 S C 5 z: - s s 3- u o 5 X tj - - e a p w 3- a 3 re C 3 p n p P 3 -J c 2 i 3 h4 I ' ' - i :t ;,7 . - - i Dion 13 B.-.B. CRAWF0R3 & GO. ARE SKLLtNG PORTABLE FARM AND "FACTORY steam mrniu ALSO 01 iiiwmu arid Caps. m Finest RIFLE POWER Kite. (kit own aii-a Fori-In make ii!!il BUOOIES, was rich, and could live like a gen- . hatl a little too much education. That t'emau, a power of learning would be s what's the matter. The likelitst a good thing, but most people having j young darkey I had got a little chijap to work for a living, and a jlittle is education alter the surrender, and the just as go;U as a good deal to tliein. II a chap has an uncommon quantity voni ronciitnonis si r hi.-irphino" nn t!io 1 5 I- . .11 l i j - r - j , . . i gadcar lines ere growing win uown strcet You ought to go out and greet had found the true name for them, Crockett hurriedly arose and wenti- Z. 2! 51 t I a. s -nnl lir would hkf t pi.iuktp T00 . . i . "i i io?-!2. - - r- r nui upon me bulbs to the company at piece. Well, you see. that ? S ' 2 s i er S L5 S 2 R S a g p 8 ? 2 2. 3 - J. I g I B. - 5 g (A o a f- o o H 2. ft D a 3 2 o 3 B - re 3" P 3 J o r: p re 3 3 o 3 ft C 3 p c c r p 52. ai cu B g 2 CU s 2. S g. . 3 H v Br o o 05 2. 3" - . O 3 J c 3' 5- 2 3 o B 3 fi P ncifit nun innv muse aim went : "? . s."-5Se o engage 500 ! out upon the hl)t gte g vAwn a ; 5 f 4 2. c 5 g. 1 g 2 at 2o cents a; large (lrove )f nin!es )as3;ng by j'jj I -3 5 g B g g I S. lat young man cUt)g,lt his eve IIe uiety NVaiched ! 5 a p ?g : ; ucation. That thern unti 'tho ast one d ; ; a; 1 g w 2. P !S 3 2-- s'- so 2 a c.2! w w O cr - re p re z, 3 P 3 p re 9 M . C .. 3 3 P 3 ' a. 5 5 fil J Sa From tli e Finest to the Clirapcst. I Mm, Cliampion Mowers Eorso Hakes, &c. )urv, J.in. G. 1;3.31. - lv fir b, GIAMT This londerfal IniproYCd Saw MacMno h wwriat J to w a I wo-foot log In three mln "' Mil more cord wood or Ines of any size in a day inn two mMi run rhop onraw the old war. Krerv ! T ISTM STFI).l!l.,vr,t r.rr.ilnr nff ,-m, TrV. oi brains in his noggin and! wants more Icarnin', he will I e apt to get it ion:c ray. Ii he has just a common supply, all he needs-is a coninion ed ueatioijand if he ain't gift hardly any, then there's no use in straining his gun. Tlies. country needs laborers; the farms need 'em, and so does the shops; but the farms nor: fh shops won't get 'em from the colleges. About one out of ten who graduates becomes an ornament to the law or the gospefy or some profession dud the the other nine expect some profession to ornament them. When a young mar. has studied logic and rhetoh'c and and syllogisms and other conundrums, he thinks it would be as a waste of sweetness for him to work--work With his hands, his pretty white hands. Hejust couldn't thinK ofsuch althiug: a I - 1 . fQ(l ver a - 13 preposterous lie I SN must do brain work, and so he fiiid.-s j ins way inio some lawyer s omce or ' doctor's shop, or turns country editor and g'oes'-t abusing someboily, or runs for afittle country office, or leafs around town and gits a Jiving no body knows how; his last hope is to inveigle some soft-hearted girl; who has great expectations, and then live off the old man's money. Everybo dy's child ought to be Xanght td read and to figger a little; aiid I'm wjiling to be taxed for that, but if they get any more let 'em get it out of some body else's pocket than mine, lam opposed to spoiling so many good sub jects for the plow, plane and anvil. Elihu Burnt was a gve.it astronciraer, and he was a blacksmith, and studied at the forge, ami it may be that if he had gone to college he wouldn't have been any account. There's more in the boy than there is in the college.; In these days of che.ip books any boy or g;rl can get an educatioa if they want it, bur my observation is that not more than one in ten want an un usual tpiuiitity. If the family takes a good newspaper and has a Bibldan'd a lew story books in ihe hoiise.jand the children do an honest day's work, they'll get along about as well as the college boys in the lng run, and do :! i! I I i : 1 . l i i v i ht; - . r j. -'.;Ki:jiicBAic.E, l.-ii. ci.emest.' . .1 Jttovncj at nwt SALlSCITiY. . C. -nc- 40U,YY AT LAW, 'Fficeia t'Ue St:iie and fVderal "-i as much good in the world. It's bad enough to be spoiling so -many white boys, but when you talk about ne groes it's still worse. My opinion, is that their natural condition and ii'icli- i nation is work labor sweat e! bow 'grease, and they are at it, and -every time you educate one you spoil him; you make a find of. him, aiid I've no 'sympathy with that -hobbv that i I some of our statesmen are riding J the education of the negro ; and if that is to be a plank in our platform I won't stand on it in my present frit me of nuud. I don t oppose any man giving his own children ju.-t as much learning as he can afford, and I will do the .same thing by mine, but in ay. be both of u.-1 will 'n,il some good : mechanics, lust. I'm opposed. to a en l tra i svsteiii of etbicating the masses at puLlicjex pen sses, except so far as! the simple rudi. cuts are concerned. Lay lirst use he made of it was to forge an order on his employer and jump into the chain gang. I suppose the people of New England have got more edu cation than anybody, but they are no better that one can see. and all the j isms came from up there, and I never think of 'em but what I remember what Mr. Pope said about Lord Ba con, "the wisest, brightest, meanest of mankind." Congress has got more smart men than any place I reckon, but if I was hunting for honest men I would cruise round outside for a while before I went in, and if I was hunting patriots who thought it was sweet to die for their countrv, I wouldn't go in at all. The best peo ple I know of, and the most reliable them until the last one had passed : "2 c and then returned to i his seat by the ; j- a 3 stove. 1 he Massachusetts Senator was still there, and as the redoubta ble Davy dropped into his chair, asked : 'Well, ditl you see your friends ?' 'Oh. yes,' was the rcspose. 'They I00& remarkably well, loo.' 'Did you ascertain their destina tion.' 'Certainly, sir.' 'And where are they going in such a solid body V Crockett turned lo the Senator with a quiet, calm expression, and replied : 'The blame fools are all going to Massachusetts to teach school.' ?r u 33 w - -3 3 s 3 3 3 - s r a r 35 - 3 S2.3-g2'- --a rC2--03 g. ; - c c"--""Z. re a X- n -i 5 3 3 o 2.3 "x5" Z p V s -a re 2 3- VJ sr -p-Sc:3pnre.a:Cft5 g a B. 2.' " g P 03 3Q p nBrta'tPs 5 S?3 - g. 5 8 3 re re re " re,f C. p reX t 3 - . tt r S 2 f re "- -1 P - 3 o - re re re ii 3 S 5 sr g . a P O 3 iP Br a 3 K j P ? rs a 2. - W O m r- : - S 3- - J5- re 2 o v re. s cr 3 n re O 2 J O D 5 o m S cr ? . m r 0 3 O C 5 re W " B- 7 3- 0Q O O p" -i re "L t 7 - P. H 2 3 g o P 21 3 S J5 2 2 2 d ? p c re 3s 2. a E S S 3- c. i cr a: rt M z c re 3 re Z- C 3 C c 3 S." i-3 ?3n 0'-5'-o3--,:,3- o --s 3 ? re re .'j: r- w c era 2 b mi fa ri s-r p a, o P P cr 3- ai 5" S 2 . - 1 : . 1 rr 3 3, P 3 c O 2 5E 3 1 3 '2. C - 2! S '-0 X 613 i -jo 3- . z re I O - How to Interest Girls iu the Bible. As my scholars aie giils, and I found w c P 1 1- x w ct r 2. a! a. 3 1 " 75 - s's ir s c a 3-ireiy-- 5G!P3oStc -a Po A a - 0 S-'J -re c - -a; co . -c 2 0 5 2 0 3 - Js:s i13 r 3 P rw Sri- c 'sn-oaS' r3C-g- X c : S r 5. SMS 3-re2 ifJ us:S 3 M g sr. Is S b s -3 s g. o 3 : 5 p o ' r . , 339-3 re 3a 3'w.2i -Co 3 -.ra rj?g ?- 22-52cr";i' v! S n 0 - 3 n 3 " (O 2 C ? ft ft B T3 . 2 . i C - p 3 a r re 2 p J 3 ' J 3 5 3 X 3 p - sr 3 2 3 X 3 p' O- P - .5 7. 5r ft 3 r ! "! C a 2 p ? 3 - c ? S 3 s" i R g O 3- 2 o 2 a 0 .2 3 3 g 5t-(n I. 3 05 2 2; P O FT o 2 2. 3 a 5 3 5 P g p - 2 2. i- 5? 3 P -5-3 P S - Oi 10 3 o " p 2 P B P ' P 1 . C 3 c 1 '2. J S. 3 2 re vO . 3 . 5 o j S 5 - - t 2 3 ft 3 o 2 ft - p M o s c 3 m S 0; B - -S2 P -t a o r ft 1- O O rr rl' ft 3 P ft ft S. B 3 03 ft 3 (13 ?t P ft P re ( I 0 ft : 3 ... . . n . . . ... . I. ' . 1 . ... . . ,u .... I . . . . . . . . muui i.,,uo. hic Hvn.j; a., ou, i-, tl4.m amazinglv ignorant of BiMe history, ! &' 2. ble hie and making no noise in the ! 1 .' r ra j 1 i ii 1 iiiuiiiciciit iu nit; siiui 01 u;e rcnp- ! 5 3 - world, and they are not surfeited wit! education either. Maybe I've not got enough to understand the question, or have -got too much for my capaci ty, but some how or other I think people are getting too smart, amj I recon we had better not encourage tjoo much book larnin', for Solomon says that "much study is a weariness Ito the flesh." Celluloid. Celluloid is d composition of fi;ne tissue paper and camphor, treated with chemicals by a patent process. A rather common impression that it contains gun-cotton is said to be a mistake. It is claimed that it is non explosive, but from accidents that have occurred, it seems to be at lef.st highlv inflammable. When crude, it looks like transparent gum, and jts color is a light yellow-brown. It can be made as hard as ivory, and can (jc moulded into any form. With equjal ease it can be colored into any tint tie sired, the dye running throughout tijie entire substance, and being therefore ineffaceable. j Celluloid has made' great inroads on the business of the ivory manufac tures. Its imakers assert that its du rability is much superior to ivory, las it sustains hard knocks without inju ry and is not discolored by i;ge or use. Great quantities are used for piano and organ keys. Billiard balls are made of celluloid at half the price ioft ivory, and are more durable arid equally elastic. Large amounts are used for combs teres indeed thev seemed to think the ' " 1 -e Bible the niist stupid of bouses I at once sought to awakcu Jjieir iutcreat -in the story of Esther, Ruth, Deborah, 'Mariam, etc. In addition to these, they have be come familiar with the personal history of Christ, Moses, Joseph, .'Daniel, and David. I had each one detail tome in her own language these several histories, and she. was iu Bach a manner led to feel that Esther, for example, was once a voung ; 3 2 2. girl like herself, and that in later life she l .had her sple-ndors and her trials, 111 aeh as I an American gill might, and how bravely and nobly she strove to save her people. Neither did I forbid them to look at Vashli, or fail to applaud her womanly 1 behaviour, although it deprived her of her crown. In this way, I believe, my girls have come to regard the liiblo in an en tirely new light, finding out that it is a book fall of beauty and interest, and that the more they study the more they will tind it precious. 3 z -r - ' 2, 3 3 3 ft re 03 c ft ft 3 S ft ft, ft 5B 2. 3 ti 3- O -' 3 . 3 3 3 2. ""I PftSTTOXa g ft' p 2 y 5 s " -9' - 2. c : ; i Ji - s 5 0 -0 O 3 j ft i ii 5 o , ?S n 2.2 . t? 3 ft . 3 - B? W Z ft ft - p - 3-. -j p3p-S-?3 h, g. - : :3r;33 ft C ft C S s o' - ft " P P 3 C. " C S 3 3 - '1? re a: - 3 . -, p O-PPS ft 3 . ; P 3- re ft 3 - 3 . e x c if s J r. 2 C 3 - -5 - S 3 .p 3 OB -I . ft us -rj T x ft -L-K-i ft ft 5. " i s. j 3 r- : 3 o2,-o ? I 2. p 5; S 5 . 3 3 3 03 ? 3 2 ft 3 3 - CO P r a 3" c.. p 0 s g c o M . 0 d 5 S" n M, ft - , -ft -.Pitt eT p 3 a c 3 3 o1 2, c zz. r ?r2-tIft r5 c 2 73 re C-ftwre'3 . " -k - 3" i ft 3 "2 oc?Pre:?---ftft 2 3 3" O P p fr K . ft P 3 ft 3 g E." 3 C. 2 3 - 2. 3 rr, L o n : - x c--!5ftE2: ft-. w n. p p r5 32ftft3p Oj-s' n3re -3 ft r 3 P ; -r " 3- 2 3 3 p ft , - 2. "2 3 " V ft "5" . 3t " ft 5 3 7 r i ? ft 3 ' ft w. 3 3 -.3 3 r ft 3 . 3 ft 5 r2 a -i. f. s 2 5 2. - P 2 "3 ft " ft - C P P ft p 3 C c 2. 3 P P 3. - P rr- 3 r- 3. ft 3 30 O r 3 ft 1 re 3 5 -t w 3 ft ft re 3 3 A JXew Factoi: ix Politics. The anti-monopoly league of Xev York is as suming proportions and a belligerency that will make it no mean factor in the politics of the future. It has respectable numbers commands biainsof a very high order, with such men as , Jerre Black, Sheiidan Shook, Preacher Talmage, and others of national note as its exponents. The latter takes so much interest iu it that he recently made it the subject of a sermon iu his Tabernacle, at Brooklyn. The organization has shown its hand at Albany in oppoiag the nomination of cer tain men as United States 'Senators who were, or were supposed to be iu synapa- lAKDSETHft SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. of every variety, for the backs bfj thy with the monopolies of the country, brushes and handmirrors,and all kinds j l:) he conventions they will be heard of toilet articles for which ivory his j too, and it is more jjiau iikely, with iho hecir employed.- Among many other 1 Tigor they aro now working; and the articles in which celluloid takes tie j ,apidity with which they ase increasing place of ivory or india rubber, aVc ; t,t.y u jn, within a sliorth while, be sufli whip, cane and umbrella handles, J cienrlj stions to hobi the balance of pow every kind of harness trimmings, fbpt j cr iu celtain States and com-.d a hearing rules, chessmen, and the handles j&f j fIOm the rival political organizations. The knives and forus. - ! auti-mouoi-.olv organization has a future me treedoni ui ccuuioni irom sui before ir. Cliar. Observer. Go Straight TuaouGa. Do vonr wo: k phur, ami the natural flesh color that can been imparted to it, have caused it to be extensively subs-titntcd fur india rubber in the manufacture of dental blanks, or the gums and other i mily things pressing upon you that you attachments of artiiicial teeth, and lit ; lrdiy know how to begin, lot rye tell you p -.ft 7T x 0 iza re P 1A j T. O - re s : C S ft 3 i w m , re -i n Z w ZJ Jd 3 S 5 2 5 3 2 2 -. r O 3 3 3 re P 3 P 3 ft" 3 to 2 S- ft P 3 - 3. w "i a i ft P - P ft ft J- f 2 15 ftssSyZ-,. r g. -3 3 ft w ft- ft r - 2 . C 5. ? - i : S 2l 3 - 1 - 5" 2 2 - 1 a- 1 1 c I- 2 re CT --ft . . 3 -! ft O B2-rS.PS: S o.. 3 "2 P . 3 " ft 1 ( . 3 i? - ft ui 3 X 3 3 3 ft c 3 J -3 3 - P S c" e 3 r ft ft w 5 3 3 O P re S ft ' 1-. tr ft "3- S" all 3 e 3 S 5 - 5 2 3 (e 3 - re . 2 5 p ' 2 ft "I a' 3 1 ft ? 2 "3 3 2 p 2 I s O i 00 re N P rt ft So E c 2 3- . -i- - 3 3 n J- 3 3- rr. o te-P-re e ra .x3-r?reft p 3 3 X 3 ft " - l ft 3 - 3 ft c, P ft j '- re 3" S 3 re B Vj o H C CO o e H I H O W O c 5 H O to C ' H C .as 2. 5 p re . P N ft. ft ft & - r- -g 5 3 l-t 3" ft - re X 1 1 ft a -5 !U ' r 2 5" 2 3 2 ft r p 3 . 2 2 - ft 5- 2 0 ft ft 3- 3 s S i. -5 " 3 2. re re vr 3" 3 3 r 3 C: ,-; ft 3-1 s re 2.8 3 3 1 ft : ft 3 3 cr 3 3 ft zr " r 2 3 re J P 3 3 ft ti Z 3" - 2 2. x S- 3- S ft ft 3! - OC C V Q 5" 3 p "2 s 3 .2 B 3 F - - 5 v- - p 5 zz. ft s 2 e? 2 - ft -5-3 " Z. 1 a ; p S 3 " 6 3 H. re Si cr 3 - re 3 F ft 1 ft 2 ' 5 p ft" 12 3 : S .3 ?. P & 3" 3 ft ft CT 3 E S " 2 c . 3- 2 T 3 2 re - 3 ft V- - p r " C i i- ft 1L 3H- - - (t ft T.' 3 3 X 3 ft - - j- p-iii33T3".- 3" .'75 ft Z. 5 ft 2. 3" ft ' 2 3 3 r- ft . ft . P "! " ft -1 ft p r ' 3 2. - ft re 2 - .3, j S 3 2' 2. 2- p 1 re 3 2 " cr x ft 3 r- 2 ft - 3 SI o 2 ft iW. - C- 3". 3" 3 3 ft S- 9 g. o 2 2- ft 5. ft c s re 2 sr 2 2. 3 ft ft 2 2 2 3 c c p 3- '-5 -S P r- 3 ft 5 . ft re w. p 3 r 3 ZT C 3 2 - 2 S 2. T 2. o - C 3 P C 3 . ft n . ft J3 33 re 0 3 - - cr O 3- 3- ft re 3 3 5 2. 3 ft 3 3 c s 3 : o o S 2. ? - o " - a a c p 3 O P p" 3 p 5 3" ft P oi ST 3 ' 2 o t- g,.S - - 3 -S 5 S jJ S'l 2. 3 3 2. 5 " S 3- 2 3. c o c 2T. 2. c 3 " !' p ft 2 05 3 7 2 ft 2 X 3 rr. sr3 T. re s E r r 3 ft "S-Opft r-. 1 ft p 3; - re ' 3 ft E 2 3. , - ft rr 3 jft ft e " i s r - E- re3 2 5'3i3-ft r. - S 3 ? ? ft "3 o p 3 o 0 ft 5T g o s c p v. -i ft 7; 3 ft p p 3 - ' 2 3 c I 2 y 5 ? r ft s 5 2 ? 5 - p p s. ? -1 3 -1 - x re as i ft- 3 3" 3 3 r 2. e 3 2 2! " c 2 rr. i 1-5 S 2 c ft" ft 2 3' C15 i 3 3! ! ft" - ? 7S- -" 3" ft ft 2 o sb c 2 3 1 - e x c 3 p 3 p 3 3 3 S- 3 3-C- 2 C- j. . . P ft "3 S. S 2 ft r- P 2 E - 3 ft 5 -' ? 3 ft - - ft I 2 ft 3 2. s c i: .'13 2 0 05 3 2 3- S- ft .,- 2 o C -1 re ft 3 ft r-. ft E' 3 2". C 2 e E 3 3 - 3 5 !? ; e, K 3 3 3 2" "5 B S "t " i ft f-T - ? S 5 o . j 3 3- 2. 3' " S 5 a ? r 3 3 5 3 4 re ft p 3 ft "3- C-0 re 3 3 3 -i 2. 3 3 O O . CT 05 ft 3 3.3 u ' 1 3 . c 22-3 3 p 2 g-J J ;M j? 5. s 2---3 2 - " o E r ; g) -reftC-a ST ft s 3 - 2 2. 2 S. 3 !L & " - r j- 3ft s - 3 2 s p 3 S B SJ -3 B p B CuT S T.O? i E 3 o c w 2 t S re . w 3 ? c re m . B 2 2 ft 2 ft 2". 5 e 3 ever you the foundation ami stop. 1 tell ivo'u ! is superior for pencil cases, jewel r!v, ! a secret ; take hld of the first one that .... j . . l 1 . . . . h. ' . 1 ...hi 11.. etc., Where gold mountings are USCd, couies i uanu, aao you win mm ;ne ivti tins using generation are powerful shiny. 1 hey can invent mo;e wa!s to dodge work than any 'of their prede? cesssorsL A nice looking man "ciime as it does not tarnish the metal. Celluioid can .be mottled so as mitate the finest tortoise-shell, and M vim m mmm. nys, CoutiEelcis and Solicitors. SALISB 'JKY, X. C all fall into li!c and follow after, like a to company of well drilled soldiers : "and in ! though work may be hard to meet when it this form it -is used, for combs, card I charges in a pad, it is easily vanquished 1 . 1 1 : e 1. : : . :.. . i : -vr 1 cases, match-ooxes, ptCKci oooks, nap- 11 t,u c;u u nuujiue. iuu otten seen the anecdote ot, the man who was aiked how he accomplished so much to scp me thedher day, while I iwas wav down iu the fie'il planti: r ,r titer melons, and he was -riding a pcijdid kin rings, jewelry andatl kinds of fujn horse. and had a book full of elegant Uy articles. Instea"! of amber, it is fl-o, .nt.l fnwnc -iit.l n.i-m.rorc n.a ' in-wlc into nioTit li-inpecs tar uidps. i-i-:iiini3 lile. "ilv lather rauslit nie. was poses, and I told him no, 1 dillu't ! gar holders and musical instruments, ; the reply, 4wheu I had anything to do, to want any, and he kept on showinf me j and used as the material of flutes, ' go and do it." There is the secret the his p cturcs and eimaitattu' till li cot I flageolets and drumsticks. For dru n- i niagic word now. u . t. tired and told him several times that ' heads it is said to be superior to parqh I ivxxg ix Rome -Mrs. Monlton. in or his statues. It is no wonder that the of its own. During a banquet which was her new 'volume, Random Ramble, 'artists love to linger among these fasci-given by the pale faces to several red writes" "Entert iiniu- in Rome is so'nating scenes. Then it is a very reasoa-.mcn. one of the Indians took a spoonful simple and so inexpensive that I wish the'able place fo live in. A brilliant fellowjof lunstard, supposing it to be some deli- . T i- 1 1 i. M.iai,liiti.d into -i praduate of flarvartl, living nere, 1010 cacy. ine lean came 10 1119 .vjcb. o at onee. Don't stop to dawdle. And if j Roman fashiQU could be transj h uUu u V .1 ,,,,1 h1f .1.1. t ,U, if ont flinching bnt' had yourself where you. have so Amei'.ca. How it woum miuiuuj - . , r i ...... t and multiply hospitalitv! A lady "re-(seventy ccutsj a uay. ne .uu,.,, cei ves" from four to six of an aftcrnoon'cents a day for his room, and for the re-(even his heroic soul could not endure, once a week or onco a fortnight. Her'maining thirty cents lived most Lcalth-jSo he wept profusely even as wmte meii .;t. f4,r rou fnllv and comfortably. I mentioned this.do sometimes. The chief who sat oppo- ..... i.nr mn fl..irpn in Rome for one fact to an English gentleman, dollar than you can procure for fifteen passed some years in Rome, and he said, Win- h f..!low is exlj-avacrant ! " IU iSew 1U1K. lur i"'.hc " . . ' pretty biitjpiict toileut; that is to say, 1 jt ...1. n;n. .... rolfat titili some nauusoiue uaiiv bh ,,.,....... - n-;u i.;t ,ppt n ml short sleeves. She It is a foolish mistake to confound a rera edy of merit with the quack medicines now i U- 1 1 Dn.lrtr3 Clin- who had site him asked him why he cried. He naturally replied that ho was thiuking of his old father who died a horriblo death. A few .minutes after, the chief himself fell upon the mustard pot and swallowed more than was ncccssarj. The tears came iato his eyes too. A ... .u.,.. 'o common, we na receives you wun a pee. .TT' frer Tonic with the happiest results for Rheu troubled by no thongut of caterer 9 imatiain anJ Dyspepsia, and when worn out!thousauJ tomai,awLg were nothing, bat aud blunders. After a while she offers hy overwork , and know it to be a sterling! vou a can of tea, and you find in the tea'heaUh restoritive.-To. See adv. the pungent quality of the mustard made room plenty of tea and delicious little JntoJy? jhim weep like a caild. "And wny uo you cry T asked the tiitt victim witu savago I didit want an v, and finally went, as it u not affected by moisture " personal, utamy y I , jr1 " I,M' "v " - u. , . , 4 J , . restonnj color and lustre to :ray or laded he showed me a, picture of a newhiy in the atmosphere. As a substttiUe italr t amJ U beneficial to the , scalp, U whv ; they had imported from the island of for jorcelain, celluloid is used for ParkerV: Hair Balsam is -such a popular -Muda 'acnr, ar.d vou ccuKr.snicM jt do! 1st head, which caJ.b hatamer.Hl--'lrcssm5. ; - '7 - - " ' "- ; : ' - - 7 - - I ' . : j - , . . - " -. - y , -- : , . v ' '- "T '-' -'.".. . "' '; : ."7 "'-'" 7"7 - ..'".-7 : . - - - ' . : ' i .--! . t - ' . '. i ....... . . j .... cakes uofhiug more. A large propor tion of Romau society, at least of Ameri can society iu Rome, is made up of artists Everv other vou iu Ax Indian Joke. You wonld hardly expect to find wit among the Indians, yet 'delight io hU toues. "Well," a the j iwuie,ismau up u. .,,. rv. w . .... --- ---- -w - . t4j a . becaasejott : jfrwll tn anitft of tln-ir stoicism thev lndulce juriu,VJk ' 0 itcs ,ou to go aud sec his pic turn a joke nowiaud then which has a Javorcrc not killed when your father was- - 4 3 ' f 'i- 1