Editors in 'Congress.' From the Washington Chroiihle. V The law i cwri&Icttd the stepping tone tditiucloii in politico. A Vjp.-jin.er of Ihem lerpaiiieu loiijj Ji) i'race; fv larce'iiuiiority of the .ueHibtis iif ; Whether these atle editors prefer to X'oiiWreas and Senators ate lawyer. "J h u h as nccii, jreoueutl k.eot;j aeti tea . r. ' "'-I'm ' ' ' iiimiii, but is natural tuoiin, -Ueeause lawyers are fond-of polities, and as Jaw-making constitutes the chief bus- iues of Congressmen- it is not strange that there shoult be a majority of ihem in Congress. People, of course. jtuagiue that ni.en who understand what law is, and how iawssliuulfl be framed, wonld know better rpiy to do the lusiness of the gfji'ernnn ut than hosa brought nt Uy Othi JV"1"; suits. lint it isl ai open (jnestion whether ihe nilerpvt 'f the nation are Jjest subserved hy. pending lawyers to .Congress instead of selecting fanners, merchants, and eJ'tors. OrTate vears, juerclmuts, baukcp, fanners", andi newspaper men are pushing the Jaw? vers aside, and- the character of the legislature is certainly as god as in jhe old time vhei) the legal fraternity had full s.ving. - biuee the war, the newspaper man has oqme to the front in the law-ma-Mug power of the government. Pre vious to that, an editor in Congress vas aluio.st an exception. Now they can almost be counted by I hp yvzen ai svfjvy ' sesstoij uri ngs UicihJiJ iters .oyghjt to ma more oi ike good Consrressmen. for their cxnerieneeof men and things, their knowledge of jublic events and their struggle for .Lxistenee, all combine to fit them for public life, ami perhaps give them as good, if not a better acquaintance vith the-character of the people and t lie! r needs thaii might be expected from the lawyer who i shut up r. his office with his books, a nd only knows iiruiiKitnl by' its inssantijtiarrels ami 1 1 rife. Jn the Xorty-First Congress, 1860, the press had quite an array of jour ljaji.jtic talent among its -members. Some of i he ablest meirof that body, Jjoth in the Senate and House, were editors. California had Senator Cas cerlv) who ' vas connected with tj)3 press' of New ork for five years. 1 le begatriife as reportei. Iowa had Frauk Palmer, who was editor of the bubuquo Daily Times, and of the Io wa Stales 'llcgiseiy at Ies Moiiies. lie is now postmaster at Chicago, lidmund G. ltoss, of Kansas, who voted to acqnit Andrew -Johnson, Vas ediW, of the Kansas Tribune, at Lawrauce, He is now publishing a ,jmper at Leavenworth. Sidney Clarke, 4cprceitaiive from the same State, published the South Bridge Press, jti Massachyselts. Maine hud James U. Bla ine, then speaker of the House, vho had been editor of the Portland Advertiser and Keuehce Jourival. Henry Vilson? Senator from Llassa cliusetts, had edited the Boston Ke jtuhlicuii. N. P. Banks -was an edi tor prior to Dawes was also an editor. Missoui was represented ftrj Seh ui g, vho liai been Wash ington I correspondent of the New Yor(f '4ribuue, and afterward con JSfP4 -with tho press of Detroit and St; 'Loyis, Neyada had Thus. Fitch jn Congress, who commenced life as local editor of the Milwaukee Free Democrat. ; "Sunset" Cox has fainr-d J t.. I i . . . o Nij Ut4 Ufi CvJjtoriai connection with the Columbus, Ohio. Statesman. Jas. Brooksv lenresentative fiom New Y"or.k city, had been a correspondent il r. 1 ' t . " . iicic umi in Europe, and was then cd Jtoc of t he New York Express. From Nortli. Carolina catue.Senator .bbot find Cougressmcn-lleaton and Jones L"; IV- wep... Peter Strader. V lr iawi encc. now iti the Treasury Department,' oeeujn ing a rcspousibk position, Wm. Mungen, arid P. Van Atnrui, were all editors aud printers u vnio oeiore coming to Congress. Pennsylvania, had Seuator 'Simon Cauierou who had edited papers at D Kelly, J. Luwreupe Getz,"cditor of the Heading Gazette for twenty-five years; Henry L. Cake, of the Potts- viue ueeoiHlliud Kichard J. Halde-man-of the Harrisburg Patriot and y uion. toeuator Anthony was editor of ihcl'iovideuce Journal. , The oouU) Larolinapress was represented 0, Frank V hi temore. Tennessee jjy fH'C.,r."'rowu,owJ who had edited tne.lvuoxville Whig Tor twenty-two years. Daiid Atwootl of Wisconsin, oditnr the Madis(n Journal ; RiehM McCormiek, from Arizona, sou-in-law of Senator hurmaii, jyas a bril liajit newspaper mair, ami the" territo ries of Dakota and Montana had able J.ress delegates in Congress. The news- r-j ...i-,u me jusi congress eon M1 'e Cutter 'rnbl : Dr i.er, ol laiyland, a contributor to )'?:UJr -Journals ; Senator DUWes Senator Umar, who was as- iaMjiTVjJ'r tlite Southern lle- the chief oflacejs "of, theSon;ifn ',J,.i J louse had pditoM as presiding o0i--feiSj Jlaine,antl Colfax. I11 the Fof ?yi'u,d Congress there were twen b''Hr j uriia fists; In the coming HvH'" lI,!L' ',v'slir 'iiieu will have lull.loree. It is&traiige that' tained j. io names of General Hawley d lU?J?nt' Courant ; Phillip 0.? v.thUlorris, III., Horilid; Senators Tngulh and Plumb. ofTCan. r4Vle forn.er a brilliant contrinntnn -4? 41 ; 5a"s-Magiue-Tindf editor of -nison Qhampjon, the latter ed itor 1 the Xenia, Ohio, New and ajtervvanU of ,he Kruporia,. Kansas, New - Mur,;h oILMaiue, who had cd- tT&l?r eight editor in the MWritk fe"jfhV Pd twemy-six in ha liiue if liepreientatives. liivih none of flic wlilurs of our great dai- 1 ft frifai Cm,. 'HoOrcp. lev, and Henry atenwut of the Con- ' t . i' ::itii. : ; x -- ! rier-Journal', aretthe exeeptions. tieC- light from the outside, or Unijjk h .Heir position alcove that of jUie Average it is certain that juuj oi tneni ever 'get to Washington as reoreciilatives. j ilorace Oreel had an ambition to get to Congre5 io reftjlrn abiisos, but J he sftoinnind hiWelf out of ifj.s ele ment, and did n)t cut tuucli of a fig ure. Cun try editors reael for" the Congressional plum wilj) gre$t eager7 es biit they ginerily find a plaqp Hi juongress quite u duterent tinner A from ituming a j cpuptryF newspaper. Some of them ai-Iiievp lamebut the majority fail pt J-c-elect ion and it)k back into obscurity. Editors get up in the world in ihis country, but we believe none iif tiiera have ever been - Prcsideut, - , J ! . I Miss Ulagrruder. Vshall never forget hat evening we speut at Magrqder?, years ago. We admired Miss Slagruder, and we went around Jo see her. It was summer-time, aud mOon-light, and she sat upon the piazza.! The carpenter had been there that day, g'neing up the rustic chairs'on thp porch, so we took a seat on the steps, in front of Miss Magruder, wher we could gaze inU Iter eyes and djink jn her smiles. It seems probable that the carpenter most have upset j his glue-pot on the spot where we sat, for after enjoying Miss Matirutler'sj remarks for a couple of hours, and drinking several of her smiles, we tried io rise for the pur pose of going hojnie, but found that we were immovably edl to the step. Then Miss Magruder saidDon't be in a hurry," and we told her we be lieved we wouldn't, he conversa tion had a sadpr ; tone' after that, iand we sat there, thiuking whether it would be better to ask Miss Magru der to withdrawl while we disrobed and weiit home in Highland costume, or whether we should urge, her to warm up the poker, so that we could thaw ourselves Out', or whether we should give one terrific wrench and then ramble down the yard backward. About midnight Miss Magruder yawned and. said she believed she would go to bed.! Then we suddenly asked her if she thought her father would have any lobjection to lending us his"front stepsLfbr a few days 'bp cause we wanted io take then) home for a pattern. We think Mfss Ma gruder must Ijaye entertained doubts bf our sanity, for; she rushed in and called he father iand screainejj. ' Ma gruder came down with a double barreled gun. 'fhen , we explained the situation iu a whisper, and he procured a saw ajul cut out the piece of the step to whjph, we were attach ed. Then wp jppt home, wearing tup paten, and tjctore two o'clock crushed out our young love for Miss Magruder. ! . p. j We never called again, and she threw herself away on a dry-goods man. There is aj melancholy satisfac tion jn recalling! these memories of youth, and of reflectintr uon the in- uuencc oi glue upon the emotions of the human heart.j Anon. "Individuals nlay wear for a time the glory ot our lnstitutipns, but they Tarry it not to tlc grave with them. Like raindrops jlroni heaven, they may pass through the circle of the fchiuing bpv and add to its lustre, but when they have sunk in the earth again the proud arch still spans the sky and shipes! gloriously on." James A. Garfirlj. The letters that appeared from week to tfeek in the New York Tribune, written from the South, and to which the Star drew attention ga oftpn, have been published iuj pamphlet, andi can be. obtained at the Tribune office, rjisy pre credited to Rev. James B. Harrison, a Unitarian minister of Franklin Falls, N. H, fe 'is well known ip iis section as an able writer. HisJetter luve clpne good -and will continue (o do gopd. He is the fair pst Northern writer who has written of-the South. Wilmington Star. -i Mrs. Parnell,' mother of thp Irish a;itat6r, made a speech in' New ork on Thursday evening. She assert ed on the authority of a ln.lv was well accfuainied with the Prince of Wale?, that heljiad been heard to criticise tiie British ministrv inrl tlio ... l. i i- i. j m t;- vuoie poucy ot the government to wards Ireland. The sneaker intima ted that when hp ihould borne to the throne he would jet Ireland W,,,! take care of herself. i; Tl he dead body tpt an aged citizen, se life was ihsured for $70,000 whose life was ihsured for $70,000 ... o.muc ui me speculative concerus has bceu found jn the canal at WTi!kesi barre. The niurdebus effects of th graveyard ipsuratice business are be coming fearfally Jilain in Pennsyl- vania. He who labors for mankiiirl I IOC already begun hi immqrtalitr. Indulge in humor just as much as you pleas., if it is not ill-humor, r '-Faith steps to our aid '"wlipn pur boasted. reason and -knowledge ail.' ..i. .' - An iVgreeablo Dressing for. the Hair thatwIlltopiUfaBliii ,a heeu lon WMtght for. Ialkel 8, Hair Balsam dis- uuguisueu lo4-. -m nurity fully sirpplies 7 v y m. iT---,!JJUWI"wi ' ', ! COCK'S PORPjJS PLASTER - - A Curative Host in Itself! i A 9ftve Hgst irijftselfc TJiirl r year rgperiencf h firml rooted"; ' 4lMiVty-Wr in oubhc trHiinjaiiou. ; i .,' a ..... .i i 1 of all Kchooli. For -tier vuiitt person tind luna tic, one or uiore upplieu ty Ihe pine produc ed leep wlieit opiate, eyeii hydrate" of chloral, had been of Itttto cryire. Howf whe n" one earn riot sleep, it i the common practice to apply a I'lastVr'to ttiv back. You Scarcely touch the pillow before you are gpuud asleep. A Utocka orpurf Rasters Jiayis f he curative effect oi die .ipaoiijh li'rb) idler, yet mak no ore, and never atyVct the kidney ; are convent eui for all aet and conditions, usually only urodtniiiig a bluli'.' on the akin, and more cer tainly curatjve than Ijbiinent or blister, and W ihia sanjtary invention has been warudj wel co&aedv They are largely aold in every part of the world, and it is believed lliaj. p'ol lew than fire litinared thousand pcrKOiifl are well, and 1.l'e,$in io lff u.(i ,rS ho roni paiiij W lV lid I L ! J Ilk. f. n n A J i VMP IKMCI .t. l . l .1 1 l'. !' '. er gmiue. whereabout tlieiu, and who, but for the said plaster, would be prostrate, upon a bed of ago ny . Btsides, a pecutlq.r piny, pleuqant odor, halof Jr ahn6phtre exhqUf from them by fhp yiarviih of the body, imperceptible 1q the ce, but yb'icj envelops the person jn a cloud of thin vapor, through which contagion cannot penetrate. -lp fact, Allcock'a Pla?tereilpply mj atqiophere like that from b.iUanj or pine wood, and no doubt attract ozone. When contagious or ivjefit' eiun diseases are about, they should be worn on the jicst or back as preventives. THE ALICOCK'3 POROUS PLASTER oothes paiii, reanimates tofpid linibK, Keemii, in many cases, to revive tfie powFrs of life. The great demand proves theiu' to be used aa a univeisal remedy. They are convenient ofap. plication, and safe for all, being incapable of producing any injurious effects. ' Dr. Valentine Aottf Dr, Johnson, of Hart ford, and Dr. Myer, of Savannah, have spoken of them in the liight-st terms. Hie great Moll said : ''They were all that could be hoped for in a piaster sinipie, cieaniy and adhesive; perfect as artificial supporters of the muscles : and for pains, because of their counter-irritant qualities, usually at once giving ease." Local weakness of the back, breast and side, always benefited, thus curing lumbago in a few hours, sometimes In a few minutes. In serious heart and chest affections their use causes an absorption or evaporation of wa ter, by which dropsy of the heart and hydro thorax have undoubtedly 'beeii cured. They appear to have a peculiar effect upon the nervous, allaying irritability while supply ing warmt. They seem to accmulate ele'c trftjty.'and aid the circulation of the blood through the part where applied1, 'by slijcji healthy actions are induced. Ths Porous Plasters are flexible, and found, ofgreal help to those who 'have weak bacj:s or pains in tTTe side. Espe Lilly are thev val uable to those who have neglected colds. They are often preventives of consumption ; nay, they are believed to have loosened the grasp of this terrible afijicl ion, and had -'been mainly instrumental in effecting a cure. In variable climates they should be worn on the breast between the sllOllhltl nr nror iko L-i.l ip : those who are s.ib,Wt i li.L- ,.1.1 .;i ' -Mi. I umn!0,.un .:n 1 1 ..! 1.1. -11 J . -". T . Hip I I - - - liMII I bli ltlllil I vigor that will enable one to resist extraordi nary changes of temperature. Exerifnce has proved the t'orous Plaster to be a hlesn to ; -m'mm . . vij iiiiinicu, iiiiiiiiiiuir pr' IIC- ing the most remarkable abatement of the worst symptoms. Principal Affency, 294 Canal Street flew YprJcv'City; and for. Sale by all urngguw, .201y fvd. TIltlE TABLE WESTEJllf IT. C. Railroad. Takes effect Sunday. July 17, issi, at 4.13, P. M. PASSU SGER TRA IS. ARRIVE. LKAVE. STATIONS ARRIVE. 4-3d a . Hi 3 34 f 308 2 42 1 41 12 43 LEAVK. ill20a.m:Sallsbury a.m Third creek Klmwood Statesvlile Catawba Newton Conova Ulck6ry (card Morganton oienn Alpine Urldgewater Marlon Old Fort 12 52 140 S34 8 41 3 07 3 45 4 23 4 BOO 541 6 2C 6 37 7 57 814 8 29 8 50 900 945 It 28 11 57 p.in 11 IS 7 50 10 5f9 10 02 9 45 5 fcG sh 7 17 2T 6 07 5 49 67 5 15 i A.g : Henry ! Bl'fc Mountain (Cooper's S-.vannanoa lAsticvtlle Ju'ct iAshevllie French Broad 4 15p.IL FREIGUT TRA IX. ARRIVE. LEAVE. STATIONS. ARRIVE. LEAVE. 5 00 P.M. 6 24 A.M d w a.m. tsansbury iThlrd Creek 6 00 a.x 3 47 6 28 6 5S 7 56 8 56 9 10 9 42 -0 28 :10 40 1150 1! 22 A M.! 1 00 8 17 3 41 4 02 5 26 fElmwood -315 ;Statesvllle i 2 43 iCatawba ; 1 34 jNewton 12 25 ;Conover :jj 09 . :Morganton i 9 40 Glen Alpine ; 9 06 ;Brldewater ! 844 iMarlon :' 7 42 Old Fort I e 13 ;IIenry 8 59 ;Blk Mountain' 6 OS 5 50 r.M. cooper's 4 42 iLoriS'S : 4 23 ;Asheviiie Jnt: : Ashe vllle ' : iFrench Broad; 6 34 A. if. 6 50 : 6 30 ! 50 F.M.: f 00 A.M, tTralns run &lr, Sundays excepted. A, B. ANDREWS, Qen.Supt. Rowgn Conntj-In tie SBperior Conrt S. Younts nnd John A. Younts. Partners under the name of S. Younts & Son, against ' Andy liailcs. The above named oVf. Bailes, is hereby notified to be nnd appear before tho Judge of pur Superior Court, at a Court to be held for "the Cpunty of Row an, ai tne uourt House in Salisbury, on the 9th. Monday after the 4th Monday pf Sep tember 1881, and answer the complaint which has been deposited in the pfiicc of the Clerk of the Superior Court pf said County, and let the said defendant take no tice that if he fail to answer the said com plaint during the term, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. ' And the said defendant is further notj lied that a warrant of attachment has been issued and levied upon his interest in two hundred and fiftv acres nf 11mA in T;ft I ownshiD, adjoining the lands of Caleb lost ami others, or so mpcli thereof as iany be necessary fo saUsfy the claim of the plaintiffs, the sajd S. Younts & Son, against him, to wit ;' The sum of eightf hundred and twenty-seven 77-100 dollars, with in terest at eight per cent, on $057.7 1 from May 2MI), 1881, nnd eyidepced by several notes and accounts; that said warrant of attach ment is made returpablc at a term of said Court held on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday of March, 1881, and then con tinued, and to be heard at a term of said Court to bo held at the Cpurt nouse in Salisbury on the 9th after the 4th Monday in September, 1881. 3 TH811 darof August, 1881. ' ' " J- M. IJORAtf, .0 -Sek re?ior Court Hi an Co. 4o:Ct: f 19 . :r " iinoui progiraiipn or pain oi Hie taller. T hia a Vjnie jiren in Croup, Qtijnsr, J'lenrinj jinjraqd Throat AffectionM, alid I tie utility o DPJJl'JM'S. ! 1 A TRUE TONIC ' Mm A PERFECT 3TRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER.I JM"""--pi"iaytMawaBjfwMMawaBMBfM JItON BITTKK3 are highly rccpnamended for all'discsses rcqniria' j i Wtoin and efficitat toilic; cspeally Lidigerion, thjtipepsia, Jntemiltezl 1 I ilccr, ibJ f AppcltLoss of ikrntjih,Lackff Energy, etc' Enriches the Llood, fl j sirtnjfthena tUejuuscle, gives new life to the nerves. They act Jlke a chand C i on tli9 affwi vc crgac repiovinj all dyfpejiie symptoms, such su JTosin c Food. S 3 j &B, Ud y-Uhv,uuh,neartburn,ctc. only Iron Preparation , iui Tim tpmh rk mm iiaint( KnM a if" drossy HVir lho ATlC I) (32 pp. of useful end fcuwin? read inX)-r, BHQJif CHEMICAl CO., Baltimore, Md, Agents TTanted for the Standard Edition REVISED NEW UmmT, 13 Styles Large Type. From $3 16 5T.o Elegant Edition, about 0,000 pages. Comparative Edition, over 1,100 pages. Qh and new versions on opposite panes. "HjsTony of this Bible and the Nev Rkvisiox" given to subscribers. The SEf'KET Of SvCCE&STfh Canvassino .given every ngciir. Sent! lor our liberal Urms. Mention litis taper.) Thf Urury DiIl-Pubiisii!:-rc.. EstJ)ltshe4 1S4T Nokwich, co.vx. The VAN, iwiliKLE Cotton (jfl KI1IG COTTON PREiS. The best fflnntn-? ouiQr la the world. Cotton ginned on this gin commands a higher mice than that ginned on any other. Cannons Fktzfr. Concord, X. C. Agents lor Rowan, stably and faburrus Co's For Circulars, &c, call on M. S. Brown, Salisbury. THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT. BEAUTirLIILLUSTEATED. 36th ZliLll. The Scf rNxric A':euicax is a large Fiist Class Weekly Newspiper of i.xleen pages. j printed iu tlie must ooauiiful sivle, piofunely mumrutea wan satenaia enuvc. il .n r.-ni i-. i.i nm the newesl tii veiitions veiitions .1 tid Hie iinl the ii;okI recent Ad' vances in me arts a iiil Ki'iti-t; inclcdiii" new and iiilertrKtiiiX f;ict in Agriculture, Uortieiil l lire, tlit- Home, Health, Medici Progress, So-. t Slit-1. 1 utui'iil Ui.-iorv, i nJo- y, Ab . ronpmv. 1 lit iiiost vajuahk- ir;n tiiai paoer c by eminent writer in all depiii iintnts of hti ence, will he fuiind in the Scivniiiic AiDt-ricaii Terms, S3. 20 per year, $1.UU half vear- which inciudes ,o$tae. Discount Jo Agents. Single copies, ten cent:. Sold hy nil uew. ilcaltrrs. Kti'.iit ly ptirtal utderto M L'jii! & Co., Publislu'iK, 27 Tail; Kow, Nnv Yoik. PATENTS. In conntction with the SciKXTlFlC AMttacA.N, .Mcssr.-. Mnnn & Co. are Solicifois ot AtiHric;.n arid Foreign Pat ent, have lutd 30 year experience, and low have the l.irgea establishment in the world. Patents are obtained, on the best term.. A spe cial notice is rua le in theScieiitific American of all inventions 1 tat en ted lhrnli tin - o r - - o v . 1 with name and residence of the patentee. Any person wljo has made a new discovery pr Invention, auoertain, Jree of charge whether a patent can probably be obtained, by Writing to Mann & Jo. We also cend free our Hand Book about the patent laws, patent., caveat?, trade-marks, their costs, and how pro cured, with 'hint for .procuring advances or. in ventions. Addrrep for the paper, or concern ing patents. HUNN & CO. 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F & 7th Sts. Washing on, D. C 1 A NEW I KIND OF WATCH CASE. Jfovv Ijccauss It Is ouly wlthla the last, tew years that It has fjeen improved and brought wlthlu the reach ot every (j lie; old In principle because the Jlrst Invention wa made and the nit patent taken put nearly twenty years ago, and cases made at that time and worn ever since, are nearlv as irood as new. Read the following which Is only oneof,TM flPJIl P ft D D ?5 G I TU ! M P many hundreds, your Jewelers can tell of similar ! I 111 H It U UUrrClldSlillnlnlla Paent cesS earV Sv TtwS before he got It, and it how appears good for ten years longer. K. E. OLNEY. made f two plates of sk)ild gold (oneoutslde-and one tnside) covering every part exposed ti wear or eight, tne great advantage or these plates over electro-gilding la apparent toeverj'one. Boss' is the only patent case wit h which t here h given a wrmen warract, ut wmcn tne rijiowirg is a fac Wnle Soe that VO'i ff. t!l imiMHtPd with ofioh cmii Ask your Jeweler for illustrated caUiogue. HELP I ourselves by making money when golden chance ls oiTerCd. therebv : always keeping povejty from your 1 door. Those who nlw'nvK tAL-.-v art-l vantage of the good chance for making money that aih j?erec!' generally become wealthy, while those who do not Improve such chances remain In poverty, ' We Want manr in on wnm fn hnvsi nnrl frlrlu tn j for us right In their own localities. The business win pay more than ten times ordinary wages.' IVa r furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need. ; irge. Xo one who eruraces falls to make moncv vp- ry rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work or only your snare moments. FtiiHnrnrmntinn and all that is needed sent free. Address. 8,-Jj Stinson i-Co.. Portland, Maine. Mortgage Sale On Monday the 3rl dav of October. 18S1. I will sell at the Court House Door I In Lexington, N. C, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, h tract of Lapi on Abbott's Creek, in Davidson County, containing forty (40) acres, to satisfy a claim of two hundred dollars secured bv mortgage deed executed by Rachael! Miller, Cicero Goss and wife Susan E., on the 20th Nov. 1878, toMathias Kepley, ant assigned by him for value to the undersigned on the 23d April, 1880. The deed is recorded in Register's office Book 24, page 157. -)($. X. TiioMAeox, Assignee of Mathlas Kcpley, XZoitgagee. Br M. II. j r ixm- 1 1 v. 4 7 : 1 1 FOR SALE, Known as taa Bralsaaw or Gray Place. This Property, located in, the limits ot Salisbury, contains 361 acres, a never failing well of p'4'.e water, all needed out buildings, $ud i FIRST-LASS RESIDENCE. This nropcrty must be sold, therefore a Good B&rg-aii) for the readv uionov, or to any one paying half cash with deferred' payment lor the balance. ;Vpplv to J. M. GRAY, Atfc:raey at aw, 'Salisbury, N. C. N. B. Any one having a desirable resi dence to sojl, witjjin four squares bf the O- 1: .1 r . t t . ' . oujisuury louii nor.se, may nnl a purcha- scr by apj.lyii to J. M, fJjt.vy. 40: t SitUcribe for Carolina. Watchman. only Si. 50 pr year in advance Ginger, Buchu, Man drake, SbHingu, and roany of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it tho greatest Ulood .Purifier and the BestncalthAStrength Kostort r Ever Used. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Lirer & Kidneys, Parker's liail UalOallli icnurl7 ncrcnum . TW Bett, Chot, i Bitters, Cmcer Essences llort Economics! luir tth- and other Tonics, as it tag. Narcr (alb to mtm the never intoxicates. Hiscox Touuuoi color to p., lud,. & Qo. Chemists. N. Y. BOeMd $ 1 ten. Lsrjn BstIbv Bavhc Dollar Elm. CU.TZQ (mdisestiok. Biliousness, Sick Headacks C03-nVENES3. A CURES Lost AiPETrr Sour Stomach, Foul EncATH. . Lew Spirits, UY3PEPS1A, --SW ENLAR3M-T Of "55 On awe... a VEGETABLE im It IsSOyr-ars the oldest, and only irenntna Plrn mona itcdiclne no w In market. Prepared only by "C. F.SlMMO.-;&Co. 2S10-12 ClarkAv. St.Ixul, fucccssors to M . A. Simmons, M. P. In 25c and l bottles and packages. Sold by all prcgylt- IIIWIT & GOWAIV, Cook Stoves of all sizes and styles always on hand at lowest prices. f'Make a specialty of the ACORN COOK STOVES, the best In the world. A first-class stock of Tin and Granite Ir.m Ware. ! 7rF Sln' 0Jta pletestoct of I'SJLii11 aaJ 5i'et-Copper which we Mays ntf i Thomas ville Female College, I ' 9 Davidson County, N. 0. The 25th annual session begins August si. Ten Teacher. Bet u r prepared than ever before for the best work. Offers every advantage of the most thorough and liberal course In Literature, Music aun An, at rates lower man any equal school in the State. Board and "Literary Tuition from tao to $73.60 per Term. See Catalogue. H. W. REINHART, Prln. Come to the Front! W. A. EAGLE BOOT, SHOE & GAITER MAKER, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE ESJJISS' DRCG STORE. AU Work Strictly First Class Haying had sixteen years experience in the buine?p, I am prepared TO PLEASB the most fastidious. For j EASE AHD ELEGANCE OF FIT my work can not be excelled, j KgiAll inaterial of the best and finest grade. C&,A1! work done in the latest styles and ftfdiionp. Gents Fina 7 ork a Specialty, Ready-jnade work of the beat qualitV; alwaj on hapd for nale. Attention given to ltANC" y CY UUKIv and Champion Box Toe Work. Repairing Jatly and Promptly done at moderate prices. B?L.Satisfaction guaran teed or no charse.SJ Orders by mail prornptlv Cllcd. Mr' WM. A. EAGLE. IF YOU WISH Your Watches and v,iwie, ocwiiigjaciiines.&e. Repaired by a good, cheap and repoaiWe wuia.ui.iii ie.tse leave tiiem with M lessra. iviutiz & iicmj-nian, Salisbury, N. C. 4 f Buc!i Slora (Iftxtdoor hdoieJ. D, McNcelfe Slyre) WJvero jvill he found : GOOD BEEF Fill f eMs M Prompt Dellyery IS Six MOTTO. I want to buy Pat Cattle and Sheop, M, L. BEAN. HARDWARE WUEftf you WAAT H A It B W A "R B At Low Figures Call on the underaigned-atU'o. 2, Granif Ho;, D .A. AT WELL. Sallsbnry .tt . C.. JupeS tf. Time TalM. C. R. E. TKAIXS GOLN'liOKTII, Pate May 13, 'si Xo. 47 Dally I Xo. 49 I I Daily Xo. 41 Dally Lv.X'harlotte. A-L Depot " Junct " SaUsbury Arr, Grcens6oro Lv. Greensboro ' Arr. HaleitjU Lv. Arr. Goldsboro Lv. (ircensboit) ror Richmond Lv. Danville " X. Danville ' JJarksdale ' Drak's IJr'ch " Jetersvllle Arr. Tomahawk Arr. Belle Isle Lv. Arr. Manchester Arr. iachjiiond 4 05 AM 6 15 A ii 4 15PM 6 20 T 00 3D 8 5 S 08 A M 8 25 A M 1 a y M 1 1 P M 1 00 1 M 8 25 PM 10 21 A M 10 27 A M 10 53 AM 12 31 PM 2 84 PM 30 PM 4 05 PM 4 10 P M 4 IS PM 4 IS P M . 2S a TWAINS GOING SOUTH Date May iz, 'so Lv. Richmond " Burkevllle Arr. X. Danville Lv 44 Danville Arr. Greensboro Lv. SaUsbury Arr A-L Junction " Charlotte Lv. Kichinon 1 " Jetersvllle " Drak's Br ch " Harksdale DanviUe " lienaja " Greensboro Salisbury Arr. A-L Junction Lv. Arr. Charlotte :so a Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of hare alue, and is a POSITIVE REMEDY for alltlie diseases that cause pales in the lower i art or tlie body for Torpid Liver Headaches Jaundke Tidiness, Gravel, Molarla, and all difficulties of the Kidney, Liver, and Mrlnary Organs. For rcM ale DISEASES Monthly M enstruat ions, r nd during Pregnancy, It has no equal. It restores the organs that mnke the blood, and hence Is the best BLOOD PURIFIER. It Is the only known remedy thatcures bkiuh r s disease, ror maoetes, usa WAltX ER 8AFE DIABETES CURE. For Sale by Druggists and Dealers at S&1.25 per bottle. Largest bott In the market?7! ry it. H H WARNER & CO. Rcchesteh. N. Y $5! Outllt sent free to those who wish to en-rac-e n tne most pleasant and proflable buslucsa kuunn. hveryming new. canttal not in quired. We will furnish vou eTprvt.hinf cm a day and upwards Is easily made without staying away from home over night. Js'o risk whatever. jiauy new worKers wsntou at once. Many are ma king fortunes at the business. Ladles make as much as men, and young boys aud girls make great pay No one who Is willing to work falls to make more money every day than can be made In a week at any ordinary employment. Those who enguge at Qnce will tlnd a short road to fortune. Address, h. hau-ett & Co., Portland, Maine. 51:ly Outfit furnished free, with full Instructions for conduct! ng the most profltable business that anyone Cau engage In. Tho business is so easy to learn, and our Instructions are so simple and plain that anyone can makegreat pro Jits from the very start. No one cap Tall whois will fngtowork. Women areas successful as men. Bovs ?hf .g.lrl,s can earn lan"re sums- ManT have made "at the business over one hundred dollars in a sinele week. Nothing like It ever known before. All who engage are surmised at thp p;i. .i -ant,i which they are able to make money; a ia. TOt111 v'?, Luslnes,s durtnS -Tour spare Mme at gi cat proht. ou do not have to Invest capital in it We take all the rtsi- Timw uh LV. L should write to us at once. All furnished froe Ad aress TKLE S. CO.. AllP-usta M:iy - , . Bowan County -Intlie Snperior Conrt. Win. J. Rest against Wm. P. Clvdc. T.M.T . R. Andrews. Samuel M n James W. Wilson. Wm. P. Clvdc and T. M bove named defendants, are In-reby noti fied to be and appcr before the Jud'e of our Superior Court, at a Court to IxTheld for the County of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisburv. on thn Qtu after the 4th Monday of September, 1891 and answer tho complaint, which, will be deposited in the office of th rlo, w r Superior Court of said County, within the first three Hin nf c,:,i t- , . .. j V r J. . a,x ana let flic , . ...x,v MU ine- L'um- j i n i lit. This 15th day of August, 1881 J. M. Honin, Clerk Superior Court Rowan Co. " j 4 so " 'i- j 7 37 " ' s is ;for Rlch mond only 11 31 " II s:i " 12 01 1 m 1 20 2 Si i4 r. 1 4 2S " 4 at " 4 3S " 4 43 " j I NO. 42 I Xo. 43 No. 50 I JDaily I Daily Dally 10 4jPI 12 001 " 2 i5 A M 1 2 43 P M 7 00 " 6 05 " 7 25 " 6 IS 7 27 ' 2 ' f! 17 " 9 31 ' S 3T " II IS " 10 i(3 ' 12 4". " 12 15 A M 1 00 12 10 A M 2 55 P M 4 41 6 07 7 " 7 51 8 5") " I 9 27 " 1105 ii 2S 10 -. ueicuuams taKe notice that if thev Uil to answer the said complaint during tho term, the plaintiff will appy to the Court for the re ef dem s "1 DEVON BULL. ' ' O W ATWEM as AND SPFPMaTflDDtlrrV ways via: Direct AppU5Son'2tbb'1 1& wnwnca, na does not intrf71-.T or hw7 00. J 1 . r viiumi m lid n a r at enct upon the xul amiI itJT Mow . irr fced?m &tZl J2d peuia ua aouna memory tamn.iZ . V mind 2 Averaioa to Society. 6toTtc aafeS pf premature old awtS''HpilS trouble, Qd restorinplc.rtnS mm naa a Itooa tha test la rry i,,-7rr,0 now a , scribei f-asto, wita but Utile If any prmaatn t ta 00 Noosewe about this 1'repaSt'X, , jrUl civ satisfaction. Wins the etf It ha. been ia general use, we bave thouS84? 4 Medical I'rofssslon to U tho m ratStl" discovered of reathiug; tr.d curin-ti. 00H trouble, that is well linowo to itU ca,!2 J.r ftrli. w. naejr.ana upon jrhom cxxafil J? t-Mir useiusa nostrums aa:l feea. t7 if' is pat ub ta neat 1ick. nf thr.: . ? "'iMi tolait a. month.) S3: Ko. fi .Knrt.?.0- t-rl maoeot cure, unless ia severe er.sej) S5. Uaatiaff over three months. wiU MceniliJi h restore vigor ia the worst cases.) $f EJfJ'?- 4 aated.ln.pUla wrappers. FutiMrrm iain wm accomt a iw i rsi(moNn,trMrftwii n nurjuirni trial j 1 rer,'l,TetrtA 1 f9f th UnlU-m nf lit. HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC. GHQcn Uli.t5U!aS'Uai Treat all Chronic Diseases, and enov. . .,,7 al repuUtioa through the curios qf comliruLJf"00- I N D I S C R E T I O N er E X P O S U P c?rS YOUNG MEN S s tosttiPK fromlL li?l?i?ril""?" orninrrtnim. permscnitly'f npd LATIENTS ASMiaWBSMWka bur whrre n1 perwaii ceotuliat.oa .rrtcrrrd, wl.icii fHEg STiT.' mA t i.l nf -....-I ... t . 1 . . . Wi.n ucih iii,cj irre in bj- ..i.lrr.t on ippli. ilioo. CtVre taflrrlnc frm ttuptsrv UionU tend tktiraidiw.v aad Irani unrtkia; la tarlr adnutatc It k .T7, QomutuiiicilKM,, .IrKtJjrcoBfideii'iil. n.i i..ulil be a3z! PB. UlX i!, V Korth KtU t. luU. Me, VICK'S ILLUSTEATED FLOEAL GUIDE ted llsh or -oennaiu If you aft erwanlj order swff duct the 10 t ents. swoso.. VICK SEKDSarethe .bes-t In the world Th I IBA!. (il'IDK v. Ill tell how tO-tfi-t uiHl Jfrow Ihrm VICK'N KLDWKK AND VKnFT 175 Pages, 6 colored Plates, 5..0 Krwavlr-rs' v,i eDts,n C4ers- $l.w in elegant i-'ioth i m ! German or Kn?ltsh. b oia- ,B MCK'S ILLCSTRATEl) MCNTHLV MT,AZ1E -82 Pages, a Colored Plate lir even- nuihbw iM many nne Engravings. Price 1 1.1:5 a year- Flt copies for S5.00. Specimen Xumbcis sent fori! cents; 3 trial copies for 25 ceats. - Address JAMES V1CK. Kcchcster.X T TRY THE NEW TOBK OBSEKYEE THIS YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. ' " m "Send for Sample CopyYru, - 37 8ark Kou, .ew York, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, Having taken out letters of -administn tion on the estate of 'John W. Grahtm, dee'd, Mt. Ulla Township, I will sell tb following personal pro pert v, viz: 0 mule, a bt of hogs, one road waponf one set of Blacksmith Tools, Farming Utensil, one pet Carpenter's Tools, half ihtereM ifl Hay IJaker&c., &c , at the late residence the deceased. Sale to" take place oi Friday the ICth September, 1881. TenM Cash. : All persr.ns-'lTavinff claims ajrainst tM estate of saul John W. Graham, dec'tl, ' present them on r before the 25ti AugtistJ882, or this notice will be jlea jn bar of recovery. Those indebted to the same ar-o requested to make, paymeat i- mcdiatciv. I). 5T.TJA11R1ER, Aamfv Ati''. 45:4tpd 1881. WANTEQJt TANNEB. A thoroughly competent Tanner, onewba understands Chemical Process Taunioff, j can obtain a good situation by applying" WS. COOK) FayttUviUc, X C- EWT0RO0TfCC Having qualified as Executors of El11 bcth P.Craige. deceased, we notify a sous having claims against her ltaL.fc exhibit them to u on or before the W dav of August. 1882. Aug. 24, 18S1. James A. Caio 45:4 1 KEWiCn10 SALE OF N.C. R. R. STOW- On Saturday, the Sd day ot September . o'clock, in Salisbury, at the Court U,uJfiJS wlll sell lor cash eight shares of X. C. R. K-,srBfi eight shares of X. v. -.Zaad Ave shares as administrator de bonis non oir g Turner, and three . shares as Agenl.oi 4 1 r I Tf VS. rt. tl,rBRU "k 01 iuo raws. 0n r' pred Flower Jlate, and coo Illustratkmwith I a frag, ( kl 5. "2 kl io:iy R. L. BROWN. Ileathman. July MtU, 1SS1 ii: It A. M. niCE. AdOf

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