.... y s 7 V t ::H ITlr-STl 1 VOL XIII. THIRD SERIES SAUSBUBY, H. C.j OCTOBEB 20, 1881. NO 1 : ' - ; ! " - 4 ' - . t ; . - - " : 'V : if-'. " 'v: '' --' -".- - . , " - ' . -;- - - ' .- ;;';.-'. i "- -'r-X.U :fJW.-lfS.;r,, ,i; . , . . . " T fc; T :iY V V -iii. The Carolina Watchman, ESTABLISHED IN TI1E TEAR 1832. f'' PKICE, $1.50 IN ADVANCE. ' rbNTBACT ADVERTISING RATES. - FEBRUARY 20, 1SS0, ... 1 month 8 ni's - lea's la's It m8 lncne .. $1.50 3.00 ..50 (WO 11.2 13.75 ft. to :-$3.CO $5.00 7.50 11.00 13.50 16.60 85.60 48.75i $ 8 00 18.00 16.00 18.00 85.00 40.00 75.00 4. SO 5.S5 7.60 w k rp ror 6.00 .7.50 9.75. 15.15 28.25 9.00 11,86 20.20 S3.75 :V-Co'.umnfor " do.' do REMEMBER THE DEAD ! JOHN S. HUTCHINSON, DF.Al.EJt IN Italian American Martle MnnnmentS, 10D1DS auu uiftMiuW, : Being a practical marbl-worKr, c--y ?culin- any piece of work from ll mI price. for any desired work JtKSo;pUcaUonfat next door JUD.McNee.y-s Store. Salwbury, S. C, Marcn , oox. 21:ly. E. B. CRAWFORD & CO. ARE SELLING - . PORTABLE FMIM AND FACTORY . : STEAM ETJG ' : ALSO- ruariiases r and Caps. -Win ilTinofft BT1?I FPflWTIFR mfo- 1UU I'iUUOl 1111' 11 D 1 U If Ullill iliUUUr Hfhrnnfi WnnrriTifl HQwapinfQpiii). " Oj Our own and Foreign mako and - f From the Finest to the Cheapest. Biir Bitij, CiampiDn Mowers, norso xtanes, xc. - 'Salliburv. Jan. 6, 1831. . . ly ' ,J ; j I ." - -- c 1 i . "ZB. ViSfE. W. II, BilLEY. VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNETS AND COUNSELLORS. . I"- 'I t CHARLOTTE, X. C. Practice ih Supreme Court of the United StatM.t Stinrpma f'nnrl fif Vrirlli C;i rril!n:i FideraloHrtu, and Counliex of Mecklenhnrp, ' Cbrrii, jLInion, Gaston, Rowan and Uavid . ".' ffigJuOffice, two doom east of Indepen- Unce Square. . . . 33:tf Mf.McCORKLE. TIIEO. F. KI.UTTZ. McCORKLE & KLTJTTZ, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS, Salisbury, N. C. JSp(Sce on Council Street, opposite the .-wuiit House. ' y7:6m KeUi.CRAIGE. til. ' l. n. cle?mekt. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, C HVtH t I Jl ti lit aw, "SALISBCRT. J. C. 1881. 4TT0I1XEY jIT LAW, 4vtISB URY , IV. C, Practices in the State and Federal U Courti 12:6m A2S aii Heiierson, raeys, Counselors and Solicitors. SI A T. 7.Q7?777?V V C. ay22,!879--ttr - SEND g.LANDRETH &S0NS. PHIUU T- . Tin , iheTiiwt elaborate in .an n. uC d i 'vSmntT that perfect Halisfact.oiv ' -S I tUnVo the .hQrt exacting patron, ' Call examine my Stock .- P- fore purchasing, as Lwll sell at the ery low istiii Us-: . I- i' ' " rr m n r. - if ! A Famous Kentucky Grape. We clip the following Jrohi the .Louisville Journals second proceedings of the Kentucky cultural Society ; f '-r:. day's j HortH "I he mttubers .assembled at two o'clock, when a paper was read by 1 3lr. Al. S. Combs, oi Bullitt county, on the propagation of new varieties of fruit, hicii was very intergsting, and brought out a discussion which last ed, through the afternoon. While the grape was under discussion President Kenned jj related the history ofj a na tive KentucKy grape, which was not only interesting, but very remarkable! He said ihat between the yearsH836 and 1840 Col. Cuthbert Bullitt dis covered a grape vne growing in a fence corner on his farm in Shelby county. The gra pes w blch, gre w-u p on the wild Kentucky vine were of a very fine quality, and became fatuous in that sectiou oflhe country.. Col. Bullitt sold his farm a few years sub sequent to the discovery of the grape vine, and, at the sale, his lirother-in-law, Judge John G. Taylorof Jeri cho, Henry county, took some cut tings from the vine and propigatcd them in his garden, and in !a few years the variety was distributed through several counties, and became known as the "Taylor Grape," though the original was called the "Bullitt Grape." In 1854, in order to avoid confu sion, the Kentucky Horticultural So cietyCol. Kennedy was President lof the society at the time effected a compromise and adopted the i name Taylor's Bullitt and the grape has been so designated ever since. From the cuttings of this old -vine have sprung 6ome of ths choicest, hardiest and most popular seedlings of the present day. They are grown in sev- i erai different States, and give prom lse of becoming the standard grapes of the country. Mr. Sacksteder stat ed that at the recent mteting of the Mississippi Valley Horticultural So ciety there was exhibited a grand child variety of the old parent vine the Etta -which he considered the most perfect grape in all respects tha lie ever saw. But the fame of the Kentucky vine does not rest solely on the rich quality of the fruit of its de scendents. The wine-growers of France, Spain and Portugal have be come acquainted with its hardy na ture and are now depending upon it for protection against the destructive march op the jnsect known as the phylloxera or root louse, which few years ago bade fair to devastate the vineyards of Europe. The root of the Taylor's Bullitt vine is hardy and wiry and not affected by the root louse, and the wine-growers of Eu rope are renewing their vineyards with cuttings from it on whicltthey graft their native varieties. Thd pru nings from Taylor's Bullitt are saved and exported to Europe to become the one from which the native grape; must be grown. j The Government of France offered a reward for the destruction of the root louse, and many devices have been resorted to in order to protect the vineyards ; but the hardy old Kentucky stock lias thus far pfovedl their only safety. In 1874 President Kennedy gave his prunings fur ex port to begin the experiment, and the business has been conducted to a large scale ever since. One firm in jMis souri has shipped during the ! past season over 20,000 of these cuttings." The Affliction of a Venango Coun ty Woman. Oil City Derrick. A latly who has been visiting at President informs us of one of i the most terrible accidents that evercaeffb to our knowledge. There resides near President a woman who had three children. A few days since she was preparing dinner and had the young- Icst child-'With lier in the house. (The other two children were sent by her to hunt some eggs. They were both young, and going out of the house they saw a hollow log in the yard. One of them put in her little hand to see if therewere any eggsbut quick ly withdrew it, sayiug a chichenjhad bitten her. The other inserted,: his hand and ierked it out with a scream. A rattlesnake had bitten them both. The scream of the second child brought out the mother, and lifting a kettle of boiling potatoes from; the stove so they would ; not burn, ! sue started out. She had just gotten put side the door when she, was recalled to the house bv the agonized cries of the baby, who had crawled across the floor . . i ij i ' u1: ana upset tne noning Kerne ovenmu self. She vas almost disheartened and did not know what to do. Help soon soon arrived and everything that could be done for the little sutterers, but nothing did any, good. They tap pidly grevr worse, and in a day three died and were buried in all the sime grave. The naraejwe did jnot Innm. but we are assured that the 9 a mm y above are the facts. The Western It. It. Matter, Messrs. Clyde, Logan and Baford rep resenting the Richmond & Danville R. R, Company in a communication elated Sept. 27th, addressed to oar Commissioners, Messrs. Jarvis, Vauce, and Worth, on the ljcct f returning the West. N. C. R. R., to Mr. Best, present their objections as follows : In reply to your proposition to surren der to Mr. Best aod his associates,, our rights and interests acquired by assign ment from him, we beg to assure you that it would give us great pleasure at any time to gratify your personal desires; but iii this matter oar situation compels us respectfully to decline your proposed requests When by the final assignment from Mr. Best, we became the absolute proprietors of the Western North Carolina Railroad the requirements and restrictions, in the act of March 29, 1880, compelled thecrea tiou of very large obligations in the nee essary organization of the capital, ade quate to the undertaking; and the better to secure the success of the enterprise, we have deemed it expedient at a large out lay, to acquire other interests connected with and dependent upon the Western North Carolina Railroad. In the accomplishment of these ar rangements, our interests as derived from the assignment, have become so blended with those of others, that we no longer have the sole personal control of this property, and therefore cannot properly agree to surrender it without the consent of others, who decline to release their iu tcrests. We are performing all our obligations as we understand them nndcr the con tract, and desire and intend to continue to do so if permitted. We therefore re cognize no just or reasonable ground on which its surrender can be claimed, or expected from us. In declining the request proposed to be made to ns, we desire further to say, that we do not wish to louder Mr. Best and his associates in any purpose entertained by them to construct another road to Salisbury. If they do so it will be alike our interest and policy to accord to such road impartial access to the Western North Carolina Railroad and upon terms just and' equitable to every portion of the State to be benefitted thereby. We take this occasion to express the strong interest we have felt in thesucces ful prosecutiou of this enterprise, from the date of our preseut connection with it; and by some of us long anterior to that date ; and to signify our cordial sym pathy with the citizens of North Carolina iu their desire to see this important work fully completed, and even extended ac cording to its original design until con nected with the railroad systems leadiug to the Mississippi Valley; some of our strongest and most influential associates urging with earnestness the direct exten sion of the line from Murphy to Chatta- c assure the commissioners that it is our intention and purpose to have the work prosecuted on both lines of the road with diligence and energy until they are completed to Murphy and Paint Rock, and iu everything to cause the contract we havn entered into to be faithfully and literally complied with. Wo hope to receive from you encour agement and co-operation, that nothing which may hasten the work or help its utility shall bo left undone, nor anything doue which may retard or impair it. Very respectfully, your obedient ser vants, Wm. P. Cltde, T. M. Logan, A. S. Blford. A Missing Man. The following letter has been handed us with request to pub lish: Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 6, 1881. Dear Sir Capt. Y. M.' C. Johnson left his family at Columbia Factory, N. C, last Thursday jhorning for Greensbo ro via High Point, to bring me about $385, which he had collected for me, and to'do some tradiug and return to his fam ily on last Fiiday or Saturday. He has not returned yet nor can we get any trace of him further than High Point. He took supper at Jarrel's Hotel on last Thurs day evening. (29th,) paid for supper and was seen in Mr. Jarrefs office after sup per by Mr. W. II. Ragan, and we can get uo further trace of him. His family are almost crazy about him. I wish you would see if he has been in Charlotte, and also see if your city pa pers will not publish the fact and re quest other papers to copy the same. You will remember that he is verv cross eyed, is tall and lean, has or did have a heavy moustache (black) and I believe whiskers on the chin. I fear he has been murdered. Your friend, W. R. Burgess. i i Greensboro, N. C. "Mr. Smith, father would like to borrow your paper; he only wants to read it." "Well, go back and tell n . I . I vour latner to seou nie ins supper. rf II I T - 1 t t : j.en mm t omy want, iu cut. it. The Color anl Lustre of Youth are restor ed to faded or gray hair by the use of Par ker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing high lv esteemed for its perfume and purify. . " Ocl3-Novl3 To Be Regretted-Itj It to be moch. regretted that visitors to the exposition from the Nortli and West will see such a poor exhibit of our agricultural prodoc lions. We say poor, for , though somol ecimens from favpred localities uoe specimens may be exhibited, the widely extended - i drouth has greatly curtailed the quantity . and deteriorated the qoality'of our crops. Corn has been dwarfed to nubbins and f'The particular offence which forms cotton stunted in growth and riddled by the basis of the Star route prosecu grasshoppers. Iu fact, every product of . tions is in the rnntrnof JTo; the field or the gardens has suffered se- verely. By the side of the splendid ag-; ricultural exhibits from j Kansas and a few other localities that escaped the with- j hours was allowed, and the compen ering and parching blighj of. a three , sation was to be $13,313 ner annum. months' summer without rain, ourSouth- j em field products will generally appear ; to great disadvantage. We only refer to this matter by way of suggestion to our- t .1 : . il. . i .1 .1 1. visiuia uvui u uibiancc mat mey . suouia . make allowance for the very extraordina ry disadvantage with -which Southern ag riculture has had to contend this year. Atlanta Constitution. The "Mysterious Stranger." The n.an who created such a sensation in the Bushy Mountains a week; or so since, has either left the country or keeps himself iu seclusion ; he has not' been seen lately. There is no doubt but that he or some body else has been hiding in Hibriteu and plundering tiie neighborhood, for Mr.. A. P. Puett has found portions of the carcass of a sheep belonging to him which had been butchered near the foot of the mountain, and Mr. James Haigler has lost one or two hogs. From what we can learn from the citizcus, there is a band of robbers operating and "usingiu the section of country adjoining Brashy Mouutaius from Hibriten down in Alex ander and Wilkes. They should bo hunt ed down. The lynching of Church for the murder of Miss Thompson, of Alexander couuty, is to be regretted. There was no good reason to suppose that ho would not be tried and convicted. The murder was horrible, and the evidence sufficient. As the Star has often said, except in very ex traordinary and extreme cases, it is bet ter always for the law to have its course. It savors two much of the days of barbarism when every man was a law unto himself and of impatience for com munities to hang murderers without the forms of trial unci the solemnities of an oath. There are cases wheu people fear ing the escape of a criminal, might doom him to death, but these cannot occur often. Wilmington Star. Varxisued Melons. A lady has dis covered a plau to keep watermelons in their natural form and flavor for an in definite length of time. She has success fully tried it in past seasons, and, as a consequence, has been able to treat her family to a watermelon supper at Christ mas time. The plan is an inexpensive and simple one and consists in giving the melon three or lour coats of varnish to exclude the air. She says they not only keep from decay, but that the flavor and sweetness are retained, and when eaten at Christmas the fruit seems to be wonderfully improved iu these particu lars. . Redemption of Bonds. Washington, . Oct. 10. The Secretary of the Treasury has announced that he will redeem at the department after Monday j next, October 10, $5,000,000 of bouds, embraced in the 105th call, with iutestest to date of pay uicut. The secretary states that this ac tion is taken si mply because the Treasury has money available-'for the purpose, aud interest to December 24th on that amount of bonds if redeemed, can be saved by this course. Weekly purchases in New will continue as heretofore. The Feimer and Mechanic, describing "the North Carolina Lowell" in Randolph county says : "It may open the eyes of our Northern brethren to learn that on two small streams, cither of which would be called a creek at the North, and both of which have to run a hundred miles be fore they unite to form the Cape Fear, are no less than twenty cotton factories, aggregating several millions of tlollars capital, employing more thau 5,000 per sons, and using more than 50 bales of cotton per day, or 16,000 bales a year." The tobacco crop in Virginia and North Carolina will be very small and of very inferior quality. What the long drowth failed to destroy the untimely frost has finished. The failure of the crop will bear very hardly on large sections iu the two States, and be afflictive particularly to hundreds of persons in those sections who are behind hand financially and rely too much upon one crop the curse of Southern farming. When will farmers learn the lesson that it is not safe to stake all upon oue crop T Wilmington Star. IITTLE ItOCK. UCl. O. lWii Oieiiucuu : ,x-i a i ci..i..n. and Delaney, the Iron Mountain train robbers pleaded guilty in Hempstead Cir cuit Court, yesterday, and were sentenc- .,,1 s I. n n.nif.nt!lirr tnr fl ' fpmi ftf SPV- tu its itu iivu j ,..- . enty years each. The robbery occurred 22d of September, and the men were cap - tared on the 23th A special term of court was held "to try them. , The "Star Route" Swindle. We suojoin an explanation of the ; swindling operations of contractors I, p ; . ' FSt 0ffice offic,aIs in what b know as "star .route1 contracts for carrying the mails in distant and ob- Bcure districts : the mails from Presort A riona fn Santa Fe, Kew Mexico. It provided for one trin a week, for which ISO Before service began at all there had been an increase ordered to seven trips a week, and "expedition" to 90 honrs per trip, and the compensation 1 II I. mm n A n iiaa Deen raiseu to5,eoi5 per annum. Afer work was4egun the contractor. McDonough, sublet to Walsh. Later on the contract was terminated alto gether, and a new one was made with Walsh for one trip a week of 150 hours at an annual compensation of $18,000. lhen followed again -the customary increase and expedition, raising the pay to $136,000 a year. The story is, in its main features, a familiar one, and likely to be repro duced with variations in the other cases. The charere is "consoiracv to defraud the government" in "causing and procuring unnecessary and im proper and extravagant-additional compensation to be paid by the Uni ted States for additional service in carrying the mails." The New York World say : 'The warrants issued for the Star route people are mainly re markable for not including one inten ded for Mr. W. S. Dorsey. The ab sence of Mr. Dorsey from a case in which he has every claim to be en gaged will be connected by the pub lic with appearance iu the case of Mr. George Bliss, who is supposed to pos sess much of the confidence of the President. Except Brady, the peo ple indicted are of no earthly conse quence."' Edison's Nevr 3Iachine. Mr. Edison has just completed a very powerful dynamo machine, which was tested Monday night with satis factory results. It is 180 horse power and consumes 4G0 pounds of coal an hour, at an average cost of 2.50 a ton, screenings being used, making the cost of running it about fifty cents an hour for 1,200 lamps. The armature is made of copyer bars, one half inch thick, instead of small wire as usual. The maximum of illumina ting capacity is equal to 537,600 candles. " The cost was 6,000. The largest machine previously built by Mr. Edison was an 8 horse power machine of sixty lights, with magnets weisbins 360 pounds each. There are twelve magnets in the new ma chine, weinhiuii 685 pounds each. It is designated for a station at Charing Cross. Loudon, where a number of houses are to be wired for lighting by this means. Mr. Edison intends to build" twenty-four machines of 250 horse nower each, twelve of wind will be placed in the Pearl street station, to light a district wherein 1,500 houses have been wired which will be lighted by 15,000 lamps. Garfield on Insanity. In 1871 the late President Gar field addressed a letter to Judge Paine, of Cleveland, which in view of the recent tragedy, becomes pecu liarly significant. Gen. Garfield said : "Allow me to congratulate you on your splendid charge to the jury at the close of the Galetiue case. The whole country owes you a debt of gratitude for brushing away the wick ed absurdity which has lately been palmed off on the country as Jaw on the subject of insanity. If "the thing had gone much further all that a man would need to secure immunity from murder would be to tear his hair and rave a little and then kill his man. I hope you will print your opinion in pamphlet form and and scud it broadcast to all the Judges in the land." Bled to Death. A sad accident happened a few miles from this place last Wednesday morning. A young man named Richard Webb, who was ginning cotton for Mr. Abram Brink ley, put his hand under the apron of the gin to raise it, when his hand came in contact with the saw and was cut to pieces up to the wrist. Dr. Patterson was called and fixed up the hand, aud afterwards Drs. A. R. and D. B. Zollicoffer were called for the nurDOse of assisting iu amputating the hand, but when they arrived he 1 1 - .1 1 ri.1nn.l irnsnpr v ucau iiuui in iuoovi w w w . . ' J . . He had bled copiously before any V a3 11 I IT v w - physician could arrive.- WeldonNews. ca4x- 1 t Mrfl that Renbnlicans are fro- . - - - - - - At jo a . ing to start a paper eiiner at ro.uro ! or Winston in opposition to the "Greens- boro Ring." There is a lack of harmony among the brethren. -Char. Oh. MISCEIjXiANEOTJS. One can see seven States from the top of Roan mountain. A new song is entitled : "My Dar ling's Tresses Shine Like Gold." There's music in h-air. Paul Furr, of Concord N. C, this year netted $110 from an acre and a half planted in melons. No painter has ever yet been able to catch the wild, expectant look of a man who is endeavoring to give birth to a sneeze. The black birch -tree of Western North Carolina is susceptible of a high polish, and is known as mountain mahogany. It is being sought after by cabinet-makers. A Louisvillian kicked at his wife the other day, lost his balance and met with such a severe fall-as to cause his death. Served him right. Blackwell's artesian well at Dur ham, it is estimated, will cost about 30,000. At a depth of 2,700 feet he expects to find plenty of water. Last year J. E. Yates, of Rappa hannock county, purchased 275 sheep, for which he paid 3,50 apiece. The lambs and wool this year brought him 1,700. A receipt for lemon pie vaguely adds: "Then sit ou a stove and stir constantly." Just as if any thing could sit on a stove without stirring constantly. Caldwell is the county of big ap pies. jMr. J. 6. Wilson has a young . i f . r i i i -rm v nri iree ij incnes in aiameier irom wiucn ne nas tanen 145 apples, averaging 13$ inches in circumference. Fortune quickly acquired is like a pair of ready-made pants. First thing you know you have to go home from a party wearing nothing but a Prince Albert coat and an umbrella. Next to the hell of being utterly bereft of monty is the purgatory of possessing a vast amount of it. I have a mission and under its shadow I have accumulated wealth but not happi ness." John Hopkins. People jeer at tne because I hain't got no posterity but when I look at the bulk of the posterity turned out by the human race it makes me feel awful easy in my mind. The Mule. The climate of the South-Atlantic States does not rim into extremes. Al though the warm weather beginR earlier and lasts longer, the range of the ther mometer is not so high iu summer as in the North. Newbern, North Carolina, is project ing a large cotton seed oil mill, a factory for converting piue straw into fibre, a canning establishment to can fruit, vege tables, oysters aud fish ; a guano factory and a jute mill., A Greenville County (S. C.f) farmer 23 years of age, cultivated 100 acres of corn and cotton, doing all the plowing himself with a sulky cultivator, drawn by two mules. The yield is 2,500 bushels of coru aud ten bales of cotton. "Mary," he asked, "why am I like butter ?" He expected her to say that it was because he was the genuine arti cle, and he was conripletely crusheel when she promptly repled : "Why, I guess it's because the hotter it gets the softer you act 1" A Prairie City girl went into a drug store to buy gome taffy-tolu chewing gum. The clerk, who wanted to be sociable, remarked to her: "It's a pretty warm day." "You betcherlife!" she exclaimed. "I heered that it was 200 degrees below zero." Chicago Tribune. Flies may be effectually disposed of without the use of poison.- Take half a teaspoonful of black pepper in powder, one tcaspoonfnl of cream. Mix them well together, and place them in a room on a plate where flics are troublesome, and they will soon disappear. v Perhaps the largect pasture in the world is the property of Mr. Taylor Maudlin, on the border of Texas, hav ing forty miles of rock fence on one side, and yet requiring two hundred more to inclose. The owner expects to raise one thousand tons of oats upon it and to feed one hundred thousand head of cattle. They seem to be in earnest about building the road from Goldsboro to Salisbury. Wre copy the following from the Newberu Commercial Neics: President Best of the Midland is expccted home from Boston to-day. I mi ...! A .? . x KIVs J 1 1 1 . IIH mi li-. u l cuusii ulliuii luui' i rmnv. which has th construction of , - - - the Midland Extension in hand, have 1 issued the most positive instructions for the work to push through to rii'i . . i j.. .ii omwuu.j -w c, w inent, and have placed at the disposal of Mr. licst an unlimited amount ot capital to operate upon. That a human bite is as dancrpmin as that of any animal is shown by an occurrence in the Germany" city of uusiu-i, w uere a man who was bit ten III One Of his fimr ilnnno ght has had the alternative of losimr lis arm or his' life. Blood noisoninr set in, and fpeedy amputation at the tne snouieler became necessary. The Raleigh Fifofor states that Mr. Joseph -Dobson, solicitor of the sev enth judicial district, is indicting all persons who voted for prohibition, charging them with conspiracy against inp nocrties oi tne people. I bis is news to us, and we arc of opinion that brother Utly is laboring under a mis take, and at the same time doing our worthy solicitor a crave iniustice. Davie Times. Speak Kindly to the Little Ones. As a Leader reporter was rjasstnir along on Cherry Street ho heard a mother, in angry tones, scold a little boy of five summers, who we will call Robbie. She said. "Get ont of my way, you good for nothins hate ful thing 1" We passed on, As wc returned we heard a sob in the cor ner of the yard. We stopped. List ened. There sat little Robbie. His brown eyes were filled with tears. Now and then a large drop would fall upon his hand. Sob after sob would swell up from his little troubled heart. Between his sobs and tears, he would say, in broken accents, trembling vrith anguish, "Mother doesn t loveJier little boy now. Poor little Robbie is good for nothing. He's hateful," and large tears would trickle down his little cheeks. How careful should parcuts be to make the first impres sions upon the young of a pleasant nature. These impressions follow the child all through life. Oh! mother, if that infant prattle, which is music to your heart, was hushed and the film of death on those eyes, and as yon folded Robbie's tiny hands upon .his breast, smoothed back the ringlets, . and kiss again and again his marble like forehead; those cruel words wonlel ring in your heart, and you would give worlds for one word from your darling. Speak to the little ones in kindness while they are spared to you. Never Jet their little hearts feel that you do not love them. Let no word or act make such an impression upon oung minds as that angry sentenco did upon Robbie. The writer kuew two bright little boys. They wero three and four years old, and as ten derly trained from their infancy as the most delicate plant. At eventide, when they were prepared for bed, their mother would lull them to sleep with stories and songs of Jesus and his love for little children and tho glories of heaven. They loved those stories and songs. Would converse with each other about them when alone, small as they were. The young er of the two deid. The older one was not present, but wheu told that his brother was dead, his little eyes filled with tears and his little face -wreathed In a gloi ioussmile, said ; "He has gone to live with JesusJL' That was all he said. In less than oue month he died, also. His last words were: "I'm going home to livo with brother and Jesus." W7hat a glorious death 1 Impressions tnade while the heart was young and ten der. Parents, speak kindly and lov ingly to your children, and in after years, the good seed sown will bring you full sheaves, rich with blessings. Winston Leader. Didn't Kemeiiiber his own Name. A gentleman of this city .-tells the. following anecdote of the late Dr. Spring, for many years pastor of tho Old Brick church in New York city, for the accuracy of which he vouches: When the doctor had reached a good old age and had become somewhat feeble he was met by one of his old par ishers just as he was coming outuf the New York postoflice. "How do you do, Dr. Spring?" said the friend, "I am very glad to see you." "How do you do, ?" replied the doctor. "I am very well aud I am very thankful to have met you, for I have a letter iu the postpffice, but I couldn't remember my own name. Now l ean go in and get it. New London Day. Death of Dn. J. M. Happoi.dt. Intelligence was received in tho city yesterday of the eleath, a day or two since, of Dr. J. M. Happoldt, the wellknoWn proprietorof the Mountain Hotel in Morganto. Dr. Happoldt has lived in Morganton for about 30 years. Aitnougii a native oi oouiu Carolina he removed to. Morganton from Providence township, in this couuty, where he lived for some years and married a MUs Williamson, of Providence. He was quite an old though still a vigorous man and a skillful physician; he was better known for his eccentric conversations aud peculiar habits. Char. OUervtr. LoNDO?f 0ot. JO, It U stated that an- j other cottou COrner h.s bwu framed, aud ( thnt cotton not yet .grown is actually be ing bought at axed rate-.. : -l ! . -A ; !.! : t. w H -I I V l! 4". it. 1 1 10 it V S ' . 1 - f 2. fe i T

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