ma ggsPAY. OCTOBER 1681. 1 VPW Tl.ltMfi. j . . Li -v- i,a let ; lnr- nf -TnTinnrv. .aai the Jabscription. price of the Watch JVill teas follows: .. - rt nrIr; paid advance, $1.50 f rPiyaieDt delayed 3 months, 2,00 j payment delayed 12 months 2.50 3jikcl Property. Person s having n,!nV Property to sell would do well to vdrertiie It. We propose, to give room -t! tach Notices, to le kept standing un der the general caption of "Mixing Prop iiEs Sle ; Tj,e cosf, of SUCU notices win ue mouer- - Li-.- Tbosd having properties the value of -vbich is not geuerauy Known, snouiu -Ti references to reputable persons r L- ifl nrnuaiutcd with such mat- , this paper has a good circulation .inininir men North, and in the inn li of service in the way JI;C, "T - , flroposedj " i -o i . Mrsjjsisan Simpson and daughter, of Pensicola1, Fla., are the guests oi iJirs. Vni. 0ve 'uan, Jr. ; . -.: - o L Visitor ' are beginning to come iu SmA wee the city wilUjc full. A great The Stxod. Pretty dilicebt rreDara- tioua for tho assemblage of the Presbvte- riaus of the entire State, bare been and are still making in certain parts of 'the town. It is desmned to maW . sion pleasant, and morally profitable to all, whether visitors" or citizens of the town. The church repairs are completed, and we think there, is little now tef do but to welcome those who are expected to compose that body. ' In addition-to the 86 Delegates report ed last week, there havebeen about! 60 new ones; making in all nearly 150 're ported thus far. The prospect is that the meeting will be unusually large and interesting. We notice that the Rev. Dr. Peck, of Union Seminary, is down in the list.' i many not pected connected with syuod are ex- PWoiiEMENT. See notice oi isoriu state Gold and Copper Mining Company. -o The St. . , i ' i )y "ttttUUl i cheerfully See aus Louis MiuiugNews, a spright- ; paper is on our table. We add it to our exchange Vut. -o- of Messrs. R. Homles aud J. iiipn lirowii. They are in receipt oi " large quantities of 4tme w hich they offer tX low nigures. -o ' A new1 industry has lately been started in this county hy Mr. John Ingle, a mau- ctniin wars. Hift establish- UlaCluii y- -- w ! .went is & In iles south f near the Neyou- cord road. ; fiie Hook &. Ladder Company hold ; tIieirTUgutar monthly meeting at their - Mlon triday night, 0ct?28th., at 7 o'clock. . : . -" - O ; Has the Salisbury Watchman hydro phobia, ur is it merely age that is caus- neighbors f Statesville Landmark. Will lllctandmark prove its own sanity 1; fcr nrrrWr exulaualion f -O- 'BEMOvlit. Barker's Drugstore will he moved, to the vacant room next to Biflfiham i &r Company on the 1st of ! Kovenibci-.. The room . vacated by him i mill lie oecunied bv Mr. Chas. Graham i itb a line of irroccries. Mr. Frid ;' Menus, a workman at tlic ! ! ear shops I" this place, had -I caujrht iu ai . circular saw last his hand Saturday. Three of his fingers were nearly ampata- tcd. Tha Ifui t is very painful. ; jEeEridx and BiRTii-rAT Party. On lastMjoiiday evening Mrs. F. E. Sho- bfrgaveit Ireception to Miss Aspiuwall, 1 of New , and a party in honor of the j 21t liiih ilay of Mr. Frank Shober, Jr. This gentle nan has just returned froui an extensive Ejaropean tour. Tlic evening j wai joyously spent a social gem. portico,; wh -preMire ih tieuce tlie ?reseutryjt Matrimonial. ..On lastciening (26th) at 8 o'clock, the marriage of Mr. Thomas Frank Young to )liBMaryA. KliflmulUr was celebrattl t St.-Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. F.J. 'Murdoch, officiating.. The Church was filled expectancy and joy lighting the faces of the fairer le the 6terner sex (not so ex face), waited with more pa- comiug of the happy couple, ue organ signaled their ap proach byounding the beautiful march in "Maasanicllo." First camj the maids and grooms walk - jag slowly i p the isles : and crossing to eir places, then the Bride and Groom. Soe was dreksed most exqaisitly in white Wtio and i rich lace a perfect model of auty, aad the groom in full dress. ft ndkied gracefully to the altar tere thejloipressive ceremony was per- raied.-Aer the old germau style, tho We andj gUoru exchanged rings at the Har. H 'i .V. l 1 I ine couple wke waited upon by M. Mro'wn jakd Miss Lou Drake,-Jas. W. Tul),c; and Miss Jennie Eames. D, A. Miss Sallie Marsh, W. G. Miss Annie Brown, Earnest Miss TU1U n.T-. -"nuan and 3Iiss Lena Shober, A. M. ngand Mils Fannie Xorfleet. The entrwere very handsome aud were fleh admired. T1,0 reception given by Mrs. M. A. puller At her residence was" an ex- 'Qgjplcisant affair. Here the scene toore lm-ly ; i"tercliange of thought, tie Ln i ieastiug marked - ejuctant to Jeave a place so i grace and beauty, but the at and aay.aml 9 --'lueawit iod eight'! PJpair On la must be said, and the han- e(t to their sweet meditations. t- Mnd:tr Va f v Sl.'.l'.. t0. ') f TS'-Ju froiH-Seiiatc.rllausoni tliiff ! 'J I lormcrly SefJSflh5 y .de acting :e Senate. Tin; resliliuion hy Senator Edinnmls, and p'y -a.U:.fod. tiii intelli- betiii hublislif..! i.i n patches. di. The Salisbury Itifles at Yorktown. As most of the papers are filled with descriptions of the Yorktown Centenuial, we propose only to speak of the part taken by those in which the people of this immediate section are most interest ed, Asns generally known the Rifles aro commanded by Capt. Theo. Parker, for merly Lieuteuant iirthe U. S. Array. He being the Senior Captain of the Western division, was placed in command of the detachment consisting of the Salisbury Rifles, Hornets Nest Riflemen, WiusUn Light Infautry and Rockingham Guards. Arriving at Camp, Capt. Parker was made Assistant Adjutant-General on the Staff of General Manly, who bad com mand of the N.C. troops. It is due Capt. Parker to say that as Gen. Manly's As sistant he performed most of the work done iii camp, Gen. Manly's time being taken up otherwise. On Thursday even ing Capt. Parker drilled his company be fore the headquarters of Gen. Manly and the drilling was so perfect that the Geu eral said he thought there must be some trickery in Parker's drilling and asked that the company bo turned over to him. This was done, aud the company did as well '-as when commanded by Parker. Gen. Manly then pronounced them the BEST DRILLED COMPANY " j from North Carolina; and invited them into his tent and ordered refreshments.) This is quite a compliment to the Rifles especially wheu we consider that there rere about 600 N. C. troops pres ent. 1 - I Cnpt. Parker was also honored with an invitation to Gen. Hancock's reception, on board a Man of War in the Yorktown Harbor. Returning from Yorktown the Rifles remained in Richmond from Friday' noon until Saturday noon. They were the guests of the Richmond Howitzers, who arc the oldest, best drilled aud bejst equipped -company in tue Stato of Vir ginia. The Howitzers did all in their power to make the occasion a pleasant one. They have a splendid armory aiid grounds.- I All together, the writer wus not pleas ed with' the regimental and batallion drilis of the N. C. troops. They lacked that familiariry with the drill which givs assurance and ease, The blame may te "traced to several sources. The inefficien cy of her officers and the lack of practice. The first may be remedied by appoini ug competent officers, and the second by enforcing the military laws and by the States doing her duty to her soldiery. They need annual encampments aud a reasonable allowance to maintain them. These things must have beeu apparent to tho Governor and Stato officials present. If not, we are sorry . for them. j ' " j THE STATE BAND. j We-are glad to note that this organiza tion, with but part of two day's practice, was a success and proved a. credit to the State. It too. should be encouraged by the State. Iu fact, each Batallion should have a first class Band, Kaid Band to go into the annual encampments witii the soldiers. " " What has been said has been with the hope that some life may be infused into the Rip Van Winkle State iu re gard to her soldiery. ! ; MINHTO INTELLIGENCE. A new engine and j?ump has arrived for the Yadkin Mine. .' Mr. Wm. F. JBacklj, proprietor of Dunn's Mountain Mine, has been here ex amining the progress of the work, now going on at that mine. wm 'pi ';':iiwi Jl 011 WW J U1V UU Ui LJUU Atlas and Bame. Prospecting is going on with encour aging results. Several new veins are being developed, with a fair promise of "pay ore." Machinery is soon to be placed on this property. Copper Knob. It is reported that smelters will be erected at the Copper Kuob Mine. If such is the case the North State Compa ny should realize enough to enable them to pay dividends from the ore now on the dump. , DIED. At her residence miles west of Salis bury, at 1 o'clock, Thursday . night last, Mrs. Elizabeth Loweky, relict of the late Col. Richard Lowery, aged about 7$ years. - ' The deceased was a severe sufferer fof about two years, caused by a fracture of the hip joint. During the most of thai time she was closely confined aud unable without assistance to get iu or out of her bed. Her general health was also ini-f paired, which greatly iucreased her suf4 te rings. But she bore it all with patience and fortitude. She was fortuuate in havf ing the unremitting and loving attention of her niece, Mrs. Bettie Piukston, whose devotion was the subject of constant gratitude up to the hour of her departure. The deceased was a person of excel-j lent natural gifts, and though a widow for niauy yiars, guided her affairs with wisdom aud discretion. Her attachments were strong, aud she rarely omitted an opportunity to 6erve her friends when in need. Her house was the resort of many who shared with pleasure her 6im-i pie hospitality. It was a resting place: for preachers, especially of her owu de nojniuation (Presbyterian), who always met a cheerful welcome. Her demise is like the removal of an aucient laudiuark. It is the obliteration-of a once prominent household; as highly esteemed as it was vell and widely known. It makes apaiu ful voiiltoniany. Her immediate neigh-; bors reel and mourn the loss. But they mourn not as those without hope. She died iu faith. Her last words were 'Lord, receive my spirit ;" aud her breath ceased with 'the iu vocation. "Tho Lord shall preserve thee from all evil j he shall preserve thy ""soul." , Scott Hill Mine, in Burke County, consists of 409 acres of land, 8 miles from the West. N. C. Rail road. It is placer and free milling flint quartz. Veins of quartz from 5 to 30 inches, rich in free gold and nuggets. Also one vein of galena. Up to this time about $50,000 has been taken from the property, Mr. J. H. Eiinis of this city is interested in the property. Dutch Creek Mining- Company. This company was permanently orga nized under the laws of North Carolina, iu this city last week. Mr. Johu C. Pen nington is President and Treasurer ; J. J. Newman, Secretary; principal office, Salisbury. Directors: I. W. England, T. F. Hoxsey, J. C. Pennington of New Jersey and J. J. Newman of North Carolina. Capital stock $150,000 divided into 1500 shares. Stock paid np and nonas sessable. . A portion of the machinery, for work ing ores by chlorination, has arrived. The remainder is on the way. Work is progressing at the miues. Down 65 feet; and have a tunnel at water level, through which ore from the "Hill" and "Tip Top" veins will be con ducted to machinery. They propose to work from 25 to 50 tons per day. The Hoover Hill Mining Co.'s Offi cial'report to Loudou office dated Sept. 14. The experience gained so far goes to prove that seventy per cent, if not more, of the gold is sulphurets and that the portion of free gold, minute as are the particles, are coated over with a film of sulphides that resist free amalga mation with quicksilver and that we ob tain very little of the gold contents either in the stamp-battery or on the copper plates. I have, therefore, had put two extra run of blanket flumes. We are going through a systematic series of as says from the mine downwards and through the mill process, and I trust in a short time to send such details as will conclusively point out where our gold is, and what is advisable to be done to get it out. Loudon Mining World. This strikes, us as being rather a humilating confession on the part of the Superintendent of Hoover Hill. Tho public has been led to think otherwiso of this property. There is only about 2 per centnm of 6ulphurets m the ore taken on.r, and if that 2 per cent, carries 72 per cent, of the gold, it leaves a very short margin iu fact far below what has been represented. It is whispered that there has been foul play, either in the management, or in the 6ale of this property. We make no charges, but merely 6tate that this whispering is an pyica secret among mining men. If either .should prove true, the guilty parties, whether those who made the sale, or the management, or both, should bedealt with in the most rigid manner. The time has passed when false statements, "sailing" and other "tricks" to swindle unsuspecting capital, in either selling or workiug mining property can be practi ced with impunity. We hope there is nothing of the kind in this instance. The Watchman has interested itself in legitimate mining and will never know ingly countenance any fraudulent specu lation s. We do more harm to ourselves than to him, when we do injusticd to any man, even iu our thoughts. To allow in our selves what we condemn in others is gross Hypocrisy A want of candor in jures yourself more than your adversary. One elemeut of the unrivalled power and plausibility of Charles James Fox as a debater was the fairness and force with which he stated the arguments on the other side iu some instances, as was thought, with more clearness aud vigor than their advocates and champions. The injury doue to ourselves by the vol untary suppression or violation of the truth occurs not only on account of God's judgmeut hereafter, but because of jhe loss of conscious self approval. Ralrigh Record. No lu-ad-aehe or back-ache for ladie Who drink WNE OF CARDUI." A t i lieo. . Klutt'zs. Teplc letter to New Orleans Times. Exiled Southern Families. The Tres Marias are three well know small islands, forty miles off the coast from Teplc. Maximilian sold these islands to five Confedeatcs in 1861. These men went and purchased them also from Juarez or the Liberal Government, when it was in the field. These three inlands have aibont 8,000,000 aeres of sea island cotton land. There are now about seventy-five or eighty Confederate families on these islands. They each have an immense plantation, and one who is here now, Mr. Jacob Ashlock, of Kentucky, 6ays that their crop year after year averages one and three-fourth bales to the acre. HAS NOW HIS FULL STOCK OF CLOTHING OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND OVERCOATS FOR BOYS FROM .soj to saoto0 DRESS SUITS For Men and Boys From S8.00 TO S35.00 rX:f 3S2 ETI2nL$ FOR MEN AND BOYS FROM $3.00 $20.00 The Finest let of Hats Ever in Salisbury. Prices from 2 Sets to S5.GO. AM SHOES. j WILL SELL YOU A WARRANTED BOOT FOR $1.85. Solid leather SHOES for 85cts. Extract from letter : Mr. M. S. Bnowx: In reference to the Solar Tip Shoes we hereby authorize you to waurakt kvkry pair of them in material and workmanship. We do not warrant against ABUSE or FIRE or WATER. You can give s new pair for every unsatisfactory one, unless in your judgment the damage was the fault ol the wearer. " Plcaso return all imperfect goods te us. Yours truly, JOHN OTNDELL & CO. Philadelphia. I am prepared to sell you all the goods in my line 30 PER CE.VT CHEAPER than you can get the same goods any where else. ill 48 Has purchased his Stock of Goods for the Fall, which is now coming in, comprising DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. The Largest and Finest Lint of ever in Salisbury. This is business. M. S. BROWN BUSINESS LOCALS i..1 i a , 100 BAERELS VIRGINIA ROCK LIME! Just received and for sale by K. J. HOLMES. Also just in, Full Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Call and see them before making 2:1m your purchases. R. J. HOLMES. COME AND SEE ! Buckwheat Flour for sale at A. Pakker's. Pearl Grits aud Hominy at j A. Parker's. : Fresh supply of country produce just received at A.-Parker's. MiLLiWiHoobs : I have opened' a new and beautiful stock of Millinery iu the room formally occupied by Mrs. Greenfield. Call and examine, and make selections. Mrs. V. R. Barker. 52:4t. I have a large mare MULE FOR SALE in good order, for cash, mortgage, cr other good securiiy. J. D. Gaskill. NEW GOODS. AT THEO. BUERBAUM'S, 1 ,000 P0DBD8 FRENCH CAHDlES AT TIIEO. I3UE:r:3A.TJ3X'S. Books and Daily Papers at ' V THEO. BIJERBAUM'S. Crosse and Black wcl! Chewing Tobacco at THEO. BUERBAUM'S. Cracked Wheat and Oat Meal at THEO. BUERBAUM'S. Baker's Chocolate and Cocoa, and Philadel phia Crackers at l:tf, THEO. BUERBAUM'S. JUST ARRIVED! Turkeys and Cranberries at J. D. McNeely's. Irish and Sweet Potatoes at J. D. McNeeli's. Fresh Butter aud Apples, at J. D. McXeely's. TO WHEAT RAISERS f t Again I take pleasure in offering you the "Old Reliable" Pacific Guano, which I have"been selling for over Fifteen years to the entire satisfaction of all who have fairly tested it. Nothing better for your wheat crop, and it suits all lands, most especially red. It has been tried by our best farmers along side with genuine "No. 1 Peruvian'' (not No. 2 "Lobos") and proved to do equally as well. Just leceived, a fresh car load of "Acid Phosphate' for composting. Have also on hands the "Navassa" Guano,! and Al lison & Addison' "Complete Manure for Wheat." Call .at once. ' J. ALLSJT BS0WK. 51:1m Thrown from His Buggt and Kill ed. Mr. W. A. Watson, ef Union county while returning home from Charlotte one nigut tne meter part oi last week was thrown from his buggy and his neck bro ken. When his body was found the buggy lay upon it, having been thrown over 1)3 the wJieols ruuniug upon a stump. Charlotte Observer. SALISBURY MARKET. ArPLKS p recn. per bus . . . dried, per lb Bacon Country, hog round, Butter... Bees wax... Blackberries, Beef Cottox Good Middling,... Midline, -. Low M Idling, stained Corn new.. Meal Coffee, Chickens,..- E?t:3 Flour, : Hay Lard Pork, Potatoes Irish do sweet Wheat Wholesale. Betall. $ T5 $1.00 fl.09 a IMS 4 a s a 7 MX Mtf H a 15 20 M S3 SO 0 SI 9 10 4 . it UK 10 10 10 8 (4 9 85 ( 0 1.00 . 1.10 1.U L 14 14 IS 15 10 (4 13 It 3.5T ( 3.75 3.75 a 4.00 50 0 65 13 (4 14 15 8 M 10 11 SO 0 90 1.00 a 1.S0 SO 01.00 1.00 a 1.10 1.60 0 1.75 a a a a a a a 1.10 1.S0 IS so 15 IS us A Grand Reputation . Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Can has reached a reputation that is not lim ited bv tho confiues of section or country. There are no injurious substances, tier false and temporary sumaiants in in preparation. It is purely vegetable, and compounded under a formula that has passed severe tests, and won endorse ments from some of the highest medical talent iu the country. V. Y. World. Eralor's Nototo Creditors ! All nersnr.s indebted to the estate of Ro bert C. Kenncrly, dee'd, are hereby notified to present their claims to the undei signed Iwforn the 7th dav of October. A. D. i 18S2, or this will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Dated tne otn aay oi uciooer, A. D. 1881. G. Henry Brown, Ex'r of 51:6t Robt. C. Kcnnerly, dee'd. a iTerTtV A T.ARfJE JOBBING HOUSE IK 1 1, r-.ia onri Pjmt m. (trot-class na.IesmriJi. W U t J vwu uuv. " - f - "T " s.. n ,n.,f m a trnntt f m.fl A in f hi TlClBltT. KODfl but thoroughly experienced and capable men need apply. Address LOCK BOX 13, Philadelphia, Pa. 51:2t COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, absolatelyJ.EVERYTHING- required by aay class or condition of cusiooiers, and they will be marked exceedingly low for iLSH OR MOREY & SPERBY, - GOLD & SILYER GRINDING & MLGAMATIIG MACHINERY And can be put up in one day ready for work. IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVKD & TESTED it woiKUs complete 7.000 pounds. It costs $1 wo ready for tho bst. Will crusli one ton per hour of hard mam 'that will pass through a 40-mesh screen. The wear la lew thsn In the stamp mill Its wearing parts are plain casting and can be dropped into position In a few moments, as showa by letters A B and C, no baits or keys are requtnv! ; it can be set upon the floor of a mill with no expense for foundations, aud can be used to crusa and work In charges or continuous. It, will amalea mits either roM or silver ores, makln? It a simple, . ch-;ap and effective mill ; it requires j2-horse power. Kt;unp Mills, Keck Breakers, cnwhlny Rolls Km- gamatlngJJans and Separators for Gold and Silver ores, CblorldlzlDg . Furnaces, Retorts, Rock Drills, Air Compressors, steel Shoes and Dies f(r stamps, and every-deacrlp-tlcn of Fniraetrfor Stamps-; also Improved Double or SINGLE CYLINDER "HOISTING ENGINES, Vrri! or Wnnerr Bon.icFS. Wrm ox Manilla Ron Drums. Uff Specially arlnptrd to Slining In. We construct M1113 with Stamps weiphing from 350 to 00 lbs. for gold and silver ores. Wet or I rj Crushing M0 tars. Send or Circular. . ,T -rr i Warerooms 93 and 84 Liberty troet, New Tork. 48:ly ' r' T j S High FOR COTTON LOW PRICES FOR GOODS. It Is with pleasure that we announce that our Fall Stock Is now complete. More Goods and Prettier than ever before offered in this market. Our stock of Dry Goods is large and comprises DRESS GOODS, DOMESTIC GOOD.?, WHITE GOODS, PRINTS, CASSIMERES, JEANS, &c, Ac. oca stock cr NOTIONS TRIMMING3 &f Is large'and well as.-sortec IN 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS! ' The undersigned having qualified as admin istrator of the tistate of Davalt Bearer, dee'd, hereby notifies all pecsons having claims against said estate to present the same for pay ment before the Eirst Day of October, 1882, and all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment immediately to the undesigned. M. A Bost, Adm'r of Sept. 30, 1S81. Daralt Beaver. 6l:4w LAMDRETHS' SEEDS" BEST 1 Qui UHra.oa I fill I f II III Am4 ' ot mnld in 1 intlhabtaia. a iWai (Wd far Cta- kvoe mud PcioM. Tht Oldutwm 4mmt Grmeert in IKt VwtUd fa"). PATH LANOBETU Se SONS,rBauBr. oolsgnd we claim to be Headquarters aad offer special liiduceuicrlts. CLOTHING we can do you good. We will only say. that a look at our Clcthln? will convince you that we are selling CLeaper than tlie Cheapest. Hats anfl Caps till yoa can't rest. A large stock of Ladies' Shawls L Cloaks. : Ererythlr In the GROCERY line, findstt the best qualities at LOW ritlCKS. I a word, we htve an imcaense stock cf gocifi tht must be bold. Call aijJ -e us. j. r. koss. SALESMEN: T. F. Yocso, A. M. Yoryr, En. Otermak. September Slfct. S V. W. GALtrt. NORTH STATE GOLD & COPPERMINIHG CO. : NOTICE! The meeting rf the Stockholders and Di rectors of the Noxth State Copper fc Gold Mining Company, which M-as to be held at its office on the property of the Company in Guilford county, N. C, for the purpose of lev ing an asscssmont on the Stock, and any other business which might be presented to the meeting, has been post poned, and will be held at the same-pla:e, at noon of the 24th Novemlier, 1881. J0SLTII WILX1NS, Prcsd't. J:2w A. J. RIGBY. C. E. J. O. MCKIHV, K. M. EIQBY & HUEPHY, Minlii aii Ciistrictiis Enfiisers, 78 and 80 Beoadtat. E,cm 49, fJEY YORK. TStarcine and report nj-on Mire. Make Working . Ptar.a and peciCcationa for the conHlruciion of gold and silver Mills, or jvill enter into Contracts for iLe erttlirn of same. Mining Machinery and supplies purchased at lowest price? and p onipt attention given to shipment. Or address JOHN RIG BY". 49.9:u:pd High I'mst, N. C. Table Shotting Adual Cost to Members of $4,000 Insurance jar One Year (March 1, 1879, to. March 1, 1SS0 First Class, ngeJ 13 to 3tl yt;n Second " SO " 40 Third " 40 " 4 Fourth " 45 " 50 Fifth 44 50 " 5, Sixth 55 ' GG ccly, .$170 . 21 25 . 25 50 . 34 CO . 51 00 . twoo

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